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[FEATURE] [WFS provider] Add support for WFS 2.0 joins and other impr…
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Second part of qgis/QGIS-Enhancement-Proposals#53
(QEP 35: WFS provider enhancements)

- URI parameter with sql with SELECT / FROM / JOIN / WHERE / ORDER BY clauses
- handle WFS 2.0 joins
- handle DateTime fields
- enable "Only request features overlapping the view extent" by default (and memorize the settings)
- rework DescribeFeatureType parsing to handle responses with several documents, and some support for attribute types being complexType
- rework feature transfer between downloader and iterator so as to avoid uncontrolled RAM usage when the iterator cannot keep up with the downloader
- turn on WAL journaling for better reader / writer concurrency
- add retry logic based on the 'Max retry in case of tile request errors' setting (renamed 'Max retry in case of tile or feature request errors')
- error to MessageBar in case of failed download
- in progress dialog, add a "Hide" button to mask the dialog
- improve automated testing
- add testing of the GUI of QgsWFSSourceSelect
  • Loading branch information
rouault committed May 12, 2016
1 parent e503ca8 commit 84a797e
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Showing 24 changed files with 3,294 additions and 443 deletions.
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions src/core/qgsvectorlayer.h
Expand Up @@ -205,6 +205,7 @@ struct CORE_EXPORT QgsVectorJoinInfo
* - password=string
* - authcfg=string
* - version=auto/1.0.0/1.1.0/2.0.0
* -sql=string: full SELECT SQL statement with optional WHERE, ORDER BY and possibly with JOIN if supported on server
* - filter=string: QGIS expression or OGC/FES filter
* - retrictToRequestBBOX=1: to download only features in the view extent (or more generally
* in the bounding box of the feature iterator)
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210 changes: 210 additions & 0 deletions src/providers/wfs/qgswfscapabilities.cpp
Expand Up @@ -16,6 +16,7 @@
#include "qgswfscapabilities.h"
#include "qgswfsconstants.h"
#include "qgswfsutils.h"
#include "qgslogger.h"
#include "qgsmessagelog.h"
#include "qgsogcutils.h"
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -63,8 +64,23 @@ void QgsWFSCapabilities::Capabilities::clear()
maxFeatures = 0;
supportsHits = false;
supportsPaging = false;
supportsJoins = false;
version = "";

QString QgsWFSCapabilities::Capabilities::addPrefixIfNeeded( const QString& name ) const
if ( name.contains( ':' ) )
return name;
if ( setAmbiguousUnprefixedTypename.contains( name ) )
return "";
return mapUnprefixedTypenameToPrefixedTypename[name];

void QgsWFSCapabilities::capabilitiesReplyFinished()
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -158,6 +174,16 @@ void QgsWFSCapabilities::capabilitiesReplyFinished()
QgsDebugMsg( "Supports paging" );
else if ( contraint.attribute( "name" ) == "ImplementsStandardJoins" ||
contraint.attribute( "name" ) == "ImplementsSpatialJoins" /* WFS 2.0 */ )
QDomElement value = contraint.firstChildElement( "DefaultValue" );
if ( !value.isNull() && value.text() == "TRUE" )
mCaps.supportsJoins = true;
QgsDebugMsg( "Supports joins" );

// In WFS 2.0, max features can also be set in Operation.GetFeature (e.g. GeoServer)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -323,6 +349,50 @@ void QgsWFSCapabilities::capabilitiesReplyFinished()
mCaps.featureTypes.push_back( featureType );

Q_FOREACH ( const FeatureType& f, mCaps.featureTypes )
mCaps.setAllTypenames.insert( );
QString unprefixed( QgsWFSUtils::removeNamespacePrefix( ) );
if ( !mCaps.setAmbiguousUnprefixedTypename.contains( unprefixed ) )
if ( mCaps.mapUnprefixedTypenameToPrefixedTypename.contains( unprefixed ) )
mCaps.setAmbiguousUnprefixedTypename.insert( unprefixed );
mCaps.mapUnprefixedTypenameToPrefixedTypename.remove( unprefixed );
mCaps.mapUnprefixedTypenameToPrefixedTypename[unprefixed] =;

//go to <Filter_Capabilities>
QDomElement filterCapabilitiesElem = doc.firstChildElement( "Filter_Capabilities" );
if ( !filterCapabilitiesElem.isNull() )
parseFilterCapabilities( filterCapabilitiesElem );

// Hard-coded functions
Function f_ST_GeometryFromText( "ST_GeometryFromText", 1, 2 );
f_ST_GeometryFromText.returnType = "gml:AbstractGeometryType";
f_ST_GeometryFromText.argumentList << Argument( "wkt", "xs:string" );
f_ST_GeometryFromText.argumentList << Argument( "srsname", "xs:string" );
mCaps.functionList << f_ST_GeometryFromText;

Function f_ST_GeomFromGML( "ST_GeomFromGML", 1 );
f_ST_GeomFromGML.returnType = "gml:AbstractGeometryType";
f_ST_GeomFromGML.argumentList << Argument( "gml", "xs:string" );
mCaps.functionList << f_ST_GeomFromGML;

Function f_ST_MakeEnvelope( "ST_MakeEnvelope", 4, 5 );
f_ST_MakeEnvelope.returnType = "gml:AbstractGeometryType";
f_ST_MakeEnvelope.argumentList << Argument( "minx", "xs:double" );
f_ST_MakeEnvelope.argumentList << Argument( "miny", "xs:double" );
f_ST_MakeEnvelope.argumentList << Argument( "maxx", "xs:double" );
f_ST_MakeEnvelope.argumentList << Argument( "maxy", "xs:double" );
f_ST_MakeEnvelope.argumentList << Argument( "srsname", "xs:string" );
mCaps.functionList << f_ST_MakeEnvelope;

emit gotCapabilities();

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -404,6 +474,146 @@ void QgsWFSCapabilities::parseSupportedOperations( const QDomElement& operations

static QgsWFSCapabilities::Function getSpatialPredicate( const QString& name )
QgsWFSCapabilities::Function f;
// WFS 1.0 advertize Intersect, but for conveniency we internally convert it to Intersects
if ( name == "Intersect" ) = "ST_Intersects";
else = ( name == "BBOX" ) ? "BBOX" : "ST_" + name;
f.returnType = "xs:boolean";
if ( name == "DWithin" || name == "Beyond" )
f.minArgs = 3;
f.maxArgs = 3;
f.argumentList << QgsWFSCapabilities::Argument( "geometry", "gml:AbstractGeometryType" );
f.argumentList << QgsWFSCapabilities::Argument( "geometry", "gml:AbstractGeometryType" );
f.argumentList << QgsWFSCapabilities::Argument( "distance" );
f.minArgs = 2;
f.maxArgs = 2;
f.argumentList << QgsWFSCapabilities::Argument( "geometry", "gml:AbstractGeometryType" );
f.argumentList << QgsWFSCapabilities::Argument( "geometry", "gml:AbstractGeometryType" );
return f;

void QgsWFSCapabilities::parseFilterCapabilities( const QDomElement& filterCapabilitiesElem )
// WFS 1.0
QDomElement spatial_Operators = filterCapabilitiesElem.firstChildElement( "Spatial_Capabilities" ).firstChildElement( "Spatial_Operators" );
QDomElement spatial_Operator = spatial_Operators.firstChildElement();
while ( !spatial_Operator.isNull() )
QString name = spatial_Operator.tagName();
if ( !name.isEmpty() )
mCaps.spatialPredicatesList << getSpatialPredicate( name );
spatial_Operator = spatial_Operator.nextSiblingElement();

// WFS 1.1 and 2.0
QDomElement spatialOperators = filterCapabilitiesElem.firstChildElement( "Spatial_Capabilities" ).firstChildElement( "SpatialOperators" );
QDomElement spatialOperator = spatialOperators.firstChildElement( "SpatialOperator" );
while ( !spatialOperator.isNull() )
QString name = spatialOperator.attribute( "name" );
if ( !name.isEmpty() )
mCaps.spatialPredicatesList << getSpatialPredicate( name );
spatialOperator = spatialOperator.nextSiblingElement( "SpatialOperator" );

// WFS 1.0
QDomElement function_Names = filterCapabilitiesElem.firstChildElement( "Scalar_Capabilities" )
.firstChildElement( "Arithmetic_Operators" )
.firstChildElement( "Functions" )
.firstChildElement( "Function_Names" );
QDomElement function_NameElem = function_Names.firstChildElement( "Function_Name" );
while ( !function_NameElem.isNull() )
Function f; = function_NameElem.text();
bool ok;
int nArgs = function_NameElem.attribute( "nArgs" ).toInt( &ok );
if ( ok )
if ( nArgs >= 0 )
f.minArgs = nArgs;
f.maxArgs = nArgs;
f.minArgs = -nArgs;
mCaps.functionList << f;
function_NameElem = function_NameElem.nextSiblingElement( "Function_Name" );

// WFS 1.1
QDomElement functionNames = filterCapabilitiesElem.firstChildElement( "Scalar_Capabilities" )
.firstChildElement( "ArithmeticOperators" )
.firstChildElement( "Functions" )
.firstChildElement( "FunctionNames" );
QDomElement functionNameElem = functionNames.firstChildElement( "FunctionName" );
while ( !functionNameElem.isNull() )
Function f; = functionNameElem.text();
bool ok;
int nArgs = functionNameElem.attribute( "nArgs" ).toInt( &ok );
if ( ok )
if ( nArgs >= 0 )
f.minArgs = nArgs;
f.maxArgs = nArgs;
f.minArgs = -nArgs;
mCaps.functionList << f;
functionNameElem = functionNameElem.nextSiblingElement( "FunctionName" );

QDomElement functions = filterCapabilitiesElem.firstChildElement( "Functions" );
QDomElement functionElem = functions.firstChildElement( "Function" );
while ( !functionElem.isNull() )
QString name = functionElem.attribute( "name" );
if ( !name.isEmpty() )
Function f; = name;
QDomElement returnsElem = functionElem.firstChildElement( "Returns" );
f.returnType = returnsElem.text();
QDomElement argumentsElem = functionElem.firstChildElement( "Arguments" );
QDomElement argumentElem = argumentsElem.firstChildElement( "Argument" );
while ( !argumentElem.isNull() )
Argument arg; = argumentElem.attribute( "name" );
arg.type = argumentElem.firstChildElement( "Type" ).text();
f.argumentList << arg;
argumentElem = argumentElem.nextSiblingElement( "Argument" );
f.minArgs = f.argumentList.count();
f.maxArgs = f.argumentList.count();
mCaps.functionList << f;
functionElem = functionElem.nextSiblingElement( "Function" );

QString QgsWFSCapabilities::errorMessageWithReason( const QString& reason )
return tr( "Download of capabilities failed: %1" ).arg( reason );
Expand Down
47 changes: 46 additions & 1 deletion src/providers/wfs/qgswfscapabilities.h
Expand Up @@ -45,17 +45,60 @@ class QgsWFSCapabilities : public QgsWFSRequest
bool deleteCap;

//! argument of a function
struct Argument
//! name
QString name;
//! type, or empty if unknown
QString type;

//! constructor
Argument( const QString& nameIn = QString(), const QString& typeIn = QString() ) : name( nameIn ), type( typeIn ) {}

//! description of server functions
struct Function
//! name
QString name;
//! return type, or empty if unknown
QString returnType;
//! minimum number of argument (or -1 if unknown)
int minArgs;
//! maximum number of argument (or -1 if unknown)
int maxArgs;
//! list of arguments. May be empty despite minArgs > 0
QList<Argument> argumentList;

//! constructor with name and fixed number of arguments
Function( const QString& nameIn, int args ) : name( nameIn ), minArgs( args ), maxArgs( args ) {}
//! constructor with name and min,max number of arguments
Function( const QString& nameIn, int minArgs, int maxArgsIn ) : name( nameIn ), minArgs( minArgs ), maxArgs( maxArgsIn ) {}
//! default constructor
Function() : minArgs( -1 ), maxArgs( -1 ) {}

//! parsed get capabilities document
struct Capabilities
void clear();

QString version;
bool supportsHits;
bool supportsPaging;
bool supportsJoins;
int maxFeatures;
QList<FeatureType> featureTypes;
QList<Function> spatialPredicatesList;
QList<Function> functionList;

QSet< QString > setAllTypenames;
QMap< QString, QString> mapUnprefixedTypenameToPrefixedTypename;
QSet< QString > setAmbiguousUnprefixedTypename;

void clear();
QString addPrefixIfNeeded( const QString& name ) const;

//! return parsed capabilities - requestCapabilities() must be called before
Expand All @@ -81,6 +124,8 @@ class QgsWFSCapabilities : public QgsWFSRequest
bool& updateCap,
bool& deleteCap );

void parseFilterCapabilities( const QDomElement& filterCapabilitiesElem );

static QString NormalizeSRSName( QString crsName );

Expand Down
5 changes: 4 additions & 1 deletion src/providers/wfs/qgswfsconstants.cpp
Expand Up @@ -33,6 +33,8 @@ const QString QgsWFSConstants::URI_PARAM_RESTRICT_TO_REQUEST_BBOX( "retrictToReq
const QString QgsWFSConstants::URI_PARAM_MAXNUMFEATURES( "maxNumFeatures" );
const QString QgsWFSConstants::URI_PARAM_IGNOREAXISORIENTATION( "IgnoreAxisOrientation" );
const QString QgsWFSConstants::URI_PARAM_INVERTAXISORIENTATION( "InvertAxisOrientation" );
const QString QgsWFSConstants::URI_PARAM_VALIDATESQLFUNCTIONS( "validateSQLFunctions" );
const QString QgsWFSConstants::URI_PARAM_HIDEDOWNLOADPROGRESSDIALOG( "hideDownloadProgressDialog" );

const QString QgsWFSConstants::VERSION_AUTO( "auto" );

Expand All @@ -42,4 +44,5 @@ const QString QgsWFSConstants::SETTINGS_MAXNUMFEATURES( "maxnumfeatures" );

const QString QgsWFSConstants::FIELD_GEN_COUNTER( "__qgis_gen_counter" );
const QString QgsWFSConstants::FIELD_GMLID( "__qgis_gmlid" );
const QString QgsWFSConstants::FIELD_HEXWKB_GEOM( "__qgis_hexwkb_geom" );
const QString QgsWFSConstants::FIELD_HEXWKB_GEOM( "__qgis_hexwkb_geom" );
const QString QgsWFSConstants::FIELD_MD5( "__qgis_md5" );
3 changes: 3 additions & 0 deletions src/providers/wfs/qgswfsconstants.h
Expand Up @@ -39,6 +39,8 @@ struct QgsWFSConstants

static const QString VERSION_AUTO;
Expand All @@ -52,6 +54,7 @@ struct QgsWFSConstants
static const QString FIELD_GEN_COUNTER;
static const QString FIELD_GMLID;
static const QString FIELD_HEXWKB_GEOM;
static const QString FIELD_MD5;

6 changes: 4 additions & 2 deletions src/providers/wfs/qgswfsdataitems.cpp
Expand Up @@ -30,7 +30,9 @@
QgsWFSLayerItem::QgsWFSLayerItem( QgsDataItem* parent, QString name, const QgsDataSourceURI& uri, QString featureType, QString title, QString crsString )
: QgsLayerItem( parent, title, parent->path() + '/' + name, QString(), QgsLayerItem::Vector, "WFS" )
mUri = QgsWFSDataSourceURI::build( uri.uri(), featureType, crsString );
QSettings settings;
bool useCurrentViewExtent = settings.value( "/Windows/WFSSourceSelect/FeatureCurrentViewExtent", true ).toBool();
mUri = QgsWFSDataSourceURI::build( uri.uri(), featureType, crsString, QString(), useCurrentViewExtent );
setState( Populated );
mIconName = "mIconConnect.png";
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -208,7 +210,7 @@ QGISEXTERN QgsDataItem * dataItem( QString thePath, QgsDataItem* parentItem )
if ( QgsWFSConnection::connectionList().contains( connectionName ) )
QgsWFSConnection connection( connectionName );
return new QgsWFSConnectionItem( parentItem, "WMS", thePath, connection.uri().uri() );
return new QgsWFSConnectionItem( parentItem, "WFS", thePath, connection.uri().uri() );

Expand Down

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