
From 2018-08-31 to 2018-09-29


09:48 PM Revision e2aa0b71 (qgis): explicitely call int version of former calls to toMapCoordinates
Denis Rouzaud
07:23 PM Bug report #16858: Python error:RuntimeError: wrapped C/C++ object of type SnapGeometriesToLayer ...
I just had this happen with
Is there no way to catch these? I feel that...
Johannes Kroeger
06:10 PM Revision ad7d03c6 (qgis): Merge pull request #7859 from rldhont/fix-server-sld-param-support
[Bugfix][Server] Add WMS SLD parameter support René-Luc ReLuc
05:05 PM Revision 157ba0f4 (qgis): QgsMapToPixel API cleanup
* overload toMapCoordinates to also take double (use different PyName)
* deprecate toMapPoint which is strictly equiv...
Denis Rouzaud
04:21 PM Revision 110c8a01 (qgis): use float precision for screen coordinates
this should fix rounding error when the map canvas has an odd pixel size Denis Rouzaud
04:21 PM Revision f1daabfa (qgis): QgsMapToPixel API cleanup
* overload toMapCoordinates to also take double (use different PyName)
* deprecate toMapPoint which is strictly equiv...
Denis Rouzaud
03:31 PM Revision bc736b8c (qgis): followup
Denis Rouzaud
03:28 PM Revision 37d85c25 (qgis): followup
Denis Rouzaud
01:58 PM Revision 66f52ce5 (qgis): [QgsMapToPixel] API cleanup
* overload toMapCoordinates to also take double (use different PyName)
* deprecate toMapPoint which is strictly equiv...
Denis Rouzaud
01:54 PM Revision 73c02fe9 (qgis): [QgsMapToPixel] API cleanup
* overload toMapCoordinates to also take double (use different PyName)
* deprecate toMapPoint which is strictly equiv...
Denis Rouzaud
01:33 PM Bug report #19762 (Closed): QgsApplication.setMaxThreads not work appropriately
Francisco Raga wrote:
> Yes ,I know,but it doesn't work , When I put -1 , it doesn't check the QComboBox and doesn't...
Jürgen Fischer
01:33 PM Bug report #19762 (Closed): QgsApplication.setMaxThreads not work appropriately
Francisco Raga wrote:
> Yes ,I know,but it doesn't work , When I put -1 , it doesn't check the QComboBox and doesn't...
Jürgen Fischer
12:15 PM Bug report #19762: QgsApplication.setMaxThreads not work appropriately
Jürgen Fischer wrote:
> Francisco Raga wrote:
> > Jürgen Fischer wrote:
> > > How is that different from the quote...
Francisco Raga
12:15 PM Bug report #19762: QgsApplication.setMaxThreads not work appropriately
Jürgen Fischer wrote:
> Francisco Raga wrote:
> > Jürgen Fischer wrote:
> > > How is that different from the quote...
Francisco Raga
12:15 PM Bug report #19762: QgsApplication.setMaxThreads not work appropriately
Jürgen Fischer wrote:
> Francisco Raga wrote:
> > Jürgen Fischer wrote:
> > > How is that different from the quote...
Francisco Raga
09:18 AM Bug report #19762: QgsApplication.setMaxThreads not work appropriately
Francisco Raga wrote:
> Jürgen Fischer wrote:
> > How is that different from the quoted code?
> then -1 set ma...
Jürgen Fischer
01:28 PM Revision 8ec5fec2 (qgis): remove useless invokable methods (#8059)
having invokable on overloaded methods taking enum as parameter is pretty useless as it is seen as an integer
the las...
Denis Rouzaud
11:35 AM Revision 6d97af0d (qgis): Fix link
Matthias Kuhn
10:51 AM Bug report #18988: QGIS Server rendering different from Desktop rendering
I cannot replicate under ubuntu 18.04 but I installed another system with debian Buster (testing) and it's the same.
Tudor Bărăscu
09:40 AM Bug report #19980 (Closed): Copy and pasting part of style with geometry error
With the new addition to copy and paste part of style by Denis, it always gives an error of geometry mismatch between... Saber Razmjooei
08:02 AM Revision b395488b (qgis): Merge pull request #8052 from elpaso/bugfix-19930-spatialite-query
Fix spatialite queries without pk Alessandro Pasotti
03:24 AM Revision 2f7666e3 (qgis): fix requesting CRS for layer without geometry (#7771)
Denis Rouzaud


12:14 AM Revision a6c3b812 (qgis): add appinfo metadata source dependency
Jürgen Fischer
11:43 PM Bug report #19979 (Closed): Data defined label does not works anymore in combinaison with rule ba...
Please find in attachement a simple project that illustrate the issue : trying moving a label does not works.
The ...
Dominique Lyszczarz
11:38 PM Revision f58cc381 (qgis): mark static methods as such
Denis Rouzaud
11:38 PM Revision 94b10829 (qgis): Micro optimization: very slightly cheaper QgsFeature::initAttributes call
Nyall Dawson
11:37 PM Revision 9698444f (qgis): [processing] Fix inefficiencies in Delete Duplicate Geometries algorithm
..and make progress bar more accurate.
Use a spatial index to avoid comparing every feature to every other
feature, ...
Nyall Dawson
11:37 PM Revision 8ae35de4 (qgis): Replace deprecated call
Nyall Dawson
11:37 PM Revision 6110931f (qgis): Rename QgsSpatialIndex::insertFeature to ::addFeature, for consistency
with other classes
And make QgsSpatialIndex a QgsFeatureSink
Nyall Dawson
11:37 PM Bug report #19973 (Closed): QGIS 3.3 master delete duplicate geometries does not work
Applied in changeset commit:qgis|9698444f4af4712cb4a6508c839c014fa0b335e1. Nyall Dawson
11:37 PM Bug report #19973 (Closed): QGIS 3.3 master delete duplicate geometries does not work
Applied in changeset commit:qgis|9698444f4af4712cb4a6508c839c014fa0b335e1. Nyall Dawson
02:40 PM Bug report #19973: QGIS 3.3 master delete duplicate geometries does not work
Nyall Dawson wrote:
> How's "Execution completed in 0.18 seconds" sound?
wow, it sounds great
thank you
salvatore fiandaca
05:49 AM Bug report #19973 (In Progress): QGIS 3.3 master delete duplicate geometries does not work Nyall Dawson
05:34 AM Bug report #19973: QGIS 3.3 master delete duplicate geometries does not work
How's "Execution completed in 0.18 seconds" sound? Nyall Dawson
05:02 AM Bug report #19973: QGIS 3.3 master delete duplicate geometries does not work
(For reference -- there's a dedicated, optimised, 'remove duplicate vertices' algorithm which may be of use here) Nyall Dawson
04:58 AM Bug report #19973: QGIS 3.3 master delete duplicate geometries does not work
Not a regression - the algorithm is just extremely inefficient and doesn't scale for large layers (it compares EVERY ... Nyall Dawson
03:50 AM Bug report #19973: QGIS 3.3 master delete duplicate geometries does not work
On my system, core i5-460M, 8 GB RAM, Windows 7 64 bit:
vertices extracted: 5629 points
running "delete duplica...
Andrea Giudiceandrea
10:03 PM Bug report #18988 (Open): QGIS Server rendering different from Desktop rendering
Hi Paul. With the current master all the getmap request for that specific labeling layer are freezing. I created a ... Tudor Bărăscu
10:33 AM Bug report #18988: QGIS Server rendering different from Desktop rendering
I just build the master from the beginning and I cannot even get an image.. the server freezes at your example reques... Tudor Bărăscu
09:45 PM Revision 65bdc838 (qgis): fix typo and grammar in the same word
Denis Rouzaud
09:10 PM Bug report #19969: GDAL_contour not found

> I read further into the install notes, and it looks like this version does not find external tools. I shouldn't h...
Giovanni Manghi
08:38 PM Bug report #19969: GDAL_contour not found
Giovanni Manghi wrote:
> Nicole Morgan wrote:
> > Johannes Kroeger wrote:
> > > How exactly did you install QGIS a...
Nicole Morgan
05:15 PM Bug report #19969: GDAL_contour not found
Nicole Morgan wrote:
> Johannes Kroeger wrote:
> > How exactly did you install QGIS and did you modify anything dur...
Giovanni Manghi
05:27 PM Bug report #19945 (Closed): ogr based tools cannot output anymore to temp files
Cannot replicate anymore... weird, I didn't even updated master since I reported this. Giovanni Manghi
05:27 PM Bug report #19945 (Closed): ogr based tools cannot output anymore to temp files
Cannot replicate anymore... weird, I didn't even updated master since I reported this. Giovanni Manghi
04:30 AM Bug report #19945 (Feedback): ogr based tools cannot output anymore to temp files
I can't reproduce -- can you post steps to reproduce? Can you create folders under tmp? Nyall Dawson
05:26 PM Revision 4d9dcd83 (qgis): more precise comments
Denis Rouzaud
05:21 PM Bug report #19966: Cyrillic symbols in QGIS Server
Try setting QT_QPA_FONTDIR env var to a folder that contains your fonts, for instance: /usr/share/fonts/truetype/ Alessandro Pasotti
05:10 PM Bug report #19974 (Feedback): QGIS crashes when opening "New 3D Map View"
Regardless of the data you loaded in the project? does it happen with a new/clean profile? Giovanni Manghi
07:06 AM Bug report #19974 (Closed): QGIS crashes when opening "New 3D Map View"
h2. User Feedback
h2. Report Details
*Crash ID*: 68bf4581be50f55e6e74853b53033b18edb52eb3
*Stack Trace...
Timur Aptikeev
05:08 PM Bug report #19968: Very long loading times when opening the same FileGDB the second time
Casper Børgesen wrote:
> Giovanni Manghi wrote:
> > Does it work differently in QGIS 2.18?
> I have just tried...
Giovanni Manghi
05:08 PM Bug report #19968: Very long loading times when opening the same FileGDB the second time
Casper Børgesen wrote:
> Giovanni Manghi wrote:
> > Does it work differently in QGIS 2.18?
> I have just tried...
Giovanni Manghi
11:24 AM Bug report #19968 (Open): Very long loading times when opening the same FileGDB the second time
Giovanni Manghi wrote:
> Does it work differently in QGIS 2.18?
I have just tried on the two machines and QGIS 2....
Casper Børgesen
05:07 PM Revision 63f597f9 (qgis): Merge pull request #8040 from pblottiere/server_highlight_line
[server] Fixes #19906 - GetMap request with line in the SLD is correctly rendered Paul Blottiere
05:06 PM Bug report #19906 (Closed): GetMap request with line in the SLD does not output the line in the r...
Applied in changeset commit:qgis|f74f78557d9b18484afa44263f2c4e79f581ab0f. Paul Blottiere
05:06 PM Bug report #19906 (Closed): GetMap request with line in the SLD does not output the line in the r...
Applied in changeset commit:qgis|f74f78557d9b18484afa44263f2c4e79f581ab0f. Paul Blottiere
05:06 PM Revision 33c68d28 (qgis): use float precision for screen coordinates
this should fix rounding error when the map canvas has an odd pixel size Denis Rouzaud
04:22 PM Bug report #19762: QgsApplication.setMaxThreads not work appropriately
Jürgen Fischer wrote:
> How is that different from the quoted code?
then -1 set max thread if we see the API and ...
Francisco Raga
03:58 PM Feature request #19978 (Open): 'DWG/DXF-Import' - Missing text
When importing files from the Austrian cadastre some text (e.g. 'Grundstücksnummern') is missing.
(See also: http:...
R. R.
03:44 PM Feature request #19977 (Open): setting in QGIS to have plugins automatically upgrade in background
many users I set QGIS up for have to be continually reminded to check for plugin upgrades. Would be better for non-po... Rob Willson
03:43 PM Bug report #19976 (Closed): 'DWG/DXF-Import' - encoding option missing
Please add an option to select the encoding when importing DWG/DXF files. R. R.
03:26 PM Revision 7ba19dd0 (qgis): Cleanup leftover file
Matthias Kuhn
03:25 PM Revision 93fe7226 (qgis): Indentation and typo fix
Matthias Kuhn
03:21 PM Revision 514d09bb (qgis): Fix rebase problems
Matthias Kuhn
02:53 PM Revision 0e52074e (qgis): Remove duplicate flags and rename is valid check
Matthias Kuhn
02:14 PM Revision 7af61a4c (qgis): Fix missing vertex check
Matthias Kuhn
01:59 PM Revision 903e9433 (qgis): Doxygen
Matthias Kuhn
01:43 PM Bug report #19975: crash when enabling drop shadow on label background svg
This only happens when the path to the SVG file is data-defined. Sebastian Brocks
01:38 PM Bug report #19975 (Open): crash when enabling drop shadow on label background svg
h2. User Feedback
When I enable a drop shadow effect on a label background loaded from SVG, QGIS crashes
h2. Re...
Sebastian Brocks
01:33 PM Revision bee5470e (qgis): Python bindings for QgsGeometryCheck and co
- python bindings
- geometry check factory
- geometry check registry
- QgsFeedback for geometry checks (lot...
Matthias Kuhn
12:06 PM Revision dc15ae1f (qgis): Spelling
Alessandro Pasotti
11:08 AM Bug report #19930 (In Progress): "Zoom to feature" does not work Alessandro Pasotti
11:08 AM Bug report #19930 (In Progress): "Zoom to feature" does not work Alessandro Pasotti
11:05 AM Revision f1b2893b (qgis): Move table name variable to local
Alessandro Pasotti
11:02 AM Revision 9e9f0d6d (qgis): Remove debug output
Alessandro Pasotti
10:29 AM Revision a02d448b (qgis): [spatialite] Fix pk-less queries cannot be retrieved by id
Fixes #1993 - Zoom to feature" does not work
This actually fixes many more bugs related with the
QGIS generated feat...
Alessandro Pasotti
09:42 AM Revision 5496442c (qgis): Add mask image
Paul Blottiere
09:12 AM Revision 1a618852 (qgis): 3D view: allow usual camera controls while the identify tool is active
A small usability improvement... until now one would need to disable
identify tool before being able to move/zoom/rot...
Martin Dobias
08:19 AM Bug report #19953: Labeling: Halo-effect only works with 1mm setting
Good question, mostly I work with Halo.
So I just tried to set decimal values for a background rectangle. In the siz...
Magdalena Blank
08:19 AM Bug report #19953: Labeling: Halo-effect only works with 1mm setting
Good question, mostly I work with Halo.
So I just tried to set decimal values for a background rectangle. In the siz...
Magdalena Blank
04:59 AM Bug report #19953 (Feedback): Labeling: Halo-effect only works with 1mm setting
Is the problem here that you cannot enter decimal values in ANY spin box? Nyall Dawson
07:26 AM Bug report #19934: QGIS 3.2 processing scripts not updated when saved / crash when trying process...
I suspect the crash reported here has already been fixed -- it was likely a crash caused by having a processing algor... Nyall Dawson
06:25 AM Revision 308d7136 (qgis): [processing] More fixes to convertToCompatibleFormat, lots of unit
Fixes #19938
Nyall Dawson
06:25 AM Revision 68426d64 (qgis): Add missing file
Nyall Dawson
06:25 AM Revision 7a45702b (qgis): [processing][gdal] Fix stylesheet for gdal algorithms
Nyall Dawson
06:25 AM Revision 737ab306 (qgis): [processing][gdal] Correctly handle geopackage paths with layername arg...
Fixes #19938 Nyall Dawson
06:25 AM Bug report #19938 (Closed): GDAL/OGR vector geoprocessing algorithms not working with GPKG, SQLit...
Applied in changeset commit:qgis|737ab3069a6ce279a3ddb7f9df38baed481c10f5. Nyall Dawson
06:25 AM Bug report #19938 (Closed): GDAL/OGR vector geoprocessing algorithms not working with GPKG, SQLit...
Applied in changeset commit:qgis|737ab3069a6ce279a3ddb7f9df38baed481c10f5. Nyall Dawson
02:53 AM Bug report #19938: GDAL/OGR vector geoprocessing algorithms not working with GPKG, SQLite, FileGD...
Andrea Giudiceandrea wrote:
> Moreover, it is not possible to add the output layer to an exiting GPKG, SQLite... c...
Andrea Giudiceandrea
05:36 AM Revision 79774507 (qgis): [processing][ogr] Fix conversion of non-disk based layer sources
to GDAL commands
Fixes #19946
Nyall Dawson
05:36 AM Bug report #19946 (Closed): ogr based tools do not work anymore with PostGIS inputs (possibly als...
Applied in changeset commit:qgis|7977450796903babff4791301e64ecf52f52b039. Nyall Dawson
05:36 AM Bug report #19946 (Closed): ogr based tools do not work anymore with PostGIS inputs (possibly als...
Applied in changeset commit:qgis|7977450796903babff4791301e64ecf52f52b039. Nyall Dawson
05:17 AM Revision 39d14861 (qgis): Optimise conversion of geometry from OGR -> QGIS
Avoid conversion to/from WKB at OGR/QGIS side, and just directly
utilise OGR geometry API to construct QGIS geometrie...
Nyall Dawson
05:17 AM Revision f1ced30e (qgis): Fix dox
Nyall Dawson
05:17 AM Revision 2f214c66 (qgis): Fix qgis_bench
Nyall Dawson
04:59 AM Bug report #16759: QGIS shows incomplete data when opening a .pbf/.osm file
Even -- any ideas here? Nyall Dawson
02:08 AM Bug report #16759: QGIS shows incomplete data when opening a .pbf/.osm file
The error shown is "ERROR 1: Too many features have accumulated in points layer. Use OGR_INTERLEAVED_READING=YES mode... Stephen Knox
04:26 AM Revision e433a105 (qgis): Use decodeUri to make bad layers file parsing more stable
Nyall Dawson
04:26 AM Revision e8f3dbdd (qgis): Fallback to old method if decodeUri returns an empty map
Nyall Dawson
02:20 AM Revision 0396abfd (qgis): [needs-docs] Review the Dissolve algorithm description
* The current description focuses on geometries and assumes only line or vector layers can be dissolved
* Rename labe...
Harrissou Santanna
02:19 AM Revision 9e5cc4b7 (qgis): Fix array of translated features algorithms
Harrissou Santanna
02:19 AM Revision b478ee75 (qgis): Fix "Array of offset lines" algorithm
Harrissou Santanna
02:18 AM Revision 3ce743e0 (qgis): Remove background from scalable icon
Fixes flathub/org.qgis.qgis#9 Aleix Pol


12:26 AM Bug report #14900: Styling panel: Clicking the Apply button adds a new row to history tab even if...
This is a tricky one and not easy to solve at the moment as we don't know what has changed on each widget. Each widg... Nathan Woodrow
11:03 PM Revision b9f20b0e (qgis): Merge pull request #7902 from rldhont/server-wfs-format-field
[Bugfix][Server][WFS] Server wfs format field René-Luc ReLuc
09:24 PM Bug report #19973: QGIS 3.3 master delete duplicate geometries does not work
for a dataset of <6k points it takes 243 seconds
salvatore fiandaca
09:11 PM Bug report #19973 (Closed): QGIS 3.3 master delete duplicate geometries does not work
I extracted the vertices of the polygonal vector that I attach,
subsequently I launch the geo-algorithm 'delete dup...
salvatore fiandaca
09:10 PM Revision 907c1a9e (qgis): [Server] Localize loadUrl messages in log
René-Luc ReLuc
09:08 PM Revision 00cfe7da (qgis): [Server] Use QgsNetworkContentFetcher to loadUrl
René-Luc ReLuc
09:08 PM Revision c15f05b4 (qgis): [Bugfix][Server] Add WMS SLD parameter support
Fixed #19795 QGIS Server 3 / WMS: the SLD parameter support has been removed
To reactivate SLD parameter support, we...
René-Luc ReLuc
09:08 PM Revision 34009d3f (qgis): [Tests][Server] Add test for WMS SLD parameter and move SLD_BODY test
René-Luc ReLuc
07:58 PM Revision 3a70f88f (qgis): expand layer tree in project properties to take vertical space (#8042)
* expand layer tree in project properties to take vertical space
* remove spacer
Denis Rouzaud
07:12 PM Bug report #19963: Save Features As "broken" - CSV & Geometry AS_WKT not working
Giovanni Manghi wrote:
> Dan V wrote:
> > it's still very confusing!
> Can you elaborate? is there something w...
Dan V
09:28 AM Bug report #19963: Save Features As "broken" - CSV & Geometry AS_WKT not working
Dan V wrote:
> it's still very confusing!
Can you elaborate? is there something we can do better in this case?
Giovanni Manghi
06:34 PM Bug report #19969: GDAL_contour not found
Johannes Kroeger wrote:
> How exactly did you install QGIS and did you modify anything during the installation proce...
Nicole Morgan
05:10 PM Bug report #19969 (Feedback): GDAL_contour not found
Giovanni Manghi
04:27 PM Bug report #19969: GDAL_contour not found
How exactly did you install QGIS and did you modify anything during the installation process? Johannes Kroeger
04:18 PM Bug report #19969 (Closed): GDAL_contour not found
I am trying to make contours from a base layer using the default contour tool and get "/bin/sh: gdal_contour: command... Nicole Morgan
05:48 PM Bug report #18988 (Feedback): QGIS Server rendering different from Desktop rendering
Paul Blottiere
05:47 PM Bug report #18988: QGIS Server rendering different from Desktop rendering
I just tested this issue with the next GetMap request and the rendered image is correct:... Paul Blottiere
05:42 PM Feature request #19972 (Open): Enrich point cluster renderer display options
Point cluster renderer is a great functionnality. But I would like to show in cluster (not only the cluster...
Patrick Palmier
05:25 PM Revision 210a1fe1 (qgis): Update unit test
Paul Blottiere
05:24 PM Revision f74f7855 (qgis): Fixes #19906 - GetMap request with line in the SLD is correctly rendered
Paul Blottiere
05:18 PM Bug report #19967: Extension Processing
Data Tactis wrote:
> I'm sending you a screenshot of the error message
when the crash happens?
Try again with a ...
Giovanni Manghi
02:35 PM Bug report #19967: Extension Processing
I'm sending you a screenshot of the error message Data Tactis
02:35 PM Bug report #19967: Extension Processing
I'm sending you a screenshot of the error message Data Tactis
02:30 PM Bug report #19967: Extension Processing
Data Tactis wrote:
> Hello
> We can't load the Processing extension.
> We tried a lot of solutions (uninstall and ...
Giovanni Manghi
02:30 PM Bug report #19967: Extension Processing
Data Tactis wrote:
> Hello
> We can't load the Processing extension.
> We tried a lot of solutions (uninstall and ...
Giovanni Manghi
02:29 PM Bug report #19967: Extension Processing
We can't load the Processing extension.
We tried a lot of solutions (uninstall and reinstall QGis for example...
Data Tactis
02:26 PM Bug report #19967 (Feedback): Extension Processing
Please translate the description in English, thanks. Giovanni Manghi
02:26 PM Bug report #19967 (Feedback): Extension Processing
Please translate the description in English, thanks. Giovanni Manghi
02:26 PM Bug report #19967 (Feedback): Extension Processing
Please translate the description in English, thanks. Giovanni Manghi
02:25 PM Bug report #19967 (Closed): Extension Processing
Nous n'arrivons plus à charger l'extension Processing.
Nous avons essayé plusieurs solutions (dont désinsta...
Data Tactis
05:17 PM Bug report #19968 (Feedback): Very long loading times when opening the same FileGDB the second time
Does it work differently in QGIS 2.18? Giovanni Manghi
03:21 PM Bug report #19968: Very long loading times when opening the same FileGDB the second time
Casper Børgesen wrote:
> # I have a FileGDB which I drag into QGIS (14 seconds).
> # I select all layers and press ...
Casper Børgesen
03:12 PM Bug report #19968 (Open): Very long loading times when opening the same FileGDB the second time
The problem and how to reproduce:
# I have a FileGDB which I drag into QGIS (14 seconds).
# I select all layers a...
Casper Børgesen
04:49 PM Revision f6f3174e (qgis): Merge pull request #8038 from qgis/3nids-patch-3
fix missing include of Qt libs in src/test/qgstest.h Denis Rouzaud
04:38 PM Revision 97c5ed02 (qgis): better fix for detecting QWTPOLAR without DESKTOP
Denis Rouzaud
04:32 PM Bug report #19971 (Closed): QGIS 3.3 MASTER dbmanager time execution query not present
in QGIS 2.18 the query execution time is present in the dbmanager,
in the master it is no longer present.
salvatore fiandaca
04:28 PM Bug report #19970 (Open): Different default M values depending on the function
I'm using QGIS 3.2.3-Bonn (QGIS code revision 9b176802e5) on Windows x64.
I have a spatialite layer with geometry fr...
Jerome P
04:20 PM Revision 057aafe1 (qgis): WITH_QWTPOLAR is only defined when building with desktop
Denis Rouzaud
04:12 PM Bug report #19034 (Feedback): QGIS-Server generates empty PDF when printing from QWC2
Paul Blottiere
03:43 PM Revision bb81f71d (qgis): remove dependency on qgis_gui from native tests
Denis Rouzaud
02:24 PM Feature request #18428: Editing of a filtered OGR vector layer
It's getting a bit confusing what the feature request is about now.
1. My initial question was about editing filte...
Arjan Mossel
01:38 PM Revision 1c8b99e3 (qgis): fix missing include of Qt libs in src/test/qgstest.h
because it includes QgsApplication -> QApplication Denis Rouzaud
01:33 PM Bug report #19701: "cell size" option in TIN interpolation tool is missing
Giovanni Manghi wrote:
> I agree, is much more common to need to choose the output resolution as cell size rather th...
Samuel Oester
01:02 PM Revision be9c1138 (qgis): Merge pull request #7872 from rldhont/fix-dbmanager-sql-layer-set-uniqu...
[BUGFIX][DbManager] SQL Layer: fix unique combo setting René-Luc ReLuc
11:53 AM Bug report #19930: "Zoom to feature" does not work
The table has no primary key, so there is no way to retrieve it from the iterator, I'll try to find a solution but it... Alessandro Pasotti
11:43 AM Bug report #19946: ogr based tools do not work anymore with PostGIS inputs (possibly also other r...
Nyall Dawson wrote:
> Can you confirm that the error is the missing "PG:" part before "dbname='teste' host=localhost...
Giovanni Manghi
11:32 AM Bug report #19966 (Open): Cyrillic symbols in QGIS Server
I have a project with Cyrillic attributes and label values. It works perfect in QGIS Desktop.
But it seems not worki...
Alexander Novikov
10:50 AM Revision 2275853c (qgis): Merge pull request #8008 from m-kuhn/missingVertexCheck
Add QgsGeometryMissingVertexCheck Matthias Kuhn
10:49 AM Bug report #16759: QGIS shows incomplete data when opening a .pbf/.osm file
There doesn't seem to be any change. The attached file is with master 80723e89fd on Windows 10. I also tried on Linux... Stephen Knox
04:02 AM Bug report #16759 (Feedback): QGIS shows incomplete data when opening a .pbf/.osm file
Please try with latest 3.3 master -- a fix was recently committed relating to OSM data display. Nyall Dawson
02:50 AM Bug report #16759: QGIS shows incomplete data when opening a .pbf/.osm file
This is a bit of a punt, but could this be happening because GDAL switched the OSM driver to enable reading in random... Stephen Knox
10:23 AM Bug report #19938: GDAL/OGR vector geoprocessing algorithms not working with GPKG, SQLite, FileGD...
That process won't work here - there's core changes too Nyall Dawson
09:33 AM Bug report #19938: GDAL/OGR vector geoprocessing algorithms not working with GPKG, SQLite, FileGD...
Andrea Giudiceandrea wrote:
> Nyall Dawson wrote:
> > See -- testing would b...
Giovanni Manghi
02:39 AM Bug report #19938: GDAL/OGR vector geoprocessing algorithms not working with GPKG, SQLite, FileGD...
Nyall Dawson wrote:
> See -- testing would be appreciated!
Unfortunately, ...
Andrea Giudiceandrea
10:12 AM Revision 3c379d36 (qgis): Fix test
Matthias Kuhn
09:50 AM Bug report #18204 (Closed): Failure to load PostGIS raster without bands
Thanks Paolo Cavallini
09:50 AM Bug report #18204 (Closed): Failure to load PostGIS raster without bands
Thanks Paolo Cavallini
09:26 AM Revision b85db09b (qgis): [ui] add icon view icon for the symbol list widget
Mathieu Pellerin - nIRV
09:26 AM Feature request #8809: WMS/WMTS with dimension parameters should be handled
Nicolas Boisteault wrote:
> Issue still exists in QGIS 3.3.
not an "issue", but a feature request. This is one of...
Giovanni Manghi
09:20 AM Bug report #19564: PostgreSQL sequences not always used when adding feature
Nicolas Boisteault wrote:
> Same issue with last nightly. I've attached the SQL code. For example table 'choix_secte...
Giovanni Manghi
09:19 AM Revision 3183b307 (qgis): [BUGFIX][DbManager] SQL Layer: fix unique combo setting
René-Luc ReLuc
09:18 AM Revision 08ac1f0e (qgis): Merge pull request #8037 from elpaso/bugfix-db-manager-sql
Bugfix db manager sql Alessandro Pasotti
09:18 AM Bug report #19958 (Closed): Database manager allows one to create saved query with no name
Applied in changeset commit:qgis|c06c475b9cd4bf429567e0567ae043c7ce9a177e. Anonymous
09:18 AM Bug report #19958 (Closed): Database manager allows one to create saved query with no name
Applied in changeset commit:qgis|c06c475b9cd4bf429567e0567ae043c7ce9a177e. Anonymous
08:31 AM Bug report #19958 (In Progress): Database manager allows one to create saved query with no name Alessandro Pasotti
08:31 AM Bug report #19958 (In Progress): Database manager allows one to create saved query with no name Alessandro Pasotti
09:18 AM Bug report #19956 (Closed): Update SQL layer results in invalid SQL expression
Applied in changeset commit:qgis|94ded32f4ee548c3fbc798b2fd81fd81c8ca11bf. Anonymous
09:18 AM Bug report #19956 (Closed): Update SQL layer results in invalid SQL expression
Applied in changeset commit:qgis|94ded32f4ee548c3fbc798b2fd81fd81c8ca11bf. Anonymous
08:31 AM Bug report #19956 (In Progress): Update SQL layer results in invalid SQL expression Alessandro Pasotti
08:31 AM Bug report #19956 (In Progress): Update SQL layer results in invalid SQL expression Alessandro Pasotti
07:30 AM Bug report #19956: Update SQL layer results in invalid SQL expression
Thanks for the information!
I think I know where's the issue, working on it today.
Alessandro Pasotti
09:14 AM Bug report #19954 (Closed): QGIS crashes on work with Qgis2Threejs Exporter
Qgis2Threejs is a 3rd party plugin, issues caused by it must be reported to the plugin author(s). Giovanni Manghi
09:14 AM Bug report #19954 (Closed): QGIS crashes on work with Qgis2Threejs Exporter
Qgis2Threejs is a 3rd party plugin, issues caused by it must be reported to the plugin author(s). Giovanni Manghi
09:13 AM Bug report #19952 (Feedback): Filter icon is missing on spatialite layer
Giovanni Manghi
08:29 AM Revision c06c475b (qgis): [db-manager] Update sql dialog buttons status
Fixes #19958 - Database manager allows one to create saved query with no name Alessandro Pasotti
08:01 AM Revision 94ded32f (qgis): [db-manager] Allow multiline filters in sql window
Fixes #19956 - Update SQL layer results in invalid SQL expression Alessandro Pasotti
07:37 AM Bug report #19555: DWG import overwrites existing Geopackage without warning
For two reasons:
# In QGIS (and most applications) a user never expects her files to be overwritten without a warnin...
Micha Silver
04:03 AM Bug report #19961 (Rejected): Crash while QGIS-Start.
There's nothing we can do here, besides disabling the plugin (which is done on restart). The plugin author needs to f... Nyall Dawson
04:03 AM Bug report #19961 (Rejected): Crash while QGIS-Start.
There's nothing we can do here, besides disabling the plugin (which is done on restart). The plugin author needs to f... Nyall Dawson


01:27 AM Bug report #19952: Filter icon is missing on spatialite layer
I am unable to reproduce on Linux - can you give some additional details or a qgz file which isn't working in the way... Stephen Knox
10:19 AM Bug report #19952 (Closed): Filter icon is missing on spatialite layer
There is no icon on the filtered spatialite layers Loïc BARTOLETTI
12:46 AM Revision a1d130ac (qgis): Fix spelling
Martin Dobias
12:46 AM Revision 8831f19b (qgis): Fix missing indicators after they are moved to a different group
The issue was that during drag&drop, we first connect to layer's signal
for the second time, but then the disconnect(...
Martin Dobias
12:34 AM Feature request #19965 (Open): Allow to set the order of inputs in processing models
It's not possible to control the order in which inputs appear in processing models execution dialog.
It see...
Olivier Dalang
11:59 PM Bug report #19964 (Closed): layer tree embedded widgets do not show up for raster layers
When adding a widget to a raster layer's legend via the layer properties'->legend section nothing is shown on the lay... Ricardo Silva
11:20 PM Bug report #19555: DWG import overwrites existing Geopackage without warning
Why is that dangerous? You can always reimport the original DWG. Jürgen Fischer
11:13 PM Bug report #19963 (Closed): Save Features As "broken" - CSV & Geometry AS_WKT not working
Actually my bad - I think this is more to do with CRS than the export functionality - it's still very confusing! Dan V
10:47 PM Bug report #19963 (Closed): Save Features As "broken" - CSV & Geometry AS_WKT not working
We have a project with 32 layers - each with anywhere from 800 - 3000 features in each layer.
We have 2 fields, an...
Dan V
11:01 PM Bug report #18260: qgis 3 crashes at start
#19962 might be related and also has a recipe to disable explorer extensions. Jürgen Fischer
10:47 PM Bug report #19962 (Closed): QGIS Crashes on Open Window
The problem was with windows explorer. Following this guide I was able to find a solution:
Alex Krebs
10:35 PM Bug report #19962 (Closed): QGIS Crashes on Open Window
QGIS crashes when the windows explorer browser is opened. Whether going to File>Open or trying to browse to a CSV for... Alex Krebs
10:16 PM Bug report #19961 (Rejected): Crash while QGIS-Start.
h2. User Feedback
Crash while QGIS-Start.
I think the reason is the digitizing tools plugin (https://plugins.qgi...
Jan Lippmann
10:12 PM Bug report #19960 (Closed): layer tree embedded widget provider's supportsLayer() method is never...
The `QgsLayerTreeEmbeddedWidgetProvider` class defines a virtual method `supportsLayer()` that should be called in or... Ricardo Silva
09:56 PM Bug report #19949 (Closed): New maps panels position is not restored after saving and opening a p...
This is a due to a limitation in qt (missing feature in dock position handling) and there's no way we can fix this in... Nyall Dawson
09:56 PM Bug report #19949 (Closed): New maps panels position is not restored after saving and opening a p...
This is a due to a limitation in qt (missing feature in dock position handling) and there's no way we can fix this in... Nyall Dawson
05:10 PM Bug report #19949: New maps panels position is not restored after saving and opening a project
More examples. luca bellani
05:10 PM Bug report #19949: New maps panels position is not restored after saving and opening a project
More examples. luca bellani
08:02 AM Bug report #19949 (Closed): New maps panels position is not restored after saving and opening a p...
creating three new maps and two of these overlap in a single window, at the reopening of the project the three window... salvatore fiandaca
09:55 PM Bug report #19957 (Closed): QGIS 3.2.3 no longer loads Batch Hillshader plugin
Plugin issue, not a qgis issue Nyall Dawson
09:55 PM Bug report #19957 (Closed): QGIS 3.2.3 no longer loads Batch Hillshader plugin
Plugin issue, not a qgis issue Nyall Dawson
06:46 PM Bug report #19957 (Closed): QGIS 3.2.3 no longer loads Batch Hillshader plugin
QGIS 3.2.3-1 / Mac OS X 10.12.6
Batch Hill Shader no longer loads; it did load with QGIS 3.2.2-1
Error report:
Garth Fletcher
09:07 PM Bug report #19750: "To run another Processing algorithm" in Processing's is broken
Thanks Nyall! I would have wanted to sweeten up more things in the example but haven't fully understood everything ye... Johannes Kroeger
07:47 PM Revision c3066c2c (qgis): Cleanup
Matthias Kuhn
07:39 PM Bug report #19959: "Handle Bad Layers" dialog message text unclear
This message would change again once #8718 (#19790) are implemented to something like:
_"There are # unhandled lay...
Jason Ferrier
07:37 PM Bug report #19959 (Closed): "Handle Bad Layers" dialog message text unclear
The message the user receives when the result of Handle Bad Layers will remove layers can be more clear.
Jason Ferrier
07:06 PM Bug report #19936: Split Features tool changing the attributes of the new feature on QGIS 3.3
PR: Alessandro Pasotti
07:06 PM Bug report #19936: Split Features tool changing the attributes of the new feature on QGIS 3.3
PR: Alessandro Pasotti
05:37 PM Bug report #19936: Split Features tool changing the attributes of the new feature on QGIS 3.3
Alessandro Pasotti wrote:
> Philipe Borba wrote:
> > Alessandro Pasotti wrote:
> > > Just a note: would it be nece...
Philipe Borba
05:10 PM Bug report #19936: Split Features tool changing the attributes of the new feature on QGIS 3.3
Philipe Borba wrote:
> Alessandro Pasotti wrote:
> > Just a note: would it be necessary/desireable to check for NUL...
Alessandro Pasotti
04:46 PM Bug report #19936: Split Features tool changing the attributes of the new feature on QGIS 3.3
Alessandro Pasotti wrote:
> Just a note: would it be necessary/desireable to check for NULL/empty before overwriting...
Philipe Borba
04:15 PM Bug report #19936: Split Features tool changing the attributes of the new feature on QGIS 3.3
Just a note: would it be necessary/desireable to check for NULL/empty before overwriting the provider default?
Alessandro Pasotti
04:13 PM Bug report #19936: Split Features tool changing the attributes of the new feature on QGIS 3.3
Philipe Borba wrote:
> Changing line 418 with:
> if ( v.isValid() && attributes.contains( idx ) && !layer->pri...
Alessandro Pasotti
04:09 PM Bug report #19936: Split Features tool changing the attributes of the new feature on QGIS 3.3
Changing line 418 with:
if ( v.isValid() && attributes.contains( idx ) && !layer->primaryKeyAttributes().contains...
Philipe Borba
04:00 PM Bug report #19936: Split Features tool changing the attributes of the new feature on QGIS 3.3
Yeah, I thought about that too.
But this would break not-PK sequences ... perhaps it's a corner case but still.
Alessandro Pasotti
03:56 PM Bug report #19936: Split Features tool changing the attributes of the new feature on QGIS 3.3
What if we tried this approach:
First check if the attribute index is in the primary key index list (QgsVectorLaye...
Philipe Borba
03:45 PM Bug report #19936: Split Features tool changing the attributes of the new feature on QGIS 3.3
Yeah, we crossed comments!
Btw, the issue here is that we cannot blindly override provider defaults with the attr...
Alessandro Pasotti
03:43 PM Bug report #19936: Split Features tool changing the attributes of the new feature on QGIS 3.3
Tried my suggestion here and it messed up primary constraint evaluation =/
Philipe Borba wrote:
> I guess the pro...
Philipe Borba
03:43 PM Bug report #19936: Split Features tool changing the attributes of the new feature on QGIS 3.3
I'm afraid this is a won't fix: the current implementation of the new feature creation is
!!! in order of priority...
Alessandro Pasotti
03:26 PM Bug report #19936: Split Features tool changing the attributes of the new feature on QGIS 3.3
I guess the problem is here:
Philipe Borba
03:21 PM Bug report #19936 (In Progress): Split Features tool changing the attributes of the new feature o...
Thanks, I was able to reproduce the issue, working on it. Alessandro Pasotti
03:10 PM Bug report #19936: Split Features tool changing the attributes of the new feature on QGIS 3.3
I've done a small database to ilustrate the bug.
In this database there is one table called split_test with field...
Philipe Borba
03:10 PM Bug report #19936: Split Features tool changing the attributes of the new feature on QGIS 3.3
I've done a small database to ilustrate the bug.
In this database there is one table called split_test with field...
Philipe Borba
07:02 PM Bug report #19958 (Closed): Database manager allows one to create saved query with no name
It is possible to click on the "Save" button to create a saved SQL query even when no name is entered in the "Name" f... Lars Kellogg-Stedman
06:59 PM Bug report #19956: Update SQL layer results in invalid SQL expression
# I started with the MASSGIS TOWNS_POLY.shp dataset from
Lars Kellogg-Stedman
02:47 PM Bug report #19956: Update SQL layer results in invalid SQL expression
To be sure I can reproduce exactly your scenario, can you please describe the steps starting from an unfiltered layer? Alessandro Pasotti
02:32 PM Bug report #19956 (Closed): Update SQL layer results in invalid SQL expression
It looks like the fix for #19843 resulted in a new problem.
With revision 208571a, selecting "Update SQL Layer..."...
Lars Kellogg-Stedman
06:31 PM Revision 0e328076 (qgis): Change canCommitChanges to allowCommit flag
Matthias Kuhn
05:35 PM Revision cda4950d (qgis): Change canCommitChanges to allowCommit flag
Matthias Kuhn
05:15 PM Revision d2bb3d60 (qgis): Fix python signature?
Matthias Kuhn
05:11 PM Revision 68ba7546 (qgis): [Server][WFS] Use editor widget setup for Range fields
René-Luc ReLuc
05:11 PM Revision 37c1e237 (qgis): [Server][WFS] Use editor widget setup for DateTime fields
The user can define with the editor widget the data type of the field with more accuracy than the data provider.
In t...
René-Luc ReLuc
04:43 PM Feature request #8809: WMS/WMTS with dimension parameters should be handled
Issue still exists in QGIS 3.3. Nicolas Boisteault
04:36 PM Bug report #15904 (Closed): WFS 2.18.1 slow with PostGIS layer
I can't reproduce the issue in QGIS 2.18.24. Good work developers! Nicolas Boisteault
04:22 PM Feature request #8808: Add WMS-T support to QGIS server
Two QEPs are related to this issue :
* https://git...
Nicolas Boisteault
04:17 PM Revision a56deacf (qgis): Add QgsVectorLayer::canCommitChanges
to control if changes can be saved or not. This signal is emitted before a layer is being saved and if a connected sl... Matthias Kuhn
04:08 PM Bug report #19564: PostgreSQL sequences not always used when adding feature
Same issue with last nightly. I've attached the SQL code. For example table 'choix_secteur_activite' has the good beh... Nicolas Boisteault
03:48 PM Revision cd095884 (qgis): Adding screenshot, so will be visible on
Richard Duivenvoorde
03:21 PM Revision 374756b3 (qgis): Add missing include
Matthias Kuhn
02:54 PM Bug report #19919: QGIS 2.18 faster than QGIS 3.3 DEV in processing
I redid test after PR of Nyall in 3.3 dev
time 52 sec
thanks Nyall
win 10 64 bit
AMD FX-7500 RADEON R7 - 10 ...
salvatore fiandaca
02:30 PM Bug report #19843: Update SQL Layer converts query to table name
Sure. I thought this was the same problem (e.g., the fix was not actually a complete fix) and was more appropriate he... Lars Kellogg-Stedman
02:23 PM Revision fd869d83 (qgis): Add test for missing vertex check
Matthias Kuhn
02:22 PM Revision b05ea1a1 (qgis): Do not report duplicate errors in missing vertex check
Matthias Kuhn
02:20 PM Bug report #19950 (Closed): blocking of QGIS, if the edit in place functionality is used in the l...
Applied in changeset commit:qgis|51574069a088031ef4aceaeb3fa1de84804db037. Anonymous
02:20 PM Bug report #19950 (Closed): blocking of QGIS, if the edit in place functionality is used in the l...
Applied in changeset commit:qgis|51574069a088031ef4aceaeb3fa1de84804db037. Anonymous
08:30 AM Bug report #19950 (Closed): blocking of QGIS, if the edit in place functionality is used in the l...
see attachment
the algorithms should not be available if the current layer is not in edit mode.
02:19 PM Revision 51574069 (qgis): Fixes blocking if the edit in place functionality is used in the locato...
Fixes #19950 Alessandro Pasotti
02:15 PM Revision 6de6c08a (qgis): [Server][WFS] Set correctly attribute type for number fields in XSD
Replace `double` by `decimal`
Use `int`, `unsignedInt`, `long` and `unsignedLong` for `QVariant::Int`, `QVariant::UI...
René-Luc ReLuc
02:15 PM Revision cfddac58 (qgis): [Server][WFS] Define encodeValueToText to correctly format field values
René-Luc ReLuc
02:08 PM Bug report #16446: Many-to-many (N:M) relationship not working on simple case
I still can't create N:M relations in QGIS 3.3. Nicolas Boisteault
01:56 PM Feature request #13698: Foreign tables in DB Manager
Issue still occurs in QGIS 3.3. Nicolas Boisteault
12:46 PM Bug report #19955 (Open): Window Position not save on Exit
Starting QGIS does not restore the original Window Size. Sven Gruner
12:39 PM Bug report #19954 (Closed): QGIS crashes on work with Qgis2Threejs Exporter
h2. User Feedback
h2. Report Details
*Crash ID*: 6833e119d676f22401c2e30735912cf65a2dc0de
*Stack Trace...
Sven Gruner
11:44 AM Bug report #19946: ogr based tools do not work anymore with PostGIS inputs (possibly also other r...
Nyall Dawson wrote:
> Can you confirm that the error is the missing "PG:" part before "dbname='teste' host=localhost...
Giovanni Manghi
02:13 AM Bug report #19946 (Feedback): ogr based tools do not work anymore with PostGIS inputs (possibly a...
Can you confirm that the error is the missing "PG:" part before "dbname='teste' host=localhost port=543..."? E.g. ' P... Nyall Dawson
11:07 AM Revision d9517f7b (qgis): Fix Help button connection
Harrissou Santanna
11:06 AM Revision 42aaa236 (qgis): Fix method name
It's not only about storing in database Harrissou Santanna
10:56 AM Revision bbe1aaef (qgis): Fix save style dialog expansion
and declutter the UI Harrissou Santanna
10:41 AM Bug report #19953 (Closed): Labeling: Halo-effect only works with 1mm setting
Halo-effect just allows one setting: 1mm.
All other settings (greater, smaller halo) does not work.
Magdalena Blank
10:39 AM Bug report #19951 (Closed): Edit mode doesn't work when ogr vector layers have filters
This concerns OGR provider, not database providers.
If you add gpkg using vector layer UI or drag/drop, this is rea...
Regis Haubourg
10:39 AM Bug report #19951 (Closed): Edit mode doesn't work when ogr vector layers have filters
This concerns OGR provider, not database providers.
If you add gpkg using vector layer UI or drag/drop, this is rea...
Regis Haubourg
10:19 AM Bug report #19951 (Feedback): Edit mode doesn't work when ogr vector layers have filters
see #18428-3 Giovanni Manghi
10:13 AM Bug report #19951 (Closed): Edit mode doesn't work when ogr vector layers have filters
When you add a filter to a layer[1], the editing mode is disabled
[1] Confirmed on a geopackage but not with postg...
10:22 AM Bug report #16027: Editing GeoPackage from DWG/DXF Import after Save as Layer Definition File
It's not related to DWG/DXF import.
See #19951 and #18428-3
10:07 AM Bug report #19948 (Feedback): QGIS crashes toggling legend items filter
Try again with a new/clean profile (no 3rd party plugins). If it continues then please attach a sample project with d... Giovanni Manghi
10:07 AM Bug report #19948 (Feedback): QGIS crashes toggling legend items filter
Try again with a new/clean profile (no 3rd party plugins). If it continues then please attach a sample project with d... Giovanni Manghi
10:07 AM Bug report #19948 (Feedback): QGIS crashes toggling legend items filter
Try again with a new/clean profile (no 3rd party plugins). If it continues then please attach a sample project with d... Giovanni Manghi
10:07 AM Bug report #19948 (Feedback): QGIS crashes toggling legend items filter
Try again with a new/clean profile (no 3rd party plugins). If it continues then please attach a sample project with d... Giovanni Manghi
03:01 AM Bug report #19948 (Closed): QGIS crashes toggling legend items filter
Qgis Crashes when toggling legend item filter is toggled and only show items inside current atlas feature is ticked.
David Biggs
09:55 AM Revision 5047571c (qgis): Move recursive "collect layers" algorithm to QgsLayerTreeUtils + tests
Martin Dobias
09:55 AM Revision ea171626 (qgis): Make sure that also groups with "required" layers cannot be removed
Fixes an unreported bug where it was possible to select a layer tree group
and remove even when it contained required...
Martin Dobias
08:49 AM Revision 6aa00b14 (qgis): Merge pull request #8022 from elpaso/bugfix-19831-db-manager-import-srid
[dbmanager] Fixes DB Manager does not read SRID automatically Alessandro Pasotti
08:48 AM Bug report #19831 (Closed): DB Manager does not read SRID automatically
Applied in changeset commit:qgis|f7f70bfb037399696a09f3ab1ac956a331ba8e93. Anonymous
08:48 AM Bug report #19831 (Closed): DB Manager does not read SRID automatically
Applied in changeset commit:qgis|f7f70bfb037399696a09f3ab1ac956a331ba8e93. Anonymous
08:23 AM Bug report #13170 (Closed): postgis layer.dataProvider().setDataSourceURI(.....) has no effect.
Well, as explained in, this is not really... Alessandro Pasotti
08:23 AM Bug report #13170 (Closed): postgis layer.dataProvider().setDataSourceURI(.....) has no effect.
Well, as explained in, this is not really... Alessandro Pasotti
08:23 AM Bug report #13170 (Closed): postgis layer.dataProvider().setDataSourceURI(.....) has no effect.
Well, as explained in, this is not really... Alessandro Pasotti
03:12 AM Bug report #19607: Deactivating/uninstalling plugin causes Python error when trying to edit a Pro...
This happens too with user defined models.
If a parent model contains a child model, and a some point, the child m...
Olivier Dalang
02:11 AM Bug report #19938: GDAL/OGR vector geoprocessing algorithms not working with GPKG, SQLite, FileGD...
See -- testing would be appreciated! Nyall Dawson


12:56 AM Bug report #13170: postgis layer.dataProvider().setDataSourceURI(.....) has no effect.
Similar issue here.
It partially works with shapefiles (the layer changed on map redraw)...
Olivier Dalang
12:07 AM Revision 346073a2 (qgis): Add more tags to find the "Line substring" algorithm
Harrissou Santanna
12:07 AM Revision 6e032531 (qgis): [processing][gdal] Fix empty fid is passed if FID option is not set
Also add full range of unit tests for OgrToPostGis algorithm.
Fixes #19947
Nyall Dawson
12:06 AM Bug report #19947 (Closed): ogr "export to postgresql" error when not using the (optional) "prima...
Applied in changeset commit:qgis|6e03253143e5fbc6bffef09e3e4c46535b7bdab0. Nyall Dawson
12:06 AM Bug report #19947 (Closed): ogr "export to postgresql" error when not using the (optional) "prima...
Applied in changeset commit:qgis|6e03253143e5fbc6bffef09e3e4c46535b7bdab0. Nyall Dawson
10:31 PM Bug report #19947 (In Progress): ogr "export to postgresql" error when not using the (optional) "...
Nyall Dawson
08:42 PM Bug report #19947 (Closed): ogr "export to postgresql" error when not using the (optional) "prima...
The parameter "primary key (new field)" is filled by default with a value "id", but the parameter is not mandatory an... Giovanni Manghi
11:22 PM Feature request #19943: Extend algorithm only extends, but does not shorten lines
I am using 3.2.3 and I can't find such @line substring@ algorithm. I haven't found any reference on documentation, ne... Carlos Cámara
09:59 PM Feature request #19943: Extend algorithm only extends, but does not shorten lines
I had looked for it but obviously with wrong tags, hence Harrissou Santanna
08:33 PM Feature request #19943 (Rejected): Extend algorithm only extends, but does not shorten lines
There is a seperate algorithm for shrinking lines - "line substrings". Nyall Dawson
08:33 PM Feature request #19943 (Rejected): Extend algorithm only extends, but does not shorten lines
There is a seperate algorithm for shrinking lines - "line substrings". Nyall Dawson
05:45 PM Feature request #19943 (Feedback): Extend algorithm only extends, but does not shorten lines
Harrissou Santanna
05:44 PM Feature request #19943: Extend algorithm only extends, but does not shorten lines
This is more a feature request than a bug report I think. I'm not sure that the Extend algorithm is supposed to short... Harrissou Santanna
05:02 PM Feature request #19943 (Rejected): Extend algorithm only extends, but does not shorten lines
Currently, there is an algorithm called Extend lines (visit documentation: Carlos Cámara
10:59 PM Bug report #19946 (In Progress): ogr based tools do not work anymore with PostGIS inputs (possibl...
Nyall Dawson
08:32 PM Bug report #19946 (Closed): ogr based tools do not work anymore with PostGIS inputs (possibly als...
Subject says it all. On QGIS master (at least) the GDAL/OGR command with this type of datasources is not built anymor... Giovanni Manghi
10:59 PM Bug report #19945 (In Progress): ogr based tools cannot output anymore to temp files
Nyall Dawson
08:01 PM Bug report #19945 (Closed): ogr based tools cannot output anymore to temp files
Tested the buffer tool, but possibly all others are affected. This is regardless of the input data type. Example:
Giovanni Manghi
10:58 PM Bug report #19938 (In Progress): GDAL/OGR vector geoprocessing algorithms not working with GPKG, ...
Nyall Dawson
10:56 PM Bug report #19938: GDAL/OGR vector geoprocessing algorithms not working with GPKG, SQLite, FileGD...
Giovanni Manghi wrote:
> there are cases (not yet sure how/why) where the datasources like gpkg, sqlite, shapes are ...
Andrea Giudiceandrea
09:16 PM Bug report #19938 (Open): GDAL/OGR vector geoprocessing algorithms not working with GPKG, SQLite,...
Giovanni Manghi
09:15 PM Bug report #19938: GDAL/OGR vector geoprocessing algorithms not working with GPKG, SQLite, FileGD...
Processing seems to work in different ways, depending on how a datasource like a gpkg, SL or shp was loaded in the pr... Giovanni Manghi
08:36 PM Bug report #19938: GDAL/OGR vector geoprocessing algorithms not working with GPKG, SQLite, FileGD...
Possibly related issue #2 #19946 Giovanni Manghi
08:02 PM Bug report #19938: GDAL/OGR vector geoprocessing algorithms not working with GPKG, SQLite, FileGD...
Possibly related issue #1 #19945 Giovanni Manghi
06:44 PM Bug report #19938 (Feedback): GDAL/OGR vector geoprocessing algorithms not working with GPKG, SQL...
I have nticed this too today, while trying to import data in PostGIS using the ogr based tools. Your analysis is corr... Giovanni Manghi
06:44 PM Bug report #19938 (Feedback): GDAL/OGR vector geoprocessing algorithms not working with GPKG, SQL...
I have nticed this too today, while trying to import data in PostGIS using the ogr based tools. Your analysis is corr... Giovanni Manghi
06:44 PM Bug report #19938 (Feedback): GDAL/OGR vector geoprocessing algorithms not working with GPKG, SQL...
I have nticed this too today, while trying to import data in PostGIS using the ogr based tools. Your analysis is corr... Giovanni Manghi
01:27 PM Bug report #19938 (Closed): GDAL/OGR vector geoprocessing algorithms not working with GPKG, SQLit...
See also #19938-4 for a better understanding of the issue.
*Original description:*
The GDAL/OGR vector geoproce...
Andrea Giudiceandrea
09:11 PM Feature request #19942: libreoffice calc integration
luis marcelo dambrowski dambrowski wrote:
> Giovanni Manghi wrote:
> > You can add in a project tables from csv, od...
Giovanni Manghi
08:34 PM Feature request #19942: libreoffice calc integration
Giovanni Manghi wrote:
> You can add in a project tables from csv, odt, xls...
Yes; but this does not have print ...
luis marcelo dambrowski dambrowski
05:58 PM Feature request #19942 (Feedback): libreoffice calc integration
You can add in a project tables from csv, odt, xls... Giovanni Manghi
04:50 PM Feature request #19942 (Feedback): libreoffice calc integration
I need to insert tables made in libreoffice calc, direct in the print layout, was using the html option but n solves ... luis marcelo dambrowski dambrowski
08:35 PM Bug report #19940 (Open): Spatialite column with AUTOINCREMENT block with forms
Giovanni Manghi
08:00 PM Bug report #19940: Spatialite column with AUTOINCREMENT block with forms
This was issue #17587 in master between 2.18.14 an 2.18.16 and seems now a regression.
Gerhard Spieles
06:24 PM Bug report #19940 (Feedback): Spatialite column with AUTOINCREMENT block with forms
Did it worked as expected on 2.18? Giovanni Manghi
06:24 PM Bug report #19940 (Feedback): Spatialite column with AUTOINCREMENT block with forms
Did it worked as expected on 2.18? Giovanni Manghi
03:23 PM Bug report #19940 (Closed): Spatialite column with AUTOINCREMENT block with forms
When adding an entity to a spatialite table with a field with AUTOINCREMENT, the input in the form is blocked, becaus... Loïc BARTOLETTI
08:32 PM Bug report #19944 (Rejected): Error message when switching UI Theme to night mapping
That's a bug in the cluster points plugin, not qgis. Nyall Dawson
08:32 PM Bug report #19944 (Rejected): Error message when switching UI Theme to night mapping
That's a bug in the cluster points plugin, not qgis. Nyall Dawson
07:24 PM Bug report #19944 (Rejected): Error message when switching UI Theme to night mapping
When I switch from default UI theme to night mapping, I get this error message:... Carolyn Krause
08:27 PM Revision 80723e89 (qgis): Adds .qgz files on --help description
Lists .qgz files in the possible project files to open from the command line Alexandre Neto
08:27 PM Revision 3d70f1b5 (qgis): [layouts] Fix is_layer_visible does not work within layout map items
Nyall Dawson
08:27 PM Revision 0f626859 (qgis): Fix is_layer_visible to allow direct layer objects and handle removed l...
Nyall Dawson
08:27 PM Revision f4bbb147 (qgis): Dox++
Nyall Dawson
08:27 PM Revision fd1d6c10 (qgis): Add more descriptive error messages for raster calculation failure
With unit tests Nyall Dawson
08:27 PM Revision f29c48b9 (qgis): Dox
Nyall Dawson
08:26 PM Revision 844a3fb1 (qgis): [processing] Allow help url to be set for models within help edit dialog
Refs #18767 Nyall Dawson
08:26 PM Revision e2082a09 (qgis): [processing] Fix modeler help/description generation, allow setting
of model short description text
Fixes #18767
Nyall Dawson
08:26 PM Revision d26f25cf (qgis): Deprecate unused QgsProcessingAlgorithm::helpString method
Nyall Dawson
08:26 PM Revision 95d68e91 (qgis): [processing] Default to hiding help button for algorithms
And require that showing help is opt-in. Apart from a handful
of built-in providers, most providers will not have hel...
Nyall Dawson
08:26 PM Revision aa55de8e (qgis): Fix advanced parameter panel incorrect margins in processing algorithm ...
Nyall Dawson
08:26 PM Revision 6d1a9295 (qgis): Use correct stylesheet for processing dialogs
Nyall Dawson
08:26 PM Bug report #18767 (Closed): Help button for Processing Modeller outdated
Applied in changeset commit:qgis|e2082a09358008b6ee8be09ebf24feb46ac6c705. Nyall Dawson
08:26 PM Bug report #18767 (Closed): Help button for Processing Modeller outdated
Applied in changeset commit:qgis|e2082a09358008b6ee8be09ebf24feb46ac6c705. Nyall Dawson
05:45 AM Bug report #18767 (In Progress): Help button for Processing Modeller outdated
Nyall Dawson
08:18 PM Bug report #17992: DB Manager Versioning: _current view lacks primary key
Confirmed Paolo Cavallini
06:15 PM Bug report #17992: DB Manager Versioning: _current view lacks primary key
Paolo Cavallini wrote:
> AFAICT this is still valid: in the view simply there is not a PK, it's not a matter of its ...
Giovanni Manghi
02:30 PM Bug report #17992: DB Manager Versioning: _current view lacks primary key
AFAICT this is still valid: in the view simply there is not a PK, it's not a matter of its name. Paolo Cavallini
01:45 PM Bug report #17992: DB Manager Versioning: _current view lacks primary key
Should be closed? Now you can define the name of PK (and others) Loïc BARTOLETTI
07:01 PM Bug report #19941: QgsLineString unexpected behaviour when constructed Alessandro Pasotti
04:49 PM Bug report #19941: QgsLineString unexpected behaviour when constructed
Can you point the place in the documentation where @arrays of coordinates as in QgsLineString([x1, y1], [x2, y2])@ is... Harrissou Santanna
04:42 PM Bug report #19941 (Rejected): QgsLineString unexpected behaviour when constructed
This is the signature you are calling by passing two arrays:
QgsLineString(x: Iterable[float], y: Iterable[float],...
Alessandro Pasotti
04:42 PM Bug report #19941 (Rejected): QgsLineString unexpected behaviour when constructed
This is the signature you are calling by passing two arrays:
QgsLineString(x: Iterable[float], y: Iterable[float],...
Alessandro Pasotti
04:00 PM Bug report #19941 (Rejected): QgsLineString unexpected behaviour when constructed
While developing a plugin I have been using creating lines between two points with QgsLineString(). The documentation... Ivan Majic
06:40 PM Bug report #19936: Split Features tool changing the attributes of the new feature on QGIS 3.3
Philipe Borba wrote:
> Giovanni Manghi wrote:
> > Also can't confirm on master/linux.
> I have tested here wit...
Giovanni Manghi
05:50 PM Bug report #19936: Split Features tool changing the attributes of the new feature on QGIS 3.3
Alessandro Pasotti wrote:
> Can you check Options -> Data Sources-> Data source handling -> Evaluate default values ...
Philipe Borba
05:40 PM Bug report #19936: Split Features tool changing the attributes of the new feature on QGIS 3.3
Can you check Options -> Data Sources-> Data source handling -> Evaluate default values ? Alessandro Pasotti
05:34 PM Bug report #19936: Split Features tool changing the attributes of the new feature on QGIS 3.3
I tested here on linux, the bug happens as well and only on PostGIS database with default values on provider.
Philipe Borba
02:12 PM Bug report #19936: Split Features tool changing the attributes of the new feature on QGIS 3.3
Giovanni Manghi wrote:
> Also can't confirm on master/linux.
I have tested here with data from SpatiaLite and Pos...
Philipe Borba
09:48 AM Bug report #19936: Split Features tool changing the attributes of the new feature on QGIS 3.3
Also can't confirm on master/linux. Giovanni Manghi
09:48 AM Bug report #19936: Split Features tool changing the attributes of the new feature on QGIS 3.3
Also can't confirm on master/linux. Giovanni Manghi
08:41 AM Bug report #19936 (Feedback): Split Features tool changing the attributes of the new feature on Q...
Alessandro Pasotti
08:41 AM Bug report #19936: Split Features tool changing the attributes of the new feature on QGIS 3.3
I cannot reproduce this issue, can you please share a small project and data where the issue can be reproduced? Alessandro Pasotti
02:54 AM Bug report #19936 (Closed): Split Features tool changing the attributes of the new feature on QGI...
Instead of the original behaviour of the split features tool from previous QGIS (split and both parts getting the sam... Philipe Borba
06:27 PM Bug report #19843: Update SQL Layer converts query to table name
Lars Kellogg-Stedman wrote:
> Should this be fixed in commit:208571a? With that version of the code, selecting "Upd...
Giovanni Manghi
02:33 PM Bug report #19843: Update SQL Layer converts query to table name
Should this be fixed in commit:208571a? With that version of the code, selecting "Update SQL Layer..." still produce... Lars Kellogg-Stedman
06:24 PM Revision afd7b92a (qgis): Followup 5f33137, C++ is not Python
Matthias Kuhn
06:14 PM Bug report #17141: DB Manager only shows some type of rasters
Is still the case. Giovanni Manghi
01:50 PM Bug report #17141: DB Manager only shows some type of rasters
is this still the case? I couldn't reproduce it. Loïc BARTOLETTI
06:01 PM Bug report #19930 (Open): "Zoom to feature" does not work
Giovanni Manghi
05:45 PM Bug report #19930: "Zoom to feature" does not work
Here's a sample project and data that reproduces the problem:
Lars Kellogg-Stedman
04:38 PM Bug report #19930: "Zoom to feature" does not work
Thanks for the video!
Since we don't know exactly where the problem is, it would be really helpful if you could s...
Alessandro Pasotti
02:14 PM Bug report #19930: "Zoom to feature" does not work
I see the same behavior in the latest nightly build (208571a). I've recorded a video of the behavior here in case I'... Lars Kellogg-Stedman
01:51 PM Bug report #19930: "Zoom to feature" does not work
I'll grab the current master and see if the problem reproduces with my actual data. Lars Kellogg-Stedman
10:02 AM Bug report #19930: "Zoom to feature" does not work
Nyall Dawson wrote:
> Maybe this is for virtual layers?
tried them and seems ok here, nut let me try again.
Giovanni Manghi
10:00 AM Bug report #19930: "Zoom to feature" does not work
Maybe this is for virtual layers? Nyall Dawson
09:55 AM Bug report #19930: "Zoom to feature" does not work
Tested on master/linux and works as expected here (SL datasource). Giovanni Manghi
08:51 AM Bug report #19930: "Zoom to feature" does not work
I cannot reproduce on current master, I tried with a PG and a Spatialite layer without success, can you please share ... Alessandro Pasotti
04:56 PM Bug report #18719: Missing options in GPS Information Panel
Actually, More information here Harrissou Santanna
04:17 PM Bug report #18719: Missing options in GPS Information Panel
It seems that on windows qgis is not compiled with QWT_POLAR which is necessary for the polar view Loïc BARTOLETTI
03:49 PM Revision 981aea71 (qgis): Merge pull request #8006 from sbrunner/print-error
[Server] Print an error message, on project load error Stéphane Brunner
03:36 PM Bug report #18784: «Feature has too many attributes» warning with virtual field
amazing, thank you! Rob Willson
02:17 PM Bug report #18784: «Feature has too many attributes» warning with virtual field
Oops, sorry for asking such a stupid question! Daan Goedkoop
09:06 AM Bug report #18784: «Feature has too many attributes» warning with virtual field
No - there is no 3.2.4 release. 3.2.3 was the final in the 3.2 series. Nyall Dawson
08:11 AM Bug report #18784: «Feature has too many attributes» warning with virtual field
Will this bugfix also be applied to version 3.2.4? Daan Goedkoop
02:51 PM Bug report #19831 (In Progress): DB Manager does not read SRID automatically
Alessandro Pasotti
02:51 PM Bug report #19831 (In Progress): DB Manager does not read SRID automatically
Alessandro Pasotti
02:50 PM Revision f7f70bfb (qgis): [dbmanager] Fixes DB Manager does not read SRID automatically
Fixes #19831 Alessandro Pasotti
02:08 PM Bug report #19939 (Closed): mesh: missing arrows around the edge of the canvas
As seen in the attached picture (mesh.jpg), mesh layer rendering of vector arrows will sometimes miss arrows along th... Mathieu Pellerin - nIRV
02:08 PM Bug report #19315: QGIS 3.2 clean install misses many dependencies
For the benefit of anyone suffering from the same symptoms. Check the ownership of /usr/lib I can not be sure that th... Kim Frankcombe
01:18 PM Bug report #19315 (Closed): QGIS 3.2 clean install misses many dependencies
Looks like an local issue to me. Jürgen Fischer
01:18 PM Bug report #19315 (Closed): QGIS 3.2 clean install misses many dependencies
Looks like an local issue to me. Jürgen Fischer
01:18 PM Bug report #19315 (Closed): QGIS 3.2 clean install misses many dependencies
Looks like an local issue to me. Jürgen Fischer
02:06 PM Bug report #18802 (Closed): Mesh layer with unknown CRS
fixed Peter Petrik
02:06 PM Bug report #18802 (Closed): Mesh layer with unknown CRS
fixed Peter Petrik
02:06 PM Bug report #19590 (Closed): Not possible to set MDAL layer CRS
fixed in Peter Petrik
02:06 PM Bug report #19590 (Closed): Not possible to set MDAL layer CRS
fixed in Peter Petrik
05:51 AM Bug report #19590 (Feedback): Not possible to set MDAL layer CRS
This is fixed now, right? Nyall Dawson
02:01 PM Revision 517b50c6 (qgis): Capitalization
Nyall Dawson
01:24 PM Bug report #18654 (Closed): QGIS 3.0.0 repeated crashing on opening
Jürgen Fischer
01:22 PM Bug report #18706 (Closed): QGIS 3 refuses to load on fresh OSGEO64 install on Windows 7 Pro
Jürgen Fischer
01:22 PM Revision 5f33137c (qgis): Print an error message, on project load error
Stéphane Brunner
01:14 PM Bug report #19357 (Closed): QGIS 3.2 Launching crashed
Jürgen Fischer
01:09 PM Revision 9bbabcfb (qgis): Add test
Add onStyleChanged
Add if mRenderContext when necessary
Orderer renderer if and add enableInvisibleFeature
Loïc Bartoletti
12:04 PM Bug report #19937 (Open): Strange blurred squares in vector layers using "outer glow"
I have a GPS track log of about 8,000km simplified to about 85,000 line segments. If I use the "outer glow" line eff... Andrew Hamilton
11:34 AM Bug report #19463 (Feedback): crash rolling back edits
Provide steps to reproduce. Jürgen Fischer
11:23 AM Bug report #19762 (Feedback): QgsApplication.setMaxThreads not work appropriately
How is that different from the quoted code? Jürgen Fischer
11:10 AM Feature request #19875: Deleting multiple GPKG tables from Browser only deletes a single table
btw, it's not trivial implementation and it would require API changes because currently all actions associated with t... Alessandro Pasotti
11:10 AM Feature request #19875: Deleting multiple GPKG tables from Browser only deletes a single table
btw, it's not trivial implementation and it would require API changes because currently all actions associated with t... Alessandro Pasotti
09:12 AM Feature request #19875: Deleting multiple GPKG tables from Browser only deletes a single table
This is actually a bug: when you select multiple tables from the browser only the layer where the right click happene... Alessandro Pasotti
09:12 AM Feature request #19875: Deleting multiple GPKG tables from Browser only deletes a single table
This is actually a bug: when you select multiple tables from the browser only the layer where the right click happene... Alessandro Pasotti
09:12 AM Feature request #19875: Deleting multiple GPKG tables from Browser only deletes a single table
This is actually a bug: when you select multiple tables from the browser only the layer where the right click happene... Alessandro Pasotti
09:12 AM Feature request #19875: Deleting multiple GPKG tables from Browser only deletes a single table
This is actually a bug: when you select multiple tables from the browser only the layer where the right click happene... Alessandro Pasotti
09:12 AM Feature request #19875: Deleting multiple GPKG tables from Browser only deletes a single table
This is actually a bug: when you select multiple tables from the browser only the layer where the right click happene... Alessandro Pasotti
09:12 AM Feature request #19875: Deleting multiple GPKG tables from Browser only deletes a single table
This is actually a bug: when you select multiple tables from the browser only the layer where the right click happene... Alessandro Pasotti
10:51 AM Revision 774e7341 (qgis): Merge pull request #8017 from elpaso/geopackage-vacuum-from-file-browser
[browser] Allow GPKG VACUUM from file browser Alessandro Pasotti
10:44 AM Bug report #19330: Provider Feature Filter Query Builder - CHANGES ATTRIBUTE VALUES
Is anybody working on this issue?
Problem still exists.
Olcay Ebcin
10:13 AM Revision ad94cce3 (qgis): layerType -> mLayerType
Loïc Bartoletti
10:13 AM Revision c0ff2f48 (qgis): Fixes #18252 - Shape digitize (and circular string) tools do not show
rubberband fill color when drawing polygons Loïc Bartoletti
10:13 AM Bug report #18252 (Closed): Shape digitize tools do not show rubberband fill color when drawing p...
Applied in changeset commit:qgis|c0ff2f48f13b918db8b8cef27d889d753868f80a. Anonymous
10:13 AM Bug report #18252 (Closed): Shape digitize tools do not show rubberband fill color when drawing p...
Applied in changeset commit:qgis|c0ff2f48f13b918db8b8cef27d889d753868f80a. Anonymous
10:08 AM Bug report #19933: python error in DB Manager while trying to preview a layer and empty preview

> I understand that it is kind of random but you should try to find the way to reproduce it or I don't see a chance...
Giovanni Manghi
08:31 AM Bug report #19933 (Feedback): python error in DB Manager while trying to preview a layer and empt...
Works for me on current linux/master.
I understand that it is kind of random but you should try to find the way to...
Alessandro Pasotti
10:01 AM Bug report #19280: Graphical modeller - element (inputs / algorithms) name changes are not reflec...
I don't know how much of a problem this is, but it still persists in QGIS 3.3.0-Master (208571a).
When you specify "...
Håvard Tveite
03:54 AM Bug report #19280 (Feedback): Graphical modeller - element (inputs / algorithms) name changes are...
Can you please test with 3.3 nightlies? I believe this to be fixed. Nyall Dawson
09:51 AM Revision 2df58fd8 (qgis): [browser] Allow GPKG VACUUM from file browser
Alessandro Pasotti
09:43 AM Revision e8c98f89 (qgis): Merge pull request #8002 from elpaso/make_features_compatible
Port makeFeaturesCompatible from python to C++ Alessandro Pasotti
08:32 AM Bug report #17864 (Closed): Graphical modeler doesn`t preserve utf 8 encoding
Nyall Dawson
05:56 AM Bug report #17864: Graphical modeler doesn`t preserve utf 8 encoding
Thank you Nyall for the hint.
I found a solution that also works for QGIS 2.18. The problem was that utf 8 encoding ...
Christian Metzger
03:57 AM Bug report #17864: Graphical modeler doesn`t preserve utf 8 encoding
Please try with 3.3 nightlies and report if this is still an issue - the whole modeler backend has been rewritten and... Nyall Dawson
08:24 AM Revision b34c461d (qgis): Drop const on makeFeatureComptible returned values
Alessandro Pasotti
08:17 AM Revision fb47dd93 (qgis): Typo
Alessandro Pasotti
08:17 AM Revision a8dbb539 (qgis): Some minor changes
- QgsVectorLayer *
- make a const copy of a const container
- typo and comments
Alessandro Pasotti
08:17 AM Revision 8d82ce86 (qgis): makeFeatureCompatible on a single input feature
Alessandro Pasotti
08:17 AM Revision 7e8592bc (qgis): Const correctness (because it's not an API break)
Alessandro Pasotti
08:17 AM Revision 930c3f8e (qgis): Port makeFeaturesCompatible to C++
as: QgsVectorLayerUtils::makeFeaturesCompatible
With tests.
Alessandro Pasotti
08:17 AM Revision 3157af2e (qgis): Revert const on createFeature
just because it would be an API break Alessandro Pasotti
08:16 AM Revision 9809c7be (qgis): Merge pull request #8009 from borysiasty/release-2_18
Polish translation update Matthias Kuhn
08:01 AM Bug report #18204: Failure to load PostGIS raster without bands
In any event, the raster generated with ST_MakeEmptyRaster has no bands and will never be opened by QGIS.
Can we c...
Alessandro Pasotti
07:59 AM Bug report #18764 (Closed): Raster calculator (native and SAGA) not usable in Processing Modeller
yep, both native and saga are working in the modeler. Thanks matteo ghetta
03:56 AM Bug report #18764 (Feedback): Raster calculator (native and SAGA) not usable in Processing Modeller
This is fixed in master, right? Nyall Dawson
07:14 AM Revision f78bdf05 (qgis): Prepare geometry engine
Matthias Kuhn
05:51 AM Bug report #19750 (Closed): "To run another Processing algorithm" in Processing's ScriptTemplate....
Nyall Dawson
05:22 AM Revision af4a1df9 (qgis): [browser] Correctly show drives inserted (or removed!) after QGIS launch
Fixes #14481, #9843 Nyall Dawson
05:22 AM Revision 51737448 (qgis): Also handle multi-partition drive insertion/removal
Nyall Dawson
05:22 AM Revision 035c78be (qgis): Add native platform interface for usb storage events
Allows native interfaces to send a signal when a USB storage device
is inserted/removed
Refs #14481
Nyall Dawson
05:21 AM Bug report #9843 (Closed): Refresh in browser should update available drive letters in windows
Applied in changeset commit:qgis|af4a1df90d621794b63ae84d475513d96ed2d6fc. Nyall Dawson
05:21 AM Bug report #9843 (Closed): Refresh in browser should update available drive letters in windows
Applied in changeset commit:qgis|af4a1df90d621794b63ae84d475513d96ed2d6fc. Nyall Dawson
05:21 AM Bug report #14481 (Closed): If already opened QGIS Browser (standalone and panel) doesn't show ne...
Applied in changeset commit:qgis|af4a1df90d621794b63ae84d475513d96ed2d6fc. Nyall Dawson
05:21 AM Bug report #14481 (Closed): If already opened QGIS Browser (standalone and panel) doesn't show ne...
Applied in changeset commit:qgis|af4a1df90d621794b63ae84d475513d96ed2d6fc. Nyall Dawson
04:48 AM Revision c817e38b (qgis): [processing] Fix an exception in modeler when editing a model in
which a child algorithm later has a new parameter added Nyall Dawson
04:41 AM Revision 11991c52 (qgis): Fix capitalization
Nyall Dawson
04:00 AM Bug report #18095 (Closed): Grass algorithm outputs do not correctly work within models
Fixed in 3.3 Nyall Dawson
04:00 AM Bug report #18095 (Closed): Grass algorithm outputs do not correctly work within models
Fixed in 3.3 Nyall Dawson
03:56 AM Bug report #18939 (Closed): Graphic Modeler Crash on Exit After Saving
Not reproducible in 3.x, and the whole modeler has been re-written Nyall Dawson
03:56 AM Bug report #18939 (Closed): Graphic Modeler Crash on Exit After Saving
Not reproducible in 3.x, and the whole modeler has been re-written Nyall Dawson
03:55 AM Bug report #19209: No text boxes in Processing Modeller
Is this still an issue? If so, please try with a new user profile and see if that fixes the issue. Nyall Dawson
03:53 AM Feature request #19608 (Closed): Avoid adding processing model output to layer list
Nyall Dawson
03:52 AM Bug report #19306 (Closed): Lost processing model content
Closed due to lack of feedback Nyall Dawson
03:52 AM Bug report #19306 (Closed): Lost processing model content
Closed due to lack of feedback Nyall Dawson
03:50 AM Bug report #19925 (Closed): With nested models, outputs from child model do not appear in the dia...
Fixed in master Nyall Dawson
03:50 AM Bug report #19925 (Closed): With nested models, outputs from child model do not appear in the dia...
Fixed in master Nyall Dawson
03:14 AM Revision ea2c16dd (qgis): [processing][gdal] Dissolve field name should be optional
Nyall Dawson
03:14 AM Revision a3af1f9f (qgis): [processing][gdal] Add unit tests for Dissolve algorithm
Thanks to @agiudiceandrea:
Fixes #19900
Statistics were erroneously computed on the dissolve field, rather th...
Nyall Dawson
03:13 AM Bug report #19307 (Closed): Processing OGR Dissolve having problems with blanks in filename
Applied in changeset commit:qgis|a3af1f9f3a3e997614ffe8577be930a62c30fcc6. Nyall Dawson
03:13 AM Bug report #19307 (Closed): Processing OGR Dissolve having problems with blanks in filename
Applied in changeset commit:qgis|a3af1f9f3a3e997614ffe8577be930a62c30fcc6. Nyall Dawson
03:13 AM Bug report #19900 (Closed): Compute min/max/sum/mean (stats) while Dissolving layer not working (...
Applied in changeset commit:qgis|a3af1f9f3a3e997614ffe8577be930a62c30fcc6. Nyall Dawson
03:13 AM Bug report #19900 (Closed): Compute min/max/sum/mean (stats) while Dissolving layer not working (...
Applied in changeset commit:qgis|a3af1f9f3a3e997614ffe8577be930a62c30fcc6. Nyall Dawson
02:32 AM Revision 6e06c32a (qgis): [processing] Fix crash when an algorithm dialog is left open and
processing options are changed
Make sure the algorithm dialogs use their own copy of algorithms,
instead of the copi...
Nyall Dawson
02:31 AM Revision c2dab4ff (qgis): [processing] Use standard dock margins for results dock
Nyall Dawson
02:13 AM Bug report #19162 (Closed): [Processing] GDAL translate sould not cast datatype by default
Fixed in 3.4 Nyall Dawson
02:13 AM Bug report #19162 (Closed): [Processing] GDAL translate sould not cast datatype by default
Fixed in 3.4 Nyall Dawson
02:11 AM Feature request #19794 (Closed): Add capability for specifying additional options with the gdal:c...
Nyall Dawson
02:10 AM Revision 52a80d89 (qgis): include appinfo metadata file in translation
Jürgen Fischer


12:55 AM Revision b0364e6b (qgis): Adding translations to appdata
Leandro Stanger
12:55 AM Revision 8e845b9a (qgis): Update org.qgis.qgis.appdata.xml
Leandro Stanger
12:49 AM Revision 95e95d0f (qgis): Unit tests for QgsVectorLayerUtils.matchAttributesToFields
Nyall Dawson
12:49 AM Revision cc53af29 (qgis): Fix errors when saving features with virtual fields present
Fixes #18784 Nyall Dawson
12:49 AM Revision a8794001 (qgis): Add method to match feature attributes to the given fields
Refs #18784 Nyall Dawson
12:49 AM Revision eacf4adb (qgis): Dox++
Nyall Dawson
12:49 AM Revision 9fcd4fd0 (qgis): Use QgsVectorLayerUtils.matchAttributesToFields in processing in-place ...
Nyall Dawson
12:48 AM Bug report #18784 (Closed): «Feature has too many attributes» warning with virtual field
Applied in changeset commit:qgis|cc53af296c8b9b5cad3856ce16efd86b6617ed5d. Nyall Dawson
12:48 AM Bug report #18784 (Closed): «Feature has too many attributes» warning with virtual field
Applied in changeset commit:qgis|cc53af296c8b9b5cad3856ce16efd86b6617ed5d. Nyall Dawson
04:16 PM Bug report #18784: «Feature has too many attributes» warning with virtual field
I get also this problem when adding new features in a memory layer (in Python):
1) I create an empty new memory laye...
emmanuel poizot
02:42 AM Bug report #18784 (In Progress): «Feature has too many attributes» warning with virtual field
Nyall Dawson
11:50 PM Revision 010fe8aa (qgis): Polish translation update
Borys Jurgiel
10:51 PM Revision 6f0881ed (qgis): Add QgsGeometryMissingVertexCheck
A topology check for missing vertices on polygon boundaries of neighbouring polygons. Matthias Kuhn
10:19 PM Revision 458fa175 (qgis): Bette naming for python
Loïc Bartoletti
09:21 PM Revision 81487f9f (qgis): Proxy filterNeedsGeometry for inverted/displacement renderers
Nyall Dawson
09:21 PM Revision b5867bff (qgis): Fix legend count is 0 if graduated/categorized expression uses geometry
Likely fixes many other bugs too with graduated/categorized renderers
Fixes #15544
Nyall Dawson
09:21 PM Revision 17567ee5 (qgis): [processing] Never run feature validity check for point layers
Saves a few cycles. The feature validity checks have no meaning
for point layers.
Refs #19919
Nyall Dawson
09:20 PM Bug report #15544 (Closed): Graduated symbolgy: feature count fails if classes created with an ex...
Applied in changeset commit:qgis|b5867bff58b926a1c3169e9f2d92765790a786a8. Nyall Dawson
09:20 PM Bug report #15544 (Closed): Graduated symbolgy: feature count fails if classes created with an ex...
Applied in changeset commit:qgis|b5867bff58b926a1c3169e9f2d92765790a786a8. Nyall Dawson
09:20 PM Revision 03bef52d (qgis): Also shortcut validity checks for multipoint
Since multipoints are always valid (but not always simple, e.g.
if they contain a duplicate point they are valid but ...
Nyall Dawson
09:20 PM Revision f380577a (qgis): Micro-optimisation: don't call geos for checking point geometry validity
Since a single-point will always be valid Nyall Dawson
09:20 PM Revision 93f83a02 (qgis): [processing] Remove unnecessary index creation in points in polygons
...and rely instead on the data provider's spatial index.
Refs #19919
Nyall Dawson
09:03 PM Bug report #19307: Processing OGR Dissolve having problems with blanks in filename
I've submitted a PR that should fix this bug and also #19900 in 3.3.0-master
Andrea Giudiceandrea
08:28 PM Bug report #18974: No geometry operation on geopackages layers
yes and no :) the query still gives NULL values in the geom column, but the layer can be correctly loaded in QGIS (se... matteo ghetta
11:59 AM Bug report #18974 (Feedback): No geometry operation on geopackages layers
Does it works on 2.18?
This type of operation also works if the dataset is Spatialite.
Giovanni Manghi
11:59 AM Bug report #18974 (Feedback): No geometry operation on geopackages layers
Does it works on 2.18?
This type of operation also works if the dataset is Spatialite.
Giovanni Manghi
08:20 PM Bug report #19921: SpatiaLite Execute SQL not working
ok thanks for the feedback. Actually I'm missing what this algorithm can be used for :) matteo ghetta
09:18 AM Bug report #19921 (Rejected): SpatiaLite Execute SQL not working
This is expected behavior from this algorithm -- it executes SQL only, it does not load the result. We need an equiva... Nyall Dawson
09:18 AM Bug report #19921 (Rejected): SpatiaLite Execute SQL not working
This is expected behavior from this algorithm -- it executes SQL only, it does not load the result. We need an equiva... Nyall Dawson
09:14 AM Bug report #19921 (In Progress): SpatiaLite Execute SQL not working
Nyall Dawson
07:26 PM Bug report #19930: "Zoom to feature" does not work
It looks like this only happens with a SQL layer. It works fine with a shapefile layer. Lars Kellogg-Stedman
03:06 PM Bug report #19930 (Feedback): "Zoom to feature" does not work
Is this only true for SQL layers (with filters applied?)? Giovanni Manghi
01:58 PM Bug report #19930 (Closed): "Zoom to feature" does not work
The "Zoom to Feature" action in the attribute table is not working as I would expect. If I:
- Create a SQL layer ...
Lars Kellogg-Stedman
04:43 PM Bug report #18902 (In Progress): Snapping and tracing inconsistent behaviour
Saber Razmjooei
04:08 PM Revision f18bc52e (qgis): Fixes #18902 Snapping and tracing inconsistent behaviour
Loïc Bartoletti
04:06 PM Bug report #19934 (Closed): QGIS 3.2 processing scripts not updated when saved / crash when tryin...
When editing processing scripts in QGIS 3 with right click > Edit script... in the processing toolbox, save it and th... Jochen Schwarze
03:55 PM Bug report #19933 (Closed): python error in DB Manager while trying to preview a layer and empty ...
I'm not sure what is triggering this, but at times a preview of a layer won't work in db manager, and if the focus is... Giovanni Manghi
03:52 PM Feature request #19932 (Closed): DB Manager: PostGIS tables, cannot add a new column with datatyp...
Subject says it all. Giovanni Manghi
03:05 PM Bug report #19931 (Rejected): The "iterate over this layer" button is missing for the "Extract se...
The other "extract by ..." algorithms seem to have the green button to iterate over the layer; not that one.
Set as ...
Harrissou Santanna
02:50 PM Bug report #18204: Failure to load PostGIS raster without bands

> The error you mention about the connection appears to be different and I cannot reproduce it.
something seems ...
Giovanni Manghi
02:23 PM Bug report #18204 (Feedback): Failure to load PostGIS raster without bands
I could not reproduce exactly the same issue as I get a different message from DB manager: "Cannot get GDAL raster ba... Alessandro Pasotti
02:39 PM Feature request #19814 (Feedback): QGIS3: "no spatial index" for package layers
Giovanni Manghi
02:37 PM Feature request #19814: QGIS3: "no spatial index" for package layers
Tobias Wendorff wrote:
> *Please add a toggle to disable the creation of spatial indexes.* Sometimes, it's needed to...
Jukka Rahkonen
02:38 PM Bug report #17391: icon size preview is kept when not selected in Options menu
QGIS 3.3.0-Master(4911d2e745) on Windows is still affected. Michel Stuyts
01:11 PM Bug report #19909 (Open): Vertex markers not displayed properly for MultiPolygon features
Yes. Sorry, forgot to add that. Andreas Wicht
11:45 AM Bug report #19909 (Feedback): Vertex markers not displayed properly for MultiPolygon features
Does it works as expected on 2.18? Giovanni Manghi
12:22 PM Bug report #19919: QGIS 2.18 faster than QGIS 3.3 DEV in processing
Nyall Dawson wrote:
> Yes. But I'd still love to see results for 3.2 with that feature disabled.
Other comments:
salvatore fiandaca
11:58 AM Bug report #19919 (Closed): QGIS 2.18 faster than QGIS 3.3 DEV in processing
Yes. But I'd still love to see results for 3.2 with that feature disabled.
Nyall Dawson
11:58 AM Bug report #19919 (Closed): QGIS 2.18 faster than QGIS 3.3 DEV in processing
Yes. But I'd still love to see results for 3.2 with that feature disabled.
Nyall Dawson
11:39 AM Bug report #19919: QGIS 2.18 faster than QGIS 3.3 DEV in processing
Closing? Giovanni Manghi
10:55 AM Bug report #19919: QGIS 2.18 faster than QGIS 3.3 DEV in processing
Faster than 2.18? (It should be!) I've got a pr coming in that further optimises this algorithm. Nyall Dawson
10:47 AM Bug report #19919: QGIS 2.18 faster than QGIS 3.3 DEV in processing
Nyall Dawson wrote:
> What about disabling the geometry validation? (From processing options). Does that fix the reg...
salvatore fiandaca
09:28 AM Bug report #19919: QGIS 2.18 faster than QGIS 3.3 DEV in processing
What about disabling the geometry validation? (From processing options). Does that fix the regression? Nyall Dawson
12:11 PM Bug report #19904: Processing: tools (GRASS) return empty outputs
Nyall Dawson wrote:
> Hi Giovanni,
> Are you able to attach some layers which I can use to test this? I've hit ...
Giovanni Manghi
11:53 AM Revision 6286cf19 (qgis): Don't spell check appdata file, it needs translation
Nyall Dawson
11:44 AM Bug report #19922 (Feedback): screen freezes (qgis program crashes)
Description is not clear, please add detailed steps to allow us try replicate the problem. Giovanni Manghi
11:44 AM Bug report #19922 (Feedback): screen freezes (qgis program crashes)
Description is not clear, please add detailed steps to allow us try replicate the problem. Giovanni Manghi
11:44 AM Bug report #19922 (Feedback): screen freezes (qgis program crashes)
Description is not clear, please add detailed steps to allow us try replicate the problem. Giovanni Manghi
11:43 AM Bug report #19918: Fill Sink save file as .SDAT
Hi Lene, why this was closed? Giovanni Manghi
11:42 AM Bug report #19920: SAGA Channel network and drainage basins only 'out of order'
Hi Lene, why this was closed? Giovanni Manghi
11:40 AM Bug report #19260 (Closed): [Digitizing] The "Enable snapping on invisible features" option is al...
Giovanni Manghi
09:59 AM Bug report #19260: [Digitizing] The "Enable snapping on invisible features" option is always unch...
should be closed Loïc BARTOLETTI
11:40 AM Bug report #19926 (Closed): Editing the expression for a SQL layer corrupts the SQL expression
Giovanni Manghi
04:25 AM Bug report #19926 (Closed): Editing the expression for a SQL layer corrupts the SQL expression
I have created a layer from a SQL expression. The layer source looks like:
dbname='lic.db' table="(SEL...
Lars Kellogg-Stedman
11:04 AM Revision 5dffeaac (qgis): use data provider CRS
Peter Petrik
11:04 AM Revision 74c99254 (qgis): update MDAL to 0.0.8 (fix projection issue)
Peter Petrik
11:04 AM Revision 1b82abfd (qgis): fix test images for mesh rendering
Peter Petrik
11:04 AM Revision 9c1dc79b (qgis): fix issues from Nyall review
Peter Petrik
11:04 AM Revision 2c8f2381 (qgis): use spatial index to limit rendering of features
Peter Petrik
11:04 AM Revision 9b480afe (qgis): use qpainter to draw lines, not QgsSingleSymbolRenderer
Peter Petrik
11:04 AM Revision 7ad1b717 (qgis): use projection string from MDAL provider in Mesh Layer
Peter Petrik
11:04 AM Revision eda33968 (qgis): update spatial index only when mesh or CRS changed
Peter Petrik
11:04 AM Revision 11645ac7 (qgis): implement simple cache for rendering of mesh layer
Peter Petrik
11:04 AM Revision 58116a22 (qgis): only render when in extent
Peter Petrik
11:04 AM Revision f3774981 (qgis): do not ask again for CRS when loading qgsproject with mesh layer
Peter Petrik
10:52 AM Bug report #19774: Missing attributes in large table
@Jukka QGIS doesn't mess with setting 2GB_LIMIT=YES. There is all evidence from the dataset that is was produced by E... Even Rouault
10:26 AM Bug report #19774: Missing attributes in large table
Giovanni Manghi wrote:
> When using ogr2ogr to convert the sahepfile (to GPKG for example) it returns
> ERROR 1...
Jukka Rahkonen
10:47 AM Revision e148d4b6 (qgis): Fix identification in 3D if CRS of 2D and 3D canvas are different
Martin Dobias
10:47 AM Revision 7a85fb01 (qgis): Catch coordinate transform exceptions
Martin Dobias
10:44 AM Revision 88ccb881 (qgis): A bit less nesting
Matthias Kuhn
10:27 AM Bug report #18499 (Closed): "Snapping Toolbar" missing from View > Toolbars
Harrissou Santanna
09:59 AM Bug report #18499: "Snapping Toolbar" missing from View > Toolbars
should be closed Loïc BARTOLETTI
10:26 AM Revision f9f683db (qgis): Fix new annotations are shown even when annotations are hidden
Fixes #19117 Nyall Dawson
10:26 AM Bug report #19117 (Closed): New annotaions show in map views with Show Annotations disabled
Applied in changeset commit:qgis|f9f683dbd01ec1ff273d7610b655e82841defb45. Nyall Dawson
10:26 AM Bug report #19117 (Closed): New annotaions show in map views with Show Annotations disabled
Applied in changeset commit:qgis|f9f683dbd01ec1ff273d7610b655e82841defb45. Nyall Dawson
10:24 AM Bug report #19917: [symbology] Missing color ramp types in symbol selector dialog
> That's true, but there ARE gradient ramps in cpt
That's the conclusion I came to when I saw
Harrissou Santanna
09:31 AM Bug report #19917: [symbology] Missing color ramp types in symbol selector dialog
That's true, but there ARE gradient ramps in cpt, and there's no easy way to filter just these out. Nyall Dawson
09:00 AM Feature request #19928: Add support for rule-based labeling in SLD styles
Sorry, I meant .sld file of course Alexander Novikov
08:59 AM Feature request #19928 (Open): Add support for rule-based labeling in SLD styles
1). Create some labeling rule.
> Attribute = 'value'
2). Save style as .qgs file.
3). Check that file consists inf...
Alexander Novikov
07:55 AM Bug report #19927 (Open): DB Manager looses target while importing more than one SHP into PostgreSQL
I often need to import several SHP-files into my PostgreSQL DB.
In QGIS v2.18.4 the DB Manager kept the focu...
Jörn Henrich
07:31 AM Bug report #19902: Advanced Digitizing tool NOT aligned with measurement tool
Loïc BARTOLETTI wrote:
> Measurement tool show only projected measures.
> I will add an option to show also cartesi...
Jan Rasmussen
03:14 AM Bug report #18334 (Closed): German Translation
Fixed in transifex (master) Jürgen Fischer
03:14 AM Bug report #18334 (Closed): German Translation
Fixed in transifex (master) Jürgen Fischer
02:54 AM Bug report #19411 (Closed): QGIS Server layers (WMS) do not render above zoom level 20 in leaflet...
Jürgen Fischer
02:52 AM Bug report #2455 (Closed): Windows installer doesn't warn user if it can't create directories
The install meanwhile requires admin privileges. Jürgen Fischer
02:52 AM Bug report #2455 (Closed): Windows installer doesn't warn user if it can't create directories
The install meanwhile requires admin privileges. Jürgen Fischer
02:52 AM Bug report #2455 (Closed): Windows installer doesn't warn user if it can't create directories
The install meanwhile requires admin privileges. Jürgen Fischer
02:50 AM Bug report #9217 (Closed): (Windows) uinstall doesn't remove registry entries
Jürgen Fischer
02:49 AM Bug report #15530 (Closed): postinstall.log
2.14 is EOL Jürgen Fischer
02:49 AM Bug report #15530 (Closed): postinstall.log
2.14 is EOL Jürgen Fischer
02:47 AM Bug report #19650 (Closed): Silent install
Jürgen Fischer
02:41 AM Revision 2289ce32 (qgis): [MetaSearch] update default CSW connections
Tom Kralidis
02:41 AM Revision 74665442 (qgis): [MetaSearch] update default CSW connections
Tom Kralidis
02:13 AM Revision e2caf220 (qgis): fix tests (followup 9c5d397b4)
Jürgen Fischer
02:13 AM Revision 6ecb08c4 (qgis): Revert "Revert "reorder application initialization (fixes #19879, #1991...
This reverts commit 469b4b4a57fb2c30441b5de393662cdde36031b2. Jürgen Fischer
02:10 AM Revision 39f36c3d (qgis): Fix layer styling dock has tiny icons on hidpi
Nyall Dawson
02:10 AM Revision b4c8f627 (qgis): Fix tiny symbol layer list on hidpi
Nyall Dawson
02:08 AM Bug report #19787: MetaSearch: Use Title when new OWS connections are added to QGIS user profile
@Stefan: in the Settings tab under 'Connection Naming' there are options to set the connection name based on the OWS ... Tom Kralidis


01:58 AM Bug report #19117 (In Progress): New annotaions show in map views with Show Annotations disabled
Nyall Dawson
01:46 AM Bug report #19292 (Closed): Text annotation boxes too small in print or pdf
Duplicate of #18373 Nyall Dawson
01:46 AM Bug report #19292 (Closed): Text annotation boxes too small in print or pdf
Duplicate of #18373 Nyall Dawson
01:44 AM Bug report #15544: Graduated symbolgy: feature count fails if classes created with an expression ... Nyall Dawson
01:29 AM Bug report #15544 (In Progress): Graduated symbolgy: feature count fails if classes created with ...
Nyall Dawson
01:43 AM Bug report #19925 (Closed): With nested models, outputs from child model do not appear in the dia...
Hi !
When working with nested models (an user model in another user model) in processing, outputs from child model...
Olivier Dalang
01:08 AM Revision 87aa9320 (qgis): fixes #16587
Saber Razmjooei
01:07 AM Revision 8cf75e4e (qgis): Add style manager icon to the project properties dialog
Harrissou Santanna
01:07 AM Feature request #16587 (Closed): Native XYZ provider doesn't support local files
Applied in changeset commit:qgis|87aa9320415ba21e0766d4d132ce190a56538a0a. Saber Razmjooei
01:07 AM Feature request #16587 (Closed): Native XYZ provider doesn't support local files
Applied in changeset commit:qgis|87aa9320415ba21e0766d4d132ce190a56538a0a. Saber Razmjooei
11:05 AM Feature request #16587 (In Progress): Native XYZ provider doesn't support local files
This should be addressed in this PR:
Thanks for Nyall's suggestion here:
Saber Razmjooei
12:43 AM Revision aa88c856 (qgis): Remove maximum width from categorized/graduate expression widgets
This constraint makes the widgets no-hidpi friendly Nyall Dawson
12:28 AM Bug report #19908: Results of intersects geotraitement tools are not the same between 2.18 and 3.2.3
I've investigated and the cause of this issue is that the geometries in dalle_litto_3d are all invalid -- the polygon... Nyall Dawson
12:22 AM Revision 469b4b4a (qgis): Revert "reorder application initialization (fixes #19879, #19916, follo...
This reverts commit 9c5d397b4d4ce12cb81f05955760a18c213a8566
The commit broke *every* test on Travis ;)
Nyall Dawson
12:14 AM Feature request #7814 (Closed): QgsExpression: LIKE operator should respect escaped _ and %
Fixed since ..? Nyall Dawson
12:14 AM Feature request #7814 (Closed): QgsExpression: LIKE operator should respect escaped _ and %
Fixed since ..? Nyall Dawson
12:14 AM Feature request #7814 (Closed): QgsExpression: LIKE operator should respect escaped _ and %
Fixed since ..? Nyall Dawson
10:40 PM Bug report #14757 (Closed): QGIS does not re-install completely
Jürgen Fischer
10:35 PM Bug report #15245 (Closed): Constant Error After Install
Jürgen Fischer
10:34 PM Bug report #15347 (Closed): 2.16 build failure in python SIP
Jürgen Fischer
10:31 PM Bug report #15503 (Closed): Uninstal Qgis
Jürgen Fischer
10:31 PM Bug report #16322 (Closed): make -j8 # error: @INCLUDE = /usr/src/qgis/build/master/
Jürgen Fischer
10:27 PM Bug report #17020 (Closed): QGIS 2.18 - Uninstall - Windows 64 bits
Jürgen Fischer
10:22 PM Bug report #10103 (Closed): QGIS issue with 64bit uninstaller dialog
Jürgen Fischer
10:20 PM Bug report #12003 (Closed): crssync sensitive to locale behavior while installing
Jürgen Fischer
10:18 PM Bug report #12889 (Closed): Defect #20028: Registry entry under HKLM\\software\\microsoft\\window...
Jürgen Fischer
10:13 PM Bug report #14355 (Closed): Problem uninstalling/replacing QGis 2 8 3
Jürgen Fischer
10:12 PM Bug report #3096 (Closed): Silent install is not possible when used to upgrade QGIS
Jürgen Fischer
09:59 PM Bug report #18260: qgis 3 crashes at start
The backtrace suggests that this is related to the browser (widget). I suspect that there are third party file types... Jürgen Fischer
09:55 PM Bug report #18938 (Closed): DEB package qgis-providers segfaults at installation on non-English l...
Applied in changeset commit:qgis|7623ee8daf8b5649fc761d982859e52293e20a22. Jürgen Fischer
09:55 PM Bug report #18938 (Closed): DEB package qgis-providers segfaults at installation on non-English l...
Applied in changeset commit:qgis|7623ee8daf8b5649fc761d982859e52293e20a22. Jürgen Fischer
09:54 PM Revision 4911d2e7 (qgis): [BUGFIX][NEEDS-DOCS] add command line option to hide browser (refs #18260)
Jürgen Fischer
09:52 PM Revision 7623ee8d (qgis): fix #18938
Jürgen Fischer
04:37 PM Feature request #19924 (Open): Add "Annotation tool" entry in menu
Why is there no "Annotation tool" entry (for Text/Form/HTML/SVG) in (default) menu, e.g. "Layer"?
That should be ...
Sfkeller -
03:52 PM Revision 208571a8 (qgis): Merge pull request #7984 from rouault/fix_19483
Raster: do not list RasterLite2 as a supported output format, and use a helper for every call site (fixes #19483) Even Rouault
03:51 PM Revision ac65ee03 (qgis): Merge pull request #7983 from rouault/fix_18804
QgsRasterFilWriter: fix crash when building overviews (fixes #19679) Even Rouault
03:51 PM Revision bdc11197 (qgis): Merge pull request #7982 from rouault/fix_19477
[OGR provider] Fix reading of OSM datasets when opening several layers at the same time (fixes #19477) Even Rouault
03:51 PM Bug report #19483 (Closed): Saving rasters in Rasterlite2 format is not possible
Applied in changeset commit:qgis|d2a7668c1674816833b316c06f80064301c68cd3. Even Rouault
03:51 PM Bug report #19483 (Closed): Saving rasters in Rasterlite2 format is not possible
Applied in changeset commit:qgis|d2a7668c1674816833b316c06f80064301c68cd3. Even Rouault
03:51 PM Bug report #19679 (Closed): Crash when saving a raster with pyramids
Applied in changeset commit:qgis|0c0e30b48f8251900189a965a4a6d2526ca19a56. Even Rouault
03:51 PM Bug report #19679 (Closed): Crash when saving a raster with pyramids
Applied in changeset commit:qgis|0c0e30b48f8251900189a965a4a6d2526ca19a56. Even Rouault
03:51 PM Bug report #19477 (Closed): Multipolygons layer is empty in the attribute table
Applied in changeset commit:qgis|fabdc0476492fc1c47d364723d804f27e575ea5b. Even Rouault
03:51 PM Bug report #19477 (Closed): Multipolygons layer is empty in the attribute table
Applied in changeset commit:qgis|fabdc0476492fc1c47d364723d804f27e575ea5b. Even Rouault
03:49 PM Bug report #19907 (Closed): qgis 3.2 crashes at start
Jürgen Fischer
03:48 PM Bug report #19899 (Closed): very unstable installation of QGIS 3.2.3 on Windows 7 Machine
Jürgen Fischer
03:45 PM Bug report #19696 (Closed): QGIS crashes upon launching
Jürgen Fischer
03:44 PM Bug report #19181 (Closed): Crash on Start
Jürgen Fischer
03:00 PM Bug report #18794 (Closed): QGIS 3.0.2 crash on startup
Jürgen Fischer
02:59 PM Bug report #18616 (Closed): Crash following install and QGIS 3.0.1 will not open
Jürgen Fischer
02:57 PM Bug report #18548 (Closed): QGIS 3.0.1 crash on startup
Jürgen Fischer
02:56 PM Bug report #19759 (Closed): crash in browser
Jürgen Fischer
11:24 AM Bug report #19780 (Closed): python_module_qgis__core build error
Liang GISer
10:34 AM Bug report #19904: Processing: tools (GRASS) return empty outputs
Seems a more general issue with GRASS output generation (see another case in #19923) kajo kaji
10:33 AM Bug report #19923: GRASS output file creation failed (empty file)
Seems a more general issue with GRASS output generation (see another case in #19904) kajo kaji
10:19 AM Bug report #19923 (Closed): GRASS output file creation failed (empty file)
See the attachment for full log.
Lots of warning but GRASS v.generalize processing seems to be fine:
kajo kaji
09:55 AM Bug report #18622: Mouse pointer displacement
Forgot to mention, to restore original cursor:
Alessandro Pasotti
09:36 AM Bug report #18622 (Feedback): Mouse pointer displacement
Can you please make this test?
When digitizing, open the python console and type the following:...
Alessandro Pasotti
09:33 AM Bug report #19919: QGIS 2.18 faster than QGIS 3.3 DEV in processing
Nyall Dawson wrote:
> Is this running a debug build of qgis 3 (eg the nightly builds)? You need to compare against a...
salvatore fiandaca
04:09 AM Bug report #19920 (Closed): SAGA Channel network and drainage basins only 'out of order'
Lene Fischer
03:10 AM Revision 77be7eae (qgis): packaging fix
Jürgen Fischer


01:07 AM Bug report #19917: [symbology] Missing color ramp types in symbol selector dialog
I might not fully understand but how is that different from using catalog:cpt-city ramps (some look rather discrete)? Harrissou Santanna
12:12 AM Bug report #19917: [symbology] Missing color ramp types in symbol selector dialog
Only gradient style ramps can be used here. The discrete colour ramps are not available for gradient fills Nyall Dawson
06:42 AM Bug report #19917 (Open): [symbology] Missing color ramp types in symbol selector dialog
Vector layer styling panel --> symbology --> categorized
Press the color ramp drop-down menu
In the All color Ramps...
Harrissou Santanna
12:10 AM Bug report #19919 (Feedback): QGIS 2.18 faster than QGIS 3.3 DEV in processing
Is this running a debug build of qgis 3 (eg the nightly builds)? You need to compare against a release build. Nyall Dawson
04:30 PM Bug report #19919 (Closed): QGIS 2.18 faster than QGIS 3.3 DEV in processing
qgis 2.18.24 is more performing than the master version 3.3-0.79
I did various tests with the processing tools and...
salvatore fiandaca
07:51 PM Bug report #19916 (Closed): Localization is broken in Linux
Applied in changeset commit:qgis|9c5d397b4d4ce12cb81f05955760a18c213a8566. Jürgen Fischer
07:51 PM Bug report #19916 (Closed): Localization is broken in Linux
Applied in changeset commit:qgis|9c5d397b4d4ce12cb81f05955760a18c213a8566. Jürgen Fischer
07:51 PM Bug report #19879 (Closed): It's not possible to override system locale
Applied in changeset commit:qgis|9c5d397b4d4ce12cb81f05955760a18c213a8566. Jürgen Fischer
07:51 PM Bug report #19879 (Closed): It's not possible to override system locale
Applied in changeset commit:qgis|9c5d397b4d4ce12cb81f05955760a18c213a8566. Jürgen Fischer
07:50 PM Revision 9c5d397b (qgis): reorder application initialization (fixes #19879, #19916, followup d679...
Jürgen Fischer
07:46 PM Bug report #19922 (Closed): screen freezes (qgis program crashes)
h2. User Feedback
When I went to save as the screen freezes
h2. Report Details
*Crash ID*: 48e33e782e4705956...
Jaime Trimon
07:29 PM Revision b6ec1bce (qgis): fix warnings
Jürgen Fischer
07:29 PM Revision f27c7cad (qgis): packaging: include oauth2 method and opencl programs
Jürgen Fischer
05:42 PM Bug report #18237: CSV export issues (QGIS 3.0)
I can't reproduce with the provided steps on QGIS 3.3 and GDAL 2.4dev on Linux Even Rouault
05:19 PM Bug report #19921 (Rejected): SpatiaLite Execute SQL not working
SpatiaLite Execute SQL returns `{}`.
Here the simple query example:...
matteo ghetta
04:51 PM Bug report #19683: QGIS Crashed when loading vectors
There is nothing actionable with the provided details. Closing. Please reopen with much more details on how to reprod... Even Rouault
04:47 PM Revision d2a7668c (qgis): Raster: do not list RasterLite2 as a supported output format, and use a...
Even Rouault
04:35 PM Bug report #19483 (In Progress): Saving rasters in Rasterlite2 format is not possible
Actually RasterLite2 only supports CreateCopy(), and not Create(). So it shouldn't be listed Even Rouault
04:35 PM Bug report #19483 (In Progress): Saving rasters in Rasterlite2 format is not possible
Actually RasterLite2 only supports CreateCopy(), and not Create(). So it shouldn't be listed Even Rouault
04:34 PM Bug report #19920 (Closed): SAGA Channel network and drainage basins only 'out of order'
I try to run Saga module Channel network and drainage basins.
In 3.2.3 it gives a result only on 2% on the lowest ra...
Lene Fischer
04:10 PM Bug report #19918 (Closed): Fill Sink save file as .SDAT
Lene Fischer
03:38 PM Bug report #19918 (Closed): Fill Sink save file as .SDAT
Trying to run SAGA FILL SINK and Save As - the file type is set to SDAT in 2.18 it is TIF
The proces runs - but neve...
Lene Fischer
03:26 PM Bug report #18364 (Closed): Crash when symbolizing raster with single band pseudocolor and max=in...
I can't reproduce a crash with latest master Even Rouault
03:26 PM Bug report #18364 (Closed): Crash when symbolizing raster with single band pseudocolor and max=in...
I can't reproduce a crash with latest master Even Rouault
03:10 PM Bug report #19679 (In Progress): Crash when saving a raster with pyramids
Even Rouault
03:09 PM Bug report #18804 (Feedback): Crashed on build raster pyramid.
Unassigning: I was actually working on #19679 Even Rouault
03:09 PM Bug report #18804 (Feedback): Crashed on build raster pyramid.
Unassigning: I was actually working on #19679 Even Rouault
03:06 PM Bug report #18804 (In Progress): Crashed on build raster pyramid.
Even Rouault
03:09 PM Revision 0c0e30b4 (qgis): QgsRasterFilWriter: fix crash when building overviews (fixes #19679)
Even Rouault
11:59 AM Revision fabdc047 (qgis): [OGR provider] Fix reading of OSM datasets when opening several layers ...
Even Rouault
11:15 AM Bug report #19701: "cell size" option in TIN interpolation tool is missing
Totally agree. But actually the fix could/should be simple. We can think to reuse the same approach of the Kernel Den... matteo ghetta
08:10 AM Bug report #19701: "cell size" option in TIN interpolation tool is missing

I confirm defining the cell size is much simpler and immediate.
salvatore fiandaca
06:01 AM Feature request #10529: Color ramp naming vrs Color ramp itself
> Would be nice if the color ramp preview can be extended
Agreed. It would help more to preview the ramp.
Harrissou Santanna
05:57 AM Bug report #18622: Mouse pointer displacement
Oskar Karlin wrote:
>... Unfortunately it's not centered on the drawing pixel...
Confirmed, 3.x.x makes for diffi...
Mars Sjoden


01:54 AM Feature request #19858 (Closed): QgsProcessingParameterNumber needs support for "data defined" pa...
Nyall Dawson
03:20 AM Feature request #19858 (In Progress): QgsProcessingParameterNumber needs support for "data define...
Ok, fixed in Nyall Dawson
12:43 AM Revision 9dd14065 (qgis): Merge pull request #7979 from rouault/fix_19722
QgsVectorFileWriter: fix DGN creation (fixes #19722, fixes #19723) Even Rouault
12:43 AM Revision bb40385d (qgis): Merge pull request #7977 from rouault/fix_ogrdataitems_layername
[OGR provider] Make sure to use layername= syntax in URI of multilayer datasources (fixes #19885) Even Rouault
12:43 AM Bug report #19723 (Closed): Exporting as DGN with QgsVectorFileWriter.writeAsVectorFormat gives a...
Applied in changeset commit:qgis|6b620193178a1f55e3c1113b46047f42a580b937. Even Rouault
12:43 AM Bug report #19723 (Closed): Exporting as DGN with QgsVectorFileWriter.writeAsVectorFormat gives a...
Applied in changeset commit:qgis|6b620193178a1f55e3c1113b46047f42a580b937. Even Rouault
12:43 AM Bug report #19722 (Closed): Exporting as DGN with "Save As..." gives an error.
Applied in changeset commit:qgis|6b620193178a1f55e3c1113b46047f42a580b937. Even Rouault
12:43 AM Bug report #19722 (Closed): Exporting as DGN with "Save As..." gives an error.
Applied in changeset commit:qgis|6b620193178a1f55e3c1113b46047f42a580b937. Even Rouault
12:42 AM Bug report #19885 (Closed): Using the Browser panel layers are added by layerid
Applied in changeset commit:qgis|ea2cc365db8c532a3aaf0528c50351adfcf1738d. Even Rouault
12:42 AM Bug report #19885 (Closed): Using the Browser panel layers are added by layerid
Applied in changeset commit:qgis|ea2cc365db8c532a3aaf0528c50351adfcf1738d. Even Rouault
12:27 PM Bug report #19885 (Open): Using the Browser panel layers are added by layerid
Confirmed. Taking care of this Even Rouault
12:27 PM Bug report #19885 (Open): Using the Browser panel layers are added by layerid
Confirmed. Taking care of this Even Rouault
12:27 PM Bug report #19885 (Open): Using the Browser panel layers are added by layerid
Confirmed. Taking care of this Even Rouault
11:00 PM Bug report #18308 (Closed): Invalid WFS-Transaction Update request
Even Rouault
10:57 PM Feature request #19248: WFS 2.0 complex features not supported
The schema at Even Rouault
10:50 PM Bug report #19104 (Feedback): OPen GDB Directory (ArcGis)
Can you attach/link the dataset that causes the issue ? Even Rouault
10:48 PM Bug report #18631 (Closed): QGIS 3: kml file save as crashed
Couldn't reproduce crashes, but edition of KML file didn't work at all.
Fixed upstream in GDAL:
Even Rouault
10:48 PM Bug report #18631 (Closed): QGIS 3: kml file save as crashed
Couldn't reproduce crashes, but edition of KML file didn't work at all.
Fixed upstream in GDAL:
Even Rouault
10:48 PM Bug report #18631 (Closed): QGIS 3: kml file save as crashed
Couldn't reproduce crashes, but edition of KML file didn't work at all.
Fixed upstream in GDAL:
Even Rouault
09:45 PM Bug report #19774: Missing attributes in large table
Reported to GDAL as Even Rouault
09:26 PM Revision 961835cd (qgis): [processing][GRASS] v.decimate zrange should be doubles, not int
Nyall Dawson
09:26 PM Revision 85a9e173 (qgis): Fix tests on Travis
Nyall Dawson
09:26 PM Revision eb24bdb4 (qgis): Dox
Nyall Dawson
09:26 PM Revision ced95593 (qgis): More travis build fixes
Nyall Dawson
09:26 PM Revision 1ec36544 (qgis): [processing] Port Range parameter widget to new API
Fixes use of range parameters inside models, allowing range
inputs to be used for range parameter values.
Fixes #19785
Nyall Dawson
09:26 PM Revision c406ec3b (qgis): Start on numeric wrapper
Nyall Dawson
09:26 PM Revision ee8389af (qgis): Unit tests
Nyall Dawson
09:26 PM Revision 11667683 (qgis): Distance
Nyall Dawson
09:26 PM Revision 33eb295b (qgis): Distance parameter unit tests
Nyall Dawson
09:26 PM Revision 55e22b9d (qgis): Allow setting the context for widget wrappers
The context contains settings which reflect the context ini
which a Processing parameter widget is shown, e.g., the
Nyall Dawson
09:26 PM Revision 7af13f62 (qgis): Set widget context for widget wrappers
Nyall Dawson
09:26 PM Revision 5cf04334 (qgis): First steps towards expression context
Nyall Dawson
09:26 PM Revision 8e1c437e (qgis): Allow expression contexts to specify a list of highlighted functions
as well as just variable names
In some cases contexts may provide specific functions of use
to that context, or more...
Nyall Dawson
09:26 PM Revision 0e64d929 (qgis): Fix warnings
Nyall Dawson
09:26 PM Revision 2d3b8c8e (qgis): Highlight 'to_dms' and 'to_dm' functions in map annotation expression b...
Nyall Dawson
09:26 PM Revision 8e49e94d (qgis): Tweak processing algorithm scope -- parameters should be available even...
Nyall Dawson
09:26 PM Revision 8f9f975e (qgis): [processing] Show complete expression context in expression builder
for pre-calculated expressions
Correctly exposes ALL the variables and functions available for use
in pre-calculated...
Nyall Dawson
09:26 PM Revision adfaf761 (qgis): Another Travis fix
Nyall Dawson
09:26 PM Revision 43cb66b4 (qgis): Add missing variable help
Nyall Dawson
09:26 PM Revision 6c35c8b3 (qgis): Fix broken doxygen link
Nyall Dawson
09:26 PM Revision 0c79d08d (qgis): Fix tests on Travis
Nyall Dawson
09:26 PM Revision 4a0a48fe (qgis): [processing] Also expose complete expression context inside
data defined buttons for model child algorithms
The context was not previously exposed, so users would not have
Nyall Dawson
09:25 PM Bug report #19785 (Closed): [processing] Scripts with QgsProcessingParameterRange can't be added ...
Applied in changeset commit:qgis|1ec365445bd9868391b03e8a3c9ffb48d3653e17. Nyall Dawson
09:25 PM Bug report #19785 (Closed): [processing] Scripts with QgsProcessingParameterRange can't be added ...
Applied in changeset commit:qgis|1ec365445bd9868391b03e8a3c9ffb48d3653e17. Nyall Dawson
08:21 AM Bug report #19785: [processing] Scripts with QgsProcessingParameterRange can't be added to Model
Oops, one last thing -- while fixes most of the issues here, I've noticed that... Nyall Dawson
08:19 AM Bug report #19785: [processing] Scripts with QgsProcessingParameterRange can't be added to Model fixes this, by porting the range wrapper to the new api it correctly allows ra... Nyall Dawson
08:56 PM Bug report #3975: PDF exports on OSX always convert text to outlines
Late to the party on this, but I was just trying to do this exact thing and all my text is converted to outlines, no ... Kyle Sim
08:53 PM Bug report #19916: Localization is broken in Linux
Jürgen, isn't it caused by that commit:d67958183eca9674bd367b4b7835e4b05339a043? Borys Jurgiel
08:45 PM Bug report #19916 (Closed): Localization is broken in Linux
Since about September 17-19 (last Monday-Wednesday) localization is completely gone from master.
Confirmed with:
Borys Jurgiel
08:46 PM Bug report #19879: It's not possible to override system locale
See #19916 Borys Jurgiel
07:56 PM Revision 6b620193 (qgis): QgsVectorFileWriter: fix DGN creation (fixes #19722, fixes #19723)
Even Rouault
06:58 PM Bug report #19709: Exporting a GeoPackage to Shapefile wrongly changes the field types
Closing as wontfix.
The fundamental problem is that GeoPackage uses binary encoding (int32, int64, float64) whereas ...
Even Rouault
06:42 PM Bug report #19829: Loading georeferenced PDF crashes QGIS
Cannot reproduce on Linux with QGIS master (3.3) with "9135-1N ABERBALDIE.pdf". The display is slow due to on-the-fly... Even Rouault
04:58 PM Bug report #19914 (Closed): using the console and cloning a symbol from a graduated style layer c...
you need to store a reference to the range object or the symbol will be garbage collected before you can call clone()... Alessandro Pasotti
04:58 PM Bug report #19914 (Closed): using the console and cloning a symbol from a graduated style layer c...
you need to store a reference to the range object or the symbol will be garbage collected before you can call clone()... Alessandro Pasotti
04:58 PM Bug report #19914 (Closed): using the console and cloning a symbol from a graduated style layer c...
you need to store a reference to the range object or the symbol will be garbage collected before you can call clone()... Alessandro Pasotti
03:43 PM Bug report #19914 (Closed): using the console and cloning a symbol from a graduated style layer c...
h2. User Feedback
Working on a project with quite a few layers loaded. I selected a graduated styled layer and I am ...
cris c
04:31 PM Feature request #19915 (Open): Show rubber band in print layout
Now we can show annotations which is placed on the map canvas in the main QGIS window when we design map properties i... Zhe Fang
03:51 PM Revision c5cac981 (qgis): debian packaging: add saga as build dependency for Processing tests
Jürgen Fischer
03:51 PM Revision e85c0925 (qgis): translation string fix
Jürgen Fischer
03:32 PM Revision 2807c2f8 (qgis): Merge pull request #7961 from tudorbarascu/fix_sld
fix stroke Width sld import Paul Blottiere
03:32 PM Revision ea2cc365 (qgis): [OGR provider] Make sure to use layername= syntax in URI of multilayer ...
Even Rouault
03:31 PM Revision 9e9ddb58 (qgis): SIP: fix typemap for QVector<Type*> that was wrongly dropping a Python ...
Even Rouault
03:11 PM Bug report #19902: Advanced Digitizing tool NOT aligned with measurement tool
Measurement tool show only projected measures.
I will add an option to show also cartesian measures as in identifica...
11:59 AM Bug report #19902: Advanced Digitizing tool NOT aligned with measurement tool
when choosing "None / planemetric" in ellipsoid settings, it solves the problem. Keeping that setting as standard see... Jan Rasmussen
11:56 AM Bug report #19902 (Closed): Advanced Digitizing tool NOT aligned with measurement tool
Found out that the issues has something to do with #11713 and #10392. Hoping to add a good solution to this ticket soon Jan Rasmussen
11:56 AM Bug report #19902 (Closed): Advanced Digitizing tool NOT aligned with measurement tool
Found out that the issues has something to do with #11713 and #10392. Hoping to add a good solution to this ticket soon Jan Rasmussen
03:06 PM Bug report #17853: Duplicate Feature and Duplicate Feature (redigizited) operate on multiple feat...
Thanks for your feedback.
I'm still thinking about. Because on redigitized duplication it only takes one feature. ...
David Signer
02:30 PM Bug report #18974: No geometry operation on geopackages layers
Confirmed on 3.3 Dominique Lyszczarz
02:21 PM Feature request #19913 (Open): Make Map composer grid parametrable throught the use of atlas laye...
In atlas definition, It is currently possible to set sevral map parameters throught attributes of the layer used as a... nicolas sauzay
02:17 PM Bug report #19912 (Open): Crash on rendering atlas map
h2. User Feedback
When oppening project created with 2.18.xx in version 3.2.3, i'm openning the composer which bas...
nicolas sauzay
02:08 PM Bug report #17806: [Digitizing] Selected vertices in the map canvas are not shown in the Node edi...
Thanks, Denis Harrissou Santanna
01:40 PM Bug report #17806: [Digitizing] Selected vertices in the map canvas are not shown in the Node edi...
I will try to look at this during this bugfix period but it is not trivial.
I had a look last time and did not go fu...
Denis Rouzaud
01:04 PM Bug report #19894 (Feedback): QGIS 3.2 for Mac - Pointer in "add feature" uncentered
Duplicate of #18622? Harrissou Santanna
12:33 PM Bug report #19911: The vertex editor is not synchronized with vertex movements in edit mode
Confirmed here in 3.2 and master Regis Haubourg
11:23 AM Bug report #19911 (Closed): The vertex editor is not synchronized with vertex movements in edit mode
With QGIS 2 the vertex editor was synchronized (highlighting of vertex coordinates) with the selection and modificati... Alain FERRATON
12:16 PM Revision 28696813 (qgis): Merge pull request #7976 from elpaso/bugfix-19895-gpkg-vacuum
[browser] GPKG VACUUM menu item Alessandro Pasotti
12:16 PM Feature request #19895 (Closed): Garbage-collection is not performed after deletion of vector lay...
Applied in changeset commit:qgis|b51cb21d1aeecb2cc89bc8057ccc8d649306fe8d. Anonymous
12:16 PM Feature request #19895 (Closed): Garbage-collection is not performed after deletion of vector lay...
Applied in changeset commit:qgis|b51cb21d1aeecb2cc89bc8057ccc8d649306fe8d. Anonymous
10:46 AM Feature request #19895 (In Progress): Garbage-collection is not performed after deletion of vecto...
PR Alessandro Pasotti
10:46 AM Feature request #19895 (In Progress): Garbage-collection is not performed after deletion of vecto...
PR Alessandro Pasotti
09:46 AM Feature request #19895: Garbage-collection is not performed after deletion of vector layer from g...
Thank you Alessandro! I'm not so skilled to add such an options by myself (without the risk of breaking something).
Andrea Giudiceandrea
08:48 AM Feature request #19895: Garbage-collection is not performed after deletion of vector layer from g...
Yes, you are right of course, as I mentioned in my first reply IIRC it was not implemented on purpose and the idea wa... Alessandro Pasotti
12:12 PM Bug report #19567: qgz files not load
My current version 3.2.3
If I save qgZ-project with Cyrillic symbols in filename, this project will not open.
It se...
Evgeniy Z
12:04 PM Bug report #19908: Results of intersects geotraitement tools are not the same between 2.18 and 3.2.3
Ok. Data into a geopackage attachement. Thanks Florent LUQUET
10:38 AM Bug report #19908 (Feedback): Results of intersects geotraitement tools are not the same between ...
Please attach the sample data used. Nyall Dawson
09:59 AM Bug report #19908 (Closed): Results of intersects geotraitement tools are not the same between 2....
The tool "Select by location" into "Processing Toolbox" responds a wrong result on the 3.2.3 version. See below the a... Florent LUQUET
12:04 PM Bug report #19910: Marker opacity is not working on a Marker Lines
Tested in Windows 7 64-bits with same version have the same behavior.
In QGIS 3.2.0 have the same behavior.
João Gaspar
11:10 AM Bug report #19910 (Open): Marker opacity is not working on a Marker Lines
When using a marker line, changing the marker's opacity has no consequences on the final symbol. In fact, if you set ... Alexandre Neto
11:38 AM Revision b81da850 (qgis): GPKG vacuumGeoPackageDb non-gui method and gui action
Also moved non-gui things together Alessandro Pasotti
11:15 AM Bug report #19117: New annotaions show in map views with Show Annotations disabled
I confirm this issue on QGIS 3.3.2 as well Alexandre Neto
10:56 AM Revision 0ee119f7 (qgis): Merge pull request #7969 from elpaso/bugfix-19901-relation-reference-NULL
QgsFeatureListComboBox nullRepresentation instead of hardcoded "NULL" Alessandro Pasotti
10:55 AM Bug report #19901 (Closed): Relation Reference Widget: Representation for NULL values is not resp...
Applied in changeset commit:qgis|5378e37cf904c941e5f2ae425c3e5ce1cff35da1. Anonymous
10:55 AM Bug report #19901 (Closed): Relation Reference Widget: Representation for NULL values is not resp...
Applied in changeset commit:qgis|5378e37cf904c941e5f2ae425c3e5ce1cff35da1. Anonymous
10:41 AM Revision 6609e651 (qgis): GPKG: do not run vacuum after raster deletion
See my previous commit, for consistency
we do not run VACUUM automatically when
a raster is deleted.
A menu item all...
Alessandro Pasotti
10:38 AM Revision b51cb21d (qgis): GPKG Browser VACUUM menu item
Fixes #19895 - Garbage-collection is not performed after deletion of vector layer from geopackage
By design, VACUUM ...
Alessandro Pasotti
10:15 AM Revision df657d4f (qgis): Fix some exceptions when running in-place edit on geometry-less layer
Nyall Dawson
10:15 AM Revision 4b245520 (qgis): Change QgsProcessingAlgorithm::supportInPlaceEdit to use QgsMapLayer, n...
Because at some stage in the future we may allow in-place edits to raster layers,
and we don't want to have to break ...
Nyall Dawson
10:15 AM Revision b4883eec (qgis): Support in-place drop edit geometry operation
Nyall Dawson
10:15 AM Revision 8951e153 (qgis): Difference and split with lines can be used in in-place mode
Nyall Dawson
10:15 AM Revision a764b4bd (qgis): Boundary alg requires geometry for in-place edits
Nyall Dawson
10:15 AM Revision 30b757b1 (qgis): More in-place support tweaks, add tests
Nyall Dawson
10:02 AM Revision e2068b8c (qgis): [processing] Pass a copy of the feature to processFeature, not
the original layer's feature
Otherwise python processFeature implementations may return a
modified shallow copy of t...
Nyall Dawson
10:02 AM Bug report #19909 (Closed): Vertex markers not displayed properly for MultiPolygon features
When editing a MultiPolygon Layer the vertex markers are not displayed correctly. I suspect this behavior gets more f... Andreas Wicht
09:58 AM Bug report #19907 (Closed): qgis 3.2 crashes at start
I have always the same problem, now in version 3.2.3 (same as #18260 with 3.0)
h2. User Feedback
h2. Report...
matthieu carlini
09:56 AM Revision 1b2d885a (qgis): Merge pull request #7966 from elpaso/bugfix-19843-dbmanager-quoted-sql
[dbmanager] Fix Update SQL Layer converts query to table name Alessandro Pasotti
09:55 AM Bug report #19843 (Closed): Update SQL Layer converts query to table name
Applied in changeset commit:qgis|a8bf1b8f05ac2d569fd58bdf9951e8a756344a5e. Anonymous
09:55 AM Bug report #19843 (Closed): Update SQL Layer converts query to table name
Applied in changeset commit:qgis|a8bf1b8f05ac2d569fd58bdf9951e8a756344a5e. Anonymous
09:33 AM Bug report #19906 (Closed): GetMap request with line in the SLD does not output the line in the r...
Tests in:...
Tudor Bărăscu
09:24 AM Feature request #19903: Relation reference widget : data is limited to the first 100 items, make ...
So it's not a bug but some users will be confused as reported here :
jd lom
02:37 AM Feature request #19903: Relation reference widget : data is limited to the first 100 items, make ...
I think this is a feature not a bug - see the description of the pull request:
Stephen Knox
09:14 AM Revision 1955ebb7 (qgis): server disabled test for failing getmap req with Line sld
Tudor Bărăscu
08:56 AM Bug report #19524: [macOS] Map canvas with wrong size on QGIS 3.2.1 start up
QGis 3.2.3 installed this morning, same issue ;-(( Ades Six
07:22 AM Bug report #19859 (Closed): Style manager and Open styling panel use the same icon: confusing
Mathieu Pellerin - nIRV
07:13 AM Revision 936b0c1d (qgis): Fix messed up collapse icon in measure dialog
Nyall Dawson
06:46 AM Bug report #19904 (Feedback): Processing: tools (GRASS) return empty outputs
Hi Giovanni,
Are you able to attach some layers which I can use to test this? I've hit issues with this algorithm ...
Nyall Dawson
06:44 AM Bug report #19560 (Closed): Qgis crashes when QgsExtentGroupBox.setOriginalExtent() is called
Yes - that kind of scripting is always going to be very fragile, and while it may work in certain versions is not par... Nyall Dawson
06:44 AM Bug report #19560 (Closed): Qgis crashes when QgsExtentGroupBox.setOriginalExtent() is called
Yes - that kind of scripting is always going to be very fragile, and while it may work in certain versions is not par... Nyall Dawson
05:53 AM Bug report #19560: Qgis crashes when QgsExtentGroupBox.setOriginalExtent() is called
I found out that the problem is not on the above code. The crash is most likely related to me hiding the extent group... Wondimagegn Beshah
06:41 AM Revision 7b1bd3da (qgis): [ui] add a dedicated icon for style manager & align toolbar icons
Mathieu Pellerin - nIRV
06:41 AM Revision 16106860 (qgis): further improve icon
Mathieu Pellerin - nIRV
05:16 AM Revision f44be44c (qgis): [processing] Fix capitalization, ellipsis in extent parameter widget
Nyall Dawson
05:16 AM Revision 66f82530 (qgis): [processing] Correctly make extent selection combo box non-editable
The choice is supposed to be only from the listed options, and
shouldn't allow free-form user text
Nyall Dawson
04:27 AM Feature request #19905 (Open): Copy/paste attribute table conditional formatting to other columns...
Conditional formatting of attribute table columns is a powerful and underutilized feature of QGIS, offering spreadshe... Eron Lloyd


01:22 AM Revision 68dc6984 (qgis): Fix build with sip pre 4.19
Matthias Kuhn
01:18 AM Bug report #17853: Duplicate Feature and Duplicate Feature (redigizited) operate on multiple feat...
In that case, maybe go the easy approach of renaming to "Duplicate Features"? Nyall Dawson
01:00 AM Revision 006553f9 (qgis): fix correct string list representation of QgsProcessingOutputLayerDefin...
Luigi Pirelli
01:00 AM Revision 6e02f9f4 (qgis): test for update of parameterLayerList managing QgsProcessingOutputLayer...
Luigi Pirelli
01:00 AM Revision d641b306 (qgis): fix lack of management of input as QgsProcessingOutputLayerDefinition
Luigi Pirelli
11:35 PM Bug report #19885 (Feedback): Using the Browser panel layers are added by layerid
Douglas Alderman wrote:
> I think the problem was fixed in QGIS 3, but I used an old project from QGIS 2 as a base p...
Giovanni Manghi
10:25 PM Bug report #19885: Using the Browser panel layers are added by layerid
I think the problem was fixed in QGIS 3, but I used an old project from QGIS 2 as a base project that likely had the ... Douglas Alderman
10:12 PM Bug report #19885: Using the Browser panel layers are added by layerid
I do not ever remember uploading GDB layers from the Browser Panel. I thought I had always used the Data Source Mana... Douglas Alderman
09:33 PM Bug report #19885 (Open): Using the Browser panel layers are added by layerid
Andrea Giudiceandrea wrote:
> Using the *Browser panel*, the same layer is added by *layerid* like
> [...]
Giovanni Manghi
09:33 PM Bug report #19885 (Open): Using the Browser panel layers are added by layerid
Andrea Giudiceandrea wrote:
> Using the *Browser panel*, the same layer is added by *layerid* like
> [...]
Giovanni Manghi
09:33 PM Bug report #19885 (Open): Using the Browser panel layers are added by layerid
Andrea Giudiceandrea wrote:
> Using the *Browser panel*, the same layer is added by *layerid* like
> [...]
Giovanni Manghi
09:33 PM Bug report #19885 (Open): Using the Browser panel layers are added by layerid
Andrea Giudiceandrea wrote:
> Using the *Browser panel*, the same layer is added by *layerid* like
> [...]
Giovanni Manghi
07:32 PM Bug report #19885: Using the Browser panel layers are added by layerid
Douglas, did you add the layers using the Browser panel or using the Data Source Manager?
It seems that using the ...
Andrea Giudiceandrea
03:11 PM Bug report #19885: Using the Browser panel layers are added by layerid
The project was sent via the email address above. To use the project as is, download the GDB to your desktop and cha... Douglas Alderman
01:06 PM Bug report #19885: Using the Browser panel layers are added by layerid
Douglas Alderman wrote:
> The dropbox link has been sent.
> Please note, I create groups in the 'Layers' pane...
Giovanni Manghi
11:33 PM Revision a2db44c3 (qgis): Welcome back mSettings->setValue ... snap_invisible_feature ...
Loïc Bartoletti
09:52 PM Bug report #19904 (Closed): Processing: tools (GRASS) return empty outputs
The tools do run, they produce an output but this is always empty.
This set of tools works ok on 2.18.
Giovanni Manghi
09:35 PM Bug report #19897 (Closed): Raster Properties Crash - Cannot access raster file properties after ...
Giovanni Manghi
09:34 PM Bug report #19897: Raster Properties Crash - Cannot access raster file properties after adjusting...
Bizarre, but I just did a software update (I think the osx july or september update), and it's not crashing anymore. ... Philip Kampf
12:41 PM Bug report #19897: Raster Properties Crash - Cannot access raster file properties after adjusting...
Cannot confirm on 3.2.3 on Linux. Giovanni Manghi
09:35 PM Bug report #19899 (Open): very unstable installation of QGIS 3.2.3 on Windows 7 Machine
Giovanni Manghi
05:58 PM Bug report #19899: very unstable installation of QGIS 3.2.3 on Windows 7 Machine
that is what I thought would work as well and tried those steps at least twice with no luck. That is I followed the s... Rob Willson
12:39 PM Bug report #19899 (Feedback): very unstable installation of QGIS 3.2.3 on Windows 7 Machine
Try a regsitry cleanup for all QGIS entries, also on QGIS 3 use a new/clean profile. Giovanni Manghi
12:39 PM Bug report #19899 (Feedback): very unstable installation of QGIS 3.2.3 on Windows 7 Machine
Try a regsitry cleanup for all QGIS entries, also on QGIS 3 use a new/clean profile. Giovanni Manghi
09:31 PM Bug report #17773 (Feedback): No Retina / HiDPI support in 2.99 on osx
Giovanni Manghi
09:03 PM Bug report #17773: No Retina / HiDPI support in 2.99 on osx
Yes Denis, the same thing. I don't have linux to test here, but I saw some Windows interface posted online and it is ... Ugo Santana
05:51 PM Bug report #17773: No Retina / HiDPI support in 2.99 on osx
I had a quick look today nothing clear yet.
But...I compared result with rendering on linux and this is quite simila...
Denis Rouzaud
09:27 PM Bug report #19856 (Closed): crash when viewing 3d citygml
Giovanni Manghi
03:25 PM Bug report #19856: crash when viewing 3d citygml
ya i tried it on 3.3.2 on windows and it worked. So I guess its fixed. kian wee chen
12:51 PM Bug report #19856: crash when viewing 3d citygml
no crash here on 3.2.3 on Linux- Giovanni Manghi
08:05 PM Bug report #19900: Compute min/max/sum/mean (stats) while Dissolving layer not working (GDAL tool)
Andrea Giudiceandrea wrote:
> PR submitted for QGIS 3.3.0-master
> You c...
facundo pedemonte
02:50 PM Bug report #19900: Compute min/max/sum/mean (stats) while Dissolving layer not working (GDAL tool)
I'm not allowed to update the bug status. Andrea Giudiceandrea
12:57 PM Bug report #19900 (In Progress): Compute min/max/sum/mean (stats) while Dissolving layer not work...
Please update status and "PR/patch supplied" if you are working on a bug, this spares some clicks to other developers... Alessandro Pasotti
12:57 PM Bug report #19900 (In Progress): Compute min/max/sum/mean (stats) while Dissolving layer not work...
Please update status and "PR/patch supplied" if you are working on a bug, this spares some clicks to other developers... Alessandro Pasotti
11:06 AM Bug report #19900: Compute min/max/sum/mean (stats) while Dissolving layer not working (GDAL tool)
PR submitted for QGIS 3.3.0-master
You can fix your Dissolve algorithm pyth...
Andrea Giudiceandrea
05:42 AM Bug report #19900 (Closed): Compute min/max/sum/mean (stats) while Dissolving layer not working (...
The Dissolve and calculate the Statistical Values ​​of a numerical field operations, performed by the GDAL tool, res... facundo pedemonte
07:42 PM Revision f125d3f7 (qgis): add image mask and make travis happy
Tudor Bărăscu
05:26 PM Feature request #19832 (Closed): Delete layers/files rather than remove
Right-click on a shapefile from the browser and choose "Delete ..." on a shapefile works for me in current master (an... Alessandro Pasotti
05:26 PM Feature request #19832 (Closed): Delete layers/files rather than remove
Right-click on a shapefile from the browser and choose "Delete ..." on a shapefile works for me in current master (an... Alessandro Pasotti
05:05 PM Feature request #19895: Garbage-collection is not performed after deletion of vector layer from g...
It seems that the VACUUM is only executed (in deleteGeoPackageRasterLayer) after a *RASTER layers* is deleted. I will... Andrea Giudiceandrea
03:45 PM Feature request #19895: Garbage-collection is not performed after deletion of vector layer from g...
mmm looks like I wrote that code :) So, if the VACUUM is already executed I don't really know what to do here. Alessandro Pasotti
03:13 PM Feature request #19895: Garbage-collection is not performed after deletion of vector layer from g...
It could be OK for me to add "Run vacuum" or "Compact geopackage" or something similar in the Browser panel for geopa... Andrea Giudiceandrea
01:01 PM Feature request #19895 (Feedback): Garbage-collection is not performed after deletion of vector l...
I might be wrong but IIRC this was intentional, because a VACUUM can take a very long time on large layers, I think t... Alessandro Pasotti
01:01 PM Feature request #19895 (Feedback): Garbage-collection is not performed after deletion of vector l...
I might be wrong but IIRC this was intentional, because a VACUUM can take a very long time on large layers, I think t... Alessandro Pasotti
04:31 PM Bug report #19901 (In Progress): Relation Reference Widget: Representation for NULL values is not...
PR Alessandro Pasotti
04:31 PM Bug report #19901 (In Progress): Relation Reference Widget: Representation for NULL values is not...
PR Alessandro Pasotti
01:08 PM Bug report #19901: Relation Reference Widget: Representation for NULL values is not respected
I changed the null value representation to several other values (my preferred setting is an empty string by the...
Manuel K
12:52 PM Bug report #19901 (Feedback): Relation Reference Widget: Representation for NULL values is not re...
does this also happen if you restart QGIS after changing the null value representation? Alessandro Pasotti
11:30 AM Bug report #19901 (Closed): Relation Reference Widget: Representation for NULL values is not resp...
Drop-down list of Relation reference widget:
Whatever "Representation for NULL values" is configured in "Options -...
Manuel K
04:30 PM Revision 5378e37c (qgis): QgsFeatureListComboBox nullRepresentation instead of hardcoded "NULL"
Fixes #19901 - Relation Reference Widget: Representation for NULL values is not respected Alessandro Pasotti
04:02 PM Bug report #19260: [Digitizing] The "Enable snapping on invisible features" option is always unch...
This will be fixed in
Also, Harrissou, I noticed that a restart is required...
04:01 PM Revision 7b5afb95 (qgis): use qreal overloads of painter methods in advanced digitizing canvas it...
* use qreal overloads of painter methods in advanced digitizing canvas item
* better use of existing variables
Denis Rouzaud
03:55 PM Feature request #19903 (Open): Relation reference widget : data is limited to the first 100 items...
The combobox of relation reference widget displays the first 100 items.
However the autocompletion is working great....
jd lom
03:30 PM Bug report #19842 (Closed): DB Manager does not load layer after a query
Fresh compiled and seems working now. Thanks for checking matteo ghetta
03:19 PM Bug report #19902 (Closed): Advanced Digitizing tool NOT aligned with measurement tool
When drawing an exact 300 x 300 meters polygon with advanced digitizing tool and then do a measurement, with the meas... Jan Rasmussen
03:11 PM Bug report #19879: It's not possible to override system locale
On linux I'm seeing an opposite thing: my locale is Lithuanian, but QGIS always shows English UI.
I've tried asking ...
Tomas Straupis
03:07 PM Bug report #19882 (Feedback): Crash when deleted a map object with an overview map selected in pr...
Giovanni Manghi
02:06 PM Bug report #19882: Crash when deleted a map object with an overview map selected in print composer
I cannot reproduce on current master/linux Alessandro Pasotti
02:45 PM Bug report #19843: Update SQL Layer converts query to table name
I guess this is the same #18244
Thanks for fixing it!
Jérôme Guélat
12:46 PM Bug report #19843 (In Progress): Update SQL Layer converts query to table name
PR Alessandro Pasotti
12:46 PM Bug report #19843 (In Progress): Update SQL Layer converts query to table name
PR Alessandro Pasotti
02:03 PM Bug report #19747: Warning: libpng warning: iCCP: known incorrect sRGB profile
I found the two files, but `mogrify` and `pngcrush` on them does not fix the warnings (they are no longe...
01:12 PM Bug report #16128 (Feedback): Processing toolbox: r.reclass failing on Windows
matteo ghetta wrote:
> Issue still valid on Windows systems.
I just tried on QGIS master and 2.18.24 on Windows 1...
Giovanni Manghi
10:14 AM Bug report #16128 (Reopened): Processing toolbox: r.reclass failing on Windows
Issue still valid on Windows systems. matteo ghetta
10:14 AM Bug report #16128 (Reopened): Processing toolbox: r.reclass failing on Windows
Issue still valid on Windows systems. matteo ghetta
10:14 AM Bug report #16128 (Reopened): Processing toolbox: r.reclass failing on Windows
Issue still valid on Windows systems. matteo ghetta
10:14 AM Bug report #16128 (Reopened): Processing toolbox: r.reclass failing on Windows
Issue still valid on Windows systems. matteo ghetta
10:14 AM Bug report #16128 (Reopened): Processing toolbox: r.reclass failing on Windows
Issue still valid on Windows systems. matteo ghetta
10:14 AM Bug report #16128 (Reopened): Processing toolbox: r.reclass failing on Windows
Issue still valid on Windows systems. matteo ghetta
01:06 PM Revision 7a9d08ed (qgis): add test for Point SLD highlight on server
Tudor Bărăscu
01:05 PM Bug report #19873 (Feedback): crash in layer properties
Alessandro Pasotti
01:05 PM Bug report #19873: crash in layer properties
Can you share a project and data to reproduce this issue? Alessandro Pasotti
12:43 PM Revision a8bf1b8f (qgis): [dbmanager] Fix Update SQL Layer converts query to table name
Fixes #19843 Alessandro Pasotti
12:10 PM Bug report #19795: QGIS Server 3 / WMS: the SLD parameter support has been removed
Pull request with SLD import fix + test at
The server now outputs correctly f...
Tudor Bărăscu
12:07 PM Bug report #19617 (Closed): Check validity algorithm returns empty reason in attribute table
Alessandro Pasotti
11:23 AM Bug report #18405 (Closed): CRS selector does not close
can't replicate anymore after OS and QGIS upgrades Gavin Fleming
10:26 AM Bug report #17967: Browser: deleting raster in GeoPackage doesn't work
Thank you! Jérôme Guélat
10:02 AM Bug report #17967 (Closed): Browser: deleting raster in GeoPackage doesn't work
Applied in changeset commit:qgis|e62c4eb941c5b2e290675f8cab75758857c2a502. Anonymous
10:02 AM Bug report #17967 (Closed): Browser: deleting raster in GeoPackage doesn't work
Applied in changeset commit:qgis|e62c4eb941c5b2e290675f8cab75758857c2a502. Anonymous
09:18 AM Bug report #17967 (In Progress): Browser: deleting raster in GeoPackage doesn't work
PR Alessandro Pasotti
09:18 AM Bug report #17967 (In Progress): Browser: deleting raster in GeoPackage doesn't work
PR Alessandro Pasotti
10:17 AM Revision f2081918 (qgis): Merge pull request #7946 from elpaso/bugfix-19617-processing-checkvalidity
Fix processing algorithm checkvalidity reason Alessandro Pasotti
10:02 AM Revision b62048d9 (qgis): Merge pull request #7963 from elpaso/bugfix-17967-19893-gpkg-raster-del...
Fix cannot delete GPKG from raster on windows Alessandro Pasotti
10:02 AM Bug report #19893 (Closed): It's not possible to delete raster layers in geopackages on Windows
Applied in changeset commit:qgis|e62c4eb941c5b2e290675f8cab75758857c2a502. Anonymous
10:02 AM Bug report #19893 (Closed): It's not possible to delete raster layers in geopackages on Windows
Applied in changeset commit:qgis|e62c4eb941c5b2e290675f8cab75758857c2a502. Anonymous
09:18 AM Bug report #19893 (In Progress): It's not possible to delete raster layers in geopackages on Windows
PR Alessandro Pasotti
09:18 AM Bug report #19893 (In Progress): It's not possible to delete raster layers in geopackages on Windows
PR Alessandro Pasotti
07:45 AM Bug report #19893: It's not possible to delete raster layers in geopackages on Windows
See also #17967 Jérôme Guélat
09:17 AM Revision e62c4eb9 (qgis): Fix cannot deletete GPKG from raster on windows
Fixes #17967 #19893 Alessandro Pasotti
06:55 AM Revision 5ec3d5d9 (qgis): [processing] improve in-place feature editing icon & toolbar position
Mathieu Pellerin - nIRV
03:40 AM Bug report #18915 (Closed): pyQGIS - new_point.transform(tr) Exception: unknown
I mark it as fixed as the exception is the foreseen effect.
Denis Rouzaud
03:40 AM Bug report #18915 (Closed): pyQGIS - new_point.transform(tr) Exception: unknown
I mark it as fixed as the exception is the foreseen effect.
Denis Rouzaud
03:27 AM Bug report #18915 (Feedback): pyQGIS - new_point.transform(tr) Exception: unknown
Just tried this code
Denis Rouzaud
02:13 AM Revision 3ceecbf8 (qgis): no override in SIP
Denis Rouzaud
02:10 AM Revision 637f7169 (qgis): Merge pull request #7962 from 3nids/remove_stupid_casts
convert old style cast Denis Rouzaud


01:14 AM Bug report #19898: VIGRA library missing in SAGA libs in QGIS3.2 on Mac OS X 10.12 (Sierra)
Also missing is libimagery_opencv.dylib Garth Fletcher
10:12 PM Bug report #19898 (Open): VIGRA library missing in SAGA libs in QGIS3.2 on Mac OS X 10.12 (Sierra)
The SAGA libs in /Applications/ do not include VIGRA support, e.g., libimag... Garth Fletcher
11:00 PM Bug report #19891 (Feedback): crash while georeferencing
3.0 is EOL. Try with the latest release please. Jürgen Fischer
11:00 PM Bug report #19891 (Feedback): crash while georeferencing
3.0 is EOL. Try with the latest release please. Jürgen Fischer
11:00 PM Bug report #19891 (Feedback): crash while georeferencing
3.0 is EOL. Try with the latest release please. Jürgen Fischer
11:00 PM Bug report #19891 (Feedback): crash while georeferencing
3.0 is EOL. Try with the latest release please. Jürgen Fischer
08:31 PM Bug report #19891 (Closed): crash while georeferencing
Hi, tickets must be filed in English, thanks for understanding. With regards. Giovanni Manghi
08:31 PM Bug report #19891 (Closed): crash while georeferencing
Hi, tickets must be filed in English, thanks for understanding. With regards. Giovanni Manghi
03:30 PM Bug report #19891 (Closed): crash while georeferencing
crash while georeferencing
Crash ID: c6af712116046a4bd5265d9d305b79937c515c76
Stack Trace
Angela Blanco-Vogt
10:57 PM Bug report #19899 (Closed): very unstable installation of QGIS 3.2.3 on Windows 7 Machine
I have a version installed on a colleague's computer (Windows 7, 64 bit) where I can trigger a crash with almost any ... Rob Willson
10:22 PM Bug report #19856: crash when viewing 3d citygml
it is random data, you can use the PCS svy21 epsg 3414, I tried this data on qgis 3.3.2 on another computer, and it d... kian wee chen
10:15 PM Bug report #19856: crash when viewing 3d citygml
Giovanni Manghi wrote:
> any link for downloading this gml?
is that real data or is just random stuff? what is ...
Giovanni Manghi
10:21 PM Bug report #19897: Raster Properties Crash - Cannot access raster file properties after adjusting...
Giovanni Manghi wrote:
> yes please: giovanni dot manghi at gmail dot com
sent via wetransfer
Philip Kampf
10:08 PM Bug report #19897 (Feedback): Raster Properties Crash - Cannot access raster file properties afte...
yes please: giovanni dot manghi at gmail dot com Giovanni Manghi
10:08 PM Bug report #19897 (Feedback): Raster Properties Crash - Cannot access raster file properties afte...
yes please: giovanni dot manghi at gmail dot com Giovanni Manghi
09:29 PM Bug report #19897 (Closed): Raster Properties Crash - Cannot access raster file properties after ...
The raster file in question is too large to attach to this post, but can send via wetransfer etc.. if needed. Let me ... Philip Kampf
10:17 PM Bug report #19885: Using the Browser panel layers are added by layerid
Douglas Alderman wrote:
> The dropbox link has been sent.
> Please note, I create groups in the 'Layers' pane...
Giovanni Manghi
09:16 PM Bug report #19885: Using the Browser panel layers are added by layerid
The dropbox link has been sent.
Please note, I create groups in the 'Layers' panel of QGIS such as "App A GDB", ...
Douglas Alderman
08:33 PM Bug report #19885: Using the Browser panel layers are added by layerid
Douglas Alderman wrote:
> I can supply the GDB, but the file is too big to send it through this website. Do you hav...
Giovanni Manghi
02:11 PM Bug report #19885: Using the Browser panel layers are added by layerid
I can supply the GDB, but the file is too big to send it through this website. Do you have an email address where I ... Douglas Alderman
09:22 PM Revision 16e6cb64 (qgis): replace old-style cast with static_cast
Denis Rouzaud
09:02 PM Revision b2df392d (qgis): correctly cast pointer
Denis Rouzaud
08:59 PM Revision 6e46a9c7 (qgis): debian packaging: fix file mode fix (followup e306aaaae)
Jürgen Fischer
08:32 PM Bug report #18784: «Feature has too many attributes» warning with virtual field
If confirmed this would be a severe regression. Giovanni Manghi
03:56 PM Bug report #18784: «Feature has too many attributes» warning with virtual field
This "feature has too many attributes" error message not only pops up on layers with virtual field types for area cal... Rob Willson
08:21 PM Bug report #19896 (Closed): Composer margin expression does not work
I downloaded QGIS 3.2.3 and I tried to change the composer(Atlas) > map layer > controlled by atlas > margin ar...
woo cho
07:39 PM Feature request #19895 (Closed): Garbage-collection is not performed after deletion of vector lay...
With QGIS 3.3.0-master (d99d506e75), deleting a vector layer from a geopackage, through the "Browser" panel or the "D... Andrea Giudiceandrea
07:22 PM Revision 74b2e194 (qgis): osgeo4w: fix lrelease lookup
Jürgen Fischer
07:18 PM Bug report #19894 (Closed): QGIS 3.2 for Mac - Pointer in "add feature" uncentered
I don't know if this issue has been previously raised, and it's certainly a minor, but annoying, one. When one tries ... Andrea Pandolfo
07:04 PM Bug report #19893 (Closed): It's not possible to delete raster layers in geopackages on Windows
It seems not possible to delete raster layers stored in geopackages on Windows from the "Browser" panel with QGIS 3.3... Andrea Giudiceandrea
07:02 PM Revision 269bf02d (qgis): remove useless cast
(int) x + y => static_cast<int>(x) + y
precedence is higher for casting
Denis Rouzaud
06:39 PM Feature request #19892 (Closed): Append the layer name to the algorithm dialog title when in edit...
Let's take a project in which you have more than one layer in edit mode
Select one
Enable the in-place editing mode...
Harrissou Santanna
06:29 PM Revision 82a5c8f1 (qgis): Move test from tests to processing folder
Alessandro Pasotti
06:14 PM Bug report #19859: Style manager and Open styling panel use the same icon: confusing
@nirvn, trying to catch your attention on this... Harrissou Santanna
04:34 PM Revision fde813ca (qgis): Merge pull request #7948 from m-kuhn/final
It's the `final` countdown Matthias Kuhn
04:34 PM Revision d129c2cb (qgis): Merge pull request #7932 from m-kuhn/single_geometry_check
Add QgsSingleGeometryCheck Matthias Kuhn
03:52 PM Revision 3cb82a58 (qgis): Merge pull request #7959 from m-kuhn/geometryOptions
Add a new QML category "Geometry Options" Matthias Kuhn
03:36 PM Bug report #18921: Python Console Display of text
Wyatt Freeman wrote:
> Greetings,
> Is there a known fix for this issue? I am experiencing it too. QGIS 3 on...
cris c
03:29 PM Bug report #19890 (Closed): Crashes in 3D view while changing the view angle
h2. User Feedback
When I go to the 3D view and set the configure options in there. It runs fine untill I change th...
Abhishek Kumar
02:44 PM Bug report #19877: Export style categories. Can't save to a databases (postgres)
no worries for the "noise", there was a few issues after the model integration. Denis Rouzaud
02:31 PM Bug report #19877 (Closed): Export style categories. Can't save to a databases (postgres)
Harrissou Santanna
02:10 PM Bug report #19877: Export style categories. Can't save to a databases (postgres)
MMM... for me, it works again. Sorry for the noise but I'll try to go deeper.
There is also another issue opened ...
02:43 PM Revision 9b2dff67 (qgis): Adjust tests to new API
Matthias Kuhn
02:39 PM Revision d1ccc513 (qgis): Adjust include guard
Matthias Kuhn
01:51 PM Revision 1c359f8a (qgis): Add a new QML category "Geometry Options"
And rename QgsGeometryFixes to QgsGeometryOptions Matthias Kuhn
01:48 PM Revision b2072d82 (qgis): Add missing sip magic
Matthias Kuhn
01:20 PM Revision 1390198c (qgis): Fix doxygen link
Martin Dobias
01:20 PM Revision 2da70586 (qgis): Fix search tolerance when doing identification in 3D map view
Until now the identification from 3D map view used tolerance based
on the current view of the main 2D map canvas - th...
Martin Dobias
01:19 PM Bug report #19180 (Closed): Treating UUID like text
Applied in changeset commit:qgis|e3f63d8811506791ec197b6356cb7e9c4059fe03. Jürgen Fischer
01:19 PM Bug report #19180 (Closed): Treating UUID like text
Applied in changeset commit:qgis|e3f63d8811506791ec197b6356cb7e9c4059fe03. Jürgen Fischer
10:45 AM Bug report #19180: Treating UUID like text
This bug is still present in 3.2.3, on all OS. It also break the ability to cut a linestring. Since it want to create... Rémi Desgrange
01:17 PM Revision e3f63d88 (qgis): postgres provider: cast to text in uniqueStringsMatching (fixes #19180)
Jürgen Fischer
12:35 PM Revision 79561aa3 (qgis): fix stroke Width sld import
Tudor Bărăscu
12:06 PM Revision bbfccdcf (qgis): [ui] improve mesh layer icon
Mathieu Pellerin - nIRV
11:44 AM Revision 826056e4 (qgis): Merge pull request #7951 from elpaso/bugfix-19802-dbmanager-saved-queries
Bugfix 19802 dbmanager saved queries Alessandro Pasotti
11:43 AM Bug report #19802 (Closed): DB Manager saved SQL statements are saved empty
Applied in changeset commit:qgis|a74b6262df6e07473d1c02568b9cce5eb2b41fdd. Anonymous
11:43 AM Bug report #19802 (Closed): DB Manager saved SQL statements are saved empty
Applied in changeset commit:qgis|a74b6262df6e07473d1c02568b9cce5eb2b41fdd. Anonymous
11:38 AM Revision b7487677 (qgis): [ui] improve required layer indicator icon
Mathieu Pellerin - nIRV
11:36 AM Revision 6b0ea16e (qgis): Fix compiling with older sip version
Matthias Kuhn
11:18 AM Revision d64303fd (qgis): Merge pull request #7950 from pblottiere/server_wfs_if_capabilities
[server] Fixes Filter_Capabilities element in WFS GetCapabilities document Paul Blottiere
11:17 AM Revision 420bcc9f (qgis): Merge pull request #7947 from pblottiere/server_wfs_operation
[server] Fixes Operations in WFS GetCapabilities document Paul Blottiere
10:03 AM Revision b4ab101a (qgis): Merge pull request #7957 from m-kuhn/noSilentDisable
Do not silently disable cmake options Matthias Kuhn
09:11 AM Bug report #19871 (Closed): Crash on close
Giovanni Manghi
08:19 AM Bug report #19871: Crash on close
It actually looks like Nyall hit the nail on the head! Disabling the QGIS Cloud plugin made QGIS quit nicely, while r... Morten Storm
08:50 AM Revision 71ec68b7 (qgis): Do not silently disable cmake options
Matthias Kuhn
08:42 AM Revision b65f725c (qgis): Rename SIP_FINAL to FINAL
Matthias Kuhn
08:31 AM Feature request #19889 (Open): Enable Snapping in Coordinate Capture
Would be nice if we could snap when capturing coordinates Bernhard Ströbl
08:29 AM Bug report #19888 (Open): Coordinate Capture does not use datum transformation
if a datum transformation is defined (with a transformation grid file) to transform from the map CRS to the coordinat... Bernhard Ströbl
08:28 AM Bug report #19887: print / display PostGIS Raster in QGIS map composer
I test it under Windows 10 with Version 3.2.2 and Leap 15 with 3.2.3. Holger Naumann
08:21 AM Bug report #19887 (Open): print / display PostGIS Raster in QGIS map composer
No raster are shown in map composer, if the source of the raster is a postgis database. Printing to tiff in the compo... Holger Naumann
07:48 AM Revision 0fc16d63 (qgis): Merge pull request #7955 from mbernasocchi/allow_server_without_gui
07:47 AM Revision 8d9c96c9 (qgis): Add `final` for sip >= 4.19
Matthias Kuhn


01:03 AM Revision 506edfb3 (qgis): Fix outline width in simple marker sld import
Marco Hugentobler
01:02 AM Revision eeb07023 (qgis): Fix 18499. Snapping Toolbar missing from View > Toolbars
Loïc Bartoletti
01:01 AM Revision 992fe4d4 (qgis): Update test
Nyall Dawson
01:01 AM Revision 0da1e331 (qgis): Use qgsRound in some more places
Nyall Dawson
01:01 AM Revision f9015f38 (qgis): Make qgsRound more tolerant to large values
Fixes #19844 Nyall Dawson
01:01 AM Revision db827190 (qgis): more tests
Nyall Dawson
01:00 AM Bug report #19844 (Closed): Flaw in qgsround() in some circumstances
Applied in changeset commit:qgis|f9015f38a4283ff652d3253fbf062d5368497525. Nyall Dawson
01:00 AM Bug report #19844 (Closed): Flaw in qgsround() in some circumstances
Applied in changeset commit:qgis|f9015f38a4283ff652d3253fbf062d5368497525. Nyall Dawson
08:22 AM Bug report #19844 (In Progress): Flaw in qgsround() in some circumstances
Nyall Dawson
10:19 PM Revision 70cbde21 (qgis): allow WITH_SERVER=ON WITH_GUI=OFF
Marco Bernasocchi
09:04 PM Revision cdd72e51 (qgis): [processing] Fix use of models as child algorithms in other models
Fixes #19857 Nyall Dawson
09:04 PM Revision 17326541 (qgis): [processing] Add method to attempt to reattach model children to linked...
Refs #19857 Nyall Dawson
09:03 PM Revision 6b8cd4bd (qgis): [locator] show field where text has been found in current layer filter ...
* [locator] show field where text has been found
also fix an issue that a field was not returning a match for big nu...
Denis Rouzaud
09:03 PM Bug report #19857 (Closed): Processing models containing other processing models (aka nested mode...
Applied in changeset commit:qgis|cdd72e51e5c177093a9060b450599ef5efe7a9fd. Nyall Dawson
09:03 PM Bug report #19857 (Closed): Processing models containing other processing models (aka nested mode...
Applied in changeset commit:qgis|cdd72e51e5c177093a9060b450599ef5efe7a9fd. Nyall Dawson
04:05 AM Bug report #19857 (In Progress): Processing models containing other processing models (aka nested...
Nyall Dawson
02:22 AM Bug report #19857 (Reopened): Processing models containing other processing models (aka nested mo...
Ok here are the steps to reproduce :
1. Create a processing model
2. Save it with name "test" group "group-1".
Olivier Dalang
08:58 PM Bug report #19871: Crash on close
Looks like an issue with an installed plugin, not qgis itself Nyall Dawson
08:06 PM Bug report #19871 (Feedback): Crash on close
Can you please if it happens also on master? also try with a new/clean profile. Giovanni Manghi
08:06 PM Bug report #19871 (Feedback): Crash on close
Can you please if it happens also on master? also try with a new/clean profile. Giovanni Manghi
08:57 PM Bug report #19886 (Closed): QGIS application dialog can't be resized with the keyboard
I'm running on Ubuntu 18.04, I'm very often using super + [left, bottom, right, up] to tile my windows from left, rig... Etienne Trimaille
08:37 PM Revision 0af57616 (qgis): fix build without HAVE_SERVER_PYTHON_PLUGINS
Denis Rouzaud
08:07 PM Bug report #19885 (Feedback): Using the Browser panel layers are added by layerid
Can you share the data or provide a freely available dataset where is possible to see the same issue? Giovanni Manghi
08:07 PM Bug report #19885 (Feedback): Using the Browser panel layers are added by layerid
Can you share the data or provide a freely available dataset where is possible to see the same issue? Giovanni Manghi
06:12 PM Bug report #19885 (Closed): Using the Browser panel layers are added by layerid
new description:
old description:
This is an old issue I reported in June 2018 that I was inform...
Douglas Alderman
08:05 PM Bug report #19783 (Open): < WFSLayers > not cleaned in project file when layer is removed
Giovanni Manghi
07:57 PM Bug report #19872 (Open): QGIS crashed after georeferencing
Giovanni Manghi
10:49 AM Bug report #19872: QGIS crashed after georeferencing
Nyall Dawson wrote:
> Can you share the png and gcp file? (and a screenshot of transformation parameters used?)
Eric Dorland, van
10:49 AM Bug report #19872: QGIS crashed after georeferencing
Nyall Dawson wrote:
> Can you share the png and gcp file? (and a screenshot of transformation parameters used?)
Eric Dorland, van
05:01 AM Bug report #19872 (Feedback): QGIS crashed after georeferencing
Can you share the png and gcp file? (and a screenshot of transformation parameters used?) Nyall Dawson
07:56 PM Bug report #19877: Export style categories. Can't save to a databases (postgres)
it works also here. Giovanni Manghi
07:56 PM Bug report #19877: Export style categories. Can't save to a databases (postgres)
it works also here. Giovanni Manghi
01:46 PM Bug report #19877 (Feedback): Export style categories. Can't save to a databases (postgres)
I cannot reproduce: I can save a style on a PG layer using DB with or without default option ticked. In both case, th... Denis Rouzaud
11:08 AM Bug report #19877 (Closed): Export style categories. Can't save to a databases (postgres)
You can save a style in a database using "save as default", but no using save style.
Works well for geopackage
07:43 PM Revision 622fe8c0 (qgis): fix join style badly set in global options (#7952)
Denis Rouzaud
07:06 PM Revision d9f5d537 (qgis): Add SIP_FINAL
Matthias Kuhn
06:58 PM Revision 7233c604 (qgis): [ogr provider] less debug output and remove useless Qt version check (#...
* [ogr provider] less debbug output and remove useless Qt version check
* Update qgsogrprovider.cpp
Denis Rouzaud
06:53 PM Revision ddaa8ea4 (qgis): inline and virtual are no good friends
Matthias Kuhn
06:29 PM Bug report #19802 (In Progress): DB Manager saved SQL statements are saved empty
PR Alessandro Pasotti
06:29 PM Bug report #19802 (In Progress): DB Manager saved SQL statements are saved empty
PR Alessandro Pasotti
06:23 PM Revision 9473d63c (qgis): Add test for writeEntry (not related to the bug)
... but since I wrote it ... Alessandro Pasotti
06:22 PM Revision a74b6262 (qgis): [dbmanager] Fix stored queries retrieve
Fixes #19802 - DB Manager saved SQL statements are saved empty Alessandro Pasotti
06:10 PM Bug report #19884 (Open): When using atlas and a data override symbol style with the assistant, s...
I have a project with a soil analysis layer whose dots are colored and size variable depending on the concentration o... cris c
06:07 PM Feature request #19883 (Open): Add Polygon feature: double (left click) to end the creation
I always seem to forget to end my polygon creation by right clicking, it just makes sense to be a double left c...
Tommy Hutcheson
06:04 PM Revision 9f407d0b (qgis): Make methods in QgsVectorLayer finally final
Matthias Kuhn
05:23 PM Revision ab91b855 (qgis): Teach sipify the meaning of `final`
Matthias Kuhn
05:16 PM Revision f65deeb5 (qgis): Update unit tests
Paul Blottiere
05:14 PM Revision 42573f74 (qgis): Merge pull request #7933 from nyalldawson/edit_in_place_feedback
[processing] Show a message bar success message after running in-place, parameterless alg Alessandro Pasotti
05:13 PM Revision 07d400c6 (qgis): Removes commented code
Paul Blottiere
04:40 PM Bug report #19617 (In Progress): Check validity algorithm returns empty reason in attribute table
PR Alessandro Pasotti
04:39 PM Revision f1ea7831 (qgis): Update unit test
Paul Blottiere
04:38 PM Revision 1e5c5258 (qgis): Update insert, update and delete operations element
Paul Blottiere
04:36 PM Revision 001a81bc (qgis): Fix processing algorithm checkvalidity reason
Fixex #19617 - Check validity algorithm returns empty reason in attribute table Alessandro Pasotti
04:34 PM Revision 9d29b934 (qgis): Add Id_Capabilities element with FID
Paul Blottiere
04:29 PM Revision e295eb66 (qgis): Operations element has to be before OutputFormats
Paul Blottiere
04:23 PM Bug report #19882 (Closed): Crash when deleted a map object with an overview map selected in prin...
h2. User Feedback
Using the print composer, deleted a map object with an overview map selected.
Map object was ou...
cris c
03:54 PM Revision 13f500ba (qgis): Merge pull request #7929 from elpaso/bugfix-18102-advanced-digitizing-c...
[bugfix] Fixes float input in advanced digitizing ... Alessandro Pasotti
03:53 PM Bug report #18102 (Closed): Can only input integer value in the vertex editor
Applied in changeset commit:qgis|fc6617251d8b253ca0b36dd5ae5dfd4415618529. Anonymous
03:53 PM Bug report #18102 (Closed): Can only input integer value in the vertex editor
Applied in changeset commit:qgis|fc6617251d8b253ca0b36dd5ae5dfd4415618529. Anonymous
03:37 PM Revision 7c838419 (qgis): Merge pull request #7930 from anitagraser/master
Updated ms installer icons, fixes #17978 Matthias Kuhn
03:36 PM Bug report #17978 (Closed): Windows installer still uses the old logo
Applied in changeset commit:qgis|7c838419895d7b6720e0f507e3d9081e27756b0c. Anonymous
03:36 PM Bug report #17978 (Closed): Windows installer still uses the old logo
Applied in changeset commit:qgis|7c838419895d7b6720e0f507e3d9081e27756b0c. Anonymous
03:29 PM Revision 2ee61225 (qgis): Merge pull request #7943 from elpaso/bugfix-18583-range-widget-nulls
[bugfix] Allow empty null representation in spinboxes Alessandro Pasotti
03:29 PM Bug report #18583 (Closed): Widget "Range": Representation for NULL value is NOT always displayed...
Applied in changeset commit:qgis|d179635b921f09b22d5456605894e79fee80d6e6. Anonymous
12:57 PM Bug report #18583 (In Progress): Widget "Range": Representation for NULL value is NOT always disp...
PR Alessandro Pasotti
12:57 PM Bug report #18583 (In Progress): Widget "Range": Representation for NULL value is NOT always disp...
PR Alessandro Pasotti
03:24 PM Bug report #16942: WMS/WFS layers do not show in the OWS group of the QGIS browser
Honestly I've never found a use case for that OWS node. But apparently there was one, IIRC some years ago Marco Hugen... Alessandro Pasotti
03:18 PM Bug report #18344 (Closed): QGIS 3.0 Crashes using 'Identify Feature Tool ' on a layer with a joi...
Works for me in current master Alessandro Pasotti
03:18 PM Bug report #18344 (Closed): QGIS 3.0 Crashes using 'Identify Feature Tool ' on a layer with a joi...
Works for me in current master Alessandro Pasotti
03:03 PM Bug report #19881 (Open): Impossible to choose several fields at the same time to drag and drop i...
In versions prior to 3.0, it was possible to choose several fields at the same time to drag and drop them into the de... Alain FERRATON
02:53 PM Bug report #19880 (Closed): groups in containers (in forms) do not appear
groups in containers (in forms) are not displayed
see attached illustration
02:45 PM Revision 0edb224e (qgis): Fix QCOMPARE in the test
Alessandro Pasotti
02:05 PM Bug report #18477: QGIS 3 "unable to save auxiliary storage"
I just testet with QGIS 3.2.3 under Windows 10. Saving as qgz still fails because of auxiliary storage. Saving as qgs... Sebastian Hahn
01:40 PM Bug report #19876 (Closed): Export style categories. Checkboxes are inconsistent
fixed Denis Rouzaud
01:40 PM Bug report #19876 (Closed): Export style categories. Checkboxes are inconsistent
fixed Denis Rouzaud
09:26 AM Bug report #19876 (Closed): Export style categories. Checkboxes are inconsistent
Look at the video Loïc BARTOLETTI
01:40 PM Revision 5b7e60ac (qgis): [fix #19869] fix bad handle of flag removal
Denis Rouzaud
01:40 PM Bug report #19869 (Closed): Import/export style categories doesn't works
Applied in changeset commit:qgis|5b7e60ac458ffb50996e0d15118a626c7441c2f4. Denis Rouzaud
01:40 PM Bug report #19869 (Closed): Import/export style categories doesn't works
Applied in changeset commit:qgis|5b7e60ac458ffb50996e0d15118a626c7441c2f4. Denis Rouzaud
01:34 PM Bug report #19772: QGIS crash when adding feature to Memory Vector Layer
Nyall Dawson wrote:
> > Note: this only happens when I parse large geojson file. In total it consists 140033 feature...
Min Min
08:36 AM Bug report #19772: QGIS crash when adding feature to Memory Vector Layer
> Note: this only happens when I parse large geojson file. In total it consists 140033 features with large MultiPolyg... Nyall Dawson
01:20 PM Revision cab5fe02 (qgis): debian packaging: depend on qml-module-qtcharts only where available
Jürgen Fischer
12:54 PM Revision d179635b (qgis): [bugfix] Allow empty null representation in spinboxes
Fixes #18583 - Widget "Range": Representation for NULL value is NOT always displayed correctly Alessandro Pasotti
12:47 PM Revision 5edb326a (qgis): Merge pull request #7906 from borysiasty/deprecated_plugins_grayed_out
[Plugin manager] Deprecated plugins grayed out and moved to the list bottom Borys Jurgiel
12:43 PM Bug report #19744 (Closed): QGIS 3.3.0-master (b55ab2e6d4) crashes upon closing
Nyall Dawson
11:24 AM Bug report #19744: QGIS 3.3.0-master (b55ab2e6d4) crashes upon closing
Confirmed. Doesn't crash upon closing! Roberto Uhlig
11:21 AM Bug report #19744: QGIS 3.3.0-master (b55ab2e6d4) crashes upon closing
The bug is now fixed for me.
QGIS 3.3.0-master (d99d506e75) doesn't crash anymore upon closing on my system.
Andrea Giudiceandrea
12:23 PM Bug report #19118: Crash when clicking browse button in attachment edit widget
Still an issue.
Sometimes clicking the button does not cause a crash but adding an attachment does.
T Dunne
12:20 PM Feature request #19858: QgsProcessingParameterNumber needs support for "data defined" parameter v...
I see, I got confused, as from the UI, it looks like the expression based input in the modeler is equivalent to the d... Olivier Dalang
05:12 AM Feature request #19858: QgsProcessingParameterNumber needs support for "data defined" parameter v...
This isn't technically a bug, rather it's a feature request.
When you enter an expression for a number parameter i...
Nyall Dawson
05:12 AM Feature request #19858: QgsProcessingParameterNumber needs support for "data defined" parameter v...
This isn't technically a bug, rather it's a feature request.
When you enter an expression for a number parameter i...
Nyall Dawson
12:07 PM Revision e52dc86a (qgis): fix icons extension in copy/paste style menu
Salvatore Larosa
11:50 AM Bug report #19879 (Closed): It's not possible to override system locale
In QGIS 3.3.0-master it seems impossible to change the user interface language.
My system locale is Italian (Windo...
Andrea Giudiceandrea
11:48 AM Feature request #19790: Handle Bad Layers - DISABLE instead of DELETE
Thanks for information and keeping on track.
May be, there could be some ideas from the maintainer of the "changeDat...
Roberto Uhlig
11:33 AM Feature request #19790: Handle Bad Layers - DISABLE instead of DELETE
FYI - if this remains unfixed for the 3.6 cycle, North Road are planning a crowd funding effort to implement this cha... Nyall Dawson
11:28 AM Feature request #19790: Handle Bad Layers - DISABLE instead of DELETE
Correlated or same as nearly fife years old #8718
+1 Much needed
Roberto Uhlig
11:48 AM Bug report #19838: Cannot select correct features in Virtual Layer
Andrea Giudiceandrea wrote:
> Did you try with QGIS 3.3.0-master?
It seems to work on QGIS 3.2.0 at least, can't ...
Joseph Liam
11:39 AM Bug report #19838: Cannot select correct features in Virtual Layer
Harrissou Santanna wrote:
> Can you try the query with naming the fields you want to add to the virtual layer ? cf h...
Joseph Liam
11:45 AM Bug report #6996: Line pattern fill is not rendered to vector in pdf export
M D wrote:
> Hi, I do experience this problem with QGIS 3.0.2-Girona. I'm trying to export roads from OpenStreetMap ...
11:44 AM Revision 35c954eb (qgis): Merge pull request #7942 from tudorbarascu/fix_tests
fix test run comments Alessandro Pasotti
11:38 AM Revision e8dbb90e (qgis): fix test run comments
Tudor Bărăscu
11:34 AM Bug report #19878 (Closed): Update nircmd to latest (final?) version
OSGeo4W issue. Jürgen Fischer
11:34 AM Bug report #19878 (Closed): Update nircmd to latest (final?) version
OSGeo4W issue. Jürgen Fischer
11:34 AM Bug report #19878 (Closed): Update nircmd to latest (final?) version
OSGeo4W issue. Jürgen Fischer
11:32 AM Bug report #19878 (Closed): Update nircmd to latest (final?) version
The nircmd version included in the bin folder is v2.75 from 2013. Maybe it could be replaced by the latest (possibly ... Pedro Lino
10:37 AM Bug report #19795: QGIS Server 3 / WMS: the SLD parameter support has been removed
Hi René,
Somehow I didn't notice your reply.
Couldn't find any tests or any open issue regarding this.
The serve...
Tudor Bărăscu
10:26 AM Revision 840749c6 (qgis): Merge branch 'master' into deprecated_plugins_grayed_out
Borys Jurgiel
10:24 AM Revision a041c508 (qgis): Resolve merge conflict
Borys Jurgiel
10:13 AM Revision b5024c32 (qgis): Merge pull request #7908 from borysiasty/nicer_plugin_links
[Plugin manager][needs-docs] More unified links to the installed and available version. Borys Jurgiel
09:52 AM Revision dea3b75f (qgis): Fix Operations element
Paul Blottiere
09:44 AM Revision 5c15a658 (qgis): Merge pull request #7926 from elpaso/bugfix-19680-spatialite-load-defau...
[bugfix] spatialite load default style Alessandro Pasotti
09:43 AM Bug report #19680 (Closed): Styles saved in a Spatialite DB are then not available to be used
Applied in changeset commit:qgis|b1c7734a9b67304bc5d31b8a634393ea7e98378b. Anonymous
09:43 AM Bug report #19680 (Closed): Styles saved in a Spatialite DB are then not available to be used
Applied in changeset commit:qgis|b1c7734a9b67304bc5d31b8a634393ea7e98378b. Anonymous
09:21 AM Feature request #19379: precision option in vector tools select/join by location
This option needs to be totally re-thought. The setting was misleading in that it was often misinterpreted as "the ma... Nyall Dawson
08:59 AM Feature request #19875 (Closed): Deleting multiple GPKG tables from Browser only deletes a single...
It would be really nice to be able to delete several GeoPackage tables simultaneously in the browser using the follow... Jérôme Guélat
08:41 AM Feature request #17904: In the layer tree, Clicking an item from a rule-based symbolized layer sh...
This has never been normal behaviour - I believe the earlier user manual was referring to the rule based tree, not th... Nyall Dawson
08:39 AM Bug report #19395 (Closed): "Multipart to singleparts" function in the Vector -> Geometry is inco...
This is not an issue in 3.2.3 Nyall Dawson
08:39 AM Bug report #19395 (Closed): "Multipart to singleparts" function in the Vector -> Geometry is inco...
This is not an issue in 3.2.3 Nyall Dawson
08:34 AM Bug report #14448 (Feedback): Offset curve tools duplicate lines
Is this still an issue in 3.2.3? I can't reproduce. Nyall Dawson
08:34 AM Bug report #16505 (Feedback): Network drive disappear on windows 7
Insufficient detail to reproduce/fix.
Is this still an issue?
Nyall Dawson
08:31 AM Bug report #18405 (Feedback): CRS selector does not close
There's not enough detail here to reproduce/fix. Can you still trigger this error? Nyall Dawson
08:22 AM Bug report #18499: "Snapping Toolbar" missing from View > Toolbars
Will be fixed in Loïc BARTOLETTI
08:16 AM Bug report #19560 (Feedback): Qgis crashes when QgsExtentGroupBox.setOriginalExtent() is called
I can't reproduce. Can you share a complete self-contained code sample? Nyall Dawson
08:11 AM Revision 018fd07d (qgis): Merge pull request #7870 from rldhont/server-wfs-format-field-218
[Bugfix][Server][WFS] correctly define field type and encode values René-Luc ReLuc
08:01 AM Revision a0283ebc (qgis): Errors can be any geometry type, not only points
Matthias Kuhn
07:51 AM Revision 0e1f1c2c (qgis): More dox
Matthias Kuhn
07:47 AM Revision 392392bb (qgis): Move implementations to cpp
Matthias Kuhn
07:46 AM Revision 32dae284 (qgis): dox
Matthias Kuhn
07:34 AM Revision 6db25b97 (qgis): Initialize to nullptr
Matthias Kuhn
07:31 AM Revision dcca3483 (qgis): compare pointers
David Signer
06:57 AM Revision e005d6e2 (qgis): [processing][gdal] Strip newlines from custom proj CRS definitions
before passing to GDAL commands
Fixes #19855
Nyall Dawson
06:56 AM Revision fb808359 (qgis): [processing] fix history dialog alg. execution with CRS params
Mathieu Pellerin - nIRV
06:56 AM Bug report #19855 (Closed): Error using QGIS 3.2.2 Warp (Reproject) tool with custom coordinate s...
Applied in changeset commit:qgis|e005d6e2b9b84ecaf14a2290b58d7bc927ea3d08. Nyall Dawson
06:56 AM Bug report #19855 (Closed): Error using QGIS 3.2.2 Warp (Reproject) tool with custom coordinate s...
Applied in changeset commit:qgis|e005d6e2b9b84ecaf14a2290b58d7bc927ea3d08. Nyall Dawson
04:59 AM Bug report #19855 (In Progress): Error using QGIS 3.2.2 Warp (Reproject) tool with custom coordin...
Nyall Dawson
03:48 AM Bug report #19855: Error using QGIS 3.2.2 Warp (Reproject) tool with custom coordinate system
It's still a valid bug -- we just need to strip out newline characters from the def when running gdal commands Nyall Dawson
06:54 AM Revision 9ac33124 (qgis): Fix crash when writing CRS to XML using QgsXmlUtils
Fixes a crash when saving a processing model using a CRS input Nyall Dawson
06:54 AM Revision 335a696d (qgis): Dox
Nyall Dawson
06:54 AM Revision 9503ffa3 (qgis): Fix feature count in attribute table dialog title after committing changes
Fixes #19863 Nyall Dawson
06:53 AM Bug report #19863 (Closed): attribute table: the element count after adding geometry does not work
Applied in changeset commit:qgis|9503ffa33bbe945769802276e1594738bbe992ca. Nyall Dawson
06:53 AM Bug report #19863 (Closed): attribute table: the element count after adding geometry does not work
Applied in changeset commit:qgis|9503ffa33bbe945769802276e1594738bbe992ca. Nyall Dawson
05:20 AM Bug report #19863 (In Progress): attribute table: the element count after adding geometry does no...
Nyall Dawson
06:08 AM Revision f160847e (qgis): [processing] allow geometryless layers as input in aggregate alg.
Mathieu Pellerin - nIRV
03:43 AM Bug report #17140 (Closed): DB Manager icons are not the same as the ones used in QGIS Browser
This was fixed (in 3.2?) Nyall Dawson
03:43 AM Bug report #17140 (Closed): DB Manager icons are not the same as the ones used in QGIS Browser
This was fixed (in 3.2?) Nyall Dawson
03:41 AM Bug report #14481 (In Progress): If already opened QGIS Browser (standalone and panel) doesn't sh...
Nyall Dawson
02:10 AM Revision f3b15be9 (qgis): Fix warning
Nyall Dawson


01:51 AM Bug report #19855: Error using QGIS 3.2.2 Warp (Reproject) tool with custom coordinate system
Mario Reyes wrote:
> Andre Joost wrote:
> > I just tried this in QGIS 3.2.2 form OSGEO4W on Windows 7 and it works ...
Mario Reyes
01:44 AM Bug report #19855: Error using QGIS 3.2.2 Warp (Reproject) tool with custom coordinate system
Andre Joost wrote:
> I just tried this in QGIS 3.2.2 form OSGEO4W on Windows 7 and it works for me. The output is:
Mario Reyes
09:24 AM Bug report #19855: Error using QGIS 3.2.2 Warp (Reproject) tool with custom coordinate system
I just tried this in QGIS 3.2.2 form OSGEO4W on Windows 7 and it works for me. The output is:... Andre Joost
01:41 AM Revision 209b6ee8 (qgis): Cleaner messagebar item popping
Nyall Dawson
01:40 AM Revision bfc5a175 (qgis): [processing] Show a message bar success message after running an
in-place alg if no parameter dialog is shown
Allows users to know that the algorithm has actually run in case
Nyall Dawson
01:10 AM Bug report #19874 (Open): Layout Page Setup and Page Properties bugs
I have found bugs inside Layout manager, didn't found them reported.
1. I have a proposal: add a button on toolbar...
Vedran Stojnovic
12:47 AM Bug report #19873 (Closed): crash in layer properties
h2. User Feedback
It crashes when I try to work on the symbology in the Layer Properties
h2. Report Details
Julio Postigo
12:27 AM Revision f5148755 (qgis): [processing] Use display name, not alg ID in undo history for in-place ...
Nyall Dawson
12:01 AM Revision e157a7c5 (qgis): Fix build warnings
Matthias Kuhn
11:29 PM Revision d99d506e (qgis): Fix building with QT 5.5
Stephen Knox
10:49 PM Revision ed86d125 (qgis): Add QgsSingleGeometryCheck
This class is a new subclass of QgsGeometryCheck that implements an interface that works on isolated geometries.
It h...
Matthias Kuhn
10:41 PM Bug report #19872 (Closed): QGIS crashed after georeferencing
h2. User Feedback
Was georeferencing a .png file. Seems to go fine, untill I scrolled the main window at which poi...
Eric Dorland, van
09:49 PM Revision 7c2de7ea (qgis): fixed ico
Anita Graser
09:47 PM Revision 2be111fd (qgis): new installer icons using qgis3 logo
Anita Graser
09:31 PM Bug report #8591 (Closed): else condition for rules
Nyall Dawson
09:27 PM Bug report #19871 (Closed): Crash on close
h2. User Feedback
QGIS 3.2.0 and 3.2.3 (to which I just upgraded) have started crashing on exit almost every time,...
Morten Storm
07:48 PM Bug report #16380 (Feedback): qgis.core.QgsGeometry has odd behaviour on pyqgis
Giovanni Manghi
04:06 PM Bug report #16380: qgis.core.QgsGeometry has odd behaviour on pyqgis
Can you retry with newest version of QGIS 3?
Just trying:
test = QgsGeometry.fromMultiPolylineXY([[QgsPointXY(0, ...
07:45 PM Bug report #19867 (Feedback): QGIS crashes on close
I think this has been solved in qgis master, please give it a try. Giovanni Manghi
07:45 PM Bug report #19867 (Feedback): QGIS crashes on close
I think this has been solved in qgis master, please give it a try. Giovanni Manghi
02:08 PM Bug report #19867 (Closed): QGIS crashes on close
h2. User Feedback
Start QGIS -> Open any Project
Project -> Import/Export -> Export Map to Image... -> Draw on ca...
Karsten Tebling
07:42 PM Bug report #19428 (Feedback): QGis freezes when copy pasting features between layers with incompa...
Giovanni Manghi
04:50 PM Bug report #19428: QGis freezes when copy pasting features between layers with incompatible geome...
I can't reproduce it on master. Can you retry or post a reproductible example? Loïc BARTOLETTI
07:18 PM Bug report #19860 (Closed): Unable to copy paste style from a layer to another one
Harrissou Santanna
04:51 AM Bug report #19860 (Closed): Unable to copy paste style from a layer to another one
Right-click on a layer
Style, copy style, all style categories
right-click on another layer
Style, paste style, al...
Harrissou Santanna
05:44 PM Revision 84d23768 (qgis): remove index2category and use data
Denis Rouzaud
05:44 PM Revision 0296c272 (qgis): [fix #19868] fix paste style
Denis Rouzaud
05:44 PM Revision 3e8e6ba9 (qgis): [fix #19870] correctly convert index to style category
the shift is already done in the list, so no need to hack Denis Rouzaud
05:43 PM Bug report #19868 (Closed): copy/paste style doesn't works
Applied in changeset commit:qgis|0296c272de7f449e6d0e6a3dd46af3909a428311. Denis Rouzaud
05:43 PM Bug report #19868 (Closed): copy/paste style doesn't works
Applied in changeset commit:qgis|0296c272de7f449e6d0e6a3dd46af3909a428311. Denis Rouzaud
02:37 PM Bug report #19868 (Closed): copy/paste style doesn't works
Since copy/paste style doesn't works.
Tested with "All style" or a category s...
05:43 PM Bug report #19870 (Closed): crash when right clicking on a layer
Applied in changeset commit:qgis|3e8e6ba9cd152ff50bdb277d1690bf053eb945ba. Denis Rouzaud
05:43 PM Bug report #19870 (Closed): crash when right clicking on a layer
Applied in changeset commit:qgis|3e8e6ba9cd152ff50bdb277d1690bf053eb945ba. Denis Rouzaud
03:23 PM Bug report #19870 (In Progress): crash when right clicking on a layer
See: Alessandro Pasotti
03:23 PM Bug report #19870 (In Progress): crash when right clicking on a layer
See: Alessandro Pasotti
03:05 PM Bug report #19870 (Closed): crash when right clicking on a layer
Fatal: ASSERT failure in QList<T>::at: "index out of range", file /usr/local/include/qt5/QtCore/qlist.h, line 541
05:01 PM Bug report #18182: Check Validity fails for polygon with intersecting point
Confirmed on master Loïc BARTOLETTI
04:34 PM Revision d11a13ea (qgis): Translation string fix
Jürgen Fischer
04:29 PM Bug report #18102: Can only input integer value in the vertex editor
PR Alessandro Pasotti
03:41 PM Bug report #18102 (In Progress): Can only input integer value in the vertex editor
Alessandro Pasotti
03:40 PM Bug report #18102: Can only input integer value in the vertex editor
Fixed, but I'd like to get a decent precision: do you know if is there a setting for precision? How many decimal plac... Alessandro Pasotti
03:12 PM Bug report #18102: Can only input integer value in the vertex editor
Tested on windows 10 and FreeBSD 12 Loïc BARTOLETTI
03:02 PM Bug report #18102: Can only input integer value in the vertex editor
Thanks for checking, I'll have a look. What is your operating system? Alessandro Pasotti
02:57 PM Bug report #18102: Can only input integer value in the vertex editor
Tested on Windows, it's works.
But For example i have "1234,456". editing the node show me "1234.456" if I change to...
04:26 PM Revision fc661725 (qgis): [bugfix] Fixes float input in advanced digitizing ...
... with not-dot locales
Fixes #18102 - Can only input integer value in the vertex editor
Precision is hardcoded to...
Alessandro Pasotti
03:42 PM Feature request #16252: SDO_DIMNAME values QGIS Oracle Data Provider
We recently ran into the same problem, we even tend to use complete custom names for the dimensions, because Oracle i... Lukas Künzel
03:29 PM Bug report #19783: < WFSLayers > not cleaned in project file when layer is removed
Excuse me for my answer delay, I didn't have QGIS 3.2.
Now, it's installed, and I tried to remove one layer.
Marjorie FANGAIN
03:10 PM Bug report #18583 (Reopened): Widget "Range": Representation for NULL value is NOT always display...
The described bug persists (master 3.3.0-71 and nightly 3.2.3-1).
And not only for attributes of type integer, but a...
Manuel K
03:10 PM Bug report #18583 (Reopened): Widget "Range": Representation for NULL value is NOT always display...
The described bug persists (master 3.3.0-71 and nightly 3.2.3-1).
And not only for attributes of type integer, but a...
Manuel K
03:10 PM Bug report #18583 (Reopened): Widget "Range": Representation for NULL value is NOT always display...
The described bug persists (master 3.3.0-71 and nightly 3.2.3-1).
And not only for attributes of type integer, but a...
Manuel K
03:10 PM Bug report #18583 (Reopened): Widget "Range": Representation for NULL value is NOT always display...
The described bug persists (master 3.3.0-71 and nightly 3.2.3-1).
And not only for attributes of type integer, but a...
Manuel K
02:42 PM Revision 4d057e9c (qgis): Test for spatialite load default style
Alessandro Pasotti
02:39 PM Bug report #19869 (Closed): Import/export style categories doesn't works
Testing export all categories not only the one selected. Loïc BARTOLETTI
02:30 PM Bug report #19857 (Closed): Processing models containing other processing models (aka nested mode...
Hmm testing again, I can't reproduce with the steps described above...
It seemed triggered by saving two models wi...
Olivier Dalang
09:12 AM Bug report #19857: Processing models containing other processing models (aka nested models) canno...
This works on 2.18, so regression. Giovanni Manghi
09:12 AM Bug report #19857: Processing models containing other processing models (aka nested models) canno...
This works on 2.18, so regression. Giovanni Manghi
02:25 AM Bug report #19857 (Closed): Processing models containing other processing models (aka nested mode...
Hi !
When adding a processing model as an algorithm inside another processing model, the parent algorithm cannot b...
Olivier Dalang
02:12 PM Revision b6dba2d5 (qgis): Capitalization
Nyall Dawson
02:11 PM Bug report #19865 (Closed): 'Digitizing tool' chrash report
Not a qgis issue - please file with plugins author Nyall Dawson
11:53 AM Bug report #19865 (Closed): 'Digitizing tool' chrash report
h2. User Feedback
I tried to install the plugin 'digitizing tools'. I've tried downloading it manually from my bro...
Christian Hallager
02:02 PM Bug report #19866 (Closed): "Convert map to raster" algorithm does not export with transparent ba...
In the "convert map to raster" alg, i'd have thought it would export the map with the background color set in project... Harrissou Santanna
01:54 PM Revision 9f51a4c7 (qgis): [processing] fix large points in polygon count overflow by using an int...
Mathieu Pellerin - nIRV
01:51 PM Revision cf73d56c (qgis): Merge pull request #7925 from elpaso/bugfix-unreported-crash-on-load-style
[bugfix] unreported crash on load style Alessandro Pasotti
01:07 PM Bug report #19680: Styles saved in a Spatialite DB are then not available to be used
All fixed in Alessandro Pasotti
12:42 PM Bug report #19680 (In Progress): Styles saved in a Spatialite DB are then not available to be used
Alessandro Pasotti
12:42 PM Bug report #19680: Styles saved in a Spatialite DB are then not available to be used
There are actually two bug or three bugs here, one unreported is fixed with:
Alessandro Pasotti
01:07 PM Revision 47456e83 (qgis): Be more verbose on offlineediting test failures
Matthias Kuhn
01:05 PM Revision b1c7734a (qgis): [bugfix] spatialite load default style
Fixes #19680 - Styles saved in a Spatialite DB are then not available to be used Alessandro Pasotti
12:01 PM Revision 87662164 (qgis): only when mNmRelation valid
David Signer
11:45 AM Feature request #19864 (Open): Data source Manager Inconsistency between the browser and left column
There is a strange inconsistency between what is available in the left column /vertical tab and what is available in ... Esbern Holmes
11:43 AM Revision 95c99f13 (qgis): [bugfix] unreported crash on load style
Alessandro Pasotti
11:42 AM Revision 44334858 (qgis): remove debug log
David Signer
11:39 AM Revision bfe2fbc5 (qgis): check for layers instead of relations
David Signer
11:14 AM Bug report #19863 (Closed): attribute table: the element count after adding geometry does not work
adding elements to a vector, the attribute table does not update the total of the elements correctly. When the attrib... salvatore fiandaca
11:09 AM Bug report #19509: Slow opening of large GPX file on Windows
Giovanni Manghi wrote:
> it is slow (but acceptable to me) on linux, but is ogr that is slow and I don't think this ...
David Fiedler
10:20 AM Bug report #19708: Processing: Join attributes by location produces duplicated fid
After further testing, this also applies when the geometries are not perfectly overlapping (use intersect instead of ... Jérôme Guélat
10:10 AM Bug report #19862 (Open): window size of child-connect-form is not saved
I want to connect a child-record. The dialog-window that opens has on the left side a list off existing records. The ... Urs Kaufmann
09:54 AM Revision 39e1f893 (qgis): [evis] Fix crash when layer contains virtual fields
Fixes #19792 Nyall Dawson
09:54 AM Revision 4f2f9f74 (qgis): Modernize code
Nyall Dawson
09:53 AM Bug report #19792 (Closed): eVis crashes 2.18 LTR & V3 if layer has any 'virtual fields'
Applied in changeset commit:qgis|39e1f8934fff24b68ce9df74494795878dc2691a. Nyall Dawson
09:53 AM Bug report #19792 (Closed): eVis crashes 2.18 LTR & V3 if layer has any 'virtual fields'
Applied in changeset commit:qgis|39e1f8934fff24b68ce9df74494795878dc2691a. Nyall Dawson
09:32 AM Revision 144dd158 (qgis): fix d67958183
Jürgen Fischer
09:11 AM Bug report #19856 (Feedback): crash when viewing 3d citygml
any link for downloading this gml? Giovanni Manghi
09:11 AM Bug report #19856 (Feedback): crash when viewing 3d citygml
any link for downloading this gml? Giovanni Manghi
09:11 AM Bug report #19856 (Feedback): crash when viewing 3d citygml
any link for downloading this gml? Giovanni Manghi
02:03 AM Bug report #19856 (Closed): crash when viewing 3d citygml
I imported citygml into qgis. However, when I enable 3d view my qgis crashes.
h2. User Feedback
h2. Report ...
kian wee chen
09:11 AM Feature request #18428 (Open): Editing of a filtered OGR vector layer

> Feel free to open a feature request, but I doubt it will be implemented.
let's keep it open as feature request...
Giovanni Manghi
09:11 AM Feature request #18428 (Open): Editing of a filtered OGR vector layer

> Feel free to open a feature request, but I doubt it will be implemented.
let's keep it open as feature request...
Giovanni Manghi
09:11 AM Feature request #18428 (Open): Editing of a filtered OGR vector layer

> Feel free to open a feature request, but I doubt it will be implemented.
let's keep it open as feature request...
Giovanni Manghi
09:09 AM Bug report #19760: Raster calculator crashes QGIS 3
Alessandro Pasotti wrote:
> I might be wrong but from the stacktrace it looks like a memory allocation error in memc...
Giovanni Manghi
08:39 AM Bug report #19861 (Closed): Browser: Impossible to delete GeoPackage table if the path has accents
It is currently impossible to delete GeoPackage tables using QGIS browser if the path of the GeoPackage contains acce... Jérôme Guélat
08:35 AM Revision c962ad22 (qgis): Merge pull request #7868 from m-kuhn/geosErrorTranslation
Translate GEOS errors Matthias Kuhn
08:30 AM Revision 27aeaabc (qgis): Fix offline layer name
Matthias Kuhn
07:43 AM Revision f2e0b6ac (qgis): Merge pull request #7914 from elpaso/bugfix-19827-server-gfi-value-rela...
[bugfix][server] WMS GFI value relation array fields Alessandro Pasotti
07:42 AM Bug report #19827 (Closed): GetFeatureInfo on "value relation" widget with array field (multiple ...
Applied in changeset commit:qgis|fe71b4958861d07818b371ac3cc7c7e5e93c2589. Anonymous
07:42 AM Bug report #19827 (Closed): GetFeatureInfo on "value relation" widget with array field (multiple ...
Applied in changeset commit:qgis|fe71b4958861d07818b371ac3cc7c7e5e93c2589. Anonymous
05:59 AM Bug report #19618: QGIS Crashed on clearing recent project
a similar crash.
System- Xenial
QGIS Version: QGIS - 3.3.0-Master 'Master' (d7fb5f9)
These are the actions to ...
Katie Urey
05:08 AM Bug report #19700: No output from grass toolbox function
Is this fixed now? Nyall Dawson
04:53 AM Revision c76410bd (qgis): [processing] Also hide empty providers in toolbox
Initially empty providers were shown for discoverability,
but discussion with @nirvn and @elpaso have convinced me th...
Nyall Dawson
04:47 AM Bug report #19859 (Closed): Style manager and Open styling panel use the same icon: confusing
While the icon was only decorative for the style manager dialog, there was no issue.
But now, we have the same icon ...
Harrissou Santanna
04:06 AM Feature request #19858 (Closed): QgsProcessingParameterNumber needs support for "data defined" pa...
QgsProcessingParameterNumber doesn't seem to evaluate fields in processing models.
*Steps to reproduce*
Olivier Dalang
03:39 AM Revision a0dceb1d (qgis): [layouts] Fix messagebar link with special characters does not open on win
Fixes #19727 Nyall Dawson
03:39 AM Revision 1d8dbda6 (qgis): [win] Fix some warnings
Nyall Dawson
03:39 AM Bug report #19727 (Closed): [Print layout] Clicking the link in the message after a successful ex...
Applied in changeset commit:qgis|a0dceb1d835a482ad5ad76723ec61d90bb6578f4. Nyall Dawson
03:39 AM Bug report #19727 (Closed): [Print layout] Clicking the link in the message after a successful ex...
Applied in changeset commit:qgis|a0dceb1d835a482ad5ad76723ec61d90bb6578f4. Nyall Dawson
02:34 AM Revision 239e93de (qgis): run gdal_calc on Windows and on othes platforms (fixes #19...
Jürgen Fischer
02:34 AM Revision 8aded860 (qgis): fix warnings
Jürgen Fischer
02:34 AM Revision d37a7994 (qgis): handle utf-8 in function help
Jürgen Fischer
02:34 AM Revision d6795818 (qgis): Initialize translations before application members (fixes #19853)
Jürgen Fischer
02:34 AM Bug report #19482 (Closed): gdal_calc not found
Applied in changeset commit:qgis|239e93deeba4c73b18cfbace263b9f1577cbeeb3. Jürgen Fischer
02:34 AM Bug report #19482 (Closed): gdal_calc not found
Applied in changeset commit:qgis|239e93deeba4c73b18cfbace263b9f1577cbeeb3. Jürgen Fischer
02:34 AM Bug report #19853 (Closed): Untranslated strings in QGIS
Applied in changeset commit:qgis|d67958183eca9674bd367b4b7835e4b05339a043. Jürgen Fischer
02:34 AM Bug report #19853 (Closed): Untranslated strings in QGIS
Applied in changeset commit:qgis|d67958183eca9674bd367b4b7835e4b05339a043. Jürgen Fischer
02:21 AM Revision 40024255 (qgis): Fix crash on exit on win7
Nyall Dawson
02:03 AM Bug report #19471 (In Progress): Crash when start print layout
Nyall Dawson


01:59 AM Bug report #19792 (In Progress): eVis crashes 2.18 LTR & V3 if layer has any 'virtual fields'
Nyall Dawson
01:43 AM Revision 8790c4c9 (qgis): [processing] Fix missing [optional] text in string parameter label
Fixes #19817 Nyall Dawson
01:42 AM Bug report #19817 (Closed): [Processing] The [optional] tag is not displayed for string parameters
Applied in changeset commit:qgis|8790c4c99e0213fb7eed842b3467c8ad34450f18. Nyall Dawson
01:42 AM Bug report #19817 (Closed): [Processing] The [optional] tag is not displayed for string parameters
Applied in changeset commit:qgis|8790c4c99e0213fb7eed842b3467c8ad34450f18. Nyall Dawson
01:00 AM Bug report #19817 (In Progress): [Processing] The [optional] tag is not displayed for string para... Nyall Dawson
01:40 AM Bug report #19744 (In Progress): QGIS 3.3.0-master (b55ab2e6d4) crashes upon closing Nyall Dawson
01:38 AM Bug report #19852 (Closed): Pattern fill is always rasterized
Duplicate of #6996 Nyall Dawson
01:38 AM Bug report #19852 (Closed): Pattern fill is always rasterized
Duplicate of #6996 Nyall Dawson
01:24 AM Bug report #19855: Error using QGIS 3.2.2 Warp (Reproject) tool with custom coordinate system
Nyall Dawson wrote:
> Can you confirm that the issue here is the newline characters in the definition of the custom ...
Mario Reyes
01:02 AM Bug report #19855 (Feedback): Error using QGIS 3.2.2 Warp (Reproject) tool with custom coordinate...
Can you confirm that the issue here is the newline characters in the definition of the custom projection? I.e. if you... Nyall Dawson
12:38 AM Bug report #19855 (Closed): Error using QGIS 3.2.2 Warp (Reproject) tool with custom coordinate s...
I'm using the QGIS Warp (Reproject) tool to reproject a raster from WGS84 to a Lambert Conformal Conic custom project... Mario Reyes
10:01 PM Bug report #19854 (Feedback): Print Layout
Please post specific, reproducible steps and a demo project showing this issue. Nyall Dawson
12:51 PM Bug report #19854 (Closed): Print Layout
The print layout for version 3 performs significantly slower than in version 2.18. I have encountered the same proble... Brendon Pietersen
05:59 PM Bug report #19795 (In Progress): QGIS Server 3 / WMS: the SLD parameter support has been removed
Alessandro Pasotti
04:45 PM Bug report #18415 (Feedback): Crash when removing a attribute column
I believe this was fixed in 3.2 can you please test the latest nightlies and confirm? Alessandro Pasotti
04:44 PM Feature request #18428 (Closed): Editing of a filtered OGR vector layer
Due to the way different providers are implemented in QGIS, this is not going to happen unless we proceed with a deep... Alessandro Pasotti
04:44 PM Feature request #18428 (Closed): Editing of a filtered OGR vector layer
Due to the way different providers are implemented in QGIS, this is not going to happen unless we proceed with a deep... Alessandro Pasotti
04:44 PM Feature request #18428 (Closed): Editing of a filtered OGR vector layer
Due to the way different providers are implemented in QGIS, this is not going to happen unless we proceed with a deep... Alessandro Pasotti
04:39 PM Bug report #18465 (Feedback): 'Load' button in Layer Properties > Style > Min/max settings has di...
I belive this was fixed long ago, can you please test latest nightlies and confirm? Alessandro Pasotti
04:37 PM Bug report #18509 (Feedback): XYZ-Layer "Network time out"
Without a publicly available endpoint that we can actually test it will be very difficult to help.
Did you check f...
Alessandro Pasotti
04:33 PM Bug report #19827 (In Progress): GetFeatureInfo on "value relation" widget with array field (mult... Alessandro Pasotti
04:33 PM Bug report #19827 (In Progress): GetFeatureInfo on "value relation" widget with array field (mult... Alessandro Pasotti
04:29 PM Revision fe71b495 (qgis): [bugfix][server] WMS GFI value relation array fields
Fixes #19827 - GetFeatureInfo on "value relation" widget with array field (multiple selections) Alessandro Pasotti
03:21 PM Revision 195539d7 (qgis): Merge pull request #7913 from m-kuhn/filenmode
Fix file mode Matthias Kuhn
03:01 PM Bug report #19760: Raster calculator crashes QGIS 3
I might be wrong but from the stacktrace it looks like a memory allocation error in memcpy, are you sure you are not ... Alessandro Pasotti
02:18 PM Revision e306aaaa (qgis): Fix file mode
Matthias Kuhn
12:50 PM Revision 5112a0ab (qgis): Merge pull request #7911 from daniviga/f29-patch
Fix a build error on Fedora 29+ Matthias Kuhn
09:00 AM Bug report #19853 (Closed): Untranslated strings in QGIS
Some strings in QGIS is not being translated in the GUI, even if they are translated in Transifex.
Vector styles, ...
Klas Karlsson


07:22 PM Revision d0aae2f0 (qgis): Fix a build error on Fedora 29+
error is: "PyCapsule_GetPointer called with incorrect name"
patch taken from:
Daniele Viganò
04:33 PM Bug report #19842 (Feedback): DB Manager does not load layer after a query
I just tested on 3.2 and seems working fine here. Giovanni Manghi
03:46 PM Bug report #19639 (Feedback): CSV: "Detect field types" doesn't update the sample view

> *second.csv* reads all fields as text when field detection is disabled; this is fine. But when it's enabled, fiel...
Giovanni Manghi
03:44 PM Bug report #19850: topology process?
Please add a screnshot of the tool is causing the crash for you (and also attach a sample of your data). Giovanni Manghi
03:43 PM Bug report #19851 (Closed): crash report
duplicate of #19850 Giovanni Manghi
03:43 PM Bug report #19851 (Closed): crash report
duplicate of #19850 Giovanni Manghi
03:29 PM Bug report #19846: crash when saving projects
Timothy Abel wrote:
> I don't run any 3rd party plugins, just the default selections. The only other thing that show...
Giovanni Manghi
03:29 PM Bug report #19846: crash when saving projects
Timothy Abel wrote:
> I don't run any 3rd party plugins, just the default selections. The only other thing that show...
Giovanni Manghi
02:48 PM Bug report #19846: crash when saving projects
I don't run any 3rd party plugins, just the default selections. The only other thing that shows up under the plugins ... Timothy Abel
11:02 AM Bug report #19494 (Closed): Named outputs from raster algorithms fail when used as inputs in proc...
Fixed in commit:2a19a1d655f480742d555f4a009912a0b4b765fd. Rudi von Staden
11:02 AM Bug report #19494 (Closed): Named outputs from raster algorithms fail when used as inputs in proc...
Fixed in commit:2a19a1d655f480742d555f4a009912a0b4b765fd. Rudi von Staden
10:03 AM Bug report #19852 (Closed): Pattern fill is always rasterized
There is some bug which cause that point or line pattern fill for polygon is always rasterized in exported map. The s... Michal Jurewicz
06:56 AM Revision 953ea96b (qgis): fixes #19825
Olivier Dalang
06:56 AM Bug report #19825 (Closed): MultipleLayers python widget stays empty when type is TypeMapLayer
Applied in changeset commit:qgis|953ea96bfb671f4fa4bfc5536a9415b522470927. Olivier Dalang
06:56 AM Bug report #19825 (Closed): MultipleLayers python widget stays empty when type is TypeMapLayer
Applied in changeset commit:qgis|953ea96bfb671f4fa4bfc5536a9415b522470927. Olivier Dalang
06:53 AM Revision 340631f8 (qgis): fix #19824 where modifications to project models were not saved
Models definitions are now stored in a dict rather than list
which allows for less verbose code to reference models b...
Olivier Dalang
06:53 AM Revision 77d7d666 (qgis): add tests for #19824
Olivier Dalang
06:53 AM Bug report #19824 (Closed): Modifications to project models are not saved
Applied in changeset commit:qgis|340631f85057193e0cdf045c25f164ebc73eaddc. Olivier Dalang
06:53 AM Bug report #19824 (Closed): Modifications to project models are not saved
Applied in changeset commit:qgis|340631f85057193e0cdf045c25f164ebc73eaddc. Olivier Dalang


01:09 AM Bug report #18301: Processing tools don't ask for input layer when choosing directly a multi laye...
This is still a problem. It seems like you can't select a layer... Tobias Wendorff
01:00 AM Bug report #19639 (Open): CSV: "Detect field types" doesn't update the sample view
Whoops, forgot to open it again. Tobias Wendorff
12:59 AM Bug report #19639: CSV: "Detect field types" doesn't update the sample view
Yay, it really works for CSVT now, but normal CSV files still get bad results.
*first.csvt* ...
Tobias Wendorff
12:07 AM Bug report #19834 (Closed): Seg Fault on Startup
Possibly a bad 3rd party plugin. Please reopen if necessary. Giovanni Manghi
12:07 AM Bug report #19834 (Closed): Seg Fault on Startup
Possibly a bad 3rd party plugin. Please reopen if necessary. Giovanni Manghi
11:37 PM Bug report #19834: Seg Fault on Startup
% cd ~/Library/Application\ Support
% mv QGIS QGIS.old
It opened p...
Brian Savage
06:37 PM Bug report #19834 (Feedback): Seg Fault on Startup
Please try cleaning (removing) any trace of the configurations/profiles folder. Giovanni Manghi
06:37 PM Bug report #19834 (Feedback): Seg Fault on Startup
Please try cleaning (removing) any trace of the configurations/profiles folder. Giovanni Manghi
06:37 PM Bug report #19834 (Feedback): Seg Fault on Startup
Please try cleaning (removing) any trace of the configurations/profiles folder. Giovanni Manghi
12:06 AM Bug report #19846: crash when saving projects
Timothy Abel wrote:
> Not sure what you mean by new/clean profile?
In QGIS3 you can create multiple profiles (for...
Giovanni Manghi
11:34 PM Bug report #19846: crash when saving projects
Not sure what you mean by new/clean profile? Timothy Abel
10:56 PM Bug report #19846: crash when saving projects
Timothy Abel wrote:
> QGIS crashes whenever it tries to open a browser window to search for a file, i.e. when I want...
Giovanni Manghi
09:44 PM Bug report #19846: crash when saving projects
QGIS crashes whenever it tries to open a browser window to search for a file, i.e. when I want to "save (a file) as",... Timothy Abel
07:26 PM Bug report #19846 (Feedback): crash when saving projects
"browser"? do you mean the QGIS (data sources) browser? else? Giovanni Manghi
07:26 PM Bug report #19846 (Feedback): crash when saving projects
"browser"? do you mean the QGIS (data sources) browser? else? Giovanni Manghi
11:05 PM Bug report #19851 (Closed): crash report
h2. User Feedback
it does not depend on the data used, we carry out a process of digitization of cartographic laye...
Fernando Garay
10:39 PM Bug report #19850: topology process?
Fernando Garay wrote:
> Crash problem when start topology process
this does not help understand what you are doin...
Giovanni Manghi
10:37 PM Bug report #19850: topology process?
Crash problem when start topology process Fernando Garay
10:37 PM Bug report #19850: topology process?
Fernando Garay wrote:
> crash qgis
Crash problen when start topology procces.
Fernando Garay
10:26 PM Bug report #19850 (Feedback): topology process?
Please add detailed steps on how replicate the issue.
Also try again on new/clean profile.
Giovanni Manghi
10:19 PM Bug report #19850 (Closed): topology process?
h2. User Feedback
topology process?
h2. Report Details
*Crash ID*: d18c4994fb87486d9a0c28aa8cda8636b1928dea
Fernando Garay
10:17 PM Bug report #19803: QGIS Crashes when tensorflow is imported from internal python console
Dear Giovanni,
I am trying to import keras (with tensorflow backend) in QGIS 3.2.2, and I am getting this error:
Lucas Lo Vercio
10:11 PM Feature request #8743: Field calculator: allow "Formula" to receive a value from a "Number" param...
Stefan Newluck wrote:
> > this definitely works here on qgis/master.
> Could you provide an answer (ideally wit...
Giovanni Manghi
09:39 PM Feature request #8743: Field calculator: allow "Formula" to receive a value from a "Number" param...
> this definitely works here on qgis/master.
Could you provide an answer (ideally with screenshots) to the gisSE a...
Stefan Newluck
08:36 PM Bug report #19801: WFS not working at all

> Yes fair enough. I will have to try map server with the postgis backend. In the meantime I've started moving al...
Giovanni Manghi
08:03 PM Bug report #19801: WFS not working at all
Giovanni Manghi wrote:
> Willem Buitendyk wrote:
> > I've made some progress. An old EPSG code was causing some is...
Willem Buitendyk
07:38 PM Revision 3724f9e9 (qgis): use a model for select map layer style categories (#7907)
this avoids cluttering QgsMapLayer and reduces a bit code redundancy Denis Rouzaud
07:19 PM Revision 6584fe7d (qgis): Fix offline editing with gpkg
Up to now, all features were written twice, once with QgsVectorFileWriter, once via addFeature in a subsequent loop. ... Matthias Kuhn
07:06 PM Bug report #19314: 3.2 crashes on startup on a Mac
Joao Paulouro wrote:
> I remember this issue, and while its fixed now I thought I would share the solution that work...
Giovanni Manghi
06:33 PM Bug report #19314: 3.2 crashes on startup on a Mac
I remember this issue, and while its fixed now I thought I would share the solution that worked for me. Particularly ... Joao Paulouro
06:39 PM Revision 3dc0c567 (qgis): [Plugin manager][needs-docs] Better looking links to the installed and ...
Borys Jurgiel
06:36 PM Feature request #19784 (Feedback): make the "Delete Ring" Tool work also by clicking on the ring ...
Harrissou Santanna wrote:
> This means that on thin rings you need to enlarge the rings and then delete them. Which...
Giovanni Manghi
06:28 PM Feature request #19784: make the "Delete Ring" Tool work also by clicking on the ring boundaries
> However I think other users could/do agree with me, there is a stackexchange ticket saying that the ring tool isn't... Harrissou Santanna
02:32 PM Feature request #19784 (Open): make the "Delete Ring" Tool work also by clicking on the ring boun...
Giovanni Manghi wrote:
> > Thanks for clarifying, though my bug still exists. My bug is about not being able to del...
na na
06:32 PM Revision efa72779 (qgis): Merge pull request #7890 from luipir/fix_cascaded_grass_algs_in_modeler
Fix cascaded grass algs in modeler Luigi Pirelli
06:31 PM Bug report #19843 (Feedback): Update SQL Layer converts query to table name
Does it work as expected on 2.18? Giovanni Manghi
06:25 PM Revision 73528cd1 (qgis): avoid detach when looping on fields and convert some Q_FOREACH (#7905)
* avoid detach when looping on fields and convert some Q_FOREACH
* fields already exist
Denis Rouzaud
06:11 PM Feature request #19849 (Feedback): Convex hull by Field, not anymore?
What about the "Minimum bounding geometry" algorithm suggested in the help panel of the "Convex Hull" algorithm? Harrissou Santanna
05:12 PM Feature request #19849 (Feedback): Convex hull by Field, not anymore?
Friends. I was looking for the "by Field" option in the convex hull (QGIS 3.x), but I can not find it. Is it me and m... Cristian Páez
05:37 PM Revision d838d63e (qgis): Move deprecated plugins to the list bottom
Borys Jurgiel
05:37 PM Revision 05c9e018 (qgis): [Plugin manager][needs-docs] Deprecated plugins are listed gray. Fixes ...
Borys Jurgiel
04:08 PM Revision f88850aa (qgis): added test to new possible input to parametersAsLayer
Luigi Pirelli
03:46 PM Revision f427577a (qgis): [Server][WFS] Define encodeValueToText to correctly format field values
René-Luc ReLuc
03:46 PM Revision 00d81e08 (qgis): [Server][WFS] Set correctly attribute type for number fields in XSD
Replace `double` by `decimal`
Use `int`, `unsignedInt`, `long` and `unsignedLong` for `QVariant::Int`, `QVariant::UI...
René-Luc ReLuc
03:32 PM Revision 8b07b4ed (qgis): Merge pull request #7626 from rudivs/kneighbour
[feature] Adapted k-neighbour concave hull plugin as QGIS 3 algorithm Luigi Pirelli
02:44 PM Feature request #19064 (Closed): Identify feature - selecting an existing polygon Peter Petrik
02:44 PM Feature request #19064 (Closed): Identify feature - selecting an existing polygon Peter Petrik
02:44 PM Feature request #19064 (Closed): Identify feature - selecting an existing polygon Peter Petrik
02:15 PM Revision 1192b635 (qgis): Merge pull request #7892 from PeterPetrik/identify_by_feature
[feature] Identify/Select polygon from existing feature geometry (#19064) Martin Dobias
02:09 PM Revision 6058e662 (qgis): Merge pull request #7891 from borysiasty/plugin_links
[Plugin manager] [needs-docs] [FEATUR?] Open the local directory of installed plugin and the download page/link of th... Borys Jurgiel
02:03 PM Bug report #19591: Mesh layer transparency
Giovanni Manghi wrote:
> fixed?
Peter Petrik
02:00 PM Revision 9b176802 (qgis): Release of 3.2.3
Jürgen Fischer
02:00 PM Revision ff5bd09a (qgis): Release of 2.18.24
Jürgen Fischer
01:24 PM Revision 8fa27e10 (qgis): Fix imports for ConcaveHull
Rudi von Staden
01:13 PM Revision 8288debe (qgis): Don't open non-modal dialog from a modal symbol selector dialog
Nyall Dawson
01:13 PM Revision 3b64c34b (qgis): Move handling of layout manager from qgisapp -> QgsAppWindowManager
Nyall Dawson
01:13 PM Revision cb178a7b (qgis): New class QgsWindowManagerInterface
With implementation in app. This allows GUI library classes to
re-use standard dialogs which are created in app. The ...
Nyall Dawson
01:06 PM Revision fc3b673c (qgis): [Plugin manager] For file-based library, open its parent directory.
Borys Jurgiel
12:36 PM Revision 9bcd21fb (qgis): Merge pull request #7194 from wonder-sk/snap-geometries-alg
[FEATURE] Snap geometries algorithm Martin Dobias
12:25 PM Bug report #19838 (Feedback): Cannot select correct features in Virtual Layer
Can you try the query with naming the fields you want to add to the virtual layer ? cf Harrissou Santanna
12:11 PM Revision 1d220068 (qgis): fix typo
Peter Petrik
12:08 PM Revision 4ac834d9 (qgis): Merge pull request #7879 from borysiasty/append_raster_to_geopackage
Append raster layer to an existing GeoPackage Borys Jurgiel
12:08 PM Feature request #17926 (Closed): Append raster layer to an existing Geopackage with a checkbox an...
Applied in changeset commit:qgis|60fa8eae073891bc2e2f1cb86ae10b71434cb11c. Borys Jurgiel
12:08 PM Feature request #17926 (Closed): Append raster layer to an existing Geopackage with a checkbox an...
Applied in changeset commit:qgis|60fa8eae073891bc2e2f1cb86ae10b71434cb11c. Borys Jurgiel
12:05 PM Revision ec2ddb42 (qgis): Merge pull request #7889 from borysiasty/plugins_from_encrypted_zips
[FEATURE][Plugin installer] Support for encrypted zips when installing plugins from local files Borys Jurgiel
11:44 AM Revision fd728c08 (qgis): Improve test coverage for k-nearest neighbor concave hull
Rudi von Staden
11:35 AM Revision b75f9f3b (qgis): Merge pull request #7801 from signedav/qml-widget
[FEATURE] QML chart and drawings widget Matthias Kuhn
11:25 AM Bug report #19517: Serious problem with rasters statistics calculated by QGIS with estimated option
This seems a really tricky issue and not trivial to solve.
But maybe in the meanwhile, it could be better to chang...
Pedro Venâncio
11:14 AM Revision 2e91c29d (qgis): Merge pull request #7814 from elemoine/ele_logging
Support QGIS Server logs to stderr Paul Blottiere
11:14 AM Feature request #19848 (Open): Shared borders as result of processing-intersect-tool (like in Arc...
In ArcGis (from Basic-License on) you have the opportunity to select a "line"-output (ArcToolBox-Analysis-Overlay-Int... Ralf Koenig
10:51 AM Revision a78a7e79 (qgis): [ux] Hide frame when collapsible group box is collapsed
Prevents an ugly cropped frame from showing in collapsed group
Nyall Dawson
10:47 AM Revision 1708b2db (qgis): always show context menu for select by polygon
Peter Petrik
10:23 AM Revision aa812356 (qgis): Fix crash in sip tests by storing a reference to geom
Alessandro Pasotti
10:23 AM Revision d4af8ad2 (qgis): Method documentation
Alessandro Pasotti
10:23 AM Revision 899edee4 (qgis): Remove unused cast
Alessandro Pasotti
10:23 AM Revision 6152af46 (qgis): Re-enable multipart to single part
Alessandro Pasotti
10:23 AM Revision abcfcfd5 (qgis): Test for re-enable multipart to single part
Alessandro Pasotti
10:23 AM Revision c0edba9c (qgis): Disable alg to multipart
Alessandro Pasotti
10:23 AM Revision 08fbf38a (qgis): Fix in-place support check for some more algs
Alessandro Pasotti
10:23 AM Revision 7b162b53 (qgis): Feature fixer: multi part to single part
Alessandro Pasotti
10:23 AM Revision 29fe9cca (qgis): Add in-place support
Alessandro Pasotti
10:23 AM Revision b6f16340 (qgis): Cast to QgsProcessingAlgorithm when evaluating in-place support
Alessandro Pasotti
10:23 AM Revision ab697240 (qgis): Moved friend class QgsProcessingToolboxProxyModel to parent
Alessandro Pasotti
10:23 AM Revision 48fa5e83 (qgis): Disable assign projection in-place
Alessandro Pasotti
10:23 AM Revision 0380c060 (qgis): Add prepareSource method
Alessandro Pasotti
10:23 AM Revision c7ac4fe7 (qgis): Fix widget (broken by rebase)
Alessandro Pasotti
10:23 AM Revision c05aa149 (qgis): Test supportInPlace for all polygon algorithms
Alessandro Pasotti
10:23 AM Revision 08f79bed (qgis): More tests for Z/M add back
Alessandro Pasotti
10:23 AM Revision 4549ee5f (qgis): In-place moved check logic into QgsAlgorithm
+ new tests
+ fixed fixer function
+ drop z/m
Alessandro Pasotti
10:23 AM Revision 11aaf903 (qgis): Function to make output features compatible
Alessandro Pasotti
10:23 AM Revision d8d32ac8 (qgis): Some tests for multi/single part
Alessandro Pasotti
10:23 AM Revision ac55ce05 (qgis): In place test POC completed
Alessandro Pasotti
10:23 AM Revision f35e3761 (qgis): Expose processFeature to public API
Alessandro Pasotti
10:23 AM Revision 123905a1 (qgis): Fix doc string
Alessandro Pasotti
10:23 AM Revision 4acb34fa (qgis): Initial test for in-place processing algorithms
Alessandro Pasotti
10:23 AM Revision db98a38c (qgis): Remember button checked status
Alessandro Pasotti
10:23 AM Revision d1ec4ac0 (qgis): Sync in-place button state
Alessandro Pasotti
10:23 AM Revision e75ebad2 (qgis): Make clip work for mockup
Nyall Dawson
10:23 AM Revision 681d44f1 (qgis): Messy mockup of feature
Nyall Dawson
10:23 AM Revision 699a9a3b (qgis): Raise exception if prepare fails
Alessandro Pasotti
10:23 AM Revision 84368131 (qgis): Update dox
Alessandro Pasotti
10:23 AM Revision e01449f5 (qgis): Handle bad/null geometries and geometryless
Alessandro Pasotti
10:23 AM Revision ab8d54f1 (qgis): Add test for snappointstogrid
Alessandro Pasotti
10:23 AM Revision a60324b7 (qgis): Accept geometry-less features in a geometry layer
Alessandro Pasotti
10:23 AM Revision 0626a0ff (qgis): Disable some more algs
Alessandro Pasotti
10:05 AM Revision 858cd266 (qgis): Use US spelling for neighbor
Rudi von Staden
10:03 AM Revision 2b558586 (qgis): Improvements from review
Martin Dobias
09:50 AM Revision 34e29b54 (qgis): [ui] harmonize raster layer metadata path/source ordering & visibility
Mathieu Pellerin - nIRV
09:33 AM Revision dc774743 (qgis): fix review issues
Peter Petrik
09:20 AM Revision 7d4a4eb5 (qgis): Handle windows path in gdal provider's decodeUri function
Mathieu Pellerin - nIRV
09:18 AM Revision daf7f3e3 (qgis): Use QgsProviderRegistry::decodeUri to obtain the layer name
Borys Jurgiel
09:10 AM Revision f4cab178 (qgis): Changes from review comments
- Shorten algorithm names (KNearestNeighbour and ConcaveHull)
- Check for feedback cancellation
- remove unnecessary ...
Rudi von Staden
09:08 AM Revision 9eaee8f1 (qgis): Make QgsMessageLogConsole::logMessage virtual
Éric Lemoine
09:08 AM Revision 5b808f6a (qgis): [FEATURE][needs-doc] Introduce QGIS_SERVER_LOG_STDERR and deprecate fil...
Éric Lemoine
09:06 AM Revision b9703703 (qgis): Capitalization
Nyall Dawson
09:02 AM Revision 268c20fd (qgis): Merge pull request #7887 from pblottiere/server_filter_2
[server] Add suport for OGC FE version 2 in GetMap requests Paul Blottiere
08:53 AM Revision 8c312997 (qgis): Fix warning
Nyall Dawson
08:36 AM Revision c921d2e6 (qgis): 2 improvements regarding kannes comments
08:36 AM Revision 6443df65 (qgis): Nyall's comments
08:36 AM Revision 0053630f (qgis): improved problem (b)
removed the .sip
corrected (f)
removed direct comparison of doubles to try to pass the tests
one step back to know...
08:36 AM Revision fe049d37 (qgis): classify symmetric squashed (17 commits) to rebase easily on master; 13...
08:36 AM Revision cb382ede (qgis): sipification problem and unit test attempt
08:36 AM Revision 4aabb09f (qgis): generation of sip files in auto_generated/
08:36 AM Revision 7cec3ef5 (qgis): test classifySymmetri and changes to pass them; + editingFinished signal
08:36 AM Revision 6fb41785 (qgis): delete .sip
08:36 AM Revision e73f7406 (qgis): sip, doc, bad keywords
08:36 AM Revision 8f90791b (qgis): Mark some API as non-stable, hide from Python bindings
Nyall Dawson
08:36 AM Revision 0f157359 (qgis): Use switches for enums, combobox data instead of index positions
Both are more future-proof Nyall Dawson
08:36 AM Revision f2c91609 (qgis): Move symmetric widgets into a collapsible group box
These are advanced settings which we don't want to show
up front, at risk of hurting UI simplicity
Nyall Dawson
08:36 AM Revision 40ae9531 (qgis): sipification
08:36 AM Revision ab7d15de (qgis): reaction to Travis
08:35 AM Revision 5076fb63 (qgis): Update icon to fit QGIS theme, rename and apply to ConcaveHull also
- Based colours and sizes on mAlgorithmDelaunay.svg
- Renamed from mAlgorithmKNearestConcaveHull.svg to mAlgorithmCon...
Rudi von Staden
08:35 AM Revision 2cabd48d (qgis): fix sip include
Denis Rouzaud
08:35 AM Revision 26ad2cbf (qgis): add icons and export only selected category
Denis Rouzaud
08:35 AM Revision 15e0d873 (qgis): select categories in copy style in legend menu entry
not working yet, just set the menu entries
QgsMapLayerStyle::StyleCategory has moved to QgsMapLayer to avoid making Q...
Denis Rouzaud
08:35 AM Revision 4e584113 (qgis): use qgsEnumMap
Denis Rouzaud
08:35 AM Revision 44872413 (qgis): implement filtering of categories in reading/writing
Denis Rouzaud
08:35 AM Revision 51e9be05 (qgis): add API to select section of layer style when reading/writing
Denis Rouzaud
08:35 AM Revision 05f35f2e (qgis): [sipify] fix annotations in multiline virtual methods
Denis Rouzaud
08:35 AM Revision 4cdf0a28 (qgis): fixes: HIG guidelines, sipify, initialize, doxygen warnings
fix doxygen warning + docs
fix doxygen warning
Denis Rouzaud
08:35 AM Revision c776746f (qgis): fix offline editing
Denis Rouzaud
08:35 AM Revision 97376b82 (qgis): single dialog to load style (QML, SLD, DB)
Denis Rouzaud
08:35 AM Revision 0cfa77db (qgis): fix documentation
Denis Rouzaud
08:35 AM Revision 5e6c3823 (qgis): single dialog to save all types (QML, SLD, DataBase)
Denis Rouzaud
08:35 AM Revision cb977402 (qgis): create dialog for saving different styles
Denis Rouzaud
08:35 AM Revision 20a70eea (qgis): add test to control that AllStyleCategories is actually complete
Denis Rouzaud
08:35 AM Revision c43081b8 (qgis): fix old style or useless casts
Denis Rouzaud
08:35 AM Revision e91a42de (qgis): categories in paste style
Denis Rouzaud
08:35 AM Revision 0df5b9e5 (qgis): better API doc, own category for 3D, fix leak
Denis Rouzaud
08:35 AM Revision 3875adf7 (qgis): Capitalization
Nyall Dawson
08:25 AM Revision b8b737fa (qgis): removed qt5charts stuff from cmakelist
because it's not needed there. should be used in runtime.
so it included qt5charts in installs
David Signer
07:57 AM Revision dfe633bb (qgis): Merge pull request #7861 from m-kuhn/featurePoolContext
Make QgsFeaturePool free of reprojection code and other improvements Matthias Kuhn
07:33 AM Revision 8d4ffac6 (qgis): displayString on textoutput
but only works if json contains a map...
and codestyle in python
David Signer
07:33 AM Revision e972e21a (qgis): test db stuff json
David Signer
07:33 AM Revision f92a2ad1 (qgis): json/jsonb type integration
an tests for map and list David Signer
07:33 AM Revision 04d770d6 (qgis): removed unused docs
and unused db entry David Signer
07:33 AM Revision d844f0fc (qgis): pg version check on json
and comparison with == to make it equal to the other checks and avoid confusions David Signer
07:33 AM Revision 75b9c66c (qgis): displaystring of every json object
Removed unused stuff David Signer
07:32 AM Revision be7cc689 (qgis): more includes
David Signer
07:17 AM Bug report #19847 (Closed): QGIS Crashes using Profile tool extension
Not a qgis issue - this needs reporting at the plugin's bug tracker Nyall Dawson
02:19 AM Bug report #19847 (Closed): QGIS Crashes using Profile tool extension
h2. User Feedback
QGIS crashes using point vector layer with elevation option in Profile tool extension.
h2. ...
Jose Bruster
06:21 AM Revision 68162a54 (qgis): [FEATURE] json_to_map() / map_to_json() expression functions
Mathieu Pellerin - nIRV
06:21 AM Revision d41ffb0c (qgis): additional test for the hstore_to_map() function
Mathieu Pellerin - nIRV
06:21 AM Revision b7a0c8cf (qgis): [FEATURE] hstore_to_map() / map_to_hstore() expression functions
Mathieu Pellerin - nIRV
06:21 AM Revision 7f9edcaf (qgis): Addition of a QgsHstoreUtils parse function
Mathieu Pellerin - nIRV
06:12 AM Revision f42f7ace (qgis): [ui] Dirty project when creating a 3D map view
Mathieu Pellerin - nIRV
05:24 AM Revision 8c899d8f (qgis): Make style model refresh icons when svg cache fetches a remote image
Nyall Dawson
04:12 AM Bug report #19830 (Closed): build fail on fedora 28 using
Fixed in Basil Eric Rabi
03:02 AM Revision 739d50eb (qgis): move parent to mainwindow widget
(cherry picked from commit 7ed8460c609e5e777cd8ba9cad9b3bb7d3ec3d7b) Salvatore Larosa
03:02 AM Revision 5e9709f7 (qgis): change parent to nullptr in mapthemes message box
(cherry picked from commit 96712be57734579d5b8f37840c440c75a37549db) Salvatore Larosa
03:02 AM Revision 724ae1fd (qgis): Update relation_aggregate
(cherry picked from commit 5048978ee0d5ecee75b9d4c34cfa5b1ed2dba674) stra2da
03:02 AM Revision 63bb1d80 (qgis): Fix some tiny browser icons on hidpi screens
(cherry picked from commit 8ecb943a4362ea23d12d145e94191146ac88c194) Nyall Dawson
03:02 AM Revision 813b71d7 (qgis): [ui] icon for add 3D map view action
(cherry picked from commit 90624f0d37e0ef9c7e13d1634c396342fca73c0c) Mathieu Pellerin - nIRV
03:02 AM Revision be03dec6 (qgis): Update aggregate
(cherry picked from commit 35b11b02b2c78b41deb4d1a661488ca4d97a2bad) stra2da
03:02 AM Revision 26f567e7 (qgis): Update relation_aggregate
(cherry picked from commit 7fbc828acbad6896ba26c67615fdd967972c63bb) stra2da
03:02 AM Revision c4254932 (qgis): Fix misbehaving tooltips/click of layer tree indicators in some styles
(cherry picked from commit d849dd62b645a8de636151fa2a8465854e2a3c19) Martin Dobias
03:02 AM Revision 18c2a616 (qgis): [processing] Fix warning on close
(cherry picked from commit 97f43d4bb2194b8aed7ebaa80e174bcbb2aae0dc) Nyall Dawson
03:02 AM Revision 118b8a00 (qgis): Fix connection to GPS using serial port
It was impossible to start GPS live tracking when connecting via a serial port rather than gpsd.
QSerialPort in Qt5 ...
Martin Dobias
03:02 AM Revision 4eb407c4 (qgis): [ux] Make tag combobox in symbol selector non-editable
There doesn't seem to be any reason to support edits here!
(cherry picked from commit d3ee0f9668464299b54a82bb70c284...
Nyall Dawson
02:12 AM Revision 57f89c99 (qgis): Make style filter model search by word, not phrase
This allows matching of a filter string "hash line" to the symbol
"hashed red lines"
Nyall Dawson


01:50 AM Revision 31daa826 (qgis): fid is the default if the ID column is empty when we create a geopackage
Etienne Trimaille
01:38 AM Revision 65deae3d (qgis): Polish translation update
Borys Jurgiel
01:19 AM Revision 84d48531 (qgis): Use model for symbol list view in symbol panel
Fixes hi-dpi issues Nyall Dawson
01:19 AM Revision 26885e52 (qgis): Cache icons in style model for efficiency
Nyall Dawson
01:19 AM Revision 454cbda4 (qgis): [FEATURE] Add button to toggle between the icon view and a list
view for symbols in symbol selector Nyall Dawson
01:19 AM Revision 39275591 (qgis): Avoid unnecessary icon creation
Nyall Dawson
01:19 AM Revision 94062470 (qgis): Add explicit API call for style model icon sizes
Nyall Dawson
01:19 AM Revision 5aafbf46 (qgis): Fix layout
Nyall Dawson
01:19 AM Revision 89e48d40 (qgis): Fix alignment issues in symbol widget text
Nyall Dawson
01:19 AM Revision 676a90c6 (qgis): Slightly smaller font size in selector
Nyall Dawson
01:19 AM Revision e4fc4206 (qgis): Update test
Nyall Dawson
01:19 AM Revision 22c8befe (qgis): Cache tags in QgsStyle to avoid costly db lookups
Nyall Dawson
01:19 AM Revision a7ea3ea6 (qgis): Use an icon only for library button in symbols list
Frees more room for UI simplicity Nyall Dawson
01:19 AM Revision 3c0ebd58 (qgis): String consistency
Nyall Dawson
01:19 AM Revision 833cdd86 (qgis): [FEATURE][ux] Use a filter line edit in symbol list tag combo
This allows both filtering by selecting existing tags, and also
free-form text searches
Nyall Dawson
01:19 AM Revision e6084a6e (qgis): Fix doxygen warning
Nyall Dawson
01:19 AM Revision e4733bcb (qgis): Replace a Qt5 macro in RPM spec
which was deprecated and does not work anymore after the upgrade of F28 to Qt 5.11 Daniele Viganò
01:19 AM Revision 7e3b1749 (qgis): Replace a Qt5 macro in RPM spec
which was deprecated and does not work anymore after the upgrade of F28 to Qt 5.11 Daniele Viganò
01:17 AM Bug report #19846 (Closed): crash when saving projects
h2. User Feedback
QGIS is crashing every time a browser window is opened: when I try to add a new raster layer and...
Timothy Abel
12:15 AM Revision cef34c5e (qgis): Initialise writer after appending field
Rudi von Staden
12:09 AM Revision 9bd532fa (qgis): Use QgsPasswordLineEdit for zip file pasword prompt.
Borys Jurgiel
11:26 PM Revision 6257cf64 (qgis): Fix indentation
Rudi von Staden
11:00 PM Revision 9111b557 (qgis): Improve k-nearest neighbour algorithm logic and add descriptive comments
Rudi von Staden
11:00 PM Bug report #19840 (Closed): Digitizing Tools Plugin
Not a qgis bug - please file with the plugin author Nyall Dawson
03:23 PM Bug report #19840 (Closed): Digitizing Tools Plugin
I installed the Digitizing Tools plugin on QGIS 3.2.2 windows version, and when I try to activate the plugin t...
Florin Iosub
11:00 PM Bug report #19841 (Closed): Crash ID: 61c1820e0cefe96304e9b7baf1fec7e961c166f5
This is fixed in 3.2 Nyall Dawson
03:33 PM Bug report #19841 (Closed): Crash ID: 61c1820e0cefe96304e9b7baf1fec7e961c166f5
Below is a copy of the Crash Report Details:
Stack Trace
QgsField::QgsField :
QgsFields::field :
Douglas Alderman
10:30 PM Revision 6d16b595 (qgis): qt5charts5 library
David Signer
10:25 PM Revision 2a095f4d (qgis): fix tests
Borys Jurgiel
10:10 PM Revision e0dd43c8 (qgis): qt5charts lib in dockerfile
David Signer
09:33 PM Revision 1046a7a4 (qgis): Fix k-nearest neighbour algorithm icon not showing
Rudi von Staden
09:32 PM Bug report #19845 (Open): Projection Issue with 3D Points
Good Afternoon,
I encountered a bug in QGIS 3.2 where the relative altitude clamping option for a 3D poinnt does n...
Matthew Jackson
09:23 PM Revision 24aeab6a (qgis): Merge pull request #7886 from signedav/bugfix_showRelation
[Bugfix] Show child features in search mode again Matthias Kuhn
09:22 PM Revision 5fef0392 (qgis): Case insensitive geos error evaluation
Matthias Kuhn
09:18 PM Revision 1409547e (qgis): [FEATURE] add conversion from float to DMS format
Etienne Trimaille
09:03 PM Bug report #19838: Cannot select correct features in Virtual Layer
Did you try with QGIS 3.3.0-master? Andrea Giudiceandrea
06:52 PM Bug report #19838: Cannot select correct features in Virtual Layer
Same issue in Spatialite Views #14232
Gerhard Spieles
02:55 PM Bug report #19838: Cannot select correct features in Virtual Layer
A related question had been asked on GIS Stack Exchange: Joseph Liam
12:48 PM Bug report #19838 (Closed): Cannot select correct features in Virtual Layer
I created a virtual layer which contains a copy of features from another layer (be it point, line or polygon) using t... Joseph Liam
08:58 PM Revision 1a26d940 (qgis): Fix failing test for K-nearest concave hull group by field
Rudi von Staden
08:39 PM Revision b70489bf (qgis): [feature] Identify/Select polygon from existing feature geometry
Peter Petrik
08:30 PM Revision 8394981b (qgis): [Plugin manager] [need-docs] [FEATURE?] Add links to the plugin details...
Borys Jurgiel
08:22 PM Bug report #19844 (Closed): Flaw in qgsround() in some circumstances
qgsround() is defined in qgis.h (since 3.0) as
inline double qgsRound( double number, double places )
Andrea Giudiceandrea
07:09 PM Bug report #17773: No Retina / HiDPI support in 2.99 on osx
Hi Denis,
I noticed you updated the category. Do you have any news about this non-retina situation?
Ugo Santana
07:06 PM Revision 43c47b09 (qgis): add qt5chartslib
David Signer
06:24 PM Revision c5e431cd (qgis): prepare-commit somehow missed to indent the new file
Martin Dobias
05:53 PM Bug report #19843 (Closed): Update SQL Layer converts query to table name
When using the query builder, queries get converted to a table name when updating the query (right-clic on the layer ... Etienne Racine
05:39 PM Revision 0f7a0994 (qgis): [FEATURE][Plugin installer] Support for encrypted zips when installing ...
Borys Jurgiel
05:35 PM Revision aa14593b (qgis): include Qt5chars INCLUDE_DIRECTORIES
David Signer
05:23 PM Revision f7f36cda (qgis): do not store recursively
this avoids having an endless loop -> crash David Signer
05:18 PM Revision 2a19a1d6 (qgis): fix get layer from output sink from previous algorithm in modeler
Luigi Pirelli
05:18 PM Revision 0f07c41b (qgis): Fix set of grass command if not set yet
Luigi Pirelli
04:42 PM Bug report #19700: No output from grass toolbox function
probably lack of
if ( val.canConvert<QgsProcessingOutputLayerDefinition>() )
// input is a QgsProcessi...
Luigi Pirelli
04:31 PM Bug report #19700: No output from grass toolbox function
I'm facing that some algorithm can't parse QgasProcessingOutputLayerDefinition and return the corresponding input ras... Luigi Pirelli
04:32 PM Revision d30f93ff (qgis): Add unit tests
Paul Blottiere
04:31 PM Revision af9f3166 (qgis): Fixes segfault
Paul Blottiere
04:31 PM Revision 186a5eb5 (qgis): [server] Add support for OGC FE version 2 in GetMap request
Paul Blottiere
04:24 PM Revision 1af35b29 (qgis): Moved new snapping alg as another mode of "Snap geometries" processing alg
Martin Dobias
04:07 PM Bug report #19842 (Closed): DB Manager does not load layer after a query
Loading a layer as result of a query, like:... matteo ghetta
03:54 PM Revision 72eb7021 (qgis): QtChart in CMake file
David Signer
03:29 PM Bug report #19839 (Closed): print composer: unable to change page settings
Monika Wartenweiler
03:17 PM Bug report #19839 (Closed): print composer: unable to change page settings
i was working on a print composition. Default page setting is A4 landscape. I changed it into A4 portrait, but no...
Monika Wartenweiler
03:03 PM Revision d32c34fa (qgis): should avoid creating search widget when it's a child
and create search widget when it's a parent currently David Signer
02:02 PM Revision 23f1e43c (qgis): Merge pull request #7885 from m-kuhn/subUnitRes
Snap to grid to sub unit resolution Matthias Kuhn
01:52 PM Bug report #3975: PDF exports on OSX always convert text to outlines
This VERY long running bug is still unsolved, The bug report reads like a soap opera, every time there seems to be so... Barend Kobben
01:36 PM Revision e22939ed (qgis): Fixes after review
Martin Dobias
01:36 PM Revision 2085dfa6 (qgis): [FEATURE] 3D identify tool working on 3D entities
Until now the tool only considered terrain. This commit adds support
for 3D renderers created from vector layers, so ...
Martin Dobias
01:17 PM Bug report #19837 (Closed): Unable to create shapefile layer
Giovanni Manghi
11:05 AM Bug report #19837: Unable to create shapefile layer
Thanks Nyall, that's all it was. Many thanks for the speedy reply Tony Burgess
10:47 AM Bug report #19837: Unable to create shapefile layer
Check the location you're saving to - it's probably a location without write permission Nyall Dawson
10:36 AM Bug report #19837 (Closed): Unable to create shapefile layer
Did a clean install of QGIS 3 (latest version) with no issues on both desktop and laptop. I'm the only person w...
Tony Burgess
01:16 PM Bug report #19833 (Open): Stack trace when viewing a versioned table in DB Manager
Giovanni Manghi
07:38 AM Bug report #19833: Stack trace when viewing a versioned table in DB Manager
seems not matteo ghetta
12:49 PM Feature request #17349 (Closed): Sort out the trusted/untrusted plugins/authors stuff
I guess we can assume it's sorted out. Borys Jurgiel
12:49 PM Feature request #17349 (Closed): Sort out the trusted/untrusted plugins/authors stuff
I guess we can assume it's sorted out. Borys Jurgiel
11:52 AM Revision b08ad825 (qgis): Follow up 60fa8eae07389 - implement Nyall's suggestions
Borys Jurgiel
11:46 AM Revision 4a066971 (qgis): [FEATURE] Snap geometries algorithm
Makes sure that any two vertices of the vector layer are at least at distance given by the threshold value.
The algor...
Martin Dobias
11:46 AM Revision cef3395e (qgis): Add SIP_NO_FILE to the alg header
Martin Dobias
11:19 AM Revision f99b2db6 (qgis): Merge pull request #7860 from pblottiere/filter_2
Expression from WFS 2.0 filters Paul Blottiere
10:54 AM Revision aa958816 (qgis): Snap to grid to sub unit resolution
When the grid was smaller than 1 map unit, qgis would just freeze. ouch Matthias Kuhn
10:45 AM Revision f1358a4b (qgis): add option to save qgis project file locally when saving to postgres fa...
Peter Petrik
10:45 AM Revision 79dc9918 (qgis): fix strings in dialogs
Peter Petrik
10:19 AM Revision d1ae9b07 (qgis): fix windows build and some warnings
Jürgen Fischer
09:45 AM Revision 94df29e1 (qgis): debian packaging: include Qt53DExtra headers removed on debian/ubuntu
(cherry picked from commit 1f918583e85732428b7ff75db1ef3d0078b5873c) Jürgen Fischer
09:32 AM Revision b16aa15f (qgis): Improve qgsmessagelog doc strings
Éric Lemoine
09:32 AM Revision 34431024 (qgis): Make QgsServerLogger testable and test it
Éric Lemoine
09:04 AM Revision 65d50cd5 (qgis): Add unique_ptr in nodeFunctionFromOgcFilter
Paul Blottiere
09:04 AM Revision 9cc1a8c3 (qgis): Add unique_ptr in nodeIsBetweenFromOgcFilter
Paul Blottiere
09:04 AM Revision bae996c8 (qgis): Const correctness
Paul Blottiere
09:04 AM Revision 76a98cad (qgis): Rename class
Paul Blottiere
09:04 AM Revision 129461f8 (qgis): Update error messages with prefix according to WFS version
Paul Blottiere
09:04 AM Revision 5fd9501a (qgis): More unique_ptr
Paul Blottiere
09:04 AM Revision edfa4017 (qgis): Add new class to build expression from WFS filter
Paul Blottiere
09:04 AM Revision 6a188214 (qgis): Add more node methods
Paul Blottiere
09:04 AM Revision 694af1cc (qgis): Add unique_ptr in nodePropertyIsNullFromOgcFilter
Paul Blottiere
09:04 AM Revision 5ccb1673 (qgis): Add unique_ptr in nodeNotFromOgcFilter
Paul Blottiere
09:04 AM Revision 38fc0466 (qgis): Update sip binding
Paul Blottiere
09:04 AM Revision b57b9d7f (qgis): Add unique_ptr in nodeLiteralFromOgcFilter
Paul Blottiere
09:04 AM Revision 180d6b31 (qgis): Add unique_ptr in nodeSpatialOperatorFromOgcFilter
Paul Blottiere
09:04 AM Revision 0d1da7df (qgis): Add unique_ptr in nodeBinaryOperatorFromOgcFilter
Paul Blottiere
09:04 AM Revision 052819f4 (qgis): Add unit test for WFS 2.0
Paul Blottiere
09:04 AM Revision 23d2df26 (qgis): Remove unused attribute
Paul Blottiere
09:04 AM Revision a99b5201 (qgis): Add documentation
Paul Blottiere
08:23 AM Bug report #17853: Duplicate Feature and Duplicate Feature (redigizited) operate on multiple feat...
David Signer wrote:
> This is concerning not only the duplicate actions but any action listed in the feature action ...
David Signer
08:09 AM Revision cbb0e765 (qgis): Merge pull request #7873 from m-kuhn/avoidCrash
Check layer pointer for validity Matthias Kuhn
07:51 AM Revision 9e40a78a (qgis): Merge pull request #7875 from m-kuhn/avoidCrashSnapToGrid
Fix crash when adding feature to non-spatial layer Matthias Kuhn
07:46 AM Revision c6195fe9 (qgis): String decapitation and wording
Matthias Kuhn
04:00 AM Revision d3ee0f96 (qgis): [ux] Make tag combobox in symbol selector non-editable
There doesn't seem to be any reason to support edits here! Nyall Dawson
03:21 AM Bug report #18363: Missing dependencies in Kubuntu 16.04 and KDE Neon
Ok I found the solution for *qgis 2.8.x* and *2.18.x*. The problem was *python-qscintilla2* version 2.9.2+dfsg-3build... Raf Neqq
02:52 AM Bug report #18363: Missing dependencies in Kubuntu 16.04 and KDE Neon
I tried to install qgis versions *2.8.6*, *2.18.16* and *3.2.2* on Linux Mint 18.3 (KDE flavour) which is also based ... Raf Neqq


01:04 AM Bug report #19835: QgsProcessingParameterMultipleLayers widget does not keep layer order
(looks similar to #19836 but is not related) Olivier Dalang
11:37 PM Bug report #19835 (Open): QgsProcessingParameterMultipleLayers widget does not keep layer order
Hi !
The QgsProcessingParameterMultipleLayers does not keep layer ordering when it is reopened.
This is very an...
Olivier Dalang
01:03 AM Bug report #19836 (Closed): QgsProcessingParameterMultipleLayers unreliable order in processing m...
(note : this looks similar to #19835 but is not related)
The order of layers with QgsProcessingParameterMultipleLa...
Olivier Dalang
12:29 AM Revision c01f56ce (qgis): Fix more tests
Borys Jurgiel
11:57 PM Revision 9bfebb34 (qgis): Fix tests
Borys Jurgiel
11:38 PM Revision 08dfeab8 (qgis): add myself to the map
Loïc Bartoletti
10:53 PM Revision fd0d5575 (qgis): Disable VRT checkbox for Geopackages in the 'Save Raster Layer As' dial...
Borys Jurgiel
10:53 PM Revision 60fa8eae (qgis): [FEATURE] Append raster layer to an existing Geopackage in the 'Save Ra...
Borys Jurgiel
10:38 PM Revision 4482c39f (qgis): Add tests for k-neighbour concave hull
Rudi von Staden
10:37 PM Bug report #19834 (Closed): Seg Fault on Startup
QGIS segfaults on Startup
Looks like QtWidgets`QAction::setText() may be the issue.
Run in LLDB (Backtrace Belo...
Brian Savage
09:49 PM Revision f3e2d268 (qgis): Fix formatting
Rudi von Staden
09:40 PM Revision 6935027e (qgis): [processing] Fix API break in widget wrapper
Fixes #19820 Nyall Dawson
09:40 PM Bug report #19820 (Closed): python error in terrain analysis relief
Applied in changeset commit:qgis|6935027ead9e1bd3741e1c265ce5b5b77882a21b. Nyall Dawson
09:40 PM Bug report #19820 (Closed): python error in terrain analysis relief
Applied in changeset commit:qgis|6935027ead9e1bd3741e1c265ce5b5b77882a21b. Nyall Dawson
09:39 PM Revision efed0912 (qgis): [locator] do not skip less than 3 chars when using prefix
you might really be looking for it, using the prefix makes it clear enough Denis Rouzaud
07:50 PM Revision 98a4bd30 (qgis): Merge pull request #7867 from tudorbarascu/fix_tests
fix qgz test project Paul Blottiere
07:43 PM Feature request #15090: Make the GDAL/OGR console call editable
Jonathan Ball wrote:
> By removing the ability to edit the GDAL command, this is a retrograde step because many of t...
Giovanni Manghi
06:33 PM Feature request #15090: Make the GDAL/OGR console call editable
By removing the ability to edit the GDAL command, this is a retrograde step because many of the defaults that are set... Jonathan Ball
07:36 PM Bug report #19833 (Feedback): Stack trace when viewing a versioned table in DB Manager
Does it works as expected on 2.18? Giovanni Manghi
05:39 PM Bug report #19833 (Closed): Stack trace when viewing a versioned table in DB Manager
Creating an empty table then versioning it (Table -> Change logging) results in an error when clicking on the informa... matteo ghetta
06:41 PM Revision 3c95b8b2 (qgis): [locator] do not skip less than 3 chars when using prefix
you might really be looking for it, using the prefix makes it clear enough Denis Rouzaud
06:21 PM Bug report #19229: Reference layer is not optional in raster calculator
Giovanni Manghi wrote:
> > Does it work to you?
> actually I think (after having used it again after #19553) th...
Mario Reyes
04:08 PM Bug report #19229 (Open): Reference layer is not optional in raster calculator

> Does it work to you?
actually I think (after having used it again after #19553) that how the calculator works ...
Giovanni Manghi
03:24 PM Bug report #19229: Reference layer is not optional in raster calculator
Harrissou Santanna wrote:
> Actually the reference layer on one hand and the (cell size + extent) on the other are k...
Mario Reyes
02:35 PM Bug report #19229 (Feedback): Reference layer is not optional in raster calculator
Actually the reference layer on one hand and the (cell size + extent) on the other are kind of mutually exclusive opt... Harrissou Santanna
05:38 PM Revision 827cfbc4 (qgis): fix conversion warning
Denis Rouzaud
05:38 PM Revision 3b1b41f3 (qgis): add qgsEnumMap to list all entries (int, string) of enums
Denis Rouzaud
05:24 PM Revision 2182e2d9 (qgis): Fix crash when adding feature to non-spatial layer
Matthias Kuhn
05:12 PM Feature request #19832 (Reopened): Delete layers/files rather than remove
There are some stackexchange questions about this with some code.
Rather than right clicking and removing layers, ...
na na
05:10 PM Bug report #19831: DB Manager does not read SRID automatically
Forget to say that in QGIS 3 it is mandatory to click on "Update option" button, while in QGIS 2 not. matteo ghetta
05:06 PM Bug report #19831 (Closed): DB Manager does not read SRID automatically
DB Manager does not read SRID automatically from selected shapefile, default value is always 4326. In QGIS 2.18 works... matteo ghetta
05:06 PM Feature request #19784: make the "Delete Ring" Tool work also by clicking on the ring boundaries

> Thanks for clarifying, though my bug still exists. My bug is about not being able to delete thin rings/0/small a...
Giovanni Manghi
04:56 PM Feature request #19784: make the "Delete Ring" Tool work also by clicking on the ring boundaries
Giovanni Manghi wrote:
> Tom T wrote:
> > Giovanni Manghi wrote:
> > > > Have you had any success deleting the thi...
na na
04:33 PM Feature request #19784: make the "Delete Ring" Tool work also by clicking on the ring boundaries
Tom T wrote:
> Giovanni Manghi wrote:
> > > Have you had any success deleting the thin rings using the Delete Ring ...
Giovanni Manghi
04:59 PM Revision 561586f7 (qgis): Check layer pointer for validity
Matthias Kuhn
04:20 PM Bug report #19829: Loading georeferenced PDF crashes QGIS
Patrick Harvey wrote:
> I was trying the canberra topi but none of the...
Giovanni Manghi
11:01 AM Bug report #19829: Loading georeferenced PDF crashes QGIS
I was trying the canberra topi but none of them load
Patrick Harvey
10:18 AM Bug report #19829 (Feedback): Loading georeferenced PDF crashes QGIS
Can you attach/link it? Giovanni Manghi
10:18 AM Bug report #19829 (Feedback): Loading georeferenced PDF crashes QGIS
Can you attach/link it? Giovanni Manghi
10:18 AM Bug report #19829 (Feedback): Loading georeferenced PDF crashes QGIS
Can you attach/link it? Giovanni Manghi
10:18 AM Bug report #19829 (Feedback): Loading georeferenced PDF crashes QGIS
Can you attach/link it? Giovanni Manghi
10:18 AM Bug report #19829 (Feedback): Loading georeferenced PDF crashes QGIS
Can you attach/link it? Giovanni Manghi
10:16 AM Bug report #19829 (Closed): Loading georeferenced PDF crashes QGIS
Hi See below for crash details.
I was trying to open a georeferenced PDF at the time
h2. User Feedback
Patrick Harvey
04:19 PM Feature request #19804 (Feedback): Change Legend Right to Left Reading in QGIS
Giovanni Manghi
09:33 AM Feature request #19804: Change Legend Right to Left Reading in QGIS
Do you have a direct link to SE? Saber Razmjooei
04:16 PM Bug report #19793 (Open): MSSQL: Poor initial QGIS 3.2.2 starting performance when getting data f...
Some more additional information about the environment settings:

Following database details parameter are checked...
Alexander Zidek
04:08 PM Bug report #19591: Mesh layer transparency
fixed? Giovanni Manghi
09:36 AM Bug report #19591 (Closed): Mesh layer transparency
Saber Razmjooei
02:10 PM Bug report #18477 (Feedback): QGIS 3 "unable to save auxiliary storage"
I just tested under ubuntu 16.04 and Windows 10 with QGIS 3.2.2. I couldn't reproduce. Can someone share a project an... Regis Haubourg
09:20 AM Bug report #18477: QGIS 3 "unable to save auxiliary storage"
I observed same behaviour on Windows and with QGIS3.2 only happend when trying to save to .qgz but not to .qgis (same... Samuel Wechsler
01:55 PM Bug report #19830 (Closed): build fail on fedora 28 using
With the recent update of fedora 28, qgis master fails to build using
The log says:
RPM build errors:...
Basil Eric Rabi
01:16 PM Bug report #19817: [Processing] The [optional] tag is not displayed for string parameters
Found many other examples. Flags it as a regression. Harrissou Santanna
01:16 PM Bug report #19817: [Processing] The [optional] tag is not displayed for string parameters
Found many other examples. Flags it as a regression. Harrissou Santanna
01:16 PM Bug report #19817: [Processing] The [optional] tag is not displayed for string parameters
Found many other examples. Flags it as a regression. Harrissou Santanna
12:27 PM Bug report #19817: [Processing] The [optional] tag is not displayed for string parameters
I think this is a more general issue as some string parameters we described as "Optional in the docs":https://docs.qg... Harrissou Santanna
01:03 PM Bug report #18988 (Open): QGIS Server rendering different from Desktop rendering
Present also on 3.3 Master.
The label using this expression is not rendered by the server:...
Tudor Bărăscu
12:39 PM Bug report #19805: QGIS 3: Link to the user manual not working when running Danish version of QGI...
I have checked with the new nightly build and it works perfect.
Thanks for fixing this!
Mie Winstrup
12:23 PM Revision a0e8be59 (qgis): fix qgz test project
from qgis 3.1 to qgis 3.3 the qgz project lost the relation reference
While reporting issues on the bug tracker I no...
Tudor Bărăscu
11:08 AM Bug report #19567: qgz files not load
I think this deserves to be fixed in the bugfix run. I affect this to Paul. Please notify here if someone objects or ... Regis Haubourg
10:21 AM Revision af252bed (qgis): Capitalization
Matthias Kuhn
10:21 AM Revision 2f702b78 (qgis): Translate GEOS errors
Matthias Kuhn
09:21 AM Bug report #19828 (Open): GetFeatureInfo bug while solving "relation reference" widget "display e...
Test already in:... Tudor Bărăscu
09:12 AM Feature request #19790: Handle Bad Layers - DISABLE instead of DELETE
+1 Much needed Regis Haubourg
08:41 AM Bug report #19388: Consistent crash with join layer
Just to add, in this same project, I now have an additional join layer and on adding a third am now getting a consist... Dan Isaacs
08:22 AM Revision d7fb5f95 (qgis): Fix Travis build
Nyall Dawson
08:22 AM Revision d7edeac3 (qgis): Make style model decoration icons size responsive
We hack the model a bit here, but as much as possible avoid bleeding
view properties into the model API.
So we use a...
Nyall Dawson
08:22 AM Revision 010c2f45 (qgis): Fix model setData implementation, allow renaming symbols through model
Nyall Dawson
08:22 AM Revision c41af120 (qgis): Remove addSmartGroup from Python bindings -- it causes a crash in sip
and CANNOT be made functional Nyall Dawson
08:22 AM Revision 28836d2d (qgis): hi-dpi friendly style manager icons
Nyall Dawson
08:22 AM Revision 68c0d7f4 (qgis): Unit tests for style proxy model smart group filter
Nyall Dawson
08:22 AM Revision c5ab5891 (qgis): Add a QAbstractItemModel for showing the entities within a QgsStyle object
- also adds QgsStyleProxyModel which handles filtering of entities
- lots of unit tests
- new signals in QgsStyle for...
Nyall Dawson
08:22 AM Revision adc31bb8 (qgis): Fix test on Travis
Nyall Dawson
08:22 AM Revision 95d65ae8 (qgis): Add python safe addSmartgroup method, unit tests for smart groups
Nyall Dawson
08:17 AM Bug report #19827 (Closed): GetFeatureInfo on "value relation" widget with array field (multiple ...
Test already in:... Tudor Bărăscu
07:45 AM Bug report #19826 (Closed): GetFeatureInfo with FILTER doesn't work for gpkg - Test added
Test already in:... Tudor Bărăscu
07:31 AM Bug report #19034: QGIS-Server generates empty PDF when printing from QWC2
QWC2 and QGIS Server printing work just fine (at least for me) so if you could attach a test project that would be go... Tudor Bărăscu
07:25 AM Bug report #15553 (Closed): QGIS Server OPACITIES parameter works only when STYLES parameter is d...
This works in QGIS 3 + 3.4 LTR is coming out so I'm closing it! Tudor Bărăscu
03:57 AM Bug report #19807 (Closed): Fix saving graphical model in project
Ah - I missed the "save in project" part here.
Duplicate of #19824
Nyall Dawson
03:57 AM Bug report #19807 (Closed): Fix saving graphical model in project
Ah - I missed the "save in project" part here.
Duplicate of #19824
Nyall Dawson


01:52 AM Bug report #19824: Modifications to project models are not saved
See Olivier Dalang
12:05 AM Bug report #19824 (Closed): Modifications to project models are not saved
Hi !
Modifications to project models are not saved.
*Steps to reproduce :*
1. Create a model
2. Save it to ...
Olivier Dalang
01:14 AM Bug report #19825: MultipleLayers python widget stays empty when type is TypeMapLayer
(seems I can't add the patch supplied flag ?)
Olivier Dalang
01:10 AM Bug report #19825 (Closed): MultipleLayers python widget stays empty when type is TypeMapLayer
There's a small bug with the python wrapper of the widget for QgsProcessingParameterMultipleLayers that is use...
Olivier Dalang
09:57 PM Revision e33954c1 (qgis): [FEATURE][needs-doc] Support QGIS Server logs to stderr
This commit makes it possible to configure QGIS Server to make it
write its logs to stderr.
This is done by setting ...
Éric Lemoine
09:57 PM Revision 504657ed (qgis): Add docs for more QgsMessageLogConsole methods
Éric Lemoine
09:57 PM Revision 212a74ce (qgis): Fix the QgsMessageLogConsole docs
The QgsMessageLogConsole now writes log messages to stderr as opposed
to stdout.
Éric Lemoine
09:57 PM Revision 369587d2 (qgis): Reformat the QgsMessageLogConsole class docs
Éric Lemoine
08:57 PM Bug report #19823: crash after topology check
Also try with no 3rd party plugins or even better on new/clean profile. Giovanni Manghi
08:57 PM Bug report #19823 (Feedback): crash after topology check
Can you replicate 100% of times while doing the same operations? Please add step by step instructions on how replicat... Giovanni Manghi
08:57 PM Bug report #19823 (Feedback): crash after topology check
Can you replicate 100% of times while doing the same operations? Please add step by step instructions on how replicat... Giovanni Manghi
08:56 PM Bug report #19823 (Closed): crash after topology check
h2. User Feedback
I mad some topology check and editing of postgis tables. QGIS crashed after closing.
h2. Repo...
Torsten Hase
08:36 PM Revision cb0b335a (qgis): [FEATURE][processing] Add custom OPTIONS to contour algorithm (#7834)
Geoff Kimbell
06:36 PM Revision 533ab615 (qgis): last fixes and sip_include
David Signer
05:25 PM Feature request #19769: Add a variable returning the current map theme
Connects to #19674
Adam Szieberth
05:21 PM Bug report #19674: Method theme() of QgsMapCanvas not in sync?
Connects to #19769
It is weird that @qgc.QgsProject.instance().mapThemeCollection()@ can provide the list of map t...
Adam Szieberth
05:20 PM Feature request #19784: make the "Delete Ring" Tool work also by clicking on the ring boundaries
Giovanni Manghi wrote:
> > Have you had any success deleting the thin rings using the Delete Ring Button for this ER...
na na
04:08 PM Feature request #19784 (Feedback): make the "Delete Ring" Tool work also by clicking on the ring ...

> Have you had any success deleting the thin rings using the Delete Ring Button for this ERSI shape file: modified ...
Giovanni Manghi
03:55 PM Feature request #19784 (Open): make the "Delete Ring" Tool work also by clicking on the ring boun...
Giovanni Manghi wrote:
> Tom T wrote:
> > Ok, though there are normally more than 1 thin ring at one time. I think...
na na
01:59 PM Feature request #19784 (Feedback): make the "Delete Ring" Tool work also by clicking on the ring ...
Tom T wrote:
> Ok, though there are normally more than 1 thin ring at one time. I think it is impractical to zoom i...
Giovanni Manghi
04:53 PM Bug report #19796: [osgeo4w] Package: Unknown package opencl.bat exit code 1
> Are you using OSGeo4W's setup (%OSGEO4W_ROOT%\bin\setup.bat) or one downloaded long ago? The "current" one should r... Harrissou Santanna
04:03 PM Bug report #19796: [osgeo4w] Package: Unknown package opencl.bat exit code 1
Harrissou Santanna wrote:
> > I'm afraid in french ;)
> Nothing unguessable. I attached the log file.
Are yo...
Jürgen Fischer
03:16 PM Bug report #19796: [osgeo4w] Package: Unknown package opencl.bat exit code 1
> I'm afraid in french ;)
Nothing unguessable. I attached the log file.
Harrissou Santanna
03:13 PM Bug report #19796: [osgeo4w] Package: Unknown package opencl.bat exit code 1
Jürgen Fischer wrote:
> Harrissou Santanna wrote:
> > btw, no QGIS from yesterday_
finished just now.
Jürgen Fischer
03:10 PM Bug report #19796: [osgeo4w] Package: Unknown package opencl.bat exit code 1
Harrissou Santanna wrote:
> Updated to the latest osgeo4w, including the new version of msvcrt (_btw, no QGIS from y...
Jürgen Fischer
02:59 PM Bug report #19796: [osgeo4w] Package: Unknown package opencl.bat exit code 1
Updated to the latest osgeo4w, including the new version of msvcrt (_btw, no QGIS from yesterday_) but still get the ... Harrissou Santanna
01:50 PM Bug report #19796 (Closed): [osgeo4w] Package: Unknown package opencl.bat exit code 1
msvcrt-1.0.3-1 should shed more light on why the opencl.dll update is failing for you. Jürgen Fischer
01:50 PM Bug report #19796 (Closed): [osgeo4w] Package: Unknown package opencl.bat exit code 1
msvcrt-1.0.3-1 should shed more light on why the opencl.dll update is failing for you. Jürgen Fischer
04:37 PM Bug report #19819 (Feedback): QGIS crashes when I close the application
Remove ALL 3rd party plugins, create a clean new profile, restart QGIS, try again. Thanks! Giovanni Manghi
04:37 PM Bug report #19819 (Feedback): QGIS crashes when I close the application
Remove ALL 3rd party plugins, create a clean new profile, restart QGIS, try again. Thanks! Giovanni Manghi
10:45 AM Bug report #19819 (Closed): QGIS crashes when I close the application
h2. User Feedback
h2. Report Details
*Crash ID*: 2158b01f96452b8cf079fabd6f476862ce1a56f9
*Stack Trace...
Pascal Weidema
04:25 PM Feature request #19822 (Open): Panning/move on QGIS using WASD/keyboard buttons
Can we pan using WASD/other keyboard buttons, like in Google Earth?
W - Up
A - Left
S - Down
D - Right
This wo...
na na
04:19 PM Bug report #19820: python error in terrain analysis relief
Confirmed on master/linux (and regression). Giovanni Manghi
04:19 PM Bug report #19820: python error in terrain analysis relief
Confirmed on master/linux (and regression). Giovanni Manghi
04:19 PM Bug report #19820: python error in terrain analysis relief
Confirmed on master/linux (and regression). Giovanni Manghi
02:43 PM Bug report #19820 (Closed): python error in terrain analysis relief

When I try to launch the relief algorithm (raster terrain analysis)
QGIS crashes with a python error message (see ...
04:05 PM Bug report #19821: Ctrl-f (filter tool) doesn't show embedded forms from 1:n relations anymore
Tested on Linux and Windows. Problem appears on both platforms. Andreas Neumann
04:05 PM Bug report #19821 (Closed): Ctrl-f (filter tool) doesn't show embedded forms from 1:n relations a...
In QGIS 3.0.x, embedded forms (1:n relations) are displayed when filtering/selecting features with ctrl-f. They have ... Andreas Neumann
03:48 PM Revision 318946a0 (qgis): Use outline only indicator icon
Martin Dobias
03:48 PM Revision b8197ed3 (qgis): [FEATURE] Layer tree view indicator for non-removable (required) layers
Martin Dobias
03:48 PM Revision 602b3e9d (qgis): Add QgsMapLayer::flagsChanged() signal
Martin Dobias
03:48 PM Revision 4756f3ed (qgis): Use setFlags() in QgsMapLayer when reading style from xml
Martin Dobias
03:23 PM Bug report #19797: Bug in executing clip with polygon from another layer for Digitizing Toolbar
Great for the quick fix! Sorry for my misuse of this platform. Digitizing tools is such a standard toolbar that I had... KL Higgins
02:31 PM Bug report #19639: CSV: "Detect field types" doesn't update the sample view
Tobias Wendorff wrote:
> Giovanni Manghi wrote:
> > I just loaded the attached CSV in QGIS (using the 'add vector l...
Giovanni Manghi
02:11 PM Bug report #19639 (Feedback): CSV: "Detect field types" doesn't update the sample view
Tobias Wendorff wrote:
> Giovanni Manghi wrote:
> > I just loaded the attached CSV in QGIS (using the 'add vector l...
Giovanni Manghi
02:08 PM Bug report #19801: WFS not working at all
Willem Buitendyk wrote:
> I've made some progress. An old EPSG code was causing some issues so I changed it from 40...
Giovanni Manghi
02:04 PM Bug report #19801: WFS not working at all
The canvas size issue on macOS is known and was already filed in a different ticket. Giovanni Manghi
01:56 PM Bug report #19807 (Open): Fix saving graphical model in project
Giovanni Manghi
11:38 AM Bug report #19807: Fix saving graphical model in project
I tried to reproduce with a fresh install of QGIS dev. It still doesn't work as expected.
For the first version of...
Simon Gröchenig
01:53 PM Bug report #19808: [Processing] Description not in line with "input layer" parameter capabilities
Harrissou Santanna wrote:
> I meant conflict between description and input: I don't think anyone will expect it work...
Giovanni Manghi
01:38 PM Feature request #19733: make GPKG the default output format for GRASS tools

> Yes, probably 4 lines above in
Giovanni Manghi
01:36 PM Bug report #19813: Create grid algorithm is broken
Harrissou Santanna wrote:
> Same thing for "random points in extent" as well as "Regular points"
the commit by Ny...
Giovanni Manghi
02:26 AM Bug report #19813 (Closed): Create grid algorithm is broken
Applied in changeset commit:qgis|ac3b37ffe0a4b295830d813ca5aafa2be71fb3f8. Nyall Dawson
02:26 AM Bug report #19813 (Closed): Create grid algorithm is broken
Applied in changeset commit:qgis|ac3b37ffe0a4b295830d813ca5aafa2be71fb3f8. Nyall Dawson
01:23 PM Bug report #19744: QGIS 3.3.0-master (b55ab2e6d4) crashes upon closing
h2. User Feedback
osgeo4w latest master
new (clean without any import) profile
hitting strg-q few seconds after ...
Roberto Uhlig
01:03 PM Revision 532fb621 (qgis): Add \since
Matthias Kuhn
12:18 PM Bug report #19817: [Processing] The [optional] tag is not displayed for string parameters
From what I can see, the "optional" argument seems already set for the parameter. See:
Harrissou Santanna
06:40 AM Bug report #19817: [Processing] The [optional] tag is not displayed for string parameters
Agreed! Will you make a PR? Nyall Dawson
02:31 AM Bug report #19817 (Closed): [Processing] The [optional] tag is not displayed for string parameters
When filling the "Join attributes by field value" algorithm dialog, you can ignore the "Join field prefix", in which ... Harrissou Santanna
12:14 PM Revision b3e4755e (qgis): Enum Mode in QgsAttributeEditorContext
instead of QgsAttributeForm - because it's used on places not including QgsAttributeForm
now it's able to use @form_m...
David Signer
11:45 AM Bug report #19795: QGIS Server 3 / WMS: the SLD parameter support has been removed
Hi Tudor Bărăscu,
Is there an open issue for your comment ?
Is there some tests in QGIS about SLD support ?
René-Luc ReLuc
11:44 AM Bug report #19795: QGIS Server 3 / WMS: the SLD parameter support has been removed
PR supplied: René-Luc ReLuc
11:41 AM Bug report #19795: QGIS Server 3 / WMS: the SLD parameter support has been removed
Also, the stroke width functions don't function for points and linestrings (only for polygon) although the request g... Tudor Bărăscu
11:40 AM Revision 146cc72c (qgis): More docstrings
Matthias Kuhn
11:30 AM Revision a4816874 (qgis): Docstrings
Matthias Kuhn
11:17 AM Bug report #19818 (Closed): I was uninstalling Semi-Automatic Classification Plugin and then QGIS...
Problems caused by 3rd party plugins must be reported to plugins authors. Giovanni Manghi
11:17 AM Bug report #19818 (Closed): I was uninstalling Semi-Automatic Classification Plugin and then QGIS...
Problems caused by 3rd party plugins must be reported to plugins authors. Giovanni Manghi
10:28 AM Bug report #19818 (Closed): I was uninstalling Semi-Automatic Classification Plugin and then QGIS...
h2. User Feedback
h2. Report Details
*Crash ID*: 7bf07ec3f6f2fb08473c46aad03c4777940a948d
*Stack Trace...
Pascal Weidema
11:02 AM Revision b60cf05d (qgis): Use implicitly shared QgsGeometry
Matthias Kuhn
09:48 AM Revision 6ab1aa73 (qgis): Add QgsThreadingUtils::runOnMainThread
Matthias Kuhn