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ยป QGIS Application
Version 1.5.0
439 issues
439 closed
— 0 open)
Issues by
Bug report
Feature request
Related issues
Bug report #454
: fill pattern rendered extremely thick
Bug report #551
: QGIS does not allow to load themes which were created in GRASS using v.external
Bug report #963
: The project Save? dialog does not appear when expected.
Bug report #1169
: GRASS Edit: lone boundaries of areas are rendered in wrong color
Bug report #1500
: Blank fieldnames in new vector layers
Bug report #1509
: Polygon border color is not changed for selected polygons
Bug report #1669
: ftools: error in select by location
Bug report #1680
: When exiting from the qgis GRASS shell, qgis overwrites ~/.grassrc6
Bug report #1731
: Redirect handling is not implemented
Bug report #1748
: (windows) GRASS gui does not show if GRASS was run with wxpyhton interface
Bug report #1759
: Grids seems to miss lines
Bug report #1775
: v.what.rast not updating tables
Bug report #1799
: g.manual not working
Bug report #1816
: GRASS color tables not applied correctly
Bug report #1860
: Support thumbnail in legend for raster providers
Bug report #1872
: man pages not entirely visible on the shell
Bug report #1885
: r.mapcalc command misses apices
Bug report #1900
: Qgis crashes after closing a GRASS mapset and removing a GRASS layer from the legend
Bug report #1929
: transparency of 0 value do not apply to GDAL virtual rasters (vrt)
Bug report #1945
: [Vista] Qgis crashes removing GRASS raster layer from map canvas
Bug report #1953
: Missing copyright in CMake modules
Bug report #1958
: [OS X] crash when digitizing on MacOS X Leopard with snapping tolerance > 0
Bug report #1979
: ILWIS raster map filter not working
Bug report #1984
: QGIS Doesn't send VERSION parameter on WMS getCapabilities request
Bug report #1986
: fTools basics stats randomly crashes qgis
Bug report #1988
: 3rd image missing for some GRASS commands
Bug report #2009
: OGR Database Connection MySQL
Bug report #2021
: [FreeBSD] problem compiling Qgis with grass. Kpty.c qtermwidget
Bug report #2026
: Oracle connection fails
Bug report #2028
: [Vista] GRASS plugin crashes QGIS when running the r.colors, r.null, v.dissolve modules
Bug report #2032
: OSM window don't close
Bug report #2051
: Rendering issues in 1.3.0
Bug report #2078
: [Windows] adding a GRASS raster created with r.external crashes QGIS
Bug report #2091
: GRASS modules missing: and
Bug report #2094
: right-ctrl doesn't works key on some pcs (both linux and windows)
Bug report #2099
: The "delete part" and "delete ring" tools work with a sensibility that is taken from the "search radius for vertex edits" configuration. Feature or bug?
Bug report #2119
: fTools: max spacing too low for regular points
Bug report #2120
: dissorting table row after editing
Bug report #2146
: PostGres connection exposes username and password
Bug report #2153
: GRASS icons missing:
Bug report #2194
: Icons missing from GRASS toolbox tabs
Bug report #2196
: terrain analysis plugin: slope does not work
Bug report #2197
: NVIZ crashes if a color layer is not selected
Bug report #2210
: fTools: Select by location works only within current extent
Bug report #2214
: georeferencer windows passes behind qgis main window when choosing points from canvas
Bug report #2257
: Identify tool save previous state
Bug report #2260
: fTools: Singleparts to multipart
Bug report #2268
: raster issues at very high scales
Bug report #2292
: qgis saves .SHP file as .shp
Bug report #2294
: help dialogs don't work on osx
Bug report #2295
: value tool plug-in dont work as aspected on osx
Bug report #2300
: Rendering of GRASS RGB composites takes ages
Bug report #2303
: Displaying raster in a Location with undefined projection causes QGIS to crash
Bug report #2304
: In GRASS plugin, r.water.outlet is not working
Bug report #2319
: Symbology-ng and map composer
Bug report #2324
: Vector - Sum lines length crashes QGIS
Bug report #2326
: Define Current Projection in fTools fails
Bug report #2331
: Composer legend fails to draw polygons outline patterns if dashed
Bug report #2333
: labeling: Data defined label placement doesn't work for up and down
Bug report #2334
: g.proj.proj does not work?
Bug report #2335
: r.watershed tries to load additional wrong maps
Bug report #2342
: qgis crashes when using the "merge selected features" tool
Bug report #2343
: Incorrect number of records to delete from the table is determined when all the records are selected
Bug report #2344
: Python console keyboard shortcuts don't work
Bug report #2345
: Ask two time the password to load a postgis layer
Bug report #2346
: Search query doesn't work with fields with colon
Bug report #2353
: GPS functionality broken on OS X
Bug report #2354
: Canceling Save Dialog when opening a new project deletes composer items
Bug report #2355
: WMS "identify features" results window barely readable
Bug report #2358
: Live GPS window doesn't display
Bug report #2359
: links in man pages are slow, and leave a blank page in the plugin
Bug report #2360
: 'Live GPS tracking' not functioning, OSGeo4W trunk (Windows XP)
Bug report #2361
: Draggable items in project properties, raster properties etc.
Bug report #2362
: SVG export does not export grid annotations.
Bug report #2363
: Map composer export sometimes crops a line of the lower boundary of raster images.
Bug report #2367
: Gibberish appears if set russian locale
Bug report #2371
: There are no vertical scrollbars
Bug report #2372
: "Paste to Clipboard" in "Attribute Dialog/Table" lacks commas
Bug report #2374
: print composer: double clicking with the "add new map" tool causes qgis to crash
Bug report #2375
: If there is any feature selected, QGIS crashes on exiting.
Bug report #2378
: addAttribute() doesn't work
Bug report #2379
: Qgis hangs when value of "Pen Width" was cleaned
Bug report #2380
: Font symbol rotation for points is off center axis
Bug report #2382
: 3-band rasters not displaying
Bug report #2383
: Field calculator issue
Bug report #2384
: Oracle Spatial GeoRaster plugin can't create new connections
Bug report #2385
: Italian Sardinia custom proj is wrong
Bug report #2386
: Join attributes issues
Bug report #2390
: point features with bitmap symbols: selecting them doesn't represent them as selected
Bug report #2391
: Layer properties dialog and Unique Value: cannot see which bitmap is used
Bug report #2395
: GdalTools crash during install and on start
Bug report #2396
: ogr2ogr Mapinfo export not working
Bug report #2397
: Editing one field in attribute table replicates the data into other fields
Bug report #2399
: Build fails for r12842.
Bug report #2400
: FTBFS: sipcorepart0 on Debian/Lenny
Bug report #2401
: georeferencer crash on Helmert transform
Bug report #2406
: QgsRubberBand python bindings broken
Bug report #2407
: Quick search behaviour in attributes tables has changed
Bug report #2408
: Identifiable layers not saved correctly if sorted before choosing
Bug report #2409
: Incremental rendering of features does not work when Symbology V2 is used
Bug report #2410
: field calculator results may violate spatialite type contraints
Bug report #2413
: save as shapefile with column names > 10 chars fails "Creation of an attribute failed"
Bug report #2415
: System encoding is not available
Bug report #2416
: Labels created with label tool plugin do not appear in composer map
Bug report #2419
: qgis standalone crashes when opening a vector layer with "Shift-JIS" encoding
Bug report #2420
: Layer editing is unavailable
Bug report #2422
: qgis-trunk, closing the program after installing a pyhton plugin returns an error
Bug report #2423
: spatialite: deleting columns is not allowed
Bug report #2425
: page setup problems MacOS
Bug report #2428
: (windows) Identify Features tool returns incorrect band values
Bug report #2429
: Crash when editing GRASS vector
Bug report #2430
: Random points ftools issue
Bug report #2431
: Save project changes dialog window doesn't appear
Bug report #2434
: Project save is not triggered when not active layer is moved
Bug report #2437
: Legend raster icons do not show anymore
Bug report #2443
: georeferencer switches 'link georeferencer to QGIS' and 'link QGIS to georeferencer' labels
Bug report #2446
: Python.cmake is wrong about python-sip version
Bug report #2448
: 1.4 crashes with SHIFT-JIS
Bug report #2450
: Simplify tool segfaults if OTFR is enabled
Bug report #2453
: New georeferencer can't read old GCP files
Bug report #2457
: qgis (1.4, trunk) crashes if reprojecting with a raster active in the legend
Bug report #2458
: print composer grid misses the most leftward vertical line
Bug report #2459
: print composer grid "interval X" setting max value is 6 numbers long (integer part) , while "interval Y" is 8
Bug report #2462
: Composer non-raster print to pdf ignores svg image items
Bug report #2463
: segmentation fault when starting qgis 1.4.0-2~karmic2
Bug report #2464
: Georeferencer: Selection of custom projection as target SRS is not followed
Bug report #2467
: Problems creating shapefiles
Bug report #2470
: Sizing issue with coordinate reference system selector
Bug report #2471
: toolbars have no buffer around icons with Qt 4.6
Bug report #2474
: QGIS crashes when TOC window width has been changed
Bug report #2477
: RSO Projection
Bug report #2478
: Action, open browser don`t functions
Bug report #2479
: Identify tool form
Bug report #2484
: EPSG:3857 SRS is missing.
Bug report #2485
: CPU load too high when waiting for WMS server response.
Bug report #2489
: QDomNode: No such file or directory
Bug report #2493
: ftools: simplify geometries tool crashes/freezes qgis (or throws a pyhton error)
Bug report #2494
: ftools: vector grid tool (random points/ regular points) tool assign wrong coordinate system
Bug report #2495
: ftools: random points tool take a long to create output
Bug report #2496
: Error trying to make distance matrix for "ID fields" with non ascii characters
Bug report #2498
: ftools: buffer tool, if output (shapefile) name end with an "s", then in the legend the layer name misses the "s"
Bug report #2499
: Simplify Geometry tool throws an error
Bug report #2500
: Broken copy functionality in python error output window
Bug report #2501
: Adding projection information (prj-file) throws an error if folder has cyrrilics
Bug report #2502
: Range of bugs/enhancements for Random Selection tool
Bug report #2503
: Cannot set more than 99 in Random selection within Subsets
Bug report #2504
: Switching on "use selected" in Basic statistics tool crashes qgis/throws an error
Bug report #2505
: Incorrect names in dropdown lists, Distance Matrix tool
Bug report #2507
: Convex hull is created only for features in current extent
Bug report #2508
: ftools: mean coordinate tool returns error when used on spatialite vector
Bug report #2509
: ftools: mean coordinate(s) tool with "unique ID" field returns wrong results
Bug report #2510
: Basic statistics tool crashes qgis/throws an error on PostGIS layers
Bug report #2511
: Mean coordinate(s) tool crashes qgis/throws an error on PostGIS polygonal layers
Bug report #2512
: General plugin failure if "username" in C:/Documents and Settings/username has non-ascii characters
Bug report #2513
: ftools: "join attributes by location" tool -> option "take summary of intersecting features" do not work
Bug report #2516
: qgis crashes when clicking on "copy features attributes" after having selected multiple features
Bug report #2519
: wms client: in image enconding "png" is repeated
Bug report #2522
: Random points tool throws an error if folder has cyrrilics
Bug report #2523
: text/precision (minor) issue when creating a new vector layer
Bug report #2524
: actions: problem when a column is named as the first part of another column name
Bug report #2526
: Search options button in PostGIS connection window doesn't work
Bug report #2531
: if text values in attributes table begin with a letter with a accent, then alphabetic ordering is wrong
Bug report #2532
: ilwis raster image opens but with no bands settings, so remains invisible until manually changing its symbology
Bug report #2533
: Attribute Table advanced search doesn't distinguish between 0 and NULL
Bug report #2537
: Trunk build fails
Bug report #2540
: Join by attributes throws an error if a table contains fields with cyrrilics
Bug report #2543
: Qgis crashes in QgsMapCanvas::setLayerSet
Bug report #2545
: Symbology-ng: freezee with offset set
Bug report #2548
: Unable to unioning two point layers and then one more ot the previous result
Bug report #2549
: Unable to define 4326 CRS for a shapefile with no prj
Bug report #2550
: Merge all option doesn't work
Bug report #2551
: SPIT crashes if path to shapefile contains cyrillic
Bug report #2553
: QgsDataSourceURI.setSql() doesn't support LIMIT query string
Bug report #2555
: QGis show attribute table empty with postgres
Bug report #2556
: Untranslatable strings in QgsOGRSublayerDialogBase
Bug report #2559
: I want to save a Projekt, then qGIS crashes and in 2 from 3 cases the project is ruined
Bug report #2561
: splitGeometry returns one part of the splitted line, instead of two
Bug report #2563
: New Symbology symbols not grow when in map-unit
Bug report #2565
: Bookmarks are not created
Bug report #2566
: Split vector layer doesn't work with the fields containing Cyrillics
Bug report #2567
: Reprojection on the fly doesn't work if layers have different projections
Bug report #2571
: Path to GRASS vector map loses "vector/" in path string
Bug report #2572
: Open Vector Dialog loses "System" encoding from drop down list
Bug report #2574
: r.proj unusable?
Bug report #2581
: Building on latest trunk is failing on Qt class introduced in Qt 4.5
Bug report #2587
: standalone installer on Windows XP Visual C++ runtime libs
Bug report #2589
: DB input bug
Bug report #2590
: Can't open Python console after new layer creation
Bug report #2591
: QGIS uses wrong WMS version
Bug report #2593
: Cannot open layers list for a WMS
Bug report #2594
: Floating label in new-simbology
Bug report #2598
: Polygon fill patterns scale differently in pdf export as raster versus non-raster
Bug report #2601
: qgis trunk does not associate the right crs to shapes
Bug report #2602
: (new) coordinate system selector issues
Bug report #2607
: please add "defined interval" to symbology
Bug report #2609
: Text annotations: cannot change font color
Bug report #2610
: Printing with SVG symbols: QGIS ignores totally the size of SVG symbol
Bug report #2612
: Check geometry validity returns non OGC compliant result
Bug report #2613
: Check geometry validity returns non OGC compliant result
Bug report #2614
: Point displacement items not present in composer legend
Bug report #2615
: New Symbology transparency in legend
Bug report #2617
: error: โclass QgsColorButtonโ has no member named โarrowColorโ
Bug report #2618
: Settings->Options -> assertion failing
Bug report #2619
: qgis trunk crashes adding a custom CRS
Bug report #2620
: (windows) does not start
Bug report #2621
: eVis Event Browser missing records
Bug report #2623
: Error startin qgis-dev
Bug report #2624
: "WMS add layers from server" Window became disabled after add a layer-wms
Bug report #2627
: "add postgis layer" dialog: connections are not removed when clicking on "delete"
Bug report #2629
: fTools fail to rename duplicated field names if they are 10 char long
Bug report #2631
: Editing instruments are still active after edited layer is removed
Bug report #2632
: New Spatialite Layer: failed to load SRIDS
Bug report #2639
: WMS layers don't show up in print composer
Bug report #2640
: Problems with New Labelling plugin
Bug report #2641
: Problems with New Labelling plugin
Bug report #2642
: Problems with New Labelling plugin
Bug report #2643
: Problems with New Labelling plugin
Bug report #2644
: Problems with New Labelling plugin
Bug report #2645
: Problems with New Labelling plugin
Bug report #2647
: New Symbology: Attribute Classifcation Field not labeled
Bug report #2649
: editing postgis attriubte table crashs qgis when some fields are hidden
Bug report #2651
: If a column is hidden, it should be hidden even in the quick search column list
Bug report #2654
: save as image does not work
Bug report #2657
: Closing layout should ask for saving a layout
Bug report #2658
: QgsVectorLayer.extent(), true) does not return all features
Bug report #2661
: not set correctly
Bug report #2667
: QGIS UI: The icons of a layer/object property window are movable
Bug report #2670
: assertion failure on libqgis
Bug report #2674
: wms getfeatureinfo does not work against geoserver
Bug report #2680
: Impossible to update postgis layers
Bug report #2681
: type and srid of geometry column not found using custom query (postgres provider) with no results
Bug report #2682
: Actions crashes qgis if....
Bug report #2683
: Map composer changes the map item scale everytime the project file is opened
Bug report #2686
: actionNodeTool missing from python plugin interface
Bug report #2688
: crash when opening an unsupported raster layer
Bug report #2690
: r.external.qgis crashes QGIS
Bug report #2693
: error in on Windows
Bug report #2697
: error loading dissolve layer?
Bug report #2698
: georeferencer plugin generate pdf report with wrong dx margin
Bug report #2703
: Incorrect rendering for vector line segments that span -180 line of longitude version 1.4.0
Bug report #2706
: QGIS crashes after opening a spatialite layer
Bug report #2707
: Corruption of national characters in attribute columns when inserting/editing object in PostGIS
Bug report #2715
: Drag and drop in composer vector legend does not work
Bug report #2716
: Python Console not in Window Menu
Bug report #2720
: CMake Error at cmake/FindPyQt4.cmake:58 (MATH)
Bug report #2725
: Split vector layer, can't choose output folder
Bug report #2726
: Mapserver plugin does not export 'labelitem' property for layer with labels
Bug report #2728
: Update item broken in Print Composer
Bug report #2729
: Crash on save after adding new vector layer
Bug report #2732
: Extra trailing space does not let to load vector data
Bug report #2736
: fTools: split vector does not work
Bug report #2737
: print composer crashes if all layers are removed
Bug report #2740
: (linux) qgis crashes when opening a saved project with a GRASS raster and reprojection enabled
Bug report #2741
: (linux) qgis crashes when saving project with a GRASS raster
Bug report #2743
: Symbology's buttons shwoing up in every Layer properties panels
Bug report #2744
: Not solid (i.e. BDiagonal, FDiagonal, etc.) fillings rendering of shapes on layer with "new symbology" activated is broken on latest windows builds when exporting to image
Bug report #2745
: Attempt to create new spatiaLite layer fails
Bug report #2750
: Context menu appears after digitizing a feature
Bug report #2751
: Symbols lost in composer legend going from 1.4 to 1.5
Bug report #2753
: busy cursor when prompting for crs of layers without one
Bug report #2755
: Form annotations in print composer not always displayed correctly
Bug report #2757
: WFS not working if only overlapping features option is selected
Bug report #2759
: (linux) clicking "select georaster" icon in the plugin toolbar crashes qgis
Bug report #2761
: .qpj files are saved in the wrong location
Bug report #2763
: Unable to create new shapefile
Bug report #2768
: crash when opening an invalid file
Bug report #2769
: After adding new objects to an existing .shp, the new objects don't appear on the attribute table.
Bug report #2770
: crash when zooming to layer extent
Bug report #2771
: my previous submission had too big file
Bug report #2772
: gpx files show only points not lines
Bug report #2773
: 30Meg GEOTIF does not display unless CRS matches
Bug report #2780
: New labeling engine does not support buffer size with decimals (e.g. 0.5 mm)
Bug report #2782
: GDALTools - Contour - allow the user to input floating point values in the interval spinbox
Bug report #2787
: Value Tool crashes with GRASS Rasters
Bug report #2788
: Qgis trunk crashes when using GRASS Module
Bug report #2792
: WMS Layer Order flipped in trunk (r13595) compared to QGIS 1.4
Bug report #2795
: field calculator: correct calculation, but 0s written to table
Bug report #2801
: Qgis Trunk (r13619M) crashes when adding .kml file
Bug report #2802
: georeferencer plug-in produce wrong results
Bug report #2803
: manageR don't works on OSX
Bug report #2805
: List of recently used coord systems is growing
Bug report #2811
: Qgis Trunk (r13619M) crashes aplying a a raster stile (qml) to GRASS raster
Bug report #2814
: in georeferencer, filename confusion with multiple georeferencing
Bug report #2815
: Untranslatable strings
Bug report #2817
: Save as Image using gif only writes world file
Bug report #2819
: Copied record field mismatch from shapefile to postgis
Bug report #2820
: Vector layer extent is printed in scientific notation
Bug report #2821
: compile under windows: MinGW missing?
Bug report #2822
: Arch-dependent files installed under /usr/share
Bug report #2823
: Custom CRS doesn't work
Bug report #2826
: Small typo - Save edits to current layer , but continue editing
Bug report #2831
: No module names qgis.core
Bug report #2833
: ftools "check geometry validity" fails to check invalid geometries
Bug report #2835
: Clipper help in GDAL Tools
Bug report #2836
: Little goof-up in fTools Regular Points UI
Bug report #2837
: merge shapefiles crashes qgis
Bug report #2840
: adding an empty spatialite db causes qgis to crash
Bug report #2843
: Check geometry validity issue
Bug report #2844
: Endless progress bar when check validity of layer without features
Bug report #2846
: Crash on loading 1-column raster
Bug report #2847
: mapserverexportplugin bug: layers with same name mix up data/filter statements
Bug report #2849
: Strange behavior after layer editing
Bug report #2851
: Untranslatable GPS tracking window
Bug report #2853
: Right menu shows after error about could not add ring
Bug report #2854
: Exit-call in libqgis_core
Bug report #2855
: Bundled Qt translations
Bug report #2862
: new symbology: categorized symbology, color ramp does not change
Bug report #2864
: Qgis crashes when new classification value has been added
Bug report #2871
: bad curved label behaviour on print
Bug report #2873
: GPX files show empty attribute table
Bug report #2879
: QGIS won't compile with GCC 4.5
Bug report #2882
: Python support broken for 64 bit systems
Bug report #2885
: Number of standard deviations is not saved when applied
Bug report #2886
: Osgeo4w-setup don't install qgis-dev
Bug report #2888
: GRASS color tables cause QGIS to freeze
Bug report #2889
: Unable to install 1.5
Feature request #267
: Truetype Point Symbols
Feature request #361
: "Add as group" option for add data dialog
Feature request #385
: set the "option" and "required" option in qgis-grass integration
Feature request #440
: Don't display the qgis window on a second monitor that isn't present
Feature request #699
: problem when moving quickly a layer trough the legend
Feature request #1028
: Debian package on life support
Feature request #1324
: Identify on multipoint layer displays useless derived x and y values
Feature request #1421
: WFS Extension doesn't request displayed extent using bbox
Feature request #1586
: status of QGIS SONAMEs
Feature request #1587
: Add more WMS and WFS default servers
Feature request #1683
: Standard deviations in raster properties dialog
Feature request #1727
: Support Multiple Rules per Style for a Layer
Feature request #1844
: RTF label editor
Feature request #1866
: Add a "Merge" tool to the Ftools toolbox
Feature request #1912
: [PATCH] area not null for symbols with value zero
Feature request #1925
: GDAL raster import does not see *.dt1 or *.dt2 DTED files
Feature request #1946
: Numerical vertex edit not available in undo/redo stack
Feature request #1992
: fixed space font for GRASS output window
Feature request #2019
: access to actions from attribute table - gone
Feature request #2040
: Connecting to PostgreSQL via OGR could use default username
Feature request #2057
: fTools OK button should be masked out during operations
Feature request #2129
: GPX as 4326 (also KML)
Feature request #2159
: Page Setup menu item for Mac os printing
Feature request #2183
: Transparency missing in new vector symbology
Feature request #2195
: DXF2SHP converter plugin improvement
Feature request #2199
: Strikeout font
Feature request #2271
: print composer large format A0
Feature request #2278
: improvement for Pan map tool - click to center
Feature request #2320
: Multi-map print composer
Feature request #2322
: make postgis password optional
Feature request #2323
: Long projection strings inflate the window
Feature request #2340
: Login and password for WMS servers don't deleted when removing connection
Feature request #2341
: Saving and loading PostGIS and WMS connections settings
Feature request #2350
: Return option to view items on canvas in attribute table
Feature request #2351
: v.dissolve returns ''Item with key map not found''
Feature request #2368
: New symbology missing 'Add' button for categories
Feature request #2369
: Cannot change column for existing graduated (or categorized) symbology
Feature request #2370
: Native and faster compilation of Python bindings
Feature request #2387
: enable creation of spatialite vector layer from scratch
Feature request #2388
: plugin affine transformation, rotation, scale
Feature request #2394
: Listing the layer retrieving extent
Feature request #2404
: The maximum grid spacing in Regular Points is insufficient
Feature request #2412
: [FEATURE] Support for user defined plugin path
Feature request #2414
: make fTools' join attributes supporting also dbf files with an uppercase name
Feature request #2433
: Fix relative paths from absolute-with-symlinks
Feature request #2438
: patches for and
Feature request #2441
: Shortcut key to save/update edits without leaving edit mode
Feature request #2447
: Output pixel size in Georeferencer
Feature request #2452
: Save as vector (not only to shapefile)
Feature request #2454
: Cannot remove custom CRS
Feature request #2460
: Use estimated metadata for PostGIS layers
Feature request #2461
: Add Incremental rendering of features when using Symbology V2
Feature request #2466
: Define Current Projection in fTools don't work
Feature request #2468
: Support for Column Permissions in PostgreSQL 8.4
Feature request #2469
: advancedDigitizeToolBar is not visible for plugin development
Feature request #2480
: Quoted filenames in Georeferencer scripts
Feature request #2492
: Legend fails to update when layer visibility is changed during QgsMapCanvas::setLayerSet
Feature request #2506
: Layers that are switched off in Layers list are not usable in a range of tools
Feature request #2517
: Progressbar in Select by Location don't work
Feature request #2530
: add a "query manager"
Feature request #2535
: in "advanced search" the "%", "IN" and "NOT IN" operators are not available
Feature request #2536
: ftools: Intersection and union don't produce a result
Feature request #2539
: Add QGIS revision number to python error output
Feature request #2541
: Add canUninstall function to python plugin modules
Feature request #2542
: field calculator default behaviour
Feature request #2547
: Warning message when Unioning two point shapefiles
Feature request #2554
: Mac OS X options dialog issue
Feature request #2557
: typo in default keyboard shortcut for toggling fullscreen mode
Feature request #2560
: Add geometry contains method
Feature request #2562
: Two fixes to
Feature request #2579
: Adding "Save changes" button to layer editor
Feature request #2580
: Zoom to best scale vs Zoom Actual Size
Feature request #2582
: Python plugin showPluginHelp function - another minor patch
Feature request #2583
: Use distance tolerance in point displacement plugin
Feature request #2584
: New symbology: add scale dependent vector rendering
Feature request #2585
: New symbology: change symbols size with scale
Feature request #2586
: Relative paths support or "load other layers from the same location" option
Feature request #2588
: Custom CRS sqlite3 query error
Feature request #2592
: There is no network progress indicator for WMS layer now.
Feature request #2595
: More choice in label placement
Feature request #2605
: Merge shapes for fTools
Feature request #2608
: Add python plugin paths
Feature request #2616
: Categorized new symbology transparency settings
Feature request #2622
: Patch to visualize residuals
Feature request #2625
: New Symbology - SVGMarker oriented using a field attribute
Feature request #2633
: option to snap gcp coordinates to background layers
Feature request #2648
: Improve rendering of selected features with V2 symbology
Feature request #2650
: Actions in custom forms are not working if the layer is in edit mode
Feature request #2652
: Possibility to select the default column for the quick search in attribute table
Feature request #2653
: fTools: letters in numeric fields
Feature request #2660
: Easier way to open the query builder
Feature request #2662
: [Patch] custom query in postgres provider
Feature request #2671
: fTools: copy results to clipboard don't work
Feature request #2672
: Set group/layer visibility and expansion state in QgsLegendInterface
Feature request #2673
: Enhancements for georeferencer
Feature request #2676
: SPIT plugin - serial datatype instead of integer on primary key column
Feature request #2677
: Other color to Calculator Icon
Feature request #2689
: Dealing with more sophisticated PostGIS table permissions
Feature request #2692
: Multipoint identify bug
Feature request #2695
: fTools: missed icon and Join by Attributes typos
Feature request #2696
: lack of 'edit widget' functionality in the 'merge feature attribute' table
Feature request #2702
: Ask user if WMS GetMap URL should be different than GetCapabilities URL
Feature request #2704
: Do not open a table multiple times
Feature request #2708
: Display number of selected features in status bar
Feature request #2710
: Selecting and moving multiple features at once
Feature request #2711
: Strange legend behaviour
Feature request #2712
: API enhancement: zoomScale(double scale) on mapCanvas
Feature request #2717
: label only selected records
Feature request #2723
: add "save edits" icon
Feature request #2735
: fTools: random selection issues
Feature request #2739
: patch to scale label buffers and offsets for printing
Feature request #2742
: annoying NULL indicators in empty text fields in attribute forms and table
Feature request #2747
: possibility to suppress labels for small features
Feature request #2748
: Field Calculator: Add "unique value" operator
Feature request #2752
: Zoom to layer doesn't work with Query
Feature request #2756
: Make Save as vector remember the path
Feature request #2776
: Composer doesnt add suffix for some filetypes
Feature request #2784
: symbol with unique value: label lost on multiple selection&edition
Feature request #2813
: msvc compilation failure
Feature request #2834
: Rendering quality options issue
Feature request #2852
: View menu items doesn't work
Feature request #2869
: [PATCH] Small Fixes
Feature request #2883
: ECW support gdal 1.7