From 2017-12-16 to 2018-01-14
09:23 PM Bug report #17850 (Closed): Grass v.segment from processing toolbox run with wrong parameter name
- Seems that, v.segment is ran with "file" parameter instead proper RULES:
"C:\PROGRA~1\QGIS2~1.18\bin>v.segment inp... -
05:24 PM Bug report #17849 (Closed): Problem building with gdal trunk
- Applied in changeset commit:qgis|abe89b6aa810fceb43e5fff7e84f0ee7e9b4318b.
05:24 PM Bug report #17849 (Closed): Problem building with gdal trunk
- Applied in changeset commit:qgis|abe89b6aa810fceb43e5fff7e84f0ee7e9b4318b.
11:45 AM Bug report #17849 (Closed): Problem building with gdal trunk
- I can't to build 2.18 and master with the latest gdal. It gets stuck here:...
05:08 PM Bug report #17525: subform in automatic generated relation referende widget is not visible in 2.9...
- Hi Gerhard,
I confirm the problem here, with the "Autogenerate" attribute editor layout.
If you go to parent l... -
09:03 AM Bug report #17813: [MacOS] Some action hangs QGIS for long time.
- I just checked what messages QGIS shows when hanging on terminal. It shows these lines:...
06:48 AM Bug report #17813: [MacOS] Some action hangs QGIS for long time.
- I manage to capture error message when I made force quit of hanged QGIS. I attached it to that post.
09:55 PM Feature request #17848 (Closed): Allow to create raster layer programmatically from 2D array
- Since it is possible to create vector layers programmatically via the 'memory' provider, the same should be possible ...
06:15 PM Bug report #17847 (Closed): Processing Raster Calculator - Problem with spaces in layers name
- The new Processing Raster Calculator in QGIS 3 (Raster Analysis -> Raster Calculator) does not put the input layer na...
06:13 PM Bug report #15177: User input dock misbehaving
06:13 PM Bug report #15177: User input dock misbehaving
03:25 PM Feature request #16827 (Closed): Duplicate record function with related features
01:24 PM Bug report #17167: Tables with boolean data types can't be saved
- Hi Andreas,
Are you able to share some demo/data project?
Or ideally Python and/or processing code?
Does it happ... -
11:54 AM Bug report #15068: No rubberband when switching from "Add circular string" (and by radius) to "Ad...
- i can confirm.
qgis 2.18.x and actual master are affected.
QGIS version
QGIS code revision
7... -
11:50 AM Bug report #17643: Circular string does not work
- I can confirm. it creates NULL geometries. i think it depends on the geometrytypewhich is defined in the postgis tabl...
09:17 PM Bug report #17841: option to use live-updating color chooser dialogs is only partially implemente...
- Note that it is not talking about "live updating" on the *map canvas*, which I expected when I first saw the option. ...
12:30 PM Bug report #17841: option to use live-updating color chooser dialogs is only partially implemente...
- I think we should drop that setting - live colour edits are better done through the styling panel and other non- bloc...
08:28 AM Bug report #17841 (Closed): option to use live-updating color chooser dialogs is only partially i...
- e.g.
1. with this option enabled in the settings, style a polygon layer with a "simple fill".
2. click in the symb... -
04:31 PM Bug report #17805 (Closed): QGIS forms cardinality configuration not correctly applied/saved
- Applied in changeset commit:qgis|8eaecd1c2211723655468c34b2c143a5c4c78564.
04:31 PM Bug report #17805 (Closed): QGIS forms cardinality configuration not correctly applied/saved
- Applied in changeset commit:qgis|8eaecd1c2211723655468c34b2c143a5c4c78564.
03:54 PM Bug report #12303: copy/paste style from one vector layer to another of different geometry type
- I tried pasting a point layer style to a polygon layer in 2.18.15 and got an error message "Cannot paste style: Canno...
02:53 PM Bug report #17812 (Closed): 3D View Layer Properties quirk
- Applied in changeset commit:qgis|8074dc4cbf21f4415f61cc819faf0fa54dc7c855.
02:53 PM Bug report #17812 (Closed): 3D View Layer Properties quirk
- Applied in changeset commit:qgis|8074dc4cbf21f4415f61cc819faf0fa54dc7c855.
02:29 PM Bug report #17812: 3D View Layer Properties quirk
02:12 PM Bug report #17846: Polygonize (raster to vector) fails
- Also in Windows10(1709)x64 (QGIS Master build fa2aff18e5) polygonize do not works and came out with the same error log
11:59 AM Bug report #17846: Polygonize (raster to vector) fails
- attaching sample file for raster to vector conversion (binary Geotiff)
11:57 AM Bug report #17846 (Closed): Polygonize (raster to vector) fails
- When running the Menu "Raster" --> "Conversion" --> "Polygonize (raster to vector)" command, which internally uses "g...
02:08 PM Bug report #17845: Setting Raster Transparency using "Add values from display" doesn't work
- In the Layer Styling Panel, the "Add values from display" button in the Transparency Tab works as it should.
01:37 PM Bug report #17845: Setting Raster Transparency using "Add values from display" doesn't work
- I tested it with multiple raster-files (TIF and PNG). One of those files can be downloaded from: https://downloadagiv...
12:48 PM Bug report #17845 (Feedback): Setting Raster Transparency using "Add values from display" doesn't...
- Can you please add step-by-step procedure to reproduce the issue and if possible a minimal project with a small dataset?
11:04 AM Bug report #17845 (Closed): Setting Raster Transparency using "Add values from display" doesn't work
- If I try to set the Transparent Pixels using "Add values from display" it gives no result. If I close the Layer Prope...
12:09 PM Bug report #17670: Profiles do not pick up 'default options', even when shown in Options Dialog (...
- Another additional observation: if you create a new profile, it looks like the global_settings.ini are never read. Be...
10:57 AM Bug report #17844 (Closed): Duplicating Hillshade layer shows wrong style in Layers Panel
- Duplicating a live hillshade layer shows it with a single band gray gradient style in the layers panel, updates corre...
10:57 AM Bug report #15943: Hillshade renderer artifacts
- Example image at about 3:1 scale.
10:52 AM Bug report #15943: Hillshade renderer artifacts
- That's a highly zoomed-in view (much closer than 1:1 scale) of a hillshaded raster with Nearest Neighbor resampling. ...
10:17 AM Bug report #17792 (Closed): no layer are visible in Snapping and Digitizing Options (Advanced con...
- Applied in changeset commit:qgis|9a14e8dfcbea14e6a8c565131c9eae9dfc6e0a05.
10:17 AM Bug report #17792 (Closed): no layer are visible in Snapping and Digitizing Options (Advanced con...
- Applied in changeset commit:qgis|9a14e8dfcbea14e6a8c565131c9eae9dfc6e0a05.
- 09:44 AM Bug report #17839 (Closed): Current master crashes on exit
- Applied in changeset commit:qgis|074db04f27d31aaea4c4e96f9751e9aac98bcd18.
- 09:44 AM Bug report #17839 (Closed): Current master crashes on exit
- Applied in changeset commit:qgis|074db04f27d31aaea4c4e96f9751e9aac98bcd18.
06:20 AM Bug report #17839: Current master crashes on exit
- Relevant PR:
08:55 AM Bug report #17843 (Closed): Can't add QGIS raster calculator in the processing modeller
- When I try to add the QGIS raster calculator in the processing modeller there is a "Python error".
BTW the reason ... -
08:40 AM Feature request #17842 (Closed): Enhancement: make snapping options dialog either openable or dis...
- I like the look of the new snapping toolbar, but a great improvement for new or occasional users would be to either
... -
08:16 AM Bug report #17747 (Closed): QGIS Server doesn't advertise the composer templates in the GetProjec...
- Fixed, latest changes in 90c07ef04536de1bd31624755ad87116a0083082
12:53 AM Bug report #17840 (Closed): Display of symbology on MDB joined table not working properly
- QGIS 2.18.15 on Windows 7. I have a layer linked to a File Geodatabase through ESRI's API, this is joined to two tab...
07:41 PM Bug report #17453: Right-click on QGIS Toolbars no longer shows the drop-down list of panels and ...
- PR filed:
05:27 PM Bug report #17839: Current master crashes on exit
- h2. User Feedback
edit: It seems to crash every time that QGIS is closed.
h2. Report Details
*Crash ID*: 402... -
04:08 PM Bug report #17839 (Closed): Current master crashes on exit
- h2. User Feedback
Changed language from Swedish to Englich then closed QGIS by x in upper right corner.
h2. Rep... -
10:20 AM Bug report #17300: Aggregate functions in Field Calculator in modeller
- changed assignee trying to speedup review or merge of proposed PR
09:19 AM Bug report #17811: QGIS startup hangs
- My new AV scanner is part of the problem. When I turn it off QGIS starts normally, plugins and all. My new AV softwar...
09:07 AM Feature request #17838 (Rejected): Add Orfeo ToolBox (OTB) plugins support for version > 5.8.0
- Currently, QGIS supports OTB plugins for versions 5.0.0, 5.4.0, 5.6.0 and 5.8.0.
Latest version 6.2.0 is not suppor...
12:37 AM Feature request #4236: Add ability to (over)write CRS for an existing raster file e.g. to geotif ...
- Incidentally, @gdal_edit -ro -a_srs ...@ doesn't do anything for a tiff, and if the tiff file is read-only @ gdal_edi...
12:30 AM Feature request #4236: Add ability to (over)write CRS for an existing raster file e.g. to geotif ...
- Alister Hood wrote:
> But there may be files that don't require -ro, and in those cases I guess it would be best n... -
12:28 AM Feature request #4236: Add ability to (over)write CRS for an existing raster file e.g. to geotif ...
- Alister Hood wrote:
> So I guess it would be better to provide an option to "Save CRS with layer"
To be clear, I ... -
03:47 AM Feature request #4236: Add ability to (over)write CRS for an existing raster file e.g. to geotif ...
- Also see #5005 and #4100
03:46 AM Feature request #4236: Add ability to (over)write CRS for an existing raster file e.g. to geotif ...
- Alister Hood wrote:
> It would be good if QGIS could create .aux.xml files containing CRS information, *probably a... -
03:36 AM Feature request #4236: Add ability to (over)write CRS for an existing raster file e.g. to geotif ...
- Miroslav Umlauf wrote:
> And it shouldn't be that hard.
Correct - e.g. you can write the CRS information like thi... -
10:07 PM Bug report #17673: QGIS crash on close when Spatial Bookmarks panel is showing as a floating window
- PR filed:
I have tested the changes in 2.18 from having no bookmarks to exp... -
10:04 PM Bug report #17642 (Open): Grass cannot be used in QGIS 2.18.14 LTR on Windows 64bit
- Grass cannot be run in QGIS 2.18.
Recently I tried the same on Mac OSX running 2.18.13, which fialed due to "wrong... -
10:04 PM Bug report #17642 (Open): Grass cannot be used in QGIS 2.18.14 LTR on Windows 64bit
- Grass cannot be run in QGIS 2.18.
Recently I tried the same on Mac OSX running 2.18.13, which fialed due to "wrong... -
07:22 PM Bug report #17833 (Closed): TypeError: QgsCoordinateTransform(): arguments did not match any over...
- The signature of this method changed recently. Check the API breaks doc for info.
07:22 PM Bug report #17833 (Closed): TypeError: QgsCoordinateTransform(): arguments did not match any over...
- The signature of this method changed recently. Check the API breaks doc for info.
01:03 PM Bug report #17833 (Closed): TypeError: QgsCoordinateTransform(): arguments did not match any over...
- When doing the following commands in the console, my collegue gets the error message below. On my PC, this doesn't ha...
05:18 PM Bug report #17670: Profiles do not pick up 'default options', even when shown in Options Dialog (...
The issue with XYZ defaults (that are actually in the global_settings.ini that we ship) is that at the time the glo...-
05:02 PM Bug report #17670: Profiles do not pick up 'default options', even when shown in Options Dialog (...
- Ok, some additional info:
There IS already an qgis_global_settings.ini file... -
01:13 PM Bug report #17670: Profiles do not pick up 'default options', even when shown in Options Dialog (...
- As Nathan mentioned, global_settings is meant to provide defaults and IMHO it is the way to go, we should move defaul...
12:53 PM Bug report #17670: Profiles do not pick up 'default options', even when shown in Options Dialog (...
- To test:
- remove ~/.share/local/QGIS
- start QGIS
- choose 'I want a clean start. Don't import my QGIS 2 settings... -
04:15 PM Bug report #17822: Wrong labels in grids of the designer (CRS changed)
- For sure. I attach you a project with a WGS 84 CRS for the whole project and a layout with the output CRS changed to ...
02:34 PM Bug report #17837 (Closed): AttributeError: 'BatchInputSelectionPanel' object has no attribute 'g...
- When trying to polygonize a raster layer (Raster ‣ Conversion ‣ Polygonize (Raster to Vector)) and starting it as a b...
01:55 PM Bug report #17836 (Feedback): scale changing even when freezes
- If you freeze the scale of the canevas, when you raise the width of the layer panel, scale is changing.
Is it a norm... -
01:52 PM Feature request #17829 (In Progress): [Layer Styling Panel] Unable to identify the current style ...
- Hi Harrissou,
We have a PR in the hoven with Matthias, for adding the style name in the title bar :
https... -
01:52 PM Feature request #17829 (In Progress): [Layer Styling Panel] Unable to identify the current style ...
- Hi Harrissou,
We have a PR in the hoven with Matthias, for adding the style name in the title bar :
https... -
01:52 PM Feature request #17829 (In Progress): [Layer Styling Panel] Unable to identify the current style ...
- Hi Harrissou,
We have a PR in the hoven with Matthias, for adding the style name in the title bar :
https... -
01:52 PM Feature request #17829 (In Progress): [Layer Styling Panel] Unable to identify the current style ...
- Hi Harrissou,
We have a PR in the hoven with Matthias, for adding the style name in the title bar :
https... -
01:47 PM Feature request #17818: QGIS 3.0-labels and styles, keep coordinates in style as well.
- @be to have a way to propagate some settings to all the other available styles?@
mmh I would answer no.
As far as... -
01:18 PM Bug report #17835 (Closed): Error in scrolling table in DB Manager in QGIS 2.99
- When scrolling down a Postgis table in DB Manager after 200 rows the scrolling slows down and stops. Error found :
... -
12:35 PM Bug report #17832: Vector Layer Properties Dialog making QGIS hang
- Works fine for me here:
- latest master (Debian, self compile)
- create a project, with both rasters, shp etc ini... -
06:11 AM Bug report #17832 (Closed): Vector Layer Properties Dialog making QGIS hang
- Open a project and then right-click and try to open the properties dialog of the vector layer (shape file) and QGIS h...
03:48 AM Feature request #5005: Display layer's native CRS, and provide the ability to remove any override
- Also see #4236
03:48 AM Bug report #4100: Text for two CRS dialogues is wrong (swapped)
- Also see #4236 and #5005
01:52 AM Bug report #17386 (Closed): Authentication manager behaves weird
11:43 PM Bug report #17824 (Reopened): Absolute paths still being used in Qgis 2.18 (Previously #16242)
05:20 PM Bug report #17824 (Rejected): Absolute paths still being used in Qgis 2.18 (Previously #16242)
- Did you try to move the project source tree to a different path?
AFAIK (and I've tested it) everything works as ex... -
05:20 PM Bug report #17824 (Rejected): Absolute paths still being used in Qgis 2.18 (Previously #16242)
- Did you try to move the project source tree to a different path?
AFAIK (and I've tested it) everything works as ex... -
04:40 PM Bug report #17824: Absolute paths still being used in Qgis 2.18 (Previously #16242)
- I think a step-by-step procedure might involve the following:
1. In an older QGIS version, e.g. 2.14, create a new... -
04:01 PM Bug report #17824: Absolute paths still being used in Qgis 2.18 (Previously #16242)
- Looking ... but a step-by-step procedure to reproduce from a blank project would be helpful: a project file that show...
12:49 PM Bug report #17824: Absolute paths still being used in Qgis 2.18 (Previously #16242)
- I just tried 'save as' to a different file name in the same folder for an existing large file with no absolute paths....
11:58 AM Bug report #17824 (Closed): Absolute paths still being used in Qgis 2.18 (Previously #16242)
- This problem was previously raised as #16242, and was declare to be resolved some months ago.
I have investigated fo... -
11:42 PM Bug report #17831 (Rejected): Reopen #17824
- Right - please stop filing bogus tickets.
11:42 PM Bug report #17831 (Rejected): Reopen #17824
- Right - please stop filing bogus tickets.
11:42 PM Bug report #17831 (Rejected): Reopen #17824
- Right - please stop filing bogus tickets.
11:07 PM Bug report #17831 (Rejected): Reopen #17824
- If I can't reopen the previous bug as a follow up because you have removed the ability to reopen a bug and rushed to ...
10:04 PM Bug report #17830 (Rejected): Qgis 2.18.15 absolute paths in file
- Not a bug report.
09:49 PM Bug report #17830 (Rejected): Qgis 2.18.15 absolute paths in file
- #17824
I don't have a test system I can copy 300 GB of data onto. Not a reasonable request. -
08:43 PM Bug report #17811: QGIS startup hangs
- Edited description:
Until recently I was running QGIS 2.18.0 with no issues. Upgraded to 2.18.15. Encountered proble... -
07:43 PM Feature request #17829 (In Progress): [Layer Styling Panel] Unable to identify the current style ...
- If you have a layer with at least two styles created, in the layer styling panel, Style Manager (?) tab, there's no w...
05:56 PM Bug report #17828 (Closed): Align Rasters tool does not respect NODATA value.
- If Align Rasters is used on rasters that have a NODATA value set, it does not respect this but treats this as a real ...
05:54 PM Feature request #17827 (Open): Add QGIS User Profile as an Expression Variable
- The user_account_name and user_full_name are pulled from global variables unless overridden by the project variables ...
04:21 PM Feature request #17826 (Open): [Vector Save As...] Missing icon for GeometryCollection type
- In the Vector save as dialog, Geometry frame, all geometry types have an icon associated except GeometryCollection.
... -
03:21 PM Bug report #17825 (Rejected): File browser broken with gtk backend
It worked fine in 2.x, and seems broken in 3.x, dunno if that's more a qt4 vs qt5 issue, but when i open the file b...-
01:01 PM Feature request #17219: Better description of bands
- Misinterpretation of EPSG code confirmed with other GRIBs from other sources.
12:12 PM Bug report #17116: QGIS master saves always with absolute paths
- Thanks. I see you already have done this in #17824
11:46 AM Bug report #17116: QGIS master saves always with absolute paths
- Please file a new bug report as this report is closed
11:43 AM Bug report #17116: QGIS master saves always with absolute paths
- The bug report for Qgis 2.18 saves with absolute paths is at #16242
please direct your comments to that bug report. -
11:18 AM Bug report #17116: QGIS master saves always with absolute paths
- Can we re-open this please. Relative paths are not working in 2.18.15, as already reported above by magerlin.
12:06 PM Feature request #17818: QGIS 3.0-labels and styles, keep coordinates in style as well.
- Hi, a style is a big bloc of xml settings, sharing parts of it only between styles cans be tricky..
What you ask wo... -
11:32 AM Feature request #17818: QGIS 3.0-labels and styles, keep coordinates in style as well.
- Indeed the idea was to be able to store per style font, size, color, ...and X,Y labels.
For now the only way is to c... -
10:54 AM Feature request #17818: QGIS 3.0-labels and styles, keep coordinates in style as well.
- > I hope it is clearer.
It looks clear to me. And I'd say it's not only about coordinates; it can be about font, s... -
09:53 AM Feature request #17818: QGIS 3.0-labels and styles, keep coordinates in style as well.
- Yes I was talking about auxiliary_storage_labeling. So I try to be more specific :
For a layer and for style1, label... -
11:58 AM Bug report #16242: QGIS 2.18.4 saves always with absolute paths
- See also #17824
10:30 AM Bug report #17535: Postgresql: empty SAVEPOINTS
- transaction abort on syntax error in PostgreSQL seems to be the normal behavior. If we want to avoid that, the idea ...
10:24 AM Bug report #17535: Postgresql: empty SAVEPOINTS
- related to #17175
09:02 AM Bug report #17535: Postgresql: empty SAVEPOINTS
- Matthias, thanks for the update, but there is something I don't get: why should a syntax error abort the transaction ...
06:49 AM Bug report #17792: no layer are visible in Snapping and Digitizing Options (Advanced configuration)
- I can confirm this on my linux workstations.
Upon project load, the snapping advanced configuration layer tree is... -
06:49 AM Bug report #17792: no layer are visible in Snapping and Digitizing Options (Advanced configuration)
- I can confirm this on my linux workstations.
Upon project load, the snapping advanced configuration layer tree is... -
06:49 AM Bug report #17792: no layer are visible in Snapping and Digitizing Options (Advanced configuration)
- I can confirm this on my linux workstations.
Upon project load, the snapping advanced configuration layer tree is... -
03:06 AM Bug report #17822 (Feedback): Wrong labels in grids of the designer (CRS changed)
- Can you attach a project which demonstrates this?
01:04 AM Bug report #17822 (Closed): Wrong labels in grids of the designer (CRS changed)
- I found this bug working with a project based on a WGS84 CRS. When I started the designer and put a grid with a WGS84...
10:00 PM Bug report #17821 (Closed): batchmode for gdal/translate do not work with actual master 2.99
@AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'setText'
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "C:/OSGE...-
08:51 PM Bug report #17785: Virtual layers (nested), all layers disappear from project file (.qgs) when th...
- Thanks, I'll look into your suggested workaround in the meantime.
Jakob Lanstorp wrote:
> I can con... -
06:19 PM Bug report #17819: Label unsizable at batch processes
- QGIS 2.16 does no longer receive fixes so you should upgrade to 2.18 if you want to use a release that is maintained....
05:42 PM Bug report #17819: Label unsizable at batch processes
- Luis Olivares wrote:
> When one opens the 'Execute as batch process' window the title labels of all the columns are ... -
05:07 PM Bug report #17819 (Closed): Label unsizable at batch processes
- When one opens the 'Execute as batch process' window the title labels of all the columns are fixed and it is impossib...
06:06 PM Bug report #17820 (Rejected): [Processing] Union algorithm does not pick attributes from the othe...
- From the processing toolbox use the union algorithm on two layers
Check the attributes of the resulting layer: it sh... -
06:05 PM Bug report #17535: Postgresql: empty SAVEPOINTS
- It looks like what happens is the following
* A transaction is created
* At some point a command fails (in the ex... -
05:06 PM Bug report #17788 (Closed): QGIS 2.99 - crash when applying extrusion symbology to 3d view
- Closing as a duplicate as the symptoms and backtrace are the same as in #17315
05:06 PM Bug report #17788 (Closed): QGIS 2.99 - crash when applying extrusion symbology to 3d view
- Closing as a duplicate as the symptoms and backtrace are the same as in #17315
04:55 PM Feature request #17818: QGIS 3.0-labels and styles, keep coordinates in style as well.
- Not sure I fully understand but did you give a look to auxiliary storage data (see
04:22 PM Feature request #17818 (Open): QGIS 3.0-labels and styles, keep coordinates in style as well.
- Now moving labels easily in a shapefile is a great thing!
It would be amazing that a layer style saves the label st... -
12:33 PM Bug report #17813: [MacOS] Some action hangs QGIS for long time.
- Today I confirmed that problem is with new version of QGIS master. Older version (2017-12-08) installed with Macports...
12:22 PM Bug report #17817 (Closed): WFS vs WMS (OGR?) data types
- (talking about 2.18 here)
WFS and WMS of the same service seem to create different attribute
Going... -
11:15 AM Bug report #17594 (Closed): Temporary scratch layer dialogue should also list curve geometry type...
- Is now implemented - thanks to Harissou!
11:15 AM Bug report #17594 (Closed): Temporary scratch layer dialogue should also list curve geometry type...
- Is now implemented - thanks to Harissou!
11:03 AM Bug report #17804: [Layouts] Guides information panel only checks first page of the layout
- Ok, I _try moving the view to another page_.
Found out that when moving from page to page, the Guides panel label in... -
09:48 AM Feature request #17816 (Feedback): Conditional formatting is not displayed in an Attribute Table ...
- If we set a conditional formatting on a vector layer, we can't display it in a Layout.
It would be nice to have a ch... -
09:17 AM Bug report #17789 (Closed): 3D windows not rendering negative z-values of geometry
- Yes lets close it. Thanks for clarification. For the record: Issue changed to bug in Postgres provider (#17814)
05:41 AM Bug report #17794 (Closed): Customization for 2.99 is still stored in the old QSettings location
- Applied in changeset commit:qgis|8dfb17d5d5f1af043d9c90903ddd1b2f9ef3dfb4.
05:41 AM Bug report #17794 (Closed): Customization for 2.99 is still stored in the old QSettings location
- Applied in changeset commit:qgis|8dfb17d5d5f1af043d9c90903ddd1b2f9ef3dfb4.
05:22 AM Bug report #17815 (Closed): GRASS plugin tries to set method for twice, causing failure
- I tried to use from the grass plugin, and it failed to run because it was trying to set the "interpolation m...
03:03 AM Bug report #17814: Postgres provider retrieves 4D geometries as 2D
- I'm with Nyall, we should drop the force 2D stuff. We've spent quite a lot of effort adding and/or exoosing proper Z/...
10:51 PM Bug report #17814: Postgres provider retrieves 4D geometries as 2D
- I think the force 2d should be dropped - it's inclusion predated the new geometry engine and now it's definitely a bug.
09:56 PM Bug report #17814 (Closed): Postgres provider retrieves 4D geometries as 2D
- For some reason PostgreSQL provider retrieves 4-dimensional geometries (e.g. POINT ZM) as 2D geometries: the Z and M ...
10:14 PM Bug report #17789: 3D windows not rendering negative z-values of geometry
- > Is the terrain's texture not just another 3D geometry that you should be able to pan through?
That's correct. Th... -
11:53 AM Bug report #17555: Problem with GRASS in Processing plugin
- Hello,
I don't have a Mac to test... Perhaps this is the GRASS detection code that doesn't do the right thing.
11:13 PM Feature request #4019: patch for Python Console enhancement - dock window or top-level window, wi...
- I will see about creating a new patch or pull request for QGIS3/Qt5.
08:21 PM Bug report #17784: Deleting label text deletes the whole label
- Hi sorry - gotta get used to the new terminology - I have the problem in layouts.
I tested in 2.18 and don't have ... -
11:57 AM Bug report #17795: Unable to edit filtered Shapefile Layer after reloading project
- Backporting now to 2.18
- 11:56 AM Bug report #17795 (Closed): Unable to edit filtered Shapefile Layer after reloading project
- Applied in changeset commit:qgis|9c8533455fe8bfb544734e860bac1237c548bed8.
- 11:56 AM Bug report #17795 (Closed): Unable to edit filtered Shapefile Layer after reloading project
- Applied in changeset commit:qgis|9c8533455fe8bfb544734e860bac1237c548bed8.
10:18 AM Bug report #17809 (Open): Rendering performance issues
10:18 AM Bug report #17809: Rendering performance issues
- I have both QGIS master and 2.18 compiled from source with pretty much the same settings (apart from qt and python).
... -
07:42 AM Bug report #17809: Rendering performance issues
- I strongly suspect it's comparison between a debug enabled build (such as the osgeo4w ones) and a release build.
03:18 AM Bug report #17809: Rendering performance issues
- I haven't done such test myself, but if it's not a debug-specific issue, it might have to do with QGIS 3.0 properly a...
09:37 AM Bug report #17813 (Closed): [MacOS] Some action hangs QGIS for long time.
- I install fresh master build today and there is new problem with performance of QGIS. Some actions like zooming, dele...
09:32 AM Bug report #17771: Crash during editing layer properties on MacOS
- In fresh build it's not crashing any more but now it just hangs for forever.
09:30 AM Bug report #17770: Crash during editing layout in Print Composer
- I just want to informant that in today's fresh build the problem is still the same and it applies to both, print comp...
09:28 AM Bug report #17812 (Closed): 3D View Layer Properties quirk
- The Layer properties tab of 3D view shows a chopped label 'Sorry this layer', see screendump.
To reproduce:
- loa... -
09:27 AM Bug report #17811 (Closed): QGIS startup hangs
- Until recently I was running QGIS 2.18.0 with no issues. Upgraded to 2.18.15. Encountered problem with loading/runnin...
09:25 AM Bug report #17772: Very slow editing
- I can confirm that slow editing is fixed. However, there is even more annoying slow down during different actions but...
03:15 AM Bug report #17663 (Closed): QGIS 2.99 crash while using "search box" in qgis options dialog
11:50 PM Feature request #17810 (Open): easy possibility to make non-geometry table to geometry layer (in ...
- Put the case that i have this kind of delimited text layer file:
SS,OP20,FP21,AR120.00000,ZE90.00000,SD10.0000,--0... -
09:14 PM Bug report #17803: Snapping Tool
- I can't disagree with you there. Currently the foot side of the world is causing all sorts of angst with the rest of ...
09:10 PM Bug report #17803: Snapping Tool
- Ehh.... The "foot" side of the world causes the rest of the world too much angst at the moment too. It's about time w...
02:58 PM Bug report #17803 (Feedback): Snapping Tool
- This may not be a bug but I thought I'd report it. If I add a layer for digitizing I have two choices for snapping un...
09:09 PM Bug report #17804 (Feedback): [Layouts] Guides information panel only checks first page of the la...
- The guide editor shows the guides on the current page - try moving the view to another page and you'll see the listed...
03:57 PM Bug report #17804 (Open): [Layouts] Guides information panel only checks first page of the layout
- Add pages to a layout
Create guides on any of the pages
Check the Guides panel: it shows a "Guides for page 1" labe... -
09:07 PM Bug report #17809 (Feedback): Rendering performance issues
- Are you running a debug enabled build?
07:06 PM Bug report #17809 (Closed): Rendering performance issues
- I have done some tests rendering a single Shapefile using QGIS 2.18 and master. Rendering time in the master is signi...
06:51 PM Bug report #17663: QGIS 2.99 crash while using "search box" in qgis options dialog
- hi mathieu,
crash is gone!
05:32 PM Bug report #17806: [Digitizing] Selected vertices in the map canvas are not shown in the Node edi...
- The selection from node editor also is different from the the node tool (shown with different symbols). See also #17752
04:48 PM Bug report #17806 (Closed): [Digitizing] Selected vertices in the map canvas are not shown in the...
- Select vertices of a feature, right-click select the node editor
In the new panel, no selection is shown.
The old v... -
04:52 PM Bug report #17808 (Closed): [Vertex editor] Hitting DEL when no vertex is selected in the Vertex ...
- h2. User Feedback
I selected some vertices in the map canvas then opened the node editor
I remark that no vertex ... -
04:48 PM Bug report #17807 (Closed): [Digitizing] Node Editor or Vertex Editor
- Right-clicking a vertex in the map canvas offers to open the Node Editor but the dialog that is opened is named Verte...
04:48 PM Bug report #17805 (Closed): QGIS forms cardinality configuration not correctly applied/saved
- In the "Layer Properties" --> "Attributes Form" tab there is a list of relations (see screenshot attached).
When o... -
03:55 PM Bug report #17795: Unable to edit filtered Shapefile Layer after reloading project
- Just to be clear: editing on a filtered layer won't be possible because of the way OGR provider construct a filtered ...
03:49 PM Bug report #17795: Unable to edit filtered Shapefile Layer after reloading project
03:03 PM Bug report #17795 (In Progress): Unable to edit filtered Shapefile Layer after reloading project
11:08 AM Bug report #17795: Unable to edit filtered Shapefile Layer after reloading project
- Failing test:
10:50 AM Bug report #17795: Unable to edit filtered Shapefile Layer after reloading project
- Also affects master
10:43 AM Bug report #17795 (Closed): Unable to edit filtered Shapefile Layer after reloading project
- This seems to be a new bug in 2.18.15 an not really related to #17507
You can't edit a shapefile anymore while a fil... -
02:36 PM Bug report #17792: no layer are visible in Snapping and Digitizing Options (Advanced configuration)
- Just checked and in the latest Ubuntu Master (d69f932) Advanced configuration doesn't appear when clicked. Everything...
10:16 AM Bug report #17792: no layer are visible in Snapping and Digitizing Options (Advanced configuration)
- I'm a bit short of time right now
02:35 PM Bug report #17802 (Closed): Rule-based labeling maximum scale self-updated
- When editing rule `Maximum scale` updating to 1:100,000 each time.
01:08 PM Bug report #17801 (Closed): [Layouts] Unable to move the layout dialog in the background when cli...
- Create a layout
When it's open, click in the main window of QGIS. That window gets the focus and you can see that th... -
12:54 PM Bug report #17800 (Feedback): [symbol button] No color picker entry in the widget
- In a layout, right click on a page and select "Page properties..."
Expand the background symbol widget (nota: I firs... -
12:49 PM Bug report #17790 (Closed): NULL constraint not respected on date time edit with todays date
- Applied in changeset commit:qgis|d8cc285fd2805a0bd43c6ef5e2c9ab9ed8086a3c.
12:49 PM Bug report #17790 (Closed): NULL constraint not respected on date time edit with todays date
- Applied in changeset commit:qgis|d8cc285fd2805a0bd43c6ef5e2c9ab9ed8086a3c.
12:40 PM Bug report #17799 (Feedback): [Layout] Background color from page properties should not be applie...
- Create a multi page layout with different size of pages
Right click on one page and select "Page properties..."
Set... -
12:32 PM Feature request #17798 (Open): [Layouts] Page number in the page "item" properties
- Create a multi page layout with different size of pages
Right click on one page and select "Page properties..."
It ... -
12:26 PM Bug report #17797 (Feedback): [Layouts] Rename "Add item" and "Items" menus
- It looks weird to me to have a main menu in the Layout dialog named "Add item". Actually, it's what is under the "Ite...
12:03 PM Bug report #17779: Customization: no way to hide the Locator widget
- Hi Nyall, as you wrote the locator, hopefully it's something trivial for you. Otherwise feel free to reassign it to m...
11:56 AM Bug report #17779: Customization: no way to hide the Locator widget
- I have more details. If I set the objectName in qgisapp.cpp:...
11:44 AM Bug report #17796 (Closed): Import predefined scales bug
- When importing predefined scales first it tries to save scales and second window actually importing.
Qgis 2.99.0-M... -
11:41 AM Bug report #17411 (Closed): New version of plugins from 3rd party repo does not appear
- Thanks Borys. It was indeed due to Cache-Control:max-age on our server. We will change that.
10:57 AM Bug report #17785: Virtual layers (nested), all layers disappear from project file (.qgs) when th...
- I can confirm this issue in QGIS 2.18.15. There should be an automatically or cascading update on virtual layers depe...
10:02 AM Feature request #17769: add feature to open and read spreadsheets as layers!
- But you can open them directly in QGIS either by Add vector layer button or by drag and drop. Virtual layers SQL are ...
09:55 AM Bug report #17789: 3D windows not rendering negative z-values of geometry
- Is the terrain's texture not just another 3D geometry that you should be able to pan through? Negative z-values is im...
03:12 AM Bug report #17610 (Closed): Frozen on Coordinate System Window
03:10 AM Bug report #17711 (Closed): Crash when project properties open
03:08 AM Bug report #17662 (Closed): QGIS 2.99 crashes on 17.10 with CRS Gui
02:23 AM Bug report #17589 (Closed): Attempting to set default CRS on master crashes QGIS
- Sounds like the original issue is fixed.
02:23 AM Bug report #17589 (Closed): Attempting to set default CRS on master crashes QGIS
- Sounds like the original issue is fixed.
02:22 AM Bug report #17772 (Closed): Very slow editing
- Should be fixed in latest master - was caused by missing transform context for snapping/tracing operations, which res...
02:21 AM Bug report #17338 (Feedback): sip nested class linker error QgsVectorLayerUtils::QgsDuplicateFeat...
- I suspect this is already fixed - it looked like the original commit was missing a CORE_EXPORT, but a follow up added...
01:33 AM Bug report #17784: Deleting label text deletes the whole label
- To confirm - you see this with composer too? What about in 2.x?
12:20 AM Bug report #17687 (Closed): 3D causes crash when restoring project with docked 3d window
- Applied in changeset commit:qgis|c9dba998adfccb509ff972450f17db9bcd42f0bd.
12:20 AM Bug report #17687 (Closed): 3D causes crash when restoring project with docked 3d window
- Applied in changeset commit:qgis|c9dba998adfccb509ff972450f17db9bcd42f0bd.
12:13 AM Bug report #17794 (Closed): Customization for 2.99 is still stored in the old QSettings location
- Customization settings of 2.99 are still stored in the old location (e.g. ~/.config/QGIS/QGISCUSTOMIZATION2.conf in L...
12:10 AM Bug report #17772: Very slow editing
- hi Michal,
i have no problems with editing performance.
i would turn off snapping for all layers an then test the... -
12:09 AM Bug report #17793 (Feedback): Exporting SLD : "ELSE" rule doesn't export, making the style unusable
- Hi !
The "ELSE" rule in rule based symbology is extremely useful. But when exporting to SLD, the rule gets transfo... -
11:49 PM Bug report #17792 (Closed): no layer are visible in Snapping and Digitizing Options (Advanced con...
- no layer are visible in Snapping and Digitizing Options window (Advanced configuration) after qgis projectstart
if i... -
11:23 PM Bug report #17589: Attempting to set default CRS on master crashes QGIS
- Doesn't sem to crash on the original VM
On the Buster system I have it doesn't crash, but doesn't seem to be able to... -
01:28 PM Bug report #17589: Attempting to set default CRS on master crashes QGIS
- The latest version available on Buster is 6508543, does that version include the fix? as it still crashes.
04:57 AM Bug report #17589 (Feedback): Attempting to set default CRS on master crashes QGIS
- Patrick, a fix was committed to master yesterday which hopefully has dealt with this crash. Can you confirm the crash...
11:19 PM Bug report #17791 (Closed): libqscintilla2-qt5-13 not available on Buster for 2.99.0+git20180104+...
- was found in Debian unstable (instead of testing) and required a few other packages manual install. This will happen ...
11:19 PM Bug report #17791 (Closed): libqscintilla2-qt5-13 not available on Buster for 2.99.0+git20180104+...
- was found in Debian unstable (instead of testing) and required a few other packages manual install. This will happen ...
07:25 PM Bug report #17791 (Closed): libqscintilla2-qt5-13 not available on Buster for 2.99.0+git20180104+...
- The above package cannot be installed on buster because it is not available either from the qgis repositories or the ...
11:17 PM Bug report #17507: Unable to edit filtered GeoPackage layer
- I had a look to the code and this is actually a different bug from the one I fixed for GPKG (that it's still fixed an...
02:36 PM Bug report #17507: Unable to edit filtered GeoPackage layer
- Directed from the mailing list to this ticket:
I think the bug (or nearly the same) isn't fixed. Attached the shape... -
02:36 PM Bug report #17507: Unable to edit filtered GeoPackage layer
- Directed from the mailing list to this ticket:
I think the bug (or nearly the same) isn't fixed. Attached the shape... -
02:36 PM Bug report #17507: Unable to edit filtered GeoPackage layer
- Directed from the mailing list to this ticket:
I think the bug (or nearly the same) isn't fixed. Attached the shape... -
02:36 PM Bug report #17507: Unable to edit filtered GeoPackage layer
- Directed from the mailing list to this ticket:
I think the bug (or nearly the same) isn't fixed. Attached the shape... -
02:36 PM Bug report #17507: Unable to edit filtered GeoPackage layer
- Directed from the mailing list to this ticket:
I think the bug (or nearly the same) isn't fixed. Attached the shape... -
10:13 PM Feature request #4019: patch for Python Console enhancement - dock window or top-level window, wi...
- Ooops, it seems none of us Python-interested devs ever found this precious patch :(
Would it be possible to prepar... -
10:13 PM Feature request #4019: patch for Python Console enhancement - dock window or top-level window, wi...
- Ooops, it seems none of us Python-interested devs ever found this precious patch :(
Would it be possible to prepar... -
09:50 PM Bug report #17368: Cannot delete a value in a field of type "External resource"
- would be a feature rather than a fix. Anyway, it's easily doable in qgis 3 only as QLabbel::addAction is Qt 5.2+
Y... -
09:49 PM Bug report #17368 (Open): Cannot delete a value in a field of type "External resource"
- one would need to use QLabel::addAction to clear the value.
09:47 PM Bug report #17338: sip nested class linker error QgsVectorLayerUtils::QgsDuplicateFeatureContext
- can you describe how to reproduce the error?
09:45 PM Bug report #13577 (Closed): Impossible to choose current date in form with date widget
- fixed
07:48 PM Bug report #16628: Count Unique Points in Polygons seems to fail inside a loop (PyQGIS)
- I'm updating the category. Unfortunately I have no idea how to assign it to you. Giovanni, are you around?
07:26 PM Bug report #17662: QGIS 2.99 crashes on 17.10 with CRS Gui
- So far so good - updated this morning and no crashing and I can adjust the projections. I'm still working with it but...
04:55 AM Bug report #17662: QGIS 2.99 crashes on 17.10 with CRS Gui
- Randal, a fix was committed to master yesterday which hopefully has dealt with this crash. Can you confirm the crash ...
07:25 PM Bug report #17411: New version of plugins from 3rd party repo does not appear
- Hi Saber,
I believe QGIS only uses the cache if the http response header contains @Cache-Control:max-age=NNNNNN@. ... -
07:10 PM Bug report #17789: 3D windows not rendering negative z-values of geometry
- This is expected: by default the 3D view also renders "flat" terrain at zero elevation with map image as the terrain'...
03:54 PM Bug report #17789 (Closed): 3D windows not rendering negative z-values of geometry
- Adding a 3D-multipoint through the DB Manager hooked to PostGIS, does not render the points with negative z-values.
... -
05:48 PM Bug report #17790: NULL constraint not respected on date time edit with todays date
- Actually it's not about the today date. It's always when switching from NULL to any other date, the constraint is not...
03:59 PM Bug report #17790 (Closed): NULL constraint not respected on date time edit with todays date
- 1. Create a date time edit widget for a field
2. Set a NOT NULL constraint
3. Create a new feature
4. Change the d... -
04:19 PM Bug report #17610: Frozen on Coordinate System Window
- Mathieu Pellerin - nIRV wrote:
> Tomasz, a fix was committed to master yesterday which hopefully has dealt with this... -
11:54 AM Bug report #17610: Frozen on Coordinate System Window
- I've checked in debian-nightly repository of QGIS. For Ubuntu Zesty there's fresh packages set (04.01.2018), for Artf...
09:21 AM Bug report #17610: Frozen on Coordinate System Window
- Tomasz, indeed, that revision does not include the fix yet.
09:10 AM Bug report #17610: Frozen on Coordinate System Window
- QGIS revision 6508543
Problem still exists. I'll wait till tommorow and try with next nightly build.
Thanks for y... -
04:56 AM Bug report #17610 (Feedback): Frozen on Coordinate System Window
- Tomasz, a fix was committed to master yesterday which hopefully has dealt with this crash. Can you confirm the crash ...
03:36 PM Bug report #17788 (Closed): QGIS 2.99 - crash when applying extrusion symbology to 3d view
- Trying to get a 3d view with the new dev version.
In the layer properties of a polygonal shapefile, I enter the 3d M... -
02:55 PM Bug report #17787 (Feedback): PostGIS layer never stops rendering
- Loading a PostGIS layer to OSGEO QGIS Master (2.99.0-255) never stops rendering. The layer redraws is self in enterni...
02:29 PM Bug report #17786 (Closed): Georreferencer GDAL
- GDAL reoreferencer is not responding when clicking on it.
On starting QGIS a warning error appears, but seems to ref... -
01:44 PM Bug report #17785 (Closed): Virtual layers (nested), all layers disappear from project file (.qgs...
- When using nested virtual all layers disappear from project file (.qgs) when the project is saved, if not the individ...
09:28 AM Bug report #17784 (Closed): Deleting label text deletes the whole label
- On MacOS if I create a composer label and then try to highlight the default text in the item properties (not the expr...
09:24 AM Bug report #17783 (Closed): Focus always returns to main window after using the new font widget /...
- On macOS whenever I use the new font dialog (e.g. in composer), the focus returns to the main QGIS window instead of ...
04:55 AM Bug report #17663: QGIS 2.99 crash while using "search box" in qgis options dialog
- Jan, a fix was committed to master yesterday which hopefully has dealt with this crash. Can you confirm the crash you...
04:54 AM Bug report #17711 (Feedback): Crash when project properties open
- Patrick, a fix was committed to master yesterday which hopefully has dealt with this crash. Can you confirm the crash...
03:09 AM Bug report #16657 (Closed): date edit widget only shows current date whatever the real data is un...
02:27 AM Bug report #16657: date edit widget only shows current date whatever the real data is underneath
- fixed in master and 2.18
02:27 AM Bug report #17678 (Closed): QgsVectorLayer::updateFeature fails when currentFeature.hasGeometry()...
- Applied in changeset commit:qgis|71cdb8cf8e99b249a310cfb359c79d82baccb008.
02:27 AM Bug report #17678 (Closed): QgsVectorLayer::updateFeature fails when currentFeature.hasGeometry()...
- Applied in changeset commit:qgis|71cdb8cf8e99b249a310cfb359c79d82baccb008.
01:47 AM Bug report #17781 (Closed): QgsCoordinateReferenceSystem.fromProj4() does not create user-generat...
- Just need to tweak your code a bit:
crs = QgsCoordinateReferenceSystem.fromProj4('+proj=lcc +lat_1=49 +lat_2=44 +l... -
01:47 AM Bug report #17781 (Closed): QgsCoordinateReferenceSystem.fromProj4() does not create user-generat...
- Just need to tweak your code a bit:
crs = QgsCoordinateReferenceSystem.fromProj4('+proj=lcc +lat_1=49 +lat_2=44 +l... -
01:30 AM Feature request #10863 (Closed): Merge auto-trace plugin into QGIS
- Fixed in QGIS 2.16? 18? 14? Anyway, fixed since a while.
01:30 AM Feature request #10863 (Closed): Merge auto-trace plugin into QGIS
- Fixed in QGIS 2.16? 18? 14? Anyway, fixed since a while.
01:07 AM Bug report #17782 (Closed): New node tool needs to respect selected features
- There's certain workflows which are impossible to do with the new node tool implementation. E.g.
Have a feature
12:00 AM Bug report #17781 (Closed): QgsCoordinateReferenceSystem.fromProj4() does not create user-generat...
- ...
10:15 PM Bug report #17716 (Closed): Bleached pixels at right and bottom border - saving as image from com...
- Fixed in layouts engine
10:15 PM Bug report #17716 (Closed): Bleached pixels at right and bottom border - saving as image from com...
- Fixed in layouts engine
10:15 PM Bug report #17717 (Closed): Atlas export resolution not linked to world file
- Fixed in layouts engine
10:15 PM Bug report #17717 (Closed): Atlas export resolution not linked to world file
- Fixed in layouts engine
10:10 PM Bug report #17702 (Closed): Paste Features as... doesn't copy original layer fields
- Applied in changeset commit:qgis|7febd1e461359e819ede33f54f1bdca9970f96f9.
10:10 PM Bug report #17702 (Closed): Paste Features as... doesn't copy original layer fields
- Applied in changeset commit:qgis|7febd1e461359e819ede33f54f1bdca9970f96f9.
07:49 PM Bug report #17780 (Closed): [processing] Script collection plugins don't work in qgis 2.99.0-254,...
- Dear devs,
first of all a huge thank you for the rework of the processing framework for qgis3 - it is promising huge... -
07:47 PM Bug report #17779: Customization: no way to hide the Locator widget
- Switching to Bug report, as similar deficiencies are reported as bugs.
07:47 PM Bug report #17779: Customization: no way to hide the Locator widget
- Switching to Bug report, as similar deficiencies are reported as bugs.
07:47 PM Bug report #17779: Customization: no way to hide the Locator widget
- Switching to Bug report, as similar deficiencies are reported as bugs.
07:47 PM Bug report #17779: Customization: no way to hide the Locator widget
- Switching to Bug report, as similar deficiencies are reported as bugs.
07:43 PM Bug report #17779 (Feedback): Customization: no way to hide the Locator widget
- The Locator Widget is not listed in the QgsCustomizationDialog, as it has no objectName.
After setting its objectN... -
07:16 PM Feature request #15021: Customization: the widget catcher should select menus, sub-menus and stat...
- The same with the status bar widgets.
06:35 PM Bug report #17634 (Closed): Crash when saving changes to GeoPackage table
- I don't work with this db or geopackage day to day so have less chance to reproduce it. But as i said in my latest me...
06:35 PM Bug report #17634 (Closed): Crash when saving changes to GeoPackage table
- I don't work with this db or geopackage day to day so have less chance to reproduce it. But as i said in my latest me...
04:50 PM Bug report #17634: Crash when saving changes to GeoPackage table
- Can you still reproduce this? If not: better close it.
05:24 PM Bug report #17778 (Closed): TIN interpolation creates artifacts
- Using TIN Interpolation (Raster > Interpolation > TIN), my raster that was output contains artifacts
Horizontal grid... -
04:48 PM Bug report #17767: Help About crashes 2.18.15
- It does not crash here on Ubuntu xenial
04:46 PM Bug report #17720 (Closed): Qgis Crashed when Iclose It
- Sorry but without further details with the precise conditions and a step-by-step procedure to reproduce the issue I d...
12:33 PM Bug report #17777 (Feedback): Text goes over itself in text areas on display that has different d...
- Text is unreadable in textboxes for example on expression dialog or python console. Characters go over each other and...
09:47 AM Bug report #17776 (Closed): [Processing] Clip raster crashes QGIS
- Both Clip raster by extent and Clip raster by mask layer crashes QGIS.
09:32 AM Bug report #17762 (Open): Missing "Legend" text in the Item Properties > Title
- Same with print layout. There is no text for Legend.
1- Legend_text_in_legend_box.png shows the word Legend appear... -
09:32 AM Bug report #17762 (Open): Missing "Legend" text in the Item Properties > Title
- Same with print layout. There is no text for Legend.
1- Legend_text_in_legend_box.png shows the word Legend appear... -
09:32 AM Bug report #17762 (Open): Missing "Legend" text in the Item Properties > Title
- Same with print layout. There is no text for Legend.
1- Legend_text_in_legend_box.png shows the word Legend appear... -
06:13 AM Bug report #17762 (Feedback): Missing "Legend" text in the Item Properties > Title
- Can you reproduce using a layout instead of a print composition?
09:19 AM Bug report #17751: Attribute table overwrites ids when selecting in search mode
- For the change to the search mode we could just reset the values on change like we do it in the SingleEditMode. But w...
08:38 AM Bug report #17470: Editing Z / M value in scratch layer using node tool triggers a crash when sa...
- Hi Mathieu,
From what I saw, it seems that the origin of the crash is the same that the one described in #17576.
... -
06:37 AM Bug report #17470: Editing Z / M value in scratch layer using node tool triggers a crash when sa...
- Regis, can you provide steps to reproduce the crasher? I can't get it to crash here.
04:48 AM Feature request #17775 (Open): new composer attribute table sort abilty
- The next feature would be useful:
Qgis attribute tables in composer can only be sorted by visible fields. But ther... -
03:43 AM Bug report #17755 (Closed): [GUI] Oracle provider should be placed near other database providers ...
- Applied in changeset commit:qgis|7cb8d1a9bfa81ea742bc8d524dfaa4bb25374b00.
03:43 AM Bug report #17755 (Closed): [GUI] Oracle provider should be placed near other database providers ...
- Applied in changeset commit:qgis|7cb8d1a9bfa81ea742bc8d524dfaa4bb25374b00.
03:02 AM Bug report #17763 (Closed): Toggling Text Annotations on/off
- Applied in changeset commit:qgis|a4147b7a382771ca2a015f978e419ec50a7613ab.
03:02 AM Bug report #17763 (Closed): Toggling Text Annotations on/off
- Applied in changeset commit:qgis|a4147b7a382771ca2a015f978e419ec50a7613ab.
11:57 PM Bug report #17764: WMS Server Search completely outdated
- My suggestion:
1. Remove the geopole server address from the "WMS search address" setting in the default install, ... -
09:57 PM Bug report #17764: WMS Server Search completely outdated
- Some background information: is a CSW server with an OpenSearch API. The WMS search URL is a QGIS config... -
08:47 AM Bug report #17764: WMS Server Search completely outdated
- > And I would be happy to bring in as many URLs as possible for a catalog, if I only knew how to contribute.
I gue... -
08:31 PM Bug report #17672: ssl error: certificate validate failed with postgis and qgis 2.18.15
- I can confirm this on Windows 64-bit as well. Versions 2.18.14 and earlier work fine.
Broken on 2.18.15.
Error me... -
07:56 PM Bug report #17713 (Closed): Layer name case doesn't match entered name or filename when creating ...
- Used to be optional - now the layer names are always formatted (ie. first letter of each word is turned to uppercase;...
07:56 PM Bug report #17713 (Closed): Layer name case doesn't match entered name or filename when creating ...
- Used to be optional - now the layer names are always formatted (ie. first letter of each word is turned to uppercase;...
07:22 PM Bug report #17774 (Closed): SSL error when launching QGIS
- Applied in changeset commit:qgis|c67e7f4c31603bf63b509ff221ce4ca727fb7371.
07:22 PM Bug report #17774 (Closed): SSL error when launching QGIS
- Applied in changeset commit:qgis|c67e7f4c31603bf63b509ff221ce4ca727fb7371.
05:20 PM Bug report #17774 (Closed): SSL error when launching QGIS
- Hello,
I got an error window today when I launched QGIS 2.18.13 macos version, that I didn't had last year, on 31... -
01:54 PM Bug report #17770: Crash during editing layout in Print Composer
- Thanks for clarification. I tried new Layouts, however there is exactly the same problem there. Adding rectangle cras...
08:53 AM Bug report #17770: Crash during editing layout in Print Composer
- @Michal, while there's from memory one entry in the Project, you might have two entries on the associated toolbar, on...
08:09 AM Bug report #17770: Crash during editing layout in Print Composer
- Nyall Dawson wrote:
> Composer is just about to be removed. Can you test using layouts instead?
OK but how to do ... -
07:54 AM Bug report #17770 (Feedback): Crash during editing layout in Print Composer
- Composer is just about to be removed. Can you test using layouts instead?
06:49 AM Bug report #17770 (Closed): Crash during editing layout in Print Composer
- I used master 2.99 version for some time and first build which I use for 1 month was very stable and responsive. Howe...
09:47 AM Bug report #17773: No Retina / HiDPI support in 2.99 on osx
- Only an issue on osx
07:36 AM Bug report #17773 (Feedback): No Retina / HiDPI support in 2.99 on osx
- According to plans, QGIS 3.0 should support HiDPI displays. However current master 2.99 doesn't support Retina od Mac...
09:00 AM Bug report #17761: Working with SVG marker in (outline) marker line crash QGIS
- Did test it in Master (2.99) and had no problem, then.
Right now I'm having other problems with current master, so I... -
07:39 AM Bug report #17772: Very slow editing
- It's the same problem with measures tool.
07:30 AM Bug report #17772 (Closed): Very slow editing
- I used master 2.99 version for some time and first build which I use for 1 month was very stable and responsive. Howe...
07:29 AM Bug report #17771: Crash during editing layer properties on MacOS
- Naturally it's on MacOS.
06:56 AM Bug report #17771 (Closed): Crash during editing layer properties on MacOS
- I used master 2.99 version for some time and first build which I use for 1 month was very stable and responsive. Howe...
03:15 AM Feature request #17769 (Open): add feature to open and read spreadsheets as layers!
- In previous qgis versions there were "spreadsheet layers" module, with wich user could add xls and ods files, reading...
03:09 AM Feature request #17768 (Open): make use of label placement settings even when using data defined ...
- Data defined placement by expression only defines anchor point. That time normal label placement setting are not used...
01:15 AM Bug report #16580 (Closed): Date widget: cosmetic issue with NULL values
- fixed in
01:09 AM Bug report #16579 (Closed): Date widget: current date can't be picked
- Applied in changeset commit:qgis|577c667413ff1739f47d0e2641ac6c928db1b0e5.
01:09 AM Bug report #16579 (Closed): Date widget: current date can't be picked
- Applied in changeset commit:qgis|577c667413ff1739f47d0e2641ac6c928db1b0e5.
10:28 PM Bug report #17745 (Closed): QGIS crash when loading 3D polygons
- Applied in changeset commit:qgis|6508543f5f221dc5b7b2b398145299481565fe58.
10:28 PM Bug report #17745 (Closed): QGIS crash when loading 3D polygons
- Applied in changeset commit:qgis|6508543f5f221dc5b7b2b398145299481565fe58.
10:28 PM Bug report #17337 (Closed): 3D Viewer: cannot tilt camera holding down shift when docked
- Applied in changeset commit:qgis|32504c48d7f453a426545fddff553372da502b44.
10:28 PM Bug report #17337 (Closed): 3D Viewer: cannot tilt camera holding down shift when docked
- Applied in changeset commit:qgis|32504c48d7f453a426545fddff553372da502b44.
09:42 PM Bug report #17761: Working with SVG marker in (outline) marker line crash QGIS
- Can you test with master? There was a related fix which landed in master but hasn't (yet) been backported, and I'm ke...
01:30 PM Bug report #17767 (Closed): Help About crashes 2.18.15
- Click Help menu
Click about
Crashes -
12:19 PM Bug report #17764: WMS Server Search completely outdated
- Richard Duivenvoorde wrote:
> Hi Bernd,
> Please be gentle in your wording, even if you think something has no ... -
10:09 AM Bug report #17764: WMS Server Search completely outdated
- Should this be raised on the dev list for discussion?
05:16 PM Bug report #17764: WMS Server Search completely outdated
- Some related issues: -
05:13 PM Bug report #17764: WMS Server Search completely outdated
- Hi Bernd,
Please be gentle in your wording, even if you think something has no value (anymore) Sourcepole has prov... -
02:24 PM Bug report #17766 (Closed): TestQgsComposerUtils::fontDescentMM() 'qgsDoubleNear( QgsComposerUtil...
- Running ./output/bin/qgis_composerutilstest I get the following failure:
QDEBUG : TestQgsComposerUtils::fontDescen... -
02:23 PM Bug report #17765 (Closed): TestQgsComposerUtils::readOldDataDefinedPropertyMap() Compared values...
- Running ./output/bin/qgis_composerutilstest I get the following failure:
FAIL! : TestQgsComposerUtils::readOldDat... -
11:30 AM Bug report #17722 (Closed): ASSERT: "expression4.hasEvalError()"
- Apparently fixed by commit:d01f94f7ef8761f0a477c2b323756e5f8d493049
11:30 AM Bug report #17722 (Closed): ASSERT: "expression4.hasEvalError()"
- Apparently fixed by commit:d01f94f7ef8761f0a477c2b323756e5f8d493049
05:18 AM Bug report #15317: the window Layer Properties gets irresponsive
- try removing the ~/.config/qgis directory (preferences files)
08:32 PM Bug report #17764 (Open): WMS Server Search completely outdated
- In the dialog for adding WMS layers, there is a server search tab.
The search is performed trough a service by geopo... -
06:30 PM Bug report #17116: QGIS master saves always with absolute paths
- Qgis 2.18.15 also has this issue: Creating a new project completely from scratch (with project options set to relativ...
03:15 PM Bug report #17763 (Closed): Toggling Text Annotations on/off
- In QGIS 2.x (and 1.x, afaik), you can turn off/on all the text annotations by pressing Ctrl + T. But this feature is ...
02:50 PM Bug report #17746 (Closed): X and Y columns in delimited text layer
- Fixed
02:48 PM Bug report #17762 (Closed): Missing "Legend" text in the Item Properties > Title
- When adding legend in the Print Composer, the Legend text is missing under Item Properties > Title. But it appears co...
02:40 PM Bug report #17759 (Feedback): Qgis-Lite
- This is a bug report for QGIS, it should be a reproducible problem with step-by-step guide from the reporter.
For ... -
01:50 PM Bug report #17761 (Closed): Working with SVG marker in (outline) marker line crash QGIS
- Testen on QGIS 2.18.15 on Ubuntu 16.04 (no problem found on QGIS 2.99)
Using a svg as a marker symbol when I style... -
10:28 AM Bug report #15317: the window Layer Properties gets irresponsive
- Used to see this years ago.
Then didn't see it for a while
Now it's back
2.18.15 -
08:37 AM Bug report #17760: Pasting from one table to another causes crash (2.18.15)
- Attached sample data
Open the table OSAllYards
Select all the records
Open the table osYards
put the ta... -
08:31 AM Bug report #17760: Pasting from one table to another causes crash (2.18.15)
- So far I can't make it crash with a new project, only an existing one. Will try a copy of the existing one.
08:24 AM Bug report #17760 (Closed): Pasting from one table to another causes crash (2.18.15)
- Sample data and test case coming.
08:03 PM Bug report #16785 (Closed): Constraint prevent adding feature to spatialite layer with auto-incre...
- fixed in 73674e8157925df6979485cf36804c6e252d03a1
11:13 AM Bug report #17759 (Closed): Qgis-Lite
- I've been using Qgis since 1.7 and it's a great piece of software, up there with the best of any open source software...
10:19 AM Feature request #17758 (Closed): How to create Qgis web application using qgis2web
- For external plugins, please use their own trackers.
In this case -
10:19 AM Feature request #17758 (Closed): How to create Qgis web application using qgis2web
- For external plugins, please use their own trackers.
In this case -
10:12 AM Feature request #17758 (Closed): How to create Qgis web application using qgis2web
- hi team,
Can you please guide how to add widgets to qgis2web app. -
03:10 AM Feature request #17757 (Open): predefinable layers/fields of dxf export
- Everytime a user exports a dxf from a project, he has to set wich layers to export and even if there is a preset for ...
03:05 AM Feature request #17756 (Open): automatic label placement between range of distances
- when having to write too many labels they can be crowded. If label placement distance from point would be given to a ...
10:20 PM Bug report #16657: date edit widget only shows current date whatever the real data is underneath
09:31 PM Bug report #15658: map tips does not show images correctly anymore... on Linux
- Nice to finally find that this works when adding "file://" to the path.
But still it's a regression from the state ... -
09:01 PM Feature request #16827: Duplicate record function with related features
08:48 PM Bug report #16580 (In Progress): Date widget: cosmetic issue with NULL values
02:26 PM Bug report #17747: QGIS Server doesn't advertise the composer templates in the GetProjectSettings...
- Investigating further, currently, in Master, there are two print layouts:
- The old composer under the *Composer Man... -
01:49 PM Bug report #17755 (Closed): [GUI] Oracle provider should be placed near other database providers ...
- In the Data Source Manager dialog, the Oracle provider is at the bottom of the list instead of being among Database p...
01:43 PM Bug report #17743 (Closed): QGIS 2.14.21 requires GDAL 2.2 but only 2.1 available in Launchpad/Ub...
- For my understanding, I thought the unstable Ubuntugis-PPA refers to unstable QGIS-PPA and the stable QGIS (LTR) shou...
12:51 PM Bug report #17754 (Feedback): [Node tool] Misleading message when deleting all nodes of a ring or...
- Select a polygon feature with a ring
Use the node tool to select the ring vertices and delete them
You get in the m... -
12:27 PM Bug report #17741: Layer name renamed when loaded
- ??I think it should be straight forward to remove the function (or just simply return the same layer name). But I am ...
11:43 AM Bug report #17741: Layer name renamed when loaded
- To be complete, here's the pull request that made the change and the rationale...
02:47 AM Bug report #17741: Layer name renamed when loaded
- I think it's a feature. I check the code, the is this function to remove the underscore and to capitalize the first l...
12:04 PM Feature request #17753 (Open): [DB Manager] Show the path to virtual layers datasource in Info tab
- In the DB Manager, Virtual layers --> QGIS layers, it could be nice to display the source of the virtual layer in the...
- 08:10 AM Bug report #17592 (Closed): Value relation widgets are not correctly disabled when editing is dis...
- Applied in changeset commit:qgis|167fbf6d536a65213d507dabb3546230a8e939f3.
- 08:10 AM Bug report #17592 (Closed): Value relation widgets are not correctly disabled when editing is dis...
- Applied in changeset commit:qgis|167fbf6d536a65213d507dabb3546230a8e939f3.
02:28 AM Bug report #17702: Paste Features as... doesn't copy original layer fields
- Confirmed here on Windows (qgis rev e02ff050ad). I think this should be flagged as blocker since it's a regression.
09:59 PM Bug report #17525: subform in automatic generated relation referende widget is not visible in 2.9...
- Testprojects created with
- QGIS 2.99 rel. 249_Code-Version 9fb386ac60is, installed via OSGeo4W,
- QGIS 2.18.15
ar... -
09:59 PM Bug report #17525: subform in automatic generated relation referende widget is not visible in 2.9...
- Testprojects created with
- QGIS 2.99 rel. 249_Code-Version 9fb386ac60is, installed via OSGeo4W,
- QGIS 2.18.15
ar... -
09:59 PM Bug report #17525: subform in automatic generated relation referende widget is not visible in 2.9...
- Testprojects created with
- QGIS 2.99 rel. 249_Code-Version 9fb386ac60is, installed via OSGeo4W,
- QGIS 2.18.15
ar... -
12:51 PM Bug report #17525: subform in automatic generated relation referende widget is not visible in 2.9...
- Hi Gerhard,
I can not confirm this one in 2.99.0, code revision b59bd94e87.
Opening a QGIS 2.18.x project with ... -
09:53 PM Bug report #16579 (In Progress): Date widget: current date can't be picked
09:53 PM Bug report #16579 (In Progress): Date widget: current date can't be picked
05:29 PM Bug report #17703: v.split.vert Model Builder dialog box
- Alexander Bruy wrote:
> Please try with latest master, GRASS algorithms were updated recently
With the 12/25 week... -
10:28 AM Bug report #17703 (Feedback): v.split.vert Model Builder dialog box
- Please try with latest master, GRASS algorithms were updated recently
03:28 PM Bug report #17610: Frozen on Coordinate System Window
- Going back to 17662
If I start qgis 3.0 and immediately add data that changes the CRS from 4326 to something else ... -
03:23 PM Bug report #17621 (Closed): Not possible to add WMTS service
- Feel free to open a ticket about UI inconsistency. But it is possible to add WMTS to QGIS in master.
03:18 PM Bug report #17641 (Closed): Plugins
- Also, you can use QuickMapsServices plugin for the same functionality.
03:15 PM Bug report #17645 (Closed): Python 3 support still lacking in QGIS 2.99???
03:14 PM Bug report #17655 (Feedback): Error: qgis-ltr-bin.exe has stopped working
- Could you:
* Update to the latest QGIS LTR (2.18)
* Rename your plugin folder so that we are sure the crash is no... -
03:12 PM Bug report #17653 (Feedback): 3d: x-axis movements while holding right button should result in ca...
03:11 PM Bug report #17662 (Feedback): QGIS 2.99 crashes on 17.10 with CRS Gui
- I am not able to reproduce this bug on a clean Kubuntu 17.10
01:50 PM Bug report #16569: Incorrect search bounding box when using epsg:4326
- Thanks!
11:11 AM Bug report #17752 (Closed): Symbol inconsistency between node tool and vertex editor
- In node tool, all the symbols have changed to circular, e.g. blue filled circle is selected node.
But the vertex edi... -
10:59 AM Bug report #17751 (Closed): Attribute table overwrites ids when selecting in search mode
- When selecting an attribute in the search mode of the attribute table (Ctrl F) the value is overwritten.
!https://us... -
10:41 AM Bug report #17649 (Closed): Create script collection plugin produces an error if there are any us...
- Applied in changeset commit:qgis|d58053d486adb38208fe8c3bc130ade6fa072c39.
10:41 AM Bug report #17649 (Closed): Create script collection plugin produces an error if there are any us...
- Applied in changeset commit:qgis|d58053d486adb38208fe8c3bc130ade6fa072c39.
08:57 AM Feature request #17735: Add tools for Py3Qt5 in OSGeo4W
- Thank you Jürgen, it works.
Is it possible to add a shortcut in the windows menu for this (especially qt designer)...
07:53 PM Bug report #17750 (Closed): Installing QGIS Server on Ubuntu/Debian
- In the pdf guide ( it states:
14.2.1 QGIS Server inst... -
06:58 PM Bug report #17607 (Feedback): Some GRASS 7 tools return an error when opening QGIS master
- Processing GRASS provider is not completely ready yet. Please try latest master
06:44 PM Bug report #17744 (Closed): Layout: using "system locale" chages the GUI
- Thanks for keeping your eyes on it.
06:44 PM Bug report #17744 (Closed): Layout: using "system locale" chages the GUI
- Thanks for keeping your eyes on it.
05:10 PM Bug report #17744: Layout: using "system locale" chages the GUI
- Not by testing computer but, I remember two buttons for layout (same name and shortcut in swedish) that opens the two...
04:45 PM Bug report #17744: Layout: using "system locale" chages the GUI
- Klas Karlsson wrote:
> I did not notice it was two tools to produce layouts. Same names, same short cut, translation... -
02:52 PM Bug report #17744: Layout: using "system locale" chages the GUI
- I did not notice it was two tools to produce layouts. Same names, same short cut, translation to same name in Swedish.
06:42 PM Feature request #3068 (Feedback): Projection information – some handbook or more info in QGIS
- Can we consider that this issue is fixed given:
- the highlight of selected crs extent (see -
06:42 PM Feature request #3068 (Feedback): Projection information – some handbook or more info in QGIS
- Can we consider that this issue is fixed given:
- the highlight of selected crs extent (see -
05:29 PM Feature request #12877: Improved documentation for "Random select within subsets"
- This algorithm help is being documented in so if you want to chi...
05:14 PM Feature request #17101: Document how to raise the limit for max number of files opened
- For information there's some documentation at
01:52 PM Bug report #17035: Error Message on Attempt to Merge and/or Convert Files
- Maybe related #16979
11:57 AM Bug report #17300: Aggregate functions in Field Calculator in modeller
- proposed PR
11:38 AM Feature request #17749 (Open): The add delimited text file dialog should provide field for Z and ...
- When adding data from csv-like file using the "Delimited File" dialog, adding geometry columns only proposes fields f...
05:41 PM Bug report #17748 (Closed): QGIS Openlayer Installion Error "SSL handshake failed"
- I attempted to install Openlayer Plugin while an error prompt as "SSL handshake failed", this error might be related ...
03:20 PM Bug report #17743: QGIS 2.14.21 requires GDAL 2.2 but only 2.1 available in Launchpad/Ubuntugis
- You should take the ubuntugis *UNSTABLE* ppa:
... -
01:13 PM Feature request #17742: QGIS 2.99 does not support KNN virtual tables index
- salvatore fiandaca wrote:
> QGIS 2.99 does not support KNN virtual tables index for nearest neighbor problems - spat... -
08:45 AM Bug report #17747 (Closed): QGIS Server doesn't advertise the composer templates in the GetProjec...
- I've noticed that for all the newly created projects (with master) the Server doesn't advertise the composer template...
01:03 AM Bug report #17744 (Feedback): Layout: using "system locale" chages the GUI
- Did you notice that there are currently two different tools to create layout/composer (the new and the old) and that ...
03:20 PM Bug report #17722: ASSERT: "expression4.hasEvalError()"
- Pull request is here:
Matthias Kuhn confirmed the error, when running locally... -
03:16 PM Bug report #17746 (Closed): X and Y columns in delimited text layer
- When defining geometry for X and Y, the new dialog firs lists Y and then X.
It is more sensible to have X and then Y -
03:09 PM Bug report #17610: Frozen on Coordinate System Window
- Same procedure here, the same result on Debian Stretch.
02:19 PM Bug report #17745 (Closed): QGIS crash when loading 3D polygons
- Here is the data I am tying to use.
You can download and convert the data from here: -
02:16 PM Bug report #16445 (Closed): 'cannot import name _thread' in QGIS 2.14.13 for Metasearch Catalogue...
02:15 PM Bug report #16569 (Closed): Incorrect search bounding box when using epsg:4326
02:14 PM Bug report #16569: Incorrect search bounding box when using epsg:4326
- FYI this has been fixed per #17739 by setting an @srsName@ explicitly.
10:29 AM Bug report #17744 (Closed): Layout: using "system locale" chages the GUI
- Settings and GUI doesn't look the same in layout/composer when using "system locale" (Swedish) and "override system l...
09:09 PM Bug report #17673: QGIS crash on close when Spatial Bookmarks panel is showing as a floating window
- Alessandro, I can try back porting the changes to 2.18. It may be a several days, however.
- 01:02 PM Bug report #17673 (Closed): QGIS crash on close when Spatial Bookmarks panel is showing as a floa...
- Applied in changeset commit:qgis|63cf7ae6031dbd63212db07c8a3cd4a05452372a.
- 01:02 PM Bug report #17673 (Closed): QGIS crash on close when Spatial Bookmarks panel is showing as a floa...
- Applied in changeset commit:qgis|63cf7ae6031dbd63212db07c8a3cd4a05452372a.
07:25 PM Bug report #17743 (Closed): QGIS 2.14.21 requires GDAL 2.2 but only 2.1 available in Launchpad/Ub...
- On Ubuntu 14.04, I have used QGIS for a long time.
It was installed from the PPA + launchpad/ubuntugis for additiona... -
06:40 PM Feature request #17742 (Open): QGIS 2.99 does not support KNN virtual tables index
- QGIS 2.99 does not support KNN virtual tables index for nearest neighbor problems - spatialite is required 4.4 :-(
06:12 PM Bug report #17610: Frozen on Coordinate System Window
- I don't have idea how to provide more details. But will try to help, if somebody ask for checking anything to reprodu...
01:01 PM Bug report #17610: Frozen on Coordinate System Window
- Just to be clear, "I cannot reproduce" does mean exactly that: it does not mean that the bug is not there or that nob...
01:40 PM Bug report #17741 (Closed): Layer name renamed when loaded
- Hello everybody,
if I load any layer that contains underscore _ in the file name, the loaded layer has a different... -
04:59 AM Bug report #17740 (Closed): point displacement renderer crashes QGIS on Linux
- I'm using the QGIS nightly release for ubuntugis repository on Linux Mint 18.2. When I try to set the renderer style...
02:55 AM Bug report #17739: MetaSearch: fix inconsistent spatial queries
- fixed in branches:
- master
- release-2_18
- release-2_16
- release-2_14 -
02:16 AM Bug report #17739 (Closed): MetaSearch: fix inconsistent spatial queries
- Applied in changeset commit:qgis|04b18f4d43a488ae480ff852f6b9487fea64ccd7.
02:16 AM Bug report #17739 (Closed): MetaSearch: fix inconsistent spatial queries
- Applied in changeset commit:qgis|04b18f4d43a488ae480ff852f6b9487fea64ccd7.
12:06 AM Bug report #17626 (Closed): Minor bugs when installing plugins from zip file
- 1 & 3 are kinda invalid, 2 is fixed in c0b56a3a658.
12:06 AM Bug report #17626 (Closed): Minor bugs when installing plugins from zip file
- 1 & 3 are kinda invalid, 2 is fixed in c0b56a3a658.
10:19 PM Bug report #17739 (Closed): MetaSearch: fix inconsistent spatial queries
- Issuing spatial queries via MetaSearch yields inconsistent / unexpected results.
The root cause is that MetaSearch... -
04:55 PM Bug report #17315: 3D Viewer: QGIS Crash when activating 3D Map view and 3D renderer
- I think, my issue fits here. I'm trying to render a 3d house coming from PostGIS/DB Manager. I'm using simply: SELECT...
03:38 PM Bug report #11253: Relations "Subforms" (Form View) - text color
- Thanks also.
Unfortunately, the subform is actually not visible in master.
See #17525-4
01:18 PM Bug report #11253 (Closed): Relations "Subforms" (Form View) - text color
- This seems fixed now.
Thanks! -
03:05 PM Bug report #17673: QGIS crash on close when Spatial Bookmarks panel is showing as a floating window
- Nevermind: mQgisModel must be deleted otherwise it would leak, btw the order of destructors does matter here, so I'm ...
03:05 PM Bug report #17673: QGIS crash on close when Spatial Bookmarks panel is showing as a floating window
- Nevermind: mQgisModel must be deleted otherwise it would leak, btw the order of destructors does matter here, so I'm ...
02:00 PM Bug report #17673: QGIS crash on close when Spatial Bookmarks panel is showing as a floating window
- Can you make a pull request?
11:54 AM Feature request #10443 (Closed): Better documentation on how to use lettering in SAGA Raster calc...
- This feature request was already applied. The description is very clear now:...
11:47 AM Bug report #17300: Aggregate functions in Field Calculator in modeller
- replicated on linux with lates 2.18 b06f99b
10:42 AM Bug report #17300: Aggregate functions in Field Calculator in modeller
- trying to replicate on linux
10:16 AM Feature request #17735: Add tools for Py3Qt5 in OSGeo4W
- Loïc BARTOLETTI wrote:
> Also with the OSGeo4W shell, I can run pyrcc4, pyuic4 but not pyrcc5, pyuic5 (command not f... -
08:25 AM Feature request #17735: Add tools for Py3Qt5 in OSGeo4W
- Thank you Harrissou,
With a double check, I saw that qt5-designer is installed into the Qt5 directory.
I never seen... -
07:27 AM Feature request #17735: Add tools for Py3Qt5 in OSGeo4W
- Loïc, enable qt5-tools package in osgeo4w and you should get qt5-designer/linguist. i also see a pyqt5 package (i don...
08:17 AM Bug report #17728: Honour Qt ordering of buttons in Source Select dialogues
- Note that I've only moved the buttons to the main button box using the methods of the button box, this means that the...
- 08:12 AM Bug report #17728 (Closed): Honour Qt ordering of buttons in Source Select dialogues
- Applied in changeset commit:qgis|8fb147f8029e515d64667c562a96ccd05995217f.
- 08:12 AM Bug report #17728 (Closed): Honour Qt ordering of buttons in Source Select dialogues
- Applied in changeset commit:qgis|8fb147f8029e515d64667c562a96ccd05995217f.
- 08:11 AM Bug report #17724 (Closed): Crash on clicking ADD in Virtual Layer dialogue without defining a layer
- Applied in changeset commit:qgis|385d0ef94b501e6d30da7fe0de6913c78451ad48.
- 08:11 AM Bug report #17724 (Closed): Crash on clicking ADD in Virtual Layer dialogue without defining a layer
- Applied in changeset commit:qgis|385d0ef94b501e6d30da7fe0de6913c78451ad48.
07:42 AM Bug report #17738 (Closed): Not show data for oracle layers in QGIS 2.99
- For layers from Oracle not show data.
- 05:23 PM Bug report #17005 (Closed): spatial bookmarks can't be sorted
- Applied in changeset commit:qgis|15ffcb4345861ed1d0c68e8891e6503b3cdeb437.
04:21 PM Feature request #17737 (In Progress): New map tools - Digitizing
Add new map tools:
* Square from diagonal
* Rectangle from 3 points (distance from the orthogonal projection of t...-
03:56 PM Bug report #16990 (Closed): Deleting QGIS bookmarks may leave blank rows or appear to have not de...
01:57 PM Bug report #17736 (Closed): Chained filters crash QGIS when switching between ui tabs
- !chain_relation_bug.gif!
For a relation with chained filters and custom ui, switching between tabs like in the abo... -
01:20 PM Feature request #17735 (Open): Add tools for Py3Qt5 in OSGeo4W
- Hi,
Can we have in the osgeo4w package the usual tools to build python plugins in QGis (qt5-designer, pyuic5, QGis... -
01:06 PM Feature request #17734 (Closed): Keep label styling on switching to Rule-based labelling mode
- When you set up labels properties and then switch to rule-based, all styling gets discarded to default - background, ...
12:38 PM Feature request #17733 (Open): Ability to re-read PostGIS table definition
- In many cases postgis tables are changed outside QGIS (via pgAdmin, psql console etc.).
One common example is when ... -
11:41 AM Bug report #17732 (Closed): Layout icon duplicated and atlas panel removed
- This is on purpose. Please See
Atlas feat... -
11:41 AM Bug report #17732 (Closed): Layout icon duplicated and atlas panel removed
- This is on purpose. Please See
Atlas feat... -
11:08 AM Bug report #17732 (Closed): Layout icon duplicated and atlas panel removed
- On windows 7, lastest version of qgis 2.99, I've duplicated icons for layout.
The first layout icon is the old ve... -
11:29 AM Bug report #17712: When a default value is set on a layer, a new value cannot be entered
- I think the idea behind this term is that the field would be populated *by* default, meaning that you can skip fillin...
11:22 AM Bug report #17558 (Closed): QGIS 3D view does not interpret DEM no-data values
- Applied in changeset commit:qgis|2f19d62997d6610c8786726cb07a9310f12f4523.
11:22 AM Bug report #17558 (Closed): QGIS 3D view does not interpret DEM no-data values
- Applied in changeset commit:qgis|2f19d62997d6610c8786726cb07a9310f12f4523.
10:55 AM Bug report #17731 (Closed): Updating geometry with MariaDB is flawed
- When I alter an existing geometry (ie a polygon) stored in MariaDB 10.2 in QGIS, the actual SQL done is first a delet...
09:28 AM Feature request #10845: Improve Snapping Options
- I thought of it like a sub-item of the advanced dialog and map theme would behave here like a preset visibility: togg...
06:23 AM Bug report #17730 (Closed): 3d map canvas crashes (when docked) while generating terrain from DEM
- I don't remember seeing this when I first tested the 3D map canvas. A crasher occurs when the 3D map canvas is docked...
09:30 PM Feature request #10845: Improve Snapping Options
- Matthias Kuhn wrote:
> Ok, sounds good.
> R.e. snapping themes... would that be "a snapping preset per layer", ... -
08:47 PM Bug report #17712: When a default value is set on a layer, a new value cannot be entered
- I guess that it revolves around what terminology "default" or "calculated" as suggested is the appropriate wording to...
05:35 PM Bug report #17692 (Closed): master 61db97f install breaks on debian stretch
- 1:2.99.0+git20171211+61db97f+14stretch is outdated - current builds are 1:2.99.0+git20171219+70d61fd+14stretch.
05:35 PM Bug report #17692 (Closed): master 61db97f install breaks on debian stretch
- 1:2.99.0+git20171211+61db97f+14stretch is outdated - current builds are 1:2.99.0+git20171219+70d61fd+14stretch.
03:34 PM Feature request #17710: Provide a snap package for Linux users
- give a look also to: -
03:21 PM Feature request #17729: Package layers - Adds an option for packaging emptied tables
- It's a feature request, not a bug report. Sorry
03:20 PM Feature request #17729 (Open): Package layers - Adds an option for packaging emptied tables
- Hi,
Can we add an option for packaging emptied tables?
Here an example. You have a project with several layers ... -
02:13 PM Bug report #16742: Browser Panel: unable to find all the connected drives
- I think that if we want the browser panel become the first place to add layers from (with the Data Source Manager res...
02:05 PM Bug report #17728 (Closed): Honour Qt ordering of buttons in Source Select dialogues
- The buttons in the source select dialogues of the Manage Layers toolbar in QGIS master are currently arranged at bott...
01:59 PM Feature request #17723: Software not code signed
- Jürgen Fischer wrote:
> Only the installers are signed. The binaries themselves are not signed and might even be fr... -
01:24 PM Bug report #17300: Aggregate functions in Field Calculator in modeller
- I just test this bug with master and works ok without problem on aggregates.
I send the layer and the models for the... -
01:24 PM Bug report #17300: Aggregate functions in Field Calculator in modeller
- I just test this bug with master and works ok without problem on aggregates.
I send the layer and the models for the... -
01:24 PM Bug report #17300: Aggregate functions in Field Calculator in modeller
- I just test this bug with master and works ok without problem on aggregates.
I send the layer and the models for the... -
11:18 AM Bug report #17727 (Closed): Problem with choosing function by Double click in Field Calculator in...
- In the Field Calculator is a problem with choosing fields by double click.
This is caused by Value widnows, which ap... -
09:48 AM Bug report #17455: vector layer properties: Wrong CRS reported in the Informations and Metadata tabs
- Steven Mizuno wrote:
> Still more confusing is that the Extents sub-tab in the Metadata tab does not have any indi... -
09:45 AM Bug report #17455 (Closed): vector layer properties: Wrong CRS reported in the Informations and M...
- Applied in changeset commit:qgis|bf45d0b61811b8fb22e526979b749eba04385b6e.
09:45 AM Bug report #17455 (Closed): vector layer properties: Wrong CRS reported in the Informations and M...
- Applied in changeset commit:qgis|bf45d0b61811b8fb22e526979b749eba04385b6e.
02:49 AM Bug report #17726 (Closed): FitNPointsToShape SAGA algorithm returns empty layer when called from...
- Hello,
The behavior I am experiencing is when I attempt to call the FitNPointsToShape algorithm from QGIS using t...
11:54 PM Feature request #17723: Software not code signed
- Only the installers are signed. The binaries themselves are not signed and might even be from third parties.
01:47 PM Feature request #17723 (Open): Software not code signed
- If a organization is running Windows Information Protection. They can whitelist the software through the publisher in...
11:44 PM Bug report #17725 (Feedback): Importing SLD : attributes names are not quoted in the expression
- Hi,
When importing an SLD with some basic rules, attributes name are not quoted in the expression. This means that... -
09:42 PM Bug report #15987: PostGIS layers fail to add in projects opened for more than hour.
- I've been having this issue as well and it is indeed frustrating. Isn't there some way to assign a new DB connection ...
07:10 PM Bug report #17681 (Closed): Negative values for age in expressions
- Applied in changeset commit:qgis|336995dc30f4409520b65a0007e2cea6966f7599.
07:10 PM Bug report #17681 (Closed): Negative values for age in expressions
- Applied in changeset commit:qgis|336995dc30f4409520b65a0007e2cea6966f7599.
12:44 PM Bug report #17681: Negative values for age in expressions
- Pull request ready for test:
Andreas: can you give that a try ? -
09:10 AM Bug report #17681: Negative values for age in expressions
- I'm guessing it's an overflow of `int` type used to compute seconds between the dates.
The first age you report as w... -
08:46 AM Bug report #17681 (In Progress): Negative values for age in expressions
- I'm looking at this, starting from the existing unit test tests/src/core/testqgsexpression.cpp (run via output/bin/qg...
08:46 AM Bug report #17681 (In Progress): Negative values for age in expressions
- I'm looking at this, starting from the existing unit test tests/src/core/testqgsexpression.cpp (run via output/bin/qg...
08:29 AM Bug report #17681: Negative values for age in expressions
- Seems to be a serious issue to me.
Calculations that provide wrong results are always bad. -
06:01 PM Bug report #17724: Crash on clicking ADD in Virtual Layer dialogue without defining a layer
- I can confirm. It was reported in #17489 (and was fixed !?)
cc @elpaso -
06:01 PM Bug report #17724: Crash on clicking ADD in Virtual Layer dialogue without defining a layer
- I can confirm. It was reported in #17489 (and was fixed !?)
cc @elpaso -
05:55 PM Bug report #17724 (Closed): Crash on clicking ADD in Virtual Layer dialogue without defining a layer
- In latest master (19/12/2017) QGIS crashes if I click the Add button on the dialogue box without defining a virtual l...
11:09 AM Bug report #17722 (Closed): ASSERT: "expression4.hasEvalError()"
- Locally, I get this error upon running make check:...
11:05 AM Bug report #17551: (daily build cd0ba91) virtual layer queries seem to be broken
- Could you try attaching a projectfile nontheless, just with the WFS layer in it ? The PostGIS layer is not required f...
10:56 AM Bug report #17721 (Closed): Color picker does not pick the color (always set to transparent)
- Open a dialog and expand a color widget
Select the color picker option
Now move to a place you'd like to pick a col... -
09:08 AM Bug report #17712 (Feedback): When a default value is set on a layer, a new value cannot be entered
09:08 AM Bug report #17712: When a default value is set on a layer, a new value cannot be entered
- Thank you for your bug report.
> I read this was something to do with getting a timestamp put into a field that al... -
08:58 AM Bug report #17720 (Closed): Qgis Crashed when Iclose It
- h2. User Feedback
h2. Report Details
*Crash ID*: 3350646d2266f55a2e6e4df3fee09c6d333b99cb
*Stack Trace... -
05:29 AM Feature request #14410 (Closed): Composer: "add layer to legend" dialog should allow double-click...
- Applied in changeset commit:qgis|664025709ee4c8132dd08e865a317735475445f6.
05:29 AM Feature request #14410 (Closed): Composer: "add layer to legend" dialog should allow double-click...
- Applied in changeset commit:qgis|664025709ee4c8132dd08e865a317735475445f6.
05:29 AM Feature request #9476 (Closed): When exporting a composer, use it's name as default filename
- Applied in changeset commit:qgis|b25c48917f50f101554e69f2489a4123443f40fd.
05:29 AM Feature request #9476 (Closed): When exporting a composer, use it's name as default filename
- Applied in changeset commit:qgis|b25c48917f50f101554e69f2489a4123443f40fd.
05:29 AM Feature request #13576 (Closed): Composer legend item : add a comment to the "auto-update" items ...
- Applied in changeset commit:qgis|0a02ed4312d141c6bbe453c3897cb59c773723ee.
05:29 AM Feature request #13576 (Closed): Composer legend item : add a comment to the "auto-update" items ...
- Applied in changeset commit:qgis|0a02ed4312d141c6bbe453c3897cb59c773723ee.
04:41 AM Bug report #17719: Dragging and dropping MS SQL table in browser window causes overwriting of exi...
- Oh thanks, Nathan! Happy to test anything MSSQL as we are heavy users with QGIS. Thanks again!
Nathan Woodrow wr... -
04:04 AM Bug report #17719: Dragging and dropping MS SQL table in browser window causes overwriting of exi...
- Thanks. Yeah, this is not ideal at all. If someone else doesn't fix this I will fix it before the next patch release.
04:01 AM Bug report #13828 (Closed): Map Composer - Legend width & height revert to default even after cha...
01:28 AM Bug report #15194 (Feedback): Snapping multiple items in print composer
- Please test on layouts engine in qgis 3.0 master
01:28 AM Feature request #15956 (Closed): Save guide lines in composer templates
- Fixed in layouts engine
01:28 AM Feature request #15956 (Closed): Save guide lines in composer templates
- Fixed in layouts engine
01:24 AM Feature request #13950 (Closed): Precise guide position in composer
- Fixed in layouts engine
01:24 AM Feature request #13950 (Closed): Precise guide position in composer
- Fixed in layouts engine
01:22 AM Feature request #13767 (Closed): Add line button for print composer
- Fixed
01:22 AM Feature request #13767 (Closed): Add line button for print composer
- Fixed
01:21 AM Feature request #11258 (Closed): Improve options for placement of guides on composer page
- Fixed in layouts engine
01:21 AM Feature request #11258 (Closed): Improve options for placement of guides on composer page
- Fixed in layouts engine
01:19 AM Feature request #9398 (Closed): map overview in composer with different coordinate systems
- Fixed in 3.0
01:19 AM Feature request #9398 (Closed): map overview in composer with different coordinate systems
- Fixed in 3.0
01:19 AM Feature request #7367 (Closed): Allow pixels as units in print composer
- Fixed in layouts engine
01:19 AM Feature request #7367 (Closed): Allow pixels as units in print composer
- Fixed in layouts engine
01:18 AM Feature request #7959 (Closed): Add inches to snap settings and item properties positions in prin...
- Fixed in layouts engine
01:18 AM Feature request #7959 (Closed): Add inches to snap settings and item properties positions in prin...
- Fixed in layouts engine
01:18 AM Bug report #16271 (Feedback): Composer item change his position without control
- Please retest using layouts engine on qgis 3.0 master
01:17 AM Bug report #16359 (Feedback): In the print composer dynamically referencing to page size presets ...
- Please retest using layouts engine on qgis 3.0 master
01:16 AM Bug report #16064 (Feedback): Data defined position of table in print composer
- Please retest using layouts engine on qgis 3.0 master
01:16 AM Bug report #16064 (Feedback): Data defined position of table in print composer
- Please retest using layouts engine on qgis 3.0 master
01:15 AM Bug report #15337 (Feedback): Scale dependent layer visibility and print composer
- Please retest using the new layouts engine in qgis 3.0 master.
01:15 AM Bug report #15337 (Feedback): Scale dependent layer visibility and print composer
- Please retest using the new layouts engine in qgis 3.0 master.
01:14 AM Bug report #15588 (Closed): Composer not rendering html content
- Likely a result of missing dependancies on your distro - (Qt webkit)
01:14 AM Bug report #15588 (Closed): Composer not rendering html content
- Likely a result of missing dependancies on your distro - (Qt webkit)
01:14 AM Bug report #15588 (Closed): Composer not rendering html content
- Likely a result of missing dependancies on your distro - (Qt webkit)
01:13 AM Bug report #15642 (Closed): Print composer: Changing "orientation" in Page Setup has no effect
- Fixed in layouts engine
01:13 AM Bug report #15642 (Closed): Print composer: Changing "orientation" in Page Setup has no effect
- Fixed in layouts engine
01:13 AM Bug report #15642 (Closed): Print composer: Changing "orientation" in Page Setup has no effect
- Fixed in layouts engine
01:11 AM Bug report #15333 (Closed): Map composer - attribute table linked with overwiev another map view ...
- Fixed in layouts engine
01:11 AM Bug report #15333 (Closed): Map composer - attribute table linked with overwiev another map view ...
- Fixed in layouts engine
01:11 AM Bug report #15333 (Closed): Map composer - attribute table linked with overwiev another map view ...
- Fixed in layouts engine
12:42 AM Bug report #14776 (Closed): [composer] Incorrect world file generated if dpi changed in image exp...
- Fixed in layouts engine
12:42 AM Bug report #14776 (Closed): [composer] Incorrect world file generated if dpi changed in image exp...
- Fixed in layouts engine
12:42 AM Bug report #14776 (Closed): [composer] Incorrect world file generated if dpi changed in image exp...
- Fixed in layouts engine
12:41 AM Bug report #13280 (Closed): While exporting composer, WMS warning appears only if WMS layer is vi...
- Fixed in layouts engine
12:41 AM Bug report #13280 (Closed): While exporting composer, WMS warning appears only if WMS layer is vi...
- Fixed in layouts engine
12:41 AM Bug report #13280 (Closed): While exporting composer, WMS warning appears only if WMS layer is vi...
- Fixed in layouts engine
12:40 AM Bug report #14817 (Closed): composerLegendAdded signal returns QObject instead of QgsComposerLegend
- Signal is removed in QGIS 3.0
12:40 AM Bug report #14817 (Closed): composerLegendAdded signal returns QObject instead of QgsComposerLegend
- Signal is removed in QGIS 3.0
12:40 AM Bug report #14817 (Closed): composerLegendAdded signal returns QObject instead of QgsComposerLegend
- Signal is removed in QGIS 3.0
12:37 AM Bug report #16748 (Closed): Position of an attribute table object in a composer doesn't follow th...
- Fixed in layouts engine
12:37 AM Bug report #16748 (Closed): Position of an attribute table object in a composer doesn't follow th...
- Fixed in layouts engine
12:36 AM Bug report #16274 (Closed): Reference point property of the composer item is not working properly
- Fixed in layouts engine
12:36 AM Bug report #16274 (Closed): Reference point property of the composer item is not working properly
- Fixed in layouts engine
12:36 AM Bug report #16274 (Closed): Reference point property of the composer item is not working properly
- Fixed in layouts engine
12:35 AM Bug report #13828: Map Composer - Legend width & height revert to default even after changing man...
- This is already possible - just uncheck the "Resize to fit contents" checkbox and it will work as desired
12:35 AM Bug report #13776 (Closed): Print Composer Width in Legend fails
- Just uncheck the "Resize to fit contents" checkbox and it will work as expected
12:35 AM Bug report #13776 (Closed): Print Composer Width in Legend fails
- Just uncheck the "Resize to fit contents" checkbox and it will work as expected
12:35 AM Bug report #13776 (Closed): Print Composer Width in Legend fails
- Just uncheck the "Resize to fit contents" checkbox and it will work as expected
12:03 AM Bug report #12712 (Closed): Composer map doesn't rotate when angle is set using "data define over...
- Fixed in layouts engine
12:03 AM Bug report #12712 (Closed): Composer map doesn't rotate when angle is set using "data define over...
- Fixed in layouts engine
12:03 AM Bug report #12712 (Closed): Composer map doesn't rotate when angle is set using "data define over...
- Fixed in layouts engine
11:58 PM Bug report #7671 (Closed): SVG symbols not correctly exported to svg and pdf via print composer
- Fixed in the qt5 based builds
11:58 PM Bug report #7671 (Closed): SVG symbols not correctly exported to svg and pdf via print composer
- Fixed in the qt5 based builds
11:58 PM Bug report #7671 (Closed): SVG symbols not correctly exported to svg and pdf via print composer
- Fixed in the qt5 based builds
11:57 PM Bug report #5590 (Closed): Arrow in composer - "bounding box" corners
- Fixed in layouts engine - no more arrow items! Now everything is done with the much improved polyline item.
11:57 PM Bug report #5590 (Closed): Arrow in composer - "bounding box" corners
- Fixed in layouts engine - no more arrow items! Now everything is done with the much improved polyline item.
11:54 PM Bug report #16610 (Closed): Composer: Item Properties: expanded items resetting
- Fixed in layouts engine
11:54 PM Bug report #16610 (Closed): Composer: Item Properties: expanded items resetting
- Fixed in layouts engine
11:52 PM Feature request #16360 (Closed): Allow grouping items in Composer
- Duplicate of #16855
11:52 PM Feature request #16360 (Closed): Allow grouping items in Composer
- Duplicate of #16855
11:42 PM Bug report #15545 (Closed): Vertical or horizontal Polyline in Composer doesn't show up (if not s...
- Fixed in layouts engine
11:42 PM Bug report #15545 (Closed): Vertical or horizontal Polyline in Composer doesn't show up (if not s...
- Fixed in layouts engine
11:42 PM Feature request #14566 (Closed): change orientation of pages in composer when there's more than one
- Implemented in layouts engine
11:42 PM Feature request #14566 (Closed): change orientation of pages in composer when there's more than one
- Implemented in layouts engine
11:42 PM Feature request #14566 (Closed): change orientation of pages in composer when there's more than one
- Implemented in layouts engine
11:42 PM Feature request #14124 (Closed): option to export as raster on a per-item basis in print composer
- Implemented in layouts engine
11:42 PM Feature request #14124 (Closed): option to export as raster on a per-item basis in print composer
- Implemented in layouts engine
11:42 PM Feature request #14124 (Closed): option to export as raster on a per-item basis in print composer
- Implemented in layouts engine
11:40 PM Feature request #8583 (Closed): No label "out of frame" in print composer option
- Already possible - just turn off "show partial labels" in the label settings for your project.
11:40 PM Feature request #8583 (Closed): No label "out of frame" in print composer option
- Already possible - just turn off "show partial labels" in the label settings for your project.
11:40 PM Feature request #8583 (Closed): No label "out of frame" in print composer option
- Already possible - just turn off "show partial labels" in the label settings for your project.
11:39 PM Feature request #17199 (Closed): map composer: distribute selected items
- Implemented in layouts engine
11:39 PM Feature request #17199 (Closed): map composer: distribute selected items
- Implemented in layouts engine
11:34 PM Bug report #17478 (Closed): Created composer title in Composer Manager empty
- Fixed in master
11:34 PM Bug report #17478 (Closed): Created composer title in Composer Manager empty
- Fixed in master
07:45 PM Bug report #17719 (Closed): Dragging and dropping MS SQL table in browser window causes overwriti...
- Today I experienced a very strange behaviour from the browser window working with tables in my MS SQL connection.
... -
04:58 PM Bug report #17718 (Open): CRS selector: Extent is not displayed for all CRS
- I've asked "question about this on list":
04:55 PM Bug report #17445: Custom Certificate Configuration on 2.99 on Ubuntu 17.10
- As I still have this (on Debian testing).
Starting after removing all ~/.local/share/QGIS directories.
Some (hope... -
04:18 PM Bug report #17662: QGIS 2.99 crashes on 17.10 with CRS Gui
- So an update with b59bd94 install on 12/18
If you start QGIS and click any CRS anything it crashes.
If you start... -
03:53 PM Feature request #10845: Improve Snapping Options
- Ok, sounds good.
R.e. snapping themes... would that be "a snapping preset per layer", "multiple snapping presets p... -
02:45 PM Bug report #17717 (Closed): Atlas export resolution not linked to world file
- Atlas export resolution is not linked to export of world file.
If user changes export resolution when exporting atla... -
02:28 PM Bug report #17716 (Closed): Bleached pixels at right and bottom border - saving as image from com...
- When composition exported as image from print composer, image gets 1px wide bleached image on right and bottom border...
01:32 PM Feature request #17715 (Open): World file: x-scale and y-scale should be rounded
- I created a vector grid with A4 paper dimensions - for scale 1:1000 (297*210) in local TM projection (in meters). Aft...
12:05 PM Bug report #17386: Authentication manager behaves weird
- Andreas Neumann wrote:
> In my setup, this message also pops up, when I open the "Options" dialogue in the "Settings... -
10:55 AM Bug report #17670: Profiles do not pick up 'default options', even when shown in Options Dialog (...
- Ì don't know if it's related to this issue or if I should file a new report but profile doesn't pick its own language...
09:21 AM Bug report #17694 (Closed): GetPrint fails to parse FormData containing encoded param
- Applied in changeset commit:qgis|adb7af99335ea8c4b7123e1f2a2708cc30c826ca.
09:21 AM Bug report #17694 (Closed): GetPrint fails to parse FormData containing encoded param
- Applied in changeset commit:qgis|adb7af99335ea8c4b7123e1f2a2708cc30c826ca.
06:50 AM Bug report #17712: When a default value is set on a layer, a new value cannot be entered
- This is simply a bug with that check box. The default behaviour is correct from what I can see here. If set the def...
04:50 AM Bug report #17712: When a default value is set on a layer, a new value cannot be entered
- This default thing is a crock, if I split a feature in two the second part is created with the default values, wherea...
04:07 AM Bug report #17712: When a default value is set on a layer, a new value cannot be entered
- This is actually a very tricky little problem.
Basically when it decides to enforce the default values is if you t... -
03:41 AM Bug report #17712 (Closed): When a default value is set on a layer, a new value cannot be entered
- Using the layer properties and going to Attributes Form and selecting a field that is type int with 4 digits maximum ...
06:36 AM Bug report #17254 (Closed): Wrong output CRS when input layer uses generated CRS
- Applied in changeset commit:qgis|8cb4893817e4efe8752c4b14c3c69da9f701a417.
06:36 AM Bug report #17254 (Closed): Wrong output CRS when input layer uses generated CRS
- Applied in changeset commit:qgis|8cb4893817e4efe8752c4b14c3c69da9f701a417.
06:36 AM Bug report #17124: Editing behavior of filtered layers is inconsistent
- This is a big deal for me, because when I have to close the project just so I can edit a table that I had a filter ap...
06:27 AM Bug report #17686: filter does not allow data modification
- This is probably a duplicate of #17124
06:24 AM Bug report #17713 (Closed): Layer name case doesn't match entered name or filename when creating ...
- When I either
Create a new layer, or
Save a layer under a new name, or
Add an existing layer to a project
The cas... -
05:25 AM Bug report #17551: (daily build cd0ba91) virtual layer queries seem to be broken
- You can see me select the layer right there in the youtube video. If the information that qgis is providing in the "...
04:50 AM Feature request #17710: Provide a snap package for Linux users
- Snaps can be installed in multiple versions for Linux too.
The issue with AppImages afaik is that they are not confi... -
03:32 AM Feature request #17710: Provide a snap package for Linux users
- There is already been some work on an AppImage package
I prefer the AppImage which can be installed in multiple vers... -
02:01 AM Feature request #17710 (Open): Provide a snap package for Linux users
- Please consider packaging QGIS as a snap package as it is a universal package and basically a new standard that works...
03:35 AM Bug report #17711 (Closed): Crash when project properties open
- Cannot set any project properties because the application crashes when Project -> Options is clicked
61db97f - 01:04 AM Bug report #17579 (Closed): Saving qgz (zipped project file) file will null file
- Applied in changeset commit:qgis|7f474a097f6289b76e140a4719fa7719cd7d8977.
- 01:04 AM Bug report #17579 (Closed): Saving qgz (zipped project file) file will null file
- Applied in changeset commit:qgis|7f474a097f6289b76e140a4719fa7719cd7d8977.
10:28 PM Bug report #7885 (Closed): transparency value applied to composer image item displaying a vector ...
- Applied in changeset commit:qgis|b992e871ee1d51e78f4fe337ed3ec2cc288cd0af.
10:28 PM Bug report #7885 (Closed): transparency value applied to composer image item displaying a vector ...
- Applied in changeset commit:qgis|b992e871ee1d51e78f4fe337ed3ec2cc288cd0af.
10:28 PM Feature request #9281 (Closed): [composer] add option to disable antialiasing when exporting comp...
- Applied in changeset commit:qgis|2f0969e2bd5b5e74e6c18412d27f86a8f7c1072a.
10:28 PM Feature request #9281 (Closed): [composer] add option to disable antialiasing when exporting comp...
- Applied in changeset commit:qgis|2f0969e2bd5b5e74e6c18412d27f86a8f7c1072a.
04:22 PM Bug report #17610: Frozen on Coordinate System Window
- As a new track: Started QGIS from terminal. Open CRS settings, for example in Project Settings.
And terminal output... -
02:19 PM Bug report #17695 (In Progress): scale lock doesn't work when resizing canvas
11:26 AM Bug report #17606: QGIS Server 2.14.19 WFS GetFeature Server Error
- Tested today on 2.14.21, same problem :(
10:56 AM Bug report #17709 (Closed): Rule edition window too big for small screen (not resizable)
- I'm using QGIS on a 19 inches screen, resolution 1360x766. When I open the rule edition window I'm unable to reach th...
10:55 AM Bug report #17708 (Feedback): Custom SVG styles paths saved as absolute not relative
- This seems to be just happening in more recent masters
When you export out styles to a file then the SVG path is sto... -
10:31 AM Bug report #17348 (Reopened): Right clicking layer in canvas causes zoom out to 1,000,000
- So this really is an issue. Qgis is the only software on my computer that I have this shortcut (or right click) menu ...
10:26 AM Bug report #17707 (Feedback): Custom SVG styles aren't loaded
- This seems to be an enduring problem or not well documented in Qgis that I can ever remember but it seems to have bee...
03:07 AM Feature request #3865: Ability to lock map scale in print composer
- Desired behaviour:
* when holding down a key on the keyboard (perhaps 'Ctrl'?), dragging one of the map resize han... -
01:17 AM Bug report #17706 (Closed): GRASS Does not work on MacOS with QGIS 2.99 / Master
- IMHO this is a blocker as it makes processing with GRASS on MacOS unusable.
I get the same type of issue with any ...
08:42 PM Bug report #17254: Wrong output CRS when input layer uses generated CRS
- I was making a run at this problem to better understand QGIS and found that trying to create a scratch (memory) vecto...
08:39 PM Bug report #17453: Right-click on QGIS Toolbars no longer shows the drop-down list of panels and ...
- Steven, thanks for tracking down this issue. May i suggest you to provide your changes that fix the issue (better, li...
08:11 PM Bug report #17453: Right-click on QGIS Toolbars no longer shows the drop-down list of panels and ...
- I believe I have tracked down the problem to QgsMapToolCapture::stopCapturing() where an event filter is installed on...
11:37 AM Bug report #17705 (Closed): QGIS crashes rendering temporary layers with spatial index
- The issue occurs zooming in/out temporary layers with spatial index containing many features that require a few momen...
02:59 AM Bug report #17704 (Closed): Package layers algorithm is not producing a valid python string
- Applied in changeset commit:qgis|647bd256b17c7aa6db907a199125fad9dea0404f.
02:59 AM Bug report #17704 (Closed): Package layers algorithm is not producing a valid python string
- Applied in changeset commit:qgis|647bd256b17c7aa6db907a199125fad9dea0404f.
01:02 AM Bug report #17704 (Closed): Package layers algorithm is not producing a valid python string
- After running the package layers algorithm, I wanted to copy/paste the python line to run the same algorithm from the...
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