From 2014-09-16 to 2014-10-15
11:52 PM Bug report #11382: TopoViewer: all layers are added as visible while code asks them NOT to be
- I would reopen this issue as the @moveLayer@ should not make the layer visible if it was not.
IMO, the normal behavio... -
06:49 PM Revision c90d810c (qgis): allow setting visiblity of selected layers (fixes #10835)
06:01 PM Bug report #11405: "merge selected features" broke on qgis master
- It seams to be working correctly on the latest master. Close?
08:01 AM Bug report #11405 (Feedback): "merge selected features" broke on qgis master
- Is this also fixed with commit:d1e23a60 ?
05:59 PM Bug report #11409 (Closed): Merge attributes from selected features tool not working with postgis...
- The current master version works as expected.
Also seems to have fixed #11405
Thanks! -
08:03 AM Bug report #11409 (Feedback): Merge attributes from selected features tool not working with postg...
- also fixed with commit:d1e23a60 ?
05:00 PM Bug report #11375 (Closed): QGIS 2.4 Postgis 2.1 geography types issue
- Fixed in changeset commit:"dfafa5dd4764d2db7d14683e889ca9ba0977a5f8".
04:57 PM Revision d1e23a60 (qgis): fix where clase when multiple features are filtered by id (fixes #11336...
04:57 PM Revision 8429a65a (qgis): fix deprecation warnings
04:23 PM Revision 3d9ba705 (qgis): [editwidgets] text color for r/o line edits matches disabled color
- Line edits are set to readonly to make it possible to copy values from disabled
forms. Unfortunately Qt uses a style ... -
03:44 PM Bug report #10832 (Closed): Bad Allocation when opening raster properties
- Fixed in changeset commit:"962a7d9f789543e0ca3bf1416ff419bfef8748e6".
03:29 PM Bug report #11411: Impossible to know geometry type and style when editing a vector with "single ...
- Yes I agree. It is a drop in usability.
03:29 PM Bug report #11411: Impossible to know geometry type and style when editing a vector with "single ...
- Yes I agree. It is a drop in usability.
03:15 PM Bug report #11411: Impossible to know geometry type and style when editing a vector with "single ...
- Thanks for updating this report but I'd like to understand why it's no more a blocker bug, and not even a bug.
I've r... -
02:33 PM Revision cd59091b (qgis): use layer's displayExpression in relation reference widget line edit
02:21 PM Revision 69fc9bbb (qgis): use default button action instead of adding a new one (relation referen...
12:13 PM Bug report #11417 (Closed): Listing PostGIS layers from an EnterpriseDb fails
- Listing postgis layers from an EnterpriseDb postgres database fails. Connecting to the database is no problem, but wh...
12:13 PM Bug report #11416 (Closed): Adding geojson via add vector layer causes strange behaviour
- As in the attached image, when added the geojson via the browser (drag and drop) the file displays correctly, while u...
12:06 PM Bug report #10711: every geojson layers are named OGRGeoJSON
- Just to add to this, if you drag & drop the geojson file it does preserve the filename, so this issue only happens us...
11:17 AM Revision 4ea5c809 (qgis): [composer] Avoid crash when using redo on multiframe (fix #11351)
- Since multiframe changes can remove and create new frame items,
it's not safe to directly manipulate frame items in
Q... -
10:35 AM Bug report #11415 (Closed): Not possible to delete and type in values into float spinboxes
- For some reason many floating point number spin boxes use some kind of "padding" events - it is not possible to delet...
10:14 AM Feature request #11319 (Feedback): Allow to (re)add features to null geometries
- Are null geometries actually a invalid geometry for shape files? Are there errors on save? Can features with null ...
10:12 AM Bug report #11349 (Closed): xmin/xmax broke on qgis master
09:50 AM Bug report #10835 (Closed): Can't toggle layer visibility in canvas when selecting multiple layers.
- Fixed in changeset commit:"c90d810ce3efe4f5cb738a426f910ef2cb5bf5e1".
08:11 AM Bug report #11361 (Open): Cannot right click on vector layer in TOC when its table of attributes ...
- it seems to be a KDE only issue.
08:11 AM Bug report #11361 (Open): Cannot right click on vector layer in TOC when its table of attributes ...
- it seems to be a KDE only issue.
08:11 AM Bug report #11361 (Open): Cannot right click on vector layer in TOC when its table of attributes ...
- it seems to be a KDE only issue.
08:09 AM Bug report #11361 (Feedback): Cannot right click on vector layer in TOC when its table of attribu...
- Not produceable here (tested shapefiles and postgres) either on Linux (XFCE) nor Windows
07:58 AM Bug report #11408 (Closed): No longer possible to copy-paste attribute table content to external ...
- Fixed in changeset commit:"d1e23a608a2e5f8e043e68e53910acb9e854bbd1".
07:05 AM Bug report #11408: No longer possible to copy-paste attribute table content to external aplications
- Confirmed on QGIS master on Linux: ok with shapes, not ok with PostGIS.
07:05 AM Bug report #11408: No longer possible to copy-paste attribute table content to external aplications
- Confirmed on QGIS master on Linux: ok with shapes, not ok with PostGIS.
07:05 AM Bug report #11408: No longer possible to copy-paste attribute table content to external aplications
- Confirmed on QGIS master on Linux: ok with shapes, not ok with PostGIS.
07:04 AM Bug report #11408: No longer possible to copy-paste attribute table content to external aplications
- Sorry for not having tested enough. I made a few more tests and this might be related with the Postgis provider only....
06:05 AM Bug report #11408 (Feedback): No longer possible to copy-paste attribute table content to externa...
- Not reproducable. First three records from airports.shp (QGIS sample data) copied from QGIS commit:4ea5c80 to browse...
06:05 AM Bug report #11408 (Feedback): No longer possible to copy-paste attribute table content to externa...
- Not reproducable. First three records from airports.shp (QGIS sample data) copied from QGIS commit:4ea5c80 to browse...
07:58 AM Bug report #11336 (Closed): Copy / Paste PostGIS features problem
- Fixed in changeset commit:"d1e23a608a2e5f8e043e68e53910acb9e854bbd1".
07:41 AM Bug report #10584: Saving as SpatiaLite fails with "save as" dialog when input is a multi geometry
- It is more clear now where the problem may come from:
until qgis 1.7.4 saving as "sqlite" (not spatialite, because t... -
07:41 AM Bug report #10584: Saving as SpatiaLite fails with "save as" dialog when input is a multi geometry
- It is more clear now where the problem may come from:
until qgis 1.7.4 saving as "sqlite" (not spatialite, because t... -
07:10 AM Bug report #10584: Saving as SpatiaLite fails with "save as" dialog when input is a multi geometry
- I added a new description to better describe the issue.
03:50 AM Bug report #10584: Saving as SpatiaLite fails with "save as" dialog when input is a multi geometry
- Reproduced here with:
QGIS version 2.4.0-Chugiak
QGIS code revision fe0a303
Compiled against Qt 4.8.6
Running agai... -
03:16 AM Bug report #10584 (Reopened): Saving as SpatiaLite fails with "save as" dialog when input is a mu...
- Saving a shapefile as spatialite fails for me using:
QGIS version 2.4.0-Chugiak QGIS code revision exported
Compiled ... -
07:23 AM Bug report #11413 (Closed): Text Edit Widget no longer appear inactive in feature forms when laye...
- Fixed in changeset commit:"3d9ba705de9887d46f3bb35a148b0b5b0b7a8999".
06:46 AM Bug report #11413 (Closed): Text Edit Widget no longer appear inactive in feature forms when laye...
- In master (fbc5f06) text edit field widgets no longer appear inactive in the feature forms when the layer is not in e...
03:57 AM Bug report #10745 (Closed): "Dizzy" new feature in QGIS 2.4 does not function
- The mean time to dizziness is may vary a lot from person to person, depending on their current physical condition, op...
02:18 AM Bug report #11351 (Closed): [composer] combinations of frame/multiframe undo/redo crashes qgis
- Fixed in changeset commit:"4ea5c8094851f9f71c0af2d9dde8eebc879dedb2".
01:49 AM Bug report #11398: Buggy/unreadable polygons created by functions splitting/fill ring/Reshape fea...
- Yes, you can download FEFLOW at
and use the free demo licence and yo... -
09:50 AM Bug report #11398: Buggy/unreadable polygons created by functions splitting/fill ring/Reshape fea...
- Christoph Moebus wrote:
> @Giovanni (or someone else...):
> I have used "Manifold GIS", "GMS" from Aquaveo, "FEFLO... -
09:31 AM Bug report #11398: Buggy/unreadable polygons created by functions splitting/fill ring/Reshape fea...
- @Giovanni (or someone else...):
I have used "Manifold GIS", "GMS" from Aquaveo, "FEFLOW" from DHI-WASY and they all ... -
09:31 AM Bug report #11398: Buggy/unreadable polygons created by functions splitting/fill ring/Reshape fea...
- @Giovanni (or someone else...):
I have used "Manifold GIS", "GMS" from Aquaveo, "FEFLOW" from DHI-WASY and they all ... -
09:31 AM Bug report #11398: Buggy/unreadable polygons created by functions splitting/fill ring/Reshape fea...
- @Giovanni (or someone else...):
I have used "Manifold GIS", "GMS" from Aquaveo, "FEFLOW" from DHI-WASY and they all ... -
09:31 AM Bug report #11398: Buggy/unreadable polygons created by functions splitting/fill ring/Reshape fea...
- @Giovanni (or someone else...):
I have used "Manifold GIS", "GMS" from Aquaveo, "FEFLOW" from DHI-WASY and they all ... -
09:31 AM Bug report #11398: Buggy/unreadable polygons created by functions splitting/fill ring/Reshape fea...
- @Giovanni (or someone else...):
I have used "Manifold GIS", "GMS" from Aquaveo, "FEFLOW" from DHI-WASY and they all ... -
09:22 AM Bug report #11398: Buggy/unreadable polygons created by functions splitting/fill ring/Reshape fea...
- Thanks Andre,
the polygon you sent works perfectly fine at my site with the other GIS(-enabled) programms ...
Can yo... -
08:50 AM Bug report #11398: Buggy/unreadable polygons created by functions splitting/fill ring/Reshape fea...
- I just tested now with a fresh polygon created (and then splited) in QGIS Master (build b94b44a) and then opened the ...
03:57 AM Bug report #11398 (Feedback): Buggy/unreadable polygons created by functions splitting/fill ring/...
- Hi, we need more details: what other software did you tested? What error messages did you get? doing what operation?
... -
12:19 AM Bug report #11293: Auto update Shows All Layers
- 11:43 PM Revision 1ff2ad3c (qgis): [TopoViewer] fix layer visibility after QgsLegendInterface API changes
- It was broken with 2.4, whereas QgsLegendInterface::moveLayer started
forcing layer visibility on (undocumented behav... -
10:54 PM Feature request #11402 (Closed): setting styles on a custom QgsFeatureForm widget
02:43 PM Feature request #11402: setting styles on a custom QgsFeatureForm widget
- Sorry, seems to work ok!
04:07 PM Bug report #11382 (Closed): TopoViewer: all layers are added as visible while code asks them NOT ...
- Fixed in changeset commit:"1ff2ad3cc3fa4bdca691f83497f96e83a6cc898b".
02:38 PM Bug report #11382: TopoViewer: all layers are added as visible while code asks them NOT to be
- Thank you Gillian, the change fixes the problem. But as of version 2.2 the behaviour was different.
Also, the API doc... -
06:19 AM Bug report #11382: TopoViewer: all layers are added as visible while code asks them NOT to be
- The moveLayer(layer, group) make your layer visible.
So it's normal behavior.
Just change the order of commands, it ... -
02:25 PM Revision cc3579e2 (qgis): [TRANSUP] transifex update
- Signed-off-by: Werner Macho <[email protected]>
01:30 PM Revision 2cef8d50 (qgis): remove get from QgsProviderRegistry::getProviderCapabilities() (followu...
01:25 PM Revision e0df5d4d (qgis): Merge pull request #1621 from manisandro/bad_layer_improvements
- Bad layer dialog improvements
01:13 PM Bug report #11411 (Closed): Impossible to know geometry type and style when editing a vector with...
- Add a layer
Toggle it into edition
The icon near the layer's name, the one that indicates the type of geometry (and n... -
01:08 PM Revision 89b0d7ae (qgis): Merge pull request #1484 from serialc/master
- CSV acronym added for consistency with other file type names
12:52 PM Bug report #11410 (Closed): QGIS crashes when rendering all layers from a SOSI file at once
- QGIS crashes when rendering SOSI files, when all included layers are imported and made visible at once. QGIS crashes ...
12:25 PM Revision 1cb22c08 (qgis): [composer] Seperate draw empty rows option from empty table behaviour
- Now "draw empty rows" is a seperate checkbox (fix #11392)
12:06 PM Revision 5ec1b75f (qgis): Edit widget properties dialog: Improve window title
- Includes the field name and layer name in the window title.
11:07 AM Revision f284f6e1 (qgis): [composer] Fix incorrect calculation of frame thickness for labels
- Previously entire frame width was considered when calculating
the margin for the label item. Only half the frame widt... -
10:19 AM Revision b94b44af (qgis): use qIsNaN instead of isnan (fixes windows build)
09:52 AM Revision 65ac4fe1 (qgis): Field calculator: Move virtual field to the top.
- Followup 0c4a501
09:08 AM Revision 0c4a5015 (qgis): Address some GUI issues on the field calculator
- * Info labels for edit mode turn on was not shown
* Ok button was active when opening the field calculator even with... -
07:46 AM Bug report #11409 (Closed): Merge attributes from selected features tool not working with postgis...
- Merge attributes from selected features is not work properly while using postgis layers (works ok with shapefiles).
... -
07:35 AM Bug report #11405: "merge selected features" broke on qgis master
- The tool seems to work fine with shapefiles.
On the other hand, it works well in postgis layer with features that ha... -
03:22 AM Bug report #11405: "merge selected features" broke on qgis master
- Gavin Fleming wrote:
> I can confirm on master
what about the case you reported here #11400 ? please leave feedback.... -
06:27 AM Bug report #11408 (Closed): No longer possible to copy-paste attribute table content to external ...
- In QGIS master commit:fbc5f06, It's no longer possible to copy and paste the attribute table's content to external ap...
06:08 AM Bug report #11400 (Closed): merge features disregards type
- postgis
I've done some more testing in 2.4 and it is working in so perhaps the lines that caused the original error ... -
04:48 AM Bug report #9489: Copy/Paste issue with explicit primary keys
- I had this issue in 2.4 where pasting a record overwrote the PostgreSQL default value which resulted in the commit co...
03:36 AM Bug report #8827: Corner coordinates in map composer drawn in wrong place
- Still an issue. Tested with master c9cfdfa
03:36 AM Bug report #8827: Corner coordinates in map composer drawn in wrong place
- Still an issue. Tested with master c9cfdfa
03:36 AM Bug report #8827: Corner coordinates in map composer drawn in wrong place
- Still an issue. Tested with master c9cfdfa
03:26 AM Bug report #11392 (Closed): Attribute table in map composer : "draw empty rows" should not be one...
- Fixed in changeset commit:"1cb22c084d27df9a2f867328def61c30211340f4".
02:15 AM Bug report #11406: Qgis-server in single-symbol and category renderer don't use the metadata title
- I add also the two images for the same requests on the same datasets and same project qgis using a qgis 26 server.
T... -
02:15 AM Bug report #11406: Qgis-server in single-symbol and category renderer don't use the metadata title
- I add also the two images for the same requests on the same datasets and same project qgis using a qgis 26 server.
01:52 AM Bug report #11406 (Open): Qgis-server in single-symbol and category renderer don't use the metada...
01:43 AM Bug report #11406: Qgis-server in single-symbol and category renderer don't use the metadata title
- also this image from qgis 2.4 server.
01:43 AM Bug report #11406: Qgis-server in single-symbol and category renderer don't use the metadata title
- Hi,
I confirm is a regression.
I tested it on qgis 2.4 e correctly appear the ttles.
I attach two images to show the ... -
01:28 AM Bug report #11406: Qgis-server in single-symbol and category renderer don't use the metadata title
- I try to test is directly.
But is not so easy.
I dont know how to maintain two completelly distinct versions of qgis... -
01:11 AM Bug report #11406 (Feedback): Qgis-server in single-symbol and category renderer don't use the me...
- is this a regression compared to previous qgis server releases? cheers!
01:11 AM Bug report #11406 (Feedback): Qgis-server in single-symbol and category renderer don't use the me...
- is this a regression compared to previous qgis server releases? cheers!
01:06 AM Bug report #11406 (Closed): Qgis-server in single-symbol and category renderer don't use the meta...
- In qgis-server (I tested with last dev), when using a categorized renderer and GetLegendGraphics, the returned image ...
01:30 AM Bug report #11405: "merge selected features" broke on qgis master
- I can confirm on master
12:52 AM Bug report #11405 (Closed): "merge selected features" broke on qgis master
- it seems that the tool does not work anymore in master, testing with PostGIS layers.
With the same test db/layer it ... -
01:00 AM Bug report #8209 (Open): Print as raster doesn't work on OsX
- I confirm this issue on qgis 2.4 on the latest osx release.
01:00 AM Bug report #8209 (Open): Print as raster doesn't work on OsX
- I confirm this issue on qgis 2.4 on the latest osx release.
01:00 AM Bug report #8209 (Open): Print as raster doesn't work on OsX
- I confirm this issue on qgis 2.4 on the latest osx release.
12:58 AM Bug report #8467 (Closed): (OsX) Raster>Projection>Warp dies after one run
- tested yesterday on a fresh qgis 2.4 install on a brand new mac and it works ok. Please reopen if necessary.
12:58 AM Bug report #8467 (Closed): (OsX) Raster>Projection>Warp dies after one run
- tested yesterday on a fresh qgis 2.4 install on a brand new mac and it works ok. Please reopen if necessary.
12:57 AM Bug report #1895 (Closed): File open progress does not update on OS X
- tested yesterday on fresh qgis 2.4 install on a brand new mac (latest version of the os, not sure about the animal na...
12:57 AM Bug report #1895 (Closed): File open progress does not update on OS X
- tested yesterday on fresh qgis 2.4 install on a brand new mac (latest version of the os, not sure about the animal na...
12:57 AM Bug report #1895 (Closed): File open progress does not update on OS X
- tested yesterday on fresh qgis 2.4 install on a brand new mac (latest version of the os, not sure about the animal na...
12:57 AM Bug report #1895 (Closed): File open progress does not update on OS X
- tested yesterday on fresh qgis 2.4 install on a brand new mac (latest version of the os, not sure about the animal na...
12:55 AM Bug report #11400 (Feedback): merge features disregards type
- what data type? shapes? postgis?
it seems fine to me on 2.4 but on master I'm getting #11405 using postgis data. -
12:55 AM Bug report #11400 (Feedback): merge features disregards type
- what data type? shapes? postgis?
it seems fine to me on 2.4 but on master I'm getting #11405 using postgis data. -
09:49 AM Bug report #11400 (Closed): merge features disregards type
- When editing a LINESTRING, select connected strings and click the Merge Selected Features and the operation is thrown...
12:25 AM Bug report #11396 (Closed): NameError: global name ‘QgsMapLayerRegistry’ is not defined
- please post questions in the users/developers mailing lists, cheers!
12:25 AM Bug report #11396 (Closed): NameError: global name ‘QgsMapLayerRegistry’ is not defined
- please post questions in the users/developers mailing lists, cheers!
11:58 PM Bug report #11396: NameError: global name ‘QgsMapLayerRegistry’ is not defined
- You need to :
from qgis.core import QgsMapLayerRegistry
In breif, when your object start with Qgs*, it comes from t... -
03:06 AM Bug report #11396 (Closed): NameError: global name ‘QgsMapLayerRegistry’ is not defined
- Hello, I tried to follow this article :
... -
12:17 AM Bug report #11403 (Closed): Field calculator's OK button active without any input
- Fixed in changeset commit:"0c4a501551638c5aab2eeff85740e67431d66d71".
10:30 PM Bug report #11403 (Closed): Field calculator's OK button active without any input
- When opening the field calculator the OK button is active in the very beginning but becomes inactive as soon as the f...
04:11 PM Feature request #11402 (Closed): setting styles on a custom QgsFeatureForm widget
- I can't seem to be able to change the look and feel (i.e. widget.setStyleSheet()) of the widgets of a custom feature ...
01:53 PM Revision 9f063df8 (qgis): [composer] Fix possible crash in scale bar update (refs #11394)
01:50 PM Revision 08d80160 (qgis): Fix calculation of random colors following 4d72d72
01:15 PM Revision 083ebfe3 (qgis): Merge pull request #1627 from slarosa/categorized_style_crash
- Fix crash when choosing a null field for categorized style
11:41 AM Revision 4d72d721 (qgis): dxf export: use half width texts and support transparent colors
10:34 AM Bug report #11394: Crash while loading a map composer with a scale bar
- Nyall Dawson wrote:
> marisn: I've pushed that change- thanks. But it looks like there's something quite strange with... -
04:56 AM Bug report #11394: Crash while loading a map composer with a scale bar
- marisn: I've pushed that change- thanks. But it looks like there's something quite strange with your install. Those "...
03:24 AM Bug report #11394: Crash while loading a map composer with a scale bar
- Seems that the crash is related to something specific on my system / my GCC / compilation parameters.
I managed to wo... -
10:31 AM Revision f3cf09f4 (qgis): Fix selection after focus-in by mouse in QgsFilterLineEdit
- After focusing a QgsFilterLineEdit with the mouse, the end of the selection was
"attached" to the end of the content.... -
09:49 AM Revision 68de043e (qgis): Virtual fields definition moved to field calculator
- This place is more appropriate than the add attributes dialog.
See also -
09:45 AM Bug report #11399 (Closed): Unable to add raster and vector files via drag and drop on OS X 10.10
- I have a clean install of OSx Yosemite Beta 5, with homebrew install of QGIS 2.4 and all its basic dependencies.
-QG... -
08:32 AM Bug report #11317: PostGIS views not handled correctly
- could you add an artificial unique key (gid) just for QGIS in the view? That should solve your issue I think
06:42 AM Bug report #11398 (Closed): Buggy/unreadable polygons created by functions splitting/fill ring/Re...
- While trying to edit a simple polygon shape file all the used functions splitting/fill ring/Reshape features create a...
03:23 AM Bug report #11390: Attribute table in map composer : set column width to automatic is not large e...
- Same bug with 2.4 on Windows 8 (8.1 to be precise)
But trying it on Mac OS X, it's ok with 2.4 (I don't have Master o... -
02:31 AM Bug report #11395 (Feedback): QgsAttributeForm not entering edit mode
- In your screenshot you did not select a feature. We could think about pre-selecting the first feature to make it more...
02:25 AM Bug report #11395 (Closed): QgsAttributeForm not entering edit mode
- Use case:
Pre conditions:
A valid UI file and Init function have been specified via layer.setEditForm and
01:31 AM Bug report #11373 (Closed): Problem with forms and left mouse button
- Fixed in changeset commit:"f3cf09f4ec4daeaa7c06c2f7f4cf7e90a48a81dd".
12:54 AM Bug report #11342 (Closed): add field behaviour
- Fixed in changeset commit:"68de043ecbcf0203b6a3667b488be71f479e5d91".
12:23 AM Bug report #11394: Crash while loading a map composer with a scale bar
- marisn - wrote:
> On my Gentoo ~AMD64 Linux system I can crash it always. Could be some configuration switches / GCC ... -
03:20 PM Bug report #11394: Crash while loading a map composer with a scale bar
- On my Gentoo ~AMD64 Linux system I can crash it always. Could be some configuration switches / GCC flags to blame?
A... -
03:20 PM Bug report #11394: Crash while loading a map composer with a scale bar
- On my Gentoo ~AMD64 Linux system I can crash it always. Could be some configuration switches / GCC flags to blame?
A... -
01:21 PM Bug report #11394: Crash while loading a map composer with a scale bar
- I can't reproduce this either, on Windows 7 64 bit.
12:40 PM Bug report #11394 (Feedback): Crash while loading a map composer with a scale bar
- Cannot confirm on QGIS master on Ubuntu 14.04. Please attach a project (and sample data). Cheers!
10:53 AM Bug report #11394: Crash while loading a map composer with a scale bar
- Valgrind output doesn't give anything more:...
10:40 AM Bug report #11394 (Closed): Crash while loading a map composer with a scale bar
- Steps to reproduce:
Create a new project and a map composer.
Add a map and scale bar.
Save project.
Close and open pr... -
12:14 AM Revision 1770ec1a (qgis): Merge pull request #1618 from ccrook/GraduatedRendererBugFix11366
- Fix #11366 Customised graduated renderer labels ignored
11:32 PM Revision 3d2747c6 (qgis): Fix crash when choosing a null field for categorized style
11:12 PM Revision 62ad5ae1 (qgis): [TRANSUP] transifex update
- Signed-off-by: Werner Macho <[email protected]>
09:27 PM Revision f30452dc (qgis): Merge pull request #1623 from manisandro/initially_unsorted_attributes
- Show attributes dialog with initially unsorted attributes
08:59 PM Revision 25333c53 (qgis): Merge pull request #1622 from manisandro/spatialite_dialog_border
- Fix scrollarea border style and tab order in new spatialite layer dialog
07:11 PM Revision d1f84fd1 (qgis): [processing] fixed wrong import in parameters classç
- Fixes #11393
06:39 PM Revision e0e6204e (qgis): Fix scrollarea border style and tab order in new spatialite layer dialo...
03:14 PM Bug report #11366 (Closed): Graduated rendering : a custom legend label is not displayed in TOC n...
- Fixed in changeset commit:"1770ec1a6b03cded7ac4a5ed6d833a39338ce9d4".
01:37 PM Bug report #11371: Map Composer: group + move + ungroup + undo = crash
- Actually 2.4 and below are affected too, so reducing this from a blocker to high. It's a serious issue though.
01:19 PM Bug report #11390: Attribute table in map composer : set column width to automatic is not large e...
- Looks fine to me - under Windows 7 64 bit. It may be a Windows 8 issue - can you test on any other platforms? Also, c...
12:37 PM Bug report #4216 (Closed): error editing dbf over ssh / sftp
- just tested with Ubuntu 14.04, adding a ssh/sftp folder by using the "connect to server" option in the file browser. ...
12:37 PM Bug report #4216 (Closed): error editing dbf over ssh / sftp
- just tested with Ubuntu 14.04, adding a ssh/sftp folder by using the "connect to server" option in the file browser. ...
12:34 PM Bug report #4946: Invalid loading of WMS layer in not recognized projection
- see also #1589
12:31 PM Bug report #4946: Invalid loading of WMS layer in not recognized projection
> You can replicate this behavior with any WMS server by deleting some projection from QGIS database (resources/srs....-
12:33 PM Bug report #1589 (Closed): problem visualizing WMS defined with a EPSG:NONE srs
- seems the same issue as #4946
12:33 PM Bug report #1589 (Closed): problem visualizing WMS defined with a EPSG:NONE srs
- seems the same issue as #4946
12:22 PM Revision 57a783e5 (qgis): Fix a potential crash when closing projects with html composer items
11:48 AM Revision e3097617 (qgis): Add some padding to identify panel to match browse and layers panel
10:37 AM Bug report #7299 (Closed): Moving multiple selected items only causes the items currently in view...
- please reopen if you find a way (or data) that allow to replicate the issue.
10:37 AM Bug report #7299 (Closed): Moving multiple selected items only causes the items currently in view...
- please reopen if you find a way (or data) that allow to replicate the issue.
10:34 AM Bug report #8785 (Closed): Style file not saved in Win 8
- duplicate of #8285
10:34 AM Bug report #8785 (Closed): Style file not saved in Win 8
- duplicate of #8285
10:29 AM Bug report #7855 (Closed): Error in OTB segmentation with certain projections
10:23 AM Bug report #11393 (Closed): Browse button of Processing dialog does not work
- Fixed in changeset commit:"d1f84fd11a86036324c551ea8fc40bf734d2d062".
07:59 AM Bug report #11393 (Closed): Browse button of Processing dialog does not work
- In any processing toolbox dialog, the browse button [...] does not work. Therefore the user can only use as input fil...
10:22 AM Bug report #4799 (Closed): QGIS Server - GetMap URI inconsistency
10:03 AM Bug report #4271 (Closed): British National Grid CRS incorrectly specified when exporting to MapInfo
- seems an upstream issue -
10:03 AM Bug report #4271 (Closed): British National Grid CRS incorrectly specified when exporting to MapInfo
- seems an upstream issue -
10:02 AM Bug report #4611 (Closed): Loss of projection/datum info during file conversion
- duplicate of #4271
10:02 AM Bug report #4611 (Closed): Loss of projection/datum info during file conversion
- duplicate of #4271
09:55 AM Bug report #9358 (Closed): Qgis 2.1 for Mac isn't able to save Project on a server share (Ubuntu ...
- closing for lack of feedback, please reopen if necessary.
09:55 AM Bug report #9358 (Closed): Qgis 2.1 for Mac isn't able to save Project on a server share (Ubuntu ...
- closing for lack of feedback, please reopen if necessary.
09:54 AM Bug report #8450 (Closed): Selected item not marked blue in attribute window
- I have tested again on a clean Windows 7 installation, with QGIS master and several desktop themes (the ones shipped ...
09:54 AM Bug report #8450 (Closed): Selected item not marked blue in attribute window
- I have tested again on a clean Windows 7 installation, with QGIS master and several desktop themes (the ones shipped ...
09:41 AM Feature request #10569 (Open): no "append data to table" option
- if no one is going to add this functionality then better remove the radio button.
09:41 AM Feature request #10569 (Open): no "append data to table" option
- if no one is going to add this functionality then better remove the radio button.
09:38 AM Bug report #7439 (Closed): RGB spinbox not updated for borders
- anyway on the latest master the spinboxes for borders rgb color do reflect the color of the border.
09:38 AM Bug report #7439 (Closed): RGB spinbox not updated for borders
- anyway on the latest master the spinboxes for borders rgb color do reflect the color of the border.
08:09 AM Bug report #11071: SQL injection on PostGIS layer filtering
- Giovanni Manghi wrote:
> Yes I understand (and agree) 100%, but the point is that the feedback tag was not necessary ... -
08:07 AM Bug report #11071: SQL injection on PostGIS layer filtering
> But the question was why this is an issue. You can only execute statements that you're allowed to and you can't e...-
08:02 AM Bug report #11071: SQL injection on PostGIS layer filtering
- Giovanni Manghi wrote:
> I Matthias, I change the status because I have tested what is described and confirmed that i... -
08:02 AM Bug report #11071: SQL injection on PostGIS layer filtering
- Giovanni Manghi wrote:
> I Matthias, I change the status because I have tested what is described and confirmed that i... -
08:02 AM Bug report #11071: SQL injection on PostGIS layer filtering
- Giovanni Manghi wrote:
> I Matthias, I change the status because I have tested what is described and confirmed that i... -
02:06 AM Bug report #11071: SQL injection on PostGIS layer filtering
- Matthias Kuhn wrote:
> Was there a reason to change the state to open?
> I think there are two possibilities to ch... -
08:05 AM Feature request #9639 (Closed): Keep CRS when saving DXF files
- closing for the lack of feedback
01:20 AM Bug report #11191: Start of QGIS Desktop delayed (1–2 min.)
- George Mallory wrote:
> Matthias Kuhn wrote:
> > Possibly related to #11085
> No VPN, no network drives. I also in... -
01:14 AM Bug report #6155 (Open): SLD Export fails to write out LineSymbolizer Stroke information
09:36 PM Revision 659cada5 (qgis): [processing] Fixes #11388 - save vector file dialog does not show file ext
02:57 PM Bug report #11392 (Closed): Attribute table in map composer : "draw empty rows" should not be one...
- Following this "discussion":, I open this bug...
01:53 PM Bug report #11390: Attribute table in map composer : set column width to automatic is not large e...
- It still doesn't work here.
I'm on windows 8, Master 32bits 34ccc81 -
01:19 PM Bug report #11390: Attribute table in map composer : set column width to automatic is not large e...
- Harrissou Santanna wrote:
> some data
I also can't confirm (using your data on QGIS master). -
01:01 PM Bug report #11390: Attribute table in map composer : set column width to automatic is not large e...
- some data
12:51 PM Bug report #11390 (Feedback): Attribute table in map composer : set column width to automatic is ...
- I can't reproduce this. Can you please atta h a sample project/dataset which demonstrates this issue?
10:41 AM Bug report #11390 (Closed): Attribute table in map composer : set column width to automatic is no...
- add an attribute table to a map composer
Let the columns width set to automatic.
It seems that it is not large enough... -
01:26 PM Bug report #9135 (Closed): PostGIS - materialized views only show if "also list tables with no ge...
- closing for lack of feedback, please reopen if necessary.
01:26 PM Bug report #9135 (Closed): PostGIS - materialized views only show if "also list tables with no ge...
- closing for lack of feedback, please reopen if necessary.
01:24 PM Feature request #10884 (Open): OSM data loaded with "Add Vector layer" can be incomplete
01:21 PM Bug report #7376 (Closed): QGIS confuses left & right buttons
- closing for lack of feedback. Please reopen if necessary.
01:21 PM Bug report #7376 (Closed): QGIS confuses left & right buttons
- closing for lack of feedback. Please reopen if necessary.
01:16 PM Bug report #4140 (Closed): projection problem with QGIS 1.7 "--snapshot"
- seems fine here, at least on qgis master. Reopen if necessary.
01:16 PM Bug report #4140 (Closed): projection problem with QGIS 1.7 "--snapshot"
- seems fine here, at least on qgis master. Reopen if necessary.
- 01:14 PM Revision 7813f6b0 (qgis): Escape backslash for mime data. Fix MS SQL drag and drop
12:39 PM Bug report #11388 (Closed): Processing dialogs don't display existing files and extension
- Fixed in changeset commit:"659cada5b6588e66a82eb5b52c7cb2d966215158".
07:46 AM Bug report #11388 (Closed): Processing dialogs don't display existing files and extension
- With any tool of processing, if one chooses the option "save to file", the selected directory will not display the ex...
- 12:12 PM Revision 67c9a72b (qgis): Fix crash with SQL Server driver
11:42 AM Bug report #11391 (Feedback): select by expression on numerical field doesn't give expected results
- I cannot confirm on qgis master.
Please attach sample data. -
11:42 AM Bug report #11391 (Feedback): select by expression on numerical field doesn't give expected results
- I cannot confirm on qgis master.
Please attach sample data. -
11:02 AM Bug report #11391 (Closed): select by expression on numerical field doesn't give expected results
- Add a layer with an integer field (let's call it "id")
select features with "select by expression" tool, using an exp... -
11:36 AM Bug report #9707 (Closed): Zoom problems in qgis 2.x on ubuntu 12.04
- definitely works as expected on qgis master, please reopen if necessary.
11:36 AM Bug report #9707 (Closed): Zoom problems in qgis 2.x on ubuntu 12.04
- definitely works as expected on qgis master, please reopen if necessary.
09:49 AM Bug report #11389 (Closed): Processing dialogs don't display existing files and extension
07:49 AM Bug report #11389: Processing dialogs don't display existing files and extension
- Duplicate of #11388! Please ignore/delete
07:46 AM Bug report #11389 (Closed): Processing dialogs don't display existing files and extension
- With any tool of processing, if one chooses the option "save to file", the selected directory will not display the ex...
09:20 AM Revision c9cfdfae (qgis): Merge pull request #1617 from ahuarte47/Issue_9777_missing-labels
- Fix #11368: Simplification of a dataset leaves some polygons unlabelled
09:09 AM Revision 3d8a0345 (qgis): Merge pull request #1625 from giohappy/master
- Fixes error in Multipoints with Z rendering
08:26 AM Bug report #7064 (Open): "cross2" symbol should be exported in SLD as "x"
08:11 AM Bug report #2949 (Closed): Labeling (ABC) to a shape file do not show content from dbf field, for...
- there have been work on geometry validity/labels, and from my tests on master now labels are ok also on invalid geome...
08:11 AM Bug report #2949 (Closed): Labeling (ABC) to a shape file do not show content from dbf field, for...
- there have been work on geometry validity/labels, and from my tests on master now labels are ok also on invalid geome...
08:00 AM Bug report #10774 (Closed): Graphical Modeler: does not save parameter value when editing a model
- closing for lack of feedback, please reopen if necessary.
08:00 AM Bug report #10774 (Closed): Graphical Modeler: does not save parameter value when editing a model
- closing for lack of feedback, please reopen if necessary.
07:59 AM Bug report #5420 (Closed): GRASS gives python error if input layer path contains non ascii chars
- closing for lack of feedback, please reopen if necessary.
07:59 AM Bug report #5420 (Closed): GRASS gives python error if input layer path contains non ascii chars
- closing for lack of feedback, please reopen if necessary.
07:59 AM Bug report #5420 (Closed): GRASS gives python error if input layer path contains non ascii chars
- closing for lack of feedback, please reopen if necessary.
07:54 AM Bug report #10976 (Open): attribute table refresh problems after edits
07:52 AM Bug report #9394 (Closed): Non-'Single Symbol' styles hide the layer in Master
- it works as expected (even with the "." in the column name) on qgis master.
07:52 AM Bug report #9394 (Closed): Non-'Single Symbol' styles hide the layer in Master
- it works as expected (even with the "." in the column name) on qgis master.
07:49 AM Bug report #6466 (Closed): Mac OSX: QGIS Browser not available in Applications
- I assume this is fixed in the latest releases.
07:49 AM Bug report #6466 (Closed): Mac OSX: QGIS Browser not available in Applications
- I assume this is fixed in the latest releases.
07:46 AM Bug report #10990 (Closed): Inconsistency in the re-projection between ED50 (epsg23031) and ETrS8...
- closing for lack of feedback, please reopen if necessary.
07:46 AM Bug report #10990 (Closed): Inconsistency in the re-projection between ED50 (epsg23031) and ETrS8...
- closing for lack of feedback, please reopen if necessary.
07:42 AM Bug report #2596 (Closed): avoid useless canvas redraws
- closing in favor of tickets for specific cases.
07:42 AM Bug report #2596 (Closed): avoid useless canvas redraws
- closing in favor of tickets for specific cases.
07:38 AM Feature request #10723 (Open): Correctly import qgis 2.0.1 symbology in later releases
07:33 AM Bug report #10567 (Closed): ERROR in attributes cells in spatialite layer table
- Closing for lack of feedback, please reopen if necessary.
07:33 AM Bug report #10567 (Closed): ERROR in attributes cells in spatialite layer table
- Closing for lack of feedback, please reopen if necessary.
07:30 AM Bug report #6036 (Closed): sub-menu item is sometimes not avalaible
- Closing for lack of feedback, please reopen if necessary.
I assume that in the latest qgis/unity version this issue ... -
07:30 AM Bug report #6036 (Closed): sub-menu item is sometimes not avalaible
- Closing for lack of feedback, please reopen if necessary.
I assume that in the latest qgis/unity version this issue ... -
07:29 AM Bug report #9830 (Closed): PDF, JPG export
- Closing for lack of feedback, please reopen if necessary.
Try qgis 2.4/master 64bit. -
07:29 AM Bug report #9830 (Closed): PDF, JPG export
- Closing for lack of feedback, please reopen if necessary.
Try qgis 2.4/master 64bit. -
07:24 AM Bug report #10758 (Open): drag and drop of layers or layers group between projects produces incon...
07:21 AM Bug report #5553 (Closed): If PostGIS database has many layers then listing/adding can take a lot...
- Closing for lack of feedback, please reopen if necessary.
07:21 AM Bug report #5553 (Closed): If PostGIS database has many layers then listing/adding can take a lot...
- Closing for lack of feedback, please reopen if necessary.
07:19 AM Bug report #4462 (Closed): When drawing a new polygon it inverts existing parts of the polygon
07:17 AM Bug report #10386 (Closed): WFS-T layer change request timed out ("request" parameter missing)
- Closing for lack of feedback, please reopen if necessary.
07:17 AM Bug report #10386 (Closed): WFS-T layer change request timed out ("request" parameter missing)
- Closing for lack of feedback, please reopen if necessary.
07:15 AM Bug report #10147 (Closed): Unable to open File gdb with Add Vector Layer tool
- Closing for lack of feedback, please reopen if necessary.
07:15 AM Bug report #10147 (Closed): Unable to open File gdb with Add Vector Layer tool
- Closing for lack of feedback, please reopen if necessary.
07:12 AM Feature request #9639 (Open): Keep CRS when saving DXF files
07:03 AM Bug report #6710 (Closed): QGIS appears to support editing joined tables, but it really does not
- all issues seems solved to me in master: joined columns are clearly marked in several dialogs (like the delete column...
07:03 AM Bug report #6710 (Closed): QGIS appears to support editing joined tables, but it really does not
- all issues seems solved to me in master: joined columns are clearly marked in several dialogs (like the delete column...
06:39 AM Bug report #7516 (Closed): GRASS Raster: NoData shown with colour of lowest class
- closing for lack of feedback, please reopen if necessary.
06:39 AM Bug report #7516 (Closed): GRASS Raster: NoData shown with colour of lowest class
- closing for lack of feedback, please reopen if necessary.
06:39 AM Bug report #7506 (Closed): if Save as fails, information toolbars displays a message "saving done"
- seems do not happen anymore, at least on qgis master.
06:39 AM Bug report #7506 (Closed): if Save as fails, information toolbars displays a message "saving done"
- seems do not happen anymore, at least on qgis master.
04:37 AM Bug report #7093 (Open): Curved labels ignore "Always show upside-down labels"
04:36 AM Bug report #10711 (Open): every geojson layers are named OGRGeoJSON
04:17 AM Bug report #9887 (Closed): Example script "Hex grid from layer bound" creates topologically incor...
04:15 AM Bug report #10808 (Closed): regression with CRS matching
- closing for lack of feedback, please reopen if necessary.
04:15 AM Bug report #10808 (Closed): regression with CRS matching
- closing for lack of feedback, please reopen if necessary.
04:14 AM Bug report #10144 (Closed): shapefile disappear while pan and zoom
- closing for lack of feedback, please reopen if necessary.
If the shape has a index (.qix) please remove it and try a... -
04:14 AM Bug report #10144 (Closed): shapefile disappear while pan and zoom
- closing for lack of feedback, please reopen if necessary.
If the shape has a index (.qix) please remove it and try a... -
04:09 AM Bug report #6784 (Closed): Splitting a topologically correct polygon produces topologically incor...
- closing for lack of feedback, please reopen if necessary.
04:09 AM Bug report #6784 (Closed): Splitting a topologically correct polygon produces topologically incor...
- closing for lack of feedback, please reopen if necessary.
04:08 AM Bug report #6437 (Closed): dissolve converting 2d -> 3d
- closing for lack of feedback, please reopen if necessary.
04:08 AM Bug report #6437 (Closed): dissolve converting 2d -> 3d
- closing for lack of feedback, please reopen if necessary.
04:07 AM Bug report #6368 (Closed): Not all Features in Personal GDB layer showing up in QGIS 1.8
- closing for lack of feedback, please reopen if necessary.
04:07 AM Bug report #6368 (Closed): Not all Features in Personal GDB layer showing up in QGIS 1.8
- closing for lack of feedback, please reopen if necessary.
04:04 AM Bug report #10804 (Closed): Vector Layer categorised style problem
- closing for lack of feedback, please reopen if necessary.
04:04 AM Bug report #10804 (Closed): Vector Layer categorised style problem
- closing for lack of feedback, please reopen if necessary.
03:22 AM Bug report #11372: Position of clean button in Processing search field
- On Linux Xubuntu 12.04 32bits (2.5.0+git20141010+738e0be~precise-ubuntugis1), I also get it in the wrong position.
03:10 AM Bug report #11373: Problem with forms and left mouse button
- This happens not only in data forms. Also happens, for example, in the filter field of Coordinate Reference System Se...
12:20 AM Bug report #11368 (Closed): Simplification of a dataset leaves some polygons unlabelled
- Fixed in changeset commit:"c9cfdfaef4f584d198d9795a4c279d8c96fa7951".
12:17 AM Bug report #11379 (Closed): 3D Multipoint layers not correctly loaded/visualized
12:17 AM Bug report #11379: 3D Multipoint layers not correctly loaded/visualized
- Fixed in
01:54 PM Bug report #11379: 3D Multipoint layers not correctly loaded/visualized
- Pull request for fixing created
10:52 PM Revision 94b2e7ce (qgis): Fixes error in Multipoints with Z rendering
03:51 PM Revision 34ccc817 (qgis): Merge pull request #1615 from ccrook/PostgresSaveStyleFix
- Fix #11329 Graduated renderer style not saved in postgres
11:07 AM Bug report #11384 (Closed): Cannot turn off 'On the fly' CRS Transformation
- Please you should check if "Automatically enable on the fly ..." is enabled on Settings|Options|CRS
thanks, Roy. -
08:48 AM Bug report #11384 (Closed): Cannot turn off 'On the fly' CRS Transformation
- I have some shapefiles I was using an external tool on. I had a look in QGIS to make sure they were all in the same C...
10:44 AM Bug report #9840: Using Atlas with OpenLayers results in nan extents
- Will do - thanks!
07:13 AM Bug report #11102 (Closed): Save vector layer as ... csv : bad output file when choosing export w...
- This was a bug in gdal/ogr, fixed in gdal/ogr 1.11.1 -
07:13 AM Bug report #11102 (Closed): Save vector layer as ... csv : bad output file when choosing export w...
- This was a bug in gdal/ogr, fixed in gdal/ogr 1.11.1 -
06:52 AM Bug report #11329 (Closed): The new "legend format" option in graduated symbology breaks the poss...
- Fixed in changeset commit:"34ccc8173e5344681b72b02fa27ef10f7a411cbc".
05:27 AM Feature request #11357: Expose all CompositionModes in Blend Mode drop-down
- Crystal clear, now. I can't see anything stopping the more 'exotic' modes being enabled in feature blend modes, as t...
04:41 AM Bug report #11382: TopoViewer: all layers are added as visible while code asks them NOT to be
- 2.2.0 was fine
04:40 AM Bug report #11382: TopoViewer: all layers are added as visible while code asks them NOT to be
- Link to more code:
04:36 AM Bug report #11382 (Closed): TopoViewer: all layers are added as visible while code asks them NOT ...
- I guess something changed in the TOC api as the TopoViewer plugin of the DBManager now adds all layers as visible eve...
04:21 AM Bug report #11371: Map Composer: group + move + ungroup + undo = crash
- on qgis 2.4 seems ok. Crash confirmed on master.
03:52 AM Bug report #11380 (Closed): When zooming, reference point checked doesn't anchor the scale bar frame
- Hi,
Launch QGIS master
Create a map composer
Add a map
Add a scale bar you'll align on right with the map
In scale ba... -
02:28 AM Bug report #11372: Position of clean button in Processing search field
- On Linux Ubuntu 14.04 it is in the right place.
01:36 AM Bug report #11379: 3D Multipoint layers not correctly loaded/visualized
- I've tested on 3D MULTILINESTRINGS and it seems to be ok.
01:24 AM Bug report #11379 (Closed): 3D Multipoint layers not correctly loaded/visualized
- I've tested this both with a Spatialite layer and a Shapefile (it's attached here).
Only one point is shown.
When exp... -
08:35 PM Revision 738e0bed (qgis): [TRANSUP] some update for processing and transifex
- Signed-off-by: Werner Macho <[email protected]>
07:56 PM Bug report #11375 (Closed): QGIS 2.4 Postgis 2.1 geography types issue
- QGIS 2.4 and Check with Dev build as well.
Database PostgreSQL 9.3 (x64) with PostGIS 2.1 on Windows 8.1
Data point l... -
05:36 PM Revision 0ed701e9 (qgis): Show attributes dialog with initially unsorted attributes (Funded by So...
04:49 PM Revision 2e943c93 (qgis): Bad layer dialog improvements (Funded by Sourcepole)
04:35 PM Revision 55181c63 (qgis): [processing] fix handling of boolean parameters in modeller
04:35 PM Revision d8c38b5c (qgis): [processing] more fixes for i18n support
03:54 PM Revision 0840a9d7 (qgis): more names for the map tools
03:09 PM Feature request #11357: Expose all CompositionModes in Blend Mode drop-down
- Here you go:
06:29 AM Feature request #11357: Expose all CompositionModes in Blend Mode drop-down
- Thanks. I'm interested to learn more. Is the "discussion" on-line, and could you point me to any further informatio...
03:03 PM Bug report #9840: Using Atlas with OpenLayers results in nan extents
- Hi Nick - can you please refile your bug under the OpenLayers plugin tracker? Its a bug with the plugin, not QGIS its...
02:41 PM Bug report #9840: Using Atlas with OpenLayers results in nan extents
- I'm not the original reporter of this issue, but I can report that when using the OpenLayers plugin and an active bas...
02:28 PM Revision 2d49b59c (qgis): [composer] Fix calculation of height of HTML content (fix #11353)
01:56 PM Revision ac71e600 (qgis): Cancel running requests when loading content in QgsNetworkContentFetche...
01:50 PM Bug report #11374 (Closed): Error while launching a model from the modeler
- I have my own model. I can launch it from the right panel, it's ok.
However, I can't launch it from the modeler :
Tra... -
12:46 PM Revision a3094cb5 (qgis): [Composer] Fix ComposerMapWidget's label is not explicit
- The user can only know the ComposerMap's label with it's tooltip. This commit
proposes to update the ComposerMapWidg... -
12:46 PM Revision 10ffcebf (qgis): [Composer] Fix The ComposerMap's tooltip is not updated after readXML
- The ComposerMap's tooltip is only set in the private init method. This method is only used in the ComposerMap constru...
12:46 PM Revision 7a92293e (qgis): Followup cc94578
11:36 AM Revision 0a4dae20 (qgis): Merge pull request #1619 from anitagraser/patch-4
- [processing] fixed value used before assignment error
11:16 AM Revision 4a639ad9 (qgis): fixed value used before assignment error
11:16 AM Revision 174c2f3f (qgis): Use QgsColorButtonV2 for editor widgets
10:56 AM Revision a5b5bd4c (qgis): [composer] Fix new frames not inheriting outline color, clean up item a...
10:08 AM Bug report #11329 (Reopened): The new "legend format" option in graduated symbology breaks the po...
- In retrospect think I should have left this open until the pull request is actually applied...
09:52 AM Revision 7a389f63 (qgis): [processing] fix i18n support
08:53 AM Bug report #11373 (Closed): Problem with forms and left mouse button
- To reproduce:
1) Fill the attributes of a layer, using forms, and pass through the fields with tab key. Try to selec... -
07:45 AM Bug report #11372 (Closed): Position of clean button in Processing search field
- Please see the image attached.
It is not a serious problem, but is a regression.
Tested on Windows with QGIS master... -
07:44 AM Bug report #11371 (Closed): Map Composer: group + move + ungroup + undo = crash
- Using the map composer add two rectangles,
group them, move the grouped, ungroup them,
click the undo arrow, you get ... -
07:35 AM Bug report #11370 (Closed): geoserver wms with style in workspace not visible in qgis
- When I open a WMS service from GeoServer that has a style in a workspace (i.e. "workspaceName:sldName"), QGIS does no...
05:29 AM Bug report #11332 (Closed): qgis crashes when refreshing a composer html item following URL change
- Fixed in changeset commit:"ac71e600a2d3bfe40b46295a2bbb703716442bfa".
04:12 AM Bug report #11332 (Open): qgis crashes when refreshing a composer html item following URL change
04:12 AM Bug report #11332: qgis crashes when refreshing a composer html item following URL change
- verified - working on a fix
05:29 AM Bug report #11353 (Closed): [composer] incorrect calculated size of html content
- Fixed in changeset commit:"2d49b59cc1b8f1c1dda215ec27358ca7d5093b1b".
04:55 AM Bug report #11369 (Closed): New layers are not active with new legend
- Before the refactoring, a newly added layer was automatically the active
layer. This is not the case with the new l... -
03:51 AM Bug report #11304 (Closed): The ComposerMap's tooltip is not updated after readXML
- Merged - thank you!
03:51 AM Bug report #11304 (Closed): The ComposerMap's tooltip is not updated after readXML
- Merged - thank you!
02:49 AM Bug report #11335 (Closed): NameError with Processing - global name self is not defined
02:23 AM Bug report #11335: NameError with Processing - global name self is not defined
- Seems fixed here.
12:17 AM Bug report #11329 (Closed): The new "legend format" option in graduated symbology breaks the poss...
- OK, closing it then. Thanks.
01:56 PM Bug report #11329: The new "legend format" option in graduated symbology breaks the possibility t...
- The patch is a minimal change - so completely compatible. The only thing it changes is how the style insert/update S...
10:37 PM Revision 823b57e3 (qgis): Fix for bug 11366
09:53 PM Feature request #4236: Add ability to (over)write CRS for an existing raster file e.g. to geotif ...
- It actually would be nice to have. And it shouldn't be that hard. When I am creating JPGs from TIF with -co WORDFILE=...
07:04 PM Revision bb723027 (qgis): [processing] Fixes #11363 - help file is created but not shown in the H...
05:51 PM Revision ac5622ad (qgis): #9777-ML: Indentation update
05:47 PM Revision c768f13f (qgis): german translation update
05:36 PM Revision 80871c66 (qgis): #9777-ML: Avoid Fill invalid geometries to GEOSGeometry
04:43 PM Bug report #11368 (Closed): Simplification of a dataset leaves some polygons unlabelled
- I ran into another dataset in which several polygons fail to label when simplification is activated. See attached scr...
03:34 PM Revision 5a01b98e (qgis): [pyqgis-console] restore previously loaded scripts only when editor is ...
01:50 PM Bug report #11366: Graduated rendering : a custom legend label is not displayed in TOC nor print ...
- Fixed in pull request
01:50 PM Bug report #11366: Graduated rendering : a custom legend label is not displayed in TOC nor print ...
- Fixed in pull request
12:44 PM Bug report #11366: Graduated rendering : a custom legend label is not displayed in TOC nor print ...
- Absolutely this is how it should behave.
I'm guessing that this is an issue introduced into the copying of a rende... -
12:44 PM Bug report #11366: Graduated rendering : a custom legend label is not displayed in TOC nor print ...
- Absolutely this is how it should behave.
I'm guessing that this is an issue introduced into the copying of a rende... -
12:44 PM Bug report #11366: Graduated rendering : a custom legend label is not displayed in TOC nor print ...
- Absolutely this is how it should behave.
I'm guessing that this is an issue introduced into the copying of a rende... -
09:52 AM Bug report #11366 (Closed): Graduated rendering : a custom legend label is not displayed in TOC n...
- Add a layer and open its properties dialog
In Style tab, define a graduated rendering on a field. Classify.
In "Lege... -
01:29 PM Feature request #11357: Expose all CompositionModes in Blend Mode drop-down
- This has been discussed before, but is dependent on per layer group blend modes.
05:41 AM Feature request #11357 (Open): Expose all CompositionModes in Blend Mode drop-down
- Feature/Layer blending mode selection is a great addition, but why choose only 13 modes from those supported by Qt? ...
01:28 PM Bug report #11362: Qgis hangs when trying to browse the plugins description
- Can't reproduce here too. Please reopen if it affects more machines.
07:43 AM Bug report #11362 (Closed): Qgis hangs when trying to browse the plugins description
- Giovanni Manghi wrote:
> not replicable here, in Windows or Linux. Probably a local issue. Did you tested on other ma... -
07:41 AM Bug report #11362 (Feedback): Qgis hangs when trying to browse the plugins description
- not replicable here, in Windows or Linux. Probably a local issue. Did you tested on other machines? With other connec...
07:36 AM Bug report #11362 (Closed): Qgis hangs when trying to browse the plugins description
- Try to search for openlayers
Try to browse the different plugins.
Sometimes it hangs more then 30-45 seconds.
01:15 PM Feature request #11367: Filter option > OpenStreetMap - Export OpenStreetMap topology to Spatiall...
- I guess you mean the Vector -> OpenStreetMap menu. It's a core feature, not a plugin.
01:15 PM Feature request #11367: Filter option > OpenStreetMap - Export OpenStreetMap topology to Spatiall...
- I guess you mean the Vector -> OpenStreetMap menu. It's a core feature, not a plugin.
09:53 AM Feature request #11367 (Closed): Filter option > OpenStreetMap - Export OpenStreetMap topology to...
- I use this plugin because i want to get the most up-to date data from osm
Qgis is bad at handling multiple items o... -
11:33 AM Revision 149ad599 (qgis): Postgres connection: limit user/pw queries to 5 (avoids blocking server...
11:29 AM Revision b3f00ec3 (qgis): Add some tolerance to atlas tests
10:38 AM Revision 732a8994 (qgis): Use color name to compare colors when adding new recent color, prevents
- duplicate colors in recent color list
10:37 AM Revision 344eccd7 (qgis): Fix offset is ignored for simple line symbology
10:37 AM Revision 6bb045bd (qgis): [composer] Ensure that QgsComposerMap::mapPolygon returns a closed
- polygon, fixes rare crash when using map overviews (fix #11305)
10:03 AM Bug report #11363 (Closed): R scripts: help file is created but not shown in the Help tab
- Fixed in changeset commit:"bb723027f4c4758d186990607f35827c39c699bd".
08:37 AM Bug report #11363 (Closed): R scripts: help file is created but not shown in the Help tab
- Create a custom R script
Add text to the Help section
Help is not displayed -
10:00 AM Bug report #11361: Cannot right click on vector layer in TOC when its table of attributes is open...
- Yes, I'm on KDE too.
This bug happens with a shapefile in my case.
With a geojson or WFS, it works fine. -
08:34 AM Bug report #11361: Cannot right click on vector layer in TOC when its table of attributes is open...
- in my case it happens on kde but not on Windows.
08:23 AM Bug report #11361: Cannot right click on vector layer in TOC when its table of attributes is open...
- if it is enough to load a layer, open the attribute table and then right click on layer to access to the properties d...
07:34 AM Bug report #11361 (Closed): Cannot right click on vector layer in TOC when its table of attribute...
- It happens on master, and is a regression.
09:52 AM Bug report #8524 (Closed): Raster tiling offset in composer output from zoomed in resampling
- closing for lack of feedback, please reopen if necessary.
09:52 AM Bug report #8524 (Closed): Raster tiling offset in composer output from zoomed in resampling
- closing for lack of feedback, please reopen if necessary.
09:51 AM Bug report #10957 (Closed): Digitising & snaps
- closing for lack of feedback, please reopen if necessary.
09:51 AM Bug report #10957 (Closed): Digitising & snaps
- closing for lack of feedback, please reopen if necessary.
09:50 AM Bug report #10998 (Closed): KML name in layer tree is different than the KML added to map canvas
- works fine on qgis master on both linux and windows, please reopen if necessary.
09:50 AM Bug report #10998 (Closed): KML name in layer tree is different than the KML added to map canvas
- works fine on qgis master on both linux and windows, please reopen if necessary.
09:48 AM Bug report #10821 (Closed): area calculation error after CRS changes
- closing for lack of feedback, please reopen if necessary.
09:48 AM Bug report #10821 (Closed): area calculation error after CRS changes
- closing for lack of feedback, please reopen if necessary.
09:47 AM Bug report #8187 (Closed): Fail to install plugins online if Windows' user name is Japanese (2-by...
- closing for lack of feedback, please reopen if necessary.
09:47 AM Bug report #8187 (Closed): Fail to install plugins online if Windows' user name is Japanese (2-by...
- closing for lack of feedback, please reopen if necessary.
09:37 AM Feature request #11365 (Closed): Remember last selected Imput DB file > OpenStreetMap plugin - Ex...
- Now, if we select a file, select the tags that we want imported. And then we want to load again, but for another tags...
09:35 AM Feature request #11364 (Rejected): Select All Function > OpenStreetMap plugin - Export OpenStreet...
- Now, if you get the data from osm, and you want to select what to import, you have to manually select all
It would b... -
09:30 AM Bug report #10247 (Closed): WMS performance degraded
- closing for lack of feedback, please reopen if necessary.
09:30 AM Bug report #10247 (Closed): WMS performance degraded
- closing for lack of feedback, please reopen if necessary.
09:29 AM Bug report #8422 (Closed): Field Calculator doesn't work - spatiaLite
- closing for lack of feedback, please reopen if necessary.
09:29 AM Bug report #8422 (Closed): Field Calculator doesn't work - spatiaLite
- closing for lack of feedback, please reopen if necessary.
09:26 AM Bug report #10817 (Closed): Gradinet color ramp with only one object not showing true color
- closing for lack of feedback, please reopen if necessary.
09:26 AM Bug report #10817 (Closed): Gradinet color ramp with only one object not showing true color
- closing for lack of feedback, please reopen if necessary.
09:18 AM Bug report #10593 (Closed): highlighted identified feature(s) does not disappear when closing ide...
09:14 AM Bug report #10219 (Closed): QGIS crash in WFS client when inserting large number of objects
- Closing for lack of feedback, please reopen if necessary.
09:14 AM Bug report #10219 (Closed): QGIS crash in WFS client when inserting large number of objects
- Closing for lack of feedback, please reopen if necessary.
09:12 AM Bug report #9041 (Closed): Text annotations' symbols seems not work correctly
- Closing for lack of feedback, please reopen if necessary.
09:12 AM Bug report #9041 (Closed): Text annotations' symbols seems not work correctly
- Closing for lack of feedback, please reopen if necessary.
09:06 AM Feature request #11319: Allow to (re)add features to null geometries
- Matthias Kuhn wrote:
> I work with database tables that are allowed to have NULL geometries. I therefore vote for all... -
08:38 AM Feature request #11319: Allow to (re)add features to null geometries
- I work with database tables that are allowed to have NULL geometries. I therefore vote for allowing those.
To fix the... -
08:40 AM Bug report #7703 (Closed): WKT import two problems
- closing for lack of feedback, please reopen if necessary.
08:40 AM Bug report #7703 (Closed): WKT import two problems
- closing for lack of feedback, please reopen if necessary.
08:39 AM Bug report #7890 (Open): Composer layer transparency not respected in legend
08:35 AM Feature request #11359: AutoSave function
- Hi,
There is a plugin named "AutoSaver" that might do such work. You can try it.
Also, I think, since QGIS 2.4, there... -
07:29 AM Feature request #11359 (Open): AutoSave function
- What i really miss in Qgis is the autosave function, i don`t save that often, and when qgis crashes , i have to redo ...
08:25 AM Bug report #10618 (Closed): Publishing of a layer (which has no data in it) through LizMap
- closing for lack of feedback, please reopen if necessary.
08:25 AM Bug report #10618 (Closed): Publishing of a layer (which has no data in it) through LizMap
- closing for lack of feedback, please reopen if necessary.
08:23 AM Bug report #10673 (Closed): qgis 2.2 don't open proprerly JPEG-2000 under linux Ubuntu
- closing for lack of feedback, please reopen if necessary.
08:23 AM Bug report #10673 (Closed): qgis 2.2 don't open proprerly JPEG-2000 under linux Ubuntu
- closing for lack of feedback, please reopen if necessary.
08:22 AM Bug report #9981 (Closed): Processing: autofill with numbers>wrong placement
- fixed in master.
08:22 AM Bug report #9981 (Closed): Processing: autofill with numbers>wrong placement
- fixed in master.
08:21 AM Bug report #9767 (Closed): Project not properly saving ellipsoid
- closing for lack of feedback, please reopen if necessary.
08:21 AM Bug report #9767 (Closed): Project not properly saving ellipsoid
- closing for lack of feedback, please reopen if necessary.
08:19 AM Bug report #9420 (Closed): Bad WMS display (EPSG:2972)
- closing for lack of feedback, please reopen if necessary.
08:19 AM Bug report #9420 (Closed): Bad WMS display (EPSG:2972)
- closing for lack of feedback, please reopen if necessary.
08:18 AM Bug report #10784 (Closed): topology errors when digitizing
- closing for lack of feedback, please reopen if necessary.
08:18 AM Bug report #10784 (Closed): topology errors when digitizing
- closing for lack of feedback, please reopen if necessary.
08:18 AM Bug report #10885 (Closed): QGIS crashes when digitising, while avoiding intersections
- closing for lack of feedback, please reopen if necessary.
08:18 AM Bug report #10885 (Closed): QGIS crashes when digitising, while avoiding intersections
- closing for lack of feedback, please reopen if necessary.
08:11 AM Bug report #11354 (Feedback): Labels: special font styles disappears after SVG export
- That checkbox it active and it not possible to uncheck it on both Windows and Linux, qgis 2.4 and master. And since i...
08:11 AM Bug report #11354 (Feedback): Labels: special font styles disappears after SVG export
- That checkbox it active and it not possible to uncheck it on both Windows and Linux, qgis 2.4 and master. And since i...
03:03 AM Bug report #11354 (Closed): Labels: special font styles disappears after SVG export
- I'm right now making a map which uses the font Univers which has a lot of styles outside the normal bold, italic etc....
07:49 AM Bug report #11360 (Reopened): SVG fills rendered as raster
- I've tried the master where the SVG points now work (what issue 10909 was all about) and it still render as raster.
07:46 AM Bug report #11360 (Closed): SVG fills rendered as raster
- seems exactly #10909 that it has already been fixed and so you can test it installing qgis master. If you feel any ev...
07:46 AM Bug report #11360 (Closed): SVG fills rendered as raster
- seems exactly #10909 that it has already been fixed and so you can test it installing qgis master. If you feel any ev...
07:31 AM Bug report #11360 (Closed): SVG fills rendered as raster
- Similar to #10909.
When saving a map as pdf, line pattern fills or SVG fills are both rendered as raster. It would b... -
06:28 AM Bug report #11358 (Closed): Spatial index is not used in Oracle views
- When adding a layer that corresponds to a view in Oracle then QGIS will not use a spatial filter when fetching data. ...
04:38 AM Bug report #11289 (Closed): Map Canvas doesn't refresh well with diagrams on vector layer
- This seems to be fixed in Master fbc5f06
04:22 AM Bug report #11356 (Closed): Attribute Table in Print Composer : resize empty table when the displ...
- Open a print composer
add an attribute table item
set it to "show only features visible within a map"
In appearance f... -
03:19 AM Bug report #11355 (Closed): connecting to database puts the dialog behind QGIS main window
- Launch QGIS Master
Open DB Manager Dialog
Connect to a database.
If your connection succeeds, DB Manager is no longer... -
03:01 AM Bug report #11348: Add PostGIS layers is too slow on connecting to a database
- Hi Harrissou,
Unfortunately DB Manager is unable to add the layer I am interested in, see issue #11317. Because the ... -
02:35 AM Bug report #11348: Add PostGIS layers is too slow on connecting to a database
- Hi,
Harry, It doesn't solve the issue you are reporting (and this really needs to be fixed) but you should try DB Man... -
02:18 AM Bug report #11348: Add PostGIS layers is too slow on connecting to a database
- Morning Mathieu,
I am not sure exactly which option you are referring to.
I did try ticking the option "Don't resolve... -
02:30 AM Bug report #11305 (Closed): Adding an overview map to print composer crashes QGIS
- Fixed in changeset commit:"6bb045bdbbceab330e4cf5818e3cfc588fa1cb49".
01:56 AM Bug report #11348: Add PostGIS layers is too slow on connecting to a database
- Good morning Harry,
did you try to check the "do not resolve geometry type..." option in the database connection set... -
01:10 PM Bug report #11348 (Closed): Add PostGIS layers is too slow on connecting to a database
- Add PostGIS layers is too slow. The reason is that when connecting to the database, every table and view is read alon...
01:49 AM Bug report #11353 (Closed): [composer] incorrect calculated size of html content
- Currently the height of html content in html items is incorrectly calculated, resulting in empty frames
01:48 AM Bug report #11352 (Closed): [composer] Page orientation ignored when printing
- Steps to reproduce:
1. change page orientation to portrait
2. try and print. page size is landscape. -
01:47 AM Bug report #11351 (Closed): [composer] combinations of frame/multiframe undo/redo crashes qgis
- Mixing combinations of frame and multiframe undo and redo operations results in a crash.
12:24 AM Bug report #11327 (Closed): Python error while trying to create a model
- Fixed in commit:11e3044e3cae80bafa6e593efebb2edb625d2d9b
12:24 AM Bug report #11327 (Closed): Python error while trying to create a model
- Fixed in commit:11e3044e3cae80bafa6e593efebb2edb625d2d9b
12:13 AM Bug report #11349 (In Progress): xmin/xmax broke on qgis master
03:22 PM Bug report #11349 (Closed): xmin/xmax broke on qgis master
- Fixed in changeset commit:"fbc5f060f64d338fa0f0928236a7c87cfc39cbf2".
02:09 PM Bug report #11349 (Closed): xmin/xmax broke on qgis master
- The field calculator xmin/xmax operators (and possible others, just tested this two) are broke on qgis master and in ...
12:12 AM Revision fbc5f060 (qgis): Fixes #11349 - field calculator broke on qgis master
11:13 PM Revision ac1e9cb9 (qgis): [processing] set autoRaise to True for toolbutton in script and modeler...
11:03 PM Bug report #10887 (Closed): Qgis return empty QgsComposition from standalone application
- Closed due to lack of feedback
11:03 PM Bug report #10887 (Closed): Qgis return empty QgsComposition from standalone application
- Closed due to lack of feedback
10:26 PM Revision dcdf9fb7 (qgis): [processing] Fixes #11345 - Python error while using Get script from on...
07:17 PM Bug report #11350 (Closed): Raster Calculator not giving the correct raster from a slope percenta...
- i have a srtm_62_11 downloaded from the internet with WGS84 projection. I tried to derived slope raster from the srtm...
01:59 PM Bug report #11345 (Closed): Python error while using "Get script from online scripts collection"
- Fixed in changeset commit:"dcdf9fb7f60fa825b8319e50e49d4a48079180ee".
06:03 AM Bug report #11345 (Closed): Python error while using "Get script from online scripts collection"
- Double click on "Get script from online scripts collection"
Select "not installed"
Click on: "Create vector layer fro... -
01:21 PM Revision 17ca96fd (qgis): Allow QWebView for photo widget
- Fix #11306
01:12 PM Revision 121665e5 (qgis): [composer] Ensure that all maps are refreshed when atlas feature change...
01:11 PM Revision a5fe1748 (qgis): Fix crashes when using atlas and expressions which rely on specialcolum...
01:02 PM Revision 1b997802 (qgis): Followup 8a0e1ef
12:34 PM Bug report #3465 (Closed): Legend in map composer has an infinite height
- Safe to close this now that legend has been refactored.
12:34 PM Bug report #3465 (Closed): Legend in map composer has an infinite height
- Safe to close this now that legend has been refactored.
12:02 PM Revision 2dbe2da7 (qgis): [processing] minor code cleaning
12:02 PM Revision f661f80b (qgis): [processing] fixed wrong call to from static method
10:45 AM Revision cc8058a9 (qgis): [TRANSUP] transifex update
- Signed-off-by: Werner Macho <[email protected]>
08:52 AM Bug report #11191: Start of QGIS Desktop delayed (1–2 min.)
- Matthias Kuhn wrote:
> Possibly related to #11085
No VPN, no network drives. I also installed QGIS 32-bit for testin... -
07:46 AM Bug report #11231: Function rand() only gives values up to ~32000
- Investigating a bit:
Visual Studio (up to 2013) has RAND_MAX defined as 0x7fff: 32767. Author's note: which seems qu... -
06:58 AM Feature request #11347 (Closed): Unneccessarily inaccurate transformation Gauß-Krüger to UTM
- Hello,
Some months ago I reported what I believed to be a bug in transforming East German Krassovski coordinates t... -
06:21 AM Revision f1577f1e (qgis): Adding comments explaining code changes
05:18 AM Bug report #11342 (Closed): add field behaviour
- to reproduce:
1) add a virtual field
2) add a permanent field => field is added but marked as virtual
(symbol) and n... -
04:26 AM Bug report #11071 (Feedback): SQL injection on PostGIS layer filtering
- Was there a reason to change the state to open?
I think there are two possibilities to change the state from Feedbac... -
04:22 AM Bug report #11306 (Closed): Qgis 2.4: Can't visualize a picture in a form obtained from Qt Designer
- Fixed in changeset commit:"17ca96fd26720c964e42123ce1196b01355424d9".
03:00 AM Bug report #11306 (Open): Qgis 2.4: Can't visualize a picture in a form obtained from Qt Designer
- As a workaround, you can use a QLabel instead of a QWebView (This approach should be backwards compatible with 2.2)
... -
03:17 AM Bug report #11335: NameError with Processing - global name self is not defined
- Hi Victor,
No, it is not necessary, I take care of it! Don't worry! These are not yet final models!
Thank you so mu... -
03:04 AM Bug report #11335: NameError with Processing - global name self is not defined
- The error with int i18n is fixed. The error of not being able to load your model is actually not a modeler error. The...
02:57 AM Revision 20b0d121 (qgis): #11243: Disable simplification when OTFR transform fails
02:43 AM Bug report #11341 (Closed): Crashing on OSX when saving as layer geojson and changing CRS
- I am trying to save a Shapefile as geoJson. Each time I right click on the layer, select "Save As", enter the filenam...
12:21 AM Bug report #11306: Qgis 2.4: Can't visualize a picture in a form obtained from Qt Designer
- I use a Qwebview and it worked well in 2.2
I share the .ui file
02:22 PM Bug report #11306 (Feedback): Qgis 2.4: Can't visualize a picture in a form obtained from Qt Desi...
- Which widget type did you use to show the picture in the .ui-file?
Would you be able to share the .ui file? -
12:13 AM Feature request #11338: field calculator: if you choose 'double' as fieldtype, the precision is N...
- @mkuhn: Change the default precision for double to 5 instead of 0
So the Output field width should change to sensibl... -
12:05 AM Feature request #11338: field calculator: if you choose 'double' as fieldtype, the precision is N...
- I think this is actually the same one as: #9142
02:12 PM Feature request #11338: field calculator: if you choose 'double' as fieldtype, the precision is N...
- Just to be sure I understand correct. This feature request is:
* Change the default precision for double to 5 inste... -
03:32 AM Feature request #11338 (Open): field calculator: if you choose 'double' as fieldtype, the precisi...
- After a question on IRC of somebody who ended up with area's of 0
Load the shp from (epsg:28992)
Make layer... -
12:04 AM Bug report #11329 (Feedback): The new "legend format" option in graduated symbology breaks the po...
- Does the patch handle backward compatibility?
11:57 AM Bug report #11329 (Closed): The new "legend format" option in graduated symbology breaks the poss...
- This issue is fixed by pull request #1615.
I've used a "minimal change" approach - so the qml and sld strings are in... -
11:57 AM Bug report #11329 (Closed): The new "legend format" option in graduated symbology breaks the poss...
- This issue is fixed by pull request #1615.
I've used a "minimal change" approach - so the qml and sld strings are in... -
11:19 PM Bug report #11243: Data corruption with feature simplification.
- Chris Crook wrote:
> I can confirm that this patch solves the display issue (still get the warning messages - probabl... -
11:03 PM Bug report #11243: Data corruption with feature simplification.
- I can confirm that this patch solves the display issue (still get the warning messages - probably useful)
Thanks for ... -
06:40 PM Bug report #11243: Data corruption with feature simplification.
- Hi, the pull request 1616 ( ) fixes this issue.
It disables the simplificatio... -
10:50 PM Bug report #11340 (Closed): Can't edit OTB applications folder in processing module
- I've got a local installation of orfeo toolbox on my system and I try to change the otb applications folder and comma...
08:42 PM Revision 8b245548 (qgis): Fix saving styles in postgres where style definition includes %1 etc st...
04:58 PM Revision 79f8841a (qgis): [Processing] Add GDAL build virtual raster alg - part 2.
04:50 PM Revision 7f45a9c0 (qgis): [Processing] Add GDAL build virtual raster alg.
04:29 PM Revision e66bc848 (qgis): [Processing] Fix advanced parameter handling in OTB algorithms.
04:26 PM Revision 6f94e9dc (qgis): [Processing] Inform listeners when all algorithms have been loaded.
04:21 PM Revision 81089a1f (qgis): Fix translations in
02:55 PM Revision e5850f38 (qgis): Fix #10858 - Set relative path to QLR save folder. Load relative to QLR...
02:18 PM Bug report #11334 (Feedback): Shapefile attributes scrambled
02:18 PM Bug report #11334: Shapefile attributes scrambled
- Do you still have the original (uncorrupted) data? Is this reproducible? How?
02:06 PM Bug report #11312 (Closed): copy/paste style doesn't keep fields properties
- Is fixed in master. If this issue can be reproduced on master, please reopen.
02:03 PM Revision a4de7409 (qgis): [composer] Clean up label item widget
02:03 PM Revision 067c4dc2 (qgis): [composer] Update label items immediately after changing color
02:03 PM Revision bcc3011f (qgis): [composer] Remove duplicate canvas refreshes
02:03 PM Revision 6d850ad5 (qgis): [composer] Remove a bunch of duplicate render calls to map items during...
02:03 PM Revision e8e6e327 (qgis): [composer] More shortcuts for composer map tools
02:03 PM Revision 8a0e1ef4 (qgis): Indicate current color in color button swatch menus
01:50 PM Bug report #11191: Start of QGIS Desktop delayed (1–2 min.)
- Possibly related to #11085
02:29 AM Bug report #11191: Start of QGIS Desktop delayed (1–2 min.)
- Giovanni Manghi wrote:
> try also deleting the .qgis2 folder (make eventually a backup beforehand).
Deleting .qgis2 ... -
01:14 PM Revision 21106112 (qgis): Use standard test font for QgsComposerHtml test
11:54 AM Bug report #10778 (Closed): Crashes on zoom in-out
- Closing for lack of feedback.
11:54 AM Bug report #10778 (Closed): Crashes on zoom in-out
- Closing for lack of feedback.
11:53 AM Bug report #10760 (Closed): not working
- Closing for lack of feedback.
11:53 AM Bug report #10760 (Closed): not working
- Closing for lack of feedback.
11:51 AM Bug report #7366 (Closed): GdalTools not loadable
- Closing for lack of feedback.
11:51 AM Bug report #7366 (Closed): GdalTools not loadable
- Closing for lack of feedback.
11:51 AM Bug report #9879 (Closed): Postgis style categories are not displayed
- Closing for lack of feedback.
11:51 AM Bug report #9879 (Closed): Postgis style categories are not displayed
- Closing for lack of feedback.
11:49 AM Bug report #10234 (Closed): Difficult to edit nodes of polygons close together
11:49 AM Bug report #10234: Difficult to edit nodes of polygons close together
- Closing for lack of feedback.
11:48 AM Bug report #10584 (Closed): Saving as SpatiaLite fails with "save as" dialog when input is a mult...
- Closing for lack of feedback.
11:48 AM Bug report #10584 (Closed): Saving as SpatiaLite fails with "save as" dialog when input is a mult...
- Closing for lack of feedback.
11:44 AM Bug report #6338 (Closed): qgis server doesn't work with custom CRS
- closing for lack of feedback.
11:44 AM Bug report #6338 (Closed): qgis server doesn't work with custom CRS
- closing for lack of feedback.
11:41 AM Bug report #3415 (Closed): Basemap shrinks during export to pdf
- closing for lack of feedback.
11:41 AM Bug report #3415 (Closed): Basemap shrinks during export to pdf
- closing for lack of feedback.
11:38 AM Bug report #3466 (Rejected): Extremely Bloated PDF Vector Export under Win.
- closing for lack of feedback.
11:38 AM Bug report #3466 (Rejected): Extremely Bloated PDF Vector Export under Win.
- closing for lack of feedback.
10:25 AM Revision bed164e7 (qgis): Allow usage of virtual fields also for layer w/o add attribute support
- Fix #11168
10:18 AM Revision 7318c730 (qgis): Convert values to target field format
- For the field calculator and virtual fields.
Fix #11000
Fix #10995
Fix #10993 -
09:48 AM Bug report #11337 (Feedback): Attribute Table does not show correctly on high resolution (2880x16...
- is qgis master affected?
09:48 AM Bug report #11337 (Feedback): Attribute Table does not show correctly on high resolution (2880x16...
- is qgis master affected?
09:48 AM Bug report #11337 (Feedback): Attribute Table does not show correctly on high resolution (2880x16...
- is qgis master affected?
04:38 AM Bug report #11337: Attribute Table does not show correctly on high resolution (2880x1620) monitors
- Using QGIS 2.4 from OSGEO4W on Windows 8.1
03:12 AM Bug report #11337 (Closed): Attribute Table does not show correctly on high resolution (2880x1620...
- The rows in the attribute table are truncated in height, when using a large screen resolution 2880x1620). It is not p...
09:06 AM Bug report #11339 (Closed): WMTS tile request not properly working
- Hi, it seems there is something not properly working with the Tile request in the WMTS client. The error I keep recei...
07:35 AM Revision 11e3044e (qgis): [processing] fixed #11327
07:35 AM Revision c5c4d416 (qgis): [processing] fixed string representation of outputs
07:35 AM Revision 6cf39a53 (qgis): [processing] fixed list of algorithms in simplified mode
07:35 AM Revision c2e30b3c (qgis): [processing]removed debug print lines
07:33 AM Revision a39315af (qgis): [processing] enable non-tif outputs in gdaldem algorithms
07:33 AM Revision 559c2d95 (qgis): [processing] enabled more gdal output extensions
05:56 AM Bug report #10858 (Closed): Datasource file name in .qlr file should be relative to .qlr file
- Fixed in changeset commit:"e5850f38b152e9072c5ae26ae5c5966846b7be3a".
04:31 AM Bug report #10619: Attribute table 'Show features visible on map' option does not speed up loadin...
One other observation (not 100% sure it is related),
if I load this table in QGIS (zoomed in a lot to not load all...-
03:04 AM Bug report #10619: Attribute table 'Show features visible on map' option does not speed up loadin...
- I agree that this should be postponed to after feature freeze.
I see two possibilities that can be evaluated to tack... -
02:11 AM Bug report #11335: NameError with Processing - global name self is not defined
- Hi Victor,
I attach two models:
- with 1_1_preparacao.model, I get no error;
- with 1_preparacao.model, I get the ... -
02:11 AM Bug report #11335: NameError with Processing - global name self is not defined
- Hi Victor,
I attach two models:
- with 1_1_preparacao.model, I get no error;
- with 1_preparacao.model, I get the ...
01:55 AM Bug report #11335 (Feedback): NameError with Processing - global name self is not defined
- There are two problems in here. One, the model is not being loaded, so the backwards compatibility is not perfect. Tw...
01:35 AM Bug report #11335 (Closed): NameError with Processing - global name self is not defined
- After update to QGIS 2.5.0-92 (OSGeo4W) I get this error:...
01:46 AM Bug report #11336 (Closed): Copy / Paste PostGIS features problem
- When trying to copy features from a PostGIS layer in QGIS master to another, in the moment of pasting to the destinat...
01:25 AM Bug report #11168 (Closed): Cannot remove expression fields (crash)
- Fixed in changeset commit:"bed164e70c4405de7f6b729159b476244835c15f".
01:22 AM Bug report #10996 (Closed): Virtual fields: categorized symbology does not work under Windows
- Fixed in commit:7318c73
01:19 AM Bug report #10993 (Closed): Virtual fields: if selecting integer as data type, then field shows a...
- Fixed in changeset commit:"7318c73012a2c7245f5ac7a268a457ae84f0a4de".
01:19 AM Bug report #10995 (Closed): Virtual fields: graduated symbology with natural breaks does not use ...
- Fixed in changeset commit:"7318c73012a2c7245f5ac7a268a457ae84f0a4de".
01:19 AM Bug report #11000 (Closed): QgsExpression target format
- Fixed in changeset commit:"7318c73012a2c7245f5ac7a268a457ae84f0a4de".
01:07 AM Revision 66b1f53e (qgis): Merge pull request #1612 from ccrook/GraduatedRendererBugFixes1
- Two bug fixes for graduated renderer
11:59 PM Bug report #11332 (Feedback): qgis crashes when refreshing a composer html item following URL change
- I'm trying hard here on Ubuntu 14.04/master, but cannot replicate.
07:06 PM Bug report #11332 (Closed): qgis crashes when refreshing a composer html item following URL change
- Tweaking the URL value of a composer html item followed by a click on its "Refresh HTML" button will make QGIS crash....
09:03 PM Bug report #11334 (Closed): Shapefile attributes scrambled
- I have a polygon shapefile with ~50 fields. After a calculation, the fields are 'scrambled', with values in the wrong...
08:41 PM Revision 6c2c6e2b (qgis): Two bug fixes for graduated renderer
07:52 PM Bug report #11333 (Closed): TWD 67 projection CRSs are not correct
- The built-in TWD 67 / TM2 zone 119 and zone 121 are not correct. They're default parameters are stated as below:
+pr... -
05:36 PM Bug report #11329: The new "legend format" option in graduated symbology breaks the possibility t...
- Ok - I see where the problem is coming from. The provider is building SQL strings using the QString.arg function us...
02:07 PM Bug report #11329: The new "legend format" option in graduated symbology breaks the possibility t...
> Can you provide the full SQL string that is generated. Then we should be able to analyse it to figure out what Po...-
02:04 PM Bug report #11329: The new "legend format" option in graduated symbology breaks the possibility t...
- Chris Crook wrote:
> I've not got an explanation for the
> FAILURE: Neither -i nor -fl are specified
> or mor... -
11:55 AM Bug report #11329: The new "legend format" option in graduated symbology breaks the possibility t...
- To return to the XMLPARSE, I see the code is generated by compiling and SQL string using
QString QgsPostgresConn::qu... -
11:25 AM Bug report #11329: The new "legend format" option in graduated symbology breaks the possibility t...
- Just on one of the other issues you've raised (disconnect and connect warnings), that is my fault and will have a fix...
11:09 AM Bug report #11329: The new "legend format" option in graduated symbology breaks the possibility t...
- Chris Crook wrote:
> Sounds to me like the problem is with the code saving the style into postgres - it should be abl... -
10:16 AM Bug report #11329: The new "legend format" option in graduated symbology breaks the possibility t...
- Sounds to me like the problem is with the code saving the style into postgres - it should be able to handle any rando...
07:58 AM Bug report #11329: The new "legend format" option in graduated symbology breaks the possibility t...
- Nathan Woodrow wrote:
> Would something like # work?
not sure. The "%" make the saving of the style fail when it use... -
04:48 AM Bug report #11329: The new "legend format" option in graduated symbology breaks the possibility t...
- Do you think escaping is the way to go or will # be easy and maybe look better. That is what I'm thinking.
02:21 AM Bug report #11329: The new "legend format" option in graduated symbology breaks the possibility t...
- It probably just needs to be correctly escaped. I've experienced the modelDataChanged error too... I think this model...
02:09 AM Bug report #11329: The new "legend format" option in graduated symbology breaks the possibility t...
- Would something like # work?
02:00 AM Bug report #11329 (Closed): The new "legend format" option in graduated symbology breaks the poss...
- Take a PostGIS layer and make a graduated symbology in QGIS master, then try to save the style inside the database, a...
03:49 PM Revision b2e7e6ee (qgis): followup 3c95b5b9
02:57 PM Revision 1346cb61 (qgis): Merge pull request #1611 from manisandro/readlink
- Use readlink -f to determine source directory in scripts/
02:46 PM Revision 3c95b5b9 (qgis): only include reasonable complete translations
02:36 PM Bug report #11127: "add feature" icon changes on opening option panel during editing
- confirmed on linux/master.
02:36 PM Bug report #11127: "add feature" icon changes on opening option panel during editing
- confirmed on linux/master.
02:36 PM Bug report #11127: "add feature" icon changes on opening option panel during editing
- confirmed on linux/master.
01:46 PM Revision fa157843 (qgis): Use readlink -f to determine source directory
01:26 PM Revision ecedeb8b (qgis): [composer] Add missing degree symbol for 'Decimal with suffix' format w...
- a geographic crs
01:26 PM Revision f7cec71a (qgis): [composer] Don't use directional suffixes for annotations when in geogr...
- coordinate system and direction is ambiguous (eg 0 degrees latitude) and format
is set to 'Decimal with suffix' -
12:18 PM Revision 05878722 (qgis): save geometry for style DB dialogs
11:15 AM Bug report #11317: PostGIS views not handled correctly
- So what are you supposed to do in a view that has no unique column?
The original table had a primary key, but when ag... -
09:58 AM Bug report #11071 (Open): SQL injection on PostGIS layer filtering
09:42 AM Bug report #11115 (Open): ui form issues in qgis 2.4
09:42 AM Bug report #11020 (Closed): freeze when setting offset
- Tested your style on different datasets on qgis master and it seems to work ok.
Please reopen if necessary adding a... -
09:42 AM Bug report #11020 (Closed): freeze when setting offset
- Tested your style on different datasets on qgis master and it seems to work ok.
Please reopen if necessary adding a... - 09:39 AM Revision 4781f580 (qgis): @ccrook text review
09:34 AM Bug report #11044 (Closed): Problem loading output layers
- First of all when you use QGIS 2.4 be sure that you don't have any "processing" folder inside
... -
09:34 AM Bug report #11044 (Closed): Problem loading output layers
- First of all when you use QGIS 2.4 be sure that you don't have any "processing" folder inside
... -
09:34 AM Bug report #11044 (Closed): Problem loading output layers
- First of all when you use QGIS 2.4 be sure that you don't have any "processing" folder inside
... -
09:34 AM Bug report #11044 (Closed): Problem loading output layers
- First of all when you use QGIS 2.4 be sure that you don't have any "processing" folder inside
... -
08:30 AM Bug report #11227 (Closed): projections in 2.4.0
- If you disable the simplification (in layer properties) then it definitely works ok (while with simplification I see ...
08:30 AM Bug report #11227 (Closed): projections in 2.4.0
- If you disable the simplification (in layer properties) then it definitely works ok (while with simplification I see ...
08:24 AM Bug report #11191 (Feedback): Start of QGIS Desktop delayed (1–2 min.)
- George Mallory wrote:
> No, there are no network drives defined at all.
> The startup delay is still present after un... -
08:18 AM Bug report #11135: Zonal Statistics is calculating wrong mean values
- I can confirm this on the latest master, where both the tool in the raster menu and in the processing toolbox (one C+...
08:18 AM Bug report #11135: Zonal Statistics is calculating wrong mean values
- I can confirm this on the latest master, where both the tool in the raster menu and in the processing toolbox (one C+...
08:18 AM Bug report #11135: Zonal Statistics is calculating wrong mean values
- I can confirm this on the latest master, where both the tool in the raster menu and in the processing toolbox (one C+...
04:58 AM Bug report #11067 (Feedback): field overflow when saving style
- Hi,
it seems to me that in the "f_table_name" is always place the name of the layer you are styling (no SQL), regard... -
04:58 AM Bug report #11067 (Feedback): field overflow when saving style
- Hi,
it seems to me that in the "f_table_name" is always place the name of the layer you are styling (no SQL), regard... -
04:58 AM Bug report #11067 (Feedback): field overflow when saving style
- Hi,
it seems to me that in the "f_table_name" is always place the name of the layer you are styling (no SQL), regard... -
03:18 AM Bug report #11331 (Closed): Hidden Group legend items still occupies space in the legend
- The current master made possible to show map canvas layer groups in the legend (nice!). But if you want to hide the g...
02:55 AM Bug report #11120: Can't save legend in postgres when using charater simbol
- That's not completely true, the fact is that are font symbols that are not allowed in XML (when a style is saved in t...
02:55 AM Bug report #11120: Can't save legend in postgres when using charater simbol
- That's not completely true, the fact is that are font symbols that are not allowed in XML (when a style is saved in t...
02:55 AM Bug report #11120: Can't save legend in postgres when using charater simbol
- That's not completely true, the fact is that are font symbols that are not allowed in XML (when a style is saved in t...
02:47 AM Bug report #11330 (Closed): Composer legend is now resizable to a size smaller than the items inside
- In qgis master, sizing the composer legend items using the mouse it's possible to set it's size smaller than the actu...
01:41 AM Feature request #11324: Let Processing windows being non-blockers of the interface
- Possibly duplicated of #5396
Leaving this one for now, as I think it is more clear from the user point of view. Feel ... -
08:20 AM Feature request #11324 (Closed): Let Processing windows being non-blockers of the interface
- For long analyses, especially common for large rasters, a major disadvantage of Processing compared to GDALTools is t...
01:40 AM Feature request #5396: Run algorithms in a different thread
- Possibly duplicated in #11324
01:37 AM Bug report #11314: gdal-python 1.11.1-1
- See also
01:25 AM Bug report #6785: Error while trying to edit a parameter in a model
- Still true in today's QGIS Master. I'm copying bellow the last part of the backtrace.This bug has been around for two...
01:16 AM Feature request #11328 (Closed): Increase the font size in the Modeller and in the Script editor
- The font in the "Modeller" and in the "Script editor" is too small for big screens. I suggest allowing users to incre...
01:13 AM Bug report #11327: Python error while trying to create a model
- Forgot to mention that:
Select the output from the Intersection and write "a/10" on "Field to calculate statistics on" -
01:11 AM Bug report #11327 (Closed): Python error while trying to create a model
- - Add vector layer - A
- Add vector - B
- QGIS intersection - A with B
- Basic statistics for numeric fields
- Write ... -
12:34 AM Revision 4ce2ade9 (qgis): [TRANSUP] transifex update
- Signed-off-by: Werner Macho <[email protected]>
12:19 AM Revision 2353edc1 (qgis): fix typo
- Signed-off-by: Werner Macho <[email protected]>
11:02 PM Revision e0fc515a (qgis): [processing] show layers sorted only for single selection widget and use
- legend order for multiple selection
- 09:31 PM Revision 1cd543a6 (qgis): Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/master' into newTips
- 09:10 PM Revision 6922e45c (qgis): A lot of missing letter and typo corrected thanks to @ccrook
08:10 PM Bug report #10752: Value Map not working when loading a qml
- Sorry, I have zero understanding when it comes to coding, etc.
I am having this same problem with the value map info... -
06:53 PM Bug report #10879 (Closed): multiple grid: a grid using non-project CRS ignores 'cross' grid type
- I was certain you'd filed this! Anyway, fixed in master.
06:53 PM Bug report #10879 (Closed): multiple grid: a grid using non-project CRS ignores 'cross' grid type
- I was certain you'd filed this! Anyway, fixed in master.
04:54 PM Revision ec64e1d9 (qgis): Merge pull request #1598 from marcel-dancak/getfeatureinfo-raster
- Mapserver: fixed GetFeatureInfo request on raster layers (GML format)
- 04:44 PM Revision 350d9890 (qgis): Removing easter eggs tips
04:38 PM Revision b8c558cc (qgis): [TRANSUP] fix for some typos and processing
- Signed-off-by: Werner Macho <[email protected]>
04:38 PM Revision 70604b92 (qgis): another typo fix
- 04:00 PM Revision df4d380d (qgis): new tips
03:52 PM Revision 7960dc21 (qgis): [processing] always pass number of cores as integer (fix #10894)
03:25 PM Revision 410fe674 (qgis): typo fix
02:58 PM Revision de5ac244 (qgis): Merge pull request #1607 from gioman/v_kernel
- fix for v.kernel module in GRASS plugin
02:35 PM Revision 7fce897b (qgis): [TRANSUP] fix source typos
- Signed-off-by: Werner Macho <[email protected]>
02:13 PM Bug report #11031 (Closed): Problem with layer ordering on GDAL Merge for QGIS 2.2 and 2.4
- fixed in
the processing dialog to allow selection of (raster) layers now... -
02:13 PM Bug report #11031 (Closed): Problem with layer ordering on GDAL Merge for QGIS 2.2 and 2.4
- fixed in
the processing dialog to allow selection of (raster) layers now... -
02:07 PM Bug report #11088 (Closed): Can't control order of r.patch multiple selection in 2.4
- fixed in
the processing dialog to allow selection of (raster) layers no... -
02:07 PM Bug report #11088 (Closed): Can't control order of r.patch multiple selection in 2.4
- fixed in
the processing dialog to allow selection of (raster) layers no... -
02:05 PM Revision f8a838d5 (qgis): Fix #11308 - Add missing IN operator
01:48 PM Bug report #11082 (Closed): Merge tool bug when a shapefile is loaded multiple times
- I reopened the original ticket #7540 as it has more notes and comments.
01:48 PM Bug report #11082 (Closed): Merge tool bug when a shapefile is loaded multiple times
- I reopened the original ticket #7540 as it has more notes and comments.
01:48 PM Bug report #7540 (Reopened): Merge tool bug when a shapefile is loaded multiple times
- Sorry to reopen this, seems master still affected. See also #11082
01:48 PM Bug report #7540 (Reopened): Merge tool bug when a shapefile is loaded multiple times
- Sorry to reopen this, seems master still affected. See also #11082
01:47 PM Revision 1e43cd39 (qgis): Fix #11302 - Move view selection for identify dock
01:36 PM Revision def0a1df (qgis): Fixes #11061
- see
01:20 PM Feature request #9949 (Closed): Add an option to list layers in alphabetical order
- As I can see in master layers now listed in alphabetical order by default
01:20 PM Feature request #9949 (Closed): Add an option to list layers in alphabetical order
- As I can see in master layers now listed in alphabetical order by default
01:09 PM Revision 650cd8f3 (qgis): fix typos in strings
01:05 PM Revision b9f89ae2 (qgis): [processing] fix algorithm execution
- 12:58 PM Revision 76ff1a6c (qgis): fix for v.kernel module in GRASS plugin
12:32 PM Bug report #10619: Attribute table 'Show features visible on map' option does not speed up loadin...
- Analising with Jurgen and discussed with Giovani Manghi we decided to postpone the solutione to the next release for ...
12:12 PM Bug report #10999: Unknown exception while reshaping
- Tested with Arnaud, and discussed with Giovanni Manghi, I think it is a good compromise to avoid heavy refactoring of...
12:10 PM Bug report #10999: Unknown exception while reshaping
- Arnaud Morvan wrote:
> We have reduced the problem by reducing the size of the buffer used in QgsGeometry::XXXContain... -
12:06 PM Bug report #10999: Unknown exception while reshaping
- We have reduced the problem by reducing the size of the buffer used in QgsGeometry::XXXContainedInLine functions.
The... -
08:36 AM Bug report #10999: Unknown exception while reshaping
- Arnaud Morvan wrote:
> Pull request created :
the pull request doesn't fix th... -
08:20 AM Bug report #10999: Unknown exception while reshaping
- Arnaud Morvan wrote:
> Pull request created :
checking -
08:12 AM Bug report #10999: Unknown exception while reshaping
- Pull request created :
08:01 AM Bug report #10999: Unknown exception while reshaping
- I've resolve it, I will make a push request:
- double bufferDistance = pow( 1.0L, geomDigits( line2 ) - 11 );
+ doubl... -
07:51 AM Bug report #10999: Unknown exception while reshaping
- geos message is:
src/core/qgsgeometry.cpp: 99: (throwGEOSException) GEOS exception: IllegalArgumentException: Points... -
06:53 AM Bug report #10999: Unknown exception while reshaping
- in my case exception append in this call:
n... -
05:39 AM Bug report #10999: Unknown exception while reshaping
- Should be due to excessive buffer :
I think w... -
11:32 AM Revision a3dad244 (qgis): sip bindings: QgsAttributeDialog inherits from QDialog - Sponsored by Q...
- Essen 2014 and everybody who helped to organize and finance this event
Fixes a strange bug that prevented child widg... -
11:32 AM Revision ba3cca26 (qgis): Attribute dialog: Show layer name in title bar
11:01 AM Revision 2d433ea0 (qgis): [TRANSUP] adding processing for translation, thanks Alex
- Signed-off-by: Werner Macho <[email protected]>
10:36 AM Revision bd13693a (qgis): [processing] make bunch of strings translatable (sorry translators)
10:36 AM Revision f9353168 (qgis): [processing] add full i18n support (still needs some work to mark all
- strings as translatable)
10:35 AM Revision 46effa18 (qgis): [processing] better-looking params ui (removed widget border)
10:21 AM Revision b1140852 (qgis): [processing] fixed crs checking before running alg
10:19 AM Revision 2b181cb5 (qgis): german translation update
10:06 AM Bug report #11317: PostGIS views not handled correctly
- you need to choose a unique column. QGIS doesn't choose it just offers numeric columns.
09:54 AM Bug report #8285: Saving styles (qml and sld) doesn't work for CSV layers under Windows
- Still true
09:47 AM Bug report #11142 (Feedback): Adding three shapefile layers when I add just one for QGIS 2.4.0
- How do you add the shape? using the "add vector" dialog? using the qgis browser? using drag and drop? it happens with...
09:47 AM Bug report #11142 (Feedback): Adding three shapefile layers when I add just one for QGIS 2.4.0
- How do you add the shape? using the "add vector" dialog? using the qgis browser? using drag and drop? it happens with...
09:47 AM Bug report #11142 (Feedback): Adding three shapefile layers when I add just one for QGIS 2.4.0
- How do you add the shape? using the "add vector" dialog? using the qgis browser? using drag and drop? it happens with...
09:39 AM Bug report #11041 (Closed): import mapinfo file generate invalid geometrie
09:37 AM Revision 7c4cb0cf (qgis): move raster thumbnails from General tab to Style (fix #7946)
09:11 AM Bug report #11030 (Open): "fill styles" of the "simple fill" symbology (ex: "diagonal X") are not...
- With the "line pattern fill" the result of the export from the composer (to pdf or image) is ok, in the sense that it...
09:11 AM Bug report #11030 (Open): "fill styles" of the "simple fill" symbology (ex: "diagonal X") are not...
- With the "line pattern fill" the result of the export from the composer (to pdf or image) is ok, in the sense that it...
09:11 AM Bug report #11030 (Open): "fill styles" of the "simple fill" symbology (ex: "diagonal X") are not...
- With the "line pattern fill" the result of the export from the composer (to pdf or image) is ok, in the sense that it...
09:11 AM Bug report #11030 (Open): "fill styles" of the "simple fill" symbology (ex: "diagonal X") are not...
- With the "line pattern fill" the result of the export from the composer (to pdf or image) is ok, in the sense that it...
09:11 AM Bug report #11030 (Open): "fill styles" of the "simple fill" symbology (ex: "diagonal X") are not...
- With the "line pattern fill" the result of the export from the composer (to pdf or image) is ok, in the sense that it...
08:53 AM Bug report #11119 (Closed): Wrong scale display
08:42 AM Bug report #11015 (Closed): Style manager crashes when renaming symbol to existing name
- no more crash on qgis master.
08:42 AM Bug report #11015 (Closed): Style manager crashes when renaming symbol to existing name
- no more crash on qgis master.
08:33 AM Bug report #11318 (Closed): using date fields in QGIS 2.4 query builder
- Stewart Sinclair wrote:
> I found that this problem had already been raised but no solution given.
> Casting the... -
08:33 AM Bug report #11318 (Closed): using date fields in QGIS 2.4 query builder
- Stewart Sinclair wrote:
> I found that this problem had already been raised but no solution given.
> Casting the... -
06:36 AM Bug report #11318: using date fields in QGIS 2.4 query builder
- I found that this problem had already been raised but no solution given.
Casting the date field ("Started") works ... -
04:20 AM Bug report #11318: using date fields in QGIS 2.4 query builder
- Nathan Woodrow wrote:
> Just note that that query string is passed to ogr to process. The problem might live there r... -
04:07 AM Bug report #11318: using date fields in QGIS 2.4 query builder
- Just note that that query string is passed to ogr to process. The problem might live there rather then in QGIS.
04:06 AM Bug report #11318 (Feedback): using date fields in QGIS 2.4 query builder
- Stewart Sinclair wrote:
> Just to clarify:
> "Started" > '2014-05-17' will select records in the "Select by expre... -
04:06 AM Bug report #11318 (Feedback): using date fields in QGIS 2.4 query builder
- Stewart Sinclair wrote:
> Just to clarify:
> "Started" > '2014-05-17' will select records in the "Select by expre... -
03:59 AM Bug report #11318: using date fields in QGIS 2.4 query builder
- Just to clarify:
"Started" > '2014-05-17' will select records in the "Select by expression" window but causes the e... -
08:18 AM Feature request #11323 (Feedback): Allow editing gdal commands in processing
- See the implementation in GDALTools itself. Thi, together with the next feature req, would allow to get rid of the du...
08:17 AM Bug report #11074: WCS export to GeoTIFF broken in QGIS 2.4.0
- The operation fails when the "columns" and "rows" are left as default (0). Until QGIS 2.2 were filled automatically, ...
08:17 AM Bug report #11074: WCS export to GeoTIFF broken in QGIS 2.4.0
- The operation fails when the "columns" and "rows" are left as default (0). Until QGIS 2.2 were filled automatically, ...
08:17 AM Bug report #11074: WCS export to GeoTIFF broken in QGIS 2.4.0
- The operation fails when the "columns" and "rows" are left as default (0). Until QGIS 2.2 were filled automatically, ...
06:52 AM Bug report #10894 (Closed): Wrong Taudem parameter
- Fixed in changeset commit:"7960dc21e37d67c81e79f870109d622f5cc05198".
06:47 AM Bug report #11295 (Closed): GPS plugin documentation - bug notice
- Thanks for this note. The problem is that those 2 tickets where closed not because they were fixed, but because the G...
06:47 AM Bug report #11295 (Closed): GPS plugin documentation - bug notice
- Thanks for this note. The problem is that those 2 tickets where closed not because they were fixed, but because the G...
06:37 AM Bug report #11265 (Closed): 0 used instead of NULL
06:25 AM Bug report #10259 (Rejected): processing - Model text doesn't honor Model GUI
- This is not an issue while model itself works fine
06:25 AM Bug report #10259 (Rejected): processing - Model text doesn't honor Model GUI
- This is not an issue while model itself works fine
06:25 AM Bug report #10259 (Rejected): processing - Model text doesn't honor Model GUI
- This is not an issue while model itself works fine
06:17 AM Bug report #5848: Different icons for QGIS and QGIS Browser
- Hi guys, i add more icons for .qml, .qgs, .qpt see in: -
06:08 AM Bug report #11080 (Closed): v.kernel not working in QGIS 2.5.0
- patch committed in qgis master.
06:08 AM Bug report #11080 (Closed): v.kernel not working in QGIS 2.5.0
- patch committed in qgis master.
04:04 AM Bug report #11080: v.kernel not working in QGIS 2.5.0
- should be fixed with
under Linux the module can be called as qgis.v.kernel.... -
06:07 AM Bug report #11322 (Closed): Cannot copy/paste Spatialite features (when using autoincrementing pr...
- When using a SL layer with autoincrementing primary key copy/paste of features fails on save:
SQLite error: UNIQUE c... -
05:35 AM Bug report #11299 (Closed): Null/Extra symbol in categorized layer style
- Nathan Woodrow wrote:
> This is the fall though style if the none of the others match. If this symbol is not set and... -
05:35 AM Bug report #11299 (Closed): Null/Extra symbol in categorized layer style
- Nathan Woodrow wrote:
> This is the fall though style if the none of the others match. If this symbol is not set and... -
05:19 AM Bug report #11299: Null/Extra symbol in categorized layer style
- This is the fall though style if the none of the others match. If this symbol is not set and you have a value in a n...
05:25 AM Bug report #11231: Function rand() only gives values up to ~32000
- confirmed on the latest master on Windows (qgis 32 and 64 bit). Ok on Linux.
05:15 AM Bug report #11308 (Closed): IN operator is mising in expression dialog
- Fixed in changeset commit:"f8a838d5c5993a7bf2efcf708b8ee0343b19f502".
04:51 AM Bug report #11302 (Closed): identify panel behaviour broken
- Fixed in changeset commit:"1e43cd392b7062c875ea49862a06d530dc9dc774".
04:36 AM Bug report #11061 (Closed): Labeling Settings window's width expand beyond reason when a large ex...
- Fixed in changeset commit:"def0a1df91d5390f02dc0fd5f17d3614e396a7a2".
02:45 AM Bug report #11061: Labeling Settings window's width expand beyond reason when a large expression ...
- I'm at lost here :)
I've made a screencast of how the UI behaves over here, hope that can help. -
02:19 AM Bug report #11061 (Feedback): Labeling Settings window's width expand beyond reason when a large ...
- Mathieu Pellerin - nIRV wrote:
> Definitively not fixed. Steps to reproduce:
> 1. Create a project, add one vector la... -
02:19 AM Bug report #11061 (Feedback): Labeling Settings window's width expand beyond reason when a large ...
- Mathieu Pellerin - nIRV wrote:
> Definitively not fixed. Steps to reproduce:
> 1. Create a project, add one vector la... -
04:18 AM Bug report #11195 (Closed): Minidump
- Torsten Wiebke wrote:
> Hi,
> sorry for my late respond.
> I did nothing than click "Project" - "close".
> Where c... -
04:18 AM Bug report #11195 (Closed): Minidump
- Torsten Wiebke wrote:
> Hi,
> sorry for my late respond.
> I did nothing than click "Project" - "close".
> Where c... -
04:15 AM Bug report #11290 (Closed): OTB provider : cannot find modules (inst: osgeo4w 32 AND 64bits)
- just tested on qgis 2.4/master on Windows/osgeo4w (with the otb-bin package installed) and it works as expected.
If ... -
04:15 AM Bug report #11290 (Closed): OTB provider : cannot find modules (inst: osgeo4w 32 AND 64bits)
- just tested on qgis 2.4/master on Windows/osgeo4w (with the otb-bin package installed) and it works as expected.
If ... -
04:13 AM Bug report #11256 (Closed): GRASS r.thin not working
04:13 AM Bug report #11256: GRASS r.thin not working
- When using Processing (ex Sextante) is suggested to chenge the options and make the module window stay open after the...
04:13 AM Bug report #11256: GRASS r.thin not working
- When using Processing (ex Sextante) is suggested to chenge the options and make the module window stay open after the...
03:51 AM Bug report #11217: crash / bad alloc when loading raster with only nodata values
- It is a regression as it worked fine until 2.2 included. Master and 2.4 are affected. Tested on Linux and Windows.
03:51 AM Bug report #11217: crash / bad alloc when loading raster with only nodata values
- It is a regression as it worked fine until 2.2 included. Master and 2.4 are affected. Tested on Linux and Windows.
01:56 AM Bug report #11061 (Reopened): Labeling Settings window's width expand beyond reason when a large ...
- Definitively not fixed. Steps to reproduce:
1. Create a project, add one vector layer (polygon, point, line, doesn't ... -
01:37 AM Bug report #11061 (Closed): Labeling Settings window's width expand beyond reason when a large ex...
- I tested also on Windows/master, it works as expected too.
01:37 AM Bug report #11061 (Closed): Labeling Settings window's width expand beyond reason when a large ex...
- I tested also on Windows/master, it works as expected too.
01:37 AM Bug report #11061 (Closed): Labeling Settings window's width expand beyond reason when a large ex...
- I tested also on Windows/master, it works as expected too.
12:50 AM Bug report #11061: Labeling Settings window's width expand beyond reason when a large expression ...
- Arnaud, screenshot please? :)
The label must be a _long_ expression string. -
12:29 AM Bug report #11061: Labeling Settings window's width expand beyond reason when a large expression ...
- Tested on master with Ubuntu 14.04, works good, not expanding.
01:13 AM Bug report #7946 (In Progress): Move raster Thumbnails, Legend, and Palette from General to Style...
01:11 AM Bug report #7946 (Closed): Move raster Thumbnails, Legend, and Palette from General to Style tab
- Fixed in changeset commit:"7c4cb0cf8b3ba2bbdaf574d6aafc1bfba421c4cc".
01:11 AM Bug report #11009 (Closed): WMS Server returns no search results if layer max scale is set to 1:1
- closing for lack of feedback. Please reopen if necessary.
01:11 AM Bug report #11009 (Closed): WMS Server returns no search results if layer max scale is set to 1:1
- closing for lack of feedback. Please reopen if necessary.
01:09 AM Bug report #11124 (Closed): Double-clicking layer checkbox opens Layer Properies
- It does not seems to be anymore the case in qgis master (aka 2.6) where the legend was completely overhauled.
Please... -
01:09 AM Bug report #11124 (Closed): Double-clicking layer checkbox opens Layer Properies
- It does not seems to be anymore the case in qgis master (aka 2.6) where the legend was completely overhauled.
Please... -
12:59 AM Bug report #11173 (Rejected): OpenLayers3 not showing nothing when Style is Rule-Based
- Please report this bug in plugin bugtracker
12:59 AM Bug report #11173 (Rejected): OpenLayers3 not showing nothing when Style is Rule-Based
- Please report this bug in plugin bugtracker
12:59 AM Bug report #11173 (Rejected): OpenLayers3 not showing nothing when Style is Rule-Based
- Please report this bug in plugin bugtracker
12:59 AM Bug report #11171 (Rejected): OpenLayers3 plugin not loading basemap in firefox- google chrome wo...
- Please report this bug in plugin bigtracker
12:59 AM Bug report #11171 (Rejected): OpenLayers3 plugin not loading basemap in firefox- google chrome wo...
- Please report this bug in plugin bigtracker
12:59 AM Bug report #11171 (Rejected): OpenLayers3 plugin not loading basemap in firefox- google chrome wo...
- Please report this bug in plugin bigtracker
12:59 AM Bug report #11033 (Closed): Action OPEN doesn't work in QGIS 2.4
- it seems it is ok on QGIS master on both Linux and Windows (I tested also Polish language).
Please reopen if necessary. -
12:59 AM Bug report #11033 (Closed): Action OPEN doesn't work in QGIS 2.4
- it seems it is ok on QGIS master on both Linux and Windows (I tested also Polish language).
Please reopen if necessary. -
12:54 AM Feature request #11319: Allow to (re)add features to null geometries
- Arnaud Morvan wrote:
> For myself, it seems normal that a feature geometry can be null.
> But after having removed... -
12:52 AM Feature request #11319: Allow to (re)add features to null geometries
- For myself, it seems normal that a feature geometry can be null.
But after having removed the last point, it is impo... -
11:27 AM Feature request #11319 (Closed): Allow to (re)add features to null geometries
- It seems that since 2.4 the node tool allow to remove every node of a line/polygon feature, but this does not trigger...
12:54 AM Bug report #11274 (Feedback): File path encoding in "delimitedtext"-Provider
- Please be more specific, which "special" characters? Does it also failed when you load this file via QGIS GUI?
12:54 AM Bug report #11274 (Feedback): File path encoding in "delimitedtext"-Provider
- Please be more specific, which "special" characters? Does it also failed when you load this file via QGIS GUI?
12:51 AM Bug report #11275 (Closed): Specifying output file in Clipper causes error
- Fixed in commit:dbe4da806b
12:51 AM Bug report #11275 (Closed): Specifying output file in Clipper causes error
- Fixed in commit:dbe4da806b
12:48 AM Bug report #11314 (Rejected): gdal-python 1.11.1-1
- This is not a QGIS issue. Seems there is packaging problem in OSGeo4W, report this in corresponding bugracker
12:48 AM Bug report #11314 (Rejected): gdal-python 1.11.1-1
- This is not a QGIS issue. Seems there is packaging problem in OSGeo4W, report this in corresponding bugracker
12:47 AM Feature request #11320 (Rejected): Not sure if this is the place, just reporting it works on my d...
03:45 PM Feature request #11320 (Rejected): Not sure if this is the place, just reporting it works on my d...
- Just wanted to report that I downloaded this on the OnePlus One Android smartphone, and it looks pretty good. I have...
12:25 AM Bug report #11321 (Closed): Composer legend doesn't honour reference point when adding/deleting l...
- In map composer, when adding or removing layers from the legend, the legend resizes itself but doesn't do so relative...
12:25 AM Bug report #11254 (Closed): QGIS Server: Exclude layers in OWS tab does not work
- it is ok on qgis master.
12:25 AM Bug report #11254 (Closed): QGIS Server: Exclude layers in OWS tab does not work
- it is ok on qgis master.
09:20 PM Revision 30dd6e77 (qgis): remove useless code
07:29 PM Revision 5fca922a (qgis): [processing] fixed minor typos in GeometryConvert algorithm
07:29 PM Revision 953f9770 (qgis): fixed #10986
05:55 PM Revision c7a16507 (qgis): Merge pull request #1606 from arnaud-morvan/selectioncolor_alphachannel
- Fix #11307. Apply user selection alpha channel to mapsettings on newfile.
05:34 PM Revision 0075bde2 (qgis): Apply default selection color alpha channel to mapsettings on newfile. ...
03:11 PM Revision 6ec751f6 (qgis): [composer] Cache transformed grid lines and intersections to slightly
- speed up grid drawing
03:09 PM Revision 9e793ebd (qgis): [composer] Fix transformed map grids not drawn if set to Tick or Marker...
03:03 PM Revision ade5b65e (qgis): Workaround issue in Qt detection of encoding for html QByteArrays
02:47 PM Revision 2f1dbab8 (qgis): fix file permissions
02:47 PM Revision 1b859730 (qgis): [processing] put all qgis algs in single directory
02:47 PM Revision 2cd17706 (qgis): [processing] disable GRASS 7 algorithm provider by default
02:46 PM Revision b2494fd9 (qgis): Update geometricfigures.rst
02:40 PM Revision d8ce7dac (qgis): Optimize simple line drawing when without data-defined properties
- 20% speed improvement when drawing 1m linestrings (4points each) from memory layer
02:40 PM Revision 3ce7be5d (qgis): Skip some work if no data-defined properties are applied
- 8% speedup with 1m polygons in memory layer
02:40 PM Revision fbbea90d (qgis): Optimize simple marker: do not construct/destruct "size" all the time
- 13% speedup when rendering 1m points from memory provider
02:40 PM Revision 86015ea4 (qgis): Optimize QgsVectorLayerFeatureIterator a bit
- 11% speedup when rendering 1 million points from memory provider
01:29 PM Bug report #7258 (Closed): GetFeatureInfo request with a FILTER doesn't find anything
> I really do not understand the problem!
I just tested quite extensively (qgis master) and it works. Your problem...-
01:29 PM Bug report #7258 (Closed): GetFeatureInfo request with a FILTER doesn't find anything
> I really do not understand the problem!
I just tested quite extensively (qgis master) and it works. Your problem...-
01:04 PM Bug report #6785: Error while trying to edit a parameter in a model
- I can confirm that this happens on my machine too. Linux Fedora core 18 with a private build of the latest trunk. T...
12:49 PM Revision ebae4859 (qgis): dxf export: (re-)enable linetype generation for pen styles
12:03 PM Revision dbe4da80 (qgis): Merge pull request #1603 from luipir/master
- [GdalTools] fix blocker bug
11:57 AM Bug report #10805 (Closed): QGIS freezes when using Identify Features form containing embedded re...
- It seems to work fine on the latest qgis master, on both linux and windows (attached project saved in qgis 2.2). Plea...
11:57 AM Bug report #10805 (Closed): QGIS freezes when using Identify Features form containing embedded re...
- It seems to work fine on the latest qgis master, on both linux and windows (attached project saved in qgis 2.2). Plea...
11:57 AM Bug report #10805 (Closed): QGIS freezes when using Identify Features form containing embedded re...
- It seems to work fine on the latest qgis master, on both linux and windows (attached project saved in qgis 2.2). Plea...
11:34 AM Bug report #11141 (Closed): Parallel multi-core rendering crashes QGIS
- Andreas Neumann wrote:
> It works fine for me. No more crashes for my projects.
I assume that this should be fixed. ... -
11:34 AM Bug report #11141 (Closed): Parallel multi-core rendering crashes QGIS
- Andreas Neumann wrote:
> It works fine for me. No more crashes for my projects.
I assume that this should be fixed. ... -
11:28 AM Bug report #10976: attribute table refresh problems after edits
- > If a layer item is geometrically edited - removing all its vertices say for a line, the attribute table still have ...
11:22 AM Bug report #10976: attribute table refresh problems after edits
- I also seen this issue a number of times, but struggled to replicate it. Anyway it is not a regression (so we should ...
11:22 AM Bug report #10976: attribute table refresh problems after edits
- I also seen this issue a number of times, but struggled to replicate it. Anyway it is not a regression (so we should ...
11:22 AM Bug report #10976: attribute table refresh problems after edits
- I also seen this issue a number of times, but struggled to replicate it. Anyway it is not a regression (so we should ...
11:22 AM Bug report #10976: attribute table refresh problems after edits
- I also seen this issue a number of times, but struggled to replicate it. Anyway it is not a regression (so we should ...
02:37 AM Bug report #10976: attribute table refresh problems after edits
- I also get the same problem although I haven't been able to reproduce it consistently. Sometimes the table refreshes ...
11:16 AM Revision f5054a1e (qgis): Merge pull request #1604 from elpaso/processing
- [processing] Avoid python hangs when run in headless mode from FCGI
11:04 AM Bug report #11315: Identify Results form no decreases in width
- View problem
02:07 AM Bug report #11315 (Closed): Identify Results form no decreases in width
- Identify Results form no decreases in width.
Trying to put the control "Mode" and "Auto open form" in one line -
10:56 AM Bug report #11293: Auto update Shows All Layers
- confirmed on the latest master.
10:56 AM Bug report #11293: Auto update Shows All Layers
- confirmed on the latest master.
10:42 AM Revision ac54c8e0 (qgis): [processing] updated freq analysis alg
10:40 AM Revision 48fde065 (qgis): remove old code
10:40 AM Revision d4dbb92a (qgis): refactor Gridify alg. fix license headers
10:40 AM Revision 558765ad (qgis): update Grid alg to avoid some coordinate precision issues
10:40 AM Revision f6144355 (qgis): refactor Hub distance alg
10:40 AM Revision b63a5d3f (qgis): refactor Hub lines alg
10:40 AM Revision be079896 (qgis): refactor Geometry convert alg
10:40 AM Revision 8e696b76 (qgis): refactor Merge alg
10:40 AM Revision 98226c5c (qgis): refactor Grid algorithm
10:40 AM Revision 25fa1705 (qgis): cleanup in vector utils
10:40 AM Revision 3b60bd67 (qgis): refactor Select by attribute alg
10:40 AM Revision 5d114a87 (qgis): refactor Extract by attribute alg
10:40 AM Revision 07d584d2 (qgis): start refactoring of the Processing mmqgis backend: Delete column and
- Delete duplicate geometries
10:40 AM Revision 5306cd85 (qgis): refactor Text to float alg
10:35 AM Revision 59ec15bb (qgis): [processing] Avoid python hangs when run in headless mode from FCGI
10:34 AM Bug report #8511 (Closed): Iterations: autofill mode fills the output name in a wrong way under L...
- should be fixed with commit:953f97707308a441c6d882090dfb43f1c8898995
10:34 AM Bug report #8511 (Closed): Iterations: autofill mode fills the output name in a wrong way under L...
- should be fixed with commit:953f97707308a441c6d882090dfb43f1c8898995
10:32 AM Bug report #10986 (Closed): Batch processing autofill option deletes last filename character
- should be fixed with
#953f97707308a441c6d882090dfb43f1c8898995 -
10:32 AM Bug report #10986 (Closed): Batch processing autofill option deletes last filename character
- should be fixed with
#953f97707308a441c6d882090dfb43f1c8898995 -
10:17 AM Bug report #11198: Text annotations are not rendered when saving the map canvas as image
- I tested qgis down to 1.8 and it never exported the annotation with "save as image". Not even sure we should make thi...
10:09 AM Bug report #11233 (Closed): Raster export broken
- seems not replicable anymore, please reopen if necessary. Cheers!
10:09 AM Bug report #11233 (Closed): Raster export broken
- seems not replicable anymore, please reopen if necessary. Cheers!
10:08 AM Bug report #11131: GPX plugin always saves absolute path
- Confirmed on the latest master, anyway this is one of the cases I have doubts tagging the issue as blocker (even if i...
10:08 AM Bug report #11131: GPX plugin always saves absolute path
- Confirmed on the latest master, anyway this is one of the cases I have doubts tagging the issue as blocker (even if i...
10:08 AM Bug report #11131: GPX plugin always saves absolute path
- Confirmed on the latest master, anyway this is one of the cases I have doubts tagging the issue as blocker (even if i...
08:57 AM Bug report #11307 (Closed): Default transparency for selections not honored
- Fixed in changeset commit:"c7a16507671dc322856c338e2e6d8b1c9b451884".
08:44 AM Bug report #11307: Default transparency for selections not honored
- Pull request created :
08:32 AM Bug report #11307: Default transparency for selections not honored
- On the latest QGIS master the transparency for selection color is completely ignored.
08:32 AM Bug report #11307: Default transparency for selections not honored
- On the latest QGIS master the transparency for selection color is completely ignored.
08:13 AM Bug report #10876 (Feedback): Broken non-latin text attributes when doing Shapefile import in GRA...
- I cannot confirm that qgis 1.8 wasn't affected, I just tested on it and I see the same behavior.
I'm on an en_EN ope... -
08:13 AM Bug report #10876 (Feedback): Broken non-latin text attributes when doing Shapefile import in GRA...
- I cannot confirm that qgis 1.8 wasn't affected, I just tested on it and I see the same behavior.
I'm on an en_EN ope... -
08:13 AM Bug report #10876 (Feedback): Broken non-latin text attributes when doing Shapefile import in GRA...
- I cannot confirm that qgis 1.8 wasn't affected, I just tested on it and I see the same behavior.
I'm on an en_EN ope... -
08:01 AM Revision 0d5fb236 (qgis): Merge pull request #1599 from ccrook/CategorizedRendererFixes
- Categorized renderer fixes
07:37 AM Bug report #10996: Virtual fields: categorized symbology does not work under Windows
- still true on the latest master.
07:31 AM Bug report #10993: Virtual fields: if selecting integer as data type, then field shows as decimal
- still true on the latest master.
07:12 AM Bug report #10707 (Closed): Renaming group item in composer legend resets all settings of sub items
- this seems solved in the latest master.
07:12 AM Bug report #10707 (Closed): Renaming group item in composer legend resets all settings of sub items
- this seems solved in the latest master.
07:09 AM Revision ba0f9d40 (qgis): Reverting to preferred QgsRenderRangeV2LabelFormat
07:09 AM Bug report #10904: postgresql table shows only 500 features when adding from "add vector layer" a...
- I just tested with data of my own (with many millions of features) under Windows and Linux with qgis master, using po...
07:01 AM Bug report #11318: using date fields in QGIS 2.4 query builder
- this problem applies to shape files (the expression still works with PostGis files) and comparison between date field...
05:01 AM Bug report #11318 (Closed): using date fields in QGIS 2.4 query builder
- In QGIS 2.2 I could use a query such as
"Started" > '2014/07/17'
to find all records later than the date given. I... -
05:09 AM Bug report #11168 (Open): Cannot remove expression fields (crash)
05:08 AM Bug report #10835: Can't toggle layer visibility in canvas when selecting multiple layers.
- Martin Dobias wrote:
> I would suggest adding functionality to check/uncheck multiple layers to the newly added visib... -
05:01 AM Bug report #11257 (Closed): QGIS 2.4 crashes when using Topology Checker
- It seems ok on qgis master, using your data under both linux and windows. Please reopen of necessary.
05:01 AM Bug report #11257 (Closed): QGIS 2.4 crashes when using Topology Checker
- It seems ok on qgis master, using your data under both linux and windows. Please reopen of necessary.
03:33 AM Bug report #10882 (Closed): Required option to set the default value(NULL) on date fields in QGIS...
- in QGIS master there is now an option "allow NULL values".
03:33 AM Bug report #10882 (Closed): Required option to set the default value(NULL) on date fields in QGIS...
- in QGIS master there is now an option "allow NULL values".
03:26 AM Bug report #10872 (Closed): Slow performance when panning and opening attritute table -Non Acsii
- closing for lack of feedback.
03:26 AM Bug report #10872 (Closed): Slow performance when panning and opening attritute table -Non Acsii
- closing for lack of feedback.
03:25 AM Bug report #10832: Bad Allocation when opening raster properties
- confirmed on the latest master.
03:10 AM Bug report #11316 (Closed): python error when setting output file name in GDAL tools
- duplicate of #11275
03:10 AM Bug report #11316 (Closed): python error when setting output file name in GDAL tools
- duplicate of #11275
02:26 AM Bug report #11316 (Closed): python error when setting output file name in GDAL tools
- Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/usr/share/qgis/python/plugins/GdalTools/tools/", line 116, in fil... -
02:58 AM Bug report #10999: Unknown exception while reshaping
- discarding edits (after getting yhe exception) made my qgis crash.
02:43 AM Bug report #11209: Bad Allocation when opening properties of a VRT file created with the Hillshad...
- The resulting vrt file (using the QGIS core "Raster Terrain Analysis plugin") does not seems right, but the truth is ...
02:43 AM Bug report #11209: Bad Allocation when opening properties of a VRT file created with the Hillshad...
- The resulting vrt file (using the QGIS core "Raster Terrain Analysis plugin") does not seems right, but the truth is ...
02:43 AM Bug report #11209: Bad Allocation when opening properties of a VRT file created with the Hillshad...
- The resulting vrt file (using the QGIS core "Raster Terrain Analysis plugin") does not seems right, but the truth is ...
02:43 AM Bug report #11209: Bad Allocation when opening properties of a VRT file created with the Hillshad...
- The resulting vrt file (using the QGIS core "Raster Terrain Analysis plugin") does not seems right, but the truth is ...
02:40 AM Bug report #9887 (Feedback): Example script "Hex grid from layer bound" creates topologically inc...
- Should be fixed in commit:558765addf. Please check
02:31 AM Bug report #11317 (Closed): PostGIS views not handled correctly
- QGIS is not handling views correctly demonstrated by some examples.
1) Shape file containing multiple polygons imp...
01:15 AM Revision 10d75c00 (qgis): [composer] Fix display name for attribute table frames
01:08 AM Revision 456e9713 (qgis): [composer] Fix table background extending beyond table rows (fix #11272).
- It was necessary to add a new 'table background' color option to prevent
regressions when loading old compositions, s... -
12:53 AM Revision 7d3333ef (qgis): [composer] Copy hide background if empty setting when adding new frame ...
12:53 AM Revision 338098c1 (qgis): [composer] Default to no background for new frame items
12:47 AM Bug report #11314 (Rejected): gdal-python 1.11.1-1
- Some plugins (openlayers for example)in qgis Chugiak 2.4.0-1 get errors with gdal-python 1.11.1-1. Error: module name...
11:12 PM Bug report #11313 (Closed): Bad integer variables in postgis providers. Need unsigned int 0-42949...
- In the long-lived database Postgresql, and an increase in counter OID 2147483647 overflow occurs above variables, usi...
10:54 PM Bug report #10765: Actions on layer don't use field values
- 2.5.0-Master
This bug -
07:14 PM Revision 0d1f7196 (qgis): Adding missing elements from SIP
06:15 PM Revision dad5d420 (qgis): [processing] do not log algorithms when not run from the gui
05:41 PM Revision f652afb9 (qgis): Fix #11285 (improve symbol levels dialog for long symbol labels) - by S...
05:38 PM Revision c5652a52 (qgis): [fix #11300] make edit form non modal on feature creation too
04:58 PM Revision 72259135 (qgis): [processing] remove undefined variable (fix #11118)
04:17 PM Bug report #11272 (Closed): Print composer: table frame background extends beyond full table rows
- Fixed in changeset commit:"456e97137238b855afa5fad3cd10a2ccd4540fea".
04:06 PM Bug report #11263 (Closed): add map to composer do crash
- Seems to be a local problem, closing.
04:06 PM Bug report #11263 (Closed): add map to composer do crash
- Seems to be a local problem, closing.
03:51 PM Revision c9e03283 (qgis): fix blocker bug
03:49 PM Revision df7c965a (qgis): update mac install documentation and fix GSL include
- 03:06 PM Revision 4d30e054 (qgis): [Python Console] Don't set custom background for editor toolbar
02:56 PM Bug report #11305 (Reopened): Adding an overview map to print composer crashes QGIS
- I did reproduce this. I'll investigate
11:43 AM Bug report #11305 (Closed): Adding an overview map to print composer crashes QGIS
10:22 AM Bug report #11305: Adding an overview map to print composer crashes QGIS
- not confirmed on win8 either ... strange, must be local then ... sorry for the noise!
08:21 AM Bug report #11305 (Feedback): Adding an overview map to print composer crashes QGIS
- not confirmed in my win7 and master 675ba9a + tested on debian wheezy
- 02:46 PM Revision 5b7f8cbe (qgis): [Expression] Don't show folding
01:50 PM Bug report #5848: Different icons for QGIS and QGIS Browser
- Hi guys,
based on discussion in
n... -
01:27 PM Bug report #11312 (Closed): copy/paste style doesn't keep fields properties
- When style is copied from one layer to another all custom edit widgets in style->field properties are lost.
01:14 PM Revision 369b60a4 (qgis): Fixed renaming of composer legend nodes for raster layers
09:46 AM Bug report #11311 (Closed): DB Manager doesn't import PostGIS data in view with dblink
- I tried to import in QGIS a view with a PostGIS geometry column, which data are obtained from a second db (using dbli...
09:39 AM Bug report #9997 (Rejected): Commit changes to database creates invalid geometry
- unfortunately not reproducable.
09:39 AM Bug report #9997 (Rejected): Commit changes to database creates invalid geometry
- unfortunately not reproducable.
09:02 AM Feature request #11310 (Closed): choose label field when classifying categorized
- Raymond found out that it is easier to just classify on the text field, there is just a minimal time difference in re...
08:05 AM Feature request #11310 (Closed): choose label field when classifying categorized
- When I do a categorized classification, I must of course choose the column to create it. When I press 'classify' QGIS...
08:44 AM Bug report #11285: The cell to set the order of symbol level are disappeared
- Thanks Salvatore for the fix! I have applied it with just minor changes.
08:42 AM Bug report #11285 (Closed): The cell to set the order of symbol level are disappeared
- Fixed in changeset commit:"f652afb9fac246742d7a131bcd9b6b7f7156709f".
08:38 AM Bug report #11300 (Closed): map identification of relation reference widget does not work when cr...
- Fixed in changeset commit:"c5652a52e252d97a77ffd66caca5a0ed58ccf58f".
08:10 AM Feature request #10868 (Feedback): Processing: Import into PostGIS defaults
- Seems fixed in master. Please check and close
08:00 AM Bug report #11118 (Closed): s undefined in
- Fixed in changeset commit:"72259135b1f012ad61807be0d9900c4a5f83142d".
07:45 AM Feature request #11309 (Closed): add new variable in expression: filename and projection
- filename: name of the QGIS project file
projection: name of the projection used for the project
useful information f... -
07:43 AM Bug report #11308 (Closed): IN operator is mising in expression dialog
- IN operator can be used but doesn't appear in the operator list in the expression dialog.
07:21 AM Bug report #11275: Specifying output file in Clipper causes error
- tested on win7 also on 2.4 => can be backported
I tested random with other GdalTool methods and seems without regres... -
07:18 AM Bug report #11275: Specifying output file in Clipper causes error
- tested on win7 too
07:09 AM Bug report #11275: Specifying output file in Clipper causes error
- auto assigned
07:09 AM Bug report #11275: Specifying output file in Clipper causes error
- auto assigned
07:07 AM Bug report #11275: Specifying output file in Clipper causes error
- pull request to solve the issue
tested on debian -
02:57 AM Bug report #11275: Specifying output file in Clipper causes error
- confirmed in current master 675ba9a on win7 osge4w and Debian (compiled)
06:18 AM Bug report #8857 (Closed): sip: Unable to find file "QtCore/QtCoremod.sip"
- on mac, solved with last versoins of PyQt / SIP
06:04 AM Bug report #11307 (Closed): Default transparency for selections not honored
- I found a problem with QGIS 2.4 and 2.5 yesterday build.
When you set the defeult the color for selections and you s... -
03:57 AM Bug report #11141: Parallel multi-core rendering crashes QGIS
- It works fine for me. No more crashes for my projects.
02:49 AM Bug report #11306 (Closed): Qgis 2.4: Can't visualize a picture in a form obtained from Qt Designer
- Hello,
I have a problem with inserting a picture into a form in QGIS 2.4 with QT designer. +*Something that worked i...
10:49 PM Revision 675ba9ab (qgis): [composer] Fix placement of grid annotations when map has no frame set
10:48 PM Revision a2d5acb5 (qgis): Add argument to QgsCoordinateTransform::transformBoundingBox to flag that
- handling of a bounding box which crosses the 180 degree longitude line
is required. Fix composer map reprojected grid... -
02:03 PM Bug report #11305: Adding an overview map to print composer crashes QGIS
- The crash does not seem to happen with every project, but I can always reproduce it by loading the alaska.shp from th...
01:58 PM Bug report #11305 (Closed): Adding an overview map to print composer crashes QGIS
- To reproduce just add two maps to a print composition. Try to turn the second one in to an overview map. QGIS crashes...
12:44 PM Revision d66e4dc1 (qgis): [composer] Remove 'new from template' action from composer, following U...
12:32 PM Revision 78c88d58 (qgis): Add some shortcut keys for composer
12:31 PM Revision 0a260992 (qgis): [composer] Item widget layout tweaks for windows
12:31 PM Revision 5b7d39a7 (qgis): Fix more warnings for QgsColorButtonV2 with invalid size
07:54 AM Bug report #11304: The ComposerMap's tooltip is not updated after readXML
- Pull request 1602
07:50 AM Bug report #11304 (Closed): The ComposerMap's tooltip is not updated after readXML
- The ComposerMap's tooltip is only set in the private init method. This method is only used in the ComposerMap constru...
06:53 AM Feature request #11303 (Open): alternative layer coordinate readout with canvas orientation flip ...
- It would be useful in many cases to have a dynamic mouse coordinate readout in additional CRSs besides the canvas CRS...
05:16 AM Bug report #11302 (Closed): identify panel behaviour broken
- if I click 'table' or 'graph' in the identify panel (after a getfeatureinfo on a WMS layer in my case, that returned ...
02:44 AM Bug report #11255 (Closed): Composer does not update the paper size in QGIS Master
- Closing, as it's new intended behaviour. We'll tackle the icon discussion via the UI list.
02:44 AM Bug report #11255 (Closed): Composer does not update the paper size in QGIS Master
- Closing, as it's new intended behaviour. We'll tackle the icon discussion via the UI list.
02:05 AM Bug report #8827: Corner coordinates in map composer drawn in wrong place
- More detailed description on #11297
01:52 AM Bug report #11237 (Closed): Shapefile polygon layer not showing certain polygons
- so it was a spatial index issue. Closing then.
01:52 AM Bug report #11237 (Closed): Shapefile polygon layer not showing certain polygons
- so it was a spatial index issue. Closing then.
01:47 AM Revision a5f0de9d (qgis): API fixes to use Legend instead of Label where it makes more sense
10:41 PM Revision 21ddf129 (qgis): Changing decimal places to precision, allowing negative precision, impr...
09:10 PM Revision 465219a1 (qgis): Using QString.replace instead of .arg to ensure that %1 and %2 are unam...
08:52 PM Revision 834c1d0d (qgis): Fix handling of link category boundaries with sorting of rows
05:32 PM Feature request #11301: [composer] Add option to hide item bounding boxes
- Might be good to make it as some kind of status in the status bar so it is clear that selection handles are off. I c...
05:29 PM Feature request #11301 (Closed): [composer] Add option to hide item bounding boxes
- Need to add an option under the view menu to "hide item bounding boxes". This would make the selection bounding boxes...
03:23 PM Bug report #11297 (Closed): Composer - Problem with the Y coordinate in the grid frame
- Duplicate of #8827
03:23 PM Bug report #11297 (Closed): Composer - Problem with the Y coordinate in the grid frame
- Duplicate of #8827
06:34 AM Bug report #11297 (Closed): Composer - Problem with the Y coordinate in the grid frame
- There is a problem with the Y coordinate in the "Grid frame", when it reaches the limit of the grid.
Please see the ... -
02:27 PM Revision 18412257 (qgis): [composer] Correctly handle encoded HTML source (fix #11287)
12:37 PM Revision 595de482 (qgis): [composer] Use spin boxes for item position and size
12:37 PM Revision ed700742 (qgis): [composer] Don't snap to hidden items
12:37 PM Revision fd92dd95 (qgis): [color picker] Clicking the previous color should reset to that color
12:37 PM Revision fb7415c3 (qgis): [composer] Refresh refetches atlas feature from provider, more removal ...
12:37 PM Revision f23e38df (qgis): [composer] Prevent multiple calculation of data defined properties
12:35 PM Revision 6f4a28f5 (qgis): Disable radio buttons in color dialog if not using first tab
- 10:44 AM Revision c17957fe (qgis): Mapserver: fixed GetFeatureInfo request on raster layers
07:04 AM Bug report #11300 (Closed): map identification of relation reference widget does not work when cr...
- I suppose there is a conflict of map tools.
Also, canvas window is not raised (at least on windows) although it work... -
06:49 AM Bug report #11299 (Closed): Null/Extra symbol in categorized layer style
- For some reason, QGIS Desktop generates an extra/null symbol for categorized layer styles. This happens, at least, on...
06:47 AM Bug report #11298 (Closed): customize render combobox
- When tempting to uncheck visibility of mRenderSuppressionCBox (status bar) under the customization menu. QGIS crashes...
05:27 AM Bug report #11287 (Closed): composer' html items do not respect the character encoding of HTML pa...
- Fixed in changeset commit:"184122571ac1d310de8c8906e512788ebbbb29a9".
03:15 AM Bug report #11296 (Closed): Deleting shapes in shapefiles does not work
- After opening an existing ESRI-shapefiel (polygons) and deleting some of the shapes qgis marks the deleted lines in t...
01:59 AM Bug report #11255: Composer does not update the paper size in QGIS Master
- Ok, this is not a bug, but a change in functioning in version 2.6. Yet, I think icons do not seem very explicit. "New...
01:38 AM Bug report #11255: Composer does not update the paper size in QGIS Master
- Hi Nyall,
The first one. I make "New print composer" and then "Add items from template".
I tested right now with QG... -
01:14 AM Bug report #11255 (Feedback): Composer does not update the paper size in QGIS Master
- are you able to confirm the steps
you do to make the new composition from a template? Specifically, are
you creating ... -
10:59 PM Bug report #11255: Composer does not update the paper size in QGIS Master
- Probably related at some level to #11292
01:53 AM Bug report #11295 (Closed): GPS plugin documentation - bug notice
- Into the documentation related to the GPS plugin some bugs are reported, but now they are closed.
I saw this:
- htt... -
01:35 AM Bug report #11286: Incorrect evaluation of Rule-Base features
- The count field is a bigint, which is the type created by PostgreSQL when using the Count function. As requested scre...
07:15 PM Bug report #11286: Incorrect evaluation of Rule-Base features
- The shapefile field names are not the same so I am not sure exactly what you are doing, but be careful about data typ...
04:12 AM Bug report #11286: Incorrect evaluation of Rule-Base features
- Shapefile of the table view that created the problem
03:46 AM Bug report #11286: Incorrect evaluation of Rule-Base features
- Hi Harry,
can you join a sample data to help us try your issue, please? -
12:38 AM Bug report #11294 (Closed): Can't save project using Windows 8
- I am a Computer Officer supporting a user of QGIS.
He reports the following:
"QGIS is failing to write a Legend file.... -
11:03 PM Bug report #11293: Auto update Shows All Layers
- Related to refactoring of legend, so assigning to Martin
10:46 PM Bug report #11293 (Closed): Auto update Shows All Layers
- * In 2.4 in the print composer, as a default the legend has Auto update on, but only shows layers that are visible on...
11:02 PM Bug report #11292 (Closed): Print Composer breaks templates that work in 2.4
- Duplicate of #11255
11:02 PM Bug report #11292 (Closed): Print Composer breaks templates that work in 2.4
- Duplicate of #11255
10:55 PM Bug report #11292: Print Composer breaks templates that work in 2.4
- Probably related in some way to #11255
10:03 PM Bug report #11292 (Closed): Print Composer breaks templates that work in 2.4
- In b044d4d (intstalled 30Sep via OSGeo4W) the print composer exhibits a number of problems loading templates that wor...
03:46 PM Revision b044d4d3 (qgis): [composer] Simplify text used for item name for labels
03:00 PM Revision 5a96ae28 (qgis): use identify icons in the identify menu
02:48 PM Revision f571cdd0 (qgis): fix feature title
02:19 PM Revision 8c502c19 (qgis): [composer] Fix pages are added but never removed with multiframe resizing
02:19 PM Revision 40465ca6 (qgis): [composer] Prevent more Qt warnings for html item
02:06 PM Bug report #11291 (Closed): WMTS time dimension does not work
- I'm trying to display the MODIS satellite images from the GIBS image server (
01:59 PM Revision 1b515081 (qgis): set icon of feature actions in the action menu
01:13 PM Revision 99f0dac5 (qgis): Merge pull request #1595 from giohappy/master
- [Processing] HTML output for r.sum
11:50 AM Revision 1c030675 (qgis): [composer] Add a basic test suite for QgsComposerModel
11:21 AM Revision 8725c2df (qgis): [composer] Fix ctrl modifier not applying to wheel events when in move ...
- content mode, add missing undo merge command for item zoom (refs #7974)
11:21 AM Revision 6fb7ba2d (qgis): [composer] Default to 30 visible rows for table items, increase maximum...
11:21 AM Revision b43a1e0d (qgis): [composer] Don't disable widgets accompanying data defined controls whe...
11:21 AM Revision 6299029d (qgis): [composer] Ignore null field values or expressions which result in null
- when evaluating data defined settings
11:21 AM Revision 583151af (qgis): [composer] Ignore locked items when using move item content tool. Keeps a
- consistent behaviour with the move/resize item tool, and allows for
moving item content for maps which are stacked be... -
10:38 AM Revision 73f98336 (qgis): [TRANSUP] transifex update
- Signed-off-by: Werner Macho <[email protected]>
09:12 AM Bug report #10767 (Closed): Simplified rendering causing boxes to appear instead
- Fixed in commit:
09:12 AM Bug report #10767 (Closed): Simplified rendering causing boxes to appear instead
- Fixed in commit:
06:26 AM Bug report #11290 (Closed): OTB provider : cannot find modules (inst: osgeo4w 32 AND 64bits)
- I installed OSGEO4W with QGIS and OTB applications. (Tried 32 and 64 bits, same result)
I check that OTB provider is ... -
05:29 AM Bug report #11289 (Closed): Map Canvas doesn't refresh well with diagrams on vector layer
- Add a vector layer and open its properties dialog
In Diagrams tab, check "display diagrams" ans set diagrams properti... -
04:55 AM Bug report #11288 (Closed): Uncheck "Display diagrams" in vector layer properties makes lose any ...
- Open a vector layer properties dialog
In Diagrams tab, check "Display diagrams" and do any settings you want on your ... -
02:24 AM Bug report #11284 (Closed): How disable Maximum rows filter for Attribute Table in Print Composer
- Fixed in changeset commit:"6fb7ba2d2650d85abb79fbbce3048b1be64c2585".
01:45 PM Revision 1f1fe888 (qgis): migrate old renderer ranges (followup fcfafa0a)
09:24 AM Revision fcfafa0a (qgis): Use a single format string using Qt format for renderer label
08:36 AM Revision 428375ed (qgis): Don't crash with no attribute set in graduated renderer
- 08:06 AM Revision a8ce3565 (qgis): Fix #10747 - Don't force multi type on point features
- Ref #10672 - Commited fix to force multitypes on shapefiles
05:38 AM Bug report #11287: composer' html items do not respect the character encoding of HTML pages loade...
- As to express the wide-ranging impact of this issue, I'm attaching a screenshot showing broken character encoding of ...
04:27 AM Bug report #11287 (Closed): composer' html items do not respect the character encoding of HTML pa...
- The composer' html items do not respect the character encoding declared within HTML pages when loaded via entering a ...
03:34 AM Bug report #11285: The cell to set the order of symbol level are disappeared
- there is a patch here
The patch also introduces to save geometry... -
03:34 AM Bug report #11285: The cell to set the order of symbol level are disappeared
- there is a patch here
The patch also introduces to save geometry... -
03:34 AM Bug report #11285: The cell to set the order of symbol level are disappeared
- there is a patch here
The patch also introduces to save geometry...
01:27 AM Bug report #11286 (Closed): Incorrect evaluation of Rule-Base features
- The evaluation of complex Rule-Based symbols is not evaluating correctly
Add a vector layer to a map containing po... -
11:55 PM Bug report #11198: Text annotations are not rendered when saving the map canvas as image
- Maybe you have just gone mad ;)
Nah I might be a regression from the multi threading stuff. Should be easy enough t... -
11:53 PM Bug report #11198: Text annotations are not rendered when saving the map canvas as image
- Nathan, my memory remembers a time when I could Save as Image... with annotation drawn, but then again I could be wro...
11:44 PM Bug report #11198: Text annotations are not rendered when saving the map canvas as image
- Is this a regression or more of a nice to have if it works?
11:47 PM Bug report #11060 (Closed): ui: qt guru needed to adjust new color picker widget's positioning
- absolutely
11:47 PM Bug report #11060 (Closed): ui: qt guru needed to adjust new color picker widget's positioning
- absolutely
11:47 PM Bug report #11060 (Closed): ui: qt guru needed to adjust new color picker widget's positioning
- absolutely
10:29 PM Bug report #11060 (Feedback): ui: qt guru needed to adjust new color picker widget's positioning
- Mathieu - this can be closed now, right?
11:11 PM Bug report #10855 (Closed): "Expand all" and "Collapse all" disappeared from context menu in the ...
- These buttons now live in the toolbar for the legend so they are easier to get to.
11:11 PM Bug report #10855 (Closed): "Expand all" and "Collapse all" disappeared from context menu in the ...
- These buttons now live in the toolbar for the legend so they are easier to get to.
- 11:07 PM Bug report #10747 (Closed): Cannot copy/paste points features
- Fixed in changeset commit:"a8ce3565f79ec013eb91ca7c91c3a10b4eb857df".
05:29 AM Bug report #10747: Cannot copy/paste points features
- The same problem and message is still happening in QGIS 2.5.0-Master / commit:a3d3a44. Only one point cannot be copy/...
10:28 PM Feature request #11121 (Closed): Add new color picker GUI to raster layer style dialog
- Now that we have our own color picker which contains all the functionality as the color button, I think this can be c...
10:28 PM Feature request #11121 (Closed): Add new color picker GUI to raster layer style dialog
- Now that we have our own color picker which contains all the functionality as the color button, I think this can be c...
10:26 PM Feature request #5042 (Closed): Rename Print Composer to Layout
- Closing this - I think this should be discussed on the Dev list rather than in the issue tracker.
10:26 PM Feature request #5042 (Closed): Rename Print Composer to Layout
- Closing this - I think this should be discussed on the Dev list rather than in the issue tracker.
10:21 PM Bug report #9840 (Closed): Using Atlas with OpenLayers results in nan extents
- Closed due to lack of feedback
10:21 PM Bug report #9840 (Closed): Using Atlas with OpenLayers results in nan extents
- Closed due to lack of feedback
10:20 PM Bug report #9841 (Closed): Atlas-controlled map vanishes randomly
- Closed due to lack of feedback
10:20 PM Bug report #9841 (Closed): Atlas-controlled map vanishes randomly
- Closed due to lack of feedback
12:50 PM Bug report #11285 (Closed): The cell to set the order of symbol level are disappeared
- I try to use the new qgis-dev, and see that in the style section.
When choose the advanced Level Symbol.
The windows ... -
08:28 AM Bug report #11284 (Closed): How disable Maximum rows filter for Attribute Table in Print Composer
- There is no way to disable the "Maximum rows" filter and max value is 999.
Now that is possible to split a table acro... -
07:12 AM Bug report #11283 (Closed): QGIS displays all 65535 Unicode characters in Font Marker symbol sele...
- QGIS enable users to select from all 65535 Unicode characters when selecting the character for Font Marker Symbol, ev...
06:34 AM Bug report #11282 (Closed): Font Marker symbol value 0x 173 (Unicode 00AD) not displaying in all ...
- Font Marker symbol value 0x 173 (Unicode 00AD) not displaying in all fonts. This means a font marker symbol using thi...
06:30 AM Bug report #11281 (Closed): GEOS 3.4.2-CAPI-1.8.2 r3921 cause "invalid literal for int() with b...
- QGIS 2.4.0-Chugiak
Compiled GEOS 3.3.3-CAPI-1.7.4 Running GEOS 3.4.2-CAPI-1.8.2 r3921
"invalid literal for in... -
06:30 AM Bug report #11201: New Shapefile and attribute table: QGIS allows illegal characters in attribute...
- Absolutely not. That was not my intention to imply. The only thing I thought may be worthwhile to look at is if you i...
12:46 AM Revision 4de0d834 (qgis): Follow up 27abd208
12:32 AM Bug report #11260 (Closed): The rotation-indicator will reverse the svg marker in line rendering
10:46 PM Bug report #11260: The rotation-indicator will reverse the svg marker in line rendering
- Hi,
the issue born from a need to have a rendering like this:
! -
08:07 PM Bug report #11260: The rotation-indicator will reverse the svg marker in line rendering
- I agree that this does not look like a bug. Positive offset means "on the right hand side", negative offset means the...
12:08 AM Revision a8ba1236 (qgis): Followup to da3516c; find custom prefix QScintilla include directories
10:38 PM Revision 43710cef (qgis): german translation update
10:00 PM Revision d8cc79ac (qgis): indentation update
09:51 PM Revision bfb7569b (qgis): dxf improvements:
- * save/restore dxf export dialog geometry
* reduce debugging noise
* output dxf in windows-1252 encoding
* fix label ... -
09:23 PM Bug report #11201: New Shapefile and attribute table: QGIS allows illegal characters in attribute...
- Is it really a bug in QGis if ArcGIS cannot open these files? Is there an official specification for the format of a ...
08:35 PM Revision 2f4489de (qgis): change to messagebar some messageboxes in mainapp
04:37 PM Revision 0fd63e86 (qgis): fix tabstops in graduate symbol renderer widget (followup 25a7be2)
03:44 PM Revision 34b33fa1 (qgis): How did GIS look like in 1990?
- Apologies to fellow developers for being silly
02:11 PM Revision 27abd208 (qgis): remove unused ramp
02:10 PM Revision 67e07785 (qgis): DXF export improvements:
- * tree view and attribute selection for layer assigment in dialog
* support fill polygons/HATCH
* represent texts as ... -
01:23 PM Revision e47642bd (qgis): Merge pull request #1596 from anitagraser/patch-3
- use "change" instead of "browse" for CRS selection
01:20 PM Revision 7c1efea4 (qgis): use "change" instead of "browse" for CRS selection
- as described in
01:17 PM Revision 04becdc5 (qgis): [Processing] HTML output for r.sum
01:11 PM Revision eaacb125 (qgis): Merge pull request #1509 from ahuarte47/Issue_10767
- Fix bug #10767: Simplified rendering causing boxes to appear instead
12:57 PM Revision 6fcfb97b (qgis): Merge pull request #1593 from rldhont/qgis-server-print-legend
- [FEATURE][QGIS-Server] Legend filtering based on map in GetPrint Request
12:23 PM Revision 0c6576c4 (qgis): Merge pull request #1587 from ccrook/CategorizedRendererUpdate
- Categorized and graduated renderer enhancements
12:09 PM Revision 251a8a4d (qgis): [FEATURE][QGIS-Server] Legend filtering based on map in GetPrint Request
- Feature funded by Tecnostudi Ambiente, Faunalia and Andromede-oceanologie.
The legend in composition was fixed and d... -
11:39 AM Bug report #11277: GPS tools error <layer> is not valid and can't be added... if the name of gpx ...
- Please, could you provide a sample of both the GPX files? prova2.gpx and pippo.gpx
11:39 AM Bug report #11277: GPS tools error <layer> is not valid and can't be added... if the name of gpx ...
- Please, could you provide a sample of both the GPX files? prova2.gpx and pippo.gpx
08:42 AM Bug report #11277 (Closed): GPS tools error <layer> is not valid and can't be added... if the nam...
- When downloading variuos Garmin GPS (e-trex, 60, GPSMap) GPS Tools give an error .../prova2.gpx?type=waypoint is not ...
11:26 AM Revision b734e879 (qgis): remove old message boxes from map tools
09:45 AM Revision a9c97ae1 (qgis): [composer] Add a checkbox to prevent drawing border and background for ...
08:52 AM Bug report #11278 (Closed): Power in raster calculator returns no data values where it should be ...
- The following operation with in QGIS 2.4 Raster calculator:
10 ^ (("20091201_20100101_chl_modis_malvinas_ns@1" * 0.0... -
08:12 AM Revision b558c08b (qgis): Fixing null pointer on ramp bug
08:03 AM Revision ce214258 (qgis): [FEATURE][composer] Add checkbox and data defined button for controlling
- whether an item is excluded from composer exports/printouts.
06:50 AM Bug report #11276 (Closed): Setting radius units to meters produces incorrect results
- To reproduce use airport.shp from the QGIS sample data. It uses a CRS with units ft-us.
When configuring a radius in... -
06:07 AM Feature request #4003 (Closed): qgis_mapserver getPrint legend options
03:22 AM Feature request #4003: qgis_mapserver getPrint legend options
- [FEATURE][QGIS-Server] Legend filtering based on map in GetPrint Request
Feature funded by Tecnostudi Ambiente, Fa... -
03:22 AM Feature request #4003: qgis_mapserver getPrint legend options
- [FEATURE][QGIS-Server] Legend filtering based on map in GetPrint Request
Feature funded by Tecnostudi Ambiente, Fa... -
03:22 AM Feature request #4003: qgis_mapserver getPrint legend options
- [FEATURE][QGIS-Server] Legend filtering based on map in GetPrint Request
Feature funded by Tecnostudi Ambiente, Fa... -
03:22 AM Feature request #4003: qgis_mapserver getPrint legend options
- [FEATURE][QGIS-Server] Legend filtering based on map in GetPrint Request
Feature funded by Tecnostudi Ambiente, Fa... -
05:46 AM Bug report #11270 (Feedback): PyQGIS failing with undefined symbol
- This can occur if you run another version than the one installed on the computer.
You might have install packages whi... -
05:16 AM Bug report #11275 (Closed): Specifying output file in Clipper causes error
- The following error appears when selecting an output file in the raster clipper tool (and therefore the tool cannot b...
05:12 AM Bug report #11233: Raster export broken
- Seems to work fine with today's nightly (OSGeo4W).
04:47 AM Revision 25a7be29 (qgis): Modified labelling to include prefix, separator, suffix.
04:26 AM Bug report #11273 (Closed): Inconsistency in Save raster/vector layer dialogs
- fixed in
04:26 AM Bug report #11273 (Closed): Inconsistency in Save raster/vector layer dialogs
- fixed in
03:24 AM Bug report #11273 (Closed): Inconsistency in Save raster/vector layer dialogs
- The button to change the CRS in save vector layers is called *Browse* while in save raster layers it's called *Change...
04:14 AM Bug report #11274 (Closed): File path encoding in "delimitedtext"-Provider
- Hello,
I have a problem with the path encoding of the "delimitedtext"-Provider - as soon as the file path has a spec... -
03:52 AM Bug report #7946: Move raster Thumbnails, Legend, and Palette from General to Style tab
- Pull-request If there are no objections I can merge it
01:06 AM Bug report #8539 (Closed): geometry collapsing due to intersection avoidance when filling polygons
01:05 AM Revision 89a7573f (qgis): [FEATURE][composer] Allow data defined control of atlas margin for maps
01:02 AM Feature request #4528: Join does not consolidate the new table
- duplicate #6710
01:02 AM Feature request #4528 (Closed): Join does not consolidate the new table
01:00 AM Feature request #4464 (Closed): Selection colour could be above polygon points
12:48 AM Bug report #11272 (Closed): Print composer: table frame background extends beyond full table rows
- In print composer, if the frame background extends beyond a multiple of full table row height, the background goes be...
12:47 AM Feature request #9339 (Closed): Do not print setting for composer layer
- Implemented in master
12:47 AM Feature request #9339 (Closed): Do not print setting for composer layer
- Implemented in master
11:23 PM Revision a9c4136a (qgis): dbManager - remove more 'Sorry' strings
11:18 PM Revision a778e265 (qgis): [dbmanager] followp 1646f67: fixes some string and changes more message...
11:18 PM Revision 5fc78bfe (qgis): [dbmanager] messagebox => messagebar
11:18 PM Revision cb414f5d (qgis): [dbmanager] again replacement box->bar stuff....hopefully the last :-)
07:44 PM Feature request #4373 (Closed): Merge from Template, a new feature for Composer.
- Implemented in master
07:44 PM Feature request #4373 (Closed): Merge from Template, a new feature for Composer.
- Implemented in master
06:19 PM Revision 2427546d (qgis): Make QgsExpression parser reentrant. Fixes crashes when expressions are...
- Sponsored by a big dose of caffeine.
05:47 PM Revision 721cab1c (qgis): [composer] Switch attribute table column dialog over to QgsDoubleSpinBox
05:08 PM Revision 272b79b6 (qgis): [FEATURE][composer] Add checkbox to frame items for preventing export
- of page containing frame when frame is empty. This change allows
users to create multiple pages containing extra fram... -
04:12 PM Revision b8bb4f0f (qgis): fix #11251 (embed form dual view icons)
03:36 PM Revision fe0a3032 (qgis): Merge pull request #1526 from jarl-dk/release-2_4
- Finding python library on Ubuntu 14.04 64bit
03:29 PM Revision bb43eb37 (qgis): [custom widgets] add missing date time widget plugin
03:14 PM Revision 054ac108 (qgis): add Qgs(Double)SpinBox to custom widgets
03:08 PM Revision 48cdd749 (qgis): add Qgs(Double)SpinBox to SIP
02:56 PM Revision 4c39896e (qgis): add support for NULL values in range widget (new Qgs(Double)SpinBox cla...
01:21 PM Revision acb4c049 (qgis): Merge pull request #1548 from manisandro/typo
- Fix typo in QgsVectorFileWriter::fileFilterString
12:56 PM Revision e37a5ad8 (qgis): [FEATURE] Legend filtering based on map content (in main window, compos...
- There is new "filter" button in layers panel that toggles this functionality
and in composer legend widget.
Related ... -
12:36 PM Revision a111c85c (qgis): Merge pull request #1590 from slarosa/query_builder_enhanchements
- [query builder] editor enhancements: QTextEdit => QgsCodeEditorSQL
12:23 PM Bug report #11269: can't access in Python to new features added to editBuffer
- In windows 7 the command goes well
05:59 AM Bug report #11269 (Closed): can't access in Python to new features added to editBuffer
- Trying to access to new features added to edit buffer causes application crash (v2.0 v2.4 in xp).
You can replicate t... -
09:47 AM Bug report #11268: Error when importing matplotlib 1.4
- Tracking the bug now at Matplotlib: -
03:07 AM Bug report #11268: Error when importing matplotlib 1.4
- @Alexander: It most likely is a Matplotlib problem, but I wonder how many plugins this will affect.
I get the same o... -
02:52 AM Bug report #11268 (Rejected): Error when importing matplotlib 1.4
- Seems this is not QGIS issue, but matplotlib one.
02:52 AM Bug report #11268 (Rejected): Error when importing matplotlib 1.4
- Seems this is not QGIS issue, but matplotlib one.
09:38 AM Revision f1de4973 (qgis): Allow copying selected palette colors in color picker dialog
09:27 AM Bug report #11141: Parallel multi-core rendering crashes QGIS
- Please try again with lastest master (commit:242754) - some possible crashes were fixed when expressions were used wi...
08:50 AM Bug report #11270 (Closed): PyQGIS failing with undefined symbol
- Couldn't load PyQGIS.
Python support will be disabled.
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "", line 1, in
... -
07:57 AM Bug report #11226: Removing a Join from layer properties is completed even when user cancels the ...
- Great! Thank you!!
07:14 AM Bug report #11226 (Closed): Removing a Join from layer properties is completed even when user can...
- this has been fixed a few days before your report ;)
#f73b0b61e59a3708c3627bb785616542ff6c0cf4 -
07:16 AM Bug report #11213: Crash when saving map after removing Atlas layer
- Nyall, you fixed something recently, no?
07:12 AM Bug report #11251 (Closed): Relations "Subform" - Toggle between Form View and Table View
- Fixed in changeset commit:"b8bb4f0fe075243d13c3a8987de2e2f33e731847".
06:48 AM Bug report #11265: 0 used instead of NULL
- IIRC, this bug was fixed in aa40d61a8c5ea8087b6ac51d239c454cb8cf0d7f and b357a666524c207917cf2f0c9ee991eaef5b09f5, on...
03:38 AM Bug report #11265: 0 used instead of NULL
- Ok - I tested it in the nightly build and its ok there.
In QGIS 2.4 I edited the feature in the attribute table and ... -
05:38 AM Bug report #11212: Processing model -
- Sorry, there is no grass output (the tool runs fine outside the model), I'm just trying to add the algori...
02:55 AM Bug report #11212: Processing model -
- could you paste here the whole grass output with that error so we can debug it?
Thanks! -
04:32 AM Bug report #11195 (Reopened): Minidump
- Hi,
sorry for my late respond.
I did nothing than click "Project" - "close".
Where could I send the minidump to?
Th... -
04:06 AM Feature request #3121 (Closed): print composer: allow generating the legend classes of only the v...
- Implemented in master - thanks Martin!
04:06 AM Feature request #3121 (Closed): print composer: allow generating the legend classes of only the v...
- Implemented in master - thanks Martin!
02:45 AM Bug report #11007: Deleted/edited features within SHAPEFILE are still recognized in other softwar...
- Victor, it is in 2.4. As you said the problem is not limited only to the Processing. The deleted features appear in V...
02:38 AM Bug report #11007: Deleted/edited features within SHAPEFILE are still recognized in other softwar...
- IT seems DBF files have a deleted flag (
02:33 AM Bug report #11007: Deleted/edited features within SHAPEFILE are still recognized in other softwar...
- Saber
Can you confirm the QGIS version you are using? I am finding that behaviour (deleted features that are actuall... -
02:44 AM Revision b8372234 (qgis): Improved method for selecting random colors for categorised renderer,
- which should result in more visually distinct color choices
12:24 AM Bug report #11254 (Feedback): QGIS Server: Exclude layers in OWS tab does not work
- I think this has been fixed after 2.4. Please test against recent master and report back.
12:21 AM Bug report #11268: Error when importing matplotlib 1.4
- Hi Regis! Do you also have Matplotlib 1.4 or 1.3? I use Ubuntu 14.04 64 bit and you?
12:11 AM Bug report #11268: Error when importing matplotlib 1.4
- Hi, same here in osgeo4w
11:20 PM Bug report #11268 (Rejected): Error when importing matplotlib 1.4
- In the current 2.5.0-Master I can't seem to import Matplotlib, which has recently been updated to 1.4.
When typing "... -
11:30 PM Bug report #8154 (Closed): Problems with Atlas and Map dimensions on composer using Python
- Closing due to lack of feedback
11:30 PM Bug report #8154 (Closed): Problems with Atlas and Map dimensions on composer using Python
- Closing due to lack of feedback
11:27 PM Bug report #10818 (Closed): qgis crash on delete of rectangle in composer
- Closing due to lack of feedback.
11:27 PM Bug report #10818 (Closed): qgis crash on delete of rectangle in composer
- Closing due to lack of feedback.
11:24 PM Bug report #11263: add map to composer do crash
- No idea sorry - maybe try reinstalling qt?
11:20 PM Bug report #11263: add map to composer do crash
- So seems to be local...
from gdb :
Program received signal SIGSEGV, Segmentation fault.
QDomDocument... -
03:21 PM Bug report #11263: add map to composer do crash
- I can't reproduce the crash - this project opens without issue for me.
03:39 AM Bug report #11263: add map to composer do crash
- I cannot spread the original project. But i've created one with the same behavior (which seems to be linked to compos...
03:21 AM Bug report #11263 (Feedback): add map to composer do crash
- Can you please attach the project which causes the crash?
02:17 AM Bug report #11263 (Closed): add map to composer do crash
- From archive, it's seems to be a recursive bug. First, i wanted to open a 2.3 qgs with 2.5; and it made crash. Then I...
09:36 PM Revision c309a312 (qgis): Reverting class editor patch
09:17 PM Revision 5d18a2e7 (qgis): Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/master' into CategorizedRenderer...
05:11 PM Revision 3f8a8605 (qgis): Editor widgets: Show NULL value on numeric line edit
03:35 PM Bug report #11266: Relations "Subforms" - delete records in form view
- "Unlink feature" button has exactly the same behavior, ie, does not work in form view, and works correctly in table v...
11:04 AM Bug report #11266 (Closed): Relations "Subforms" - delete records in form view
- It is not possible to delete records in form view "subforms". In table view, it works as expected.
03:15 PM Bug report #11267 (Closed): Download Osm Data Fails if you open first a OpenLayers map
- Step 1 : Web > OpenLayers > Statem toner map, or other map
Step 2 : vector > openstreetmap > Download Data
i am... -
01:35 PM Revision db6a5a9d (qgis): Add tooltips for form/table switcher buttons in attribute dialog
01:35 PM Revision 9cdea174 (qgis): Add option for unscaled values for heatmaps rasters, set as default
01:34 PM Revision 957e7910 (qgis): Clean up and modernise heatmap dialog using QgsMapLayerComboBox
- and QgsFieldComboBox.
01:33 PM Revision 19125b82 (qgis): Fix heatmap failing for multipoint tables, fix incorrect calculation
- of heatmap input layer.
01:25 PM Bug report #11260: The rotation-indicator will reverse the svg marker in line rendering
- Its a bug.
It change the versus of the svg when the checkbox is checked.
And this is wrong.
Also it change the versu... -
03:46 AM Bug report #11260: The rotation-indicator will reverse the svg marker in line rendering
- Not quite sure this is a bug. The current behaviour makes sense to me, and it's unclear what would be the best one fo...
11:11 AM Revision ace704a4 (qgis): [processing] use checkbox for boolean parameters
11:11 AM Revision 986bd1c4 (qgis): [processing] add "Save as" functionality to History dialog (fix #10086)
11:02 AM Revision e3f630ad (qgis): use right-click for extended menu in identify map tool (to be removed w...
10:46 AM Revision a5911e78 (qgis): Implementation of graduated renderer breakpoint editor, minus SIP for e...
10:44 AM Revision fc4fd613 (qgis): [processing] moved initialization to initGui() method
10:44 AM Revision 1cd0c43f (qgis): [processing] fixed how models read help info
09:16 AM Revision 5b82d412 (qgis): [TRANSUP] transifex and string update
- Signed-off-by: Werner Macho <[email protected]>
08:54 AM Revision 1f8584c7 (qgis): setReadOnly will call paintEvent, followup ce486da41ea29f54406934d366c1...
08:41 AM Bug report #11261: attribute form is not reset
- is this easily feasible? i.e. in all open forms intercept stop editing command and propose to commit?
anyhow, that ma... -
08:39 AM Bug report #11261: attribute form is not reset
- I think there should be a question like "Your form contains unsaved changes, would you like to save these changes as ...
08:38 AM Feature request #11264: Cascading controls in forms
- Would you be able to create some mockups for the configuration dialog and the form widget?
FYI: It is also possible ... -
06:52 AM Feature request #11264 (Closed): Cascading controls in forms
- Hello,
it could be very interesting to add some dynamic features to QGis forms.
I'd like to add nested controls (... -
08:35 AM Bug report #11265 (Feedback): 0 used instead of NULL
- - Which editor widget is configured for the field (vector layer properties /fields tab)?
- How are you editing th... -
07:13 AM Bug report #11265 (Closed): 0 used instead of NULL
- We just moved back to version 2.2 because we have problems with the digitising of PostGIS-Layer with an integer forei...
08:30 AM Revision ce486da4 (qgis): line edit: do not display clear icon when read only
02:12 AM Feature request #10086 (Closed): Add a "Save as" for Processing logs
- Fixed in changeset commit:"986bd1c41ab7a2ec69f09fc0c7641eb27dae4deb".
01:38 AM Feature request #4530: GdalTools Clipper: make "-crop_to_cutline" a separate option
- I can confirm issue with shifted results when clipping rasters.
12:50 AM Revision 2f706bc4 (qgis): Refactoring ready for manual update dialog. Also improves labelling of...
11:58 PM Bug report #11261 (Closed): attribute form is not reset
- 1. Turn editing on a layer
2. Open form
3. Edit something (do not validate form)
4. Turn edit off (no confirmation is... -
08:04 PM Revision 91358aaa (qgis): Merge branch 'master' into CategorizedRendererUpdate
03:18 PM Revision e1944231 (qgis): followup 443fa8cc920216bb0ac470babf1709e1242d169c
02:56 PM Bug report #11250 (Closed): xmlSchemaNewDocParserCtxt cannot be located in libxml2.dll
- Still this isn't a QGIS problem - but a packaging problem. In this case a java packaging problem on OSGeo4W.
10:30 AM Bug report #11250: xmlSchemaNewDocParserCtxt cannot be located in libxml2.dll
- This bug went away when I re-installed libxml from Setup. However QGIS complained on NCSEcw.dll not found
(see attach... -
10:11 AM Bug report #11250 (Reopened): xmlSchemaNewDocParserCtxt cannot be located in libxml2.dll
- Well, the bug is still there. This message appears when /etc/postinstall/qgis-dev.bat (installation failed) is runni...
02:39 PM Revision 0d9683e4 (qgis): Sip update and const correctness
01:43 PM Revision 443fa8cc (qgis): add invalid label inly once
12:06 PM Revision b07660a0 (qgis): #10767: No replace the simplified geometry by its BBOX when there are '...
11:51 AM Revision 0f8fef12 (qgis): Followup bad94e0
11:38 AM Bug report #11260 (Closed): The rotation-indicator will reverse the svg marker in line rendering
- Hi,
I notice in the QGIS 2.4,
when setting the "rotation indicator" and there is a SVG marker in a line,if the ofset ... -
11:28 AM Revision 34f00d10 (qgis): [FEATURE][composer] Add checkbox for showing unique records only in com...
- attribute tables. (Sponsored by my OCD)
10:56 AM Bug report #11256: GRASS r.thin not working
- I'm uploading here the image I'm trying to use to perform the r.thin.
05:13 AM Bug report #11256: GRASS r.thin not working
- I forgot to mention the OS I'm using. I'm trying to run this both on Windows and Linux. On windows I made the install...
04:30 AM Bug report #11256 (Closed): GRASS r.thin not working
- Every time I try to run a GRASS command I receive the following error: "Oooops! The following output layers could not...
10:41 AM Revision da3516ca (qgis): [query builder] editor enhancements: QTextEdit => QgsCodeEditorSQL
10:34 AM Revision d37f75f2 (qgis): Merge pull request #1589 from slarosa/fix11247
- [expression builder] fixes #11247
10:33 AM Revision bad94e00 (qgis): [expression builder] fixes #11247
09:28 AM Revision 72a33ea7 (qgis): QgsFilterLineEdit: Hide clear button when read only
08:00 AM Feature request #11259 (Open): Improve obviousness of moving an existing guide
- Once a guide has been placed on the map, the way to move it is to click in the ruler somewhere in the vicinity of the...
07:51 AM Feature request #11258 (Closed): Improve options for placement of guides on composer page
- Presently guides are placed using the mouse which is inexact. It would be nice to allow for the selection of individu...
07:49 AM Bug report #11257 (Closed): QGIS 2.4 crashes when using Topology Checker
- Every time I use the Topology Checker QGIS 2.4 crashes. Here are the steps I perform.
1) Open polygon vector layer (s... -
04:21 AM Feature request #2520: wfs client: add a query builder (like the postgis client)
- Gavin Fleming wrote:
> Not sure if this should be here or in a new ticket.
> QGIS Master (2.5)
> Query Builder... -
02:58 AM Bug report #11255 (Closed): Composer does not update the paper size in QGIS Master
- Composer in QGIS Master does not update the paper size when opening a saved template.
To reproduce:
1. Create a new... -
02:39 AM Bug report #11254 (Closed): QGIS Server: Exclude layers in OWS tab does not work
- To reproduce the bug :
* exclude some layers in OWS tab -> WMS capabilities
* watch the GetCapabilities result
01:34 AM Bug report #11247 (Closed): expression builder cursor in wrong place
- Fixed in changeset commit:"d37f75f2b92f00c811b101141354b30e61ea252d".
03:15 AM Bug report #11247 (Closed): expression builder cursor in wrong place
- QGIS Master (2.5)
When building an expression by double-clicking on items in the function list, the cursor is placed... -
12:48 AM Bug report #11244: Invalid values on Date/Time widget editor
- I relaized that there are other widgets as well that don't behave fine.
In an optimal scenario, widgets would only ch... -
11:32 PM Bug report #11244: Invalid values on Date/Time widget editor
- The problem you raise occurs when widget is badly configured.
The only way I see to bypass this, would be to save th... -
12:36 AM Bug report #11248: Metadata should be saved in the style as well
- Agreed fully.
12:34 AM Bug report #11248: Metadata should be saved in the style as well
- We should consider renaming style to "layer definition".
I see the benefit of portable layer information but it doesn... -
06:02 AM Bug report #11248 (Open): Metadata should be saved in the style as well
- User-input metadata (Title, abstract, etc.) are saved in the project only. IMHO they should be saved in the style as ...
12:32 AM Bug report #10899 (Closed): Edit widget 'Editable' checkbox stays checked even after unchecking it
- Clear button fixed in commit:72a33ea
The original issue seems not to be reproducible and needs more information. If ... -
11:53 PM Bug report #10899: Edit widget 'Editable' checkbox stays checked even after unchecking it
- What about the best of both worlds? ;-)
If it's only the clear button, that should be easy to fix. -
03:55 PM Bug report #10899: Edit widget 'Editable' checkbox stays checked even after unchecking it
- I do not confirm the problem as described, but confirm the more general problem of, at this moment, there is no possi...
03:55 PM Bug report #10899: Edit widget 'Editable' checkbox stays checked even after unchecking it
- I do not confirm the problem as described, but confirm the more general problem of, at this moment, there is no possi...
12:17 AM Bug report #10747: Cannot copy/paste points features
- I see the same behavior working within the same shapefile. I selected a number of points, pasted them into the same l...
11:36 PM Bug report #11250 (Closed): xmlSchemaNewDocParserCtxt cannot be located in libxml2.dll
- OSGeo4W issue (see "OSGeo4W !#441":
11:36 PM Bug report #11250 (Closed): xmlSchemaNewDocParserCtxt cannot be located in libxml2.dll
- OSGeo4W issue (see "OSGeo4W !#441":
02:21 PM Bug report #11250 (Closed): xmlSchemaNewDocParserCtxt cannot be located in libxml2.dll
- Hi,
As of today QGIS dev version failed to upgrade. I got message
"xmlSchemaNewDocParserCtxt cannot be located in l... -
10:42 PM Revision 55f86d5d (qgis): Fix re-initialization of dual view
07:38 PM Revision f351195d (qgis): [FEATURE] Add suffix support for range widget
06:38 PM Revision c1c81eae (qgis): Update sip bindings
06:22 PM Revision b1474c82 (qgis): Add better Null support to QgsFilterLineEdit
06:22 PM Revision e613c8b3 (qgis): Make operations on the feature selection more memory friendly
06:22 PM Revision b90dba4f (qgis): Attribute form: do not try to edit non-editable fields
06:22 PM Revision c23b1678 (qgis): Better QgsFilterLineEdit support for several edit widgets
04:27 PM Bug report #11253 (Closed): Relations "Subforms" (Form View) - text color
- When making changes to records in Form View of a referenced layer, records become red (or green if it is a new record...
04:07 PM Bug report #11251 (Closed): Relations "Subform" - Toggle between Form View and Table View
- When you click the Table View button, the Form View button is deselected. But when you click again in the Form View, ...
02:59 PM Revision 30ada283 (qgis): [FEATURE][composer] Add a checkbox to filter attribute tables to
- features which intersect the current atlas feature. Sponsored by City
of Uster, Switzerland. -
02:59 PM Revision 14690d07 (qgis): [FEATURE][composer] Add choice of display style for empty tables. Options
- include hiding the entire table, showing empty cells, or displaying a
set message in the table body. Sponsored by Cit... -
02:59 PM Revision c3ec4b9e (qgis): [FEATURE][composer] Add option for showing child features from a relation
- for attribute tables in the composer. If selected, the attribute table
will show all related features to the current ... -
02:59 PM Revision f58768c5 (qgis): [FEATURE][composer] Option for current atlas feature as source for
- attribute tables. Sponsored by City of Uster, Switzerland.
02:46 PM Revision 1704866b (qgis): Allow creation of new color palettes in color dialog
01:57 PM Bug report #11249 (Closed): error in coordynat systems in database
- Dear support,
error in coordynat systems in spatialite database
in table spatial_ref_sys with
srid 26811
srid 26812
... -
01:41 PM Revision 9b009785 (qgis): [composer] Avoid Qt warnings with composer html item
12:54 PM Revision b9e65b41 (qgis): [composer] Use a transparent background for HTML items
12:54 PM Revision 1cb328c3 (qgis): Fix incorrectly failing composer html test
12:38 PM Revision c94a9589 (qgis): Followup 96e39f7
12:30 PM Revision 96e39f75 (qgis): Re-initialize relation editor on setRelationFeature
- Fix #11236
12:30 PM Revision 68c49fe0 (qgis): Fix performance issues with moving selection on canvas (Funded by good ...
- Fix #11197
12:20 PM Revision d85f6251 (qgis): Merge pull request #1540 from manisandro/composer_html_fixes
- Recompute webpage viewport dimensions when resizing html frames
11:51 AM Revision 86cbc2ef (qgis): Merge pull request #1582 from nyalldawson/db_manager_fixes
- Usability improvements for db manager
11:25 AM Revision bb3ead3b (qgis): Transfer ownership of drag-and-drop layout elements in sip
- Fix #11207
11:13 AM Revision b893cb24 (qgis): [FEATURE][composer] Allow manual control of column widths for attribute...
10:58 AM Revision 97805b64 (qgis): Fix doxygen and build warnings
09:44 AM Revision f58fbe0d (qgis): WFS server: insert/update/delete are only dependent on wfs publish prop...
09:27 AM Revision 6f84cdce (qgis): Proper handling of NULL values for edit widgets
- * Photo widget preserves NULL value
* Web widget preserves NULL value
* Attribute table can distinguish between 0 a... -
08:47 AM Revision 35936084 (qgis): Restore buttonbox visibility after attribute form reload
- Followup febe37de
Fix #11229
Fix #11194 -
06:56 AM Bug report #8785: Style file not saved in Win 8
- For me, this happens with Windows 7 Professional and with CSV layers and any file location, local drive or network dr...
06:44 AM Bug report #11197: Poor (or non) performance when moving features
- Thank you good will ;)
03:31 AM Bug report #11197 (Closed): Poor (or non) performance when moving features
- Fixed in changeset commit:"68c49fe09a4ee634d7edc3f2019e1740971ce3ca".
04:49 AM Bug report #10890: Unable to add non-cached WFS layer through Python API
- I know we're a few weeks away from the lock, but I was wondering if anyone has been able to do anything with this, or...
03:31 AM Bug report #11236 (Closed): Relations children are not shown in browser form
- Fixed in changeset commit:"96e39f75675dc1d02de99833880513e3ca85ae45".
02:15 AM Bug report #11236 (Feedback): Relations children are not shown in browser form
- I guess you are referring to the relations widget?
I don't know the browser very well. How do you open a form with c... -
03:10 AM Feature request #2520: wfs client: add a query builder (like the postgis client)
- Not sure if this should be here or in a new ticket.
QGIS Master (2.5)
Query Builder is NOT available in the layer ... -
03:10 AM Feature request #2520: wfs client: add a query builder (like the postgis client)
- Not sure if this should be here or in a new ticket.
QGIS Master (2.5)
Query Builder is NOT available in the layer ... -
03:09 AM Bug report #11227 (Feedback): projections in 2.4.0
- Hi Hannah, have you tried turning simplification (layer properties, rendering) off?
02:27 AM Bug report #11207: attributeEditorElements behavior in pyqgis
- Explanation: it's related to the python garbage collector, that deletes your container and elements when they scope o...
02:25 AM Bug report #11207 (Closed): attributeEditorElements behavior in pyqgis
- Fixed in changeset commit:"bb3ead3b0fe873b71f89bbf1ce52acc70eb36da7".
01:56 AM Feature request #4496 (Closed): Simplify user interface in composer table widget
- The widget has changed considerably since this report was filed, I think it's safe to close now.
01:56 AM Feature request #4496 (Closed): Simplify user interface in composer table widget
- The widget has changed considerably since this report was filed, I think it's safe to close now.
12:52 AM Revision a3d3a44b (qgis): german translation update
12:40 AM Bug report #11244 (Closed): Invalid values on Date/Time widget editor
- When a DateTime editor widget is populated with an invalid value, a NULL value is returned instead (even if NULL valu...
12:36 AM Revision 96e47ed5 (qgis): fix doxygen warnings
12:34 AM Bug report #11235 (Closed): Postgis integer field with null values
- Fixed in changeset commit:"6f84cdceab5cf3110ae8d2f62ed575682b9ca7c0".
11:51 PM Bug report #11194 (Closed): QGIS 2.4 crashes when adding >1 column in a PostGIS table
- Fixed in changeset commit:"35936084ff9c6ff912611bab471a3ddf20aa906b".
11:51 PM Bug report #11229 (Closed): Crash when deleting a column from attribute table
- Fixed in changeset commit:"35936084ff9c6ff912611bab471a3ddf20aa906b".
08:54 PM Revision febe37de (qgis): Cleanup button box when reinitializing attribute form
07:45 PM Bug report #11219: Couldn't load PyQGIS
- Thank you very much!
04:43 PM Bug report #11243 (Closed): Data corruption with feature simplification.
- QGIS can corrupt data badly during feature simplification. This is demonstrated by the attached files which render a...
01:31 PM Revision eea0451b (qgis): Some fixes to TestQgsComposerTableV2
01:06 PM Revision a554434e (qgis): [composer] Fix failing QgsAtlasComposition python test
01:05 PM Revision 7904c100 (qgis): [composer] Add some missing Transfer/TransferThis methods to sip bindings
01:00 PM Revision 61381313 (qgis): Fix failing atlas tests
12:14 PM Bug report #11242 (Closed): Unit settings not available on Ellipse Marker
12:13 PM Bug report #11242: Unit settings not available on Ellipse Marker
- I managed to test with QGIS master exported again (Xubuntu 14.04, 64bit VM Box) and everything works fine.
You are r... -
11:47 AM Revision 3af68f48 (qgis): Rebuild composer test images at 96 dpi to speed up unit tests
09:12 AM Bug report #10747: Cannot copy/paste points features
- Me too! Copying a point from one layer to another should just work as it has for many releases. In my case they are b...
08:41 AM Bug report #11237: Shapefile polygon layer not showing certain polygons
- It had worked in a previous version of QGIS (2.2) but then stopped working when I upgraded. Apparently doing a "save ...
08:41 AM Bug report #11237: Shapefile polygon layer not showing certain polygons
- It had worked in a previous version of QGIS (2.2) but then stopped working when I upgraded. Apparently doing a "save ...
06:00 AM Revision 37665375 (qgis): Fix warning
05:52 AM Revision d279197e (qgis): create a relationsChanged signal for relation manager
04:47 PM Revision 97ea6f68 (qgis): Split composer map overview tests off into their own test suite
04:47 PM Revision 2671d679 (qgis): Don't try to draw icon for hidden color buttons
04:47 PM Revision ccad38bf (qgis): [composer] Clean up QgsComposerMap api, add docs and missing sip bindin...
04:23 PM Revision fb2279f6 (qgis): Add a changed signal to QgsRelationManager
01:41 PM Bug report #11242: Unit settings not available on Ellipse Marker
- I'm fairly certain this is fixed in master. Are you able to test with a current snapshot and confirm?
01:16 PM Bug report #11242 (Closed): Unit settings not available on Ellipse Marker
- Every marker type has several options to set map units / screen units (mm) for e.g. line width, symbol height, offset...
01:07 PM Bug report #8332 (Reopened): QGIS uses comma as decimal separator for shapefile attribute data
- Same issue for me under Debian testing.
QGIS 2.4.0-Chugiak
Compiled against GDAL/OGR 1.10.1 Running against GDAL/OGR ... -
01:07 PM Bug report #6110: KML export is generating decimal separators depending on system locale
- Same issue for me under Debian testing.
QGIS 2.4.0-Chugiak
Compiled against GDAL/OGR 1.10.1 Running against GDAL/OGR ... -
12:58 PM Bug report #11237 (Feedback): Shapefile polygon layer not showing certain polygons
- Please attach sample data to allow try replicate the issue.
Does it happens with *any* vector?
Is your layer topolog... -
09:42 AM Bug report #11237 (Closed): Shapefile polygon layer not showing certain polygons
- When I scroll around the map, the layer on my map that contains my lakes displays certain polygons from that layer bu...
08:58 AM Revision e0b9afbe (qgis): Removing compiler warnings
08:31 AM Revision 47f7db5f (qgis): Merge branch 'master' into CategorizedRendererUpdate
08:30 AM Revision abd9e3cd (qgis): Numerous enhancements to graduated and categorized symbol renderers
04:46 AM Revision 808464fe (qgis): [composer] Disable atlas if coverage layer is removed from project
04:41 AM Revision 46c75994 (qgis): Add support for removing user palettes from color picker
04:40 AM Bug report #11219 (Closed): Couldn't load PyQGIS
03:55 AM Bug report #11236 (Closed): Relations children are not shown in browser form
- In current master child features are not shown in the browser when the browser is in the form display mode. The featu...
03:15 AM Bug report #11235 (Closed): Postgis integer field with null values
- When I'm editing PostGIS tables (they are actually related tables) in QGIS, if I leave an 'integer' field of this tab...
03:10 AM Bug report #11229: Crash when deleting a column from attribute table
- Nyall Dawson wrote:
> Adding a column also results in a similar crash.
Yes, this was already reported and happens b...
01:43 AM Feature request #8006 (Open): Adjust print composer table columns with long text (or add "wrap on...
12:55 AM Revision 6368adbe (qgis): Fix 'geos_c.h not found' build error on Mac for browser app
08:29 PM Revision 18c84afd (qgis): Merge pull request #1531 from ccrook/DistanceMatrixFix
- [processing] Distance matrix fixes
08:24 PM Revision 9ae648b8 (qgis): Merge pull request #1585 from cayetanobv/master
- [processing] fix column name in Zonal statistics alg
08:11 PM Revision a809dcce (qgis): use native GDAL functions
08:10 PM Revision 12dc59fa (qgis): [processing] fix script algorithm provider
07:51 PM Bug report #3980 (Closed): Print composer produces downsampled images regardless of DPI
- Closed due to lack of feedback
07:51 PM Bug report #3980 (Closed): Print composer produces downsampled images regardless of DPI
- Closed due to lack of feedback
07:50 PM Feature request #7974 (Closed): add zoom controls for map object in composer (other than mouse wh...
- This is all implemented in current master - holding ctrl while zooming using the mouse wheel results in a finer zoom....
07:50 PM Feature request #7974 (Closed): add zoom controls for map object in composer (other than mouse wh...
- This is all implemented in current master - holding ctrl while zooming using the mouse wheel results in a finer zoom....
07:47 PM Bug report #6403 (Closed): link between composer and canvas should use the map-center don't top
07:45 PM Bug report #8223 (Closed): print composer print to pdf as raster results in blank pages and other...
- Closed due to lack of feedback - please reopen with a sample project if you still experience this issue.
07:45 PM Bug report #8223 (Closed): print composer print to pdf as raster results in blank pages and other...
- Closed due to lack of feedback - please reopen with a sample project if you still experience this issue.
07:44 PM Bug report #11051 (In Progress): Forbide identical names for print composers
07:06 PM Revision cc307578 (qgis): [processing] avoid division by zero in random points alg (fix #11215)
06:04 PM Bug report #11229: Crash when deleting a column from attribute table
- Adding a column also results in a similar crash.
11:56 AM Bug report #11229: Crash when deleting a column from attribute table
- same thing under Win
03:39 AM Bug report #11229 (Closed): Crash when deleting a column from attribute table
- When I try to delete attribute from layer attribute table QGIS crashes. Tested in latest master (11be64d) with shapef...
04:28 PM Feature request #11234 (Closed): Optionally embed SVG symbols into style definition
- When exporting styles using the Style Manager, the user should be able to embed the source of any SVG markers directl...
- 01:21 PM Revision 8c327ed3 (qgis): Add asImage method for QgsSymbol
11:55 AM Bug report #11233 (Closed): Raster export broken
- "Save as..." functionality for rasters is broken in master. To reproduce load any raster layer and try to save it via...
11:35 AM Bug report #11223: Vector layer VRT stopped working in master
- Confirmed. After loading there are no visible features on map, but map extent is correct, attribute table is correct ...
11:35 AM Bug report #11223: Vector layer VRT stopped working in master
- Confirmed. After loading there are no visible features on map, but map extent is correct, attribute table is correct ...
11:35 AM Bug report #11223: Vector layer VRT stopped working in master
- Confirmed. After loading there are no visible features on map, but map extent is correct, attribute table is correct ...
11:35 AM Bug report #11223: Vector layer VRT stopped working in master
- Confirmed. After loading there are no visible features on map, but map extent is correct, attribute table is correct ...
10:07 AM Bug report #11215 (Closed): "Random points inside polygons (variable)" progress error halts algor...
- Fixed in changeset commit:"cc307578eb83bd454b389d0e5f8c3e68021cc4fe".
06:17 AM Bug report #11215: "Random points inside polygons (variable)" progress error halts algorithm
- Alexander Bruy wrote:
> Please provide sample dataset, I can't reproduce this with my test data.
I've attached an ex... -
07:03 AM Bug report #11231 (Closed): Function rand() only gives values up to ~32000
- On a spatialite layer, creating a new field with the field calculator and the expression "rand( 100000, 5000000 )" gi...
04:17 AM Feature request #3843: Rule based labeling
- another use case: labelling property boundaries with bearing above the line and distance below the line. At the momen...
03:19 AM Bug report #11218 (Closed): Erro de execução do código Python Traceback
- Olá Bruno,
o tickets no QGIS bug tracker são para serem criados em Ingles.
O erro que está a relatar é de um plugin... -
03:19 AM Bug report #11218 (Closed): Erro de execução do código Python Traceback
- Olá Bruno,
o tickets no QGIS bug tracker são para serem criados em Ingles.
O erro que está a relatar é de um plugin... -
02:15 AM Bug report #11207: attributeEditorElements behavior in pyqgis
- I solved the problem in this way. Can you explain me what happen ? I let the status as feedback, just if you want to ...
01:58 AM Bug report #11228 (Closed): resolution problem with the rule rendering dialog window
- The upper part of the rule-based dialog window doesn't fit in the screen: it is just to big and the only chance is to...
01:35 AM Bug report #11207: attributeEditorElements behavior in pyqgis
- Warning: uint DBusMenuExporterDBus::GetLayout(int, int, const QStringList&, DBusMenuLayoutItem&): Condition failed: m...
09:00 AM Bug report #11207: attributeEditorElements behavior in pyqgis
- Ok, i've checked and it's working well in the console. However, it's crashing when using this code in a plugin. I'm n...
03:35 AM Bug report #11207: attributeEditorElements behavior in pyqgis
- I have executed your code in the python console and opened the form by adding a new feature.
What system are you runn... -
12:49 AM Bug report #11215: "Random points inside polygons (variable)" progress error halts algorithm
- Please provide sample dataset, I can't reproduce this with my test data.
12:49 AM Bug report #11215: "Random points inside polygons (variable)" progress error halts algorithm
- Please provide sample dataset, I can't reproduce this with my test data.
12:49 AM Bug report #11215: "Random points inside polygons (variable)" progress error halts algorithm
- Please provide sample dataset, I can't reproduce this with my test data.
02:45 PM Bug report #11215: "Random points inside polygons (variable)" progress error halts algorithm
- Perhaps a "better" solution is:
@total = (pointCount / 100.0) * 100@
This appears to avoid the issue with dividing ... -
12:12 AM Bug report #9612: Web view doesn't work with specific URL in feature form
- Apparently it stil does not work, both on Debian and on Windows
07:53 PM Revision 1622bedf (qgis): Merge branch 'master' into CategorizedRendererUpdate
07:52 PM Revision acae80e5 (qgis): WIP
04:41 PM Revision 11be64db (qgis): more public methods, fix delete map tool
02:42 PM Bug report #10746: Buzzer sound when the map is refreshing
- I had the same problem at my job but I thought at the time that it was a hardware problem (Old computer with windows ...
01:39 PM Revision c6658058 (qgis): followup faf4b7f49ba67d0e6e110632bf85145ed570583e
11:35 AM Revision faf4b7f4 (qgis): fix crash in identify menu when closing a project with map layer actions
11:34 AM Bug report #11227: projections in 2.4.0
- It worked!! .... for a second. Then I zoomed in and got the rectangles again.
11:31 AM Bug report #11227 (Closed): projections in 2.4.0
- Having trouble projecting into Robinson, or really any projection. My CRS on the fly is enabled. Have tried setting p...
11:25 AM Revision 8ec82a30 (qgis): Zonal statistics: changed variance names (variable and field name; CV >...
08:35 AM Bug report #11226 (Closed): Removing a Join from layer properties is completed even when user can...
- *Problem Description:*
Removing a Join from layer properties is completed even when user cancels the property window.... -
08:07 AM Revision 5645a18f (qgis): add missing Q_PROPERTYs to color button V2
06:41 AM Bug report #11225 (Closed): Processing tools don't work without opening the configuration
- Scripts, GRASS and R scripts don't run after QGIS is first opened. Scripts give an error when run:
@Algorithm Regula... -
03:42 AM Bug report #11195 (Closed): Minidump
- Closed due to lack of feedback.
Please re-open this issue with the information requested by Giovanni. -
02:47 AM Bug report #11223: Vector layer VRT stopped working in master
- seems to be the case under both Win and Linux
02:46 AM Bug report #11223 (Closed): Vector layer VRT stopped working in master
- It works fine in 2.2, but in latest master after opening VRT vector features don't show up.
Table opens fine, ogr2og... -
02:32 AM Feature request #11222 (Open): make it possible to deactivate tips popup by command line option
- since it might be of use to see the tips when starting in interactive mode,
but undesired if QGIS is started in batch...
- 01:38 AM Revision 0181df55 (qgis): Add timing for plugin loading
05:18 PM Revision f8228a2b (qgis): do not raise canvas but window (fix hiding message bar)
04:31 PM Revision 9ebb69e7 (qgis): followup 0181df555378eabbf58a29b76e687c54178ca5f1
04:15 PM Revision 418725d8 (qgis): fix enum in sip
04:15 PM Revision 1c3b0ea1 (qgis): disable maptool if editing stopped or dialog closed + fix deactivated m...
02:59 PM Revision 05524d70 (qgis): [composer] Remove gui controls for adding deprecated table item (sponsored
- by City of Uster, Switzerland)
02:58 PM Revision 9fd73901 (qgis): [composer] API docs and python bindings for QgsComposerTableV2 (sponsored
- by City of Uster, Switzerland)
02:57 PM Revision cb739056 (qgis): [FEATURE][composer] New composer item for multi frame attribute tables.
- Allows table content to be spread over multiple frames. Note:
existing table items are not automatically upgraded to ... -
02:57 PM Revision 993aa833 (qgis): [composer] Tweak calculation of total height of table (Sponsored by
- City of Uster, Switzerland)
02:57 PM Revision a0db6634 (qgis): [composer] Fix crash on extend mode for multiframes (Sponsored by
- City of Uster, Switzerland)
02:57 PM Revision e9f4bbcb (qgis): [composer] Fix update of gui controls when table and HTML properties
- change (sponsored by City of Uster, Switzerland)
02:57 PM Revision ced281c8 (qgis): [composer] Don't consider border width in table if border is disabled
- (Sponsored by City of Uster, Switzerland)
02:57 PM Revision 2d24b322 (qgis): [FEATURE][composer] Add option to table item to show headers on first
- frame, all frames, or no frames (fix #11136) (Sponsored by City of
Uster, Switzerland) -
02:57 PM Revision 3ca416a6 (qgis): [composer] Initial test suite for QgsComposerTableV2 (Sponsored by
- City of Uster, Switzerland)
02:57 PM Revision 407a05c9 (qgis): [composer] Implement total height mechanisms for QgsComposerTableV2
- (Sponsored by City of Uster, Switzerland)
02:57 PM Revision 81715259 (qgis): [composer] Fix calculation of visible row ranges in QgsComposerTableV2
- (Sponsored by City of Uster, Switzerland)
02:57 PM Revision 7d63adee (qgis): [composer] Implement saving/loading of QgsComposerTableV2 items
- (Sponsored by City of Uster, Switzerland)
02:57 PM Revision 37dbbd55 (qgis): [composer] Begin work on calculating rows for QgsComposerTableV2
- (sponsored by City of Uster, Switzerland)
02:57 PM Revision c833a933 (qgis): [composer] Implement min size method for frames. Minimum height for
- first frame in tables is set so that headers are always shown.
(Sponsored by City of Uster, Switzerland) -
02:57 PM Revision fefc243b (qgis): [composer] Initial groundwork for multiframe table item (Sponsored
- by City of Uster, Switzerland)
02:57 PM Revision d1e26f24 (qgis): [composer] Option for fixed frame sizes set by multi frame (sponsored
- by City of Uster, Switzerland)
02:53 PM Revision 39700e7d (qgis): Option in color picker dialog to import a gpl palette to a new user scheme
02:21 PM Feature request #11221 (Open): Marker offset for arrow in Composer
- At present, a custom SVG for an arrow is placed by Composer with no ability to offset the marker (see attachment for ...
02:10 PM Bug report #11220 (Closed): SVG marker not removed from arrow in composer
- If I add a custom SVG marker to my composer there is no way to remove it again without permanently moving to the defa...
01:10 PM Revision dff326f4 (qgis): Load gpl files from user folder to schemes
01:10 PM Revision 66e6820b (qgis): Be a bit more forgiving when reading gpl files which don't exactly foll...
01:10 PM Revision a7a1bee5 (qgis): Add flags for controlling behaviour of color schemes
01:10 PM Revision 35e3eac7 (qgis): Fix height of color icon on color buttons in windows
12:51 PM Revision e6a259d1 (qgis): Save edit widgets also to QML style information.
- Fix #11123
Fix #10752 -
12:44 PM Bug report #8518: OWS tab - Abstract field of service capabilities adds additional new lines at p...
- Seems to be a Windows issue. Maybe related to #8267?
I often edit my projects on Windows and deploy on Linux. -
12:31 PM Revision 307d4bd5 (qgis): Follow up 21c81d6
11:23 AM Revision 2b2066ab (qgis): [SIP] add QgsIdentifyMenu
11:17 AM Bug report #11219 (Closed): Couldn't load PyQGIS
- This bug is just got back, I cannot use windows version anymore.
It seems it started with 2.5.0-77
Below is the mes... -
10:48 AM Revision c5d3be57 (qgis): [Identify Menu] do not show the layer level if there is a single layer ...
10:09 AM Revision 2188de60 (qgis): fix QgsMapLayerAction SIP + do not copy features in identify menu (foll...
09:22 AM Revision 096d9417 (qgis): [QgsRelationReferenceWidget] correctly enable/disable set null button, ...
09:18 AM Revision 21c81d6f (qgis): Fix sip for QgsMapLayerActionRegistry
08:18 AM Bug report #4051: Cannot display SpatiaLite views based on tables with spatial index
- I am using QGIS 2.4.0. If I use the info tool, I can see the attributes; if I use the DB Manager, I can see the attri...
08:06 AM Bug report #11218 (Closed): Erro de execução do código Python Traceback
- Olá,
Eu uso o QGis para manipular dados SRTM na empresa onde trabalho e ao me deparar com a necessidade de colocar
o... -
07:56 AM Bug report #11207: attributeEditorElements behavior in pyqgis
- When i apply this code on one layer, my qgis crash. Not when it's applied, but the when i try to open the properties,...
04:22 AM Bug report #11207 (Feedback): attributeEditorElements behavior in pyqgis
- This works perfectly fine here on latest master (opened the feature form by adding a new feature).
Can you share the... -
07:00 AM Bug report #11217 (Closed): crash / bad alloc when loading raster with only nodata values
- When loading a geotiff with only nodata values (e.g. the nodata value is set to 0, and the tif is full of 0's), qgis ...
05:59 AM Feature request #11136 (Closed): Attribute Table in Print Composer : being able to hide the header
- Fixed in changeset commit:"2d24b322e949a326b114535a9ae3ab0548ef23a2".
05:09 AM Bug report #10814 (Closed): Ability in style color to add Hex Color Codes
- Implemented in master.
05:09 AM Bug report #10814 (Closed): Ability in style color to add Hex Color Codes
- Implemented in master.
04:59 AM Bug report #11141: Parallel multi-core rendering crashes QGIS
- Yes - if I set visibility off for all except one layer, QGIS does not crash. If I then change visibility state to vis...
04:56 AM Bug report #11191: Start of QGIS Desktop delayed (1–2 min.)
- No, there are no network drives defined at all.
The startup delay is still present after uninstalling QGIS completely... -
04:25 AM Bug report #11191: Start of QGIS Desktop delayed (1–2 min.)
- Random guess: Are there any unavailable network drives?
03:54 AM Bug report #10752 (Closed): Value Map not working when loading a qml
- Fixed in changeset commit:"e6a259d1806b756cb2a9d91d6c5546ce6d04e710".
03:54 AM Bug report #11123 (Closed): Save field widget in qml as well
- Fixed in changeset commit:"e6a259d1806b756cb2a9d91d6c5546ce6d04e710".
01:18 AM Bug report #11141: Parallel multi-core rendering crashes QGIS
- Hi Andreas,
my workaround is to have one PostGIS layer (with one feature) visible in the project so the connection ge... -
01:06 AM Bug report #11141: Parallel multi-core rendering crashes QGIS
- Hi,
I have very similar problems like Bernhard. The difference is that in my case the crash already happens at the e... -
06:04 PM Revision ab3ff17f (qgis): Pass attribute editor context for widgets on the attribute table
- Fixes relation reference widget in attribute table
05:45 PM Bug report #11216 (Closed): License issue - removal of GDAL MIT/X copyright notice from third par...
- The QGIS "python/plugins/processing/tools/" module contains the invertGeoTransform function which was ported...
03:39 PM Revision d05d83ed (qgis): Fix widget registry (SIP), few fixes for relation reference widget
03:00 PM Revision dce206e3 (qgis): [FEATURE] New custom QGIS color picker dialog. Basically
- it's a Frankenstein's monster of the best bits of lots of other color
picker implementations. Features include:
- Sli... -
02:18 PM Bug report #11215 (Closed): "Random points inside polygons (variable)" progress error halts algor...
- Shapefile with ~3000 rows contains field column containing the number of samples per polygon: "SAMP300" (integer). Al...
12:48 PM Bug report #11188 (Closed): ImportError: No module named sip
- Well, I reinstalled Ubuntu trusty entirely and used the official repositories from the QGis website again... and it w...
12:31 PM Bug report #11214 (Closed): Symlinks added as layer sources: QGIS unexpectedly rewrites source lo...
- Behavior:
A symlink to a source file (such as a raster image) can easily be added as a layer to a QGIS project. In l... -
12:01 PM Revision bcc66473 (qgis): [SIP] add missing argument in QgsEditorWidgetRegistry::QgsEditorWidgetW...
11:51 AM Revision 1fb524f1 (qgis): improved identify menu with a dedicated class
11:51 AM Revision 399fa992 (qgis): Add user data to identify actions to actionmenu
11:51 AM Revision 089652e5 (qgis): Add icon support to actions
11:51 AM Revision ba7f0a34 (qgis): Add action menu to attribute dialog
11:51 AM Revision aa95ae4c (qgis): [QgsActionMenu] fix return feature
11:51 AM Revision f85a8839 (qgis): [QgsActionMenu] use ActionData to trigger actions
11:51 AM Revision ab228902 (qgis): [QgsActionMenu] use correct level of actions
11:47 AM Revision e5f078ed (qgis): Fix loss of hue information with slider widgets
11:46 AM Revision 2dba5d7d (qgis): Allow setting color button to invalid color resulting in a blank
- button. Default to invalid color for new buttons.
11:39 AM Revision e79ff32f (qgis): Add options for color buttons, allowing them to be used in a swatch
- type mode.
11:12 AM Revision 7f3a5149 (qgis): [QgsRelationReferenceWidget] make error label multiline
11:12 AM Revision fb30b84c (qgis): [QgsMapToolIdentifyFeature] allow initializing without any layer
09:58 AM Bug report #11213: Crash when saving map after removing Atlas layer
- Crash dump shared via Dropbox since it's too large to attach: -
09:54 AM Bug report #11213 (Closed): Crash when saving map after removing Atlas layer
- I just experienced a crash while saving a map. I opened the map, removed a few layers, and then saved resulting in th...
09:49 AM Revision 5483ee80 (qgis): followup ui rename (followup 13eb726d)
08:16 AM Bug report #11212 (Closed): Processing model -
- Grass module doesn't work if inserted in a model, warning about a missing or invalid parameter value even...
07:11 AM Revision f73b0b61 (qgis): Return to previous state of vector joins if the vector props dialog was...
07:11 AM Revision de48dad6 (qgis): Followup #10912 - detect cycles in joins and reject joins that would cr...
- Cycle would otherwise cause infinite loop when updating fields and it does not make sense
03:48 AM Bug report #11211: Save QGIS project on VPN connection is very slow
- Using Windows 8.1 and QGIS 2.4. VPN issue also a problem in previous version of Windows and QGIS.
03:44 AM Bug report #11211 (Closed): Save QGIS project on VPN connection is very slow
- Saving a project on a VPN connection is very slow. A 0.5 MB project file can take up to 1 minute to save. The same qg...
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