Bug report #6323

"marker on every vertex" misses vertices

Added by Sandro Santilli over 12 years ago. Updated over 11 years ago.

Affected QGIS version:1.8.0 Regression?:No
Operating System: Easy fix?:No
Pull Request or Patch supplied:No Resolution:fixed
Crashes QGIS or corrupts data:No Copied to github as #:15610


The image shows rendering with a "marker on every vertex" style of this geometry:

LINESTRING(1 10,2 1,2 1,3 1,14 1,15 10)


It is clearly missing a vertex on the bottom-left (2 1, I guess).

The point is duplicated, in case it matters.


#1 Updated by Sandro Santilli over 11 years ago

I confirm the bug with 1.8.0-Lisboa.
It's fixed in 1.9.0-alpha as of Aug, 21 2013 (58477fe)
There's no 1.8.1 target to set this to.

#2 Updated by Giovanni Manghi over 11 years ago

  • Resolution set to fixed
  • Status changed from Open to Closed

Sandro Santilli wrote:

I confirm the bug with 1.8.0-Lisboa.
It's fixed in 1.9.0-alpha as of Aug, 21 2013 (58477fe)
There's no 1.8.1 target to set this to.

qgis 2.0 is due at the end of the month and there are no backports.

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