From 2012-09-08 to 2012-10-07
10:49 PM Bug report #6479 (Closed): QGIS WFS-T doesn't send feature ids for delete operation
- This turned out to be the server not sending the feature ids of the original features (so QGIS doesn't know what to s...
09:39 PM Bug report #6479 (Closed): QGIS WFS-T doesn't send feature ids for delete operation
- In QGIS master (and 1.8.0), if I delete some features on a layer which supports WFS-T, QGIS fails to populate the req...
10:48 PM Bug report #6480 (Closed): QGIS WFS-T doesn't send updates
- This turned out to be the server not sending the feature ids of the original features (so QGIS doesn't know what to s...
09:41 PM Bug report #6480 (Closed): QGIS WFS-T doesn't send updates
- If i make some edits (either spatial or aspatial) on a WFS layer which supports WFS-T, QGIS doesn't send the updates ...
09:52 PM Revision b7a89988 (qgis): CMake variable for additional plugins to build (Usage: ccmake .. -DCUST...
08:49 PM Revision 277a4b44 (qgis): Merge branch 'master' of
08:48 PM Revision 53fb95cb (qgis): Reuse closed globe window
08:41 PM Bug report #6440: qgis master [windows,linux] will die opening a project after saving a project
- I just found out what's happening!
The slowdown / die will occur when loading a project after saving a project withi... -
06:50 PM Revision fccf9ac5 (qgis): mark experimental plugins in installer (fix #5980)
03:45 PM Bug report #6473: QGIS crashes when opening the attribute table of a geometryless WFS layer
- I tried qgis master and i can now add the layer however I now get a crash when i try to open the attribute table.
03:12 AM Bug report #6473 (Feedback): QGIS crashes when opening the attribute table of a geometryless WFS ...
- A patch to support geometryless wfs tables was added to qgis master a couple of days ago. Please give it a try and re...
02:19 PM Feature request #5980: Clearly mark experimental plugins in installer
- The install/uninstall buttons don't work anymore. Here's a patch.
10:13 AM Feature request #5980 (Closed): Clearly mark experimental plugins in installer
- Fixed in changeset commit:"fccf9ac5d00e326a9b66f314524fde69e438e7e9".
04:07 AM Feature request #5980: Clearly mark experimental plugins in installer
- Yet another shot. Separate column for icons, but without text
03:28 AM Feature request #5980: Clearly mark experimental plugins in installer
- I suggest the name and version columns at least get a tooltip along the line of "EXPERIMENTAL; plugin is not finished...
03:20 AM Feature request #5980: Clearly mark experimental plugins in installer
- And another shot, with Nathan's suggestions
01:38 PM Revision 358c638d (qgis): doxygen update:
- - include core/diagram and gui/symbology-ng
- enable dynamic sections -
11:36 AM Bug report #6472: Qgis 1.8.0 converts WGS84 to OSGB36 incorrectly
- After some more checking, 1.8.0 is OK on windows & master is OK on Squeeze. Maybe it's a problem with one or two spe...
10:59 AM Revision a28157ce (qgis): minor fixes and changes
- - rename helpConsole to console_help
- add key event (del) to prevent removing of the prompt when selected -
09:51 AM Revision 409d6958 (qgis): move 'open recent project' above separator
- 07:40 AM Revision c10920bc (qgis): auto updating of categorized rendrer symbols
06:07 AM Bug report #6468 (Feedback): loadNamedStyle does not apply labelfield
- Rafael Varela wrote:
> I repeated the test with a nightly build of QGIS (1.9.0-Master). After updating the @.qml@ fil... -
03:15 AM Bug report #6468: loadNamedStyle does not apply labelfield
- I repeated the test with a nightly build of QGIS (1.9.0-Master). After updating the @.qml@ file, the style is applied...
06:00 AM Bug report #6182: Crash when printing without "print to raster", with a transparent raster layer
- No crash here either. Can you share a sample project that does not work for you?
- 05:42 AM Revision 70b7c3bd (qgis): fixed the change symbol button bug in graduated renderer
05:24 AM Revision 5317e857 (qgis): python console: fix key events and text selection,
- do not allow to move cursor out of the edition zone (except for selection),
cleanup (remove unused functions and vars) -
05:05 AM Revision c6195be2 (qgis): align metadata names between and metadata.txt:
- deprecate authorName function in __init__ (but kept for compatibility), use author function instead
05:05 AM Revision fc3be942 (qgis): display selected feature count in attribute table when docked,
- do not select rows two times when the attribute table view is created
05:05 AM Revision 0330202c (qgis): make the python console working as standalone application (useful for t...
04:59 AM Revision ce5c2e6e (qgis): Merge pull request #275 from slarosa/master
- fix mouse event in python console,
update italian translation -
02:20 AM Bug report #5251: if "Options -> CRS -> coordinate reference system for new layers" is set "promp...
- gespiel - wrote:
> Hello Giovanni,
> just tested it with master 29e009f.
> QGis-dev.exe crash.
ok, I will try on... -
02:20 AM Bug report #5251: if "Options -> CRS -> coordinate reference system for new layers" is set "promp...
- gespiel - wrote:
> Hello Giovanni,
> just tested it with master 29e009f.
> QGis-dev.exe crash.
ok, I will try on... -
02:09 AM Bug report #6474 (Feedback): QGis hang when loading large project
- Are you using qgis 1.8? any wms/wfs connection? did you try to optimize your data creating for example spatial indexe...
02:09 AM Bug report #6474 (Feedback): QGis hang when loading large project
- Are you using qgis 1.8? any wms/wfs connection? did you try to optimize your data creating for example spatial indexe...
02:09 AM Bug report #6474 (Feedback): QGis hang when loading large project
- Are you using qgis 1.8? any wms/wfs connection? did you try to optimize your data creating for example spatial indexe...
01:55 AM Bug report #5859: ./qgis: error while loading shared libraries:
- Vaclav Petras wrote:
> As stated above @LD_LIBRARY_PATH@ fixes the problem. But since this is not considered as a bug... -
01:18 AM Bug report #5859: ./qgis: error while loading shared libraries:
- As stated above @LD_LIBRARY_PATH@ fixes the problem. But since this is not considered as a bug, the solution should b...
01:27 AM Bug report #2444 (Open): Discrepancy between gdalinfo and QGIS raster metadata
10:53 PM Bug report #2444: Discrepancy between gdalinfo and QGIS raster metadata
- Updated link:
QGIS raster/properties/meteadata is now:
GDAL provider
V... -
12:47 AM Revision 42672c18 (qgis): update Italian translation
12:17 AM Bug report #6476 (Closed): data defined ellipse symbols on polygon centroid fill
- In the new symbology you can draw ellipses as point symbols. This works fine on both point layers and polygon layers ...
12:06 AM Revision 52de7215 (qgis): fixed typo in script and licenseadd
11:48 PM Revision ea7f34ad (qgis): another fix to mouse event:
- - prevents paste text if cursor is not in edition zone
10:49 PM Revision 3eb84a80 (qgis): translatoin update; nl by Raymond
- 08:17 PM Revision ec16eed0 (qgis): fixed change symbol button bug in categorized renderer
07:21 PM Revision 06d91a55 (qgis): [FEATURE] open layer properties from identify results
07:00 PM Bug report #6474 (Closed): QGis hang when loading large project
- I have a number of projects that use reasonably large datasets in a number of files. The biggest of these sits in abo...
05:55 PM Bug report #6473 (Closed): QGIS crashes when opening the attribute table of a geometryless WFS layer
- Using QGIS 1.8 on Windows 7 Pro 64bit, if I attempt to add a layer from a WFS source where the layer has no geometry ...
05:52 PM Revision 9da9d6be (qgis): Merge pull request #276 from cmoe/bug_snapping_options
- tried to fix problem with snapping options on adding a new layer to the ...
05:43 PM Revision 5d84cd3f (qgis): tried to fix problem with snapping options on adding a new layer to the...
04:08 PM Revision 50c28a9a (qgis): fix mouse event in console
04:05 PM Bug report #6472 (Closed): Qgis 1.8.0 converts WGS84 to OSGB36 incorrectly
- In attempting to georeference old OS maps I noticed that converting lat/long to OS grid gives different results to co...
03:24 PM Revision 9f0d8581 (qgis): Merge pull request #274 from Oslandia/atlas_integration
- Add access to the atlas layer in the expression builder GUI for labels.
03:22 PM Revision 0d4b6f6d (qgis): Fix composer scalebar test
02:56 PM Revision 8391b95c (qgis): Fix composerhtml tests
01:49 PM Revision 29e009f0 (qgis): fix SIP bindings after atlas merge
01:32 PM Revision fa68f85b (qgis): fix project properties ows tab taborder
01:32 PM Revision e7f40bde (qgis): add more copyrights
01:22 PM Revision 91352265 (qgis): Add access to the atlas' layer in the expression builder GUI for labels.
- QgsAtlasComposition is now held by QgsComposition
12:30 PM Bug report #5251 (Reopened): if "Options -> CRS -> coordinate reference system for new layers" is...
- Hello Giovanni,
just tested it with master 29e009f.
QGis-dev.exe crash.
11:36 AM Revision 68494068 (qgis): Merge atlas branch
11:34 AM Revision e54e9174 (qgis): Remove signal which is not used anymore
11:26 AM Revision f1c99553 (qgis): Fix python composermap test
11:22 AM Revision 9fb31117 (qgis): sip updates
10:23 AM Bug report #4335 (Closed): Raster legend: no values are shown for GRASS rasters
- Values are shown, at least on latest master.
10:23 AM Bug report #4335 (Closed): Raster legend: no values are shown for GRASS rasters
- Values are shown, at least on latest master.
10:18 AM Feature request #6469 (Closed): Allow selecting features by selecting symbology classes in TOC
09:29 AM Bug report #6283: no reversion of direction when digitizing polygons counter clockwise in PostGIS
- AFAIK there's no such rule for PostGIS as it explicitly knows which rings are exterior and which are interior and doe...
09:29 AM Bug report #6283: no reversion of direction when digitizing polygons counter clockwise in PostGIS
- AFAIK there's no such rule for PostGIS as it explicitly knows which rings are exterior and which are interior and doe...
08:27 AM Bug report #6418 (Open): Crash when zooming on a polyline memory layer with markers placed "on ce...
08:23 AM Bug report #5962: "Merge Shapefile to one" crashes QGIS if .prj files are missing
- Alexander Bruy wrote:
> Related to #5251 (or even duplicate)
strange, this still causes crash while #5251 does not. -
06:16 AM Feature request #5276 (Closed): New Symbology: allow transparency separately for fill and border ...
- Hi,
I guess this ticket is resolved.
The master version of qgis allow transparency separately for boundaries and int... -
05:55 AM Bug report #3652 (Closed): labels buffer: wrong results if data defined setting is used for size
05:38 AM Feature request #5980: Clearly mark experimental plugins in installer
- Here is screenshot for one of the possible implementations.
02:39 AM Feature request #5980: Clearly mark experimental plugins in installer
- Good point, Nathan! +1 for an icon if possible.
05:04 AM Bug report #6379: HTML output does not work for Processing/GRASS modules
- I do not know, but the result of r.quantile could be a new raster with reclassification in quantile classes applied....
04:31 AM Bug report #6468 (Closed): loadNamedStyle does not apply labelfield
- My setup: *QGIS 1.8.0* on Debian Squeeze (*1.8.0~squeeze1* package) I'm trying to apply a style to a in-memory layer ...
03:55 AM Feature request #5898: Layersets
- @Paolo : no it's not layer groups.
This feature is called "layer comps" in Photoshop, "layer combinations" in Archic... -
03:02 AM Feature request #3430: fill pattern missing for point markers in new symbology engine
- Has it been decided to retain the old symbology (or just not to implement all the missing features in new symbology) ...
03:00 AM Feature request #4055: Enhancement: display SVG symbols in themed collections instead of all toge...
- We can probably close these tickets, since you can navigate the svg symbols by folder (although it is called "group")...
02:55 AM Feature request #2839: add rasterlite support in "add spatialite layer" or add new button "add ra...
- > If you add it through the "add spatialite layer" it will be "seen"
> as a vector feature and it will be added a po... -
02:55 AM Feature request #2839: add rasterlite support in "add spatialite layer" or add new button "add ra...
- > If you add it through the "add spatialite layer" it will be "seen"
> as a vector feature and it will be added a po... -
02:48 AM Feature request #1771 (Closed): Line widths should allow map units next to mm
- This is already possible now. But only for the symbology as a whole, not for individual symbols in a symbol group.
W... -
02:48 AM Feature request #1771 (Closed): Line widths should allow map units next to mm
- This is already possible now. But only for the symbology as a whole, not for individual symbols in a symbol group.
W... -
02:48 AM Feature request #1771 (Closed): Line widths should allow map units next to mm
- This is already possible now. But only for the symbology as a whole, not for individual symbols in a symbol group.
W... -
02:44 AM Feature request #1385 (Closed): "Field" Support for Print Composer
- This is implemented as part of the Atlas plugin. It allows to use the expression builder for any label element in pri...
02:43 AM Bug report #4347: raster and vector rendering mismatched by 1 pixel at some zoom levels
- Which other gis?
I think there is a "bug" in it/them as well. -
02:39 AM Feature request #1386 (Closed): Enhanced Map Tips through Macro Language/Operators
- Implemented in master with the expression builder and HTML display
02:39 AM Feature request #1386 (Closed): Enhanced Map Tips through Macro Language/Operators
- Implemented in master with the expression builder and HTML display
02:39 AM Feature request #1386 (Closed): Enhanced Map Tips through Macro Language/Operators
- Implemented in master with the expression builder and HTML display
02:39 AM Feature request #1386 (Closed): Enhanced Map Tips through Macro Language/Operators
- Implemented in master with the expression builder and HTML display
- 01:41 AM Revision 41d306be (qgis): fix for #6273
01:26 AM Feature request #6443: Singleband gray contrast stretch capabilities (min/max, percentile, etc) f...
- Yes, if you think it is OK.
02:22 PM Feature request #6443: Singleband gray contrast stretch capabilities (min/max, percentile, etc) f...
- Radim Blazek wrote:
> Added. A bit crowded.
Hi Radim,
can I close this ticket? -
02:13 PM Feature request #6443: Singleband gray contrast stretch capabilities (min/max, percentile, etc) f...
- Added. A bit crowded.
12:16 AM Revision efb2329c (qgis): Fix for white stripes between raster tiles
12:09 AM Revision fa06fc3e (qgis): connect slider to spinbox for opacity
11:50 PM Revision b1064e78 (qgis): german translation fix
11:46 PM Revision ae70f303 (qgis): Merge pull request #272 from slarosa/master
- Fix #6458
11:42 PM Bug report #6052 (Closed): QGIS 1.8 crashes on startup on OpenSUSE 12.1 64 bit
- Sorry, had forgotten that I left the report open. After an update to 12.2 the problem was gone. I think it might have...
02:40 PM Bug report #6052 (Feedback): QGIS 1.8 crashes on startup on OpenSUSE 12.1 64 bit
- What it the status of this issue? Please leave feedback.
02:40 PM Bug report #6052 (Feedback): QGIS 1.8 crashes on startup on OpenSUSE 12.1 64 bit
- What it the status of this issue? Please leave feedback.
02:40 PM Bug report #6052 (Feedback): QGIS 1.8 crashes on startup on OpenSUSE 12.1 64 bit
- What it the status of this issue? Please leave feedback.
11:40 PM Revision 94bc4157 (qgis): Added simple point test used in demo at hackfest in Essen
11:39 PM Revision 3da3fd63 (qgis): adjust license to be readable by licensechecker
11:37 PM Revision 46730445 (qgis): Merge branch 'atlas_integration' of
11:36 PM Revision 7ee4a5ce (qgis): Get rid of the unneeded vector of QgsFeature in atlas generation
11:36 PM Revision 5dd8e457 (qgis): Merge branch 'master' of
11:35 PM Revision 1905b61d (qgis): Worldwind elevation model cache removed
11:35 PM Revision c212e91f (qgis): typo in console_sci
11:34 PM Revision 7218bd34 (qgis): Get rid of the unneeded vector of QgsExpression in atlas generation
11:32 PM Revision b3589d48 (qgis): Fix #6458
- - added new icon in resources
- added tools to import QtCore,QtGui class
- update help and locale -
11:28 PM Revision 9c104b33 (qgis): add more sextante copyright headers
11:20 PM Revision dee8547a (qgis): Merge branch 'master' of
11:11 PM Revision b3e2eb2c (qgis): fix language detection in console_help and german translation update
11:07 PM Revision c5e22576 (qgis): Merge branch 'master' of
10:56 PM Revision 4a90e738 (qgis): Merge pull request #271 from slarosa/master
- minor fixes for help in console
10:56 PM Revision d9c5a68d (qgis): pseudocolor renderer GUI min/max support
10:54 PM Revision 680db77e (qgis): minor fixes for help (Python Console)
10:38 PM Revision b331d45e (qgis): Merge pull request #270 from slarosa/master
- Fix 6459
10:21 PM Revision 4513ada5 (qgis): Fix 6459
- - update Italian translate
- renamed help console to
- renamed Deutsch properties file (help translat... -
10:16 PM Revision 88cd9439 (qgis): Default elevation layer for globe
10:11 PM Revision e0d47849 (qgis): Enable snapping on intersection introduced
10:11 PM Revision 1a1370f3 (qgis): indentation update (and minor cleanuppps ;))
10:06 PM Bug report #6440: qgis master [windows,linux] will die opening a project after saving a project
- - The above video was made using qgis master with all plugins disabled (ruling out a defective plugin causing the iss...
05:31 PM Bug report #6440: qgis master [windows,linux] will die opening a project after saving a project
- That is a very strange bug. Not confirmed here yet but I have a large project at work I can test with.
09:56 PM Revision 3c525fdf (qgis): python fixes:
- - update sip bindings (including QgsRasterPipe and QgsOWSSourceSelect)
- helpConsole: show icons from resources -
08:21 PM Revision b3262763 (qgis): fix #5269
07:21 PM Revision 21eb6cff (qgis): Merge branch 'mapserverexport' of
07:16 PM Revision 7ed05a25 (qgis): indentation update
07:10 PM Revision ec5ed50c (qgis): Merge branch 'master' of
06:36 PM Revision 189b0669 (qgis): german console help translation
06:30 PM Revision 1aa4c1eb (qgis): debian packaging update - also moved python console files and icons
05:32 PM Feature request #1167 (Open): SLD support in conjunction with WMS
- Support for sld_body is still missing.
There was a lot of changes to providers classes from the day the attached pat... -
05:32 PM Feature request #1167 (Open): SLD support in conjunction with WMS
- Support for sld_body is still missing.
There was a lot of changes to providers classes from the day the attached pat... -
05:32 PM Feature request #1167 (Open): SLD support in conjunction with WMS
- Support for sld_body is still missing.
There was a lot of changes to providers classes from the day the attached pat... -
05:26 PM Revision 77761b08 (qgis): Merge branch 'master' of into atlas
05:24 PM Bug report #6273 (Resolved): Remove item in Style manager only deletes single item
05:23 PM Bug report #6273: Remove item in Style manager only deletes single item
- Applied in commit:41d306be1a82
Sorry it took so long -
05:13 PM Revision e3536e4d (qgis): Fix atlas segfaults
04:41 PM Bug report #4784 (Closed): QGIS Desktop freezes when connecting to QGIS Server
- Ok, let's close it. I can only confirm on one host. A few others work ok.
Here are the latest details, just in a cas... -
04:41 PM Bug report #4784 (Closed): QGIS Desktop freezes when connecting to QGIS Server
- Ok, let's close it. I can only confirm on one host. A few others work ok.
Here are the latest details, just in a cas... -
07:55 AM Bug report #4784 (Feedback): QGIS Desktop freezes when connecting to QGIS Server
- I'm also not seeing this. Is still confirmed?
04:25 PM Revision d904da4c (qgis): Update of QgsAtlasComposition SIP (with Python unit tests as well)
03:54 PM Feature request #5980: Clearly mark experimental plugins in installer
- I would avoid red font for things like this it normally means error.
I would suggest to add a little science icon wi... -
01:50 PM Feature request #5980: Clearly mark experimental plugins in installer
- I like red.
Could the status also read "experimental"? Just to make sure that users really get it. -
07:06 AM Feature request #5980: Clearly mark experimental plugins in installer
- How we should mark such plugins? Here is two screenshots where experimental plugins are marked with different font co...
07:06 AM Feature request #5980: Clearly mark experimental plugins in installer
- How we should mark such plugins? Here is two screenshots where experimental plugins are marked with different font co...
03:20 PM Revision e4371d82 (qgis): Update atlas.
- * Store every parameters and expose operations in a new QgsAtlasComposition class
* Restructure the GUI part. The atl... -
03:05 PM Bug report #6389: Print composer: opacity not working for maps
- Confirmed in master
Opacity is the inverse of Transparency and it seems to be used correctly in that case.
But I disc... -
03:04 PM Bug report #6327: non-ASCII character corruption in shapefile
- This is the option "Ignore shapefile encoding" I mentioned in the first comment, and it does seem to solve the issue....
05:56 AM Bug report #6327 (Feedback): non-ASCII character corruption in shapefile
- Should be fixed in master, see commit:75dc85b4d652116814873bb7674cab15ce6cde66.
05:56 AM Bug report #6327 (Feedback): non-ASCII character corruption in shapefile
- Should be fixed in master, see commit:75dc85b4d652116814873bb7674cab15ce6cde66.
03:01 PM Revision eae523d3 (qgis): partly revert 14cad93b
02:46 PM Feature request #6458 (Closed): Please add "Import Qt class" to the new Python console
- Fixed in changeset commit:"ae70f3030071d3ae82c0639c0f32c8d6170f9841".
05:51 AM Feature request #6458 (Closed): Please add "Import Qt class" to the new Python console
- An easy & useful fix
02:39 PM Revision e975bde3 (qgis): enclose field names in double quotes to prevent possible conflicts with
- reserved words
02:37 PM Bug report #5785 (Feedback): Color ramp disappeared : need to manually reimport "colorbrewer_symb...
- Seems likely to be a local issue. Please leave feedback.
02:36 PM Bug report #5397 (Closed): Field Calculator: crash when help is missing
- Closing for lack of feedback. Reopen if necessary.
02:36 PM Bug report #5397 (Closed): Field Calculator: crash when help is missing
- Closing for lack of feedback. Reopen if necessary.
02:35 PM Bug report #4695 (Closed): X session crashes on OpenSuse 12.1
- pcreso - wrote:
> Seems fine with 1.7.4
I assume that we can close this ticket. Reopen if necessary. -
02:35 PM Bug report #4695 (Closed): X session crashes on OpenSuse 12.1
- pcreso - wrote:
> Seems fine with 1.7.4
I assume that we can close this ticket. Reopen if necessary. -
02:33 PM Bug report #5932: Qgis crashes when removing a layergroup
- Still true on latest master.
02:31 PM Bug report #6083 (Feedback): Corrupt datastore upon edit
- What about resaving the shape with OGR? It does produce a valid or invalid shapefile?
02:26 PM Bug report #5978 (Closed): Missing features in shape-file after editing in qgis
- Closing for lack of feedback.
02:26 PM Bug report #5978 (Closed): Missing features in shape-file after editing in qgis
- Closing for lack of feedback.
02:24 PM Bug report #5239 (Closed): TIN interpolation causes crash
- Tested again on master and it works fine, no more crashes.
02:24 PM Bug report #5239 (Closed): TIN interpolation causes crash
- Tested again on master and it works fine, no more crashes.
01:38 PM Bug report #6459 (Closed): New Python console: if a newline is inserted, the console freezes
- Fixed in changeset commit:"b331d45e5c322d2bfdf6a299aa7693170007944b".
05:54 AM Bug report #6459 (Closed): New Python console: if a newline is inserted, the console freezes
- New Python console: if a newline is inserted at the end by pasting a command, the console freezes, and has to be cleared
01:31 PM Bug report #4534: "Split vector layer" freezes QGIS
- Definitely happens (now?) also on 32bit.
01:27 PM Bug report #5251 (Closed): if "Options -> CRS -> coordinate reference system for new layers" is s...
- Definitely works on master.
01:27 PM Bug report #5251 (Closed): if "Options -> CRS -> coordinate reference system for new layers" is s...
- Definitely works on master.
01:27 PM Bug report #6456 (Closed): Icons and help missing for the new Python console
- Fixed in commit:3c525fdf
(thanks to Giuseppe Sucameli and Jürgen Fischer) -
01:27 PM Bug report #6456 (Closed): Icons and help missing for the new Python console
- Fixed in commit:3c525fdf
(thanks to Giuseppe Sucameli and Jürgen Fischer) -
01:24 PM Bug report #5824 (Closed): QGIS silently fails to add a geometry using "avoid intersection" on a ...
- Something changed, I guess for the better as now with master, with the above steps, QGIS always add the new polygon. ...
01:24 PM Bug report #5824 (Closed): QGIS silently fails to add a geometry using "avoid intersection" on a ...
- Something changed, I guess for the better as now with master, with the above steps, QGIS always add the new polygon. ...
01:24 PM Revision dca08b8f (qgis): Fix #6457 (v.centroids in GRASS)
01:13 PM Feature request #4173: Zoom out tool-variability
- Can we apply this patch?
01:04 PM Bug report #5584: QGIS crashes saving a vector with an empty geometry
- Issue confirmed on latest master.
12:53 PM Feature request #5646: GRASS region corruption
- Er, are you sure?
You think that preventing QGIS from going into a state where it cannot easily be recovered, is just... -
12:51 PM Bug report #5896: Identify of WMS layers does not work
- Still confirmed on master. Two sample projects attached.
12:51 PM Bug report #5896: Identify of WMS layers does not work
- Still confirmed on master. Two sample projects attached.
12:24 PM Revision 53305f0d (qgis): Add unit test for composermap zebra style
11:50 AM Revision 51d97ff6 (qgis): Fix reading of snapping dialog in dock state
11:32 AM Bug report #6466 (Closed): Mac OSX: QGIS Browser not available in Applications
- The QGIS installer for Mac OSX needs to be improved!
QGIS Browser is included in release 1.8 and after install in Wi... -
11:31 AM Bug report #5269 (Closed): New fields created by "table join" are limited to 80 characters when i...
- Fixed in changeset commit:"b326276398f41a44e2a142085adb1de647f15700".
11:31 AM Bug report #5269: New fields created by "table join" are limited to 80 characters when it should ...
- Ah, you use CSV table for joined data... As workaround you can specify length and type for each CSV field using CSVT ...
10:49 AM Bug report #5269: New fields created by "table join" are limited to 80 characters when it should ...
- Sample data attached.
10:34 AM Bug report #5269: New fields created by "table join" are limited to 80 characters when it should ...
- Works fine here, field with length 193 saved correctly. Can you provide sample data?
10:31 AM Bug report #5269: New fields created by "table join" are limited to 80 characters when it should ...
- No, it's still there (QGIS Master downloaded today, Windows 7). It joins correctly but when I save it, the new shapef...
10:21 AM Bug report #5269 (Feedback): New fields created by "table join" are limited to 80 characters when...
- Seems already fixed in master. Please test and close.
11:20 AM Bug report #4720 (Closed): cfloat32/64 or cint16/32 rasters do not show in QGIS canvas
- Not supported formats. The suggested solution is o remove the options that allow to obtain that outputs from the r.ou...
11:20 AM Bug report #4720 (Closed): cfloat32/64 or cint16/32 rasters do not show in QGIS canvas
- Not supported formats. The suggested solution is o remove the options that allow to obtain that outputs from the r.ou...
06:36 AM Bug report #4720: cfloat32/64 or cint16/32 rasters do not show in QGIS canvas
- No more freezes in qgis master, but the rasters do not show in canvas. In raster properties the stats seems to be cor...
06:36 AM Bug report #4720: cfloat32/64 or cint16/32 rasters do not show in QGIS canvas
- No more freezes in qgis master, but the rasters do not show in canvas. In raster properties the stats seems to be cor...
06:36 AM Bug report #4720: cfloat32/64 or cint16/32 rasters do not show in QGIS canvas
- No more freezes in qgis master, but the rasters do not show in canvas. In raster properties the stats seems to be cor...
11:12 AM Bug report #5233 (Closed): Segmentation fault (on linux) with INTERLIS data
- Seems to work now. Maybe it was a local issue.
11:12 AM Bug report #5233 (Closed): Segmentation fault (on linux) with INTERLIS data
- Seems to work now. Maybe it was a local issue.
10:45 AM Bug report #6465 (Closed): Map composer window only saves the current QGIS window
- I created two map composers, each one one has a different map based on what is visible in the main QGIS window. The m...
10:30 AM Bug report #6366: Check QGIS Version
- Maybe I was not clear how I described this, but from a UI perspective it is confusing to be prompted to update when y...
10:26 AM Bug report #6366 (Feedback): Check QGIS Version
- IMO there is no big difference between "current" and "most recent" version in this case. Moreover "most recent" can b...
10:26 AM Bug report #6366 (Feedback): Check QGIS Version
- IMO there is no big difference between "current" and "most recent" version in this case. Moreover "most recent" can b...
10:26 AM Bug report #6366 (Feedback): Check QGIS Version
- IMO there is no big difference between "current" and "most recent" version in this case. Moreover "most recent" can b...
10:12 AM Feature request #6464 (Closed): Please create a demo QGISserver
- It would be good to have at each commit (o once a day) a qgis server compiled and installed in a demo web site, so we...
09:30 AM Bug report #4053 (Closed): QGIS Globe crashes on launch
- Crash on startup is solved in master branch
08:21 AM Bug report #6270: The wms raster has poor quality
- I also see a general decrease of quality of wms layers in master.
08:20 AM Bug report #6219 (Closed): Addind tiled WMS layers hangs QGis
- Fixed in master.
08:20 AM Bug report #6219 (Closed): Addind tiled WMS layers hangs QGis
- Fixed in master.
08:10 AM Bug report #5258 (Feedback): WMS layer properties should be updated upon visiting the 'layer prop...
- Hi Ricardo, is qgis 1.8 and/or master still affected?
08:09 AM Bug report #4947 (Closed): Useless WMS layer redraw (and data download) when opening WMS layer pr...
- I cannot see anymore any redraw other than the expected when clicking on apply or ok. Not sure it was fixed or just a...
08:09 AM Bug report #4947 (Closed): Useless WMS layer redraw (and data download) when opening WMS layer pr...
- I cannot see anymore any redraw other than the expected when clicking on apply or ok. Not sure it was fixed or just a...
08:00 AM Bug report #4946 (Feedback): Invalid loading of WMS layer in not recognized projection
- Can you post a sample layer in a public server?
07:53 AM Bug report #4587: 'Zoom to best scale' Generates Bad Bounding Box
- Seems still confirmed to me in qgis master.
07:34 AM Bug report #4163 (Closed): File browser: drag & drop should work also for WMS
- Seems fixed in master. Reopen if necessary.
07:34 AM Bug report #4163 (Closed): File browser: drag & drop should work also for WMS
- Seems fixed in master. Reopen if necessary.
07:34 AM Bug report #4163 (Closed): File browser: drag & drop should work also for WMS
- Seems fixed in master. Reopen if necessary.
07:28 AM Bug report #3981: WMS layer with tile looses transparency
- Still confirmed on latest qgis master.
07:22 AM Bug report #3844: QGIS doesn't use username and password in options dialog for proxy connections ...
- What is the status of this issue with recent qgis versions?
07:22 AM Bug report #3844: QGIS doesn't use username and password in options dialog for proxy connections ...
- What is the status of this issue with recent qgis versions?
07:15 AM Bug report #2798: Resizing GUI panels causes multiple reloading of enabled layers (especially pai...
- Still confirmed on latest master.
07:15 AM Bug report #2798: Resizing GUI panels causes multiple reloading of enabled layers (especially pai...
- Still confirmed on latest master.
07:15 AM Bug report #2798: Resizing GUI panels causes multiple reloading of enabled layers (especially pai...
- Still confirmed on latest master.
07:15 AM Bug report #2798: Resizing GUI panels causes multiple reloading of enabled layers (especially pai...
- Still confirmed on latest master.
07:11 AM Bug report #2444 (Feedback): Discrepancy between gdalinfo and QGIS raster metadata
- Can sample data be provided again? The links are not working anymore.
07:11 AM Bug report #2444 (Feedback): Discrepancy between gdalinfo and QGIS raster metadata
- Can sample data be provided again? The links are not working anymore.
07:11 AM Bug report #2444 (Feedback): Discrepancy between gdalinfo and QGIS raster metadata
- Can sample data be provided again? The links are not working anymore.
07:11 AM Bug report #2444 (Feedback): Discrepancy between gdalinfo and QGIS raster metadata
- Can sample data be provided again? The links are not working anymore.
07:10 AM Bug report #1380 (Closed): No Data values are counted as values in the histogram
- Duplicate of #3840
07:10 AM Bug report #1380 (Closed): No Data values are counted as values in the histogram
- Duplicate of #3840
07:10 AM Bug report #1380 (Closed): No Data values are counted as values in the histogram
- Duplicate of #3840
07:08 AM Bug report #3702 (Closed): QGIS and gdalinfo shows different information about raster
- In qgis master the infos are now the same in raster metadata and gdalinfo.
07:08 AM Bug report #3702 (Closed): QGIS and gdalinfo shows different information about raster
- In qgis master the infos are now the same in raster metadata and gdalinfo.
07:08 AM Bug report #3702 (Closed): QGIS and gdalinfo shows different information about raster
- In qgis master the infos are now the same in raster metadata and gdalinfo.
07:08 AM Bug report #3702 (Closed): QGIS and gdalinfo shows different information about raster
- In qgis master the infos are now the same in raster metadata and gdalinfo.
07:08 AM Bug report #3702 (Closed): QGIS and gdalinfo shows different information about raster
- In qgis master the infos are now the same in raster metadata and gdalinfo.
06:58 AM Bug report #4004 (Closed): GRASS rasters not displayed when opening a project created in older Qg...
- Unfortunately without backports I don't think that there is much can be done.
06:58 AM Bug report #4004 (Closed): GRASS rasters not displayed when opening a project created in older Qg...
- Unfortunately without backports I don't think that there is much can be done.
06:58 AM Bug report #4004 (Closed): GRASS rasters not displayed when opening a project created in older Qg...
- Unfortunately without backports I don't think that there is much can be done.
06:50 AM Bug report #4472: Single-band Colormap color wrong on one end of color scale.
- Still confirmed in master.
06:20 AM Bug report #6461: Help about functions missing
- I'm adding them every few fridays, since all don't have complete test coverage either.
06:16 AM Bug report #6461: Help about functions missing
- I suppose you're talking about functions available through the expression builder.
06:10 AM Bug report #6461 (Closed): Help about functions missing
- The new functions are not documented. At least for now, could we just copy and paste simple instructions, e.g. from h...
06:19 AM Bug report #5072 (Closed): Do not compute stats for GRASS rasters
- Seems fixed to me in qgis master. Rasters stats are not computed anymore on raster load. Reopen if necessary.
06:19 AM Bug report #5072 (Closed): Do not compute stats for GRASS rasters
- Seems fixed to me in qgis master. Rasters stats are not computed anymore on raster load. Reopen if necessary.
06:15 AM Feature request #6447 (Feedback): Geometry tools can only store in shp format
06:06 AM Feature request #5214 (Closed): field-calculator: a new function to fill a string of repeated chars
- This should have been fixed. Please reopen if necessary.
06:06 AM Feature request #5214 (Closed): field-calculator: a new function to fill a string of repeated chars
- This should have been fixed. Please reopen if necessary.
06:02 AM Bug report #5633: Memory Layers Attribute Table do not display the data
- Probably related to #4687
06:02 AM Bug report #5633: Memory Layers Attribute Table do not display the data
- Probably related to #4687
05:59 AM Bug report #6028 (Closed): Qgis builds broken histrogram if input src image contains <no-data> va...
- Confirmed but duplicate of #1380
05:59 AM Bug report #6251 (Closed): Support plain tables from WFS sources
- Added in commit:aedddc22b1
05:59 AM Bug report #6251 (Closed): Support plain tables from WFS sources
- Added in commit:aedddc22b1
05:56 AM Bug report #6057: QGIS 1.8 Encoding problem with Bulgarian characters CP1251
- This should be already fixed in master commit:75dc85b4d652116814873bb7674cab15ce6cde66.
05:54 AM Bug report #3731 (Closed): Raster stats calculated twice
- Seems fixed to me in qgis master. Reopen if necessary.
05:54 AM Bug report #3731 (Closed): Raster stats calculated twice
- Seems fixed to me in qgis master. Reopen if necessary.
05:54 AM Bug report #3731 (Closed): Raster stats calculated twice
- Seems fixed to me in qgis master. Reopen if necessary.
05:54 AM Bug report #3731 (Closed): Raster stats calculated twice
- Seems fixed to me in qgis master. Reopen if necessary.
05:54 AM Bug report #3731 (Closed): Raster stats calculated twice
- Seems fixed to me in qgis master. Reopen if necessary.
05:54 AM Bug report #3731 (Closed): Raster stats calculated twice
- Seems fixed to me in qgis master. Reopen if necessary.
05:52 AM Bug report #3349 (Closed): Histogram is wrong if raster has negative values
- In QGIS master they seems ok to me. Reopen if necessary.
05:52 AM Bug report #3349 (Closed): Histogram is wrong if raster has negative values
- In QGIS master they seems ok to me. Reopen if necessary.
05:52 AM Bug report #3349 (Closed): Histogram is wrong if raster has negative values
- In QGIS master they seems ok to me. Reopen if necessary.
05:52 AM Bug report #3349 (Closed): Histogram is wrong if raster has negative values
- In QGIS master they seems ok to me. Reopen if necessary.
05:52 AM Bug report #3349 (Closed): Histogram is wrong if raster has negative values
- In QGIS master they seems ok to me. Reopen if necessary.
05:21 AM Feature request #4255: Diagram overlays & print composer: add option to add legend for diagram at...
- I saw really nice improvements in the diagram tab of QGIS. Really nice job !
Does an option to add the legend in the... -
04:28 AM Bug report #6457 (Closed): Plugin Grass-qgis miss parameter in v.centroids
- Fixed in changeset commit:"dca08b8f14feaf134ffe16a3c0aa869cdd19a897".
02:57 AM Bug report #6457 (Closed): Plugin Grass-qgis miss parameter in v.centroids
- Hi,
using the plugin grass-qgis.
And using the comand v.centroids.
Miss the parameter "layer".
It is really iportant... -
04:10 AM Bug report #3840: "additional no data value" has no effect (identify, raster calculator, histogra...
- see also #1380
04:08 AM Bug report #3840: "additional no data value" has no effect (identify, raster calculator, histogra...
- Giovanni Manghi wrote:
> Just spoke with both Radim and Marco at the developer meeting and they agree that this ticke... -
04:06 AM Bug report #3840: "additional no data value" has no effect (identify, raster calculator, histogra...
- Just spoke with both Radim and Marco at the developer meeting and they agree that this ticket should be stay open.
E... -
04:06 AM Bug report #3840: "additional no data value" has no effect (identify, raster calculator, histogra...
- Just spoke with both Radim and Marco at the developer meeting and they agree that this ticket should be stay open.
E... -
04:06 AM Bug report #3840: "additional no data value" has no effect (identify, raster calculator, histogra...
- Just spoke with both Radim and Marco at the developer meeting and they agree that this ticket should be stay open.
E... -
03:43 AM Revision 705719cf (qgis): Revision and refactor of python unit tests: Pep8 and 257 formatting. Us...
02:18 AM Bug report #3790 (Closed): OTF Raster Reprojection artifacts (at some scales)
- This issue seems definitely gone, at least on QGIS master. Please reopen if necessary.
02:18 AM Bug report #3790 (Closed): OTF Raster Reprojection artifacts (at some scales)
- This issue seems definitely gone, at least on QGIS master. Please reopen if necessary.
02:00 AM Revision f7198ba5 (qgis): Remove extraneous Mac browser app aliases from failed builds
01:51 AM Feature request #6447: Geometry tools can only store in shp format
- Marco Bernasocchi wrote:
> Hi Alex and Victor, this is funny, it works only if you use the sextante shipped _with_ qg... -
07:21 PM Feature request #6447: Geometry tools can only store in shp format
- Hi Alex and Victor, this is funny, it works only if you use the sextante shipped _with_ qgis. if you download sextant...
07:21 PM Feature request #6447: Geometry tools can only store in shp format
- Hi Alex and Victor, this is funny, it works only if you use the sextante shipped _with_ qgis. if you download sextant...
01:49 AM Revision 372e520c (qgis): minor mapserverexport plugin fix
- making it work on ms6 work out of the box again
01:42 AM Bug report #4347 (Closed): raster and vector rendering mismatched by 1 pixel at some zoom levels
- It does not seems a qgis issue as also on other gis sw it looks the same.
01:42 AM Bug report #4347 (Closed): raster and vector rendering mismatched by 1 pixel at some zoom levels
- It does not seems a qgis issue as also on other gis sw it looks the same.
01:06 AM Bug report #4709 (Closed): If a raster band is set to "no set", then the raster become transparent
- It seems fixed in master.
01:06 AM Bug report #4709 (Closed): If a raster band is set to "no set", then the raster become transparent
- It seems fixed in master.
12:43 AM Revision d74d3f8b (qgis): Merge pull request #261 from slarosa/master
- Removed jquery from helpConsole/js
11:06 PM Revision 064c0c05 (qgis): PyQScintilla api files setup for local compiling of pap file
- - Update and concatenate sip-built api files into PyQGIS.api
- Move python/qgis/api to python/qsci_apis for future ap... -
10:52 PM Revision ec4e25c8 (qgis): german translation update
10:42 PM Revision 5d056e9d (qgis): indentation update
09:33 PM Bug report #6440: qgis master [windows,linux] will die opening a project after saving a project
- Giuseppe, have a look at the attached video, hope it'll help.
09:13 PM Bug report #6440: qgis master [windows,linux] will die opening a project after saving a project
- Hmm; I've downloaded latest nightly (both osgeo4w and ubuntu packages), and I can still reproduce the issue. Have you...
02:57 AM Bug report #6440 (Feedback): qgis master [windows,linux] will die opening a project after saving ...
- I'm unable to reproduce the bug on by Ubuntu 11.04.
I've made some changes to project opening and closing in commit... -
07:43 PM Revision 08a48a27 (qgis): put future back to the top
07:37 PM Revision 890ec775 (qgis): Change height calculation in composer html
07:36 PM Revision 7b4a9b68 (qgis): add copyright notices
06:56 PM Revision 5455d8ad (qgis): fix GUI stuff in project properties dialog:
- add scrollbar to General tab (to be visible also in small screens),
increase the WFS layers list's height (OWS server... -
06:56 PM Revision 89f10513 (qgis): add select/unselect buttons in project properties->OWS server->WFS laye...
06:12 PM Bug report #6054: QGIS 1.8 doesn't warn about unsaved changes in layers on exit anymore
- Hi
Yes there is a good reason to update this signal - if you have a plugin or other code that reacts to each layer r... -
11:23 AM Bug report #6054: QGIS 1.8 doesn't warn about unsaved changes in layers on exit anymore
- Pull request is here
10:10 AM Bug report #6054: QGIS 1.8 doesn't warn about unsaved changes in layers on exit anymore
- Giovanni Manghi wrote:
> Hi Alexander, maybe is better to make a pull request on github... it will have more chances ... -
10:05 AM Bug report #6054: QGIS 1.8 doesn't warn about unsaved changes in layers on exit anymore
- Alexander Bruy wrote:
> Seems this caused by commit:8d4a656e4d (author Tim). As I understand, the reason to not emit ... -
10:02 AM Bug report #6054: QGIS 1.8 doesn't warn about unsaved changes in layers on exit anymore
- Seems this caused by commit:8d4a656e4d (author Tim). As I understand, the reason to not emit signal is performance im...
05:56 PM Revision b9960ad5 (qgis): wcs select dialog cleanup
05:26 PM Bug report #1722 (Open): Pyramids are not build if tifw contains rotations
05:11 PM Bug report #4132 (Closed): histogram gets needlessly refreshed twice - proposed fix
05:10 PM Bug report #4159: Should detect a grayscale image with an alpha channel as grayscale (and related...
- This seems to be a still valid issue with the latest qgis master.
05:04 PM Bug report #3732 (Closed): Statistics missing in metadata
- This very old ticket seems really that needed to be closed. This issue was probably fixed a long ago.
05:04 PM Bug report #3732 (Closed): Statistics missing in metadata
- This very old ticket seems really that needed to be closed. This issue was probably fixed a long ago.
05:04 PM Bug report #3732 (Closed): Statistics missing in metadata
- This very old ticket seems really that needed to be closed. This issue was probably fixed a long ago.
05:04 PM Bug report #3732 (Closed): Statistics missing in metadata
- This very old ticket seems really that needed to be closed. This issue was probably fixed a long ago.
05:04 PM Bug report #3732 (Closed): Statistics missing in metadata
- This very old ticket seems really that needed to be closed. This issue was probably fixed a long ago.
05:04 PM Bug report #3732 (Closed): Statistics missing in metadata
- This very old ticket seems really that needed to be closed. This issue was probably fixed a long ago.
04:53 PM Bug report #3733 (Closed): Dummy transparency and nodata values
- Seems ok in the lastest master, please reopen if necessary.
04:53 PM Bug report #3733 (Closed): Dummy transparency and nodata values
- Seems ok in the lastest master, please reopen if necessary.
04:53 PM Bug report #3733 (Closed): Dummy transparency and nodata values
- Seems ok in the lastest master, please reopen if necessary.
04:53 PM Bug report #3733 (Closed): Dummy transparency and nodata values
- Seems ok in the lastest master, please reopen if necessary.
04:52 PM Bug report #3609 (Closed): in a reprojected raster "zoom to best scale (100%)" does not work
- Seems to work fine in the latest master.
04:52 PM Bug report #3609 (Closed): in a reprojected raster "zoom to best scale (100%)" does not work
- Seems to work fine in the latest master.
04:52 PM Bug report #3609 (Closed): in a reprojected raster "zoom to best scale (100%)" does not work
- Seems to work fine in the latest master.
04:52 PM Bug report #3609 (Closed): in a reprojected raster "zoom to best scale (100%)" does not work
- Seems to work fine in the latest master.
04:52 PM Bug report #3609 (Closed): in a reprojected raster "zoom to best scale (100%)" does not work
- Seems to work fine in the latest master.
04:45 PM Bug report #4313 (Closed): Custom NULL value for rasters is retained
- This seems fixed in master.
04:45 PM Bug report #4313 (Closed): Custom NULL value for rasters is retained
- This seems fixed in master.
04:42 PM Bug report #4806 (Closed): Wrong legends/ramps for rasters
- This has been fixed in master.
04:42 PM Bug report #4806 (Closed): Wrong legends/ramps for rasters
- This has been fixed in master.
04:21 PM Bug report #4864 (Closed): wrong rasters stretching
- Definitely fixed in qgis master.
04:21 PM Bug report #4864 (Closed): wrong rasters stretching
- Definitely fixed in qgis master.
04:08 PM Revision a07845d0 (qgis): Merge pull request from Matthias Kuhn to remove old diagram GUI
04:00 PM Bug report #5730 (Closed): Trasparent pixels list turns NULLs into "0"
- Solved in master.
04:00 PM Bug report #5730 (Closed): Trasparent pixels list turns NULLs into "0"
- Solved in master.
03:53 PM Revision 6cd3e7ed (qgis): wfsprovider: remove statement which is always true (QGis::WKBNoGeometry)
03:36 PM Bug report #6069 (Closed): raster layer, properities, transparency, transparent pixellist is broken
- Lately there have been a lot of changes about rasters in QGIS master and at this moment it seems to me that this issu...
03:36 PM Bug report #6069 (Closed): raster layer, properities, transparency, transparent pixellist is broken
- Lately there have been a lot of changes about rasters in QGIS master and at this moment it seems to me that this issu...
03:23 PM Bug report #6072 (Closed): QGIS Master crashes when adding a raster from a GRASS Mapset
- I can't see this issue anymore. Please reopen if necessary.
03:23 PM Bug report #6072 (Closed): QGIS Master crashes when adding a raster from a GRASS Mapset
- I can't see this issue anymore. Please reopen if necessary.
03:17 PM Bug report #4794 (Closed): Raster NULLs are coloured
- This is fixed in master. Please reopen if necessary.
03:17 PM Bug report #4794 (Closed): Raster NULLs are coloured
- This is fixed in master. Please reopen if necessary.
03:07 PM Revision aedddc22 (qgis): Support plain tables from WFS sources
03:07 PM Bug report #3505: Crash when GPSD goes away and trying to connect again
- More tests with qgis 1.8 and master are necessary.
03:07 PM Bug report #3505: Crash when GPSD goes away and trying to connect again
- More tests with qgis 1.8 and master are necessary.
03:07 PM Bug report #3505: Crash when GPSD goes away and trying to connect again
- More tests with qgis 1.8 and master are necessary.
03:03 PM Bug report #5066 (Closed): (regression) QGIS 1.7.* misdetects EPSG::25884 datasets as EPSG::2100
03:00 PM Feature request #6444 (Closed): Setting up a linux qgis nightly build repository for soon-to-be-r...
- nightly build in place
03:00 PM Feature request #6444 (Closed): Setting up a linux qgis nightly build repository for soon-to-be-r...
- nightly build in place
02:53 PM Bug report #3497: [OsX] Crash when changing font and color in Style manager on OS X
> was this patch applied? can the ticket be closed?
> If was not applied I suggest to make a pull request on gith...-
02:50 PM Bug report #4334 (Open): Symbology classes order lost PLUS wrong order after editing a label
- All confirmed in the latest master and particularly nasty is #4334-1
02:50 PM Bug report #4334 (Open): Symbology classes order lost PLUS wrong order after editing a label
- All confirmed in the latest master and particularly nasty is #4334-1
02:50 PM Bug report #4334 (Open): Symbology classes order lost PLUS wrong order after editing a label
- All confirmed in the latest master and particularly nasty is #4334-1
02:38 PM Bug report #5169: QGIS crashes on startup on 64 bit Ubuntu
- Oh, I just realised that I was using the wrong codename for the repository. Linux Mint 13 is based on Ubuntu 12.04, s...
02:27 PM Bug report #5169: QGIS crashes on startup on 64 bit Ubuntu
- Cian O'Halloran wrote:
> How did you solve it? I'm getting the same issue with QGIS 1.8 on Ubuntu 11.10.
I am runnin... -
02:32 PM Bug report #6456 (Closed): Icons and help missing for the new Python console
- When using a packaged (deb) qgis, icons and help are missing from the new Python console. It seems an installation pa...
02:32 PM Revision c8a05c10 (qgis): auto set alpha band
02:31 PM Bug report #5867 (Closed): Bands not correctly loaded for multiband raster
- I really can't see anything wrong with the latest master. Maybe it was a local issue or something that was fixed mean...
02:31 PM Bug report #5867 (Closed): Bands not correctly loaded for multiband raster
- I really can't see anything wrong with the latest master. Maybe it was a local issue or something that was fixed mean...
02:20 PM Bug report #5525 (Open): "Show selected only" in the Attribute table causes QGIS to crash when th...
02:18 PM Revision f3acfda5 (qgis): fix #6240
01:57 PM Bug report #6102 (Open): Clicking save when actively editing attribute doesn't save changes.
01:53 PM Revision a588e1bc (qgis): Add function helps for $page, $numpages, $feature and $numfeatures
01:52 PM Bug report #6084 (Closed): Raster Min Max Value Error
- Duplicate of #4806
01:52 PM Bug report #6084 (Closed): Raster Min Max Value Error
- Duplicate of #4806
01:47 PM Revision 981299ca (qgis): translation update: the Hackfest Essen update strings commit
01:23 PM Revision 546fe45c (qgis): raster save as image transparency fix
01:15 PM Revision 14cad93b (qgis): setup sip dependencies
01:15 PM Revision b121a2f6 (qgis): apply #6281
01:15 PM Revision 6aa75244 (qgis): fix #5883
01:15 PM Revision a1a8d1df (qgis): Merge pull request #262 from gioman/master
- Update to pt_PT translation, courtesy of Nelson Silva
01:07 PM Revision 2ceb1abc (qgis): Mark qgsmultibandcolorrenderer as part of core module
01:07 PM Revision 2be43f8d (qgis): Annotate core module members properly.
01:06 PM Revision ea44e0f3 (qgis): Update atlas unit tests (fix the overview map frame style)
01:00 PM Revision 3e8e6978 (qgis): add license headers to some fTools files
- 12:53 PM Revision c9c02096 (qgis): Update to PT_PT translation, courtesy of Nelson Silva
12:31 PM Revision c6faf3d1 (qgis): add license headers to some tests
11:52 AM Revision 13d660f9 (qgis): review Select by location tool
11:52 AM Revision 9f13601f (qgis): review Random selection and Random selection within subsets
11:52 AM Revision e849e074 (qgis): review Polygon from layer extent tool and sync it with master code
11:52 AM Revision fa7d689f (qgis): review buffer tools
11:52 AM Revision 708b679a (qgis): [FEATURE] add Densify geometries tool to SEXTANTE
11:52 AM Revision 5ceedfd1 (qgis): review Delaunay tool
11:52 AM Revision 13b4d7f7 (qgis): review Extract nodes tool
11:52 AM Revision 3fbc3af9 (qgis): review Lines to polygons and Polygons to lines tools
11:52 AM Revision 39ecc613 (qgis): review Multi to single and Single to multi tools
11:52 AM Revision 414f70c8 (qgis): review Simplify geometries tool
11:52 AM Revision a6418d65 (qgis): review Export geometry info tool, sync with master
11:52 AM Revision e91efc1e (qgis): review Polygon centroids tool
11:52 AM Revision 7362994b (qgis): review Voronoi tool
11:52 AM Revision 0fa807dd (qgis): review Distance matrix tool
11:52 AM Revision 1a67b91c (qgis): refactor basic statistics tool
11:52 AM Revision ad0ff93a (qgis): review Nearest neighbour tool
11:52 AM Revision a796d989 (qgis): review and fix unique values tool
11:52 AM Revision 330fa7da (qgis): review Line intersections tool
11:52 AM Revision 97a432e2 (qgis): review Point in polygons tool
11:52 AM Revision b7cd5394 (qgis): review Mean coordinates tool
11:52 AM Revision 109525f7 (qgis): more translatable strings and cleanup
11:52 AM Revision fbb4af7d (qgis): adjust metadata.txt and files
- initial i18n support
11:52 AM Revision e2a9c166 (qgis): fix encoding related bugs in writer class
- review Sum Line Length tool, add number of lines to output (implement #4712)
11:52 AM Revision 653326b5 (qgis): fix authors file
11:52 AM Revision 4e02cfba (qgis): use QDesktopServices to open help files
11:52 AM Revision 4475854d (qgis): use resource file for images
11:44 AM Revision e4364f36 (qgis): Merge branch 'atlas' into atlas2
- Conflicts:
tests/src/python/CMakeLists.txt -
11:19 AM Revision b5f736ad (qgis): Revert "Resolved merge conflicts when reverting 686f632"
- This reverts commit a654e274a352ef29354de0bcb13e96444868c806.
11:18 AM Revision 45593bf4 (qgis): Revert "Revert "Merge pull request #245 from Oslandia/atlas_integration""
- This reverts commit 8a1953b9e710ea25dac502b32eab9e0e8d652b10.
10:38 AM Revision 371efa07 (qgis): Add synchronization between canvas layers addition / removal and atlas GUI
10:34 AM Bug report #6078 (Closed): QGIS 1.8 crashes upon exit on Mac OS 10.7.4
- Closing for lack of feedback. Please reopen if necessary.
10:34 AM Bug report #6078 (Closed): QGIS 1.8 crashes upon exit on Mac OS 10.7.4
- Closing for lack of feedback. Please reopen if necessary.
10:25 AM Feature request #4712 (Closed): Add "Count number of lines in each polygon" to fTools
- Fine with me, thanks.
10:25 AM Feature request #4712 (Closed): Add "Count number of lines in each polygon" to fTools
- Fine with me, thanks.
09:59 AM Feature request #4712 (Feedback): Add "Count number of lines in each polygon" to fTools
09:57 AM Feature request #4712: Add "Count number of lines in each polygon" to fTools
- Implemented in commit:e2a9c16603 for SEXTANTE fTools provider. Not sure should we close this ticket or no
10:18 AM Bug report #4761 (Closed): Distance matrix: k becomes k-1 when working with one layer.
- Closing for lack of feedback. Please reopen if necessary.
10:18 AM Bug report #4761 (Closed): Distance matrix: k becomes k-1 when working with one layer.
- Closing for lack of feedback. Please reopen if necessary.
10:17 AM Bug report #4534 (Open): "Split vector layer" freezes QGIS
10:10 AM Bug report #4443 (Closed): WMS 1.3.0 axis order
- Closing for lack of feedback and it should be fixed. Please reopen if necessary.
10:10 AM Bug report #4443 (Closed): WMS 1.3.0 axis order
- Closing for lack of feedback and it should be fixed. Please reopen if necessary.
10:02 AM Bug report #4083 (Closed): Line layer labeling eats up all memory
- Closing for lack of feedback. I assume that this was fixed. Please reopen if necessary.
10:02 AM Bug report #6454 (Closed): "Add new map" in print composer showing blank
- Up until recently, my print composer was working normally- I don't know what changed. Currently using Lisboa 1.8.0 on...
09:59 AM Bug report #4447: basic statistics not available for joined attributes
- Implemented in commit:1a67b91c4c for SEXTANTE fTools provider
09:59 AM Bug report #4447: basic statistics not available for joined attributes
- Implemented in commit:1a67b91c4c for SEXTANTE fTools provider
09:59 AM Bug report #4447: basic statistics not available for joined attributes
- Implemented in commit:1a67b91c4c for SEXTANTE fTools provider
09:57 AM Feature request #5865 (Closed): Improve the WFS capabilities GUI in "project properties" -> "ows ...
- Fixed in changeset commit:"89f105131484132aebea8940ca65785a9d7c63a0".
09:32 AM Bug report #4504: QGIS fails to print ecw image in composer
- Hi Nathan, any feedback about this issue? Isn't a probable duplicate of #4821?
09:28 AM Bug report #5162 (Open): points in polygon never ends
09:26 AM Bug report #5615 (Closed): Qgis crashes frequently when digitizing streams over aerial images (vi...
- Filipe I'm closing this because I (we) never managed to replicate the issue, anyway you may want to try master tomorr...
09:26 AM Bug report #5615 (Closed): Qgis crashes frequently when digitizing streams over aerial images (vi...
- Filipe I'm closing this because I (we) never managed to replicate the issue, anyway you may want to try master tomorr...
09:21 AM Bug report #6125 (Closed): Restoring print composer panels
- Giovanni Manghi wrote:
> > Issue should be closed.
> can the original reporter please test and eventually close th... -
09:21 AM Bug report #6125 (Closed): Restoring print composer panels
- Giovanni Manghi wrote:
> > Issue should be closed.
> can the original reporter please test and eventually close th... -
09:19 AM Bug report #5171 (Closed): Qgis 1.7.4 (and 1.9.9) crashes on GPS bluetooth connection
- Closing for lack of feedback and because it seems duplicate. I have also tested recently to connect a BT datalogger t...
09:19 AM Bug report #5171 (Closed): Qgis 1.7.4 (and 1.9.9) crashes on GPS bluetooth connection
- Closing for lack of feedback and because it seems duplicate. I have also tested recently to connect a BT datalogger t...
07:14 AM Bug report #2949: Labeling (ABC) to a shape file do not show content from dbf field, for objects ...
> Basically, this will remain 'broken' (i.e. invalid geometries showing no labels)
I personally would not consider...-
07:01 AM Feature request #1841 (Open): horizontal legends
06:48 AM Bug report #6451 (Closed): Wrong number of records in table of attributes of 1_polygon in importe...
- Import in GRASS the sample (very simple) attached vector.
It has two partially overlapping polygons, so in GRASS you... -
06:45 AM Revision 3d326ccb (qgis): do not use fitted curve in histogram - fixes rending problem with low-c...
06:45 AM Revision 777ce594 (qgis): replace QgsRasterLayer::thumbnailAsPixmap() with previewAsPixmap() : re...
06:37 AM Bug report #6449: Big polygon in shapefile not shown in 1.8.0
- It seems a projection issue, rather than a vector one. Russia and Antarctica polygons cannot be even identified or se...
06:37 AM Bug report #6449: Big polygon in shapefile not shown in 1.8.0
- It seems a projection issue, rather than a vector one. Russia and Antarctica polygons cannot be even identified or se...
05:04 AM Bug report #6449: Big polygon in shapefile not shown in 1.8.0
- It does not work with master either.
I have installed "QGIS version 1.9.0-Master" (according to "about") via the OSGE... -
02:46 AM Bug report #6449: Big polygon in shapefile not shown in 1.8.0
- I have the sme problem with shapefiles created from "LEICA Geo Office Combined" it applies to all shapefiles, when i ...
05:34 AM Feature request #6450 (Open): Allow QGIS to 'guess' field types for calculated fields in spatiali...
- When creating a view (spatial or not) within a sqlite database, calculated fields have no definite type because of th...
05:18 AM Bug report #6240 (Closed): Editing: Delete last Vertex crashes QGIS
- Fixed in changeset commit:"f3acfda57b5aeb0008dd37ffaacd60e94ec20b26".
02:40 AM Bug report #6240: Editing: Delete last Vertex crashes QGIS
- Just an update: It will crash, if press delete on the time the already deleted vertex is still marked.
1.) Start edi... -
02:31 AM Bug report #6240: Editing: Delete last Vertex crashes QGIS
- Just tested on commit:777ce59 under ubuntu12.04: After deleting the last vertex, the marker is still visible, but Qgi...
04:36 AM Bug report #6448: Extremely slow shapefile reading over network
- If needed, the polygon layer used for tests is available here : []
04:31 AM Bug report #6448: Extremely slow shapefile reading over network
- Further tests results:
1- I missed something in VSI_CACHE test. Setting files to Read-Only do improves speed: 1'10 w... -
04:20 AM Bug report #6448: Extremely slow shapefile reading over network
- we have been asked about this kind of issue also. I had a little chat on gdal-irc about it.
Not sure if it is useful... -
02:48 AM Bug report #6448: Extremely slow shapefile reading over network
- I meant x:\\yyyyy\\source_remote_file.shp (for the file in a network directory)
02:43 AM Bug report #6448: Extremely slow shapefile reading over network
- Well, what you could try is to just time ogr2ogr in OSGeo4W Shell.
ogr2ogr target_local_file.shp source_local_file.s... -
02:30 AM Bug report #6448: Extremely slow shapefile reading over network
- Hi Even,
tests done and I found nothing different with or without %VSI_CACHE% set to YES. I use GDAL 1.9.1-2 with OS... -
04:16 AM Bug report #5883 (Closed): Erroneous query: zero-length delimited identifier at or near """"
- Fixed in changeset commit:"6aa7524482f176aaf603ff47b171a1c3e3c2fc62".
03:14 AM Bug report #6386 (Closed): QSpatialite plugin installation fault in QGIS master
- It's not a QSpatialite problem, but a OSGeo4W one (see
01:59 AM Revision 48e0a97f (qgis): [FEATURE] Choose font family for app
- - Define app font family (or Qt default) in app options
- App font choices in options are now temporary unless saved
... -
01:59 AM Revision d8c7c15f (qgis): Update for issue #5692
- - Qt font dialog on Mac inherits app font if app is in ancestry (make dialog parentless)
01:32 AM Revision abcc4bfd (qgis): debian packaging update
01:32 AM Revision d76e1b80 (qgis): fix globe warnings
01:15 AM Revision bc1bce19 (qgis): unify the QGis behavior opening project files (fix #6406) and cleanup
12:20 AM Revision f2eb092e (qgis): raster renderers clone fix - fixes saves with transparency
12:01 AM Revision fe6a8a39 (qgis): Work around for issue migrating 0.9.2 qml files to 0.10.0
12:01 AM Revision f9f5448c (qgis): Don't show the layer order checkbox on legend, only on layer order pane...
12:01 AM Revision 14b87d55 (qgis): Added substitution support for :%H$ (e.g. //revision :%H$) so that when...
11:45 PM Revision d2a54d52 (qgis): wcs capabilities cache, fix extent verification
11:27 PM Revision 43872553 (qgis): 3717 översättnignar, mer än hälften!!!
11:19 PM Revision 2b5f754c (qgis): and fix building of globe plugin on linux - because the last commit bro...
10:13 PM Revision acaa9692 (qgis): Removed jquery from helpConsole/js (Python Console)
08:45 PM Revision 1ed11886 (qgis): fix building of globe plugin on windows
06:48 PM Revision e71bcfc3 (qgis): change window title depending on action
06:38 PM Revision 7bff3cfb (qgis): follow up e8061c7fea
05:38 PM Revision eeefecfa (qgis): Merge pull request #257 from slarosa/master
- Added i18n for help (Python Console)
05:32 PM Bug report #6448: Extremely slow shapefile reading over network
- Perhaps you can try this little experiment. Not a definitive fix, but would help diagnosing what's going on.
1) Firs... -
03:23 AM Bug report #6448 (Closed): Extremely slow shapefile reading over network
- Hi all,
QGIS really has a problem reading shapefile if this one is located over a network.
it's easy to reproduce:
... -
05:22 PM Bug report #5692: Can not change legend fonts in print composer
- Turned out the culprit was the Qt non-Mac-native font selection dialog.
When a font in a Qt stylesheet is applied at... -
05:02 PM Bug report #6343: (master) size of point symbols is not retained in "symbol selector"
- This is not a blocker issue.
Maybe the user that doesn't understand why values he set changes, though the displayed ... -
04:21 PM Bug report #6406 (Closed): Project Macros are silently disabled when you use 3 of the 4 methods o...
- Fixed in changeset commit:"bc1bce195edf4c95ff966cfe62aaa410b97a54fe".
04:10 PM Revision 5a0feb3f (qgis): Fixes for QgsSpatialIndex python test
03:19 PM Bug report #5883: Erroneous query: zero-length delimited identifier at or near """"
- ...
12:13 PM Bug report #6449 (Feedback): Big polygon in shapefile not shown in 1.8.0
- And what about master, it show with it? I will tag this s blocker as it seems a regression, but please test also master.
12:13 PM Bug report #6449 (Feedback): Big polygon in shapefile not shown in 1.8.0
- And what about master, it show with it? I will tag this s blocker as it seems a regression, but please test also master.
12:13 PM Bug report #6449 (Feedback): Big polygon in shapefile not shown in 1.8.0
- And what about master, it show with it? I will tag this s blocker as it seems a regression, but please test also master.
12:13 PM Bug report #6449 (Feedback): Big polygon in shapefile not shown in 1.8.0
- And what about master, it show with it? I will tag this s blocker as it seems a regression, but please test also master.
12:13 PM Bug report #6449 (Feedback): Big polygon in shapefile not shown in 1.8.0
- And what about master, it show with it? I will tag this s blocker as it seems a regression, but please test also master.
06:51 AM Bug report #6449 (Closed): Big polygon in shapefile not shown in 1.8.0
- Certain big polygons of a shapefile are not shown correctly in QGIS 1.8.0, while they are shown ok in 1.7.4.
The prob... -
11:55 AM Revision 80d645dd (qgis): fix #6446
05:33 AM Feature request #6447: Geometry tools can only store in shp format
- Sorry but I can't see which tool are you using?
Assuming, it is from the ftools section, the save dialog does not lo... -
04:12 AM Feature request #6447: Geometry tools can only store in shp format
- Seems you select wrong menu entry when select file. See attached image
04:03 AM Feature request #6447: Geometry tools can only store in shp format
- Thanks for the quick reply. Happy for this to be a feature.
However, going through SEXTANTE and trying what looks li... -
02:55 AM Feature request #6447: Geometry tools can only store in shp format
- This is feature, not bug.
You can use this tools from SEXTANTE which provides ability to choose output format -
02:55 AM Feature request #6447: Geometry tools can only store in shp format
- This is feature, not bug.
You can use this tools from SEXTANTE which provides ability to choose output format -
02:55 AM Feature request #6447: Geometry tools can only store in shp format
- This is feature, not bug.
You can use this tools from SEXTANTE which provides ability to choose output format -
02:55 AM Feature request #6447: Geometry tools can only store in shp format
- This is feature, not bug.
You can use this tools from SEXTANTE which provides ability to choose output format -
02:40 AM Feature request #6447 (Closed): Geometry tools can only store in shp format
- I don't know if this is a bug or a feature request, but since QGIS generally supports several file formats I think it...
05:32 AM Feature request #6445: Better documentation for the Intersect and Clip tools
- Alister wrote:
> When I read these descriptions I think that (b) is saying the output layer will contain all the feat... -
05:23 AM Feature request #6445: Better documentation for the Intersect and Clip tools
- Intersect and Clip _do_ do different things, but my data wasn't suitable to demonstrate the difference.
_Clip_ trims... -
05:15 AM Feature request #6445: Better documentation for the Intersect and Clip tools
- Ah, I see.
05:05 AM Feature request #6445: Better documentation for the Intersect and Clip tools
- Giovanni Manghi wrote:
> At least from the geometries point of view they should behave the same as in other gis packa... -
03:57 AM Feature request #6445 (Feedback): Better documentation for the Intersect and Clip tools
- I would suggest to place this questions in the users or developers mailing list, rather than filing them as a ticket....
03:57 AM Feature request #6445 (Feedback): Better documentation for the Intersect and Clip tools
- I would suggest to place this questions in the users or developers mailing list, rather than filing them as a ticket....
02:58 AM Bug report #6446: Fatal: ASSERT: "0 && "NOOOO!"" in file /usr/src/qgis/qgis/src/app/qgslabelinggu...
- Fixed for QGis Friendly Courses
02:57 AM Bug report #6446 (Closed): Fatal: ASSERT: "0 && "NOOOO!"" in file /usr/src/qgis/qgis/src/app/qgsl...
- Fixed in changeset commit:"80d645dde56de7c5c74eada536a08a9a1223f28d".
01:25 AM Revision 99876ccb (qgis): db_manager: get fields' size from formatted type string (fix #6402)
01:25 AM Revision c74090d6 (qgis): gdaltools: add cubic interpolation to Build overviews tool (fix #6301)
12:40 AM Revision 101cc38c (qgis): Merge branch 'master' of
12:38 AM Revision 88e3e348 (qgis): Backported osgEarth::QtGui::ViewerWidget and osgEarth::Util::Controls f...
12:17 AM Bug report #6446: Fatal: ASSERT: "0 && "NOOOO!"" in file /usr/src/qgis/qgis/src/app/qgslabelinggu...
- I tried and it's actually easy to reproduce.
1. Click on "add postgis layers"
2. Select "Also list tables with no ... -
12:15 AM Bug report #6446 (Closed): Fatal: ASSERT: "0 && "NOOOO!"" in file /usr/src/qgis/qgis/src/app/qgsl...
- I think all I did was double-clicking on a legend item with no geometry column....
12:06 AM Revision 63691962 (qgis): Merge branch 'master' of
12:06 AM Revision 6548e2e1 (qgis): fixed #6362 (should check that does not break other things and model ex...
11:16 PM Bug report #6301: Cubic method missing from gdaladdo
- Fixed for QGis Friendly Courses
04:26 PM Bug report #6301 (Closed): Cubic method missing from gdaladdo
- Fixed in changeset commit:"c74090d655df84a8763cb0dea1005f3e70c883ee".
11:15 PM Revision 95d0bcc5 (qgis): 3507 översättningar
11:15 PM Revision 58a24b7d (qgis): 3102 översättningar
11:15 PM Revision b9eabab8 (qgis): 3300 versttningar
11:15 PM Revision f8c0f5ca (qgis): 3401 översättningar
08:55 PM Revision 8a1ad57f (qgis): wcs 1.1 axis switch fix
08:34 PM Feature request #6445: Better documentation for the Intersect and Clip tools
- Also:
>(c) Difference: Overlay layers such that output contains areas not intersecting the clip layer.
The output of... -
08:25 PM Feature request #6445 (Closed): Better documentation for the Intersect and Clip tools
- From the documentation (I've inserted the (a) and (b):
> (a) Intersect: Overlay layers such that output contains a... -
07:17 PM Feature request #6444 (Closed): Setting up a linux qgis nightly build repository for soon-to-be-r...
- Ubuntu's next version is about to be released; it'd be nice to have an official nightly build repository for...
04:26 PM Bug report #6402 (Closed): DB Manager and Varchar field lengths
- Fixed in changeset commit:"99876ccb4594fec2cf09291049b63ca4fe7b2ee0".
04:20 PM Revision 8349d520 (qgis): indentation cleanup
02:28 PM Revision ce6ae6ec (qgis): Add Python unit tests for atlas rendering
02:27 PM Revision 2aa566d3 (qgis): Add/Fix SIP for QgsComposition, QgsComposerMap and QgsAtlasRendering
02:27 PM Revision aab22b2e (qgis): Fix QgsComposerLabel unit test
02:26 PM Revision cba87de1 (qgis): Add CORE_EXPORT to QgsAtlasRendering
01:51 PM Feature request #6443 (Closed): Singleband gray contrast stretch capabilities (min/max, percentil...
- The 2.0 functionality and UI for singleband gray raster contrast enhancement is excellent, with support for a min/max...
- 01:18 PM Revision 7f208338 (qgis): - QgsSymbolLayerV2 descendants missing from sip.
- QgsSymbolLayerV2 class has been modified to convert into SubClass as needed
- A test is provided for check subclasses... -
12:09 PM Revision 58e423a0 (qgis): GDAL overviews bug fix conditional < 1.9.2
10:27 AM Bug report #2949 (Feedback): Labeling (ABC) to a shape file do not show content from dbf field, f...
- gespiel - wrote:
> Hello,
> just tested the datas with intersection fault in QGis master 4b263d6.
> No labels to see ... -
09:39 AM Bug report #3476 (Closed): GDAL raster tools on Windows Vista / 64 require GDAL binary path
- Lack of feedbacks for long time (8 months). I'm closing the ticket.
09:36 AM Bug report #5883: Erroneous query: zero-length delimited identifier at or near """"
- See also
09:34 AM Bug report #5883: Erroneous query: zero-length delimited identifier at or near """"
- No way to estimate extent of a query. You must necessarely run it.
09:27 AM Bug report #5883 (Open): Erroneous query: zero-length delimited identifier at or near """"
- Sandro Santilli wrote:
> I've no time to debug this. Can't you reproduce it there Giuseppe ?
Not reproduced yet, any... -
09:27 AM Bug report #5883 (Open): Erroneous query: zero-length delimited identifier at or near """"
- Sandro Santilli wrote:
> I've no time to debug this. Can't you reproduce it there Giuseppe ?
Not reproduced yet, any... -
09:00 AM Bug report #5883: Erroneous query: zero-length delimited identifier at or near """"
- I've no time to debug this. Can't you reproduce it there Giuseppe ?
08:47 AM Bug report #5883: Erroneous query: zero-length delimited identifier at or near """"
- Jürgen Fischer wrote:
> Giuseppe Sucameli wrote:
> > Try the following code from QGis Python Console:
> > [...]
> ... -
08:21 AM Bug report #5883: Erroneous query: zero-length delimited identifier at or near """"
- Giuseppe Sucameli wrote:
> Try the following code from QGis Python Console:
> [...]
Should that reproduce the proble... -
07:59 AM Bug report #5883: Erroneous query: zero-length delimited identifier at or near """"
- Sandro Santilli wrote:
> I still tried trough the DBManager, don't know if it's possible (or how) to reproduce direct... -
09:18 AM Revision 52d053d6 (qgis): Fix bug in quantisation code
09:18 AM Revision 45fe0ec8 (qgis): Fix bug in quantisation code. 8Bit has now a very good visual quality
09:18 AM Revision 3a274113 (qgis): More color quantisation
09:18 AM Revision 58c5e9d3 (qgis): Start coding of 8bit png conversion
09:18 AM Revision 9cd2bb2b (qgis): Don't do color box calculations if there are enough colors in the palette
09:18 AM Revision 024b6610 (qgis): More color quantisation
09:18 AM Revision e0ab4104 (qgis): First working version of color quantization. Not optimized yet
09:16 AM Bug report #6056: Cannot load WCS layers
- Sorry, I've setup that server only for your tests and was not monitoring it, so it went down without me noticing it. ...
06:19 AM Bug report #6056: Cannot load WCS layers
- Radim Blazek wrote:
> I am not able to get it working with gvSIG-1_11-1305-final, which version of gvSIG are you usin... -
04:57 AM Bug report #6056: Cannot load WCS layers
- I am not able to get it working with gvSIG-1_11-1305-final, which version of gvSIG are you using?
WCS 1.0.0 (http://... -
09:14 AM Revision 1549f09e (qgis): fixed #6376
- partially fixed #6374
07:22 AM Bug report #3275: Allow change ALL symbol properties when selecting multiple classes (in new symb...
- I am taking this up from Martin. Hope Martin doesn't have any objections ;)
06:21 AM Bug report #4381 (Reopened): Saving a shape as DXF ("save as...") leads to corrupted files
06:02 AM Bug report #4381: Saving a shape as DXF ("save as...") leads to corrupted files
- This bug should be reopened!
The wrong first handle is created with:
* QGIS 1.8.0-Lisboa; Compiled against GDAL/OGR ... -
06:21 AM Feature request #6441 (Feedback): Opening project with unavailable WMS layers takes too long
- on 1.8 or master or both?
05:52 AM Feature request #6441 (Closed): Opening project with unavailable WMS layers takes too long
- When opening a project file with WMS layers that are no more accessible (i.e. from a intranet server), opening of pro...
04:51 AM Bug report #6273: Remove item in Style manager only deletes single item
- Hi there,
just for curiosity, there is someone working (or planning to) on this issue?
#3275 is one of the outstand...
01:32 AM Revision 35a4f88b (qgis): Moved jquery directory under resources/jQuery (Python Console)
12:47 AM Revision 9d8b9fcb (qgis): compute the correct number of categories using Pretty Breaks mode (fix ...
12:38 AM Bug report #5883: Erroneous query: zero-length delimited identifier at or near """"
- This query doesn't need the latest postgis, nor any table:...
04:59 PM Bug report #5883 (Feedback): Erroneous query: zero-length delimited identifier at or near """"
- Jürgen Fischer wrote:
> > SQL window, retriving the data worked, loading as layer didn't (but didn't visually report ... -
11:30 PM Feature request #6436: gdal_rasterize GUI does not include the "-burn" option
- IMHO yes
11:29 AM Feature request #6436: gdal_rasterize GUI does not include the "-burn" option
- The manpage of gdal_rasterize says about the -burn option:...
07:14 PM Bug report #6440 (Closed): qgis master [windows,linux] will die opening a project after saving a ...
- Finally managed to come up with easy steps to reproduce a long-standing (memory?) issue with qgis master that results...
- 04:33 PM Revision 2dd6e542 (qgis): List published WFS layers in GetProjectSettings result
04:30 PM Bug report #6371 (Feedback): Query layer from DB Manager can not be displayed
- Are you using the same QGis version on both Ubuntu and Win? And also the same query?
04:26 PM Bug report #6412 (Feedback): gdalbuildvrt doesn't recognize chinese directory path
- I need more info to reproduce the problem, namely used dir and file names, QGis version, OS you're on.
I tested it c... -
03:48 PM Bug report #3330 (Closed): Bug: Glitches in Pretty Breaks graduated rendering
- Fixed in changeset commit:"9d8b9fcb38eb6f0b3177967bc9de7460a91a0a36".
03:24 PM Revision 495246f5 (qgis): fix transparency saving on QML file (follow 74ba70aa):
- do not store the same transparency value twice (for both SimpleFill symbol and its layers)
02:50 PM Revision 1dfb3b3f (qgis): Merge branch 'master' of git:// into ru...
02:49 PM Bug report #2949: Labeling (ABC) to a shape file do not show content from dbf field, for objects ...
- Hello,
just tested the datas with intersection fault in QGis master 4b263d6.
No labels to see in any option.
11:43 AM Revision 86a56b6a (qgis): indentation update
11:04 AM Revision 8a1953b9 (qgis): Revert "Merge pull request #245 from Oslandia/atlas_integration"
- This reverts commit fe8385e7f5735507adf1acfcce81a399fa6bc6f5, reversing
changes made to 23352ce0d66855a4a9c403a81feaa... -
11:03 AM Revision a654e274 (qgis): Resolved merge conflicts when reverting 686f632
11:03 AM Revision af0782d7 (qgis): Revert "indentation update"
- This reverts commit 7dd58aa8f62022e710e03af78cfd7d7ce08e83f5.
06:51 AM Bug report #6439 (Closed): Curve label becomes horizontal when x,y are manually set
- A label set to be curved for a line becomes horizontal if its anchor point is manually set with x,y values taken from...
- 02:47 AM Revision 74ba70aa (qgis): Added fine transparency settings for vectors.
- Now the user can specify the alpha channel for outlines, border and
fill colors of polygons and markers.
The overall ...
11:59 PM Feature request #3979: Allow set DPI in "save as image"
- From :
High - a bug which has a major effect on the usabil... -
01:03 PM Feature request #3979: Allow set DPI in "save as image"
- I'm going to be bold and say that this is more than normal priority. It's really important that a *graphical* informa...
11:25 PM Bug report #6430: QGIS doesn't conform to WMS 1.3.0 resolution spec
- I refer to the OGC standard.
"OpenGIS® Web Map Server Implementation Specification" - Version: 1.3.0 - OGC®... -
03:14 PM Bug report #6430: QGIS doesn't conform to WMS 1.3.0 resolution spec
- aperi2007 - wrote:
> >The standard WMS 1.3.0 specifies the pixel width : 0.28 mm
> Are you refering to OGC standar... -
02:20 PM Bug report #6430: QGIS doesn't conform to WMS 1.3.0 resolution spec
- >The standard WMS 1.3.0 specifies the pixel width : 0.28 mm
Are you refering to OGC standard or to ISO standard ?
I... -
06:18 PM Revision 4b263d6b (qgis): and more sip fixes
06:07 PM Revision d2d7cae5 (qgis): typo (Python Console)
04:47 PM Revision 4b604f19 (qgis): Added i18n for help (Python Console)
07:59 AM Bug report #6438 (Closed): grass641 is not available
- qgis-plugin-grass requires grass641 which is not available in any debian repo.(stable, testing, unstable, and experim...
07:17 AM Bug report #6437 (Closed): dissolve converting 2d -> 3d
- It seems that when I dissolve a shapefile with 2d polygons, the output is a 3d PolygonZ shapefile (with Z=0 for all v...
02:15 AM Feature request #6436 (Closed): gdal_rasterize GUI does not include the "-burn" option
- The gdal_rasterize command line utility allows for an option "-burn <value>" which sets all raster pixel values to a ...
10:34 PM Bug report #6222: implement QgsStyleV2::save()
- Etienne Tourigny wrote:
> Partial fixes commit:b145998078 (by me) and commit:447c0d1 (by Arun).
> tests now workin... -
07:45 PM Revision 1ed231a2 (qgis): just skip the tests that require unittest2 if it's not available
07:37 PM Revision d684f1fb (qgis): adapt test result for better coordinates (0c29b4bef51)
07:20 PM Revision 9e4156b7 (qgis): german translation update
04:22 PM Revision 7dd58aa8 (qgis): indentation update
04:20 PM Revision 7172347a (qgis): sip fixes
04:20 PM Revision 686f632f (qgis): fix destruction of private members in atlas and add sip bindings (also ...
- 02:02 PM Revision 603f35c8 (qgis): Fix Valgrind warnings about use of initialized memory. Caused by member...
- not initialized in the constructor.
- 01:52 PM Revision 0c29b4be (qgis): Better writing of coordinate (WKT, GeoJSON, GML2) and using of searchRect
08:15 AM Bug report #6243: should open a project file in "append" mode
- The code is intentionally clearing all stuff, surely for project properties but don't know if for anything else too (...
08:10 AM Bug report #6243: should open a project file in "append" mode
- I'm also looking for a way to "append" layers to an existing project. Ideally all under a group named after the file.
06:54 AM Bug report #6351: field calculator: correct calculation, but nulls written to table
- Same here on Ubuntu 12.04 QGIS 1.8. The problem is when I use a shapefile and choose a field name with more than 10 c...
11:37 PM Revision fe8385e7 (qgis): Merge pull request #245 from Oslandia/atlas_integration
- [FEATURE] Support for creation of map atlasses in print composer - Atlas integration
11:00 PM Revision 23352ce0 (qgis): Merge pull request #255 from rouault/master
- Fix errors in the usage of setlocale() and CPLGetConfigOption()
- 09:58 PM Revision 82a22f08 (qgis): The return value of CPLGetConfigOption() is volatile, and can be
- invalidated by a following call to CPLSetConfigOption(). Thus it needs
to be duplicated. - 09:34 PM Revision 40b60bba (qgis): Return value of setlocale() is allocated in static storage and is thus ...
- This commit fixes the following Valgrind error :
==17204== Invalid read of size 1
==17204== at 0x4C29F34: __GI_str... -
07:56 PM Revision aaa50405 (qgis): Remove expectedFailure for composition test
04:22 PM Revision fa43064b (qgis): Merge pull request #254 from lynxlynxlynx/master
- test&doc friday
04:10 PM Revision 80eb3458 (qgis): Add missing control images for Atlas unit test
- 04:08 PM Revision 01a27bab (qgis): added a few more log expression tests
- 04:08 PM Revision 3c1a7786 (qgis): added function help for the logarithm functions
- 04:08 PM Revision c63ab9af (qgis): INSTALL: mention pyqscintilla as required (hard dependency of the console)
03:46 PM Revision 6e2320f2 (qgis): Merge branch 'master' of into atlas
- Conflicts:
src/core/composer/qgscomposition.cpp -
03:02 PM Revision c85ad5a4 (qgis): Add a test for Atlas generation when the coverage layer is hidden
02:40 PM Revision 500a953d (qgis): Merge pull request #253 from slarosa/master
- New style for the toolbar icons (Python Console)
02:06 PM Revision 32deee72 (qgis): New style for the toolbar icons
- - update the help.htm
12:25 PM Revision f2f14264 (qgis): Catch xml import error for composition
- 12:11 PM Revision 3a1c9efb (qgis): Escape xml characters in composer template string replacement
11:26 AM Revision e986e4f3 (qgis): Fix QgsComposerMap constructor
11:13 AM Revision 3c5cb06d (qgis): add qscintilla to INSTALL
09:15 AM Bug report #6433 (Closed): Can not use the "entity manager OSM" when I load OSM data from a file ...
- Data are loaded, polygons, lines and points appear in the viewer, but the entity manager does not work and an error m...
08:55 AM Feature request #6432 (Closed): Keep map object under the pointer still while zooming in
- Great, fixed without a line of code (stupid me).
It's already optional !!
For the occasional reader: Settings->Option... -
08:55 AM Feature request #6432 (Closed): Keep map object under the pointer still while zooming in
- Great, fixed without a line of code (stupid me).
It's already optional !!
For the occasional reader: Settings->Option... -
08:55 AM Feature request #6432 (Closed): Keep map object under the pointer still while zooming in
- Great, fixed without a line of code (stupid me).
It's already optional !!
For the occasional reader: Settings->Option... -
08:48 AM Feature request #6432: Keep map object under the pointer still while zooming in
- I found this snippet in qgsmapcanvas.cpp:
case WheelZoomToMouseCursor:
// zoom map to mouse cursor
... -
08:42 AM Feature request #6432: Keep map object under the pointer still while zooming in
- Uhm, I found out that it is actually "kind of" easy to put a point to the center: select ZoomIn tool, click on the po...
08:33 AM Feature request #6432 (Closed): Keep map object under the pointer still while zooming in
- While zooming in to a feature with the mouse wheel it is very easy to loose it unless it is perfectly centered in the...
08:30 AM Feature request #1337: User-defined zoom limit
- I would love to have a "user defined zoom limit" if not else to _remove_ it (I often find myself in need to zoom in m...
08:30 AM Feature request #1337: User-defined zoom limit
- I would love to have a "user defined zoom limit" if not else to _remove_ it (I often find myself in need to zoom in m...
06:44 AM Bug report #6430 (Closed): QGIS doesn't conform to WMS 1.3.0 resolution spec
- The standard WMS 1.3.0 specifies the pixel width : 0.28 mm. That value gives a resolution of 25.4/0.28 = 90.71 dpi ap...
04:46 AM Bug report #6429 (Closed): SVG - don't understand correctly stroke(param(outline))
- Hi,
I try to set on a simple new svg 8from inkskape) the two params:
fill="param(fill) #.."
stroke="param(outli... -
03:48 AM Bug report #6428 (Closed): Gui: horizontal spacer for "marker line" symbols seems out of place
- In the redesigned symbology gui when a "marker line" symbol layer is selected (for a polyline layer), or an "outline:...
02:37 AM Revision ada8d402 (qgis): fix failed assertion when sld import fails
01:42 AM Bug report #6418: Crash when zooming on a polyline memory layer with markers placed "on central p...
- Crashes on Linux, too:...
02:27 PM Bug report #6418: Crash when zooming on a polyline memory layer with markers placed "on central p...
- Master on Windows. I haven't tested on Linux yet.
12:14 AM Revision 84625ee4 (qgis): fix ogr provider's createEmptyDataSource()
11:19 PM Revision e6c591fe (qgis): Merge pull request #248 from slarosa/master
- Several fixes and added for python console
09:14 PM Revision 28fc9d06 (qgis): Merge pull request #251 from sdikiy/work
- fix windows build
08:50 PM Revision 2dfa77cb (qgis): german translation update
- 07:59 PM Revision 885bd2e8 (qgis): fix windows build
07:59 PM Revision 8a4c7bbe (qgis): Pyramids problem GDAL ticket
07:38 PM Revision 09bc1b26 (qgis): building pyramids crash fix
07:11 PM Bug report #6425 (Closed): Inaccurate counts of heavily overlapping points
- Disregard. I screwed up.
07:11 PM Bug report #6425 (Closed): Inaccurate counts of heavily overlapping points
- Disregard. I screwed up.
07:07 PM Bug report #6425 (Closed): Inaccurate counts of heavily overlapping points
- I have a PostGIS table with a geometry column with nothing but points. Due to a problem with my geocoder, I have 39,8...
05:14 PM Revision a8bc3c6c (qgis): Fix the composer label test unit
05:14 PM Revision f57a5fe6 (qgis): Add a test unit for Atlas generation
05:14 PM Revision 630a0215 (qgis): Improved the console toolbar
- - added menu for class import
- added menu for open/save script
- update help and Italian translate -
05:13 PM Revision faa9c334 (qgis): Robustify atlas generation
03:46 PM Revision 5d7b3f2f (qgis): Removed failure expectation from test
03:31 PM Revision 31776b95 (qgis): wcs cache option
02:41 PM Feature request #6424 (Open): Show count in Identify Results dialog
- When I use the *Identify Features* feature, the *Identify Results* dialog should show a count of items found. Occasio...
11:18 AM Revision 45ebedf4 (qgis): sip fixes: networkanalysis is a separate module
11:07 AM Revision 5bd9c3d5 (qgis): Fix single file checkbox reading in QgsComposerMapWidget
11:06 AM Revision 896c47e1 (qgis): Add a comment
11:06 AM Revision ff6b04b6 (qgis): Fix QgsExpression SIP
11:02 AM Revision 54fa1ce8 (qgis): Add a test unit for expressions in QgsComposerLabel
10:47 AM Revision a49975ac (qgis): compare wcs extent using significant digits
10:09 AM Bug report #6423 (Closed): Link to DTD document is broken
- Also duplicates #4408
10:09 AM Bug report #6423 (Closed): Link to DTD document is broken
- Also duplicates #4408
09:29 AM Bug report #6423 (Closed): Link to DTD document is broken
- Link to DTD document within *.qml file is broken:
10:06 AM Revision 4d93a92a (qgis): Merge branch 'master' of
10:03 AM Revision 504ed490 (qgis): Added test to verify analysis lib can be loaded
10:03 AM Revision ea98fbaa (qgis): Fixed attribution for composition test
09:17 AM Revision d5f6543e (qgis): Merge branch 'master' of
09:17 AM Revision db7b26fa (qgis): Removed extraneous newline from test
09:13 AM Revision 2d12bb86 (qgis): Merge swedish translations
08:00 AM Bug report #6422: QGIS delete Postgis features after trying to merge them
- OK, but saving does call AddFeature before deleteFeature if I read logs well. Any reason not to call DeleteFeature fi...
07:42 AM Bug report #6422: QGIS delete Postgis features after trying to merge them
- @addFeatures@ and @deleteFeatures@ are independant operations on provider level. This would need a change in the pro...
07:27 AM Bug report #6422 (Closed): QGIS delete Postgis features after trying to merge them
- Hi all, quite a rare bug, but a severe one here, since it destroys data with no way to recover without backup:
Data ...
01:05 AM Bug report #6418 (Feedback): Crash when zooming on a polyline memory layer with markers placed "o...
- What QGIS version? What platform?
01:05 AM Bug report #6418 (Feedback): Crash when zooming on a polyline memory layer with markers placed "o...
- What QGIS version? What platform?
05:04 PM Bug report #6418 (Closed): Crash when zooming on a polyline memory layer with markers placed "on ...
- - Create a memory layer with some polylines using the "edit any layer" plugin, or using the "new memory layer" plugin...
12:13 AM Revision 29aeac79 (qgis): Added keys binding to view the command history
- - added new command to clear completely the command history
- fixed copy,cut command in keyPressEvent more minor prob... -
11:04 PM Bug report #5187 (Feedback): Intersect tool should inform the user if both layers have a similar ...
09:59 PM Revision 7ef9dbdd (qgis): 3000 översättningar
09:13 PM Revision 126b897b (qgis): TestCase and expectedFailure must both come from the same unittest
08:18 PM Revision 965342d2 (qgis): reverted raster reprojection matrix size, Magnus Homann wrote: Ooops, t...
06:46 PM Revision c918952c (qgis): more sip fixes
05:56 PM Revision 71c5d4cf (qgis): sip fixes
05:51 PM Revision ff41bec2 (qgis): Merge branch 'master' of into atlas
- Conflicts:
Add a missing function to QgsExpression -
05:41 PM Revision 4657c844 (qgis): Merge branch 'atlas_integration' of
04:42 PM Revision ee593e86 (qgis): additional wcs test params
04:40 PM Revision cc452d1f (qgis): Fix $CURRENT_DATE replacement in QgsComposerLabel
04:40 PM Revision b95296a2 (qgis): Add support for Atlas export to SVG and multipage PDF
04:40 PM Revision e70b1524 (qgis): Update QgsExpression's SIP
04:40 PM Revision 17b6f044 (qgis): Add test units for special columns in QgsExpression
04:40 PM Revision f076c2e5 (qgis): Allow the use of expressions inside a composer label
04:39 PM Revision 9a671f98 (qgis): Add support for user-defined special columns in expressions
03:28 PM Revision bb0490d3 (qgis): Added a test to verify that we can get a map to render in the template ...
02:38 PM Revision d18c9c63 (qgis): Merge branch 'master' of
02:34 PM Revision 671cc988 (qgis): Added test which shows failure in composer substitution if passing in a...
02:31 PM Revision dad7f985 (qgis): fixed missing vector,database and web menu in customization
02:09 PM Revision 0161b8c9 (qgis): Initial work for composition test
12:37 PM Revision f70ba600 (qgis): Reenable composer html test but disable segfaulting tests
11:25 AM Bug report #6302: QGIS WFS Server Geometry Type not recognize by ArcGIS
- René-Luc ReLuc wrote:
> commit 593da452193f31d3941b56a64369c692b866bf40
> for patch V2
Hi René-Luc,
I have just ins... -
11:25 AM Bug report #6302: QGIS WFS Server Geometry Type not recognize by ArcGIS
- René-Luc ReLuc wrote:
> commit 593da452193f31d3941b56a64369c692b866bf40
> for patch V2
Hi René-Luc,
I have just ins... -
09:49 AM Revision bd078334 (qgis): Added QGIS_PREFIX_PATH to app settings display
09:01 AM Revision b86453a3 (qgis): typo fixes and german function help update
03:42 AM Bug report #6413: Support SLD with multiple FeatureTypeStyles
- SLD docs containing multiple FeatureTypeStyle are not supported yet.
02:41 AM Bug report #6413 (Closed): Support SLD with multiple FeatureTypeStyles
- I have the following SLD description:...
03:20 AM Feature request #6414: Export SLD with TextSymbolizer
- Wrong tracker, moved to QuantumGis.
03:20 AM Feature request #6414: Export SLD with TextSymbolizer
- Wrong tracker, moved to QuantumGis.
03:03 AM Feature request #6414 (Closed): Export SLD with TextSymbolizer
- Now import TextSymbolizer with label information doesn't work.
03:09 AM Bug report #6410: expanded layer collapses when clicking on the 'ok' or 'apply' buttons from the ...
- Blocker should stay as it _did_ work in 1.7.4. Thanks for setting it up.
03:02 AM Bug report #6410: expanded layer collapses when clicking on the 'ok' or 'apply' buttons from the ...
- nirvn - wrote:
> Giovanni, yes, it works fine in 1.7.4 and regressed in 1.8. I've just downloaded a 1.7.4 build to ma... -
02:13 AM Bug report #6410: expanded layer collapses when clicking on the 'ok' or 'apply' buttons from the ...
- Giovanni, yes, it works fine in 1.7.4 and regressed in 1.8. I've just downloaded a 1.7.4 build to make sure it worked...
02:02 AM Revision f93cdff5 (qgis): Update help for console
- - header icon changed
- re-organized text
01:58 AM Bug report #6412 (Closed): gdalbuildvrt doesn't recognize chinese directory path
- Building a vrt from an input directory containing Chinese characters cannot complete. It returns an error that the d...
01:19 AM Revision fefb3d0a (qgis): Fix for older compilers, like on stock Mac OS X (provided by Juergen)
12:55 AM Bug report #6410 (Feedback): expanded layer collapses when clicking on the 'ok' or 'apply' button...
- So this worked fine in 1.7.4 and regressed in 1.8?
07:37 PM Bug report #6410 (Closed): expanded layer collapses when clicking on the 'ok' or 'apply' buttons ...
- When clicking on the Layer Properties window's 'OK' or 'Apply' buttons, the layer item being edited will collapse (in...
11:37 PM Revision fef272e1 (qgis): QgsCollapsibleGroupBox: rename mSaveState to mSaveCollapsedState and up...
11:37 PM Revision cf398ca1 (qgis): set horizontal stretch for content in splitter widgets
10:13 PM Revision 42474400 (qgis): [FEATURE] allow manual addition of browser favorite directories
09:29 PM Revision 4c97806d (qgis): fix doxygen warnings
09:15 PM Revision a24f9c51 (qgis): wcs extent verification
09:15 PM Revision f6e1fd39 (qgis): wcs test timeout
09:04 PM Revision ba327b83 (qgis): Merge pull request #247 from slarosa/master
- [FEATURE] Added support to save History in Python Console
05:31 PM Bug report #6405 (Closed): Show feature count not working with rule-based label definitions
- (Closed as duplicate of issue #5768)
05:31 PM Bug report #6405 (Closed): Show feature count not working with rule-based label definitions
- (Closed as duplicate of issue #5768)
05:26 AM Bug report #6405: Show feature count not working with rule-based label definitions
- It's a duplicate .. maybe better to close it to help dev's reduce noise in this bugtracker. Giovanni, opinion?
04:50 AM Bug report #6405: Show feature count not working with rule-based label definitions
- Ah, so I couldn't remember when it regressed because it never did regress :o)
Regis, glad to hear this feature is be... -
04:29 AM Bug report #6405: Show feature count not working with rule-based label definitions
- Hi all,
I've never seen this working. see: #5768, #5960, #3402 , #6237..
Theses features are currently being sponso... -
03:53 AM Bug report #6405 (Feedback): Show feature count not working with rule-based label definitions
- is this a regression from 1.8? or it used to work in master and then stopped?
04:31 PM Revision a0566c79 (qgis): Cleaning the code
04:23 PM Revision 59ff69ea (qgis): Added support to save history in python console
- - edited to save history on closeEvent
- edited to add read, clear and write history method... -
03:53 PM Bug report #6408: Please migrate plugins from old to new repo
- Usual reason - lack of time?
03:51 PM Bug report #6408: Please migrate plugins from old to new repo
- Paolo Cavallini wrote:
> I think there is a general agreement on moving the plugins from old to new repo - it's a sim... -
03:44 PM Bug report #6408: Please migrate plugins from old to new repo
- I think there is a general agreement on moving the plugins from old to new repo - it's a simple backend replacement a...
11:17 AM Bug report #6408: Please migrate plugins from old to new repo
- Bernd Vogelgesang wrote:
> > But it's not a qgis issue...
> well, but "qgis" changed its policy, and now functiona... -
09:48 AM Bug report #6408: Please migrate plugins from old to new repo
- Table Manager has been migrated
09:46 AM Bug report #6408: Please migrate plugins from old to new repo
- > But it's not a qgis issue...
well, but "qgis" changed its policy, and now functionalities are lost.
it may be disc... -
07:04 AM Bug report #6408: Please migrate plugins from old to new repo
- Paolo Cavallini wrote:
> Maybe yes, but:
> * not all missing plugins have a bugtracker
> * I believe this is a g... -
03:01 AM Bug report #6408: Please migrate plugins from old to new repo
- Maybe yes, but:
* not all missing plugins have a bugtracker
* I believe this is a general issue, that can be solve... -
02:54 AM Bug report #6408: Please migrate plugins from old to new repo
- Shouldn't that be filed in the trackers of the missing plugins?
02:29 AM Bug report #6408 (Closed): Please migrate plugins from old to new repo
- Plugins from old repos are now de facto unavailable for new users. Please move them to the new repo. Only deprecated,...
02:28 PM Revision ded943d7 (qgis): update bindings
02:08 PM Bug report #6176: When adding postgis layer the build query feature doesn't work
- I just realised that the layer that the problems is "view" of a proper table
CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW test_view a... -
01:22 PM Feature request #6409 (Open): composer from tiled WMS layer - should show the progress with downl...
- when plot from a layerwms using the tile method.
The actual qgis-dev version don't show anything.
So the user must w... - 11:34 AM Revision efc4cb68 (qgis): Possibility to ignore features in the avoid intersection function
11:23 AM Revision 9a129cca (qgis): fix windows build
06:43 AM Bug report #1876: PostgreSQL text fields become zero-length strings when blanked on attribute upd...
- OK, got it better. It tried to type 'NULL', but I couldn't make it saved correctly in Postgis. I'm not able to reprod...
06:25 AM Bug report #1876: PostgreSQL text fields become zero-length strings when blanked on attribute upd...
- regis Haubourg wrote:
> manually removing a value still writes a zero length string and not a null value..
But that'... -
06:04 AM Bug report #1876: PostgreSQL text fields become zero-length strings when blanked on attribute upd...
- Sorry,
manually removing a value still writes a zero length string and not a null value.. -
05:50 AM Bug report #1876: PostgreSQL text fields become zero-length strings when blanked on attribute upd...
- regis Haubourg wrote:
> testing today with 7ce99b8, postgres 9.1, postgis 1.5, I see a regression on that important f... -
05:47 AM Bug report #1876: PostgreSQL text fields become zero-length strings when blanked on attribute upd...
- Hi,
testing today with 7ce99b8, postgres 9.1, postgis 1.5, I see a regression on that important feature.
Anyone con... -
05:47 AM Bug report #1876: PostgreSQL text fields become zero-length strings when blanked on attribute upd...
- Hi,
testing today with 7ce99b8, postgres 9.1, postgis 1.5, I see a regression on that important feature.
Anyone con... -
04:52 AM Feature request #6397: save and restore the command history in the Python console
- edit: replaced code in last comment
04:42 AM Feature request #6397: save and restore the command history in the Python console
- Ah, of course. This is what I was trying to achieve:...
03:41 AM Feature request #6397: save and restore the command history in the Python console
- Oops. That should just be this:...
03:52 AM Bug report #6392: CRS not recognized when opening raster file that contains one
> That is what I am starting to think also. Before I nuke my system and do a clean install, is there any way to effe...-
02:31 AM Revision cfc8bdc9 (qgis): Enable up/down arrow key navigation of browser application data layers
02:31 AM Revision 4c335826 (qgis): Add /Volumes to browser tree for Mac
02:00 AM Bug report #6407: Sometimes QGIS inserts extra blank lines in the project macros when saving
- I'm not 100% sure, but I *think* this happened on the several occasions when it occurred:
- I opened the project and ...
01:54 AM Feature request #6397: save and restore the command history in the Python console
- Oh, this works. The only issue is that it always toggles the visibility of the console. This is not desirable - eit...
09:52 PM Feature request #6397: save and restore the command history in the Python console
- Alister wrote:
> The big problem is that it only works if the QGIS Python console is open before the project is opene... -
09:36 PM Feature request #6397: save and restore the command history in the Python console
- Alister wrote:
> But what would be best?:
1. saving a separate command history per project
2. saving a separate comma... -
08:43 PM Feature request #6397: save and restore the command history in the Python console
- Hi,
Salvatore Larosa wrote:
> If so, you can save/open history file by "save script file/open script file" button!
... -
03:52 PM Feature request #6397: save and restore the command history in the Python console
- Hi Alister,
Are you using the new python console?
If so, you can save/open history file by "save script file/open sc... -
11:53 PM Revision 7f08c372 (qgis): enable more gui sip bindings
11:10 PM Bug report #6407 (Closed): Sometimes QGIS inserts extra blank lines in the project macros when s...
- Sometimes when I open a different project and QGIS asks if I want to save the current project, and I say yes, it adds...
10:56 PM Revision 8e96e7b2 (qgis): Comment out composer tests for now.
10:56 PM Revision 6375a780 (qgis): Comment out composer tests for now.
10:44 PM Revision 89481bf3 (qgis): german translation update
10:40 PM Revision eef86276 (qgis): more sip fixes
10:40 PM Revision 60ab4b32 (qgis): fix typos
10:27 PM Revision e0e57b58 (qgis): Update to 4d9d16d, missing commit
10:08 PM Revision 4d9d16da (qgis): Update PAL to OverPoint placement, fix for #6378
- - Label all parts of multipart is option is set
- Data defined rotation and offset support moved into pal::Feature
- ... -
10:08 PM Revision 5c294139 (qgis): Labeling centroid calculation update (provided by Serge Dikiy)
10:01 PM Bug report #6406: Project Macros are silently disabled when you use 3 of the 4 methods of opening...
- Note: the macros are disabled when not using "File>Open Project" even if "Settings>Options>Enable Macros" is set to a...
09:49 PM Bug report #6406 (Closed): Project Macros are silently disabled when you use 3 of the 4 methods o...
- When you open a project that has project macros, if you open it via "File>Open Project", then a notification is displ...
07:20 PM Revision 1d435a59 (qgis): Fix compilation error caused by numeric_limits::quiet_NaN not being pas...
07:11 PM Bug report #6405 (Closed): Show feature count not working with rule-based label definitions
- Not sure when this regressed. With latest nightly build, QGIS fails to provide count numbers to layer's labels define...
07:09 PM Bug report #6404 (Closed): Too many layers -> unknown exception
- Relates to issue 4013.
Project has about 85 vector layers (from the filesystem). When trying to add a new laye... -
07:01 PM Revision 78248420 (qgis): Transfer ownership of transparency
06:43 PM Revision 74fd0e48 (qgis): more sip fixes:
- - also move enum StyleEntity in QgsStyleV2
- fix some warnings -
05:53 PM Bug report #6392: CRS not recognized when opening raster file that contains one
- Giovanni Manghi wrote:
> > Sad to report that the exact same behavior is still present. It is still forcing the CRS t... -
05:49 PM Bug report #6392: CRS not recognized when opening raster file that contains one
- Magnus Homann wrote:
> Hav you tried running the program 'crssync'? It's in the qgis lib direcotry. You might have to... -
04:06 PM Bug report #4634 (Reopened): [PATCH] New labelling engine: wrong label placement with both "aroun...
- Hi,
I have reopened this issue because the method used is no longer the GEOS centroid calculation that previously fi... -
03:56 PM Revision cd973582 (qgis): fix SIP bindings
03:55 PM Revision add0ebcc (qgis): Merge pull request #246 from homann/CP-legal
- A fix for #6396.
03:53 PM Revision 75452b81 (qgis): A fix for #6396
02:57 PM Revision 1190eea5 (qgis): translation update: gl_ES by Xan
02:31 PM Revision 86217d0a (qgis): fix QgsSymbolLayerV2Metadata sip bindings
02:16 PM Revision f99cf895 (qgis): Added sample template needed for tests
02:15 PM Revision ffb7f1b1 (qgis): Reinstate public qualifier for vector gradient colour ramp
01:33 PM Bug report #6378 (Feedback): Label every part of multi-part feature not working for some options ...
- Ian,
Should be fixed with commit commit:e0e57b5 but please compile (or wait for nightly) and test, as that commit si... -
12:50 PM Revision e8ef7031 (qgis): Added missing sys import
12:49 PM Revision ee515bd9 (qgis): Reinstate symbol layer registry sip stuff
10:47 AM Revision 4f2d9dba (qgis): Merge branch 'master' of
10:46 AM Revision 34f542ed (qgis): fix sip syntax error
10:29 AM Revision 1dc93021 (qgis): Mark composer html multiframe test as expected to fail for now
10:22 AM Bug report #5169: QGIS crashes on startup on 64 bit Ubuntu
- Jason Matney wrote:
> Problem fixed!
How did you solve it? I'm getting the same issue with QGIS 1.8 on Ubuntu 11.10. -
10:03 AM Revision 5f79bcb1 (qgis): Resolved merge conflicts with origin master
09:46 AM Revision 6a1c2808 (qgis): Clean up the last commit
09:20 AM Revision 04f93484 (qgis): add a missing file
09:05 AM Revision 69d06241 (qgis): Translation into Italian for the console toolbar
07:39 AM Bug report #6403: link between composer and canvas should use the map-center don't top
- IMHO the behaviour is almost correct: the correct state is saved. The only minor issue is that it is saved as top lef...
07:01 AM Bug report #6403: link between composer and canvas should use the map-center don't top
- I test better.
I see the availability of the options position and dimension.
But almost on windows it seem don't work... -
04:01 AM Bug report #6403 (Closed): link between composer and canvas should use the map-center don't top
- Hi,
I notice when ask to the composer to set the extent to the map-extent it
draw starting from top.
This is more com... -
06:59 AM Bug report #6396 (Closed): Forward transform error is not handled gracefully
- Fixed in commit:add0ebcc1e124b38b08ed55eb81a1adf9f0554ed
03:00 AM Bug report #6390: Size of bar on canvas: weird behaviour
- I'm also unsure about the intended behaviour of the option. Perhaps if specified the bar should always be of the sele...
02:54 AM Bug report #6402 (Closed): DB Manager and Varchar field lengths
- DB Manager reports that my varchar fields are 4 characters longer than they actually are. PGAdmin reports the correct...
02:42 AM Revision f3cb57b1 (qgis): SIP bindings update:
- - update methods of existing classes
- add comment to methods missing in the sip bindings
- split up collective sip f...
11:58 PM Bug report #6396 (Open): Forward transform error is not handled gracefully
11:44 PM Bug report #6396: Forward transform error is not handled gracefully
- Giovanni Manghi wrote:
> tested on 1.8 or master?
Master. Can anybody change the status back to "New"? -
11:40 PM Bug report #6396: Forward transform error is not handled gracefully
- I can replicate.
11:40 PM Bug report #6396: Forward transform error is not handled gracefully
- I can replicate.
11:40 PM Bug report #6396: Forward transform error is not handled gracefully
- I can replicate.
11:23 PM Bug report #6396 (Feedback): Forward transform error is not handled gracefully
- tested on 1.8 or master?
08:03 PM Bug report #6396: Forward transform error is not handled gracefully
- To replicate, start a blank project and set the Project CRS to EPSG:2193, then try to load the attached file.
07:30 PM Bug report #6396 (Closed): Forward transform error is not handled gracefully
- At least on Windows, when there is a forward transform exception (like the message below), the mouse cursor changes t...
11:54 PM Feature request #6400: Add ability to create a new dbf table
- Actually, I guess it would be better to simply enable it in the "Layer>New>New Shapefile Layer..." dialog (and rename...
11:47 PM Feature request #6400 (Open): Add ability to create a new dbf table
- It would be good to have a menu entry "Layer>New>New DBF Table"
I think I remember seeing people ask for this feature... -
11:46 PM Bug report #6392: CRS not recognized when opening raster file that contains one
- Hav you tried running the program 'crssync'? It's in the qgis lib direcotry. You might have to set LD_LIBRARY_PATH al...
11:41 PM Bug report #6392: CRS not recognized when opening raster file that contains one
> Sad to report that the exact same behavior is still present. It is still forcing the CRS to EPSG:4326 and not rec... -
05:10 PM Bug report #6392: CRS not recognized when opening raster file that contains one
- Okay, got the Spatialite updated to v. 3.1.0-RC2 as noted below. Still getting the undesired behavior. Only differenc...
04:05 PM Bug report #6392: CRS not recognized when opening raster file that contains one
- I am also running AMD64 Ubuntu 12.04, however it is the Pinguy version. My versions are mostly the same except for "Q...
12:25 PM Bug report #6392: CRS not recognized when opening raster file that contains one
- Unfortunately, it works for me on Ubuntu 12.04 (amd64) and creates a user CRS. Here are my versions:
QGIS version
... -
11:12 AM Bug report #6392: CRS not recognized when opening raster file that contains one
- Giovanni Manghi wrote:
> it is definitely the gdal version. You don't need to compile to get qgis 1.8 and gdal 1.9, ... -
09:50 AM Bug report #6392 (Closed): CRS not recognized when opening raster file that contains one
> Could possibly be a culprit. If you might suggest building against 1.9.x for my Ubuntu version could you also incl...-
09:50 AM Bug report #6392 (Closed): CRS not recognized when opening raster file that contains one
> Could possibly be a culprit. If you might suggest building against 1.9.x for my Ubuntu version could you also incl...-
11:33 PM Bug report #6399 (Closed): "Layer>Create new GPX layer" should be in "new" submenu
- The GPS tools plugin (gpsimporterplugin.dll) adds a menu entry "Layer>Create new GPX layer".
This should instead be "... -
11:09 PM Feature request #6398 (Closed): Attribute edit form dialog window shouldn't be modal
- Currently in QGIS vector feature attribute editing form window is modal. Such approach blocks following work flow:
... -
09:54 PM Feature request #6397 (Closed): save and restore the command history in the Python console
- It would be useful to be able to save and restore the command history in the Python console.
But what would be best?... -
08:56 PM Feature request #5242: Open KMZ without needing to unzip
- Alister Hood wrote:
> And if I manually edit a .qgs file to add the kmz layer like this, then QGIS can open it:
Eas... -
08:53 PM Feature request #5242: Open KMZ without needing to unzip
- Oh, I didn't see your reply, and had just found out about the libkml driver myself. It turns out there is a ticket f...
08:16 PM Revision aa74a8fd (qgis): Merge pull request #243 from slarosa/master
- Italian translation for python console
04:01 PM Revision 740eaf98 (qgis): adjustment to the translate file to get the Italian translation in pyth...
11:38 AM Bug report #6390: Size of bar on canvas: weird behaviour
- Yes, I also noticed it doesn't work. But I'm unsure how it *should* work, so I haven't fixed it. :-) Ideas?
10:09 AM Revision ccf31957 (qgis): Merge branch 'master' of
11:49 PM Revision 58ba3f00 (qgis): Update to QgsCollapsibleGroupBox
- - Saving/restoring checked state is off by default
Restoring checked state caused many issues for groupboxes used i... -
10:50 PM Revision bf985a55 (qgis): Merge branch 'master' of
10:49 PM Revision d80d3cf9 (qgis): fixed #6295
- did some cleaning in
10:17 PM Revision f7af2def (qgis): Merge branch 'master' of
09:57 PM Revision 1b95cdca (qgis): Merge pull request #242 from slarosa/master
- improved python console paste action and minor bug fixes
04:24 PM Bug report #6392: CRS not recognized when opening raster file that contains one
- Giovanni Manghi wrote:
> please try share sample data, for example using dropbox or another virtual drive. Or just ma... -
04:16 PM Bug report #6392: CRS not recognized when opening raster file that contains one
- Magnus Homann wrote:
> What is the version of GDAL for each Qgis system? It shows in "Help -> About" menu.
There def... -
10:53 AM Bug report #6392: CRS not recognized when opening raster file that contains one
- What is the version of GDAL for each Qgis system? It shows in "Help -> About" menu.
10:23 AM Bug report #6392 (Feedback): CRS not recognized when opening raster file that contains one
- please try share sample data, for example using dropbox or another virtual drive. Or just mail it to me giovanni.mang...
10:23 AM Bug report #6392 (Feedback): CRS not recognized when opening raster file that contains one
- please try share sample data, for example using dropbox or another virtual drive. Or just mail it to me giovanni.mang...
10:23 AM Bug report #6392 (Feedback): CRS not recognized when opening raster file that contains one
- please try share sample data, for example using dropbox or another virtual drive. Or just mail it to me giovanni.mang...
10:23 AM Bug report #6392 (Feedback): CRS not recognized when opening raster file that contains one
- please try share sample data, for example using dropbox or another virtual drive. Or just mail it to me giovanni.mang...
10:23 AM Bug report #6392 (Feedback): CRS not recognized when opening raster file that contains one
- please try share sample data, for example using dropbox or another virtual drive. Or just mail it to me giovanni.mang...
10:23 AM Bug report #6392 (Feedback): CRS not recognized when opening raster file that contains one
- please try share sample data, for example using dropbox or another virtual drive. Or just mail it to me giovanni.mang...
09:59 AM Bug report #6392 (Closed): CRS not recognized when opening raster file that contains one
- Hello, and please excuse me if I don't provide all the needed info. New to bug reporting, but trying my best.
I am r... -
03:01 PM Feature request #6393 (Open): WMS raster has not the transparent pixel list settable
- The wms raster (the maps from a wms server are substantially
raster) don't allow to set the pixel list.
It allow only... -
01:12 PM Revision c5ff5ee5 (qgis): improved paste action and minor bug fixes
01:09 PM Revision 7e6ec9bc (qgis): cleaning and minor adjustments to the code for console
11:09 PM Bug report #6383: Map overview broken
- Not really: just adding a map to an overview fails to show any map in about half of the cases
10:16 PM Bug report #6383: Map overview broken
- For a couple of weeks now, click on the [ ] show in overview right-click menu item fails to update overview with the ...
10:22 PM Bug report #6360 (Closed): no data value (defined in the "transparency" tab of the raster propert...
- Closing this bug after verifying the problems raised in this issue have all been fixed by Radim's commits.
For the r... -
10:22 PM Bug report #6360 (Closed): no data value (defined in the "transparency" tab of the raster propert...
- Closing this bug after verifying the problems raised in this issue have all been fixed by Radim's commits.
For the r... -
09:45 PM Revision 73fcb662 (qgis): Used QsgScaleComboBox in scale based visibility. Also fix #6213
09:01 PM Revision 413e9dcd (qgis): indentation update
09:01 PM Revision 3e08931e (qgis): update QgsDiagramRendererV2 sip bindings
08:59 PM Revision f24862ae (qgis): fix OGRSpatialReferenceH member declaration
07:16 PM Revision 331ef1b3 (qgis): Merge pull request #240 from homann/test_scalecombobox
- Test and refactoring - qgsscalecombobox
07:14 PM Revision dbbb3c35 (qgis): Added test for rounding
07:14 PM Revision f059e6f8 (qgis): Change in qgisapp and fixed a test
07:14 PM Revision 01c4ac7d (qgis): Added setting of scale programatially
07:14 PM Revision 1b09393b (qgis): Test of signals
07:14 PM Revision 08d28df9 (qgis): Simplified, and more test
07:14 PM Revision 576c0a5e (qgis): Added static helper functions and more tests
07:14 PM Revision d1c8884c (qgis): Added SIP, fixed qgisapp to use new setter and optimized a bit
07:14 PM Revision 09d6399b (qgis): First simple test
06:44 PM Revision 2b1443fe (qgis): Merge branch 'master' of
06:41 PM Revision 341935d2 (qgis): Merge pull request #239 from matthias-kuhn/diagram-numberformat
- Always show numbers in decimal format ( no e format )
06:35 PM Revision 003f8333 (qgis): Merge branch 'master' of
06:01 PM Revision dd367274 (qgis): fix windows build
05:31 PM Revision 8f155b97 (qgis): Always show numbers in decimal format ( no e format )
05:26 PM Revision a15e34f3 (qgis): add links to old api version to doxygen documentation
04:41 PM Revision 4c82adee (qgis): Merge branch 'master' of git:// into atlas
04:24 PM Revision 719db73e (qgis): Test new ComposerHtml accessor method and fixes for other tests.
04:21 PM Revision a220ef57 (qgis): Integration of Atlas into the core, first shot
03:36 PM Revision 6b878341 (qgis): Fixes for fetching a CompositionHtml from a Composition
12:46 PM Bug report #6213 (Closed): scale dependent visibility limits should be included
- Fixed in changeset commit:"73fcb6625789055bf67225d1c3d44a1872cf5c2c".
Made it "more than or equal to" and "less than"... - 12:09 PM Revision 0133ed20 (qgis): The parameter TYPENAME in the DescribeFeature request is now optional
10:56 AM Revision 4a61eb42 (qgis): wcs test - improved report
10:14 AM Bug report #6390 (Open): Size of bar on canvas: weird behaviour
- The View>Decorations>Scale bar>Size of bar has a strange behaviour. It allows you to change the length of the scale b...
10:08 AM Bug report #6389 (Closed): Print composer: opacity not working for maps
- The parameter Opacity works correctly for legends and other objects, not with maps.
BTW, is there a reason to call it... -
08:08 AM Revision b220bd4c (qgis): Merge branch 'master' of
07:31 AM Bug report #6386 (Rejected): QSpatialite plugin installation fault in QGIS master
- This is QSpatiaLite error. Please submit such bugs to plugin bugtracker not to QGIS one
05:33 AM Bug report #6386 (Closed): QSpatialite plugin installation fault in QGIS master
- Installing qspatialit in QGis master terminat with fault:
The plugin depends on some components missing on your syste... -
06:47 AM Bug report #6387 (Rejected): MSSQL tables - Primary Key with multiple columns Problem
- duplicate of #6381
06:47 AM Bug report #6387 (Rejected): MSSQL tables - Primary Key with multiple columns Problem
- duplicate of #6381
06:37 AM Bug report #6387 (Rejected): MSSQL tables - Primary Key with multiple columns Problem
- Adding a table with multiple columns as primary key, QGIS is not recognizing both primary key columns, only the first...
03:10 AM Bug report #6384: QGIS QFS Server DescribeFeatureType : TYPENAME has not to be mandatory
- commit 0133ed20fc69d2857e135d12c5fa6257497782ed
02:55 AM Bug report #6384 (Closed): QGIS QFS Server DescribeFeatureType : TYPENAME has not to be mandatory
- For the WFS DescribeFeatureRequest the parameter TYPENAME is optional.
In the actual implementation, TYPENAME is man...
10:36 PM Bug report #6383 (Closed): Map overview broken
- Map overview seems broken (tested on 15 machines, various OSs, about half not working). I suspect this has been opene...
09:43 PM Revision 6ac87920 (qgis): Merge branch 'master' of
09:22 PM Revision 05ae00de (qgis): Merge branch 'master' of
09:08 PM Revision 5243423f (qgis): Merge branch 'master' of
09:03 PM Revision c5cc6345 (qgis): raster save creation options validation:
- - move help and validation to gdal provider
- validate options before saving
- test for valid PREDICTOR option, depen... -
05:23 PM Revision 88ca822c (qgis): Better test html table
05:23 PM Revision caa342b7 (qgis): Merge branch 'master' of
05:03 PM Revision fed17aa5 (qgis): wcs test - issues descriptions, GDAL WCS comparison
- 04:36 PM Revision 593da452 (qgis): In addition to indicate the geometry type in the DescribeFeatureType re...
- 04:34 PM Revision 81734840 (qgis): Revert "In addition to indicate the geometry type in the DescribeFeatur...
- This reverts commit 34175686a638e19edfa15e0324c2bce56f1468de.
- 04:25 PM Revision 34175686 (qgis): In addition to indicate the geometry type in the DescribeFeatureType re...
01:38 PM Bug report #6380 (Rejected): Primary Key with multiple columns are not
12:54 PM Bug report #6380 (Rejected): Primary Key with multiple columns are not
01:23 PM Bug report #6381 (Closed): MSSQL tables - Primary Key with multiple columns Problem
- Adding a table with multiple columns as primary key, QGIS is not recognizing both primary key columns, only the first...
01:02 PM Revision 8489bd17 (qgis): Further refactoring of composer html tests and fixes so that html eleme...
01:01 PM Revision bb7dc52b (qgis): fix typo in OGC filter implementaion
10:50 AM Feature request #6325 (Closed): Add PAL labelling features for Python access
02:45 AM Feature request #6325: Add PAL labelling features for Python access
- New issue created: #6378. I don't have permissions to close an issue - yet?
08:03 AM Revision ad78d7b5 (qgis): Merge branch 'master' of
07:42 AM Bug report #6302: QGIS WFS Server Geometry Type not recognize by ArcGIS
- commit 593da452193f31d3941b56a64369c692b866bf40
for patch V2 -
07:10 AM Bug report #6379 (Closed): HTML output does not work for Processing/GRASS modules
- *new description:*
see subject.
Outputting to file
*old description:*
r.quanti... -
02:38 AM Bug report #6378 (Closed): Label every part of multi-part feature not working for some options in...
- Running the dev build (v1.9.0-66) of QGIS, using the PAL labelling tool from the Toolbar on a MultiPolygon layer with...
11:26 PM Revision 8fd78059 (qgis): Added bindings for getting an item by id and a composerhtml instance th...
10:58 PM Revision b1e00e95 (qgis): wcs test - improved report, servers list in json
10:58 PM Revision 8f3027b8 (qgis): Merge branch 'master' of
05:15 PM Revision 11dead9a (qgis): In progress support for retrieval of html composer and items by id from...
04:23 PM Revision 212145d9 (qgis): nodata per band, src nodata optional
03:46 PM Bug report #4107: Bad Allocation when Printing
- Piotr Pachol wrote:
> Error "Bad allocation" is connected with type of labeling used in layer.
> I tried to print pro... -
03:26 PM Bug report #4107: Bad Allocation when Printing
- Error "Bad allocation" is connected with type of labeling used in layer.
I tried to print project with several layers... -
01:18 PM Feature request #6377 (Closed): r.reclass path to reclass rules within modeler
- Currently there is no way to interactively select the path to the file with the reclass rules, for use with r.reclass...
11:53 AM Feature request #5242 (Feedback): Open KMZ without needing to unzip
- See also:
Summary: On a Mac, where QGIS uses th... -
11:53 AM Feature request #5242 (Feedback): Open KMZ without needing to unzip
- See also:
Summary: On a Mac, where QGIS uses th... -
10:10 AM Bug report #6375 (Closed): svg and simple symbol mix do not scale the same way
- When a marker symbol is composed of a simple symbol and a svg symbol, if marker scale option is set to «area», then t...
09:43 AM Bug report #6343: (master) size of point symbols is not retained in "symbol selector"
- Same here.
Note that subcomponents of the symbol keep the right size (so it's rendered ok), but the main component si... -
09:38 AM Bug report #6373 (Closed): PAL labeling font size for layer not entirely overridden by data defin...
- When data defining font size the PAL layer-level font size appears to be used for initial calculation of label placem...
09:19 AM Feature request #6325: Add PAL labelling features for Python access
- Hi Ian,
Sounds like a bug that may have been caused by some recent code I've added. Please create a new issue (bug) ... -
02:20 AM Feature request #6325: Add PAL labelling features for Python access
- Larry
The layer I was testing is a MultiPolygon, some of the features have multiple parts, it is a postgres layer an... -
08:28 AM Revision 014175e5 (qgis): Merge branch 'master' of
08:27 AM Revision 0618a1f1 (qgis): Changed comments only
08:27 AM Revision 35d869cf (qgis): apply user nodata to all bands
07:24 AM Bug report #6360: no data value (defined in the "transparency" tab of the raster property window)...
- It is now possible to disable original nodata value.
I think that everything should work OK. -
05:34 AM Bug report #6371 (Closed): Query layer from DB Manager can not be displayed
- After generating results from query builder, I was unable to add it to the canvas.
The same process works under Linux... -
05:34 AM Bug report #6232: Postgis add layer dialog: Cancel slow operations
- hamish - wrote:
> I had to change the geometry_columns type to MULTILINESTRING instead of LINE,
Was that originally ... -
04:00 AM Bug report #6232: Postgis add layer dialog: Cancel slow operations
- Hi,
just as a point of info for anyone in the same situation as me:
I had to change the geometry_columns type to MU... -
02:04 AM Bug report #6146: Offline editing tool broken
- regression confirmed. who is the maintainer?
12:27 AM Bug report #6340: Qgis Server - Get capabilities does no show embedded layers
- thanks Marco for fixing it. I must take time to recompile qgis master, and will report back if necessary
12:24 AM Bug report #6360: no data value (defined in the "transparency" tab of the raster property window)...
- Always representing with wider data type allows -1 to be used, but we probably also need a way to change the default ...
12:20 AM Bug report #6360: no data value (defined in the "transparency" tab of the raster property window)...
- I see. With QGIS master (prior to commit 3032f71666), I could manually change nodata value via editing of .xml to -1 ...
11:35 PM Bug report #6360: no data value (defined in the "transparency" tab of the raster property window)...
- The problem is that we need at least one nodata value, if a layer is reprojected, we need to represent pixels outside...
07:15 PM Bug report #6360 (Reopened): no data value (defined in the "transparency" tab of the raster prope...
- Oups, re-opening as above commit made the situation somewhat worse.
Your commit allowed to specify an additional no ... -
07:15 PM Bug report #6360 (Reopened): no data value (defined in the "transparency" tab of the raster prope...
- Oups, re-opening as above commit made the situation somewhat worse.
Your commit allowed to specify an additional no ... -
07:15 PM Bug report #6360 (Reopened): no data value (defined in the "transparency" tab of the raster prope...
- Oups, re-opening as above commit made the situation somewhat worse.
Your commit allowed to specify an additional no ... -
07:15 PM Bug report #6360 (Reopened): no data value (defined in the "transparency" tab of the raster prope...
- Oups, re-opening as above commit made the situation somewhat worse.
Your commit allowed to specify an additional no ... -
06:44 PM Bug report #6360 (Closed): no data value (defined in the "transparency" tab of the raster propert...
- Radim, I've changed status to closed and resolution to fixed as this issue did cover a bug which you fixed (thanks!) ...
06:44 PM Bug report #6360 (Closed): no data value (defined in the "transparency" tab of the raster propert...
- Radim, I've changed status to closed and resolution to fixed as this issue did cover a bug which you fixed (thanks!) ...
06:44 PM Bug report #6360 (Closed): no data value (defined in the "transparency" tab of the raster propert...
- Radim, I've changed status to closed and resolution to fixed as this issue did cover a bug which you fixed (thanks!) ...
06:44 PM Bug report #6360 (Closed): no data value (defined in the "transparency" tab of the raster propert...
- Radim, I've changed status to closed and resolution to fixed as this issue did cover a bug which you fixed (thanks!) ...
07:49 AM Bug report #6360: no data value (defined in the "transparency" tab of the raster property window)...
- The user defined no data value was not applied correctly in master until commit:3032f71666.
But, I think that it is ... -
02:54 AM Bug report #6360: no data value (defined in the "transparency" tab of the raster property window)...
- Giovanni, I'll soon attach a cropped version of the ECW (currently +/- 70mb) I used in the above screenshot for devs ...
02:46 AM Bug report #6360: no data value (defined in the "transparency" tab of the raster property window)...
- nirvn - wrote:
> Yes and no:
> - Yes it's a regression as setting a value other than 0 with qgis 1.8 does have a visi... -
02:36 AM Bug report #6360: no data value (defined in the "transparency" tab of the raster property window)...
- Yes and no:
- Yes it's a regression as setting a value other than 0 with qgis 1.8 does have a visible impact on the h... -
02:04 AM Bug report #6360 (Feedback): no data value (defined in the "transparency" tab of the raster prope...
- Is this a regression in master since 1.8?
02:04 AM Bug report #6360 (Feedback): no data value (defined in the "transparency" tab of the raster prope...
- Is this a regression in master since 1.8?
02:04 AM Bug report #6360 (Feedback): no data value (defined in the "transparency" tab of the raster prope...
- Is this a regression in master since 1.8?
11:30 PM Bug report #5345: Problems with PATH-Variables in msys.bat and OSGeo4W
- After testing a bit around with quotation marks, I made the following changes to osgeo4w.bat:...
10:43 PM Revision e4793d6c (qgis): german translation update
10:19 PM Revision 18d9993e (qgis): debian packaging update
09:42 PM Revision 78cb4e01 (qgis): Merge branch 'master' of
09:02 PM Revision 9c6ebdd4 (qgis): fixes for QgsRasterInterface subclassing in Python
08:35 PM Revision 5eb1e2d2 (qgis): Fixed restarting measurement with right-clicking.
07:37 PM Feature request #5242: Open KMZ without needing to unzip
- Of course, the obvious workaround is to rename the .kmz to .zip
07:36 PM Feature request #5242: Open KMZ without needing to unzip
- Also, shouldn't the category for this ticket be data providers, not vectors?
07:35 PM Feature request #5242: Open KMZ without needing to unzip
- FWIW, gdal/QGIS can already open a KMZ file, using the vsizip driver:
e.g.... -
06:01 PM Bug report #6369 (Closed): vsizip - relative paths not used & can't update path in "missing layer...
- - enable relative save paths in the project settings
- load some layers from a zip file
- save the project in the sam... -
04:28 PM Revision 3032f716 (qgis): reimplemented user defined raster no data values
03:53 PM Bug report #6368 (Closed): Not all Features in Personal GDB layer showing up in QGIS 1.8
- I have a point layer stored in an ESRI Personal GDB. The layer contains 431 features. When I load this layer into Q...
11:07 AM Feature request #6325: Add PAL labelling features for Python access
- Ian Packham wrote:
> Managed to set some attributes of PAL from python, although not tested everything. Setting @paly... -
09:06 AM Feature request #6325: Add PAL labelling features for Python access
- Sorry, I was looking for it, but I missed your missed commit file. Got the build working OK with python-qscintilla.
... -
05:40 AM Feature request #6325: Add PAL labelling features for Python access
- Ian Packham wrote:
> I also added the qscintilla package under Libs, but this didn't help.
Try python-qscintilla.
>... -
05:30 AM Feature request #6325: Add PAL labelling features for Python access
- That was fast, thank you.
Would this commit be included in the qgis-dev nightly builds of the master (available in t... -
08:21 AM Bug report #6366 (Closed): Check QGIS Version
- When 'Help' -> 'Check QGIS Version' is chosen, the following message appears:
"You are running the current version o... -
07:07 AM Revision babc12a5 (qgis): Fix to enable QgsCollapsibleGroupBox disclosure triangle if widget was ...
07:05 AM Revision 396c4318 (qgis): Fix for compilers that do not cope with template argument
06:31 AM Feature request #6365 (Open): Raster calculator: set extent and cell size dinamically
- Using the raster calculator in order to clip a raster users have to insert the layer extent manually (if another rast...
04:25 AM Bug report #6302: QGIS WFS Server Geometry Type not recognize by ArcGIS
- René-Luc ReLuc wrote:
> In addition to indicate the geometry type in the DescribeFeatureType request, this patch adds...
12:04 AM Bug report #6302: QGIS WFS Server Geometry Type not recognize by ArcGIS
- In addition to indicate the geometry type in the DescribeFeatureType request, this patch adds boundedBy to FeatureCol...
11:04 PM Feature request #6361: Edit widget “Unique values”
- May be “_Value Collection_” is more appropriate name for the given widget.
10:33 PM Feature request #6361 (Open): Edit widget “Unique values”
- There is a possibility in the layer properties window, Fields tab to define Edit widgets. One of them is just opposit...
10:23 PM Revision a2d0ee89 (qgis): Merge pull request #236 from matthias-kuhn/diagramtest
- Add diagram test files
09:27 PM Revision ca752eed (qgis): fix a544133e46 - update measurement settings only on crs and options ch...
09:09 PM Revision 98a18ef8 (qgis): support non-squared svg symbols
09:09 PM Revision 6589fbe0 (qgis): debian packaging update
08:19 PM Bug report #6360 (Closed): no data value (defined in the "transparency" tab of the raster propert...
- QGIS master, i.e. what will become 2.0, has an issue whereas it is not applying the no data value defined by the user...
07:52 PM Revision 117e6f9e (qgis): Merge branch 'master' of
06:48 PM Revision a25b1ec5 (qgis): Example script in Python to download WCS layer
05:03 PM Revision 8c8d0285 (qgis): raster saveas rendered with QgsSingleBandPseudoColorRenderer fix
04:35 PM Revision af63afa0 (qgis): Add diagram test files
04:27 PM Bug report #4100: Text for two CRS dialogues is wrong (swapped)
- Also,
It seems that people coming from ArcGIS tend to expect "Specify CRS" to do something completely different. Ra... -
03:41 PM Bug report #2949: Labeling (ABC) to a shape file do not show content from dbf field, for objects ...
- See also #4079-23 and -
03:41 PM Bug report #2949: Labeling (ABC) to a shape file do not show content from dbf field, for objects ...
- See also #4079-23 and -
09:34 AM Bug report #2949 (Reopened): Labeling (ABC) to a shape file do not show content from dbf field, f...
- Hello,
have tested the labeling in polygons with intersection fault.
Labeling is correct in section advanced, Placeme... -
09:34 AM Bug report #2949 (Reopened): Labeling (ABC) to a shape file do not show content from dbf field, f...
- Hello,
have tested the labeling in polygons with intersection fault.
Labeling is correct in section advanced, Placeme... -
09:34 AM Bug report #2949 (Reopened): Labeling (ABC) to a shape file do not show content from dbf field, f...
- Hello,
have tested the labeling in polygons with intersection fault.
Labeling is correct in section advanced, Placeme... -
03:36 PM Bug report #3517: new labeling engine fails to label self intersecting polygons
- See also #4079-23
and -
04:33 AM Bug report #3517: new labeling engine fails to label self intersecting polygons
- gespiel - wrote:
> Hi,
> see also #2949
> It seems to be fixed?
> Gerhard
no, it works for lines, but it fails... -
04:30 AM Bug report #3517: new labeling engine fails to label self intersecting polygons
- Hi,
see also #2949
It seems to be fixed?
02:29 PM Feature request #6285 (Closed): Set Offsets for Point Labels
- This functionality now exists in master branch. Please reopen if necessary. Any issues with current functionality sho...
12:42 PM Revision a544133e (qgis): update measure dialog only when visible
12:41 PM Revision aad3f4e5 (qgis): add sip bindings to QgsCredentials
11:30 AM Bug report #4534: "Split vector layer" freezes QGIS
- Hi,
As to Toni Keskitalo, this is also happening to me in 32bit version (Xubuntu 12.04 with QGIS master from ubuntug... -
11:05 AM Revision 9117bf1b (qgis): fix warnings
11:00 AM Bug report #6038 (Closed): Forward Transform Error of GPS data...
- I'm closing this for now. Pleas reopen if it persists. Thanks for the help!
10:16 AM Bug report #6038 (Feedback): Forward Transform Error of GPS data...
- Is this still confirmed?
I cannot confirm this with a very similar project setup, but under Windows instead of Andro... -
10:16 AM Bug report #6038 (Feedback): Forward Transform Error of GPS data...
- Is this still confirmed?
I cannot confirm this with a very similar project setup, but under Windows instead of Andro... -
10:53 AM Revision bba4e18b (qgis): fix windows build
09:11 AM Revision da8a203c (qgis): translation update: small fix for sv by Johan Nilsson
08:39 AM Bug report #6118: New Labeling, Rotation over Point is not enabled
- Hello,
Thank you verry much.
Gerhard -
07:21 AM Feature request #6356 (Open): Set from parent style into categories rules
- Using new symbology
Using Styles with rules, and categories.
I want to have option on categories rules to not set co... -
04:06 AM Revision bb7551bf (qgis): remove unused constructor (also fix build error in mac osx)
12:28 AM Revision f2cc1d19 (qgis): Merge branch 'master' of
12:27 AM Revision d00c3352 (qgis): style manager : cosmetic changes (wider icons, splitter with save/resto...
12:24 AM Feature request #6354 (Open): WMS layer using VIEWPARAMETERS
- We have found it to be impossible to add WMS layer using VIEWPARAMETERS in Qgis Desktop.
There is no fields to add s... -
12:18 AM Revision 0138c47e (qgis): add more sip bindings:
- QgsCentroidFillSymbolLayerV2
Qgs... -
12:00 AM Bug report #3517: new labeling engine fails to label self intersecting polygons
- nirvn - wrote:
> Giovanni, a silent unexplained failure is _not_ a good UX in any kind of way :)
of course, I was j... -
06:51 PM Bug report #3517: new labeling engine fails to label self intersecting polygons
- Giovanni, a silent unexplained failure is _not_ a good UX in any kind of way :)
I think there could be great benefi... -
11:57 PM Bug report #3652: labels buffer: wrong results if data defined setting is used for size
> In other words, I think maybe it should stay as is, and a different approach to creating alternative label backgro...-
03:25 PM Bug report #3652: labels buffer: wrong results if data defined setting is used for size
- Giovanni Manghi wrote:
> I made a few tests and to me it does not make a lot of sense to allow the user choose a buff... -
10:56 PM Feature request #3122: show map units in the field calculator
- What exactly does this mean? Is it essentially the same as #2402?
10:55 PM Feature request #4252: different built-in tools calculate inconsistent polygon areas
- Also see #2402 and possibly #3122
10:52 PM Bug report #5173: Shape file field precision includes the . when saving, but not when editing in ...
- Also see comment by Christine at #5546
10:51 PM Feature request #5546: Add a warning when vector fields/values are above the limits
- > Observed also an absurdity with field definitions: e.g. a field definition created in QGIS with REAL, length 10, pr...
10:48 PM Bug report #5153: Unexpected rounding in field calculator (documentation needed)
- > If I do this the results are shown with many decimal places, regardless of the precision of the output field!^:
... -
10:38 PM Bug report #6353 (Closed): Field calculator displays real values in the attribute table instead o...
- (Perhaps I should have reopened #3606 - what is the protocol around here?)
- Use the Field calculator to write e.g. 9... -
10:30 PM Bug report #6352 (Closed): In some cases the field calculator does not show a preview at first
- - Open the field calculator.
- Type @9/17@ as the expression. There is no preview.
- Type @$area@ as the expression.... -
10:15 PM Bug report #5154: Need to check that precision<field width when adding a column
- > I'm guessing the field calculator would allow you to do the same thing, but I haven't tested it.
Using the field c... -
10:10 PM Revision e6713517 (qgis): Merge branch 'master' of
10:09 PM Revision 44ef2204 (qgis): Fixed comments only
09:06 PM Revision e67ac053 (qgis): - various changes and bugfixes to QgsCptCityArchive and QgsCptCityColor...
- UI changes:
- view color ramps in separate list widgets, with qsplitter
- draw stippled (check-board) background fo... -
09:06 PM Revision 567a4d49 (qgis): add PROJ.4 version to about dialog
08:40 PM Revision 8898e6b8 (qgis): missed the new file
08:21 PM Revision d8675ba3 (qgis): add sip bindings for QgsPalLabeling, QgsSimpleMarkerSymbolLayerV2,
- QgsSvgMarkerSymbolLayerV2, QgsFontMarkerSymbolLayerV2
07:52 PM Revision 21c59885 (qgis): Fixes for raster layer save as dialog
- - Initial show of very long CRS no longer makes combobox too wide
- Remove min height for nodata groupbox, possible c... -
07:48 PM Revision e2ae059b (qgis): Merge branch 'master' of
07:37 PM Revision cc63a1e2 (qgis): Fix stupid C++ error
07:08 PM Revision d83b618f (qgis): Fixes for PAL labels to work with 8a347eb
- - Point/centroid label offset functions now work with independent data defined rotation
- Rotate label tool now works... -
07:08 PM Revision 0bd9bfbb (qgis): Fix for PAL label vertical offset
- - Corrected vertical alignment offset for all labels
- Curved and parallel line labels also now register well for abo... -
07:00 PM Revision 9a683282 (qgis): Merge pull request #235 from homann/test_qgsclipper
- Fix stupid SIP error
06:58 PM Revision 802ab856 (qgis): Fix stupid SIP error
06:42 PM Bug report #4079: (Some) features with invalid geometries not labelled
- Hi Alister,
With recent changes, 'around' and 'offset' have their centroids converted to points (via GEOS) before ... -
04:07 PM Bug report #4079: (Some) features with invalid geometries not labelled
- I see that now it is labelled when labelling with "around centroid", just not with "free".
04:00 PM Bug report #4079 (Reopened): (Some) features with invalid geometries not labelled
- > The "missing" labels are easy to explain: that polygons missing the label (in the attached picture) are not feature...
04:00 PM Bug report #4079 (Reopened): (Some) features with invalid geometries not labelled
- > The "missing" labels are easy to explain: that polygons missing the label (in the attached picture) are not feature...
05:09 PM Bug report #2795: field calculator: correct calculation, but 0s written to table
- Alister Hood wrote:
> I've just heard a report from someone using QGIS 1.8 of the same problem as in my last comment ... -
04:13 PM Bug report #2795: field calculator: correct calculation, but 0s written to table
- I've just heard a report from someone using QGIS 1.8 of the same problem as in my last comment - I'll open a new tick...
04:13 PM Bug report #2795: field calculator: correct calculation, but 0s written to table
- I've just heard a report from someone using QGIS 1.8 of the same problem as in my last comment - I'll open a new tick...
04:13 PM Bug report #2795: field calculator: correct calculation, but 0s written to table
- I've just heard a report from someone using QGIS 1.8 of the same problem as in my last comment - I'll open a new tick...
05:09 PM Bug report #6351 (Closed): field calculator: correct calculation, but nulls written to table
- - Load a shapefile, open the attribute table and enable editing.
- Add a column, fill in values manually, click the s... -
04:56 PM Bug report #4850 (Reopened): Labeling engine settings: always defaults values
- Hi Giovanni,
I reopened this because only the 'show all labels' is currently saved per layer. All the settings for t... -
04:56 PM Bug report #4850 (Reopened): Labeling engine settings: always defaults values
- Hi Giovanni,
I reopened this because only the 'show all labels' is currently saved per layer. All the settings for t... -
02:44 AM Bug report #4850 (Closed): Labeling engine settings: always defaults values
- Seems fixed on master.
02:44 AM Bug report #4850 (Closed): Labeling engine settings: always defaults values
- Seems fixed on master.
04:00 PM Feature request #6325 (Feedback): Add PAL labelling features for Python access
- Ian,
Jürgen added the Python bindings with commit commit:d8675ba3 (and follow up commit)
Please test. I have tested... -
04:00 PM Feature request #6325 (Feedback): Add PAL labelling features for Python access
- Ian,
Jürgen added the Python bindings with commit commit:d8675ba3 (and follow up commit)
Please test. I have tested... -
04:00 PM Feature request #6325 (Feedback): Add PAL labelling features for Python access
- Ian,
Jürgen added the Python bindings with commit commit:d8675ba3 (and follow up commit)
Please test. I have tested... -
03:41 PM Feature request #5382 (Closed): Point Sampling Tool: Speed up by simply not writing fields and re...
- I've created the subproject and moved this ticket to #6350
03:41 PM Feature request #5382 (Closed): Point Sampling Tool: Speed up by simply not writing fields and re...
- I've created the subproject and moved this ticket to #6350
12:41 PM Bug report #6118 (Closed): New Labeling, Rotation over Point is not enabled
- Between the above noted commit and commit commit:d83b618 this should now work as expected. New issues with existing f...
12:41 PM Bug report #6118 (Closed): New Labeling, Rotation over Point is not enabled
- Between the above noted commit and commit commit:d83b618 this should now work as expected. New issues with existing f...
02:50 AM Bug report #6118: New Labeling, Rotation over Point is not enabled
- > This issue should remain open until data defined rotation, independent from data defined x/y, can also be used in c...
02:50 AM Bug report #6118: New Labeling, Rotation over Point is not enabled
- > This issue should remain open until data defined rotation, independent from data defined x/y, can also be used in c...
12:14 PM Revision 3fb80939 (qgis): Merge pull request #234 from homann/test_qgsclipper
- Test qgsclipper, improved testing and added constructor in QgsRectangle.
12:09 PM Revision 96295010 (qgis): Improved QgsClipper test, and ran prepare-commit
12:09 PM Revision 883dcab1 (qgis): Added conversion between QgsRectangle and QRectF. And tests.
06:13 AM Bug report #6273: Remove item in Style manager only deletes single item
- Patch added.
06:13 AM Bug report #6273: Remove item in Style manager only deletes single item
- Patch added.
02:55 AM Bug report #4921 (Closed): labels with use scale dependent
- it works on qgis master.
02:55 AM Bug report #4921 (Closed): labels with use scale dependent
- it works on qgis master.
02:54 AM Bug report #4083: Line layer labeling eats up all memory
- Sandro Santilli wrote:
> Alright, I did hit one of those drawbacks pretty easily :)
> That was: ST_Intersection retur... -
02:48 AM Bug report #3550 (Closed): Labels scale dependency not saved
- Alister Hood wrote:
> If I read correctly, this is a problem with "old labelling", so will not be applicable when "ol... -
02:48 AM Bug report #3550 (Closed): Labels scale dependency not saved
- Alister Hood wrote:
> If I read correctly, this is a problem with "old labelling", so will not be applicable when "ol... -
02:42 AM Bug report #6065 (Closed): labelling font size selector does not work plus the size always revert...
02:40 AM Bug report #6162 (Closed): Incorrect placement of ABC labels
02:31 AM Bug report #3218 (Closed): New labeling: Bigger buffer distances create artefacts
- duplicate of #3652 (there are more notes there)
02:31 AM Bug report #3218 (Closed): New labeling: Bigger buffer distances create artefacts
- duplicate of #3652 (there are more notes there)
01:55 AM Feature request #3473 (Feedback): Horizontal offset for Simple line and Marker line layer's type
- Can you add a use case to explain how the horizontal offset would be useful?
01:55 AM Feature request #3473 (Feedback): Horizontal offset for Simple line and Marker line layer's type
- Can you add a use case to explain how the horizontal offset would be useful?
01:55 AM Feature request #3473 (Feedback): Horizontal offset for Simple line and Marker line layer's type
- Can you add a use case to explain how the horizontal offset would be useful?
01:55 AM Feature request #3473 (Feedback): Horizontal offset for Simple line and Marker line layer's type
- Can you add a use case to explain how the horizontal offset would be useful?
01:55 AM Feature request #3473 (Feedback): Horizontal offset for Simple line and Marker line layer's type
- Can you add a use case to explain how the horizontal offset would be useful?
01:47 AM Bug report #3652 (Feedback): labels buffer: wrong results if data defined setting is used for size
- Larry Shaffer wrote:
> Giovanni Manghi wrote:
> > ... What about my above suggestion (above a certain size render the... -
01:47 AM Bug report #3652 (Feedback): labels buffer: wrong results if data defined setting is used for size
- Larry Shaffer wrote:
> Giovanni Manghi wrote:
> > ... What about my above suggestion (above a certain size render the... -
12:32 AM Bug report #4079 (Closed): (Some) features with invalid geometries not labelled
12:23 AM Bug report #4079: (Some) features with invalid geometries not labelled
- With the lastest changes in labelling code this seems to be fixed, at least the "strange label location" issue. The "...
12:31 AM Bug report #2949 (Closed): Labeling (ABC) to a shape file do not show content from dbf field, for...
- At least with the latest changes in the labelling code this seems fixed. Reopen if necessary, but attach sample data.
12:31 AM Bug report #2949 (Closed): Labeling (ABC) to a shape file do not show content from dbf field, for...
- At least with the latest changes in the labelling code this seems fixed. Reopen if necessary, but attach sample data.
12:31 AM Bug report #2949 (Closed): Labeling (ABC) to a shape file do not show content from dbf field, for...
- At least with the latest changes in the labelling code this seems fixed. Reopen if necessary, but attach sample data.
12:31 AM Bug report #2949 (Closed): Labeling (ABC) to a shape file do not show content from dbf field, for...
- At least with the latest changes in the labelling code this seems fixed. Reopen if necessary, but attach sample data.
12:31 AM Bug report #2949 (Closed): Labeling (ABC) to a shape file do not show content from dbf field, for...
- At least with the latest changes in the labelling code this seems fixed. Reopen if necessary, but attach sample data.
12:26 AM Bug report #3517: new labeling engine fails to label self intersecting polygons
- at least I would consider it a good way to know that I have a self intersecting geometry :)
12:26 AM Bug report #3517: new labeling engine fails to label self intersecting polygons
- at least I would consider it a good way to know that I have a self intersecting geometry :)
12:01 AM Bug report #4634 (Closed): [PATCH] New labelling engine: wrong label placement with both "around ...
- With the latest changes in the labelling code, this seems fixed.
12:01 AM Bug report #4634 (Closed): [PATCH] New labelling engine: wrong label placement with both "around ...
- With the latest changes in the labelling code, this seems fixed.
11:56 PM Bug report #3802 (Closed): QGIS crashes using some options of new labelling tool
- With the latest changes in labelling code this seems fixed.
11:56 PM Bug report #3802 (Closed): QGIS crashes using some options of new labelling tool
- With the latest changes in labelling code this seems fixed.
10:58 PM Revision 8a347eba (qgis): [FEATURE] allow data defined rotation without data defined position
10:52 PM Revision eb2f7cf4 (qgis): debian packaging update
05:30 PM Revision 6edc9451 (qgis): change line endings to UNIX
11:59 AM Revision 1b803d73 (qgis): Process configuration also if the project has no own layers (there coul...
10:34 AM Revision 1880db0e (qgis): Fix display of features in composer table if map is projected (ticket #...
08:19 AM Revision c0ee7f0e (qgis): Fix scalebar alignment in composer (ticket #6317)
03:35 AM Revision d0800fbf (qgis): Label preview of adv labeling is collapsible
03:35 AM Revision 8f0cb990 (qgis): Fix QgsCollapsibleGroupBox signal and scrolling issue
- - Signal now passes pointer to custom widget; calling isCollapsed() now works in connected slot
- Keep expanded group... -
03:02 AM Bug report #6340 (Closed): Qgis Server - Get capabilities does no show embedded layers
- I think this is fixed in 1b803d73e513be5835533b400a79f6f502e3d4f5. Please reopen if not.
01:35 AM Bug report #6335 (Closed): print composer - add a table
- Fixed in 1880db0e774d6533c0173a04db7b32107510e8c2
12:24 AM Revision 2edbc048 (qgis): Merge pull request #233 from homann/test_qgsclipper
- Test Friday! QgsClipper test
12:17 AM Revision 3130719a (qgis): Test Friday! QgsClipper test
11:56 PM Bug report #6317 (Closed): Regression: Scalebar alignment broken in Print Composer
11:25 PM Bug report #6317: Regression: Scalebar alignment broken in Print Composer
- Fixed in commit c0ee7f0ee99a1a57e067623cb762ee5e0fcf545f
06:26 PM Revision c3285394 (qgis): Merge branch 'master' into sextante-import
06:03 PM Revision 2a32eca4 (qgis): anomality images for stingray
05:51 PM Revision 7204c60a (qgis): fix coordinate transform python test
- fix typo in renderchecker
04:55 PM Revision 76badc7d (qgis): Merge branch 'master' of
04:54 PM Revision 3a4d5e0c (qgis): debian packaging update:
- extra python-unittest2 dependency only necessary on squeeze, lucid and oneiric)
04:44 PM Revision db59e1b1 (qgis): automatically scroll parent QScrollArea when QgsCollapsibleGroupBox is ...
04:26 PM Revision 0f91402d (qgis): debian packaging update
04:01 PM Revision f53aa30a (qgis): set parent of QgsRasterLayerSaveAsDialog to inherit css
04:00 PM Revision 77241dd8 (qgis): honor flat property when set in designer or code before showEvent() (pa...
03:32 PM Revision c33e6ff2 (qgis): fix alignment when using oxygen (kde) theme
03:16 PM Revision 4fa28d8c (qgis): Merge branch 'master' of
02:55 PM Revision 7b802067 (qgis): Merge branch 'master' into sextante-import
02:48 PM Revision 8bf5cb26 (qgis): [FEATURE] add SEXTANTE to core plugins
- Also add Victor to authors
02:23 PM Revision ca668ae3 (qgis): create directories for scripts and models in user directory
01:44 PM Revision e460dde7 (qgis): add cmake stuff for SEXTANTE plugin
12:57 PM Bug report #6343 (Closed): (master) size of point symbols is not retained in "symbol selector"
- This affect only qgis master:
* add a point vector layer
* make a categorized symbology
* open the symbol selector... -
12:33 PM Bug report #3458: New Symbology: Simple Markers don't allow to specify stroke-width
- > Yes, I already did, but I am a little confused about how that page is supposed to work now.
> Apart from the two... -
10:53 AM Revision 5eb01118 (qgis): fix migration errors
09:55 AM Revision 2f2fb537 (qgis): Merge pull request #232 from slarosa/master
- fix error in path for sextante icon
09:50 AM Revision 799795a0 (qgis): fix another signal-slot connection in new console
09:45 AM Bug report #6038: Forward Transform Error of GPS data...
- Magnus Homann wrote:
> Does your test project for #5895 crash also?
just tested the latest master with the data atta... -
09:01 AM Revision 26a43408 (qgis): fix path for icon
08:36 AM Revision 82410309 (qgis): Merge branch 'master' of
08:35 AM Revision e1a16278 (qgis): Reversed erroneous change
06:13 AM Revision 5b91b38d (qgis): Merge pull request #230 from slarosa/master
- [New Python Console] - remember last used location for Open Tool
03:04 AM Bug report #6218: Loading styles issue
- If I change the QML file such that:
<renderer-v2 attr="RANDOM_COLUMN_NAME" symbollevels="0" type="categorizedSymbol">...
01:18 AM Revision 89e75cf6 (qgis): added sextante icon for help
01:12 AM Bug report #6340 (Closed): Qgis Server - Get capabilities does no show embedded layers
- In QGIS Server 1.8 (ubuntu 12.04)
* create a master project with layers
* create a "child" project with embeded layer... -
12:39 AM Feature request #6339 (Closed): No way to select CSV file encoding in DelimitedText Plugin
11:38 PM Revision 315e0c00 (qgis): added action to import sextante class
08:15 PM Revision 396f3633 (qgis): Remove hardcoded path for pyuic4 on Mac install
07:57 PM Revision d11fd923 (qgis): Merge pull request #231 from homann/memcpy_malloc_fixes
- Memcpy malloc fixes, should remove some out of mem crashes. Downside, it is still slow... Also fixed a warning about ...
07:49 PM Revision 35f7a1cc (qgis): size_t is 8, int is 4 on amd64
07:49 PM Revision bb17e823 (qgis): Changed from int to size_t in some places
07:49 PM Revision e2e27923 (qgis): Removed warning about missing initalization of base class in copy const...
07:49 PM Revision 6b228c99 (qgis): Added memory allocation failure tests
07:22 PM Revision cd366506 (qgis): cleaning up code
05:51 PM Revision 78a1f244 (qgis): improved icons and clean code
03:08 PM Revision 24a047d2 (qgis): raster sip fix for test unit
02:45 PM Bug report #6038: Forward Transform Error of GPS data...
- Does your test project for #5895 crash also?
01:01 PM Bug report #6038: Forward Transform Error of GPS data...
- Magnus Homann wrote:
> Thought it was a transform error, but more of a GPS general error it seems. Don't have any GPS... -
12:59 PM Bug report #6038: Forward Transform Error of GPS data...
- Thought it was a transform error, but more of a GPS general error it seems. Don't have any GPS to test with, so I'll ...
11:36 AM Bug report #6038: Forward Transform Error of GPS data...
- Magnus Homann wrote:
> I fixed some crashes, does this still persist?
ummm... yes. Before it sent the message and th... -
10:36 AM Bug report #6038: Forward Transform Error of GPS data...
- I fixed some crashes, does this still persist?
01:57 PM Bug report #5336: SREF98 projection isnt listed in qgis 1.7.4
- The EPSG code is not in proj.4 database, where we automatically get our data from.
01:38 PM Revision c6a29fa8 (qgis): raster sip fixes
01:22 PM Bug report #3788 (Closed): Problem Datum Transformation
- It seems to work now, I have gdal 1.9.1. I can see a difference when setting different projections for the layers. Sa...
01:22 PM Bug report #3788 (Closed): Problem Datum Transformation
- It seems to work now, I have gdal 1.9.1. I can see a difference when setting different projections for the layers. Sa...
01:22 PM Bug report #3788 (Closed): Problem Datum Transformation
- It seems to work now, I have gdal 1.9.1. I can see a difference when setting different projections for the layers. Sa...
11:42 AM Bug report #4819: "Identify Features" tool is slow with complex/big features (lot of nodes)
- Magnus Homann wrote:
> This seems to be applied in master.
it seems so, now it is usable and does not freeze even if... -
11:14 AM Bug report #4819 (Closed): "Identify Features" tool is slow with complex/big features (lot of nodes)
- This seems to be applied in master.
09:54 AM Revision c0c8f81e (qgis): added remember last used dir for open tool in python console
09:35 AM Bug report #6338 (Closed): qgis server doesn't work with custom CRS
- Hi,
Qgis Server don't work with custom CRS. I'm trying to visualize a project I realized with custom CRS but Qgis sa... -
09:04 AM Revision 6786ee70 (qgis): Merge branch 'master' of git://
11:15 PM Revision 94c2e1cb (qgis): Transfer ownership of renderer to c++ in sip bindings when calling QgsR...
09:24 PM Revision 05fb3941 (qgis): Regression test to similate crash that occurs when setting a raster lay...
08:50 PM Revision 6873b317 (qgis): Fix compiler warning about use of deprecated crs.epsg() call
04:08 PM Revision 2096813d (qgis): Merge pull request #229 from homann/issue5895
- Issue 5895 fix and testcase for projection errors. Hopefully, we can add on other projection errors to this test case...
04:07 PM Revision c1f37e8a (qgis):
03:17 PM Revision c3e4ff78 (qgis): Fixed a divde-by-zero error
03:17 PM Revision 87b9b5dd (qgis): Catch inverse transform failures in raster reprojector. Fix for #5895
03:17 PM Revision b890e1f1 (qgis): Changed to a much smaller raster file
03:17 PM Revision 75eef250 (qgis): First little test case
02:54 PM Revision 3cb46692 (qgis): WCS extent and save as fix
02:22 PM Revision e8061c7f (qgis): disable Toggle editing button when provider is not editable
02:22 PM Bug report #5895: the " inverse transform..." error need to be caught, otherwise QGIS freezes.
- Magnus Homann wrote:
> Thought I fixed it, but a lot of out of memory errors cropped up. :-)
thanks a lot indeed!
02:00 PM Bug report #5895 (Closed): the " inverse transform..." error need to be caught, otherwise QGIS f...
- Thought I fixed it, but a lot of out of memory errors cropped up. :-)
12:18 PM Revision 39db80a8 (qgis): Support older version of python for expectedfail in rect tests
12:09 PM Revision bbf0c08e (qgis): Fix crash if colour for pallette is out of range
11:36 AM Revision c4fa82e2 (qgis): rasters saveas data type conversion fix
10:49 AM Revision aa063f67 (qgis): Merge pull request #228 from slarosa/master
- added support to paste code with multi-line text in console
06:03 AM Feature request #3336: measurement tools for Mars
- Great!!! Thank you Magnus, your patch is perfect! From now, planetary geology is finally totally free from non open-s...
02:22 AM Bug report #4216: error editing dbf over ssh / sftp
- Thanks for keep this in the agenda.
12:33 AM Revision e2fff498 (qgis): added support to paste multi-line text
11:34 PM Bug report #6334 (Rejected): print composer - add a tsblr
- Seems to have been opened by mistake. If not, please explain.
11:34 PM Bug report #6334 (Rejected): print composer - add a tsblr
- Seems to have been opened by mistake. If not, please explain.
08:20 PM Bug report #6334 (Rejected): print composer - add a tsblr
11:01 PM Revision 7ce99b8c (qgis): [FEATURE] Improved python console in QGIS based on PyScintilla. (This i...
10:54 PM Revision 815f9737 (qgis): Merge pull request #217 from endmax/master
- [FEATURE] The QgslegendInterface implementation updated to allow access to items and groups at all levels.
10:49 PM Revision 597e770d (qgis): WCS public servers test improved
08:24 PM Bug report #6335 (Closed): print composer - add a table
- the option "show only visible features" works only if shape file and view are in the same SR. on the fly reprojection...
07:12 PM Revision 77c6842e (qgis): Clean with prepare-commit
07:01 PM Revision d1a7a001 (qgis): add save/load state and titleRect()
07:01 PM Revision 234db453 (qgis): add updateStyle() slot - to call when application style/style sheet cha...
07:01 PM Revision 0cc5923a (qgis): allow to expand/collapse when clicking on title
07:01 PM Revision 6787a875 (qgis): Increase padding for collapsed groupbox
07:01 PM Revision 3876b3ee (qgis): Update adv labeling groupbox layout
07:01 PM Revision 17675234 (qgis): UI tweaks
07:01 PM Revision 0ee89e24 (qgis): Different approach, fixes several issues
- - Just set max height instead of hiding widgets
- Default is to show expanded
- Removed check in favor of just toggle... -
07:01 PM Revision 849b83ee (qgis): Move non-groupbox form widgets out of scroll area
07:01 PM Revision b54a3eb6 (qgis): Remove margin fix and tighten up spacing
07:01 PM Revision 950f6a99 (qgis): Update collapsible groupbox with checkbox and styles
07:01 PM Revision 3caf80a8 (qgis): adapt raster save as dialog to changes in collapsible group box
07:01 PM Revision 5ee0ab60 (qgis): UI fixes to QgsCollapsibleGroupBox
06:51 PM Revision 73ca04eb (qgis): fix signals connection in console
06:49 PM Revision 3941112e (qgis): also copy console_sci to build directory
04:18 PM Revision 70aa06be (qgis): Merge pull request #227 from slarosa/master
- [New Python Console] - added delete key for pressing event + other minor fixes
04:05 PM Revision a090559f (qgis): added delete key in keyPressEvent
03:21 PM Revision 80c03e5d (qgis): Sorted names using vim
03:18 PM Revision 40baa23c (qgis): Added Salvatore Larosa to contributors file
02:35 PM Revision b817c616 (qgis): Fix python console api installation
02:22 PM Bug report #4788 (Closed): Add PostGIS layer - connect: Slow performance (>2 minutes) when geomet...
- no backports to 1.8 - closing.
12:52 PM Revision 84566b6b (qgis): Fix CMakeLists for building API
12:43 PM Revision 1dc7ce99 (qgis): check platform for font size
12:12 PM Revision 07735b77 (qgis): Merge pull request #1 from dakcarto/slarosa_pyqgisconsole
- Add support for prepared API file
10:04 AM Bug report #6333 (Closed): Autocompletion don't work is some cases in new Python console
- Seems autocompletion don't work for some "complex" cases. For example, when I try to enter next code...
07:58 AM Bug report #6327: non-ASCII character corruption in shapefile
- Everything seems to work much better if I choose the option "Ignore shapefile encoding". What does this new option do...
06:46 AM Bug report #6332 (Open): WCS: the button to cancel download does nothing
- One is forced to kill QGIS in this case
06:03 AM Bug report #6315: new labelling engine stopped placing label within visible polygon area
- For the record, this issue is not affecting QGIS 1.8.
As for applying patches, this is a good starting point: https:... -
04:06 AM Revision 9db9ef80 (qgis): Add support for prepared API file
- - Prepared API file supports Python 2.7, PyQGIS master, PyQt4.7.4, QScintilla2 2.4.5, osgeo 1.9.1
- Set point size la... -
02:11 AM Bug report #5895: the " inverse transform..." error need to be caught, otherwise QGIS freezes.
- Magnus Homann wrote:
> Hmm, I found an error when zooming out, but that was due to a division by zero in raster code....
01:25 AM Bug report #6315: new labelling engine stopped placing label within visible polygon area
- Peter Rodgers wrote:
> Hi Larry/Nirvn,
> I'm not new to GIS but am new to Quantum GIS. Im running version 1.8 Lisb... -
09:59 PM Bug report #6315: new labelling engine stopped placing label within visible polygon area
- Hi Larry/Nirvn,
I'm not new to GIS but am new to Quantum GIS. Im running version 1.8 Lisboa.
Please could you point... -
04:48 AM Bug report #6315 (Closed): new labelling engine stopped placing label within visible polygon area
- The above referred commit did fix the regression, and added a new feature as a bonus. Closing.
04:48 AM Bug report #6315 (Closed): new labelling engine stopped placing label within visible polygon area
- The above referred commit did fix the regression, and added a new feature as a bonus. Closing.
04:48 AM Bug report #6315 (Closed): new labelling engine stopped placing label within visible polygon area
- The above referred commit did fix the regression, and added a new feature as a bonus. Closing.
12:56 AM Revision 02b68732 (qgis): fix issue with home key
10:52 PM Revision 303f0a6e (qgis): clear some command key and added shortcut ctrl+space
09:45 PM Bug report #5911: Language Driver ID in dbf file of new shapefile
- Sorry,
Testing it again today, I don't experience any character corruption of shapefiles generated via both "Save ve... -
08:11 PM Feature request #6325: Add PAL labelling features for Python access
- See also, for background:
03:33 AM Feature request #6325: Add PAL labelling features for Python access
- Sorry, I have created this issue under the wrong category - should be under "Labelling". I cannot change the category...
03:23 AM Feature request #6325 (Closed): Add PAL labelling features for Python access
- The new PAL Labelling system looks to be superseding the old one (now shown as deprecated under Layer Properties). Co...
07:44 PM Revision 03877e58 (qgis): clean up to code and added api directory
07:16 PM Revision cf272f88 (qgis): New Python Console
04:23 PM Revision 51606a66 (qgis): Mark qgsrectangle ctor test as known to fail.
04:04 PM Revision 9b0fee38 (qgis): Added asWktPolygon method to QgsRectangle with a unit test. Discovered ...
01:40 PM Revision 847cae91 (qgis): Merge pull request #226 from homann/issue2465_patch
- Issue2465 patch now included. Question if old pints-file now work directly.
12:41 PM Bug report #5895: the " inverse transform..." error need to be caught, otherwise QGIS freezes.
- Hmm, I found an error when zooming out, but that was due to a division by zero in raster code. The error sent a "NaN"...
12:07 PM Revision 1f99979b (qgis): Compiles, but issues
12:07 PM Revision 83482fe9 (qgis): Added east/north clarification
12:07 PM Revision e3e74bbd (qgis): New files added
12:07 PM Revision 82a1591d (qgis): Applied patch 2012-06-27 only
08:28 AM Bug report #6240: Editing: Delete last Vertex crashes QGIS
- Sorry we can't test this on actual version of master at the moment.
Does anybody else has the chance to test it?
Than... -
08:07 AM Bug report #6327 (Closed): non-ASCII character corruption in shapefile
- The non-ASCII characters seem to be corrupted on a new shapefile. Steps to reproduce:
* Create a shapefile, choosing ... -
06:30 AM Feature request #6326 (Open): Displacement line between original point and displaced diagram
- When using pie chart diagrams: diagrams will re-placed according some rules. There should be option when you can draw...
06:27 AM Bug report #6300: Diagram - Position Line options are not available
- Matthias Kuhn wrote:
> If you think that there should be an option to connect points to charts, please file a featur... -
05:05 AM Revision 1080d978 (qgis): adapt raster save as dialog to changes in collapsible group box
04:42 AM Bug report #2465 (Closed): Georeferencer: does not correctly handle files with existing georefere...
- Patch included in
and seeems to work! Thanks! -
04:00 AM Revision 0179e382 (qgis): UI fixes to QgsCollapsibleGroupBox
01:58 AM Feature request #5501: "Union/Intersect" tools that allows more than 2 input files
- Attached a screenshot that shows how the Arc* GUI is made (to allow select more than 2 input files). I guess that und...
01:58 AM Feature request #5501: "Union/Intersect" tools that allows more than 2 input files
- Attached a screenshot that shows how the Arc* GUI is made (to allow select more than 2 input files). I guess that und...
01:44 AM Bug report #6318: "Download from GPS" stops to work after adding a new device in "GPS Device Editor"
- see also #6058
01:42 AM Bug report #6058: GPS Tools freeze QGIS
- This can be somehow related to #6318, an issue that affects Windows and that I still have to check under Linux.
Rega... -
01:42 AM Bug report #6058: GPS Tools freeze QGIS
- This can be somehow related to #6318, an issue that affects Windows and that I still have to check under Linux.
Rega... -
01:42 AM Bug report #6058: GPS Tools freeze QGIS
- This can be somehow related to #6318, an issue that affects Windows and that I still have to check under Linux.
Rega... -
01:42 AM Bug report #6058: GPS Tools freeze QGIS
- This can be somehow related to #6318, an issue that affects Windows and that I still have to check under Linux.
Rega... -
01:28 AM Bug report #6324 (Closed): MS SQL Server doesn't read 3D geometries correectly
01:15 AM Bug report #5811: dbmanager freezes when the schema has a lot of tables
- It is now even worst is using Postgis 2.0
11:02 PM Revision 5eba9848 (qgis): Alphabetaised imports of qgsrasterlayerproperties.cpp
04:00 PM Revision 03374135 (qgis): Update collapsible groupbox with checkbox and styles
01:20 PM Bug report #6323 (Closed): "marker on every vertex" misses vertices
- The image shows rendering with a "marker on every vertex" style of this geometry:...
09:50 AM Revision 09f3bd20 (qgis): doxygen & indentation fixes
- 02:16 AM Revision dbd586b6 (qgis): Fix Mac build
11:19 PM Revision 82c4b4a5 (qgis): - make python tests runnable from build directory again
- - don't change testfiles in test runs
04:30 PM Revision e8a938a0 (qgis): debian packaging update
- 01:52 PM Revision 4a9a9f7d (qgis): Use configpath for customization. Fix #6068
12:47 PM Bug report #6318 (Closed): "Download from GPS" stops to work after adding a new device in "GPS De...
- I was trying to add in "GPS Device Editor" the necessary strings to allow me download the tracks from a usb and bluet...
05:04 AM Bug report #6068 (Closed): User speficied settings not portable with [--configpath] boot option u...
- Fixed in changeset commit:"4a9a9f7dbb97d12f2b29237ec97fb7f93a9f2535".
04:31 AM Revision f1435078 (qgis): Fix for #6315, and keeps centroid calc. for whole feature in adv labeling
01:35 AM Revision 595d2a5f (qgis): Merge branch 'master' of
01:34 AM Revision 09c36934 (qgis): fix QgsCollapsibleGroupBox UI (arrows should render correctly)
01:13 AM Bug report #5911: Language Driver ID in dbf file of new shapefile
- Jef's fix is good at reading shapefiles and creating new shapefiles, so the issue of this ticket has been fixed. Howe...
12:06 AM Revision 2e8d82fd (qgis): Added simple python vector layer test
12:06 AM Revision 85b4a360 (qgis): Added comment about origin of qgis path var
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