From 2011-02-05 to 2011-03-06
11:40 PM Feature request #3187 (Closed): transform ring into new polygon
- In trunk a "Lines to polygons" command has been added. Please check if this is what you need and reopne the ticket if...
11:40 PM Feature request #3187 (Closed): transform ring into new polygon
- In trunk a "Lines to polygons" command has been added. Please check if this is what you need and reopne the ticket if...
11:35 PM Feature request #3556 (Closed): Mouse cursor coordinate format
- The Coordinate Capture plugins should fulfill your request. Please reopen if not.
11:35 PM Feature request #3556 (Closed): Mouse cursor coordinate format
- The Coordinate Capture plugins should fulfill your request. Please reopen if not.
01:12 PM Feature request #3556 (Closed): Mouse cursor coordinate format
- For geographical coordinate system projects, it would be nice to be able to choose the mouse cursor coordinate format...
11:33 PM Feature request #3554 (Closed): Layer context menu, duplicate layer
- Duplicate of an earlier ticket.
11:33 PM Feature request #3554 (Closed): Layer context menu, duplicate layer
- Duplicate of an earlier ticket.
12:54 PM Feature request #3554 (Closed): Layer context menu, duplicate layer
- It would be nice to see an implementation of a "Duplicate layer" entry in the context menu when right-clicking a laye...
11:32 PM Feature request #3553 (Closed): Default selection mode
- In trunk, now qgis remembers the last tool used. This eems the correct behaviour to me. Please reopen if appropriate.
11:32 PM Feature request #3553 (Closed): Default selection mode
- In trunk, now qgis remembers the last tool used. This eems the correct behaviour to me. Please reopen if appropriate.
12:49 PM Feature request #3553 (Closed): Default selection mode
- Myself, I find the Select by rectangle tool more frequently useful than the Select Features mode in the Attributes to...
11:17 PM Feature request #3557 (Closed): Rearranging fill style menu
- Applied with commit:60bbe125 (SVN r15378) - thanks!
Tim -
11:17 PM Feature request #3557 (Closed): Rearranging fill style menu
- Applied with commit:60bbe125 (SVN r15378) - thanks!
Tim -
11:14 PM Feature request #3557 (In Progress): Rearranging fill style menu
01:58 PM Feature request #3557: Rearranging fill style menu
- I've added a patch that does this. Others can weigh in on the value of this, but I think it is a good idea.
01:26 PM Feature request #3557 (Closed): Rearranging fill style menu
- I'm guessing the most used polygon fill styles used, are the Solid and No brush styles. Rather than having to scroll ...
09:38 PM Revision 38752567 (qgis): FEATURE: Select default CRS for new projects. Fixes #363
- git-svn-id: c8812cc2-4d05-0410-92ff-de0c093fc19c
09:38 PM Revision 7de1303c (qgis): FEATURE: Select default CRS for new projects. Fixes #363
- git-svn-id: c8812cc2-4d05-0410-92ff-de0c093fc19c
09:28 PM Bug report #3497: [OsX] Crash when changing font and color in Style manager on OS X
- This works, but the sacrifice in losing what the native color brings to the application is not small. The same is tru...
09:14 PM Bug report #3497: [OsX] Crash when changing font and color in Style manager on OS X
- Yep, that got the color picker crash fixed (QColorDialog::DontUseNativeDialog). Partial fix in commit:3ebf1bcf (SVN ...
07:18 PM Bug report #3497: [OsX] Crash when changing font and color in Style manager on OS X
- This may be related to another font symbol issue I'm seeing - changing some properties of a symbol cause the main lay...
08:40 PM Revision 54e4a9f5 (qgis): translation update: preparing for next release
- git-svn-id: c8812cc2-4d05-0410-92ff-de0c093fc19c
08:40 PM Revision 602a7857 (qgis): translation update: preparing for next release
- git-svn-id: c8812cc2-4d05-0410-92ff-de0c093fc19c
08:38 PM Revision 94e5e430 (qgis): typo fix
- git-svn-id: c8812cc2-4d05-0410-92ff-de0c093fc19c
08:38 PM Revision 1c54de4f (qgis): typo fix
- git-svn-id: c8812cc2-4d05-0410-92ff-de0c093fc19c
08:35 PM Revision 8d1b9e58 (qgis): add option to select shapefile geometry in merge shapes tool
- git-svn-id: c8812cc2-4d05-0410-92ff-de0c093fc19c
08:35 PM Revision 76ed79a6 (qgis): add option to select shapefile geometry in merge shapes tool
- git-svn-id: c8812cc2-4d05-0410-92ff-de0c093fc19c
08:03 PM Feature request #2774: enable double-click to zoom to bookmarks
- Oops - don't worry about the diff of the .ui file in that last line - it was just whitespace.
08:00 PM Feature request #2774: enable double-click to zoom to bookmarks
- Hmmm. Maybe this should be a bug, not a feature request.
Some of the code is already there; it looks like the featu... -
07:32 PM Bug report #3561 (Closed): qgis crushes when saving edit int table manager
- Hi,
I am stuck with problem in qgisi - everytime I try to save as the changes that I have made in the table attribut... -
05:58 PM Revision 19e123f5 (qgis): fix r15352
- git-svn-id: c8812cc2-4d05-0410-92ff-de0c093fc19c
05:58 PM Revision d192f4b6 (qgis): fix r15352
- git-svn-id: c8812cc2-4d05-0410-92ff-de0c093fc19c
05:17 PM Revision 0fac7ca1 (qgis): Logger updates:
- - evaluate QGIS_DEBUG environment variable just once
- QgsDebugMsgLevel macro will evaluate the passed string only wh... -
05:17 PM Revision 1e48c18c (qgis): Logger updates:
- - evaluate QGIS_DEBUG environment variable just once
- QgsDebugMsgLevel macro will evaluate the passed string only wh... -
05:02 PM Revision b44dfc1b (qgis): translation update: es by carlos and fr by jean roc
- git-svn-id: c8812cc2-4d05-0410-92ff-de0c093fc19c
05:02 PM Revision d4b9d2f4 (qgis): translation update: es by carlos and fr by jean roc
- git-svn-id: c8812cc2-4d05-0410-92ff-de0c093fc19c
04:23 PM Bug report #3559 (Closed): Table Manager, "Failed to backup..."
- Seems it's a problem with access to nnn.dbf file, while it's already open by Qgis. As Qgis can't delete fields by the...
04:23 PM Bug report #3559 (Closed): Table Manager, "Failed to backup..."
- Seems it's a problem with access to nnn.dbf file, while it's already open by Qgis. As Qgis can't delete fields by the...
02:06 PM Bug report #3559 (Closed): Table Manager, "Failed to backup..."
- When deleting a shapefile. dbf field in Table Manager (v0.2.3), and pressing Save, I get the message "Failed backupin...
03:18 PM Feature request #3267: NEW Symbology - Better handling of Fill style
- Just some findings:
These are Qt brush styles. They don't really have an attribute as line width, as far as I can se... -
03:18 PM Bug report #2436: New symbology print issue
- Might be related to #3267.
02:54 PM Revision f26aa14c (qgis): Added 'sponsor us' tip
- git-svn-id: c8812cc2-4d05-0410-92ff-de0c093fc19c
02:54 PM Revision ecdf3410 (qgis): Added 'sponsor us' tip
- git-svn-id: c8812cc2-4d05-0410-92ff-de0c093fc19c
02:52 PM Revision 53db8a9a (qgis): be less restrictive on interpreting CRSes
- git-svn-id: c8812cc2-4d05-0410-92ff-de0c093fc19c
02:52 PM Revision 83982440 (qgis): be less restrictive on interpreting CRSes
- git-svn-id: c8812cc2-4d05-0410-92ff-de0c093fc19c
02:47 PM Feature request #3560 (Closed): Implement gui profiles
- Allow multiple user profiles, covering at least gui state and selection of loaded plugins.
Possible solution: multi... -
02:38 PM Revision 4a96d689 (qgis): For global crs option show nice user friendly name instead of proj4 string
- git-svn-id: c8812cc2-4d05-0410-92ff-de0c093fc19c
02:38 PM Revision 8469b947 (qgis): For global crs option show nice user friendly name instead of proj4 string
- git-svn-id: c8812cc2-4d05-0410-92ff-de0c093fc19c
02:35 PM Bug report #3299: Crash loading Mapinfo tab file with non-spatial features
- Yes, it seems to work now :)
01:59 PM Feature request #3558: Points2One, one node cases
- This is not a core plugin. The report should be moved to the new additional plugin tracker when ready.
01:54 PM Feature request #3558 (Closed): Points2One, one node cases
- When running the Points2One plugin with "Create output features based on input field" set, it errors if the point inp...
01:59 PM Bug report #2001: Postgis Manager notes for enhancements/bug fixes
- This is not a core plugin. The report should be moved to the new additional plugin tracker when ready.
01:36 PM Bug report #3403 (Closed): lost focus by click on a object when evis is activate to the layer
- Duplicate of #2646
01:36 PM Bug report #3403 (Closed): lost focus by click on a object when evis is activate to the layer
- Duplicate of #2646
01:23 PM Bug report #1963: "Ghost Lines" when using Anti-aliasing, polygons with shared boundaries, and no...
- Hi
I did a little test using both:... -
01:03 PM Feature request #1688 (Open): Assign layer CRS to project (legend context menu)
03:25 AM Feature request #1688 (Feedback): Assign layer CRS to project (legend context menu)
- What about a "Set Project CRS to this layer" in the Legend? With OTFR enabled, this way we could easily switch betwee...
03:25 AM Feature request #1688 (Feedback): Assign layer CRS to project (legend context menu)
- What about a "Set Project CRS to this layer" in the Legend? With OTFR enabled, this way we could easily switch betwee...
01:02 PM Feature request #3555 (Closed): Add exported dataset dialog
- When doing a selection export or many other data-creation operations, it would be nice to have a dialog box on proces...
12:52 PM Feature request #2093 (In Progress): Provide configuration options for new project (map) CRS and ...
- Partially fixed in commit:7de1303c (SVN r15375) (options 3 i 4).
03:27 AM Feature request #2093: Provide configuration options for new project (map) CRS and OTFR
- See also reopened #363 and #1688
12:50 PM Bug report #3550: Labels scale dependency not saved
- Also, the "display name" is not saved. I believe this is related, so adding it here.
12:32 PM Bug report #3550 (Closed): Labels scale dependency not saved
- When applying scale dependent rendering on labels in a layers properties, this setting, when pressing Save As Default...
12:49 PM Feature request #3552 (Closed): Default selection mode
- Myself, I find the Select by rectangle tool more frequently useful than the Select Features mode in the Attributes to...
12:47 PM Feature request #1355 (Closed): let map units default be meters, or last user's choice
- Now it's possible to set default CRS for new projects to a projected one (commit:7de1303c (SVN r15375)).
12:47 PM Feature request #1355 (Closed): let map units default be meters, or last user's choice
- Now it's possible to set default CRS for new projects to a projected one (commit:7de1303c (SVN r15375)).
12:45 PM Feature request #363 (Closed): Allow "Enable on the fly projection" to be a default
- Applied in commit:7de1303c (SVN r15375)
12:45 PM Feature request #363 (Closed): Allow "Enable on the fly projection" to be a default
- Applied in commit:7de1303c (SVN r15375)
10:46 AM Feature request #363: Allow "Enable on the fly projection" to be a default
- Replying to [comment:21 borysiasty]:
> Great, but... yet more messy than was before ;-)
> For two years I try to f... -
12:37 PM Bug report #3551 (Closed): Selecting with mouse in table
- Maybe not a bug, but when using the mouse to select a continuous array of records from any part of a table and to the...
12:33 PM Revision 17d12175 (qgis): fix r15352
- git-svn-id: c8812cc2-4d05-0410-92ff-de0c093fc19c
12:33 PM Revision d666dadc (qgis): fix r15352
- git-svn-id: c8812cc2-4d05-0410-92ff-de0c093fc19c
11:31 AM Bug report #3549 (Closed): Getting incomplete results from Intersect tool (fTools)
- On r15297 I get incomplete number of polygons when intersecting with the Geoprocessing tool 'Intersect' from fTools.
... -
10:50 AM Revision cfe6c08c (qgis): Added tip relating to the use of default on the fly reprojection
- git-svn-id: c8812cc2-4d05-0410-92ff-de0c093fc19c
10:50 AM Revision 9e37bb3e (qgis): Added tip relating to the use of default on the fly reprojection
- git-svn-id: c8812cc2-4d05-0410-92ff-de0c093fc19c
09:58 AM Revision 3c039dc3 (qgis): debian packaging fix
- git-svn-id: c8812cc2-4d05-0410-92ff-de0c093fc19c
09:58 AM Revision 1ce626fd (qgis): debian packaging fix
- git-svn-id: c8812cc2-4d05-0410-92ff-de0c093fc19c
09:54 AM Bug report #2793: Drag and Drop regression on Mac OSX
- Hah! I found a reference in QApplication::macEventFilter, though not used in QGIS, that Mac events are handled diffe...
09:46 AM Revision 3f3c21e6 (qgis): restore documentation used in about box
- git-svn-id: c8812cc2-4d05-0410-92ff-de0c093fc19c
09:46 AM Revision 710300f4 (qgis): restore documentation used in about box
- git-svn-id: c8812cc2-4d05-0410-92ff-de0c093fc19c
09:37 AM Bug report #3548: CRS defaults not sticking
- It would be nice if the epsg code would be respected. Seeing a deprecated crs selected is confusing.
09:27 AM Bug report #3548: CRS defaults not sticking
- I believe it's due to commit:83982440 (SVN r15362). The crs definitions are now considered the same, so qgis takes th...
09:18 AM Bug report #3548 (Closed): CRS defaults not sticking
- When I set the default CRS, the OTF default project CRS, or the CRS in the project properties, it does not stick. For...
08:17 AM Bug report #3024: checkbox edit widget not working + widgets buttons not rendered correctly
- The Mac Qgis 1.5 and 1.6 used Qt 1.6. As noted above, calendar works only if the row is resized to be a couple times...
05:56 AM Bug report #3547: On loading a layer: CRS behaviour does not work as expected for shapefiles and ...
- depends on the .prj. If your .prj exactly matches a CRS in QGIS's srs database it will accept it otherwise it will a...
03:17 AM Bug report #3547 (Closed): On loading a layer: CRS behaviour does not work as expected for shapef...
- This ticket merges #3529 and #3537. Both tickets have now been closed.
When loading a shapefile not creat... -
03:21 AM Revision 581cf99d (qgis): german translation update
- git-svn-id: c8812cc2-4d05-0410-92ff-de0c093fc19c
03:21 AM Revision 529f738b (qgis): german translation update
- git-svn-id: c8812cc2-4d05-0410-92ff-de0c093fc19c
03:20 AM Revision a7979d14 (qgis): ogr provider: use utf8 also for SQL statements with GDAL 1.8
- git-svn-id: c8812cc2-4d05-0410-92ff-de0c093fc19c
03:20 AM Revision 908f2eed (qgis): ogr provider: use utf8 also for SQL statements with GDAL 1.8
- git-svn-id: c8812cc2-4d05-0410-92ff-de0c093fc19c
03:19 AM Revision c2e94506 (qgis): [FEATURE] allow managing missing layers in a list
- git-svn-id: c8812cc2-4d05-0410-92ff-de0c093fc19c
03:19 AM Revision 90474160 (qgis): [FEATURE] allow managing missing layers in a list
- git-svn-id: c8812cc2-4d05-0410-92ff-de0c093fc19c
03:19 AM Bug report #3537 (Closed): CRS info in shapefile .prj is not taken into account by QGIS
- This ticket has been superseded by #3547, and is now closed.
03:19 AM Bug report #3537 (Closed): CRS info in shapefile .prj is not taken into account by QGIS
- This ticket has been superseded by #3547, and is now closed.
03:18 AM Bug report #3529 (Closed): Default CRS does not work as expected
- This ticket has been superseded by #3547, and is now closed.
03:18 AM Bug report #3529 (Closed): Default CRS does not work as expected
- This ticket has been superseded by #3547, and is now closed.
03:18 AM Revision 80152af8 (qgis): [FEATURE] allow setting CRS for multiple layers at once
- git-svn-id: c8812cc2-4d05-0410-92ff-de0c093fc19c
03:18 AM Revision f91642fc (qgis): [FEATURE] allow setting CRS for multiple layers at once
- git-svn-id: c8812cc2-4d05-0410-92ff-de0c093fc19c
03:16 AM Revision e332633c (qgis): email address update
- git-svn-id: c8812cc2-4d05-0410-92ff-de0c093fc19c
03:16 AM Revision 7b00d488 (qgis): email address update
- git-svn-id: c8812cc2-4d05-0410-92ff-de0c093fc19c
03:14 AM Revision 0620d74e (qgis): debian packaging update
- git-svn-id: c8812cc2-4d05-0410-92ff-de0c093fc19c
03:14 AM Revision 856185a1 (qgis): debian packaging update
- git-svn-id: c8812cc2-4d05-0410-92ff-de0c093fc19c
03:10 AM Revision 73d8c9fd (qgis): missed added files in r15348.
- git-svn-id: c8812cc2-4d05-0410-92ff-de0c093fc19c
03:10 AM Revision ee30725f (qgis): missed added files in r15348.
- git-svn-id: c8812cc2-4d05-0410-92ff-de0c093fc19c
03:09 AM Revision 6a54b6e2 (qgis): [FEATURE] documentation improvements
in doc, run txt2tags within the build... -
03:09 AM Revision 0cd4317b (qgis): [FEATURE] documentation improvements
in doc, run txt2tags within the build... -
01:57 AM Bug report #3546 (Closed): Offline editing plugin does not sync back
- Apparently the Offline editing plugin is broken: it produces the
spatialite db from , but when I ask to synchronize i...
12:32 AM Bug report #3455: OTF or save as in another projection not work no more
- It may be related to #3537
12:30 AM Bug report #3529: Default CRS does not work as expected
- I think this is just a consequence of #3537. Please check and close this if appropriate.
12:17 AM Bug report #3062: change in r.reclass & GRASS plugin location browser
- Please check and report back.
11:31 PM Revision 1054cfaa (qgis): More robust detection for domain constraint
- git-svn-id: c8812cc2-4d05-0410-92ff-de0c093fc19c
11:31 PM Revision 261ed74d (qgis): More robust detection for domain constraint
- git-svn-id: c8812cc2-4d05-0410-92ff-de0c093fc19c
11:09 PM Revision 155b9996 (qgis): deprecate QgsMapLayer::srs()
- git-svn-id: c8812cc2-4d05-0410-92ff-de0c093fc19c
11:09 PM Revision 3d52473d (qgis): deprecate QgsMapLayer::srs()
- git-svn-id: c8812cc2-4d05-0410-92ff-de0c093fc19c
10:51 PM Revision e5676f4f (qgis): Show more user friendly projection name for qgis default project CRS (r...
- git-svn-id: c8812cc2-4d05-0410-92ff-de0c093fc19c
10:51 PM Revision 4712317a (qgis): Show more user friendly projection name for qgis default project CRS (r...
- git-svn-id: c8812cc2-4d05-0410-92ff-de0c093fc19c
10:51 PM Revision a8d2b090 (qgis): Applied patch for #363 from Alex Bruy to enable on the fly projection b...
- git-svn-id: c8812cc2-4d05-0410-92ff-de0c093fc19c
10:51 PM Revision 79eb19eb (qgis): Applied patch for #363 from Alex Bruy to enable on the fly projection b...
- git-svn-id: c8812cc2-4d05-0410-92ff-de0c093fc19c
06:30 PM Revision 56d832b7 (qgis): fix debian/changelog
- git-svn-id: c8812cc2-4d05-0410-92ff-de0c093fc19c
06:30 PM Revision 0bb234d1 (qgis): fix debian/changelog
- git-svn-id: c8812cc2-4d05-0410-92ff-de0c093fc19c
05:29 PM Feature request #363 (Feedback): Allow "Enable on the fly projection" to be a default
- There is my proposition attached. (by the way, I've updated the tabstops)
05:29 PM Feature request #363 (Feedback): Allow "Enable on the fly projection" to be a default
- There is my proposition attached. (by the way, I've updated the tabstops)
02:54 PM Feature request #363: Allow "Enable on the fly projection" to be a default
- Great, but... yet more messy than was before ;-)
For two years I try to force the possibilty to define default proje... -
01:53 PM Feature request #363 (Closed): Allow "Enable on the fly projection" to be a default
- Committed Alex's patch (with minor edit to UI labels) as commit:79eb19eb (SVN r15345).
Updated after that to show use... -
01:53 PM Feature request #363 (Closed): Allow "Enable on the fly projection" to be a default
- Committed Alex's patch (with minor edit to UI labels) as commit:79eb19eb (SVN r15345).
Updated after that to show use... -
10:44 AM Feature request #363 (Open): Allow "Enable on the fly projection" to be a default
- I'm testing the patch here and will apply it with a few tweaks.
Tim -
05:03 PM Revision eda85f11 (qgis): fix #3450
- git-svn-id: c8812cc2-4d05-0410-92ff-de0c093fc19c
05:03 PM Revision 3a3da1db (qgis): fix #3450
- git-svn-id: c8812cc2-4d05-0410-92ff-de0c093fc19c
04:58 PM Revision adae3837 (qgis): revert r15340 as it doesn't solve anything
- git-svn-id: c8812cc2-4d05-0410-92ff-de0c093fc19c
04:58 PM Revision c85fe42b (qgis): revert r15340 as it doesn't solve anything
- git-svn-id: c8812cc2-4d05-0410-92ff-de0c093fc19c
04:46 PM Revision 2712098f (qgis): fix #3362
- git-svn-id: c8812cc2-4d05-0410-92ff-de0c093fc19c
04:46 PM Revision 95bcf01d (qgis): fix #3362
- git-svn-id: c8812cc2-4d05-0410-92ff-de0c093fc19c
03:10 PM Revision 2098fc71 (qgis): fix #3311
- git-svn-id: c8812cc2-4d05-0410-92ff-de0c093fc19c
03:10 PM Revision a3d10f5a (qgis): fix #3311
- git-svn-id: c8812cc2-4d05-0410-92ff-de0c093fc19c
12:08 PM Feature request #2898: Ranking of classes within a layer when displaying
- #2816 is somewhat related
12:08 PM Feature request #2816: Allow class rearrangement in the Layer Properties->Style and in the Layers...
- #2898 is somewhat related
11:41 AM Feature request #1502: Allow vector symbol classification to affect outline color
- A workaround that meets my original desire of matching color is to eliminate the border before classifying the items....
11:37 AM Feature request #1505: Column wrapping in Composer Legend
- The multiple legend solution is workable, but it would be nice for legend items to automatically wrapped based on the...
11:35 AM Feature request #1788: Overview should show extent of overview items, not all project layers
- Another example of how this works poorly: If I have a layer in the overview as a docked item below the layer legend, ...
11:31 AM Bug report #1895: File open progress does not update on OS X
- There appears to be no progress indicator in OS X. I'm not sure if this is a bug or a missing feature on OS X.
11:28 AM Feature request #2033 (Closed): SVG symbols should not have fill and outline options available
11:26 AM Bug report #2330: Loading missing layer (shapefile) requires changing the "Files of type" setting
- Still an issue in trunk.
11:23 AM Feature request #2373: SVG Fill space between symbols
- Another enhancement that would be useful to improve cartographic output in QGIS. Just checking in as the 1.7.0 branch...
11:21 AM Bug report #2483: Window resize/zoom problem with large rasters
- The default behavior is to disable the render improvement option in QGIS. It is unclear if this bug is a result of qt...
11:18 AM Bug report #2637: Composer default extent on existing map wrong
- This is still a problem on OS X, but only when a project file (qgs) is reopened. I.e., if you have an active project ...
11:06 AM Feature request #2638: Duplicate existing item in composer manager
- Marco: Is the dropdown menu in the Composer Manager a placeholder for this option? Again, this would be a useful addi...
11:04 AM Feature request #2727: Legend item labels broken in composer
- Marco: Your idea is good. Would it be possible to implement the idea of automatically placing the label in the child ...
10:58 AM Feature request #3427: Unnecessary rendering overhead
- This is true for the advanced labeling dialog as well.
10:53 AM Revision 0c14bb8e (qgis): debian packaging update
- git-svn-id: c8812cc2-4d05-0410-92ff-de0c093fc19c
10:53 AM Revision 2f70454b (qgis): debian packaging update
- git-svn-id: c8812cc2-4d05-0410-92ff-de0c093fc19c
10:53 AM Bug report #3418 (Closed): Layer Color Selector Crashes
- Your attached file cannot be used for testing. You need all the parts that go along with the shapefile (.dbf, etc.). ...
10:53 AM Bug report #3418 (Closed): Layer Color Selector Crashes
- Your attached file cannot be used for testing. You need all the parts that go along with the shapefile (.dbf, etc.). ...
02:28 AM Bug report #3418: Layer Color Selector Crashes
- Working fine on Trunk and Fedora 14 with both new and old symbology.
Our version of Qt 4.7 might have patches not in... -
10:31 AM Bug report #3371: Random points is terribly slow with complex features
- Replying to [comment:4 borysiasty]:
> Ok. Carson, what about threading and a small STOP button (ftools-wide)?
This is... -
10:02 AM Bug report #3371: Random points is terribly slow with complex features
- Ok. Carson, what about threading and a small STOP button (ftools-wide)?
09:57 AM Bug report #3371: Random points is terribly slow with complex features
- Please do not close it: it causes QGIS to freeze for ages, and users have to kill it, with potential loss of data. Yo...
08:15 AM Bug report #3371: Random points is terribly slow with complex features
- Carson, do you (or somebody) have an idea for any optimalization? If not, I'd close it and wait for move to the analy...
10:26 AM Feature request #3545 (Closed): GDALTools Rasterize should support raster creation with GDAL 1.8
- Now, when GDAL 1.8 is out, the support for raster creation would be extremely useful and convenient.
09:55 AM Bug report #3214 (Closed): Mean coordinates wrong
- Agreed, now it seems to work.
09:55 AM Bug report #3214 (Closed): Mean coordinates wrong
- Agreed, now it seems to work.
09:51 AM Feature request #1609 (In Progress): QGIS4INSPIRE
09:47 AM Bug report #1822 (Closed): Zoom to point: exaggerated zoom
- Applied as version 1.1, with a small modification: extent.width() / 200 * scale
So scale n means n% of the full extent. -
09:47 AM Bug report #1822 (Closed): Zoom to point: exaggerated zoom
- Applied as version 1.1, with a small modification: extent.width() / 200 * scale
So scale n means n% of the full extent. -
09:09 AM Bug report #2636: Connection to CSV layer cannot be restored if CSV is moved
- This is true when point layer created with Delimited Text plugin. When CSV opened as geometryless layer with Open Vec...
03:12 AM Bug report #2636: Connection to CSV layer cannot be restored if CSV is moved
- Could you please check if it si still true, otherwise closing it? Thanks.
09:08 AM Revision 1013c6f8 (qgis): Cleanup some about text as suggested by users at the last hackfest
- git-svn-id: c8812cc2-4d05-0410-92ff-de0c093fc19c
09:08 AM Revision 749b7545 (qgis): Cleanup some about text as suggested by users at the last hackfest
- git-svn-id: c8812cc2-4d05-0410-92ff-de0c093fc19c
08:06 AM Bug report #3450: GdalTools: grid - loading a point layer from the canvas does not work
- Fixed in commit:eda85f11 (SVN r15343)
08:05 AM Bug report #3450 (Closed): GdalTools: grid - loading a point layer from the canvas does not work
- Replying to [comment:1 borysiasty]:
> Seems like an easy fix. Brushtyler, I don't fix it myself as I believe there mu... -
08:05 AM Bug report #3450 (Closed): GdalTools: grid - loading a point layer from the canvas does not work
- Replying to [comment:1 borysiasty]:
> Seems like an easy fix. Brushtyler, I don't fix it myself as I believe there mu... -
07:35 AM Bug report #3450: GdalTools: grid - loading a point layer from the canvas does not work
- Seems like an easy fix. Brushtyler, I don't fix it myself as I believe there must be a reason for the comment in doGr...
08:04 AM Feature request #2904 (Closed): join attributes very slow when vector layer contains many features
- Python loops used in fTools are slow by nature. I'm closing it as we have native table join now. Please open another ...
08:04 AM Feature request #2904 (Closed): join attributes very slow when vector layer contains many features
- Python loops used in fTools are slow by nature. I'm closing it as we have native table join now. Please open another ...
07:10 AM Revision 7a9dff9f (qgis): fix: road graph not clean GUI when unload
- git-svn-id: c8812cc2-4d05-0410-92ff-de0c093fc19c
07:10 AM Revision 7e7f0416 (qgis): fix: road graph not clean GUI when unload
- git-svn-id: c8812cc2-4d05-0410-92ff-de0c093fc19c
06:20 AM Bug report #3476: GDAL raster tools on Windows Vista / 64 require GDAL binary path
- see also #3097, #3170
06:10 AM Feature request #3311 (Closed): SPIT dialog should use monospaced font when showing output from P...
- fixed in commit:2098fc71 (SVN r15340)
06:10 AM Feature request #3311 (Closed): SPIT dialog should use monospaced font when showing output from P...
- fixed in commit:2098fc71 (SVN r15340)
04:54 AM Feature request #3138 (In Progress): Add plugin autopackaging script
04:43 AM Bug report #3170: many GDAL Tools don't work in OS X standalone
- Isn't there any way to set a fixed path on the build level?
04:32 AM Bug report #3145 (Closed): Dash in plugin name causes unhelpful error message
- As the message says, it's a Python syntax error, not a Qgis restriction. Python modules can't contain dashes and when...
04:32 AM Bug report #3145 (Closed): Dash in plugin name causes unhelpful error message
- As the message says, it's a Python syntax error, not a Qgis restriction. Python modules can't contain dashes and when...
03:38 AM Bug report #3299 (Closed): Crash loading Mapinfo tab file with non-spatial features
- Please check again with a fresh install and reopen in necessary. It works for me.
03:38 AM Bug report #3299 (Closed): Crash loading Mapinfo tab file with non-spatial features
- Please check again with a fresh install and reopen in necessary. It works for me.
03:15 AM Feature request #1060 (Closed): Build symbols over db fields
- If I understand it correclty, this has been implemented with rule-based symbology. Please reopen if not. Thanks.
03:15 AM Feature request #1060 (Closed): Build symbols over db fields
- If I understand it correclty, this has been implemented with rule-based symbology. Please reopen if not. Thanks.
03:08 AM Bug report #3047: delimited text plugin: import fails if an extra delimiter is at the end
- Both work for me.
03:06 AM Feature request #305 (Closed): MsSqlSpatial support
- I think this should be solved within GDAL/OGR, I do not see a point in writing a db provider for this. Please reopen ...
03:06 AM Feature request #305 (Closed): MsSqlSpatial support
- I think this should be solved within GDAL/OGR, I do not see a point in writing a db provider for this. Please reopen ...
03:00 AM Bug report #3268 (Closed): Fill style - printing issues
- Duplicate of #2436
03:00 AM Bug report #3268 (Closed): Fill style - printing issues
- Duplicate of #2436
02:49 AM Bug report #2436: New symbology print issue
- It seems to me, the original problem is solved -- at least on Linux (commit:66a55eb7 (SVN r15334)) and Qt 4.7.1.
But... -
02:47 AM Bug report #3321 (Closed): Crash when adding vector layer data
- Replying to [comment:2 volter]:
> Please always try to have all necessary debuginfo packages installed when providing... -
02:47 AM Bug report #3321 (Closed): Crash when adding vector layer data
- Replying to [comment:2 volter]:
> Please always try to have all necessary debuginfo packages installed when providing... -
02:33 AM Bug report #3321: Crash when adding vector layer data
- Please always try to have all necessary debuginfo packages installed when providing a backtrace. The "??" indicate mi...
02:13 AM Bug report #3012: QGIS crashes when activating the "OSM feature" plugin
- Doesn't crash on Trunk in Fedora 14.
Nevertheless, there is a huge delay and the zoom level changes, when you hide t...
12:12 AM Feature request #363: Allow "Enable on the fly projection" to be a default
- Here is patch that adds an option to enable OTFP by default and selector for default CRS for it.
09:47 PM Revision 56c10c45 (qgis): Better wording for the load missing layers dialog
- git-svn-id: c8812cc2-4d05-0410-92ff-de0c093fc19c
09:47 PM Revision 66a55eb7 (qgis): Better wording for the load missing layers dialog
- git-svn-id: c8812cc2-4d05-0410-92ff-de0c093fc19c
09:46 PM Revision 7cf6c6ea (qgis): Partial fix for loading projects with missing layers from Sunilraj at K...
- git-svn-id: c8812cc2-4d05-0410-92ff-de0c093fc19c
09:46 PM Revision bb138abd (qgis): Partial fix for loading projects with missing layers from Sunilraj at K...
- git-svn-id: c8812cc2-4d05-0410-92ff-de0c093fc19c
07:14 PM Feature request #3173 (Closed): add a "Clear" button to Raster Calculator
02:49 PM Feature request #3173: add a "Clear" button to Raster Calculator
- I think it now has a clear button.
06:13 PM Revision f557e5d6 (qgis): Removed ogr converter: 1. its not maintained 2. its mostly duplicated b...
- git-svn-id: c8812cc2-4d05-0410-92ff-de0c093fc19c
06:13 PM Revision b7d97ad8 (qgis): Removed ogr converter: 1. its not maintained 2. its mostly duplicated b...
- git-svn-id: c8812cc2-4d05-0410-92ff-de0c093fc19c
03:07 PM Feature request #1483: Possibility to copy and paste a layer
- Easily duplicating a layer entry in the layer list could be handy if you wanted to use the same dataset but apply dif...
02:32 PM Feature request #2935 (Closed): More flexible snapping options
- ad i:
A default snapping behaviour can be defined in Settings/Options/Digitizing/Snapping
ad ii:
The snapping GUI ... -
02:32 PM Feature request #2935 (Closed): More flexible snapping options
- ad i:
A default snapping behaviour can be defined in Settings/Options/Digitizing/Snapping
ad ii:
The snapping GUI ... -
02:31 PM Bug report #2500: Broken copy functionality in python error output window
- commit:0a89f197 (SVN r15329) works too
01:54 PM Bug report #2500: Broken copy functionality in python error output window
- Works for me (commit:501d1c90 (SVN r15204) on Win7)
01:45 PM Bug report #2500: Broken copy functionality in python error output window
- Still working on Linux
02:09 PM Revision 86aae02d (qgis): Add progress bar.
- git-svn-id: c8812cc2-4d05-0410-92ff-de0c093fc19c
02:09 PM Revision bfd63795 (qgis): Add progress bar.
- git-svn-id: c8812cc2-4d05-0410-92ff-de0c093fc19c
12:50 PM Bug report #3468: Missing layer in project means I can't load project at all
- Hi
I committed the patch supplied by Sunilraj commit:7cf6c6ea (SVN r15333) which partially addresses this. Sunil, no... -
12:17 PM Bug report #3544 (Closed): Save Selection as Shapefile changes database field info
- Using QGIS 1.4 on Debian GNU/Linux, "Save Selection as Shapefile" resulted in Date fields being re-written as Text fi...
10:16 AM Bug report #3543 (Closed): On windows dragging toolbar outside of QGIS looses it
- Steps to reproduce:
* Start QGIS on Windows
* Take one of toolbars and drag it to start menu
* Hey! I wanna my toolba... -
10:07 AM Feature request #3524: Vector layer placement in leged on adding a new one
- I think the order is the same as in the TOC, which seems appropriate because is the same order as they are shown. Ple...
09:52 AM Bug report #2176 (Closed): OGR converter: CSV export is broken
- Plugin removed as per commit:f557e5d6 (SVN r15332)
09:52 AM Bug report #2176 (Closed): OGR converter: CSV export is broken
- Plugin removed as per commit:f557e5d6 (SVN r15332)
09:51 AM Feature request #1729 (Closed): MapInfo: OGR layer converter doesn't work
- Plugin removed as per commit:f557e5d6 (SVN r15332)
09:51 AM Feature request #1729 (Closed): MapInfo: OGR layer converter doesn't work
- Plugin removed as per commit:f557e5d6 (SVN r15332)
09:50 AM Feature request #2118 (Closed): OGR converter: add filters for file names
- Plugin removed as per commit:f557e5d6 (SVN r15332)
09:50 AM Feature request #2118 (Closed): OGR converter: add filters for file names
- Plugin removed as per commit:f557e5d6 (SVN r15332)
09:48 AM Bug report #2418 (Closed): OGR layer converter errors
- The plugin has been removed as per commit:f557e5d6 (SVN r15332)
09:48 AM Bug report #2418 (Closed): OGR layer converter errors
- The plugin has been removed as per commit:f557e5d6 (SVN r15332)
09:46 AM Bug report #3318 (Closed): OGR converter and MySQL
- Removed as per commit:f557e5d6 (SVN r15332)
09:46 AM Bug report #3318 (Closed): OGR converter and MySQL
- Removed as per commit:f557e5d6 (SVN r15332)
09:36 AM Bug report #3540 (Closed): Win 32 Buzus ANZ in i.gensig.exe
- I think this is a false positive: antiviruses do not like the *.*.exe pattern of GRASS commands. Please check for the...
09:36 AM Bug report #3540 (Closed): Win 32 Buzus ANZ in i.gensig.exe
- I think this is a false positive: antiviruses do not like the *.*.exe pattern of GRASS commands. Please check for the...
09:32 AM Feature request #2417 (Closed): field calculator: please add serial
- Done
09:32 AM Feature request #2417 (Closed): field calculator: please add serial
- Done
09:31 AM Feature request #2989 (Closed): improve reading of DWG to equal DGN functionality
- DWG is a proprietary format. No free and open source software can read it effectively. DXF, on the other hand, is sup...
09:31 AM Feature request #2989 (Closed): improve reading of DWG to equal DGN functionality
- DWG is a proprietary format. No free and open source software can read it effectively. DXF, on the other hand, is sup...
09:27 AM Feature request #2063: wrapper for R and GRASS
- See more details in #3135
09:27 AM Feature request #3135 (Closed): GRASS analyses on the fly
- See #2063
09:27 AM Feature request #3135 (Closed): GRASS analyses on the fly
- See #2063
09:22 AM Bug report #3077: ftools (merge shapefiles tool): QGIS crashes if shapes are missing the .prj file
- See more details in #3445 (now closed as duplicate)
09:21 AM Bug report #3445 (Closed): merge shapefiles (fTools) crashes qgis
- See #3077
09:21 AM Bug report #3445 (Closed): merge shapefiles (fTools) crashes qgis
- See #3077
08:14 AM Revision 42ee9604 (qgis): fix #3542
- git-svn-id: c8812cc2-4d05-0410-92ff-de0c093fc19c
08:14 AM Revision 4c0c1654 (qgis): fix #3542
- git-svn-id: c8812cc2-4d05-0410-92ff-de0c093fc19c
07:42 AM Bug report #2158: OSM plugin: Python error on moving line
- Just tried it again with 1.6.0 (and trunk) and it generated this Python error with version 0.5 of the [[OpenStreetMap...
06:26 AM Revision 0a89f197 (qgis): Updates to IT GUI translation
- git-svn-id: c8812cc2-4d05-0410-92ff-de0c093fc19c
06:26 AM Revision 2c074e37 (qgis): Updates to IT GUI translation
- git-svn-id: c8812cc2-4d05-0410-92ff-de0c093fc19c
06:07 AM Feature request #2626: better handling to change snapping options
- You can see them if you set the other alyer as editable. If this solves for you, please close this ticket.
03:09 AM Feature request #2626 (Feedback): better handling to change snapping options
- Hi,
thanks for your work.
I have installed trunk commit:0a89f197 (SVN r15329) (trunk nr. 81).
My suggestion is to op... -
03:09 AM Feature request #2626 (Feedback): better handling to change snapping options
- Hi,
thanks for your work.
I have installed trunk commit:0a89f197 (SVN r15329) (trunk nr. 81).
My suggestion is to op... -
01:22 AM Feature request #2626 (Closed): better handling to change snapping options
- If I understood your suggestion, this is now implemented in trunk. Please reopen if not.
01:22 AM Feature request #2626 (Closed): better handling to change snapping options
- If I understood your suggestion, this is now implemented in trunk. Please reopen if not.
05:50 AM Feature request #2721 (Closed): Smaller properties window for better display
- fixed in 1.7
05:50 AM Feature request #2721 (Closed): Smaller properties window for better display
- fixed in 1.7
05:43 AM Bug report #2202 (Closed): UI's glitches when using the FR localization
- tab are now handled horizontally so this problem doesn't exist anymore, I'm closing this ticket
05:43 AM Bug report #2202 (Closed): UI's glitches when using the FR localization
- tab are now handled horizontally so this problem doesn't exist anymore, I'm closing this ticket
01:33 AM Bug report #2202: UI's glitches when using the FR localization
- Still true for trunk?
01:41 AM Bug report #2181: "add to overview" menu item does not work
- It seems to work now: can you confirm?
01:32 AM Bug report #1451: High usage of CPU when moving mouse over map canvas
- Confirmed with commit:f5b1607e (SVN r15261)
01:25 AM Bug report #3120 (Closed): Replace list of donors with link
01:23 AM Bug report #3090: No GRASS man pages in GRASS Toolbox
- Is this still true for 1.6?
01:19 AM Feature request #1395 (Closed): Add / move vertex to given x/y-coordinate
- I think the plugin fulfills these needs. Please reopen if not.
01:19 AM Feature request #1395 (Closed): Add / move vertex to given x/y-coordinate
- I think the plugin fulfills these needs. Please reopen if not.
12:09 AM Feature request #3430: fill pattern missing for point markers in new symbology engine
- Since the new symbology engine will be the default in 1.7, I think devs should look at this lost of feature from old ...
11:45 PM Revision 79752951 (qgis): Added missing python bindings for table joins
- git-svn-id: c8812cc2-4d05-0410-92ff-de0c093fc19c
11:45 PM Revision 9ff2f579 (qgis): Added missing python bindings for table joins
- git-svn-id: c8812cc2-4d05-0410-92ff-de0c093fc19c
11:15 PM Bug report #3542 (Closed): Table edits cause loss of geometry
- fixed in commit:42ee9604 (SVN r15330).
11:15 PM Bug report #3542 (Closed): Table edits cause loss of geometry
- fixed in commit:42ee9604 (SVN r15330).
07:51 PM Bug report #3542 (Closed): Table edits cause loss of geometry
- In trunk, trying to edit a polygon shapefile's attribute table is causing the polygon geometry to be deleted. You end...
10:46 PM Bug report #3077: ftools (merge shapefiles tool): QGIS crashes if shapes are missing the .prj file
- I confirm the crash, even if the prj are present.libgeos-3.2.0, qgis commit:a75d755c (SVN r15310), self compiled. It ...
09:03 AM Bug report #3077: ftools (merge shapefiles tool): QGIS crashes if shapes are missing the .prj file
- Can't reproduce on Slackware with self-compiled QGIS commit:3c8d31dd (SVN r15321), geos 3.2.2 and on Windows with com...
06:11 AM Bug report #3077: ftools (merge shapefiles tool): QGIS crashes if shapes are missing the .prj file
- I can reproduce the bug, merging the two shapefiles without prj leads to segfault, while adding prj fixes it.
I run ... -
09:37 PM Revision 82dda642 (qgis): Also enable antialiasing with QPixmap in options dialog
- git-svn-id: c8812cc2-4d05-0410-92ff-de0c093fc19c
09:37 PM Revision a8f8dcd7 (qgis): Also enable antialiasing with QPixmap in options dialog
- git-svn-id: c8812cc2-4d05-0410-92ff-de0c093fc19c
09:08 PM Revision f050a0d6 (qgis): Rendering to QPixmap supports antialiasing nowadays
- git-svn-id: c8812cc2-4d05-0410-92ff-de0c093fc19c
09:08 PM Revision 644d5e95 (qgis): Rendering to QPixmap supports antialiasing nowadays
- git-svn-id: c8812cc2-4d05-0410-92ff-de0c093fc19c
07:33 PM Revision e4389418 (qgis): use Qt font dialog for Qt Cocoa
- git-svn-id: c8812cc2-4d05-0410-92ff-de0c093fc19c
07:33 PM Revision 50b4cd00 (qgis): use Qt font dialog for Qt Cocoa
- git-svn-id: c8812cc2-4d05-0410-92ff-de0c093fc19c
06:27 PM Revision 62e7df74 (qgis): use crs() instead of deprecated srs()
- git-svn-id: c8812cc2-4d05-0410-92ff-de0c093fc19c
06:27 PM Revision d9533d42 (qgis): use crs() instead of deprecated srs()
- git-svn-id: c8812cc2-4d05-0410-92ff-de0c093fc19c
04:55 PM Revision bc3a9231 (qgis): Changed gpl2->gpl3 in readme because of gpl3 parts in the QGIS sources
- git-svn-id: c8812cc2-4d05-0410-92ff-de0c093fc19c
04:55 PM Revision 97d366df (qgis): Changed gpl2->gpl3 in readme because of gpl3 parts in the QGIS sources
- git-svn-id: c8812cc2-4d05-0410-92ff-de0c093fc19c
03:36 PM Feature request #587 (Closed): Render Output Image at Arbitrary Resolution
- Print composer's "Export as image" should give you these possibilities as well.
Re-open if necessary -
03:36 PM Feature request #587 (Closed): Render Output Image at Arbitrary Resolution
- Print composer's "Export as image" should give you these possibilities as well.
Re-open if necessary -
03:30 PM Feature request #485: Add comments for translators to distinguish tool names with tooltips
- I think you discussed this issue in Poland. Is it still something you're looking forward to have?
03:23 PM Feature request #2777: Add EPSG:3812
- 3812 is definitely in the copy included in GDAL 1.7.1. That is EPSG version 7.1.
I'd regard it a good development, i... -
03:09 PM Bug report #2942: Maximizing window crashes on winXP
- Ah, I got you wrong on the overview before.
Very funny! I've seen #2884 happen before, but I currently can't crash 1... -
02:52 PM Bug report #2942: Maximizing window crashes on winXP
- I just updated to 1.6.0, and the bug is still present. Remember the overview window has to be activated and displayin...
01:30 PM Bug report #2942: Maximizing window crashes on winXP
- I tried with XP and 1.6.0. No problems there.
Can you give that a try too? -
02:48 PM Bug report #2081: Old Symbology: different rotation of symbol and label
- It still is this way with old symbology and old labeling.
New symbology still rotates labels clockwise, rotation in ... -
02:29 PM Bug report #3345: Bug: Spacing is messed up in composer labels
- Hmmm, I'm guessing this is something to do with opentype kerning: -
01:57 PM Bug report #3345: Bug: Spacing is messed up in composer labels
- Sorry, I meant abiword, not gnumeric :)
Testing with ftview and ftstring does not show the same problem, so I guess ... -
01:15 PM Bug report #3345 (Closed): Bug: Spacing is messed up in composer labels
- The same effect shows up using these fonts in Gnumeric in Linux, so I assume this is a freetype issue.
If the origin... -
01:15 PM Bug report #3345 (Closed): Bug: Spacing is messed up in composer labels
- The same effect shows up using these fonts in Gnumeric in Linux, so I assume this is a freetype issue.
If the origin... -
02:28 PM Bug report #2158: OSM plugin: Python error on moving line
- Maybe related to #1944, also see my comment.
02:24 PM Bug report #2488 (Closed): Unable to add filter to PostGIS layer while "Render" option is turned off
- Please re-open if problem is still there.
02:24 PM Bug report #2488 (Closed): Unable to add filter to PostGIS layer while "Render" option is turned off
- Please re-open if problem is still there.
02:22 PM Feature request #3536 (Closed): PyQGIS Cookbook, Load of MySQL geometries and Graduated symbol re...
- Added in . I have simplified the code for graduated symbol renderer.
Thanks for contributing! -
02:22 PM Feature request #3536 (Closed): PyQGIS Cookbook, Load of MySQL geometries and Graduated symbol re...
- Added in . I have simplified the code for graduated symbol renderer.
Thanks for contributing! -
02:05 PM Bug report #1944: Cannot upload more than one changed node with OSM provider
- Problems are obviously still around for 1.6 in Windows. I didn't even manage to make any successful editing at all an...
01:30 PM Revision fbfca24f (qgis): get uniquie values from provider instead of using own function
- git-svn-id: c8812cc2-4d05-0410-92ff-de0c093fc19c
01:30 PM Revision 3c8d31dd (qgis): get uniquie values from provider instead of using own function
- git-svn-id: c8812cc2-4d05-0410-92ff-de0c093fc19c
01:20 PM Revision d8b56da8 (qgis): display correct fTools version in About dialog
- git-svn-id: c8812cc2-4d05-0410-92ff-de0c093fc19c
01:20 PM Revision b4ea9e22 (qgis): display correct fTools version in About dialog
- git-svn-id: c8812cc2-4d05-0410-92ff-de0c093fc19c
12:38 PM Revision 3ecc6a9d (qgis): translation update: sv by emj
- git-svn-id: c8812cc2-4d05-0410-92ff-de0c093fc19c
12:38 PM Revision 42ab6b20 (qgis): translation update: sv by emj
- git-svn-id: c8812cc2-4d05-0410-92ff-de0c093fc19c
10:50 AM Feature request #2832: rule-based renderer in symbology-ng should show rules in legend
- Replying to [comment:11 jctull]:
> So... We still don't get the symbol levels showing in the composer in trunk. This ... -
10:45 AM Feature request #2832: rule-based renderer in symbology-ng should show rules in legend
- So... We still don't get the symbol levels showing in the composer in trunk. This is necessary for 1.7 release, IMO.
10:43 AM Bug report #1752 (Closed): Font label settings not working on OS X
- Verified that the [[DontUseNativeDialog]] Qt bug is fixed in 4.7.1, so Qgis can force the Qt font dialog starting wit...
10:43 AM Bug report #1752 (Closed): Font label settings not working on OS X
- Verified that the [[DontUseNativeDialog]] Qt bug is fixed in 4.7.1, so Qgis can force the Qt font dialog starting wit...
10:27 AM Feature request #3394: Update IGNF's projections register
- Similar ticket on proj4's trac -> -
10:16 AM Bug report #2473 (Closed): identify window stays on top of other application's windows with Qt 4....
- I thought I saw the same issue with Qt 4.7.0, but it seems to be solved with Qt 4.7.1.
Closing as invalid (Qt bug). ... -
10:16 AM Bug report #2473 (Closed): identify window stays on top of other application's windows with Qt 4....
- I thought I saw the same issue with Qt 4.7.0, but it seems to be solved with Qt 4.7.1.
Closing as invalid (Qt bug). ... -
09:01 AM Feature request #3437: Add natgrid to IGNF's RGF93 projections
- L'anglais avait l'avantage que d'autres intervenants simple lecteur pouvait aussi nous suivre, mais perso le français...
08:47 AM Feature request #3437: Add natgrid to IGNF's RGF93 projections
- Bon, en français ça évitera de continuer plus qu'il n'est nécessaire, n'étant pas dev ou quoi que ce soit j'ai cru bo...
08:07 AM Feature request #3437: Add natgrid to IGNF's RGF93 projections
- To "call the use of the grid" or to "have good results" ?
If +wktext is enough on your tests, why add here +nadgrid... -
07:00 AM Feature request #3437: Add natgrid to IGNF's RGF93 projections
- in my test, +wktext was enought to call the use of the grid. If you've a valid solution, it would be welcome.
03:37 AM Feature request #3437: Add natgrid to IGNF's RGF93 projections
- This french thread show there is a projection problem, but the solution can't be this patch, else WGS84 data won't mi...
01:45 AM Feature request #3437: Add natgrid to IGNF's RGF93 projections
- sorry if it wasn't clear, I'm not saying there is errors in the IGNF as the proj definitions work as attented when wo...
08:59 AM Revision edc317bb (qgis): fix r15315
- git-svn-id: c8812cc2-4d05-0410-92ff-de0c093fc19c
08:59 AM Revision de15a6bf (qgis): fix r15315
- git-svn-id: c8812cc2-4d05-0410-92ff-de0c093fc19c
08:54 AM Revision 282223ba (qgis): debian packaging update
- git-svn-id: c8812cc2-4d05-0410-92ff-de0c093fc19c
08:54 AM Revision e9038a38 (qgis): debian packaging update
- git-svn-id: c8812cc2-4d05-0410-92ff-de0c093fc19c
08:32 AM Bug report #3432: License conflict with GPLv3+ libs
- "only way to distribute QGIS is under GPL3"
Shouldn't that be GPLv3+? -
07:53 AM Bug report #3432: License conflict with GPLv3+ libs
- Yes, exactly
07:49 AM Bug report #3432: License conflict with GPLv3+ libs
- I suppose that means distributing binary packages also must be GPLv3?
07:36 AM Bug report #3432 (Closed): License conflict with GPLv3+ libs
- Closing this bug after IRC discussion with volter. Result is that currently the only way to distribute QGIS is under ...
07:36 AM Bug report #3432 (Closed): License conflict with GPLv3+ libs
- Closing this bug after IRC discussion with volter. Result is that currently the only way to distribute QGIS is under ...
08:25 AM Feature request #121: join external tables to geometries
- It is possible to load geometryless tables. This includes dbfs and csvs via OGR (set Filter to 'all Files' in the dia...
06:56 AM Feature request #121: join external tables to geometries
- Replying to [comment:18 pcav]:
> Table join now added in trunk. Please test.
I imagine that this is the Joins tab in... -
07:33 AM Bug report #3541 (Closed): New symbology duplicates categories of a spatialite layer
- Hi,
When classifying a spatialite layer with the new symbology, some class are created twice.
If you show the feat... -
07:19 AM Bug report #2877 (Closed): menu icons do not show under Ubuntu 10.04
- Closing it for now. Please reopen if appropriate.
07:19 AM Bug report #2877 (Closed): menu icons do not show under Ubuntu 10.04
- Closing it for now. Please reopen if appropriate.
06:38 AM Bug report #2877: menu icons do not show under Ubuntu 10.04
- Icons are present on self-compiled QGIS trunk, commit:44441dec (SVN r15305). Possibly also in older revisions...
An... -
07:01 AM Bug report #3528: uniqueValue() function is needed on vector layer level
- thanks a lot marco !
05:44 AM Bug report #3018 (Closed): Found a bug in Save Layer as KML
05:44 AM Bug report #3018: Found a bug in Save Layer as KML
- Therefore, closing it. Please reopen if necessary
05:41 AM Bug report #3018: Found a bug in Save Layer as KML
- For me the KML export is working fine, I tested several shapefiles, with > 15 columns in attribute table.
Self comp... -
05:20 AM Bug report #3078: Scotese's shapefiles causes Tethys to crash
- It is true for QGIS trunk, commit:44441dec (SVN r15305). QGIS crashes with the error signaled by lutra.
04:24 AM Bug report #3540 (Closed): Win 32 Buzus ANZ in i.gensig.exe
- Hello
Downloading and installing QGis 1.6 Copiaco few days ago, and scanning main HDD with Avast 6 :
Win32.Buzus.AN... -
03:39 AM Feature request #3428 (Closed): Translation Swedish
03:39 AM Feature request #3428 (In Progress): Translation Swedish
03:04 AM Revision b232e316 (qgis): fix #926
- git-svn-id: c8812cc2-4d05-0410-92ff-de0c093fc19c
03:04 AM Revision 949d9fab (qgis): fix #926
- git-svn-id: c8812cc2-4d05-0410-92ff-de0c093fc19c
03:04 AM Revision 9cb502e8 (qgis): fix deprecation warnings
- git-svn-id: c8812cc2-4d05-0410-92ff-de0c093fc19c
03:04 AM Revision feafe9c9 (qgis): fix deprecation warnings
- git-svn-id: c8812cc2-4d05-0410-92ff-de0c093fc19c
02:45 AM Bug report #3168: Log out is canceled, when project is not saved
- Log out anyway, without answering to the Save project dialog, works as expected on GNOME 2.32.0 using QGIS commit:444...
02:20 AM Bug report #2337: Projection issue: freezes when reprojecting a csv file
- Replying to [comment:4 gislab]:
> Replying to [comment:3 lutra]:
> > When importing csv files it would be enough to h... -
01:39 AM Feature request #2952: Cannot access disk from remote desktop connection drives when remotely acc...
- I don't know because I've not had a chance to test the latest version at work, where the issue occurred. I may get a ...
10:33 PM Bug report #2655 (Closed): QuickPrint elements missing
- Plugin removed
10:33 PM Bug report #2655 (Closed): QuickPrint elements missing
- Plugin removed
10:15 PM Revision 5ab9e184 (qgis): Removed quick print plugin
- git-svn-id: c8812cc2-4d05-0410-92ff-de0c093fc19c
10:15 PM Revision f6c16778 (qgis): Removed quick print plugin
- git-svn-id: c8812cc2-4d05-0410-92ff-de0c093fc19c
09:29 PM Bug report #896: Quickprint Plugin scaling issues
- Replying to [comment:12 timlinux]:
> I've removed this plugin with commit:f6c16778 (SVN r15314). Users wanting simila... -
01:18 PM Bug report #896 (Closed): Quickprint Plugin scaling issues
- I've removed this plugin with commit:f6c16778 (SVN r15314). Users wanting similar functionality should use the [[Quic...
01:18 PM Bug report #896 (Closed): Quickprint Plugin scaling issues
- I've removed this plugin with commit:f6c16778 (SVN r15314). Users wanting similar functionality should use the [[Quic...
01:12 PM Bug report #896: Quickprint Plugin scaling issues
- I'm happy to see this changed to wontfix if so.
07:12 AM Bug report #896: Quickprint Plugin scaling issues
- Would 1.7 release the right time to remove [[QuickPrint]] and close this bug?
09:08 PM Bug report #3345: Bug: Spacing is messed up in composer labels
- I think this is probably a different bug from what I originally reported, because I can actually see it in the compos...
08:53 PM Bug report #3345: Bug: Spacing is messed up in composer labels
- Interesting.
I no longer get the same results with the test file. But there is still a problem. The f in the first... -
06:20 PM Bug report #2190 (Closed): Identifying an holed polygon selects the whole area
- duplicate of #926
06:20 PM Bug report #2190 (Closed): Identifying an holed polygon selects the whole area
- duplicate of #926
02:38 AM Bug report #2190: Identifying an holed polygon selects the whole area
- It is related to ticket #926 which was closed (although I feel it wasn't fixed). This behaviour is confusing because ...
06:04 PM Bug report #926 (Closed): identify tool: features highlited wrong when a polygon inside a polygon...
- fixed in 15315.
06:04 PM Bug report #926 (Closed): identify tool: features highlited wrong when a polygon inside a polygon...
- fixed in 15315.
04:19 AM Bug report #926 (Feedback): identify tool: features highlited wrong when a polygon inside a polyg...
- I am reopening this ticket, because of the behavior of 'identify tool' in current trunk which is the same as in 'iden...
04:19 AM Bug report #926 (Feedback): identify tool: features highlited wrong when a polygon inside a polyg...
- I am reopening this ticket, because of the behavior of 'identify tool' in current trunk which is the same as in 'iden...
04:02 PM Revision d9f293c9 (qgis): unique values from layer also for sqlanywhere
- git-svn-id: c8812cc2-4d05-0410-92ff-de0c093fc19c
04:02 PM Revision bcb71659 (qgis): unique values from layer also for sqlanywhere
- git-svn-id: c8812cc2-4d05-0410-92ff-de0c093fc19c
03:55 PM Revision 1a603662 (qgis): Use layer method for unique values in query builder and old symbology
- git-svn-id: c8812cc2-4d05-0410-92ff-de0c093fc19c
03:55 PM Revision dafc6db9 (qgis): Use layer method for unique values in query builder and old symbology
- git-svn-id: c8812cc2-4d05-0410-92ff-de0c093fc19c
03:45 PM Revision f5fdf2f4 (qgis): Add uniqueValues() method for vector layer. Fixes #3528
- git-svn-id: c8812cc2-4d05-0410-92ff-de0c093fc19c
03:45 PM Revision 2c0e214d (qgis): Add uniqueValues() method for vector layer. Fixes #3528
- git-svn-id: c8812cc2-4d05-0410-92ff-de0c093fc19c
02:25 PM Feature request #3444 (Closed): Add label offset in map units (labeling-ng)
- This has been added to trunk
02:25 PM Feature request #3444 (Closed): Add label offset in map units (labeling-ng)
- This has been added to trunk
02:08 PM Bug report #3432: License conflict with GPLv3+ libs
- I still think it is no problem, because the QGIS code is under GPL2+. The important thing is the distribution of the ...
12:49 PM Bug report #3432: License conflict with GPLv3+ libs
- Replying to [comment:4 pcav]:
> Can anyone confirm this? Is so, I think we should drop SQLAnywhere support before rel... -
10:00 AM Bug report #3432: License conflict with GPLv3+ libs
- Yes, pal 0.1 was GPLv3+, pal 0.2 is LGPLv3+.
08:36 AM Bug report #3432: License conflict with GPLv3+ libs
- libpal's version in Trunk is also GPLv3+, according to the headers.
The "website": -
08:25 AM Bug report #3432: License conflict with GPLv3+ libs
- Can anyone confirm this? Is so, I think we should drop SQLAnywhere support before releasing 1.7
01:31 PM Bug report #3539 (Closed): allow selecting 2/3 columns
- When I try to upload x, y and z coordinates from vector geometry to attribute table, I can't select from menù the tre...
01:20 PM Bug report #1752: Font label settings not working on OS X
- This problem persists on OS X. - bug update for 1.7 release
01:12 PM Bug report #1170: GPS Plugin non-functional (OS X) for Serial Bus/Com port units
- This problem persists on OS X.
12:37 PM Feature request #3437 (Closed): Add natgrid to IGNF's RGF93 projections
- WTF ?
ndgrids are elaborate towgs84 clause. And RGF93 +towgs84 clauses are right 0,0,0, because RGF93 is WGS84 comp... -
12:37 PM Feature request #3437 (Closed): Add natgrid to IGNF's RGF93 projections
- WTF ?
ndgrids are elaborate towgs84 clause. And RGF93 +towgs84 clauses are right 0,0,0, because RGF93 is WGS84 comp... -
11:16 AM Revision a75d755c (qgis): Use transparent png rather
- git-svn-id: c8812cc2-4d05-0410-92ff-de0c093fc19c
11:16 AM Revision 70b001fb (qgis): Use transparent png rather
- git-svn-id: c8812cc2-4d05-0410-92ff-de0c093fc19c
10:58 AM Revision edb505b0 (qgis): Center image in tip
- git-svn-id: c8812cc2-4d05-0410-92ff-de0c093fc19c
10:58 AM Revision 3f9a8fde (qgis): Center image in tip
- git-svn-id: c8812cc2-4d05-0410-92ff-de0c093fc19c
10:54 AM Revision d453752b (qgis): Added new images folder for tip images and new tip from Alister Hood wh...
- git-svn-id: c8812cc2-4d05-0410-92ff-de0c093fc19c
10:54 AM Revision d21867d0 (qgis): Added new images folder for tip images and new tip from Alister Hood wh...
- git-svn-id: c8812cc2-4d05-0410-92ff-de0c093fc19c
09:21 AM Bug report #3132 (Feedback): Field calculator cannot calculates area of polygon
- Bug still present at commit:95af577b (SVN r15307).
09:21 AM Bug report #3132 (Feedback): Field calculator cannot calculates area of polygon
- Bug still present at commit:95af577b (SVN r15307).
08:59 AM Bug report #3132 (Closed): Field calculator cannot calculates area of polygon
- Seems fixed for now (tested with )
08:59 AM Bug report #3132 (Closed): Field calculator cannot calculates area of polygon
- Seems fixed for now (tested with )
08:04 AM Bug report #3132: Field calculator cannot calculates area of polygon
- Is this still true?
08:59 AM Bug report #3164: Gibberish in output tab of GRASS tools
- Bug still present at commit:95af577b (SVN r15307).
08:06 AM Bug report #3164: Gibberish in output tab of GRASS tools
- I think this is related to cyrillic characters. Please chack again with a recent version from trunk, as this should h...
08:56 AM Feature request #3226: Patch to show number of features per class in legend
- Still true?
08:54 AM Bug report #2630: "merge selected features" tool produce strange numbers in the table
- This ticket related to the "merge selected features" from advanced digitizing toolbar, not to the fTools "merge shape...
08:53 AM Feature request #2952: Cannot access disk from remote desktop connection drives when remotely acc...
- Is this still true? I cannot replicate it.
08:51 AM Bug report #3461 (Closed): slow image load visualization for tfw with rotation parameters
08:45 AM Bug report #3287 (Closed): Areas and distances are not correct when using the Google Mercator Pro...
- This shoudl have been fixed. Please check against trunk ad reopen if necessary.
08:45 AM Bug report #3287 (Closed): Areas and distances are not correct when using the Google Mercator Pro...
- This shoudl have been fixed. Please check against trunk ad reopen if necessary.
08:44 AM Bug report #3063: please add gpsbabel to osgeo4w standalone package
- Has this been fixed?
08:41 AM Feature request #3428: Translation Swedish
- Can this be applied?
08:29 AM Bug report #3515 (Closed): Projection issues
- This sould have been fixed. Consider submitting a tip for this. Please reopen if necessary.
08:29 AM Bug report #3515 (Closed): Projection issues
- This sould have been fixed. Consider submitting a tip for this. Please reopen if necessary.
08:27 AM Bug report #3496: Print Composer in QGIS 1.6.0 does no longer select the rows of the visible feat...
- I cannot confirm this: can anyone?
08:21 AM Bug report #3318: OGR converter and MySQL
- I suggest removing the plugin before releasing QGIS 1.7
08:13 AM Bug report #3216: WMS not working correctly
- Please check again with 1.6 or trunk. I cannot reproduce it. Thanks.
08:12 AM Bug report #2275 (Closed): Layer units and measuring
- It should be fixed now. Please check with trunk and reopen if necessary.
08:12 AM Bug report #2275 (Closed): Layer units and measuring
- It should be fixed now. Please check with trunk and reopen if necessary.
08:10 AM Feature request #2845 (Closed): QGIS won't compile with python
- Please check again with a recent version.
08:10 AM Feature request #2845 (Closed): QGIS won't compile with python
- Please check again with a recent version.
08:08 AM Feature request #1868 (Closed): ftools: join support for SQLite?
- Table join is now added to trunk. Please check.
08:08 AM Feature request #1868 (Closed): ftools: join support for SQLite?
- Table join is now added to trunk. Please check.
08:07 AM Feature request #121 (Closed): join external tables to geometries
- Table join now added in trunk. Please test.
08:07 AM Feature request #121 (Closed): join external tables to geometries
- Table join now added in trunk. Please test.
08:03 AM Bug report #3109 (Closed): switching layers does not work
- It seems solved as per commit:a75d755c (SVN r15310)
08:03 AM Bug report #3109 (Closed): switching layers does not work
- It seems solved as per commit:a75d755c (SVN r15310)
08:01 AM Bug report #2981 (Closed): Can't install
- I assume it works, as I have installed in many PCs. Please check and reopen if appropriate.
08:01 AM Bug report #2981 (Closed): Can't install
- I assume it works, as I have installed in many PCs. Please check and reopen if appropriate.
08:00 AM Bug report #3050 (Closed): wrong datum parameters for EPSG 31370
- This should be solved upstream, not in QGIS DB, which is simply a copy of the original one.
08:00 AM Bug report #3050 (Closed): wrong datum parameters for EPSG 31370
- This should be solved upstream, not in QGIS DB, which is simply a copy of the original one.
07:56 AM Bug report #2925 (Closed): Loading WMS tiles causes strange behaviour
- I cannot reproduce this: please check and reopen if necessary
07:56 AM Bug report #2925 (Closed): Loading WMS tiles causes strange behaviour
- I cannot reproduce this: please check and reopen if necessary
07:56 AM Bug report #2405: ftools does not always work with Spatialite
- Patch was not applied because this issue was fixed independently as part of a separate bug fix. Can you confirm this ...
07:23 AM Bug report #2405: ftools does not always work with Spatialite
- Why is the patch not been applied? Are the other behaviours confirmed with 1.6?
07:55 AM Bug report #2940 (Closed): Cannot select single wms layer to load into mapframe
- server replied: Not Found
Please check again and reopen if still valid -
07:55 AM Bug report #2940 (Closed): Cannot select single wms layer to load into mapframe
- server replied: Not Found
Please check again and reopen if still valid -
07:53 AM Bug report #2919 (Closed): Quantum GIS does not start
- Please check again with a fresh installer and reopen if necessary
07:53 AM Bug report #2919 (Closed): Quantum GIS does not start
- Please check again with a fresh installer and reopen if necessary
07:52 AM Bug report #2877: menu icons do not show under Ubuntu 10.04
- Is this still valid?
07:25 AM Bug report #2421 (Closed): Identify Features tool issue
- Closing it for now. Please reopen if necessary.
07:25 AM Bug report #2421 (Closed): Identify Features tool issue
- Closing it for now. Please reopen if necessary.
07:18 AM Bug report #2176: OGR converter: CSV export is broken
- Does keeping a partially broken (and presumably unmaintained) ogr plugin makes sense, now that the same functionality...
07:14 AM Bug report #1343: dxf2shp plugin does not distinguish between polygon and polyline correctly
- Downgrading it, as GDAL should handle these cases better than the plugin now
07:09 AM Bug report #3463 (Closed): QGIS crash when browsing data with topological errors
- Duplicate of #2003
07:09 AM Bug report #3463 (Closed): QGIS crash when browsing data with topological errors
- Duplicate of #2003
07:06 AM Bug report #3463: QGIS crash when browsing data with topological errors
- Can you please attach a sample of the data causing the crash?
07:05 AM Bug report #3435: GDAL - warp fails
- Please try the above mentioned operation and report back.
07:03 AM Bug report #3392 (Closed): Segmentation fault on Debian Squeeze w/ version 6.1
- I cannot reproduce it. Please try again, if possible with a clean installation, and report back, with details on the ...
07:03 AM Bug report #3392 (Closed): Segmentation fault on Debian Squeeze w/ version 6.1
- I cannot reproduce it. Please try again, if possible with a clean installation, and report back, with details on the ...
06:56 AM Bug report #3321: Crash when adding vector layer data
- I cannot replicate this. Can you help us reproducing it?
06:54 AM Bug report #3368 (Closed): QGIS 1.6.0 won't run: QHashData in QtCore4.dll on Windows machine
- I think this is a local problem only. Please clean up your system and report back, reopening if necessary.
06:54 AM Bug report #3368 (Closed): QGIS 1.6.0 won't run: QHashData in QtCore4.dll on Windows machine
- I think this is a local problem only. Please clean up your system and report back, reopening if necessary.
06:48 AM Bug report #3078: Scotese's shapefiles causes Tethys to crash
- Is this still true for qgis 1.6? Which GEOS version?
06:47 AM Bug report #3528 (Closed): uniqueValue() function is needed on vector layer level
- Fixed in commit:2c0e214d (SVN r15311)
06:47 AM Bug report #3528 (Closed): uniqueValue() function is needed on vector layer level
- Fixed in commit:2c0e214d (SVN r15311)
06:46 AM Bug report #3048: Seg-fault on Debian Squeeze invoking any of GdalTools
- Can anyone replicate this? I cannot (in slightly different settings, though).
06:45 AM Bug report #2714: Crash when resizing map window with Qt 4.6
- See also #2942, possibly duplicated
06:27 AM Bug report #2714: Crash when resizing map window with Qt 4.6
- I just got a crash resizing a window on commit:f5b1607e (SVN r15261), so I'm not so sure it is fully fixed in trunk.
06:00 AM Bug report #2714 (Feedback): Crash when resizing map window with Qt 4.6
- Having loaded two vector maps (LAEA, no reprojection on the fly), resizing the window leads to a crash. Logs of two e...
06:00 AM Bug report #2714 (Feedback): Crash when resizing map window with Qt 4.6
- Having loaded two vector maps (LAEA, no reprojection on the fly), resizing the window leads to a crash. Logs of two e...
06:44 AM Bug report #2942: Maximizing window crashes on winXP
- See also #2714, possibly duplicated
06:43 AM Bug report #3538 (Closed): Save layer as "GeoJSON" loosed projection information
- If you export vector data from QGIS using Layer > Save layer as... and choose [[GeoJSON]] as a format the data is exp...
06:39 AM Bug report #2903 (Closed): Segmentation Fault in 1.4, ubuntu karmic binaries
- It should be fixed. Please check against 1.6 or trunk, and reopen if still valid.
06:39 AM Bug report #2903 (Closed): Segmentation Fault in 1.4, ubuntu karmic binaries
- It should be fixed. Please check against 1.6 or trunk, and reopen if still valid.
04:39 AM Bug report #3501: QGIS 1.6.0 fails to install on Windows 7 with cannot access the file because it...
- Had the same issue on a [[WinXP]] computer, same error message at the end of installation :...
01:35 AM Revision 95af577b (qgis): implement #3535
- git-svn-id: c8812cc2-4d05-0410-92ff-de0c093fc19c
01:35 AM Revision f41fdb54 (qgis): implement #3535
- git-svn-id: c8812cc2-4d05-0410-92ff-de0c093fc19c
09:19 PM Bug report #3537 (Closed): CRS info in shapefile .prj is not taken into account by QGIS
- On loading a shapefile with associated prj file (no qpj file) the CRS in the prj file is ignored by QGIS.
How to rep... -
06:29 PM Feature request #3536 (Closed): PyQGIS Cookbook, Load of MySQL geometries and Graduated symbol re...
- Two Python snippets to be included in [[PyQGIS]] Cookbook.
04:36 PM Feature request #3535 (Closed): Enhancement: option to open attribute table on double-click, inst...
- good idea. implemented in commit:95af577b (SVN r15307).
04:36 PM Feature request #3535 (Closed): Enhancement: option to open attribute table on double-click, inst...
- good idea. implemented in commit:95af577b (SVN r15307).
04:01 PM Feature request #3535 (Closed): Enhancement: option to open attribute table on double-click, inst...
- I'm sure there are people who use the attribute table much more frequently than the layer properties dialogue. They ...
01:58 PM Revision eae78072 (qgis): Fix crash in ticket #3528
- git-svn-id: c8812cc2-4d05-0410-92ff-de0c093fc19c
01:58 PM Revision b055bdc8 (qgis): Fix crash in ticket #3528
- git-svn-id: c8812cc2-4d05-0410-92ff-de0c093fc19c
10:14 AM Revision 44441dec (qgis): update version number again
- git-svn-id: c8812cc2-4d05-0410-92ff-de0c093fc19c
10:14 AM Revision ebd8f12d (qgis): update version number again
- git-svn-id: c8812cc2-4d05-0410-92ff-de0c093fc19c
09:10 AM Revision 2d9e69d7 (qgis): automatic indentation update (r15222-r15302)
- git-svn-id: c8812cc2-4d05-0410-92ff-de0c093fc19c
09:10 AM Revision 6b602c00 (qgis): automatic indentation update (r15222-r15302)
- git-svn-id: c8812cc2-4d05-0410-92ff-de0c093fc19c
09:00 AM Revision 52144b41 (qgis): Applied latest patch from Luiz Motta from #2634...
- git-svn-id: c8812cc2-4d05-0410-92ff-de0c093fc19c
09:00 AM Revision 9950959e (qgis): Applied latest patch from Luiz Motta from #2634...
- git-svn-id: c8812cc2-4d05-0410-92ff-de0c093fc19c
09:00 AM Revision 0b65851e (qgis): Updates from Luiz for spatial query plugin
- git-svn-id: c8812cc2-4d05-0410-92ff-de0c093fc19c
09:00 AM Revision ed17b8fb (qgis): Updates from Luiz for spatial query plugin
- git-svn-id: c8812cc2-4d05-0410-92ff-de0c093fc19c
08:59 AM Revision 4bbb050a (qgis): Updates from Luiz for spatial query plugin
- git-svn-id: c8812cc2-4d05-0410-92ff-de0c093fc19c
08:59 AM Revision d0e4d4b5 (qgis): Updates from Luiz for spatial query plugin
- git-svn-id: c8812cc2-4d05-0410-92ff-de0c093fc19c
08:03 AM Revision 94473877 (qgis): fix help viewer on windows
- git-svn-id: c8812cc2-4d05-0410-92ff-de0c093fc19c
08:03 AM Revision e457026f (qgis): fix help viewer on windows
- git-svn-id: c8812cc2-4d05-0410-92ff-de0c093fc19c
06:51 AM Revision 28c5b249 (qgis): translation update: fr by Jean Roc
- git-svn-id: c8812cc2-4d05-0410-92ff-de0c093fc19c
06:51 AM Revision 19893e2f (qgis): translation update: fr by Jean Roc
- git-svn-id: c8812cc2-4d05-0410-92ff-de0c093fc19c
05:02 AM Bug report #3528: uniqueValue() function is needed on vector layer level
- The crash itself is fixed in commit:b055bdc8 (SVN r15306). The main problem however is that the function uniqueValues...
01:03 AM Bug report #3529: Default CRS does not work as expected
- Sorry for delays. I was doing some more tests.
Ok, some more info.
Please get the file at r1 (too big to attach on ...
12:16 AM Revision 11e0b82e (qgis): german translation update
- git-svn-id: c8812cc2-4d05-0410-92ff-de0c093fc19c
12:16 AM Revision e6117749 (qgis): german translation update
- git-svn-id: c8812cc2-4d05-0410-92ff-de0c093fc19c
12:11 AM Revision e2d0018b (qgis): missed a file in r15294
- git-svn-id: c8812cc2-4d05-0410-92ff-de0c093fc19c
12:11 AM Revision 03fef7e3 (qgis): missed a file in r15294
- git-svn-id: c8812cc2-4d05-0410-92ff-de0c093fc19c
12:10 AM Revision d0fd988c (qgis): debian packaging: qgis_help moved to libexec
- git-svn-id: c8812cc2-4d05-0410-92ff-de0c093fc19c
12:10 AM Revision 5a0f9351 (qgis): debian packaging: qgis_help moved to libexec
- git-svn-id: c8812cc2-4d05-0410-92ff-de0c093fc19c
12:07 AM Revision 094a75e1 (qgis): move qgis_help to libexec
- git-svn-id: c8812cc2-4d05-0410-92ff-de0c093fc19c
12:07 AM Revision 807ea242 (qgis): move qgis_help to libexec
- git-svn-id: c8812cc2-4d05-0410-92ff-de0c093fc19c
12:06 AM Revision c83ce048 (qgis): cleanup: remove QgsApplication::msexportAppPath() and app/qgshelpviewer*
- git-svn-id: c8812cc2-4d05-0410-92ff-de0c093fc19c
12:06 AM Revision e7dbc5a1 (qgis): cleanup: remove QgsApplication::msexportAppPath() and app/qgshelpviewer*
- git-svn-id: c8812cc2-4d05-0410-92ff-de0c093fc19c
12:05 AM Feature request #2634: Spatial Query Plugin source for evaluation
- Hi Luiz
I made a few small tweaks to some of the labels to make it more 'human'. I had three remaining small issues:... -
06:21 PM Feature request #2634: Spatial Query Plugin source for evaluation
- Tim,
The full path for Spatialquery X (all files) was attached.
I fixed the error compile for Qt 4.6.
Luiz -
01:54 PM Feature request #2634: Spatial Query Plugin source for evaluation
- Hi
I get a bunch of errors compiling your latest:... -
11:41 PM Bug report #3468: Missing layer in project means I can't load project at all
- > The layers which are existing are loaded in mapcanvas and when it found any
> missing layer the added layers are ge... -
11:40 PM Revision 9bea2bc5 (qgis): removes symbology which may cause problems with new/old symbology
- git-svn-id: c8812cc2-4d05-0410-92ff-de0c093fc19c
11:40 PM Revision 6720f153 (qgis): removes symbology which may cause problems with new/old symbology
- git-svn-id: c8812cc2-4d05-0410-92ff-de0c093fc19c
11:37 PM Revision 9c0e058c (qgis): Increases QGIS minimum version, and increases fTools version
- git-svn-id: c8812cc2-4d05-0410-92ff-de0c093fc19c
11:37 PM Revision 1fc2bd1d (qgis): Increases QGIS minimum version, and increases fTools version
- git-svn-id: c8812cc2-4d05-0410-92ff-de0c093fc19c
11:35 PM Revision 84bab934 (qgis): [FEATURE] Adds 'Lines to polygons' tool to fTools. Thanks to Piotr Poci...
- git-svn-id: c8812cc2-4d05-0410-92ff-de0c093fc19c
11:35 PM Revision 6dd571c9 (qgis): [FEATURE] Adds 'Lines to polygons' tool to fTools. Thanks to Piotr Poci...
- git-svn-id: c8812cc2-4d05-0410-92ff-de0c093fc19c
11:31 PM Revision 842a1835 (qgis): adds marker at location of geometry errors
- git-svn-id: c8812cc2-4d05-0410-92ff-de0c093fc19c
11:31 PM Revision 8781ff4c (qgis): adds marker at location of geometry errors
- git-svn-id: c8812cc2-4d05-0410-92ff-de0c093fc19c
10:34 PM Revision 1c671d3e (qgis): Minor re-wording for ease of reading
- git-svn-id: c8812cc2-4d05-0410-92ff-de0c093fc19c
10:34 PM Revision 455de1ec (qgis): Minor re-wording for ease of reading
- git-svn-id: c8812cc2-4d05-0410-92ff-de0c093fc19c
08:49 PM Revision c3952810 (qgis): fix #3534
- git-svn-id: c8812cc2-4d05-0410-92ff-de0c093fc19c
08:49 PM Revision 842d19d6 (qgis): fix #3534
- git-svn-id: c8812cc2-4d05-0410-92ff-de0c093fc19c
08:14 PM Revision 9bbbae6c (qgis): german translation update
- git-svn-id: c8812cc2-4d05-0410-92ff-de0c093fc19c
08:14 PM Revision 141d75c4 (qgis): german translation update
- git-svn-id: c8812cc2-4d05-0410-92ff-de0c093fc19c
08:09 PM Revision 32ea7446 (qgis): db source select: move 'add' back to the first position in the button box
- git-svn-id: c8812cc2-4d05-0410-92ff-de0c093fc19c
08:09 PM Revision f8789e46 (qgis): db source select: move 'add' back to the first position in the button box
- git-svn-id: c8812cc2-4d05-0410-92ff-de0c093fc19c
06:01 PM Revision 96ca5f06 (qgis): postgres provider: use set application_name (fixes r15280) and verify t...
- git-svn-id: c8812cc2-4d05-0410-92ff-de0c093fc19c
06:01 PM Revision ebc26291 (qgis): postgres provider: use set application_name (fixes r15280) and verify t...
- git-svn-id: c8812cc2-4d05-0410-92ff-de0c093fc19c
06:00 PM Revision de2ffe11 (qgis): database source select: 'move build query' to button box
- git-svn-id: c8812cc2-4d05-0410-92ff-de0c093fc19c
06:00 PM Revision b183477c (qgis): database source select: 'move build query' to button box
- git-svn-id: c8812cc2-4d05-0410-92ff-de0c093fc19c
01:31 PM Bug report #3528: uniqueValue() function is needed on vector layer level
- Could you attach the data to the ticket or mail it to me privately ([email protected])?
11:49 AM Bug report #3534 (Closed): 'value map' widget crash when adding a NULL value
- fixed in commit:c3952810 (SVN r15288).
11:49 AM Bug report #3534 (Closed): 'value map' widget crash when adding a NULL value
- fixed in commit:c3952810 (SVN r15288).
11:32 AM Bug report #3534 (Closed): 'value map' widget crash when adding a NULL value
- 1. open a vector layer, go to the properties, field panel
2. edit the widget of a field to "Value map"
3. add a val... -
10:38 AM Bug report #3028: Displacement between vector and WMS layers after printing
- Here is some test data:
the QGS test file has two layers, an raster image showing a well defined edge -... -
10:24 AM Bug report #3466: Extremely Bloated PDF Vector Export under Win.
- Here is some test data:
the QGS test file has two layers, an raster image showing a well defined edge -... -
09:09 AM Bug report #3533 (Closed): Drag-and-dropping GPX file into QGIS window doesn't show the layer
- hmm, seems like my bad
works as it should -
09:09 AM Bug report #3533 (Closed): Drag-and-dropping GPX file into QGIS window doesn't show the layer
- hmm, seems like my bad
works as it should -
09:06 AM Bug report #3533 (Closed): Drag-and-dropping GPX file into QGIS window doesn't show the layer
- I guess because the window where type of the points in GPX is selected is omitted. I think it shouldn't and drag-and-...
09:09 AM Revision 7e4cc50f (qgis): update labels in roadgraphplugin settings dialog
- git-svn-id: c8812cc2-4d05-0410-92ff-de0c093fc19c
09:09 AM Revision 6d2c4883 (qgis): update labels in roadgraphplugin settings dialog
- git-svn-id: c8812cc2-4d05-0410-92ff-de0c093fc19c
06:59 AM Bug report #3532 (Closed): Some labeling settings are not saved in qml
- The option "Show all labels (i.e. including collinding labels" from New Labeling -> Advanced -> Engine settings is no...
06:33 AM Bug report #3529: Default CRS does not work as expected
- I think your report is complex, and mixes up several things. Please realize that for now raster reprojection is not s...
01:08 AM Bug report #3529 (Closed): Default CRS does not work as expected
- In the general "Options" dialog box, CRS tab there are three options for the default CRS: (1) Prompt for CRS, (2) Pro...
05:47 AM Bug report #3531 (Closed): Bug: QgisApp instance never delete
- By the time application finishes, [[QgisApp]] instance won't be deleted.
It happens, because it's constructor is neve... -
03:51 AM Bug report #3530 (Closed): Page orientation doesnt match composition orientation
- When changing composition orientation from landscape to portrait it doesn't affect page orientation settings thus lea...
12:33 AM Revision e4bcb6ad (qgis): allow switching between geometry and all tables in the selection dialog
- git-svn-id: c8812cc2-4d05-0410-92ff-de0c093fc19c
12:33 AM Revision be632a95 (qgis): allow switching between geometry and all tables in the selection dialog
- git-svn-id: c8812cc2-4d05-0410-92ff-de0c093fc19c
08:48 PM Revision ed9af812 (qgis): postgres support: include application_name in connections
- git-svn-id: c8812cc2-4d05-0410-92ff-de0c093fc19c
08:48 PM Revision 612d41d1 (qgis): postgres support: include application_name in connections
- git-svn-id: c8812cc2-4d05-0410-92ff-de0c093fc19c
08:38 PM Revision cf1afa22 (qgis): FindQGIS.cmake cleanup
- git-svn-id: c8812cc2-4d05-0410-92ff-de0c093fc19c
08:38 PM Revision 58c1711b (qgis): FindQGIS.cmake cleanup
- git-svn-id: c8812cc2-4d05-0410-92ff-de0c093fc19c
08:35 PM Revision 78dbe0d8 (qgis): german translation update
- git-svn-id: c8812cc2-4d05-0410-92ff-de0c093fc19c
08:35 PM Revision 7160c681 (qgis): german translation update
- git-svn-id: c8812cc2-4d05-0410-92ff-de0c093fc19c
08:35 PM Revision c066c7c0 (qgis): translation string fixes
- git-svn-id: c8812cc2-4d05-0410-92ff-de0c093fc19c
08:35 PM Revision 48d51227 (qgis): translation string fixes
- git-svn-id: c8812cc2-4d05-0410-92ff-de0c093fc19c
08:34 PM Revision 1b4a43b9 (qgis): fix runtime warning
- git-svn-id: c8812cc2-4d05-0410-92ff-de0c093fc19c
08:34 PM Revision a003e913 (qgis): fix runtime warning
- git-svn-id: c8812cc2-4d05-0410-92ff-de0c093fc19c
08:33 PM Revision 56294251 (qgis): ogr provider: add support for ignoring fields (adapted from threading b...
- git-svn-id: c8812cc2-4d05-0410-92ff-de0c093fc19c
08:33 PM Revision 8c1c2add (qgis): ogr provider: add support for ignoring fields (adapted from threading b...
- git-svn-id: c8812cc2-4d05-0410-92ff-de0c093fc19c
08:32 PM Revision d5a6beb1 (qgis): fix csv save as support
- git-svn-id: c8812cc2-4d05-0410-92ff-de0c093fc19c
08:32 PM Revision c7b937db (qgis): fix csv save as support
- git-svn-id: c8812cc2-4d05-0410-92ff-de0c093fc19c
06:58 PM Revision be7dcdde (qgis): context help update
- git-svn-id: c8812cc2-4d05-0410-92ff-de0c093fc19c
06:58 PM Revision 0726a903 (qgis): context help update
- git-svn-id: c8812cc2-4d05-0410-92ff-de0c093fc19c
09:30 AM Bug report #3528 (Closed): uniqueValue() function is needed on vector layer level
- When you classify a spatialite layer which has joined attributes (with the new table join), the rv15265 makes a full ...
09:08 AM Bug report #1752: Font label settings not working on OS X
- Looking into this some more, checking things I should have... There is a Qt bug for 4.6.3 for the problem where it s...
07:31 AM Bug report #2500 (Feedback): Broken copy functionality in python error output window
- can someone please check?
it seems that it is broken again (win7 32bit) -
07:31 AM Bug report #2500 (Feedback): Broken copy functionality in python error output window
- can someone please check?
it seems that it is broken again (win7 32bit) -
06:57 AM Revision ae66f3be (qgis): Added a couple more tips
- git-svn-id: c8812cc2-4d05-0410-92ff-de0c093fc19c
06:57 AM Revision de8accf3 (qgis): Added a couple more tips
- git-svn-id: c8812cc2-4d05-0410-92ff-de0c093fc19c
09:39 PM Revision ab27304c (qgis): backport debian fixes including ubuntu natty support
- git-svn-id: c8812cc2-4d05-0410-92ff-de0c093fc19c
03:22 AM Bug report #3527 (Closed): Crash when removing layers from project
- When removing layers from a large project (e.g. 700k project file) there are two problems:
1) Removing a layer or gro... -
02:52 AM Bug report #3526 (Closed): Delimited text layers in 1.6.0 project don't load in trunk
- When trying to load a project, saved under 1.6.0, and containing several delimited text layers into trunk (build 1.7....
06:29 PM Revision 85c6937a (qgis): manage connections dialog cleanup and usability improvement. Also add s...
- git-svn-id: c8812cc2-4d05-0410-92ff-de0c093fc19c
06:29 PM Revision d6fc8d59 (qgis): manage connections dialog cleanup and usability improvement. Also add s...
- git-svn-id: c8812cc2-4d05-0410-92ff-de0c093fc19c
02:30 PM Revision 599d1593 (qgis): More translation of the IT GUI
- git-svn-id: c8812cc2-4d05-0410-92ff-de0c093fc19c
02:30 PM Revision c89d59f6 (qgis): More translation of the IT GUI
- git-svn-id: c8812cc2-4d05-0410-92ff-de0c093fc19c
01:23 PM Revision 55e8d849 (qgis): remove unnecessary return statement
- git-svn-id: c8812cc2-4d05-0410-92ff-de0c093fc19c
01:23 PM Revision bdbbcfaf (qgis): remove unnecessary return statement
- git-svn-id: c8812cc2-4d05-0410-92ff-de0c093fc19c
11:37 AM Revision 7fea9e01 (qgis): roadgraph GUI update
- git-svn-id: c8812cc2-4d05-0410-92ff-de0c093fc19c
11:37 AM Revision 3519c163 (qgis): roadgraph GUI update
- git-svn-id: c8812cc2-4d05-0410-92ff-de0c093fc19c
09:49 AM Feature request #3525 (Open): Auto resize label box in composer to fit it's contents
- Steps to reproduce:
* Start new print composer
* Add label
* Change labels text from "Quantum GIS" to "Quantum GIS ru...
12:57 AM Feature request #3524 (Open): Vector layer placement in leged on adding a new one
- Current QGIS version adds vector layers in some random order (as selected?) if multiple vector layers are added at th...
10:01 PM Revision f5b1607e (qgis): Higher limit for number of layers in WMS project, use hash instead of m...
- git-svn-id: c8812cc2-4d05-0410-92ff-de0c093fc19c
10:01 PM Revision daf8fbda (qgis): Higher limit for number of layers in WMS project, use hash instead of m...
- git-svn-id: c8812cc2-4d05-0410-92ff-de0c093fc19c
09:32 PM Revision ef37b2fb (qgis): Set the use of symbology ng and anti aliasing to default for qgis 1.7
- git-svn-id: c8812cc2-4d05-0410-92ff-de0c093fc19c
09:32 PM Revision c2873ca2 (qgis): Set the use of symbology ng and anti aliasing to default for qgis 1.7
- git-svn-id: c8812cc2-4d05-0410-92ff-de0c093fc19c
06:53 PM Revision 9ee7e958 (qgis): implement #3522
- git-svn-id: c8812cc2-4d05-0410-92ff-de0c093fc19c
06:53 PM Revision cdc9ae7c (qgis): implement #3522
- git-svn-id: c8812cc2-4d05-0410-92ff-de0c093fc19c
06:47 PM Revision ff57fcc6 (qgis): ouch - missed the real change in r15255
- git-svn-id: c8812cc2-4d05-0410-92ff-de0c093fc19c
06:47 PM Revision 264119d0 (qgis): ouch - missed the real change in r15255
- git-svn-id: c8812cc2-4d05-0410-92ff-de0c093fc19c
03:12 PM Revision 68ff7e80 (qgis): save default bands combination and stadard deviation. Also use this val...
- git-svn-id: c8812cc2-4d05-0410-92ff-de0c093fc19c
03:12 PM Revision 0065f6c8 (qgis): save default bands combination and stadard deviation. Also use this val...
- git-svn-id: c8812cc2-4d05-0410-92ff-de0c093fc19c
12:06 PM Feature request #3522 (Closed): Postgis provider: support for PostgreSQL service connection param...
09:54 AM Feature request #3522: Postgis provider: support for PostgreSQL service connection parameter
- implemented in commit:cdc9ae7c (SVN r15259).
07:53 AM Feature request #3522: Postgis provider: support for PostgreSQL service connection parameter
- see also
example pg_service.conf:
#zeigt auf den... -
07:50 AM Feature request #3522 (Closed): Postgis provider: support for PostgreSQL service connection param...
- It would be nice if the [[PostgreSQL]] provider would accept the service parameter alternatively to hostname/port (an...
11:42 AM Bug report #3523 (Closed): export/add geometry columns does not work if shape is obtained from kml
- This is not always true, but there are cases where saving a shpefile from a KML leads to a vector where the "export/a...
08:42 AM Revision 63d3f862 (qgis): skip rendering while size is still 1x1
- git-svn-id: c8812cc2-4d05-0410-92ff-de0c093fc19c
08:42 AM Revision 2a53db21 (qgis): skip rendering while size is still 1x1
- git-svn-id: c8812cc2-4d05-0410-92ff-de0c093fc19c
06:58 AM Feature request #3521 (Closed): Show tolerance value in simplify geometry tool
- It would be useful to show the tolerance value along the cursor
06:13 AM Bug report #3519 (Closed): Save buttons in raster properties dialog are not working
- Fixed in commit:0065f6c8 (SVN r15257)
06:13 AM Bug report #3519 (Closed): Save buttons in raster properties dialog are not working
- Fixed in commit:0065f6c8 (SVN r15257)
03:21 AM Feature request #3520 (Closed): Easier measure tool decimal places config
- Configurator for the number of decimal places in the measure tool is hard to find. A shortcut from the tool's dialog ...
12:58 AM Revision e42d61ea (qgis): fix canvas refresh to avoid crashes
- git-svn-id: c8812cc2-4d05-0410-92ff-de0c093fc19c
12:58 AM Revision 158266d7 (qgis): fix canvas refresh to avoid crashes
- git-svn-id: c8812cc2-4d05-0410-92ff-de0c093fc19c
11:32 PM Revision 26cc17c9 (qgis): dutch translations
- git-svn-id: c8812cc2-4d05-0410-92ff-de0c093fc19c
11:32 PM Revision bc453d97 (qgis): dutch translations
- git-svn-id: c8812cc2-4d05-0410-92ff-de0c093fc19c
10:20 PM Revision afeba58d (qgis): fix warning and enable pedantic mode by default
- git-svn-id: c8812cc2-4d05-0410-92ff-de0c093fc19c
10:20 PM Revision 665ab31e (qgis): fix warning and enable pedantic mode by default
- git-svn-id: c8812cc2-4d05-0410-92ff-de0c093fc19c
10:14 PM Revision dbdd1064 (qgis): Removed message box left in by mistake while testing user defined plugi...
- git-svn-id: c8812cc2-4d05-0410-92ff-de0c093fc19c
10:14 PM Revision ef76a920 (qgis): Removed message box left in by mistake while testing user defined plugi...
- git-svn-id: c8812cc2-4d05-0410-92ff-de0c093fc19c
10:10 PM Revision 7aa12fc5 (qgis): [FEATURE] Added option to load c++ plugins from user specified director...
- git-svn-id: c8812cc2-4d05-0410-92ff-de0c093fc19c
10:10 PM Revision 76a09b25 (qgis): [FEATURE] Added option to load c++ plugins from user specified director...
- git-svn-id: c8812cc2-4d05-0410-92ff-de0c093fc19c
09:45 PM Revision c41d2e6c (qgis): fix canvas refresh
- git-svn-id: c8812cc2-4d05-0410-92ff-de0c093fc19c
09:45 PM Revision 5b947a15 (qgis): fix canvas refresh
- git-svn-id: c8812cc2-4d05-0410-92ff-de0c093fc19c
08:44 PM Revision b572d5a7 (qgis): Added find rule for QGIS
- git-svn-id: c8812cc2-4d05-0410-92ff-de0c093fc19c
08:44 PM Revision f9094f5c (qgis): Added find rule for QGIS
- git-svn-id: c8812cc2-4d05-0410-92ff-de0c093fc19c
12:45 PM Bug report #2714 (Closed): Crash when resizing map window with Qt 4.6
- should be fixed in commit:185ec5db (SVN r15051).
12:45 PM Bug report #2714 (Closed): Crash when resizing map window with Qt 4.6
- should be fixed in commit:185ec5db (SVN r15051).
12:19 PM Bug report #3519 (In Progress): Save buttons in raster properties dialog are not working
12:16 PM Bug report #3519 (Closed): Save buttons in raster properties dialog are not working
- Tried band combination and standard deviation.
Both aren't saved after raster is removed and loaded again.
1. Add r... -
06:03 AM Bug report #3518 (Closed): Spatial Query not selecting points in complex polygons
- Hi, I've noticed that when I select points within a polygon with a popular GIS (debateable) I have a higher hitrate t...
01:33 AM Bug report #3517 (Closed): new labeling engine fails to label self intersecting polygons
- The summary says it all. The new labeling engine fails to label self intersecting polygons.
The old labeling engine ... -
01:32 AM Bug report #3516 (Closed): RGB problem - build 1.7.0-73
- I detected a problem in 1.7.0-73 and 1.7.0-74 builds (OSGeo4W) on Windows XP.
When you open the Layer Properties - S...
12:32 AM Revision 46014359 (qgis): german translation update
- git-svn-id: c8812cc2-4d05-0410-92ff-de0c093fc19c
12:32 AM Revision 5a07ba83 (qgis): german translation update
- git-svn-id: c8812cc2-4d05-0410-92ff-de0c093fc19c
12:32 AM Revision cde82509 (qgis): deprecated special handling of EPSG - just one authority
- git-svn-id: c8812cc2-4d05-0410-92ff-de0c093fc19c
12:32 AM Revision 3fd61194 (qgis): deprecated special handling of EPSG - just one authority
- git-svn-id: c8812cc2-4d05-0410-92ff-de0c093fc19c
12:28 AM Revision baa7deef (qgis): translation string fixes
- git-svn-id: c8812cc2-4d05-0410-92ff-de0c093fc19c
12:28 AM Revision 58dd0e5c (qgis): translation string fixes
- git-svn-id: c8812cc2-4d05-0410-92ff-de0c093fc19c
10:37 PM Revision 86072ba3 (qgis): Some cleanups and additions to Andreas' tips
- git-svn-id: c8812cc2-4d05-0410-92ff-de0c093fc19c
10:37 PM Revision 912cf86e (qgis): Some cleanups and additions to Andreas' tips
- git-svn-id: c8812cc2-4d05-0410-92ff-de0c093fc19c
10:36 PM Revision 2407594c (qgis): Added another tip by Andreas Neumann
- git-svn-id: c8812cc2-4d05-0410-92ff-de0c093fc19c
10:36 PM Revision 57ff8570 (qgis): Added another tip by Andreas Neumann
- git-svn-id: c8812cc2-4d05-0410-92ff-de0c093fc19c
10:09 PM Revision 5c974961 (qgis): Fix layer space if layer title element is removed
- git-svn-id: c8812cc2-4d05-0410-92ff-de0c093fc19c
10:09 PM Revision c59b8e25 (qgis): Fix layer space if layer title element is removed
- git-svn-id: c8812cc2-4d05-0410-92ff-de0c093fc19c
09:46 PM Revision 25e8e48e (qgis): add note about debug libraries to msvc INSTALL section
- git-svn-id: c8812cc2-4d05-0410-92ff-de0c093fc19c
09:46 PM Revision 268e43b5 (qgis): add note about debug libraries to msvc INSTALL section
- git-svn-id: c8812cc2-4d05-0410-92ff-de0c093fc19c
02:33 PM Revision 0609ac62 (qgis): Added some more great tips from Andreas Neumann
- git-svn-id: c8812cc2-4d05-0410-92ff-de0c093fc19c
02:33 PM Revision d218d496 (qgis): Added some more great tips from Andreas Neumann
- git-svn-id: c8812cc2-4d05-0410-92ff-de0c093fc19c
02:09 PM Bug report #3465: Legend in map composer has an infinite height
- >if you apply changes ie by suppr the rasters
This is not clear to me. Could you add a detailled step-by-step instru... -
11:08 AM Bug report #3515: Projection issues
- Hi there,
I've solved this problem by saving my source data with a different projection and devloping a new assessmen... -
10:01 AM Bug report #3365 (Closed): Query Builder dialog expands larger than screen
- duplicate of #3153
10:01 AM Bug report #3365 (Closed): Query Builder dialog expands larger than screen
- duplicate of #3153
09:53 AM Revision f6eea72b (qgis): add topology tolerance
- git-svn-id: c8812cc2-4d05-0410-92ff-de0c093fc19c
09:53 AM Revision 99ecdbaf (qgis): add topology tolerance
- git-svn-id: c8812cc2-4d05-0410-92ff-de0c093fc19c
11:41 PM Revision f708fe7c (qgis): fix #3137
- git-svn-id: c8812cc2-4d05-0410-92ff-de0c093fc19c
11:41 PM Revision b642e809 (qgis): fix #3137
- git-svn-id: c8812cc2-4d05-0410-92ff-de0c093fc19c
11:26 PM Revision 47fa1ceb (qgis): Prompt whether to overwrite a symbol. Contributed by Alex Bruy (#3405)
- git-svn-id: c8812cc2-4d05-0410-92ff-de0c093fc19c
11:26 PM Revision 498c8ee8 (qgis): Prompt whether to overwrite a symbol. Contributed by Alex Bruy (#3405)
- git-svn-id: c8812cc2-4d05-0410-92ff-de0c093fc19c
11:20 PM Revision 89f2128a (qgis): [FEATURE] Export and import of styles (symbology-ng). Contributed by Al...
- (finally we have an easy way for sharing of symbols and color ramps!)
git-svn-id: -
11:20 PM Revision 2e01079a (qgis): [FEATURE] Export and import of styles (symbology-ng). Contributed by Al...
- (finally we have an easy way for sharing of symbols and color ramps!)
git-svn-id: -
07:15 PM Revision 42cca5c4 (qgis): Move reading/writing of label style to qgsvectorlayer. Change argument ...
- git-svn-id: c8812cc2-4d05-0410-92ff-de0c093fc19c
07:15 PM Revision 892ac6c2 (qgis): Move reading/writing of label style to qgsvectorlayer. Change argument ...
- git-svn-id: c8812cc2-4d05-0410-92ff-de0c093fc19c
06:13 PM Revision 4919e800 (qgis): Refactored the tips dialog to use a single QTextBrowser to display
- content.
This makes better use of the available space and cleans up the dialog a
git-svn-id: http://svn.osgeo.o... -
06:13 PM Revision 574908de (qgis): Refactored the tips dialog to use a single QTextBrowser to display
- content.
This makes better use of the available space and cleans up the dialog a
git-svn-id: http://svn.osgeo.o... -
05:21 PM Bug report #1669: ftools: error in select by location
- Carson, thanks for the response. I was using the Standalone Installer of release 1.6.0, but have now switched to the...
03:36 PM Revision afe5613e (qgis): fix #2996
- git-svn-id: c8812cc2-4d05-0410-92ff-de0c093fc19c
03:36 PM Revision 12df5c56 (qgis): fix #2996
- git-svn-id: c8812cc2-4d05-0410-92ff-de0c093fc19c
02:49 PM Feature request #2634: Spatial Query Plugin source for evaluation
- Tim,
The, update files qgsspatialquerydialog.h and qgsspatialquerydialog.cpp.
The choices for ... -
10:41 AM Feature request #2634: Spatial Query Plugin source for evaluation
- Tim,
I update the file "qgsspatialquerydialog.cpp"
for fix bug for "Remove from selection", the old not add correc... -
02:42 PM Bug report #3137 (Closed): Save as shapefile fails if field names are longer than 10 characters
- fixed in commit:b642e809 (SVN r15239).
02:42 PM Bug report #3137 (Closed): Save as shapefile fails if field names are longer than 10 characters
- fixed in commit:b642e809 (SVN r15239).
02:27 PM Feature request #3405 (Closed): [PATCH] Prompt for symbol overwriting
- Applied in commit:47fa1ceb (SVN r15238). Thanks.
02:27 PM Feature request #3405 (Closed): [PATCH] Prompt for symbol overwriting
- Applied in commit:47fa1ceb (SVN r15238). Thanks.
02:20 PM Feature request #3425 (Closed): Multiple movable symbol libraries
- Applied in commit:89f2128a (SVN r15237). Thanks!
02:20 PM Feature request #3425 (Closed): Multiple movable symbol libraries
- Applied in commit:89f2128a (SVN r15237). Thanks!
02:17 PM Revision 1d9aaa2f (qgis): pre topology tolerance changeset
- git-svn-id: c8812cc2-4d05-0410-92ff-de0c093fc19c
02:17 PM Revision f6a6da97 (qgis): pre topology tolerance changeset
- git-svn-id: c8812cc2-4d05-0410-92ff-de0c093fc19c
02:11 PM Feature request #3222: Fast, easy and beautiful on the fly rule-based rendering of OSM maps
- Hi,
Thanks for this Martin!
About symbol levels, I guess you prefer the more definitive fix you said (in comment:11... -
08:41 AM Bug report #3513: rasters causing qgis to crash
- Confirmed. Syslog says:
Feb 21 17:39:40 ursus kernel: [35706.012419] qgis.binr31635: segfault at 7f86100cb000 ip 000... -
06:37 AM Feature request #2996 (Closed): OSM causing crash
- fixed in commit:afe5613e (SVN r15234).
06:37 AM Feature request #2996 (Closed): OSM causing crash
- fixed in commit:afe5613e (SVN r15234).
05:36 AM Feature request #2996: OSM causing crash
- Nice solution, Juergen! (how could I miss that?) Please go ahead and commit the patch.
05:12 AM Feature request #2996: OSM causing crash
- Replying to [comment:6 wonder]:
> There is a hack that causes this crash on OSX. I do not have access to a Mac, so I ... -
04:34 AM Feature request #2996: OSM causing crash
- There is a hack that causes this crash on OSX. I do not have access to a Mac, so I will just suggest a fix and hope t...
11:48 PM Revision 8f24123d (qgis): update
- git-svn-id: c8812cc2-4d05-0410-92ff-de0c093fc19c
11:48 PM Revision 8c646576 (qgis): update
- git-svn-id: c8812cc2-4d05-0410-92ff-de0c093fc19c
11:46 PM Revision 97c97404 (qgis): fix typos
- git-svn-id: c8812cc2-4d05-0410-92ff-de0c093fc19c
11:46 PM Revision 5b90a0ba (qgis): fix typos
- git-svn-id: c8812cc2-4d05-0410-92ff-de0c093fc19c
11:35 PM Revision dc25d450 (qgis): automatic indentation update (r14435-r15226)
- git-svn-id: c8812cc2-4d05-0410-92ff-de0c093fc19c
11:35 PM Revision d4f37eab (qgis): automatic indentation update (r14435-r15226)
- git-svn-id: c8812cc2-4d05-0410-92ff-de0c093fc19c
11:29 PM Revision 463c3c6c (qgis): german translation update
- git-svn-id: c8812cc2-4d05-0410-92ff-de0c093fc19c
11:29 PM Revision 4dc202e2 (qgis): german translation update
- git-svn-id: c8812cc2-4d05-0410-92ff-de0c093fc19c
11:28 PM Revision 49cf5a9f (qgis): apply (slightly modified) #3512
- git-svn-id: c8812cc2-4d05-0410-92ff-de0c093fc19c
11:28 PM Revision fdf7b859 (qgis): apply (slightly modified) #3512
- git-svn-id: c8812cc2-4d05-0410-92ff-de0c093fc19c
11:28 PM Bug report #3515: Projection issues
- sorry, here ya
11:06 PM Bug report #3515: Projection issues
- I noticed that you did not include Help.dbf, Help.prj, and Help.shx.
10:51 PM Bug report #3515 (Closed): Projection issues
- Hi there,
I have a project with whole bunch of veg and cadastre data from QLD department Environment and Resurce Ma... -
10:43 PM Revision 08f207fb (qgis): set plugin name and parent of c++ plugins - to allow other plugins to c...
- git-svn-id: c8812cc2-4d05-0410-92ff-de0c093fc19c
10:43 PM Revision 50ecf875 (qgis): set plugin name and parent of c++ plugins - to allow other plugins to c...
- git-svn-id: c8812cc2-4d05-0410-92ff-de0c093fc19c
08:02 PM Feature request #3514 (Closed): Right click legend>Assign Layer CRS to Project CRS
- Because QGIS does not warp the raster when the project crs is not the same as the raster crs, I often have to set the...
07:10 PM Revision f228d685 (qgis): fix #1904
- git-svn-id: c8812cc2-4d05-0410-92ff-de0c093fc19c
07:10 PM Revision a1887c3f (qgis): fix #1904
- git-svn-id: c8812cc2-4d05-0410-92ff-de0c093fc19c
06:05 PM Revision 84bcae0d (qgis): Implemented renaming of symbols and color ramps. Fixes #3509
- git-svn-id: c8812cc2-4d05-0410-92ff-de0c093fc19c
06:05 PM Revision 4f82c342 (qgis): Implemented renaming of symbols and color ramps. Fixes #3509
- git-svn-id: c8812cc2-4d05-0410-92ff-de0c093fc19c
05:33 PM Revision 5c1302f9 (qgis): [FEATURE] zoom to group of layers. Contributed by Alex Bruy - thanks! (...
- git-svn-id: c8812cc2-4d05-0410-92ff-de0c093fc19c
05:33 PM Revision 94fd8c3b (qgis): [FEATURE] zoom to group of layers. Contributed by Alex Bruy - thanks! (...
- git-svn-id: c8812cc2-4d05-0410-92ff-de0c093fc19c
04:58 PM Revision 47cb1b8f (qgis): Fix #3510
- git-svn-id: c8812cc2-4d05-0410-92ff-de0c093fc19c
04:58 PM Revision 1407ba50 (qgis): Fix #3510
- git-svn-id: c8812cc2-4d05-0410-92ff-de0c093fc19c
03:55 PM Revision 4b29b806 (qgis): [FEATURE] Labels for rules in rule-based renderers and some other goodies.
- Applied patch #3222 from Mayeul Kauffmann with various modifications.
git-svn-id: -
03:55 PM Revision dcd0cf71 (qgis): [FEATURE] Labels for rules in rule-based renderers and some other goodies.
- Applied patch #3222 from Mayeul Kauffmann with various modifications.
git-svn-id: -
02:28 PM Feature request #3512 (Closed): Navigation over tips
- applied in commit:49cf5a9f (SVN r15226).
02:28 PM Feature request #3512 (Closed): Navigation over tips
- applied in commit:49cf5a9f (SVN r15226).
07:50 AM Feature request #3512 (Closed): Navigation over tips
- We have nice tips on startup but it is a bit inconvenient that user can't read all tips at once and then disable them...
01:41 PM Feature request #2634: Spatial Query Plugin source for evaluation
- Tim,
The Zoom in feature item is verify:
- Have Coordinate Reference Systems in layer
- The mapcanvas have enable... -
11:52 AM Feature request #3433 (Closed): GEOSException not exposed through python bindings
- This has been fixed in development version already (commit:520cfc63 (SVN r14905)). It is not possible to catch the ex...
11:52 AM Feature request #3433 (Closed): GEOSException not exposed through python bindings
- This has been fixed in development version already (commit:520cfc63 (SVN r14905)). It is not possible to catch the ex...
11:31 AM Bug report #3513 (Closed): rasters causing qgis to crash
- Using r15215 under Ubuntu.
I think I found some kind of raster that causes QGIS to crash when the project CRS is not... -
11:07 AM Bug report #1669 (Closed): ftools: error in select by location
- Replying to [comment:7 bderstine]:
> I seem to be getting a similar error when running on two very large polygon vect... -
11:07 AM Bug report #1669 (Closed): ftools: error in select by location
- Replying to [comment:7 bderstine]:
> I seem to be getting a similar error when running on two very large polygon vect... -
10:11 AM Bug report #1904 (Closed): GRASS plugin crashes QGIS trying to open location from folder with cyr...
- fixed in commit:a1887c3f (SVN r15224)
10:11 AM Bug report #1904 (Closed): GRASS plugin crashes QGIS trying to open location from folder with cyr...
- fixed in commit:a1887c3f (SVN r15224)
09:05 AM Bug report #3509 (Closed): Changing symbol name causes QGIS crash
- fixed in commit:4f82c342 (SVN r15223)
09:05 AM Bug report #3509 (Closed): Changing symbol name causes QGIS crash
- fixed in commit:4f82c342 (SVN r15223)
05:38 AM Bug report #3509: Changing symbol name causes QGIS crash
- This can be reproduced with names of the "symbol layers" and with names of the "symbols" itself.
Doubleclick on name... -
04:48 AM Bug report #3509: Changing symbol name causes QGIS crash
- confirmed under Win7 -
03:36 AM Bug report #3509: Changing symbol name causes QGIS crash
- do you mean the name of the "symbol layers"?
If yes I'm noticing another thing (on both linux and windows): no crash... -
08:33 AM Feature request #2783 (Closed): Zoom to group
- Applied in . Thanks!
08:33 AM Feature request #2783 (Closed): Zoom to group
- Applied in . Thanks!
02:09 AM Feature request #2783: Zoom to group
- Could anyone to implement this patch?
08:31 AM Bug report #3504: Zoom to full or layer extent fails after OTF transformation
- Ignore my last comment about projection not getting set. Must have been an anomaly--- is the cause and there must be ...
08:23 AM Bug report #3511: Only one sub-level of symbols is saved
- QGIS currently loads/saves just one level of sub-symbols. Your symbol has two levels of sub-symbols, that's why it do...
01:26 AM Bug report #3511 (Closed): Only one sub-level of symbols is saved
- 1. Open polygonal vector layer and go to New Symbology window;
2. Style Manager - Fill - Add;
3. Symbol layer type:... -
07:58 AM Bug report #3510 (Closed): Join style and Cap style are not saves
- Fixed in commit:1407ba50 (SVN r15220)
07:58 AM Bug report #3510 (Closed): Join style and Cap style are not saves
- Fixed in commit:1407ba50 (SVN r15220)
07:02 AM Feature request #3440 (Closed): Rule Render: In the legend permit the change of the title in the ...
- This has been solved in
07:02 AM Feature request #3440 (Closed): Rule Render: In the legend permit the change of the title in the ...
- This has been solved in
07:01 AM Feature request #3222: Fast, easy and beautiful on the fly rule-based rendering of OSM maps
- Finally I have reviewed the patch and applied most of it in . I have modified some parts of code and removed few thin...
01:44 AM Bug report #3494 (Closed): Gibberish in file names after splitting layer
12:40 AM Bug report #3510 (Closed): Join style and Cap style are not saves
- Add any line vector layer and open new symbology window. Set Pen type - Dash line, Join style - Miter, Cap style - Ro...
12:26 AM Bug report #3509 (Closed): Changing symbol name causes QGIS crash
- Add any vector layer. Open style manager. Click on symbol name field- name becomes editable. Rename symbol and click ...
11:15 PM Bug report #3508 (Closed): Custom projection issues
- Create custom projection: ...
11:10 PM Bug report #3507 (Closed): built-in spatialindex conflicts with external libspatialindex
- libspatialindex is used by the python rtree module, but when this module is loaded from within a QGIS python plugin, ...
09:09 PM Revision cf9ae27d (qgis): apply #3506
- git-svn-id: c8812cc2-4d05-0410-92ff-de0c093fc19c
09:09 PM Revision a9d4b575 (qgis): apply #3506
- git-svn-id: c8812cc2-4d05-0410-92ff-de0c093fc19c
07:53 PM Revision fa8c3647 (qgis): Merged the source select UIs for both PG and SL to allow to use a subse...
- git-svn-id: c8812cc2-4d05-0410-92ff-de0c093fc19c
07:53 PM Revision 05c77082 (qgis): Merged the source select UIs for both PG and SL to allow to use a subse...
- git-svn-id: c8812cc2-4d05-0410-92ff-de0c093fc19c
06:17 PM Revision 6b68070c (qgis): fix msvc fixes
- git-svn-id: c8812cc2-4d05-0410-92ff-de0c093fc19c
06:17 PM Revision 9f135b82 (qgis): fix msvc fixes
- git-svn-id: c8812cc2-4d05-0410-92ff-de0c093fc19c
05:21 PM Revision 20587d21 (qgis): german translation update
- git-svn-id: c8812cc2-4d05-0410-92ff-de0c093fc19c
05:21 PM Revision 67081a45 (qgis): german translation update
- git-svn-id: c8812cc2-4d05-0410-92ff-de0c093fc19c
02:33 PM Revision b2c6d045 (qgis): r15197 worked with SIP 4.12.1 on OSGeo4W
- r15205 breaks SIP 4.12.1 again, but apparently works on SIP 4.12.0 on OSX
This hopefully works with both.
git-svn-i... -
02:33 PM Revision cfcaa4bd (qgis): r15197 worked with SIP 4.12.1 on OSGeo4W
- r15205 breaks SIP 4.12.1 again, but apparently works on SIP 4.12.0 on OSX
This hopefully works with both.
git-svn-i... -
02:27 PM Revision cf0ed8d0 (qgis): fix internal use of deprecated methods and fix related warnings
- git-svn-id: c8812cc2-4d05-0410-92ff-de0c093fc19c
02:27 PM Revision 33ae6b34 (qgis): fix internal use of deprecated methods and fix related warnings
- git-svn-id: c8812cc2-4d05-0410-92ff-de0c093fc19c
02:24 PM Revision ce8e3d5f (qgis): add 'deprecated' annotation to SIP bindings
- git-svn-id: c8812cc2-4d05-0410-92ff-de0c093fc19c
02:24 PM Revision 932176ec (qgis): add 'deprecated' annotation to SIP bindings
- git-svn-id: c8812cc2-4d05-0410-92ff-de0c093fc19c
02:21 PM Revision 4d0aaf03 (qgis): deprecate QgsMapCanvas::pixmap() following QgsMapCanvasMap::pixmap()
- git-svn-id: c8812cc2-4d05-0410-92ff-de0c093fc19c
02:21 PM Revision 56823410 (qgis): deprecate QgsMapCanvas::pixmap() following QgsMapCanvasMap::pixmap()
- git-svn-id: c8812cc2-4d05-0410-92ff-de0c093fc19c
02:11 PM Bug report #3412: crash when double clicking edit table button
- Looking at the backtrace, this issue is probably related to #2714.
12:09 PM Feature request #3506 (Closed): Mend QwtPolar cmake script and harmonize with Qwt
- appied in . Thanks.
12:09 PM Feature request #3506 (Closed): Mend QwtPolar cmake script and harmonize with Qwt
- appied in . Thanks.
11:45 AM Feature request #3506 (Closed): Mend QwtPolar cmake script and harmonize with Qwt
- Major:
* Corrected spelling of QWTPOLAR in CMakeLists.txt so the cmake script is found
* Correct PATH_SUFFIXES in [[... -
10:48 AM Bug report #3505 (Closed): Crash when GPSD goes away and trying to connect again
- Connection was created mostly following this "guide":
10:47 AM Revision 9eac9445 (qgis): Added Municipia to sponsors list
- git-svn-id: c8812cc2-4d05-0410-92ff-de0c093fc19c
10:47 AM Revision 65c35430 (qgis): Added Municipia to sponsors list
- git-svn-id: c8812cc2-4d05-0410-92ff-de0c093fc19c
10:47 AM Revision 81d9330b (qgis): Updated icon from local histogram stretch from Robert (thanks Robert)
- git-svn-id: c8812cc2-4d05-0410-92ff-de0c093fc19c
10:47 AM Revision f4346af3 (qgis): Updated icon from local histogram stretch from Robert (thanks Robert)
- git-svn-id: c8812cc2-4d05-0410-92ff-de0c093fc19c
10:47 AM Bug report #3504: Zoom to full or layer extent fails after OTF transformation
- The change in may not be the root cause. Projection is not getting set when loading a layer (e.g. from the alaska sa...
10:19 AM Bug report #3504: Zoom to full or layer extent fails after OTF transformation
- This problem was introduced by which fixed issue #3471.
07:19 AM Bug report #3504: Zoom to full or layer extent fails after OTF transformation
- Yes, I'm sure. It works on both 1.5 and 1.6 on OS X. It also works on 1.6 on Windows with the standalone installer. I...
03:59 AM Bug report #3504: Zoom to full or layer extent fails after OTF transformation
- Are you sure that worked with 1.6? landice works, alaska or airports does not. Looks like it's a problem with extent...
03:34 AM Revision 943f6abf (qgis): Fix failure when compiling on OS X with Sip version 4.12.
- sipClass_QVariant was undefined so it appears it is still
required to be defined at Sip 4.12. This has not been teste... -
03:34 AM Revision 1d80aaeb (qgis): Fix failure when compiling on OS X with Sip version 4.12.
- sipClass_QVariant was undefined so it appears it is still
required to be defined at Sip 4.12. This has not been teste... -
03:33 AM Revision 047a68be (qgis): Fixed composer icon sizes
- git-svn-id: c8812cc2-4d05-0410-92ff-de0c093fc19c
03:33 AM Revision 54663066 (qgis): Fixed composer icon sizes
- git-svn-id: c8812cc2-4d05-0410-92ff-de0c093fc19c
08:23 PM Revision 413331f9 (qgis): "in"/"not in" is a predicate (#3503)
- git-svn-id: c8812cc2-4d05-0410-92ff-de0c093fc19c
08:23 PM Revision 501d1c90 (qgis): "in"/"not in" is a predicate (#3503)
- git-svn-id: c8812cc2-4d05-0410-92ff-de0c093fc19c
07:58 PM Revision 5470fd95 (qgis): fix typo in tip (replace openModeller with Quantum GIS)
- git-svn-id: c8812cc2-4d05-0410-92ff-de0c093fc19c
07:58 PM Revision a260259a (qgis): fix typo in tip (replace openModeller with Quantum GIS)
- git-svn-id: c8812cc2-4d05-0410-92ff-de0c093fc19c
05:17 PM Bug report #3504 (Closed): Zoom to full or layer extent fails after OTF transformation
- Load a layer (e.g. alaska.shp from the sample data set). Turn on OTF transformation and choose NAD27 as the target co...
05:15 PM Revision b58cf495 (qgis): missed a gcc warning
- git-svn-id: c8812cc2-4d05-0410-92ff-de0c093fc19c
05:15 PM Revision f2c4b963 (qgis): missed a gcc warning
- git-svn-id: c8812cc2-4d05-0410-92ff-de0c093fc19c
04:33 PM Revision ff404a98 (qgis): fix sip macro change from r15197
- git-svn-id: c8812cc2-4d05-0410-92ff-de0c093fc19c
04:33 PM Revision de50f76d (qgis): fix sip macro change from r15197
- git-svn-id: c8812cc2-4d05-0410-92ff-de0c093fc19c
04:18 PM Revision ea1ebcd3 (qgis): [FEATURE] Not sure how we coped without this till now...we now have a t...
- git-svn-id: c8812cc2-4d05-0410-92ff-de0c093fc19c
04:18 PM Revision 8a7c8be1 (qgis): [FEATURE] Not sure how we coped without this till now...we now have a t...
- git-svn-id: c8812cc2-4d05-0410-92ff-de0c093fc19c
04:18 PM Revision a9ffeb1b (qgis): [FEATURE] Not sure how we coped without this till now...we now have a t...
- git-svn-id: c8812cc2-4d05-0410-92ff-de0c093fc19c
04:18 PM Revision 0e6fe392 (qgis): [FEATURE] Not sure how we coped without this till now...we now have a t...
- git-svn-id: c8812cc2-4d05-0410-92ff-de0c093fc19c
04:05 PM Revision 007cc070 (qgis): add QGISDEPRECATED macro and fix a bunch of warnings
- git-svn-id: c8812cc2-4d05-0410-92ff-de0c093fc19c
04:05 PM Revision 1edaeca3 (qgis): add QGISDEPRECATED macro and fix a bunch of warnings
- git-svn-id: c8812cc2-4d05-0410-92ff-de0c093fc19c
04:03 PM Revision ccdda6bd (qgis): fix wms server settings tab title in project properties
- git-svn-id: c8812cc2-4d05-0410-92ff-de0c093fc19c
04:03 PM Revision 0a32a04f (qgis): fix wms server settings tab title in project properties
- git-svn-id: c8812cc2-4d05-0410-92ff-de0c093fc19c
02:28 PM Revision 21ac7964 (qgis): Added dedicated dialog for the sponsors. No longer parse sponsors from ...
- git-svn-id: c8812cc2-4d05-0410-92ff-de0c093fc19c
02:28 PM Revision 38c1f2c8 (qgis): Added dedicated dialog for the sponsors. No longer parse sponsors from ...
- git-svn-id: c8812cc2-4d05-0410-92ff-de0c093fc19c
12:30 PM Revision 5bc02cda (qgis): small hint where to find the medals at
- git-svn-id: c8812cc2-4d05-0410-92ff-de0c093fc19c
12:30 PM Revision 02bbe18a (qgis): small hint where to find the medals at
- git-svn-id: c8812cc2-4d05-0410-92ff-de0c093fc19c
12:28 PM Revision ea0efc75 (qgis): added sponsor medals from 2010 and 2011
- git-svn-id: c8812cc2-4d05-0410-92ff-de0c093fc19c
12:28 PM Revision 3c42a0fa (qgis): added sponsor medals from 2010 and 2011
- git-svn-id: c8812cc2-4d05-0410-92ff-de0c093fc19c
11:30 AM Revision 44b9e73a (qgis): Added local histogram stretch icon to the new raster toolbar and wired ...
- git-svn-id: c8812cc2-4d05-0410-92ff-de0c093fc19c
11:30 AM Revision 6e701ec0 (qgis): Added local histogram stretch icon to the new raster toolbar and wired ...
- git-svn-id: c8812cc2-4d05-0410-92ff-de0c093fc19c
11:23 AM Bug report #3503 (Closed): Error using advanced search
- fixed in commit:501d1c90 (SVN r15204).
11:23 AM Bug report #3503 (Closed): Error using advanced search
- fixed in commit:501d1c90 (SVN r15204).
09:25 AM Bug report #3503 (Closed): Error using advanced search
- Using both the following 2 condition joined by AND...
10:49 AM Revision c17cbf24 (qgis): translation update: pl by Robert
- git-svn-id: c8812cc2-4d05-0410-92ff-de0c093fc19c
10:49 AM Revision 26d7b8ba (qgis): translation update: pl by Robert
- git-svn-id: c8812cc2-4d05-0410-92ff-de0c093fc19c
10:44 AM Revision 65a3d700 (qgis): Fix but where layer does not refresh when applying local histogram stre...
- git-svn-id: c8812cc2-4d05-0410-92ff-de0c093fc19c
10:44 AM Revision 088b5693 (qgis): Fix but where layer does not refresh when applying local histogram stre...
- git-svn-id: c8812cc2-4d05-0410-92ff-de0c093fc19c
10:13 AM Revision 0959768a (qgis): Raster Layer Props tidy up: Used friendlier crs description in general ...
- git-svn-id: c8812cc2-4d05-0410-92ff-de0c093fc19c
10:13 AM Revision 569f3422 (qgis): Raster Layer Props tidy up: Used friendlier crs description in general ...
- git-svn-id: c8812cc2-4d05-0410-92ff-de0c093fc19c
10:13 AM Revision 929c71e4 (qgis): Dont use deprecated call to maplayer::srs
- git-svn-id: c8812cc2-4d05-0410-92ff-de0c093fc19c
10:13 AM Revision 3bee8f63 (qgis): Dont use deprecated call to maplayer::srs
- git-svn-id: c8812cc2-4d05-0410-92ff-de0c093fc19c
09:35 AM Bug report #1669 (Feedback): ftools: error in select by location
- I seem to be getting a similar error when running on two very large polygon vector shapefiles (select features in a l...
09:35 AM Bug report #1669 (Feedback): ftools: error in select by location
- I seem to be getting a similar error when running on two very large polygon vector shapefiles (select features in a l...
08:06 AM Revision f624c1fa (qgis): Minor improvements to IT GUI - thanks to Leonardo Ricci
- git-svn-id: c8812cc2-4d05-0410-92ff-de0c093fc19c
08:06 AM Revision 9a194855 (qgis): Minor improvements to IT GUI - thanks to Leonardo Ricci
- git-svn-id: c8812cc2-4d05-0410-92ff-de0c093fc19c
07:32 AM Bug report #3502 (Closed): Cache problems with QGIS server
- There are some problems with the layer cache in QGIS server:
- The cache needs to deal properly with situations where... -
07:29 AM Bug report #1978: QGIS take ages to open big (or just complex) vectors
- The problem is still there. In real work with complex data this is really a stumbling block.
I checked, and on the sa... -
03:35 AM Bug report #3500: fTools: unsufficient field width for Area and Perimeter fields
- it happens also under linux/trunk
01:10 AM Bug report #3500 (Closed): fTools: unsufficient field width for Area and Perimeter fields
- Hi,
I try to calculate area with ftools add geometry column. I have noted that in automatic new field “AREA” have thi... -
01:11 AM Bug report #3501 (Closed): QGIS 1.6.0 fails to install on Windows 7 with cannot access the file b...
- For some reason simple installer fails during last step - translating bat file templates to real ones. Will attach in...
12:45 AM Revision 41bafb00 (qgis): mapserver: use default message handler for debugging output on windows
- git-svn-id: c8812cc2-4d05-0410-92ff-de0c093fc19c
12:45 AM Revision 9217cfe8 (qgis): mapserver: use default message handler for debugging output on windows
- git-svn-id: c8812cc2-4d05-0410-92ff-de0c093fc19c
11:33 PM Revision a1e1ec92 (qgis): doxygen fixes
- git-svn-id: c8812cc2-4d05-0410-92ff-de0c093fc19c
11:33 PM Revision a4caa920 (qgis): doxygen fixes
- git-svn-id: c8812cc2-4d05-0410-92ff-de0c093fc19c
01:58 PM Revision 4eba55b7 (qgis): fix #3499
- git-svn-id: c8812cc2-4d05-0410-92ff-de0c093fc19c
01:58 PM Revision 2a25fd7b (qgis): fix #3499
- git-svn-id: c8812cc2-4d05-0410-92ff-de0c093fc19c
01:57 PM Revision a0241d32 (qgis): strip off superfluous parameters from WMS server url (for the common ca...
- git-svn-id: c8812cc2-4d05-0410-92ff-de0c093fc19c
01:57 PM Revision c39beb7e (qgis): strip off superfluous parameters from WMS server url (for the common ca...
- git-svn-id: c8812cc2-4d05-0410-92ff-de0c093fc19c
01:56 PM Revision 03653c1b (qgis): record which SSL errors are ok to ignore
- git-svn-id: c8812cc2-4d05-0410-92ff-de0c093fc19c
01:56 PM Revision 2025236b (qgis): record which SSL errors are ok to ignore
- git-svn-id: c8812cc2-4d05-0410-92ff-de0c093fc19c
01:07 PM Revision 5b23cf6f (qgis): Show all layer fields in labeling dialog
- git-svn-id: c8812cc2-4d05-0410-92ff-de0c093fc19c
01:07 PM Revision 122056cb (qgis): Show all layer fields in labeling dialog
- git-svn-id: c8812cc2-4d05-0410-92ff-de0c093fc19c
10:15 AM Revision 18a27b2c (qgis): Safer handling of layers with unknown geometry
- git-svn-id: c8812cc2-4d05-0410-92ff-de0c093fc19c
10:15 AM Revision d373bb68 (qgis): Safer handling of layers with unknown geometry
- git-svn-id: c8812cc2-4d05-0410-92ff-de0c093fc19c
04:58 AM Bug report #3499 (Closed): Query file: extension missing
- ah, there we can save query results. :)
Fixed in commit:4eba55b7 (SVN r15185). -
04:58 AM Bug report #3499 (Closed): Query file: extension missing
- ah, there we can save query results. :)
Fixed in commit:4eba55b7 (SVN r15185). -
03:48 AM Bug report #3499: Query file: extension missing
- Sorry.
The use case:
- open a table
- open advanced query
-define a query
- save as..
The resulting file misses the e... -
03:33 AM Bug report #3499: Query file: extension missing
- Replying to "pcav":/issues/show/3499:
> Saving a query results in a file without the .qqf extension, so it is not ret... -
03:14 AM Bug report #3499 (Closed): Query file: extension missing
- Saving a query results in a file without the .qqf extension, so it is not retrieved
04:26 AM Bug report #3098: slider and dial not working in table widgets
- Still true as per commit:721cc0f2 (SVN r15161)
03:56 AM Bug report #3367: zoom to full extent doesn't work
- NB: this happen only when I re-open the project by double-clicking on the .qgs file. It doesn't if I open it from the...
03:26 AM Feature request #3498: Add a flag "Label only selected features"
- This only for new labeling system
12:11 AM Revision 31f3800d (qgis): add support to set fields to NULL in field calculator and fix following...
- git-svn-id: c8812cc2-4d05-0410-92ff-de0c093fc19c
12:11 AM Revision 1162bce3 (qgis): add support to set fields to NULL in field calculator and fix following...
- git-svn-id: c8812cc2-4d05-0410-92ff-de0c093fc19c
12:04 PM Revision 98d204b7 (qgis): fix #3945 (following up on r15148)
- git-svn-id: c8812cc2-4d05-0410-92ff-de0c093fc19c
12:04 PM Revision ba79e619 (qgis): fix #3945 (following up on r15148)
- git-svn-id: c8812cc2-4d05-0410-92ff-de0c093fc19c
10:52 AM Revision 24648847 (qgis): fix #3490
- git-svn-id: c8812cc2-4d05-0410-92ff-de0c093fc19c
10:52 AM Revision 972f10fe (qgis): fix #3490
- git-svn-id: c8812cc2-4d05-0410-92ff-de0c093fc19c
10:43 AM Feature request #3498 (Open): Add a flag "Label only selected features"
- It would be useful to add such a flag; currently this can be done with several workarounds, but all of them are rathe...
10:11 AM Revision bd6e6f0a (qgis): [FEATURE]: possibility to set label distance in map units
- git-svn-id: c8812cc2-4d05-0410-92ff-de0c093fc19c
10:11 AM Revision 788d61b1 (qgis): [FEATURE]: possibility to set label distance in map units
- git-svn-id: c8812cc2-4d05-0410-92ff-de0c093fc19c
09:45 AM Bug report #3497 (Closed): [OsX] Crash when changing font and color in Style manager on OS X
- I am trying to use a font as a marker symbol in Style manager. Set Symbol layer type to Font marker. QGIS often crash...
05:40 AM Feature request #3492: label-ng: add X,Y offset
- See also
05:28 AM Bug report #3496 (Closed): Print Composer in QGIS 1.6.0 does no longer select the rows of the vis...
- The Print Composer in QGIS 1.6.0 shows the rows of all features when an Attribute table is added to the map canvas - ...
03:04 AM Bug report #3495 (Closed): Error while saving vector layer into folder with cyrillic
- fixed in commit:98d204b7 (SVN r15179).
03:04 AM Bug report #3495 (Closed): Error while saving vector layer into folder with cyrillic
- fixed in commit:98d204b7 (SVN r15179).
02:48 AM Bug report #3495 (Closed): Error while saving vector layer into folder with cyrillic
- Subj. ...
02:34 AM Bug report #3494 (Closed): Gibberish in file names after splitting layer
- 1. Open file (see attachment);
2. Vector - Data Management Tools - Split vector layer;
3. Choose field "FO";
After... -
02:26 AM Feature request #2634: Spatial Query Plugin source for evaluation
- Hi
Testing with latest:
Zoom to identify still does not work for me - it zooms to somewhere completely off the map
... -
01:57 AM Bug report #3490 (Closed): Delimited text plugin does not work in trunk
- Replying to [comment:3 Alister]:
> > I just tested today (commit:8e0e6f4a (SVN r15174)) with a very simple csv and it... -
01:57 AM Bug report #3490 (Closed): Delimited text plugin does not work in trunk
- Replying to [comment:3 Alister]:
> > I just tested today (commit:8e0e6f4a (SVN r15174)) with a very simple csv and it... -
01:02 AM Bug report #3490: Delimited text plugin does not work in trunk
- > I just tested today (commit:8e0e6f4a (SVN r15174)) with a very simple csv and it worked for me.
For the record, i...
02:15 PM Bug report #3490: Delimited text plugin does not work in trunk
- For what it's worth:
gis-dev-1.7.0-68 =
If I replace delimitedtextplugin.dll with the one from QGIS 1.6 it works. -
10:20 AM Revision a8fb1b45 (qgis): apply patch for #3347 from kcube
- git-svn-id: c8812cc2-4d05-0410-92ff-de0c093fc19c
10:20 AM Revision 1a4ff7dc (qgis): apply patch for #3347 from kcube
- git-svn-id: c8812cc2-4d05-0410-92ff-de0c093fc19c
08:50 AM Feature request #3493 (Open): Creating geometries on already existing postgres data
- Following :
In every corporation there's always plenty of word, excel... -
08:22 AM Revision 6d77f18d (qgis): Fix for other multiple redraws
- git-svn-id: c8812cc2-4d05-0410-92ff-de0c093fc19c
08:22 AM Revision 237dc0a9 (qgis): Fix for other multiple redraws
- git-svn-id: c8812cc2-4d05-0410-92ff-de0c093fc19c
07:21 AM Revision 8e0e6f4a (qgis): Fewer redraws if toggeling editing from vector props
- git-svn-id: c8812cc2-4d05-0410-92ff-de0c093fc19c
07:21 AM Revision 69c4c88d (qgis): Fewer redraws if toggeling editing from vector props
- git-svn-id: c8812cc2-4d05-0410-92ff-de0c093fc19c
07:10 AM Feature request #3492 (Closed): label-ng: add X,Y offset
- Currently only one distance can be selected in the new labelling engine. It would be good to have the opportunity to ...
02:23 AM Feature request #2634: Spatial Query Plugin source for evaluation
- Tim,
I changed the color of FID selected, at now, this color is the same of identify tool.
The selection of FID is... -
01:20 AM Bug report #3347 (Closed): Search query should warn when a column does not exist (instead of sayi...
- patch applied in commit:1a4ff7dc (SVN r15176). Thanks Sunil.
01:20 AM Bug report #3347 (Closed): Search query should warn when a column does not exist (instead of sayi...
- patch applied in commit:1a4ff7dc (SVN r15176). Thanks Sunil.
12:55 AM Bug report #3490: Delimited text plugin does not work in trunk
- Could you attach an example file? I just tested today (commit:8e0e6f4a (SVN r15174)) with a very simple csv and it wo...
09:20 PM Bug report #3490 (Closed): Delimited text plugin does not work in trunk
- I can no longer add any delimited text file that used to work.
Ramon reported the same thing on the mailing list; I'm... -
12:21 AM Bug report #3491: Couldn't load plugin postgis_manager due an error when calling its initGui() me...
- This issue should be fixed in v0.5.14.
12:11 AM Bug report #3491 (Closed): Couldn't load plugin postgis_manager due an error when calling its ini...
12:11 AM Bug report #3491: Couldn't load plugin postgis_manager due an error when calling its initGui() me...
- [[PostGIS]] manager tries to add an entry to the database menu available in trunk and if that fails add it database m...
11:42 PM Bug report #3491 (Closed): Couldn't load plugin postgis_manager due an error when calling its ini...
- After updating Qgis to 1.6.0-3 from 1.6.0-2 using OSGeo4W advanced installer (and some new libs were offered), Postgi...
11:15 PM Bug report #3487: Select features by rectangle does not work properly
- confirming.
Same problem here with select attributes by a circle, on a [[PostGis]] layer. -
10:43 AM Bug report #3487 (Closed): Select features by rectangle does not work properly
- Using the rectangle select tool, does not work properly. The tool selects some features inside the selected rectangle...
08:02 PM Revision 7e8f9c13 (qgis): osgeo4w updates
- git-svn-id: c8812cc2-4d05-0410-92ff-de0c093fc19c
07:53 PM Revision 803f3577 (qgis): backport r15148
- git-svn-id: c8812cc2-4d05-0410-92ff-de0c093fc19c
06:19 PM Revision ecdc73ce (qgis): backport r14988
- git-svn-id: c8812cc2-4d05-0410-92ff-de0c093fc19c
05:45 PM Bug report #3489: Missing DB name in Add PostGis layer gives no useful warning
- ok, I see, in Postgis manager it is visible on which DB one is working (important foremost in case of a default) but ...
05:22 PM Bug report #3489: Missing DB name in Add PostGis layer gives no useful warning
- Replying to "mbernasocchi":/issues/show/3489:
> It would be good to mention that a DB name is mandatory.
But it isn'... -
05:16 PM Bug report #3489 (Closed): Missing DB name in Add PostGis layer gives no useful warning
- When creating a new connection to a [[PostGis]] DB, if the DB name is left empty the user is given the following mess...
03:07 PM Feature request #3488 (Closed): Expression based labeling
- _There might be a trac already for this although I could not find it_
It would be very handy to have expression base... -
12:54 PM Feature request #2634: Spatial Query Plugin source for evaluation
- Hi
Sorry I found some more issues:
- when I click a feature id, no feature is selected in the view
- when I click a... -
11:29 AM Feature request #2634: Spatial Query Plugin source for evaluation
- Tim,
The update VI( have:
qgsspatialquerydialog.cpp, qgsspatialquerydialog.h and
qgsspat... -
04:59 AM Feature request #2634: Spatial Query Plugin source for evaluation
- Tim,
Thanks for your orientation and sorry by compile error.
You can compile with new update of "qgsspatialqueryd...
11:49 PM Feature request #2634: Spatial Query Plugin source for evaluation
- Hi Luiz
I tried to build version V but get:... -
05:11 PM Feature request #2634: Spatial Query Plugin source for evaluation
- Tim,
The update V (see spatialquery_update_V.jpg) have the features:
1)Fixed BUG: Use operator DISJOINT.
2)New f... -
11:43 PM Revision fd5f1192 (qgis): Remove some duplicated code
- git-svn-id: c8812cc2-4d05-0410-92ff-de0c093fc19c
11:43 PM Revision 3374f382 (qgis): Remove some duplicated code
- git-svn-id: c8812cc2-4d05-0410-92ff-de0c093fc19c
09:24 PM Revision 132088f6 (qgis): fix API QgsMapLayer::getLayerID() to id()), some warnings and use doxyg...
- git-svn-id: c8812cc2-4d05-0410-92ff-de0c093fc19c
09:24 PM Revision 049d4908 (qgis): fix API QgsMapLayer::getLayerID() to id()), some warnings and use doxyg...
- git-svn-id: c8812cc2-4d05-0410-92ff-de0c093fc19c
09:02 PM Revision 61baa8be (qgis): Updated IT GUI translation
- git-svn-id: c8812cc2-4d05-0410-92ff-de0c093fc19c
09:02 PM Revision 4a706f55 (qgis): Updated IT GUI translation
- git-svn-id: c8812cc2-4d05-0410-92ff-de0c093fc19c
07:14 PM Bug report #2551 (Closed): SPIT crashes if path to shapefile contains cyrillic
- Works for me now.
07:14 PM Bug report #2551 (Closed): SPIT crashes if path to shapefile contains cyrillic
- Works for me now.
06:22 PM Revision 6ee7a8ee (qgis): german translation update
- git-svn-id: c8812cc2-4d05-0410-92ff-de0c093fc19c
06:22 PM Revision 9a42778f (qgis): german translation update
- git-svn-id: c8812cc2-4d05-0410-92ff-de0c093fc19c
06:20 PM Revision 6fb92df5 (qgis): fix #3477 & #3778
- git-svn-id: c8812cc2-4d05-0410-92ff-de0c093fc19c
06:20 PM Revision 578914a7 (qgis): fix #3477 & #3778
- git-svn-id: c8812cc2-4d05-0410-92ff-de0c093fc19c
12:39 PM Revision e67fc5e0 (qgis): german translation update
- git-svn-id: c8812cc2-4d05-0410-92ff-de0c093fc19c
12:39 PM Revision 9c8a6916 (qgis): german translation update
- git-svn-id: c8812cc2-4d05-0410-92ff-de0c093fc19c
09:21 AM Feature request #3478 (Closed): Save as DXF: add the option "Skip attribute creation" as a default
- fixed in commit:6fb92df5 (SVN r15166).
09:21 AM Feature request #3478 (Closed): Save as DXF: add the option "Skip attribute creation" as a default
- fixed in commit:6fb92df5 (SVN r15166).
09:21 AM Bug report #3477 (Closed): Save as DXF does not append ".dxf" to file name
- fixed in commit:6fb92df5 (SVN r15166).
09:21 AM Bug report #3477 (Closed): Save as DXF does not append ".dxf" to file name
- fixed in commit:6fb92df5 (SVN r15166).
08:39 AM Revision 2e915c88 (qgis): Improve the description of some GRASS modules
- git-svn-id: c8812cc2-4d05-0410-92ff-de0c093fc19c
08:39 AM Revision fa862ec2 (qgis): Improve the description of some GRASS modules
- git-svn-id: c8812cc2-4d05-0410-92ff-de0c093fc19c
02:09 AM Feature request #3231: Enhancements: Numerical move tool & use two clicks instead of dragging wit...
- Sorry, since I've changed the title, we probably need to be clear that the two-click move tool would be snapping enab...
01:58 AM Feature request #3231: Enhancements: Numerical move tool & use two clicks instead of dragging wit...
- For snapping request see #3486
01:56 AM Feature request #3231: Enhancements: Numerical move tool & use two clicks instead of dragging wit...
- Hi,
Your description did not seem to match your title, so I am changing the title and filling in a new feature reques... -
01:57 AM Feature request #3486 (Closed): Snapping for move tool
- When using the move tool the mouse should snap (to layers with snapping enabled):
1) when clicking, to select wher...
12:28 AM Feature request #3482: Enhancement: Curved labels for polygons
- The "new" labelling engine can already do curved labels for polylines.
10:27 PM Revision c39d7e65 (qgis): mapserver: semicolon removed from QgsMSDebugMsg macro
- git-svn-id: c8812cc2-4d05-0410-92ff-de0c093fc19c
10:27 PM Revision 91b8cee9 (qgis): mapserver: semicolon removed from QgsMSDebugMsg macro
- git-svn-id: c8812cc2-4d05-0410-92ff-de0c093fc19c
10:25 PM Revision b45f8709 (qgis): mapserver: fix crash when layer cache is to small for project
- git-svn-id: c8812cc2-4d05-0410-92ff-de0c093fc19c
10:25 PM Revision a0d0408c (qgis): mapserver: fix crash when layer cache is to small for project
- git-svn-id: c8812cc2-4d05-0410-92ff-de0c093fc19c
05:28 PM Revision fb92258f (qgis): fix crash
- git-svn-id: c8812cc2-4d05-0410-92ff-de0c093fc19c
05:28 PM Revision 721cc0f2 (qgis): fix crash
- git-svn-id: c8812cc2-4d05-0410-92ff-de0c093fc19c
04:54 PM Feature request #2634: Spatial Query Plugin source for evaluation
- Tim,
The update IV (see spatialquery_update_IV.jpg) have the features:
1) The features of result can be use to (GUI... -
02:50 PM Revision b9aaa490 (qgis): allow setting mapserver service properties in project properties
- git-svn-id: c8812cc2-4d05-0410-92ff-de0c093fc19c
02:50 PM Revision dd23dde2 (qgis): allow setting mapserver service properties in project properties
- git-svn-id: c8812cc2-4d05-0410-92ff-de0c093fc19c
02:49 PM Revision 55cd73db (qgis): add more debugging output to mapserver
- git-svn-id: c8812cc2-4d05-0410-92ff-de0c093fc19c
02:49 PM Revision 6dd4610a (qgis): add more debugging output to mapserver
- git-svn-id: c8812cc2-4d05-0410-92ff-de0c093fc19c
10:40 AM Revision fd6a9886 (qgis): Fix multiple redraws when adding join from dialog
- git-svn-id: c8812cc2-4d05-0410-92ff-de0c093fc19c
10:40 AM Revision 6c75324b (qgis): Fix multiple redraws when adding join from dialog
- git-svn-id: c8812cc2-4d05-0410-92ff-de0c093fc19c
11:51 PM Feature request #3485 (Closed): Add WCS support
- GDAL has WCS support. To be usable form QGIS, however, we need a button "Open WCS".
Notes from FrankW (thanks!):
Then... -
08:17 PM Revision 09300f6d (qgis): fix #2551
- git-svn-id: c8812cc2-4d05-0410-92ff-de0c093fc19c
08:17 PM Revision b7010156 (qgis): fix #2551
- git-svn-id: c8812cc2-4d05-0410-92ff-de0c093fc19c
05:23 PM Revision f1a655f4 (qgis): [FEATURE]: experimental table join support refactored and ported from b...
- git-svn-id: c8812cc2-4d05-0410-92ff-de0c093fc19c
05:23 PM Revision 95abbd6a (qgis): [FEATURE]: experimental table join support refactored and ported from b...
- git-svn-id: c8812cc2-4d05-0410-92ff-de0c093fc19c
12:28 PM Feature request #3482: Enhancement: Curved labels for polygons
- This is called "splining" by ESRI. I agree that this is a good enhancement not only for polygon features but also fo...
12:25 PM Feature request #3481: Enhancement: Options to stretch labels
- I agree, also called letter spacing. This should definitely be an option.
12:16 PM Feature request #3484 (Closed): Legend Title enhancements: Add "Show Title" checkbox, wrap text o...
- Sometimes legend titles are not needed, sometimes rather long legend titles are needed. QGIS' Legend Title does not ...
11:19 AM Bug report #2551: SPIT crashes if path to shapefile contains cyrillic
- should be fixed in commit:09300f6d (SVN r15157).
10:10 AM Bug report #2551 (Feedback): SPIT crashes if path to shapefile contains cyrillic
- SPIT still crashes if path contains cyrillic,
10:10 AM Bug report #2551 (Feedback): SPIT crashes if path to shapefile contains cyrillic
- SPIT still crashes if path contains cyrillic,
09:54 AM Bug report #3446: "Layers" panel issue
- Bug still present with
06:45 AM Bug report #3470: GRASS error(s?) missing error details
- Just to be clear, the problem here is that the error message is being suppressed, not that there is an error.
I have... -
06:12 AM Feature request #3483 (Feedback): Unified topological editing
- Currently QGIS has two different methods for editing:
- one (optionally) pseudotopological, to be used with [[Simple...
11:50 PM Feature request #3482 (Open): Enhancement: Curved labels for polygons
- It would be nice (although possibly quite difficult!) to have an option for curved labels on polygon layers. e.g. se...
11:43 PM Feature request #3481 (In Progress): Enhancement: Options to stretch labels
- It would be very nice to be able to stretch the length of labels:
- either along a line, or inside a polygon
- either... -
10:16 PM Feature request #3284: Wrapping long labels
- Aha, here's the answer from the mailing list:
> You have to enter a "real" newline. If you want to enter multiline ... -
09:03 PM Feature request #3284: Wrapping long labels
- > There is already a wrapping option. But I have never figured out how to actually get layers to wrap. How is it supp...
08:45 PM Feature request #3284: Wrapping long labels
- There is already a wrapping option.
But I have never figured out how to actually get layers to wrap. How is it suppo... -
06:49 PM Feature request #3284: Wrapping long labels
- I guess it would also be good if they could wrap to avoid collisions with features or other labels, instead of wrappi...
07:30 PM Bug report #2113: curved labels: only a few are drawn
- (sorry, I was meant to post this before attaching)
I agree with this:
> Even on simpler lines, as streets, the curv... -
06:32 PM Revision 9f1a59f6 (qgis): fix bug where k+1 closest feature are measured in point distance tool
- git-svn-id: c8812cc2-4d05-0410-92ff-de0c093fc19c
06:32 PM Revision 01c8cf98 (qgis): fix bug where k+1 closest feature are measured in point distance tool
- git-svn-id: c8812cc2-4d05-0410-92ff-de0c093fc19c
06:30 PM Revision 01893af4 (qgis): allow for more precise grid dimentions in vector grid tool
- git-svn-id: c8812cc2-4d05-0410-92ff-de0c093fc19c
06:30 PM Revision f4b741d8 (qgis): allow for more precise grid dimentions in vector grid tool
- git-svn-id: c8812cc2-4d05-0410-92ff-de0c093fc19c
06:28 PM Revision 2868eea8 (qgis): quick fix for problem when assigning crs of existing layer
- git-svn-id: c8812cc2-4d05-0410-92ff-de0c093fc19c
06:28 PM Revision 0c2b6ed8 (qgis): quick fix for problem when assigning crs of existing layer
- git-svn-id: c8812cc2-4d05-0410-92ff-de0c093fc19c
05:42 PM Feature request #2634 (Feedback): Spatial Query Plugin source for evaluation
- Tim,
I forgot to reopen this ticket for you receive the message above by trac.
Sorry, again, do you can see the ch... -
05:42 PM Feature request #2634 (Feedback): Spatial Query Plugin source for evaluation
- Tim,
I forgot to reopen this ticket for you receive the message above by trac.
Sorry, again, do you can see the ch... -
09:40 AM Bug report #3369: Annotations disappear
- Replying to [comment:6 pope965176]:
> Exactly, the attached file doesn't contain annotations. AS I said in the initi... -
09:38 AM Bug report #3369: Annotations disappear
- Exactly, the attached file doesn't contain annotations. AS I said in the initial bug reporting: 1. Created the annot...
03:48 AM Bug report #3446: "Layers" panel issue
- The layer Tree appears fine in windows with QGIS-1.6.0 stable version
08:43 PM Feature request #2634: Spatial Query Plugin source for evaluation
- Tim,
The last changes are in (only files with changes).
You can see the new layout in t... -
05:27 PM Revision a9a50ed1 (qgis): add support for UTF8 in GDAL/OGR 1.8 (fixes #2551)
- git-svn-id: c8812cc2-4d05-0410-92ff-de0c093fc19c
05:27 PM Revision c7af95b7 (qgis): add support for UTF8 in GDAL/OGR 1.8 (fixes #2551)
- git-svn-id: c8812cc2-4d05-0410-92ff-de0c093fc19c
05:27 PM Revision 63f69c5d (qgis): doxygen fixes
- git-svn-id: c8812cc2-4d05-0410-92ff-de0c093fc19c
05:27 PM Revision e66690f1 (qgis): doxygen fixes
- git-svn-id: c8812cc2-4d05-0410-92ff-de0c093fc19c
04:03 PM Bug report #3480: Composer arrows and basic shapes are rasterised when printed
- I forgot to mention:
1. The svg on the page is OK, although see fo... -
03:27 PM Bug report #3480 (Closed): Composer arrows and basic shapes are rasterised when printed
- They are OK when exported to SVG.
Attached PDF created by printing to a PDF virtual printer. -
03:37 PM Bug report #3295: SVG images rasterized when printing/exporting
- Also see #3480 and #3250, although I think they are all different bugs.
03:14 PM Bug report #3295: SVG images rasterized when printing/exporting
- > Export of PDF results in groups of Images, pixelation if you look at sample (uploading now)
I can confirm that, al... -
03:34 PM Bug report #3466: Extremely Bloated PDF Vector Export under Win.
- I think this is a duplicate of #3217, although I didn't think they were raster objects.
10:08 AM Bug report #3479 (Closed): New Symbology does not print
- I have a linear feature layer (railroad lines).
I wanted to create my own symbology for it since the default options ... -
09:33 AM Revision bccd2dfe (qgis): Minor improvements to the IT GUI - thanks to the community
- git-svn-id: c8812cc2-4d05-0410-92ff-de0c093fc19c
09:33 AM Revision 469f9087 (qgis): Minor improvements to the IT GUI - thanks to the community
- git-svn-id: c8812cc2-4d05-0410-92ff-de0c093fc19c
09:05 AM Revision 66a49842 (qgis): fix debugging output for Qt<4.5
- git-svn-id: c8812cc2-4d05-0410-92ff-de0c093fc19c
09:05 AM Revision 7a7478d1 (qgis): fix debugging output for Qt<4.5
- git-svn-id: c8812cc2-4d05-0410-92ff-de0c093fc19c
08:28 AM Bug report #2551 (Closed): SPIT crashes if path to shapefile contains cyrillic
- Replying to [comment:8 rouault]:
> I'd note that since GDAL 1.8.0, this should now work after the work done in "RFC30... -
08:28 AM Bug report #2551 (Closed): SPIT crashes if path to shapefile contains cyrillic
- Replying to [comment:8 rouault]:
> I'd note that since GDAL 1.8.0, this should now work after the work done in "RFC30... -
08:25 AM Bug report #2551 (Feedback): SPIT crashes if path to shapefile contains cyrillic
11:20 PM Feature request #3478 (Closed): Save as DXF: add the option "Skip attribute creation" as a default
- Having to add it by hand can be confusing for users; same applies to GPX, possibly to other formats. Easy to fix.
11:03 PM Bug report #3477 (Closed): Save as DXF does not append ".dxf" to file name
- Only a small annoyance, but easy to fix
06:34 PM Bug report #2551: SPIT crashes if path to shapefile contains cyrillic
- If path to file contains Cyrillic symbol SPIT throws an error:...
01:12 PM Bug report #2551: SPIT crashes if path to shapefile contains cyrillic
- I'd note that since GDAL 1.8.0, this should now work after the work done in "RFC30":
12:45 PM Bug report #2551 (Closed): SPIT crashes if path to shapefile contains cyrillic
12:45 PM Bug report #2551 (Feedback): SPIT crashes if path to shapefile contains cyrillic
06:16 PM Revision 2e5e3a14 (qgis): restore arrow cursor when asking for credentials
- git-svn-id: c8812cc2-4d05-0410-92ff-de0c093fc19c
06:16 PM Revision c427cec6 (qgis): restore arrow cursor when asking for credentials
- git-svn-id: c8812cc2-4d05-0410-92ff-de0c093fc19c
04:27 PM Bug report #3435: GDAL - warp fails
- This may be related to ticket 3476; try setting the GDAL binary path.
04:27 PM Bug report #3476 (Closed): GDAL raster tools on Windows Vista / 64 require GDAL binary path
- GDAL raster operations did not work on a standalone Windows install of QGIS 1.6.0 on my Vista 64 system. Any attempts...
03:49 PM Revision 5589cc8e (qgis): revert debian part of r15142
- git-svn-id: c8812cc2-4d05-0410-92ff-de0c093fc19c
03:49 PM Revision d646cafc (qgis): revert debian part of r15142
- git-svn-id: c8812cc2-4d05-0410-92ff-de0c093fc19c
03:39 PM Revision ec6f8f80 (qgis): Minor improvement to the IT GUI
- git-svn-id: c8812cc2-4d05-0410-92ff-de0c093fc19c
03:39 PM Revision a1323b1a (qgis): Minor improvement to the IT GUI
- git-svn-id: c8812cc2-4d05-0410-92ff-de0c093fc19c
02:34 PM Revision 4a6e6107 (qgis): also use 24px as default icon size in options
- git-svn-id: c8812cc2-4d05-0410-92ff-de0c093fc19c
02:34 PM Revision aeb74f00 (qgis): also use 24px as default icon size in options
- git-svn-id: c8812cc2-4d05-0410-92ff-de0c093fc19c
01:00 PM Revision fb53e2d3 (qgis): don't close Manage connections dialog after processing selected file.
- Allow user select another file and run save/load operation again
git-svn-id: -
01:00 PM Revision e97aab18 (qgis): don't close Manage connections dialog after processing selected file.
- Allow user select another file and run save/load operation again
git-svn-id: ... -
12:57 PM Bug report #3475 (Closed): Layers with cyrrilic filenames cannot be loaded in QGIS
- duplicate of #2551
12:57 PM Bug report #3475 (Closed): Layers with cyrrilic filenames cannot be loaded in QGIS
- duplicate of #2551
12:11 PM Bug report #3475 (Closed): Layers with cyrrilic filenames cannot be loaded in QGIS
- Again. Probably due to switch to GDAL 1.8
Sample layer attached. -
11:00 AM Revision ebbaa6fb (qgis): [FEATURE]: rotation for svg fills
- git-svn-id: c8812cc2-4d05-0410-92ff-de0c093fc19c
11:00 AM Revision 04af2f91 (qgis): [FEATURE]: rotation for svg fills
- git-svn-id: c8812cc2-4d05-0410-92ff-de0c093fc19c
09:40 AM Revision 98b631cf (qgis): Use qIsNaN and qIsInf for QgsRectangle::isFinite
- git-svn-id: c8812cc2-4d05-0410-92ff-de0c093fc19c
09:40 AM Revision 6a2c261b (qgis): Use qIsNaN and qIsInf for QgsRectangle::isFinite
- git-svn-id: c8812cc2-4d05-0410-92ff-de0c093fc19c
08:17 AM Revision 7661f4b4 (qgis): Improvements to spatial select plugin from Luiz Motta (#2634)
- git-svn-id: c8812cc2-4d05-0410-92ff-de0c093fc19c
08:17 AM Revision b5bad19f (qgis): Improvements to spatial select plugin from Luiz Motta (#2634)
- git-svn-id: c8812cc2-4d05-0410-92ff-de0c093fc19c
05:05 AM Revision e1062936 (qgis): Option for user to set icon size to 16, 24, or 32 px.
- Contributed by madmanwoo (NathanW)
git-svn-id: c8812cc2-4d05-0410-92ff-de... -
05:05 AM Revision 4c53217a (qgis): Option for user to set icon size to 16, 24, or 32 px.
- Contributed by madmanwoo (NathanW)
git-svn-id: c8812cc2-4d05-0410-92ff-de0c093... -
02:46 AM Feature request #3425: Multiple movable symbol libraries
- Here is patch that add import/export functionality to the Symbol manager.
01:09 AM Revision 9548bd7b (qgis): Applied the patch attached to #3331 to implement gdaltindex. Thanks ale...
- git-svn-id: c8812cc2-4d05-0410-92ff-de0c093fc19c
01:09 AM Revision 29418388 (qgis): Applied the patch attached to #3331 to implement gdaltindex. Thanks ale...
- git-svn-id: c8812cc2-4d05-0410-92ff-de0c093fc19c
11:19 PM Feature request #2634 (Closed): Spatial Query Plugin source for evaluation
- Thanks for making those tweaks. I have applied your patch as commit:b5bad19f (SVN r15138).
Best regards
Tim -
11:19 PM Feature request #2634 (Closed): Spatial Query Plugin source for evaluation
- Thanks for making those tweaks. I have applied your patch as commit:b5bad19f (SVN r15138).
Best regards
Tim -
06:20 PM Feature request #2634: Spatial Query Plugin source for evaluation
- Tim,
The changes are in (only files with changes).
You can see the new layout in the pic... -
05:52 PM Revision 0351fcf3 (qgis): Fix for ticket #3471
- git-svn-id: c8812cc2-4d05-0410-92ff-de0c093fc19c
05:52 PM Revision 1bd71a69 (qgis): Fix for ticket #3471
- git-svn-id: c8812cc2-4d05-0410-92ff-de0c093fc19c
05:34 PM Feature request #3331: GdalTools: add utilities for MapServer
- Replying to [comment:1 alexbruy]:
> Here is patch that implement gdaltindex command for [[GdalTools]].
Patch for gdal... -
01:00 PM Bug report #3369: Annotations disappear
- The attached project file indeed does not contain any annotation item. Normally, there should be elements <TextAnnota...
09:33 AM Bug report #3392: Segmentation fault on Debian Squeeze w/ version 6.1
- BTW: here it work fine, also debian squeeze. How did you obtain the package?
09:29 AM Bug report #3392: Segmentation fault on Debian Squeeze w/ version 6.1
- Do you mean QGIS 1.6 and GDAL 1.7? What does the console say? And the syslog?
08:53 AM Bug report #3471 (Closed): QGIS freezes while reprojecting layer with new symbology
- Fixed in . It was a problem with the extent transformation.
08:53 AM Bug report #3471 (Closed): QGIS freezes while reprojecting layer with new symbology
- Fixed in . It was a problem with the extent transformation.
12:41 AM Feature request #2634: Spatial Query Plugin source for evaluation
- Hi
I tested the patch. There are a few minor issues that should be fixed before we commit it:
- the invalid feature... -
12:32 AM Feature request #2634 (In Progress): Spatial Query Plugin source for evaluation
12:32 AM Feature request #2634 (Open): Spatial Query Plugin source for evaluation
12:20 PM Feature request #2634: Spatial Query Plugin source for evaluation
- The attachment, spatialquery_update_example.JPG, illustrates the update.
11:53 AM Feature request #2634 (Feedback): Spatial Query Plugin source for evaluation
The patch ( content only the files changed and the one new file (don´t has all source).
11:53 AM Feature request #2634 (Feedback): Spatial Query Plugin source for evaluation
The patch ( content only the files changed and the one new file (don´t has all source).
07:07 PM Bug report #3470: GRASS error(s?) missing error details
- I also downgraded to GRASS 6.4.0-1 and produced the same results: the standalone GRASS shows error messages that are ...
05:02 PM Bug report #3468: Missing layer in project means I can't load project at all
- I agree. This is not really best way to handle this kind of error. IMO a better approach would be to load the proje...
01:51 PM Bug report #3471: QGIS freezes while reprojecting layer with new symbology
- Could be a side effect of the new line clipping.
06:38 AM Bug report #3471: QGIS freezes while reprojecting layer with new symbology
- Confirmed under Linux with commit:e5863992 (SVN r15131)
06:22 AM Bug report #3471 (Closed): QGIS freezes while reprojecting layer with new symbology
- 1. Create custom projection: +proj=aea +lat_1=52 +lat_2=64 +lat_0=0 +lon_0=105 +x_0=18500000 +y_0=0 +ellps=WGS84 +uni...
10:12 AM Bug report #1752: Font label settings not working on OS X
- I've been meaning to poke at this, so here's some more test results. I changed the dialog code to force non-native f...
08:41 AM Bug report #1752 (Feedback): Font label settings not working on OS X
- Reinstalling the system is too general, and I've tried it on a clean system.
08:41 AM Bug report #1752 (Feedback): Font label settings not working on OS X
- Reinstalling the system is too general, and I've tried it on a clean system.
08:41 AM Feature request #3474 (Closed): Add supporting any field for Singleparts to multipart tool
- Vector -> Geometry Tools -> Singleparts to multipart. It would be useful choose not one Unique field, but any of fiel...
08:15 AM Feature request #3473 (Closed): Horizontal offset for Simple line and Marker line layer's type
- Nice feature would be possibility to set horizontal offset for Simple line and Marker line layer's type in new symbol...
07:46 AM Feature request #3472 (Closed): Enhancement: create by length/angle / Rotate feature
- I am looking for some feature creation tools similar to those available in a proprietary software that I think will h...
09:38 PM Bug report #3470 (Closed): GRASS error(s?) missing error details
- If I try to get GRASS to import a [[PostGIS]] DB, the result is this error:
*DBMI-DBF driver error:*
Yes, that's rig... -
09:07 PM Bug report #1752 (Closed): Font label settings not working on OS X
- Hi,
I had this and other problems after upgrading to Snow Leopard. Problem is now solved following a 'clean install'... -
09:07 PM Bug report #1752 (Closed): Font label settings not working on OS X
- Hi,
I had this and other problems after upgrading to Snow Leopard. Problem is now solved following a 'clean install'... -
07:22 PM Bug report #3295 (Feedback): SVG images rasterized when printing/exporting
- Examples and Bug re-opened
Broken windows export -
07:22 PM Bug report #3295 (Feedback): SVG images rasterized when printing/exporting
- Examples and Bug re-opened
Broken windows export -
07:20 PM Bug report #3295: SVG images rasterized when printing/exporting
- This does not appear to be fixed on Windows7 (64bit), QGIS 1.5,1.6 and Trunk commit:e5863992 (SVN r15131) and effecti...
02:10 PM Revision 544cc423 (qgis): paintEvent isn't a signal
- git-svn-id: c8812cc2-4d05-0410-92ff-de0c093fc19c
02:10 PM Revision e5863992 (qgis): paintEvent isn't a signal
- git-svn-id: c8812cc2-4d05-0410-92ff-de0c093fc19c
12:17 PM Revision 20a2478f (qgis): Minor improvements to IT GUI
- git-svn-id: c8812cc2-4d05-0410-92ff-de0c093fc19c
12:17 PM Revision ef7ad0a2 (qgis): Minor improvements to IT GUI
- git-svn-id: c8812cc2-4d05-0410-92ff-de0c093fc19c
05:32 AM Feature request #3469 (Closed): gdaltools: virtual catalog fails with many files
- gdaltools fial to create a virtual catalog if there are mmany rasters.
Infact gdaltool call the "gdalbuildvrt" passin...
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