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[composer] Avoid crash when using redo on multiframe (fix #11351)
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Since multiframe changes can remove and create new frame items,
it's not safe to directly manipulate frame items in
QgsComposerItemCommand. Now, commands which apply to a frame always
fetch a reference to the correct frame item directly from the
parent multiframe. Also added unit tests for this crash.
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nyalldawson committed Oct 15, 2014
1 parent 1ff2ad3 commit 4ea5c80
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Showing 6 changed files with 235 additions and 18 deletions.
5 changes: 4 additions & 1 deletion python/core/composer/qgscomposeritemcommand.sip
Expand Up @@ -25,7 +25,10 @@ class QgsComposerItemCommand: QUndoCommand
/**Returns true if previous state and after state are valid and different*/
bool containsChange() const;

const QgsComposerItem* item() const;
/**Returns the target item the command applies to.
* @returns target composer item
QgsComposerItem* item() const;

void saveState( QDomDocument& stateDoc ) const;
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5 changes: 4 additions & 1 deletion src/core/composer/qgscomposerhtml.cpp
Expand Up @@ -481,7 +481,10 @@ bool QgsComposerHtml::writeXML( QDomElement& elem, QDomDocument & doc, bool igno

bool QgsComposerHtml::readXML( const QDomElement& itemElem, const QDomDocument& doc, bool ignoreFrames )
if ( !ignoreFrames )

//first create the frames
if ( !_readXML( itemElem, doc, ignoreFrames ) )
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81 changes: 68 additions & 13 deletions src/core/composer/qgscomposeritemcommand.cpp
Expand Up @@ -17,11 +17,26 @@

#include "qgscomposeritemcommand.h"
#include "qgscomposeritem.h"
#include "qgscomposerframe.h"
#include "qgscomposermultiframe.h"
#include "qgsproject.h"
#include "qgslogger.h"

QgsComposerItemCommand::QgsComposerItemCommand( QgsComposerItem* item, const QString& text, QUndoCommand* parent ):
QUndoCommand( text, parent ), mItem( item ), mFirstRun( true )
QgsComposerItemCommand::QgsComposerItemCommand( QgsComposerItem* item, const QString& text, QUndoCommand* parent )
: QUndoCommand( text, parent )
, mItem( item )
, mMultiFrame( 0 )
, mFrameNumber( 0 )
, mFirstRun( true )
//is item a frame?
QgsComposerFrame* frame = dynamic_cast<QgsComposerFrame*>( mItem );
if ( frame )
//store parent multiframe and frame index
mMultiFrame = frame->multiFrame();
mFrameNumber = mMultiFrame->frameIndex( frame );

Expand All @@ -48,6 +63,27 @@ bool QgsComposerItemCommand::containsChange() const
return !( mPreviousState.isNull() || mAfterState.isNull() || mPreviousState.toString() == mAfterState.toString() );

QgsComposerItem* QgsComposerItemCommand::item() const
QgsComposerItem* item = 0;
if ( mMultiFrame )
//item is a frame, so it needs to be handled differently
//in this case the target item is the matching frame number, as subsequent
//changes to the multiframe may have deleted mItem
if ( mMultiFrame->frameCount() > mFrameNumber )
item = mMultiFrame->frame( mFrameNumber );
else if ( mItem )
item = mItem;

return item;

void QgsComposerItemCommand::savePreviousState()
saveState( mPreviousState );
Expand All @@ -60,26 +96,38 @@ void QgsComposerItemCommand::saveAfterState()

void QgsComposerItemCommand::saveState( QDomDocument& stateDoc ) const
if ( mItem )
const QgsComposerItem* source = item();
if ( !source )
QDomElement documentElement = stateDoc.createElement( "ComposerItemState" );
mItem->writeXML( documentElement, stateDoc );
stateDoc.appendChild( documentElement );

QDomElement documentElement = stateDoc.createElement( "ComposerItemState" );
source->writeXML( documentElement, stateDoc );
stateDoc.appendChild( documentElement );

void QgsComposerItemCommand::restoreState( QDomDocument& stateDoc ) const
if ( mItem )
QgsComposerItem* destItem = item();
if ( !destItem )
mItem->readXML( stateDoc.documentElement().firstChild().toElement(), stateDoc );
QgsProject::instance()->dirty( true );

destItem->readXML( stateDoc.documentElement().firstChild().toElement(), stateDoc );
QgsProject::instance()->dirty( true );

QgsComposerMergeCommand::QgsComposerMergeCommand( Context c, QgsComposerItem* item, const QString& text ): QgsComposerItemCommand( item, text ), mContext( c )

QgsComposerMergeCommand::QgsComposerMergeCommand( Context c, QgsComposerItem* item, const QString& text )
: QgsComposerItemCommand( item, text )
, mContext( c )

Expand All @@ -89,11 +137,18 @@ QgsComposerMergeCommand::~QgsComposerMergeCommand()

bool QgsComposerMergeCommand::mergeWith( const QUndoCommand * command )
QgsComposerItem* thisItem = item();
if ( !thisItem )
return false;

const QgsComposerItemCommand* c = dynamic_cast<const QgsComposerItemCommand*>( command );
if ( !c || mItem != c->item() )
if ( !c || thisItem != c->item() )
return false;

mAfterState = c->afterState();
return true;
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11 changes: 10 additions & 1 deletion src/core/composer/qgscomposeritemcommand.h
Expand Up @@ -22,6 +22,7 @@
#include <QDomDocument>

class QgsComposerItem;
class QgsComposerMultiFrame;

/**Undo command to undo/redo all composer item related changes*/
class CORE_EXPORT QgsComposerItemCommand: public QUndoCommand
Expand All @@ -46,7 +47,10 @@ class CORE_EXPORT QgsComposerItemCommand: public QUndoCommand
/**Returns true if previous state and after state are valid and different*/
bool containsChange() const;

const QgsComposerItem* item() const { return mItem; }
/**Returns the target item the command applies to.
* @returns target composer item
QgsComposerItem *item() const;

/**Target item of the command*/
Expand All @@ -56,6 +60,11 @@ class CORE_EXPORT QgsComposerItemCommand: public QUndoCommand
/**XML containing the state after executing the command*/
QDomDocument mAfterState;

/**Parameters for frame items*/
/**Parent multiframe*/
QgsComposerMultiFrame* mMultiFrame;
int mFrameNumber;

/**Flag to prevent the first redo() if the command is pushed to the undo stack*/
bool mFirstRun;

Expand Down
7 changes: 5 additions & 2 deletions src/core/composer/qgscomposermultiframe.cpp
Expand Up @@ -307,7 +307,8 @@ void QgsComposerMultiFrame::removeFrame( int i, const bool removeEmptyPages )
mIsRecalculatingSize = true;
int pageNumber = frameItem->page();
mComposition->removeComposerItem( frameItem );
//remove item, but don't create undo command
mComposition->removeComposerItem( frameItem, false );
//if frame was the only item on the page, remove the page
if ( removeEmptyPages && mComposition->pageIsEmpty( pageNumber ) )
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -385,8 +386,10 @@ bool QgsComposerMultiFrame::_readXML( const QDomElement& itemElem, const QDomDoc
QDomElement frameElem = i ).toElement();
QgsComposerFrame* newFrame = new QgsComposerFrame( mComposition, this, 0, 0, 0, 0 );
newFrame->readXML( frameElem, doc );
addFrame( newFrame );
addFrame( newFrame, false );

//TODO - think there should be a recalculateFrameSizes() call here
return true;
144 changes: 144 additions & 0 deletions tests/src/core/testqgscomposermultiframe.cpp
Expand Up @@ -34,6 +34,8 @@ class TestQgsComposerMultiFrame: public QObject
void addFrame(); //test creating new frame inherits all properties of existing frame
void frameIsEmpty(); //test if frame is empty works
void addRemovePage(); //test if page is added and removed for RepeatUntilFinished mode
void undoRedo(); //test that combinations of frame/multiframe undo/redo don't crash
void undoRedoRemovedFrame(); //test that undo doesn't crash with removed frames

QgsComposition* mComposition;
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -203,6 +205,148 @@ void TestQgsComposerMultiFrame::addRemovePage()
delete htmlItem;

void TestQgsComposerMultiFrame::undoRedo()
QgsComposerHtml* htmlItem = new QgsComposerHtml( mComposition, false );
QgsComposerFrame* frame1 = new QgsComposerFrame( mComposition, htmlItem, 0, 0, 100, 200 );
htmlItem->addFrame( frame1 );
htmlItem->setContentMode( QgsComposerHtml::ManualHtml );
htmlItem->setResizeMode( QgsComposerMultiFrame::RepeatUntilFinished );

//short content, so should fit in one frame
htmlItem->setHtml( QString( "<p>Test content</p>" ) );

//do some combinations of undo/redo commands for both the frame and multiframe
//to try to trigger a crash
frame1->beginCommand( "move" );
frame1->setSceneRect( QRectF( 10, 10, 20, 20 ) );
frame1->beginCommand( "outline", QgsComposerMergeCommand::ItemOutlineWidth );
frame1->setFrameOutlineWidth( 4.0 );
frame1->beginCommand( "outline", QgsComposerMergeCommand::ItemOutlineWidth );
frame1->setFrameOutlineWidth( 7.0 );

//multiframe commands
mComposition->beginMultiFrameCommand( htmlItem, "maxbreak" );
htmlItem->setMaxBreakDistance( 100 );

//another frame command
frame1->beginCommand( "bgcolor", QgsComposerMergeCommand::ItemTransparency );
frame1->setBackgroundColor( QColor( 255, 255, 0 ) );
frame1->beginCommand( "bgcolor", QgsComposerMergeCommand::ItemTransparency );
frame1->setBackgroundColor( QColor( 255, 0, 0 ) );

//undo changes

//frame bg
//multiframe max break
//frame outline width
//frame move

//check result
QCOMPARE( htmlItem->maxBreakDistance(), 10.0 );
QCOMPARE( htmlItem->frame( 0 )->frameOutlineWidth(), 0.3 );
QCOMPARE( htmlItem->frame( 0 )->pos(), QPointF( 0, 0 ) );
QCOMPARE( htmlItem->frame( 0 )->backgroundColor(), QColor( 255, 255, 255 ) );

//now redo

//frame move
//frame outline width
//multiframe max break
//frame bg color

//check result
QCOMPARE( htmlItem->maxBreakDistance(), 100.0 );
QCOMPARE( htmlItem->frame( 0 )->frameOutlineWidth(), 7.0 );
QCOMPARE( htmlItem->frame( 0 )->pos(), QPointF( 10, 10 ) );
QCOMPARE( htmlItem->frame( 0 )->backgroundColor(), QColor( 255, 0, 0 ) );

mComposition->removeMultiFrame( htmlItem );
delete htmlItem;

void TestQgsComposerMultiFrame::undoRedoRemovedFrame()
QgsComposerHtml* htmlItem = new QgsComposerHtml( mComposition, false );
QgsComposerFrame* frame1 = new QgsComposerFrame( mComposition, htmlItem, 0, 0, 100, 200 );
htmlItem->addFrame( frame1 );
htmlItem->setContentMode( QgsComposerHtml::ManualHtml );
htmlItem->setResizeMode( QgsComposerMultiFrame::RepeatUntilFinished );

//long content, so should require multiple frames
htmlItem->setHtml( QString( "<p style=\"height: 2000px\">Test content</p>" ) );

QVERIFY( htmlItem->frameCount() > 1 );

//do a command on the first frame
htmlItem->frame( 0 )->beginCommand( "outline", QgsComposerMergeCommand::ItemOutlineWidth );
htmlItem->frame( 0 )->setFrameOutlineWidth( 4.0 );
htmlItem->frame( 0 )->endCommand();
//do a command on the second frame
htmlItem->frame( 1 )->beginCommand( "outline", QgsComposerMergeCommand::ItemOutlineWidth );
htmlItem->frame( 1 )->setFrameOutlineWidth( 8.0 );
htmlItem->frame( 1 )->endCommand();

//do a multiframe command which removes extra frames
mComposition->beginMultiFrameCommand( htmlItem, "source" );
htmlItem->setHtml( QString( "<p style=\"height: 20px\">Test content</p>" ) );

//wipes the second frame

QCOMPARE( htmlItem->frameCount(), 1 );

//undo changes

//multiframe command
//frame 2 command
//frame 1 command

//check result
QVERIFY( htmlItem->frameCount() > 1 );
QCOMPARE( htmlItem->frame( 0 )->frameOutlineWidth(), 0.3 );
QCOMPARE( htmlItem->frame( 1 )->frameOutlineWidth(), 0.3 );

//now redo

//frame 1 command
//frame 2 command

//check result
QVERIFY( htmlItem->frameCount() > 1 );
QCOMPARE( htmlItem->frame( 0 )->frameOutlineWidth(), 4.0 );
QCOMPARE( htmlItem->frame( 1 )->frameOutlineWidth(), 8.0 );

//multiframe command
QCOMPARE( htmlItem->frameCount(), 1 );

mComposition->removeMultiFrame( htmlItem );
delete htmlItem;

QTEST_MAIN( TestQgsComposerMultiFrame )
#include "moc_testqgscomposermultiframe.cxx"

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