From 2016-04-23 to 2016-05-22
11:53 PM Bug report #14855 (Feedback): Strange result when hillshading with Z-factor=10 in the "Terrain An...
- Lene,
Is your Z value in the same unit as your x and y. For example, this happens if you try to scale lat/long raste... -
03:42 AM Bug report #14855: Strange result when hillshading with Z-factor=10 in the "Terrain Analysis" cor...
- Hi Lene, could you attach sample data to allow replicate here? thanks!
03:42 AM Bug report #14855: Strange result when hillshading with Z-factor=10 in the "Terrain Analysis" cor...
- Hi Lene, could you attach sample data to allow replicate here? thanks!
02:48 AM Bug report #14855 (Closed): Strange result when hillshading with Z-factor=10 in the "Terrain Anal...
- I create a Hillsade from Raster>Terrain analysis>Hillshade.
Using parameter Z-factor 10
Azimuth 315
Vertical angle... - 11:50 PM Bug report #14582 (Closed): The extent of the raster layers is not preserved and rounded to integ...
- Fixed in changeset commit:"75c76f51f17d88226fb86826e9aa8c4d96eedb5a".
03:01 PM Bug report #14582: The extent of the raster layers is not preserved and rounded to integer with G...
- See: PR 3090
02:56 AM Bug report #14582: The extent of the raster layers is not preserved and rounded to integer with G...
- Rounding happens because -a flag is given in the g.region command in The -a flag is most useful f...
11:45 PM Revision fdb6488b (qgis): [expressions] Support date + time = datetime calculations
11:45 PM Revision 4ce16e1e (qgis): Fix distorted date time calendar popup
- 11:29 PM Revision b18e33c8 (qgis): [qt5 tests] Fix blacklist
11:27 PM Bug report #14634 (Closed): Composer: the legend should show only enabled layers
- Yes, it is. Closing...
02:50 PM Bug report #14634: Composer: the legend should show only enabled layers
- is this any different from #13575 ?
10:46 PM Revision 84121f27 (qgis): fix postgres provider message
- 10:04 PM Revision 87ac6eaf (qgis): [qt5 tests] Unblacklist more tests
09:52 PM Revision e8887535 (qgis): Only require QTWEBKIT for Qt4 when WITH_QTWEBKIT is true.
- 09:52 PM Revision 7f3526be (qgis): [processing tests] Cleanup layer registry before every new test
- 09:52 PM Revision 7e113840 (qgis): [qt5 tests] Unblacklist tests
- 09:52 PM Revision ced7c27d (qgis): [py3] Use __bool__ instead of __nonzero__
- 09:52 PM Revision dbb24e97 (qgis): [processing tests] More tolerance in statistics test
- 09:52 PM Revision bbe9664d (qgis): [travis] Run Qt5 tests with osgeo4travis in $PATH
- This allows running the gdal processing tests and other subprocesses which have
been manually built like server appli... - 09:52 PM Revision 0e96ef37 (qgis): [travis] Fix ccache for Qt4 builds
- 09:52 PM Revision 50c7970e (qgis): Use unittest assertXXX methods
09:48 PM Bug report #14864 (Closed): styling dock: should remember expanded state of "layer rendering"
- Currently the dock always shows the "layer rendering" group expanded. If collapsed, it should store this state and op...
09:24 PM Bug report #14863 (Closed): styling dock: not updated when layer effects are edited
- The map isn't redrawn when layer effects are edited via the styling dock
09:23 PM Bug report #14862 (Closed): styling dock: button on layer panel isn't synced to dock visiblity
- Steps to reproduce:
1. open style dock. button on layer panel is shown depressed
2. close style dock via the 'x' but... -
09:22 PM Bug report #14861 (Closed): styling dock - not updated when symbol levels set
- When using the new styling dock, the map isn't updated when symbol levels are set
02:52 PM Bug report #14438 (Closed): georeferenced image cannot be loaded
- closing for lack of feedback, please reopen if necessary.
02:52 PM Bug report #14438 (Closed): georeferenced image cannot be loaded
- closing for lack of feedback, please reopen if necessary.
02:52 PM Bug report #12738 (Closed): After using "difference" consider 2 or more separated polygons as one
- Ekaterina Petrunenko wrote:
> ould you please advise civilized way to turn multiplolygon feature into independent pol... -
02:52 PM Bug report #12738 (Closed): After using "difference" consider 2 or more separated polygons as one
- Ekaterina Petrunenko wrote:
> ould you please advise civilized way to turn multiplolygon feature into independent pol... -
02:49 PM Bug report #14854: 'Save Edits' discards unconfirmed values in attribute table
- QGIS 2.14.2 shows the same behaviour.
03:46 AM Bug report #14854 (Feedback): 'Save Edits' discards unconfirmed values in attribute table
- is this behavior different from previous qgis releases? thanks.
02:40 AM Bug report #14854 (Closed): 'Save Edits' discards unconfirmed values in attribute table
- Clicking on 'Save Edits'(Crtl+S) in the attribute table discards unconfirmed values, while clicking on 'Toggle editin...
02:35 PM Bug report #14637 (Closed): Add vector layer includes directory name in the front of the layer an...
02:32 PM Bug report #14539 (Closed): In postgresql as date defined column will shown in attribute table as...
- closing for lack of feedback, please reopen if necessary.
02:32 PM Bug report #14539 (Closed): In postgresql as date defined column will shown in attribute table as...
- closing for lack of feedback, please reopen if necessary.
01:49 PM Bug report #14860 (Closed): Processing QGIS/create constant layer does not work
- I tested all QGIS releases where the Processing/QGIS/raster tool called "create constant layer" is available (on both...
01:45 PM Bug report #14675: Polygon area calculation error when the fly reprojection is activated
- Still true on the latest master.
Piers van der Torren wrote:
> I also encountered this problem, and even some very ... -
01:37 PM Bug report #14289 (Closed): QGIS packaging problem (master) - again
- Fixed in commit:e62d8fe
01:37 PM Bug report #14289 (Closed): QGIS packaging problem (master) - again
- Fixed in commit:e62d8fe
01:31 PM Bug report #14395 (Closed): Cannot install on ubuntu xenial
- fixed in commit:e62d8fe
- 01:27 PM Revision 2aa002d9 (qgis): Fix crash on style dock apply with no layer
01:09 PM Bug report #13419 (Closed): Creating spatial index on Shapefile with invalid geometries will make...
- seems to work as expected on 2.14.3 and master, please reopen if necessary.
01:09 PM Bug report #13419 (Closed): Creating spatial index on Shapefile with invalid geometries will make...
- seems to work as expected on 2.14.3 and master, please reopen if necessary.
- 12:45 PM Revision 3ace8e62 (qgis): [Style dock] Add support for raster layers
12:20 PM Bug report #14795: QGIS master missing the GRASS7 plugin
- in QGIS 2.14.3/osgeo4w now there is the GRASS7 and GRASS6 plugin. Still missing in master.
12:20 PM Bug report #14795: QGIS master missing the GRASS7 plugin
- in QGIS 2.14.3/osgeo4w now there is the GRASS7 and GRASS6 plugin. Still missing in master.
12:16 PM Bug report #14752 (Feedback): GEOS exceptions crash QGIS on windows
11:49 AM Bug report #14752: GEOS exceptions crash QGIS on windows
> * master, project opens, no crash, map cannot be zoomed or panned.
weird, tested again and is ok on master (still...-
11:27 AM Bug report #14752: GEOS exceptions crash QGIS on windows
- This is what I see on Windows:
* seems ok up to 2.12 (tested 2.8, 2.10 and 2.12)
* 2.14.3, project opens, no crash, ... -
11:52 AM Bug report #14648 (Reopened): Windows: crash on exit after having created a Processing layer
- instead of zonal stats/processing/qgis try hypsometric curves/processing/qgis (same test project). Crash 100% in exit.
11:52 AM Bug report #14648 (Reopened): Windows: crash on exit after having created a Processing layer
- instead of zonal stats/processing/qgis try hypsometric curves/processing/qgis (same test project). Crash 100% in exit.
11:52 AM Bug report #14648 (Reopened): Windows: crash on exit after having created a Processing layer
- instead of zonal stats/processing/qgis try hypsometric curves/processing/qgis (same test project). Crash 100% in exit.
11:12 AM Bug report #14648 (Closed): Windows: crash on exit after having created a Processing layer
- closing because of #14858. Not sure how I did manage to have a working qgis/processing/zonal stats on 2.14.1/master. ...
11:12 AM Bug report #14648 (Closed): Windows: crash on exit after having created a Processing layer
- closing because of #14858. Not sure how I did manage to have a working qgis/processing/zonal stats on 2.14.1/master. ...
11:43 AM Bug report #14846: QGIS Union: wrong results
- As discussed in Las Palmas this ftools must return the right results, warn the users in case there are invalid geomet...
11:43 AM Bug report #14846: QGIS Union: wrong results
- As discussed in Las Palmas this ftools must return the right results, warn the users in case there are invalid geomet...
11:43 AM Bug report #14846: QGIS Union: wrong results
- As discussed in Las Palmas this ftools must return the right results, warn the users in case there are invalid geomet...
11:32 AM Bug report #14740: DB Manager: Previews do not work and python error
- got also this while doing operations with table structure
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/usr/share/qgis... -
11:29 AM Bug report #14514: QGIS master forgets network cache settings
- Still true on the latest master (tested with osgeo4w).
11:29 AM Bug report #14514: QGIS master forgets network cache settings
- Still true on the latest master (tested with osgeo4w).
11:19 AM Bug report #13755: Copy/paste PostGIS layer: date not autofill ( ('now'::text)::date)
- is this issue fixed?
11:18 AM Bug report #14748 (Open): Selecting features by radius fails
11:14 AM Bug report #14798 (Feedback): QGIS crash in new computer W10 home64 - UHD display
- try deleting the .qgis2 folder and restart qgis. Meanwhile you can also attach there a project with the necessary dat...
11:14 AM Bug report #14798 (Feedback): QGIS crash in new computer W10 home64 - UHD display
- try deleting the .qgis2 folder and restart qgis. Meanwhile you can also attach there a project with the necessary dat...
11:14 AM Bug report #14798 (Feedback): QGIS crash in new computer W10 home64 - UHD display
- try deleting the .qgis2 folder and restart qgis. Meanwhile you can also attach there a project with the necessary dat...
11:14 AM Bug report #14798 (Feedback): QGIS crash in new computer W10 home64 - UHD display
- try deleting the .qgis2 folder and restart qgis. Meanwhile you can also attach there a project with the necessary dat...
- 09:36 AM Revision 13f053b7 (qgis): Merge pull request #3084 from nyalldawson/single_click_ediit
- Open editor in attribute table on single click
04:20 AM Bug report #14859 (Closed): Feature count issue (PostGIS view)
- When deleting featuers from a PostGIS layer, 'Show Feature Count' ignores the edits on related views.
04:08 AM Bug report #14858 (Closed): Processing QGIS Zonal Stats broken on Windows
- Seems only Windows is affected (the last working release seems to be 2.6).
Try this project -
04:03 AM Bug report #14857: QGIS freezes when adding new features
- Reinhard Reiterer wrote:
> Hi Giovanni, I've uninstalled all third-party plugins and tested a temporary scratch layer... -
03:55 AM Bug report #14857: QGIS freezes when adding new features
- Hi Giovanni, I've uninstalled all third-party plugins and tested a temporary scratch layer, but QGIS still freezes in...
03:29 AM Bug report #14857 (Feedback): QGIS freezes when adding new features
- Hi,
I'm also testing master on both Linux and Windows and cannot see this. Could you try with no plugins? Does it ha... -
03:29 AM Bug report #14857 (Feedback): QGIS freezes when adding new features
- Hi,
I'm also testing master on both Linux and Windows and cannot see this. Could you try with no plugins? Does it ha... -
03:29 AM Bug report #14857 (Feedback): QGIS freezes when adding new features
- Hi,
I'm also testing master on both Linux and Windows and cannot see this. Could you try with no plugins? Does it ha... -
03:22 AM Bug report #14857 (Closed): QGIS freezes when adding new features
- QGIS 2.15.0-Master freezes for a few seconds when clicking on the 'Add Feature' icon.
03:44 AM Bug report #14853 (Feedback): Histogram min/max values markers and graph are always the ones for ...
- does gdalinfo over the VRT file return the correct values for min/max? Cheers!
03:44 AM Bug report #14853 (Feedback): Histogram min/max values markers and graph are always the ones for ...
- does gdalinfo over the VRT file return the correct values for min/max? Cheers!
03:37 AM Bug report #14712 (Closed): DB-Manager DEFAULT value d&d issue
- duplicate of #6798
03:37 AM Bug report #14712 (Closed): DB-Manager DEFAULT value d&d issue
- duplicate of #6798
02:53 AM Bug report #14620 (Closed): Vector buffer and File creation error
- closing for lack of feedback, please reopen if necessary.
02:53 AM Bug report #14620 (Closed): Vector buffer and File creation error
- closing for lack of feedback, please reopen if necessary.
02:49 AM Feature request #14856 (Open): Processing: Use r.external.out for GRASS raster algorithms
- In processing, GRASS raster algorithms should use r.external.out instead of r.out.gdal.
With r.external.out, results ...
01:22 AM Bug report #14853 (Closed): Histogram min/max values markers and graph are always the ones for va...
- *new description:*
QGIS by default computes min/max using by default an accuracy that is set to "estimated (faster)",... -
10:46 PM Bug report #13016 (Closed): Node tool: No visual feedback about snapping when editing end point o...
- Fixed in master.
10:38 PM Feature request #14845: Add an option to automatically classify discrete rasters when styling them
- Related to this (old) request #4321
And to this one: #14449 - 05:10 PM Revision c260a77e (qgis): Merge pull request #3054 from dgoedkoop/loadstylelabels214
- [Bugfix] Update labeling settings after loading style from file (fixes #14224)
02:21 PM Bug report #6798: when copying a table by d&d from one schema to another the serial property is l...
- Hi Giovanni, it's just a SQL query to sync the primary key. I've no programming skills.
Related: #14712 -
11:33 AM Bug report #6798: when copying a table by d&d from one schema to another the serial property is l...
- Paul Kanelli wrote:
> Thx for the info. Here comes the workaround:
> SELECT S E T V A L('<table>_<column>_seq', (S... -
11:30 AM Bug report #6798: when copying a table by d&d from one schema to another the serial property is l...
- Paul - Thanks for the work around. I'll have to test that.
This is definitely an annoying bug. I only found this out ... -
12:49 PM Bug report #14847: Print composer: moving a grouped rotated map resizes places it wrongly
- Sorry, now attached (and description improved).
12:08 PM Bug report #14847 (Feedback): Print composer: moving a grouped rotated map resizes places it wrongly
- attachments missing.
12:13 PM Bug report #14849: Digitizing: avoid intersection takes ages
- confirmed also on master.
12:13 PM Bug report #14849: Digitizing: avoid intersection takes ages
- confirmed also on master.
12:13 PM Bug report #14849: Digitizing: avoid intersection takes ages
- confirmed also on master.
12:02 PM Bug report #8760 (Open): Custom Form from .ui File crashes QGIS on Ubuntu
11:55 AM Bug report #13061: QGIS crashes on close if data was read through GDAL in Python Console
- this is still an issue on the latest master (tested on windows).
11:31 AM Bug report #14498 (Closed): not corectly working spatial join
- closing for lack of feedback, please reopen if necessary.
11:31 AM Bug report #14498 (Closed): not corectly working spatial join
- closing for lack of feedback, please reopen if necessary.
11:28 AM Bug report #14458 (Closed): open datasource in read-only mode
- closing for lack of feedback, please reopen if necessary.
11:28 AM Bug report #14458 (Closed): open datasource in read-only mode
- closing for lack of feedback, please reopen if necessary.
11:27 AM Bug report #14520 (Closed): Bug in PDF export
- closing for lack of feedback, please reopen if necessary.
11:27 AM Bug report #14520 (Closed): Bug in PDF export
- closing for lack of feedback, please reopen if necessary.
11:27 AM Bug report #14543 (Closed): DB Manager Fails Silently
- closing for lack of feedback, please reopen if necessary.
11:27 AM Bug report #14543 (Closed): DB Manager Fails Silently
- closing for lack of feedback, please reopen if necessary.
11:27 AM Bug report #14550 (Closed): crashes when invalid geojson files are in a directory
- closing for lack of feedback, please reopen if necessary.
11:27 AM Bug report #14550 (Closed): crashes when invalid geojson files are in a directory
- closing for lack of feedback, please reopen if necessary.
11:25 AM Bug report #14456 (Closed): QGIS 2.14 crash opening any raster format
- closing for lack of feedback, please reopen if necessary.
11:25 AM Bug report #14456 (Closed): QGIS 2.14 crash opening any raster format
- closing for lack of feedback, please reopen if necessary.
11:25 AM Bug report #14509 (Closed): Processing/SAGA: Union freezes program
- closing for lack of feedback, please reopen if necessary.
11:25 AM Bug report #14509 (Closed): Processing/SAGA: Union freezes program
- closing for lack of feedback, please reopen if necessary.
11:23 AM Bug report #14593 (Open): Saving project file from print composer should keep the composer dialog...
11:21 AM Bug report #14676 (Closed): QGIS Intersection tool does not work when used in Modeler
- closing for lack of feedback, please reopen if necessary.
11:21 AM Bug report #14676 (Closed): QGIS Intersection tool does not work when used in Modeler
- closing for lack of feedback, please reopen if necessary.
11:20 AM Bug report #14672 (Closed): Program Crashes In Some Cases When Performing Buffer Vector Analysis ...
- closing for lack of feedback, please reopen if necessary.
11:20 AM Bug report #14672 (Closed): Program Crashes In Some Cases When Performing Buffer Vector Analysis ...
- closing for lack of feedback, please reopen if necessary.
11:18 AM Bug report #14535 (Closed): fix duplicate entries in the vector menu caused by ftools on version ...
- closing for lack of feedback, please reopen if necessary.
11:18 AM Bug report #14535 (Closed): fix duplicate entries in the vector menu caused by ftools on version ...
- closing for lack of feedback, please reopen if necessary.
11:18 AM Bug report #14588 (Closed): WIndows 7 freezes when using 'Pick color' tool
- closing for lack of feedback, please reopen if necessary.
11:18 AM Bug report #14588 (Closed): WIndows 7 freezes when using 'Pick color' tool
- closing for lack of feedback, please reopen if necessary.
11:17 AM Bug report #14673 (Closed): Saving edits in .shp files
- closing for lack of feedback, please reopen if necessary.
11:17 AM Bug report #14673 (Closed): Saving edits in .shp files
- closing for lack of feedback, please reopen if necessary.
11:12 AM Bug report #14416 (Closed): WFS with BBOX doesn't work in QGS 2.14
- 08:11 AM Bug report #14224 (Closed): "Label with" Field is not loaded when importing qgis layer style file
- Fixed in changeset commit:"c260a77ec2073e0468803a47e6af0d49a1bd0f53".
01:31 AM Bug report #10510: Geometryless table sets project CRS to epsg:4326
- I suppose this is a regression from previous QGIS versions.
01:01 AM Bug report #14852 (Closed): 'Clear Results' missing in 'Configure shortcuts' dialog
- 'Clear Results' is missing in the 'Configure shortcuts' dialog.
12:40 AM Bug report #14851 (Closed): 'Clear Results' icon
- 'Deselect Features from All Layers' and 'Clear All' share the same icon, which may confuse users.
12:18 AM Bug report #14850 (Closed): 'Layers Panel' - Symbol size depends on zoom level
- In some cases the layers panel view depends on the zoom level of the map canvas.
05:51 PM Revision 98ede7fe (qgis): Replaced Grid with Raster for coherence
04:53 PM Revision b6923758 (qgis): Merge pull request #3087 from arnaud-morvan/maptooladdfeature_avoidinte...
- In tool add feature, reject null geometry due to intersection avoidance
04:18 PM Bug report #13925: Qlr-file saves datasource path not as absolute path
- I'm running Essen, and if I create the layer definition file with path set to relative, it can't find the datasource ...
02:40 PM Revision 17fd3d8c (qgis): Fix in maptool add feature, reject null geometry due to intersection av...
02:05 PM Revision cf2ebb82 (qgis): Release of 2.14.3
- 11:37 AM Revision ff4532c3 (qgis): [server] Fix pep8 build error
- 09:59 AM Revision eef0486c (qgis): [server] Removed debug print from the test
- 09:57 AM Revision 10e88076 (qgis): [server] Added regression test for #8656
- Ref. commit b956874f02a9379
09:50 AM Bug report #14849 (Closed): Digitizing: avoid intersection takes ages
- Steps to reproduce:
* load a vector
* set the digitizing options to Avoid intersection, snapping 10 px
* digitize ... -
09:40 AM Bug report #14848: Plugin Editing offline: crashes if attempting to synchronize a raster
- src/plugins/offline_editing/offline_editing_plugin_gui.cpp: 151: (on_buttonBox_accepted) [7555ms] dtm2016052018364671...
09:38 AM Bug report #14848 (Closed): Plugin Editing offline: crashes if attempting to synchronize a raster
- Step to reproduce:
* add a vector
* add a raster
* open the plugin
* select both
* click on synchronize
--> crash -
09:30 AM Bug report #14847 (Closed): Print composer: moving a grouped rotated map resizes places it wrongly
- Steps to reproduce:
* open print composer
* add a map
* add another object
* rotate the map
* group both
* move... -
09:23 AM Revision 5cfcf846 (qgis): translation string fixes
08:33 AM Revision 8724feb7 (qgis): Some symbol layer widget fixes:
- - Fix broken shapeburst fill widget
- Tweak stretch behaviour of some widgets -
05:41 AM Bug report #14378: Mapinfo Tables cannot be opened simultaneously in QGIS > 2.8.3 and MapInfo
- I can confirm the lock problem, but not with all QGIS versions:
* We got aware of the issue with 2.8.9 LTR.
* Newer... -
05:26 AM Revision 88db4f9a (qgis): Open editor in attribute table on single click
05:17 AM Bug report #12502: processing:runalg locks input file
- I actually propose to give high priority to this bug.
Indeed, coupled with the other serious one in gdal_calc (and gd...
01:48 AM Revision 0fcff9f2 (qgis): Allow direct QVariant creation from some QGIS metatypes
12:47 AM Bug report #12889: Defect #20028: Registry entry under HKLM\\software\\microsoft\\windows\\curren...
- Issue still exist in 2.14.2 Essen.
Also the RegKey "HKLM\\Software\\QGIS ESSEN" is not deleted during uninstall on a... -
12:30 AM Bug report #14846 (Closed): QGIS Union: wrong results
- I see this bugs report #8456, but I think that the issues are different.
The issues that I have noticed are:
# ... -
12:06 AM Feature request #14803: Add snapping markers for georeferencer
- See also
10:35 PM Feature request #14845 (Closed): Add an option to automatically classify discrete rasters when st...
- Hi
I am currently working with discrete rasters (landuse categories, boolean rasters...) and there seems to be no st... -
10:21 PM Revision fd3ed08c (qgis): Precise that scale function returns the denominator and not the scale i...
- (cherry-picked from 69a8c381abeb810625bf972354e3492827b28915)
- 10:20 PM Revision b956874f (qgis): [server][bugfix] FILTER GetFeatureInfo working again
- Fixes #8656
10:20 PM Revision e63e9eb8 (qgis): Save annotations to project.qgs in creation order (fix #14812)
- Save annotations to project file in the order they were loaded or
created, so that annotations have the same display ... -
10:17 PM Revision a2756b97 (qgis): Ensure that providers fetch geometry for a QgsFeatureRequest
- with an expression filter which requires geometry
(cherry-picked from 858914eef589b2426209d500c162c4773c41fbd5) -
10:15 PM Revision e3556f7d (qgis): Set expression context for geometry generator builder (fix #14833)
- (cherry-picked from 7187148afb9d7c2d6670ef82b361f7d3b116fdc7)
04:29 PM Revision bc1aa42f (qgis): Merge pull request #3081 from mhugent/curve_segmentize_parameters
- Curve segmentize parameters
03:32 PM Feature request #13132 (Closed): Reference scale
- A "magnification" setting has been added in 2.16 to address this use case.
03:32 PM Feature request #13132 (Closed): Reference scale
- A "magnification" setting has been added in 2.16 to address this use case.
03:32 PM Feature request #13132 (Closed): Reference scale
- A "magnification" setting has been added in 2.16 to address this use case.
- 02:53 PM Revision 0078b33e (qgis): Merge pull request #3082 from rouault/vectorfilewriter_cleanup_and_enco...
- Vectorfilewriter cleanup and encoding improvement
01:45 PM Revision a19741b2 (qgis): [processing] log errors in hook scripts
01:45 PM Revision 518f7dcf (qgis): [processing] correctly switch to description tab if help tab exists
- 01:22 PM Bug report #8656 (Closed): WMS GetFeatureInfo Filter: No results
- Fixed in changeset commit:"b956874f02a9379b0a9503d6c25fe014dc41bd5a".
01:19 PM Revision 6bf4b92c (qgis): Merge pull request #3080 from nyalldawson/select_tools
- [FEATURE] Improved map select tool behaviour
01:04 PM Revision d73210a5 (qgis): Update test mask image
11:41 AM Revision 1ab29771 (qgis): QgsVectorLayerSaveAsDialog: use QgsVectorFileWriter::MetaData::compulso...
11:38 AM Revision 3ee7d59e (qgis): QgsVectorFileWriter::MetaData: add a compulsoryEncoding member
- * Some formats require a compulsory encoding, typically UTF-8.
Change initMetadata() to indicate UTF-8 compulsory enc... -
11:38 AM Bug report #14844 (Closed): Oblique Mercator projection hanging when rendering map
- Hi,
My custom CRS' that use oblique mercator no longer render properly in 2.14. Some layers are rotated properly, ot... -
11:21 AM Revision b1efb9a7 (qgis): QgsVectorFileWriter::initMetaData(): fix DGN registration
- DGN was registered twice, and the second occurence reseted the
creation options -
11:20 AM Revision 222fa767 (qgis): QgsVectorFileWriter: remove the deprecated private driverMetadata(drive...
11:02 AM Revision c0d12dcd (qgis): [FEATURE]: possibility to set the segmentation tolerance (maximum angle...
10:18 AM Revision 3ac9364f (qgis): * debian packaging update
- * include qch download link on api index page
09:53 AM Bug report #14551: georeferencer projective transformation
- Lene Fischer wrote:
> And in the 2.14.2 version.
the rationale for setting the target version to 2.16 is that a ... -
09:53 AM Bug report #14551: georeferencer projective transformation
- Lene Fischer wrote:
> And in the 2.14.2 version.
the rationale for setting the target version to 2.16 is that a ... -
09:53 AM Bug report #14551: georeferencer projective transformation
- Lene Fischer wrote:
> And in the 2.14.2 version.
the rationale for setting the target version to 2.16 is that a ... -
09:53 AM Bug report #14551: georeferencer projective transformation
- Lene Fischer wrote:
> And in the 2.14.2 version.
the rationale for setting the target version to 2.16 is that a ... -
09:14 AM Bug report #14842 (Feedback): cannot save .nc file to Geotiff
08:56 AM Bug report #14842: cannot save .nc file to Geotiff
- Hi Corinna,
Do you have some sample data?
As a work-around you can try Crayfish plugin. You can then right click on... -
08:51 AM Bug report #14842 (Closed): cannot save .nc file to Geotiff
- I use the following instructions to conver from a .nc file to a georeferenced geotiff. This worked in 2.12.2 but no l...
08:45 AM Bug report #14694: DB Manager: F5 not working
- Warning: QAction::eventFilter: Ambiguous shortcut overload: F5
08:37 AM Revision 6f07322d (qgis): Merge pull request #3048 from nyalldawson/qt_doxygen
- Allow generation of Qt QHP help files from doxygen
08:36 AM Bug report #14841 (Closed): Offline sync error with date types
- When trying to sync data with the offline plugin with a PostGIS table containing a date field, here's the message we ...
08:14 AM Revision cd9f47ae (qgis): [FEATURE] Improved map select tool behaviour
- Implements the improved mouse/key modifier behaviour discussed in: -
07:11 AM Revision c0799d47 (qgis): Fix deprecated warning
06:52 AM Revision 9d59f9ce (qgis): Generate QCH compiled help with qgis-api-doc package
06:30 AM Revision 1602c02d (qgis): Merge pull request #3009 from pblottiere/magnifier
- [FEATURE] add a map canvas magnifier
06:27 AM Bug report #14697 (Closed): Opening kmz file causes QGIS to crash
- Was a OGR bug (actually rather a libkml one IMHO). Fixed per
06:27 AM Bug report #14697 (Closed): Opening kmz file causes QGIS to crash
- Was a OGR bug (actually rather a libkml one IMHO). Fixed per
05:55 AM Revision 45f0cff2 (qgis): Allow generation of Qt QHP help files from doxygen
- This adds a new cmake option GENERATE_QHP. If the api docs are
set to being built (ie doxygen is available and WITH_A... -
05:46 AM Revision daa23b59 (qgis): Merge pull request #3078 from 3nids/scaledenomhelp
- Precise that scale function returns the denominator and not the scale itself
04:30 AM Revision 23a3a771 (qgis): Cleaner API for selecting features in QgsVectorLayer
- - add selectByRect( QgsRectangle&, SelectBehaviour) and
selectByIds( QgsFeatureIds, SelectBehaviour) for selecting
by... -
04:20 AM Feature request #2666 (Closed): Improve the select
- Fixed in changeset commit:"cd9f47ae45e4b664356588e6fb6c63c0b3c43aa7".
02:40 AM Revision 1767d3b0 (qgis): [processing] Use QgsVectorLayer::selectByExpression for select by expre...
02:13 AM Feature request #5301: Save as image do not export text annotations
- Well, thank you very much for fixing this...
It is always very nive when old bugs are fixed. Thanks for the work and...
01:18 AM Feature request #14840 (Open): Warning message when file is in use by another user
- Please add a warning message when another instance of a QGIS file is already open.
01:15 AM Feature request #14839 (Open): Being able to show/link attribute values beside diagrams in the ma...
- Hi,
After setting, let's say, a pie chart diagram, one may want to show beside each part its value. This is currently... -
01:11 AM Revision b951d5a5 (qgis): [FEATURE] new method QgsVectorLayer::selectByExpression(...)
- Makes it simple for scripts to select by expression. The method
also accepts a parameter which dictates whether match... -
12:50 AM Revision 7187148a (qgis): Set expression context for geometry generator builder (fix #14833)
07:56 PM Bug report #14838 (Closed): Raster - Style - Singleband Pseudocolor - Edit
- Hi
Coloring a raster from Singleband Grey to Singleband Pseudocolor.
First: If clicking OK - and I want to edit t... -
07:38 PM Bug report #14837 (Closed): Raster - Save As
- Hi
First issue:
While Save a Raster As a GeoTiff
Choosing Rendered Image and VRT
Browse for filename you have to cho... -
07:24 PM Bug report #14836 (Closed): Processing: checkbox list in wrong order in Modeler
- When running a model in the processing framework that produces a stack of bands as input (Band1, Band2, Band3...) The...
07:09 PM Feature request #14835 (Open): Virtual Raster Load Min Max Values
- *New description:*
*Old description:*
While creating a virtual raster the result viewed in the laye... -
05:48 PM Bug report #14834 (Closed): Broken Select by Expression algorithm
- Since ac0bff32bf6ec7f31f7ebfd0e119162694c4b67d the Select by Expression algorithm is broken - the expression is incor...
03:51 PM Bug report #14833 (Closed): geometry generator expression editor doesn't offer @map_scale variable
- Fixed in changeset commit:"7187148afb9d7c2d6670ef82b361f7d3b116fdc7".
03:14 PM Revision b4e23541 (qgis): [processsing] removed unused code
- 02:40 PM Revision f15197da (qgis): add unit test for scale
- 02:40 PM Revision d23a110c (qgis): move magnification in map settings
02:24 PM Revision d390ebdc (qgis): [processing] show script in toolbox even if it contains errors
02:24 PM Revision f001ac11 (qgis): [processing] fixed repaint in set vector style algorithm
02:03 PM Revision bbaef371 (qgis): [GRASS] close vector map if no more users, fixes #14668
12:08 PM Revision bfa90a91 (qgis): [processing] fixed toolbox updates
- 11:42 AM Revision 95038b14 (qgis): scale is the same whatever the level of magnification
11:05 AM Revision fc085354 (qgis): Merge pull request #3044 from arnaud-morvan/processing_output_vectortable
- Processing - Output tables with no geometry through OutputVector
10:43 AM Revision 69a8c381 (qgis): Precise that scale function returns the denominator and not the scale i...
05:41 AM Bug report #1631 (Closed): v.db.addcol: table not updated
- New columns can now be added via standard QGIS table editing interface, in which case, the new column appears immedia...
05:34 AM Bug report #3205 (Closed): GRASS toolbox: don't allow for operations on a vector with broken topo...
05:33 AM Bug report #3205: GRASS toolbox: don't allow for operations on a vector with broken topology
- The browser was removed from GRASS plugin and the functionality migrated to the standard QGIS browser.
If the topolo... -
05:29 AM Bug report #3470 (Closed): GRASS error(s?) missing error details
- It is not mentioned which module exactly, I tried with from GRASS Tools and incorrect Postgres password and ...
05:29 AM Bug report #3470 (Closed): GRASS error(s?) missing error details
- It is not mentioned which module exactly, I tried with from GRASS Tools and incorrect Postgres password and ...
05:14 AM Bug report #14617 (Feedback): unable to display data from GRASS read-only mapset
05:14 AM Bug report #14668: GRASS Plugin: error deleting vector file
- In fact, close map code was commented, which resulted in keeping the file open and impossibility to delete the vector...
05:07 AM Bug report #14668 (Closed): GRASS Plugin: error deleting vector file
- Fixed in changeset commit:"bbaef371cb9532efd4dcaf4bd247e72f2ff2203e".
05:08 AM Revision a9c1996b (qgis): Merge pull request #3064 from wonder-sk/composer-map-follow-preset
- Composer map to follow a visibility preset
03:56 AM Revision 292a8a4f (qgis): Fix updates of preset combo box when presets get changed
03:12 AM Revision 5dd88c99 (qgis): Avoid crash in style dock when layer is removed
03:12 AM Revision 46fb193e (qgis): Fix warnings
02:50 AM Bug report #11198 (Closed): Text annotations are not rendered when saving the map canvas as image
02:40 AM Bug report #11198: Text annotations are not rendered when saving the map canvas as image
- This feature has been added by
02:40 AM Feature request #5301: Save as image do not export text annotations
- This feature has been added by
02:39 AM Feature request #11503: Save as image do not export text annotations
- This feature has been added by
- 02:33 AM Revision 773212b2 (qgis): [color button] add colour wheel to right click menu
- 02:12 AM Revision dc9b56e2 (qgis): [styledock] scroll area for symbol selector widget
02:08 AM Revision 82d465cd (qgis): Save annotations to project.qgs in creation order (fix #14812)
- Save annotations to project file in the order they were loaded or
created, so that annotations have the same display ... - 02:01 AM Revision 842be91e (qgis): remove spin box background color
- 01:55 AM Revision eb9ab8a4 (qgis): add unit test for extent
01:54 AM Bug report #14833 (Closed): geometry generator expression editor doesn't offer @map_scale variable
- context should be adapted
- 01:50 AM Revision 0ff10aeb (qgis): [styledock] more widget changes
01:33 AM Revision e92dc26c (qgis): Followup feeeaf0, add unit tests
01:23 AM Revision feeeaf0e (qgis): [FEATURE] Extend linestring geometries with reshape tool
- If the reshape line starts or ends at a linestring geometry's
endpoint, such geometry will be extended (previously no... -
12:50 AM Revision b23bae74 (qgis): Fix warning
12:45 AM Bug report #14802 (Closed): OTB was not found or is not correctly installed
- I have installed otb-bin with OSGeo4W installer and set the corresponding paths in the QGIS Processing Options:
OTB a... -
10:49 PM Bug report #14718 (Closed): QGIS freezes while paning/zooming if several layers are visible at th...
10:03 PM Revision 04176350 (qgis): fix about box (followup 0b940cac, fixes #14832)
08:09 PM Bug report #13418 (Closed): Print Composer : "Lock layer style for map item" doesn't update the m...
- Fixed in changeset commit:"deee8e290e5735e42deab70437fb64a590ef0817".
05:09 PM Bug report #14812 (Closed): Saving / re-openning a project reverse the annotations z-order
- Fixed in changeset commit:"82d465cd9434d4445fe4fa44af8a5fd085cbc566".
- 05:00 PM Revision aa66bc6a (qgis): Merge pull request #3076 from rouault/delimitedtext_qt5_fix
- Delimited text provider: fix parsing of subset URL parameter with QT 5 and fix tests
04:57 PM Revision 8ee697bf (qgis): Vector layer save as: usability tunings related to attribute selection
- - The group is renamed as 'Select fields to export and their export options'
- It has no longer a checkbox. It is jus... -
02:26 PM Bug report #14832: Crash when loading QGIS help->about dialog
- Thanks Jürgen!
01:11 PM Bug report #14832 (Closed): Crash when loading QGIS help->about dialog
- Fixed in changeset commit:"04176350ec66acc1d36b80134901acd3fbeed834".
12:14 PM Bug report #14832 (Closed): Crash when loading QGIS help->about dialog
- When loading the QGIS about dialog I get a segfault:
Reading contributors file /usr/share/qgis/doc/CONTRIBUTORS........ -
02:16 PM Revision afbe9141 (qgis): Processing - Support OutputVector with no geometry in GUI
02:16 PM Revision 7847f971 (qgis): Processing - Adapt RefactorFields to work on tables as well as vector l...
02:16 PM Revision fc5f70c6 (qgis): Processing - Support tables with no geometry in OutputVector
02:16 PM Revision 63d23d29 (qgis): Processing - Support no geometry in VectorWriter
- 01:56 PM Revision a5ef216f (qgis): [styledock] Better layouts for marker widgets
- - Grid vs Form layouts
- Align DD buttons for better look -
12:16 PM Revision deb1e1eb (qgis): osgeo4w: add qt plugin directories to browser with grass (followup b758...
- (cherry picked from commit 6663a4cc821a9cf3ddc7ced1e65ba42f8fa945da)
12:15 PM Revision 6663a4cc (qgis): osgeo4w: add qt plugin directories to browser with grass (followup b758...
08:06 AM Revision a7f41dc4 (qgis): [processing] do not reject string parameters if they contain an unparsa...
- 07:47 AM Revision 57dc3c7e (qgis): [mssql] Fix layer not showing with invalid geometry
06:52 AM Revision 7eb05e2c (qgis): Fix composer map tests
06:52 AM Revision deee8e29 (qgis): [FEATURE] Composer map to follow a visibility preset (fixes #13418)
- This adds a new option in composer map properties:
"Follow visibility preset" with a combo box to choose the active p... - 06:35 AM Revision 8c402bcf (qgis): Remove child features when parent's add feature form is cancelled
05:35 AM Bug report #14726: New labeling dock widget can disappear, no cohabitation with other widgets
- Any evolution on this? Not being able to share space with other widgets leads to reduction of map canvas.
FYI, I'm on... -
02:53 AM Revision 307aabd6 (qgis): [FEATURE] Aggregates for expressions
- This commit adds a number of different forms of aggregates to
the expression engine.
1. Aggregates within the curren... -
02:53 AM Revision ea066599 (qgis): [relations] Add method to manager to retrieve relations by name
- Also
- Begin unit tests for QgsRelationManager
- Make project optional when constructing QgsRelationManager -
02:53 AM Revision 821134ca (qgis): Add method to convert string to aggregate type
02:53 AM Revision 84fc3c3b (qgis): Implement method for caching values within expression contexts
- Can be used to store the results of expensive sub-expression
calculations (eg layer aggregates), so that future expre... -
02:53 AM Revision 50e41c81 (qgis): New utility class QgsAggregateCalculator, simplifies calculating
- aggregates from vector layer fields and expressions
02:53 AM Revision dcc047af (qgis): Add possibility to handle aggregate calculation at data provider
- (not implemented for any providers yet)
02:53 AM Revision 1c45b940 (qgis): Add calculation of number of null values to QgsStatisticalSummary
02:52 AM Revision 4dea723c (qgis): Add methods to stats calculators to accept values one at a time
- This can be more efficient for large quantities of values, since
it avoids the need to create a list of all values in...
12:33 AM Revision 2bbd5ca5 (qgis): Fix look&feel of WFS SQL query composer on Mac
12:08 AM Bug report #14802: OTB was not found or is not correctly installed
- I assume that you mean with the OSGeo4W installer setup. don't you?
11:49 PM Feature request #14831 (Closed): Auto updating fields
- If such a simple piece of script as this answer
11:41 PM Revision 902953ca (qgis): Delimited text provider: fix parsing of subset URL parameter with QT 5 ...
- In Qt 4, QUrl::queryItemValue() decodes a value that contains %25 as %, whereas
it doesn't with Qt5. -
04:59 PM Revision c198b1af (qgis): indentation fix
03:09 PM Revision 858914ee (qgis): Ensure that providers fetch geometry for a QgsFeatureRequest
- with an expression filter which requires geometry
- 03:09 PM Revision 28809b6d (qgis): Fix bug in edit virtual field
- The index was transformed twice from field index to field origin index,
resulting in a corrupted index (most often be... - 03:04 PM Revision c0214bc3 (qgis): Fix bug in edit virtual field
- The index was transformed twice from field index to field origin index,
resulting in a corrupted index (most often be... -
02:14 PM Revision b514f521 (qgis): cppcheck fixes
01:24 PM Bug report #14812: Saving / re-openning a project reverse the annotations z-order
- Also created a pull request
12:33 PM Bug report #14812: Saving / re-openning a project reverse the annotations z-order
- If I create three Text Annotations 'Annotation1', 'Annotation2' and 'Annotation3' and save the project, then the Text...
01:01 PM Feature request #14830 (Open): Tool to highlight pinned point symbols
- Please add a tool to highlight point symbols that have been manually moved.
See also #14738
12:24 PM Feature request #14829 (Open): Geometry Checker: Add 'Select all'/'Deselect all' buttons
- Subject says it all...
11:45 AM Bug report #14828 (Closed): Rename 'Snapping mode' to 'Layer mode' (?) in 'Snapping options' dialog
- While 'Snapping mode' (see 'Snapping options') and 'Default snap mode' (see 'Options') refer to different settings,th...
11:37 AM Bug report #14795: QGIS master missing the GRASS7 plugin
- on QGIS master on linux (ubuntu + nightly repo) seems ok here. There is the G7 plugin and is working.
11:29 AM Bug report #14795: QGIS master missing the GRASS7 plugin
- still no GRASS plugin on qgis master/osgeo4w.
On a clean osgeo4w installation now the shortcut for QGIS 2.14.2 with ... -
11:29 AM Bug report #14795: QGIS master missing the GRASS7 plugin
- still no GRASS plugin on qgis master/osgeo4w.
On a clean osgeo4w installation now the shortcut for QGIS 2.14.2 with ... - 11:16 AM Revision ee533a7d (qgis): Add test for attribute table sorting
- 11:16 AM Revision d07d9edd (qgis): Allow sorting attribute table by expression
- 11:16 AM Revision 9080aa19 (qgis): Don't require a parent for QgsExpressionBuilderWidget
10:14 AM Revision 11ee2fc8 (qgis): Fix running unsaved script in console
09:35 AM Bug report #14827 (Closed): Resize 'Simple layer type' drop-down menu
- Please resize the 'Simple layer type' drop-down menu in the 'Layer properties' dialog. 'Outline: Simple line' should ...
08:48 AM Revision d64f4740 (qgis): fix precise build
08:28 AM Revision dd4ae416 (qgis): [expressions] Fix fetching joined column refs when expression is
- not prepared (fix #14746)
(cherry-picked from febe30d991111712f95a476e97862ca5a890b9aa) -
08:26 AM Bug report #14826 (Closed): .QML style only partly rendered into image using PyQGIS API
- I have a .QML style file for the polygon layer (see file attached) that was created in QGIS. Inside QGIS layers are r...
08:22 AM Bug report #14675: Polygon area calculation error when the fly reprojection is activated
- I also encountered this problem, and even some very simple geometries give absurd areas. I'll try to make put some pr...
08:02 AM Revision aa6347eb (qgis): [cad] Fix invalid coordinates when x/y snapping is enabled and
- subsequent segments are parallel
(cherry-picked from 90d116c6f509098f001bf1b10e8a58d081e46a14) -
08:01 AM Revision 82a4b4d5 (qgis): Ensure that @symbol_color is always correct for symbol layer types
- with subsymbols
(cherry-picked from cda387cb6f96e01d0c677c974f1a18e5d0bcbce9) -
07:57 AM Revision 7a4ef0d3 (qgis): Fix memory leak in OGR provider when feature has no geometry
- and FilterRect is used
(cherry-picked from 6b80518a5b55ab30fb19493266d5626d0f89d26b) -
07:57 AM Revision 8f0ee1fe (qgis): Fix major(?) memory leak with python code execution
- (cherry-picked from 73733a65edd2bbc8156bf36484995457c35f6b68)
07:56 AM Revision 804ac7e5 (qgis): Avoid refreshing canvas for every joined feature
- Instead of setting the provider's subsetString to fetch joined
features, use a feature request with FilterExpression ... -
07:56 AM Revision ad0b8f9d (qgis): Fix QgsFieldComboWidget not updating fields when calling setFilter()
- (cherry-picked from a389d237fcff1f61941cdba5237079e80abe6717)
07:55 AM Revision dc755ed0 (qgis): Fix datetime fields not shown in QgsFieldComboWidget when set to date f...
- (cherry-picked from b4029dc7f0169b60117c4ece7c15a31a8766cb4f)
07:18 AM Feature request #14824 (Open): Layer labeling "azimuth"
- Add the ability to control "up direction" for the labels of a layer. Basically, an orientation modifier applied to th...
04:06 AM Feature request #14823 (Open): Minimum width for selected features
- Selected polygon features with no fill (e.g. land parcels) are barely visible. A minimum width option for the border ...
03:13 AM Bug report #13824 (Closed): Saving As File GeoDatabase - Feature Dataset isn't Optional
- Patched in:
03:13 AM Bug report #13824 (Closed): Saving As File GeoDatabase - Feature Dataset isn't Optional
- Patched in:
02:34 AM Bug report #14822 (Closed): QGIS Server 2.14.2: segmentation fault in GetProjectSettings
- occasionally I have problems with QGIS Server 2.14.0-2 (but not in 2.8.x).
When I switch from a project to another... -
02:16 AM Bug report #14821 (Closed): Symbol offset is set to '0.0' after unpinning a point symbol
- Unpinning a point symbol sets the offset to '0.0' instead of _NULL_.
02:01 AM Feature request #14738: Add 'Move Point Symbols' Tool
- Hi Nyall,
thanks for this feature. The way it's implemented looks really nice.
12:11 AM Bug report #14813: Add PostGIS view -- primary key is ignored
- Jürgen Fischer wrote:
> QGIS doesn't know what the unique column is and was always supposed to be selected. The pr... -
11:35 PM Bug report #14813: Add PostGIS view -- primary key is ignored
- Thomas Kandler wrote:
> Jürgen Fischer wrote:
> > The arbitray pre-selection of the first column is gone. You are no... -
11:56 PM Revision 3d44a1e6 (qgis): fix windows build
11:53 PM Revision 8fd86a6b (qgis): Fix debug build
11:04 PM Revision 5c7f4c76 (qgis): Merge pull request #3072 from rouault/qt5_fix_testqgsfield
- Make qgis_fieldtest all Qt 5.X compatible
09:30 PM Revision c4819ade (qgis): Merge remote-tracking branch 'rouault/fix_qt5_wfs_ogcutils_tests'
07:44 PM Revision 202420c7 (qgis): Make qgis_fieldtest all Qt 5.X compatible
- In implemented in QT 5.5,
doubles are converted to strings using '%.17g'... -
07:17 PM Revision 9a49c6aa (qgis): Make ogcutils and WFS tests Qt 5 compatible
07:17 PM Revision bf91a8b6 (qgis): WFS provider, connections dialog: change way that we select current ind...
03:39 PM Bug report #14820 (Closed): Join returns NULL values if target field is a virtual field
- Creating a join between two layer fails, if the target field is a virtual field.
02:19 PM Bug report #14768: Impossible to drag and drop files between folder from one browser panel to the...
- PR available in doc repo at
02:14 PM Feature request #14819 (Open): Allow drag and drop files between browser panels to move/copy file...
- Following discussion in #14768, i'm opening this feature request for adding capability to move or copy files within b...
12:50 PM Revision 63cab568 (qgis): Avoid iterating over temporary container
12:50 PM Revision e25ffc47 (qgis): Avoid unnecessary temporary container and double iteration over
- containers by directly iterating over container itself, rather
then iterating over .keys()/.values() -
12:50 PM Revision 77c4ed50 (qgis): Use more efficient QString multiple arg variant rather then
- chaining .arg calls
12:50 PM Revision a3d6227e (qgis): Avoid detaching temporary containers
12:50 PM Revision 239865b7 (qgis): Add missing references to Q_FOREACH loops
12:50 PM Revision 0b940cac (qgis): Use QString::at(0) instead of left(1), since it's more efficient
- and doesn't allocate a QString
12:50 PM Revision 1c1b8aac (qgis): Switch private QList to more efficient QVector container
12:50 PM Revision d255bfb2 (qgis): Remove unused variables, also avoid some unnecessary string creation
- when not using debug builds
12:38 PM Revision 57d114e2 (qgis): Update test masks for Qt5, enable labeling tests
12:38 PM Revision c1d84dee (qgis): Include travis build name in dash results (ie qt5/qt4)
12:38 PM Revision c732c687 (qgis): [travis] Run tests even with build failures on osx
12:38 PM Revision bf76049d (qgis): Fix some Coverity uninitialized variable warnings
11:29 AM Bug report #14795: QGIS master missing the GRASS7 plugin
- I can confirm the same (for quite a while now) On Ubuntu trusty, wily and xenial and from both the ubuntugis-unstable...
08:45 PM Revision e5e78af8 (qgis): Fixes in qgswebframe.h and qgswebpage.h to fix building without QtWebKit
07:55 PM Bug report #14818: selecting all nodes of a part from a multi-part polygon does not delete that part
- Oups, Nyall's right; a while ago, Jürgen fixed / implemented deletion of ring by selection all of its nodes. I got m...
01:50 PM Bug report #14818: selecting all nodes of a part from a multi-part polygon does not delete that part
- Not a regression, so lowering the priority
04:05 AM Bug report #14818 (Closed): selecting all nodes of a part from a multi-part polygon does not dele...
- -I just noticed a serious regression in QGIS with regards to digitizing features.- When selecting all nodes of a part...
07:09 PM Revision ae7666fa (qgis): Merge pull request #3070 from sebastic/qtermwidget-hurd
- Add support for GNU/Hurd to GRASS plugin qtermwidget/kpty.cpp.
06:45 PM Revision 666050c5 (qgis): Add support for GNU/Hurd to GRASS plugin qtermwidget/kpty.cpp.
- The GNU/Hurd porting guidelines document the following:
Missing termio.h
Change it to use termios.h (check for i... -
05:57 PM Revision 45e7da15 (qgis): OGR provider: fix Coverity warning about mFetchGeometry member being no...
02:42 PM Revision 349a618a (qgis): qgsgml & WFS provider: fix Coverity warnings introduced in recent WFS w...
- 02:23 PM Revision abd182c5 (qgis): Merge pull request #3061 from rouault/saveas_human_readable_values
- [FEATURE] Export vector layer with "human-readable" values from edit widgets
12:33 PM Revision 90cc0ed4 (qgis): QgsVectorLayerSaveAsDialog: add checkboxes to decide which fields shoul...
12:33 PM Revision 038b3b79 (qgis): QgsVectorFileWriter: add capability to export displayed values of field...
08:55 AM Revision cfb61003 (qgis): Disable FEATURE_DATASET layer option if its value is not set
03:01 AM Bug report #14817 (Closed): composerLegendAdded signal returns QObject instead of QgsComposerLegend
- I am trying to connect a plugin function to the composerLegendAdded signal, and I can't get the legend position using...
- 12:47 AM Revision 894d5200 (qgis): Merge pull request #2621 from simonsonc/georef-crosshairs
- Make the georeferencer tool use a snapping cursor
- 12:41 AM Revision c5308754 (qgis): [DbManager] allow to refresh materialized views
- (fixes #13697)
- 12:38 AM Revision c315113e (qgis): Fix memory leak
- 12:38 AM Revision 10134587 (qgis): Add note for failing Qt5 test
- 12:38 AM Revision a349e702 (qgis): Fix `from PyQt.xy` > `from qgis.PyQt.xy` import leftovers
- 12:21 AM Revision 27aca5c3 (qgis): Fix typo
- 12:02 AM Revision 94e06272 (qgis): Unblacklist fixed Qt5 tests
- 12:02 AM Revision af1de6e3 (qgis): Migrate more tests to Python3
- 10:23 PM Revision 89b7a4aa (qgis): Introduce NULL QVariant to PyQt5
- 10:23 PM Revision 7dfc6965 (qgis): Migrate provider test to python 3
- 10:23 PM Revision 25f2e637 (qgis): Remove references to QPyNullVariant
- 05:17 PM Revision f48d0431 (qgis): Merge pull request #3069 from sbrunner/connect
- Directly use function connect, remove no more existing signals
05:15 PM Revision d0382186 (qgis): Directly use function connect, remove no more existing signals
- 03:44 PM Feature request #13697 (Closed): Add "Refresh materialized view" action in DB Manager
- Fixed in changeset commit:"c5308754ebb2cd7eb4e9ae344cd00e9f1e0dfd89".
- 03:35 PM Revision b1f59f3e (qgis): Merge pull request #3068 from sebastic/qtermwidget-kfreebsd
- Add support for kFreeBSD to GRASS plugin.
- 02:18 PM Revision 8360936e (qgis): Merge pull request #3059 from arnaud-morvan/canvas_saveasimage_with_ann...
- Save as image with annotations
02:00 PM Bug report #14753: Crash in edit mode
- I have recreated the layer that I have attached and find that the crash isn't happening. I am still struggling to upd...
01:25 PM Bug report #14816 (Closed): no style backward compatibility
- *2.8.7 and prior versions*
1. Create a style for a vector layer
2. Set style as default
*2.8.9 onward*
1. copy qgis.... -
12:17 PM Revision ab3fef97 (qgis): fix import (take 2)
11:33 AM Revision 95b5548d (qgis): Save as image with annotations
10:11 AM Revision 7c122a3a (qgis): [processing] fix import
- 09:55 AM Revision d4d13a4a (qgis): Merge pull request #3018 from rouault/wfs_sql
- [FEATURE] [WFS provider] Add support for WFS 2.0 joins and other improvements
09:03 AM Revision 9a488864 (qgis): Add support for kFreeBSD to grass plugin.
08:58 AM Revision 19f80601 (qgis): [processing] remove toolbox dock widget when unloading plugin
08:34 AM Revision 555fe3d9 (qgis): [processing] simplify variables handling in scripts
08:32 AM Revision 0c8f6f7f (qgis): fix indentation and typo
08:26 AM Revision 730c5806 (qgis): Merge branch 'processing_exps' of into p...
- Conflicts:
python/plugins/processing/gui/ -
06:52 AM Bug report #14813 (Closed): Add PostGIS view -- primary key is ignored
06:27 AM Bug report #14813: Add PostGIS view -- primary key is ignored
- Jürgen Fischer wrote:
> The arbitray pre-selection of the first column is gone. You are now required to select the p... -
06:11 AM Bug report #14813: Add PostGIS view -- primary key is ignored
- The arbitray pre-selection of the first column is gone. You are now required to select the primary keys (one or more...
06:04 AM Bug report #14813 (Closed): Add PostGIS view -- primary key is ignored
- When loading a PostGIS view with a primary key, the key should be choosen automatically (by using the first column I ...
06:51 AM Bug report #14814 (Closed): QGIS crashes using 2.5D Renderer for Lines
- On Windows 7 64bit QGIS 2.14.2 crashes when selecting 2.5 D renderer for lines.
I know it is not supported, but I can... -
05:00 AM Bug report #14812 (Closed): Saving / re-openning a project reverse the annotations z-order
- To reproduce :
- Create a project
- Add an annotation
- Add a second annotation that overlap the first one.
- Save t... -
03:23 AM Bug report #14811 (Closed): Loading QLR file locks parent directory forever in Windows
- When loading a QLR file QGIS locks the parent directory. This lock is not released before QGIS is closed.
Imagine ... -
02:51 AM Bug report #14810 (Closed): Uncheck 'include Z dimension' in 'save vector layer as' doesn't work
- * load a 2.5D vector layer
* right click on it -> Save as
* select geometry type
* uncheck 'include z dimension'
* Cl... -
02:05 AM Revision b51d70ab (qgis): Correctly emit presetsChanged() from QgsVisibilityPresetCollection
12:05 AM Revision 7b64feb7 (qgis): Group add db layer actions together in toolbar
- The add layer toolbar is very full and users are unlikely to be
connecting to more than one db provider type frequent... -
12:05 AM Revision 1f59541b (qgis): Fix flipped marker fill and outline color
12:05 AM Revision 79b97945 (qgis): [FEATURE] New map tool for interactively setting point symbol offset
- Allows for setting a point's offset if it is bound to a field using
data defined overrides (fix #14738)
TODO: replac... -
11:24 PM Revision 65a37dbe (qgis): Fix style of nullptr comparisons
11:24 PM Revision e503ca82 (qgis): QgsVectorLayer::setSubsetString(): call updateFields()
- Useful for WFS provider whose setSubsetString() can potentially
modify fields if changing the SELECT fields -
11:24 PM Revision 8259b3fc (qgis): QgsSQLStatement::quotedIdentifierIfNeeded(): make it quote SQL reserved...
11:24 PM Revision 1da1c278 (qgis): QgsOgcUtils: add conversion from QgsSQLStatement to OGC filters
11:24 PM Revision 84a797ea (qgis): [FEATURE] [WFS provider] Add support for WFS 2.0 joins and other improv...
- Second part of qgis/QGIS-Enhancement-Proposals#53
(QEP 35: WFS provider enhancements)
- URI parameter with sql with ... -
11:24 PM Revision 9df19e01 (qgis): Add QgsSQLStatement class to parse SELECT statements
11:24 PM Revision 84129604 (qgis): Add a QgsSQLComposerDialog GUI to edit QgsSQLStatement
11:23 PM Revision 9aa2dea3 (qgis): QgsCodeEditorSQL: make autocompletion case insensitive when APIs are se...
11:23 PM Revision 12a630f0 (qgis): QgsGML: extend to be able to parse WFS 2.0 GetFeature response with joi...
- And also fix handling srsDimension=3 on main GML geometry objects and not only posList
11:23 PM Revision 4a761df9 (qgis): QgsCodeEditor: workaround 2 QScintilla bugs
- - Fix one bug with Scintilla 2.8.X when focus out event does not
disable blinking cursor
- Make QScintilla widget n... -
07:52 PM Revision b38a16fe (qgis): Implement representValue() for Relation Reference widget
07:03 PM Bug report #11134: QGIS confuse EPSG:3857 with EPSG:54004
- This bug is still true in QGIS 2.14.2 and GDAL 1.11.3.
If you work with a layer in 3857, it will be in 54004 after so... - 05:42 PM Revision b930a4b5 (qgis): fix extent
03:32 PM Revision 2d8e1d38 (qgis): [processing] don't crash if user canceled script loading
- (cherry picked from commit 583eaeff7f1994290b1a9428d8b1a7c42848a5c9)
03:32 PM Revision 64825b98 (qgis): [processing] add support for int64 fields (fix #14777)
- (cherry picked from commit f1e6d8731b67b47ce44dc03c5e4d9b7dfe676a0f)
03:27 PM Revision 583eaeff (qgis): [processing] don't crash if user canceled`script loading
02:21 PM Bug report #14809 (Closed): Newly added fields not available in styling dock
- Steps to reproduce:
1. open styling dock, check fields available in a data defined override button
2. add a new fiel... -
01:03 PM Revision 6886ea0d (qgis): [FEATUE] Rede3igned i.teractive gradi%nt edit/r
- Uses new gra$ient ed)tor wid'et and #olor co.trols for easier
manipu,ation of gradients. Also adds an interactive plo... -
01:03 PM Revision 881be0f3 (qgis): [FEATURE] New reusable interactive widget for editing gradient ramps
- Supports:
- drag to move color stops
- double clicking to add a new stop
- pressing delete will remove the selected ... -
12:55 PM Revision 79f3d422 (qgis): Add equality operator for gradients, ensure stops`are always in order
12:52 PM Revision 77fc122b (qgis): Move internals of QgsColorDialogV2 to new QgsCompoundColorWidget widget
- This allows reuse of the full options from the color dialog when
required in a widget form. - 09:42 AM Revision 9a62613b (qgis): [FEATURE] add a map canvas magnifier
06:27 AM Bug report #14808 (Closed): QGIS server GetProjectSettings not resoponse ComposerPicture in Print...
- In the Composer i have set a Composerpicture and also in Web Client i have set a request parameter logo=http://localh...
05:54 AM Feature request #8383 (Closed): Better gradient colour ramp builder
- Fixed in changeset commit:"6886ea0d0c1adea706fd1f273b912858154e8bc7".
03:50 AM Bug report #10761: Preview modes not working
- True also for win7 systems with a touchscreen, on QGIS 2.14.2
03:50 AM Bug report #10761: Preview modes not working
- True also for win7 systems with a touchscreen, on QGIS 2.14.2
03:50 AM Bug report #10761: Preview modes not working
- True also for win7 systems with a touchscreen, on QGIS 2.14.2
02:22 AM Revision 0332157d (qgis): Partial revert 18b69d
- 01:07 AM Revision febd18ee (qgis): [Style Dock] Attach widget changed for graduated widgets
12:54 AM Bug report #10619 (Reopened): Attribute table 'Show features visible on map' option does not spee...
- Hitting this again now.
Working with a Postgis db loaded with Openstreetmap data of the whole world.
Currently numbe... -
12:04 AM Bug report #14806 (Closed): v.out.dxf not working at all
- I have tested the GRASS command v.out.dxf in all available versions of QGIS I have (2.8,2.14 both with GRASS 6.4 and ...
11:08 PM Bug report #14804 (Closed): Freeze of QGIS by using a qml file
- Nyal, thanks for checking!
Ah, clear. Yes could have known/find that myself :-(
Anyway, should/could we check for t... -
04:22 PM Bug report #14804 (Feedback): Freeze of QGIS by using a qml file
- Richard
I think the issue is that the styles in that qml all use Map Units as sizes, but your shapefile is in lat/lo... -
12:15 PM Bug report #14804 (Closed): Freeze of QGIS by using a qml file
- Using the roads shapefile from:
For example a small one: andorra
And a qml f... -
10:53 PM Revision d5d76347 (qgis): Fix feature fields does not include virtual or joined fields when
- feature is requested using a QgsFeatureRequest with FilterFid
10:04 PM Bug report #14805 (Closed): "On map identification" option of relation reference widget not worki...
- The "On map identification" option does not work if "Add feature" dialog is open. The identification works if you fir...
03:02 PM Revision 18b69d26 (qgis): Indentation
03:02 PM Revision b053ad87 (qgis): New class QgsDateTimeStatisticalSummary
- Calculates summary statistics on lists of datetime values, such
as count, count distinct, min, max and range -
03:02 PM Revision 88d3e2aa (qgis): [FEATURE] Show stats for string and date fields in stats dock
- 12:30 PM Revision 0d165e56 (qgis): Merge pull request #3058 from arnaud-morvan/processing_postgis_errors
- Processing - Fix unicode/str error in postgis_utils
- 12:28 PM Revision ab7a07a6 (qgis): Migrate "Hidden" widgets to "Hidden" attribute table columns
12:09 PM Bug report #14793: .lyr files will not load (2.14.2)
- Would be easier to confirm if you add a lyr file + data to test to this issue, is that possible?
11:27 AM Revision 66b1416d (qgis): Processing - Fix unicode/str error in postgis_utils
- 11:09 AM Revision 5a2ab506 (qgis): Followup d088fe0: Fix failing test
- 10:04 AM Revision 1e9a40fb (qgis): Fix python bindings for QgsAttributeAction
- 09:22 AM Revision d088fe07 (qgis): Fix action widget on attribute table
- 09:22 AM Revision 604da1f2 (qgis): Followup 59db4d0: Cleanup
08:39 AM Feature request #14803 (Open): Add snapping markers for georeferencer
- The 'Snap to background layers' option works properly, but the snapping markers for vertices and segments are missing.
08:21 AM Bug report #14802: OTB was not found or is not correctly installed
- otb-bin was only included in the x86 standalone installer. You can add it with setup on 64bit.
05:46 AM Bug report #14802: OTB was not found or is not correctly installed
- I did not install OTB with OSGeo4W, as according to the documentation QGIS standalone installation should take care o...
05:22 AM Bug report #14802 (Feedback): OTB was not found or is not correctly installed
- Can you check if you have OTB installed?
- 07:57 AM Revision 86ccaff4 (qgis): Merge pull request #3063 from DelazJ/fields
- use same icons as in other dialogs for this task
03:59 AM Revision b4029dc7 (qgis): Fix datetime fields not shown in QgsFieldComboWidget when set to date f...
03:59 AM Revision a389d237 (qgis): Fix QgsFieldComboWidget not updating fields when calling setFilter()
03:59 AM Revision 5177d93b (qgis): Add time field filter option for QgsFieldComboWidget (also add docs)
- 02:55 AM Revision 54e6eb34 (qgis): [Style Dock] Only disable the widget and not the dock
02:00 AM Revision ab288c6b (qgis): Fix coverity mixed enum warning, switch 0 -> nullptr
02:00 AM Revision f4b63c68 (qgis): Fix coverity uninitialized variable warnings
- 01:37 AM Revision 4dde0c3d (qgis): Code style
01:34 AM Revision 5306f552 (qgis): Fix crash when selecting geometryless layer and style widget is open
01:34 AM Revision 22acf3b1 (qgis): Avoid refreshing canvas for every joined feature
- Instead of setting the provider's subsetString to fetch joined
features, use a feature request with FilterExpression ... -
01:01 AM Revision 11a5a69e (qgis): Be able to store the bookmarks in the project (#2661)
12:52 AM Bug report #14450: Vector layer selection dialog does not parse Curve geometry layers correctly
- OK
this might be the problem.
Then I must use GDAL-Comandline to avoid it (-nlt Convert_to_linear is a comandline?)? -
05:06 AM Bug report #14450: Vector layer selection dialog does not parse Curve geometry layers correctly
- Jens Deutschmann wrote:
> I tried several Qgis versions and can now say: this problem occurs in Version 2.8.9; 2.10.1... - 12:48 AM Revision d278b959 (qgis): [Style Dock] Use readStyle for undo
- 12:43 AM Revision 1b636025 (qgis): Fix early return in writeSymbology
- Talk about a noob error :)
12:25 AM Bug report #14802 (Closed): OTB was not found or is not correctly installed
- After installing QGIS Essen 2.14.2 with the standalone installer and executing QGIS, I found this message in the "Pro...
12:01 AM Bug report #14775 (Closed): Layer style 'Categorized' ignores default values before saving layer ...
- Users do need to activate this option because the value is generated database side and QGIS does not know what postgr...
12:01 AM Bug report #14775 (Closed): Layer style 'Categorized' ignores default values before saving layer ...
- Users do need to activate this option because the value is generated database side and QGIS does not know what postgr...
09:08 PM Revision 21c6486a (qgis): Merge pull request #3056 from rouault/gdal_make_autowarpedvrt_for_rpc
- [GDAL provider] Use GDALAutoCreateWarpedVRT() when the dataset has only RPC
09:07 PM Revision 0f6838df (qgis): Merge pull request #3034 from rouault/ogr_concurrent_opening
- [BUGFIX / FEATURE] [OGR] Allow concurrent edition of Shapefiles and Tabfiles in QGIS & MapInfo
04:35 PM Bug report #14800 (Closed): Problem rendering joined field from csv
- Fixed in changeset commit:"22acf3b1a3e7a6afe094ec6dec83776256d2655a".
05:18 AM Bug report #14800: Problem rendering joined field from csv
- Matthias - ( assigning you just to draw your attention to this). I've tracked it down and it looks like it was caused...
02:26 AM Bug report #14800 (Closed): Problem rendering joined field from csv
- QGIS 2.14 hangs when applying gradient symbology on a joined field. Doing the same symbology on an attribute field ha...
01:22 PM Bug report #14801: fields defined Int or Real in Shapefiles
- just to be more clear, the supposed bug is related to shapefile format
07:26 AM Bug report #14801 (Closed): fields defined Int or Real in Shapefiles
- After restarting qgis fields defined Int or Real are seen as Integer64
(see immagine-102.jpg) -
12:14 PM Revision 7ae80b10 (qgis): Fix sip bindings for QgsStringStatisticalSummary
11:53 AM Revision daabda8c (qgis): Add test to make sure the curve point is part of the segmented result
11:16 AM Bug report #14654 (Reopened): Qgis 2.14 - Processing, Additional Providers is broken. Missing msy...
- This issue still persists with latest Qgis 2.14.2.
After Qgis has been installed 'Additional Providers' in the Proce... -
11:06 AM Revision 0493cbfc (qgis): New class QgsStringStatisticalSummary, for calculating statistics
- on lists of strings
11:00 AM Revision ceba5264 (qgis): New class QgsInterval for storing durations between datetimes
- Move the QgsExpression::Interval class out to its own QgsInterval
class, extend with new methods and add tests
Add a... -
09:04 AM Revision 3340d8ea (qgis): Fix feature fields does not include virtual or joined fields when
- feature is requested using a QgsFeatureRequest with FilterFid
09:04 AM Revision e359a8ee (qgis): Add missing qHash implementations for QTime, QDate, QDateTime
- These were added in Qt5, so for Qt4 builds we now include a variant
of the upstream Qt5 implementations -
06:23 AM Revision c32acaa7 (qgis): Add missing object name for styling dock
06:23 AM Revision 73733a65 (qgis): Fix major(?) memory leak with python code execution
06:23 AM Revision dd4e3266 (qgis): Avoid some detachments
06:23 AM Revision 6b80518a (qgis): Fix memory leak in OGR provider when feature has no geometry
- and FilterRect is used
06:23 AM Revision effb8dcc (qgis): Fix warnings
06:23 AM Revision c32966d8 (qgis): Fix some minor memory leaks
- 06:10 AM Revision 0d399647 (qgis): [Style Dock] Add undo/redo button at the bottom
03:33 AM Feature request #14725: more visible log/error messages
- The main problem it`s the silent error.
This will frustrate the user and will not help him fixing the error that do... - 02:32 AM Revision ca914f11 (qgis): [FEATURE] Add style/history tab to style dock
01:10 AM Bug report #14450: Vector layer selection dialog does not parse Curve geometry layers correctly
- I could add something i´ve experienced.
I run in the same Issue and I think its a XML_NAS problem.
NAS are a "Germa... -
01:10 AM Bug report #14450: Vector layer selection dialog does not parse Curve geometry layers correctly
- I could add something i´ve experienced.
I run in the same Issue and I think its a XML_NAS problem.
NAS are a "Germa... -
10:52 PM Revision 948c1f02 (qgis): Temporarily fix by rolling back to Qt4
05:29 PM Bug report #12534 (Closed): Basic Statistics shows 'No features selected' when too many features ...
- Closed due to lack of feedback
05:29 PM Bug report #12534 (Closed): Basic Statistics shows 'No features selected' when too many features ...
- Closed due to lack of feedback
04:11 PM Bug report #12550 (Closed): Error compiling Globe Plugin with osgEarth 2.6
04:11 PM Bug report #12550: Error compiling Globe Plugin with osgEarth 2.6
- Thanks Jürgen!!! It works correctly, the Globe Plugin in QGIS 2.14 and osgEarth 2.7. Here a video tested in Arch Linu...
01:38 PM Revision 56783c91 (qgis): Merge pull request #3051 from nyalldawson/cad_fixes
- Improvements and fixes to advanced digitising dock
01:25 PM Bug report #14775 (Reopened): Layer style 'Categorized' ignores default values before saving laye...
- Hi,
Reinhard, I reopen this because user do not need to activate the auto transaction option to have their default va... -
12:16 PM Bug report #14775 (Closed): Layer style 'Categorized' ignores default values before saving layer ...
11:54 AM Bug report #14775: Layer style 'Categorized' ignores default values before saving layer edits
- After enabeling 'Create transaction groups automatically whenever possible (Experimental)' in Settings/Options.../Dat...
01:23 PM Revision 81e72b78 (qgis): Merge pull request #3060 from nyalldawson/filled_marker
- New "Filled marker" symbol layer type
01:19 PM Revision 794ab065 (qgis): [FEATURE] Embed atlas feature into composer HTML source as GeoJSON
- This change makes the current atlas feature (and additionally all
attributes of related child features) available to ... -
01:19 PM Revision c3d6c796 (qgis): [FEATURE] Allow copying features from QGIS in GeoJSON format
- The previous setting for include WKT when copying features has been
replaced with a choice of copying features as "Pl... -
01:19 PM Revision 9041c954 (qgis): Allow injecting extra properties into feature's GeoJSON export
- Sponsored by Kanton of Zug, Switzerland
01:19 PM Revision 718c5fde (qgis): Catch errors when reprojecting for GeoJSON export
01:19 PM Revision 819ed86a (qgis): Correctly escape more json strings
01:19 PM Revision 935f4ad2 (qgis): Support encoding lists and maps to json
01:19 PM Revision c3f6c397 (qgis): Refactor to move JSON exporter to its own class
01:19 PM Revision 24309dfb (qgis): [FEATURE] New class QgsJSONUtils with utilities for converting
- features to and from GeoJSON strings
Sponsored by Kanton of Zug, Switzerland -
01:19 PM Revision 34d468e6 (qgis): Allow setting list of attributes to exclude from json exports
01:19 PM Revision 5c1a05c8 (qgis): Support including attributes of related (child) features in
- GeoJSON feature export
Sponsored by Kanton of Zug, Switzerland -
01:19 PM Revision 3681e2ce (qgis): Add method for exporting QgsFeatureList to GeoJSON featurecollection
01:19 PM Revision 55793a45 (qgis): Always create valid GeoJSON (both geometry and properties members
- are required
01:19 PM Revision ca2c6290 (qgis): Always export GeoJSON features in WGS84 (match specifications)
01:19 PM Revision 9ea56acd (qgis): [server] Always export GeoJSON in WGS84 (fix #14609)
01:19 PM Revision 729c7037 (qgis): Blacklist PyQgsJSONUtils test from qt5 (uses null)
12:21 PM Bug report #14799 (Closed): 'Create transaction groups automatically whenever possible (Experimen...
- After enabeling 'Create transaction groups automatically whenever possible (Experimental)' in Settings/Options.../Dat...
11:28 AM Bug report #14798 (Closed): QGIS crash in new computer W10 home64 - UHD display
- I have just received my new ALL in one PC with Windows 10 home 64bits, i7, 16Gbs Ram...
and... UHD (4K) resolution. I... -
11:22 AM Revision 8d70a514 (qgis): Geometry type check in merge tool is not necessary any more (geometry t...
10:48 AM Bug report #14783 (Closed): Default values ignored by data defined override before saving layer e...
- Thanks, this has solved the issue.
04:49 AM Bug report #14783 (Feedback): Default values ignored by data defined override before saving layer...
- Can you try if this also happens when "auto transaction groups" is enabled?
It's in options > datasources on 2.14 an... -
10:43 AM Revision f1e6d873 (qgis): [processing] add support for int64 fields (fix #14777)
10:34 AM Bug report #14797 (In Progress): Default WMS servers wrong
- The button Add default WMS servers in he Add WMS dialog add two entries:
* -
10:14 AM Bug report #14796 (Closed): DB Manager: query builder always places double quotes around column v...
- Subject says it all, this means that queries created with this tool will always fail.
SELECT "planet_osm_roads".... -
10:10 AM Bug report #14784: Clip polyline produces strange result
- Confirmed also in master.
As a work-around, you can use v.overlay with *and* as the operator from the Processing Tool... -
10:10 AM Bug report #14784: Clip polyline produces strange result
- Confirmed also in master.
As a work-around, you can use v.overlay with *and* as the operator from the Processing Tool... -
10:10 AM Bug report #14784: Clip polyline produces strange result
- Confirmed also in master.
As a work-around, you can use v.overlay with *and* as the operator from the Processing Tool... -
09:59 AM Bug report #14795 (Closed): QGIS master missing the GRASS7 plugin
- Note: i tried to file a ticket in the osgeo4w tracker, but the ticket form does not seems to work.
---------------... -
09:58 AM Bug report #14794 (Closed): Text in svg misaligned in 2.14 composer
- Starting in version 2.14, an svg that was correctly rendering in previous versions, is now rendering with misplaced t...
- 09:06 AM Revision 14acde5b (qgis): Merge pull request #3013 from pierstitus/pseudocolor_renderer
- Rewrite pseudocolor render code to improve speed
- 09:01 AM Revision fa11390d (qgis): Doxygen
- 08:56 AM Revision ffcf655b (qgis): Don't always show first column in attribute table
- Add tests for some basic attribute table functionality
Fix #14774
Fix #14765
Fix #14766 -
08:54 AM Bug report #14793 (Closed): .lyr files will not load (2.14.2)
- lyr files will not load in 2.14.2 (64-bit windows version). File is created in 2.14.2 and loads perfectly in 2.8.3. ...
08:33 AM Revision 59db4d0e (qgis): Merge pull request #3045 from mhugent/convert_geometry_2
- Convert geometry 2
07:02 AM Revision cf45742f (qgis): use same icons as in other dialogs for this task
05:49 AM Revision a65d9c52 (qgis): Fix indeterminate state for numeric line edits was showing "NULL"
05:49 AM Revision 8126d460 (qgis): New class QgsWebPage
- QgsWebPage is a QWebPage subclass which automatically handles
redirecting JavaScript console output to the QGIS messa... -
05:28 AM Bug report #14792 (Closed): Memory leak with big Shapefile
- I have just found a memory leak in QGIS Desktop (and server) with the project available in [1] ( a 20Mo tar.bz2 )
Th... -
04:38 AM Feature request #12605 (Closed): Greater lock toggle control in advanced digitizing
- Fixed in changeset commit:"e53cb6ef3c9f6fca9c7414ffd83f5927e24bea95".
04:22 AM Bug report #14609 (Closed): QGIS Server: export layer to GeoJSON is malformed
- Fixed in changeset commit:"9ea56acde03ace5c078c3d95f98be267eb1c22fd".
03:42 AM Feature request #14791 (Closed): Add linestring support for 'Snap Geometries' plugin
- Please add linestring support for both the input and the reference layer.
01:43 AM Bug report #14777 (Closed): Integer64 fields not supported by several processing functions
- Fixed in changeset commit:"f1e6d8731b67b47ce44dc03c5e4d9b7dfe676a0f".
- 11:57 PM Bug report #14766 (Closed): Attribute table broken (duplicated fields) in master
- Fixed in changeset commit:"ffcf655b850224c1299b8217acd9b1e30825ba73".
- 11:57 PM Bug report #14765 (Closed): attribute table from fresh created shp file only shows 'id' and NULL's
- Fixed in changeset commit:"ffcf655b850224c1299b8217acd9b1e30825ba73".
11:33 PM Bug report #14790 (Closed): Export to PDF - Legend
- Hi,
my System: Ubuntu 14.04, qgis-server 2.14.1 / 2.14.2
My QGIS project contains a wms layer from UMN mapserver an... -
08:09 PM Feature request #14789 (Closed): Search layers panel
- It would be great if search capability could be added to the layers panel to make finding a particular layer in a cro...
10:09 AM Bug report #14788 (Closed): DBmanager - SpatiaLite - field 'geom' not geometry
- to import a shapefile into spatialite with field 'geom' (type not geometry) the field is not created!!
!https://pig... -
02:53 AM Bug report #14778 (Closed): Save As Vector
- Lene - that source file DOES have z coordinates in the geometry. So defaulting to saving it and keeping the Z coordin...
02:53 AM Bug report #14778 (Closed): Save As Vector
- Lene - that source file DOES have z coordinates in the geometry. So defaulting to saving it and keeping the Z coordin...
08:05 PM Bug report #14787 (Closed): API documentation browsing regression
- *Symptom:*
* Open and try to use "detail level"
* Then, open http://qgis.or... -
02:32 PM Bug report #14435 (Closed): Rule-based labeling and the Data defined placement options are not wo...
02:28 PM Bug report #14435: Rule-based labeling and the Data defined placement options are not working tog...
- Seems to be fixed in master.
02:06 PM Revision ea201492 (qgis): [FEATURE] New "Filled marker" symbol layer type
- A "filled marker" is similar to the simple marker symbol layer, except
that it uses a fill sub symbol to render the m... -
01:52 PM Revision cda387cb (qgis): Ensure that @symbol_color is always correct for symbol layer types
- with subsymbols
01:49 PM Revision d823be1e (qgis): Add some clarifications to QgsRelation api
11:43 AM Bug report #14751 (Reopened): 'Offset Curve' tool - Strange behaviour of 'User Input Panel'
11:42 AM Bug report #14751: 'Offset Curve' tool - Strange behaviour of 'User Input Panel'
- Thanks Nyall, but wouldn't it be better to put the field name ('Offset:') out of the input field? Deleting the offset...
10:59 AM Bug report #14786 (Closed): 'Reshape Features'/'Split Features' inconsistent behavior
- The 'Reshape Featuers' tool works as expected when features are reshaped from vertex to vertex but may fail when feat...
03:28 AM Bug report #14785 (Closed): Insert an alert when import in spatialite a shp file that has an "id"...
- Hi,
when you import a shapefile (like the one attached) in a spatialite file created with QGIS, the content of id fie... -
02:45 AM Bug report #14765: attribute table from fresh created shp file only shows 'id' and NULL's
- It seems that the relation reference widget is also broken: it only shows <NULL> in the combobox. Whereas it shows th...
06:49 PM Bug report #14784 (Closed): Clip polyline produces strange result
- Hi,
With reference to the attached zipped data, when I clip the polyline using the buffer I get a strange result (re... -
04:51 PM Revision 0b4961c2 (qgis): Fix warning
03:56 PM Revision 9470c36a (qgis): Change QList to QVector for speed increase
- mLUT and mColorRampItemList are changed,
for mLUT it shouldn't matter that much since an int is stored
sequ... -
03:26 PM Revision 11b7a270 (qgis): Move conversion of added/changed geometry to vector data provider
02:07 PM Bug report #14778: Save As Vector
- This is railway (sealand) from the Danish geodata agency.
01:07 PM Bug report #14778 (Feedback): Save As Vector
- Lene -
That checkbox will only default to on IF the source layer you are saving has z coordinates. Can you share your... -
09:14 AM Bug report #14778: Save As Vector
- When I select another type of geometry, the z-factor is still "on". I have to uncheck.
If I uncheck - the data is the... -
07:56 AM Bug report #14778: Save As Vector
- If you select another type of geometry, uncheck the "include z-values" option and reselect 'Automatic', is the z-valu...
02:07 PM Revision e9d3a3ac (qgis): Slightly more precise numbers for circular string centroids
01:58 PM Bug report #14775: Layer style 'Categorized' ignores default values before saving layer edits
- See also #14783
01:57 PM Bug report #14783 (Closed): Default values ignored by data defined override before saving layer e...
- Before layer edits are saved, QGIS ignores default values for data defined override.
Related issue: #14775 -
01:17 PM Bug report #14782 (Closed): 'Line pattern fill' and 'Marker line' zooming/panning issue
- When zooming or panning the map canvas, the position of line pattern fills and marker lines changes dynamically. All ...
11:03 AM Bug report #14781 (Closed): 2.14.1 - Application fails after "add vector layer" is clicked
- Linux Mint 17.3 (Ubuntu 14.04 Ubuntugis unstable ppa)
After clicking on load vector layer icon application dies...
... -
11:03 AM Bug report #11187: 2.4 install on Ubuntu 14.04. Vector menu missing many items.
- Hi Richard,
Good sleuthing. Are you sure it's right to close this though? It's still a bug no?
I renamed processing... -
10:37 AM Bug report #11187 (Closed): 2.4 install on Ubuntu 14.04. Vector menu missing many items.
10:36 AM Bug report #11187: 2.4 install on Ubuntu 14.04. Vector menu missing many items.
- Ok after some investigating this has to do with different versions of the processing plugin in different places.
IF ... -
07:39 AM Bug report #11187: 2.4 install on Ubuntu 14.04. Vector menu missing many items.
- I tried this here on Debian too:
- 2.14.2: OK
- master: no menu
- master started with 'qgis --configpath /tmp/foo': ... -
10:57 AM Bug report #14780 (Closed): plugin in user plugin dir masks the newer version in core plugins dir...
- After looking into #11187
It looks like the version number is not taken into account by the descision which plugin i... -
10:40 AM Revision 034c7dbb (qgis): Make sure the curve point is always on the segmentized curve
09:05 AM Bug report #14768: Impossible to drag and drop files between folder from one browser panel to the...
- Ok. I'll fix the statement in the doc, adding your precision.
Then, should I keep this report open or open a feature ... -
09:00 AM Revision e6f1439c (qgis): [processing] add object name to custom menus
06:57 AM Bug report #10068: QGIS server caches layers with same ID but in different projects as one
- Problem still occurs in 2.14.2.
04:08 AM Bug report #14621: linestring being created as linestringZ (MSSQL)
- Ok, so the problem is not solved at all.
It's now affecting several users. They can not edit the geometry anymore b... -
02:10 AM Bug report #14779 (Closed): Categorized layers not rendered at all
- Some vector layer styles we use stopped rendering at all in 2.14. We usually generate them in Python, but the bug can...
01:29 AM Bug report #14551: georeferencer projective transformation
- And in the 2.14.2 version.
01:16 AM Bug report #14778 (Closed): Save As Vector
- When I want to 'Save As' in a vector layer, a new functionality to choose geometry is now available. As default it is...
01:04 AM Bug report #14777 (Closed): Integer64 fields not supported by several processing functions
- Using "Processing"> "Basic statistic for nummeric fields" and "Processing"> "Statistic by category" only fields with ...
11:51 PM Revision e040cbd6 (qgis): fix display of version in doxymentation
11:33 PM Bug report #11187: 2.4 install on Ubuntu 14.04. Vector menu missing many items.
- Simon Dedman wrote:
> Got it, so these are now in the side panel, QGis geoalorithms, vector geometry tools, voronoi p... -
01:23 PM Bug report #11187: 2.4 install on Ubuntu 14.04. Vector menu missing many items.
- Got it, so these are now in the side panel, QGis geoalorithms, vector geometry tools, voronoi polygons (for example)....
11:04 AM Bug report #11187: 2.4 install on Ubuntu 14.04. Vector menu missing many items.
- Hi,
If you were looking for FTools items, note that FTools has been removed in master and replaced by Processing algo... -
10:40 AM Bug report #11187 (Reopened): 2.4 install on Ubuntu 14.04. Vector menu missing many items.
- I have this problem. Screenshot of my vector menu attached. V2.15 master linux, PPA from debian-nightly wily. Version...
10:40 AM Bug report #11187 (Reopened): 2.4 install on Ubuntu 14.04. Vector menu missing many items.
- I have this problem. Screenshot of my vector menu attached. V2.15 master linux, PPA from debian-nightly wily. Version...
- 06:10 PM Revision c68d7f97 (qgis): [server] Fixes segfault on wrong TypeName
- Unreported - WFS-T
(cherry-picked from 8e781b4ec01b276e0c2be76db5742cf5227d6bd7)
Funded by Boundless - 05:17 PM Revision 8e781b4e (qgis): [server] Fixes segfault on wrong TypeName
- Unreported - WFS-T
Funded by Boundless -
04:32 PM Bug report #14776: [composer] Incorrect world file generated if dpi changed in image export optio...
- Yes, Nyall, much better!
Cheers -
03:17 PM Bug report #14776: [composer] Incorrect world file generated if dpi changed in image export optio...
- A better fix would be to ensure that the world file is correct even if the DPI is changed...
03:17 PM Bug report #14776: [composer] Incorrect world file generated if dpi changed in image export optio...
- A better fix would be to ensure that the world file is correct even if the DPI is changed...
02:59 PM Bug report #14776 (Closed): [composer] Incorrect world file generated if dpi changed in image exp...
- A small Idiosyncrasy in Print Composer that must be avoided: If the "world file" option is selected in the compositio...
01:12 PM Bug report #14768: Impossible to drag and drop files between folder from one browser panel to the...
- Harrissou Santanna wrote:
> Jürgen, by changing the category to 'Documentation and Help', do you mean that the issue ... -
10:53 AM Bug report #14768: Impossible to drag and drop files between folder from one browser panel to the...
- Jürgen, by changing the category to 'Documentation and Help', do you mean that the issue is in the doc (not the appli...
02:46 AM Bug report #14768 (Closed): Impossible to drag and drop files between folder from one browser pan...
- "QGIS doc": says that (never tried though)...
01:08 PM Bug report #14775: Layer style 'Categorized' ignores default values before saving layer edits
- 'Show Feature Count' ignores the newly added features, too.
12:45 PM Bug report #14775 (Closed): Layer style 'Categorized' ignores default values before saving layer ...
- To reproduce this issue please create a new PostGIS layer and set a default value for one of the columns. Next, categ...
09:16 AM Bug report #14774 (Closed): Import CSV returns incorrect table
04:39 AM Bug report #14774: Import CSV returns incorrect table
- I think this is all related to #14766
so probably this one can be closed as a duplicate of that one? -
03:57 AM Bug report #14774 (Closed): Import CSV returns incorrect table
- When using master version ca74cc0 the import CSV does not function correctly and gives a table with columns named UID...
09:14 AM Bug report #14772 (Feedback): crash when removing web aerial image
- what are you using to add the airial image? the openlayers plugin?
09:14 AM Bug report #14772 (Feedback): crash when removing web aerial image
- what are you using to add the airial image? the openlayers plugin?
03:53 AM Bug report #14772 (Closed): crash when removing web aerial image
- Hi Qgis Crash when I remove web aeril image like google satellite and bing aerial etc....
09:01 AM Bug report #14275: "Control feature rendering order" textbox is not editable
- Of course this would require to parse the contents and, as done for some text boxes print the text in red if not comp...
08:56 AM Revision d75eaff5 (qgis): Fixes to arrow line symbology:
- - Fix crash in Python bindings caused by subsymbol ownership
- Make symbol work correctly with categorised and gradua... -
06:31 AM Bug report #14621: linestring being created as linestringZ (MSSQL)
- Here's a screenshot.
For some reason the problem when trying to save a edit is gone. -
06:14 AM Feature request #3629: Double-click zoom
- I would agree that a secondary tool is even better. So for left-double-click and perhaps something even for the right...
04:51 AM Feature request #14755: Hitting Esc should close window
- Yes, you are right. That would be best.
As you can see in screenshot attache, also different dialogs seem different,... -
03:53 AM Feature request #14773 (Closed): QGIS Browser: Merge "Add layer" and "Add selected layers" into o...
- Open QGIS Browser and right-click on any file. To add a layer to the map, you can choose between "Add layer" and "Add...
03:19 AM Feature request #14771 (Rejected): QGIS Browser: being able to sort list of files returned in pro...
- In the QGIS Browser panel, right-click on a folder and select *properties*.
You get a widget listing all the files a... -
03:19 AM Feature request #14770 (Open): QGIS Browser: being able to sort list of files returned in propert...
- In the QGIS Browser panel, right-click on a folder and select *properties*.
You get a widget listing all the files a... -
03:05 AM Bug report #14769 (Open): Filtering in QGIS browser only returns result in already opened folders...
- Open a new instance of QGIS and open the browser panel if not already done
Click on the filter button and make a sea...
01:14 AM Bug report #14764: Commit "Pass the full ogr data source URI as connInfo in qgsConnectionPool_Con...
- OSGeo4W packages rebuilt from tag and standalone installers updated (2.14.2-2)
11:58 AM Bug report #14764 (Closed): Commit "Pass the full ogr data source URI as connInfo in qgsConnectio...
- Fixed in master and backported to 2.14 branch.
06:45 AM Bug report #14764: Commit "Pass the full ogr data source URI as connInfo in qgsConnectionPool_Con...
- Argh. Thanks for reporting this.
As a quick fix, I've submitted
I'll need ... -
06:31 AM Bug report #14764 (Closed): Commit "Pass the full ogr data source URI as connInfo in qgsConnectio...
- commit:79493ea, done per #14560, (that was also cherry picked in 2.14 branch as commit:c913e83, and got in the 2.14.2...
12:19 AM Bug report #14767 (Closed): Mutually exclusive groups ignored at startup
- When opening a .qgis file that contains only mutually exclusive groups, QGIS loads an overview of the recent projects...
12:15 AM Bug report #14766: Attribute table broken (duplicated fields) in master
- probably related/duplicate to #14765
07:33 PM Bug report #14766: Attribute table broken (duplicated fields) in master
- I found this bug too.
This bug appears when I started using the new feature "hide fields" for me : -
03:21 PM Bug report #14766: Attribute table broken (duplicated fields) in master
- And when dragging&dropping columns in the window opened by the "Hide some fields" button, I get the following excepti...
03:19 PM Bug report #14766 (Closed): Attribute table broken (duplicated fields) in master
- The attribute table in table mode displays the right number of columns, but their name and content is the one of the ...
10:33 PM Revision 52de4fb9 (qgis): Use consistently dataSourceUri() with QgsOgrConnPool (follow up of http...
10:00 PM Revision 02be0cb4 (qgis): QgsOgrProvider::addAttributes(): call invalidateConnections() for MapInfo
10:00 PM Revision ed08ffb2 (qgis): Fix style in previous commit regarding comparisons against nullptr
10:00 PM Revision 338b8358 (qgis): Un-blacklist PyQgsOGRProvider for QT5 tests
10:00 PM Revision 8ea44706 (qgis): Move QgsOgrConnPool::instance()->unref() from QgsOgrProvider::close() t...
10:00 PM Revision dc18b5b3 (qgis): [BUGFIX / FEATURE] [OGR] Allow concurrent edition of Shapefiles and Tab...
- - Closes
- Adds new virtual methods in QgsDataProvider(): enterUpdateMode() and lea... -
08:55 PM Revision 32ea6514 (qgis): Also use datasource instead of filepath when ref/unref-ing and invalida...
08:53 PM Revision ca74cc07 (qgis): Merge pull request #3057 from manisandro/ogrpool_datasourceuri
- Consistently use datasource instead of filepath when ref/unref-ing
06:52 PM Feature request #12084: Paths with backslash instead of slash on Windows
- It seems the only problem now is with files which are drag and dropped into QGIS - the path is for some reason still ...
06:38 PM Bug report #11007: Deleted/edited features within SHAPEFILE are still recognized in other softwar...
- This issue persist in 2.8.8 but seems to be fixed in 2.14.
04:02 PM Revision f2618884 (qgis): Also use datasource instead of filepath when ref/unref-ing and invalida...
01:53 PM Bug report #14754: Select all features by clicking upper-left corner not working for temporary sc...
- Some observations:
- loading a shp or other file with more then 1 column, only the first column is selected
Some go... -
01:27 PM Revision ff81b821 (qgis): don't created branches from tag names
- (cherry picked from commit 919c54ef5fabe7b7c2eef9c91094642c47b2eb7c)
01:20 PM Revision 919c54ef (qgis): don't created branches from tag names
01:09 PM Bug report #14756: FeatureCount in Layer Panel not updated (Timemanager plugin)
- Trying to debug this and see if I can find some signal to emit.
When hovering over the 'Layers Panel' immidiatly the... -
12:42 PM Bug report #14447: Unknown exception when tracing is enabled
- Thanks for the bug fix. I've tested the attached file (QGIS 2.14.2) and it works just fine.
11:39 AM Bug report #14748: Selecting features by radius fails
- The GEOS message panel throws the same exception for point features (see attachment).
06:24 AM Bug report #14748: Selecting features by radius fails
- I get a lot of errors in the GEOS message pannel...
11:37 AM Revision 99e5352d (qgis): Fix coverity uninitialized member warnings
11:36 AM Revision d8dc02d7 (qgis): Fix more uncaught exceptions in QgsOgcUtils
- 09:50 AM Revision 3de06889 (qgis): [travis] Fix warnings about invalid ccache options
08:09 AM Bug report #14765 (Closed): attribute table from fresh created shp file only shows 'id' and NULL's
- Self compiled current master on Debian Testing (only, 2.14.2 is behaving correctly).
To reproduce:
- open a project... -
05:41 AM Bug report #14758: Wrong feature count for rules with geometry expression
- It's just an ordinary Shapefile that I created in QGIS.
04:06 AM Bug report #14758: Wrong feature count for rules with geometry expression
- Hi Anita,
what is your datasource? I had a related issue #13473 with Oracle, but that appeared to be wrong stats...
02:18 AM Feature request #12430: GetFeatureInfo with INFO_FORMAT=text/html should only send HTML maptip co...
- I'm migrating an UMN Mapserver WMS to QGIS Server.
UMN Mapserver sends only HTML content while QGIS Server still send... -
02:02 AM Bug report #14224: "Label with" Field is not loaded when importing qgis layer style file
- The aforementioned commit was backported to the 2.14 branch, so the workaround probably also doesn't work anymore in ...
01:50 AM Bug report #14644: SVG image in print composer renders incorrectly
- I experienced the same problem, after updating from version 2.14.0 to 2.14.2.
After a few install-uninstall, I am qui... -
01:39 AM Bug report #14763 (Closed): reloading attribute table does not respect the filter
- open attribute table
use a filter, let's say my_field IS NULL
outside of QGIS, modify the table with my_field = 3
rel... -
12:09 AM Bug report #14609: QGIS Server: export layer to GeoJSON is malformed
- In GeoJSON v1 CRS information can be specified
07:49 PM Revision 75cfb326 (qgis): [GDAL provider] Use GDALAutoCreateWarpedVRT() when the dataset has only...
12:39 PM Bug report #14748: Selecting features by radius fails
- Hi Nyall, I've attached a sample .qgis file including .shp geometries.
12:22 PM Feature request #14762 (Open): Style: add an option to "Draw line outside the feature" for polygons
- The **Outline: Simple line** symbol layer type has an option to "draw line only inside polygon". Could be handy to al...
12:20 PM Bug report #14761 (Open): Inverted polygon does not appear in composer legend when filtered by map
- I have a one feature layer I styled with Inverted polygon option > Single symbol
Choose any symbol layer type. Apply... - 11:14 AM Revision 87120892 (qgis): Fixes for actions in attribute table
- * Initialize datastructure in vector layer configuration dialog
* Fix hidden widget if shown in last column -
11:13 AM Bug report #14760 (Closed): Heatmap style as subrenderer for inverted polygons crashes qgis
- Layer properties of a polygon layer > style > Inverted polygon.
Then, if among the subrenderer, you select Heatmap (w... - 09:18 AM Revision c1687abc (qgis): Replace calls to deprecated `assertEquals` method
09:04 AM Bug report #14759 (Closed): DB Manager: serial column that can be NULL should not be possibile to...
- This seems likely an inconsistency, if a serial column is configured to be able to have NULL values should be selecta...
07:06 AM Revision 4335a77b (qgis): [FEATURE][multiedit] Add shortcut to modify attributes of selected
- features to edit menu
- enter edit mode, select multiple features
- select Edit -> Modify Attributes of Se... -
04:43 AM Revision 98e9ae14 (qgis): Fix show/hide labels tool with postgres (followup 0232819)
04:10 AM Bug report #12502: processing:runalg locks input file
- I am afraid that this issue remains in the current version 2.14.2. For instance, if I apply the "sieve" tool from the...
02:20 AM Bug report #14758 (Closed): Wrong feature count for rules with geometry expression
- In a rule based renderer, if rules use e.g. the $area function, the feature count in the legend is always 0. (Other r...
01:38 AM Revision ccebd83a (qgis): Standardise format of initializer lists
01:07 AM Bug report #14757 (Closed): QGIS does not re-install completely
Hello everyone,
I am trying to re-install QGIS Lyon on my Windows7-based CPU. The installation seems to run co...-
12:23 AM Bug report #14718: QGIS freezes while paning/zooming if several layers are visible at the same time
- perhaps is has something to do with the snapping-tools?...
12:17 AM Revision cad3a5ae (qgis): Correctly set initial tab in label style dock
12:01 AM Revision cba82658 (qgis): [composer] Fix invalid signal connection
06:42 PM Revision 272b16a7 (qgis): Update labeling settings in UI after loading style from file (fixes #14...
- 06:25 PM Revision c5d00f09 (qgis): Handle item flags for action column
- 06:25 PM Revision e57edc33 (qgis): Doxygen fix
- 06:25 PM Revision 8b4cb049 (qgis): Allow controlling action visibility on attribute table
- 06:25 PM Revision 7c1fb363 (qgis): Fix attribute table column "resync after change"
- 06:25 PM Revision a6c88c11 (qgis): Add different widget style
- 06:25 PM Revision 47300476 (qgis): Make string translatable
- 06:25 PM Revision f03a94f6 (qgis): Fix crash
- 06:25 PM Revision c369aaba (qgis): Doxygen and sip bindings
- 06:25 PM Revision aa9010e8 (qgis): Limit ccache size to 150M
- 06:25 PM Revision 18275469 (qgis): Add new properties short name and show in attribute table to actions
- 06:25 PM Revision 54ec3b4d (qgis): Refactor attribute action dialog
- The attribute action dialog had some UX flaws that an action was edited
in the same dialog as the action list lives. ... - 06:25 PM Revision 6c0732bc (qgis): Indentation fix
- 06:25 PM Revision 2faaf1cd (qgis): Rename QgsAttributeAction to QgsActionManager
- The original name was not representative for the scope of the class
and misleading at best.
The class manages actions... - 06:25 PM Revision ff4ad508 (qgis): Rename QgsFilterTableFields to QgsOrganizeTableColumns
- 06:25 PM Revision dd88fa99 (qgis): [feature] New configuration options for attribute table
- * Allow reordering the attribute table columns
* Allow adding a new column to trigger an action to the attribute table -
06:25 PM Revision d4ccc77f (qgis): Add a possibility to hide a column in the attribute table
05:22 PM Revision af73c3dd (qgis): replace icon
- 05:02 PM Revision d9865522 (qgis): Followup 875edb0, fix typo
- 05:01 PM Revision 875edb0a (qgis): Improve snapping API documentation
04:17 PM Revision 3360b829 (qgis): change comment to remove inadequate @deprecated
- 03:49 PM Revision dd136f61 (qgis): Fixup for AppStartup test which requires SIP API V1
02:25 PM Bug report #14748: Selecting features by radius fails
- Can you share a self contained project + data file which demonstrates this issue? I'm totally unable to reproduce.
01:50 PM Revision 56548869 (qgis): New class QgsFocusWatcher for easier handling of focus events
- Usually QObjects must subclass and override methods like focusOutEvent
to handle focus events. Using this class as an... -
01:50 PM Revision 3a543e4f (qgis): Doxygen fixes
01:50 PM Revision bd305885 (qgis): [cad] update constraint when user changes values in widgets while
- constraint is locked
The previous behaviour was that the constraint had to be "relocked"
if the user manually altere... -
01:50 PM Revision 90d116c6 (qgis): [cad] Fix invalid coordinates when x/y snapping is enabled and
- subsequent segments are parallel
01:50 PM Revision e53cb6ef (qgis): [FEATURE][cad] Implement "repeating" locking mode for constraints
- When enabled, repeating locks are not automatically cleared when
a new point is added. They are handy when the same c... -
01:29 PM Bug report #14756 (Closed): FeatureCount in Layer Panel not updated (Timemanager plugin)
- See this mailing thread:
Not sure if this is ... - 01:15 PM Revision a230fc98 (qgis): Early import qgis in tests to set SIP API
12:45 PM Revision 61735390 (qgis): Fix PyQt import to qgis.pyQt in
- 10:59 AM Revision 5558ff9a (qgis): Improve qgis.PyQt compatibility layer
10:35 AM Revision afdb6c78 (qgis): Merge pull request #3031 from rouault/gpkg_improvements
- GeoPackage support related improvements
08:48 AM Bug report #14665: GDAL/Processing toolbox graphical modeller fails during Warp algorithm
- Raster layers are OK if I want to merge visualize or edit them somehow. Sad that my error could not be reproducable, ...
04:48 AM Revision 563d75c1 (qgis): Followup febe30, fix crash
04:03 AM Revision febe30d9 (qgis): [expressions] Fix fetching joined column refs when expression is
- not prepared (fix #14746)
04:03 AM Revision d3fcdb45 (qgis): [FEATURE] Support single click to select with freehand select tool
- This brings the behaviour of the freehand select into line with
the select by rectangle tool, which allows clicks wit... -
04:03 AM Revision 70adf266 (qgis): Fix clear value for offset curve tool (fix #14751)
02:57 AM Feature request #14738 (Closed): Add 'Move Point Symbols' Tool
- Feature implemented in:
See this for more: -
02:57 AM Feature request #14738 (Closed): Add 'Move Point Symbols' Tool
- Feature implemented in:
See this for more: -
02:54 AM Bug report #14753: Crash in edit mode
- Even the same version of QGIS uses different versions of various libraries (e.g. gdal) under different platforms. So,...
02:15 AM Revision 6e071022 (qgis): Fix more uninitialized variables
02:13 AM Feature request #14755 (Open): Hitting Esc should close window
- I noticed that hitting Esc closes some windows but not all, which seems a bit inconsistent. For example, Esc closes t...
02:05 AM Revision 63208a22 (qgis): Fix potential crash in QGIS server
02:01 AM Revision f2e8f2df (qgis): Avoid some Coverity ignored return value warnings
02:01 AM Bug report #14754 (Closed): Select all features by clicking upper-left corner not working for tem...
- When clicking the upper-left corner of an attribute table all features are selected. Unfortunately this fails for tem...
02:00 AM Revision 17a95346 (qgis): Fix memory leak in labeling dock
01:47 AM Revision 12f923f6 (qgis): Fix logic error in dxf export of line with offset
01:46 AM Revision c256d10f (qgis): Fix some Coverity dereference null pointer warnings
01:45 AM Bug report #14753: Crash in edit mode
- By the way, I meant to say that I am using a dual boot laptop with Windows 10 and using exactly the same project in W...
01:38 AM Bug report #14753: Crash in edit mode
- I am really sorry but I cannot work out how to upgrade. It's all a bit technical for me. I see I have to add a new re...
11:17 PM Bug report #14753 (Feedback): Crash in edit mode
- Firstly, could you update to the latest LTR (2.8.9).
Secondly, could you disable all your plugins by renaming .qgis2 ... -
11:17 PM Bug report #14753 (Feedback): Crash in edit mode
- Firstly, could you update to the latest LTR (2.8.9).
Secondly, could you disable all your plugins by renaming .qgis2 ... -
08:21 AM Bug report #14753 (Closed): Crash in edit mode
- I am getting frequent crashes while editing shapefiles. It mostly seems to be when I select existing records prior to...
01:40 AM Revision 1f032aa5 (qgis): Fix potential crash while creating geometry from WKB with bad header
01:34 AM Bug report #14748: Selecting features by radius fails
- I've tested different data providers (Memory, Shape, SpatiaLite), geometry types (polygon, linestring, point) and CRS...
03:25 PM Bug report #14748 (Feedback): Selecting features by radius fails
- Cannot reproduce - can you please provide more details or a reproducible test case?
02:51 AM Bug report #14748 (Closed): Selecting features by radius fails
- Selecting features by radius fails in master. I've set the priority to blocker, as it is a regression.
12:46 AM Feature request #14750: Drop-down menu for offset curve settings
- I agree with that, a single dialog for both offset and settings would be more user-friendly.
03:15 PM Feature request #14750 (Feedback): Drop-down menu for offset curve settings
- Wouldn't it be better to add these options to the floating offset dialog (the one which shows the current offset)?
05:06 AM Feature request #14750 (Closed): Drop-down menu for offset curve settings
- Please add a drop-down menu to easily access the settings of the 'Offset Curve' tool.
12:20 AM Revision 752ba707 (qgis): Fix Coverity uninitialized variable warnings
11:32 PM Bug report #14752: GEOS exceptions crash QGIS on windows
- Another user reported the issue to me, so it's not a local issue on my machine. Maybe Win-specific.
02:55 PM Bug report #14752: GEOS exceptions crash QGIS on windows
- I can't reproduce (using Linux)
07:31 AM Bug report #14752 (Closed): GEOS exceptions crash QGIS on windows
- The same project that works fine in qgis-dev and qgis-rel-dev (tested on Windows) crashes qgis 2.14.2. The dump file ...
07:04 PM Bug report #14751 (Closed): 'Offset Curve' tool - Strange behaviour of 'User Input Panel'
- Fixed in changeset commit:"70adf266db974d8754d6a82d311388bc0d363611".
05:25 AM Bug report #14751 (Closed): 'Offset Curve' tool - Strange behaviour of 'User Input Panel'
- The delete icon (x) sets the offset to '-99999999,000000' and deleting the offset using the backspace key fails.
07:04 PM Feature request #14747 (Closed): 'Select features by freehand' should support single click
- Fixed in changeset commit:"d3fcdb45edb8373f8e7f0b4cbe63f47a3c7bf6a7".
02:11 AM Feature request #14747 (Closed): 'Select features by freehand' should support single click
- The 'Select features by radius' tool supports selecting features by single click, too. This may also be useful for th...
07:04 PM Bug report #14746 (Closed): Joined fields doesn't display in atlas composer
- Fixed in changeset commit:"febe30d991111712f95a476e97862ca5a890b9aa".
04:03 AM Feature request #14749 (Open): Rearrange icons in advanced digitizing toolbar
- Grouping the ring/multigeometry tool icons may help to make the advanced digitizing toolbar more user-friendly.
03:22 AM Revision 31e6b4bf (qgis): Use same icons for same buttons (#3049)
- * Add icons for color buttons to replace text
* Add icons to custom crs dialog
* Replace common text buttons by icons...
01:35 AM Bug report #14745: Enable advanced digitizing tools issue
- Perhaps it's a platform related issue? On Ubuntu 16.04 LTS the latest master is also affected (see attachment).
01:41 PM Bug report #8306: Improvements to "Mailing lists" startup tip
- fixed in commit:a534fca
01:28 PM Bug report #14387: Options dialog is set foreground even if QGIS doesn't have the focus
- Actually, it's the Measure dialog itself which is set foreground, and stay on the screen even if QGIS is not the acti...
11:50 AM Bug report #12424: Custom settings: save buttons all different
- see for a fix
01:01 AM Bug report #14746: Joined fields doesn't display in atlas composer
- Thanks for the answers.
@Nyall : I tried with the field name alone, as you suggest, but it didn't work either. I als... -
09:26 PM Bug report #14746: Joined fields doesn't display in atlas composer
- Christophe Darmour wrote:
> By the way, it's weird that simple quotes are required for field names in attribute funct... -
02:18 PM Bug report #14746: Joined fields doesn't display in atlas composer
- Your expression is wrong. Just use
[% "pop_DPT_insee_pop_06" %] -
07:00 AM Bug report #14746 (Closed): Joined fields doesn't display in atlas composer
- This expression doesn't work :
[% attribute(@atlas_feature, 'Pop_Dpt_INSEE_POP_06')%]
POP_06 is a joined field from P... -
07:50 PM Revision f5763f0f (qgis): Add connection pool test
07:50 PM Revision c913e83f (qgis): Pass the full ogr data source URI as connInfo in qgsConnectionPool_Conn...
- This fixes corrupt rendering when loading the same dataset twice with different options (i.e. layers), see issue #14560.
07:50 PM Revision f0c1bbba (qgis): Move QgsProviderRegistry::instance delete call after deferred delete call
03:51 PM Revision dc94df51 (qgis): [BUGFIX][QGIS Server] WFS GetFeature with propertyname retrieves reques...
03:51 PM Revision 42761670 (qgis): [BUGFIX] QgsGeometry exportToGeoJSON return 'null' for null Geometry
03:48 PM Revision ea1d17c3 (qgis): [BUGFIX][QGIS Server] WFS GetFeature with propertyname retrieves reques...
02:25 PM Revision f48e74f3 (qgis): [BUGFIX] QgsGeometry exportToGeoJSON return 'null' for null Geometry
- 02:10 PM Revision abfd7740 (qgis): Fix qgis.PyQt compatibility imports
02:10 PM Revision 8071acd0 (qgis): move PyQt compat folder to python/qgis
02:02 PM Revision 26c3ece4 (qgis): Release of 2.8.9
02:00 PM Revision b3e642cf (qgis): Release of 2.14.2
01:03 PM Revision c230c23c (qgis): Fix calculation of point symbol bounds using data defined rotation or o...
- (cherry-picked from a67853f825c096f66c5525584b70c19f68209375)
12:16 PM Revision a67853f8 (qgis): Fix calculation of point symbol bounds using data defined rotation or o...
11:53 AM Revision bd6d22d8 (qgis): Update sip bindings
11:01 AM Revision d20a2ced (qgis): [processing] remove duplicated code
09:51 AM Bug report #14745: Enable advanced digitizing tools issue
- Confirmed in 2.14.1 but not present in master.
05:25 AM Bug report #14745 (Closed): Enable advanced digitizing tools issue
- When enabling advanced digitizing tools +after+ adding a vertex of a linestring or polygon feature, 'Distance' (d) an...
06:37 AM Revision d870b73a (qgis): [multiedit] Prompt to apply changes when switching out of multiedit mode
06:08 AM Revision 25c06242 (qgis): Fix slider and dial widgets never emit their valueChanged(QVariant)
- signals. Fixes use of dial/slider with multiedit form mode.
04:43 AM Revision 80102b1a (qgis): Gracefully handle topology errors when tracing (fixes #14447)
- (cherry picked from commit 11e7140d37b88264490928114665967df4f6cfa5)
04:12 AM Revision 82449471 (qgis): Fix delete ring tool not updating rendered feature (fix #14741)
- (cherry-picked from 6c9bc938125376a2670ecf9047eff5ca853bf3ba)
04:10 AM Revision 6c9bc938 (qgis): Fix delete ring tool not updating rendered feature (fix #14741)
02:54 AM Feature request #14743: store bounding box of layer (or zoom level) in qlr file
- and of course to use the information to load the layer
02:44 AM Feature request #14743 (Open): store bounding box of layer (or zoom level) in qlr file
- To improve the loading time of large file.
Would it be possible to store the bounding box (or zoom level) of a layer ... -
02:44 AM Bug report #14590: MSSQL fails to render layer with invalid features
- Nathan any update on this?
02:42 AM Feature request #14646 (Closed): Incremental rendering of WMT-S tiles onto map canvas
- duplicate of #10453
- 01:49 AM Revision ef51b702 (qgis): Don't resize canvas size on widget change
01:31 AM Bug report #14704 (Feedback): Encoding problems with Processing toolbox
01:04 AM Bug report #14742 (Closed): QGIS 32 bits doesn't save default attribute id field (integer64) values
- Default id field type for a newly created shape file is Integer64 on QGIS 32 bits.
Because of this, QGIS doesn't save... -
07:12 PM Bug report #14741 (Closed): Delete Ring issue
- Fixed in changeset commit:"6c9bc938125376a2670ecf9047eff5ca853bf3ba".
02:29 PM Bug report #14741: Delete Ring issue
- Also confirmed in master.
02:29 PM Bug report #14741: Delete Ring issue
- Also confirmed in master.
02:29 PM Bug report #14741: Delete Ring issue
- Also confirmed in master.
01:06 PM Bug report #14741 (Closed): Delete Ring issue
- Hi,
I noticed that "Delete Ring" doesn't work and the hole is not fill up. I played around with snapping options and ... -
03:29 PM Revision 2d4d0c02 (qgis): oracle provider: cleaner geometry retrieval and fix case issue with
- feature request alias and sdo_relate
03:01 PM Bug report #14658 (Feedback): Wmts layer not appearing
- Are you trying to add it from Layer > Add Layer > Add WM(T)S or through the Browser panel.
I had some problems (with... -
03:01 PM Revision caad9897 (qgis): Add z/m values to new curves of compound curve
02:56 PM Feature request #14627: Add a "cancel" button for Query Builder get "Sample" Values
- QGIS does some work in the background to generate the sample.
To have it in a separate thread with option to cancel... -
02:45 PM Bug report #14697 (Open): Opening kmz file causes QGIS to crash
02:37 PM Bug report #14697 (Feedback): Opening kmz file causes QGIS to crash
- The problem is definitely with the OGR driver.
If you open OSGeo4W shell with gdal 2.0.2 and run ogrinfo -al doc.kml ... -
02:19 PM Revision 0739750e (qgis): oracle provider: cleaner geometry retrieval and fix case issue with
- feature request alias and sdo_relate
01:53 PM Revision 58109113 (qgis): [processing] always use original algorithm name for scripts and models ...
10:46 AM Revision d71742ad (qgis): [Processing][Modeler] Use default value instead of None
- In Modeler algorithm, when a algorithm's parameter was not defined it's value was set to None.
Before the possibility... -
10:43 AM Revision 37d6c69c (qgis): Merge branch 'processing_modeler_default_value'
09:26 AM Revision 381895fd (qgis): Fix crash
07:15 AM Bug report #14567: Accessing QgsMapRenderer can produce UnicodeDecodeError
- Dear Alexander,
You are completely correct in that observation, as I already mentioned in the very first line of my ... -
05:49 AM Bug report #14567 (Feedback): Accessing QgsMapRenderer can produce UnicodeDecodeError
- Not reproducible with master. I suspect that issue caused by non-ASCII characters in your Windows username.
05:08 AM Revision 93d984e5 (qgis): Merge pull request #3026 from nirvn/centroid_fill_parts
- [FEATURE] add setting to control centroid fill point rendering on all parts or a single part of multi-features
01:21 AM Feature request #14725: more visible log/error messages
- Check the PostgreSQL server's log to find why the session crashes.
12:54 AM Feature request #14725 (Feedback): more visible log/error messages
- I'm changing the affected version because in your screencast you are not using master.
Then is not clear what is the... -
12:54 AM Feature request #14725 (Feedback): more visible log/error messages
- I'm changing the affected version because in your screencast you are not using master.
Then is not clear what is the... -
12:54 AM Feature request #14725 (Feedback): more visible log/error messages
- I'm changing the affected version because in your screencast you are not using master.
Then is not clear what is the... -
12:35 AM Bug report #14740 (Closed): DB Manager: Previews do not work and python error
- More issue in DB manager on master (testing on linux, installed from the nightly repo on ubuntu).
The preview of tab... -
12:28 AM Bug report #14363: Qgis DB Manager runs, but cannot export
- baditaflorin - wrote:
> Can you please point me to why this is happening?
> Can I circumvent this somehow?
> ... -
12:16 AM Revision d69910a1 (qgis): fix dxf export when using rule based labeling (followup a64ea0b)
08:09 PM Bug report #9199 (Closed): Centroid fill: allow choose to have just 1 centroid in multipart polygons
- Fixed in changeset commit:"fef8c1fef2ad60bf6f858b2253e57c463f40659e".
04:26 PM Revision 679e8f2e (qgis): Convert added/changed geometries into the right before sending back to ...
04:10 PM Revision fef8c1fe (qgis): [FEATURE] add setting to control centroid fill point rendering
- on all parts or a single part of multi-features (fixes #9199)
02:40 PM Revision b52735db (qgis): fix indentation
02:38 PM Revision 87575bd8 (qgis): Merge pull request #3038 from volaya/provider_add_remove
- [processing] different approach for provider add/remove
02:35 PM Revision 7703ad88 (qgis): cmake/FindGDAL.cmake: emit warning if GDAL < 1.11
02:32 PM Revision 02a83336 (qgis): debian: install qgis testing
02:26 PM Revision 3688b9e8 (qgis): remove expected failure tag if GDAL < 1.11.0...
02:24 PM Revision 707655ef (qgis): Put QgsSQLiteExpressionCompiler class inside Doxygen PRIVATE tag
02:16 PM Revision c96f66ec (qgis): Merge pull request #3040 from 3nids/debian_install_qgis_testing
- debian: install qgis testing
02:14 PM Revision 10e3c191 (qgis): debian: install qgis testing
01:36 PM Revision bee4068b (qgis): [processing] handle provider modifications when settings have been edited
11:49 AM Bug report #14739 (Closed): Mouse cursor coordinates display
- I am using QGIS exported 2.15.0 on linux mint 17.3.
The mouse cursor coordinates box in the status bar has its width ... -
11:41 AM Revision 42e386f8 (qgis): Make sublayer dialog sortable and sort by layername initially. Patch pr...
11:18 AM Bug report #14006 (Closed): Can't export layers from Postgis tables with Z component geometries
- @lire lire
Please open a new bug report about this - it is unrelated to the original closed report. -
07:50 AM Bug report #14006 (Reopened): Can't export layers from Postgis tables with Z component geometries
- In 2.14, features newly created by hand can be saved, but copying data from a layer without Z coordinate and pasting ...
07:50 AM Bug report #14006 (Reopened): Can't export layers from Postgis tables with Z component geometries
- In 2.14, features newly created by hand can be saved, but copying data from a layer without Z coordinate and pasting ...
10:50 AM Revision 11e7140d (qgis): Gracefully handle topology errors when tracing (fixes #14447)
10:45 AM Revision 1a3e648e (qgis): [FEATURE] Make labeling map tools work with rule-based labeling
- (until now they worked just with simple labeling)
10:13 AM Revision 4a11a1a3 (qgis): [Processing][Modeler] Use default value instead of None
- In Modeler algorithm, when a algorithm's parameter was not defined it's value was set to None.
Before the possibility... -
10:09 AM Revision f33749ab (qgis): [processing] different approach for provider add/remove
10:04 AM Revision 572bd195 (qgis): Make travis happy
09:39 AM Feature request #14738 (Closed): Add 'Move Point Symbols' Tool
- Please add a tool to move point symbol markers (e.g. SVG markers). It should work in the same way as the 'Move label'...
09:04 AM Revision 6f3032a6 (qgis): Fix tests, fixes after rebase
08:17 AM Revision e9bc8ae4 (qgis): fix precise build
08:14 AM Bug report #14737 (Closed): Categorized style issue with geopackage containing blank spaces in fi...
- Trying to symbolize a geopackage using categorized style with fields containing blanks spaces in the name results in ...
06:15 AM Revision ad82ac08 (qgis): Cleanups to emphasize that methods work with current label
06:09 AM Revision 42991ec3 (qgis): Updated label map tools to work with rule-based labeling
06:04 AM Bug report #14551: georeferencer projective transformation
- Hello,
I would like to add that there is exactly the same bug on linux 2.14.1.
Best -
05:59 AM Revision 03f201d0 (qgis): Introduce label provider ID to uniquely identify label's settings
- Before rule-based labeling, layer ID would identify label settings
of a label as there could be only one configuratio... -
05:59 AM Revision a64ea0b0 (qgis): Fix crash on invalid assert in rule-based labeling
04:55 AM Bug report #14698: No labels shown when font Size is set to Map unit for labels
- Hi Saber,
I can confirm your experience. In the latest version (for me QGIS code revision "77d95b0") the size range w... - 04:27 AM Revision 9e1dc47c (qgis): Remove conversions.sip conditionals meant for 4.12 but actually 4.18
- - The hex version of 4.12 was not 0x041200 (current 4.18) but 0x040c00.
Code was always skipped and has worked with... -
04:20 AM Bug report #14736: Copy from table to Excel/text editor produces bad data
- I should add that this is a virtual layer. Also, doing "Save as..." to a CSV file produces correct output.
04:17 AM Bug report #14736 (Closed): Copy from table to Excel/text editor produces bad data
- Hi
I discovered that QGIS has trouble exporting table data via the clipboard. Steps:
1. Open a table from the lay... -
03:33 AM Revision 59329694 (qgis): Fix sign of safety correction
03:07 AM Bug report #14735 (Rejected): SagaAlgorithm since Saga 2.2.4: RESAMPLING instead of INTERPOL
- I have Saga 2.2.6 installed with QGIS 2.14.1 on linux.
Since Saga version 2.2.4 the name of the parameter "INTERPOL" ...
01:56 AM Bug report #14698: No labels shown when font Size is set to Map unit for labels
- I can see it in commit:d9ee875 but not in the latest master commit:e9bc8ae. I guess it's been fixed but will be great...
01:27 AM Bug report #14698 (Open): No labels shown when font Size is set to Map unit for labels
12:42 AM Bug report #14698: No labels shown when font Size is set to Map unit for labels
- Hi Saber,
please excuse my late reply - I was on leave.
Yes of course I have an example. In the uploaded zip-file you... -
01:51 AM Bug report #14447 (Closed): Unknown exception when tracing is enabled
- Fixed in changeset commit:"11e7140d37b88264490928114665967df4f6cfa5".
10:58 PM Bug report #14731: Project file data loss
- Example of a broken project file attached.
03:53 AM Bug report #14731: Project file data loss
- This might be related to virtual layers, since at least one more user reported this problem in a project using virtua...
08:28 PM Bug report #14560 (Closed): layers with singular osm dataset fail to properly refresh on canvas e...
- Fixed in commit 79493ea39492030f638a416ece71fdb104198a89
08:28 PM Bug report #14560 (Closed): layers with singular osm dataset fail to properly refresh on canvas e...
- Fixed in commit 79493ea39492030f638a416ece71fdb104198a89
08:28 PM Bug report #14560 (Closed): layers with singular osm dataset fail to properly refresh on canvas e...
- Fixed in commit 79493ea39492030f638a416ece71fdb104198a89
07:45 PM Revision 6b02745e (qgis): [processing] don't write NaN's to attribute table (fix #14639)
- (cherry picked from commit 77d95b0d655022ab5c9f1927fa0a8ddb492b44df)
07:44 PM Revision 77d95b0d (qgis): [processing] don't write NaN's to attribute table (fix #14639)
05:41 PM Revision 63c71fe0 (qgis): Merge pull request #2991 from manisandro/ogr_options
- Pass the full ogr data source URI as connInfo in qgsConnectionPool_ConnectionCreate
04:45 PM Revision 1eed72c6 (qgis): fix formatting
04:03 PM Revision 4bf3c50a (qgis): [Processing][GDAL] Well manage optional parameters
- Because EXTRA and NO_DATA parameters are optional, the value can be `None` which is the same as `''`.
(cherry picked... -
04:02 PM Revision 6b88ec81 (qgis): Add connection pool test
04:02 PM Revision 79493ea3 (qgis): Pass the full ogr data source URI as connInfo in qgsConnectionPool_Conn...
- This fixes corrupt rendering when loading the same dataset twice with different options (i.e. layers), see issue #14560.
04:02 PM Revision bbe89b02 (qgis): Move QgsProviderRegistry::instance delete call after deferred delete call
03:59 PM Revision 2ba252b3 (qgis): Merge pull request #3033 from rldhont/processing_gdal_optional
- [Processing] well manage optional parameters in GDAL algorithms
02:45 PM Revision cf0e3673 (qgis): [processing] fixed wrong call to addToLog
- (cherry picked from commit 5cc2dcd2a469da07ad95733a4832e21d01ba466c)
02:22 PM Revision 9a05558a (qgis): fix formatting
02:18 PM Revision 793b712e (qgis): [Processing][GDAL] Well manage optional parameters
- Because EXTRA and NO_DATA parameters are optional, the value can be `None` which is the same as `''`.
- 01:49 PM Revision 71fb115e (qgis): more GDAL a_nodata fixes, for sake of uniformity
- 01:48 PM Revision d87747a2 (qgis): set nodata parameter as optional in GDAL clip by extent
01:36 PM Revision 05022653 (qgis): Merge pull request #3030 from NaturalGIS/processing_fix_raster_clip_nodata
- [processing] set nodata parameter as optional in GDAL algs
01:10 PM Revision 34336e14 (qgis): [processing] fix path handling (fix #14432)
- (cherry picked from commit e873540d14cb102ffe9318063b32c323c56e5bfb)
python/plugins/processing/algs/otb/... -
12:47 PM Revision 8a9cb05d (qgis): [processing] better handling of variables in scripts
12:47 PM Revision 5cc2dcd2 (qgis): [processing] fixed wrong call to addToLog
12:31 PM Revision 250f6578 (qgis): Avoid some Coverity return value warnings
12:09 PM Revision e657f611 (qgis): Consolidate all qvariant sort methods to use qgsVariantLessThan,
- make sure qgsVariantLessThan incorporates all functionality from
other duplicate implementations, and add tests
(fix... -
12:08 PM Revision 6663fd2d (qgis): Fix map unit scale parameters were not always saved for labeling
- Refs #14698 - all settings are now saved but the size range in mm
is not yet respected during rendering
(cherry-pick... -
12:07 PM Revision c7998127 (qgis): Fix crash in relation reference widget (fix #14732)
- (cherry-picked from eed4ee)
12:00 PM Revision 989ec2c1 (qgis): Fix Coverity big parameter passed by value warnings
11:57 AM Revision 5e3645ae (qgis): Fix coverity uninitialized variable warnings
11:50 AM Revision d604a925 (qgis): Fix features cannot be added when using attribute table and form
- popup (fix #14729)
11:46 AM Revision 328eaade (qgis): [OGR provider] Use QgsSQLiteExpressionCompiler for SQLite and GPKG drivers
11:46 AM Revision 5ed41e38 (qgis): Move QgsSpatiaLiteExpressionCompiler class to core as QgsSQLiteExpressi...
11:31 AM Revision eed4ee64 (qgis): Fix crash in relation reference widget (fix #14732)
11:17 AM Feature request #14734 (Closed): Source Updater
- As noted in #14734, you need to wait for #12492 to be implemented.
11:17 AM Feature request #14734 (Closed): Source Updater
- As noted in #14734, you need to wait for #12492 to be implemented.
06:36 AM Feature request #14734 (Closed): Source Updater
- I am requesting for this based on "Bug report #14732: @user_full_name and @user_account_name causes Crashes". I know ...
10:44 AM Bug report #14639 (Closed): Zonal statistics generates wrong numbers under Linux
- Fixed in changeset commit:"77d95b0d655022ab5c9f1927fa0a8ddb492b44df".
10:06 AM Bug report #14665 (Feedback): GDAL/Processing toolbox graphical modeller fails during Warp algorithm
- I can't reproduce you error: there is nothing about shapefiles in Processing log when I execute your model. When I tr...
10:06 AM Bug report #14665 (Feedback): GDAL/Processing toolbox graphical modeller fails during Warp algorithm
- I can't reproduce you error: there is nothing about shapefiles in Processing log when I execute your model. When I tr...
08:38 AM Revision f01c57af (qgis): Merge pull request #3032 from NaturalGIS/processing_remove_wrong_raster...
- remove wrong gdal_translate parameter
08:35 AM Revision ff85bfe4 (qgis): [processing] print full stacktrace to log when a provider cannot be loaded
08:33 AM Revision 2535c0a9 (qgis): [processing] better expression context building
06:19 AM Bug report #14669 (Rejected): Processing: Kriging rscripts/Kriging_with_model_selection.rsx probl...
- This should be submitted against QGIS-Processing repository where corresponding script live.
06:19 AM Bug report #14669 (Rejected): Processing: Kriging rscripts/Kriging_with_model_selection.rsx probl...
- This should be submitted against QGIS-Processing repository where corresponding script live.
06:13 AM Bug report #14704: Encoding problems with Processing toolbox
- Canyou share sample dataset?
- 05:27 AM Revision b3a0d9d1 (qgis): Revert "[processing] Extra check to ensure GRASS folder setting not alr...
- This reverts commit 36a820e51657bf0c3069e1fd287d6b452a3cd1e0.
04:51 AM Bug report #14670: 'Check Geometries' plugin fails generating serial values
- Confirmed, will look into it.
04:12 AM Bug report #14733 (Closed): <layer_coordinate_transform_info> not cleaned in project file when la...
- when a layer is removed, the information of <layer_coordinate_transform_info> remains in the qgs file.
03:52 AM Bug report #14732 (Closed): @user_full_name and @user_account_name causes Crashes
- Fixed in changeset commit:"c7998127abb8efc456a2c8c3282fe9f04cebeef3".
03:46 AM Bug report #14732 (Reopened): @user_full_name and @user_account_name causes Crashes
- Nyall Dawson wrote:
> I've fixed the crash, but please note that this WILL NOT do what you are trying to do. The rela... -
03:46 AM Bug report #14732 (Reopened): @user_full_name and @user_account_name causes Crashes
- Nyall Dawson wrote:
> I've fixed the crash, but please note that this WILL NOT do what you are trying to do. The rela... -
02:36 AM Bug report #14732: @user_full_name and @user_account_name causes Crashes
- I've fixed the crash, but please note that this WILL NOT do what you are trying to do. The relation reference widget ...
02:34 AM Bug report #14732 (Closed): @user_full_name and @user_account_name causes Crashes
- Fixed in changeset commit:"eed4ee6411ef3adda8d6c83b32172c0ef9a9c866".
- 02:52 AM Revision 36a820e5 (qgis): [processing] Extra check to ensure GRASS folder setting not already None
- - Update to 5131e93; not sure why ProcessingConfig.getSetting returning
None sets folder = None instead of '' (on t... -
02:51 AM Bug report #14729 (Closed): Not able to add feature in attribute table
- Fixed in changeset commit:"d604a925037dd30e30a05c922cbdf1810d17ceb2".
02:33 AM Feature request #12162 (Closed): Autotrace should be installed by default
- Fixed as of 2.14
02:33 AM Feature request #12162 (Closed): Autotrace should be installed by default
- Fixed as of 2.14
02:29 AM Feature request #2764 (Closed): Put in status bar instead of options - "By default new layers add...
- I don't think it's desirable to have this setting in the already crowded status bar.
02:29 AM Feature request #2764 (Closed): Put in status bar instead of options - "By default new layers add...
- I don't think it's desirable to have this setting in the already crowded status bar.
02:29 AM Feature request #2764 (Closed): Put in status bar instead of options - "By default new layers add...
- I don't think it's desirable to have this setting in the already crowded status bar.
02:29 AM Feature request #2764 (Closed): Put in status bar instead of options - "By default new layers add...
- I don't think it's desirable to have this setting in the already crowded status bar.
02:28 AM Feature request #13109 (Closed): Default values in forms
- Duplicate of #12492
02:13 AM Feature request #14460: Avoid corrupted qgs files when writing to network drives
- Jürgen Fischer wrote:
> QGIS already writes the project file to the temp directory and then copies it to the final de... -
02:01 AM Feature request #14460: Avoid corrupted qgs files when writing to network drives
- Jürgen Fischer wrote:
> QGIS already writes the project file to the temp directory and then copies it to the final de...
01:57 AM Feature request #14460: Avoid corrupted qgs files when writing to network drives
- QGIS already writes the project file to the temp directory and then copies it to the final destination (see #13299)
01:14 AM Bug report #14731: Project file data loss
- I wish I could provide steps to reproduce, but I think that will be hard. Yesterday, I experimented a bit with differ...
01:06 AM Bug report #14731 (Feedback): Project file data loss
- Include information about what you did different this time or other steps to reproduce.
01:06 AM Bug report #14731 (Feedback): Project file data loss
- Include information about what you did different this time or other steps to reproduce.
12:24 AM Bug report #14731 (Closed): Project file data loss
- Hi
When opening a .qgs file used yesterday, I noticed that the project had lost almost all of the data, such as linke... -
12:32 AM Revision 847e4161 (qgis): fix crash by keeping a reference to the feat...
12:26 AM Bug report #14732 (Closed): @user_full_name and @user_account_name causes Crashes
- I am currently working on a QGIS 2.14 and i am trying to us the built in variables to populate the user field with th...
12:22 AM Bug report #14730 (Closed): File picker window slow
- I have noticed that some file picker windows are quite slow, for example when specifying the output file for Intersec...
11:33 PM Revision b4698ada (qgis): compare geometry by wkb, and use @unittest.e...
11:22 PM Bug report #14729 (Closed): Not able to add feature in attribute table
- # Load layer from postgis
# Set to edit mode with "Toggle Editing" button
# Open attribute table
# Hit "Add feature" ... - 11:09 PM Revision a4b2cde5 (qgis): more GDAL a_nodata fixes, for sake of uniformity
- 10:41 PM Revision ba2601ff (qgis): remove wrong gdal_translate parameter
- 10:22 PM Revision fb592125 (qgis): set nodata parameter as optional in GDAL clip by extent
10:15 PM Revision 4c029975 (qgis): Revert "Fix label map unit scale range for font size and buffer"
- This reverts commit 72714e6f5edb41aca84e361a46ffc4fd6d4523d5.
10:11 PM Bug report #14711: Disappearing polygons after save
- I am experiencing the same issue.
There are no index files for the shapefiles being used.
The objects do not just dis... -
10:07 PM Bug report #14711: Disappearing polygons after save
- No, there are no spatial index files present.
08:20 PM Revision aa2014de (qgis): Fix crash in testqgsogrutils with QT5 where QTextCodec::codecForName( "...
05:50 PM Bug report #14721: Minor thing, but the metasearch Catalog Client help URL incorrect for QGIS 2.14.x
- Thanks for the report. This has been fixed in commit:26ebc83
05:43 PM Revision 181c0c4e (qgis): Minor fixes in intersection removal for the reshape tool
05:30 PM Revision 44cccfc0 (qgis): Avoid intersections in reshape tool
05:05 PM Revision 8e7691a0 (qgis): [OGR provider] Expose OGR FID as first attribute when it is meaningful
- Useful for GPKG and other database based drivers
- For OGR drivers that have GetFIDColumn() != '', expose it as a QG... -
04:56 PM Revision 0c624419 (qgis): [BUGFIX] [OGR provider] Free OGR feature in changeAttributeValues() to ...
04:28 PM Revision 3156d576 (qgis): osgeo4w: add qt plugin directories to browser
- (cherry picked from commit b758a8c1b4fb5386ba5830092eb893d8f42ae033)
04:27 PM Revision 68cfed96 (qgis): osgeo4w: add qt plugin directories to browser
- (cherry picked from commit b758a8c1b4fb5386ba5830092eb893d8f42ae033)
04:26 PM Revision b758a8c1 (qgis): osgeo4w: add qt plugin directories to browser
03:58 PM Revision aca62153 (qgis): run 2to3 only with Qt5
02:49 PM Revision 72714e6f (qgis): Fix label map unit scale range for font size and buffer
- Refs #14698, but other label size parameters are still
ignoring scale ranges -
02:21 PM Revision e9a30896 (qgis): [processing] more complete scope for expressions in outputs
02:21 PM Revision 7805c642 (qgis): [processing] added variables to scope when inputing value of a Paramete...
02:21 PM Revision e55b280f (qgis): [processing] minor ui fixes in input panels
02:21 PM Revision ac0bff32 (qgis): [processing] added support for expressions in some input params and out...
01:46 PM Revision 3322bcb2 (qgis): Fix map unit scale parameters were not always saved for labeling
- Refs #14698 - all settings are now saved but the size range in mm
is not yet respected during rendering -
01:10 PM Bug report #9199 (In Progress): Centroid fill: allow choose to have just 1 centroid in multipart ...
01:04 PM Bug report #9199: Centroid fill: allow choose to have just 1 centroid in multipart polygons
- Related PR here
12:50 PM Bug report #14727: offline edits update wrong feature
- Additional info (changed) :
does not work after QGIS 2.6.1
offline sqlite log_feature_updates table contains differen... -
12:34 PM Bug report #14727 (Closed): offline edits update wrong feature
- Steps to reproduce:
add PostGIS vector layer that has multiple features
Database > Offline Editing > Convert to off... -
12:37 PM Bug report #14670: 'Check Geometries' plugin fails generating serial values
- Assigned to Sandro Mani ...hope that's okay.
09:32 AM Revision a7c3861c (qgis): fix leading comment
09:17 AM Bug report #14726 (Closed): New labeling dock widget can disappear, no cohabitation with other wi...
- Add the labeling dock widget by clicking the icon at the top of the layer panel
Try to anchor it at the left of the c... -
06:48 AM Feature request #14725 (Open): more visible log/error messages
- Video showing the silent error.
Also, it`s now 10x times more non-intuitive to find the...
01:49 AM Revision b3bf4a11 (qgis): dxf export:
- * output 3D geometries
* more adaptions to labeling changes -
01:17 AM Revision 2bd20de9 (qgis): fix warnings
01:01 AM Bug report #14724 (Closed): Variables are missing in geometry generator symbology
- The "Variables" section is missing in the new "Geometry generator" symbology. Thus, atlas variables are also missing ...
10:26 PM Revision 24b259af (qgis): Merge pull request #3027 from Cracert/trans2
- Add Polish translators
10:15 PM Revision ee5548b2 (qgis): Add Polish translators
04:45 PM Revision 0cd5f6af (qgis): [NEEDS-DOCS] test, please ignore
09:10 AM Bug report #14722 (Closed): Adding new GeoPackage connection to DB Manager is throwing error
- I get the following error:...
04:56 AM Bug report #14721 (Closed): Minor thing, but the metasearch Catalog Client help URL incorrect for...
- The MetaSearch Catalog Client help URL (as accessed by pressing the help button in version 0.34) goes to a 404 page: ...
01:32 AM Bug report #14698 (Feedback): No labels shown when font Size is set to Map unit for labels
- It works fine for me. Do you have an example file?
01:32 AM Bug report #14698 (Feedback): No labels shown when font Size is set to Map unit for labels
- It works fine for me. Do you have an example file?
01:25 AM Bug report #14711 (Feedback): Disappearing polygons after save
- Could you check to see if spatial index files are present for your shapefile? Might be same issue as #10098.
- 09:29 PM Revision d9ee8758 (qgis): Blacklist broken tests
- 09:09 PM Revision da0682d7 (qgis): Add difference image
- 09:09 PM Revision 8e9641b8 (qgis): Update blacklist
- 09:09 PM Revision adf42dab (qgis): Python3 compat fix for composerhtml test
- 09:09 PM Revision c0a2be77 (qgis): Enable QtWebKit with Qt5 tests
- 09:09 PM Revision 99ab6e3a (qgis): Disable internal yaml
07:36 PM Revision 1ba2bc0f (qgis): [OGR provider] Report curve geometry types. Do geometry type conversion...
07:36 PM Revision 6c21b1c9 (qgis): QgsVectorFileWriter::initMetaData(): add layer creation options for GPKG
07:36 PM Revision 3ba86d48 (qgis): Add a 'Layer / Create Layer / Create GeoPackage layer' menu item
- 04:38 PM Revision caab3b3d (qgis): Add dependency of port-plugin-xxx on staged-xxx
12:51 PM Bug report #14720 (Closed): Features in SpatiaLite Views not Displaying
- Thanks for the update. 2.14.1 isn't yet available for OS X.
12:51 PM Bug report #14720 (Closed): Features in SpatiaLite Views not Displaying
- Thanks for the update. 2.14.1 isn't yet available for OS X.
11:28 AM Bug report #14720: Features in SpatiaLite Views not Displaying
- This was fixed in 2.14.1 by Martin Dobias
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