Bug report #1929

transparency of 0 value do not apply to GDAL virtual rasters (vrt)

Added by Paolo Cavallini over 15 years ago. Updated almost 15 years ago.

Assignee:ersts -
Affected QGIS version: Regression?:No
Operating System:All Easy fix?:No
Pull Request or Patch supplied: Resolution:invalid
Crashes QGIS or corrupts data: Copied to github as #:11989


If I load a virtual raster (BW, TIFF) and I apply full transparency to value 0 (to remove collars),
the areas=0 remain white. If I do the same to individual TIFFs, the correctly become transparent: a
bug, or a limitation of the VRT format?

qgis_vrt.png - white collars and transparency settings shown (215 KB) Paolo Cavallini, 2009-09-15 11:08 PM

screenshot.jpg (71.4 KB) ersts -, 2009-09-16 07:04 AM


#1 Updated by ersts - over 15 years ago

  • Status changed from Open to In Progress


I just fired up your vrt dataset on a linux box (Ubuntu 9.04 - stock GDAL) running QGIS trunk .

In the color table, 0 = white (255,255,255) and 1 = black(0,0,0). When I added [0, 100%] to the transparency table all of the white was removed. As I only had your virtual raster loaded I had to change the background of the map canvas to another color, but the transparency seem to work as expected.

Are you running on windows or linux? version 1.3.0?

#2 Updated by Paolo Cavallini over 15 years ago

See the attached image: I set up 100% transparency on 0 value, but the white collars are still shown.
Debian, QGIS compiled yesterday from trunk.

#3 Updated by Giovanni Manghi over 15 years ago


I tested also a different tiff/vrt on ubuntu 9.04 with qgis 1.3 installed from the ubuntugis repositories. Transparency works for any chosen colour on both formats.

#4 Updated by ersts - over 15 years ago

Replying to [comment:2 pcav]:

See the attached image: I set up 100% transparency on 0 value, but the white collars are still shown.

This is not a transparency issue, it seems to be a registration problem. I turned my map canvas green so I can tell if the transparency is working - making white in the virtual raster 100% transparent - which ends up giving me black on green. See the attached screen grab.

#5 Updated by Paolo Cavallini over 15 years ago

An interesting note from Giovanni Pasini:

With a single band raster map (eg. topographical black/white map) if there is a collar (eg. white border) around the raster, using gdalbuilvrt (and BuildVRT plugin) the result is a vrt file where the map have white strips in overlap area r1.
In this case making little modification in the vrt text file you can obtain a nice result r2. What is important is to set the NODATA value in vrt for each raster and replace SimpleSource with ComplexSource.
I don't remember where I find this trick (mailing list?) and I'm not a gdal guru (vrt specification in gdal web site r3).

When created the vrt file (via command-line or the very useful new plugin) I run:
sed -e 's/<SimpleSource>/<ComplexSource>/g' -e 's/<\\/SimpleSource>/ <NODATA>0<\\/NODATA>\
<\\/ComplexSource>/g' file_created.vrt

and now all is ok.
Note that the trasparency of the final map must be set in qgis in the usual manner.

#6 Updated by Giuseppe Sucameli about 15 years ago

This could be a buildvrt bug... I've opened a ticket on GDAL ticket.
They can add a new param to set which color is blanc (e.g. -nodata 0) or resolve this bug in another way.

#7 Updated by Giuseppe Sucameli about 15 years ago

Replying to [comment:6 brushtyler]:

This could be a buildvrt bug... I've opened a ticket on GDAL ticket.
They can add a new param to set which color is blanc (e.g. -nodata 0) or resolve this bug in another way.

Hi all,

the GDAL bug was closed as fixed in gdal 1.7.0 (the dev version actually in trunk)

Below the ticket closing comment:

Enhancement implemented in :

/trunk/gdal/apps/ (gdal_utilities.dox gdalbuildvrt.cpp): gdalbuildvrt: add -srcnodata and -vrtnodata options, similar to the ones of gdalwarp, to set/override/unset the nodata settings at the source level and the VRTRasterBand level (#3254)
/trunk/autotest/utilities/test_gdalbuildvrt.py: Add test for -srcnodata option of gdalbuildvrt (#3254)

--> For your use case, 'gdalbuildvrt srcnodata 0 out.vrt 250010.tif 250020.tif' should do.

I think that now, if there isn't other related problems, this ticket should be closed.

#8 Updated by Giuseppe Sucameli almost 15 years ago

  • Resolution set to invalid
  • Status changed from In Progress to Closed

This is not a QGis bug, but a GDAL enhancement (implemented in gdal 1.7.0.)

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