Ian Packham


Reported issues: 5


02:45 AM QGIS Application Feature request #6325: Add PAL labelling features for Python access
New issue created: #6378. I don't have permissions to close an issue - yet?
02:38 AM QGIS Application Bug report #6378 (Closed): Label every part of multi-part feature not working for some options in...
Running the dev build (v1.9.0-66) of QGIS, using the PAL labelling tool from the Toolbar on a MultiPolygon layer with...


02:20 AM QGIS Application Feature request #6325: Add PAL labelling features for Python access
The layer I was testing is a MultiPolygon, some of the features have multiple parts, it is a postgres layer an...


09:06 AM QGIS Application Feature request #6325: Add PAL labelling features for Python access
Sorry, I was looking for it, but I missed your missed commit file. Got the build working OK with python-qscintilla.
05:30 AM QGIS Application Feature request #6325: Add PAL labelling features for Python access
That was fast, thank you.
Would this commit be included in the qgis-dev nightly builds of the master (available in t...


03:33 AM QGIS Application Feature request #6325: Add PAL labelling features for Python access
Sorry, I have created this issue under the wrong category - should be under "Labelling". I cannot change the category...
03:23 AM QGIS Application Feature request #6325 (Closed): Add PAL labelling features for Python access
The new PAL Labelling system looks to be superseding the old one (now shown as deprecated under Layer Properties). Co...


04:17 AM QGIS Application Bug report #6074 (Closed): Using QgsDataSourceURI to load a PostGIS table causes error if query r...
I am using the following code to load a vector layer from a PostGIS table:...


03:04 AM QGIS Application Bug report #5629: Unable to import a layer containing multipart and/or 3D geometries
Yes, I get the error message now.
Maybe some documentation or note on the start screen is needed to inform users tha...


09:41 AM QGIS Application Bug report #5630 (Closed): After specifying a Target SRID with drag and drop, QGIS still opens th...
When dropping a .shp file into a PG connection, we can specify a Target SRID. However, after pressing OK, the Coordin...

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