From 2014-02-12 to 2014-03-13
11:56 PM Bug report #9782 (Closed): Processing: model builder misses close and maximize buttons on Gnome3
- This happens with Gnome3 at least. Should be an easy fix.
06:39 PM Revision 5683f35f (qgis): Minor fix to IT translation
05:57 PM Feature request #9781 (Open): SVGs exported from the composer should include georeferencing info
- "SVG Tiny 1.2 §7.15": specifies a method for georef...
03:24 PM Revision bd507013 (qgis): [FEATURE] (Processing) Eliminate with smallest polygon
01:03 PM Bug report #9777: Simplification of polygons may return invalid polygons
- Hi Hugo, I am going to study if the simplification code can avoid create invalid geometries.
All comments are welcome... -
10:22 AM Bug report #9777: Simplification of polygons may return invalid polygons
- Ok, I see.
So it would need to fetch the two geometries. And we probably do not want that ...
Thanks for clarifying t... -
09:59 AM Bug report #9777: Simplification of polygons may return invalid polygons
- Hugo Mercier wrote:
> Not sure to understand this. simplify() is done in nextFeature() just after fetching the geom... -
09:46 AM Bug report #9777: Simplification of polygons may return invalid polygons
- Alvaro Huarte wrote:
> The original geometry can not fetched in all cases (e.g. postgis provider) the simplificat... -
09:33 AM Bug report #9777: Simplification of polygons may return invalid polygons
- Hugo Mercier wrote:
> I have to think about it a bit, but a solution would be to have something like "$exact_geome... -
09:24 AM Bug report #9777: Simplification of polygons may return invalid polygons
- Yes, I was talking about rendering simplification (MapToPixelGeometrySimplifier).
My problem is when using $geometry ... -
09:14 AM Bug report #9777: Simplification of polygons may return invalid polygons
- My previous comment is about rendering simplification, if you're talking about an tool to simplify vectors then, of c...
09:04 AM Bug report #9777: Simplification of polygons may return invalid polygons
- The on-the-fly-simplification capability of QGIS 2.2 was developed to get fast rendering of geometries. It can draw s...
04:31 AM Bug report #9777 (Closed): Simplification of polygons may return invalid polygons
- Even after #9655 fix, some polygons may still be invalid after simplification.
Here is an example of a self-intersec... -
11:28 AM Bug report #9780: Road graph plugin broken
- Confirmed on Debian and win7, 2.2 and master.
11:27 AM Bug report #9780 (Closed): Road graph plugin broken
- The RGP is not working, as it does not see a layer to start
10:43 AM Revision 03ca0c89 (qgis): Minor fix to IT translation
10:18 AM Revision 51b06326 (qgis): Merge pull request #1237 from simogeo/master
- translation and typo fixes
10:10 AM Bug report #9779 (Closed): QGIS crashes opening old (2.0.1) project in valmiera (2.2.1)
- I'm having problems opening a Dufour project (2.0.1) in Valmiera (2.2.1) using windows 7 64 bit.
QGIS warns me that... -
10:06 AM Revision e5597e26 (qgis): Merge pull request #1236 from aharfoot/master
- fix identation in Processing Dissolve tool (fix #9764)
add polylines support -
08:57 AM Bug report #5644: GRASS integration should use private, not user's .grassrc6 file
- Apparently yes:
07:22 AM Feature request #9778 (Open): Support metatile and metabuffer for labels
- When I seed cache for map with MapCache and setup metatile and metabuffer parameters, WMS server must be instructed ...
05:57 AM Bug report #9776: Support for georeferenced pdfs is still broken on Windows
- Thank you for your quick response. Yes, is the correct place for this, I got confused ...
05:42 AM Bug report #9776 (Closed): Support for georeferenced pdfs is still broken on Windows
- This isn't an actual QGIS problem. QGIS on Windows uses GDAL from "OSGeo4W":, which current...
05:42 AM Bug report #9776 (Closed): Support for georeferenced pdfs is still broken on Windows
- This isn't an actual QGIS problem. QGIS on Windows uses GDAL from "OSGeo4W":, which current...
05:20 AM Bug report #9776: Support for georeferenced pdfs is still broken on Windows
- Sample file
05:13 AM Bug report #9776: Support for georeferenced pdfs is still broken on Windows
- Here is the full gdalinfo on Windows error message:...
02:44 AM Bug report #9776 (Closed): Support for georeferenced pdfs is still broken on Windows
- As it was written under bug #8912 I hereby ask to reopen this bug for the windows plattform, it looks like linux is w...
04:23 AM Feature request #4996: Add a "remove overlapped areas" tool in the core digitizing toolbar
- I think that the creation of a tool to subtract overlapping features within the same layer could be very useful when ...
03:18 AM Bug report #9763: GetPrint segfault
- It seems like it's the "missing X" issue.
X server is needed to run QGIS mapserver or it will crash as soon as SVG sy...
12:26 AM Bug report #9775 (Closed): composer map item with non-white background will render with white bg ...
- A recent regression under qgis master (2.3) is causing map items' background color to render white when exporting to ...
12:25 AM Bug report #9774 (Closed): Add OSTN02 to srs.db
- see
11:47 PM Bug report #9773 (Rejected): Issue with Memory Provider example code in PyQGIS Cookbook
- The example code given in the PyQGIS cookbook re: Memory Provider is not entirely functional in newer versions of QGI...
08:05 PM Bug report #9772 (Reopened): QgsMapSettings::setDestinationCrs() does not achieve desired effect
- the situation is a bit confusing... the functions in deprecated class QgsMapRenderer have been replaced by equivalent...
05:40 PM Bug report #9772: QgsMapSettings::setDestinationCrs() does not achieve desired effect
- Jürgen Fischer wrote:
> Use @QgsMapCanvas::setDestinationCrs()@ instead of @QgsMapSettings::setDestinationCrs()@
Whi... -
04:58 PM Bug report #9772 (Closed): QgsMapSettings::setDestinationCrs() does not achieve desired effect
- Use @QgsMapCanvas::setDestinationCrs()@ instead of @QgsMapSettings::setDestinationCrs()@
04:58 PM Bug report #9772 (Closed): QgsMapSettings::setDestinationCrs() does not achieve desired effect
- Use @QgsMapCanvas::setDestinationCrs()@ instead of @QgsMapSettings::setDestinationCrs()@
04:51 PM Bug report #9772 (Closed): QgsMapSettings::setDestinationCrs() does not achieve desired effect
- since QgsMapSettings::mapRenderer() is deprecated, QgsMapRenderer::setDestinationCrs() should be replaced by QgsMapSe...
08:04 PM Revision 551648f3 (qgis): Fix pinned labels highlight causing forward transformation error by usi...
07:41 PM Bug report #9480: Labels for polygon centroids should always originate inside a polygon
- Hi Larry, I propose a new pull request ( using the 'GEOSPointOnSurface' method...
07:17 PM Revision 621dcce4 (qgis): Fix label map tool crashes and rotation point calc
06:19 PM Revision 77c06b1d (qgis): Fix pinned labels highlight updating by taking labeling results prior t...
- 06:13 PM Revision a3dc722e (qgis): translation and typo fixes
04:30 PM Revision 81039ca4 (qgis): Improved consistency in IT GUI translation
04:28 PM Bug report #9771 (Closed): vector layer rendering incorrect with OTF on (on some zoom levels)
- When adding a vector layer (polygons) in EPSG:4326, project has CRS EPSG:3857 and OTF CRS transformations are enabled...
02:09 PM Revision 2aed374a (qgis): Improved consistency in IT GUI translation
- 11:49 AM Revision ed5f7781 (qgis): There is an indentation error in the script that writes out...
- I have also edited the defineCharacteristics function to allow the tool input to accept polyline features as well as ...
11:17 AM Feature request #9769 (Closed): Feature removal doesn't require confirmation
- Use undo if you unintentionally delete features (or discard the whole editing session).
11:17 AM Feature request #9769 (Closed): Feature removal doesn't require confirmation
- Use undo if you unintentionally delete features (or discard the whole editing session).
11:17 AM Feature request #9769 (Closed): Feature removal doesn't require confirmation
- Use undo if you unintentionally delete features (or discard the whole editing session).
09:06 AM Feature request #9769 (Closed): Feature removal doesn't require confirmation
- The warning message appear after delete a object in a layer (postgis in my case) in QGIS 2.0 and that is great.
But ... -
09:27 AM Bug report #9770 (Closed): Removal of nodes can create invalid linestrings
- In QGIS 2.2 after deleting node of a linestring with only 2 vertices on a postgis layer and saving that, the layer di...
07:46 AM Bug report #9609: Crash during WFS GetFeature request
- Hello, I am also experiencing this issue, but I am using the latest development version of QGIS in Ubuntu 14.04.
ED... -
06:30 AM Bug report #9768 (Closed): Error in processing Extract by attribute algorithm
- Extract by attribute algorithm in Processing reports the following error:...
03:38 AM Bug report #9767 (Closed): Project not properly saving ellipsoid
- With qgis 2.0 on windows and 2.2 on openbsd, when choosing the ellipsoid for the measure tool sometimes it's not prop...
05:22 PM Revision cc9a4873 (qgis): Fix typo in options
05:21 PM Revision b02ad1e7 (qgis): More LongLong fixes
- Fix #9761
04:01 PM Bug report #9733: GPS/KML/WFS load with empty attribute table in qgis master and 2.2 (is ok on 2....
- Hi Giovanni and Filipe,
I just checked on QGIS 2.2.0 (commit:1c3699e) installed on Win7 through OSGeo4W (32bit). Ther... -
01:31 PM Bug report #9597: 2.1.0 revision c9a88c1 fails to export spatial information from polyline shape ...
- Looks like lines 585 and 598 should be swapped in
12:20 PM Bug report #9705 (Feedback): Rotation of the label can not be only up to half-turn
11:46 AM Revision efabcdfc (qgis): german translation update and translation string fixes
11:46 AM Revision b48eef7f (qgis): german translation update
11:38 AM Revision 0fb435e7 (qgis): [FEATURE]: Consider ValueMap in GetFeatureInfo
11:38 AM Revision 21941215 (qgis): [FEATURE]: Replace value relation strings in GetFeatureInfo output. Mov...
11:11 AM Revision be8ae5fb (qgis): Add new CMake option: WITH_INTERNAL_HTTPLIB (default True)
- If set to False, you have to make sure that the httplib2 package
is available on the target platform
Fix #9618 -
09:22 AM Bug report #9761 (Closed): qlonglong with EditRange widget
- Fixed in changeset commit:"b02ad1e7d95fe891cc8e2cb9b2a0e3eebe71a9b8".
Thank you for the detailed report -
06:17 AM Bug report #9761 (Closed): qlonglong with EditRange widget
- Integer values from spatialite files have QVariant:LongLong format in Qgis and it's impossible to use EditRange widge...
09:01 AM Bug report #9763 (Closed): GetPrint segfault
- Running latest QGIS server built from master.
Call:... -
08:43 AM Bug report #3348 (Reopened): GDAL TIFF dataset masking not fully supported
- Internal NoData-Masks in GeoTIFFs seem not to be respected by QGIS. The masked area is shown black (Value "0,0,0") an...
08:43 AM Bug report #3348 (Reopened): GDAL TIFF dataset masking not fully supported
- Internal NoData-Masks in GeoTIFFs seem not to be respected by QGIS. The masked area is shown black (Value "0,0,0") an...
08:43 AM Bug report #3348 (Reopened): GDAL TIFF dataset masking not fully supported
- Internal NoData-Masks in GeoTIFFs seem not to be respected by QGIS. The masked area is shown black (Value "0,0,0") an...
08:43 AM Bug report #3348 (Reopened): GDAL TIFF dataset masking not fully supported
- Internal NoData-Masks in GeoTIFFs seem not to be respected by QGIS. The masked area is shown black (Value "0,0,0") an...
05:13 AM Bug report #9710: fails with 'dyld: Library not loaded: /usr/local/lib/libfftw3.3....
- now works on your 2.2 -8 build. Thanks.
03:41 AM Bug report #9760 (Closed): Wrong EPSG:5514 and EPSG:102067 definition
- Those 2 CRS are defined as
@+proj=krovak +lat_0=49.5 +lon_0=24.83333333333333 +alpha=30.28813972222222 +k=0.9999 +x_... -
03:38 AM Bug report #9759 (Closed): rectangular polygons displayed as triangles in QGIS 2.2
- Duplicate of #9686 which has been fixed (fix will be included in the next release).
As a temporary workaround disabl... -
03:38 AM Bug report #9759 (Closed): rectangular polygons displayed as triangles in QGIS 2.2
- Duplicate of #9686 which has been fixed (fix will be included in the next release).
As a temporary workaround disabl... -
03:34 AM Bug report #9759 (Closed): rectangular polygons displayed as triangles in QGIS 2.2
- see attached sample file.
In QGIS versions prior to 2.2 this .shp will be displayed as a set of rectangular polygons.... -
01:34 AM Bug report #9758 (Closed): Unable to "classify" graduated style
- 1) Add a shapefile
2) Go into its style properties
3) Change to "Graduated" symbol.
4) Press "Classify".
You'll now ... -
01:19 AM Bug report #9651: PostGIS polyhedral and TIN layers not handled anymore
- Sandro Santilli wrote:
> Is commit:c3a28177 the backport to 2.2 branch ?...
12:29 AM Bug report #9507 (Closed): QGIS crash when opening a HTML Map Tip with some mistakes
- I've updated to QGIS 2.2 under Windows and now there is no crash anymore.
06:51 PM Feature request #9757 (Closed): allow for users to disable feature clipping to extend on a per la...
- Currently, when a given feature is partially visible on the map canvas, it seems a clip to extend is applied to the f...
06:04 PM Revision 72647777 (qgis): [TRANSUP] nb by James
- Signed-off-by: Werner Macho <[email protected]>
06:02 PM Revision 9c139c28 (qgis): Merge pull request #1230 from dakcarto/issue_9704_gdal-qsettings
- Fix #9704, GdalTools file dialogs return QPyNullVariant due to QSettings undefined return type
12:45 PM Bug report #8285: Saving styles (qml and sld) doesn't work for CSV layers under Windows
- Recent update to 2.2 & 2.3 both feature this bug, running as user or administrator, on windows 7, saving to standard ...
11:34 AM Bug report #9651: PostGIS polyhedral and TIN layers not handled anymore
- Is commit:c3a28177 the backport to 2.2 branch ?
11:29 AM Bug report #9754 (Closed): Line pattern fill problem for angle greater than 90°
11:28 AM Bug report #9754: Line pattern fill problem for angle greater than 90°
- Duplicate of #9713
10:37 AM Bug report #9754: Line pattern fill problem for angle greater than 90°
- Apparently a regression. Prevents migration from 2.0 to 2.2
10:00 AM Bug report #9754 (Closed): Line pattern fill problem for angle greater than 90°
- On qgis 2.2 it's impossible to draw a line pattern fill with an angle greater than 90° because the line turn counterc...
11:04 AM Bug report #9704: Gdal Modules Errors on OsX Mavericks
- Hi,
This has been committed to master branch (2.3), but not to the release-2_2, because there is some question as to... -
10:03 AM Bug report #9704 (Closed): Gdal Modules Errors on OsX Mavericks
- Fixed in changeset commit:"9c139c28fe7d167b16db441a72bcab3c2bc05501".
09:21 AM Bug report #9748: PostGIS table loads but won't display.
- Just a me too: I have a couple of postgis tables that are not visible in 2.2 (they were in previous version).
The ta... -
09:21 AM Bug report #8569 (Open): Renaming a layer with features count
- +1
Looks like dynamic data gets mixed up with static data. Should not be too hard to fix, but I wonder about Martin'... -
01:24 AM Bug report #8569: Renaming a layer with features count
- One of issue that depends of this is that if you rename a layer with features count on, the number is duplicated beca...
07:14 AM Revision 60e1a9b7 (qgis): #9686: fix simplification of no-closed polygons
07:05 AM Bug report #9753 (Closed): New Shapefile: allow only column names of max 10 chars
- When creating a new Shapefile (New -> New Shapefile Layer), the New attribute box allows any length attribute to be e...
05:57 AM Feature request #9592: Oracle should only look in metadata table for metadata
- Looking at qgsoracleprovider.cpp - it seems that Oracle is actually checking the first 1000 rows assuming I'm reading...
05:31 AM Bug report #9742: 2.3 files not backwards compatible with 2.2 (Oracle layers)
- Ah, I think I see what the problem is.
For some reason installing 2.3 (from the weeklies) has made 2.2 unable to find... -
05:18 AM Bug report #9742: 2.3 files not backwards compatible with 2.2 (Oracle layers)
- not reproducable - anything in the message log?
05:02 AM Bug report #9742: 2.3 files not backwards compatible with 2.2 (Oracle layers)
- Hi,
Sorry should have been clearer although it is in the ticket title.
The Oracle layers are all giving me the "Hand... -
01:11 AM Bug report #5896: Identify of WMS layers does not work
- Giovanni Manghi wrote:
> 3) mapserver 6.4.1
> when identifing on mapserver 6.4.1 (using the default modes "text/pl... - 01:03 AM Revision fc6cd542 (qgis): Add missing Layer Definition in Layer menu
12:38 AM Bug report #9704: Gdal Modules Errors on OsX Mavericks
- Hi Larry, I have made the modifications indicated in and I confirm that ...
- 12:19 AM Revision 3c387217 (qgis): Add load and saving a Layer Definition file. Fix #9688
12:11 AM Bug report #9080: GdalTools (QGIS 2.0.1) fail if file path includes non-ascii characters
- .exe utility programs (e.g. gdalwarp.exe) work with one of the above options, but python utilities (e.g. gdal_merge.p...
12:09 AM Bug report #9734: [Composer] drawing rectangle causes high CPU usage resulting in hang ups
- One more interesting detail - CPU drops to normal if I change blending mode of the rectangle to any other value besid...
11:26 PM Bug report #9734: [Composer] drawing rectangle causes high CPU usage resulting in hang ups
- I'm getting the bug on a blank project.
Updated to most recent dev version - the bug remains :(
If I draw a rectang... -
11:26 PM Bug report #9734: [Composer] drawing rectangle causes high CPU usage resulting in hang ups
- I'm getting the bug on a blank project.
Updated to most recent dev version - the bug remains :(
If I draw a rectang... -
11:26 PM Bug report #9734: [Composer] drawing rectangle causes high CPU usage resulting in hang ups
- I'm getting the bug on a blank project.
Updated to most recent dev version - the bug remains :(
If I draw a rectang... -
11:20 PM Bug report #9686 (Closed): Geometry simplification bug with grid layer
- Fixed in commit:60e1a9b
07:51 PM Bug report #9751 (Closed): MSYS shortcut doesn't handle path with spaces
- In msys.bat, when starting the shell, should use syntax e.g. start "MSYS" "%WD%sh". Otherwise when launching, get an ...
- 04:23 PM Feature request #9688 (Closed): store the layer data source in a saved style
- Fixed in changeset commit:"3c3872176c2583feb587ba4c708563c6c957441a".
12:42 PM Feature request #9746 (Open): Add a command to reset the GUI
- With me this solution has some unwanted side effects.
A separate pull request is created: -
10:18 AM Revision 1ee6703d (qgis): Transform bbox in gml feature info also if geometry is not requested
- 09:46 AM Revision 8f3532fc (qgis): Mapserver: fixed inconsistencies int WMS GetFeatureInfo response
08:18 AM Revision d0df28d7 (qgis): Merge pull request #1231 from Cracert/i18n
- [TRANSUP] pl
07:21 AM Bug report #9750: temporary file not deleted after closing
- I suppose it's the correct behaviour...
06:50 AM Bug report #9750 (Closed): temporary file not deleted after closing
- It's not a temporary file, it's a backup of the project file before save.
06:50 AM Bug report #9750 (Closed): temporary file not deleted after closing
- It's not a temporary file, it's a backup of the project file before save.
06:48 AM Bug report #9750 (Closed): temporary file not deleted after closing
- temporary file <prj_name>.qgs~ are not deleted after closing the project.
Bye -
03:48 AM Revision 10ddb027 (qgis): [TRANSUP] pl
01:40 AM Bug report #9733: GPS/KML/WFS load with empty attribute table in qgis master and 2.2 (is ok on 2....
- This is there any workaround? For those who work with GPS devices and Google Earth on a daily basis it ...
12:56 AM Revision 073dbf17 (qgis): Fix #9704, GdalTools file dialogs return QPyNullVariant due to QSetting...
11:07 PM Bug report #9734: [Composer] drawing rectangle causes high CPU usage resulting in hang ups
- I can't reproduce this. Is this on a blank project or do you only see it with a specific project?
Its possible the d... -
07:50 PM Bug report #9748 (Closed): PostGIS table loads but won't display.
- PostGIS layers with 4d geometry will load in QGIS 2.2 but will not draw. The attribute table is visible and it is pos...
06:27 PM Bug report #9704: Gdal Modules Errors on OsX Mavericks
- Hi Larry
Tested after the code changing from and everything seems to be... -
04:06 PM Bug report #9704: Gdal Modules Errors on OsX Mavericks
- @rcline I was incorrect. *selectedFilter* will always be None if the associated keyword arg was undefined (None is it...
03:13 PM Bug report #9655 (Closed): Strange behavior of labeling for multipolygons, due to geometry simpli...
- Hi Augustin,
Should be fixed with commit commit:245422a. Tested here on Mac OS X 10.7.5 and 10.9.2 with your test da... -
03:13 PM Bug report #9655 (Closed): Strange behavior of labeling for multipolygons, due to geometry simpli...
- Hi Augustin,
Should be fixed with commit commit:245422a. Tested here on Mac OS X 10.7.5 and 10.9.2 with your test da... -
03:12 PM Bug report #9673 (Closed): some polygons not labelled when layer's simplification is on
- Hi Mathieu,
Should be fixed with commit commit:245422a. Tested here on Mac OS X 10.7.5 and 10.9.2 with your test dat... -
03:12 PM Bug report #9673 (Closed): some polygons not labelled when layer's simplification is on
- Hi Mathieu,
Should be fixed with commit commit:245422a. Tested here on Mac OS X 10.7.5 and 10.9.2 with your test dat... -
03:12 PM Bug report #9673 (Closed): some polygons not labelled when layer's simplification is on
- Hi Mathieu,
Should be fixed with commit commit:245422a. Tested here on Mac OS X 10.7.5 and 10.9.2 with your test dat... -
03:09 PM Bug report #9705: Rotation of the label can not be only up to half-turn
- Hi Mahito,
I am sorry, but I do not understand your bug description. Do you mean you want to rotate labels upside-do... -
10:52 AM Revision 637359ae (qgis): add menu option to reset to ui defaults (implements #9746)
08:21 AM Bug report #4051: Cannot display SpatiaLite views based on tables with spatial index
- To me, it seems like the problem persists. If I create a new Spatialite table with QGIS new layer, it automatically a...
04:30 AM Bug report #9494: Browser - Edit - doesn't work for OWS services
Same for the 'delete' option: also working for wms/wfs/wcs but not for ows-
03:33 AM Bug report #9747 (Closed): data defined properties
- I noticed that, when using data defined properties in setting point symbol size, the symbol is well represented in vi...
01:53 AM Feature request #9746 (Closed): Add a command to reset the GUI
- Fixed in changeset commit:"637359aefc0cd008f749b0fbed140e4cbbf6de15".
01:06 AM Feature request #9746: Add a command to reset the GUI
- jef: ah good point. So after removing those settings (from within the plugin == within QGIS), QGIS will upon exit wri...
12:23 AM Feature request #9746: Add a command to reset the GUI
- QGIS will rewrite the setting on exit.
12:17 AM Feature request #9746: Add a command to reset the GUI
- > This seems trivial too: just create a text file of the key/value pairs).
QSettings should be able to do this witho... -
12:11 AM Feature request #9746: Add a command to reset the GUI
- While I agree that there is enough room for making the UI better for QGIS, I think this is more Qt to blame for: dock...
11:17 PM Feature request #9746: Add a command to reset the GUI
- Really? If the users can't work out how to restore a toolbar or panel then our UI is too complicated. Doing a hard r...
11:03 PM Feature request #9746 (Closed): Add a command to reset the GUI
- Users occasionally remove toolbars, and do not know how to restore them. Thi is easy with a Python script:
#!/usr/b... -
07:06 PM Revision 245422a7 (qgis): Merge pull request #1219 from ahuarte47/Issue_9655-1
- Fix bug #9655: some polygons not labelled when layer's simplification is on
05:42 PM Bug report #9480: Labels for polygon centroids should always originate inside a polygon
- Hi Alvaro,
Alvaro Huarte wrote:
> Using the 'Horizontal' or 'Free' placements in label configuration the text is dra... -
01:37 PM Revision a089cff5 (qgis): Merge pull request #1217 from nirvn/ftool_random_points_fix
- [ftools] fix random points tool not recognizing memory layer integer column (fix #9695)
01:27 PM Bug report #9704: Gdal Modules Errors on OsX Mavericks
- rcline - wrote:
> The proposed fix of "selectedFilter is not None" does not fix the problem.
That is not the propose... -
12:51 PM Bug report #9704: Gdal Modules Errors on OsX Mavericks
- The proposed fix of "selectedFilter is not None" does not fix the problem.
When the program fails, selectedFilter co... -
11:34 AM Feature request #9277 (Reopened): Make labels follow layer z-order
- I would like to reopen this bug since this is a feature I miss as well.
Both behaviours have their use cases.
The cu... -
11:30 AM Feature request #9745 (Open): Value relation widget filter expression should have access to paren...
- I was thinking that if the Value relation widget filter expression should have access to parent table attributes. So...
11:03 AM Bug report #9742 (Feedback): 2.3 files not backwards compatible with 2.2 (Oracle layers)
- What layers don't work? raster, shapefiles or oracle layers? Anything special about any of them? Please provide i...
09:53 AM Bug report #9742 (Closed): 2.3 files not backwards compatible with 2.2 (Oracle layers)
- I have a qgs file created with master (3b4edb8). It contains a raster, couple of shapefiles and several Oracle layers...
11:03 AM Bug report #9712 (Closed): QGis 2.x failes to add vector theme on Fedora 20
- It seems like the problem was in Gnome 3.10. I have installed the latest KDE Plasma DE, and from that point on QGis w...
11:03 AM Bug report #9712 (Closed): QGis 2.x failes to add vector theme on Fedora 20
- It seems like the problem was in Gnome 3.10. I have installed the latest KDE Plasma DE, and from that point on QGis w...
11:03 AM Feature request #9744 (Open): Search as you type lookup in forms
- If you use a Value relation edit widget and the "domain table" that is used with this widget has many entries, you wo...
09:57 AM Bug report #9743 (Closed): Handle bad layers - Oracle provider
- I'm trying to open a file that has "bad" Oracle layers in 2.2.0. This brings up the "Handle bad layers" dialog.
The ... -
09:30 AM Feature request #9740 (Open): Digitize geometry for child record
- QGIS Relations allow you to add a new child record, but there is no way to set its geometry. What would be nice is i...
05:44 AM Bug report #9695 (Reopened): Unexplained difference between geometry cheking and topology checking
- Wrong mention to this ticket in the commit.
04:38 AM Bug report #9695 (Closed): Unexplained difference between geometry cheking and topology checking
- Fixed in changeset commit:"a089cff5f7194d984f619fa262ea1c0f336bb881".
02:51 AM Bug report #9738 (Closed): updatable view QGIS 2.2.0
- I added the view qry_alles to my qgis-project. I chose edit mode and created a new object. I saved it into PostGIS da...
01:58 AM Feature request #9737 (Open): Partial canvas redraw
- When panning a map, Qgis blanks and redraws the entire canvas. I think this is a big issue, as the user looses all se...
12:48 AM Bug report #9735: Raster resampling bilinear produces unexpected results
- Here are the screenshots.
12:48 AM Bug report #9735: Raster resampling bilinear produces unexpected results
- Here are the screenshots.
12:46 AM Bug report #9735 (Closed): Raster resampling bilinear produces unexpected results
- When using the raster resampling option, resulting pixels seem blurred and less accurate if compared with same option...
11:07 PM Bug report #9734 (Closed): [Composer] drawing rectangle causes high CPU usage resulting in hang ups
- Adding rectangle or other shape (triangle, ellipse) causes constant high CPU usage (one core used 100%). High core us...
11:02 PM Revision 9745deae (qgis): INSTALL: add note about installation of devscripts to get dch
09:41 PM Bug report #9712: QGis 2.x failes to add vector theme on Fedora 20
- Thanks to all for the patience!
Giovanni Manghi wrote:
> any important message in the console, if you launch qgis fro... -
08:36 PM Revision cb998399 (qgis): Add allowable mismatch per group/test for labeling tests
08:36 PM Revision 30bf3ecc (qgis): Add allowable mismatch to debug output for render checker
08:36 PM Revision 803bc296 (qgis): Condense labeling test class inheritance and set up local server params...
08:36 PM Revision 53cfa9e2 (qgis): Convert label unit tests to using only QgsMapSettings
- - Rebuild all control images
08:36 PM Revision 6a1b706b (qgis): Update label tests to ensure setup happens only once and load/delete on...
08:36 PM Revision bad18981 (qgis): Refactor composer label test to work with svg, pdf and multi-resolution...
- - Initial (untested) svg and pdf render-to-image setup
08:36 PM Revision a49b9a7a (qgis): Add some functions to Python unit test utilities
08:36 PM Revision b4f68136 (qgis): PEP8 cleanups for some unit test modules
05:39 PM Bug report #9704: Gdal Modules Errors on OsX Mavericks
- I can work on this tonight, or tomorrow morning. I noticed several other QSettings reads that need attention in GdalT...
04:45 PM Bug report #9704: Gdal Modules Errors on OsX Mavericks
- I can drop this into an update. Make sure to backport to release 2.2 branch in case there is a source update release.
03:04 PM Bug report #9704: Gdal Modules Errors on OsX Mavericks
- Hi Larry
In "La Mouche!". The fix solved the issue with the "Save Dialog Box call" in the GDAL modules. I'm uploadin... -
05:13 PM Bug report #9733 (Closed): GPS/KML/WFS load with empty attribute table in qgis master and 2.2 (is...
- subject says it all
Note added:
This happens only when the "show selected features" or "shows features visible on ... -
04:52 PM Bug report #8481: "Errors: SUCCESS: 6 attribute(s) added. ERROR: field with index 4 is not the sa...
> And which types did you use?
just got it when after adding an integer column to a point file, and filling it with...-
04:46 PM Bug report #9713 (Closed): No angle > 90° in line pattern fill in layer properties
- Alessandro Ciali wrote:
> What do you think about?
of course I understand your point.
we made a lot of effort to c... -
04:46 PM Bug report #9713 (Closed): No angle > 90° in line pattern fill in layer properties
- Alessandro Ciali wrote:
> What do you think about?
of course I understand your point.
we made a lot of effort to c... -
01:38 PM Revision 7829e7aa (qgis): postgres provider: improve value quoting
12:22 PM Bug report #8615: Python error on startup (Windows 64-bit)
- Thanks very much. I already had python 2.7 installed and solved the problem by uninstalling python and deleting all t...
- 11:46 AM Revision 9de505d5 (qgis): Mapserver: fixed inconsistencies int WMS GetFeatureInfo response
08:57 AM Revision 04f70240 (qgis): #9655: check geometry polygon better
07:18 AM Revision d991ebfd (qgis): Possible cross-platform fix for app startup unit test
06:29 AM Bug report #9731 (Closed): Slope module error
06:20 AM Bug report #9731: Slope module error
- Everything is working. It was a reprojection issue.
06:08 AM Bug report #9731 (Closed): Slope module error
- Slope module (Raster menu) produces a useless file. Only has 2 values: a max of 89.9096 and 0 as minimum.
Cheers -
06:29 AM Feature request #9073: Apply Customizations without restarting QGIS
- I second that. It's not very usable if you have to restart Qgis to see the change.
06:24 AM Bug report #9732 (Closed): Customization widget catcher
- The widget catcher toggle in the Customization dialog can not be detoggled.
05:47 AM Feature request #9639: Keep CRS when saving DXF files
- Novarese wrote:
> Luckily it stores it:
> If you open up this DXF... -
04:19 AM Feature request #9639: Keep CRS when saving DXF files
- _Giovanni Manghi wrote:
> as far as I know the DXF format does not store any info about the CRS/SRID._
*@ Giovann... -
04:31 AM Bug report #9730 (Closed): Incoherent lat/lon coordinates in a projected coordinate system project
- While working with a shapefile in WGS84/World Mercator (ESPG : 3395), lat/lon coordinates (DMS) in the status bar are...
03:39 AM Feature request #9729 (Open): Add "Portable" as an option for the standalone installer
- Adding an option of the standalone installer to produce a "portable" QGIS, not requiring root privileges to install o...
03:25 AM Bug report #9710: fails with 'dyld: Library not loaded: /usr/local/lib/libfftw3.3....
- Thanks.
01:31 AM Bug report #9532: Node tool causes crash
- Hi,
I've just got the 2.2 update and unfortunately the crash is still happening. I'm afraid I haven't been able to ...
12:05 AM Bug report #9579: wrong behavior of svg symbol with data defined properties
- shift_svg_symbol_anchor_bottom.pdf:
> you can see a different size of symbol (ok the “area issue”, but why a differe... -
11:41 PM Bug report #9713: No angle > 90° in line pattern fill in layer properties
- I wished for a resolution in 2.2...the angle iussue implies a great problem with 2.0 2.2 I can't repro...
04:08 PM Bug report #9713: No angle > 90° in line pattern fill in layer properties
- Rémi Bovard wrote:
> I confirm the issue on Windows 7 with 2.2 and master.
> See screenshot
on master seems to wo... -
04:07 PM Bug report #9713 (Feedback): No angle > 90° in line pattern fill in layer properties
- Alessandro Ciali wrote:
> I was installing master...
> well, in master (2.3) there's no problem in rotating line patt... -
04:07 PM Bug report #9713 (Feedback): No angle > 90° in line pattern fill in layer properties
- Alessandro Ciali wrote:
> I was installing master...
> well, in master (2.3) there's no problem in rotating line patt... -
01:43 AM Bug report #9713: No angle > 90° in line pattern fill in layer properties
- I've created 3 project with version 2.0 2.2 end 2.3 master.
As you can see, line fill pattern generated with 2.0 are ... -
01:06 AM Bug report #9713: No angle > 90° in line pattern fill in layer properties
- Alessandro Ciali wrote:
> but all my line pattern generated up to 2.0 are represented with a simple red line! Same a... -
01:03 AM Bug report #9713: No angle > 90° in line pattern fill in layer properties
- I was installing master...
well, in master (2.3) there's no problem in rotating line pattern over 90° but all my line... -
10:55 PM Bug report #9711 (Closed): Incorrect Mac OS info on download page
- Hi, this was actually fixed yesterday.
Plz reload the same page :-)
Or reopen if it is still wrong. -
08:18 PM Bug report #9711: Incorrect Mac OS info on download page
- Btw, this is accurate, i.e. "William just dropped Mac 10.6 (Snow Leopard) support":
10:28 PM Bug report #9704: Gdal Modules Errors on OsX Mavericks
- Rhenriques,
The edit noted above (add ', type=str' for QSettings value read) has "reportedly fixed the issue":http:/... -
09:05 PM Bug report #9704: Gdal Modules Errors on OsX Mavericks
- Hi William
I just trashed everything that I had before, installed your new compilation 2.2.0-7 but the same problem ... -
04:46 PM Bug report #9704: Gdal Modules Errors on OsX Mavericks
- William Kyngesburye wrote:
> Could a problem with preferences from previous version. Try trashing org.qgis.QGIS2.pli... -
04:28 PM Bug report #9704: Gdal Modules Errors on OsX Mavericks
- Hi Giovanni,
A GdalTools update could be pushed out via the official plugin repository channel. So, fixes would not ... -
04:20 PM Bug report #9704: Gdal Modules Errors on OsX Mavericks
- Looks like the return type from QSettings needs to be explicitly defined, to avoid QPyNullVariant from being returned...
03:03 PM Bug report #9704: Gdal Modules Errors on OsX Mavericks
- Hi William
As Francesco said, your suggestion did not solve the problem either. I guess that the problem is in the .... -
08:39 AM Bug report #9704: Gdal Modules Errors on OsX Mavericks
- William, thanks for your suggestion. Unfortunately this did not solve the problem in my case.
07:13 AM Bug report #9704: Gdal Modules Errors on OsX Mavericks
- Could a problem with preferences from previous version. Try trashing org.qgis.QGIS2.plist in your home library/prefe...
08:21 PM Feature request #5426: selected objects should go to top level
- I would rank this higher than 'nice to have'. Not being able to see selections over other features in the same layer ...
06:49 PM Feature request #9727 (Closed): Allow pasting geojson text
- QGIS 2.2 added a feature which allows pasting wkt as a new vector layer or into a current vector layer. It'd be great...
06:35 PM Bug report #159: SVG export doesn't crop layers to page size
- Since the upstream bug (now located "here": is marked as Won't Fi...
05:41 PM Bug report #8481: "Errors: SUCCESS: 6 attribute(s) added. ERROR: field with index 4 is not the sa...
> And which types did you use?
will try to replicate again and let you know.-
11:35 AM Bug report #8481: "Errors: SUCCESS: 6 attribute(s) added. ERROR: field with index 4 is not the sa...
- Giovanni Manghi wrote:
> I have seen this again, on master, working on a shapefile
> Errors: SUCCESS: 1 attribute(... -
11:26 AM Bug report #8481 (Reopened): "Errors: SUCCESS: 6 attribute(s) added. ERROR: field with index 4 is...
- I have seen this again, on master, working on a shapefile
Errors: SUCCESS: 1 attribute(s) added.
ERROR: field wit... -
11:26 AM Bug report #8481 (Reopened): "Errors: SUCCESS: 6 attribute(s) added. ERROR: field with index 4 is...
- I have seen this again, on master, working on a shapefile
Errors: SUCCESS: 1 attribute(s) added.
ERROR: field wit... -
11:26 AM Bug report #8481 (Reopened): "Errors: SUCCESS: 6 attribute(s) added. ERROR: field with index 4 is...
- I have seen this again, on master, working on a shapefile
Errors: SUCCESS: 1 attribute(s) added.
ERROR: field wit... -
04:49 PM Bug report #9710 (Closed): fails with 'dyld: Library not loaded: /usr/local/lib/li...
- Packaging problem, I missed something. I'll have it fixed in an update soon.
I'm marking this as invalid, because i... -
04:49 PM Bug report #9710 (Closed): fails with 'dyld: Library not loaded: /usr/local/lib/li...
- Packaging problem, I missed something. I'll have it fixed in an update soon.
I'm marking this as invalid, because i... -
04:49 PM Bug report #9710 (Closed): fails with 'dyld: Library not loaded: /usr/local/lib/li...
- Packaging problem, I missed something. I'll have it fixed in an update soon.
I'm marking this as invalid, because i... -
12:35 PM Bug report #9710 (Open): fails with 'dyld: Library not loaded: /usr/local/lib/libf...
- Bud Huff wrote:
> Yes, downloaded from kyngchaos.
> From is download page:
> *QGIS now includes its own copy of GRASS... -
12:35 PM Bug report #9710 (Open): fails with 'dyld: Library not loaded: /usr/local/lib/libf...
- Bud Huff wrote:
> Yes, downloaded from kyngchaos.
> From is download page:
> *QGIS now includes its own copy of GRASS... -
12:35 PM Bug report #9710 (Open): fails with 'dyld: Library not loaded: /usr/local/lib/libf...
- Bud Huff wrote:
> Yes, downloaded from kyngchaos.
> From is download page:
> *QGIS now includes its own copy of GRASS... -
12:32 PM Bug report #9710: fails with 'dyld: Library not loaded: /usr/local/lib/libfftw3.3....
- Yes, downloaded from kyngchaos.
From his download page:
*QGIS now includes its own copy of GRASS, so no external GRAS... -
12:23 PM Bug report #9710: fails with 'dyld: Library not loaded: /usr/local/lib/libfftw3.3....
- Bud Huff wrote:
> You didn't understand me. The QGIS app has the wrong libfftw in the GRASS subcomponent incorporate... -
12:18 PM Bug report #9710: fails with 'dyld: Library not loaded: /usr/local/lib/libfftw3.3....
- You didn't understand me. The QGIS app has the wrong libfftw in the GRASS subcomponent incorporated into it's bundle...
11:30 AM Bug report #9710: fails with 'dyld: Library not loaded: /usr/local/lib/libfftw3.3....
- Bud Huff wrote:
> Yes, a version of GRASS is included in the QGIS app bundle.
so if GRASS is the same (so are the un... -
03:28 AM Bug report #9710: fails with 'dyld: Library not loaded: /usr/local/lib/libfftw3.3....
- Yes, a version of GRASS is included in the QGIS app bundle.
03:26 AM Bug report #9710: fails with 'dyld: Library not loaded: /usr/local/lib/libfftw3.3....
- Bud Huff wrote:
> Yes, the GRASS 6.4 GUI works. I checked its app package and it has the 3.3 lib in the bundle.
So... -
03:22 AM Bug report #9710: fails with 'dyld: Library not loaded: /usr/local/lib/libfftw3.3....
- Yes, the GRASS 6.4 GUI works. I checked its app package and it has the 3.3 lib in the bundle.
02:10 PM Revision fc8e05e3 (qgis): [TRANSUP] nb by James
- Signed-off-by: Werner Macho <[email protected]>
01:36 PM Revision c44b091b (qgis): added saveStyle capability - Developed for ARPA Piemonte (Dipartimento ...
- changed to use QgsSqliteHandle and added QMessageBox include
reread value from style db managing utf8 decoding
form... -
12:48 PM Bug report #9707: Zoom problems in qgis 2.x on ubuntu 12.04
- Joergen Buus-Hinkler wrote:
> No I am using 2.2 Valmiera - the same problems also appeared in 2.0 Dufour
> I have ... -
12:48 PM Bug report #9707: Zoom problems in qgis 2.x on ubuntu 12.04
- Joergen Buus-Hinkler wrote:
> No I am using 2.2 Valmiera - the same problems also appeared in 2.0 Dufour
> I have ... -
12:45 PM Revision 764ccc5a (qgis): [TRANSUP] sl by Joze
- Signed-off-by: Werner Macho <[email protected]>
11:47 AM Revision 8b6db498 (qgis): Merge pull request #1225 from rduivenvoorde/docurlfix
- no html in the url anymore
11:34 AM Bug report #9671: SAGA and GRASS: "missing dependency" error when logged using "Windows network u...
- Miroslav Umlauf wrote:
> Yes. Obviously it doesn't have to do anything with the new installation. The problem is left... -
02:09 AM Bug report #9671: SAGA and GRASS: "missing dependency" error when logged using "Windows network u...
- Yes. Obviously it doesn't have to do anything with the new installation. The problem is leftovers after older install...
01:11 AM Bug report #9671: SAGA and GRASS: "missing dependency" error when logged using "Windows network u...
- Miroslav Umlauf wrote:
> Not really. It is now only more localized. It has definitely something to do with user profi... -
01:08 AM Bug report #9671: SAGA and GRASS: "missing dependency" error when logged using "Windows network u...
- Not really. It is now only more localized. It has definitely something to do with user profile. Unfortunately I can't...
11:28 AM Feature request #9726 (Closed): allow choose inputs from project when usign tools in batch mode
- it would be sometimes useful to be able choose the inputs using a classic dropdown (list populated from project TOC) ...
11:28 AM Revision d59d191d (qgis): no html in the url anymore
08:50 AM Revision 8a9cc23e (qgis): Merge pull request #1224 from ghtmtt/master
- small changes in italian translations
08:45 AM Bug report #5896: Identify of WMS layers does not work
- I do not have time to test also rasters... but it would be needed because it was an issue in the past (wrong pixel va...
08:44 AM Bug report #5896: Identify of WMS layers does not work
- qgis 2.3 as client
1) mapserver 6.4.1
identify does not work in any case, with any kind of features
2) qgis serv... -
06:54 AM Bug report #5896 (Reopened): Identify of WMS layers does not work
- sorry to reopen this, I'm testing again and still see issues:
qgis 2.2 as client
1) qgis server 2.2
identify works... -
06:54 AM Bug report #5896 (Reopened): Identify of WMS layers does not work
- sorry to reopen this, I'm testing again and still see issues:
qgis 2.2 as client
1) qgis server 2.2
identify works... -
08:39 AM Revision 71c53963 (qgis): small changes in italian translations
06:25 AM Bug report #8615: Python error on startup (Windows 64-bit)
- Gary Chandler wrote:
> I have the same problem when starting QGIS desktop, but it is with the latest Windows 32-bit v... -
06:24 AM Bug report #8615: Python error on startup (Windows 64-bit)
- Simon Dedman wrote:
> Same for me, 2.0.1 64 bit Win7, also on the master I believe; had this a long while.
> [...]... -
06:17 AM Bug report #8615: Python error on startup (Windows 64-bit)
- I have the same problem when starting QGIS desktop, but it is with the latest Windows 32-bit version (2.2.0) download...
06:23 AM Feature request #7981: Add SVG symbol sets
- Hi,
no problem to integrate images on in the next version of QGIS.
I added a README fil... -
05:52 AM Revision 08965ed2 (qgis): Merge pull request #1223 from nirvn/messagebar_auto_crs
- push a message bar informing user of crs applied to newly added layer missing a crs
05:42 AM Revision 25241b86 (qgis): improve the message string and append friendly name (e.g. WGS84)
05:30 AM Feature request #9716: Create desktop shortcuts option in Windows installer
- The OSGeo4W installer also has an option for that - so it's feasible to add support for it in the standalone too.
05:08 AM Feature request #9716 (Open): Create desktop shortcuts option in Windows installer
- Is it possible to add an option in the Windows installer to ask if we want to create desktop shortcuts?
By default f... -
03:22 AM Revision 8f70e300 (qgis): push a message bar informing user of crs applied to newly added layer m...
02:35 AM Bug report #9715: Help link broken (404 Error)
Well actually there is no 2.2 documentation yet, and second, the html part should be removed.
01:45 AM Bug report #9715 (Closed): Help link broken (404 Error)
- I think it's a blocker
Steps to reproduce:
* F1
-> Opens which do... -
01:45 AM Bug report #8923: SpatiaLite 4: added attributes disappear
- This is a tricky issue. Just spent a good amount of time to reproduce it. It seems not to affect every file and it se...
12:59 AM Bug report #9710 (Feedback): fails with 'dyld: Library not loaded: /usr/local/lib/...
- Does the same tool works as expected when used in native GRASS (with GUI or CLI)?
12:59 AM Bug report #9710 (Feedback): fails with 'dyld: Library not loaded: /usr/local/lib/...
- Does the same tool works as expected when used in native GRASS (with GUI or CLI)?
07:11 AM Bug report #9710 (Closed): fails with 'dyld: Library not loaded: /usr/local/lib/li...
- The GRASS tool is looking for libfftw3.3.dylib, but the QGIS application package contains libfftw3.dyl...
12:57 AM Bug report #9671: SAGA and GRASS: "missing dependency" error when logged using "Windows network u...
- Miroslav Umlauf wrote:
> I just found out it must have something to do with my network user profile because I have ju... -
01:15 AM Bug report #9671: SAGA and GRASS: "missing dependency" error when logged using "Windows network u...
- Yep. As it is on saga_03.png. I just found out it must have something to do with my network user profile because I ha...
12:56 AM Bug report #9713 (Open): No angle > 90° in line pattern fill in layer properties
- Rémi Bovard wrote:
> I confirm the issue on Windows 7 with 2.2 and master.
> See screenshot
then it means does no... -
12:56 AM Bug report #9713 (Open): No angle > 90° in line pattern fill in layer properties
- Rémi Bovard wrote:
> I confirm the issue on Windows 7 with 2.2 and master.
> See screenshot
then it means does no... -
12:56 AM Bug report #9713 (Open): No angle > 90° in line pattern fill in layer properties
- Rémi Bovard wrote:
> I confirm the issue on Windows 7 with 2.2 and master.
> See screenshot
then it means does no... -
12:56 AM Bug report #9713 (Open): No angle > 90° in line pattern fill in layer properties
- Rémi Bovard wrote:
> I confirm the issue on Windows 7 with 2.2 and master.
> See screenshot
then it means does no... -
12:56 AM Bug report #9713 (Open): No angle > 90° in line pattern fill in layer properties
- Rémi Bovard wrote:
> I confirm the issue on Windows 7 with 2.2 and master.
> See screenshot
then it means does no... -
12:54 AM Bug report #9713: No angle > 90° in line pattern fill in layer properties
- I confirm the issue on Windows 7 with 2.2 and master.
See screenshot -
12:48 AM Bug report #9713: No angle > 90° in line pattern fill in layer properties
- Alessandro Ciali wrote:
> I've experienced the same bug.
on master too? -
12:47 AM Bug report #9713: No angle > 90° in line pattern fill in layer properties
- I've experienced the same bug. Furthermore, line pattern fill created with previous versions (e.g. 2.0) are not corr...
12:40 AM Bug report #9713 (Feedback): No angle > 90° in line pattern fill in layer properties
- It works fine on qgis master, would you ming give it a try? thanks! see attached image
12:40 AM Bug report #9713 (Feedback): No angle > 90° in line pattern fill in layer properties
- It works fine on qgis master, would you ming give it a try? thanks! see attached image
12:40 AM Bug report #9713 (Feedback): No angle > 90° in line pattern fill in layer properties
- It works fine on qgis master, would you ming give it a try? thanks! see attached image
11:05 PM Bug report #9713 (Closed): No angle > 90° in line pattern fill in layer properties
- layer properties > style > symbol selector > line pattern fill.
In QGis 2.1.X you could use an angle of e.g. 135° to... -
12:42 AM Feature request #9689 (Feedback): Joins should be more mindful of DBF field name length limitations
- Emilio G wrote:
> The software should simply check if the name is a duplicate. If not, leave it as is. It cannot simp... -
07:56 AM Feature request #9689: Joins should be more mindful of DBF field name length limitations
- Emilio G wrote:
> The software should simply check if the name is a duplicate. If not, leave it as is. It cannot simp... -
07:13 AM Feature request #9689: Joins should be more mindful of DBF field name length limitations
- The software should simply check if the name is a duplicate. If not, leave it as is. It cannot simply prepend the lay...
12:33 AM Bug report #9714 (Closed): Show features count options on many layers doesn't work
- Steps to reproduce:
* Select many layers
* Right click - Show features count
-> Only one layer shows features count
... -
12:32 AM Bug report #9712: QGis 2.x failes to add vector theme on Fedora 20
- Both packages work fine here on the same platform.
Edit: I guess you are talking about the alternative repository me... -
12:25 AM Bug report #9712 (Feedback): QGis 2.x failes to add vector theme on Fedora 20
- any important message in the console, if you launch qgis from it? tried to disable/remove all the plugins (or launch ...
12:25 AM Bug report #9712 (Feedback): QGis 2.x failes to add vector theme on Fedora 20
- any important message in the console, if you launch qgis from it? tried to disable/remove all the plugins (or launch ...
12:20 AM Bug report #9712: QGis 2.x failes to add vector theme on Fedora 20
- arch is x86_64
01:12 PM Bug report #9712 (Closed): QGis 2.x failes to add vector theme on Fedora 20
- Hello all, I have just faced with an unexpected behavior of QGis 2.x on Fedora Desktop 20. For a some reason I cannot...
12:30 AM Bug report #9532: Node tool causes crash
- Dan Piggott wrote:
> Hi, I'm encountering what might be the same problem. I'm on Windows 7 with QGIS 2.0.1 and havin... -
09:31 AM Bug report #9532: Node tool causes crash
- Hi, I'm encountering what might be the same problem. I'm on Windows 7 with QGIS 2.0.1 and having frequent crashes wh...
11:40 PM Bug report #9704: Gdal Modules Errors on OsX Mavericks
- Rhenriques, I tried your method and it works! Many thanks
Cheers -
08:55 AM Bug report #9704: Gdal Modules Errors on OsX Mavericks
- Francesco, I have been able to make 2.2 GDAL modules work by pickup the gdal folder from version 2.0.1 located in "/A...
06:56 AM Bug report #9704: Gdal Modules Errors on OsX Mavericks
- I have trashed QGIS 2.2 and reinstalled 2.0.1-Dufour (I had to reinstall matplotlib). Now the warp module works like ...
06:12 AM Bug report #9704: Gdal Modules Errors on OsX Mavericks
- As Francesco Vidotto said, it was working in previous versions. I do lots of reprojections (warp module) and format t...
03:07 AM Bug report #9704: Gdal Modules Errors on OsX Mavericks
- Same problem here with Mavericks.
It never occurred with previous versions of QGIS
Warp (reproject)... -
10:57 PM Revision 837642b7 (qgis): Merge pull request #1222 from nyalldawson/wms_layer_speed
- Cache result of checking whether axis should be inverted for wms layers
10:43 PM Feature request #9709: Logo suggestion
- Ah, I see. Very nice designs. Better than mine at least :)
05:54 AM Feature request #9709: Logo suggestion
- see also
05:53 AM Feature request #9709 (Open): Logo suggestion
- Just an attempt to spark off a modern looking logo. Go ahead and close this issue if it's irrelevant or useless.
08:54 PM Feature request #8050 (Closed): improve automatic CRS attribution on loaded layer with no CRS
- Fixed: #08965ed2f0382e0c398bcb4d8385b8ed2be2f093
08:54 PM Feature request #8050 (Closed): improve automatic CRS attribution on loaded layer with no CRS
- Fixed: #08965ed2f0382e0c398bcb4d8385b8ed2be2f093
06:40 PM Revision 28468571 (qgis): remove more msvc deprecation pragmas
03:49 PM Revision 100f9729 (qgis): add GUI_EXPORT and sip bindings to QgsExtentGroupBox,
- fix sip binding of QgsRasterLayerSaveAsDialog
03:43 PM Revision ec3f7f67 (qgis): [FEATURE]: Expressions in GetFeatureInfo output
03:43 PM Revision bf8ed476 (qgis): WMS Server: show native type in GetProjectSettings
02:12 PM Revision 9b71d081 (qgis): Merge pull request #1208 from nirvn/expression_wordwrap3
- [expression] implement a wordwrap function (fix #9412)
12:18 PM Revision 86ea4bf3 (qgis): Fix #9698 (magnified SVG symbols with data-defined rotation)
12:11 PM Revision 9774abdb (qgis): More fixes to support embedded groups
11:39 AM Revision cbf2c1a8 (qgis): Use QgsExtentGroupBox also in raster Save as dialog
11:39 AM Revision 8ed41142 (qgis): Merged "save as" and "save selection as" actions - choice moved to the ...
11:39 AM Revision 8ac3a94b (qgis): Fix #8898 (optional filter extent for vector save as)
10:39 AM Bug report #9711 (Closed): Incorrect Mac OS info on download page
- Ran into this yesterday when helping a student get qGIS on his Mac laptop.
Source page: -
08:31 AM Bug report #9693: OpenStreetMap XML import takes a long time
- Probably the best would be both were using the spatialite provider which already does the correct choice (https://git...
08:18 AM Bug report #9693: OpenStreetMap XML import takes a long time
- So the same switch as in offline editing (
06:20 AM Revision 99d030d6 (qgis): Cache result of checking whether axis should be inverted for wms layers...
05:56 AM Feature request #9592: Oracle should only look in metadata table for metadata
- I've just installed the latest nightly and it's still taking about 2 mins to list the tables so I guess this hasn't b...
05:38 AM Bug report #9700 (Closed): Georeferencer locks up QGIS
- Yep, works in master.
05:12 AM Feature request #9412 (Closed): add a "minimum characters to wrap" option to labels
- Fixed in changeset commit:"9b71d081f1deb26193eca483ad9e7287bdc7af6b".
05:01 AM Feature request #8898: "Save vector layer as" - limit export
- Martin, fantastic addition, this should find its way in the 2.4 what's new visual change log.
02:41 AM Feature request #8898 (Closed): "Save vector layer as" - limit export
- Fixed in changeset commit:"8ac3a94b99ec5ab0d64f6967e3f2eb577d0acb0a".
04:37 AM Bug report #9708 (Closed): Handle bad layers fails on a bad WMS layer
- When opening a QGIS project with missing/bad WMS layer, "handle bad layers" dialog offers to select a file(!) to fix ...
04:14 AM Bug report #7039: Use message bar for handling bad layers
- Oliver, you are talking about #8718
It's a different issue and it isn't strictly dependant on this one (although both... -
03:19 AM Bug report #9698 (Closed): composer: magnified SVG symbols when rotation is defined
- Fixed in changeset commit:"86ea4bf39a9535b6524e015fb7e1a1975d2cd6e9".
02:43 AM Feature request #9521: Introduce support for "prepared" geometries
- Hi Larry - the algorithm in PAL that checks overlaps in PAL works with label candidate rectangles (possibly rotated),...
02:35 AM Bug report #9612: Web view doesn't work with specific URL in feature form
- Rémi Bovard wrote:
> Yes, because if put only it works... It's very strange, can you reproduc... -
02:17 AM Bug report #9604: Attribute table: the icons for "Unselect all" and "Delete selected features" ar...
- In fact, using the green color is more in line with what's used in the digitizing toolbars (new feature, move feature...
01:13 AM Bug report #9707: Zoom problems in qgis 2.x on ubuntu 12.04
- No I am using 2.2 Valmiera - the same problems also appeared in 2.0 Dufour
I have attached an example of a shape lay... -
01:13 AM Bug report #9707: Zoom problems in qgis 2.x on ubuntu 12.04
- No I am using 2.2 Valmiera - the same problems also appeared in 2.0 Dufour
I have attached an example of a shape lay... -
01:13 AM Bug report #9707: Zoom problems in qgis 2.x on ubuntu 12.04
- No I am using 2.2 Valmiera - the same problems also appeared in 2.0 Dufour
I have attached an example of a shape lay... -
01:13 AM Bug report #9707: Zoom problems in qgis 2.x on ubuntu 12.04
- No I am using 2.2 Valmiera - the same problems also appeared in 2.0 Dufour
I have attached an example of a shape lay... -
01:13 AM Bug report #9707: Zoom problems in qgis 2.x on ubuntu 12.04
- No I am using 2.2 Valmiera - the same problems also appeared in 2.0 Dufour
I have attached an example of a shape lay... -
01:01 AM Bug report #9707 (Feedback): Zoom problems in qgis 2.x on ubuntu 12.04
- a similar issue should have been solved in qgis 2.2, are you using it or still using 2.0.1?
please also attach sampl... -
01:01 AM Bug report #9707 (Feedback): Zoom problems in qgis 2.x on ubuntu 12.04
- a similar issue should have been solved in qgis 2.2, are you using it or still using 2.0.1?
please also attach sampl...
12:58 AM Bug report #9690 (Closed): Incorrect areas using field calculator.
- Thomas McAdam wrote:
> LAst line has a mistake, should read:
> Fields area_m2 and area_ha2 were calculated in the ... -
12:58 AM Bug report #9690 (Closed): Incorrect areas using field calculator.
- Thomas McAdam wrote:
> LAst line has a mistake, should read:
> Fields area_m2 and area_ha2 were calculated in the ... -
12:48 AM Bug report #9707 (Closed): Zoom problems in qgis 2.x on ubuntu 12.04
- I have qgis running on Linux Ubuntu 12.04. 64 bit. When I zoom in in layers (shape-files) in lat lon projection the l...
12:45 AM Bug report #9687 (Feedback): save style creates invalid file with action
- Does not seems to apply to all actions(?) I just made one (using FF to open a URL written in the table of attributes)...
12:45 AM Bug report #9687 (Feedback): save style creates invalid file with action
- Does not seems to apply to all actions(?) I just made one (using FF to open a URL written in the table of attributes)...
12:41 AM Bug report #9671: SAGA and GRASS: "missing dependency" error when logged using "Windows network u...
- Miroslav Umlauf wrote:
> OK, now I am lost. I have completely uninstalled all QGIS on Windows 7 64bit. I have deleted... -
04:23 PM Bug report #9671: SAGA and GRASS: "missing dependency" error when logged using "Windows network u...
- OK, now I am lost. I have completely uninstalled all QGIS on Windows 7 64bit. I have deleted folders C:\\OSGeo4W and ...
12:39 AM Bug report #9700 (Feedback): Georeferencer locks up QGIS
- I guess that 2.2.0-2 should be installable with osgeo4w.
12:39 AM Bug report #9700 (Feedback): Georeferencer locks up QGIS
- I guess that 2.2.0-2 should be installable with osgeo4w.
03:25 PM Bug report #9700: Georeferencer locks up QGIS
- What is the version of qgis package you are using? This problem has already been fixed (commit:a3b99a8). Please try t...
06:47 AM Bug report #9700 (Closed): Georeferencer locks up QGIS
- OSGeo4W 64bit install only problem.
The Georeferencer locks up QGIS.
See -
12:34 AM Bug report #9526 (Closed): File based layer edits and posts taking extremely long time
- Giovanni Manghi wrote:
> Patrick Dunford wrote:
> > OK so I finished editing the two layers (25KB and 32KB, shapefile... -
12:34 AM Bug report #9526 (Closed): File based layer edits and posts taking extremely long time
- Giovanni Manghi wrote:
> Patrick Dunford wrote:
> > OK so I finished editing the two layers (25KB and 32KB, shapefile... -
12:29 AM Bug report #9704 (Feedback): Gdal Modules Errors on OsX Mavericks
12:29 AM Bug report #9704: Gdal Modules Errors on OsX Mavericks
- did it happened in previous qgis versions?
12:29 AM Bug report #9704: Gdal Modules Errors on OsX Mavericks
- did it happened in previous qgis versions?
10:19 PM Bug report #9704 (Closed): Gdal Modules Errors on OsX Mavericks
- Several GDAL Modules give me error dialogues while selecting some options.
MacOSX Mavericks.
The following examples... -
12:26 AM Feature request #9689: Joins should be more mindful of DBF field name length limitations
- Not an easy task, the prefix is necessary to avoid attributes with the same name, then shapefiles have a 10 chars col...
12:26 AM Feature request #9689: Joins should be more mindful of DBF field name length limitations
- Not an easy task, the prefix is necessary to avoid attributes with the same name, then shapefiles have a 10 chars col...
12:26 AM Feature request #9689: Joins should be more mindful of DBF field name length limitations
- Not an easy task, the prefix is necessary to avoid attributes with the same name, then shapefiles have a 10 chars col...
12:21 AM Bug report #9693: OpenStreetMap XML import takes a long time
- One just needs to call "SELECT InitSpatialMetadata(1)" for SpatiaLite >= 4.1 instead of just "SELECT InitSpatialMetad...
12:05 AM Bug report #9693: OpenStreetMap XML import takes a long time
- Giovanni Allegri wrote:
> I've noticed that during the freezed time a Sqlite journal file is continously created and ... -
05:54 AM Bug report #9693: OpenStreetMap XML import takes a long time
- I've noticed that during the freezed time a Sqlite journal file is continously created and destroyed. I don't know wh...
03:23 AM Bug report #9693 (Closed): OpenStreetMap XML import takes a long time
- The OSM import from a downloaded XML to Spatialite takes much more time on Windows then on Linux.
With the following ... -
12:20 AM Bug report #9703: make measure tools lines more visible and persistent until the user choose to r...
- I agree at least on the first part, the lines are barely visible when there are styled/raster layer in the canvas.
12:20 AM Bug report #9703: make measure tools lines more visible and persistent until the user choose to r...
- I agree at least on the first part, the lines are barely visible when there are styled/raster layer in the canvas.
12:20 AM Bug report #9703: make measure tools lines more visible and persistent until the user choose to r...
- I agree at least on the first part, the lines are barely visible when there are styled/raster layer in the canvas.
12:20 AM Bug report #9703: make measure tools lines more visible and persistent until the user choose to r...
- I agree at least on the first part, the lines are barely visible when there are styled/raster layer in the canvas.
09:41 PM Bug report #9703 (Closed): make measure tools lines more visible and persistent until the user ch...
- The current behavior of the measure tool, QGIS 2.2, is to draw a thin red line between points selected by the user. T...
12:16 AM Bug report #9701 (Feedback): Vector Difference failing to end
- Hi,
please test qgis 2.2 and/or attach sample data. Cheers! -
12:16 AM Bug report #9701 (Feedback): Vector Difference failing to end
- Hi,
please test qgis 2.2 and/or attach sample data. Cheers! -
09:23 AM Bug report #9701 (Closed): Vector Difference failing to end
- On OSX, using QGIS 2.0.1, "Vector/Geoprocessing Tools/Difference" can't handle large layers properly. Using a point f...
12:12 AM Bug report #9695: Unexplained difference between geometry cheking and topology checking
- One probable explanation is that the two tools were coded in different ways (and as far as I understand in different ...
04:13 AM Bug report #9695 (Closed): Unexplained difference between geometry cheking and topology checking
- I'm testing make valid on a sample of real data. It effectively cleans up all the topology errors, as found by the To...
11:53 PM Revision c237ea50 (qgis): #9655: fix invalid polygons with buffer_0
11:51 PM Bug report #9706: marker symbol not centered
- !!
11:49 PM Bug report #9706 (Closed): marker symbol not centered
- I noticed a problem of centering when using the cross (x) symbol within a circle symbol.
The cross is not centered on... -
11:12 PM Bug report #9705 (Closed): Rotation of the label can not be only up to half-turn
- I set a label rotation that I was set to 270 degrees rotation of the label.
However, as a result of the 180 ° rotati... -
03:04 PM Bug report #9655: Strange behavior of labeling for multipolygons, due to geometry simplification
- Larry Shaffer wrote:
> Hi Alvaro,
> Your pull request doesn't fix the issue in my testing, using the provided samp... -
01:40 PM Bug report #9655: Strange behavior of labeling for multipolygons, due to geometry simplification
- Hi Alvaro,
Your pull request doesn't fix the issue in my testing, using the provided sample project. (See other comm... -
02:25 PM Revision 5c3d0dda (qgis): WMS server: fix groups from embedded files if embedded project uses cus...
11:56 AM Revision d63f0c4f (qgis): followup aaf6b713: fix commit mixup!?
11:42 AM Revision aaf6b713 (qgis): wm(t)s json identify: allow geometryless feature info
09:47 AM Revision 2f41ad28 (qgis): Merge pull request #1199 from simonsonc/cmake-cleanup-dups
- Remove duplicate entries from CMake build files
09:38 AM Revision 2f2d6ac9 (qgis): Merge pull request #1120 from 3nids/pasteconvertgeom
- copy/paste: try to convert geometries (fixes #3604)
09:28 AM Revision 9c5c0650 (qgis): copy/paste: do not transform if layer has unknown geometry
08:37 AM Revision 1d8faf20 (qgis): do not convert multiline to multipolygon if one of the part failed, als...
08:21 AM Bug report #9612: Web view doesn't work with specific URL in feature form
- Yes, because if put only it works... It's very strange, can you reproduce it?
Ok, that's a g... -
08:00 AM Bug report #9612: Web view doesn't work with specific URL in feature form
- Just to be sure: Are you sure that there is no problem regarding proxy/dns etc?
Apart from this, I will be refactori... -
06:55 AM Bug report #9612: Web view doesn't work with specific URL in feature form
- Juste made some tests with stable release 2.2:
* it work fine with on Ubuntu 13.10
* still not on Windows 7
For info... -
08:04 AM Revision bb7cd405 (qgis): Merge pull request #1205 from ahuarte47/Issue_9485
- Fix #9456 #9485: Line Offset in symbology generates artifacts
07:33 AM Bug report #8720 (Closed): Font for layer city_data.face_seed was not found (AlArabiya)
- This was fixed before 2.2.0 went public.
Maybe with commit:24e53f4bfb9046722f93a8a7cbd00c1308ae3db8 -
07:33 AM Bug report #8720 (Closed): Font for layer city_data.face_seed was not found (AlArabiya)
- This was fixed before 2.2.0 went public.
Maybe with commit:24e53f4bfb9046722f93a8a7cbd00c1308ae3db8 -
07:33 AM Bug report #8720 (Closed): Font for layer city_data.face_seed was not found (AlArabiya)
- This was fixed before 2.2.0 went public.
Maybe with commit:24e53f4bfb9046722f93a8a7cbd00c1308ae3db8 -
07:33 AM Bug report #8720 (Closed): Font for layer city_data.face_seed was not found (AlArabiya)
- This was fixed before 2.2.0 went public.
Maybe with commit:24e53f4bfb9046722f93a8a7cbd00c1308ae3db8 -
07:07 AM Feature request #2071 (Closed): Anchor Choice for symbols
- This is now implemented in QGIS 2.2
07:07 AM Feature request #2071 (Closed): Anchor Choice for symbols
- This is now implemented in QGIS 2.2
06:44 AM Bug report #9699: Display classification attribute name
- !!
06:44 AM Bug report #9699 (Closed): Display classification attribute name
- When enabling option "Canvas & Legend > Layer legend > *Display classification attribute names*" and enabling "Right ...
05:27 AM Bug report #9698 (Closed): composer: magnified SVG symbols when rotation is defined
- When using rotation on SVG symbols, they are magnified if printed (but no in application canvas).
This is working as ... -
05:11 AM Bug report #9692: Public key is not available for Wheezy
- Virginie CADIC wrote:
> Thank you for your answer.
> I had installed qgis on several computers last month, so I appl... -
05:11 AM Bug report #9692: Public key is not available for Wheezy
- Virginie CADIC wrote:
> Thank you for your answer.
> I had installed qgis on several computers last month, so I appl... -
04:46 AM Bug report #9692 (Closed): Public key is not available for Wheezy
- Thank you for your answer.
I had installed qgis on several computers last month, so I applied the same procedure tod... -
04:46 AM Bug report #9692 (Closed): Public key is not available for Wheezy
- Thank you for your answer.
I had installed qgis on several computers last month, so I applied the same procedure tod... -
03:31 AM Bug report #9692 (Feedback): Public key is not available for Wheezy
- Did you run:
@gpg --recv-key 47765B75
gpg --export --armor 47765B75 | sudo apt-key add -
See "Version stable de QG... -
03:13 AM Bug report #9692 (Closed): Public key is not available for Wheezy
- I am trying to install the last version of qgis on Debian Wheezy. I have followed the installation procedure, but whe...
04:51 AM Bug report #9697 (Closed): Better colour and symbol choice for Node Tool
- The current choice of colours (red for normal nodes, blue for selected ones, pink for snapping, and
green for errors)... -
04:28 AM Bug report #9696 (Closed): wrong reading of the projection from the prj file (EPSG 25832)
- Hi all,
it seems that QGIS doesn't read the information of the .prj when the EPSG = 25832 (QGIS assign automatically ... -
01:34 AM Bug report #9691 (Closed): Rotation of ESRI Shapefile with transparency in Print Composer
- By rotating a map [add image] in the print composer [Item Proprieties -> Main Proprieties -> Map -> Map rotation], wh...
12:38 AM Bug report #3604 (Closed): paste doesn't convert geometry or give error on incompatible geometry
- Fixed in changeset commit:"2f2d6ac95b052bb490c47ba53eb327c96176eed1".
12:35 AM Revision 4a3ad4b9 (qgis): Update qgis/qt/osg plugin Mac-bundled search paths
- - Ensure Qt plugins path is set before Qt references a plugin, e.g. before splash screen
- Strip old Mac-native 'find... -
11:04 PM Feature request #9456 (Closed): Improve offset line algorithm
- Fixed in changeset commit:"bb7cd4053a9aa676466ce3ea4212956e2a712537".
10:10 PM Bug report #9673: some polygons not labelled when layer's simplification is on
- Alvaro, great, will verify when the pull is committed to qgis master.
This should definitively be backported to a 2.... -
10:02 PM Bug report #9673: some polygons not labelled when layer's simplification is on
- Hi Mathieu, I think this pull fixes the bug:
10:00 PM Bug report #9480: Labels for polygon centroids should always originate inside a polygon
- Using the 'Horizontal' or 'Free' placements in label configuration the text is drawed inside of polygon.
The PAL labe... -
09:39 PM Bug report #9655: Strange behavior of labeling for multipolygons, due to geometry simplification
- I have changed how resolve the issue. I use 'buffer' method to convert the geometry to valid, and it works better
-I... -
09:39 PM Bug report #9655: Strange behavior of labeling for multipolygons, due to geometry simplification
- I have changed how resolve the issue. I use 'buffer' method to convert the geometry to valid, and it works better
-I... -
07:26 PM Revision 3b4edb8f (qgis): automatic otfr:
- * notify on message bar when CRS and OTFR kicks in (refs #9644)
* don't automatically change settings of loaded projects -
04:52 PM Bug report #9690: Incorrect areas using field calculator.
- LAst line has a mistake, should read:
Fields area_m2 and area_ha2 were calculated in the same circumstances as area_... -
04:51 PM Bug report #9690: Incorrect areas using field calculator.
- I am able to recreate the bug in 2.2 as well, although it's characteristics are slightly different. In the screengrab...
04:51 PM Bug report #9690: Incorrect areas using field calculator.
- I am able to recreate the bug in 2.2 as well, although it's characteristics are slightly different. In the screengrab...
04:14 PM Bug report #9690: Incorrect areas using field calculator.
- Thomas McAdam wrote:
> Sorry should have been 2.01 for affected version. I will have a go at recreating the error in ... -
04:08 PM Bug report #9690: Incorrect areas using field calculator.
- Sorry should have been 2.01 for affected version. I will have a go at recreating the error in 2.2 and report back.
03:55 PM Bug report #9690 (Feedback): Incorrect areas using field calculator.
- In the description you say 2.0.1 but then in ticket details affected version is 2.2.
In QGIS 2.2. this issue should ... -
03:55 PM Bug report #9690 (Feedback): Incorrect areas using field calculator.
- In the description you say 2.0.1 but then in ticket details affected version is 2.2.
In QGIS 2.2. this issue should ... -
03:50 PM Bug report #9690 (Closed): Incorrect areas using field calculator.
- This was using QGIS 2.01 in Windows 7.
I had a project containing several shape files (and an Openlayers plugin laye... -
03:49 PM Feature request #9689 (Closed): Joins should be more mindful of DBF field name length limitations
- When performing a "join" between a DBF file and a shape file, QGIS will prepend the field names with the name of the ...
02:42 PM Revision 5d6fc3dc (qgis): Populate attribute editor layout with default (Autogenerate)
- Fix #9668
02:17 PM Revision f2dbf9dc (qgis): Fix #9683 (crash in add feature map tool)
12:19 PM Revision 2dcda50d (qgis): [attrtable] Fetch only necessary columns for expression filter
12:19 PM Revision 951baee4 (qgis): [attrtable] Update filter count when filter is reset
- Fix #9681
11:54 AM Revision ac29fc1d (qgis): minor cleanup in pluigns CMakeLists.txt
11:19 AM Bug report #9644: WMS and CRS - No reprojection
- > When I open a vectorfile i EPSG 4326 *the project is changed to this projection - My setting is overruled.*
> When ... -
01:24 AM Bug report #9644 (Feedback): WMS and CRS - No reprojection
01:22 AM Bug report #9644: WMS and CRS - No reprojection
- Lene Fischer wrote:
> Please take this seriously! What am I doing wrong?
I'm taking it very seriously, sorry if you ... -
01:11 AM Bug report #9644 (Reopened): WMS and CRS - No reprojection
- Please take this seriously! What am I doing wrong?
Default CRS for new projects:
I have a new project - CRS set to U... -
01:11 AM Bug report #9644 (Reopened): WMS and CRS - No reprojection
- Please take this seriously! What am I doing wrong?
Default CRS for new projects:
I have a new project - CRS set to U... -
11:09 AM Feature request #9688 (Closed): store the layer data source in a saved style
- I'd like to be able to save a style, and include the layer info including type & data source, so that the layer, styl...
11:01 AM Bug report #9687 (Closed): save style creates invalid file with action
- I have an open layer with an action assigned to it. I save the style for that layer.
When I try to apply that style ... -
10:28 AM Revision d378eef0 (qgis): allow to use custom QSettings for managing QgsOptionsDialog parameters.
- Useful for plugins and custom apps
06:30 AM Bug report #9604: Attribute table: the icons for "Unselect all" and "Delete selected features" ar...
- I'm also fine with a green polygon in "delete selected features".
01:52 AM Bug report #9604: Attribute table: the icons for "Unselect all" and "Delete selected features" ar...
- Hi Anita,
I suggest changing the color of "delete selected features" from yellow to blue or green (or another tone of... -
05:54 AM Bug report #9686: Geometry simplification bug with grid layer
- This pull fixes the bug:
Alvaro -
03:49 AM Bug report #9686: Geometry simplification bug with grid layer
- Hi, I have located the error, these geometries are not closed (they have 4 points), I fix it.
Alvaro -
01:21 AM Bug report #9686 (Closed): Geometry simplification bug with grid layer
- Using layer simplification on a square grip leads to rendering artifacts : only triangles are shown.
05:43 AM Bug report #9668 (Closed): Attribute editor layout: please populate the field with the default
- Fixed in changeset commit:"5d6fc3dcd7271e051ddf4495edf45952222674c7".
05:18 AM Bug report #9683 (Closed): QGIS crashes after switching from "Add Feature" tool and back
- Fixed in changeset commit:"f2dbf9dc3e64ad4c46d1c65cc13e2a0188d297bf".
03:24 AM Revision b1dd6d34 (qgis): crssync: remove debugging output
03:22 AM Revision 2a7752d5 (qgis): fix ab105599b
03:19 AM Bug report #9681 (Closed): Title of attributes table window doesn't refresh after removing filter
- Fixed in changeset commit:"951baee4008885997c7834457443edae53beadb5".
01:21 AM Revision 3bd8b559 (qgis): german translation update
01:16 AM Revision d6495abe (qgis): wms provider:
- * support JSON for feature info
* implement feature info for WMTS
* cleanup metadata display -
01:00 AM Bug report #9656 (Open): Scroll bar missing from python log messages.
- ok, cannot confirm on both Mint (Cinnamon DE) and Windows 7.
01:00 AM Bug report #9656 (Open): Scroll bar missing from python log messages.
- ok, cannot confirm on both Mint (Cinnamon DE) and Windows 7.
01:00 AM Bug report #9657 (Open): Log Message panel is closed when qgis is minimised and restored.
- Donovan Cameron wrote:
> Yea, here is some screens.
> First one shows the Log Messages panel open.
> Second you... -
01:00 AM Bug report #9657 (Open): Log Message panel is closed when qgis is minimised and restored.
- Donovan Cameron wrote:
> Yea, here is some screens.
> First one shows the Log Messages panel open.
> Second you... -
01:00 AM Bug report #9657 (Open): Log Message panel is closed when qgis is minimised and restored.
- Donovan Cameron wrote:
> Yea, here is some screens.
> First one shows the Log Messages panel open.
> Second you...
12:54 AM Bug report #4051 (Feedback): Cannot display SpatiaLite views based on tables with spatial index
09:37 AM Bug report #4051: Cannot display SpatiaLite views based on tables with spatial index
- Similar issue still found in QGIS 2.2?
08:01 PM Bug report #9620: Measure line tool reports incorrect units
- Thanks Giovanni - learnt a lot from your response
Tony -
05:11 PM Bug report #9684: Improve tool grouping and color usage in toolbars
- I think you raise some important issues about how tools should be grouped in toolbars.
Concerning your second sugges... -
03:30 AM Bug report #9684 (Closed): Improve tool grouping and color usage in toolbars
- I don't know if anybody is interested in this, but the UI could be further improved using clearer groupings of toolba...
04:57 PM Bug report #9604: Attribute table: the icons for "Unselect all" and "Delete selected features" ar...
- Using Alexandre Neto's suggestion for delete selected adds both consistency in the editing toolbar and a visible diff...
04:57 PM Bug report #9604: Attribute table: the icons for "Unselect all" and "Delete selected features" ar...
- Using Alexandre Neto's suggestion for delete selected adds both consistency in the editing toolbar and a visible diff...
03:23 AM Bug report #9604: Attribute table: the icons for "Unselect all" and "Delete selected features" ar...
- Thanks for your input @Tobias! Since you are raising a new issue in your second post, it would be good to open a new ...
04:38 PM Feature request #8292 (Closed): Support GetFeatureInfo for WMTS
- implemented in commit:d6495abe
04:38 PM Feature request #8292 (Closed): Support GetFeatureInfo for WMTS
- implemented in commit:d6495abe
04:38 PM Feature request #8292 (Closed): Support GetFeatureInfo for WMTS
- implemented in commit:d6495abe
11:50 AM Revision 66913320 (qgis): Ensure draw line only inside polygon works correctly with multipolygon ...
09:28 AM Bug report #9655: Strange behavior of labeling for multipolygons, due to geometry simplification
- Giovanni Manghi wrote:
> > There is also the "prepair lib":, as "discussed pre... -
07:18 AM Bug report #9655: Strange behavior of labeling for multipolygons, due to geometry simplification
- PAL library already has a centroid algorithm forced within of the polygon.
It is assigned when the 'placement' prope... -
04:02 AM Bug report #9655: Strange behavior of labeling for multipolygons, due to geometry simplification
> There is also the "prepair lib":, as "discussed previously":http://osgeo-or...-
09:26 AM Feature request #9521: Introduce support for "prepared" geometries
- Hi Martin,
Do you think such prepared geometry could be used in PAL lib to make the overlap-check algorithm more eff... -
09:06 AM Bug report #9657: Log Message panel is closed when qgis is minimised and restored.
- Yea, here is some screens.
First one shows the Log Messages panel open.
Second you can see just QGIS, without the L... -
09:06 AM Bug report #9657: Log Message panel is closed when qgis is minimised and restored.
- Yea, here is some screens.
First one shows the Log Messages panel open.
Second you can see just QGIS, without the L... -
03:42 AM Bug report #9657: Log Message panel is closed when qgis is minimised and restored.
- Donovan Cameron wrote:
> I can see it in Windows 8.1 (64bit, OSGeo4W) and Arch Linux 64bit.
then maybe I'm looking a... -
08:58 AM Bug report #9656: Scroll bar missing from python log messages.
- Here's the screen from Windows 8.1 64bit (OSGeo4W) showing the missing scroll-bar in Python tab for the log messages ...
03:52 AM Bug report #9656 (Feedback): Scroll bar missing from python log messages.
- as for the other similar ticket I cannot confirm or I'm looking at the wrong place.
03:52 AM Bug report #9656 (Feedback): Scroll bar missing from python log messages.
- as for the other similar ticket I cannot confirm or I'm looking at the wrong place.
08:54 AM Bug report #9685 (Closed): C run time error on load - QGIS 2.2.0/Win7 64bit
- I've closed the ticket for now, can you please post this at the OSGeo4W issue tracker?
07:49 AM Bug report #9685 (Closed): C run time error on load - QGIS 2.2.0/Win7 64bit
- QGIS installed from, replacing previous 1....
05:34 AM Bug report #9575 (Open): Georeferencer: Polynomial 2 transformation with 6 GCP is unable to process
05:33 AM Feature request #9652: merge shapefiles: add option to get the result directly in project CRS
- Hi,
I get your point but the tool actually work in a different way: it doesn't do any kind of projection transformat... -
05:33 AM Feature request #9652: merge shapefiles: add option to get the result directly in project CRS
- Hi,
I get your point but the tool actually work in a different way: it doesn't do any kind of projection transformat... -
05:33 AM Feature request #9652: merge shapefiles: add option to get the result directly in project CRS
- Hi,
I get your point but the tool actually work in a different way: it doesn't do any kind of projection transformat... -
05:33 AM Feature request #9652: merge shapefiles: add option to get the result directly in project CRS
- Hi,
I get your point but the tool actually work in a different way: it doesn't do any kind of projection transformat... -
05:11 AM Bug report #9671: SAGA and GRASS: "missing dependency" error when logged using "Windows network u...
- Yes it can be the case. I have tested install osgeo4w64 on my fresh Windows 7 64b at home and all is working also aft...
04:51 AM Bug report #9671 (Feedback): SAGA and GRASS: "missing dependency" error when logged using "Window...
- paths to applications can be mixed up if you install both the standalone and osgeo4w versions of qgis. Is this the ca...
04:19 AM Bug report #9532: Node tool causes crash
- Alexander Bruy wrote:
> Maybe related to #9683
anyway I'm closing this for lack of feedback, the original reporter c... -
04:18 AM Feature request #9676: Do not refresh canvas when selecting features
- I'm not sure how we could fix this. Could we do something different for selection rather then re-render the feature?
04:09 AM Feature request #9676: Do not refresh canvas when selecting features
- Martin Dobias wrote:
> Umm... what is wrong with it? :-) Map canvas has to be refreshed when the selection changes be... -
04:09 AM Feature request #9676: Do not refresh canvas when selecting features
- Martin Dobias wrote:
> Umm... what is wrong with it? :-) Map canvas has to be refreshed when the selection changes be... -
04:09 AM Feature request #9676: Do not refresh canvas when selecting features
- Martin Dobias wrote:
> Umm... what is wrong with it? :-) Map canvas has to be refreshed when the selection changes be... -
04:09 AM Feature request #9676: Do not refresh canvas when selecting features
- Martin Dobias wrote:
> Umm... what is wrong with it? :-) Map canvas has to be refreshed when the selection changes be... -
04:09 AM Feature request #9676: Do not refresh canvas when selecting features
- Martin Dobias wrote:
> Umm... what is wrong with it? :-) Map canvas has to be refreshed when the selection changes be... -
04:09 AM Feature request #9676: Do not refresh canvas when selecting features
- Martin Dobias wrote:
> Umm... what is wrong with it? :-) Map canvas has to be refreshed when the selection changes be... -
04:17 AM Bug report #9266 (Closed): QGIS gets stuck during on the fly reprojection
04:05 AM Feature request #9639 (Feedback): Keep CRS when saving DXF files
- as far as I know the DXF format does not store any info about the CRS/SRID.
04:05 AM Feature request #9639 (Feedback): Keep CRS when saving DXF files
- as far as I know the DXF format does not store any info about the CRS/SRID.
04:05 AM Feature request #9639 (Feedback): Keep CRS when saving DXF files
- as far as I know the DXF format does not store any info about the CRS/SRID.
03:57 AM Bug report #8765: Postgis raster shows random data with out-db image data
> Anyways the question is should the overview query always expect indb data or not.
better ask this in the develope...-
03:49 AM Bug report #4011 (Feedback): Map canvas flickers when content is dragged
- Donovan Cameron wrote:
> Looks like this reared its ugly head in 2.2 and isn't a part of the desktop file anymore. Is... -
03:49 AM Bug report #4011 (Feedback): Map canvas flickers when content is dragged
- Donovan Cameron wrote:
> Looks like this reared its ugly head in 2.2 and isn't a part of the desktop file anymore. Is... -
03:49 AM Bug report #4011 (Feedback): Map canvas flickers when content is dragged
- Donovan Cameron wrote:
> Looks like this reared its ugly head in 2.2 and isn't a part of the desktop file anymore. Is... -
03:39 AM Bug report #9635 (Feedback): Qgis 2.2 install on ubuntu wiped projection information
- have you tried update your sources and re-install?
03:39 AM Bug report #9635 (Feedback): Qgis 2.2 install on ubuntu wiped projection information
- have you tried update your sources and re-install?
03:39 AM Bug report #9635 (Feedback): Qgis 2.2 install on ubuntu wiped projection information
- have you tried update your sources and re-install?
03:36 AM Feature request #6294: Add LIKE and case insensitive filters to QGis Server
- has this been added then? adding resolution "fixed/implemented"?
03:34 AM Bug report #9628 (Closed): Wrong column / field calculated in joined table
- this seems fixed in qgis 2.2, please reopen if necessary.
03:34 AM Bug report #9628 (Closed): Wrong column / field calculated in joined table
- this seems fixed in qgis 2.2, please reopen if necessary.
03:26 AM Bug report #9644: WMS and CRS - No reprojection
- Lene Fischer wrote:
> I click "new project"
just tested again (under Windows) and no problems.
Check again your
se... -
02:51 AM Bug report #9624 (Closed): line drawn on wrong side of edge with when draw line only inside polyg...
- Fixed in changeset commit:"66913320f07adb215f0d7b10df7d6509273fd91f".
12:35 AM Bug report #9532: Node tool causes crash
- Maybe related to #9683
12:34 AM Bug report #9683 (Closed): QGIS crashes after switching from "Add Feature" tool and back
- After merging MTR branch "Add feature" tool causes QGIS crash when editing layer. Steps to reproduce:
# Add shapefile... -
12:15 AM Bug report #8923: SpatiaLite 4: added attributes disappear
- Also confirmed on QGIS 2.2 under Windows and Linux
12:15 AM Bug report #8923: SpatiaLite 4: added attributes disappear
- Also confirmed on QGIS 2.2 under Windows and Linux
11:18 PM Bug report #9644: WMS and CRS - No reprojection
- I click "new project"
10:52 AM Bug report #9644: WMS and CRS - No reprojection
- Lene Fischer wrote:
> Exatly this is my problem. I set the CRS to UTM 32 in settings I set the On the fly to UTM 32 a... -
08:26 AM Bug report #9644: WMS and CRS - No reprojection
- Exatly this is my problem. I set the CRS to UTM 32 in settings I set the On the fly to UTM 32 and the it changes to W...
08:19 AM Bug report #9644 (Closed): WMS and CRS - No reprojection
- Lene Fischer wrote:
> Hi iovanni,
> I´ve set the settings to be 25832 (UTM 32) - Start New projects in UTM 32
> I´ve ... -
07:53 AM Bug report #9644 (Reopened): WMS and CRS - No reprojection
- Hi iovanni,
I´ve set the settings to be 25832 (UTM 32) - Start New projects in UTM 32
I´ve set on the fly to set CRS ... -
06:10 AM Bug report #9644 (Closed): WMS and CRS - No reprojection
- Lene Fischer wrote:
> Hi Giovanni,
> Please see the attached video.
> Also attac... -
06:10 AM Bug report #9644 (Closed): WMS and CRS - No reprojection
- Lene Fischer wrote:
> Hi Giovanni,
> Please see the attached video.
> Also attac... -
06:10 AM Bug report #9644 (Closed): WMS and CRS - No reprojection
- Lene Fischer wrote:
> Hi Giovanni,
> Please see the attached video.
> Also attac... -
10:36 PM Revision 1877b512 (qgis): german translation update
10:30 PM Revision ab105599 (qgis): tests: make compareWkt more tolerant towards whitespaces
09:25 PM Revision 4a8f6277 (qgis): [TRANSUP] ko by BJ
- Signed-off-by: Werner Macho <[email protected]>
05:26 PM Bug report #9657: Log Message panel is closed when qgis is minimised and restored.
- I can see it in Windows 8.1 (64bit, OSGeo4W) and Arch Linux 64bit.
10:54 AM Bug report #9657 (Feedback): Log Message panel is closed when qgis is minimised and restored.
- Cannot confirm on Ubuntu and Windows.
- 05:18 PM Revision ccde1d48 (qgis): BUG #9674 WFS GetFeature Request does not return features
- The GetFeature Request does not return elements.
The response of the request is valid but with a bbox : 0,0,0,0 and ... -
03:42 PM Revision 87e6b13e (qgis): Vector save as dialog: use one column layout (like raster save as)
01:57 PM Revision f538c8bd (qgis): added test for QgsGeometry::convertToType
01:22 PM Revision 643e59a2 (qgis): copy/paste: try to convert geometries
01:13 PM Bug report #9604: Attribute table: the icons for "Unselect all" and "Delete selected features" ar...
- <--moved to new ticket-->
04:04 AM Bug report #9604: Attribute table: the icons for "Unselect all" and "Delete selected features" ar...
- I attached a picture of a suggestion.
I don't think rubber-band selection need... -
10:12 AM Revision 2081fc9f (qgis): Fix the issues with QTimer start/stop in different thread
08:29 AM Revision 9b893a34 (qgis): Added Denis Rouzaud to authors list
08:20 AM Bug report #9674 (Closed): WFS GetFeature Request does not return features
- Fixed in commit:ccde1d48d8efc867724a2d680e524c6443321fe9
Cherry-picking for release 2.2 ? -
08:20 AM Bug report #9674 (Closed): WFS GetFeature Request does not return features
- Fixed in commit:ccde1d48d8efc867724a2d680e524c6443321fe9
Cherry-picking for release 2.2 ? -
08:09 AM Bug report #9681 (Closed): Title of attributes table window doesn't refresh after removing filter
- Steps to reproduce:
* Add a layer
* Open attributes table
* Filter on a field (which returns something) -> the number... -
07:58 AM Feature request #9680 (Closed): Save button in 1-n relations form
- As discussed on the mailing list [1], it would be more consistent to have the save button next to the toggle edit but...
06:12 AM Bug report #9677 (Feedback): Saving layout template causes QGIS to freeze
- Does this happen with any project? and in a different machine?
06:12 AM Bug report #9677 (Feedback): Saving layout template causes QGIS to freeze
- Does this happen with any project? and in a different machine?
06:12 AM Bug report #9677 (Feedback): Saving layout template causes QGIS to freeze
- Does this happen with any project? and in a different machine?
06:12 AM Bug report #9677 (Feedback): Saving layout template causes QGIS to freeze
- Does this happen with any project? and in a different machine?
06:11 AM Revision 3a317a06 (qgis): Fix #9658 (crash with diagrams)
04:49 AM Bug report #9678: Python console : crash when printing from signals
- I need to trigger the signal a lot of times before it crashes.
But yes, without plugins it still crashes.
I forgot t... -
03:55 AM Bug report #9678 (Feedback): Python console : crash when printing from signals
- I can't confirm here, opening the python console and pasting your snippets I am not getting the crash after panning t...
01:38 AM Bug report #9678: Python console : crash when printing from signals
- I don't think it started with multi-thread rendering, but cannot be 100% sure (I will have to test on previous versio...
01:30 AM Bug report #9678: Python console : crash when printing from signals
- Did this start with MT-rendering?
Can you try... -
01:05 AM Bug report #9678 (Closed): Python console : crash when printing from signals
- When using Python's 'print' command from some signals, and when the console has been activated (i.e. print are not re...
03:28 AM Bug report #9679 (Closed): Cannot edit "display as" field in general layer properties.
- Field "display as" is not editable and always contents same string as "Layer name" field
11:52 PM Feature request #9676: Do not refresh canvas when selecting features
- Umm... what is wrong with it? :-) Map canvas has to be refreshed when the selection changes because the selected feat...
09:31 AM Feature request #9676: Do not refresh canvas when selecting features
- it happens also when selecting from canvas
09:06 AM Feature request #9676 (Open): Do not refresh canvas when selecting features
- New description:
it seems that there are gis packages (at least the most famous one) that does not refresh the canva... -
11:31 PM Feature request #2905 (Closed): New symbology: button for fill with random colors
11:22 PM Feature request #1595 (Closed): Legend does not correspond to map content
- Fixed with the switch to multi-threaded rendering
11:22 PM Feature request #1595 (Closed): Legend does not correspond to map content
- Fixed with the switch to multi-threaded rendering
11:22 PM Feature request #1595 (Closed): Legend does not correspond to map content
- Fixed with the switch to multi-threaded rendering
11:22 PM Feature request #1595 (Closed): Legend does not correspond to map content
- Fixed with the switch to multi-threaded rendering
11:02 PM Revision 3b1e1922 (qgis): replace deprecation pragmas with macro (followup 5134ef9a)
10:28 PM Revision 33a8b634 (qgis): wms provider: fix feature info (fixes #9630)
09:43 PM Bug report #9644: WMS and CRS - No reprojection
- Hi Giovanni,
Please see the attached video.
Also attach the vectorlayer
WMS : ht... -
11:03 AM Bug report #9644 (Feedback): WMS and CRS - No reprojection
- Hi,
I'm sorry but the description is not clear to me and I'm unable to try replicate the issue.
Can you add clear s... -
11:03 AM Bug report #9644 (Feedback): WMS and CRS - No reprojection
- Hi,
I'm sorry but the description is not clear to me and I'm unable to try replicate the issue.
Can you add clear s... -
11:03 AM Bug report #9644 (Feedback): WMS and CRS - No reprojection
- Hi,
I'm sorry but the description is not clear to me and I'm unable to try replicate the issue.
Can you add clear s... -
09:16 PM Bug report #9658 (Closed): qgis master crashes when "ok" is pressed after enabling diagrams
- Fixed in changeset commit:"3a317a061e0f2be9726b66f7f5caca304948fba7".
03:53 PM Revision 89b50dff (qgis): move timer noise from message log to debug output
03:40 PM Bug report #9677 (Closed): Saving layout template causes QGIS to freeze
- Translated to english (mkuhn):
When I try to save a layout template, qgis freezes
wenn ich versuche Layout... -
03:35 PM Revision dd03dd03 (qgis): FindQGIS.cmake: delimitedtextplugin moved to core - look for spatialque...
01:28 PM Bug report #9630 (Closed): Identify on WMS layers broken
- Fixed in changeset commit:"33a8b6344b006696dec3322f7e6336fc69267fdf".
09:39 AM Bug report #9630: Identify on WMS layers broken
- Confirmed here
Map getfeatureinfo error: Protocol "" is unknown [?SERVICE=WMS&VERSION=1.1.1&REQUEST=GetFeatureInfo&B... -
09:39 AM Bug report #9630: Identify on WMS layers broken
- Confirmed here
Map getfeatureinfo error: Protocol "" is unknown [?SERVICE=WMS&VERSION=1.1.1&REQUEST=GetFeatureInfo&B... -
09:39 AM Bug report #9630: Identify on WMS layers broken
- Confirmed here
Map getfeatureinfo error: Protocol "" is unknown [?SERVICE=WMS&VERSION=1.1.1&REQUEST=GetFeatureInfo&B... -
09:59 AM Revision a8ee0642 (qgis): wmts: show common upper levels in item name (relates to #9492)
09:19 AM Bug report #9626 (Closed): Crash when adding OpenLayers layer
- This bug was closed intentionally, because it is a problem with the plugin not the main application. See bug #9649
08:51 AM Bug report #9626 (Reopened): Crash when adding OpenLayers layer
- I experience the same problem with 2.3.0-Master. Here is the console output attached as a text file.
08:51 AM Bug report #9626 (Reopened): Crash when adding OpenLayers layer
- I experience the same problem with 2.3.0-Master. Here is the console output attached as a text file.
05:39 AM Revision b6d943e6 (qgis): Update base labeling unit test class to work with QgsMapSettings
04:18 AM Bug report #9573: hostnames with non-ascii characters cause python console to fail.
- Sorry, I meant to the line 145:
03:20 AM Bug report #9573: hostnames with non-ascii characters cause python console to fail.
- The line 139 is "self.selectAllShortcut.activated.connect(self.selectAll)"
Should I replace the whole line by unicod... -
03:06 AM Bug report #9573: hostnames with non-ascii characters cause python console to fail.
- Hi Raphael,
can you try to change the file to the line 139
by replacing with the following: @unic... -
02:52 AM Bug report #9573: hostnames with non-ascii characters cause python console to fail.
- I changed my host name and now it works fine. Thank you!
02:35 AM Bug report #9573: hostnames with non-ascii characters cause python console to fail.
- My host name is "Raphaël-PC".
04:16 AM Bug report #9674: WFS GetFeature Request does not return features
- No, I had to write TYPENAME=* with the right typename.
The bug is not with all layers. We made more tests. QGIS-Serv... -
04:10 AM Bug report #9674: WFS GetFeature Request does not return features
- Does TYPENAME= mean that you do not give a typename?
03:22 AM Bug report #9674 (Closed): WFS GetFeature Request does not return features
- The GetFeature Request does not return elements.
The response of the request is valid but with a bbox : 0,0,0,0 and ... -
03:42 AM Revision 2519f1db (qgis): Fix #9670 (respect map background color in composer)
02:13 AM Bug report #9672 (Closed): Failed to open Python console: UnicodeDecodeError in
- Duplicate of #9573.
Please can you provide your hostname?
To get your hostname open the windows cmd command line and... -
02:13 AM Bug report #9672 (Closed): Failed to open Python console: UnicodeDecodeError in
- Duplicate of #9573.
Please can you provide your hostname?
To get your hostname open the windows cmd command line and... -
01:20 AM Bug report #9673 (Closed): some polygons not labelled when layer's simplification is on
- When simplification is activated for a given layer, labels might not be rendered for all of the layer's polygons. I'm...
01:01 AM Feature request #9492: Browser doesn't list layers - WMTS
- Jeremy Palmer wrote:
> As part of this fix I noticed this: #0dc0483ca2d68ad9ef8fc6f67026a349598c7cbe#commitcomment-54...
12:18 AM Revision 07756756 (qgis): #9655: fix invalid simplified geometries
11:50 PM Revision 540685a2 (qgis): #9485: OffsetLine uses GEOSOffsetCurve (#if-#else-#endif) option
11:50 PM Revision 8176c1cd (qgis): #9485: OffsetLine uses GEOSOffsetCurve
11:44 PM Bug report #9672 (Closed): Failed to open Python console: UnicodeDecodeError in
- Operating Syste: Windows 7 (64 bit)
QGIS: 2.2.0 - Valmiera
Installation: osgeo4w (64bit)
Problem: When I try to op... -
10:26 PM Revision bcbf9ddb (qgis): wms: allow image/jpgpng (fixes #9622)
07:42 PM Bug report #9671 (Closed): SAGA and GRASS: "missing dependency" error when logged using "Windows ...
- I have tested it on 3 PCs with Windows 7 64. Straight after install of QGIS 2.2 I was able to run GRASS commands and ...
06:44 PM Bug report #9670 (Closed): qgis composer map item background setting and/or rendering broken
- Fixed in changeset commit:"2519f1db0475914431f3ce51c7cbf919392fca21".
06:14 PM Bug report #9670 (Closed): qgis composer map item background setting and/or rendering broken
- In qgis master (2.3), the map item background is also rendered a opaque white, regardless of whether the user set a d...
04:52 PM Revision d78e05c5 (qgis): expression: and put blank in front of WHEN too (followup 1844d91)
04:34 PM Bug report #9655: Strange behavior of labeling for multipolygons, due to geometry simplification
- Larry Shaffer wrote:
> What error? I know the workings of that class pretty well.
I meant that it miscalculates the ... -
04:28 PM Bug report #9655: Strange behavior of labeling for multipolygons, due to geometry simplification
- Alvaro Huarte wrote:
> Hi Larry, I fixed an error in the simplification algorithm. It created invalid polygons with t... -
03:33 PM Bug report #9655: Strange behavior of labeling for multipolygons, due to geometry simplification
- Alvaro Huarte wrote:
> Larry Shaffer wrote:
> > Alvaro Huarte wrote:
> > >
> > > Hi Larry, I can try to solve this i... -
03:24 PM Bug report #9655: Strange behavior of labeling for multipolygons, due to geometry simplification
- Hi Larry, I fixed an error in the simplification algorithm. It created invalid polygons with two points:
https://gith... -
01:14 PM Bug report #9655: Strange behavior of labeling for multipolygons, due to geometry simplification
- Hi Alvaro,
Of note: liblwgeom is part of PostGIS, but is basically available as a separate package for the major QGI... -
10:45 AM Bug report #9655: Strange behavior of labeling for multipolygons, due to geometry simplification
- Larry Shaffer wrote:
> Alvaro Huarte wrote:
> >
> > Hi Larry, I can try to solve this issue, are you agree ?
> Ye... -
10:38 AM Bug report #9655: Strange behavior of labeling for multipolygons, due to geometry simplification
- Alvaro Huarte wrote:
> Hi Larry, I can try to solve this issue, are you agree ?
Yes, please do. I assigned the is... -
10:26 AM Bug report #9655: Strange behavior of labeling for multipolygons, due to geometry simplification
- Larry Shaffer wrote:
> Hi Alvaro,
> I added you as a watcher to this issue, since I believe it is directly related... -
08:51 AM Bug report #9655: Strange behavior of labeling for multipolygons, due to geometry simplification
- Indeed turning off on-the-fly simplification solves the labeling problems.
Many thanks,
Augustin -
08:39 AM Bug report #9655: Strange behavior of labeling for multipolygons, due to geometry simplification
- Hi Alvaro,
I added you as a watcher to this issue, since I believe it is directly related to the new geometry simpli... -
08:34 AM Bug report #9655: Strange behavior of labeling for multipolygons, due to geometry simplification
- It seems to be an issue with the new geometry simplification. Under Vector Layer Properties -> Rendering, uncheck *Si...
03:03 AM Bug report #9655: Strange behavior of labeling for multipolygons, due to geometry simplification
- Here is sample data that shows the problem.
04:27 PM Revision 1d84978f (qgis): expressions: put black in front of ELSE (fixes #9666)
03:53 PM Revision 82862a6c (qgis): [TRANSUP] nb by James
- Signed-off-by: Werner Macho <[email protected]>
03:03 PM Feature request #9492: Browser doesn't list layers - WMTS
- As part of this fix I noticed this: #0dc0483ca2d68ad9ef8fc6f67026a349598c7cbe#commitcomment-5460726
01:53 PM Revision 238350ff (qgis): Fix #9665 (in memory raster not supported in raster calculator)
01:36 PM Bug report #9622 (Closed): Non-selectable tileset from WMTS connection dialog
- Fixed in changeset commit:"2027505b186655402d1891febf510f72c8faa008".
12:45 PM Bug report #9669 (Closed): Remove shebang from processing plugin files
- Please remove the shebang from the following files:
python/plugins/processing/saga/{,SagaHe... -
11:49 AM Revision daf1e0b6 (qgis): Fix #9661 (labels in composer rendered with wrong size)
11:45 AM Revision cb919e97 (qgis): postgres provider: consider TIN and POLYHEDRALSURFACE as MULTIPOLYGONM ...
11:15 AM Revision 9c4a990f (qgis): Make rendering related debug messages us QgsDebugMsg
11:15 AM Revision a813be10 (qgis): Fix crash upon exit in QgsMapToolCapture
10:56 AM Feature request #9094: Del-key should delete feature
- see my PR that implements basic support for undo of layer and group removal)
09:24 AM Revision 74ef8f32 (qgis): line fill angle and direction, fixes #9647
08:37 AM Bug report #9668 (Closed): Attribute editor layout: please populate the field with the default
- Currently it is empty; better fill it with "Autogenerate"
08:33 AM Revision 1d3ae87c (qgis): Fix #9648 (wrong scale in composer)
08:31 AM Bug report #9667 (Closed): Using PostGIS over a slow connection unfeasible: unnecessary loading o...
- Some of the slowness using pg over a very slow connection could possibly be avoided; e.g. deactivating a layer does n...
08:22 AM Bug report #9310: Save dialogue for Geoprocessing outputs is inconsistent
- This remains an issue in the current version (2.2)
08:20 AM Bug report #9201: Select by Location Failure on complex polygons
- Just for information - I have tested the data on the new version (2.2) and this is no longer an issue.
08:12 AM Revision 6670bfca (qgis): Merge pull request #1172 from leyan/multiple_snapping
- replace list of snapping markers with a single marker
08:03 AM Revision 0e907298 (qgis): [ftools] fix random points tool not recognizing memory layer integer co...
07:28 AM Bug report #9666 (Closed): Expression Engine Parsing
- Fixed in changeset commit:"1d84978f8e037459947027ca10cf44d386e83843".
06:47 AM Bug report #9666: Expression Engine Parsing
- Additional notes. This error impacts existing styles.
06:41 AM Bug report #9666 (Closed): Expression Engine Parsing
- Update breaks expression engine string builder handling of at least conditional statements. This appears to be a par...
06:25 AM Revision 2d21b674 (qgis): Ensure local server tests can run on ubuntu, followup to 7b2640d
04:54 AM Bug report #9665 (Closed): Raster calculator - "in memory raster"
- Fixed in changeset commit:"238350ff494277c2c2abb696ec745e97fdafd677".
03:25 AM Bug report #9665 (Closed): Raster calculator - "in memory raster"
- Until #6696 is resolved, apparently "In Memory Raster" doesn't work and adding it is a new feature. So I'd suggest re...
02:57 AM Bug report #9662 (Closed): label set to curved placement are broken when rendering onto a map ite...
- Also seems to be fixed by commit:daf1e0b6881cdb77df6f6a9dc988ad92e0f9019d (for #9661)
02:57 AM Bug report #9662 (Closed): label set to curved placement are broken when rendering onto a map ite...
- Also seems to be fixed by commit:daf1e0b6881cdb77df6f6a9dc988ad92e0f9019d (for #9661)
02:51 AM Bug report #9661: qgis master labels are rendered in tiny sizes when a composer is exported to image
- Actually this was working fine in MTR branch before merging in changes from 2.2 development :)
02:50 AM Bug report #9661 (Closed): qgis master labels are rendered in tiny sizes when a composer is expor...
- Fixed in changeset commit:"daf1e0b6881cdb77df6f6a9dc988ad92e0f9019d".
02:46 AM Bug report #9651 (Closed): PostGIS polyhedral and TIN layers not handled anymore
- Fixed in changeset commit:"cb919e972e11573fe2a0e58f4d946c6a30c9f792".
01:54 AM Revision 4059c8fd (qgis): Fix opening test results in browser on Ubuntu
01:54 AM Revision 7b2640da (qgis): Add debian-based setup for local test server
01:50 AM Bug report #9664 (Closed): Joined layers cause problems on GetFeatureInfo requests
- I was testing joined layers to perform GetFeatureInfo on joined fields. I've noticed that issuing requests to the mai...
01:43 AM Feature request #6294 (Closed): Add LIKE and case insensitive filters to QGis Server
01:42 AM Bug report #8765: Postgis raster shows random data with out-db image data
- I'm not sure if this is duplicate of the #8628, this might actually be a just problem created by me by creating overv...
01:30 AM Bug report #6696: Raster calculator - "in memory raster"
- So there are some GUI issues - for those I would suggest introducing a checkbox "keep in memory only" that would disa...
01:06 AM Feature request #9663 (Closed): Version 2.2.0
"Binary packages (installers) for 2.2.0 are currently being updat... -
01:06 AM Feature request #9663 (Closed): Version 2.2.0
"Binary packages (installers) for 2.2.0 are currently being updat...
12:52 AM Feature request #9663 (Closed): Version 2.2.0
- QGIS says that a new version is released, but all I download is version 2.0.1.
Sorry for posting this as an issue, bu... -
12:43 AM Bug report #9661: qgis master labels are rendered in tiny sizes when a composer is exported to image
- If I render using 92dpi, the label is sized correctly; the more I increase the dpi, the more wrong the label size get...
12:14 AM Bug report #9661 (Closed): qgis master labels are rendered in tiny sizes when a composer is expor...
- Under qgis master (2.3), labels are rendered in tiny size when a composer sheet is exported to image. See attached la...
12:37 AM Bug report #9651: PostGIS polyhedral and TIN layers not handled anymore
- Data sample, one table with a polyhedral and the other with a TIN :...
12:22 AM Bug report #9651 (Feedback): PostGIS polyhedral and TIN layers not handled anymore
07:34 AM Bug report #9651: PostGIS polyhedral and TIN layers not handled anymore
- Please attach some data.
05:47 AM Bug report #9651 (Closed): PostGIS polyhedral and TIN layers not handled anymore
- PostGIS tables with geometries of type PolyhedralSurface or TIN cannot be loaded anymore :
* no correct type is detec... -
12:33 AM Bug report #9648: qgis composer map canvas fails to properly render a (complex) rule-based symbol...
- I am putting this to my "to think about" list :-)
12:01 AM Bug report #9648: qgis composer map canvas fails to properly render a (complex) rule-based symbol...
- Martin, I see, I was about to comment on the slight variation (just compiled a new build with your commit in, testing...
11:51 PM Bug report #9648: qgis composer map canvas fails to properly render a (complex) rule-based symbol...
- Note: the scale in map preview may be a bit different from the scale shown in GUI (but it is correct in print output)...
11:36 PM Bug report #9648: qgis composer map canvas fails to properly render a (complex) rule-based symbol...
- Well, that was easy :)
11:34 PM Bug report #9648 (Closed): qgis composer map canvas fails to properly render a (complex) rule-bas...
- Fixed in changeset commit:"1d3ae87c36922900e8306b3e0435ce39b96ec16e".
05:12 PM Bug report #9648: qgis composer map canvas fails to properly render a (complex) rule-based symbol...
- Scale value defined of composer map items is definitively broken, see attached scale_error.png which shows that a map...
05:12 PM Bug report #9648: qgis composer map canvas fails to properly render a (complex) rule-based symbol...
- Scale value defined of composer map items is definitively broken, see attached scale_error.png which shows that a map...
05:15 AM Bug report #9648: qgis composer map canvas fails to properly render a (complex) rule-based symbol...
- Ok, I realise what's happening. The rule based symbology relies on minimum / maximum scale to activate some styles. T...
04:33 AM Bug report #9648 (Closed): qgis composer map canvas fails to properly render a (complex) rule-bas...
- Under qgis master (2.3), the qgis composer map canvas fails to properly render a complex rule-based symbology layer. ...
12:24 AM Bug report #9647 (Closed): Line-pattern Symbologie: No pattern from left-top to right-bottom
- Fixed in changeset commit:"74ef8f32ff54a2297bd433fc76b90c852dd16f37".
10:26 AM Bug report #9647: Line-pattern Symbologie: No pattern from left-top to right-bottom
- Confirmed in master, ubuntu 13.10.
12:21 AM Bug report #9662 (Closed): label set to curved placement are broken when rendering onto a map ite...
- Under qgis master (2.3), labels that are set to curved placement fail to render properly onto map items in the qgis c...
12:17 AM Revision afd66742 (qgis): fix license display
11:22 PM Feature request #9094: Del-key should delete feature
- Just for the record, Martin is supposed to refactor the legend within the 2.3 dev cycle.
Anyhow, there might be a wa... -
03:10 PM Feature request #9094: Del-key should delete feature
- Nathan - I agree with everything you just said.
Undo action would be best (I was just thinking about it), but I had... -
02:51 PM Feature request #9094: Del-key should delete feature
- I think the decision we made was the correct one. Removing a layer is a unrecoverable action in the sense there is n...
02:41 PM Feature request #9094: Del-key should delete feature
- It was a long discussion, and I'm happy we've finally found the solution :) There are clearly two kinds of QGIS users...
11:52 AM Feature request #9094: Del-key should delete feature
- Richard Duivenvoorde wrote:
> I myself have (irreversably) removed wrong layers myself (especially complex styled lay... -
11:49 AM Feature request #9094: Del-key should delete feature
- Hi Jürgen, the method 'QgisApp::removeLayer()' is called to delete layers and groups (it removes all selected nodes i...
11:28 AM Feature request #9094 (Closed): Del-key should delete feature
- Fixed in changeset commit:"e9f808ad0fe780f954a89c17397f6d4f2959e56b".
11:15 AM Feature request #9094: Del-key should delete feature
I myself have (irreversably) removed wrong layers myself (especially complex styled layers, but also slow loading da...-
10:46 AM Feature request #9094: Del-key should delete feature
- Larry Shaffer wrote:
> *However*, realize that the Duplicate Layer action is right next to the Remove Layer action in... -
10:19 AM Feature request #9094: Del-key should delete feature
- Etienne Tourigny wrote:
> Agreed - simple solution is to always ask confirmation with shortcut, but never with contex... -
09:56 AM Feature request #9094: Del-key should delete feature
- Agreed - simple solution is to always ask confirmation with shortcut, but never with context menu. It that ok?
sorry... -
09:37 AM Feature request #9094: Del-key should delete feature
- There was a long discussion about it in (
I can understand that action from ... -
09:26 AM Feature request #9094: Del-key should delete feature
- Etienne Tourigny wrote:
> I find it rather annoying that I have to confirm to remove a layer from the canvas. If I ex... -
09:24 AM Feature request #9094 (Open): Del-key should delete feature
- I find it rather annoying that I have to confirm to remove a layer from the canvas. If I explicitly click the context...
09:24 AM Feature request #9094 (Open): Del-key should delete feature
- I find it rather annoying that I have to confirm to remove a layer from the canvas. If I explicitly click the context...
11:11 PM Bug report #9659: ftool's random point doesn't recognize memory layer's integer column
- Here:
10:59 PM Bug report #9659 (Closed): ftool's random point doesn't recognize memory layer's integer column
- ftool's random point does not recognize memory layer's integer column as it's looking for column type "Integer", and ...
11:11 PM Revision 6b6e5eb9 (qgis): wms provider: fix WMTS bounding box calculation for crs with inverted axis
09:58 PM Revision 07516fcd (qgis): wms provider: fix status messages from data items
09:13 PM Revision 6c9dd847 (qgis): refine removeLayer() wording
07:55 PM Revision e9f808ad (qgis): make confirmation on layer deletion optional (fixes #9094)
07:54 PM Revision af17dbf3 (qgis): check md5sums
06:02 PM Bug report #9655: Strange behavior of labeling for multipolygons, due to geometry simplification
- Hi Augustin,
Can you please share the data and project?
Is this with *Label every part of multi-part features* chec... -
06:02 PM Bug report #9655: Strange behavior of labeling for multipolygons, due to geometry simplification
- Hi Augustin,
Can you please share the data and project?
Is this with *Label every part of multi-part features* chec... -
08:59 AM Bug report #9655 (Closed): Strange behavior of labeling for multipolygons, due to geometry simpli...
- For labeling multipolygons it seems that sometimes the label is placed on rather small parts of the shape, whereas th...
11:55 AM Revision 29e92722 (qgis): Fix #9643 (overview extent broken)
11:53 AM Bug report #9658 (Closed): qgis master crashes when "ok" is pressed after enabling diagrams
- Tested on Ubuntu, nightly build from repository
Draw labeling start
QGIS died on signal 11CANVAS update timer!
[Thr... -
11:34 AM Revision cd89b1a4 (qgis): [TRANSUP] adding pt_PT translator
- Signed-off-by: Werner Macho <[email protected]>
11:13 AM Bug report #7613: 2 "Browser" entries in View->Panels...
- Donovan Cameron wrote:
> I think it should only be one browser panel entry in the qgis application or explain to the... -
11:05 AM Bug report #7613: 2 "Browser" entries in View->Panels...
- I think it should only be one browser panel entry in the qgis application or explain to the users what makes Browser(...
11:08 AM Revision 8ed2ded5 (qgis): Merge pull request #1216 from minorua/georef_bad_alloc
- [Georeferencer] fix bad allocation error
10:59 AM Revision 48c1b576 (qgis): Do not refresh overview twice on a change
10:52 AM Revision 1732db52 (qgis): Fix #9642 (update overview even if map settings are not valid)
10:48 AM Bug report #9656: Scroll bar missing from python log messages.
- This is on Linux 64-bit, Arch.
10:44 AM Bug report #9656 (Closed): Scroll bar missing from python log messages.
- I just got a large python error message from a plugin when qgis started.
Noticed the scrollbar on the right is missi... -
10:47 AM Bug report #9657 (Closed): Log Message panel is closed when qgis is minimised and restored.
- The log messages panel is closed every time the main qgis window is minimized or restored.
Other panels stay open ex... -
10:29 AM Revision 0310bb24 (qgis): Fix #9396 (datum transform in save as dialog)
10:24 AM Revision 76c39984 (qgis): [Georeferencer] fix bad allocation error
10:03 AM Revision 71a799f0 (qgis): Fix #9641 (broken contrast enhancement)
09:49 AM Bug report #4011 (Reopened): Map canvas flickers when content is dragged
- Looks like this reared its ugly head in 2.2 and isn't a part of the desktop file anymore. Is it going to be included ...
08:20 AM Bug report #9654 (Closed): No directory shown when data in qgis/bin
- As a result of #9653 - I accidentally created a raster in C:/qgis/bin.
However, when I right clicked on the layer and... -
08:13 AM Bug report #9653 (Closed): "Output layer" default for raster calculator
- Reproduce:
1) Load Raster Calculator, enter whatever formula.
2) Type desired filename (a.tif) into "Output layer".
3... -
08:01 AM Feature request #9637: New->Shapefile - "Save as" dialog wrong
- Thanks Jürgen.
Is this going to carry over to all dialogs that were using the old way or is it specific to just the N... -
07:59 AM Bug report #6696: Raster calculator - "in memory raster"
- Proposed solution - don't require an "output layer" to be specified when the output format is "In Memory Raster".
Als... -
07:23 AM Revision d790bc0b (qgis): Merge pull request #1128 from 3nids/removesnapsegment
- allow snapping to vertex and segment to remove part/ring
06:52 AM Revision 881b1cc0 (qgis): Added connection pool for SpatiaLite, improving rendering speed within ...
- - refactored PostgreSQL connection pool into generic template classes
- used the template classes for SpatiaLite conn... -
06:25 AM Feature request #9652 (Closed): merge shapefiles: add option to get the result directly in projec...
- new description:
the project CRS is not taken into account, but it can be convenient to have an option to create t... -
05:33 AM Bug report #9626: Crash when adding OpenLayers layer
- I already did that - #9649
cheers! -
04:50 AM Bug report #9626: Crash when adding OpenLayers layer
- Etienne Tourigny wrote:
> sorry - I reopened because the bug is still present.
> I tried to move the ticket to th... -
04:39 AM Bug report #9626 (Closed): Crash when adding OpenLayers layer
- sorry - I reopened because the bug is still present.
I tried to move the ticket to the openlayers plugin tracker fo... -
03:04 AM Bug report #9626: Crash when adding OpenLayers layer
- Why reopen? The original bug was fixed (thanks Jurgen!), the openlayers crash cannot be fixed in QGIS.
04:52 AM Revision 20782201 (qgis): update lib paths for phonon_backends
03:16 AM Bug report #9643: map overview extend broken under qgis master (2.3)
- Excellent.
02:59 AM Bug report #9643: map overview extend broken under qgis master (2.3)
- Updated so that overview uses extent of layers visible in overview. If no layers are visible in overview, it would us...
02:56 AM Bug report #9643 (Closed): map overview extend broken under qgis master (2.3)
- Fixed in changeset commit:"29e9272285e1196602d535476b7fd58e2b3f0f13".
02:19 AM Bug report #9643: map overview extend broken under qgis master (2.3)
- Martin, QGIS' original behavior was to simply show project extend, but it was changed in late 2012 to show only exten...
02:12 AM Bug report #9643: map overview extend broken under qgis master (2.3)
- Hmm... actually the current behavior seems like the correct one to me :-) and previous seems wrong.
Like this you ca... -
02:04 AM Bug report #9604: Attribute table: the icons for "Unselect all" and "Delete selected features" ar...
- I would propose changes to both icons as well to improve the differences but try keep the logic to other icons.
For ... -
02:04 AM Bug report #9604: Attribute table: the icons for "Unselect all" and "Delete selected features" ar...
- I would propose changes to both icons as well to improve the differences but try keep the logic to other icons.
For ... -
02:01 AM Bug report #9642 (Closed): map overview pane fails to update when {opening,creating} a project fr...
- Fixed in changeset commit:"1732db5266e9e9b6ac4383dc36d029e02ed592b1".
01:33 AM Bug report #9396 (Closed): deactivate the Select datum transformations dialog by default
- Fixed in changeset commit:"0310bb2463c3ce2b9b2d928e772f78b4addc772d".
01:17 AM Bug report #9396 (Reopened): deactivate the Select datum transformations dialog by default
- While the dialog is deactivated when opening a dataset, it still pops up uninvitedly when using "Save as ..." to save...
01:03 AM Bug report #9641 (Closed): on qgis master (2.3) 1-band raster rendering in grayscale with contras...
- Fixed in changeset commit:"71a799f0c19994444f1e05e7b49bae378f215a70".
01:02 AM Revision a37c577f (qgis): Fix 'geos_c.h not found' build error on Mac
12:33 AM Bug report #9647 (Closed): Line-pattern Symbologie: No pattern from left-top to right-bottom
- There is a Bug in the Line-Pattern-Fill Symbology. When I change the angle of Line pattern, then is a Angle of 45° a ...
09:27 PM Revision 5fd8567e (qgis): use native file selection in new shapefile dialog (implements #9637)
07:31 PM Bug report #9644 (Closed): WMS and CRS - No reprojection
- When I set a CRS to 25832 and open a vectorfile in 4326 - it is not reprojected.
If I open a WMS and choose 25832 - a... -
07:25 PM Bug report #9626 (Reopened): Crash when adding OpenLayers layer
05:03 PM Bug report #9626: Crash when adding OpenLayers layer
- I just realized the MTR allots one thread per layer, it does not allocate various threads for layers features - so di...
07:53 AM Bug report #9626: Crash when adding OpenLayers layer
- Martin - sorry for more noise... but I have just realized that the rendering of tileindex (basically a custom rendere...
07:25 AM Bug report #9626: Crash when adding OpenLayers layer
- Martin Dobias wrote:
> Etienne: I believe there is no need to look for alternatives of QWebPage - it is just about ch... -
07:23 AM Bug report #9626: Crash when adding OpenLayers layer
- Jürgen Fischer wrote:
> Etienne Tourigny wrote:
> > Quick fix would be to render all plugin layers in the main thread... -
07:22 AM Bug report #9626: Crash when adding OpenLayers layer
- I have added QgsRasterLayer::previewAsImage() in 75a2edb and updated the tileindexplugin (in github for now).
Howeve... -
06:26 PM Bug report #9643 (Closed): map overview extend broken under qgis master (2.3)
- Under qgis master (2.3), the map overview extend regressed:
- Under qgis 2.2, the map overview extend is confined to ... -
06:16 PM Bug report #9642 (Closed): map overview pane fails to update when {opening,creating} a project fr...
- Steps to reproduce:
1. Create a project
2. Add one vector layer
3. Right click on added vector layer and activate '[x... -
06:11 PM Revision 5db13abc (qgis): * remove deprecated overloads QgsRasterLayer::lastError() and QgsRaster...
- * deprecate QgsRasterLayer::previewAsPixmap() (doesn't work in background threads)
* QImage::fill( QColor ) does not ... -
06:09 PM Bug report #9641 (Closed): on qgis master (2.3) 1-band raster rendering in grayscale with contras...
- In qgis master (2.3), 1-band raster rendering in grayscale _with contrast enhancement_ produces visual artifacts all...
06:02 PM Revision b5923354 (qgis): don't open the identify dialog beforehand if 'Open feature form, if a s...
05:36 PM Bug report #9640 (Closed): Repairing spatialite data sources defaults to browsing for shapefiles ...
- When I open a project with broken data sources from spatialite databases, the default type in the file browser is Sha...
04:20 PM Revision 75a2edb3 (qgis): add QgsRasterLayer::previewAsImage() for MTR rendering (see bug 9626)
02:05 PM Revision 115f9807 (qgis): oracle provider: replace rownum=0 with 1=0 to retrieve columns (fixes #...
01:35 PM Bug report #9604: Attribute table: the icons for "Unselect all" and "Delete selected features" ar...
- +1 for both
12:21 PM Bug report #9604: Attribute table: the icons for "Unselect all" and "Delete selected features" ar...
- We probably should simplify and more rely on the context. For delete (any object, selection) I would use just red X.
... -
12:21 PM Bug report #9604: Attribute table: the icons for "Unselect all" and "Delete selected features" ar...
- We probably should simplify and more rely on the context. For delete (any object, selection) I would use just red X.
... -
12:29 PM Feature request #9637 (Closed): New->Shapefile - "Save as" dialog wrong
- Fixed in changeset commit:"5fd8567e598fb3c96a1346081b9abfcceb71026c".
09:21 AM Feature request #9637 (Closed): New->Shapefile - "Save as" dialog wrong
- The "Save As" dialog where the user specifies where they want their new Shapefiles (New -> New Shapefile) to be is di...
11:49 AM Feature request #9639 (Closed): Keep CRS when saving DXF files
- *Qqis 2.2.0 by Osgeo, under Win7_x64*
If you save something as DXF (setting any output CRS) and you load the .DXF fi... -
11:22 AM Bug report #9573: hostnames with non-ascii characters cause python console to fail.
- Raphael Luthi wrote:
> I've got the same problem:
And your hostname is? -
10:14 AM Bug report #9573: hostnames with non-ascii characters cause python console to fail.
- I've got the same problem:
Operating Syste: Windows 7 (64 bit)
QGIS: 2.0.1 - Dufour
Installation: osgeo4w (64bit)
... -
10:44 AM Bug report #9266: QGIS gets stuck during on the fly reprojection
- Ok from my side with QGIS 2.2, thanks.
10:42 AM Bug report #9350: reprojected postgresql layers are plotted with offset and very slow
- Ok with QGIS 2.2 and gdal was never below 1.8, currently 1.10.
Also speed of postgis operations is back to normal wit... -
10:02 AM Revision e75170c6 (qgis): Merge pull request #1214 from Cracert/i18n
- [TRANSUP] pl: help
09:28 AM Bug report #9638 (Closed): Unreadable selected text - plugins menu
- Reproduce:
1) Plugins -> Manage and install plugins.
2) Select any plugin.
3) Now put the mouse into the "Search" bar... -
09:05 AM Bug report #9631 (Closed): Identify form
- Fixed in changeset commit:"b59233546f90bb626ecfe4458cf246d585032e9b".
04:55 AM Bug report #9631: Identify form
- Confirmed here: -
04:09 AM Bug report #9631 (Closed): Identify form
- When selecting the option 'Open form if one feature is selected', the identify result form is coming in addition of a...
06:24 AM Feature request #9636 (Open): Oracle provider dialog improvement
- Following #9634
I'd suggest a better "error" message.
If the Oracle provider isn't installed, maybe:
"The Oracle l... -
06:21 AM Bug report #9634: Oracle not working at all
- Confirmed. It works now that I've downloaded and installed that too.
I'd missed that there's a "QGIS Desktop" AND A ... -
06:07 AM Bug report #9634 (Closed): Oracle not working at all
- Ah, ok - so you probably installer just @qgis@.
@qgis-oracle-provider@ (and in turn the large @oci@ package) is an o... -
05:55 AM Bug report #9634: Oracle not working at all
- 64bit. Installed on a Windows 7 64bit machine.
I just used whatever the OSGeo4W defaults were.
There doesn't seem to... -
05:48 AM Bug report #9634: Oracle not working at all
- 32 or 64bit? Is @qgis-oracle-provider-2.2.0-1@ installed?
05:45 AM Bug report #9634 (Closed): Oracle not working at all
- Using 2.2.0 from the OSGeo4W.
Clicking on the Oracle provider button brings up a dialog:
"Cannot get Oracle select di... -
06:00 AM Bug report #9633: Adding a Oracle table selects all data; even when Render is off
- Jürgen Fischer wrote:
> @rownum@ starts with 1, so @rownum=0@ returns no rows.
True, I mis-stated.
But yes, 1=0 shoul... -
05:59 AM Bug report #9633: Adding a Oracle table selects all data; even when Render is off
- Jonathan Moules wrote:
> select * from osmm.os_mm_topographic_area where rownum=2
Sorry, that was a typo, that I cor... -
05:57 AM Bug report #9633: Adding a Oracle table selects all data; even when Render is off
- Jonathan Moules wrote:
> Anything with "rownum = n" results in data being returned.
> Whereas the 1=0 doesn't get any... -
05:41 AM Bug report #9633: Adding a Oracle table selects all data; even when Render is off
- Anything with "rownum = n" results in data being returned.
Whereas the 1=0 doesn't get any data returned, just the ta... -
05:39 AM Bug report #9633: Adding a Oracle table selects all data; even when Render is off
- Jürgen Fischer wrote:
> > @select * from osmm.osm_mm_topographic_area where rownum = 0@
> Just retrieves the field... -
05:37 AM Bug report #9633: Adding a Oracle table selects all data; even when Render is off
- Jürgen Fischer wrote:
> Fixed in changeset commit:"115f9807f10f168b4abd0c0dba5b82d15a426027".
Apparently @1=0@ works... -
05:05 AM Bug report #9633 (Closed): Adding a Oracle table selects all data; even when Render is off
- Fixed in changeset commit:"115f9807f10f168b4abd0c0dba5b82d15a426027".
05:00 AM Bug report #9633: Adding a Oracle table selects all data; even when Render is off
- Nathan Woodrow wrote:
> Does oracle have system tables or functions that you can get information about a table from. ... -
04:58 AM Bug report #9633: Adding a Oracle table selects all data; even when Render is off
- Does oracle have system tables or functions that you can get information about a table from. In MS SQL we use sp_colu...
04:54 AM Bug report #9633: Adding a Oracle table selects all data; even when Render is off
- > @select * from osmm.osm_mm_topographic_area where rownum = 0@
Just retrieves the field list, but no actual data. ... -
04:32 AM Bug report #9633 (Closed): Adding a Oracle table selects all data; even when Render is off
- "Only look in meta data table" - checked
"Use estimated table metadata" - checked
When I click "add" for a Oracle ta... -
05:50 AM Bug report #8860: Overlap of Close/drop down button on "invalid data source"
- Yep, fixed in 2.2.0. Bonus: It now doesn't come up with just one error.
Many thanks! :-) -
05:49 AM Bug report #9523: openProject macro won't load when enable Macros setting set to Ask
- Thanks.
05:45 AM Bug report #9635 (Closed): Qgis 2.2 install on ubuntu wiped projection information
- I installed qgis 2.2 this morning from ubuntugis-unstable on ubuntugis-precise. I formerly had 2.1 installed from ub...
05:28 AM Feature request #6294: Add LIKE and case insensitive filters to QGis Server
- No problem to add ILIKE as well.
05:26 AM Feature request #6294: Add LIKE and case insensitive filters to QGis Server
- LIKE has been added. Why don't we add ILIKE too?
04:23 AM Feature request #6294: Add LIKE and case insensitive filters to QGis Server
- This feature request hasn't had further discussions.
Do you see any counterindication in implementing a LIKE/ILIKE f... -
04:28 AM Feature request #8850: Oracle not looking in USER_SDO_GEOM_METADATA for extents
- Hi Jürgen,
Thanks for taking the time to write a detailed reply. I appreciate I'm not being as clear as I should be.... -
03:01 AM Bug report #9629 (Closed): "Stop map rendering" button is missing in QGIS master
02:11 AM Bug report #9629: "Stop map rendering" button is missing in QGIS master
- That's very true.
In other desktop GIS packages, there is usually a shortcut key to cancel rendering (e.g. ESC) but a... -
01:56 AM Bug report #9629: "Stop map rendering" button is missing in QGIS master
- Martin and I talked about this a while ago. It doesn't really seem necessary anymore. It was really on there in the ...
01:38 AM Bug report #9629 (Closed): "Stop map rendering" button is missing in QGIS master
- "Stop map rendering" button in the status bar is missing in QGIS master
QGIS version 2.3.0-Master
QGIS code revision ... -
02:33 AM Bug report #9630 (Closed): Identify on WMS layers broken
- Nothing happens when trying to use the identify tool on a WMS layer on master. This message is logged:...
02:03 AM Revision 91ecc5f3 (qgis): add 'warning' to the respective python message log tab
01:53 AM Revision 6a3d0d83 (qgis): include qgsmapsettings.h in install
01:35 AM Revision 4b820362 (qgis): fix crash in network access manager (fixes #9626)
01:08 AM Revision ab65fa7b (qgis): german translation update
12:43 AM Revision 5134ef9a (qgis): fix some deprecation warnings
11:55 PM Bug report #9626: Crash when adding OpenLayers layer
- Etienne Tourigny wrote:
> Quick fix would be to render all plugin layers in the main thread to avoid any problems lik... -
09:26 PM Bug report #9626: Crash when adding OpenLayers layer
- ok, I'll look into that within the next few weeks, if nothing has changed. Add new function QgsRasterLayer::previewAs...
09:20 PM Bug report #9626: Crash when adding OpenLayers layer
- Yeah the Qt warning says it all - QPixmap should not be used in a thread. And, QgsRasterLayer::previewAsPixmap() shou...
08:59 PM Bug report #9626: Crash when adding OpenLayers layer
- Martin - I have just tested my plugin tileindex, which works with qgis 2.2, and it crashes also, because it uses QPix...
08:06 PM Bug report #9626: Crash when adding OpenLayers layer
- Etienne: I believe there is no need to look for alternatives of QWebPage - it is just about changing how the QWebPage...
07:57 PM Bug report #9626: Crash when adding OpenLayers layer
- Added the MTR tag to keep track of any threaded rendering issues.
07:53 PM Bug report #9626: Crash when adding OpenLayers layer
- The core problem specific to the openlayers plugin, as Jürgen wrote, is that it relies on QWebPage and QWebFrame, whi...
07:27 PM Bug report #9626: Crash when adding OpenLayers layer
- Nathan: currently there is a technical problem that providers are handled by core library, but Python plugins are han...
07:12 PM Bug report #9626: Crash when adding OpenLayers layer
- Couldn't we solve this issue by exposing the QgsDataProvider stuff to Python and implement this stuff as data provide...
07:06 PM Bug report #9626: Crash when adding OpenLayers layer
- Actually it is not a general problem of plugin layers. For example, the Crayfish plugin (which also uses QgsPluginLay...
05:47 PM Bug report #9626: Crash when adding OpenLayers layer
- Quick fix would be to render all plugin layers in the main thread to avoid any problems like this one.
Ideally, plug... -
05:09 PM Bug report #9626: Crash when adding OpenLayers layer
- Jürgen Fischer wrote:
> Fixed in changeset commit:"4b820362c2eb3529bd19e37e40210233b03c92b6".
Still crashes - but no... -
04:35 PM Bug report #9626 (Closed): Crash when adding OpenLayers layer
- Fixed in changeset commit:"4b820362c2eb3529bd19e37e40210233b03c92b6".
01:49 PM Bug report #9626: Crash when adding OpenLayers layer
- confirmed. Here is debug output....
12:48 PM Bug report #9626: Crash when adding OpenLayers layer
- QGIS code revision: bc87d51
Affected version should be QGIS 2.3.0-Master
12:43 PM Bug report #9626 (Closed): Crash when adding OpenLayers layer
- Error I get prior to crashing QGIS:...
11:27 PM Revision 5d7179fe (qgis): network manager: restore proxy detection
11:27 PM Revision 5a25570b (qgis): indentation update
07:48 PM Bug report #9628 (Closed): Wrong column / field calculated in joined table
- When calculating a new column / field based on a column from a joined table, the wrong (adjacent to the left) column ...
05:22 PM Bug report #9627 (Closed): Check QGIS Version shows incorrect information in v2.2.0
04:31 PM Bug report #9627 (Closed): Check QGIS Version shows incorrect information in v2.2.0
- In 2.2.0, when you click on "Help" > "Check QGIS Version" the pop up "QGIS Version Information" window states "You ar...
05:11 PM Revision bc87d51b (qgis): wms provider [hopefully fully adapted to merged threading]
- * store all given bounding boxes and if available choose the given bbox for the
requested srid, otherwise pick one ... -
04:33 PM Revision 4e162fab (qgis): Include Giovanni in AUTHORS
04:04 PM Revision 3f6543d9 (qgis): debian packaging fixes
- * enable globe on jessie
* add dependency on libqt4-sql-sqlite to qgis-provider (fixes #8662) -
03:54 PM Revision f02591a2 (qgis): Actual fix for the HAVE_TOUCH
03:51 PM Revision e969376d (qgis): Quick fix after MTR merge
02:12 PM Revision fafa58ed (qgis): Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master' into threading-revival
- Conflicts:
src/core/symbology... -
12:31 PM Bug report #9604: Attribute table: the icons for "Unselect all" and "Delete selected features" ar...
- The delete selected icon is also used in the editing toolbar. In my opinion, the delete selected icon is inconsistent...
12:25 PM Bug report #9604: Attribute table: the icons for "Unselect all" and "Delete selected features" ar...
- For reference: the leftmost icon is "delete selected features" while the rightmost icon is "unselect all". There's ba...
11:00 AM Bug report #9619: Loading a spatialite table reads the entire db before loading (causing delays).
- Etienne Tourigny wrote:
> I don't use large spatialite files, but 10GB is rather large for a single file. Perhaps you... -
10:49 AM Bug report #9619 (Closed): Loading a spatialite table reads the entire db before loading (causing...
- I just did the update to QGIS from OSGeo4W (it installed qgis-common) so that fixed the DLL issue on Windows 8.1 and ...
10:37 AM Bug report #9619: Loading a spatialite table reads the entire db before loading (causing delays).
- I've got QGIS For Android running, and it doesn't have this issue. It can list layers quickly, almost instant, and lo...
06:43 AM Bug report #9619: Loading a spatialite table reads the entire db before loading (causing delays).
- I don't use large spatialite files, but 10GB is rather large for a single file. Perhaps you should split it up in sev...
01:57 AM Bug report #9619: Loading a spatialite table reads the entire db before loading (causing delays).
- I suspect this is just normal sqlite behaviour (untested)
10:39 AM Revision f9e0093c (qgis): [fTools] Spatial join aggregates: handle NULL values
09:50 AM Feature request #9625 (Closed): New GRID-function in Composer
- I would like to see a new grid function in composer, where a grid is not a property in a map object, but an object in...
08:12 AM Bug report #8662 (Closed): Using the "New bookmark" it crashes QGIS 2.0
- Fixed in changeset commit:"3f6543d93bae0955ef7b1c704fd4fc392e67549c".
05:44 AM Bug report #8662: Using the "New bookmark" it crashes QGIS 2.0
- on my ubuntu system that package is installed, but it is not a dependency for qgis package - so that should be added ...
05:53 AM Revision f7a47d52 (qgis): [TRANSUP] pl: help
03:53 AM Bug report #9350: reprojected postgresql layers are plotted with offset and very slow
- leolami - wrote:
> Hi all,
> I have the same problem with the same srs (3003).
> In my QGis project I set a on-the... -
03:51 AM Bug report #9350 (Closed): reprojected postgresql layers are plotted with offset and very slow
> Which version of GDAL are you running?
at the time the ticket was filed qgis master in the nightly repo was buidi...-
01:07 AM Bug report #9569: Unexpected result in topological editing when snapping to the line element curr...
- Leyan Ouyang wrote:
> Now the result is correct for you?
no you are right, I forgot an import detail when I tested ... -
01:07 AM Bug report #9569: Unexpected result in topological editing when snapping to the line element curr...
- Leyan Ouyang wrote:
> Now the result is correct for you?
no you are right, I forgot an import detail when I tested ...
12:50 AM Bug report #8662 (Reopened): Using the "New bookmark" it crashes QGIS 2.0
12:47 AM Bug report #9620 (Closed): Measure line tool reports incorrect units
- In qgis 2.0.1 there was an issue that reported bogus area/length values when reprojection was ON.
This is fixed in q... -
12:47 AM Bug report #9620 (Closed): Measure line tool reports incorrect units
- In qgis 2.0.1 there was an issue that reported bogus area/length values when reprojection was ON.
This is fixed in q... -
03:26 PM Bug report #9620 (Closed): Measure line tool reports incorrect units
- After loading OpenStreetMap layer with the Open Layers plugin the measurement tool malfunctions
To reproduce:
1. Cre... -
12:24 AM Bug report #9526 (Feedback): File based layer edits and posts taking extremely long time
- Patrick Dunford wrote:
> OK so I finished editing the two layers (25KB and 32KB, shapefile, file based layer) then hi... -
12:24 AM Bug report #9526 (Feedback): File based layer edits and posts taking extremely long time
- Patrick Dunford wrote:
> OK so I finished editing the two layers (25KB and 32KB, shapefile, file based layer) then hi... -
04:12 PM Bug report #9526: File based layer edits and posts taking extremely long time
- OK so I finished editing the two layers (25KB and 32KB, shapefile, file based layer) then hit Save All and waited for...
03:51 PM Bug report #9526 (Reopened): File based layer edits and posts taking extremely long time
- I think it's still happening, just not as extreme (yet). Taking 4 minutes to put a layer into edit mode and using 12 ...
01:57 PM Bug report #9526 (Closed): File based layer edits and posts taking extremely long time
- I'm happy with it for now. I've been using it for a few days and haven't seen a repeat of the problem.
12:17 AM Bug report #5069 (Closed): cmake fails to detect correct python version
12:15 AM Bug report #9594 (Feedback): Save output shapefile dialogue is slow to load filenames
- Is the "Save Output Shapefile" dialog the only one affected? Is there any difference for
* The open dialogs (e.g. ... -
11:13 PM Revision 7399789f (qgis): add files for raster histogram (Int16 and Float32)
11:02 PM Revision 30fff857 (qgis): Define QGIS_MACAPP_BUNDLE in qgsconfig.h so resources can be found when...
10:28 PM Bug report #9624 (Closed): line drawn on wrong side of edge with when draw line only inside polyg...
- The new "draw line only inside polygon" feature for simple line symbology doesn't handle polygon rings properly, lead...
09:42 PM Revision ba3c3df3 (qgis): disable raster histogram test until rendering testing is improved (also...
09:32 PM Revision ececdb71 (qgis): browser dock search: add normal syntax (with wildcards at begin and end...
09:27 PM Revision cf22e15e (qgis): Merge pull request #1211 from SrNetoChan/master
- pt_PT GUI Translations
09:27 PM Revision 3f209281 (qgis): Merge pull request #1212 from Cracert/master
- [TRANSUP] pl: help
08:52 PM Revision 25c155ff (qgis): disable 'Draw as lines' option when raster layer does not contain int b...
08:23 PM Revision 80909caf (qgis): change histogram bar outline color from black to lightGray
08:23 PM Revision 4c1e866c (qgis): implement updateLegend() in HistogramItem
08:23 PM Revision 14ee3924 (qgis): allow to plot histogram as boxes with qwt5, using HistogramItem
08:23 PM Revision 673f7ba8 (qgis): add HistogramItem from qwt5 examples for use by histogram widget
08:23 PM Revision 2a2f4cee (qgis): let the raster provider/interface calculate histogram bin count, and ma...
08:23 PM Revision 5f91848e (qgis): draw histogram boxes for Int16/Int32 also
08:23 PM Revision 884283a9 (qgis): add option to draw value as boxes, not lines (currently only with qwt6 ...
07:19 PM Bug report #9622 (Closed): Non-selectable tileset from WMTS connection dialog
- When using this Esri WMTS connection endpoint:
05:22 PM Bug report #9621 (Closed): Remove Topology Checker tolerance column from rule settings
- Could the tolerance column be removed from the Topology Checker's 'Topology Rule Settings' table (see attached screen...
04:13 PM Revision 0dc0483c (qgis): support wmts layers to browser (implements #9492)
03:05 PM Bug report #9619: Loading a spatialite table reads the entire db before loading (causing delays).
- If this is normal behaviour of spatialite/sqlite, close as needed.
But It does seem like that initial reading of the... -
03:04 PM Bug report #9619 (Closed): Loading a spatialite table reads the entire db before loading (causing...
- I noticed that I have some large spatialite db (+10GB) that load slowly when adding a layer to the map canvas, they n...
02:50 PM Revision c471858f (qgis): restore master spash screen
02:46 PM Revision efc507ac (qgis): avoid 'overwriting' readonly files (fixes #9617)
02:36 PM Bug report #8860 (Closed): Overlap of Close/drop down button on "invalid data source"
- Believe this is fixed. Reopen if necessary.
01:49 PM Bug report #9618: Make httplib2 an external dependency
- python dependencies are not always easily installed - especially in mac...
Adding this dependency would require pack... -
01:39 PM Bug report #9618 (Closed): Make httplib2 an external dependency
- When building packages for Fedora I noticed that currently httplib2 is shipped with QGIS. The Fedora package maintain...
12:32 PM Feature request #9493 (Closed): Filter improvements
- Fixed in changeset commit:"ececdb71aec28882c49eab4acd0fcdb31b8155ff".
12:29 PM Revision 694e5da1 (qgis): fix Alvaro's email address (followup 14699030)
11:54 AM Revision 14699030 (qgis): include Alvaro Huarte in AUTHORS (and . => dot)
09:49 AM Revision 08817505 (qgis): Bump version to 2.3
09:47 AM Revision e39944c7 (qgis): release script: tag release and include prefix in tar ball
07:46 AM Revision 90aa18a5 (qgis): Fix #9393, impossible to select 'regular' font style for labels
- - While ostensibly fixes the issue, there is still a flaw with QFontDatabase.styleString() returning generic style names
07:42 AM Revision d12e08ed (qgis): fix PyQgsBlendModes test (followup da1ebc269)
07:15 AM Feature request #9492 (Closed): Browser doesn't list layers - WMTS
- Fixed in changeset commit:"0dc0483ca2d68ad9ef8fc6f67026a349598c7cbe".
06:54 AM Revision 295854ad (qgis): Update labeling unit tests control image and PAL_SUITE test suite gener...
06:50 AM Revision 0a9b8571 (qgis): Add label svg background unit tests and control images
06:47 AM Revision 7e33fdec (qgis): Fix #9057, offset value misplaced when exporting composer to image
- - Add unit test and control images
06:40 AM Revision ef7a036c (qgis): Add svgSymbolsPath to Python unit test utilities (for defining paths wi...
05:50 AM Bug report #9617 (Closed): .qgs project file is read-only does not work
- Fixed in changeset commit:"efc507ac4772071359047049c6c8f0157231e75c".
05:28 AM Bug report #9617 (Reopened): .qgs project file is read-only does not work
- on second thought "overwriting" a readonly file doesn't make sense as you probably made it readonly just to prevent t...
05:28 AM Bug report #9617 (Reopened): .qgs project file is read-only does not work
- on second thought "overwriting" a readonly file doesn't make sense as you probably made it readonly just to prevent t...
05:22 AM Bug report #9617 (Closed): .qgs project file is read-only does not work
- Readonly projects are not supported. So you can always change the project and save it somewhere else. If you save ...
05:22 AM Bug report #9617 (Closed): .qgs project file is read-only does not work
- Readonly projects are not supported. So you can always change the project and save it somewhere else. If you save ...
04:54 AM Bug report #9617 (Closed): .qgs project file is read-only does not work
- With qgis 2.1 (master, Valmiera) to create a project and get it done .qgs file read-only (right-click on the file Pro...
10:48 PM Bug report #9393: impossible to select "regular" font style for labels
- While ostensibly fixes the issue, there is still a flaw with QFontDatabase.styleString() returning generic style name...
10:47 PM Bug report #9393 (Closed): impossible to select "regular" font style for labels
- Fixed in changeset commit:"90aa18a5c674cf816ddae1488d9d4c8d67b87ff8".
10:39 PM Revision 86a1c178 (qgis): osgeo4w: always do a clean build
10:00 PM Revision 203d67f6 (qgis): Add labeling composer unit tests and control images
- - Initial support for image output at 72 dpi
- Comparison against canvas output has slight shift (needs fixed) -
10:00 PM Revision c4a60de0 (qgis): Update labeling canvas and server unit tests and output new control images
10:00 PM Revision b979774d (qgis): Fix typo in renderchecker output
09:55 PM Bug report #9057 (Closed): label background with offset value misplaced when exporting qgis compo...
- Fixed in changeset commit:"7e33fdec37c52bd3428c8a1c5324874fa201ba17".
08:38 PM Bug report #9569: Unexpected result in topological editing when snapping to the line element curr...
- I tried with revision 882dd0c pulled yesterday. I am on Linux (Archlinux), but I don't think it can be platform-speci...
06:32 AM Bug report #9569: Unexpected result in topological editing when snapping to the line element curr...
- Leyan Ouyang wrote:
> Nothing changed from my side, I did not see any commit related to that either.
> Could someo... -
06:21 AM Bug report #9569 (Reopened): Unexpected result in topological editing when snapping to the line e...
- Nothing changed from my side, I did not see any commit related to that either.
Could someone else confirm whether th... -
08:02 PM Revision 60bbc082 (qgis): [TRANSUP] pl: help
07:17 PM Revision a582a4da (qgis): pt_PT GUI Translations
05:00 PM Revision 5748abfd (qgis): [TRANSUP] fi by Kari
- Signed-off-by: Werner Macho <[email protected]>
04:58 PM Revision f7ec9684 (qgis): Merge pull request #1209 from SrNetoChan/master
- pt_PT GUI translations by Nelson Silva
04:19 PM Revision 3f5e8835 (qgis): Merge pull request #1210 from marcel-dancak/master
- Allow LIKE operator in QGIS mapserver's GetFeatureInfo FILTER parameter
- 03:48 PM Revision ddc0f87f (qgis): Allow LIKE operator in QGIS mapserver's GetFeatureInfo search request (...
03:22 PM Revision 98401dc0 (qgis): raster calculator: exit on error (fix #5075)
01:48 PM Revision ed057964 (qgis): russian translation update
12:43 PM Revision a7cb2b27 (qgis): [expression] check for maximum nb of arguments in wordwrap function
12:43 PM Revision 5105f5f9 (qgis): [expression] fix function help following argument ordering shift
12:43 PM Revision 1c5228cc (qgis): [expression] made wordwrap delimiter string an optional 3rd argument
12:43 PM Revision d1c61a02 (qgis): [expression] rework the wordwrap to allow for maximum / minimum line le...
12:42 PM Revision 3cfee812 (qgis): [expression] add wordwrap function help file
12:42 PM Revision 1fcb4f06 (qgis): [expression] more work on wordwrap function based on wonder-dk comments
12:42 PM Revision 6319adda (qgis): [expression] implement a wordwrap function (feature request #9412)
11:33 AM Revision 5a4f8d07 (qgis): Change "added/deprecated in 2.1" notes to 2.4 for stuff related to thre...
11:23 AM Bug report #7368: QGIS writing out incorrect .prj file
- Etienne Tourigny wrote:
> Fixing this would require fixing QgsVectorFileWriter() and copying the .qpj file to .prj fi... -
10:40 AM Bug report #7368: QGIS writing out incorrect .prj file
- Fixing this would require fixing QgsVectorFileWriter() and copying the .qpj file to .prj file.
09:32 AM Bug report #7368: QGIS writing out incorrect .prj file
- confirmed. look like the ogr provider needs updating... probably too late to include this in 2.2 though! At least the...
08:54 AM Bug report #7368: QGIS writing out incorrect .prj file
- I am also having trouble with the .prj file QGis is creating when working with 3857. I'm using Qgis 2.0.1
11:19 AM Revision 882dd0c5 (qgis): [TRANSUP] da by Bo
- Signed-off-by: Werner Macho <[email protected]>
11:06 AM Feature request #8850: Oracle not looking in USER_SDO_GEOM_METADATA for extents
- Jonathan Moules wrote:
> "only look in meta data table" - I believe this checkbox should speed up loading of any sing... -
09:14 AM Feature request #8850: Oracle not looking in USER_SDO_GEOM_METADATA for extents
- I see what's happening here. There's some confusion about what the two metadata checkboxes do. My perception is that ...
07:53 AM Feature request #8850: Oracle not looking in USER_SDO_GEOM_METADATA for extents
- Jonathan Moules wrote:
> I don't think this has actually been implemented; or at least, it doesn't seem be working (o... -
06:58 AM Feature request #8850: Oracle not looking in USER_SDO_GEOM_METADATA for extents
- I don't think this has actually been implemented; or at least, it doesn't seem be working (or maybe I'm missing somet...
09:56 AM Revision a9975c3d (qgis): Minor improvements to IT translation, for consistency
09:18 AM Revision f805f127 (qgis): Merge pull request #1203 from ahuarte47/Issue_9610
- Displacement point: tolerance not saved in project (fixes #9610)
08:31 AM Revision ba2b61cd (qgis): Merge pull request #1206 from Cracert/i18n
- [TRANSUP] pl
06:59 AM Feature request #9591: Oracle connection to use metadata table for extent
- Good catch, thanks.
Because the issue is still happening I figured I hadn't reported this particular thing before. I'... -
06:53 AM Feature request #9616 (Open): Layer Alias in Snapping option dialog
- I have a lot of layers with a very long and coded name.
These names are quite the same except a letter or a number in... -
06:08 AM Revision da1ebc26 (qgis): Comments and API improvements of simplification (no functional changes)
- - moved QgsVectorLayer::SimplifyHint enum to QgsVectorSimplifyMethod
- use QFlags instead of int for hints
- added fe... -
05:36 AM Revision 27dccee8 (qgis): [TRANSUP] pl
05:22 AM Revision 1d916417 (qgis): Add deleting server cache function to local test server
05:22 AM Revision 10f2ac92 (qgis): Fix partial labels unit tests and generate new control images
05:22 AM Revision 7afede9b (qgis): Add timeout to GetMap for local test server
03:55 AM Bug report #5075 (Closed): Qgis crashes in Raster calculator
- Joshua Vande Hey wrote:
> This appears to continue to be an error on QGIS desktop 2.0.1 on windows. If you go to the... -
03:11 AM Bug report #5075 (Reopened): Qgis crashes in Raster calculator
- This appears to continue to be an error on QGIS desktop 2.0.1 on windows. If you go to the raster calculator and pre...
03:03 AM Revision 722ae6ea (qgis): [TRANSUP] ko by BJ
02:57 AM Revision 69e42f6e (qgis): Merge pull request #1204 from Jean-Roc/traduction_ui
- clean&update translators
01:54 AM Bug report #9357: Lots of PostGIS connections with a standalone python script
- Have found this to be a good workaround:
vlayer = QgsVectorLayer(uri.uri(), layerName, "postgres", False)
specifyin... -
01:42 AM Bug report #9350: reprojected postgresql layers are plotted with offset and very slow
- Hi all,
I have the same problem with the same srs (3003).
In my QGis project I set a on-the-fly reprojection to 3857... -
01:42 AM Bug report #9350: reprojected postgresql layers are plotted with offset and very slow
- Hi all,
I have the same problem with the same srs (3003).
In my QGis project I set a on-the-fly reprojection to 3857... -
01:42 AM Bug report #9350: reprojected postgresql layers are plotted with offset and very slow
- Hi all,
I have the same problem with the same srs (3003).
In my QGis project I set a on-the-fly reprojection to 3857...
12:18 AM Bug report #9610 (Closed): Displacement point: tolerance not saved in project
- Fixed in changeset commit:"f805f127027691f3d3b665353058121364f9ecb7".
11:59 PM Bug report #9610: Displacement point: tolerance not saved in project
- Per Gammerath wrote:
> Does that mean that I can fix it somehow, or does it mean that it will be fixed in version 2.2... -
11:59 PM Bug report #9610: Displacement point: tolerance not saved in project
- Per Gammerath wrote:
> Does that mean that I can fix it somehow, or does it mean that it will be fixed in version 2.2... -
11:03 PM Bug report #9610: Displacement point: tolerance not saved in project
- Does that mean that I can fix it somehow, or does it mean that it will be fixed in version 2.2.0?
08:21 AM Bug report #9610: Displacement point: tolerance not saved in project
- Pull request fixes this bug
06:57 AM Bug report #9610 (Closed): Displacement point: tolerance not saved in project
- The point distance tolerance value is not saved nor read in project files. Reloading the project file resets the valu...
11:31 PM Revision 7b11b76d (qgis): update french translation
11:26 PM Revision ebc6e4af (qgis): clean&update translators
10:03 PM Revision a4d2767d (qgis): update changelog, add 2.2 api doc to doxygen and merge news updated com...
- Tim
08:32 PM Revision 7d8f151d (qgis): pt_PT GUI translations by Nelson Silva
05:17 PM Revision d6b00956 (qgis): #9610: save tolerance of displacement point
05:01 PM Revision d92a0e62 (qgis): Show preview for "$area" in expr builder, make preview consistent with ...
- Another partial fix for #9060
04:43 PM Bug report #9614 (Closed): Datum transformation dialog box does not appear with EPSG 20790
- The datum transformation dialog box does not appear when adding a layer in Datum Lisboa (EPSG 20790 or EPSG 20791) to...
04:32 PM Revision 4d74ad73 (qgis): [TRANSUP] gl by Xan
- Signed-off-by: Werner Macho <[email protected]>
04:29 PM Revision 478e479d (qgis): remove inactive translator
04:22 PM Revision 764ba644 (qgis): [TRANSUP] fi by Kari
- Signed-off-by: Werner Macho <[email protected]>
04:20 PM Bug report #9600: When using the datum transformation dialog the labels of reprojected layers are...
- Confirmed!
Thanks Marco! -
03:16 PM Revision a46d7c06 (qgis): add wms caching note to QgsRasterDataProvider::draw()
03:16 PM Revision a1ada3c5 (qgis): vector layer: fix lazy extent calculation (fixes #9608; introduced in 5...
03:01 PM Feature request #9456: Improve offset line algorithm
- This pull request ( ) improves the offset of lines using GEOSOffsetCurve if GE...
02:59 PM Bug report #9485: Line Offset in symbology generates artifacts
- This pull request ( ) improves the offset of lines using GEOSOffsetCurve if GE...
02:24 PM Revision 55cb04c5 (qgis): Added unit test to check correct outcome of axisInverted()
01:43 PM Revision c784c09f (qgis): #9060: fix bad ellipsoid selection from srs
01:39 PM Revision 32fc7210 (qgis): Merge pull request #1201 from marcel-dancak/master
- Fixed bug #9584
- 01:22 PM Revision 325697dd (qgis): fixed occurrence of gml:featureMember elements in GetFeatureInfo respon...
01:22 PM Revision 35791aac (qgis): #9060: fix unmanaged selection for NauticalMiles units
12:51 PM Revision b27780db (qgis): [TRANSUP] nb by James
- Signed-off-by: Werner Macho <[email protected]>
12:47 PM Revision aa97031e (qgis): [TRANSUP] lv by Peteris
- Signed-off-by: Werner Macho <[email protected]>
12:19 PM Bug report #9594: Save output shapefile dialogue is slow to load filenames
- Not sure anything in Qgis could fix this.
11:08 AM Bug report #9594: Save output shapefile dialogue is slow to load filenames
- More info, narrowing the problem and considerably reducing the impact:
A network drive was mapped but no longer avai... -
12:15 PM Feature request #9591 (Closed): Oracle connection to use metadata table for extent
- duplicate of #8850
12:15 PM Feature request #9591 (Closed): Oracle connection to use metadata table for extent
- duplicate of #8850
10:51 AM Revision 8de21635 (qgis): Merge pull request #1200 from peterisb/master
- Latvian translation update
10:33 AM Revision 45a95b13 (qgis): Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/master'
10:33 AM Revision 469f79b0 (qgis): lv trans edits
10:31 AM Bug report #9575: Georeferencer: Polynomial 2 transformation with 6 GCP is unable to process
- Solution: put - for longitude like -77° 45' 00"
Error: Failed calculation processing of the control points. Processi... -
05:49 AM Bug report #9575: Georeferencer: Polynomial 2 transformation with 6 GCP is unable to process
- Michel Proulx wrote:
> Michel Proulx wrote:
> > Problem solved.+ West of the Meridian line longitidude coordinates ar... -
10:02 AM Revision 44833002 (qgis): trim whitespaces in changelog
08:41 AM Bug report #9609 (Feedback): Crash during WFS GetFeature request
08:41 AM Bug report #9609: Crash during WFS GetFeature request
- Please test with the latest development version of QGIS - there have been some fixes to crashes in WFS, so your probl...
05:27 AM Bug report #9609 (Closed): Crash during WFS GetFeature request
- I'm trying to get an internal WFS 1.1.0 service running in QGIS. QGIS unfortunately only supports 1.0.0 so I'm trying...
08:34 AM Bug report #9612 (Closed): Web view doesn't work with specific URL in feature form
- Steps:
* Load/Create a layer with a varchar(255) field
* Set this field as 'Web view' in edit widget (layer propreti... -
08:05 AM Bug report #9060: Area is wrong in QGIS master (again)
- Another fix (commit:d92a0e) - make sure to show preview of "$area" + make the preview consistent with field calculato...
07:37 AM Bug report #9060: Area is wrong in QGIS master (again)
- I confirm, the $area preview shows the result
06:46 AM Bug report #9060: Area is wrong in QGIS master (again)
- Giovanni Manghi wrote:
> > For 2) and 3), if you did not use "none / planimetric" ellipsoid for measuring, the result... -
06:24 AM Bug report #9060: Area is wrong in QGIS master (again)
> For 2) and 3), if you did not use "none / planimetric" ellipsoid for measuring, the result makes sense because the...-
06:04 AM Bug report #9060: Area is wrong in QGIS master (again)
- Giovanni Manghi wrote:
> The input is a 1x1km grid in a projected CRS (tested 3763)
> 1) otfr off area = 1000000
... -
06:01 AM Bug report #9060: Area is wrong in QGIS master (again)
- The behaviour that Giovanni described is exactly what I am obtaining too. As I told before, and as Giovanni wrote, th...
05:44 AM Bug report #9060: Area is wrong in QGIS master (again)
- Martin Dobias wrote:
> I do not feel confident merging the proposed PR this close before the release as there are sev... -
04:48 AM Bug report #9060: Area is wrong in QGIS master (again)
- The real issue with the project properties and setting of on-the-fly reprojection flag, CRS, map units, ellipsoid is ...
04:45 AM Bug report #9060: Area is wrong in QGIS master (again)
- Merged the two commits from Alvaro (commit:35791aa and commit:c784c0)
03:24 AM Bug report #9060: Area is wrong in QGIS master (again)
- Martin Dobias wrote:
> I do not feel confident merging the proposed PR this close before the release as there are sev... -
03:08 AM Bug report #9060: Area is wrong in QGIS master (again)
- I do not feel confident merging the proposed PR this close before the release as there are several non-trivial change...
07:30 AM Feature request #9607 (Closed): Remove inactive Danish translator
- fixed in 478e479
07:30 AM Feature request #9607 (Closed): Remove inactive Danish translator
- fixed in 478e479
01:58 AM Feature request #9607 (Closed): Remove inactive Danish translator
- Preben Lisby is not part of translating QGIS at all anymore, and the part he initially translated was very small. For...
06:17 AM Bug report #9608 (Closed): QGIS reads all features to calculate layer extent
- Fixed in changeset commit:"a1ada3c54ceb9c4c2bf30b4d7afb2e2c70153fb3".
02:30 AM Bug report #9608: QGIS reads all features to calculate layer extent
- Giovanni Manghi wrote:
> Is this a regression?
I think so -
02:28 AM Bug report #9608: QGIS reads all features to calculate layer extent
- Is this a regression?
02:23 AM Bug report #9608 (Closed): QGIS reads all features to calculate layer extent
- Now QGIS always reads all features of a layer to calculate the extent when the layer is opened.
It is very slow for b... -
05:46 AM Bug report #9584 (Closed): WMS GetFeatureInfo response in GML format is not correct
- the patch seems has been committed.
05:46 AM Bug report #9584 (Closed): WMS GetFeatureInfo response in GML format is not correct
- the patch seems has been committed.
04:42 AM Bug report #9584: WMS GetFeatureInfo response in GML format is not correct
- I have fixed this bug in this pull request:
I have tested mapserver's GetFeat... -
05:05 AM Bug report #9196 (Closed): WMTS and CRS issue
05:04 AM Bug report #9196: WMTS and CRS issue
- It was my local problem, GDAL installation was broken and GDAL data, which are used by QgsCoordinateReferenceSystem::...
- 03:59 AM Revision 02c0d582 (qgis): Remove duplicate entries from CMake build files
02:34 AM Revision 302ad062 (qgis): [TRANSUP] da by Bo and es by carlos
- Signed-off-by: Werner Macho <[email protected]>
02:31 AM Revision 382e0548 (qgis): Merge pull request #1198 from Cracert/i18n
- [TRANSUP] pl
02:29 AM Revision 7d263be7 (qgis): Add missing .qml to local server test
02:20 AM Revision 8155e381 (qgis): [TRANSUP] pl
02:15 AM Revision 18efe2e1 (qgis): add release script
02:06 AM Revision 46abadef (qgis): indentation update
01:59 AM Revision eac28773 (qgis): Clean up local test server module and add more usage info
01:52 AM Bug report #9604: Attribute table: the icons for "Unselect all" and "Delete selected features" ar...
- I agree
01:49 AM Bug report #9604: Attribute table: the icons for "Unselect all" and "Delete selected features" ar...
- How about changing the color red on the unselect icon to something else (yellow?), so the color red is reserved for p...
12:29 AM Bug report #9196: WMTS and CRS issue
- Still no luck here, without invert/ignore the map is "swapped".
11:58 PM Revision 4915c9e7 (qgis): Slightly larger default renderchecker image in html, and fix divide/0 i...
11:25 PM Bug report #9606 (Closed): QWC fails silently if project doesn't have "service capabilities" checked
- Moved from #9605 as a server not a client issue.
If the project doesn't have "service capabilities" checked, QGIS se... -
09:48 PM Revision 916706f6 (qgis): Update tests to work with new test font functions in QgsFontUtils
- - Cleanup code style
09:27 PM Revision 2d4ecbac (qgis): Move loading of test fonts to QgsFontUtils
- - Always add testdata.qrc to desktop and server, but only auto-load Roman and Bold if built in debug mode
- Test font... -
09:27 PM Revision be83e7c8 (qgis): Add test-labeling master project and italic, bold-italic test fonts
09:27 PM Revision 34be93b8 (qgis): Update test font to Vera San and start workaround for Mac 10.9 font-loa...
- - Test font loading should be moved to QgsFontUtils
09:27 PM Revision 523fd44d (qgis): Add more standard test font functions to QgsFontUtils
09:27 PM Revision bf5f6081 (qgis): Add getLocalServer and unit test for refactored local test server class
09:27 PM Revision 2f1a5c92 (qgis): Convert local test server over to controller of web and fcgi servers
- - Initially using lighttpd/spawn-fcgi
09:27 PM Revision 570e24b0 (qgis): Update existing tests to work with new test server
05:35 PM Revision 1c294a9c (qgis): fixed composerrotationtest
05:33 PM Revision 11c68ef8 (qgis): [TRANSUP] da by Jacob
- Signed-off-by: Werner Macho <[email protected]>
05:32 PM Revision 4eb7c9fa (qgis): Fix missing layers in GetCapabilities if only embedded groups are present
05:23 PM Revision 7ea33909 (qgis): Fix incorrectly reported area in identify tool (partly fixes #9060)
- Occurred with projected layer CRS, non-projected map CRS, planimetric measuring.
It was assumed that units of the mea... -
05:01 PM Revision 988099b9 (qgis): Fix layer order list in GetProjectSettings
05:01 PM Revision 34f79cf1 (qgis): Make a correct copy of QgsCoordinateTransform for labeling (hope it fix...
04:56 PM Revision 42a4e755 (qgis): [pyqgis-console] prepared apis file update
04:48 PM Revision 06d9090c (qgis): [TRANSUP] fixes in german language
- Signed-off-by: Werner Macho <[email protected]>
04:40 PM Revision c4b0ecd2 (qgis): Merge pull request #1195 from Oslandia/issue9599
- Fix windows path escaping for QGIS_PLUGINPATH
04:30 PM Revision c277f461 (qgis): [TRANSUP] last string update
04:28 PM Revision 1299f397 (qgis): Minor fix to IT translation
04:21 PM Revision a72cada6 (qgis): fixed blendmodes test and added to report
04:15 PM Revision 06324cf5 (qgis): Merge pull request #1194 from marcelosoaressouza/translation_pt_BR
- Finalizing translation (pt_BR) of QgsOptionsBase
04:09 PM Revision 2b3e19d1 (qgis): disabled composermaptest grid anotations
03:47 PM Revision 9aeb4ba8 (qgis): updated single symbol rendererstest
03:37 PM Revision 4bfb306b (qgis): Merge pull request #1196 from qgis-jp/for_pull
- update translation ja
02:56 PM Revision a1e23b11 (qgis): update translation ja
02:27 PM Revision 63d84ec2 (qgis): Fix windows path escaping for QGIS_PLUGINPATH
02:17 PM Bug report #9060: Area is wrong in QGIS master (again)
- Hi Rhenriques, this pull ( (not merged) attempts to correct that behavior that...
01:59 PM Bug report #9060: Area is wrong in QGIS master (again)
- I'm paying attention to every single NB about this issue. Changes are not committed yet in the NB: f06457b. Changing ...
09:06 AM Bug report #9060: Area is wrong in QGIS master (again)
- Martin Dobias wrote:
> No, it fixes only wrong value in identify tool. I am not aware of any issue in field calculato... -
08:57 AM Bug report #9060 (Reopened): Area is wrong in QGIS master (again)
08:38 AM Bug report #9060: Area is wrong in QGIS master (again)
- Hi Martin, there is an issue commented in #9060-14 that I think fixed in
Ch... -
08:36 AM Bug report #9060: Area is wrong in QGIS master (again)
- No, it fixes only wrong value in identify tool. I am not aware of any issue in field calculator.
08:34 AM Bug report #9060: Area is wrong in QGIS master (again)
- Martin Dobias wrote:
> In case of any further issues please open a new bug as all the comments in this issue make it ... -
08:34 AM Bug report #9060: Area is wrong in QGIS master (again)
- In case of any further issues please open a new bug as all the comments in this issue make it hard to follow.
08:31 AM Bug report #9060: Area is wrong in QGIS master (again)
- Current state of measuring:
- ellipsoid "none" - consistently returning 2.520 km^2 (with project's CRS being EPSG:207... -
08:24 AM Bug report #9060 (Closed): Area is wrong in QGIS master (again)
- Fixed in changeset commit:"7ea3390950be8232a9505438c428f5f0933ab1fb".
06:11 AM Bug report #9060: Area is wrong in QGIS master (again)
> Is this the problem or are there more cases to fix?
Hi Martin, I resume here what we discussed in private. Anyway...-
04:28 AM Bug report #9060 (Feedback): Area is wrong in QGIS master (again)
01:43 PM Revision b8c6e01a (qgis): Finalizing translation (pt_BR) of QgsOptionsBase
01:16 PM Bug report #9575: Georeferencer: Polynomial 2 transformation with 6 GCP is unable to process
- Michel Proulx wrote:
> Problem solved.+ West of the Meridian line longitidude coordinates are negative+.
> I think... -
11:03 AM Bug report #9575: Georeferencer: Polynomial 2 transformation with 6 GCP is unable to process
> Other problem occurs, Polynomial 2 transformation with 6 GCP is unable to process.
so this is the real issue, right?-
12:31 PM Bug report #9573: hostnames with non-ascii characters cause python console to fail.
- Likely related:
12:22 PM Bug report #9573: hostnames with non-ascii characters cause python console to fail.
- What is your system's hostname?
12:25 PM Bug report #9604 (Closed): Attribute table: the icons for "Unselect all" and "Delete selected fea...
- Every time I open the attributes table I end up mixing these two buttons, because the icons are tool similar. It woul...
12:24 PM Revision 406ff592 (qgis): Merge pull request #1193 from qgis-jp/for_pull
- update Translation ja
12:05 PM Bug report #9601: Point displacement: data defined size and angle does not work
- Thank you for acknowledging the issue. I hope that it can be fixed in the next version. Actually, I would also hope t...
11:29 AM Bug report #9601: Point displacement: data defined size and angle does not work
- I can confirm the issue also for the size. It seems that for both the rotation and size the value used is the one of ...
11:29 AM Bug report #9601: Point displacement: data defined size and angle does not work
- I can confirm the issue also for the size. It seems that for both the rotation and size the value used is the one of ...
11:29 AM Bug report #9601: Point displacement: data defined size and angle does not work
- I can confirm the issue also for the size. It seems that for both the rotation and size the value used is the one of ...
11:29 AM Bug report #9601: Point displacement: data defined size and angle does not work
- I can confirm the issue also for the size. It seems that for both the rotation and size the value used is the one of ...
11:29 AM Bug report #9601: Point displacement: data defined size and angle does not work
- I can confirm the issue also for the size. It seems that for both the rotation and size the value used is the one of ...
04:43 AM Bug report #9601 (Closed): Point displacement: data defined size and angle does not work
- Point symbols can be angled through Data Defined Properties, but this function does not work with Point Displacement....
12:04 PM Revision 4e7fa3ad (qgis): update Translation ja
11:44 AM Bug report #9569 (Closed): Unexpected result in topological editing when snapping to the line ele...
- I cannot replicate anymore on the latest master, something has changed, for the better. Please reopen if I'm wrong.
11:44 AM Bug report #9569 (Closed): Unexpected result in topological editing when snapping to the line ele...
- I cannot replicate anymore on the latest master, something has changed, for the better. Please reopen if I'm wrong.
11:15 AM Revision 7822abdc (qgis): composer legend items space, better fixes #9498
11:14 AM Revision af04bdc9 (qgis): Fix reverse layer order after embedding group
11:13 AM Bug report #9603: Error message with processing tool "Extract by location"
- Confirmed on the latest version of processing and Linux.
11:13 AM Bug report #9603: Error message with processing tool "Extract by location"
- Confirmed on the latest version of processing and Linux.
11:13 AM Bug report #9603: Error message with processing tool "Extract by location"
- Confirmed on the latest version of processing and Linux.
08:19 AM Bug report #9603 (Closed): Error message with processing tool "Extract by location"
- Hi,
In the toolbox when using the tool "Extract by location" (QGIS Geoalgorithms > Vector selection tools) I have no ... -
11:02 AM Bug report #8991: nviz does not work (not found) in qgis 64bit osgeo4w
- Markus Neteler - wrote:
> Giovanni Manghi wrote:
> > see "OSGeo4W !#388":
... -
11:01 AM Feature request #9587 (Closed): honor path from all sides - program and add on
- The first question is not really clear. Please rephrase it (the title as well) and I will reopen this ticket.
About ... -
11:01 AM Feature request #9587 (Closed): honor path from all sides - program and add on
- The first question is not really clear. Please rephrase it (the title as well) and I will reopen this ticket.
About ... -
10:55 AM Bug report #9500 (Closed): Wrong list of "result entities ID" after a spatial query
- The ID in the list is different bacause probably it is an internal id for the feature, that is different in shapes an...
10:55 AM Bug report #9500 (Closed): Wrong list of "result entities ID" after a spatial query
- The ID in the list is different bacause probably it is an internal id for the feature, that is different in shapes an...
10:55 AM Bug report #9500 (Closed): Wrong list of "result entities ID" after a spatial query
- The ID in the list is different bacause probably it is an internal id for the feature, that is different in shapes an...
10:41 AM Revision 3af7d76c (qgis): lv trans edits
08:52 AM Revision 5d4cf308 (qgis): Fix #9360 (layer not rendered when simplify geometry is activated)
- Request's extent rectangle was being randomly overwritten as it was
just reference to a temporary object! -
08:52 AM Revision ab929a85 (qgis): Fix debug messages
08:43 AM Bug report #9324: Regression: Inference lines in composer no longer appear
- Lowering the priority - should not block the release.
08:39 AM Bug report #9599 (Closed): QGIS_PLUGINPATH option raise an error
- Fixed in commit:63d84ec by Hugo
08:39 AM Bug report #9599 (Closed): QGIS_PLUGINPATH option raise an error
- Fixed in commit:63d84ec by Hugo
07:36 AM Bug report #9599: QGIS_PLUGINPATH option raise an error
- submitted -
02:58 AM Bug report #9599: QGIS_PLUGINPATH option raise an error
- Thanks !!!!
02:30 AM Bug report #9599: QGIS_PLUGINPATH option raise an error
- Ok, got it.
Each '\\' is doubled for python path inclusion, but we check if it exists AFTER doubling the '\\'.
On Win... -
02:19 AM Bug report #9599: QGIS_PLUGINPATH option raise an error
- Yep, it works well in 2.0.1
Régis -
02:16 AM Bug report #9599: QGIS_PLUGINPATH option raise an error
- Confirmed here.
btw, I think the correct message is "The extra plugin path '%1' does not exist".
It only raises when ... -
01:25 AM Bug report #9599 (Closed): QGIS_PLUGINPATH option raise an error
- Hi, I'm doing deploiement test here and found a blocker.
A error message is raised when using QGIS_PLUGINPATH variab... -
08:34 AM Bug report #9360: serious regression: whole layer not rendered (when simplify geometry activated)
- Martin Dobias wrote:
> Actually, I have replicated the problem by chance while playing with #9060 on my self-compiled... -
08:03 AM Bug report #9600 (Closed): When using the datum transformation dialog the labels of reprojected l...
- Fixed in changeset commit:"34f79cf1fff11bd3ac23548d0929a7e90e6d142d".
04:19 AM Bug report #9600: When using the datum transformation dialog the labels of reprojected layers are...
- This is only noticeable with point layers, because with other geometries it is almost impossible to "fix" the label a...
03:31 AM Bug report #9600 (Closed): When using the datum transformation dialog the labels of reprojected l...
- See
and/or attached screencast -
07:25 AM Revision d3e547c4 (qgis): Merge branch 'master' of
07:24 AM Revision 10ce9f9c (qgis): Minor edits to IT translation
07:12 AM Revision 94658bf6 (qgis): more coherent fill ring icon (thanks Robert)
05:59 AM Revision 50be7620 (qgis): [TRANSUP] es by carlos and small german fixes
- Signed-off-by: Werner Macho <[email protected]>
04:52 AM Bug report #9602 (Closed): preview and atlas scales are not synchronized
- If your atlas has a fixed scale, when you change the scale in the preview it does not change the atlas, which is conf...
04:01 AM Revision 34692a33 (qgis): Merge pull request #1190 from Cracert/i18n
- [TRANSUP] pl: QObject
03:55 AM Revision 73d9784b (qgis): [TRANSUP] pl: QObject
03:24 AM Bug report #9526: File based layer edits and posts taking extremely long time
- Patrick Dunford wrote:
> 141 is the latest master.
ok, then it is solved for you or not? cheers! -
02:48 AM Bug report #9526: File based layer edits and posts taking extremely long time
- 141 is the latest master.
03:22 AM Feature request #9592: Oracle should only look in metadata table for metadata
- Ok looking at the code it seems that it's done different to the MS SQL provider. From the look of it it's still done...
03:17 AM Feature request #9592: Oracle should only look in metadata table for metadata
- I'm not sure we're talking about the same thing (or maybe I'm mis-understanding how the internals work). The way it s...
03:04 AM Feature request #9592: Oracle should only look in metadata table for metadata
- It's all done in a background thread though so it shouldn't block the UI, so you can have your cake an eat it too. L...
03:01 AM Feature request #9592: Oracle should only look in metadata table for metadata
- > Yeah see but I don't think the issue is the checking the issue is that you can't load the layer until the check is ...
02:54 AM Feature request #9592: Oracle should only look in metadata table for metadata
- Yes it does allow more then one geometry type, however if anyone does that they are dead to me :)
Taking the first s... -
02:45 AM Feature request #9592: Oracle should only look in metadata table for metadata
- A further thought - does MS SQL allow multiple geometry types in the same column? I.e. mixing polygon, points etc, li...
02:41 AM Feature request #9592: Oracle should only look in metadata table for metadata
- I have had this discussion with others as well. I guess I'm the kind of person that likes seeing the geometry type i...
02:38 AM Feature request #9592: Oracle should only look in metadata table for metadata
- > The other option is the to have a geometry_columns query/table, which we have in the MS SQL and PostGIS providers. ...
02:30 AM Feature request #9592: Oracle should only look in metadata table for metadata
- I just recently fixed (patched) this issue with the MS SQL driver. I just used the TOP 1 because just checking the f...
02:09 AM Feature request #9592: Oracle should only look in metadata table for metadata
- Jukka Rahkonen wrote:
> I would prefer using MDSYS.ALL_SDO_GEOM_METADATA. QGIS user is not necessarily the same who c... -
03:10 AM Revision d7544799 (qgis): Merge pull request #1189 from tomass/master
- Lithuanian translation update
02:26 AM Bug report #9498: legend item vertical spacing (once again) broken for layers set to hidden
- Radim, I've just compiled qgis with your commit in, and legend is acting like a charm, excellent. I think we can call...
02:26 AM Bug report #9498: legend item vertical spacing (once again) broken for layers set to hidden
- Radim, I've just compiled qgis with your commit in, and legend is acting like a charm, excellent. I think we can call...
02:17 AM Bug report #9498: legend item vertical spacing (once again) broken for layers set to hidden
- I have done better fix (fixing the real problem) in commit:7822abd.
Please test.
12:58 AM Bug report #8991: nviz does not work (not found) in qgis 64bit osgeo4w
- Giovanni Manghi wrote:
> see "OSGeo4W !#388":
For the record, it has been cl... -
12:20 AM Bug report #9360: serious regression: whole layer not rendered (when simplify geometry activated)
- Actually, I have replicated the problem by chance while playing with #9060 on my self-compiled build (not using debia...
11:59 PM Bug report #9360: serious regression: whole layer not rendered (when simplify geometry activated)
- !! Yay !!
Martin, out of purely geeky curiosity, why was this not showing on self-compiled builds and showing on th... -
11:53 PM Bug report #9360 (Closed): serious regression: whole layer not rendered (when simplify geometry a...
- Fixed in changeset commit:"5d4cf3086abe6bb205423771093cc5eebac6d5b8".
11:42 PM Bug report #9360 (Reopened): serious regression: whole layer not rendered (when simplify geometry...
12:05 AM Bug report #9060: Area is wrong in QGIS master (again)
- I am getting quite confused by the discussion as there have been various issues mentioned.
Can you please clearly de... -
12:21 PM Bug report #9060: Area is wrong in QGIS master (again)
- IMHO, the correct solution would be that _both_ the measurement tools and the field calculation functions should obey...
11:57 PM Bug report #9581 (Closed): linestrings not transforming on the fly
- I am pretty sure this got fixed by commit:5d4cf3086 (same problem with randomly overwritten extent)
11:57 PM Bug report #9581 (Closed): linestrings not transforming on the fly
- I am pretty sure this got fixed by commit:5d4cf3086 (same problem with randomly overwritten extent)
05:03 PM Bug report #9581: linestrings not transforming on the fly
- Richard, there's a serious ongoing issue with simplification that only manifests through debian-nightly packages (but...
02:39 PM Bug report #9581: linestrings not transforming on the fly
- Gavin, I cannot reproduce this either (Debian self compiled QGIS of yesterday)
Loading your (latlon degrees) shapefi... -
12:15 PM Bug report #9581: linestrings not transforming on the fly
- Try the attached shapefile. If I load it with simplification on, it never draws when projected but if I load it with ...
07:53 AM Bug report #9581 (Feedback): linestrings not transforming on the fly
- Gavin Fleming wrote:
> appears to be duplicate of #9360
as it happens for #9360 I'm really not able to replicate (us... -
11:46 PM Bug report #9598 (Closed): problems with adding embed layers/groups
- I noticed a few problems while adding embed layers or groups:
* if you add a layer which ID already exist in the proj... - 10:25 PM Revision 0625dfa1 (qgis): Lithuanian translation update
09:52 PM Feature request #9592: Oracle should only look in metadata table for metadata
- I would prefer using MDSYS.ALL_SDO_GEOM_METADATA. QGIS user is not necessarily the same who created the table.
About... -
05:08 AM Feature request #9592: Oracle should only look in metadata table for metadata
- Jürgen Fischer wrote:
> > because QGIS isn't trusting the USER_SDO_GEOM_METADATA.
> no, just because USER_SDO_GEOM... -
04:50 AM Feature request #9592: Oracle should only look in metadata table for metadata
- > because QGIS isn't trusting the USER_SDO_GEOM_METADATA.
no, just because USER_SDO_GEOM_METADATA doesn't carry info... -
04:36 AM Feature request #9592 (Open): Oracle should only look in metadata table for metadata
- When the "Only look in meta data table" checkbox is selected, QGIS should *only* use the MDSYS.USER_SDO_GEOM_METADATA...
09:34 PM Revision 56ff646e (qgis): wcs test made to pass
06:23 PM Revision 429d814d (qgis): third attempt to fix a simple typo
05:45 PM Revision 5cd53dd2 (qgis): dbmanager versioning: use lower case 'sql' language (fixes #9434)
05:06 PM Revision 266c592c (qgis): network manager: include QGIS version in user-agent string (related to ...
05:06 PM Revision 22b2d58f (qgis): fix second occurrency too (followup 580f3dc80; fixes #9593)
05:01 PM Revision 88e8f9d6 (qgis): [Plugin Installer] More robust xml parsing: fix lonely ampersands. Fixe...
04:53 PM Revision 580f3dc8 (qgis): fix typo in french translation (fixes #9593)
03:34 PM Revision f06457b7 (qgis): add scripts/ to compare sqlite3 databases (defaults to srs.db)
03:32 PM Revision 5cb15199 (qgis): [TRANSUP] Adding pt_BR translator
- Signed-off-by: Werner Macho <[email protected]>
02:36 PM Revision c6e03868 (qgis): Update srs.db with entries for BeTA2007.gsb (thanks to Robert Nuske)
02:04 PM Revision 476cae38 (qgis): german translation update
01:45 PM Revision 7f5aac30 (qgis): postgres provider: clear primary key for views (potentially fixes #9590)
01:18 PM Bug report #9597 (Closed): 2.1.0 revision c9a88c1 fails to export spatial information from polyli...
- Including:
Into the Layer options in the CSV "" dialog ... -
11:45 AM Revision 7138c7aa (qgis): Merge branch 'master' of
11:45 AM Revision 43af9eaf (qgis): Minor improvements to IT translation
11:43 AM Revision 6364f139 (qgis): Merge pull request #1188 from 3nids/addpointleftclick
- only add point with left click
11:15 AM Bug report #9526: File based layer edits and posts taking extremely long time
- Patrick Dunford wrote:
> At the moment I'm running 141 noplugins. Might try it tonight with plugins enabled.
the imp... -
11:12 AM Bug report #9526: File based layer edits and posts taking extremely long time
- At the moment I'm running 141 noplugins. Might try it tonight with plugins enabled.
11:01 AM Bug report #9526: File based layer edits and posts taking extremely long time
- Patrick Dunford wrote:
> Testing with the --noplugins option but haven't done enough on it yet to see if fixed. Haven... -
11:02 AM Bug report #8481 (Closed): "Errors: SUCCESS: 6 attribute(s) added. ERROR: field with index 4 is n...
- Giovanni Manghi wrote:
> Giovanni Manghi wrote:
> > Matthias Kuhn wrote:
> > > Is this still an issue?
> > >
> > > L... -
11:02 AM Bug report #8481 (Closed): "Errors: SUCCESS: 6 attribute(s) added. ERROR: field with index 4 is n...
- Giovanni Manghi wrote:
> Giovanni Manghi wrote:
> > Matthias Kuhn wrote:
> > > Is this still an issue?
> > >
> > > L... -
10:58 AM Bug report #9575: Georeferencer: Polynomial 2 transformation with 6 GCP is unable to process
- Problem solved. West of the Meridian line longitidude coordinates are negative.
I think it is not clearly mentionned... -
10:08 AM Revision 865ab28d (qgis): only add point with left click
09:54 AM Bug report #5848: Different icons for QGIS and QGIS Browser
- Icon based on magnifier icon of Larry.
08:53 AM Bug report #9524: Special character & in plugin authors prevent downloading
- Here you have a fast workaround. The long-term solution should be implemented on the repository side, see: #9595
08:02 AM Bug report #9524 (Closed): Special character & in plugin authors prevent downloading
- Fixed in changeset commit:"88e8f9d6b6f05cbda44eea2c4d925170e82342eb".
08:47 AM Bug report #9498: legend item vertical spacing (once again) broken for layers set to hidden
- I am not sure the fix is OK. Basically each row in legend is a nucleon, group of nucleons is atom. Layer item is a nu...
08:45 AM Bug report #9434 (Closed): DB Manager versioning: language "SQL" does not exist
- Fixed in changeset commit:"5cd53dd28ef44db7802d6d7bfa38227792483686".
08:29 AM Bug report #9434: DB Manager versioning: language "SQL" does not exist
- Confirmed, thanks.
08:23 AM Bug report #9434: DB Manager versioning: language "SQL" does not exist
- I found this discussion, that might help solving the problem. -
08:01 AM Revision 5e21c55d (qgis): [relations] Preview expression from relation reference field config dialog
- Fix #9538
07:53 AM Bug report #9593 (Closed): Commit error not displayed in message bar
- Fixed in changeset commit:"580f3dc80d4bfba54438c2b6236a2d1e76914034".
06:54 AM Bug report #9593 (Closed): Commit error not displayed in message bar
- When a commit error is raised by the DBMS, the error is not correctly displayed in the message bar: %s (should be the...
07:19 AM Bug report #9395 (Closed): WFS layers time out, even though the timeout is not reached
- I've not been able to fully determine, that is a QGIS issue and not a Geoserver issue. For that reason, I'll close th...
06:00 AM Bug report #9395: WFS layers time out, even though the timeout is not reached
- I'm currently having a look at this. Assigning to myself to avoid doubled up work.
02:20 AM Bug report #9395: WFS layers time out, even though the timeout is not reached
- Hi Jürgen
As you seem to know the networking code of QGIS very well, could I get you to take a look at this? It's my... -
06:54 AM Bug report #9594 (Closed): Save output shapefile dialogue is slow to load filenames
- When browsing to save the output shapefile of a tool, the browse dialogue box consistently takes several tens of seco...
06:51 AM Revision bc074869 (qgis): Re-enable geometry simplification while rendering
- 05:39 AM Revision 517b8593 (qgis): Faster listing of tables for MS SQL
05:28 AM Revision a3af9339 (qgis): Merge branch 'master' into threading-revival
- Some features are still disabled - will be fixed later
python/c... -
05:10 AM Bug report #9590 (Closed): postgis table primary key choice list mixes fields from different tabl...
05:08 AM Bug report #9590 (In Progress): postgis table primary key choice list mixes fields from different...
- Not reproducable here, but commit:7f5aac30 might still fix it.
05:08 AM Bug report #9590 (In Progress): postgis table primary key choice list mixes fields from different...
- Not reproducable here, but commit:7f5aac30 might still fix it.
05:06 AM Bug report #9590 (Closed): postgis table primary key choice list mixes fields from different tabl...
- Fixed in changeset commit:"7f5aac30b1ab05cb901f2ea349a0badbef3d39ba".
02:58 AM Bug report #9590 (Closed): postgis table primary key choice list mixes fields from different tabl...
- Hi,
Primary key choice list in postgis connection dialog does show much more field than real table or view has.
Good... -
04:31 AM Feature request #9591 (Closed): Oracle connection to use metadata table for extent
- Currently when adding an Oracle layer QGIS performs a MBR check against the layer (SDO_TUNE.EXTENTS_OF). This hangs Q...
04:12 AM Revision dc50304f (qgis): Merge pull request #1186 from ahuarte47/Issue_9360R2
- Bug #9360: Whole layer not rendered (when simplify geometry activated)
03:47 AM Revision 49fbfbad (qgis): Merge pull request #1187 from Cracert/i18n
- [TRANSUP] pl
03:45 AM Revision 0f58a107 (qgis): [TRANSUP] pl
03:13 AM Revision fcf1119a (qgis): [TRANSUP] es by Carlos, nl by Richard
- Signed-off-by: Werner Macho <[email protected]>
03:13 AM Revision b95e1415 (qgis): fixing typo in source
12:48 AM Bug report #8979: Crashing WFS in 32bit Windows Install
- I can confirm that in the developer version QGIS code revision: 8f7c879 the issue is no longer present. Thanks, much ...
11:55 PM Bug report #9583: SRS transformation asked when adding geometry less table
- * Add a PostGIS geographic layer (with SRID defined)
* Add a PostGIS table layer
-> This window appear: see attached... -
01:29 PM Bug report #9583: SRS transformation asked when adding geometry less table
- include steps to reproduce please.
07:26 AM Bug report #9583 (Closed): SRS transformation asked when adding geometry less table
- When adding a geometry less table, the prompt to choose SRS transformation is opened.
11:10 PM Bug report #9538 (In Progress): Unable to save changes to the description expression in Relation ...
- This fixes the worst part of the problem, i.e. that the expression is not saved when edited in the config dialog. I'l...
11:10 PM Bug report #9538 (In Progress): Unable to save changes to the description expression in Relation ...
- This fixes the worst part of the problem, i.e. that the expression is not saved when edited in the config dialog. I'l...
11:01 PM Bug report #9538 (Closed): Unable to save changes to the description expression in Relation Refer...
- Fixed in changeset commit:"5e21c55d2b6358da0a8b61beb490ea0dd5f26a0c".
10:38 PM Revision f4f450f3 (qgis): #9360: More safely calculate the simplification transform factor
09:40 PM Revision b9b9bc31 (qgis): geometry validation: don't consider touching lines as intersection (fix...
09:32 PM Bug report #5025 (Closed): issue in snapping of point
- The problem went away, this bug can be closed.
09:19 PM Bug report #9569: Unexpected result in topological editing when snapping to the line element curr...
- I made some more investigation: the number of nodes created is not linked to the type of layer, but to the number of ...
09:05 PM Revision 7c4c7e89 (qgis): network authentication: don't crash if a network request is closed whil...
07:00 PM Feature request #9587 (Closed): honor path from all sides - program and add on
- I think it is important to use the path based on 'favourites' (if set) as that is an active choise of mine and the co...
05:52 PM Revision 7becd761 (qgis): osm: transform extents to EPSG:4326 (fixes #8709)
05:42 PM Revision ebdcaa7f (qgis): Merge pull request #1184 from marcelosoaressouza/translation_pt_BR
- Some translations (pt_BR) for Monday...
05:32 PM Revision e6e06146 (qgis): Fix crash if adding sublayers via plugin interface
05:17 PM Revision 45dc4a5c (qgis): Some translations (pt_BR) for Monday...
05:16 PM Bug report #9414 (Closed): Custom CRS with units=mm stored as units=m
- I just tried the test cases in the GDAL tickets, they are correctly represented with QGis Master.
04:12 PM Revision d39d2a7e (qgis): IT translation completed
03:58 PM Revision 7f3304b3 (qgis): [TRANSUP] da by Jacob, fi by Kari, lv by Peteris
- Signed-off-by: Werner Macho <[email protected]>
03:50 PM Revision 5c4899a3 (qgis): typo in description
03:50 PM Revision c0f2b1e1 (qgis): [TRANSUP] nb by James
02:41 PM Bug report #5848: Different icons for QGIS and QGIS Browser
- I agree with Anita, the icon needs to be more discernible from desktop app icon, especially when at 24 x 24px. Howeve...
09:39 AM Bug report #5848: Different icons for QGIS and QGIS Browser
- I don't think v1 is the best option. In my opinion, the difference between the desktop and browser icon should be mor...
05:56 AM Bug report #5848: Different icons for QGIS and QGIS Browser
- Andreas, my suggestion:
If we use the icon v1 prototype we need to pick a color for the folders that is neutral for ... -
05:12 AM Bug report #5848: Different icons for QGIS and QGIS Browser
- My vote is for the version qgis_browser_icon_prototype_v1.svg - but with a change that the folders are in blue instea...
03:35 AM Bug report #5848: Different icons for QGIS and QGIS Browser
- My vote is for qgis_browser_icon_prototype_v6.svg
But anyone is ok for me. -
03:29 AM Bug report #5848: Different icons for QGIS and QGIS Browser
- Paolo Cavallini wrote:
> IMHO this should changed, as it is quite confusing for users.
and which one? two here, a ... -
03:21 AM Bug report #5848: Different icons for QGIS and QGIS Browser
- See:
IMHO this should changed, as i... -
03:21 AM Bug report #5848: Different icons for QGIS and QGIS Browser
- See:
IMHO this should changed, as i... -
01:48 PM Bug report #9360: serious regression: whole layer not rendered (when simplify geometry activated)
- Hi, I have released a new pull request that attempts to correct this issue or as least show debug information:
https:... -
09:05 AM Bug report #9360: serious regression: whole layer not rendered (when simplify geometry activated)
- Hi, sorry, these days I'm finding it impossible to look this issue for family reasons.
I will try to build QGIS as d... -
07:34 AM Bug report #9360: serious regression: whole layer not rendered (when simplify geometry activated)
- affects me too (I added #9581 which is probably a duplicate of this). I did an update today so either the patch hasn'...
12:42 PM Bug report #9580 (Closed): wrong geometry error detection with QGIS method
- Fixed in changeset commit:"b9b9bc31b3ba63b06def835dbb01772134661856".
06:11 AM Bug report #9580 (Closed): wrong geometry error detection with QGIS method
- Hi,
attached you find a small project with a polygon shape file. Using the "check geometry validity" tool from the f... -
12:42 PM Bug report #7501 (Closed): Check validity of multipolygons
- Fixed in changeset commit:"b9b9bc31b3ba63b06def835dbb01772134661856".
12:42 PM Feature request #3851 (Closed): Allow tolerating self-touching rings forming holes as valid
- Fixed in changeset commit:"b9b9bc31b3ba63b06def835dbb01772134661856".
12:10 PM Feature request #8709 (Closed): Easier import of OSM data: bounding box
- Fixed in changeset commit:"7becd761af05d3946e3c94017cffacf5ed72be4e".
06:07 AM Feature request #8709: Easier import of OSM data: bounding box
- The source of this bus is correctly identified in the comments on the duplicate Bug #9103. The OSM overpass-api requi...
12:10 PM Bug report #9379 (Closed): QGIS crash when opening certain WFS projects
- Fixed in changeset commit:"7c4c7e897e145eb38ea90be1bf8989e09bec698c".
09:42 AM Bug report #9379: QGIS crash when opening certain WFS projects
- Jacob Madsen wrote:
> What do you mean? The problem was reproduced, but apparently it's intermediary. That I can't re... -
07:04 AM Bug report #9379: QGIS crash when opening certain WFS projects
- Issue just occurred again today, still latest build. Minidump sent on WeTransfer.
05:09 AM Bug report #9379: QGIS crash when opening certain WFS projects
- What do you mean? The problem was reproduced, but apparently it's intermediary. That I can't reproduce it now doesn't...
11:30 AM Revision ef5ede16 (qgis): Merge pull request #1180 from nirvn/legend_spacing_fix2
- [composer] fix vertical spacing of hidden layer title in legend items (fix #9498)
10:46 AM Bug report #9526: File based layer edits and posts taking extremely long time
- Testing with the --noplugins option but haven't done enough on it yet to see if fixed. Haven't tried latest master (c...
09:03 AM Revision d31b5950 (qgis): 5239_v1
07:35 AM Bug report #9581: linestrings not transforming on the fly
- appears to be duplicate of #9360
07:16 AM Bug report #9581 (Closed): linestrings not transforming on the fly
- QGIS Master 2.2 (from debian-nightly). This has happened with linestrings from various sources (shapefile, gpx and po...
07:33 AM Bug report #9585 (Closed): Show features count doesn't kept after opening project
- Steps:
* Add a geometry less table (with some rows inside or add some)
* Enable 'show features count' with right clic... -
07:29 AM Bug report #9584 (Closed): WMS GetFeatureInfo response in GML format is not correct
- XML elements of every particular feature (feature ID, geometry, bounding box and attributes) in GetFeatureInfo GML re...
07:19 AM Bug report #9582 (Closed): Identify form dimensions
- The dimensions of the identify form are not kept after resizing.
* Select identify tool
* Click on a feature
... -
05:22 AM Bug report #8801 (Closed): QGIS fails to start when not in domain
- Home directory is on the network.
I have recently changed to a Windows 7 64bit platform - and there I can open QGIS ... -
05:01 AM Bug report #9395: WFS layers time out, even though the timeout is not reached
- Could I get some feedback on this? Still reproduces from time to time on build commit:57dd877
04:40 AM Bug report #9579 (Closed): wrong behavior of svg symbol with data defined properties
- Hi all,
svg symbol (style tab for point shapefile) seems not to take care of the data defined properties (size, offse... -
02:34 AM Revision 4e3738a2 (qgis): Merge pull request #1183 from Cracert/i18n
- [TRANSUP] pl: QObject
02:30 AM Bug report #9498 (Closed): legend item vertical spacing (once again) broken for layers set to hidden
- Fixed in changeset commit:"ef5ede169023e520bf6844c205b1fc8c06239329".
02:28 AM Revision 337792bf (qgis): [TRANSUP] pl: QObject
02:10 AM Bug report #6299: Sextante output do not have the same Encoding as the inputs
- On SAGA 2.10, Merge Shapes doesn't corrupt the encoding.
I also tried v.overlay from QGIS and it doesn't corrupt th... -
02:07 AM Revision 24b3ed17 (qgis): postgres provider: fix detection of character fields (related to #8481)
01:41 AM Revision 68660acf (qgis): Merge pull request #1182 from SrNetoChan/master
- [TRANSUP] pt_PT GUI Translations
01:17 AM Revision e0e5f71f (qgis): pt_PT GUI Translations
- PT_pt GUI Translation (QObject)
PT_pt GUI Translations
12:58 AM Bug report #9578: QGIS Crashes when incorrect plot style for programmatically created composer
- Attached is the minidump file
11:59 PM Bug report #9578: QGIS Crashes when incorrect plot style for programmatically created composer
- Attached file is the template we used.
11:40 PM Bug report #9578 (Closed): QGIS Crashes when incorrect plot style for programmatically created c...
- This issue replaces #9562
We have been trying to track down the cause of a crash under windows. We use some code sim... -
12:44 AM Bug report #9500: Wrong list of "result entities ID" after a spatial query
- For me the importation works fine (there is a create database command).
I join an archive with shapefiles (and a scre... -
02:45 PM Bug report #9500: Wrong list of "result entities ID" after a spatial query
- Jean-Michel Follin wrote:
> Salvatore Larosa wrote:
> > works fine for me either 2.0.1 or master version.
> >
> > Pl... -
12:11 AM Bug report #5239 (Closed): TIN interpolation causes crash
- Since I didn't have time to look at the triangulation code, I just upplied the patch now.
>An obvious choice can be ... -
11:30 PM Bug report #9562 (Closed): QGIS crashes when opening a composer template with unresolvable paths
- Ok after more testing we found that on windows the crash does not occur because of the unresolvable path. We are goin...
10:43 PM Bug report #9562: QGIS crashes when opening a composer template with unresolvable paths
- Hi
I tried to upload the minidump in the original ticket but it seems to have been discarded when the ticket was sub... -
09:36 PM Revision 26f8be92 (qgis): [Plugin Manager] Fix window title update
09:33 PM Revision e0c761cc (qgis): main: fix installation of qt translator
04:20 PM Revision 7f9a755f (qgis): network manager: support system proxy settings on windows (fixes #8600)
04:03 PM Bug report #8818 (Closed): "value map" widget broken
- Giovanni Manghi wrote:
> I'm not sure (still thinking) that the actual behavior is better for the user, but anyway if... -
03:33 PM Bug report #8818: "value map" widget broken
- Jürgen Fischer wrote:
> The stored data is correct in both cases, isn't it?
I'm not sure (still thinking) tha... -
03:19 PM Bug report #8818: "value map" widget broken
- Giovanni Manghi wrote:
> attached a screencast that shows the difference between qgis 1.8 and 2.0/master:
> in qgi... -
01:01 PM Bug report #8818 (Open): "value map" widget broken
- Jürgen Fischer wrote:
> Giovanni Manghi wrote:
> > Jürgen Fischer wrote:
> > > Fixed in changeset commit:"48427e1877c... -
05:47 AM Bug report #8818 (Feedback): "value map" widget broken
03:38 PM Bug report #8481: "Errors: SUCCESS: 6 attribute(s) added. ERROR: field with index 4 is not the sa...
- Giovanni Manghi wrote:
> Matthias Kuhn wrote:
> > Is this still an issue?
> >
> > Looking at my earlier comments, I ... -
03:00 PM Bug report #9079: Numeric scale error when print
- Sorry - I'm on holidays for a couple of weeks and can't investigate this for 2.2. I'm happy to take a look after that...
02:25 PM Bug report #9079 (Open): Numeric scale error when print
02:25 PM Bug report #9079: Numeric scale error when print
- Seems also to me that something is wrong...
02:25 PM Bug report #9079: Numeric scale error when print
- Seems also to me that something is wrong...
02:59 PM Bug report #9577 (Closed): Point displacemente does not work with PostGIS layers
- The dialog shows the message in the attached image
02:58 PM Bug report #5979 (Closed): not displaying points over openlayers background map
- closing for lack of feedback.
02:58 PM Bug report #5979 (Closed): not displaying points over openlayers background map
- closing for lack of feedback.
02:51 PM Bug report #9526: File based layer edits and posts taking extremely long time
- Patrick Dunford wrote:
> OK so using 2,01 with the same project and layer files, editing a layer is instantaneous. So... -
02:18 PM Bug report #9575: Georeferencer: Polynomial 2 transformation with 6 GCP is unable to process
- Here GCP file and orginal map.
01:55 PM Bug report #9575: Georeferencer: Polynomial 2 transformation with 6 GCP is unable to process
- Michel Proulx wrote:
> Oginal map makes 180 Mo. I can't send it here.
> You're right what I get from georeferencer... -
01:53 PM Bug report #9575: Georeferencer: Polynomial 2 transformation with 6 GCP is unable to process
- Oginal map makes 180 Mo. I can't send it here.
You're right what I get from georeferencer is flipped raster!? Flippe... -
01:04 PM Bug report #9575: Georeferencer: Polynomial 2 transformation with 6 GCP is unable to process
- Michel Proulx wrote:
> Dear Giovanni
> What's mean and where to find GPC file?
> Here is attached final result.... -
01:01 PM Bug report #9575: Georeferencer: Polynomial 2 transformation with 6 GCP is unable to process
- Dear Giovanni
What's mean and where to find GPC file?
Here is attached final result. -
01:01 PM Bug report #9575: Georeferencer: Polynomial 2 transformation with 6 GCP is unable to process
- Dear Giovanni
What's mean and where to find GPC file?
Here is attached final result. -
12:38 PM Bug report #9575 (Feedback): Georeferencer: Polynomial 2 transformation with 6 GCP is unable to p...
- Hi, the description is not really clear. Can you add sample data (including the GPC file)? Maybe also a screenshot of...
12:38 PM Bug report #9575 (Feedback): Georeferencer: Polynomial 2 transformation with 6 GCP is unable to p...
- Hi, the description is not really clear. Can you add sample data (including the GPC file)? Maybe also a screenshot of...
12:38 PM Bug report #9575 (Feedback): Georeferencer: Polynomial 2 transformation with 6 GCP is unable to p...
- Hi, the description is not really clear. Can you add sample data (including the GPC file)? Maybe also a screenshot of...
12:38 PM Bug report #9575 (Feedback): Georeferencer: Polynomial 2 transformation with 6 GCP is unable to p...
- Hi, the description is not really clear. Can you add sample data (including the GPC file)? Maybe also a screenshot of...
12:25 PM Bug report #9575 (Closed): Georeferencer: Polynomial 2 transformation with 6 GCP is unable to pro...
- QGIS 1.8.0 and 2.0.1 when georeferencing topo and geological map, .jpg / tiff. formats; lon, lat originale coordinate...
02:15 PM Bug report #9060: Area is wrong in QGIS master (again)
- Correct!
01:47 PM Bug report #9060 (Open): Area is wrong in QGIS master (again)
- Rhenriques Henriques wrote:
> Just tested in NB, code revision "d26831b" and is not right yet. If the original shape ... -
01:47 PM Bug report #9060 (Open): Area is wrong in QGIS master (again)
- Rhenriques Henriques wrote:
> Just tested in NB, code revision "d26831b" and is not right yet. If the original shape ... -
01:47 PM Bug report #9060 (Open): Area is wrong in QGIS master (again)
- Rhenriques Henriques wrote:
> Just tested in NB, code revision "d26831b" and is not right yet. If the original shape ... -
02:00 PM Bug report #9470 (Closed): Cannot remove a group in TOC
- Closing for lack of feedback and as because it seems to be fine on master. Reopen if necessary.
02:00 PM Bug report #9470 (Closed): Cannot remove a group in TOC
- Closing for lack of feedback and as because it seems to be fine on master. Reopen if necessary.
01:59 PM Bug report #6299 (Feedback): Sextante output do not have the same Encoding as the inputs
- Filipe Dias wrote:
> Alexander Bruy wrote:
> > Seems the only possible way to get broken attributes is using "Syst... -
01:59 PM Bug report #6299 (Feedback): Sextante output do not have the same Encoding as the inputs
- Filipe Dias wrote:
> Alexander Bruy wrote:
> > Seems the only possible way to get broken attributes is using "Syst... -
01:54 PM Bug report #9508 (Feedback): Dissolve tool doesn't work
- I usually get the same issue when in the table of attributes there is a column with a reserved/invalid name, like "de...
01:18 PM Bug report #9572: legend of categorized renderer of layers with joins incorrect
- Confirmed on master.
01:18 PM Bug report #9572: legend of categorized renderer of layers with joins incorrect
- Confirmed on master.
01:18 PM Bug report #9572: legend of categorized renderer of layers with joins incorrect
- Confirmed on master.
08:08 AM Bug report #9572 (Closed): legend of categorized renderer of layers with joins incorrect
- I have noticed a not correct display of categorized type legend using
joined fields.
If I use one of the joined field... -
01:10 PM Feature request #9456: Improve offset line algorithm
- see also #9485
01:10 PM Bug report #9485 (Closed): Line Offset in symbology generates artifacts
- duplicate of #9456
01:10 PM Bug report #9485 (Closed): Line Offset in symbology generates artifacts
- duplicate of #9456
01:09 PM Bug report #9573 (Feedback): hostnames with non-ascii characters cause python console to fail.
- Chars like "ã" or "ç" in the username are not an issue here on Windows 7 on both qgis 2 and master.
01:09 PM Bug report #9573 (Feedback): hostnames with non-ascii characters cause python console to fail.
- Chars like "ã" or "ç" in the username are not an issue here on Windows 7 on both qgis 2 and master.
08:42 AM Bug report #9573 (Closed): hostnames with non-ascii characters cause python console to fail.
- Can't open Python consoler right after a clean install. This could be caused by my username in Windows which contains...
12:43 PM Bug report #9576 (Closed): SLD rule-based style export loses quotes around layer names
- When exporting a rule-based layer style to an sld file, any quotes in the rules are removed. If layers have hyphens i...
10:32 AM Revision ba47c9fe (qgis): Fix #9520 (bbox filter doesn't work applied on a WFS datasource)
- Currently the bbox must have syntax bbox($geometry, geomFromWKT('...'))
09:37 AM Bug report #9571 (Closed): Qgis crash when remove group of layers create with python
- I can replicate the problem in QGIS 2.0.1 (on linux), but not with QGIS master, so I assume this has been fixed in th...
09:37 AM Bug report #9571 (Closed): Qgis crash when remove group of layers create with python
- I can replicate the problem in QGIS 2.0.1 (on linux), but not with QGIS master, so I assume this has been fixed in th...
03:00 AM Bug report #9571 (Closed): Qgis crash when remove group of layers create with python
- hi after that i load many layers i run this code in python console...
09:20 AM Feature request #9574 (Open): Simplified ranges in styling
- I think it would be useful to have a more concise way to specify multiple numerical ranges for a single rule when sty...
08:46 AM Feature request #9530: Show coordinated as grid codes
- Giovanni
Thanks for your interest in this.
No bother you closing this ticket.
Plenty more QGIS stuff for you to get i... -
04:37 AM Feature request #9530 (Closed): Show coordinated as grid codes
- Geoff Owen wrote:
> Hello Giovanni.
> Thanks for getting involved.
> I think my suggestion would be useful but only f... -
04:37 AM Feature request #9530 (Closed): Show coordinated as grid codes
- Geoff Owen wrote:
> Hello Giovanni.
> Thanks for getting involved.
> I think my suggestion would be useful but only f... -
07:21 AM Bug report #8600 (Closed): QGIS 2.0 not working with NTLM proxy
- Fixed in changeset commit:"7f9a755f271a40c2e7864f7646cb5257d722d1ff".
05:45 AM Bug report #9379: QGIS crash when opening certain WFS projects
- Jacob Madsen wrote:
> What more can I do to assist you in fixing this issue? All I can say at this point is, that I'v... -
04:46 AM Bug report #9379: QGIS crash when opening certain WFS projects
- What more can I do to assist you in fixing this issue? All I can say at this point is, that I've seen this problem on...
04:47 AM Bug report #9569 (Feedback): Unexpected result in topological editing when snapping to the line e...
- I'm on qgis master/ubuntu and it's weird because what I see is:
* for lines I see what you describe for polygons
* ... -
04:47 AM Bug report #9569 (Feedback): Unexpected result in topological editing when snapping to the line e...
- I'm on qgis master/ubuntu and it's weird because what I see is:
* for lines I see what you describe for polygons
* ... -
04:26 AM Bug report #9570: Opening Layer -> Properties 12 times crashes QGIS master
- Cannot confirm here on QGIS master on Ubuntu.
04:26 AM Bug report #9570: Opening Layer -> Properties 12 times crashes QGIS master
- Cannot confirm here on QGIS master on Ubuntu.
02:21 AM Bug report #9570 (Closed): Opening Layer -> Properties 12 times crashes QGIS master
- When you open the project:
First I click on Layer -> Properties, or double-click on the layer
Second I close the "P... -
03:22 AM Revision d102a79a (qgis): [composer] fix vertical spacing of hidden layer title in legend items (...
02:30 AM Revision 1607759c (qgis): ²
- Signed-off-by: Werner Macho <[email protected]>
02:11 AM Revision af7b133e (qgis): Merge pull request #1179 from asiersarasua/master
- Basque translation update
02:11 AM Revision e91580fc (qgis): Merge pull request #1178 from Cracert/i18n
- [TRANSUP] pl: QObject
02:10 AM Revision c809a822 (qgis): Merge pull request #1177 from marcelosoaressouza/translation_pt_BR
- Some translations (pt_BR) for the weekend.
02:10 AM Revision 0d304a26 (qgis): Merge pull request #1176 from tomass/master
- Lithuanian translation update
01:33 AM Bug report #9520 (Closed): bbox filter doesn't work applied on a WFS datasource
- Fixed in changeset commit:"ba47c9feb62ecaa102d16eff8ac61363047e51f1".
01:22 AM Feature request #8621 (Closed): The expression text box in the expression builder window should b...
- 09:42 PM Revision be67e6a9 (qgis): Merge pull request #1174 from anitagraser/master
- added new splash for 2.2
08:46 PM Revision 9b651a50 (qgis): Basque translation update
08:02 PM Bug report #9562 (Feedback): QGIS crashes when opening a composer template with unresolvable paths
- Could you please attach the minidump file?
What happens on linux if the image does not exist? Crash or just no pictu... -
06:33 PM Revision 60813ce7 (qgis): [TRANSUP] pl: QObject
05:31 PM Revision 675746c2 (qgis): wms: use titles in layer name (fixes #4002)
05:31 PM Revision edfce689 (qgis): wmts: use title instead of identifier (fixes #9391)
04:25 PM Revision 2168cac1 (qgis): Some translations (pt_BR) for the weekend.
04:06 PM Revision b5897c7f (qgis): Fix switched axes problem in WMS 1.3 with non-projected CRS
- 03:48 PM Revision f094cf9d (qgis): Lithuanian translation update
01:06 PM Revision 51afb507 (qgis): russian translation update
10:45 AM Feature request #9530: Show coordinated as grid codes
- Hello Giovanni.
Thanks for getting involved.
I think my suggestion would be useful but only for a very few users.
Mus... -
04:13 AM Feature request #9530: Show coordinated as grid codes
- Geoff Owen wrote:
> Hello
> Coordinates appear in canvas view at bottom of screen.(Please see attached screen shot 1)... -
04:13 AM Feature request #9530: Show coordinated as grid codes
- Geoff Owen wrote:
> Hello
> Coordinates appear in canvas view at bottom of screen.(Please see attached screen shot 1)... -
10:44 AM Bug report #8818 (Open): "value map" widget broken
- Jürgen Fischer wrote:
> Giovanni Manghi wrote:
> > Jürgen Fischer wrote:
> > > Fixed in changeset commit:"48427e1877c... -
09:33 AM Bug report #8818 (Feedback): "value map" widget broken
10:05 AM Bug report #9474: New vertices added to polygons break shape file topology
- Hi Martin,
Thanks for looking into this;
Indeed my sample file doesn't seem to reproduce the problem. I apologise fo... -
10:05 AM Bug report #9474: New vertices added to polygons break shape file topology
- Hi Martin,
Thanks for looking into this;
Indeed my sample file doesn't seem to reproduce the problem. I apologise fo... -
09:22 AM Bug report #9474: New vertices added to polygons break shape file topology
- I fail to see what is actually wrong there - OpenJUMP and QGIS seem to render the layers in the same way.
Maybe your... -
09:27 AM Bug report #9391 (Closed): Implement human readable listings for WMT-S titleset styles
- Fixed in changeset commit:"edfce6897df0355bb2db1914dfe57c44e705a856".
09:27 AM Feature request #4002 (Closed): Enhancement: Option to display title in layer panel from wfs/wms ...
- Fixed in changeset commit:"675746c2d7bdba0b7e3f15a3c96b5a5c2709a41f".
08:46 AM Revision 55ef9ed1 (qgis): [TRANSUP] hr by Zoran
- Signed-off-by: Werner Macho <[email protected]>
08:36 AM Bug report #9569 (Closed): Unexpected result in topological editing when snapping to the line ele...
- To reproduce the bug:
* Enable the topological editing in the snapping options
* Using the nodetool, move a vertex o... -
08:23 AM Bug report #9568 (Closed): Rubberband bug if zooming in or out during nodetool edition
- I often have to zoom in or out during edition, either to see a larger area or to place a point more precisely and avo...
07:44 AM Bug report #8150: DB Manager freezes QGIS when deleting table/view
- Martin Dobias wrote:
> Does it happen with PostGIS or SpatiaLite or both?
Hi Martin,
I tested only PostGIS. -
07:24 AM Bug report #8983 (Closed): Missing tiles when loading WMT-S from EPSG:2193 tileset
- QGIS was respecting the tile matrixes of the services, which matrix height and width were too small. The service was...
07:24 AM Bug report #8983 (Closed): Missing tiles when loading WMT-S from EPSG:2193 tileset
- QGIS was respecting the tile matrixes of the services, which matrix height and width were too small. The service was...
07:23 AM Bug report #9196: WMTS and CRS issue
- Followup in commit:b5897c7 - now with no axis switch the map is rendered correctly, but with invert/ignore it is "swa...
06:04 AM Revision 1e996369 (qgis): [TRANSUP] es(Carlos),hu(Zoltan),sv(Victor)
- Signed-off-by: Werner Macho <[email protected]>
05:46 AM Revision 2aeaa290 (qgis): Merge pull request #1175 from Cracert/i18n
- [TRANSUP] pl: QObject, Composer, GRASS, Memory
05:29 AM Bug report #9499 (Closed): path to external-svg-folder or storage of svg
- If there was an issue this is now fixed in qgis master. I tested on both Linux and Windows and you can add path to fo...
05:29 AM Bug report #9499 (Closed): path to external-svg-folder or storage of svg
- If there was an issue this is now fixed in qgis master. I tested on both Linux and Windows and you can add path to fo...
05:26 AM Bug report #9502: Reshape Tool quits working
- I ca replicate the issue (even with mush less edits with the reshape tool). What is worst is that in some case the to...
05:10 AM Bug report #9532 (Feedback): Node tool causes crash
- Sample data/project (and a screencast in this case) would help a lot try replicate this issue on other computers.
05:10 AM Bug report #9532 (Feedback): Node tool causes crash
- Sample data/project (and a screencast in this case) would help a lot try replicate this issue on other computers.
05:10 AM Bug report #9532 (Feedback): Node tool causes crash
- Sample data/project (and a screencast in this case) would help a lot try replicate this issue on other computers.
05:10 AM Bug report #9532 (Feedback): Node tool causes crash
- Sample data/project (and a screencast in this case) would help a lot try replicate this issue on other computers.
04:27 AM Bug report #9507: QGIS crash when opening a HTML Map Tip with some mistakes
- closing this?
04:25 AM Bug report #6524 (Closed): eVis Plug-In, eVis-Database-connection to a MS-Access data base (QGIS ...
- closing for lack of feedback (and because it is most likely fixed).
04:25 AM Bug report #6524 (Closed): eVis Plug-In, eVis-Database-connection to a MS-Access data base (QGIS ...
- closing for lack of feedback (and because it is most likely fixed).
04:19 AM Revision cd4c4f9b (qgis): [TRANSUP] pl: QObject, Composer, GRASS, Memory
04:13 AM Revision 366daa7e (qgis): [composer] Fix loading atlas settings from pre 2.2 projects (fix #9567)
03:01 AM Bug report #9378 (Closed): QGIS crash when editing WFS layers with overlaps
- I have tested again and I can't also replicate the issue anymore, please reopen if necessary.
03:01 AM Bug report #9378 (Closed): QGIS crash when editing WFS layers with overlaps
- I have tested again and I can't also replicate the issue anymore, please reopen if necessary.
01:27 AM Bug report #9498: legend item vertical spacing (once again) broken for layers set to hidden
- Radim, I got something that seems to work OK, attaching the diff patch.
I've tested it using a bunch of layer item (... -
01:00 AM Revision efec3162 (qgis): fix warnings
12:32 AM Bug report #9498: legend item vertical spacing (once again) broken for layers set to hidden
- If I re-enable the if ( currentLegendItem->style() != QgsComposerLegendStyle::Hidden ) condition, the legend's vertic...
12:16 AM Bug report #9498: legend item vertical spacing (once again) broken for layers set to hidden
- Radim, I think the problem might be located around line 837 of qgscomposerlegend.cpp and the commented out line 830: ...
12:07 AM Revision 0ccaafbe (qgis): added new splash for 2.2
07:14 PM Bug report #9567 (Closed): Fixed atlas map scale is not restored when loading a 2.0 project in 2.1
- Fixed in changeset commit:"366daa7e3b71f1fe890cd961779a5548d3ad7b47".
08:27 AM Bug report #9567 (Closed): Fixed atlas map scale is not restored when loading a 2.0 project in 2.1
- I have created a map composition with Atlas settings where the map scale is fixed to a certain value in 2.0.
When I ... -
06:52 PM Revision 8f7c879f (qgis): Fix 'geos_c.h not found' build error on Mac
01:20 PM Revision 8b10eb03 (qgis): Color ramp combo box: do not show "random colors" if gradients-only is on
- + added option to query whether gradients-only option is enabled
01:03 PM Revision 277d2747 (qgis): fixed backslash validator in OWS connection names
12:51 PM Revision 54d3510e (qgis): Reintroduced Google Mercator 900913
- insert into tbl_srs (description, projection_acronym, ellipsoid_acronym, parameters, srid, auth_name, auth_id, is_geo...
12:34 PM Revision 8b486387 (qgis): WMS identify GML: clear bytearrya before encoding to utf8, fixes "inval...
11:55 AM Bug report #9208: QGIS crashes when using addAttributes on any vector data provider
- It doesn't happen with QGIS 32bit on Windows (at least on my machine)
11:34 AM Bug report #9208: QGIS crashes when using addAttributes on any vector data provider
- Also reproducable on Linux
11:34 AM Bug report #9208: QGIS crashes when using addAttributes on any vector data provider
- Also reproducable on Linux
10:12 AM Bug report #9208: QGIS crashes when using addAttributes on any vector data provider
- I'm not expert with SIP. I thought QgsFields were automatically casted to lists by the SIP wrapper, but I see that __...
10:03 AM Bug report #9208: QGIS crashes when using addAttributes on any vector data provider
- Giovanni Allegri wrote:
> Here you can find a test shapefile [1] and a tiny test script [2]. I've just tested it with... -
01:44 AM Bug report #9208: QGIS crashes when using addAttributes on any vector data provider
- PS: it's just a test. In general I do changes to the layers in an editing session. I just wanted to report two things...
01:42 AM Bug report #9208: QGIS crashes when using addAttributes on any vector data provider
- Here you can find a test shapefile [1] and a tiny test script [2]. I've just tested it with QGIS 64bit through the py...
11:47 AM Revision f66c4614 (qgis): replace list of snapping markers with a single marker
11:20 AM Revision 54da1cfc (qgis): VL properties/Fields: Remember folder of last used .ui
10:28 AM Revision 24b0a646 (qgis): [composer] Better method of hiding atlas coverage layer (fix #9506)
10:28 AM Revision f9f5c6d2 (qgis): Fix failing atlas test
10:20 AM Bug report #9560: QGIS Crashes when creating a blank project after using composer
- I can not reproduce this on Mac OS X 10.9 (haven't tested elsewhere).
Tim, there seems to be an issue with the **Cad... -
10:10 AM Bug report #9560: QGIS Crashes when creating a blank project after using composer
- Tim,
Even when the crash reporter dialog doesn't show up, the crash report should still written to your user logs. C... -
10:08 AM Revision edb0e5fc (qgis): Removed dead legend code
10:08 AM Revision 7e34bd90 (qgis): Do not emit currentLayerChanged signal if the layer has not changed
09:32 AM Bug report #8493: "Save as Image" defaults to archaic media type
- Yes, I always use .PNG so Etienne's right. Sorry for closing the ticket.
08:22 AM Bug report #8493: "Save as Image" defaults to archaic media type
- output format is saved in the lastSaveAsImageFilter user pref so default value has no effect once you select another ...
08:10 AM Bug report #8493 (Reopened): "Save as Image" defaults to archaic media type
- Hi Filipe from what did you conclude that .PNG is now the default?
From a fresh rebuild from now, in
Menu -> Project... -
07:11 AM Bug report #8493 (Closed): "Save as Image" defaults to archaic media type
- In Menu ->File -> Save image .PNG is now the default.
09:06 AM Bug report #8818: "value map" widget broken
- Giovanni Manghi wrote:
> Jürgen Fischer wrote:
> > Fixed in changeset commit:"48427e1877cdb762af14f31be85b984a490828e... -
08:57 AM Bug report #8818: "value map" widget broken
- Hi, I proposed a slightly different change:
Best Regards
Alvaro -
08:44 AM Bug report #8818 (Reopened): "value map" widget broken
- Jürgen Fischer wrote:
> Fixed in changeset commit:"48427e1877cdb762af14f31be85b984a490828e2".
it does not seems to w... -
08:44 AM Bug report #8818 (Reopened): "value map" widget broken
- Jürgen Fischer wrote:
> Fixed in changeset commit:"48427e1877cdb762af14f31be85b984a490828e2".
it does not seems to w... -
08:38 AM Bug report #5811: dbmanager freezes when the schema has a lot of tables
- Martin Dobias wrote:
> I meant my old plugin :)
it seems equally slow (many seconds) with a couple hundred of tables... -
08:34 AM Bug report #9379: QGIS crash when opening certain WFS projects
- Jacob Madsen wrote:
> I was unable to upload the minidump here (file too large apparently), so I've sent it to your e... -
01:29 AM Bug report #9379: QGIS crash when opening certain WFS projects
- I was unable to upload the minidump here (file too large apparently), so I've sent it to your email using WeTransfer....
01:26 AM Bug report #9379: QGIS crash when opening certain WFS projects
- Here is a minidump file generated by yesterday's crash (which I could no reproduce later). I really hope you can use ...
08:32 AM Revision b2ad0667 (qgis): IT translation almost finished
08:26 AM Bug report #9565: Dxf2Shp converter plugin does not generate any output with the provided input file
- A few notes:
* the crash is confirmed on qgis 2.0.1 on Windows, but not on master. QGIS 1.8 also didn't crashed so a... -
08:26 AM Bug report #9565: Dxf2Shp converter plugin does not generate any output with the provided input file
- A few notes:
* the crash is confirmed on qgis 2.0.1 on Windows, but not on master. QGIS 1.8 also didn't crashed so a... -
08:26 AM Bug report #9565: Dxf2Shp converter plugin does not generate any output with the provided input file
- A few notes:
* the crash is confirmed on qgis 2.0.1 on Windows, but not on master. QGIS 1.8 also didn't crashed so a... -
08:26 AM Bug report #9565: Dxf2Shp converter plugin does not generate any output with the provided input file
- A few notes:
* the crash is confirmed on qgis 2.0.1 on Windows, but not on master. QGIS 1.8 also didn't crashed so a... -
08:26 AM Bug report #9565: Dxf2Shp converter plugin does not generate any output with the provided input file
- A few notes:
* the crash is confirmed on qgis 2.0.1 on Windows, but not on master. QGIS 1.8 also didn't crashed so a... -
07:00 AM Bug report #9565 (Closed): Dxf2Shp converter plugin does not generate any output with the provide...
- I have attached the file and dump file. Unfortunately i don't know with what program to read the 24 megabytes crash m...
08:08 AM Bug report #8526 (Closed): complex/big geometry crashes qgis 32bit on load. Works ok on qgis 64 b...
- tested again on Windows/master 32bit and the issue seems gone.
08:08 AM Bug report #8526 (Closed): complex/big geometry crashes qgis 32bit on load. Works ok on qgis 64 b...
- tested again on Windows/master 32bit and the issue seems gone.
07:35 AM Revision 38297cc9 (qgis): Merge branch 'master' of
07:10 AM Bug report #9324: Regression: Inference lines in composer no longer appear
- Hi
Yes I can confirm they are enabled.
Tim -
06:49 AM Revision 2bd75b6f (qgis): [TRANSUP] big language update preparing release
- Signed-off-by: Werner Macho <[email protected]>
06:46 AM Revision d1c82bcb (qgis): Merge pull request #1170 from Cracert/i18n
- [TRANSUP] pl: Oracle, help
06:14 AM Revision 54c88a5f (qgis): [TRANSUP] pl: Oracle, help
05:51 AM Revision a7c33a39 (qgis): [TRANSUP] fi by Kari
- Signed-off-by: Werner Macho <[email protected]>
02:42 AM Bug report #9196 (Reopened): WMTS and CRS issue
- I am not able to add longlat (4326) WMS after commit:ba0a637. It seems that axis are somehow messed. I tried with all...
02:10 AM Feature request #9530: Show coordinated as grid codes
- Hello
Coordinates appear in canvas view at bottom of screen.(Please see attached screen shot 1).
Coordinates also app... -
02:10 AM Feature request #9530: Show coordinated as grid codes
- Hello
Coordinates appear in canvas view at bottom of screen.(Please see attached screen shot 1).
Coordinates also app... -
01:47 AM Bug report #9378: QGIS crash when editing WFS layers with overlaps
- Hi
I've not so far been able to reproduce this in build commit:57dd877, however I need a colleague to verify. He won... -
01:29 AM Bug report #9506 (Closed): preview atlas hides the coverage in the main canvas
- Fixed in changeset commit:"24b0a6468937d195e87f1f2528c4d0f3f328eaf7".
01:23 AM Bug report #9561 (Feedback): Unable to save an existing template in composer
- I can't replicate this. It may be OSX specific...? Can you test under a different platform?
12:49 AM Bug report #9559 (Feedback): Composer guide lines get printed on map
- Can you test using QgsComposition::renderPage() to export the pdf and confirm if this works correctly? renderPage set...
05:39 PM Bug report #9559 (Closed): Composer guide lines get printed on map
- Using master with a composer template which is loaded in python, the generated pdf includes the composer guides. Can ...
12:36 AM Bug report #9562 (Closed): QGIS crashes when opening a composer template with unresolvable paths
- We are making templates to be used by users on different operating systems. One of our templates has a north arrow im...
11:35 PM Revision dae8ea66 (qgis): geometry less features: update add feature tool in digitizing toolbar a...
11:03 PM Bug report #9324: Regression: Inference lines in composer no longer appear
- Tim - can you confirm whether smart guides is enabled for this composition?
07:02 PM Bug report #9324 (Reopened): Regression: Inference lines in composer no longer appear
- Hi
I am reopening this issue - there are still cases where no inference lines are show. I am attaching a short scre... -
07:02 PM Bug report #9324 (Reopened): Regression: Inference lines in composer no longer appear
- Hi
I am reopening this issue - there are still cases where no inference lines are show. I am attaching a short scre... -
07:02 PM Bug report #9324 (Reopened): Regression: Inference lines in composer no longer appear
- Hi
I am reopening this issue - there are still cases where no inference lines are show. I am attaching a short scre... -
07:02 PM Bug report #9324 (Reopened): Regression: Inference lines in composer no longer appear
- Hi
I am reopening this issue - there are still cases where no inference lines are show. I am attaching a short scre... -
07:28 PM Bug report #5811: dbmanager freezes when the schema has a lot of tables
- I meant my old plugin :)
11:36 AM Bug report #5811: dbmanager freezes when the schema has a lot of tables
- Martin Dobias wrote:
> Giovanni, is there such problem with slowness also with PostGIS manager plugin?
do you refer ... -
07:19 PM Bug report #9561 (Closed): Unable to save an existing template in composer
- I have a template that I need to edit (using QGIS Master commit:dae8ea66a169db7539a08dc81d2ebe9dab789f37).
Although ... -
06:45 PM Bug report #9560: QGIS Crashes when creating a blank project after using composer
- Testing against commit:dae8ea66a169db7539a08dc81d2ebe9dab789f37 I can note that it is no longer guaranteed to get the...
06:14 PM Bug report #9560 (Closed): QGIS Crashes when creating a blank project after using composer
- To replicate:
Using QGIS head on OSX
# Open QGIS
# Blank project
# New composer map (default for name)
# Close comp... -
05:56 PM Bug report #7941 (Closed): IGNF:LAMBE -- not reprojecting
- Giovanni Manghi wrote:
> As far I can see this is still an issue at least on osgeo4w 64bit
Fixed in OSGeo4W. -
05:56 PM Bug report #7941 (Closed): IGNF:LAMBE -- not reprojecting
- Giovanni Manghi wrote:
> As far I can see this is still an issue at least on osgeo4w 64bit
Fixed in OSGeo4W. -
05:50 PM Feature request #2037 (Closed): Enable multi-threaded rendering in QGIS
- I'm closing this out - Martin Dobias has an implementation in a branch which will be merged post QGIS 2.2
05:47 PM Bug report #8951 (Closed): Compilation fails on OSX Maverick
- Closing this as old.
05:45 PM Revision 588d5f42 (qgis): paste features: don't skip primary key fields, use default value if pre...
- otherwise value of pasted feature (fixes #9489)
05:45 PM Revision 28fb6348 (qgis): merge attributes: new vector api can skip attributes - use default valu...
04:21 PM Bug report #9558 (Closed): MMQGIS: spatial join: 'QgsRasterDataProvider' object has no attribute ...
- please contact the author of the plugin:
04:21 PM Bug report #9558 (Closed): MMQGIS: spatial join: 'QgsRasterDataProvider' object has no attribute ...
- please contact the author of the plugin:
03:14 PM Bug report #9558 (Closed): MMQGIS: spatial join: 'QgsRasterDataProvider' object has no attribute ...
- Hi all.
Getting a bug in MMQGIS when trying to do a spatial join; the following code pops up as soon as I select spa... -
03:17 PM Bug report #9474: New vertices added to polygons break shape file topology
- Hi Martin,
Please see the attachment:
* bla_start.shp is the shape before modification
* bla_end.shp is the shape af... -
11:11 AM Bug report #9474 (Feedback): New vertices added to polygons break shape file topology
06:16 AM Bug report #9474: New vertices added to polygons break shape file topology
- Please attach your shapefile.
02:41 PM Revision d6c51a70 (qgis): Merge pull request #1169 from marcelosoaressouza/translation_pt_BR
- More updates on pt_BR translation
02:35 PM Bug report #8262 (Closed): In the digitizing toolbar add the proper icon/tool to add records in g...
- Fixed in changeset commit:"dae8ea66a169db7539a08dc81d2ebe9dab789f37".
01:55 PM Revision 40b48849 (qgis): Fix #9088 (Text Annotation Symbols size is wrong in map composer)
01:29 PM Feature request #9556 (Closed): Add the "add feature" button in digitizing toolbar for non-spatia...
- duplicate of #8262
01:27 PM Feature request #9556: Add the "add feature" button in digitizing toolbar for non-spatial tables.
- I already reported it as #8262 but no news so far
02:38 AM Feature request #9556 (Closed): Add the "add feature" button in digitizing toolbar for non-spatia...
- Don't know if this has been talked before. But I think it would be nice to have a "add feature" button in the digitiz...
12:42 PM Revision 8c95eb69 (qgis): More updates on pt_BR translation
12:39 PM Revision db62a6f0 (qgis): [composer] Set min number of pages for spin box, to prevent 0 page comp...
12:38 PM Revision 020eb606 (qgis): [composer] Make zoom full action actually zoom to all items, not just p...
12:38 PM Revision 9e948dfb (qgis): [composer] Fix scrollbars in composer by correctly calculating scene bo...
12:34 PM Feature request #9549: Delete feature and related records.
- For now: the easiest would be to use a database which has support for "ON DELETE CASCADE"
This will open up a questi... -
06:18 AM Feature request #9549: Delete feature and related records.
- Changing to feature request.
06:18 AM Feature request #9549: Delete feature and related records.
- Changing to feature request.
12:31 PM Feature request #8045 (Closed): add unit test for startup options (pluginpath, configpath)
12:31 PM Bug report #5124 (Closed): Font size printing WMS layers
12:31 PM Feature request #8261 (Closed): Put focus on "password" field when adding a PostGIS table
12:31 PM Feature request #5048 (Closed): Labeling's "Data defined settings" are literally used for size, etc.
12:31 PM Bug report #5049 (Closed): Data-defined labeling takes 1560% longer to render
12:31 PM Bug report #4844 (Closed): Multiline Labels - handling of Carriage Return / Line Feed characters
12:31 PM Bug report #4607 (Closed): Do not show not pertinent fields in the "data defined settings" of th...
12:31 PM Feature request #9006 (Closed): Invert color ramp on vector layers
12:26 PM Bug report #9557: OSGeo4W x64 installer missing Windows manifest
- See also "OSGeo4W !#402":
11:34 AM Bug report #9557 (Closed): OSGeo4W x64 installer missing Windows manifest
- Donovan Cameron wrote:
> Sorry Giovanni - re-opened.
Why? This isn't a QGIS problem.
11:34 AM Bug report #9557 (Closed): OSGeo4W x64 installer missing Windows manifest
- Donovan Cameron wrote:
> Sorry Giovanni - re-opened.
Why? This isn't a QGIS problem.
11:14 AM Bug report #9557 (Reopened): OSGeo4W x64 installer missing Windows manifest
- Sorry Giovanni - re-opened.
11:14 AM Bug report #9557 (Reopened): OSGeo4W x64 installer missing Windows manifest
- Sorry Giovanni - re-opened.
11:14 AM Bug report #9557 (Closed): OSGeo4W x64 installer missing Windows manifest
- Hi Jacob. I've closed this ticket for now - please let the OSGeo4W package maintainers know of this issue at http://t...
11:14 AM Bug report #9557 (Closed): OSGeo4W x64 installer missing Windows manifest
- Hi Jacob. I've closed this ticket for now - please let the OSGeo4W package maintainers know of this issue at http://t...
02:46 AM Bug report #9557 (Closed): OSGeo4W x64 installer missing Windows manifest
- The OSGeo4w installer is missing a Windows manifest, which...
11:43 AM Bug report #8413 (Closed): Labels backgrounds are not correctly aligned in QGIS server layers (or...
11:32 AM Bug report #5239: TIN interpolation causes crash
- Martin Dobias wrote:
> After all, we do not need a perfect Delaunay triangulation for the interpolation - much more i... -
11:28 AM Bug report #9349: QGis Zonal Statistics Plugin NoData included in Calculations
- I can confirm the issue, and probably is also the same cause of this #9151
11:28 AM Bug report #9349: QGis Zonal Statistics Plugin NoData included in Calculations
- I can confirm the issue, and probably is also the same cause of this #9151
11:18 AM Bug report #8526: complex/big geometry crashes qgis 32bit on load. Works ok on qgis 64 bit and Li...
- Jürgen Fischer wrote:
> download is gone.
ouch, will try to recover that. -
11:17 AM Feature request #9530 (Feedback): Show coordinated as grid codes
- Geoff Owen wrote:
> Hello Leyan.
> Thanks for query.
> I will try to explain what I want to display but first will ne... -
11:17 AM Feature request #9530 (Feedback): Show coordinated as grid codes
- Geoff Owen wrote:
> Hello Leyan.
> Thanks for query.
> I will try to explain what I want to display but first will ne... -
11:17 AM Feature request #9530 (Feedback): Show coordinated as grid codes
- Geoff Owen wrote:
> Hello Leyan.
> Thanks for query.
> I will try to explain what I want to display but first will ne... -
11:12 AM Bug report #9541 (Closed): QGIS package in osgeo4w missing shortcuts
- Please let the OSGeo4W package maintainers know about this - they should be able to fix it.
11:12 AM Bug report #9541 (Closed): QGIS package in osgeo4w missing shortcuts
- Please let the OSGeo4W package maintainers know about this - they should be able to fix it.
11:11 AM Bug report #9360: serious regression: whole layer not rendered (when simplify geometry activated)
- Jürgen Fischer wrote:
> Mathieu Pellerin - nIRV wrote:
> > I've just upgraded by system to ubuntu's upcoming trusty 1... -
06:50 AM Bug report #9360: serious regression: whole layer not rendered (when simplify geometry activated)
- Jürgen Fischer wrote:
> Mathieu Pellerin - nIRV wrote:
> > I've just upgraded by system to ubuntu's upcoming trusty 1... -
05:13 AM Bug report #9360: serious regression: whole layer not rendered (when simplify geometry activated)
- Mathieu Pellerin - nIRV wrote:
> I've just upgraded by system to ubuntu's upcoming trusty 14.04 system. The debian-ni... -
05:07 AM Bug report #9360: serious regression: whole layer not rendered (when simplify geometry activated)
- I've just upgraded by system to ubuntu's upcoming trusty 14.04 system. The debian-nightly packages are still affected...
11:00 AM Revision ee236d2d (qgis): wms identify: report error if features types were guessed from GML but ...
10:45 AM Revision 8f829750 (qgis): Fix #9551 (Impossible to see selection or current identify feature if u...
10:29 AM Revision 3215f499 (qgis): identify results: use webview also for text/plain
10:25 AM Bug report #9379: QGIS crash when opening certain WFS projects
- Jacob Madsen wrote:
> No, it reproduced at will earlier today on completely fresh installs. The server is Geoserver 2... -
08:03 AM Bug report #9379: QGIS crash when opening certain WFS projects
- No, it reproduced at will earlier today on completely fresh installs. The server is Geoserver 2.4.3, and the data com...
06:22 AM Bug report #9379: QGIS crash when opening certain WFS projects
- Jacob Madsen wrote:
> I have uploaded 2 sample projects for this issue. The projects contain the exact same WFS refer... -
04:49 AM Bug report #9379: QGIS crash when opening certain WFS projects
- Sent to your email, Jürgen. Thanks in advance.
04:43 AM Bug report #9379: QGIS crash when opening certain WFS projects
- I have uploaded 2 sample projects for this issue. The projects contain the exact same WFS references. One is created ...
04:43 AM Bug report #9379: QGIS crash when opening certain WFS projects
- I have uploaded 2 sample projects for this issue. The projects contain the exact same WFS references. One is created ...
04:20 AM Bug report #9379: QGIS crash when opening certain WFS projects
- Sorry, but I can still reproduce this with build commit:57dd877. I create a WFS-project in QGIS x64, and when opening...
10:08 AM Revision 2a4f1049 (qgis): show identify dialog before items are inserted so that they can adjust ...
09:36 AM Bug report #9350 (Feedback): reprojected postgresql layers are plotted with offset and very slow
09:36 AM Bug report #9350: reprojected postgresql layers are plotted with offset and very slow
- Kay F. Jahnke wrote:
> I found the error: The definition of one of my CRSs was incomplete. The Proj4 string QGIS prov... -
08:48 AM Bug report #9208 (Feedback): QGIS crashes when using addAttributes on any vector data provider
- Can you provide more detail? Doesn't crash here.
08:47 AM Bug report #5758 (Closed): Primary key issue when using merge attributes of selected features tool
- Fixed in changeset commit:"28fb634876ac411a2d3c27ae1fa259b77043596b".
08:47 AM Bug report #9489 (Closed): Copy/Paste issue with explicit primary keys
- Fixed in changeset commit:"588d5f425f09039efbb7bd3172d2fc25b39a43d1".
07:25 AM Revision 8e330e3a (qgis): [processing] Fix Qt warnings when opening config dialog
07:10 AM Bug report #9088: Text Annotation Symbols size is wrong in map composer
- Thanks Martin.
Geoff -
04:55 AM Bug report #9088 (Closed): Text Annotation Symbols size is wrong in map composer
- Fixed in changeset commit:"40b48849b527215f9a5e2c6216122cb33eb5a915".
06:38 AM Feature request #7691: Add scroll bar to print composer
- Thank you Nyall!
03:50 AM Feature request #7691 (Closed): Add scroll bar to print composer
- Fixed in changeset commit:"9e948dfb2bca5f69835790e83247db444661580d".
06:25 AM Revision 3a8770e7 (qgis): Merge remote-tracking branch 'slarosa/fix_9328'
04:23 AM Revision 59b62e27 (qgis): Merge pull request #1166 from marcelosoaressouza/master
- Updating the translation to Portuguese-Brazil (pt_BR)
04:22 AM Revision 549f5bc2 (qgis): Merge pull request #1168 from Cracert/i18n
- [TRANSUP] pl: Oracle, Sponsors
04:20 AM Revision 086f26be (qgis): [TRANSUP] pl: Oracle, Sponsors
04:17 AM Bug report #9543: VRT vector file don't recognize relative path
- actually, I was wrong, issue also exists in Linux. I was running qgis from the directory where the .vrt and .csv file...
04:01 AM Bug report #9543: VRT vector file don't recognize relative path
- Perhaps the difference is that the current directory is not set to that of the .vrt file in windows, whereas it is in...
02:05 AM Bug report #9377 (Closed): WMS getfeatureinfo result dialog not rendered ok and disappears
- * html height: commit:2a4f104 - the dialog is opened before items are inserted, that should allow them to justify hei...
01:46 AM Bug report #9551 (Closed): Impossible to see selection or current identify feature if using data ...
- Fixed in changeset commit:"8f829750a24162d046eeb09cdf80d922fd88f170".
12:57 AM Bug report #9543: VRT vector file don't recognize relative path
- Hi, explicitly setting datasource tag to <SrcDataSource relativeToVRT="1">cwbody.csv</SrcDataSource> does the trick....
08:22 AM Bug report #9543 (Open): VRT vector file don't recognize relative path
- I confirm the issue on windows with qgis-dev, using osgeo4w 32 bit installer. ogrinfo can read both datasets, but qg...
08:22 AM Bug report #9543 (Open): VRT vector file don't recognize relative path
- I confirm the issue on windows with qgis-dev, using osgeo4w 32 bit installer. ogrinfo can read both datasets, but qg...
07:54 AM Bug report #9543 (Feedback): VRT vector file don't recognize relative path
- Works for me using both relative and absolute path in linux using 2.0.1 and (mostly) recent master, with this .csv fi...
07:44 AM Bug report #9543: VRT vector file don't recognize relative path
- I assume the .csv and .vrt file are in the same directory?
Perhaps you are missing the relativeToVRT tag in SrcDataS... -
01:34 AM Bug report #9543 (Closed): VRT vector file don't recognize relative path
- Hi, I build here a vrt on a simple csv file, and QGIS opens it correctly only if I put a absolute file in datasource....
12:40 AM Bug report #9552 (Closed): Strange errors working with 10 digit real or integers
12:37 AM Bug report #9552 (Closed): Strange errors working with 10 digit real or integers
- When doing this calculation in field calculator on a shape file:
FromToStop = 100000 * From_stop + To_stop
results... -
12:40 AM Bug report #9553 (Closed): Strange errors working with 10 digit real or integers
12:38 AM Bug report #9553 (Closed): Strange errors working with 10 digit real or integers
- When doing this calculation in field calculator on a shape file:
FromToStop = 100000 * From_stop + To_stop
results... -
12:38 AM Bug report #9554 (Closed): Strange errors working with 10 digit real or integers
- When doing this calculation in field calculator on a shape file:
@FromToStop = 100000 * From_stop + To_stop@
result... -
12:00 AM Revision 57dd8779 (qgis): dbmanager: fix 'load as new layer' (fixes #9548)
11:56 PM Bug report #8433 (Closed): Repeated Crash - Spatial Query tool
10:50 PM Revision 4d660d14 (qgis): Fixed GML parsing of GetFeatureInfo from GeoServer, fixes part of #9377
10:30 PM Bug report #9547: DXF does not load if file extension is missing
- Oops, sorry. Here it is.
07:07 AM Bug report #9547 (Feedback): DXF does not load if file extension is missing
07:07 AM Bug report #9547: DXF does not load if file extension is missing
- No file attached.
06:28 AM Bug report #9547 (Closed): DXF does not load if file extension is missing
- See the attached file
10:27 PM Bug report #9328 (Closed): Path requires Return to be saved
- Fixed in changeset commit:"c060164bca533db2398e527bdd792521ad4c3490".
10:04 AM Bug report #9328: Path requires Return to be saved
- See
10:04 AM Bug report #9328: Path requires Return to be saved
- See
06:58 PM Revision c060164b (qgis): [processing] fixes #9328:
- addressed:
06:34 PM Revision 9d379f0d (qgis): dxf export: add extension (fixes #9544)
06:01 PM Bug report #9551 (Closed): Impossible to see selection or current identify feature if using data ...
- I'm marking this as a blocker as it's a regression from 2.0.
If a layer uses data defined colours, it's currently i... -
05:42 PM Revision 44885511 (qgis): styles: explictly save symbol XML in UTF-8 (fixes #9045)
05:42 PM Revision 65bf9acf (qgis): german translation update
05:40 PM Bug report #9550 (Closed): Scrollbars in browser list don't correctly account for list height
- When I initially expand an item in the browser panel tree which contains a lot of children, the vertical scrollbar of...
05:13 PM Revision 97849250 (qgis): identify resutlts dialog: always keep minimum QgsIdentifyResultsWebView...
05:03 PM Feature request #9549 (Open): Delete feature and related records.
- It is cool that I can digitize a feature, then populate the child tables (as defined by QGIS Relations). But when I ...
04:33 PM Revision c64a051b (qgis): ogr provider: write numeric data in C locale (fixes #8332)
04:00 PM Revision f90b3ede (qgis): Updating the translation to Portuguese-Brazil (pt_BR)
03:48 PM Revision a81befc5 (qgis): Minor edits to IT translation
03:00 PM Bug report #9548 (Closed): can't load as new layer from sql in dbmanager error
- Fixed in changeset commit:"57dd8779acf0495088de4eca89fd5d0accc5e755".
02:49 PM Bug report #9548 (Closed): can't load as new layer from sql in dbmanager error
- Since the recent change in syntax highlighting, it's impossible to retrieve columns or load a layer when "load as new...
02:10 PM Revision 5bee1721 (qgis): * speed up undo of attribute added with field calculator (fixes #9509)