Bug report #18764

Raster calculator (native and SAGA) not usable in Processing Modeller

Added by matteo ghetta almost 7 years ago. Updated over 6 years ago.

Affected QGIS version:master Regression?:No
Operating System:any Easy fix?:No
Pull Request or Patch supplied:No Resolution:fixed/implemented
Crashes QGIS or corrupts data:No Copied to github as #:26651


While both raster calculators works fine when used in Processing, within a modeler both fail even with one single layer and a simple formula (dtm > 500). With the same layer and same formula no problem in Processing.

1. native raster calculator: produces the output, but with useless values (both min and max values = 1.79769e+308)
2. Saga raster calculator: if no additional layers are set (even if optional) the error is the same as #18751. If an additional layer is set (even the same used for the calculation), no outputs are produced and this is the error of the Log:

Processing algorithm…
Input parameters:
{ 'dtm' : '/home/matteo/lavori/corsi/QGIS/piemonte/QGIS_data/dtm.tif', 'saga:rastercalculator_1:fine' : '/tmp/processing_5f46799de95842c3b83d730a42e75fd8/3e383b4414fd4461be11722cd574876c/saga_rastercalculator_1_fine.tif' }

Prepare algorithm: saga:rastercalculator_1
Running Raster calculator [1/1]
Input Parameters:
{ FORMULA: 'a > 500', GRIDS: '/home/matteo/lavori/corsi/QGIS/piemonte/QGIS_data/dtm.tif', RESAMPLING: 3, RESULT: '/tmp/processing_5f46799de95842c3b83d730a42e75fd8/3e383b4414fd4461be11722cd574876c/saga_rastercalculator_1_fine.tif', TYPE: 7, USE_NODATA: False, XGRIDS: ['/home/matteo/lavori/corsi/QGIS/piemonte/QGIS_data/dtm.tif'] }
io_gdal 0 -TRANSFORM 1 -RESAMPLING 3 -GRIDS "/tmp/processing_5f46799de95842c3b83d730a42e75fd8/c7d6d327d749453fb9b0ae4459f0a087/dtm.sgrd" -FILES "/home/matteo/lavori/corsi/QGIS/piemonte/QGIS_data/dtm.tif" 
io_gdal 0 -TRANSFORM 1 -RESAMPLING 3 -GRIDS "/tmp/processing_5f46799de95842c3b83d730a42e75fd8/89db7c096ffd4c92a483c61f1a6672d3/dtm.sgrd" -FILES "/home/matteo/lavori/corsi/QGIS/piemonte/QGIS_data/dtm.tif" 
grid_calculus "Grid Calculator" -GRIDS "/tmp/processing_5f46799de95842c3b83d730a42e75fd8/c7d6d327d749453fb9b0ae4459f0a087/dtm.sgrd" -XGRIDS "/tmp/processing_5f46799de95842c3b83d730a42e75fd8/89db7c096ffd4c92a483c61f1a6672d3/dtm.sgrd" -FORMULA "a > 500" -RESAMPLING 3 -USE_NODATA false -TYPE 7 -RESULT "/tmp/processing_5f46799de95842c3b83d730a42e75fd8/3e383b4414fd4461be11722cd574876c/saga_rastercalculator_1_fine.tif" 

##### ## ##### ##
### ### ## ###
### # ## ## #### # ##
### ##### ## # #####
##### # ## ##### # ##

SAGA Version: 2.3.1

library path: /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/saga/
library name: libio_gdal
library : GDAL/OGR
tool : Import Raster
author : O.Conrad (c) 2007 (A.Ringeler)
processors : 4 [4]


Grids: No objects
Files: "/home/matteo/lavori/corsi/QGIS/piemonte/QGIS_data/dtm.tif" 
Select from Multiple Bands:
Alphanumeric Sorting: yes
Transformation: yes
Resampling: B-Spline Interpolation

loading: /home/matteo/lavori/corsi/QGIS/piemonte/QGIS_data/dtm.tif

Driver: GTiff

Bands: 1

Rows: 2170

Columns: 2465

loading: dtm


##### ## ##### ##
### ### ## ###
### # ## ## #### # ##
### ##### ## # #####
##### # ## ##### # ##

SAGA Version: 2.3.1

library path: /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/saga/
library name: libio_gdal
library : GDAL/OGR
tool : Import Raster
author : O.Conrad (c) 2007 (A.Ringeler)
processors : 4 [4]


Grids: No objects
Files: "/home/matteo/lavori/corsi/QGIS/piemonte/QGIS_data/dtm.tif" 
Select from Multiple Bands:
Alphanumeric Sorting: yes
Transformation: yes
Resampling: B-Spline Interpolation

loading: /home/matteo/lavori/corsi/QGIS/piemonte/QGIS_data/dtm.tif

Driver: GTiff

Bands: 1

Rows: 2170

Columns: 2465

loading: dtm


##### ## ##### ##
### ### ## ###
### # ## ## #### # ##
### ##### ## # #####
##### # ## ##### # ##

SAGA Version: 2.3.1

library path: /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/saga/
library name: libgrid_calculus
library : Calculus
tool : Grid Calculator
author : A.Ringeler (c) 2003
processors : 4 [4]

Load grid: /tmp/processing_5f46799de95842c3b83d730a42e75fd8/c7d6d327d749453fb9b0ae4459f0a087/dtm.sgrd...

Load grid: /tmp/processing_5f46799de95842c3b83d730a42e75fd8/89db7c096ffd4c92a483c61f1a6672d3/dtm.sgrd...


Grid system: 100; 2170x 2465y; 1554797.231034x 4678370.770000y
Grids: 1 object (dtm)
Grids from different Systems: 1 object (dtm)
Resampling: B-Spline Interpolation
Result: Result
Formula: a > 500
Name: Calculation
Take Formula: no
Use NoData: no
Data Type: 4 byte floating point number

Warning: The number of supplied grids exceeds the number of variables in formula. (2 > 1)

OK. Execution took 28.326 s (1 outputs).
Model processed OK. Executed 1 algorithms total in 28.499 s.
Execution completed in 28.61 seconds
{'saga:rastercalculator_1:fine': '/tmp/processing_5f46799de95842c3b83d730a42e75fd8/3e383b4414fd4461be11722cd574876c/saga_rastercalculator_1_fine.tif'}

Loading resulting layers
The following layers were not correctly generated.
You can check the 'Log Messages Panel' in QGIS main window to find more information about the execution of the algorithm.


#1 Updated by Nyall Dawson over 6 years ago

  • Status changed from Open to Feedback

This is fixed in master, right?

#2 Updated by matteo ghetta over 6 years ago

  • Status changed from Feedback to Closed

yep, both native and saga are working in the modeler. Thanks

#3 Updated by Giovanni Manghi over 6 years ago

  • Resolution set to fixed/implemented

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