Bug report #2342

qgis crashes when using the "merge selected features" tool

Added by Gerhard Spieles over 14 years ago. Updated over 14 years ago.

Assignee:Marco Hugentobler
Affected QGIS version: Regression?:No
Operating System:All Easy fix?:No
Pull Request or Patch supplied: Resolution:fixed
Crashes QGIS or corrupts data: Copied to github as #:12402



tried to union the marked obejcts in a vector layer.
The function start and near 98% done, qgis crash.

When I reduce the amount of the marked objects, function show 100% is done, but when I will save the changes in the layer, qgis crash.

A screenshot is attached

unionobjektsfail.jpg - union objects in vector Layer crashes qgis (127 KB) Gerhard Spieles, 2010-01-03 02:19 PM

vereinigungsshape.zip - sample data union Objects crash qgis (91.3 KB) Gerhard Spieles, 2010-01-04 10:21 AM


#1 Updated by Giovanni Manghi over 14 years ago

Can you please post a sample of the problematic data to try reproduce the problem locally? Thanks.

#2 Updated by Gerhard Spieles over 14 years ago

Replying to [comment:1 lutra]:

Can you please post a sample of the problematic data to try reproduce the problem locally? Thanks.

zip file with datas is attached

#3 Updated by Giovanni Manghi over 14 years ago

The terminal returns

ERROR 1: [[TopologyException]]: found non-noded intersection between 2.5578e+06 5.52369e+06, 2.5578e+06 5.52369e+06 and 2.5578e+06 5.52369e+06, 2.55779e+06 5.52369e+06 2.5578e+06 5.52369e+06
Segmentation fault

#4 Updated by Marco Hugentobler over 14 years ago

  • Status changed from Open to Closed
  • Resolution set to fixed

Fixed in a8ce63c2 (SVN r12674). QGIS now shows a message box if there was an error in the merge operation (instead of crashing).

#5 Updated by Giovanni Manghi over 14 years ago

Thanks Marco.

I noticed that the "check geomtery validity" tool does not returns any topology error when used in the attached vector. This way the user has no clue why the merge fails.

#6 Updated by Gerhard Spieles over 14 years ago

Befor I opened this new ticket, i had first tested the attached vectorlayer also with ftools "check geometrie" and it was ok.
The problematic object in the layer seems to be nr 97 (97 in the dbf, field NR.)You can@t merge it with other objects.


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