Feature request #2634

Spatial Query Plugin source for evaluation

Added by Luiz Motta almost 15 years ago. Updated almost 14 years ago.

Assignee:Tim Sutton
Category:C++ Plugins
Pull Request or Patch supplied: Resolution:fixed
Easy fix?:No Copied to github as #:12694


It is the source code of Spatial Query Plugin.

I would like you can be assess this plugin to be placed in version 1.5 of QGIS.

Please verify the file CMakeLists.txt to use dependece GEOS libray.

spatialquery.zip - Update Spatial Query source (30.9 KB) Luiz Motta, 2010-04-15 06:21 AM

Screenshot.png (72.8 KB) Giovanni Manghi, 2010-04-25 03:39 AM

change_spatialquerydialog_cpp_and_ui.zip - Change dialog (qgsspatialquerydialog.cpp and qgsspatialquerydialogbase.ui) to make new query (7.05 KB) Luiz Motta, 2010-04-25 10:06 AM

spatialquery_update.zip - Update Spatial Query source for show invalid features. Update files: qgsspatialquery.cpp, qgsspatialquery.h, qgsspatialquerydialog.cpp, qgsspatialquerydialog.h, qgsspatialquerydialogbase.qrc an dqgsspatialquerydialogbase.ui. New file: selectall.png (15.6 KB) Luiz Motta, 2011-02-06 11:43 AM

spatialquery_update_example.JPG - Figure with the difference between spatial query plugin original and updated (67.2 KB) Luiz Motta, 2011-02-06 12:17 PM

spatialquery_update_II.zip - Update file Spatial Query source (fixed and sugestions from Tim): qgsspatialquerydialog.cpp, qgsspatialquerydialog.h and qgsspatialquerydialogbase.ui (10.7 KB) Luiz Motta, 2011-02-07 06:05 PM

spatialquery_II.jpg - Figure with suggestion from Tim for layout (25.8 KB) Luiz Motta, 2011-02-07 06:08 PM

spatialquery_update_III.zip - Update Spatial Query GUI (only change files) (10.8 KB) Luiz Motta, 2011-02-09 08:38 PM

spatialquery_update_III.jpg - Picture for Update Spatial Query GUI (17.6 KB) Luiz Motta, 2011-02-09 08:39 PM

spatialquery_update_IV.zip - Update and new files for Spatial Query IV (13.4 KB) Luiz Motta, 2011-02-12 04:40 PM

spatialquery_update_IV.jpg - Picture of new layout of update IV (17.1 KB) Luiz Motta, 2011-02-12 04:41 PM

update_spatiaquery_V.zip - Update and new files for Spatial Query V (22.1 KB) Luiz Motta, 2011-02-13 05:01 PM

spatialquery_update_V.jpg - Picture of update Spatial Query V (20.8 KB) Luiz Motta, 2011-02-13 05:02 PM

update_spatiaquery_VI.zip - Update and new files for Spatial Query VI (11.2 KB) Luiz Motta, 2011-02-14 11:21 AM

update_spatiaquery_VII.zip - Update files for Spatial Query VII (13.5 KB) Luiz Motta, 2011-02-15 01:48 AM

update_spatialquery_VII.png - Picture of update Spatial Query VII (41.8 KB) Luiz Motta, 2011-02-15 02:02 AM

spatialquery_VIII.zip - Update files for Spatial Query VIII (20.5 KB) Luiz Motta, 2011-02-20 01:11 PM

spatialquery_update_VIII.jpg - Picture of update Spatial Query VIII (56.7 KB) Luiz Motta, 2011-02-20 01:12 PM

qgsspatialquerydialog.cpp Magnifier - Fix bug for "Remove from selection" (32.5 KB) Luiz Motta, 2011-02-21 10:37 AM

spatialquery_IX.zip - Update files: qgsspatialquerydialog.h, qgsspatialquerydialog.cpp and qgsspatialquerydialogbase.ui (11.6 KB) Luiz Motta, 2011-02-21 02:54 PM

spatialquery_X_full.zip - Full path for Spatialquery X (all files) (34.5 KB) Luiz Motta, 2011-02-28 06:17 PM

spatialquery_XI_update.zip - Update XI of Spatial Query (13.9 KB) Luiz Motta, 2011-03-13 09:29 AM

spatialquery_new-icons.zip - News icons to Spatial query by Robert Szczepanek (3.88 KB) Luiz Motta, 2011-03-14 06:21 PM


#1 Updated by Tim Sutton almost 15 years ago

Looks like some include paths are not configured in the cmakelists.txt:

In file included from /home/timlinux/dev/cpp/qgis/src/plugins/spatialquery/qgsspatialquerydialog.cpp:30:
/home/timlinux/dev/cpp/qgis/src/plugins/spatialquery/qgsspatialquery.h:25:29: error: qgsspatialindex.h: No such file or directory
[ 55%] Building CXX object src/plugins/labeling/CMakeFiles/labelingplugin.dir/moc_labelinggui.cxx.o
In file included from /home/timlinux/dev/cpp/qgis/src/plugins/spatialquery/qgsspatialquerydialog.cpp:30:
/home/timlinux/dev/cpp/qgis/src/plugins/spatialquery/qgsspatialquery.h:152: error: ‘QgsSpatialIndex’ does not name a type
Linking CXX shared module liblabelingplugin.so
maker2: *** [src/plugins/spatialquery/CMakeFiles/spatialqueryplugin.dir/qgsspatialquerydialog.cpp.o] Error 1
maker1: *** [src/plugins/spatialquery/CMakeFiles/spatialqueryplugin.dir/all] Error 2
maker1: *** Waiting for unfinished jobs....
[ 56%] Built target labelingplugin
make: *** [all] Error 2

#2 Updated by Tim Sutton almost 15 years ago

Adding spatialindex dir fixed it:

 41      ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/../../ui/
 42      ../../core
 43      ../../core/spatialindex
 44      ../../core/raster
 45      ../../core/renderer
 46      ../../core/symbology
 47      ../../gui
 48      ..
 49 )

Having built and tested the plugin (works great!) my feedback is this:

a) I think we should put it in the main gui rather than as a plugin.
b) I would remove the status on the side and botton and just have the selection operators and a progress bar. Or at the very least hide that stuff away with an 'advanced button' since the output there is more of interest to developers of the plugin that for general users.
c) The user interface is not HIG compliant:
- the combos have a squashed vertically look so they are not sizing right
- labels should be upper case for first letter only thereafter all lower case
- labels and widgets should have buddies set.

Regardless of whether it is added as a plugin or in gui if they above issues are resolved it would be +1 from me for inclusion into 1.5 - nice work!


#3 Updated by Luiz Motta almost 15 years ago

This is the source code of an Spatial Query Plugin, I would like you guys to verify the code, and if it's in good shape, include it in the next version ( 1.5 ) of QGIS. Please verify the file CMakeLists.txt to fix the include paths of the GEOS libray.

#4 Updated by Luiz Motta almost 15 years ago

Update zipfile with source of Spatial Query with feedback by Tim

#5 Updated by Tim Sutton almost 15 years ago


Much better. Just the ok / Cancel QButtonBox needs to come down to the bottom of the dialog to follow the 'principle of least surprise'.



#6 Updated by Luiz Motta almost 15 years ago

Upload plugin with last suggestion

#7 Updated by Tim Sutton almost 15 years ago

  • Status changed from Open to Closed
  • Resolution set to fixed

I have committed this patch as of 349b1ec4 (SVN r13357). Parabens e obrigado!

Note there is still one more thing that should be sorted out - the Qt includes should be done in the form

#include <QDateTime>

and not

#include <qdatetime.h>

Note also that I have made some changes to the behaviour and layout of the dialog to try to improve usability - hope they are all to your liking.



#8 Updated by Luiz Motta almost 15 years ago

Thanks Tim.

#9 Updated by Giovanni Manghi almost 15 years ago

Hi Luiz,

just tested the plugin, looks great!

two notes:

*) if you resize the plugin windows then also two dropdowns resize, see attached image

*) when you click the button "close" (after having run a query) the plugin closes. I would like to see also a button "back" (or else) to let the user return to the plugin main window, so he can run another query without having to open again the plugin


#10 Updated by Jürgen Fischer almost 15 years ago

the resizing issue doesn't happen in current trunk.

#11 Updated by Giovanni Manghi almost 15 years ago

in d69d9faf (SVN r13378) it seems to happen, just compiled on ubuntu 10.04

#12 Updated by Jürgen Fischer almost 15 years ago

oh, sorry. thought it was. but in 827be3f2 (SVN r13382) it should be.

#13 Updated by Luiz Motta almost 15 years ago


When you click the button "close" (after having run a query) the plugin closes. I would like to see also a button "back" (or else) to let the user return to the plugin main window, so he can run another query without having to open again the plugin.

To answer your suggestion I made the following changes:
  • Attach change_spatialquerydialog_cpp_and_ui.zip)

1) qgsspatialquerydialogbase.ui
Remove Signal/slot to "reject()"

2.1) Change method - on_buttonBox_rejected
void QgsSpatialQueryDialog::on_buttonBox_rejected() {
if ( grpResults->isHidden() ) {
else {
setInputsVisible( true );
buttonBox->button( QDialogButtonBox::Close )->hide();
buttonBox->button( QDialogButtonBox::Cancel )->show();
buttonBox->button( QDialogButtonBox::Ok )->show();


} // void QgsSpatialQueryDialog::on_buttonBox_rejected()

2.2) Change method - runQuery
Only append on end of method: adjustSize();
void QgsSpatialQueryDialog::runQuery() {
setInputsVisible( false );
buttonBox->button( QDialogButtonBox::Close )->show();
buttonBox->button( QDialogButtonBox::Cancel )->hide();
buttonBox->button( QDialogButtonBox::Ok )->hide();

} // void QgsSpatialQueryDialog::runQuery()

#14 Updated by Jürgen Fischer almost 15 years ago

  • Status changed from Closed to Feedback
  • Resolution deleted (fixed)

#15 Updated by Jürgen Fischer almost 15 years ago

  • Status changed from Feedback to Closed
  • Resolution set to fixed

applied in 062f329c (SVN r13442).

#16 Updated by Luiz Motta about 14 years ago

  • Status changed from Closed to Feedback
  • Resolution deleted (fixed)

The patch (spatialquery_update.zip) content only the files changed and the one new file (don´t has all source).

The spatialquery work with valid features, then, if have invalid features, the user can believe the invalid features don´t have topologic relation.

This update will show the the report about invalid features in both layers.

Please, verify this work.

#17 Updated by Luiz Motta about 14 years ago

The attachment, spatialquery_update_example.JPG, illustrates the update.

#18 Updated by Tim Sutton about 14 years ago

  • Status changed from Feedback to Open

#19 Updated by Tim Sutton about 14 years ago

  • Status changed from Open to In Progress

#20 Updated by Tim Sutton about 14 years ago


I tested the patch. There are a few minor issues that should be fixed before we commit it:

- the invalid features group box should be placed to the right of the results group box as currently the dialog consumes too much vertical space.
- when unchecked, the log checkbox seems to disable the results list and the checkbox itself making the ui feel like it is frozen.
- "Invalids features" --> "Invalid features"

If you can address these issues we can apply your changes.

On a side note it would be good to consider creating a patch to move this functionality into the core of QGIS and displayed in the vector menu, and also to coordinate with Carson about the possible overlaps in functionality between this plugin and the Vector->Geometry Tools so that there is no duplication in QGIS of these tools (unless there is a compelling reason to keep both).

Muito obrigado!



#21 Updated by Luiz Motta about 14 years ago


The changes are in spatialquery_update_II.zip (only files with changes).

You can see the new layout in the picture spatialquery_II.jpg.

I fixed the bug of frozen when unchecked the show log messages

Please, see can apply the changes.

The merge of spatial query in vector menu (work of Carson), i believe better when migrate the vector functionalities from Pyhon to C++


#22 Updated by Tim Sutton about 14 years ago

  • Status changed from In Progress to Closed
  • Resolution set to fixed

Thanks for making those tweaks. I have applied your patch as b5bad19f (SVN r15138).

Best regards


#23 Updated by Luiz Motta about 14 years ago


The last changes are in spatialquery_update_III.zip (only files with changes).

You can see the new layout in the picture spatialquery_III.jpg.

At now, the dialog box is more compact.

Please, see can apply the changes.


#24 Updated by Luiz Motta about 14 years ago

  • Status changed from Closed to Feedback
  • Resolution deleted (fixed)


I forgot to reopen this ticket for you receive the message above by trac.

Sorry, again, do you can see the changes.


#25 Updated by Luiz Motta about 14 years ago


The update IV (see spatialquery_update_IV.jpg) have the features:

1) The features of result can be use to (GUI are buttons):
- New select
- Add current selected
- Remove current selected

2) Zoom mapcanvas to selected item(GUI is checkbox)

Content of spatialquery_update_IV.zip:
1) Update files:
- qgsspatialquerydialog.h
- qgsspatialquerydialog.cpp
- qgsspatialquerydialogbase.qrc
- qgsspatialquerydialogbase.ui
2)New files:
- selectadd.png
- selectremove.png
- select.png *** same selectall.png (rename to better logic of source)

The 'selectall.png' can be deleted

Please, see can apply the changes.

Regards, Luiz

#26 Updated by Luiz Motta about 14 years ago


The update V (see spatialquery_update_V.jpg) have the features:

1)Fixed BUG: Use operator DISJOINT.

2)New functionality:Set subset in target layer with selected features(GUI is new button).

3)Better status(enable or disable) for buttons add and remove FIDs of query, when user make new selection on target.

Content of spatialquery_update_IV.zip:

1) Update files:

qgsspatialquerydialog.cpp and

2)GUI all files:

selectremove.png and

*Can delete the "selectall.png" in the trunk

Please, see can apply the changes.



#27 Updated by Tim Sutton about 14 years ago

Hi Luiz

I tried to build version V but get:

[ 97%] Building CXX object src/plugins/spatialquery/CMakeFiles/spatialqueryplugin.dir/qgsspatialqueryplugin.cpp.o
[ 97%] Building CXX object src/plugins/spatialquery/CMakeFiles/spatialqueryplugin.dir/qgsspatialquerydialog.cpp.o
/home/timlinux/dev/cpp/qgis/src/plugins/spatialquery/qgsspatialquerydialog.cpp: In member function ‘void [[QgsSpatialQueryDialog]]::on_lwResultFeatureTarget_currentItemChanged(QListWidgetItem*)’:
/home/timlinux/dev/cpp/qgis/src/plugins/spatialquery/qgsspatialquerydialog.cpp:844: error: ‘class QVariant’ has no member named ‘asInt’
/home/timlinux/dev/cpp/qgis/src/plugins/spatialquery/qgsspatialquerydialog.cpp: In member function ‘void [[QgsSpatialQueryDialog]]::on_lwInvalidFeatureTarget_currentItemChanged(QListWidgetItem*)’:
/home/timlinux/dev/cpp/qgis/src/plugins/spatialquery/qgsspatialquerydialog.cpp:888: error: ‘class QVariant’ has no member named ‘asInt’
/home/timlinux/dev/cpp/qgis/src/plugins/spatialquery/qgsspatialquerydialog.cpp: In member function ‘void [[QgsSpatialQueryDialog]]::on_lwInvalidFeatureReference_currentItemChanged(QListWidgetItem*)’:
/home/timlinux/dev/cpp/qgis/src/plugins/spatialquery/qgsspatialquerydialog.cpp:895: error: ‘class QVariant’ has no member named ‘asInt’
maker2: *** [src/plugins/spatialquery/CMakeFiles/spatialqueryplugin.dir/qgsspatialquerydialog.cpp.o] Error 1
maker1: *** [src/plugins/spatialquery/CMakeFiles/spatialqueryplugin.dir/all] Error 2
make: *** [all] Error 2

Also please note:

- the 'tabs within tabs' metaphor violates our HIG (see CODING section 4 in top of source tree) and the HIG of operating systems such as Microsoft windows, so I would suggest to find a different way to nest the results.
- it would be good to contact Robert SzczepanekS on the dev list and ask him to make some better icons for your plugin.



#28 Updated by Luiz Motta about 14 years ago


Thanks for your orientation and sorry by compile error.

You can compile with new update of "qgsspatialquerydialog.cpp"

I will read again about HIG and change the GUI of Plugin.



#29 Updated by Luiz Motta about 14 years ago


The update VI have:

qgsspatialquerydialog.cpp, qgsspatialquerydialog.h and


I made changes for stay on standard GUI of QGIS.

I will contact Robert Szczepaneks for make better icons.

Please, test the update VI.



#30 Updated by Tim Sutton about 14 years ago


Sorry I found some more issues:

- when I click a feature id, no feature is selected in the view
- when I click a feature id with 'Zoom to selected item' enabled, the canvas zooms but not to any feature.
- the status showing the number of selected items doesnt change when I click a feature id.
- perhaps the feature id list should be a multiselect so that you can select more than one of the features? (not sure about this one, its just a thought)
- for me the icons don't show in the buttons



#31 Updated by Luiz Motta about 14 years ago


I changed the color of FID selected, at now, this color is the same of identify tool.

The selection of FID is only a manner to view the geometry, this is not select the feature in layer.

The status showing the number of selected features in target layer.

The idea of list of FID's is show the features from query. when selected this item identfy the geometry.

You can see the new GUI in update_spatialquery_VII.png.

The update files (update_spatialquery_VII.zip) are:

qgsspatialquerydialog.cpp and

The icons will be changed with help Robert Szczepaneks.



#32 Updated by Tim Sutton about 14 years ago

Testing with latest:

Zoom to identify still does not work for me - it zooms to somewhere completely off the map

The middle button (add selection) - I cant see to get it enabled in any circumstance - what is the trick here

On the initial screen, I think it needs to be made clearer for new users which layer will actually have features selected. It will fee more natural if initial ui works like this:

Find features in layer: | Combo box | V | 
That |Combo box | V | <-----cross / intersect etc
Features in layer | Combo box | V |

I think it would also be nice to have a checkbox 'Add results to selection' which is enabled by default - the most common use case in my mind is that the user will want to use this tool to select a bunch of features so it makes sense to make this the default behaviour.

Many thanks for the improvements you are making to the useful tool!



#33 Updated by Luiz Motta almost 14 years ago


The Zoom in feature item is verify:

- Have Coordinate Reference Systems in layer

- The mapcanvas have enable on the fly

  • Maybe these are a source of problem

I made several change in GUI, please, see the picture (spatialquery_update_VIII.jpg).

Theses are:

- First, choice what how select from result query (new, add and remove).

- The query result and the features selected were separate.

- Can create new layer from target layer, by items (result query) or features selected.

For create new layer by subset have these limits:

- The provider OGR is OK (FID name is standard for subset)

- The provider databases, at the moment, i use the first field to make subset.

- Others vector provider is not created.

Can erase the old images files, at now, only three images are used:

spatialquery.png, selectcreatelayer.png and itemscreatelayer.png

#34 Updated by Luiz Motta almost 14 years ago


I update the file "qgsspatialquerydialog.cpp"

for fix bug for "Remove from selection", the old not add correct the item in

list for "Use result for"

#35 Updated by Luiz Motta almost 14 years ago


The spatialquery_IX.zip, update files qgsspatialquerydialog.h and qgsspatialquerydialog.cpp.

The choices for combobox "Use result for" is better when dont have selection in target layer.

Show the choice of "Use result for" in the number of selected features.

For evaluation, first update VIII (have more files update) then update IX

#36 Updated by Tim Sutton almost 14 years ago


I get a bunch of errors compiling your latest:

/home/timlinux/dev/cpp/qgis/src/plugins/spatialquery/qgsspatialquerydialog.cpp: In member function ‘void [[QgsSpatialQueryDialog]]::showResultQuery(QDateTime*, QDateTime*)’:
/home/timlinux/dev/cpp/qgis/src/plugins/spatialquery/qgsspatialquerydialog.cpp:216: error: ‘class QComboBox’ has no member named ‘currentItem’
/home/timlinux/dev/cpp/qgis/src/plugins/spatialquery/qgsspatialquerydialog.cpp: In member function ‘void [[QgsSpatialQueryDialog]]::removeLayer(bool, [[QgsVectorLayer]]*)’:
/home/timlinux/dev/cpp/qgis/src/plugins/spatialquery/qgsspatialquerydialog.cpp:476: error: ‘class QGroupBox’ has no member named ‘isShown’
/home/timlinux/dev/cpp/qgis/src/plugins/spatialquery/qgsspatialquerydialog.cpp: In member function ‘void [[QgsSpatialQueryDialog]]::populateCbTargetLayer()’:
/home/timlinux/dev/cpp/qgis/src/plugins/spatialquery/qgsspatialquerydialog.cpp:545: warning: ‘QString [[QgsMapLayer]]::getLayerID() const’ is deprecated (declared at /home/timlinux/dev/cpp/qgis/src/plugins/spatialquery/../../core/qgsmaplayer.h:79)
/home/timlinux/dev/cpp/qgis/src/plugins/spatialquery/qgsspatialquerydialog.cpp: In member function ‘void [[QgsSpatialQueryDialog]]::zoomFeature(QgsVectorLayer*, int)’:
/home/timlinux/dev/cpp/qgis/src/plugins/spatialquery/qgsspatialquerydialog.cpp:686: warning: ‘long int [[QgsCoordinateReferenceSystem]]::epsg() const’ is deprecated (declared at /home/timlinux/dev/cpp/qgis/src/plugins/spatialquery/../../core/qgscoordinatereferencesystem.h:268)
/home/timlinux/dev/cpp/qgis/src/plugins/spatialquery/qgsspatialquerydialog.cpp: In member function ‘void [[QgsSpatialQueryDialog]]::on_pbCreateLayerItems_clicked()’:
/home/timlinux/dev/cpp/qgis/src/plugins/spatialquery/qgsspatialquerydialog.cpp:785: error: ‘class QComboBox’ has no member named ‘currentItem’
/home/timlinux/dev/cpp/qgis/src/plugins/spatialquery/qgsspatialquerydialog.cpp: In member function ‘void [[QgsSpatialQueryDialog]]::on_cbTargetLayer_currentIndexChanged(int)’:
/home/timlinux/dev/cpp/qgis/src/plugins/spatialquery/qgsspatialquerydialog.cpp:865: error: ‘class QGroupBox’ has no member named ‘isShown’
/home/timlinux/dev/cpp/qgis/src/plugins/spatialquery/qgsspatialquerydialog.cpp: In member function ‘void [[QgsSpatialQueryDialog]]::on_cbReferenceLayer_currentIndexChanged(int)’:
/home/timlinux/dev/cpp/qgis/src/plugins/spatialquery/qgsspatialquerydialog.cpp:878: error: ‘class QGroupBox’ has no member named ‘isShown’
/home/timlinux/dev/cpp/qgis/src/plugins/spatialquery/qgsspatialquerydialog.cpp: In member function ‘void [[QgsSpatialQueryDialog]]::on_cbResultFor_currentIndexChanged()’:
/home/timlinux/dev/cpp/qgis/src/plugins/spatialquery/qgsspatialquerydialog.cpp:940: error: ‘class QGroupBox’ has no member named ‘isShown’
/home/timlinux/dev/cpp/qgis/src/plugins/spatialquery/qgsspatialquerydialog.cpp: In member function ‘void [[QgsSpatialQueryDialog]]::on_lwFeatures_currentItemChanged(QListWidgetItem*)’:
/home/timlinux/dev/cpp/qgis/src/plugins/spatialquery/qgsspatialquerydialog.cpp:948: error: ‘class QComboBox’ has no member named ‘currentItem’
/home/timlinux/dev/cpp/qgis/src/plugins/spatialquery/qgsspatialquerydialog.cpp: In member function ‘void [[QgsSpatialQueryDialog]]::on_ckbZoomItem_clicked(bool)’:
/home/timlinux/dev/cpp/qgis/src/plugins/spatialquery/qgsspatialquerydialog.cpp:974: error: ‘class QComboBox’ has no member named ‘currentItem’
/home/timlinux/dev/cpp/qgis/src/plugins/spatialquery/qgsspatialquerydialog.cpp: In member function ‘void [[QgsSpatialQueryDialog]]::signal_qgis_layerWasAdded(QgsMapLayer*)’:
/home/timlinux/dev/cpp/qgis/src/plugins/spatialquery/qgsspatialquerydialog.cpp:1002: warning: ‘QString [[QgsMapLayer]]::getLayerID() const’ is deprecated (declared at /home/timlinux/dev/cpp/qgis/src/plugins/spatialquery/../../core/qgsmaplayer.h:79)
/home/timlinux/dev/cpp/qgis/src/plugins/spatialquery/qgsspatialquerydialog.cpp: In member function ‘void [[QgsSpatialQueryDialog]]::signal_qgis_layerWillBeRemoved(QString)’:
/home/timlinux/dev/cpp/qgis/src/plugins/spatialquery/qgsspatialquerydialog.cpp:1034: error: ‘class QGroupBox’ has no member named ‘isShown’
maker2: *** [src/plugins/spatialquery/CMakeFiles/spatialqueryplugin.dir/qgsspatialquerydialog.cpp.o] Error 1
maker1: *** [src/plugins/spatialquery/CMakeFiles/spatialqueryplugin.dir/all] Error 2
maker1: *** Waiting for unfinished jobs....
[ 61%] Built target offlineeditingplugin
[ 62%] Built target spitplugin
[ 62%] Building CXX object src/app/CMakeFiles/qgis.dir/main.cpp.o
Linking CXX executable qgis

I'm using Qt 4.6 on ubuntu. By the way it will be easier for me if you just supply your updates as a patch, or a zip of the whole plugin dir as I test on different computers and the current way of you supplying updates means I need to run through each zip file to make sure I didnt leave anything out.

Once the above problem is resolved, I will probably go ahead and commit your updates to trunk.

Thanks for all the great work!



#37 Updated by Luiz Motta almost 14 years ago


The full path for Spatialquery X (all files) was attached.

I fixed the error compile for Qt 4.6.


#38 Updated by Tim Sutton almost 14 years ago

Hi Luiz

I made a few small tweaks to some of the labels to make it more 'human'. I had three remaining small issues:

  • I still have an issue with 'zoom to' not working in my test dataset (on the fly projections disabled)
  • Could you make the label for 'disjoint' say rather 'is disjoint' so that it is grammatically consistent with the other items in the list.
  • For me icons on buttons are not showing at the moment (they show in designer but not at run time)

I have committed your work to date as I think it already provides a substantial improvement over existing functionality. See d0e4d4b5 (SVN r15301), 0b65851e (SVN r15302), 9950959e (SVN r15303).

Muito obrigado!



#39 Updated by Luiz Motta almost 14 years ago


I update (spatialquery_XI_update.zip) files:

qgsspatialquerydialog.h and cpp



The original source have BUG when run with layers open in QGIS, where, have only one layer vector and others layers are diferent types.

I made change label of "Disjoint" to "Is disjoint".

I need yours data to understand why 'zoom to' not work.

Please share for me yours data.



#40 Updated by Tim Sutton almost 14 years ago


Your changes were committed in a894e322 (SVN r15485) thanks. Will try to get the sample data to test with to you tomorrow.



#41 Updated by Luiz Motta almost 14 years ago


I received the new icons made by Robert Szczepanek.

Please update icons from spatialquery_new-icons.zip.

Thanks Robert Szczepanek


#42 Updated by Tim Sutton almost 14 years ago

  • Resolution set to fixed
  • Status changed from Feedback to Closed

Applied in 1aa1d5c2 (SVN r15492) - thanks!

I think I will close this ticket now ok?

Muito obrigado por o boa trbalho que voce faiz!

Ok my Portuguese still sucks :-)



#43 Updated by Luiz Motta almost 14 years ago


You can remove these PNG files in trunk:






You can close this ticket now.



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