Bug report #2436

New symbology print issue

Added by dr - almost 15 years ago. Updated over 13 years ago.

Assignee:nobody -
Affected QGIS version: Regression?:No
Operating System:All Easy fix?:No
Pull Request or Patch supplied: Resolution:wontfix
Crashes QGIS or corrupts data: Copied to github as #:12496


1. Open any polygonal layer and set New symbology: "Funny fill" symbol style;

2. If print this layer by internal QGIS pdf printer then all ok;

3. If try to print it by external pdf printer or common printer - weg get bad result: [http://gis-lab.info/share/DR/new_symbology_print.jpg]. It's look like very small resolution image.

2436_pdf.png - Image export of a PDF rendered map with funny fill under Evince ! (182 KB) Médéric RIBREUX, 2010-07-21 01:06 AM

2436.png - Image export from QGis (print composer) with funny fill (234 KB) Médéric RIBREUX, 2010-07-21 01:06 AM


#1 Updated by Martin Dobias over 14 years ago

I believe this scaling issue has been fixed few days ago. Please can you test again?


#2 Updated by Médéric RIBREUX over 14 years ago

The bug has not been fixed yet ! Furthermore, if I try to print via the internal PDF, the resolution of the fill texture is very low (the same than by printing on a printer).

The only "good" rendering is by using a PNG (image) export.

My tests have been done under Debian Squeeze with QGis 1.6.0 (e0afaaa1 (SVN r13940)).

#3 Updated by michele zanolli over 14 years ago

To simply reproduce this bug (1.6.0 trunk), try this:

  • open a simple polygon layer
  • use funny_fill to render it (note that the fill pattern is in pixel and NOT in map units, because if I zoom in/out, the squares of the pattern are redrawn in the map ALWAYS with the same size)
  • now open the print composer, choose for example A4 size and
    • export to PDF (or directly print) with option Print as raster CHECKED
    • export to PDF (or directly print) with option Print as raster UNCHECKED
  • note that both pdf documents are wrong and do not represent the original map shown in the print composer (the squares of funny fill are bigger or smaller than the expected result)

I think that this is a critical bug for printing


#4 Updated by Volker Fröhlich almost 14 years ago

It seems to me, the original problem is solved -- at least on Linux (66a55eb7 (SVN r15334)) and Qt 4.7.1.

But I can confirm what zanollim said.

#5 Updated by Volker Fröhlich almost 14 years ago

Might be related to #3267.

#6 Updated by michele zanolli almost 14 years ago

If I export a map to PDF with Print as raster option CHECKED (read my previous post) and I ONLY change the dpi quality, the results are all different (the dimension of the squares of funny fill depends on the dpi quality chosen) and this is not correct

#7 Updated by Marco Hugentobler over 13 years ago

  • Resolution set to wontfix
  • Status changed from Open to Closed

The Qt fill styles are pixmaps, so impossible to render in good quality on all resolutions.

You could use the 'svg fill' symbollayer type. A solution for convenient creation of svg patterns (without using an svg editor by hand) is planned for this summer.


Also available in: Atom PDF