From 2013-06-08 to 2013-07-07
11:11 PM Bug report #8234 (Closed): Colour of markers for editing wrong and incoherent
- During edits, if choosing crosses as markers, vertices are marked in red, errors in green. This is counterintuitive, ...
11:00 PM Revision 42a3e382 (qgis): translation update: es by carlos
09:43 PM Revision a39b5ab2 (qgis): plugin installer: destroy network replies (fixes #8233)
09:03 PM Revision be65f731 (qgis): Merge pull request #705 from Cracert/trans3
- translation update: pl
06:22 PM Bug report #8192 (Reopened): Zoom to Layer zooms to a far too large area
- OK, I tried it on another computer and couldn't reproduce. So I went back to the original computer, removed the insta...
06:22 PM Bug report #8192 (Reopened): Zoom to Layer zooms to a far too large area
- OK, I tried it on another computer and couldn't reproduce. So I went back to the original computer, removed the insta...
04:23 PM Bug report #8232: QgsVectorDataProvider.uniqueValues() crash if there is a NULL value in selected...
- Reproducable with GDAL 1.9, but not 1.10.
03:30 PM Bug report #8232: QgsVectorDataProvider.uniqueValues() crash if there is a NULL value in selected...
- apparently a GDAL/OGR problem:...
03:02 PM Bug report #8232: QgsVectorDataProvider.uniqueValues() crash if there is a NULL value in selected...
- The main cause is underlying c++ code. The following code attached shows the bug in c++
08:14 AM Bug report #8232: QgsVectorDataProvider.uniqueValues() crash if there is a NULL value in selected...
- This bug was found while attempt to solve the bug #8219.
08:11 AM Bug report #8232 (Closed): QgsVectorDataProvider.uniqueValues() crash if there is a NULL value in...
- If there are NULL values in field of a shapefile, the python Qgis API method ...
12:44 PM Bug report #8233 (Closed): QGIS comes to focus when it shouldn't
- Fixed in changeset commit:"a39b5ab2fad15910a9abec7f9aa44b016928d86e".
08:23 AM Bug report #8233 (Closed): QGIS comes to focus when it shouldn't
- Sometimes, when QGIS is running in the background or minimized, it comes into focus. The following is the message log...
10:39 AM Revision ddff4ccf (qgis): translation update: pl
08:23 AM Revision f884f09a (qgis): Merge pull request #701 from qgis-jp/make_pull_req_from_ja
- update translation ja include some improvement by Minoru Akagi
07:47 AM Revision ef07bc39 (qgis): debian packaging update
07:07 AM Bug report #8212: style manager searching finds non-related elements
- I understand now why it works this way, but I don't see the real usefulness. It is rather un-intuitive, I was honest...
03:13 AM Revision d540f095 (qgis): Default raster layer icon for when generation of raster legend layer ic...
02:40 AM Revision 0e6a169a (qgis): Switch QGIS Broswer 'set projection' icon to SVG and from 'magic wand' ...
- - Make browser toolbar icon size honor app's pref
02:38 AM Revision 0fb0bc99 (qgis): Switch custom projection icon to SVG and from 'magic wand' to variation...
02:19 AM Revision 4cac348a (qgis): Switch CRS icon to SVG, simplify it, and update using GIS theme components
02:16 AM Revision 826d5027 (qgis): Switch icons in custom CRS dialog to be more consistent with rest of app
02:14 AM Revision 4516fadc (qgis): Update new selection clearing icons
- - Rebuild using GIS theme components
- Make yellow RGB values match other selection icons -
02:12 AM Revision 270b9cd5 (qgis): Make lock/unlock icon look less distorted and switch to SVG
02:10 AM Revision 9cb2bec8 (qgis): Change color of remove icon to red, instead of green
12:30 AM Bug report #8192 (Closed): Zoom to Layer zooms to a far too large area
- Aren Cambre wrote:
> I have a SQL dump of the PostGIS datasource handy, so I can share it with you. Please email me a... -
12:30 AM Bug report #8192 (Closed): Zoom to Layer zooms to a far too large area
- Aren Cambre wrote:
> I have a SQL dump of the PostGIS datasource handy, so I can share it with you. Please email me a... -
11:29 PM Bug report #8186 (Closed): Fail to make spatial index for shapefile, with Japanese string in the...
- kosuke ASAHI wrote:
> QGIS code version d37e03b from OSGeo4W, we still have same problem.
but it's still a duplicate... -
10:06 PM Bug report #8186 (Reopened): Fail to make spatial index for shapefile, with Japanese string in t...
- QGIS code version d37e03b from OSGeo4W, we still have same problem.
08:09 PM Bug report #8231 (Closed): Layer is still visible after un-checking (while canvas is rendering)
- If I uncheck a layer to stop it from being visible while the canvas is rendering, it doesn't actually turn it off.
Z... -
07:36 PM Revision 7d273b1e (qgis): Update new property icons to add whitespace and reduce stroke width
- - New icons now match existing icons' characteristics
06:21 PM Feature request #5028 (Closed): Different "Save Project" and "Save edits" icons
06:21 PM Feature request #5028: Different "Save Project" and "Save edits" icons
- This is fixed in current master. Reopen if needed.
04:18 PM Revision 8f9b89dd (qgis): Clean up code related to old overlay object system
03:15 PM Revision 17b09c2f (qgis): Remove diagram_overlay plugin
02:54 PM Bug report #8230 (Closed): "Failed to open python console"
- I installed the latest dev from [Dakota Carto[]] QGIS code revision: 7587972.
*Info abou... -
12:32 PM Bug report #8219: fTools "Convex hull(s)" does not work if a input field is specified
- I commented the line ...
12:12 PM Bug report #8219: fTools "Convex hull(s)" does not work if a input field is specified
- The attribute table of the attached dataset has three fields. "id" and "name" are string type fields. "nvertex" is in...
06:29 AM Bug report #8219: fTools "Convex hull(s)" does not work if a input field is specified
- Please, attach the dataset you are using.
11:31 AM Bug report #8221: QGIS Crashes when saving the project and corrupt project file
- sorry, I can't reproduce with these steps. master 7d273b1eed
11:15 AM Revision e35cbcb0 (qgis): update translation ja include some improvement by Minoru Akagi
10:15 AM Bug report #8212: style manager searching finds non-related elements
- I think there is a misunderstanding between *search*ing and *filter*ing here. The query is run over the entire XML de...
09:36 AM Revision 0f578a46 (qgis): set provider request attribute supset only if requested, fixes 7112 and...
06:25 AM Bug report #7073: Intersection Tool Produces two Intersection points on the same position when pe...
- See pull request 702.
06:21 AM Bug report #8218: fTools "Line Intersection" does not work
- Fixing bug in pull request 702.
Plase see:
PS: sorry for previous noise. -
03:09 AM Bug report #8227 (Closed): WFS layers are listed twice in "OWS" in QGIS browser
- see attached image. Testes on master.
02:08 AM Revision 4538cf15 (qgis): fix #7217
01:58 AM Revision e28e7b65 (qgis): german translation update
01:49 AM Revision 8c3ed3da (qgis): fix warning
12:57 AM Bug report #8219: fTools "Convex hull(s)" does not work if a input field is specified
- The reason of the error "'QPyNullVariant' object has no attribute 'strip'" is that there are NULL values in the field...
12:49 AM Revision d37e03be (qgis): Update core plugins to use the new icons by default.
12:39 AM Bug report #7267 (Closed): loss of attributes during split feature operation
- Fixed in commit:0f578a460.
12:39 AM Bug report #7267 (Closed): loss of attributes during split feature operation
- Fixed in commit:0f578a460.
12:38 AM Bug report #7112 (Closed): Identify feature on a splitted polygon does not return attributes prop...
- Fixed in changeset commit:"0f578a46062ec74139066891f63d693d308f2f1e".
10:06 PM Feature request #8226 (Feedback): Provide export settings ability
- We should provide a way (in settings) to export the current settings so they can be exported to another machine or ba...
09:35 PM Bug report #7624: QGIS crashes when pressing OK on the heatmap dialog
- Just reproduced on a different Windows 7 x64 machine with d37e03b.
06:20 PM Revision 5c6ddbaf (qgis): append required date format to field label in attribute dialog
06:18 PM Bug report #8192: Zoom to Layer zooms to a far too large area
- I have a SQL dump of the PostGIS datasource handy, so I can share it with you. Please email me at [email protected]...
02:09 AM Bug report #8192: Zoom to Layer zooms to a far too large area
- Aren Cambre wrote:
> Do you have any "point" datasets with where you can filter to a small area?
any point layer, o... -
06:18 PM Bug report #8101: "Save as" on a large PostGIS point layer doesn't work
- I have a SQL dump of the PostGIS datasource handy, so I can share it with you. Please email me at [email protected]...
06:04 PM Bug report #8218: fTools "Line Intersection" does not work
- Daniel Vaz wrote:
> Adding the following two lines before the while loop.
> [...]
Probably you are using 1.8 and ... -
10:50 AM Bug report #8218: fTools "Line Intersection" does not work
- Please, see issue #7073.
There is a hack that solves the problem (for simplest case tested for me).
Adding the foll... -
05:35 PM Bug report #8194: Heatmap plugin doesn't work for points along highway
- Got it! Can you email me directly at [email protected]? I'd like discuss transferring the data outside this issue.
03:59 PM Bug report #8194: Heatmap plugin doesn't work for points along highway
- Aren Cambre wrote:
> Well, this is weird.
> I've modified my dataset by combining 3 similar ones and reducing the ... -
03:23 PM Bug report #8194: Heatmap plugin doesn't work for points along highway
- Well, this is weird.
I've modified my dataset by combining 3 similar ones and reducing the number of columns. So ins... -
05:10 PM Bug report #7217 (Closed): graduated classes are altered when saved to qgs
- Fixed in changeset commit:"4538cf1593a22c1aba998abfc6f3c730b0943a71".
04:31 PM Bug report #8224 (Feedback): QGIS closes when selecting the 'about' option in the help menu
- Cannoy replicate on QGIS master. Are you on 1.8 or master?
05:35 AM Bug report #8224 (Closed): QGIS closes when selecting the 'about' option in the help menu
- When clicking on 'about' in the help menu, QGIS closes without any error message or warning
04:29 PM Bug report #8223 (Feedback): print composer print to pdf as raster results in blank pages and oth...
- Are you on QGIS 1.8 or master? I can't replicate any of the above on master. If you are on master please provide a sa...
05:33 AM Bug report #8223 (Closed): print composer print to pdf as raster results in blank pages and other...
- Printing to pdf with the print composer in QGIS master gives the following problems:
* If using symbol fills compose... -
04:25 PM Bug report #8071: Inconsistent icons in qgis 2.0 default theme
- Partially fixed in commit:d37e03be4f : plugins should use the same icon in the manager and the toolbars now.
I haven... -
04:06 PM Revision 75879722 (qgis): Fix #8225
04:05 PM Bug report #8222 (Feedback): Error after closing "Check geometry validity" dailog window
- There not much more left to do for qgis 1.8, please try QGIS master and report back if the issue persist. Thanks.
04:05 PM Bug report #8222 (Feedback): Error after closing "Check geometry validity" dailog window
- There not much more left to do for qgis 1.8, please try QGIS master and report back if the issue persist. Thanks.
04:05 PM Bug report #8222 (Feedback): Error after closing "Check geometry validity" dailog window
- There not much more left to do for qgis 1.8, please try QGIS master and report back if the issue persist. Thanks.
04:36 AM Bug report #8222 (Closed): Error after closing "Check geometry validity" dailog window
- After completing analysis, every time error occurs while trying to close dialog window.
---------------------------... -
03:46 PM Revision b075bf3a (qgis): add spacer to keep attributes on top
02:17 PM Revision e83aceaf (qgis): translation update: nl and no
10:48 AM Bug report #7073: Intersection Tool Produces two Intersection points on the same position when pe...
- The hack that solves the problem, is added the following two lines before the while loop....
10:46 AM Bug report #7073: Intersection Tool Produces two Intersection points on the same position when pe...
- When lines are in the same layer, I think that there is a problem using the same provider to iterate over both lines....
07:59 AM Bug report #8213: Overwriting files when Print>Export to PDF
- Here, this bug don't occurs when saving only one file. When the user is using atlas, it is prompted where will the di...
07:07 AM Bug report #8225 (Closed): Map position jumps on first mouse click after manually entering map co...
- Fixed in changeset commit:"7587972293b0a754c358e41980bab7846009239f".
06:42 AM Bug report #8225 (Closed): Map position jumps on first mouse click after manually entering map co...
- When manually entering map coordinates in the coordinate field the map is centered correctly on this position. But wh...
04:24 AM Bug report #1934: Unable to remove shapefile field in Attribute table
- Sorry, I am using QGis version 1.8 on Ubuntu 12.04 and after I recompile under gdal 1.9 the option works fine. Thanks...
03:16 AM Bug report #8095: Topology checker crashes qgis when clicking on "new project" or when readding a...
> Pedro Venâncio wrote:
> > 1) If you click on some of the errors in the list, when you make "New project", the last...-
02:51 AM Bug report #8209 (Feedback): Print as raster doesn't work on OsX
- rcline - wrote:
> Using Print in the toolbar and either going directly to a printer or going to the PDF driver in Mac... -
02:40 AM Bug report #7927 (Closed): composer fails to export with high dpi, without any message
- Ok thanks, this issue could be solved by an official 64 bit build, discussed today in the lists.
I think issue can b... -
02:15 AM Bug report #8221 (Closed): QGIS Crashes when saving the project and corrupt project file
- *Version* QGIS master version b7d7076
*Issue* : With an existing opened project, when you load a layer from the brow... -
02:07 AM Bug report #8133 (Closed): qgis crashes on exit if adding layers from DB manager
- I cannot replicate the issue anynmore, so seems really fixed! thanks!
02:07 AM Bug report #8133 (Closed): qgis crashes on exit if adding layers from DB manager
- I cannot replicate the issue anynmore, so seems really fixed! thanks!
01:56 AM Bug report #7073: Intersection Tool Produces two Intersection points on the same position when pe...
- Matthias Kuhn wrote:
> Is this bugreport still valid after #7021 has been fixed?
yes, because the result layer is em... -
01:47 AM Bug report #8219: fTools "Convex hull(s)" does not work if a input field is specified
- Without feature selection, the following error was logged....
01:37 AM Bug report #8219: fTools "Convex hull(s)" does not work if a input field is specified
- In addition, it is necessary to check "Use only selected features" to replicate this error.
01:24 AM Bug report #8219 (Closed): fTools "Convex hull(s)" does not work if a input field is specified
- When I used "Convex hull(s)" tool with "Create convex hulls based on input field" option selected, the following erro...
01:45 AM Bug report #8212: style manager searching finds non-related elements
- Etienne Tourigny wrote:
> the following patch resolves the issue. Tested and matches item names as well as tags.
Hi,... -
01:36 AM Bug report #7927: composer fails to export with high dpi, without any message
- You can specify a different value for heap/stack size, large data flags (see
01:12 AM Bug report #7927: composer fails to export with high dpi, without any message
- Why building QGIS from source could solve this?
04:25 PM Bug report #7927: composer fails to export with high dpi, without any message
- The problem is that QT (4.8 or 5.0) does not raise any error if it can't create the image export. It just returns a N...
01:28 AM Feature request #8215 (Closed): Union tool should allow me to union more than 2 layers
- duplicate of #5501
01:28 AM Feature request #8215 (Closed): Union tool should allow me to union more than 2 layers
- duplicate of #5501
08:52 PM Feature request #8215 (Closed): Union tool should allow me to union more than 2 layers
- If I have 3 layers I want to union, I have to run the *Union* tool (*Vector* > *Geoprocessing Tools* > *Union*) multi...
01:27 AM Feature request #8220 (Closed): Add XLS and KMZ in Ogr supported file filter AND browser
- Hi,
User here are a bit lost when having to open xls files, just because ogr file filters don't mention it, and beca... -
01:23 AM Bug report #8218 (Closed): fTools "Line Intersection" does not work
- When I used "Line Intersection" tool, I got the following error message....
12:47 AM Bug report #8217 (Open): Copy tools for attribute table
- To not have to visualize yet another selection:
* Let's add another icon "advanced copy"
* Offer the user a dialog t... -
12:31 AM Bug report #8217: Copy tools for attribute table
- I don't want to copy the whole row. Only a single attribute.
12:28 AM Bug report #8217 (Feedback): Copy tools for attribute table
- Selecting rows, clicking "ctrl+c" or the icon copy the values and an extra row on top with the attribute names. The o...
09:06 PM Bug report #8217 (Closed): Copy tools for attribute table
- The attribute table should have a selection of tools which all for copying the data from the selected rows.
These co... -
12:14 AM Bug report #5576 (Closed): Paths with accented characters give error when opening files
11:00 PM Bug report #5576: Paths with accented characters give error when opening files
- This issue has already been fixed in GDAL. With GDAL 1.10, we will be able to open xls files that include non-ascii c...
10:19 PM Bug report #4630 (Closed): Error of Ftools shape files combination with Japanese file-name
- No problem with master, so I'm closing this. Please reopen if necessary.
09:57 PM Revision 630427fe (qgis): translation update: ja and da_DK thanks to contributors
09:50 PM Revision b0fb5325 (qgis): Merge pull request #699 from qgis-jp/make_pull_req_from_ja
- update GUI translation ja
09:07 PM Revision e53aa076 (qgis): Merge features: Fix "take attributes from selected feature"
- Fix #7668
Fix #7922 -
09:04 PM Feature request #8216 (Closed): When slow, "Add PostGIS Tables" dialog needs to tell me which tab...
- The *Add PostGIS Tables* dialog takes far too long to be ready. Part of my problem is that I have several views, so i...
08:48 PM Bug report #8192: Zoom to Layer zooms to a far too large area
- I am using a datasource that shows events along roadways. Doesn't matter what filter I apply, the zoom extent for *Zo...
08:36 PM Revision 286f62cf (qgis): update GUI translation ja
05:55 PM Bug report #1934 (Closed): Unable to remove shapefile field in Attribute table
05:48 PM Bug report #1934 (Resolved): Unable to remove shapefile field in Attribute table
- Daniel Vaz wrote:
> GDAL ticket was concluded. I suggest to reopen and fix that bug.
There's no bug - QGIS supports ... -
05:48 PM Bug report #1934 (Resolved): Unable to remove shapefile field in Attribute table
- Daniel Vaz wrote:
> GDAL ticket was concluded. I suggest to reopen and fix that bug.
There's no bug - QGIS supports ... -
05:48 PM Bug report #1934 (Resolved): Unable to remove shapefile field in Attribute table
- Daniel Vaz wrote:
> GDAL ticket was concluded. I suggest to reopen and fix that bug.
There's no bug - QGIS supports ... -
10:54 AM Bug report #1934 (Reopened): Unable to remove shapefile field in Attribute table
- GDAL ticket was concluded. I suggest to reopen and fix that bug.
10:54 AM Bug report #1934 (Reopened): Unable to remove shapefile field in Attribute table
- GDAL ticket was concluded. I suggest to reopen and fix that bug.
10:54 AM Bug report #1934 (Reopened): Unable to remove shapefile field in Attribute table
- GDAL ticket was concluded. I suggest to reopen and fix that bug.
10:54 AM Bug report #1934 (Reopened): Unable to remove shapefile field in Attribute table
- GDAL ticket was concluded. I suggest to reopen and fix that bug.
10:54 AM Bug report #1934 (Reopened): Unable to remove shapefile field in Attribute table
- GDAL ticket was concluded. I suggest to reopen and fix that bug.
03:30 PM Revision b7d70769 (qgis): Merge pull request #695 from minorua/defproj
- fTools: remove lines that cause error with non-ascii path
03:26 PM Revision c3143e64 (qgis): fixing tips - thanks to Richard for pointing to it
03:06 PM Bug report #8214 (Closed): [Composer] Snap to grid / selection tolerance strange behaviour
- When snap to grid is enabled, changing grid spacing and selection tolerance don't seem to change placement behaviour ...
02:40 PM Revision 6323def8 (qgis): spit: fix truncation issue
01:34 PM Bug report #6723: Multiple selection from table paste into layer crashes QGIS
- Can you give me the steps for that.
11:28 AM Bug report #6723: Multiple selection from table paste into layer crashes QGIS
- Patrick, would you be able to generate a backtrace or crashdump?
This would help a lot for getting an idea for where ... -
01:34 PM Revision 74748ad6 (qgis): Merge pull request #693 from 3nids/selectsvgicon
- SVG for select icons
01:33 PM Revision 5fcd054f (qgis): Merge pull request #692 from 3nids/moresvgicons
- SVG for system and general icons
12:26 PM Revision 1b0dbc8a (qgis): Merge pull request #696 from asiersarasua/master
- Basque translation update
12:17 PM Revision a7854ff7 (qgis): Basque translation update
12:10 PM Bug report #7668 (Closed): Merge feature tools causes Qgis crash
- Fixed in changeset commit:"e53aa07698323c0a65d9071c35815ed0eedc72a2".
12:10 PM Bug report #7922 (Closed): Editing: feature merging crashes QGIS when selecting a row and take at...
- Fixed in changeset commit:"e53aa07698323c0a65d9071c35815ed0eedc72a2".
10:36 AM Revision 7221c732 (qgis): fTools: remove lines that cause error with non-ascii path
10:29 AM Revision eeb2cb44 (qgis): Fixing some typos
10:10 AM Bug report #8133 (Feedback): qgis crashes on exit if adding layers from DB manager
- #8102 is "fixed" (Python GC is not run on exit for older affected SIP versions)
Can you check if this issue is also s... -
09:40 AM Bug report #8213 (Closed): Overwriting files when Print>Export to PDF
- When exporting from a print template to PDF, resulting files are overwritten without asking. See also #4024
Warning:... -
08:52 AM Revision ed6ed96e (qgis): Merge pull request #694 from Jean-Roc/mywork
- update french translation
08:32 AM Revision 5b2e9dc1 (qgis): SVG for select icons
08:29 AM Revision 7805af3c (qgis): crssync: exclude some records from updates from GDAL
- sqlite3 resources/srs.db
sqlite> alter table tbl_srs add noupdate boolean;
sqlite> update tbl_srs set noupdate=(auth_...
12:13 AM Revision ea5d3b3d (qgis): update french translation
09:18 PM Revision 3f9890fc (qgis): [sextante] fixed graticule creation algorithm
09:18 PM Revision f6b73c06 (qgis): [sextante]Some algorithm renaming
09:18 PM Revision 05ceb686 (qgis): [sextante]adapted SAGA export procedure to SAGA 2.1
09:18 PM Revision 04161682 (qgis): [sextante] minor changes in algorithms
06:20 PM Revision f392e57a (qgis): More const-correctness
04:12 PM Revision 315d7b8c (qgis): translation update: es by Carlos
03:43 PM Revision 2e08ca13 (qgis): Let python utils manage all python cleanup
03:35 PM Revision 74651b0e (qgis): translation update: danish by Jacob
03:32 PM Revision 18d100a9 (qgis): Bugfixing typos, thanx to Carlos Davila for pointing them out
03:31 PM Revision 07897600 (qgis): Merge pull request #429 from tecoholic/ramp_srch
- added searching of colorramps in style manager
03:25 PM Revision 3331069c (qgis): added folder for base SVG images (hammer, pointer, scredriver, etc.)
03:22 PM Bug report #8209: Print as raster doesn't work on OsX
- Using Print in the toolbar and either going directly to a printer or going to the PDF driver in Mac print dialog give...
02:13 PM Bug report #8209: Print as raster doesn't work on OsX
- Hmm... still can't reproduce this unfortunately. It may be an OSX specific issue...
Just to confirm, which method ar... -
06:26 AM Bug report #8209: Print as raster doesn't work on OsX
- If Print as raster is checked in the Composition tab, any project will produce the error including having only a sing...
06:26 AM Bug report #8209: Print as raster doesn't work on OsX
- If Print as raster is checked in the Composition tab, any project will produce the error including having only a sing...
06:26 AM Bug report #8209: Print as raster doesn't work on OsX
- If Print as raster is checked in the Composition tab, any project will produce the error including having only a sing...
03:22 PM Revision 588f1545 (qgis): more SVG icons
03:16 PM Revision d2b2bb18 (qgis): fix editable attribute of joined fields (fix #7739)
- Based on pull request 576 by minorua
02:39 PM Bug report #8102: Qgis Crash on exit
- Hi Matthias,
I no longer have the crash. I think I can confirm the fix!
Thank you very much! -
04:24 AM Bug report #8102 (Closed): Qgis Crash on exit
- Fixed in changeset commit:"f3e08b521f8053056bb7accb6dc46582e0a2c05a".
04:04 AM Bug report #8102: Qgis Crash on exit
- One of the following package updates solves the problem, if I downgrade I get the crash also:
PyQt4-4.9.5 => PyQt4-4... - 02:34 PM Revision 67b8ee4b (qgis): Fix windows build
02:26 PM Feature request #8196: Give us a panel that shows load times of layers
- Thanks. I guess what I am looking for is a glanceable display that doesn't require (painful) analysis of log files. J...
01:45 PM Revision 2ff41d4b (qgis): Followup f3e08b5: Actually clean python on systems with newer sip version
01:23 PM Revision f3e08b52 (qgis): Only cleanup python with newer sip versions (Fix #8102)
12:06 PM Revision 242a09da (qgis): Merge pull request #689 from 3nids/svgactionicons
- use SVG for action icons
10:58 AM Bug report #8212 (Feedback): style manager searching finds non-related elements
- the following patch resolves the issue. Tested and matches item names as well as tags.
Can Arun please review it? I ... -
10:58 AM Bug report #8212 (Feedback): style manager searching finds non-related elements
- the following patch resolves the issue. Tested and matches item names as well as tags.
Can Arun please review it? I ... -
06:30 AM Bug report #8212 (Closed): style manager searching finds non-related elements
- When entering specific and short string in the search box, incorrect elements are found.
For example, when selectin... -
10:44 AM Revision 38516703 (qgis): use SVG for action icons
08:20 AM Revision 7d75fcc3 (qgis): fTools: fix MergeShapes and SpatialJoin
- fix #7823
fix #7952
fix #8206 -
06:17 AM Bug report #7739 (Closed): Main fields of joined table restored from project file are not editable
- Fixed in changeset commit:"d2b2bb18699c49a7eddfdd7644933e3e82cd42ea".
05:21 AM Bug report #8207 (Closed): Gdal rasterize readthedocs page link broken
- fixed
05:14 AM Bug report #8207: Gdal rasterize readthedocs page link broken
- I think it should be instead of
I wi...
01:47 AM Bug report #8102: Qgis Crash on exit
- Also interesting:...
07:31 AM Bug report #8102: Qgis Crash on exit
- I tracked down the issue in the ZoomToCoordinates plugin:
The issue is related to creating a QMainWindow in __init__... -
12:35 AM Feature request #7012: Editable unique value should use QCombobox with completer
12:14 AM Bug report #7073 (Feedback): Intersection Tool Produces two Intersection points on the same posit...
- Is this bugreport still valid after #7021 has been fixed?
11:29 PM Bug report #8206 (Closed): fTools "join attributes by location" does not work
- Fixed in changeset commit:"7d75fcc38778cf0e1bb005124e69b4e30dd49821".
11:29 PM Bug report #7952 (Closed): Merging of shapefiles looses attribute values when the size if different
- Fixed in changeset commit:"7d75fcc38778cf0e1bb005124e69b4e30dd49821".
11:29 PM Bug report #7823 (Closed): Vector\\Data management\\Merge shapefiles is not working correctly
- Fixed in changeset commit:"7d75fcc38778cf0e1bb005124e69b4e30dd49821".
04:34 PM Bug report #8095: Topology checker crashes qgis when clicking on "new project" or when readding a...
- Matthias Kuhn wrote:
> Fixed in changeset commit:"ce1a9a821db2c494cfbd6ed12a658a47d4c587e3".
> Please verify, the f... -
04:41 AM Bug report #8095 (Closed): Topology checker crashes qgis when clicking on "new project" or when r...
- Fixed in changeset commit:"ce1a9a821db2c494cfbd6ed12a658a47d4c587e3".
Please verify, the fix was implemented based o... -
04:21 AM Bug report #8095: Topology checker crashes qgis when clicking on "new project" or when readding a...
- Salvatore Larosa wrote:
> is this a duplicate of #7845 ?
no, are separate issues, I changed the titles now. -
03:40 PM Revision bc002f7e (qgis): Merge pull request #687 from qgis-jp/make_pull_req_from_ja
- Make pull req from ja
03:05 PM Revision b0ef70b2 (qgis): update GUI translation JA
03:01 PM Revision a1d43e69 (qgis): Merge branch 'master' of into make_...
- Conflicts:
i18n/qgis_ja.ts -
02:13 PM Bug report #8209: Print as raster doesn't work on OsX
- I can't replicate this - can you please share some more details (preferably if you can share your project file here s...
09:54 AM Bug report #8209 (Closed): Print as raster doesn't work on OsX
- If print as raster is selected and set to 72 dpi, then the map is scaled correctly but quality is poor. As the dpi is...
01:48 PM Bug report #8210 (Closed): [Composer] Grid complex linestyle and map scale
- I went across a bug in print composition.
Create a map, with a scale of 50000.
Enable a grid (1000m x 1000m), and ma... -
01:40 PM Revision ce1a9a82 (qgis): Topology checker: No double-delete of rubberbands (Fix #8095)
12:41 PM Bug report #6448: Extremely slow shapefile reading over network
- More comments in GDAL list: -
11:53 AM Bug report #7881: WFS-T client on master cannot commit changes
- I am not sure if this may be considered a WFS Client issue.
I think it is a QGIS Server issue. WFS-T created with QGI... -
06:36 AM Bug report #7881: WFS-T client on master cannot commit changes
- using shp file has worked here: -
06:21 AM Bug report #7881: WFS-T client on master cannot commit changes
- update and delete now works, adding still does not.
08:58 AM Revision 50204418 (qgis): Translation String update for upcoming 2.0 Release
08:03 AM Revision db7ecea2 (qgis): translation update: es by Carlos
07:38 AM Revision 2fb2c688 (qgis): Merge pull request #685 from 3nids/identifyicon
- SVG icon for identify action
07:02 AM Bug report #8207 (Closed): Gdal rasterize readthedocs page link broken
- Hopefully a small problem:
the manual here: - 04:58 AM Revision 3ba1c3c3 (qgis): Use qRound. Fix windows build
- 04:26 AM Revision 702b14a1 (qgis): Use extents table for ms sql layers for faster loading
- - Also move feature count logic
04:01 AM Bug report #7540: Merge tool bug when a shapefile is loaded multiple times
> following the above steps I did not get any crash !
> tested with a polygon layer and I do not see unusual behavio...-
03:50 AM Bug report #8145: Field calculator does not work when creating new PostGIS real and double columns
- The problem is, that the postgres provider assigns -1 / 0 to field size / field precision differently that they are a...
03:09 AM Bug report #8145: Field calculator does not work when creating new PostGIS real and double columns
- I can reproduce it now. I don't know what the problem was before.
03:24 AM Bug report #6723: Multiple selection from table paste into layer crashes QGIS
- I just checked it again on my computer (see #6723-8)
Well it crashed again. -
03:04 AM Bug report #6302 (Closed): QGIS WFS Server Geometry Type not recognize by ArcGIS
12:04 AM Bug report #4819: "Identify Features" tool is slow with complex/big features (lot of nodes)
- Hi, I'm just about to fund some work on this because we have some huge datasets, and this really is a blocker.
PLeas... -
02:29 PM Bug report #4819: "Identify Features" tool is slow with complex/big features (lot of nodes)
- identify on the attached sample data is very slow but works as expected, no error message here !
and is it correct t... -
11:54 PM Bug report #7927: composer fails to export with high dpi, without any message
- Hi,
sorry I probably missed something, I thought error message was raised on QGIS side to prevent possible error on ... -
03:20 PM Bug report #7927: composer fails to export with high dpi, without any message
- Sorry, but a "Continue" button won't do anything. We cannot presently rewrite QT source code (even if it would be use...
05:21 AM Bug report #7927: composer fails to export with high dpi, without any message
- Hi, tested today, and i could export 220 dpi - A1 with no problem. A1 - 300 dpi raised a message (see attached screen...
03:32 AM Bug report #7927: composer fails to export with high dpi, without any message
- The problem is not QGIS but QT ! Presently, exporting an image goes throught QT's memory checks, which depends on the...
11:48 PM Bug report #8205: Selected rows in attribute table have wrong/too light background color
- This is too bad.
It really is a problem in day to day work. It is the part of the core of the GIS work to have table... -
09:50 AM Bug report #8205 (Closed): Selected rows in attribute table have wrong/too light background color
- It seems that the colors change, when the (attribute table) window get or looses focus. It therefore is not a QGIS is...
08:22 AM Bug report #8205 (Closed): Selected rows in attribute table have wrong/too light background color
- On QGIS master in Windows I have the issue that the selected rows
(when I select the features in the map) in the tabl... -
11:33 PM Bug report #8206 (Closed): fTools "join attributes by location" does not work
- When I tried to total the attribute values of points in each polygon with "join attributes by location" tool, I got t...
11:07 PM Bug report #6056 (Feedback): Cannot load WCS layers
05:22 PM Revision df398a18 (qgis): [sextante] fixed some minor bugs due to new SIP API
04:05 PM Revision ad014164 (qgis): replace identify icon by svg
04:04 PM Bug report #7922: Editing: feature merging crashes QGIS when selecting a row and take attributes ...
- confirmed on Linux.
backtrace: -
03:53 PM Bug report #7540: Merge tool bug when a shapefile is loaded multiple times
- is it still true ?
following the above steps I did not get any crash !
tested with a polygon layer and I do not see ... -
03:41 PM Bug report #7351: Crash with node tool when on the fly CRS transformation enabled
- more info:
maybe backtrace with locals variables helps: -
03:22 PM Bug report #6978: GetLegendGraphics cuts legend image at bottom, regression to 1.8
- Just tested with the latest master (df398a1) and I can confirm it !
02:47 PM Bug report #6723: Multiple selection from table paste into layer crashes QGIS
- I can not reproduce it here, tested on Linux and Windows XP.
Please do you check if this may be closed ? -
01:58 PM Revision 03c1cec9 (qgis): update GUI translatio ja
11:42 AM Feature request #8196: Give us a panel that shows load times of layers
- Hi Aren,
Such a panel already exists: Log Messages.
Currently, it gives good information on a variety of items, but... -
10:22 AM Bug report #8068: Wrong font display in qgis server
- Same here:
08:50 AM Revision cfebe8f4 (qgis): Follow up to 4240807
07:44 AM Bug report #8133: qgis crashes on exit if adding layers from DB manager
- I am unable to debug the crash to provide additional info because
I am getting the #8102 crash, but my colleague get... -
07:19 AM Bug report #8095: Topology checker crashes qgis when clicking on "new project" or when readding a...
- is this a duplicate of #7845 ?
07:11 AM Bug report #8146: DB Manager does not refresh anymore when deleting a layer
- I didn't noticed such implications.
07:10 AM Bug report #8146: DB Manager does not refresh anymore when deleting a layer
- I think this should be considered as blocker.
on 1.8 the creating and deleting (Table and Schema) works properly but... -
06:03 AM Bug report #8146: DB Manager does not refresh anymore when deleting a layer
- does not seems that it is a huge priority, even if is a small regression.
06:02 AM Bug report #8146: DB Manager does not refresh anymore when deleting a layer
- in master it refresh when creating, not deleting
07:04 AM Bug report #8204: github repo should be renamed to QGIS
- Yes, and it might be nice to provide a one command line to send to users to change the repo address.
06:57 AM Bug report #8204: github repo should be renamed to QGIS
- Just be aware that everyone will have to update thier git repes to point to the changed name.
06:46 AM Bug report #8204 (Closed): github repo should be renamed to QGIS
- To be coherent, github repo should be renamed from Quantum-GIS to QGIS before 2.0 release.
06:06 AM Bug report #7446 (Closed): List of WFS is not updated
- duplicate of #7856
06:06 AM Bug report #7446 (Closed): List of WFS is not updated
- duplicate of #7856
05:06 AM Bug report #7856: after creating a wms/wcs/wfs/spatialite connection from toolbar, then QGIS brow...
- Salvatore Larosa wrote:
> it seems to work fine at the moment with the latest master.
> (or at the least I am seeing ... -
05:06 AM Bug report #7856: after creating a wms/wcs/wfs/spatialite connection from toolbar, then QGIS brow...
- Salvatore Larosa wrote:
> it seems to work fine at the moment with the latest master.
> (or at the least I am seeing ... -
02:58 AM Bug report #8102: Qgis Crash on exit
- Matthias Kuhn wrote:
> Would you be able to debug the crash in gdb and then enter "py-bt" in the gdb console?
> I hop... -
02:39 AM Bug report #8102 (Feedback): Qgis Crash on exit
- Would you be able to debug the crash in gdb and then enter "py-bt" in the gdb console?
I hope this gives valuable add...
01:15 AM Feature request #8201 (Closed): Enhance disabling/enabling toolbars (and panels)
- With a lot of plugins installed, the number of toolbars and panels soon reach a confusing stage where users would lik...
12:23 AM Bug report #8200 (Closed): The plugis toolbar is empty
- In the the latest master revisions the plugins toolbar is completely empty. The plugins that is supposed to show in t...
12:20 AM Bug report #8049 (Closed): group of embed layer no correctly checked at launch
11:11 PM Bug report #8049: group of embed layer no correctly checked at launch
- yes, it is fixed.
10:31 PM Revision 1ad59b79 (qgis): fix #8165
10:25 PM Revision 3d7f76a5 (qgis): Merge pull request #677 from radosuav/r_report_fix
- Save SEXTANTE GRASS output in HTML
09:42 PM Revision 92b930ac (qgis): projection selector: skip unavailable user CRSes (fixes #7377)
08:42 PM Revision dcdcd12c (qgis): ows data items: populate data items of other providers (fixes #7857)
08:13 PM Revision f9d9b34f (qgis): translation update: gl_ES by Xan
06:29 PM Revision 093b007c (qgis): project properties: rename wfs slots to avoid autoconnect warning
06:25 PM Bug report #8193 (Closed): Clicking in Rows and Columns fields of Heatmap plugin causes them to k...
- Fixed in changeset commit:"4240807cbede9c173f4ce4bfa1d920e4f0d91606".
05:56 PM Revision 1a07991b (qgis): spelling fixes
05:51 PM Revision a4036486 (qgis): grass provider: don't close invalid layers (fixes #7180)
04:40 PM Revision f3d79a88 (qgis): QgsGml: append wkb fragments to the last set not the first (fixes #7991)
03:21 PM Revision 059c2c07 (qgis): german translation update
03:14 PM Bug report #7428: union progress bar does not move, wrong result, too big result
- it "works" again on master.
The progress bar does not move, the result is wrong and now the log is full of... -
03:02 PM Revision 1e0b9c21 (qgis): expression builder widget: hide sample buttons and context menu, when n...
- wfs source select: rename slots to avoid autoconnect warning
attribute table: remove stale connect -
02:54 PM Bug report #7856: after creating a wms/wcs/wfs/spatialite connection from toolbar, then QGIS brow...
- it seems to work fine at the moment with the latest master.
(or at the least I am seeing the same behavior of 1.8)
C... -
02:26 PM Bug report #8095: Topology checker crashes qgis when clicking on "new project" or when readding a...
> 1) If you click on some of the errors in the list, when you make "New project", the last error that was clicked, d...-
02:26 PM Bug report #8095: Topology checker crashes qgis when clicking on "new project" or when readding a...
> 1) If you click on some of the errors in the list, when you make "New project", the last error that was clicked, d...-
02:13 PM Revision 573efab5 (qgis): Fix calculation of heatmap raster size (fix #8194) - merged for further...
02:13 PM Revision 4240807c (qgis): Fix dimension calculation in heatmap plugin (fix #8193)
01:32 PM Bug report #8165 (Closed): gdaltools "info" does not work until you change a option
- Fixed in changeset commit:"1ad59b798e20dfe8b75f784cdf7a0d23a714aa3c".
01:11 PM Bug report #8165: gdaltools "info" does not work until you change a option
- I am unable to reproduce. I don't see any message error using gdalinfo tool. (Linux)
so, IMHO this is not a blocker i... -
01:22 PM Bug report #8145: Field calculator does not work when creating new PostGIS real and double columns
- confirmed here !
12:43 PM Bug report #7377 (Closed): Leftover custom CRS references cause QGIS to crash when working with CRS
- Fixed in changeset commit:"92b930ac4712975ab93825173a6799081cacfe8a".
12:42 PM Bug report #7370 (Closed): QGIS 1.8 crashes when attempting to specify CRS
- duplicate of #7377
12:42 PM Bug report #7370 (Closed): QGIS 1.8 crashes when attempting to specify CRS
- duplicate of #7377
12:23 PM Bug report #7370: QGIS 1.8 crashes when attempting to specify CRS
- Sandro, Giovanni,
as I understood, no, Charles thanked me for the solution that involved editing registry. But the p... -
11:43 AM Bug report #7857 (Closed): In QGIS browser the WFS/OWS connections do not show any layer
- Fixed in changeset commit:"dcdcd12c721c1126be707ebe07149b41a1c95603".
08:24 AM Bug report #7857 (Open): In QGIS browser the WFS/OWS connections do not show any layer
- Salvatore Larosa wrote:
> With latest master only OWS doesn't fetch, in WFS I can see the layers.
confirmed, the WFS... -
08:18 AM Bug report #7857 (Feedback): In QGIS browser the WFS/OWS connections do not show any layer
11:32 AM Bug report #8199 (Closed): raster interpolation bug
- seems a 3rd party tool and the author prefers use the tracker on github rather then this, so you must file the ticket...
11:32 AM Bug report #8199 (Closed): raster interpolation bug
- seems a 3rd party tool and the author prefers use the tracker on github rather then this, so you must file the ticket...
11:27 AM Bug report #8199 (Feedback): raster interpolation bug
- it is a core or 3rd party plugin?
11:25 AM Bug report #8199 (Closed): raster interpolation bug
- An error has occured while executing Python code:...
11:32 AM Revision f76c9d05 (qgis): wfs connection dialog: also hide pixmap transformation checkbox
- ows source select: remove unused slot
10:51 AM Bug report #7244: Split multipolygon geometry fails
- Salvatore Larosa wrote:
> well, but I still don't understand the reason why this issue is a blocker for PostGIS provi... -
10:41 AM Bug report #7244: Split multipolygon geometry fails
- well, but I still don't understand the reason why this issue is a blocker for PostGIS provider too.
Also on 1.8 I get... -
10:27 AM Bug report #7244: Split multipolygon geometry fails
- >
> ah, I only see the following message:
yes, this message is about this ticket (splitting the parts of a multipar... -
10:23 AM Bug report #7244: Split multipolygon geometry fails
- Giovanni Manghi wrote:
> it is still true, you must try split both parts of a multipart feature. Splitting of SL laye... -
09:40 AM Bug report #7244: Split multipolygon geometry fails
- Salvatore Larosa wrote:
> I cannot reproduce with PostGIS layer ! (spatialite not tested yet)
> I tried it with a mul... -
09:40 AM Bug report #7244: Split multipolygon geometry fails
- Salvatore Larosa wrote:
> I cannot reproduce with PostGIS layer ! (spatialite not tested yet)
> I tried it with a mul... -
09:40 AM Bug report #7244: Split multipolygon geometry fails
- Salvatore Larosa wrote:
> I cannot reproduce with PostGIS layer ! (spatialite not tested yet)
> I tried it with a mul... -
09:05 AM Bug report #7244: Split multipolygon geometry fails
- I cannot reproduce with PostGIS layer ! (spatialite not tested yet)
I tried it with a multipolygon features.
My test... -
09:40 AM Bug report #8102: Qgis Crash on exit
- Hi,
Here the problem is also not dependent of plugins.
QGIS compiled against Qt 4.8.1 and Python-Qt 4.9.1. -
09:09 AM Bug report #8133: qgis crashes on exit if adding layers from DB manager
- Salvatore Larosa wrote:
> Hi Giovanni,
> please could you provide any stacktrace for the crash ?
> might this be r... -
08:51 AM Bug report #7180 (Closed): Opening a project crashes QGIS
- Fixed in changeset commit:"a40364866ea41cd6b4cfed5064d2004eee2fa921".
08:36 AM Bug report #7180: Opening a project crashes QGIS
- Still confirmed here
removing the layer as suggested by Paolo the prj is loaded properly !
Stacktrace:... -
08:47 AM Bug report #7991: identify of wfs layer causes qgis to crash
- Thanks Jürgen for having fixed this.
Just one more thing odd, if you use the identify tool onto France geometry the ... -
07:42 AM Bug report #7991 (Closed): identify of wfs layer causes qgis to crash
- Fixed in changeset commit:"f3d79a88398f4c28e0377ddfb95d5c0a4abcc2bb".
08:22 AM Bug report #7881: WFS-T client on master cannot commit changes
> delete and update operations work properly both master and 1.8.
I tested also 1.8, and now oddly it fails (all k... -
08:01 AM Bug report #7881: WFS-T client on master cannot commit changes
- Salvatore Larosa wrote:
> just tried on Lisboa and I got the same error !
> my testcase is with http://lrssvt.ns0.... -
07:51 AM Bug report #7704 (Closed): Only one geometry type can be loaded from tables with multiple geometr...
- Fixed in master
07:51 AM Bug report #7704 (Closed): Only one geometry type can be loaded from tables with multiple geometr...
- Fixed in master
07:51 AM Bug report #7848: When adding layers from Arcgis wfs servers QGIS gives error is url contains "re...
- Jürgen Fischer wrote:
> Salvatore Larosa wrote:
> > I always get:
> > [...]
> >
> > both master and 1.8
> seems l... -
07:50 AM Bug report #7848 (Feedback): When adding layers from Arcgis wfs servers QGIS gives error is url c...
- Salvatore Larosa wrote:
> I always get:
> [...]
> both master and 1.8
seems like a server problem to me, too.
06:05 AM Bug report #6802 (Closed): WFS client: "load all unique values" and "load 10 sample values" in ex...
- Fixed in changeset commit:"1e0b9c217d007cee05e405d145b057206f58f4fb".
03:10 AM Revision fe9b8d46 (qgis): don't crash when measuring faulty geometry (fixes partially #7991)
01:43 AM Bug report #7917 (Closed): Ignore GetMap/GetFeatureInfo options disappeared from Create/Modify WF...
- Chris Berkhout wrote:
> Yes, I got mixed up with the versions. Sorry, 1.8.0 has the disappearing fields, master has j... -
01:43 AM Bug report #7917 (Closed): Ignore GetMap/GetFeatureInfo options disappeared from Create/Modify WF...
- Chris Berkhout wrote:
> Yes, I got mixed up with the versions. Sorry, 1.8.0 has the disappearing fields, master has j... -
12:33 AM Revision 608526ca (qgis): Merge pull request #683 from rduivenvoorde/nltranslation
- dutch translation update
11:41 PM Revision 5d60f606 (qgis): Added Denis Rouzaud to contributors and sorted contributor list alphabe...
10:13 PM Bug report #8106 (Closed): Ftools - Nearest Neighbour does not work
- I've just verified it working fine here. Closing, please re-open if issue is others have different observations.
10:11 PM Bug report #8165: gdaltools "info" does not work until you change a option
- I see, the reason why I didn't see it is because I wasn't relying on a qgis layer, I was selecting a raster via file ...
09:56 PM Revision 7d3461db (qgis): dutch translation update
09:15 PM Revision 71759760 (qgis): fix #7865
07:28 PM Revision b6973718 (qgis): fix #8198
07:09 PM Bug report #7865: filtering shapefile layer through DATE column broken due to wrong date separator
- Big thanks for this one.
12:18 PM Bug report #7865 (Closed): filtering shapefile layer through DATE column broken due to wrong date...
- Fixed in changeset commit:"71759760cff1c7dc01476a59da78f2e8becc1f5a".
06:30 PM Revision 4a37805a (qgis): postgres provider: remove attribute in reverse order (fixes #8142)
06:30 PM Revision ee17616d (qgis): save and restore message viewer geometry
06:13 PM Bug report #7991: identify of wfs layer causes qgis to crash
- commit:fe9b8d4672 fixes the crash, but there's still something wrong with the GML (not yet figured out if it's the ge...
11:19 AM Bug report #7991: identify of wfs layer causes qgis to crash
- confirmed here
stacktrace:... -
05:17 PM Revision e6ff09a8 (qgis): Merge pull request #682 from qgis-jp/make_pull_req_from_ja
- update GUI translation ja
04:56 PM Revision 5ee134f0 (qgis): update GUI translation ja
03:05 PM Bug report #7848: When adding layers from Arcgis wfs servers QGIS gives error is url contains "re...
- I always get:...
03:00 PM Bug report #7857: In QGIS browser the WFS/OWS connections do not show any layer
- With latest master only OWS doesn't fetch, in WFS I can see the layers.
02:50 PM Bug report #7881: WFS-T client on master cannot commit changes
- just tried on Lisboa and I got the same error !
my testcase is with -
02:28 PM Bug report #7881: WFS-T client on master cannot commit changes
- Confirmed here with the same error!
02:21 PM Revision 376c5f3a (qgis): new spatialite layer: don't assume epsg id and qgis srsid are the same ...
12:30 PM Revision 4af89469 (qgis): [Plugin Installer] Follow up 619558dabc
11:47 AM Revision 0ebf28aa (qgis): enable/disable raster tools (fixes #8179)
11:47 AM Revision 49e5c8f8 (qgis): use QFileDialog.getOpenFileNameAndFilter variant when setting last filt...
11:30 AM Revision 43748933 (qgis): Merge pull request #681 from 3nids/maptoolcursor
- set cursor for mapTools
11:12 AM Bug report #8049 (Feedback): group of embed layer no correctly checked at launch
- I can not reproduce it !
Please, could you ri-check with the latest master ? -
11:06 AM Bug report #8133: qgis crashes on exit if adding layers from DB manager
- Hi Giovanni,
please could you provide any stacktrace for the crash ?
might this be related to #8102 ?
here on exit ... -
10:28 AM Bug report #8198 (Closed): "export/add geometry columns" broken
- Fixed in changeset commit:"b697371834cf5958ada8d17d06af7aef6fb51b06".
09:48 AM Bug report #8198 (Closed): "export/add geometry columns" broken
- in the log shows...
09:31 AM Bug report #8142 (Closed): When deleting >1 column from a PostGIS layer one is always left over
- Fixed in changeset commit:"4a37805a80392e2ec5c99ab7e1082ada7ff7c8cf".
02:25 AM Bug report #8142: When deleting >1 column from a PostGIS layer one is always left over
- Jürgen Fischer wrote:
> Always?
yes, see attached screencast
09:25 AM Bug report #8197 (Closed): Fail to install vc++2005 runtime during installation with a Japapense ...
08:52 AM Bug report #8197: Fail to install vc++2005 runtime during installation with a Japapense (2byte) u...
- Jürgen Fischer wrote:
> Another approach - try again please.
I am now able to install msvcrt-1.0.1-8 in both account... -
08:19 AM Bug report #8197: Fail to install vc++2005 runtime during installation with a Japapense (2byte) u...
- Jürgen Fischer wrote:
> Minoru Akagi wrote:
> > I just sent it to you via e-mail.
> From another run without insta... -
05:37 AM Bug report #8197: Fail to install vc++2005 runtime during installation with a Japapense (2byte) u...
- Minoru Akagi wrote:
> I just sent it to you via e-mail.
From another run without installing @msvcrt@? -
05:12 AM Bug report #8197: Fail to install vc++2005 runtime during installation with a Japapense (2byte) u...
- I just sent it to you via e-mail.
msvcrt-1.0.1-8\\etc\\postinstall\\msvcrt.bat has the following lines. TEMP include... -
05:06 AM Bug report #8197: Fail to install vc++2005 runtime during installation with a Japapense (2byte) u...
- Minoru Akagi wrote:
> Jürgen Fischer wrote:
> > Retry please (remove the previously downloaded file first) and check ... -
05:03 AM Bug report #8197: Fail to install vc++2005 runtime during installation with a Japapense (2byte) u...
- Jürgen Fischer wrote:
> Retry please (remove the previously downloaded file first) and check @OSGeo4W/var/log/setup.l... -
04:53 AM Bug report #8197: Fail to install vc++2005 runtime during installation with a Japapense (2byte) u...
- Minoru Akagi wrote:
> Jürgen Fischer wrote:
> > Right, this is a OSGeo4W issue. Try @osgeo4w-setup.exe -t@, which w... -
04:38 AM Bug report #8197: Fail to install vc++2005 runtime during installation with a Japapense (2byte) u...
- Jürgen Fischer wrote:
> Right, this is a OSGeo4W issue. Try @osgeo4w-setup.exe -t@, which will install @msvcrt-1.0.... -
03:57 AM Bug report #8197 (Feedback): Fail to install vc++2005 runtime during installation with a Japapens...
- Right, this is a OSGeo4W issue. Try @osgeo4w-setup.exe -t@, which will install @msvcrt-1.0.1-8@ and see if that helps.
08:35 AM Bug report #8192 (Feedback): Zoom to Layer zooms to a far too large area
- It works as expected here.
What datasource are you using? I tested shapes and postgis on qgis/master on Linux. -
08:27 AM Bug report #8194: Heatmap plugin doesn't work for points along highway
- Aren Cambre wrote:
> Would you take an SQL export of a PostGIS 2.0/Postgres 9.2 table?
yes thanks, so we can test al... -
06:21 AM Bug report #8194: Heatmap plugin doesn't work for points along highway
- Would you take an SQL export of a PostGIS 2.0/Postgres 9.2 table?
06:14 AM Bug report #8194: Heatmap plugin doesn't work for points along highway
- It's a PostGIS layer, but QGIS won't let me export it due to #8101.
05:22 AM Bug report #8041 (Closed): crs selector dialog broken in new spatialite layer window
- Fixed in changeset commit:"376c5f3a4720b408dfc7d5fa501e2f4ddcb65994".
04:08 AM Bug report #8186 (Closed): Fail to make spatial index for shapefile, with Japanese string in the...
02:50 AM Bug report #8145: Field calculator does not work when creating new PostGIS real and double columns
- Matthias Kuhn wrote:
> Unable to reproduce using the field calculator. Can you provide more detailed instructions ple... -
02:48 AM Bug report #8179 (Closed): inconsistent way of disabling the histogram stretch buttons on unsuppo...
- Fixed in changeset commit:"0ebf28aa15b059ec7572ebdbe453c80eb571fda6".
02:48 AM Bug report #8138 (Closed): DB manager "Import vector layer" python error
- Fixed in changeset commit:"49e5c8f89bb49f3c492ea8c3ea2e4f7bfe1e9dfc".
02:02 AM Bug report #8185 (Feedback): QgsRasterFormatSaveOptionWidget "validate" button returns always "Va...
01:43 AM Bug report #8142 (Feedback): When deleting >1 column from a PostGIS layer one is always left over
- Always? Not reproducable here.
11:30 PM Bug report #8197: Fail to install vc++2005 runtime during installation with a Japapense (2byte) u...
- This would be an issue to be discussed at OSGeo4W, but as I don't know the details, I report the result of testing he...
06:38 PM Bug report #8197 (Closed): Fail to install vc++2005 runtime during installation with a Japapense ...
- When I try to install QGIS (v1.7.4, v1.8 and the newest dev-version 1.9) with a Japanese Windows' user name (2byte), ...
05:50 PM Bug report #8194: Heatmap plugin doesn't work for points along highway
- Can you share the source layer you are using for this?
03:12 PM Bug report #8194: Heatmap plugin doesn't work for points along highway
- I closed qgis, removed the .qgis2 directory, and started it back up. The heatmap started working again at default set...
02:41 PM Bug report #8194 (Closed): Heatmap plugin doesn't work for points along highway
- I have a highway with a lot of points on it that represent crashes; this is actually a point layer with a filter.
Th... -
05:34 PM Revision 8dc28f2b (qgis): PostgreSQL not working in DB Manager (Fix #8191)
04:10 PM Feature request #2037: Enable multi-threaded rendering in QGIS
- It's not really low as Martin is planning to work on it after 2.0.
02:54 PM Feature request #2037: Enable multi-threaded rendering in QGIS
- I'm surprised this remains low priority. This would be a huge benefit for complex maps.
03:08 PM Feature request #8196 (Open): Give us a panel that shows load times of layers
- Please give us a panel that shows load times and other relevant diagnostic information, at a glance, for layers. It's...
02:45 PM Bug report #8195 (Closed): Heatmap plugin shouldn't be in submenu
- The Heatmap plugin is the only item in the *Heatmap* submenu of *Raster*. Submenus should not be used if there is onl...
02:14 PM Bug report #8193 (Closed): Clicking in Rows and Columns fields of Heatmap plugin causes them to k...
- In the *Heatmap Plugin* dialog, if you check *Advanced* then alternately click in the *Rows* and *Columns* fields, th...
12:19 PM Revision a7cae072 (qgis): Update contributors list
10:28 AM Revision 46b7cc4a (qgis): Merge branch 'server_user_db'
10:28 AM Revision e00f0c00 (qgis): Initialize qgis.db in server. Fixes ticket #8172
09:56 AM Revision f4a4009b (qgis): set cursor for mapTools
09:49 AM Bug report #8192 (Closed): Zoom to Layer zooms to a far too large area
- I have a point layer with a filter applied. If I use the *Zoom to Layer* feature with that layer selected, it zooms a...
09:45 AM Revision 93c5599a (qgis): revert unnecessary api change
09:35 AM Revision fc0b28c8 (qgis): translation update: TW by Lin
09:18 AM Bug report #8191 (Closed): PostgreSQL not working in DB Manager
- That fixed it. Thanks. Set to closed.
08:29 AM Bug report #8191 (Feedback): PostgreSQL not working in DB Manager
- Can you try and confirm if the following change leads to the expected result:...
07:46 AM Bug report #8191: PostgreSQL not working in DB Manager
- Are you sure your DB Manager is upgraded?
07:44 AM Bug report #8191 (Closed): PostgreSQL not working in DB Manager
- This worked prior to the SIP changes. When I click on the triangle to display the schemas and tables in our PostgreSQ...
08:41 AM Bug report #8145 (Feedback): Field calculator does not work when creating new PostGIS real and do...
- Unable to reproduce using the field calculator. Can you provide more detailed instructions please.
06:42 AM Bug report #8183: GRASS plugin cannot locate
- The given patch *DOES NOT* solve the given issue :-( The given patch is for issue #7269
06:00 AM Feature request #6688: Refined and vectorized QGIS logo
- Changing to blocker. We need to decide on a (single) updated logo before we release.
05:51 AM Feature request #8190 (Open): Add scan on demand to database providers
- Scanning huge database (with several schemas) takes too much time.
Is it possible to only list all schema in the UI a... -
05:09 AM Revision e491acb2 (qgis): Merge pull request #680 from ddanielvaz/master
- Fix #7822. Export to Spatialite is really slow, compared to commandline ogr2ogr
04:45 AM Bug report #8187 (Feedback): Fail to install plugins online if Windows' user name is Japanese (2-...
- Hiroyuki Kobayashi wrote:
> pleae tell me how to confirm my report.
with usernames with characters like ã ê ó ò etc ... -
02:54 AM Bug report #8187: Fail to install plugins online if Windows' user name is Japanese (2-byte code)
- Install qgis-dev with OSGeo4W Installer, and then run qgis-dev.bat under a user account with Japanese name. You can a...
- 03:20 AM Revision 9a0be041 (qgis): fixing bug #7822
02:22 AM Bug report #8189: Linear (Affine?) option always outputs (and applies) a 0 translation
- TTC2770v2_0_6geootbrot.tif is the rotated tif used for the test -
02:19 AM Bug report #8189 (Closed): Linear (Affine?) option always outputs (and applies) a 0 translation
- The Linear option in the Raster Georeferencing plugin is always calculating a 0 for the Rotatio. I attach a clear exa...
02:17 AM Feature request #5981 (Closed): Make "gis" icon set default
02:05 AM Bug report #8165 (Open): gdaltools "info" does not work until you change a option
01:58 AM Bug report #8165: gdaltools "info" does not work until you change a option
- Giuseppe Sucameli wrote:
> Unable to reproduce the Info tool's problem on my Ubuntu 12.10.
as you can seen in the at... -
01:58 AM Bug report #8165: gdaltools "info" does not work until you change a option
- Giuseppe Sucameli wrote:
> Unable to reproduce the Info tool's problem on my Ubuntu 12.10.
as you can seen in the at... -
01:58 AM Bug report #8165: gdaltools "info" does not work until you change a option
- Giuseppe Sucameli wrote:
> Unable to reproduce the Info tool's problem on my Ubuntu 12.10.
as you can seen in the at... -
03:49 PM Bug report #8165: gdaltools "info" does not work until you change a option
- rcline - wrote:
> I get the following QString error on OS X 10.8.3 with latest nightly build from Dakaota Cartography... -
03:46 PM Bug report #8165 (Feedback): gdaltools "info" does not work until you change a option
- Unable to reproduce the Info tool's problem on my Ubuntu 12.10.
01:39 AM Bug report #8183 (Feedback): GRASS plugin cannot locate
- zirneklitis - wrote:
> Supplemented files used for RPM packing.
Would you mind submit the patch as pull request on g... -
01:39 AM Bug report #8183 (Feedback): GRASS plugin cannot locate
- zirneklitis - wrote:
> Supplemented files used for RPM packing.
Would you mind submit the patch as pull request on g... -
08:42 PM Bug report #8183: GRASS plugin cannot locate
- Supplemented files used for RPM packing.
08:42 PM Bug report #8183: GRASS plugin cannot locate
- Supplemented files used for RPM packing.
08:42 PM Bug report #8183: GRASS plugin cannot locate
- Supplemented files used for RPM packing.
10:54 AM Bug report #8183 (Closed): GRASS plugin cannot locate
- Self compiled QGIS Master.
OS: Fedora 18 x 64
The GRASS plug-in is compiled without errors.
The plug-in allows to op... -
01:38 AM Bug report #8172 (Closed): [QGIS-Server] Initializing qgis.db
- Initialisation of qgis.db from server is added in e00f0c006f8aca18d4d51f66c5245ee53e95bbb8.
06:41 AM Bug report #8172: [QGIS-Server] Initializing qgis.db
- Initializing qis.db in the server sounds reasonable to me. What about moving QgisApp::createDB() to core (e.g. static...
01:16 AM Bug report #7634 (Closed): QGIS master crashes on Windows 7
- reopen if necessary.
01:16 AM Bug report #7634 (Closed): QGIS master crashes on Windows 7
- reopen if necessary.
12:58 AM Bug report #8188 (Closed): OWS server: selecting CRS non functional
- When selecting CRS for restrictions (in Project properties>OWS Server), the first line is always blank, even though o...
12:54 AM Bug report #8187: Fail to install plugins online if Windows' user name is Japanese (2-byte code)
- please tell me how to confirm my report.
12:43 AM Bug report #8187: Fail to install plugins online if Windows' user name is Japanese (2-byte code)
- Could you confirm this issue in master, please?
12:09 AM Bug report #8187 (Closed): Fail to install plugins online if Windows' user name is Japanese (2-by...
- When I try to install plugins online (via internet) , I get error message and can't install them at all with my Windo...
11:53 PM Bug report #8186: Fail to make spatial index for shapefile, with Japanese string in the file name
- I found this problem in binary from OSGeo4w dev . code revision commit:0cac8b4
11:49 PM Bug report #8186 (Closed): Fail to make spatial index for shapefile, with Japanese string in the...
- after load shapefile that filename contain Japanese string, when make spatial index at the property dialog, fail.
In ... -
11:31 PM Revision c8d3fa7d (qgis): gdaltools: fix Translate/FillNodata batch mode (follo df4fc99e83)
11:23 PM Revision d1474956 (qgis): gdaltools: fix syntax error (follow edd0cdd294)
10:52 PM Revision dd406dce (qgis): gdaltools: cleanup
10:52 PM Revision df4fc99e (qgis): gdaltools: more SIP APIv2 update
10:50 PM Revision edd0cdd2 (qgis): gdaltools: SIP APIv2 update (error when paths defined in Settings dialog)
09:55 PM Revision 7f99708c (qgis): [Plugin Installer] Only test not loaded Python plugins when (re)buildin...
09:55 PM Revision 52bb2c0d (qgis): [Plugin Manager] Fix inconsistent behaviour in --noplugins mode: don't ...
09:32 PM Revision fa9b2152 (qgis): translation update: slovenian by Joze
08:09 PM Bug report #7822 (Closed): Export to Spatialite is really slow, compared to commandline ogr2ogr
- Fixed in changeset commit:"e491acb2aa6e9351937d42944ebbe5d7573b5ca8".
07:57 PM Bug report #7217: graduated classes are altered when saved to qgs
- Seems so.
toString is the way to go. -
07:56 PM Bug report #7217: graduated classes are altered when saved to qgs
- QVariant::toString() seems to return better results than QString::number(), doesn't it?
In python:... - 04:55 PM Revision 7e00e7b1 (qgis): Allow value checking and the use of default value for ParameterExtent
04:07 PM Bug report #8185: QgsRasterFormatSaveOptionWidget "validate" button returns always "Valid"
- I haven't tried if it perform a correct validation when running from outside GdalTools.
04:04 PM Bug report #8185 (Closed): QgsRasterFormatSaveOptionWidget "validate" button returns always "Valid"
- QgsRasterFormatSaveOptionWidget "validate" button always displays "Valid" when clicked from GdalTools GUIs (e.g. from...
03:50 PM Bug report #8102: Qgis Crash on exit
- Salvatore Larosa wrote:
> here the crash is not dependent from plugins (I guess) as I run with --noplugins command.
... -
03:17 PM Bug report #8102: Qgis Crash on exit
- Borys Jurgiel wrote:
> In my case the crash only happens if Value Tool is loaded (or was loaded in the session, even ... -
01:23 PM Bug report #8102: Qgis Crash on exit
- In my case the crash only happens if Value Tool is loaded (or was loaded in the session, even if I unload it prior to...
02:42 PM Revision 104b4d90 (qgis): Fix for SVG cache
01:06 PM Revision 59222a08 (qgis): Change default: Don't generate raster thumbnail for legend (Fix #8175)
10:11 AM Revision b1fe1c31 (qgis): Fix crash if merge geometries fails
10:08 AM Bug report #8182 (Closed): Broken support for FileGDB
- It is impossible to open FileGDB with the compiled QGIS version from the latest source (git clone git://
07:44 AM Revision 26fbc36f (qgis): Merge pull request #679 from Jean-Roc/mywork
- update french translation (contributions from @MarieSilvestre)
07:01 AM Bug report #8181: groupLayerRelationship method broken in Python
- Sorry for the noise, I was under the impression of running current master but instead I was running an older version....
06:49 AM Bug report #8181 (Closed): groupLayerRelationship method broken in Python
- Hi, try to update your revision, that should be fixed in commit:1f10010
I am closing as it is a duplicate of #8061
... -
05:43 AM Bug report #8181 (Closed): groupLayerRelationship method broken in Python
- QGIS master (28efcda) crashes when using iface.legendInterface().groupLayerRelationship() in a project with at least ...
06:38 AM Bug report #8154: Problems with Atlas and Map dimensions on composer using Python
- I have resorted to using the getNewExtent() method in the file from the original atlas plugin. This do...
06:21 AM Feature request #8180: Encryption of Passwords in qgs files
- Fair point. But then I'd have to share the database password with the users which is very sub-optimal for a whole raf...
05:22 AM Feature request #8180: Encryption of Passwords in qgs files
- You don't need to save username/passwords. If you do they'll be unencrypted (and you are warned about that), if you ...
05:15 AM Feature request #8180 (Open): Encryption of Passwords in qgs files
- At least with Oracle (and the others? I have no way to test), when a project is stored as a qgs file, the password is...
04:12 AM Bug report #8179 (Closed): inconsistent way of disabling the histogram stretch buttons on unsuppo...
- When a vector layer or a group is selected, mActionLocalHistogramStretch and mActionFullHistogramStretch toolbar butt...
04:07 AM Bug report #8175 (Closed): set raster legend icon generation to off by default
- Fixed in changeset commit:"59222a08d05d28191ae1def36e9a7a6d8dd32eb4".
04:04 AM Bug report #8178 (Closed): Shifted raster: origin in qgis different than that reported by gdalinfo
- After processing a raster layer (TTC2770v2_0_1.tif) with OTB (TTC2770v2_0_1otb.tif), I get a shifted display of
the n... -
04:01 AM Feature request #8177 (Closed): The raster contrast/brightness +- buttons could support a bigger ...
- The present step is very tiny and often needs tens of clicks.
03:58 AM Feature request #8176 (Closed): The raster contrast/brightness +- buttons should support multiple...
- If multiple layers are selected, the action is only applied to one of them. It would be very useful to apply them to ...
03:58 AM Bug report #5162: points in polygon never ends
- I don't why I set this as blocker as it is not a regression.
02:58 AM Bug report #7880: WFS-T client on master fails to save edits on a TinyOWS server
- Now it seems that it affects also qgis server. see #7881
02:32 AM Bug report #8174: Polygons digitized in Postgis layer with "Avoid Intersections" turned on still ...
- I've just tried on Master on my Debian 7 PC, the bug's still there.
02:01 AM Bug report #8135 (Closed): Saving shp with joined attributes results in wrong column values
- Minoru Akagi wrote:
> The width values of real type fields in 2013_tissue_results.csvt are too short. With sufficient... -
02:01 AM Bug report #8135 (Closed): Saving shp with joined attributes results in wrong column values
- Minoru Akagi wrote:
> The width values of real type fields in 2013_tissue_results.csvt are too short. With sufficient...
01:59 AM Bug report #8135: Saving shp with joined attributes results in wrong column values
- The width values of real type fields in 2013_tissue_results.csvt are too short. With sufficient values like Real(10.3...
01:53 AM Bug report #8175 (Closed): set raster legend icon generation to off by default
- A discussion on the german fossgis-user group revealed that generating raster previews slows down raster loading a lo...
12:55 AM Bug report #7472 (Reopened): vector editing errors
- I reopen this bug because it seems that editing is still affected by the seriouos problems already described. I perfo...
12:49 AM Bug report #8102: Qgis Crash on exit
- Matthias Kuhn wrote:
> What's left of python when running with --noplugins?
> Only the python console and part of the... -
12:13 AM Revision 6809626f (qgis): update french translation (contributions from @MarieSilvestre)
11:48 PM Bug report #8174 (Feedback): Polygons digitized in Postgis layer with "Avoid Intersections" turne...
- Can you try on QGIS master and report back? Thanks!
11:48 PM Bug report #8174 (Feedback): Polygons digitized in Postgis layer with "Avoid Intersections" turne...
- Can you try on QGIS master and report back? Thanks!
11:48 PM Bug report #8174 (Feedback): Polygons digitized in Postgis layer with "Avoid Intersections" turne...
- Can you try on QGIS master and report back? Thanks!
08:09 PM Bug report #8174 (Closed): Polygons digitized in Postgis layer with "Avoid Intersections" turned ...
- I check with ST_Overlaps on Postgis layer after digitizing each polygon and the frequency this problem happens (numbe...
08:00 PM Revision 21ff6204 (qgis): Save heatmap settings between runs (fix #8078)
08:00 PM Revision 0cac8b49 (qgis): Standardise control names in heatmap dialog
08:00 PM Revision 5c38ed85 (qgis): Only allow choice of heatmap raster formats which support Float32 data ...
08:00 PM Revision 65aa1d5a (qgis): Don't reset output size on radius change (fix #8090)
- Prevent input of invalid output size by changing to spin boxes for rows and columns
04:54 PM Revision 5e760dd2 (qgis): translation update: ko_KR
03:10 PM Feature request #8078 (Closed): Heatmap plugin should remember prior run's settings
- Fixed in changeset commit:"21ff6204547b21439aa946fc26cb0cc83979416f".
03:09 PM Bug report #8090 (Closed): Heatmap plugin resets rows and columns whenever I change the radius
- Fixed in changeset commit:"65aa1d5ae06e0f28fbbd75355a3c339dc7eb58b4".
12:24 PM Bug report #7822: Export to Spatialite is really slow, compared to commandline ogr2ogr
- Hi, I will do at home as soon as possible. Thanks for the answer and the directions. Best regards.
11:46 AM Bug report #7822: Export to Spatialite is really slow, compared to commandline ogr2ogr
- Daniel Vaz wrote:
> I read the OGR documentation and I suppose that it problem would be related with transaction syst... -
11:24 AM Bug report #7822: Export to Spatialite is really slow, compared to commandline ogr2ogr
- The issue #3002 reports the same problem described here.
09:00 AM Bug report #7822: Export to Spatialite is really slow, compared to commandline ogr2ogr
- I read the OGR documentation and I suppose that it problem would be related with transaction system which isn't being...
09:00 AM Bug report #7822: Export to Spatialite is really slow, compared to commandline ogr2ogr
- I read the OGR documentation and I suppose that it problem would be related with transaction system which isn't being...
11:45 AM Revision a597823c (qgis): Fix dash pattern for line width < 1 pixels in Qt 4.8
10:26 AM Revision 2d6c92b8 (qgis): Merge pull request #678 from minorua/ogr_init_enc_chk
- OgrProvider: initial encoding setting check (fix #8167)
10:05 AM Revision a13126cf (qgis): OgrProvider: initial encoding setting check (fix #8167)
08:39 AM Bug report #8165: gdaltools "info" does not work until you change a option
- I get the following QString error on OS X 10.8.3 with latest nightly build from Dakaota Cartography.
An error has o... -
04:53 AM Bug report #8172 (Closed): [QGIS-Server] Initializing qgis.db
- qgis.db is used by QGIS Desktop or Server to store user defined Coordinate Reference System.
This storing is mandato... -
04:29 AM Bug report #8162: QGIS master error matplotlib
- Jürgen Fischer wrote:
> Will happen automatically next week...
Perfect. Thank you very much. -
04:26 AM Bug report #8162: QGIS master error matplotlib
- Luca Congedo wrote:
> Thank you. This solved the issue.
> Probably matplotlib should be updated also in the weekly pa... -
03:33 AM Feature request #8168 (Open): Georeferencer: save Transform parameters
- Save the transform parameters
(i.e., Transform: Linear Transform (-15.396, -3.1051) Scale (0.992788, 0.995925) Rotat... -
02:10 AM Revision afbc9b84 (qgis): [Plugin Installer] partially revert fd2b221e65 . Still QGIS restart is ...
02:04 AM Revision fe913a34 (qgis): [Plugin Manager] better formatting of plugin details
01:45 AM Bug report #8165: gdaltools "info" does not work until you change a option
- Ah, I did the test on a windows 7 machine, so that might be linux-specific.
01:40 AM Bug report #8165: gdaltools "info" does not work until you change a option
- Mathieu Pellerin - nIRV wrote:
> Giovanni, it works OK with me via Raster > Miscellaneous > Information on qgis maste... -
01:35 AM Bug report #8165: gdaltools "info" does not work until you change a option
- Giovanni, it works OK with me via Raster > Miscellaneous > Information on qgis master as of commit 619558d.
12:31 AM Bug report #8165 (Closed): gdaltools "info" does not work until you change a option
- it returns always
@Usage: gdalinfo [--help-general] [-mm] [-stats] [-hist] [-nogcp] [-nomd]
[-norat] [-noct] [-no... -
01:26 AM Bug report #8167 (Closed): wrong encoding of vector layer opened from command-line or browser
- Fixed in changeset commit:"2d6c92b82b9ab070282cb073c0a58ebc249b713e".
01:08 AM Bug report #8167: wrong encoding of vector layer opened from command-line or browser
- pull request to fix this issue:
01:04 AM Bug report #8167 (Closed): wrong encoding of vector layer opened from command-line or browser
- This is an issue that Borys let me know. When I open shapefiles from command-line or browser, the encoding is set to ...
01:15 AM Bug report #8162: QGIS master error matplotlib
- Thank you. This solved the issue.
Probably matplotlib should be updated also in the weekly package (downloaded from h... -
12:06 AM Bug report #8162 (Rejected): QGIS master error matplotlib
12:05 AM Bug report #8162 (Feedback): QGIS master error matplotlib
- Please update your installation with latest matplotlib package (1.2.1) available in OSGeo4W.
BTW, this is not QGIS i... -
11:59 AM Bug report #8162 (Rejected): QGIS master error matplotlib
- Hi everybody,
I have this error with QGIS master weekly 1.9.0-25.
From the Python console run:
from matplotlib.back... -
01:03 AM Bug report #7881: WFS-T client on master cannot commit changes
- The "add feature" button is now active, but any try to commit an edit (on a wfs layer that in the server is a postgis...
12:41 AM Bug report #8166 (Closed): GetFeatureInfo: clickable area too small for points
- For point layers, clicking exactly on the point is difficult, and the user misses the popup very often. Better define...
12:20 AM Revision 619558da (qgis): [Plugin Installer] Fix #8080
11:56 PM Revision 0485aa0f (qgis): follow up 86bebab3ce
11:35 PM Revision c0ae8f31 (qgis): [Plugin Installer] Fix metadata description, add "about" tag, prefer re...
10:12 PM Revision 7771a9b2 (qgis): follow up 86bebab3ce
09:25 PM Revision 86bebab3 (qgis): [Plugin Installer] Fix #8111. Better repository error handling.
07:54 PM Feature request #8164 (Open): Can't fix bad datasource info in qgs file through GUI
- I have a *qgs* file which has a *maplayer* with a *datasource* with a wrong *user* field defined. Every time I open t...
07:29 PM Revision fd2b221e (qgis): [Plugin Installer] Simplify plugin reloading
05:57 PM Revision 6cfe4a5f (qgis): Follow up 24bbd485a
05:54 PM Revision 96214368 (qgis): [Plugin Manager] Display proper plugin count
05:15 PM Revision cd676e39 (qgis): [Plugin Installer] Follow up 4ecf3ebd0 (use QgsNetworkManager in plugin...
05:04 PM Revision 24bbd485 (qgis): fix #8159
04:32 PM Revision 9d2b8f26 (qgis): german translation update
04:04 PM Revision c1f8230a (qgis): followup 55135d600
- 03:47 PM Revision 562aec32 (qgis): [QGIS-Server] WFS Filter : send empty data instead of XML error when no...
- Bug #8123
When a getFeature request has a FILTER parameter, and when no data
corresponds, QGIS answer sometimes with ... - 03:39 PM Revision 4825da5b (qgis): Save GRASS output in HTML
03:26 PM Bug report #4655 (Closed): Plugin installer fails to detect invalid repository urls
- Fixed in commit:86bebab and following.
03:26 PM Bug report #4655 (Closed): Plugin installer fails to detect invalid repository urls
- Fixed in commit:86bebab and following.
03:25 PM Feature request #8080: Plugin Manager's "Repository details" dialog should indicate version query...
- It was requested as a feature, however it was just a matter of gui tweaking, so it's fixed.
03:21 PM Feature request #8080 (Closed): Plugin Manager's "Repository details" dialog should indicate vers...
- Fixed in changeset commit:"619558dabc180f3471b26fef276ff7fbbf3e0e3f".
- 03:20 PM Revision a5ca9d71 (qgis): [QGIS-Server] The parameter PROPERTYNAME does not filter attributes
- Bug #8155
In the OGC standard, the parameter PROPERTYNAME is ussed to filter attributes in the request getFeature. In... -
01:28 PM Revision 52dc17ab (qgis): translation update: fi by Kari
12:27 PM Bug report #8111 (Closed): Plugin manager: Check if the repository file is valid
- Fixed in changeset commit:"86bebab3cee614acee434edcba4b232ce64b07e2".
12:22 PM Revision c4b616b7 (qgis): QgsVectorLayerFeatureIterator: Don't worry about concurrent edits
- An iterator will always use the data from the edit buffer which was
valid, at the time the iterator was created. Ther... -
12:16 PM Revision 55135d60 (qgis): const-correctness for QgsGeometry
12:12 PM Bug report #7269: cant load GRASS plugin (osx 10.8.2)
- In official _QGIS_ builds for _Fedora_ the following patched is applied:...
12:08 PM Revision 00041e6d (qgis): Add an update of overview on centering mode switch
09:43 AM Revision a268a867 (qgis): translation update id by Trias
09:04 AM Bug report #8159: QgsNetworkAccessManager's request timeout loop is infinite
- JEF, the static QTimer::singleShot seems to delete the timer once is executed. It causes an assertion fail in the slo...
08:04 AM Bug report #8159 (Closed): QgsNetworkAccessManager's request timeout loop is infinite
- Fixed in changeset commit:"24bbd485a90dea3de0e26c0535c959fff1429768".
07:58 AM Bug report #8159 (Closed): QgsNetworkAccessManager's request timeout loop is infinite
- Once any request is created, a periodic QTimer is started, aborting it every 20 seconds. It seems in some cases the t...
07:41 AM Feature request #8158: QgsNetworkAccessManager timeout should raise a more clear error message th...
- The latter. I mean QNetworkReply::OperationCanceledError.
07:31 AM Feature request #8158: QgsNetworkAccessManager timeout should raise a more clear error message th...
- Is that a verbatim message or translated back from Polish?
07:11 AM Feature request #8158 (Open): QgsNetworkAccessManager timeout should raise a more clear error mes...
- Requests controlled by QgsNetworkAccessManager are aborted every 20 seconds (by default) by its timeout timer. As a r...
07:08 AM Feature request #8157 (Open): DBManager - Add a stop button to SQL Window
- Sometimes you can run a query that isn't quite correct (even though its syntax is correct and it executes) or you can...
07:03 AM Feature request #8112: GetLegendGraphic URL for each Layer in GetCapa
- The element you want in the GetCapabilities is not mandatory.
QGIS-Server already provide the URL for GetLegendGraph... -
06:51 AM Bug report #8123 (Closed): WFS Filter : send empty data instead of XML error when no feature found
- Commit 562aec32d860cdf9baf6857232287f61c96c899c commit:562aec32d860cdf9baf6857232287f61c96c899c
06:51 AM Bug report #8123 (Closed): WFS Filter : send empty data instead of XML error when no feature found
- Commit 562aec32d860cdf9baf6857232287f61c96c899c commit:562aec32d860cdf9baf6857232287f61c96c899c
06:51 AM Bug report #8123 (Closed): WFS Filter : send empty data instead of XML error when no feature found
- Commit 562aec32d860cdf9baf6857232287f61c96c899c commit:562aec32d860cdf9baf6857232287f61c96c899c
06:51 AM Bug report #8123 (Closed): WFS Filter : send empty data instead of XML error when no feature found
- Commit 562aec32d860cdf9baf6857232287f61c96c899c commit:562aec32d860cdf9baf6857232287f61c96c899c
06:34 AM Bug report #8155 (Closed): [QGIS-Server] The parameter PROPERTYNAME does not filter attributes
- Commit a5ca9d71808b505a84009b952bafcc21b7fb3dc2 commit:a5ca9d71808b505a84009b952bafcc21b7fb3dc2
06:34 AM Bug report #8155 (Closed): [QGIS-Server] The parameter PROPERTYNAME does not filter attributes
- Commit a5ca9d71808b505a84009b952bafcc21b7fb3dc2 commit:a5ca9d71808b505a84009b952bafcc21b7fb3dc2
06:34 AM Bug report #8155 (Closed): [QGIS-Server] The parameter PROPERTYNAME does not filter attributes
- Commit a5ca9d71808b505a84009b952bafcc21b7fb3dc2 commit:a5ca9d71808b505a84009b952bafcc21b7fb3dc2
06:34 AM Bug report #8155 (Closed): [QGIS-Server] The parameter PROPERTYNAME does not filter attributes
- Commit a5ca9d71808b505a84009b952bafcc21b7fb3dc2 commit:a5ca9d71808b505a84009b952bafcc21b7fb3dc2
06:17 AM Bug report #8155 (Closed): [QGIS-Server] The parameter PROPERTYNAME does not filter attributes
- In the OGC standard, the parameter PROPERTYNAME is ussed to filter attributes in the request getFeature. In version 1...
06:12 AM Bug report #6302: QGIS WFS Server Geometry Type not recognize by ArcGIS
- Giovanni Manghi : does the bug still exists ?
06:10 AM Feature request #6533 (Closed): QGIS WFS Server Transaction Request
06:10 AM Feature request #6535 (Closed): Support WFS Post GetFeature Request in QGIS-Server
05:43 AM Feature request #8143: Add tooltip about why users cannot delete columns in Spatialite layers
- Sandro Furieri wrote:
> Geopackage will simply be based on the top of SQLite's own SQL dialect. Accordingly to this, ... -
04:49 AM Feature request #8143: Add tooltip about why users cannot delete columns in Spatialite layers
- Geopackage will simply be based on the top of SQLite's own SQL dialect. Accordingly to this, Geopackage as well will ...
04:20 AM Feature request #8143: Add tooltip about why users cannot delete columns in Spatialite layers
- Jürgen Fischer wrote:
> The providers can only expose which capabilities they have (eg. DeleteAttributes), but can't ... -
04:18 AM Feature request #8143: Add tooltip about why users cannot delete columns in Spatialite layers
- Sandro Furieri wrote:
> some tricky workaround is surely possible: e.g.
> # begin a huge monolithic transaction
> ... -
05:27 AM Bug report #7927: composer fails to export with high dpi, without any message
- regis Haubourg wrote:
> I'm now testing with 64 bit Win 7..
With a 64bit build? Otherwise it doesn't matter if you ... -
04:36 AM Bug report #7927: composer fails to export with high dpi, without any message
- Well, not sure if it is the same issue. Old one lead to crash, new one lead to no action. I'm now testing with 64 bit...
04:11 AM Bug report #7927: composer fails to export with high dpi, without any message
- just for curiosity: isn't this the old issue of printing on Windows? As QGIS on win is 32bit then it can use just 4gb...
02:05 AM Bug report #7927 (Reopened): composer fails to export with high dpi, without any message
- Threshold is too low. I was able to print a 300 dpi with no problem on A1 paper size, in yesterday's osgeo4w revision...
05:11 AM Bug report #7840: Doesn't Zoom to max extent when adding multiple layers
- Jürgen Fischer wrote:
> Jonathan Moules wrote:
> > But these two are the very first layers in the project is the prob... -
05:08 AM Bug report #7840: Doesn't Zoom to max extent when adding multiple layers
- Jonathan Moules wrote:
> But these two are the very first layers in the project is the problem (fresh start of QGIS).... -
05:00 AM Bug report #7840: Doesn't Zoom to max extent when adding multiple layers
- But these two are the very first layers in the project is the problem (fresh start of QGIS).
Both are added at the sa... -
04:58 AM Bug report #7840: Doesn't Zoom to max extent when adding multiple layers
- Adding layers usually doesn't change the extent of the project - only for the very first layer in the project sets th...
04:27 AM Bug report #7840: Doesn't Zoom to max extent when adding multiple layers
- Sorry for the delay. Re-tested, this time with some .asc files. Happens here too. Data is in EPSG:27700. See attached.
04:55 AM Bug report #7758: Maximum viewing scale
- If the file is created from scratch in master, then reloaded later, it works fine. So it seems to just have issue loa...
11:31 PM Bug report #8154 (Closed): Problems with Atlas and Map dimensions on composer using Python
- Hi all,
Is anyone else having problems with using atlas with python?
I am writing some python code that uses the At... -
11:11 PM Revision a4fb5c7c (qgis): Fixing some Tooltips regarding to #8147
02:30 PM Bug report #8147 (Closed): QGIS Tips - required some changes
- Thanks for the Tips
02:30 PM Bug report #8147 (Closed): QGIS Tips - required some changes
- Thanks for the Tips
06:10 AM Bug report #8147 (Closed): QGIS Tips - required some changes
- There are required some changes in QGIS Tips in connection with new version and also better understanding and remembe...
11:32 AM Revision 7b9a6344 (qgis): Merge pull request #675 from artfwo/master
- Russian translation update (half-way)
11:04 AM Revision f1e2fceb (qgis): more interface fixes (missing GUI_EXPORT and sip)
10:57 AM Revision dab1e3c7 (qgis): Russian translation update.
10:48 AM Bug report #8135 (Open): Saving shp with joined attributes results in wrong column values
- From what I see your report is about qgis 1.8.
In QGIS master the things are a little better but still wrong, as the... -
10:48 AM Bug report #8135 (Open): Saving shp with joined attributes results in wrong column values
- From what I see your report is about qgis 1.8.
In QGIS master the things are a little better but still wrong, as the... -
10:48 AM Bug report #8135 (Open): Saving shp with joined attributes results in wrong column values
- From what I see your report is about qgis 1.8.
In QGIS master the things are a little better but still wrong, as the... -
10:48 AM Bug report #8135 (Open): Saving shp with joined attributes results in wrong column values
- From what I see your report is about qgis 1.8.
In QGIS master the things are a little better but still wrong, as the... -
10:48 AM Bug report #8135 (Open): Saving shp with joined attributes results in wrong column values
- From what I see your report is about qgis 1.8.
In QGIS master the things are a little better but still wrong, as the... -
06:19 AM Bug report #8135 (Feedback): Saving shp with joined attributes results in wrong column values
- Could you please add sample data to allow me test locally? thanks!
10:35 AM Revision 0992180b (qgis): KeyboardControlHandler: remove unused parameter
09:27 AM Feature request #8152 (Open): DB Manager: add functions to add triggers for area/perimeter/lentgh...
- In the old PostGIS Manager plugin it was possible to add triggers for area/perimeter/length, that was very handy beca...
09:24 AM Bug report #8151 (Closed): Creating a view in DB Manager causes python error and qgis must be killed
- Apparently in DB Manager I can create a view like
@CREATE VIEW test_view AS
SELECT a.gid AS gid, a.descricao, ST_Int... -
09:21 AM Feature request #8143: Add tooltip about why users cannot delete columns in Spatialite layers
- The providers can only expose which capabilities they have (eg. DeleteAttributes), but can't tell upper layers why th...
07:55 AM Feature request #8143: Add tooltip about why users cannot delete columns in Spatialite layers
- some tricky workaround is surely possible: e.g.
# begin a huge monolithic transaction
# rename the already existing ... -
06:04 AM Feature request #8143 (Closed): Add tooltip about why users cannot delete columns in Spatialite l...
- please note well: this is not a specific defect affecting the SpatiaLite data provider, it simply is a direct consequ...
06:04 AM Feature request #8143 (Closed): Add tooltip about why users cannot delete columns in Spatialite l...
- please note well: this is not a specific defect affecting the SpatiaLite data provider, it simply is a direct consequ...
05:32 AM Feature request #8143 (Closed): Add tooltip about why users cannot delete columns in Spatialite l...
- subject says it all.
I would add that from a user point of view it would be really appreciated a workaround to allow... -
09:04 AM Bug report #8150 (Closed): DB Manager freezes QGIS when deleting table/view
- I do not have a clear recipe to replicate this, just use DB manager for a while as a normal user would do, add layers...
08:54 AM Revision f4744f66 (qgis): fix sip build errors
07:55 AM Bug report #8149 (Closed): DB Manager, python error when scrolling table of a view
- In DB Manager I created a few views with quite a lot of records (thousands, tens of thousands) and when I open the "t...
07:21 AM Bug report #8148 (Closed): add warning when trying add to canvas a view without a primary key
- When trying to add in the canvas a view without a primary key using DB Manager it will fail "silently"***
A error me... -
06:00 AM Bug report #8146 (Closed): DB Manager does not refresh anymore when deleting a layer
- it used to work on 1.8
05:57 AM Bug report #8145 (Closed): Field calculator does not work when creating new PostGIS real and doub...
- When computing a new column of type real or double, it seems that is ok, but after saving edits and closing/reopening...
05:42 AM Bug report #7267: loss of attributes during split feature operation
- Salvatore Larosa wrote:
> Maybe I am wrong, but I dont see any loss of attributes.
> If the layer is not categoriz... -
05:35 AM Bug report #7267: loss of attributes during split feature operation
- Maybe I am wrong, but I dont see any loss of attributes.
If the layer is not categorized you can see the new split g... -
05:04 AM Bug report #7267: loss of attributes during split feature operation
- My mistake it seems it still happens.
04:31 AM Bug report #7267 (Reopened): loss of attributes during split feature operation
- Nathan Woodrow wrote:
> The iterator fixes in commit:4164d6ed0b84 and commit:3747c2bb02062
I'm testing with
49970b0... -
04:31 AM Bug report #7267 (Reopened): loss of attributes during split feature operation
- Nathan Woodrow wrote:
> The iterator fixes in commit:4164d6ed0b84 and commit:3747c2bb02062
I'm testing with
49970b0... -
04:27 AM Bug report #7267: loss of attributes during split feature operation
- The iterator fixes in commit:4164d6ed0b84 and commit:3747c2bb02062
04:25 AM Bug report #7267: loss of attributes during split feature operation
- Nathan Woodrow wrote:
> Should be fixed now. Please test and reopen if not.
what it is the revision that fixes it? -
05:38 AM Bug report #8144 (Closed): labels data defined rotation does not work if data defined position is...
- enable data defined rotation -> ok
enable data defined position -> labels become horizontal
move manua... -
05:27 AM Bug report #8142 (Closed): When deleting >1 column from a PostGIS layer one is always left over
- Add a PostGIS layer table of attributes, toggle editing, click on "delete columns" and select >1 columns to remove.
... -
05:09 AM Feature request #8141: query / filter on attribute tables with external tables joined
- The main thing to be aware of here is the Set Filter/Query option is setting a filter at the provider level, in most ...
05:03 AM Feature request #8141 (Open): query / filter on attribute tables with external tables joined
- concerns version 1.8 and 1.9
i have been searching various blogs and use groups and found that issue addressed allre... -
05:04 AM Bug report #7668: Merge feature tools causes Qgis crash
- Alessandro Ciali wrote:
> In the 2nd case, you have to select one row in the merge selected feature window and the cl... -
05:00 AM Bug report #7668: Merge feature tools causes Qgis crash
- In the 2nd case, you have to select one row in the merge selected feature window and the clik on the "Take attribute ...
04:47 AM Bug report #7668: Merge feature tools causes Qgis crash
> * selecting two or more features and using merge selected features tool without making any choice in the merge fe...-
04:46 AM Bug report #7668: Merge feature tools causes Qgis crash
- Matthias Kuhn wrote:
> Please test if commit:7d38eac solved this issue.
Hi Matthias,
it still crashes when clicking... -
04:46 AM Bug report #7668: Merge feature tools causes Qgis crash
- Matthias Kuhn wrote:
> Please test if commit:7d38eac solved this issue.
Hi Matthias,
it still crashes when clicking... -
04:48 AM Bug report #8102: Qgis Crash on exit
- Matthias Kuhn wrote:
> This bug only concerns a crash when exiting qgis.
Hi Matthias, right. I got it also on exit. ... -
04:46 AM Bug report #8102: Qgis Crash on exit
- This bug only concerns a crash when exiting qgis.
04:37 AM Bug report #8102: Qgis Crash on exit
- Matthias Kuhn wrote:
> We can comment them again, that's not a big deal, the OS will clean up (at least the memory) o... -
03:58 AM Bug report #7876 (Closed): Vector Clip causes QGIS master crash
- no more memory leak. Anyway the clip with the original posted dataset is very slow, but this is probably not a regres...
03:58 AM Bug report #7876 (Closed): Vector Clip causes QGIS master crash
- no more memory leak. Anyway the clip with the original posted dataset is very slow, but this is probably not a regres...
02:50 AM Bug report #8068: Wrong font display in qgis server
- Until a recent qgis server upgrade things worked well. Now checked by setting up all fonts in the project a lmodern a...
02:16 AM Bug report #7384 (Closed): Topological editing misbehaving
- Checked with current master, seems to work fine.
Sorry for the noise. -
02:16 AM Bug report #7384 (Closed): Topological editing misbehaving
- Checked with current master, seems to work fine.
Sorry for the noise.
12:05 AM Bug report #8068: Wrong font display in qgis server
- Just a quick question.
Are you sure that the fonts are properly installed on QGIS server? I also had font-issues bet... -
10:33 PM Revision 10152e6d (qgis): [fTools] fixes zoom to error in check geometry validity tool
09:19 PM Revision d1fd484b (qgis): fix build error
09:15 PM Revision 4ecf3ebd (qgis): use QgsNetworkManager in plugin installer (fixes #8137)
08:30 PM Bug report #7876: Vector Clip causes QGIS master crash
- I've tried clipping buildings_3763 ( shapefile with the clip_layer ( shapefile, and QGIS...
08:18 PM Bug report #7618 (Closed): Distance Matrix entries are only calculated for the first feature
08:12 PM Bug report #7926: blending modes layer are not exported well if resolution is high
- Regis, this might be "fixed" by this commit:bed65cb1f4dbc582d0b3be0d3b1d9e9083e8086e
The above introduces a warning ... -
08:06 PM Bug report #7729: Save of edited layer results in duplicated data
- Patric, others, has anyone witnessed this issue in the last few weeks? I did see this issue over a month ago but at t...
08:05 PM Bug report #7267 (Closed): loss of attributes during split feature operation
- Should be fixed now. Please test and reopen if not.
08:05 PM Bug report #7267 (Closed): loss of attributes during split feature operation
- Should be fixed now. Please test and reopen if not.
04:46 PM Revision 444dc239 (qgis): german translation update
04:40 PM Revision 14623338 (qgis): spelling fixes
04:00 PM Revision 3854086d (qgis): sip update
03:16 PM Revision b53e80b8 (qgis): [memory provider] Don't crash on updateExtent and feature without geometry
02:43 PM Revision ab54176a (qgis): update extent on delete feature and updategeometry
12:16 PM Bug report #8137 (Closed): The plugin manager of qgis-dev don't use the proxy settings
- Fixed in changeset commit:"4ecf3ebd0bae19f97f32bb040c9df95967135ba8".
10:01 AM Bug report #8137 (Closed): The plugin manager of qgis-dev don't use the proxy settings
- Hi,
with qgis-dev.
The proxy settings of options->network
seem don't be used by plugin manager to retrieve the list... -
10:07 AM Bug report #8138 (Closed): DB manager "Import vector layer" python error
- when clicking on the button to choose a vector...
03:31 AM Feature request #8136 (Closed): Buffer Distance Feature
- Hi, this is not the place where to make questions, for that please use the mailing lists, the irc channell or gistack...
03:31 AM Feature request #8136 (Closed): Buffer Distance Feature
- Hi, this is not the place where to make questions, for that please use the mailing lists, the irc channell or gistack...
03:29 AM Feature request #8136 (Closed): Buffer Distance Feature
- Hi,
In Buffer command, there is no option to define the unit of distance (such as in km, m, feet etc.). It only requ... -
02:55 AM Revision 6afd3f79 (qgis): fix build error
02:01 AM Bug report #7384: Topological editing misbehaving
- Seems to work fine here. Could you add some more details.
01:56 AM Bug report #7472 (Closed): vector editing errors
- All the other providers are done now.
01:56 AM Bug report #7472 (Closed): vector editing errors
- All the other providers are done now.
01:56 AM Bug report #7472 (Closed): vector editing errors
- All the other providers are done now.
03:30 AM Bug report #7472 (In Progress): vector editing errors
- Nathan Woodrow wrote:
> The PostGIS and spatialite driver are yet to be done.
so better tag this as "in progress"? -
12:03 AM Revision 49970b04 (qgis): DBManager: more SIP API update (fix #8132)
09:18 PM Revision d1e41058 (qgis): missed query builder help in c6a4bb86aa
07:41 PM Revision 99f998aa (qgis): - add missing sip bindings
- - port to QtXml and update customization.xml (fixes #5752 and #8054)
06:19 PM Revision c8f1bb97 (qgis): [Plugin Manager] If no Python support detected, display an explanation ...
05:22 PM Revision f7b1097c (qgis): Merge pull request #672 from qgis-jp/make_pull_req_from_ja
- update Translation GUI ja
03:45 PM Revision e21ce1b4 (qgis): update Translation GUI ja
03:12 PM Bug report #8132 (Closed): d&d in DB Manager does not work anymore (from PostGIS to SL)
- Fixed in changeset commit:"49970b0413d6b042e734b327f50013e8d42b6e34".
03:04 PM Bug report #8132 (In Progress): d&d in DB Manager does not work anymore (from PostGIS to SL)
12:49 PM Revision ff27ee82 (qgis): [spatialite] Fix compile error
12:48 PM Revision 345458ee (qgis): [spatialite] Implement rewind()
12:40 PM Bug report #8135 (Closed): Saving shp with joined attributes results in wrong column values
- I joined a shp attribute with a csv attribute. While the two are joined in the cache the number precision in the att...
11:32 AM Revision ef838c79 (qgis): fix #8099: useful error message on table_info
10:56 AM Revision 13a86e68 (qgis): fix #8131
10:49 AM Revision 6421cfd0 (qgis): Merge pull request #671 from qgis-jp/make_pull_req_from_ja
- update GUI translation ja
10:43 AM Bug report #8054 (Closed): Customization not available for panels and for dialogs containing qgs ...
- fixed in commit:99f998aa3
10:43 AM Bug report #8054 (Closed): Customization not available for panels and for dialogs containing qgs ...
- fixed in commit:99f998aa3
10:41 AM Bug report #5752 (Closed): Customisation framework widget tree parser fails
- Fixed in changeset commit:"99f998aa30ec5862214e4dd971730980cb91aed2".
09:22 AM Revision aa0a17b2 (qgis): Merge pull request #670 from tqhien/master
- Fix #7927 : Add a warning message if trying to print a composition
06:42 AM Revision 00178079 (qgis): Georeferencer: a fix to support non-ASCII path
06:38 AM Revision 8c92ac95 (qgis): update GUI translation ja
06:26 AM Bug report #7668: Merge feature tools causes Qgis crash
- With the latest version commit:f8d6e32 on win7 64bit, QGIS master no more crashes using merge selected features, but:...
05:12 AM Bug report #8134 (Closed): WMT-S doesn't draw an image if zoomed in beyond maximum tilematrix
02:44 AM Bug report #8088 (Closed): extract projection fails
- fixed in commit:684aa98e961
02:44 AM Bug report #8088 (Closed): extract projection fails
- fixed in commit:684aa98e961
02:42 AM Bug report #8099 (Reopened): Spatialite errors not meaningful
- This patch does not solve the problem on a database with existing tables, but missing columns.
ogr2ogr produced such... -
02:33 AM Bug report #8099 (Closed): Spatialite errors not meaningful
- Fixed in changeset commit:"ef838c799f2a7e01b2057adc04c29d4bb484c2b7".
02:00 AM Bug report #8129 (Closed): Vector feature subset query uses ilike as like for non-latin letters
- documentation added in commit:c6a4bb86a.
02:00 AM Bug report #8129 (Closed): Vector feature subset query uses ilike as like for non-latin letters
- documentation added in commit:c6a4bb86a.
01:46 AM Bug report #7472: vector editing errors
- I have just tested version commit:f8d6e32 and it seems to perform editing in a right way! I've tested all the editing...
07:25 AM Bug report #7472: vector editing errors
- This should be fixed now with the ogr provider. The PostGIS and spatialite driver are yet to be done.
- 07:23 AM Bug report #7472 (Closed): vector editing errors
- Fixed in changeset commit:"4164d6ed0b8498f3e3e45cfa40b639674c8c5074".
01:28 AM Bug report #8134: WMT-S doesn't draw an image if zoomed in beyond maximum tilematrix
- Ah thanks. That will be the problem. Sorry. I will contact our service devs.
01:21 AM Bug report #8134: WMT-S doesn't draw an image if zoomed in beyond maximum tilematrix
- But there is a TileMatrix 20 in the capabilities, but it has the same scale dominator as 19. So I guess it's undefin...
07:22 PM Bug report #8134 (Closed): WMT-S doesn't draw an image if zoomed in beyond maximum tilematrix
- We are developing a new WMTS service and have found QGIS tries to request tiles for levels lower than supported in th...
12:50 AM Revision bed65cb1 (qgis): Fix #7927 : Add a warning message if trying to print a composition
- as an image fails (Qt's QImage sanity check for memory overflow)
Moved previous commit from core/qgscomposition to ap... -
12:22 AM Bug report #7927 (Closed): composer fails to export with high dpi, without any message
- Fixed in changeset commit:"aa0a17b253f73ddaa913a09637a00175e3464a74".
12:04 AM Revision f8d6e32e (qgis): german translation update
11:59 PM Revision c6a4bb86 (qgis): context_help/function_help:
- - remove en_US postfix
- remove translated files (translation were moved to ts files earlier)
- remove unused jQuery ... -
09:35 PM Revision 3747c2bb (qgis): vector providers: allow multiple iterators - testing required
- 04:19 PM Revision 4164d6ed (qgis): Merge branch 'iterator'
- Semi fix #7472.
Semi fix #7862 - 04:17 PM Revision 68765403 (qgis): Close active iterators
- 04:17 PM Revision 0c88963c (qgis): Set filter on iterator:
- 04:17 PM Revision 6eadd80f (qgis): Remove driver
- 04:17 PM Revision 0b9d1dc4 (qgis): Use a new ogr layer per iterator
03:15 PM Bug report #8133 (Closed): qgis crashes on exit if adding layers from DB manager
- a similar issue was fixed a few days ago and affected the browser.
03:07 PM Bug report #8132 (Closed): d&d in DB Manager does not work anymore (from PostGIS to SL)
- Error is
Error -1
global name 'QString' is not defined -
10:50 AM Bug report #8126 (Closed): Crash when selecting Vector>Unique value
- So it must be a local problem. I'll test with next builds. Sorry for the noise.
10:50 AM Bug report #8126 (Closed): Crash when selecting Vector>Unique value
- So it must be a local problem. I'll test with next builds. Sorry for the noise.
10:28 AM Bug report #8126 (Feedback): Crash when selecting Vector>Unique value
- cannot confirm here on both Linux and Windows.
10:28 AM Bug report #8126 (Feedback): Crash when selecting Vector>Unique value
- cannot confirm here on both Linux and Windows.
10:28 AM Bug report #8126 (Feedback): Crash when selecting Vector>Unique value
- cannot confirm here on both Linux and Windows.
05:43 AM Bug report #8126: Crash when selecting Vector>Unique value
- Correct, only NULLs. I'm on Debian sid, up to date, self-packaged.
05:41 AM Bug report #8126: Crash when selecting Vector>Unique value
- has one column filled only with nulls. Anyway, no crash here. Maybe it's OS dependent?.
04:02 AM Bug report #8126 (Closed): Crash when selecting Vector>Unique value
- Not a general phenomenon. Can be reliably reproduced here with the attached sample.
10:39 AM Bug report #7618 (Feedback): Distance Matrix entries are only calculated for the first feature
- This issue is fixed thanks to the 'iterator bug' fix by Nathan
09:56 AM Bug report #8129: Vector feature subset query uses ilike as like for non-latin letters
- There is no real "fix" for that, because one is handled by OGR, the other one by QgsExpression.
A recent similar bug ... -
09:02 AM Bug report #8129: Vector feature subset query uses ilike as like for non-latin letters
- Jürgen Fischer wrote:
> I suppose you're referring to OGR data sources. Does @ogrinfo -sql "select field from somesh... -
08:45 AM Bug report #8129: Vector feature subset query uses ilike as like for non-latin letters
- I suppose you're referring to OGR data sources. Does @ogrinfo -sql "select field from someshapefile where FIELD like...
07:59 AM Bug report #8129 (Closed): Vector feature subset query uses ilike as like for non-latin letters
- When using "FIELD" ilike '%ā%' in attribute table expression, it will give both results with "ā" and "Ā" letters as e...
09:21 AM Bug report #8130 (Closed): WFS client: invalid columns after copy/paste
- When copying features from a Postgis layer to a WFS layer, attribute are set incorrectly. When saving the wfs layer, ...
09:19 AM Bug report #8128: WFS client: wrong type on empty MultiLines layers
- Tested on linux, QGIS master at revision 4164d6ed0b8498f3e3e45cfa40b639674c8c5074 (22/06/2013).
07:36 AM Bug report #8128 (Closed): WFS client: wrong type on empty MultiLines layers
- When openening a Wfs multilines layer (gml:MultiLinePropertyType) that contains no record, the QGis layer has an "Unk...
- 07:23 AM Bug report #7862 (Closed): "Already active iterator on this provider was closed." when splitting ...
- Fixed in changeset commit:"4164d6ed0b8498f3e3e45cfa40b639674c8c5074".
05:54 AM Bug report #8108 (Closed): 'Select by location' does not show selection on map
- Tested it on Ubuntu 12.10 with a QGIS build from today and the problem is gone :)
(If you access the algorithm from S... -
02:37 AM Bug report #8125 (Closed): Print layout: rotating a rectangle makes it bigger
- When rotating an object (rectangle) in the print composer, its size grows with the
amount of rotation.
12:53 AM Bug report #2714: Crash when resizing map window with Qt 4.6
- Radim Blazek wrote:
> I have the same problem with current master with single WMS layer on Debian 5.0 and Qt 4.6.1, b... -
12:42 AM Bug report #2714: Crash when resizing map window with Qt 4.6
- Could be related, based on the stack trace.
Can you try to enable backbuffering in Settings => Options => Rendering. -
12:40 AM Bug report #7940 (Closed): output selection dialog crash
- Closing this, as it seems not to be QGIS specific.
If somebody else confirms or you have evidence, that it is QGIS re... -
04:38 AM Bug report #7940: output selection dialog crash
- I have noticed the same bug in Qt Designer. So it should not b QGIS specific. But very weird though, and very annyoin...
12:28 AM Bug report #8123 (Closed): WFS Filter : send empty data instead of XML error when no feature found
- When a getFeature request has a FILTER parameter, and when no data corresponds, QGIS answer sometimes with ...
11:40 PM Revision 9bbc647c (qgis): identation update and fix clang 3.3 warnings
11:32 PM Bug report #8102: Qgis Crash on exit
- We can comment them again, that's not a big deal, the OS will clean up (at least the memory) on app exit anyway.
But... -
04:02 PM Bug report #8102: Qgis Crash on exit
- Commenting out the lines 799 and 800 in @qgisapp.cpp@ does not produce the crash.
03:55 PM Bug report #8102: Qgis Crash on exit
- here the stacktrace with gdb:...
04:25 AM Bug report #8102: Qgis Crash on exit
- Confirmed here also with the @qgis --noplugins@ command
11:19 PM Bug report #7695 (Closed): GetLegendGraphic does not work with FORMAT=jpeg even GetCapabilities s...
11:19 PM Bug report #7695 (Resolved): GetLegendGraphic does not work with FORMAT=jpeg even GetCapabilities...
- commit:469fb25300d95958e8ddaff8b691f9989456b532 disables 'jpeg' in capabilities
08:08 PM Bug report #8109: Heatmap module uses DOS 8.3-compatible file extensions for GeoTIFF
- I got rejected:
:-) -
04:25 PM Revision 0710de3e (qgis): [dbmanager] Fix python error
02:00 PM Revision ea8b9e10 (qgis): fix crash in plugin installer
10:39 AM Revision 5d7ac888 (qgis): Fix WFS layer items in browser
09:40 AM Revision ede5bcd3 (qgis): [Plugin Manager] Follow up commit:b16cc46
09:25 AM Revision b16cc468 (qgis): [Plugin Manager] Fixes #8122: Scroll bar in new plugin manager doesn't ...
09:12 AM Revision 09a9a81b (qgis): [ftools,gdaltools] Errors in Merge Shapefiles and Split vector layer
- * Fix #8120
* Fix #8119 -
08:55 AM Bug report #7668: Merge feature tools causes Qgis crash
- I've now tested version commit:e4b278d (win7 64bit). To be sure that any plugin could collide with merge tool, I rena...
08:01 AM Revision 18422876 (qgis): Merge pull request #669 from qgis-jp/make_pull_req_from_ja
- update GUI translation ja
06:31 AM Revision f7c556f9 (qgis): update GUI translation ja
12:53 AM Bug report #6146 (Closed): Offline editing tool broken
- vinayan Parameswaran wrote:
> Hi Giovanni,
> got time to test this?
yes it is fixed!
there is till this iss... -
12:53 AM Bug report #6146 (Closed): Offline editing tool broken
- vinayan Parameswaran wrote:
> Hi Giovanni,
> got time to test this?
yes it is fixed!
there is till this iss... -
08:10 AM Bug report #6146: Offline editing tool broken
- Hi Giovanni,
got time to test this? -
12:52 AM Bug report #7550: Split feature on spatialite layers with primary key error
- uff... it is a roller coaster... it seems fixed for PostGIS but still an issue for SL, can you confirm?
12:26 AM Bug report #8122 (Closed): Scroll bar in new plugin manager doesn't work properly
- Fixed in changeset commit:"b16cc468c7839fb152e0aa23020221e368b5970b".
11:00 PM Bug report #8122 (Closed): Scroll bar in new plugin manager doesn't work properly
- In QGIS master, install a plugin with a description which is taller than fits in the window, so you need to scroll do...
12:13 AM Bug report #8120 (Closed): Ftools-Merge Shapefiles error
- Fixed in changeset commit:"09a9a81bb0ff3edfdc5090300dd050e88ec0cd9c".
10:05 AM Bug report #8120 (Closed): Ftools-Merge Shapefiles error
- browse input folder - press ok.....
12:13 AM Bug report #8119 (Closed): Ftools- Split vector layer error
- Fixed in changeset commit:"09a9a81bb0ff3edfdc5090300dd050e88ec0cd9c".
09:56 AM Bug report #8119 (Closed): Ftools- Split vector layer error
- add any vector layer with some unique values in any field. Press ok on the splite vector layer tool....
11:12 PM Revision e4b278d6 (qgis): add QgsFontUtils sip bindings and fix doxygen warnings
11:08 PM Revision 4ea2769d (qgis): - move ui defaults to ui_defaults.h
- - add scripts/ to create ui_defaults.h from current
- default ui state with two toolbar rows... -
11:08 PM Revision caaaa218 (qgis): german translation update
10:55 PM Bug report #8027 (Closed): qgis-server doesn't understand correctly the relative path
- So, relative paths *to* projects are not supported as for now.
10:50 PM Revision dd9b7b29 (qgis): Merge pull request #668 from asiersarasua/master
- Basque translation update
10:37 PM Revision 8fd200e2 (qgis): Basque translation update
09:06 PM Revision 86695a9f (qgis): small changes to topology checker GUI
07:40 PM Bug report #8109: Heatmap module uses DOS 8.3-compatible file extensions for GeoTIFF
- Done: The line number was a little different in trunk.
06:51 PM Bug report #8109 (Closed): Heatmap module uses DOS 8.3-compatible file extensions for GeoTIFF
- The default file extension for a format is taken from the GDAL metadata for that format. Unfortunately, for GeoTiff G...
06:51 PM Bug report #8109 (Closed): Heatmap module uses DOS 8.3-compatible file extensions for GeoTIFF
- The default file extension for a format is taken from the GDAL metadata for that format. Unfortunately, for GeoTiff G...
06:38 PM Revision b2441f80 (qgis): [gdaltools] Proximity(raster distance) error (Fix #8115)
06:04 PM Revision 0b0de71f (qgis): [gdaltools] DEM(Terrain Models) tool error (Fix #8116)
03:29 PM Revision e02459cb (qgis): Merge feature attributes: Return NULL if unable to calculate
03:11 PM Revision 7d38eac0 (qgis): "Merge selected features" leads to data loss (Fix #6902)
02:38 PM Revision 23b5afba (qgis): Merge pull request #667 from yjacolin/gdalToolsdoPolygonBug
- Update
- 02:34 PM Revision 5bcb0e1a (qgis): Update
- add missing '('.
02:13 PM Bug report #8117 (Closed): New QGIS install should have two rows of toolbars
- Fixed in changeset commit:"4ea2769d92baecd1d935ff1e701ab04ed33db194".
11:34 AM Bug report #8117: New QGIS install should have two rows of toolbars
- Furthermore, all the overlapping toolbars make the first impression *very* poor.
08:54 AM Bug report #8117 (Closed): New QGIS install should have two rows of toolbars
- When QGIS is started the first time, all toolbars are mashed in one row and essential tools are hidden where many new...
01:36 PM Revision 419d8ee5 (qgis): [ftools] Fix basic statistics (Fix #8105)
01:26 PM Revision cfadfb55 (qgis): [ftools] Fix Line Intersection (Fix #8114)
01:03 PM Revision c1cd3e84 (qgis): Fix wrong python None type reference counting
09:39 AM Bug report #8115 (Closed): GdalTools - Proximity(raster distance) error
- Fixed in changeset commit:"b2441f809897fdaed1656cb3fb6653da9a34b1b2".
08:33 AM Bug report #8115 (Closed): GdalTools - Proximity(raster distance) error
- seems to be an error with the new api updates..
add any raster layer to map.
open proximity(raster distance) tool.
c... -
09:15 AM Revision 5c4f2ed9 (qgis): Fix overview autocentering: always center, not only when the overview i...
- Work funded by Tuscany Region - SITA. Contract "Support to the use
of GFOSS (Geographic Free and Open Source Software... -
09:05 AM Bug report #8116 (Closed): GDalTools - DEM(Terrain Models) tool error
- Fixed in changeset commit:"0b0de71f69f36293aabd824736bd0c468318d414".
08:42 AM Bug report #8116 (Closed): GDalTools - DEM(Terrain Models) tool error
- open the DEM tool.
1.selecting any of the checkboxes would popup python errors..
2.using the browse dialog, specify o... -
09:03 AM Bug report #8118 (Closed): No usable legend when data defined symbology is used
- Using the new data defined symbology options to e.g. color features based on attribute values does not offer any usab...
08:18 AM Revision 31863063 (qgis): translation update: es by Carlos
06:16 AM Bug report #7922 (Feedback): Editing: feature merging crashes QGIS when selecting a row and take ...
- Please test if commit:7d38eac solved this issue.
06:15 AM Bug report #7668: Merge feature tools causes Qgis crash
- Please test if commit:7d38eac solved this issue.
06:13 AM Bug report #6902 (Closed): "Merge selected features" leads to data loss and crash (in master)
- Fixed in changeset commit:"7d38eac04352bbfe7800782e462380f9525fe6cb".
04:36 AM Bug report #8105 (Closed): Ftools-Basic statistics does not work
- Fixed in changeset commit:"419d8ee5931225d672d92984f60c54b69c2f25e7".
03:42 AM Bug report #8105 (Reopened): Ftools-Basic statistics does not work
- I get a different error now..
An error has occured while executing Python code:
Traceback (most recent call last):
... -
04:27 AM Bug report #8114 (Closed): Ftools-Line Intersection does not work
- Fixed in changeset commit:"cfadfb5573eb68a4a754e5cb918a09e1e3af2c94".
03:47 AM Bug report #8114 (Closed): Ftools-Line Intersection does not work
- ...
03:49 AM Feature request #8113: buildvrt: list of files as a file, not as a list
- +1, you can raise a bit priority for this
03:01 AM Feature request #8113 (Closed): buildvrt: list of files as a file, not as a list
- Currently, ``buildvrt`` adds layers as a list of arguments; this can cause problems in case of a very long list. Bett...
03:03 AM Bug report #8095: Topology checker crashes qgis when clicking on "new project" or when readding a...
- Hi Vinayan,
No, in the previous screencast it is not visible, but see this:
-> New project cras... -
02:58 AM Bug report #8102: Qgis Crash on exit
- Do you have any plugins enabled? Especially an open plugin dock or window would explain something.
02:17 AM Feature request #8112 (Closed): GetLegendGraphic URL for each Layer in GetCapa
- Some clients need the GetLegendGraphic URl to be provided as child node of Layers-tag in getCapabilities file. I'm no...
01:50 AM Revision d91f36d1 (qgis): [vectorlayer] Update map extent when feature added / geom changed
01:28 AM Bug report #7643: Empty console Output on R, under SEXTANTE
- Hi Filipe,
Thanks for your patience. I re-run the algorithm, and the output of the sextante_script.r.Rout (which is a... -
01:28 AM Bug report #7643: Empty console Output on R, under SEXTANTE
- Hi Filipe,
Thanks for your patience. I re-run the algorithm, and the output of the sextante_script.r.Rout (which is a... -
01:20 AM Revision 6eb31889 (qgis): [ftools] Fix distance matrix (Fix #8103)
01:11 AM Revision 5e4a9dff (qgis): [ftools] Several fixes
- Fix #8107 Mean coordinates
Fix #8105 Basic statistics
Fix #8104 Unique values -
12:42 AM Bug report #8111 (Closed): Plugin manager: Check if the repository file is valid
- The plugin manager now shows an error, if the domain could not be resolved or other network related errors.
If I ent... -
12:40 AM Bug report #8027 (Reopened): qgis-server doesn't understand correctly the relative path
- I confirm here in a Debian box, also for shapefile. The following request works: -
12:40 AM Bug report #8027 (Reopened): qgis-server doesn't understand correctly the relative path
- I confirm here in a Debian box, also for shapefile. The following request works: -
12:06 AM Revision 59fd5e0c (qgis): Translation update: pl
10:04 PM Revision 9b04f137 (qgis): Fixing delimited text test cases for SIP API change
06:14 PM Bug report #8102: Qgis Crash on exit
- I did not add any layer. simply opening and closing QGIS would produce this. Tested on Ubuntu 12.04
10:42 AM Bug report #8102: Qgis Crash on exit
- I will test for this issue asap on both Linux and Windows. Did you added a layer using the browser? There was an issu...
10:42 AM Bug report #8102: Qgis Crash on exit
- I will test for this issue asap on both Linux and Windows. Did you added a layer using the browser? There was an issu...
09:45 AM Bug report #8102 (Closed): Qgis Crash on exit
- The current master crashes when closing a project. here is the output..
QGis Version: commit:da0e4f3... -
06:12 PM Bug report #8095: Topology checker crashes qgis when clicking on "new project" or when readding a...
- Hi Pedro,
Thanks for is hopefully a simple fix. Are you sure the stack-trace posted is based on crash w... -
01:40 PM Bug report #8095 (Reopened): Topology checker crashes qgis when clicking on "new project" or when...
- Hi Vinayan,
Thank you for the quick fix! But now two different things occurs:
1) If you click on some of the error... -
05:16 PM Revision da0e4f34 (qgis): Mark project dirty in case of composer changes
04:32 PM Bug report #8106 (Feedback): Ftools - Nearest Neighbour does not work
- This seems to be solved, but I stumbled upon some other problems trying it. Can you please test and update the status...
10:04 AM Bug report #8106 (Closed): Ftools - Nearest Neighbour does not work
- ...
04:21 PM Bug report #8103 (Closed): Ftools - Distance Matrix does not work
- Fixed in changeset commit:"6eb31889d8ec57641046b676b59c41a2cbbf02c4".
09:56 AM Bug report #8103 (Closed): Ftools - Distance Matrix does not work
- Distance matrix does not work after the recent python updates.
Issue 1 - 'Input Unique Id' combobox is not populate... -
04:11 PM Bug report #8104 (Closed): Ftools - Unique Values does not work
- Fixed in changeset commit:"5e4a9dff6b4374e448307482baecab4688868fb8".
10:01 AM Bug report #8104 (Closed): Ftools - Unique Values does not work
- press ok with default values on any shapefile.
log..... -
04:11 PM Bug report #8105 (Closed): Ftools-Basic statistics does not work
- Fixed in changeset commit:"5e4a9dff6b4374e448307482baecab4688868fb8".
10:03 AM Bug report #8105 (Closed): Ftools-Basic statistics does not work
- press ok with default is the log.....
04:11 PM Bug report #8107 (Closed): Ftools-Mean coordinates error
- Fixed in changeset commit:"5e4a9dff6b4374e448307482baecab4688868fb8".
10:09 AM Bug report #8107 (Closed): Ftools-Mean coordinates error
- I do not know much about this tool..but pressing ok produces the below message.....
03:46 PM Revision f48aff82 (qgis): Adjusting Tip once more and fixing a bug with http link
03:21 PM Revision a65a6b7b (qgis): [Plugin Installer] Fix urls excluded from proxy (#8092)
12:51 PM Bug report #8101: "Save as" on a large PostGIS point layer doesn't work
- Just tried again but without checking the *Skip attribute creation* box. The only real difference here was that the D...
12:19 PM Bug report #8101: "Save as" on a large PostGIS point layer doesn't work
- Interesting: I ran the same operation back to back (with the filtered dataset). It took 6 minutes the first time, 19 ...
12:09 PM Bug report #8101: "Save as" on a large PostGIS point layer doesn't work
- Here's that file of the heatmap errors.
12:09 PM Bug report #8101: "Save as" on a large PostGIS point layer doesn't work
- OK, on the export of the filtered subset of only about 6000 points, it takes about 6 minutes to complete. I've attach...
11:48 AM Bug report #8101: "Save as" on a large PostGIS point layer doesn't work
- This is interesting. I get the same symptom if I use the *Filter* feature to bring the layer down to about 6000 point...
11:25 AM Bug report #8101 (Feedback): "Save as" on a large PostGIS point layer doesn't work
- I tested with a 568k polygon layer on a remote postgis server, and it took about 2 minutes to export it as shape (wit...
09:26 AM Bug report #8101 (Closed): "Save as" on a large PostGIS point layer doesn't work
- On 1.8.0 and 1.9 192e130, I load a PostGIS layer with 2,889,598 points. These represent a few years' worth of a type ...
12:31 PM Revision 695704de (qgis): Changing tip according to the new Plugins Manager, thanks to Richard fo...
11:28 AM Bug report #8109 (Closed): Heatmap module uses DOS 8.3-compatible file extensions for GeoTIFF
- When creating a new GeoTIFF heatmap, the Heatmap module uses a *.tif* extension. Please use *.tiff*. *.tif* is a hold...
11:14 AM Revision 7a2ff543 (qgis): Added SIP version test to delimited text test script
11:10 AM Bug report #8108 (Feedback): 'Select by location' does not show selection on map
- it works fine here with a build from yesterday on Linux. What build are you using? platform?
10:25 AM Bug report #8108 (Closed): 'Select by location' does not show selection on map
- If one runs a 'Select by location' in QGIS 1.9.0-Master, the map is not updated with the new selection. If you, after...
10:33 AM Revision 9eacb745 (qgis): translation update sv by Victor
09:04 AM Bug report #8072: Use more modern default font for labels on Windows
- > *Please notice that actually*
> *qgis will use the posgres 8.3 libraries that are all dismissed.*
> *This mean the ... -
08:52 AM Bug report #8072: Use more modern default font for labels on Windows
- I agree the windows is not a primary consideration
Infact we are just moved on Linux with MapServer.
And plan to use ... -
07:25 AM Bug report #8072: Use more modern default font for labels on Windows
- Windows Server 2003 is already out of mainstream support, and no service packs have been made for it since 2009: http...
07:20 AM Bug report #8072: Use more modern default font for labels on Windows
- >Therefore, the rare Windows machine that don't have Calibri and can't even use one of the free ways of getting it is...
07:02 AM Bug report #8072: Use more modern default font for labels on Windows
- > *The question is to think to project qgis like a project for only that machine where it born (for you eyes only) or...
08:57 AM Bug report #8041: crs selector dialog broken in new spatialite layer window
- now it seems that the issue changed as the CRS can be choosen but not from the "recently used..." list.
06:24 AM Bug report #8092 (Closed): Python plugin installer: cannot load from local repository when Proxy ...
- It should be fixed in commit:a65a6b7bd84769e79
although I have no proxy to test it. Please reopen if still broken. -
06:24 AM Bug report #8092 (Closed): Python plugin installer: cannot load from local repository when Proxy ...
- It should be fixed in commit:a65a6b7bd84769e79
although I have no proxy to test it. Please reopen if still broken. -
06:24 AM Bug report #8092 (Closed): Python plugin installer: cannot load from local repository when Proxy ...
- It should be fixed in commit:a65a6b7bd84769e79
although I have no proxy to test it. Please reopen if still broken. -
05:47 AM Bug report #8067: layer with cylindrical equal-area projection does not render correctly
- Yes that is the correct projection. It is cylindrical equal-area with a non-standard reference location (E90 N30).
05:34 AM Bug report #8067: layer with cylindrical equal-area projection does not render correctly
- Brian Sipos wrote:
> Attached is the shape causing issues. I re-encoded as SQLite to keep a single file, but the same... -
04:29 AM Revision 3d7b802d (qgis): Merge pull request #664 from vinayan/topofix
- [Fix #8095] - fix topology error markers
04:20 AM Revision 5f172500 (qgis): fix topology error markers
03:03 AM Bug report #8099 (Closed): Spatialite errors not meaningful
- When trying to connect to a spatialite db with missing columns in the tables "geometry_columns" or "spatial_ref_sys" ...
02:41 AM Bug report #8094 (Closed): mistake in Fr translation "Generation d'atals" in the composer
01:55 AM Bug report #8072: Use more modern default font for labels on Windows
- The question is to think to project qgis like a project for only that machine where it born (for you eyes only) or f...
07:33 PM Bug report #8072: Use more modern default font for labels on Windows
- I'm glad you're thinking outside the box, but I have four concerns:
# The fonts they mimic or intend to replace (Time... -
02:30 PM Bug report #8072: Use more modern default font for labels on Windows
- Why not use the Font Liberation ?
It is free and public and so it could ... -
09:27 PM Bug report #6710: QGIS appears to support editing joined tables, but it really does not
- This has improved somewhat in master. If you try to delete a joined column or edit a joined field it fails silently,...
09:15 PM Bug report #8098 (Closed): QGIS trunk fail to compile with PyQT 4.10.2
- I am using ArchLinux and making a local package of QGIS trunk. It fails after PyQT upgrades to 4.10.2 today....
08:17 PM Bug report #6864: "number of candidates" setting is ignored in composer maps
- > that at least for point layers,
I just tested with current master and it occurs with polygon layers to. I haven'... -
07:29 PM Bug report #8095 (Closed): Topology checker crashes qgis when clicking on "new project" or when r...
- Fixed in changeset commit:"3d7b802dc514912a695b26885e398f5266906e1f".
12:53 PM Bug report #8095 (Closed): Topology checker crashes qgis when clicking on "new project" or when r...
- Hi,
The topological errors found by the topology checker and identified in red does not disappear, even after doing ... -
05:34 PM Revision f0f72ca8 (qgis): Add SIP and Python unit test for overview autocentering.
- Work funded by Tuscany Region - SITA. Contract "Support to the use
of GFOSS (Geographic Free and Open Source Software... -
05:34 PM Revision 9d20a69b (qgis): Add unit test for autocentering of overview
- Work funded by Tuscany Region - SITA. Contract "Support to the use
of GFOSS (Geographic Free and Open Source Software... -
05:32 PM Revision 1556185d (qgis): Add autocentering of overview
- Work funded by Tuscany Region - SITA. Contract "Support to the use
of GFOSS (Geographic Free and Open Source Software... -
04:59 PM Revision bdd61d59 (qgis): Only cleanup python on exit if loaded
- Fix #8085
04:42 PM Revision dd0e86f2 (qgis): [gdaltools] SIP API update
04:32 PM Revision 37b5df78 (qgis): [gdaltools] More SIP API updates
03:52 PM Revision 43868609 (qgis): [gdaltools] More SIP API update
01:44 PM Bug report #8096 (Closed): Show all layers / Hide all layers problem on Canvas
- Hi,
When you click on "Layer -> Show all layers" or "Layer -> Hide all layers", the option is applied in the TOC but... -
01:25 PM Revision 1f10010e (qgis): Fixes #8061
08:43 AM Bug report #8085: A 64 bits build on Windows crash on exit
- OK, I'll provide feedback on that issue of the developers list but I found bit more on this and another trouble.
08:37 AM Bug report #8085 (Closed): A 64 bits build on Windows crash on exit
- Closing as the original issue is solved.
It would not complain if you have no python support (to test, try to open t... -
08:26 AM Bug report #8085: A 64 bits build on Windows crash on exit
- Things are getting better. With that condition it now exits cleanly but your question makes me think there is somethi...
07:55 AM Bug report #8085: A 64 bits build on Windows crash on exit
- Maybe you did not compile / load the python library at all?
Can you try to update the code to use the following if:
... -
07:43 AM Bug report #8085: A 64 bits build on Windows crash on exit
- I have some experience with VS debugging but never with a dump file so I don't really know how it would work. I'm afr...
07:20 AM Bug report #8085: A 64 bits build on Windows crash on exit
- I just realized, that I am not even able to extract a backtrace from the dump file without the matching binaries. I a...
06:12 AM Bug report #8085: A 64 bits build on Windows crash on exit
- zipped the file size dropped to 1.4 Mb so it should pass now
04:09 AM Bug report #8085: A 64 bits build on Windows crash on exit
- Joaquim Luis wrote:
> No no python code executed. Only opening and close causes the dump generation.
> I am trying to... -
04:06 AM Bug report #8085: A 64 bits build on Windows crash on exit
- No no python code executed. Only opening and close causes the dump generation.
I am trying to upload the dump but I s... -
08:38 AM Bug report #8094 (Closed): mistake in Fr translation "Generation d'atals" in the composer
- "Generation d'atals" instead of "generation d'atlas"
08:37 AM Bug report #8093 (Closed): IGNF:LAMB1, 1C, 2, 2C, 2E, 3, C, 4, 4C error message
- French metropolitan Lambert SCR, excepté L93, leads to error message :
poursuivre la transformation de ...... -
08:25 AM Bug report #8092 (Closed): Python plugin installer: cannot load from local repository when Proxy ...
- When one has a Plugin repository at a local server inside a local network one cannot use the local plugin repository ...
07:25 AM Bug report #8091 (Closed): Delaunay triangulation script attribute arror
- Thank you for filling this bug.
This problem is solved already in commit:b96f67b
Please update (in case your reposit... -
07:11 AM Bug report #8091 (Closed): Delaunay triangulation script attribute arror
- Hello,
When I use Delaunay triangulation of fTools of Qgis version 1.9.0+git20130615+192e130~precise-ubuntugis1 (pre... -
06:55 AM Bug report #8089 (Closed): Errors with polygonize and rasterize
- Thank you for reporting.
These issues should be resolved, but please keep us posted on further errors -
05:46 AM Bug report #8089 (Closed): Errors with polygonize and rasterize
- Updated this morning and changeset does indeed fix most errors in GdalTools and Ftools. However, errors remains in po...
06:53 AM Bug report #8090 (Closed): Heatmap plugin resets rows and columns whenever I change the radius
- In the Heatmap plugin, if I change the *Rows* field for a heatmap in the *Advanced* section, which automagically chan...
06:42 AM Bug report #8067: layer with cylindrical equal-area projection does not render correctly
- Attached is the shape causing issues. I re-encoded as SQLite to keep a single file, but the same drawing issue occurs...
06:34 AM Bug report #8067: layer with cylindrical equal-area projection does not render correctly
- Brian Sipos wrote:
> It's relative large in size (1.5 MiB) but I can send the shape files if needed to diagnose this... -
06:31 AM Bug report #8067: layer with cylindrical equal-area projection does not render correctly
- Yes, I just installed QGIS master code rev. 28efcda and this issue is present. I free-hand drew some arbitrary layer ...
04:38 AM Bug report #8061 (Closed): python bindings for legendInterface().groupLayerRelationship() gives s...
- Fixed in changeset commit:"1f10010ebf064ce31a53af2917231bd9ac41e413".
04:04 AM Bug report #8030: Old labeling does not work in 1.9
- I can confirm this problem when compiling master on many Linux distributions.
03:37 AM Bug report #7802: "Join attributes by location" in qgis master has a memory leak and leads to crash
- Hi all, i confirm that now it works, the memory leak is resolved.
02:56 AM Bug report #7845: Topology checker crashes qgis when using the "must not have gaps" rule
- vinayan Parameswaran wrote:
> Giovanni..not at all..simply that rule will not run if the geometry contains such an er... -
02:26 AM Bug report #7845: Topology checker crashes qgis when using the "must not have gaps" rule
- Giovanni..not at all..simply that rule will not run if the geometry contains such an error..i am still working out wh...
02:18 AM Bug report #7845: Topology checker crashes qgis when using the "must not have gaps" rule
- vinayan Parameswaran wrote:
> I will fix the crash today or tomorrow.. it is due to an error in the geometry(multiple... -
02:49 AM Bug report #8088 (Feedback): extract projection fails
- it works here on the latest master revision. Can you attach sample data? cheers.
02:34 AM Bug report #8088 (Closed): extract projection fails
- This occurs after I select a tif:...
02:39 AM Bug report #7928 (Closed): SIGABRT when adding labels
02:37 AM Bug report #7928: SIGABRT when adding labels
- Marco Hugentobler wrote:
> commit:6370153e81bba76997ec1db5c1296f71b284c256 should solve the problem with ring-less po...
01:36 AM Bug report #8087 (Closed): QGIS crash when read layer from mssql
- Error in terminal:
# qgis
(If push the button connect to mssql)
*** Error in `/usr/bin/qgis.bin': malloc(): memory co... -
01:29 AM Bug report #8003: Font is not written to table when using change label properties tool
- Thanks Larry,
Bug solved for me. I couldn't reproduce the issue vith bold/italic stuff. Do I close the ticket?
12:40 AM Bug report #7845: Topology checker crashes qgis when using the "must not have gaps" rule
- I will fix the crash today or tomorrow.. it is due to an error in the geometry(multiple nodes at the same coordinate....
12:13 AM Bug report #7845: Topology checker crashes qgis when using the "must not have gaps" rule
- No patch so far .. I've been only working on the UI ..
Don't have the skills to debug that error though I think it sh... -
06:00 AM Bug report #7845: Topology checker crashes qgis when using the "must not have gaps" rule
- Werner Macho wrote:
> Thanks for the Clearification .. so the Tolerance should be kept hidden from beginning on.. Bec... -
12:28 AM Feature request #7779 (Closed): Add possibility for labels to not register as collision in label ...
12:16 AM Bug report #8014 (Closed): simple sextante model to merge raster layers (via gdal) not working
12:06 AM Bug report #7520 (Closed): Stop browser from resetting when Save is clicked or new project is opened
10:28 PM Bug report #7520: Stop browser from resetting when Save is clicked or new project is opened
- Agreed, seems fixed now.
10:23 AM Bug report #7520: Stop browser from resetting when Save is clicked or new project is opened
- 1.9.0+git20130614+07ea0aa~unstable1 is from 2013/06/14.
The fix (commit:fec833f) was introduced later (2016/06/15). -
10:05 AM Bug report #7520: Stop browser from resetting when Save is clicked or new project is opened
- I'm getting the crash with 1.9.0+git20130614+07ea0aa~unstable1
10:03 AM Bug report #7520 (Feedback): Stop browser from resetting when Save is clicked or new project is o...
- #7931 seems to be related and is fixed since yesterday. Can this one be closed as well?
11:59 PM Revision 28efcda1 (qgis): [pyqgis-console] small update to help
11:31 PM Bug report #8085: A 64 bits build on Windows crash on exit
- That call was inserted recently to cleanup the python environment.
I can imagine that this problem is unrelated to yo... -
03:16 PM Bug report #8085: A 64 bits build on Windows crash on exit
- OK, that worked. The crash dump is now 10 Mb
It crashes in the QgisApp::~QgisApp() destructor, near its end at
m... -
01:33 PM Bug report #8085: A 64 bits build on Windows crash on exit
- Joaquim Luis wrote:
> Tried to build a debug version but errors at
> [...]
Try RelWithDebInfo
01:30 PM Bug report #8085: A 64 bits build on Windows crash on exit
- Tried to build a debug version but errors at...
01:25 PM Bug report #8085: A 64 bits build on Windows crash on exit
- confirm crash while exit on win7 64bit.
Screenshot with dmp popup is attached. -
12:59 PM Bug report #8085: A 64 bits build on Windows crash on exit
- Dump file did not go through. Size limits?
12:57 PM Bug report #8085: A 64 bits build on Windows crash on exit
- Here goes the dump file
12:37 PM Bug report #8085: A 64 bits build on Windows crash on exit
- Produce a backtrace please.
12:34 PM Bug report #8085 (Closed): A 64 bits build on Windows crash on exit
- Hi,
I built a 64 bits version using pure native dependencies, that is everything id build with VS2010 64 bits.
Altho... -
11:02 PM Revision 27d3db70 (qgis): german translation update
10:52 PM Revision 672053de (qgis): pre translation update 10 days to String Freeze
09:41 PM Revision 06272115 (qgis): fix #8082
09:28 PM Revision 65b0cd92 (qgis): fix #8083 (MultiSurfaces not supported)
08:55 PM Bug report #6785: Error while trying to edit a parameter in a model
- In Arch Linux I get the same error as:
Warning: QLayout: Attempting to add QLayout "" to ModelerParameterDefinitionD... -
07:42 PM Revision 883785cd (qgis): Merge pull request #663 from Jean-Roc/mywork
- update fr ui
04:40 PM Revision e8f7c139 (qgis): Merge pull request #634 from vinayan/offlineFixWin
- Offline Editing Plugin - Windows Fix
03:10 PM Revision 449c2a23 (qgis): Include joined fields when merging QgsFields
02:58 PM Revision d0024238 (qgis): [attrtable] Fix button checked state
- The wrong button was checked, when the view mode was not changed with a button click but another event.
02:58 PM Revision d0d381a0 (qgis): Adjust data type
- 02:45 PM Revision bb8e47fc (qgis): Change build path.txt to be more unique
02:21 PM Revision e3608db6 (qgis): [ftools] More SIP API updates
01:55 PM Revision c7a5e0f7 (qgis): attribute editor: return NULL QVariant instead of invalid QVariant
01:10 PM Revision 9b242c28 (qgis): correct a typo
12:57 PM Bug report #8084:
- Joaquim Luis wrote:
> How can it be broken if I manually fix the makefiles to point to sip location and than it works... -
12:52 PM Bug report #8084:
- How can it be broken if I manually fix the makefiles to point to sip location and than it works?
12:36 PM Bug report #8084 (Closed):
- sounds like you sip install is broken.
12:36 PM Bug report #8084 (Closed):
- sounds like you sip install is broken.
11:56 AM Bug report #8084:
- Hi,
please use meaningful subjects/titles. -
11:54 AM Bug report #8084 (Closed):
- Fails to find sip. For example, running some commands from the file...
12:48 PM Revision da70422f (qgis): update french translation
12:42 PM Bug report #8082 (Closed): FindGEOS.cmake
- Fixed in changeset commit:"06272115d533fa9d2ae79dba2fd5fb8ad1c3175f".
11:50 AM Bug report #8082 (Closed): FindGEOS.cmake
- The repeated occurrence of GEOS_LIBRARY at line 33-34 is an error as it will cause a linking error when code will try...
12:28 PM Bug report #8083 (Closed): segfault on wms getfeatureinfo with format=feature (master 449c2a2)
- Fixed in changeset commit:"65b0cd924302fe0eb82e0ebf6d948f3cc74a0603".
12:02 PM Bug report #8083: segfault on wms getfeatureinfo with format=feature (master 449c2a2)
- no, don't think so. Switching between the different output formats was not available in 1.8 yet
11:55 AM Bug report #8083: segfault on wms getfeatureinfo with format=feature (master 449c2a2)
- is this a regression since 1.8 and/or previous master versions?
11:54 AM Bug report #8083 (Closed): segfault on wms getfeatureinfo with format=feature (master 449c2a2)
- When loading a wms (eg and then select layer 'bladindex'), loading ...
11:34 AM Revision f6ae6c48 (qgis): [Gdaltools] SIP API update (Fix #8074)
11:34 AM Feature request #8080: Plugin Manager's "Repository details" dialog should indicate version query...
- Oops, I meant to file this as a feature request! Can someone fix?
11:33 AM Feature request #8080 (Closed): Plugin Manager's "Repository details" dialog should indicate vers...
- #8079 was a false alarm because I did not catch that a *?qgis=2.0* querystring is appended to whatever is specified i...
11:33 AM Bug report #8079: Plugin Manager arbitrarily excludes some plugins
- #8080
11:29 AM Bug report #8079: Plugin Manager arbitrarily excludes some plugins
- *?qgis=2.0* is what I was missing! In *Plugin Manager* > *Settings*, I double-clicked on the repository under *Plugin...
11:22 AM Bug report #8079: Plugin Manager arbitrarily excludes some plugins
- Aren Cambre wrote:
> You're saying that is not correct then? It says both... -
11:17 AM Bug report #8079: Plugin Manager arbitrarily excludes some plugins
- You're saying that is not correct then? It says both plugins have the sam...
11:11 AM Bug report #8079 (Closed): Plugin Manager arbitrarily excludes some plugins
- most plugins have not yet been updated to work in the latest master revision, Openlayers is one of them. New memory l...
11:11 AM Bug report #8079 (Closed): Plugin Manager arbitrarily excludes some plugins
- most plugins have not yet been updated to work in the latest master revision, Openlayers is one of them. New memory l...
11:10 AM Bug report #8079 (Closed): Plugin Manager arbitrarily excludes some plugins
- Plugin Manager appears to be arbitrarily excluding some plugins.
Example: In -
11:06 AM Revision b96f67b8 (qgis): [ftools] Fix "Polygon from layer extent" (#8074)
10:33 AM Feature request #8078 (Closed): Heatmap plugin should remember prior run's settings
- I've had a few situations where I am experimenting with Heatmap plugin settings, progressively refining the settings ...
09:59 AM Bug report #7876: Vector Clip causes QGIS master crash
- Matthias Kuhn wrote:
> Please check if this was solved with the fixed memory leak in the OGR provider.
confirmed on ... -
04:46 AM Bug report #7876 (Open): Vector Clip causes QGIS master crash
- Matthias Kuhn wrote:
> Please check if this was solved with the fixed memory leak in the OGR provider.
The leak seem... -
04:46 AM Bug report #7876 (Open): Vector Clip causes QGIS master crash
- Matthias Kuhn wrote:
> Please check if this was solved with the fixed memory leak in the OGR provider.
The leak seem... -
04:46 AM Bug report #7876 (Open): Vector Clip causes QGIS master crash
- Matthias Kuhn wrote:
> Please check if this was solved with the fixed memory leak in the OGR provider.
The leak seem... -
04:46 AM Bug report #7876 (Open): Vector Clip causes QGIS master crash
- Matthias Kuhn wrote:
> Please check if this was solved with the fixed memory leak in the OGR provider.
The leak seem... -
04:46 AM Bug report #7876 (Open): Vector Clip causes QGIS master crash
- Matthias Kuhn wrote:
> Please check if this was solved with the fixed memory leak in the OGR provider.
The leak seem... -
09:50 AM Bug report #7624: QGIS crashes when pressing OK on the heatmap dialog
- Aren Cambre wrote:
> Just want to confirm I am still seeing this behavior. If I don't hit *...* and select a file pat... -
09:39 AM Bug report #7624: QGIS crashes when pressing OK on the heatmap dialog
- Just want to confirm I am still seeing this behavior. If I don't hit *...* and select a file path, I get a minidump. ...
09:45 AM Bug report #8077: Heatmap plugin doesn't release file after it's created
- Turns out that QGIS in fact opened the heatmap as another layer immediately after creating the heatmap. It just took ...
09:41 AM Bug report #8077 (Closed): Heatmap plugin doesn't release file after it's created
- I just used the Heatmap plugin to create a heatmap. Per Process Explorer, QGIS retains a lock on the file even when i...
08:41 AM Bug report #8076 (Closed): Undocking panel = area that's not redrawn
- In the attached image, I undocked the *Log Messages* window by dragging its title bar. Note how the area where it was...
06:14 AM Bug report #8019 (Closed): Column listing Oracle table fields: sort order incorrect
06:12 AM Bug report #8019 (Resolved): Column listing Oracle table fields: sort order incorrect
- fixed in commit:3d9d1eeb
06:12 AM Bug report #8019 (Resolved): Column listing Oracle table fields: sort order incorrect
- fixed in commit:3d9d1eeb
05:46 AM Bug report #7428: union progress bar does not move, wrong result, too big result
- Now it seems the Union tool is broken after the SIP update, the message is (notice that it just shows in the log pane...
05:24 AM Bug report #7990: labelling/selection of WFS multi part geometries fails
- Larry Shaffer wrote:
> Thanks for the URL.
> This appears to be related to issue #7928. There is something wrong i... -
05:04 AM Bug report #7420 (Closed): "sum line lenghts" never ends (freezes qgis)/memory leak
03:41 AM Bug report #8069: Ftools random points: a python error
- The error (unicode object has no attribute contains) should be resolved. I will leave it open for the missing check f...
02:57 AM Revision 4b8f3c72 (qgis): Save/restore window geometry for change label properties dialog
02:56 AM Revision 9e2c4a09 (qgis): Fix for #8003, font not written to table when using change label proper...
- The following have been updated/added to match layer's new labeling gui:
- Comboboxes for font family and style
- But... -
02:36 AM Bug report #8074 (Closed): Numerous Ftools, GDALtools, give errors as of update 6/12
- Fixed in changeset commit:"f6ae6c48b35a1f858a78f890c050f10b4ef481cf".
02:24 AM Bug report #8075 (Closed): New polygon blank attribute window as of update 6/12
02:23 AM Bug report #8075: New polygon blank attribute window as of update 6/12
- Thanks Matthias. You are correct. It was not set to autogenerate by default. After selecting autogenerate it works fine.
02:23 AM Bug report #8075: New polygon blank attribute window as of update 6/12
- I also does not confirm.
02:20 AM Bug report #7451 (Closed): Dates are not written in the table of attributes when using the calend...
- Now I see,
the "date format" parameter is mandatory, without it then the widget does not work as does not use any de... -
02:20 AM Bug report #7451 (Closed): Dates are not written in the table of attributes when using the calend...
- Now I see,
the "date format" parameter is mandatory, without it then the widget does not work as does not use any de...
01:54 AM Bug report #8075 (Feedback): New polygon blank attribute window as of update 6/12
- Works here.
Can you make sure, that in "layer properties" => "Fields", the combobox for "attribute editor layout" is ... -
01:25 AM Bug report #8075 (Closed): New polygon blank attribute window as of update 6/12
- Hi all,
I've also found a peculiar problem when creating new polygons. After finishing drawing the polygon, the attr... -
01:15 AM Bug report #8074 (Closed): Numerous Ftools, GDALtools, give errors as of update 6/12
- Hi all,
I updated yesterday, and then again today. Yesterday's update (which was labeled as 20130612) and today's up... -
01:08 AM Bug report #7876 (Feedback): Vector Clip causes QGIS master crash
- Please check if this was solved with the fixed memory leak in the OGR provider.
01:00 AM Bug report #7607: Crash after importing a vector layer to db using DBManager
- I cannot reproduce it either
12:45 AM Bug report #8073 (Closed): Crash when loading PostGIS raster
- Loading PostGIS native rasters through DB Manager is slow but effective. When loading an out-of-db (registered throug...
10:44 PM Revision 192e1301 (qgis): replace foo.replace( QRegExp(regexp), bar) with re.sub(regexp,bar,foo) ...
10:16 PM Revision b98e1e05 (qgis): german translation update
10:16 PM Revision e4490786 (qgis): fix translation strings (fixes #8057)
09:47 PM Revision 6199c2ca (qgis): Merge pull request #661 from leyan/custom_CRS
- Update CRS cache when deleting a custom CRS
08:35 PM Revision fb157251 (qgis): german translation update
08:30 PM Bug report #8058 (Closed): No update of CRS cache when modifying a custom CRS
- Yes, can be closed for me, the main issue is solved.
12:53 PM Bug report #8058: No update of CRS cache when modifying a custom CRS
- >I added a pull request to deal with deleted custom CRS
Applied. It would also be possible to just delete the crs ca... -
04:38 AM Bug report #8058 (Feedback): No update of CRS cache when modifying a custom CRS
- can this be closed?
06:02 PM Bug report #8003: Font is not written to table when using change label properties tool
- Hi Régis,
Should be fixed with commit commit:9e2c4a0 Please test.
There remains an unrelated issue when bold and/or... -
04:44 PM Revision 2d140d5a (qgis): Add documentation for date format in editor widget configuration
04:25 PM Bug report #8068: Wrong font display in qgis server
- Larry Shaffer wrote:
> could you see if it also happens when a font size is defined in map units (like UTM meters)?
... -
04:20 PM Bug report #8068: Wrong font display in qgis server
- Assuming this is for fonts defined as points (is it?), as a test, could you see if it also happens when a font size i...
04:18 PM Bug report #8068: Wrong font display in qgis server
- I believe this may be due to my recent reworking of that part of labeling engine. I'll be working on #3975 next (same...
04:57 AM Bug report #8068: Wrong font display in qgis server
- Confirmed the issue with font sizes. I cannot see any problem with transparencies of both features or labels.
04:12 PM Bug report #8072: Use more modern default font for labels on Windows
- Thanks! I was hoping there was some meta-font you could use, similar to *MS Shell Dlg*, but I couldn't figure one out...
04:04 PM Bug report #8072: Use more modern default font for labels on Windows
- Hi Aren,
Thank you very much for pointing this out, and for providing excellent reference links. I agree it should b... -
12:45 PM Bug report #8072 (Closed): Use more modern default font for labels on Windows
- On Windows, the labeler uses *MS Shell Dlg* font for labels by default. This appears to be a holdover from olden days...
03:01 PM Revision d256fd8c (qgis): [ftools] Further SIP API updates
03:01 PM Revision 1aa8a17f (qgis): Fix some memory management issues
- aka reduce noise in valgrind memory analyzer
01:50 PM Bug report #8069: Ftools random points: a python error
- Hi Filipe,
Filipe Dias wrote:
> Of course it should not be empty. But a warning message should be displayed (e.g. Th... -
06:37 AM Bug report #8069: Ftools random points: a python error
- Of course it should not be empty. But a warning message should be displayed (e.g. The selected field has NULL values)...
06:30 AM Bug report #8069 (Open): Ftools random points: a python error
- If you choose a column with no values (and it should have something to work) then the error is the one you report.
A... -
06:30 AM Bug report #8069 (Open): Ftools random points: a python error
- If you choose a column with no values (and it should have something to work) then the error is the one you report.
A... -
06:30 AM Bug report #8069 (Open): Ftools random points: a python error
- If you choose a column with no values (and it should have something to work) then the error is the one you report.
A... -
06:30 AM Bug report #8069 (Open): Ftools random points: a python error
- If you choose a column with no values (and it should have something to work) then the error is the one you report.
A... -
06:23 AM Bug report #8069 (Feedback): Ftools random points: a python error
- Filipe Dias wrote:
> Im using the latest version before the SIP update.
then you should re-test after updating, the ... -
05:40 AM Bug report #8069: Ftools random points: a python error
- Im using the latest version before the SIP update.
05:13 AM Bug report #8069 (Closed): Ftools random points: a python error
- Steps to reproduce
Random points
Use value from input field (in this case "id" which is NULL)
Define output
Ru... -
01:47 PM Bug report #8066 (Closed): trying to run a sql query on a database through db manage broken, thro...
- Fixed in changeset commit:"192e13013b24d8c3be3584555db11b9ab61dec37".
01:17 PM Bug report #8057 (Closed): Invalid translation strings
- Fixed in changeset commit:"e44907868299f013b7d0a8f54f00dc0a5dd916b3".
12:54 PM Bug report #8071: Inconsistent icons in qgis 2.0 default theme
- The inconsistent icons of qgis core tools are
* add oracle layer
* add sql server layer
* add sql anywhere layer
* a... -
12:54 PM Bug report #8071: Inconsistent icons in qgis 2.0 default theme
- The inconsistent icons of qgis core tools are
* add oracle layer
* add sql server layer
* add sql anywhere layer
* a... -
12:13 PM Bug report #8071 (Closed): Inconsistent icons in qgis 2.0 default theme
- In 07ea0aa, the icons for adding new layers are inconsistent. All seem to use a newer style except for MSSQL and Oracle.
- 12:50 PM Revision 36e1b3b1 (qgis): Fix python console for Python 2.6
11:43 AM Revision d4165550 (qgis): Som fTools fixes for SIP API updates
11:43 AM Revision 54956db9 (qgis): Improved implementation
11:43 AM Revision 5cbfe078 (qgis): Fix memory leak in ogr provider
11:43 AM Revision b6770be7 (qgis): [ftools] Fix "Join attributes by location"
11:43 AM Revision 9fc01a6d (qgis): Fix memory leak in QgsFeature sip api
09:47 AM Revision e27fe3b2 (qgis): Merge pull request #660 from minorua/grad_it
- fix a iteration
08:56 AM Bug report #8070 (Closed): When saving, QGIS doesn't default to your own documents directory
- On Windows 7, it is normative for QGIS to default to your own documents directory (*C:\\Users\\_username_\\Documents*...
08:47 AM Revision 3bcf890d (qgis): Update CRS cache when deleting a custom CRS
08:30 AM Revision 964d7b4b (qgis): fix a iteration
- 06:03 AM Revision fec833f1 (qgis): Fix crash when creating/loading projects. Fixes #7931
05:14 AM Bug report #7802: "Join attributes by location" in qgis master has a memory leak and leads to crash
- Well possible. It was in the OGR provider whenever a feature was requested with FilterFid.
04:19 AM Bug report #7802: "Join attributes by location" in qgis master has a memory leak and leads to crash
- Matthias Kuhn wrote:
> Fixed in commit:5cbfe07
> Can you please verify that:
> * The tool works properly again
> * Th... -
02:47 AM Bug report #7802 (Closed): "Join attributes by location" in qgis master has a memory leak and lea...
- Fixed in commit:5cbfe07
Can you please verify that:
* The tool works properly again
* The memory leak issue is resolved -
05:02 AM Revision 6c2689ed (qgis): Merge pull request #659 from slarosa/fix_8065
- [DB Manager] Fixes #8065
04:43 AM Bug report #4419: Improve random colour ramps
- Nyall Dawson wrote:
> Fixed in changeset commit:"f01206565847655d1caee64d342d999988c66491".
bump, see #4419-5 -
04:36 AM Bug report #8067 (Feedback): layer with cylindrical equal-area projection does not render correctly
- Does this happens on QGIS master? please try and report back. cheers.
02:31 AM Revision 9f3a8791 (qgis): also handle ringless polygons with GEOS <3.3 (follows 6370153e)
01:18 AM Bug report #8066: trying to run a sql query on a database through db manage broken, throws error
- can not be reproduced here on the latest master (Linux).
I don't understand why it happens on Windows, maybe convert... -
11:14 PM Bug report #8066: trying to run a sql query on a database through db manage broken, throws error
- affects me too, same description.
02:29 AM Bug report #8066 (Closed): trying to run a sql query on a database through db manage broken, thro...
- Steps to reproduce:
1. Open db manager
2. Enter into a database (spatialite or postgis, doesn't matter)
3. Open the S... -
01:03 AM Feature request #7981: Add SVG symbol sets
- Another possible one:
Thanks Werner! -
12:21 AM Bug report #8068 (Closed): Wrong font display in qgis server
- Fonts in qgs-server are bigger than in the client, and look much worse (rasterized?). Confirmed in two different inst...
12:17 AM Revision abcc8b16 (qgis): Fixes #8065
11:52 PM Bug report #8058: No update of CRS cache when modifying a custom CRS
This works for me. Actually the behavior is not exactly the same, as the layers are reprojected automatically as soo...-
04:47 AM Bug report #8058: No update of CRS cache when modifying a custom CRS
- The updateCRSCache function is fine. However, there is also a crs transform cache that copies the crs and that needs ...
09:05 PM Bug report #7931: QGIS crashes when clicking "new project" or in program exit if a layer was adde...
- Should be fixed now.
- 09:03 PM Bug report #7931 (Closed): QGIS crashes when clicking "new project" or in program exit if a layer...
- Fixed in changeset commit:"fec833f14553effb2d242f6832c6b17198337987".
09:03 PM Revision 684aa98e (qgis): fix GdalTools assign and extract projection
09:03 PM Revision 84d77663 (qgis): fix gdaltools merge, tileindex and info
09:03 PM Revision 5e98be12 (qgis): fix GdalTools warp
09:03 PM Revision 07ea0aa1 (qgis): fix GdalTools contour
08:51 PM Revision 6370153e (qgis): Prevent crash in case of invalid geometries
08:02 PM Bug report #8065 (Closed): db manager throws errors when expending spatialite database node
- Fixed in changeset commit:"6c2689edc35648100dcf197582d280eba4a80714".
02:54 AM Bug report #8065: db manager throws errors when expending spatialite database node
- should not be blocker?
02:24 AM Bug report #8065 (Closed): db manager throws errors when expending spatialite database node
- Steps to reproduce:
1. Open db manager
2. Expend the spatialite node, and expend any spatialite database present
3. Q... -
07:57 PM Revision 08fc298f (qgis): add a special value to update threshold spinbox (follows e09683b1)
06:09 PM Revision 7cceaaf7 (qgis): replace QgsRasterLayer::buildSupportedRasterFileFilter() with QgsProvid...
03:38 PM Bug report #8047 (Closed): gdaltool's input / ouptut file selector broken following SIP upgrade
- Fixed by Etienne in commit:84d77663d8478e14dbd6534d624545a632db7307
03:38 PM Bug report #8047 (Closed): gdaltool's input / ouptut file selector broken following SIP upgrade
- Fixed by Etienne in commit:84d77663d8478e14dbd6534d624545a632db7307
03:33 PM Revision 3efe9e3b (qgis): translation update: adding new finnish translator and language update
02:34 PM Revision 00b14dca (qgis): some translation string fixes and german translation update
02:01 PM Revision 0b0fe7d1 (qgis): run stacktrace to c++filt automatically, when available
01:40 PM Revision 40614451 (qgis): --amend
01:40 PM Revision 1962c3c4 (qgis): add an update CRS cache function, still not effective though
01:40 PM Revision b8a2f0c1 (qgis): Update also crs transform cache if a crs has been updated
12:35 PM Bug report #8067 (Closed): layer with cylindrical equal-area projection does not render correctly
- I am importing some line-string data along with a set of political-boundary reference lines as separate layers. When ...
11:59 AM Bug report #7928 (Feedback): SIGABRT when adding labels
- commit:6370153e81bba76997ec1db5c1296f71b284c256 should solve the problem with ring-less polygons. Do you confirm?
10:54 AM Bug report #8027 (Closed): qgis-server doesn't understand correctly the relative path
- I close the ticket this work correctly on other external system, as reported.
So the only possible cause can be an in... -
10:54 AM Bug report #8027 (Closed): qgis-server doesn't understand correctly the relative path
- I close the ticket this work correctly on other external system, as reported.
So the only possible cause can be an in... -
09:46 AM Bug report #8027: qgis-server doesn't understand correctly the relative path
- I tested using a subfolder as relative path.
Still it is not working.
More precisely.
I'm able to connect to the qgi... -
09:51 AM Revision 2a81aba5 (qgis): [Plugin Manager] Don't crash on invalid values from QSettings
07:58 AM Bug report #7927: composer fails to export with high dpi, without any message
- Hi,
I'm running OSGEO4W master under windows 7 enterprise 64 bits service pack 1. I remember having the same proble... -
07:19 AM Bug report #8061: python bindings for legendInterface().groupLayerRelationship() gives segfault
- I am using python 2.7.3-0ubuntu7 and python-sip 4.13.3-2 in Linux Mint 14 (ubuntu quental), latest master.
The patch... -
02:28 AM Feature request #6985: Export print layout as image with world file
- I've just pushed the changeset :
01:58 AM Bug report #8063 (Closed): Does not appear buttons in left panel 'Get more' and 'Settings' from ...
- Seems you don't have any Python support enabled. If you use packages, make sure you ha...
01:58 AM Bug report #8063 (Closed): Does not appear buttons in left panel 'Get more' and 'Settings' from ...
- Seems you don't have any Python support enabled. If you use packages, make sure you ha...
07:41 PM Bug report #8063 (Closed): Does not appear buttons in left panel 'Get more' and 'Settings' from ...
- OS: Debian7 Wheezy (new GNOME) 64bits
Does not appear buttons in left panel: 'Get more' and 'Settings' from 'manage ... -
12:50 AM Bug report #8064 (Closed): Python error on QGIS 1.8.0 when running on Debian testing with latest ...
- There are no 1.8 builds for jessie - try the "nightly builds of master for unstable/sid":
12:50 AM Bug report #8064 (Closed): Python error on QGIS 1.8.0 when running on Debian testing with latest ...
- There are no 1.8 builds for jessie - try the "nightly builds of master for unstable/sid":
12:39 AM Bug report #8064: Python error on QGIS 1.8.0 when running on Debian testing with latest updates
- Giovanni Manghi wrote:
> most probably a local issue, maybe you have mixed packages?
Mixed packages of what?
This ha... -
12:21 AM Bug report #8064: Python error on QGIS 1.8.0 when running on Debian testing with latest updates
- most probably a local issue, maybe you have mixed packages?
12:16 AM Bug report #8064 (Closed): Python error on QGIS 1.8.0 when running on Debian testing with latest ...
- When launching QGIS 1.8.0 on Debian testing with latest updates an error appears:...
12:25 AM Bug report #8061: python bindings for legendInterface().groupLayerRelationship() gives segfault
- Works fine here with latest master
02:50 PM Bug report #8061: python bindings for legendInterface().groupLayerRelationship() gives segfault
- Mine is just improvisation.
The attached patch should fix the problem !
(but I do not know if it breaks something e... -
01:46 PM Bug report #8061: python bindings for legendInterface().groupLayerRelationship() gives segfault
- this happens if there are groups or not
01:44 PM Bug report #8061 (Closed): python bindings for legendInterface().groupLayerRelationship() gives s...
- I have a python plugin which uses legendInterface().groupLayerRelationship() and when trying to port it to new spiv2...
12:14 AM Revision 820a0f78 (qgis): fix #8060 (new SIP API)
10:13 PM Revision d547b25c (qgis): Fix for #8052, QGIS 2.0 does not respect labels' scale-based visibility...
- - Also fix long standing unreported bug where scales closer than 1:1, e.g. 5:1, could not be set
03:18 PM Bug report #8060 (Closed): pyplugin_installer
03:18 PM Bug report #8060: pyplugin_installer
- Fixed in commit:820a0f783f135756e9
I'd be thankful for any extensive installer testing, as I don't use proxy. -
12:59 PM Bug report #8060 (Closed): pyplugin_installer
- When using a network proxy, the python plugin installer fails with an error with the current pyQT Api switcheroo.
Th... -
03:14 PM Bug report #7927: composer fails to export with high dpi, without any message
- Hello.
I can't reproduce your bug. Exports as images (jpg) are fine for me on my test case. (QGis MASTER a3ea7ce/ Ub... -
03:07 PM Revision fecf6afc (qgis): Merge pull request #654 from imincik/slovak
- Slovak translation update.
02:59 PM Revision aeffe2ae (qgis): Slovak translation update.
01:18 PM Bug report #8052: QGIS 2.0 does not respect labels' scale-based visibility option when opening pr...
- Should be fixed with commit commit:d547b25
Please test. That commit also fixes another unreported bug where scales c... -
11:19 AM Bug report #8052: QGIS 2.0 does not respect labels' scale-based visibility option when opening pr...
- Hi Larry.
I wasn't aware of issues going from 1.9 to 2.0. I assumed that they were the same version and 2.0 was a co... -
10:37 AM Bug report #8052: QGIS 2.0 does not respect labels' scale-based visibility option when opening pr...
- Hi Duarte,
This is a known effect after recent changes to new labeling to support expressions ("mailing list posts":... -
10:37 AM Bug report #8052: QGIS 2.0 does not respect labels' scale-based visibility option when opening pr...
- Hi Duarte,
This is a known effect after recent changes to new labeling to support expressions ("mailing list posts":... -
10:37 AM Bug report #8052: QGIS 2.0 does not respect labels' scale-based visibility option when opening pr...
- Hi Duarte,
This is a known effect after recent changes to new labeling to support expressions ("mailing list posts":... -
04:15 AM Bug report #8052 (Closed): QGIS 2.0 does not respect labels' scale-based visibility option when o...
- The min/max scales are set but disabled because the checkbox is turned off.
It is a migration issue of old projects.... -
10:42 AM Revision e09683b1 (qgis): set min updateThreshold to 1000
10:12 AM Bug report #6476: data defined ellipse symbols on polygon centroid fill
- Posted email to dev mailing list to see if anyone else was working on simillar bugs: -
09:51 AM Bug report #8058 (Closed): No update of CRS cache when modifying a custom CRS
- In 1.8, if I update a custom CRS, I can directly use the new value for this CRS, while in master, I have to restart Q...
07:40 AM Bug report #8057 (Closed): Invalid translation strings
- While translating I found some strange strings:...
05:07 AM Bug report #8027: qgis-server doesn't understand correctly the relative path
- What is the OS of your server ?
--> The server OS is RedHat ES6 64 bit.
Do you have the same problem with other vect... -
04:35 AM Bug report #8027: qgis-server doesn't understand correctly the relative path
- * What is the OS of your server ?
* Do you have the same problem with other vector data file ?
* Do you use MAP param... -
04:30 AM Bug report #8027: qgis-server doesn't understand correctly the relative path
I create a db spatialite using the spatialite 4.0 or 4.1
after this I convert it to a spatialite 3.0
On a windows 7...-
04:17 AM Bug report #8027: qgis-server doesn't understand correctly the relative path
- Can you give us more information :
* How did you defined that QGIS-Server doesn't find spatialite db in relative path... -
05:00 AM Bug report #6628: plugin manager checkboxes don't render properly
- yes it looks fine.
04:52 AM Bug report #8053 (Closed): Customization not available for panels and for dialogs containing qgs ...
- duplicates #8054
04:52 AM Bug report #8053 (Closed): Customization not available for panels and for dialogs containing qgs ...
- duplicates #8054
04:38 AM Bug report #8053 (Closed): Customization not available for panels and for dialogs containing qgs ...
- 1. The rejects dialogs containing qgs widget classes, thus they are not included to the custiomizatio...
04:49 AM Feature request #7651: Settings importer from QGIS 1.x
- See the discussion:
and please don't move autom... -
04:47 AM Bug report #8056 (Closed): Ring is incorrectly interpreted if MIF is used
- QGIS should render ring as a hole in the polygon and this indeed happens with attached TAB, but not with MIF/MID.
Li... -
04:46 AM Bug report #8054: Customization not available for panels and for dialogs containing qgs widget cl...
- see also #8055
04:38 AM Bug report #8054 (Closed): Customization not available for panels and for dialogs containing qgs ...
- 1. The rejects dialogs containing qgs widget classes, thus they are not included to the custiomizatio...
04:45 AM Bug report #8055: Panels disabled in the customization config are still available in the main menu
- It's probably still valid in master, however I can't check it because of #8054.
04:44 AM Bug report #8055 (Closed): Panels disabled in the customization config are still available in the...
- Panels disabled by the customization are not listed under right-click on the toolbar area, what is ok.
However they a... -
03:09 AM Bug report #8051: setSubsetOfAttributes() doesn't work
- I suspect it's this
// TODO[MD]: just one resize of attributes
f.setFields( &L->mUpdatedFields );
In QgsVe... -
02:12 AM Bug report #8051 (Closed): setSubsetOfAttributes() doesn't work
- I try to get features within some rectangle, and want to get only some attributes without geometries. So I use next c...
03:00 AM Bug report #8047: gdaltool's input / ouptut file selector broken following SIP upgrade
- confirmed here.
03:00 AM Bug report #8047: gdaltool's input / ouptut file selector broken following SIP upgrade
- confirmed here.
02:49 AM Bug report #8046 (Closed): Missing Polygons when importing a previously exported shapefile using ...
- mmqgis is a 3rd party plugin, you must notify the author Michael Minn <[email protected]>.
cheers! -
02:49 AM Bug report #8046 (Closed): Missing Polygons when importing a previously exported shapefile using ...
- mmqgis is a 3rd party plugin, you must notify the author Michael Minn <[email protected]>.
cheers! -
02:32 AM Bug report #7940: output selection dialog crash
- Denis Rouzaud wrote:
> any idea what to look for?
> is it a problem of my OS? Although, I only experience this in QG... -
02:07 AM Feature request #8050 (Closed): improve automatic CRS attribution on loaded layer with no CRS
- QGIS could improve the non default ( ) use project CRS / ( ) use default CRS displayed below settings for loaded laye...
01:18 AM Revision 7879d37f (qgis): Also disable color buttons which don't apply for numeric scale bars
- Make numeric scale bars respect font color and alignment settings (fix #7830)
01:00 AM Revision e253cd3e (qgis): When scale bar is numeric disable controls which don't apply
- Don't change scale bar box size automatically when style is numeric
Remove duplicate call to adjustBoxSize when scale... -
12:55 AM Bug report #7940: output selection dialog crash
- any idea what to look for?
is it a problem of my OS? Although, I only experience this in QGIS. Qt related? -
12:53 AM Bug report #8049 (Closed): group of embed layer no correctly checked at launch
- When an embed group is loaded with all its layers visible, it is not checked.
See image. attached or here http://ima... -
12:29 AM Revision f4300df6 (qgis): dont translate names in customization tree, fixes #8039
- 10:42 PM Revision 6d9cec52 (qgis): [Feature][QGIS-Server] Specifying url for QgsComposerHtml in GetPRint R...
- The idea is to add the capability to specify an URL to a QgsComposerHtml
element in the GetPrint request.
This will g... -
10:10 PM Revision 85e1ab98 (qgis): [Plugin Manager] Plugin installer fixes
09:58 PM Bug report #8047: gdaltool's input / ouptut file selector broken following SIP upgrade
- Note: after some testing, it's affecting most (if not all) of gdaltool's functions with input / output file select bu...
06:31 PM Bug report #8047 (Closed): gdaltool's input / ouptut file selector broken following SIP upgrade
- Steps to reproduce (with input):
1. Open gdaltool's merge dialog (Raster > Miscellaneous > Merge)
2. Click on the Inp... -
09:06 PM Revision e37a6e06 (qgis): customization update
08:35 PM Revision b532151c (qgis): GRASS feature id fix, tables selection id fix, fixes #6451
04:26 PM Revision 8024df7c (qgis): Don't crash if embedded group cannot be loaded (Fix #7872)
04:25 PM Bug report #7830 (Closed): Numeric scalebar alignment in map composer does not work
- Fixed in changeset commit:"7879d37f5a689a68ed96ebf80aa9e08e01c63068".
03:31 PM Bug report #8039 (Closed): Customization doesn't work in dialog windows
- Fixed in changeset commit:"f4300df6f321968839ca4647cc55db0998cc1a43".
12:29 PM Bug report #8039: Customization doesn't work in dialog windows
- I got it. It's because of translation. When QGIS is localized, only menus and toolbars work. No dialog, no panel, no ...
12:06 PM Bug report #8039: Customization doesn't work in dialog windows
- I have updated customisation.xml.
No idea why it does not work for you, here it seems to work. Can you give one exac... -
10:06 AM Bug report #8039: Customization doesn't work in dialog windows
- It doesn't work for me. I only tested a few dialog windows (none is working) and a few main window toolbar buttons (t...
06:15 AM Bug report #8039: Customization doesn't work in dialog windows
- Most probably because resources/customization.xml is not updated. I tried with QgsAbout > tabWidget > Widget2 > txtVe...
03:05 PM Bug report #8046 (Closed): Missing Polygons when importing a previously exported shapefile using ...
- I've obtained the following file from the US Census Bureau. -
11:52 AM Bug report #6451: Wrong number of records in table of attributes of 1_polygon in imported vectors...
- The problem was that QgsGrassFeatureIterator was using GRASS geometry id as QGIS feature id, but GRASS geometry may b...
11:37 AM Bug report #6451 (Closed): Wrong number of records in table of attributes of 1_polygon in importe...
- Fixed in changeset commit:"b532151c97121bf263e6055a36d99c646d391cae".
07:32 AM Bug report #6451: Wrong number of records in table of attributes of 1_polygon in imported vectors...
- I remember that we talked about it in Essen and it was like you described. I tried again now and I have got 4 records...
11:27 AM Revision b3d184da (qgis): Updated towgs84 parameters of geographic JTSK CRS, the towgs84 values w...
- UPDATE tbl_srs set parameters = '+proj=longlat +ellps=bessel +towgs84=542.5,89.2,456.9,5.517,2.275,5.516,6.96 +no_de...
11:14 AM Revision 2ffbbded (qgis): Updated towgs84 parameters of JTSK CRS, the towgs84 values were calcula...
- UPDATE tbl_srs set parameters = '+proj=krovak +lat_0=49.5 +lon_0=24.83333333333333 +alpha=30.28813972222222 +k=0.9999...
10:50 AM Revision 9e14b8ee (qgis): raster DrawingStyle to QgsRaster to avoid circular header include
10:02 AM Revision 3233d05f (qgis): customisation script moved, removed & from customisation menu items labels
07:26 AM Bug report #7872 (Closed): crashes if a project file of embed layers could not be found
- Fixed in changeset commit:"8024df7c934eb9ae159f51ffc0653e8677cb2aff".
02:40 AM Bug report #7872: crashes if a project file of embed layers could not be found
- The crash only occurs if the embed layers are embed from a group and if you select the group.
I join a dataset. Rena... -
06:58 AM Feature request #7192: system specific location of qgis settings
- I think version should only be used when the format of the configuration changes between versions. Otherwise it's onl...
06:43 AM Feature request #7192: system specific location of qgis settings
- Isn't this currently the case? It is on Windows and the other platforms.
06:41 AM Feature request #7192: system specific location of qgis settings
- Folders should be versioned. @~\\Application Data\\qgis2@ and @~/Library/Application Support/QGIS2@. Or better, @.....
06:29 AM Feature request #8045 (Closed): add unit test for startup options (pluginpath, configpath)
- it would be nice to have test to ensure following options work OK:
- alternative plugin paths set in environnement v... - 06:26 AM Revision b287661c (qgis): Don't return null on failed metadata load
06:01 AM Bug report #8044 (Closed): Strange behavior of feature request with filter rectangle for memory l...
- I did miss the flag exactIntersection in QgsFeatureRequest.
With the flag, it works as expected.
05:40 AM Bug report #8044 (Closed): Strange behavior of feature request with filter rectangle for memory l...
- I am experiencing some problems with a feature request using a rectangle
filter on a memory layer containing circles... -
03:57 AM Bug report #8038: core dump on opening project
- Giovanni Manghi wrote:
> on the latest revision available on osgeo4w a project with wms layer is not affected. I cann... -
03:28 AM Feature request #8043 (Rejected): Avoid duplicate nodes from "Extract Nodes"
- When extracting nodes for a polygon it appears that "Vector", "Geometry Tools", "Extract Nodes" outputs the same poin...
02:36 AM Bug report #7970: qgis crashes when creating new spatialite layer - changing crs
- confirmed here, sorry for the delay, I wasn't at office.
régis -
02:24 AM Revision 57cb5753 (qgis): Merge pull request #619 from slarosa/generate_pap
- [FEATURE] Module to generate prepared APIs file for call tips and auto-completion in Python Console
01:54 AM Revision a602112f (qgis): [Plugin Manager] installer fix
- 01:32 AM Revision f8cafe81 (qgis): Fix build error
- 12:57 AM Revision 21aecd53 (qgis): Fix python indentation
- 12:42 AM Revision 0fd5fd13 (qgis): Don't patch QPyNullVariant if it doesn't exist
- 12:10 AM Revision 052669f5 (qgis): Fix #8040. Build error with sip
12:06 AM Revision 6ddaa3e3 (qgis): [sextante] improved modeler appearance
12:06 AM Feature request #6985: Export print layout as image with world file
- Yes sure, if there is only one map in the layout, the combo box will only contain this one map and it will thus be au...
10:36 AM Feature request #6985: Export print layout as image with world file
- Please note: if there is only one map in the layout, no choice should be requested.
07:33 AM Feature request #6985: Export print layout as image with world file
- Agreed.
06:35 AM Feature request #6985: Export print layout as image with world file
- Hugo Mercier wrote:
> So, if I understand correctly :
> - the user has to choose the map object on which to compute t... -
06:32 AM Feature request #6985: Export print layout as image with world file
- So, if I understand correctly :
- the user has to choose the map object on which to compute the world file
- the comp... -
11:40 PM Revision ce681ab1 (qgis): [Plugin Manager] Fix the recent commit
11:30 PM Revision bf6e5e13 (qgis): Translation update: pl
11:30 PM Revision 74f08c50 (qgis): [Plugin Manager] Prevent from removing the official repository
11:30 PM Revision 3400211f (qgis): [Plugin manager] Minor GUI tweaks
11:30 PM Revision 50bf791e (qgis): [Plugin Manager] Translateable name and description in metadata.txt.
11:30 PM Revision 62598af6 (qgis): [Plugin Manage] Include tab title pages to i18n. Don't clutter the reso...
11:30 PM Revision 0fd7435e (qgis): Merge pull request #652 from jetuk/pyplugin_installer-QNAM
- pyplugin_installer moved to QNetworkAccessManager from QHttp
11:02 PM Bug report #7970 (Closed): qgis crashes when creating new spatialite layer - changing crs
- Crash fixed.
Followup for remaining problem: #8041 - 10:19 PM Revision 84eb6f81 (qgis): pyplugin_installer moved to QNetworkAccessManager from QHttp
09:49 PM Revision 031550ac (qgis): translation update by Calvin
08:58 PM Bug report #8041 (Closed): crs selector dialog broken in new spatialite layer window
- Steps to reproduce:
1. Open the new spatialite layer window (Layer > New > New spatialite layer...)
2. Click on speci... -
08:01 PM Revision 1bfa9709 (qgis): [pyqgis-console] improving to auto closing bracket
06:24 PM Revision 12fcea16 (qgis): [pyqgis-console] removes console/help folder:
- it is no longer necessary, now it is into context help
06:20 PM Revision a415950d (qgis): [pyqgis-console] another updating to new SIP API
04:51 PM Bug report #6628 (Closed): plugin manager checkboxes don't render properly
- it must be fixed in the new manager with QStandardItems.
04:51 PM Bug report #6628 (Closed): plugin manager checkboxes don't render properly
- it must be fixed in the new manager with QStandardItems.
04:47 PM Bug report #7268 (Closed): Master crashes after a typo in API: QgsMapLayerRegistry.removeMapLayer...
- Seems it's fixed in the meantime.
04:47 PM Bug report #7268 (Closed): Master crashes after a typo in API: QgsMapLayerRegistry.removeMapLayer...
- Seems it's fixed in the meantime.
04:43 PM Bug report #7089 (Closed): Python console help window max size is too tiny
04:42 PM Bug report #6399 (Closed): "Layer>Create new GPX layer" should be in "new" submenu
- Seems it has been fixed in the meantime.
04:42 PM Bug report #6399 (Closed): "Layer>Create new GPX layer" should be in "new" submenu
- Seems it has been fixed in the meantime.
04:38 PM Bug report #7801 (Closed): plugin path
- Fixed in the new plugin manager
04:38 PM Bug report #7801 (Closed): plugin path
- Fixed in the new plugin manager
04:36 PM Bug report #4654 (Closed): plugin_installer: drop "Only show plugins from the official repository...
04:10 PM Revision bb6a4ee7 (qgis): Merge pull request #625 from vinayan/projcrash
- [Fix #7964] Ftools-Sum Line length - Fix progress bar
- 03:10 PM Bug report #8040 (Closed): sip-related build failure in trunk
- Fixed in changeset commit:"052669f5c5e70d28c8b071fa68cba0b8c87fa4fa".
01:51 PM Bug report #8040 (Closed): sip-related build failure in trunk
- Attempting to build the latest code, I fail with the following output. Perhaps this is related to recent sip updates:...
02:48 PM Revision 6381d626 (qgis): Use python None object for NULL attributes
02:25 PM Revision 25244e01 (qgis): Merge pull request #651 from slarosa/fix_dbmanager
- [DB Manager] fix for PostGIS Raster Layer
02:21 PM Revision 8cd8969a (qgis): [DB Manager] fix for PostGIS Raster Layer
02:16 PM Revision 3b4dfd72 (qgis): [FEATURE] [pyqgis-console] Module to generate prepared APIs for calltip...
- 02:15 PM Revision 8392c93d (qgis): Monkey patch __nonzero__ onto QPyNullVariant for easier null check.
- Who doesn't love monkeys :)
- 02:11 PM Revision 3115c309 (qgis): [FEATURE] Add DataUrl to layer's metadata
- Like keyword list, attribution and metadata url, this information is
used by QGIS Server in WMS GetCapabilities and G... -
10:18 AM Revision 597c4028 (qgis): also update networkanalysis.sip (following 61e101dd4)
09:53 AM Revision 0f3f440c (qgis): debian packaging: replace %Module directive in header for older sip ver...
09:29 AM Bug report #8039 (Closed): Customization doesn't work in dialog windows
- Disabling dialog elements doesn't take any effect. I assume it's a regression, please downgrade if it was already bro...
- 09:11 AM Revision a6f9f563 (qgis): Fix #8034. Sextante SIP update
- 08:25 AM Revision 3e7fb5c9 (qgis): Fix #8035. Sip update for plugin installer
- 08:09 AM Revision bfbd3673 (qgis): Fix Python init function call
07:10 AM Bug report #7964 (Closed): Sum Line Lengths - Progress bar reports incorrect progress
- Fixed in changeset commit:"bb6a4ee770041eb161b84c96ad8725790d92a36d".
04:14 AM Bug report #8038: core dump on opening project
- Matthias Kuhn wrote:
> Seems to be related to WMS provider. Can you please verify it only happens with WMS layers and... -
02:00 AM Bug report #8038: core dump on opening project
- Seems to be related to WMS provider. Can you please verify it only happens with WMS layers and possibly attach an aff...
02:08 AM Bug report #8037: new openstreetmap plugin on qgis master fails to import all polygons
- Note: it's also happening on barrier=wall.
OpenStreetMap wiki mentions that barrier={fence,wall} can be applied to a...
01:44 AM Bug report #8038 (Feedback): core dump on opening project
- any project or a specific one?
01:43 AM Bug report #8038 (Closed): core dump on opening project
- 1.9.0-Master nightly build updated today:...
01:42 AM Bug report #8037 (Closed): new openstreetmap plugin on qgis master fails to import all polygons
- Basically, if an area way(e.g. amenity=place_of_worship, amenity=school, etc.) has an extra barrier=fence tag onto it...
12:44 AM Bug report #8015: Misleading error message in Oracle provider
- BTW should still work (note only for i386).
10:39 AM Bug report #8015: Misleading error message in Oracle provider
- I have no longer access to the Oracle instance, so I cannot paste precise working here. Sorry about that.
12:36 AM Bug report #8021: Wrong PK selected: unclear error message
- No access to the Oracle instance, sorry.
12:34 AM Bug report #8021: Wrong PK selected: unclear error message
- Um, I was asking for more information - not to (slightly) rephrase the old ;)
Which error message do you get? -
10:37 AM Bug report #8021: Wrong PK selected: unclear error message
- I select a table, and a field that is in fact not unique, so not a good PK candidate. If I try to load the table in t...
- 12:12 AM Bug report #8034 (Closed): sextante output 'save to file' broken (error message included)
- Fixed in changeset commit:"a6f9f563095d2ebd3334de3809bda1d2f8ec1d64".
09:34 PM Bug report #8034 (Closed): sextante output 'save to file' broken (error message included)
- Using the attached .model, or any simple algorithm, when relying on a non-temporary file output (i.e. defining output...
11:56 PM Bug report #7970: qgis crashes when creating new spatialite layer - changing crs
- I've tried and can't reproduce crash. Regis, can you confirm it's been fixed and close the issue?
11:44 PM Bug report #7950 (Closed): 100% reproducible crash when try to move a newly created (point) featu...
- Thanks Marco.
11:44 PM Bug report #7950 (Closed): 100% reproducible crash when try to move a newly created (point) featu...
- Thanks Marco.
11:43 PM Bug report #8033 (Closed): CRS selector window stopped showing when inserting shapefile with miss...
- Hmm, no bug, only some mysterious voodoo that changed the crs for new layer default setting. Closing, thanks to Natha...
11:43 PM Bug report #8033 (Closed): CRS selector window stopped showing when inserting shapefile with miss...
- Hmm, no bug, only some mysterious voodoo that changed the crs for new layer default setting. Closing, thanks to Natha...
09:01 PM Bug report #8033 (Closed): CRS selector window stopped showing when inserting shapefile with miss...
- In QGIS 1.8, and under QGIS master until very recently, the CRS selector window pops up when inserting into a project...
- 11:26 PM Bug report #8035 (Closed): Plugin manager startup error related to Proxy
- Fixed in changeset commit:"3e7fb5c9cbf6eb6103729ca9bc1376c089edf5ae".
11:20 PM Bug report #8035 (Closed): Plugin manager startup error related to Proxy
- When a proxy is set in the general options, the plugin manager cannot be started.
I get the following Python error:
... -
09:05 PM Bug report #7994: legend spacing broken for layer set to "hidden"
- Radim, great, working like a charm here. Also, glad you introduced the title spacing option, that was needed. Cheers
05:12 AM Bug report #7994: legend spacing broken for layer set to "hidden"
- I have changed a bit spacing. Instead of using group top margin for space between the title and the first item in col...
05:08 AM Bug report #7994 (Closed): legend spacing broken for layer set to "hidden"
- Fixed in changeset commit:"499db4ecc8d91343f16c73da3575ff478303dde3".
08:55 PM Revision 039ae695 (qgis): [Plugin Manager] Make appropriate methods const
08:55 PM Revision a3ea7ce1 (qgis): [Plugin Manager] Minor gui tweaks
08:08 PM Revision 9ca721e0 (qgis): Merge pull request #650 from imincik/slovak
- Slovak translation update.
07:22 PM Revision 6558b532 (qgis): Slovak translation update.
02:14 PM Revision 499db4ec (qgis): composer legend spacing corrected, fixes #7994
11:16 AM Revision f54d9791 (qgis): [Plugin Manager] Maximum major, minor and bugfix version is 99.99.99. B...
07:34 AM Revision 3361d852 (qgis): Merge pull request #645 from qgis-jp/make_pull_req_from_ja
- update GUI translation JA woked with Minoru Akagi
05:17 AM Bug report #8031 (Closed): Empty field values in expression builder of the add WFS layer dialog
- duplicate of #6802
05:17 AM Bug report #8031 (Closed): Empty field values in expression builder of the add WFS layer dialog
- duplicate of #6802
03:47 AM Bug report #8031 (Closed): Empty field values in expression builder of the add WFS layer dialog
- "Load all unique values" and "Load 10 sample values" do not show values
for the fields in query builder of the Add WF... -
04:48 AM Bug report #6514: "slider" and "dial" in edit widget "range" do not show any value when used, so ...
- Still here in current Master version 76e6090
03:30 AM Revision a8574348 (qgis): update GUI translation JA woked with Minoru Akagi
02:54 AM Revision 44d89a47 (qgis): Update label gui and rendering with QgsFontUtils functions
02:54 AM Revision 430f0fcb (qgis): Add user notification when defined labeling font is not found on system...
- - [API] add signal to QgsVectorLayer that is emitted when its labeling font is not found
- Message bar notification o... -
02:54 AM Revision b9d0bc87 (qgis): Followup to b383c69. Keep labeling dialog from calling init() twice fro...
02:54 AM Revision b9b85138 (qgis): Check only what's necessary to see if a layer will be labeled
- - Don't load all settings from QgsPalLayerSettings::readFromLayer
02:54 AM Revision 04c4db1b (qgis): Add QgsFontUtils class to handle system font queries and style changes
02:46 AM Revision 97115061 (qgis): [Plugin Manager] Fix for compatibility check in QgsPluginInstaller and ...
02:46 AM Revision 112ad3c1 (qgis): Update core plugins qgisMinimumVersion to 2.0
02:10 AM Bug report #8024 (Closed): the ctrl key does not work anymore to make multiple feature selection ...
- weird, compiled today and it is ok... sorry for the noise.
02:10 AM Bug report #8024 (Closed): the ctrl key does not work anymore to make multiple feature selection ...
- weird, compiled today and it is ok... sorry for the noise.
- 01:22 AM Revision 61e101dd (qgis): Allow keyword args in Python classes. Fix sip headers
- 01:21 AM Revision d5397390 (qgis): Add __getattr__ and __setattr__ to QgsFeature
11:42 PM Bug report #8024 (Feedback): the ctrl key does not work anymore to make multiple feature selectio...
- Works for me.
I tried select single feature / select rectangle / select freehand tools. Is there anything else I need... -
11:42 PM Bug report #8024 (Feedback): the ctrl key does not work anymore to make multiple feature selectio...
- Works for me.
I tried select single feature / select rectangle / select freehand tools. Is there anything else I need... -
11:07 PM Revision 5c50e2a6 (qgis): Check qgsMaximumVersion also when loading plugin to QgsPluginRegistry
11:07 PM Revision d004791c (qgis): [Plugin Manager] Temporarily hardcode QGIS_VERSION=2.0.0 in the QgsPlug...
11:07 PM Revision 094245ef (qgis): Merge pull request #641 from rduivenvoorde/pluginmantxt
- [Plugin Manager] texts and context help text for pluginmanager
10:47 PM Bug report #8027: qgis-server doesn't understand correctly the relative path
- If I understand it correctly, it works here.
10:17 PM Revision dbace484 (qgis): translation update: zh_CN by Calvin
10:05 PM Revision 801f5091 (qgis): translation update: ro by Bogdan Pacurar
09:56 PM Revision 9292333a (qgis): delete unused resource files
- if I understand jef correctly, these files are all not used anymore (plz correct
me if I'm wrong).
The build and scri... -
09:46 PM Revision 142df9aa (qgis): purge olde PluginInstallerDialog context help
- there will be a new QgsPluginManager help file
09:42 PM Revision a792fac2 (qgis): purge old doc/plugins directory
08:37 PM Revision 50b96d73 (qgis): QGis => QGIS updates
07:44 PM Revision ce9ed158 (qgis): texts and context help text for pluginmanager
06:52 PM Revision 10f3cf38 (qgis): more QuantumGIS => QGIS updates
06:51 PM Revision 7cabfccc (qgis): german translation update
06:51 PM Revision f0c605e0 (qgis): dbmanager: add i18n
05:51 PM Revision d6fa7652 (qgis): Set Qsettings' ApplicationName to QGIS2 everywhere in src
05:12 PM Revision 24b6b0c0 (qgis): [Plugin Manager] Forgotten CMake entry. Following c490688106941be91e5
04:46 PM Revision c4906881 (qgis): [PluginManager] Move title pages for tabs to the resources. Will be inc...
04:15 PM Revision b3e5e629 (qgis): [sextante] removed debug code
04:05 PM Revision ca6e3992 (qgis): [sextante] more work on updating to new SIP API
03:36 PM Revision 1d2117f9 (qgis): [PluginManager] Filter by repository under rightclick on the repo list ...
02:48 PM Bug report #8030 (Closed): Old labeling does not work in 1.9
- When importing a 1.8 project, the default label of "Label" is displayed. I tried using the old labeling in a new proj...
01:55 PM Bug report #7441: Measurements in degrees even when meters are chosen as map units
- Hi Nyall,
I don't have the time to do so, but a review of my vertical tab GUI update to the Project Properties dialo... -
10:58 AM Revision 6caa8bcb (qgis): yet another german translation update
10:56 AM Revision 8609a41d (qgis): allow utf8 in metadata.txt
07:26 AM Bug report #8026 (Closed): qgis-server non work with spatialite db
07:24 AM Bug report #8026: qgis-server non work with spatialite db
- The effective bug was that qgis-server don't recognize the relative path for a spatialite.
It work instead on qgis-de...
12:52 AM Revision 95dcd960 (qgis): [Plugon Manager] Fix compile error (follows abef7a5fe4d)
12:29 AM Revision abef7a5f (qgis): [Plugin Installer] Better uninstall obsolete user plugins masking more ...
12:29 AM Revision 780301c9 (qgis): [PluginManager] Code cleanup: keep one class per file also in Python
12:10 AM Bug report #8029 (Closed): Plugin load errors on startup
- please see -
12:10 AM Bug report #8029 (Closed): Plugin load errors on startup
- please see -
08:26 PM Bug report #8029 (Closed): Plugin load errors on startup
- Both the fTools and sextante plugins no longer load on startup. See attached errors.
This is on QGIS 95dcd96. -
11:34 PM Revision 780772f3 (qgis): [pyqgis-console] fixes for the new SIP APIs
09:22 PM Revision c0e7102f (qgis): [Plugin Manager] Minor fixes and gui tweaks
06:31 PM Bug report #8028 (In Progress): QGIS Nightly: Update to new PyQt (SIP) API
- This is a known issue, please see
06:09 PM Bug report #8028 (Closed): QGIS Nightly: Update to new PyQt (SIP) API
- Latest QGIS_2.0-dev 1.9.0-Master (15e3fc3), broke a lot of plug-ins under Mac OS X. 3 days ago only sextante was brok...
05:38 PM Revision 0416a21a (qgis): german translation update
12:51 PM Bug report #8027 (Closed): qgis-server doesn't understand correctly the relative path
- As reported:
Using a relative path and putting the db spatialite in the same folder where is the project.
The qgis-se... -
12:48 PM Bug report #8026: qgis-server non work with spatialite db
- Hi found the real problem.
Te qgis-server don't understand correctly the relative path.
It work only using an absolu... -
12:23 PM Bug report #8026 (Closed): qgis-server non work with spatialite db
- The qgis-server compiled on a linux server from qgis-dev don't use correctly a spatialite DB.
The linux has an extern... - 08:58 AM Revision 22133d83 (qgis): Merge SIP v2 update
- 08:57 AM Revision a939ab18 (qgis): Sextante SIP update
- 08:49 AM Revision f136f42f (qgis): Plugin installer sip update
- 08:00 AM Revision af52ffa2 (qgis): Update plugin installer to new API
- 07:59 AM Revision e6f98362 (qgis): Merge master
01:47 AM Revision 02c29c0c (qgis): [Plugin Manager] Better sorting by status, minor gui fixes and improvem...
01:26 AM Revision 8a85bcb3 (qgis): german translation update
01:24 AM Revision 3d9d1eeb (qgis): postgresql & oracle provider fixes:
- - start with an empty line edit when entering srids (fixes #8016)
- oracle provider: order primary key candidates in ... -
12:47 AM Revision eea63a47 (qgis): [sextante] fixed issue with multiple raster input in gdal merge
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