From 2019-04-09 to 2019-05-08
11:45 PM Revision 7279269e (qgis): bug fix can't open file using Japanese Character in name
11:44 PM Revision a5cc1842 (qgis): Add boolean type to DB Manager PostGIS provider
11:43 PM Revision db91e295 (qgis): [RPM] Add qt5-qtbase-private-devel build dep for F30+
- qt5-qtbase-devel as been splitted in Fedora 30
11:43 PM Revision 95013d28 (qgis): [RPM] Fix a mispelled word
11:43 PM Revision 9648c418 (qgis): [RPM] Fix a typo in a comment in spec file
10:32 PM Bug report #20573: Regression: outputs of processing models are not assigned the specified styles
- I think the fix wasn't made in the 3.4 branch.
04:39 PM Bug report #20573: Regression: outputs of processing models are not assigned the specified styles
- I have just experienced this bug in 3.4.7 (package installer) on Windows 10, so it is possible another regression has...
09:40 PM Bug report #22026 (Closed): processing plugin crashes qgis
- h2. User Feedback
After I have opened QGIS, the processing plugin is disabled. Every time I click on re-enable it... -
09:35 PM Bug report #22023: Ubuntu: apt-get update can no longer verify gpg key at
- The problem seems intermittent and is resolved as of now (the above curl command delivers the GPG key too). It appear...
04:25 PM Bug report #22023: Ubuntu: apt-get update can no longer verify gpg key at
- I note that no other repositories I use are *NOT* affected by this problem today.
04:24 PM Bug report #22023 (Open): Ubuntu: apt-get update can no longer verify gpg key at
- I have the following lines in an /etc/apt/apt.conf.d/proxy.conf file in order to route all apt traffic through a sock...
07:33 PM Feature request #22025 (Closed): Autosender for bug report
- Please, sign special e-mail and add feature to send report to them.
Add special varible like _DEBUG in all critaical... -
06:54 PM Bug report #22024 (Feedback): Feature edits dont save - temp layer
- I added a geojson polygon layer. Then I toggled editing, select a feature, and deleted it. It disappears as expecte...
06:20 PM Bug report #22022: QGis crashing badly when opening a Project
- Extra note: switching CRS to EPSG:3857 stops the crash to happen.
06:17 PM Bug report #22022: QGis crashing badly when opening a Project
- The same behavior happens with QGIS 3.4 *and* with 3.7.0-Master built from source (QGIS code revision af6d3d773d).
02:21 PM Bug report #22022 (Closed): QGis crashing badly when opening a Project
- I could open and use the project normally.
Today QGIS crashed twice when trying to open the print composer.
Now... - 06:11 PM Revision 12de739a (qgis): Merge pull request #9957 from daniviga/rpm-qt-private
- [RPM] Add qt5-qtbase-private-devel build dep for F30+
05:13 PM Revision bde32b8f (qgis): [RPM] Fix a mispelled word
05:13 PM Revision e6fca331 (qgis): [RPM] Fix a mispelled word
05:13 PM Revision b6f34d82 (qgis): Sibling of bde32b8fbde2592cbea9deb3c1ff0c3b6f65c048
05:07 PM Revision 38b10fea (qgis): Merge pull request #9936 from qgis/backport-9935-to-release-3_4
- [Backport release-3_4] remove redundant /profiles when QGIS_CUSTOM_CONFIG_PATH is set
05:06 PM Revision e86c0968 (qgis): Merge pull request #9934 from qgis/backport-9931-to-release-3_6
- [Backport release-3_6] fix wrong SVG PATHS logging on server startup
05:06 PM Revision df9d2d63 (qgis): Merge pull request #9937 from qgis/backport-9935-to-release-3_6
- [Backport release-3_6] remove redundant /profiles when QGIS_CUSTOM_CONFIG_PATH is set
05:05 PM Revision 03f65086 (qgis): Merge pull request #9933 from qgis/backport-9931-to-release-3_4
- [Backport release-3_4] fix wrong SVG PATHS logging on server startup
04:41 PM Bug report #22016: Constraint on Text Edit Widget mixes up expression and expression description,...
- Also reproduced in 3.4.7, Win10 using the Unique Values widget
10:10 AM Bug report #22016 (Closed): Constraint on Text Edit Widget mixes up expression and expression des...
When specifying a constraint on a text field (text widget) the expression and the expression description trades pla...-
04:24 PM Revision af549b06 (qgis): [RPM] Fix a typo in a comment in spec file
04:24 PM Revision c145f288 (qgis): [RPM] Fix a typo in a comment in spec file
04:24 PM Revision 1d6db3ff (qgis): Sibling of af549b061815e8462bf1eb0e9ed540b6e8db0106
04:18 PM Revision ee1386de (qgis): Sibling of 92f22b01a51c23bd9861ef00faf5a27c4ec92b02
04:18 PM Revision 92f22b01 (qgis): [RPM] Add qt5-qtbase-private-devel build dep for F30+
- qt5-qtbase-devel as been splitted in Fedora 30
04:18 PM Revision 9afff9d6 (qgis): [RPM] Add qt5-qtbase-private-devel build dep for F30+
- qt5-qtbase-devel as been splitted in Fedora 30
04:18 PM Revision f2532009 (qgis): Sibling of 92f22b01a51c23bd9861ef00faf5a27c4ec92b02
03:08 PM Revision ebe57cf1 (qgis): Merge pull request #9956 from rouault/fix_test_provider_ogr_gpkg_indent...
- [release-3_4] fix indentation
02:15 PM Bug report #22021 (Feedback): GeoReferencer crash
- h2. User Feedback
Georaster / Click rigth button on list of points
h2. Report Details
*Crash ID*: 8289d6a6dc... -
01:53 PM Bug report #22010: Raster calculator, abs() not working
- This issue is also confirmed in QGIS 3.4.4 on Windows.
Diving into the source, the issue is probably more general ... -
01:44 PM Feature request #22020 (Open): [processing][xyz tiles] append zoom levels to an existing mbtiles
- If the mbtiles already existed, append the zoom levels instead of overwriting the file.
01:42 PM Revision 58702fa2 (qgis): fix indentation
01:39 PM Feature request #22019 (Open): Add GRASS "turntable" parameters to modules
- The GUIs of the tools,,, are not showing the possibility to configure...
- 01:05 PM Revision da6b04d6 (qgis): Merge pull request #9952 from qgis/backport-9941-to-release-3_4
- [Backport release-3_4] [RPM] Add missing gdal-python-tools dependency
12:43 PM Revision f67eef3e (qgis): Merge pull request #9955 from rouault/backport_9939
- [Backport release-3_4] Backport #9939 (Fix opening of GeoPackage datasets with foreign key violation)
12:31 PM Revision 87ebaf4e (qgis): [ui] Fix marker sizing for the filled marker widget
12:13 PM Revision af6d3d77 (qgis): [processing] Fix exception when running batch alg after loading parameters
11:32 AM Bug report #22018 (Closed): [processing][xyz tiles] not possible to run XYZ tiles in batch mode
- @Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/usr/local/src/QGIS_master/build/output/python/plugins/processing/algs/qgi... -
11:27 AM Bug report #22017 (Closed): [processing][xyz tiles] mbtile file gets locked
- @Traceback (most recent call last):
File "C:/OSGEO4~1/apps/qgis-dev/./python/plugins\processing\algs\qgis\TilesXYZ.p... -
11:03 AM Revision c908306f (qgis): remove testJson test which was inappropriate...
- 10:48 AM Revision b217469e (qgis): Merge pull request #9951 from qgis/backport-9941-to-release-3_6
- [Backport release-3_6] [RPM] Add missing gdal-python-tools dependency
10:13 AM Revision 38b7cd09 (qgis): Sibling of 8aac3bfe77f5620407c9b87a0bc9326116a1453f
10:13 AM Revision a83025c9 (qgis): Sibling of 8aac3bfe77f5620407c9b87a0bc9326116a1453f
09:54 AM Revision 44cd638a (qgis): Merge pull request #9950 from qgis/backport-9939-to-release-3_6
- [Backport release-3_6] Fix opening of GeoPackage datasets with foreign key violation
09:50 AM Revision 23e5a1fd (qgis): [GDAL provider] Fix opening of GeoPackage datasets with foreign key vio...
09:50 AM Revision ce48a2c3 (qgis): [OGR provider] Fix opening of GeoPackage datasets with foreign key viol...
09:43 AM Revision da9b8f88 (qgis): [ui] Fix marker sizing for the filled marker widget
- 09:40 AM Revision 341308ff (qgis): Merge 5a43ee67f08126d770e4ab17afdd4bc1777a97a6 into cherry-pick-backpor...
09:33 AM Revision 253a8826 (qgis): [symbology] Fix setSize(size) not working for ellipse markers
09:23 AM Revision eea04286 (qgis): [symbology] Fix setSize(size) not working for ellipse markers
09:22 AM Bug report #22015 (Feedback): Crash on export image
- h2. User Feedback
Crash on export picture
h2. Report Details
*Crash ID*: 7598bbeb6c675323c6886cfd3c9a8f76844... - 09:20 AM Revision b2601475 (qgis): Merge pull request #9941 from daniviga/rpm-gdal-py
- [RPM] Add missing gdal-python-tools dependency
- 09:18 AM Revision c780ea87 (qgis): Merge pull request #9939 from rouault/fix_opening_gpkg_with_fkey_violation
- Fix opening of GeoPackage datasets with foreign key violation
08:41 AM Revision 281461a4 (qgis): [ui] Fix marker sizing for the filled marker widget
08:41 AM Revision 2c18041a (qgis): Sibling of 9427a558987a4bac27b2dac76cdc962cd5acbc0d
08:34 AM Revision 76b09328 (qgis): [ui] Fix marker sizing for the filled marker widget
08:18 AM Revision 65ec9cd1 (qgis): [symbology] Fix setSize(size) not working for ellipse markers
08:06 AM Revision 8508d113 (qgis): Sibling of 263c4d5d45afe1646280b21fae17ca4c586f2621
08:06 AM Revision e5448d88 (qgis): Sibling of 263c4d5d45afe1646280b21fae17ca4c586f2621
07:46 AM Revision fd6a2f7e (qgis): [symbology] Fix setSize(size) not working for ellipse markers
07:46 AM Revision a117ca3a (qgis): Sibling of 6bc22fccc75a322d78dc9ca4600861f04e7e60f0
07:46 AM Revision 63ec2525 (qgis): Sibling of 6bc22fccc75a322d78dc9ca4600861f04e7e60f0
07:46 AM Revision 9bad593a (qgis): [symbology] Fix setSize(size) not working for ellipse markers
07:26 AM Revision 36037567 (qgis): bug fix can't open file using Japanese Character in name
07:26 AM Revision 1b4679a5 (qgis): Sibling of b37ea3781dee93d71de4735c8905057dbdd3e69d
07:26 AM Revision 1e5cffa7 (qgis): bug fix can't open file using Japanese Character in name
07:26 AM Revision dcc45a51 (qgis): Sibling of b37ea3781dee93d71de4735c8905057dbdd3e69d
03:16 AM Bug report #22014 (Feedback): QGIS Crashed
- Crash on Exit, happens on all versions of 3.x that I have tried.
Same result each time.
h2. User Feedback
12:20 AM Bug report #22013 (Closed): - node cost column
- Tool:
The "node cost column" field is not finding the numeric columns from the point layers.
Please ... -
11:04 PM Feature request #3647: Add the choice "near to the pointOnSurface"
- I still find a need for this feature, despite the existence of "force point inside polygon". See this new feature req...
11:03 PM Feature request #22012 (Open): Add "point on surface" to label placement options
- In addition to label placement around a polygon's centroid, it would be helpful to have the option to use a point cal...
09:50 PM Revision d8ef8e28 (qgis): Add method to retrieve map extent to QgsRenderContext
- Previously only a "layer clipping extent" was available for retrieval
from a QgsRenderContext instance, yet there's a... -
09:50 PM Revision 39e94c2b (qgis): Add method to retrieve map extent to QgsRenderContext
- Previously only a "layer clipping extent" was available for retrieval
from a QgsRenderContext instance, yet there's a... -
09:50 PM Revision 5264683a (qgis): Sibling of c4fefb7f9031d3bf2074f06b187cf40e107d6a1f
09:50 PM Revision 62b412af (qgis): Sibling of c4fefb7f9031d3bf2074f06b187cf40e107d6a1f
08:59 PM Bug report #22011 (Open): Antivirus: 2 engines detected this file. (Security)
- File: QGIS-OSGeo4W-3.6.2-1-Setup-x86_64.exe
I found some security issues... -
07:53 PM Bug report #21993 (Closed): ST_Buffer does not work with postgis layer
10:08 AM Bug report #21993: ST_Buffer does not work with postgis layer
- Yes.
09:38 AM Bug report #21993: ST_Buffer does not work with postgis layer
- Sebastian Brocks wrote:
> Ah, I hadn't found the option to run a query directly without first adding a layer. Thanks... -
07:53 PM Bug report #22009 (Feedback): Lock postgres/postgis on st_estimatedextent and st_makeenvelope
> We've experienced thoses lock since the QGIS 3 version.~
so this is a regression compared to QGIS 2.*?-
10:25 AM Bug report #22009 (Open): Lock postgres/postgis on st_estimatedextent and st_makeenvelope
- Hi,
We have a repetitive lock on postgres/postgis database using QGIS.
Some times using a postgis layer in QGIS it... -
07:19 PM Bug report #22005: Cannot load GPX file automatically after creating it QGIS 3.4.7 QGIS 3.6.2
- Actually I just came up to report the same thing. The error has been around for a bit and I finally had time today to...
06:45 PM Bug report #22003: Almost Instant Crash
- I can open QGIS, and I can add a basemap via tile or quick map. But it crashes before I can save a bookmark, add a la...
09:35 AM Bug report #22003: Almost Instant Crash
> I am at work, and work on a network drive.
so it only happens when choosing files on network drives?-
05:35 PM Feature request #21882: Snap midpoint
- It's part on the QEP#107
05:35 PM Feature request #21882: Snap midpoint
- It's part on the QEP#107
05:17 PM Bug report #22010: Raster calculator, abs() not working
- Alessandro Pasotti wrote:
> That said, it is important for us to know if the issue was found with that option on or ... -
05:13 PM Bug report #22010: Raster calculator, abs() not working
- Just to clarify, OpenCL option should not produce wrong results and if it does it's a bug and should be reported.
... -
04:45 PM Bug report #22010 (Open): Raster calculator, abs() not working
- The @abs()@ function in the QGIS 3.6.1 Raster Calculator does not work. When the absolute value is taken using the _R...
02:55 PM Bug report #22006 (Open): Vertex tool not working on lines when style assigned
11:08 AM Bug report #22006: Vertex tool not working on lines when style assigned
- Sorry, that's a bit over complicated, attached is a simplified version with the same shapefile but one with style the...
10:58 AM Bug report #22006: Vertex tool not working on lines when style assigned
- I've attached a LDF, hopefully that has all you need. I tried loading this into a new project and I still get the sam...
09:33 AM Bug report #22006 (Feedback): Vertex tool not working on lines when style assigned
- Peter Cornelissen wrote:
> I have a project with numerous layers. On a line or polygon shapefile layer without style... -
12:31 PM Revision a067a334 (qgis): [QgsQuick] Fix of value relation widget
- Due to last changes in passing style object, styling property has been updated (widget had 0 height without fix).
Fix... -
11:23 AM Revision 663c27c6 (qgis): Sibling of 5a43ee67f08126d770e4ab17afdd4bc1777a97a6
11:23 AM Revision 1257311a (qgis): [RPM] Add missing gdal-python-tools dependency
- Processing uses some python scripts that are part of gdal-python-tools package
11:23 AM Revision 2ad07762 (qgis): [RPM] Add missing gdal-python-tools dependency
- Processing uses some python scripts that are part of gdal-python-tools package
11:23 AM Revision 30a74cf1 (qgis): Sibling of 5a43ee67f08126d770e4ab17afdd4bc1777a97a6
11:23 AM Revision 5a43ee67 (qgis): [RPM] Add missing gdal-python-tools dependency
- Processing uses some python scripts that are part of gdal-python-tools package
11:00 AM Revision 0566f2c5 (qgis): Merge pull request #9928 from cjmayo/app-icons
- Install full set of application icons on Linux
09:41 AM Revision 18559de1 (qgis): update to MDAL 0.3.2
09:39 AM Bug report #21999 (Feedback): Crash on update pg layer (postgis)
- Can you be more specific?
Does it happens in any postgis layer?
What operations/steps are you doing (that lead ... -
09:39 AM Bug report #21999 (Feedback): Crash on update pg layer (postgis)
- Can you be more specific?
Does it happens in any postgis layer?
What operations/steps are you doing (that lead ... -
09:39 AM Bug report #21999 (Feedback): Crash on update pg layer (postgis)
- Can you be more specific?
Does it happens in any postgis layer?
What operations/steps are you doing (that lead ... -
09:32 AM Bug report #16897 (Open): shift rotated labels in map composer
09:11 AM Bug report #22008 (Open): Batch processing error in r.mapcalc.simple
- I'm trying to perform batch processing for multiple rasters using a conditional expression in r.mapcalc.simple, GRASS...
08:59 AM Bug report #22007 (Open): QgsProject.instance().clear() crashes QGIS when LayoutDesigner Window i...
- To reproduce:
- Start QGIS
- Add any Layer (e.g. create new temp layer)
- Create and open a layout in the layout ... -
08:52 AM Revision 435b594b (qgis): update to MDAL 0.3.2
01:05 AM Revision 546b0412 (qgis): Fix duplicate layers in custom layer order panel
- Fixes #21955
12:05 AM Bug report #21905: Functions of GRASS do not work in the Processing for QGIS 3.4.7/3.6.2... but w...
- feedback:
I think it would be good if the error message does not say that it is missing a folder, rather it should... -
10:38 PM Revision a7eccd77 (qgis): Sibling of e48b64dee2f19ff3f52a14b635cd424eccb7aa33
10:38 PM Revision e48b64de (qgis): [GDAL provider] Fix opening of GeoPackage datasets with foreign key vio...
10:38 PM Revision e6d220dc (qgis): [GDAL provider] Fix opening of GeoPackage datasets with foreign key vio...
10:33 PM Revision 87f4410e (qgis): [OGR provider] Fix opening of GeoPackage datasets with foreign key viol...
10:33 PM Revision a26b1199 (qgis): Sibling of 87f4410ee0d4660e54f85ee1a1a07bcd8baffe94
10:33 PM Revision 477b05d6 (qgis): [OGR provider] Fix opening of GeoPackage datasets with foreign key viol...
10:33 PM Revision bb501987 (qgis): Sibling of 87f4410ee0d4660e54f85ee1a1a07bcd8baffe94
09:51 PM Bug report #21033 (Closed): Wrong label placement when rotating projected canvas
- DUplicate of #16897
09:51 PM Bug report #21033 (Closed): Wrong label placement when rotating projected canvas
- DUplicate of #16897
09:50 PM Bug report #19263 (Closed): Shifted labels on non-project CRS layers
- Duplicate of #16897
09:50 PM Bug report #19263 (Closed): Shifted labels on non-project CRS layers
- Duplicate of #16897
09:49 PM Bug report #16897 (Reopened): shift rotated labels in map composer
09:40 PM Feature request #20983 (Closed): Ability to rotate features to geometry generator
- Duplicate of #16713
09:40 PM Feature request #20983 (Closed): Ability to rotate features to geometry generator
- Duplicate of #16713
09:08 PM Bug report #20772: If any of the "topology checks" options is enabled, then cliking on "save laye...
- This issue is still present in 3.4.7 and 3.6.2.
I think it is easy to fix? If this issue is fixed, the geometry va... -
09:02 PM Revision b5b0611a (qgis): Fix duplicate layers in custom layer order panel
- Fixes #21955
07:57 PM Bug report #22006: Vertex tool not working on lines when style assigned
- Just to clarify, this is rule based styles/symbology
07:55 PM Bug report #22006 (Open): Vertex tool not working on lines when style assigned
- I have a project with numerous layers. On a line or polygon shapefile layer without style, it woks fine, however, if ...
- 05:39 PM Revision e213bde9 (qgis): Merge pull request #9935 from mbernasocchi/fix_profiles_profiles
- remove redundant /profiles when QGIS_CUSTOM_CONFIG_PATH is set
05:07 PM Revision 7376e6f8 (qgis): Add tests
05:07 PM Revision 47faac56 (qgis): [FEATURE][spatialite] Add a REGEXP function to use for SQL filter et cie
05:07 PM Revision eacc506a (qgis): Add a REGEXP function in spatialite_connect() python function
- This enables DB Manager and the Spatialite Execute SQL algorithm
to use the 'string REGEXP pattern' syntax. -
04:47 PM Revision 1148ecb1 (qgis): Merge pull request #9932 from rouault/fix_build_without_qtwebkit
- Fix build without WITH_QTWEBKIT
04:32 PM Bug report #22003: Almost Instant Crash
- Once I open the application, QGIS crashes if I:
> attempt to add a shapefile (before I can even select one)
> bookm... -
04:05 PM Bug report #22003: Almost Instant Crash
- [I meant pinpoint].
Jamie Bridges wrote:
> I don't mean to sound clueless (but I am). How do I pin it to a certai... -
03:38 PM Bug report #22003: Almost Instant Crash
- I don't mean to sound clueless (but I am). How do I pin it to a certain directory?
02:51 PM Bug report #22003 (Feedback): Almost Instant Crash
- Looks like it's crashing in Explorer - this might be related to some file type in the directory you trying to browse ...
02:37 PM Bug report #22003 (Feedback): Almost Instant Crash
- Installed QGIS on May 3. Added a basemap and a shapefile. Application crashed a few times while I did, but not enough...
04:32 PM Bug report #22005 (Open): Cannot load GPX file automatically after creating it QGIS 3.4.7 QGIS 3.6.2
- When I use "save features as..." to create a new gpx file (either from a completely new scratch layer or a shapefile ...
- 04:30 PM Revision 29f51f73 (qgis): remove redundant /profiles when QGIS_CUSTOM_CONFIG_PATH is set
- Signed-off-by: Marco Bernasocchi <[email protected]>
Signed-off-by: Marco Bernasocchi <[email protected]> - 04:30 PM Revision b6ec9451 (qgis): remove redundant /profiles when QGIS_CUSTOM_CONFIG_PATH is set
- Signed-off-by: Marco Bernasocchi <[email protected]>
Signed-off-by: Marco Bernasocchi <[email protected]> - 04:30 PM Revision 760b567e (qgis): Sibling of b6ec94515f572a495eee0e19aaef24a726247ec6
- 04:30 PM Revision 9e8f79e3 (qgis): Sibling of b6ec94515f572a495eee0e19aaef24a726247ec6
- 04:30 PM Revision e730fa15 (qgis): remove redundant /profiles when QGIS_CUSTOM_CONFIG_PATH is set
- Signed-off-by: Marco Bernasocchi <[email protected]>
Signed-off-by: Marco Bernasocchi <[email protected]> - 03:50 PM Revision 24259f92 (qgis): Merge pull request #9931 from mbernasocchi/fix_log
- fix wrong SVG PATHS logging on server startup
03:33 PM Revision 6efe30c4 (qgis): Fix build without WITH_QTWEBKIT
- 02:52 PM Revision cfe4d8e1 (qgis): fix wrong SVG PATHS logging on server startup
- Signed-off-by: Marco Bernasocchi <[email protected]>
- 02:52 PM Revision b20d271d (qgis): Sibling of cfe4d8e1d3b8f4151f90803268b0f8ccbedcca9f
- 02:52 PM Revision f233b7ec (qgis): fix wrong SVG PATHS logging on server startup
- Signed-off-by: Marco Bernasocchi <[email protected]>
- 02:52 PM Revision 8f5080db (qgis): fix wrong SVG PATHS logging on server startup
- Signed-off-by: Marco Bernasocchi <[email protected]>
- 02:52 PM Revision f653971c (qgis): Sibling of cfe4d8e1d3b8f4151f90803268b0f8ccbedcca9f
02:50 PM Bug report #22002: Crash when adding Vector layer (.shp file)
- This is the full content of the error:
Crash ID: 7009b0fe8dc6e45a983a30d4e92444e870732db6
Stack Trace
pr... -
02:45 PM Bug report #22002: Crash when adding Vector layer (.shp file)
- David van Eekelen wrote:
> Jürgen Fischer wrote:
> > Is the stacktrace actually empty?
> How do I check if the... -
02:28 PM Bug report #22002: Crash when adding Vector layer (.shp file)
- Jürgen Fischer wrote:
> Is the stacktrace actually empty?
How do I check if the stacktrace is empty? I have tried... -
02:20 PM Bug report #22002 (Feedback): Crash when adding Vector layer (.shp file)
- Is the stacktrace actually empty?
02:20 PM Bug report #22002 (Feedback): Crash when adding Vector layer (.shp file)
- Is the stacktrace actually empty?
02:20 PM Bug report #22002 (Feedback): Crash when adding Vector layer (.shp file)
- Is the stacktrace actually empty?
02:18 PM Bug report #22002 (Open): Crash when adding Vector layer (.shp file)
- I have installed QGIS 3.6.2 on a Windows Server 2008 R2 system. A couple of users in our corporate environment login ...
01:40 PM Feature request #21531: Add support for multilayer/multiband raster inputs in the "input raster l...
- Hi, any news here? How can we proceed (this issue is a showstopper for us)?
thanks -
01:12 PM Bug report #22001 (Open): DB Manager > History: current_user not written when updating
- In QGIS 3.4 the Historicization of a table works smoothly, except for the fact that the current_user is added to the ...
01:09 PM Bug report #21844: I get error message Invalid Layer When I add raster layer from DB_Manager in Q...
- I don't think it's the pg version, It works smoothly for me on pg11
10:40 AM Bug report #21993: ST_Buffer does not work with postgis layer
- Ah, I hadn't found the option to run a query directly without first adding a layer. Thanks for the info!
10:30 AM Revision 425f6722 (qgis): Fix json comparison with indented reference files
10:26 AM Bug report #22000 (Open): Wrong text orientation when importing DWG
- When you import a DWG file using the command 'Import Layers from DWG/DXF', the texts (labels) get a wrong orientation...
10:17 AM Bug report #21072 (Reopened): Readability issues dark mode Mac
- Found some more issues that are still there in 3.6
* Source Fields window in layer properties
* DB Manager table ... -
10:17 AM Bug report #21072 (Reopened): Readability issues dark mode Mac
- Found some more issues that are still there in 3.6
* Source Fields window in layer properties
* DB Manager table ... -
10:17 AM Bug report #21072 (Reopened): Readability issues dark mode Mac
- Found some more issues that are still there in 3.6
* Source Fields window in layer properties
* DB Manager table ... -
10:17 AM Bug report #21072 (Reopened): Readability issues dark mode Mac
- Found some more issues that are still there in 3.6
* Source Fields window in layer properties
* DB Manager table ... -
08:48 AM Bug report #21999 (Feedback): Crash on update pg layer (postgis)
- h2. User Feedback
On update values in pg layer
h2. Report Details
*Crash ID*: 95d7b7e8c9a9ea20df1d4e7d3cb35c...
10:44 PM Bug report #21998 (Closed): Error to close the project
09:44 PM Bug report #21998 (Closed): Error to close the project
- h2. User Feedback
I was closing a project and at the time of discarding the error occurred, it also happens to me ... -
08:16 PM Revision 56475c27 (qgis): Install full set of application icons on Linux
- Icons were already available in linux/icons directory.
Tidy linux/CMakeLists.txt. -
01:30 PM Bug report #21996 (Closed): It is not possible to input decimal Z-coord value
> It was described at:
01:30 PM Bug report #21996 (Closed): It is not possible to input decimal Z-coord value
> It was described at:
10:13 AM Bug report #21997 (Open): Browser: dropping a view fails
- Dropping a view from the Browser fails:
Impossibile eliminare layer "public"."pippo":
ERROR: "pippo" is not a t...
10:47 PM Bug report #21996 (Closed): It is not possible to input decimal Z-coord value
- When language in QGIS is set up to "polish" (Options > Settings > General) and uses decimal sign as comma, then I can...
01:49 PM Bug report #21899: Spatialite isn't working correctly on macOS
- This plugin does work well using PostgreSQL.
If I use this QGIS version, it does work perfectly as well.
https://lu... - 12:01 PM Revision 3ee2d76d (qgis): Merge pull request #9844 from qgis/backport-9809-to-release-3_4
- [Backport release-3_4] Add @snapping_results variable for points
09:37 AM Bug report #21985 (Closed): Impossible to type the right brace character in the python console
09:37 AM Bug report #21995 (Feedback): Plugin Crash / FragScape
- If the crash is caused by a 3rd party plugin it must be reported to the plugin authors, not here.
09:37 AM Bug report #21995 (Feedback): Plugin Crash / FragScape
- If the crash is caused by a 3rd party plugin it must be reported to the plugin authors, not here.
09:37 AM Bug report #21995 (Feedback): Plugin Crash / FragScape
- If the crash is caused by a 3rd party plugin it must be reported to the plugin authors, not here.
10:29 PM Bug report #21985: Impossible to type the right brace character in the python console
- Giovanni Manghi wrote:
> Duplicate of #21203 ?
Removing the shortcut "Ctrl+Alt+=" solved the problem.
Th... -
08:11 PM Bug report #21985 (Feedback): Impossible to type the right brace character in the python console
- Duplicate of #21203 ?
10:28 AM Bug report #21985 (Closed): Impossible to type the right brace character in the python console
- It is impossible to type "}" in the python console or in the python script editor.
NB :
* the character is yet v... -
10:23 PM Bug report #21995 (Feedback): Plugin Crash / FragScape
- Got the following error;
Crash ID: 23cddd406ba67f7c8a8f31a1e9cf319aa7d43c91
Stack Trace
QMetaObject::c... -
08:20 PM Bug report #21925: GRASS fails in QGIS but works in native GRASS
> This option is also in QGIS for but it needs to know the project crs to actually work.
That GRASS o...-
08:15 PM Bug report #21925: GRASS fails in QGIS but works in native GRASS
- “
Override projection check (use current location's projection)
Assume that the dataset has same projection as ... -
08:09 PM Bug report #21925 (Open): GRASS fails in QGIS but works in native GRASS
08:06 PM Bug report #21925: GRASS fails in QGIS but works in native GRASS
- Giovanni Manghi wrote:
> > Maybe you could have a optional setting for overriding the files crs?
> that would b... -
08:05 PM Bug report #21925: GRASS fails in QGIS but works in native GRASS
> Maybe you could have a optional setting for overriding the files crs?
that would be a feature request.-
08:04 PM Bug report #21925: GRASS fails in QGIS but works in native GRASS
- Giovanni Manghi wrote:
> > Do QGIS create a temporary database/project when processing?
> yes, it creates on th... -
07:55 PM Bug report #21925: GRASS fails in QGIS but works in native GRASS
> Do QGIS create a temporary database/project when processing?
yes, it creates on the fly a mapset/location wher...-
07:50 PM Bug report #21925: GRASS fails in QGIS but works in native GRASS
- Olivier ATHIMON wrote:
> Is it the same problem than i have ? => #21905
no, I think the above ticket was already ... -
12:44 PM Bug report #21925: GRASS fails in QGIS but works in native GRASS
- Giovanni Manghi wrote:
> > I sett GRASS not to assume any CRS of the data.
> that is not how Processing wor... -
08:15 PM Revision ea0a70bd (qgis): Merge branch 'qjson-nlohmann' of into qjson-nloh...
08:08 PM Bug report #21983: QGIS crahses when exporting a template
- Confirmed here too on Linux, is not even needed the specific project data, just import the provided layout in a whate...
08:08 PM Bug report #21983: QGIS crahses when exporting a template
- Confirmed here too on Linux, is not even needed the specific project data, just import the provided layout in a whate...
08:08 PM Bug report #21983: QGIS crahses when exporting a template
- Confirmed here too on Linux, is not even needed the specific project data, just import the provided layout in a whate...
09:52 AM Bug report #21983 (Open): QGIS crahses when exporting a template
- QGIS crash when i export a layout create from a template.
First i create a new layout in layout manager from my tem... -
08:04 PM Bug report #21926 (Open): "with interval" value of marker line symbology always reverts to "0" wh...
06:58 AM Bug report #21926: "with interval" value of marker line symbology always reverts to "0" when savi...
- Giovanni Manghi wrote:
> Navid Taheri wrote:
> > May I ask you refer me to correct SLD Export Issue?, Because I... -
08:01 PM Bug report #21969 (Closed): is not considering the
08:05 AM Bug report #21969: is not considering the
- Giovanni Manghi wrote:
> > Important: everything started working reasonably well when I created a NEW file (points.s... -
07:59 PM Bug report #21978 (Closed): GDALTools - Processing dialog: Generates file names not enclosed, wro...
- Sfkeller - wrote:
> Thx. I've added a comment at #11323. You can close this ticket.
you need to open a feature re... -
07:59 PM Bug report #21978 (Closed): GDALTools - Processing dialog: Generates file names not enclosed, wro...
- Sfkeller - wrote:
> Thx. I've added a comment at #11323. You can close this ticket.
you need to open a feature re... -
11:40 AM Bug report #21978: GDALTools - Processing dialog: Generates file names not enclosed, wrong option...
- Thx. I've added a comment at #11323. You can close this ticket.
07:49 PM Bug report #21986 (Feedback): Can not save data of type "array of characters (StringList / JSONST...
- Did it worked as expected in a previous QGIS release?
12:58 PM Bug report #21986 (Open): Can not save data of type "array of characters (StringList / JSONSTRING...
- Test environment:
QGis 3.4.7-1 (LTR)
database: spatiaLite
The error appears in the case of a layer connected to ... -
07:08 PM Bug report #21994: Print layout legend "feature count" shows feature count for entire layer when ...
- I agree with your assessment of expected behavior vs actual.
05:15 PM Bug report #21994 (Open): Print layout legend "feature count" shows feature count for entire laye...
- In the print layout, a legend has the option to display a "feature count" for a layer. This option displays the total...
07:02 PM Revision bd3d75fc (qgis): Indent on JSON export
05:22 PM Bug report #21993: ST_Buffer does not work with postgis layer
- Sebastian Brocks wrote:
> Ok, it seems the problem was that because I buffered a linear layer, I had to manually cha... -
05:12 PM Bug report #21993: ST_Buffer does not work with postgis layer
- Ok, it seems the problem was that because I buffered a linear layer, I had to manually change the type of the layer f...
05:06 PM Bug report #21993 (Feedback): ST_Buffer does not work with postgis layer
- Sebastian Brocks wrote:
> I tried that, and it didn't work. As I said earlier, with that query, the attribute table ... -
04:47 PM Bug report #21993 (Reopened): ST_Buffer does not work with postgis layer
- I tried that, and it didn't work. As I said earlier, with that query, the attribute table is empty and I get this war...
04:41 PM Bug report #21993 (Closed): ST_Buffer does not work with postgis layer
- Sebastian Brocks wrote:
> Here's a dump of the table.
the correct query for your data is
SELECT ST_Buffer(g... -
04:41 PM Bug report #21993 (Closed): ST_Buffer does not work with postgis layer
- Sebastian Brocks wrote:
> Here's a dump of the table.
the correct query for your data is
SELECT ST_Buffer(g... -
04:17 PM Bug report #21993 (Open): ST_Buffer does not work with postgis layer
- Here's a dump of the table.
04:17 PM Bug report #21993 (Open): ST_Buffer does not work with postgis layer
- Here's a dump of the table.
04:12 PM Bug report #21993 (Feedback): ST_Buffer does not work with postgis layer
- can you attach a dump of your table?
04:05 PM Bug report #21993 (Closed): ST_Buffer does not work with postgis layer
- I have a postgis table with a geometry column containg a linestring of SRID 3035. I can't get a buffer created using ...
03:27 PM Bug report #20124 (Rejected): [mdal] Refreshing the canvas does not reload the mesh
03:27 PM Bug report #20124 (Rejected): [mdal] Refreshing the canvas does not reload the mesh
03:26 PM Revision 109049ea (qgis): Implementation of QgsMeshLayer::reload() and QgsMdalProvider::reloadData()
- Implementation of this override method permit to reload mesh end dataset groups when the data changed outside of the ...
03:26 PM Revision fe39b266 (qgis): Add test for QgsMeshLayer::reload() and QgsMdalProvider()::reloadData()
- Add test and data file for new test
03:26 PM Revision 244bb554 (qgis): Fix crash when open project containing a mesh with a extras dataset gro...
- QGis application crash when opening a project contain a mesh layer with a dataset groups wich has a incompatible mesh...
02:42 PM Feature request #21992: [processing][xyz tiles] mask layer instead of bbox
- Although the UI may become a bit more complicated, it will be worth some thoughts, if there will be a differentiated ...
02:39 PM Feature request #21992 (Open): [processing][xyz tiles] mask layer instead of bbox
- The tool is processing tiles in the bounding box of a layer (or other rectangle extends). This is useful in overviews...
02:34 PM Feature request #21991 (Closed): [processing][xyz tiles] html-template-file
- Add html file to view tiles.
02:32 PM Feature request #21990 (Open): [processing][xyz tiles] warn user when overwriting files/folders
- Warn users of overwriting data if the selected output folder is not empty.
02:30 PM Feature request #21989 (Open): [processing][xyz tiles]Allow option to export tiles to XYZ and mb...
- Currently, user can only choose one option
02:29 PM Bug report #21988 (Open): [processing][xyz tiles] De-activate folder/file based on output type f...
- Currently, if user selects director or MBTiles, both output paths are activated. Best, to deactivate the unused one.
02:26 PM Feature request #21987 (Closed): [processing][xyz tiles] Allow TMS tiles convention when generat...
- XYZ tile generator does not support TMS convention
01:45 PM Bug report #21958: Problem outputting xyz tiles as MBTiles file
- opened
- 01:43 PM Bug report #21958 (Closed): Problem outputting xyz tiles as MBTiles file
- Applied in changeset commit:qgis|b1106b9f1e5f0986c769246e162afbe4d057d813.
- 01:43 PM Bug report #21958 (Closed): Problem outputting xyz tiles as MBTiles file
- Applied in changeset commit:qgis|b1106b9f1e5f0986c769246e162afbe4d057d813.
- 01:43 PM Revision 9820bb4f (qgis): [processing] updated test files - tiles with transparent background
- 01:43 PM Revision b1106b9f (qgis): [processing] fix #21958 used sqlite3 module instead of GDAL/ORG's SQLit...
11:43 AM Bug report #20873: QGIS Server 3.4 broken on Windows
- Thanks João, so with your config QGIS server is running correctly, right?
I checked but nothing special, my paths ... -
11:38 AM Feature request #11323: Allow editing gdal commands in processing
- I'd like to support this feature request turning the output command text field of the dialog into an editable text fi...
10:33 AM Revision b8838b49 (qgis): update to MDAL 0.3.2
10:33 AM Revision f4f4870f (qgis): Sibling of d7de1c62740be7578859ff93a03858cb67337223
10:01 AM Bug report #21984 (Open): The composer export functions don't remember last used path on mapped n...
- Unlike in version 2.18.28, +when exporting to a mapped network drive+, the default path is reset to the network drive...
09:02 AM Revision a8770b73 (qgis): Fix Travis quirks
09:01 AM Feature request #21982 (Open): Making virtual fields more visible
- The only way to know that a field is actually a virtual field is to right click in the attribute table header and go ...
08:58 AM Bug report #21981 (Open): Graduated symbology classes in histogram tab
- * classify a layer with the graduated symbology
* Histogram tab
* add some classes with the mouse directly on the h... -
08:44 AM Bug report #21973: select on map: selection is not added when using the CTRL key
- Nyall Dawson Wow! thank you very much!
it work! ... i'm sorry for my primary post but i tought the logic was worki... -
04:54 AM Bug report #21955 (Closed): Duplicate layer when changing the order in the Layer order Panel
- Applied in changeset commit:qgis|346cb388cf4a8a3d816d4f87d72e966164089825.
04:54 AM Bug report #21955 (Closed): Duplicate layer when changing the order in the Layer order Panel
- Applied in changeset commit:qgis|346cb388cf4a8a3d816d4f87d72e966164089825.
04:54 AM Revision 346cb388 (qgis): Fix duplicate layers in custom layer order panel
- Fixes #21955
02:27 AM Revision bc9dfd98 (qgis): Sibling of a9269ffff7380aa41c7ce3fdfde5fdecb019b77e
02:27 AM Revision 3a4ca7b0 (qgis): Fix duplicate layers in custom layer order panel
- Fixes #21955
02:27 AM Revision 5a3d3978 (qgis): Fix duplicate layers in custom layer order panel
- Fixes #21955
02:27 AM Revision 99d5807c (qgis): Sibling of a9269ffff7380aa41c7ce3fdfde5fdecb019b77e
01:03 AM Bug report #21973 (Rejected): select on map: selection is not added when using the CTRL key
- In QGIS shift + select is used to add to a selection, CTRL + select is used to take away from an existing selection.
01:03 AM Bug report #21973 (Rejected): select on map: selection is not added when using the CTRL key
- In QGIS shift + select is used to add to a selection, CTRL + select is used to take away from an existing selection.
06:13 PM Bug report #21973: select on map: selection is not added when using the CTRL key
- Francesco Filippucci wrote:
> se seleziono l'opzione di simbolo in gruppo di punti mi viene riferito: "the point dis... -
06:10 PM Bug report #21973: select on map: selection is not added when using the CTRL key
- se seleziono l'opzione di simbolo in gruppo di punti mi viene riferito: "the point displacement renderer only applies...
01:25 PM Bug report #21973: select on map: selection is not added when using the CTRL key
- Confirmed on 3.6.2 and I believe it is a regression.
01:25 PM Bug report #21973: select on map: selection is not added when using the CTRL key
- Confirmed on 3.6.2 and I believe it is a regression.
01:25 PM Bug report #21973: select on map: selection is not added when using the CTRL key
- Confirmed on 3.6.2 and I believe it is a regression.
01:25 PM Bug report #21973: select on map: selection is not added when using the CTRL key
- Confirmed on 3.6.2 and I believe it is a regression.
01:25 PM Bug report #21973: select on map: selection is not added when using the CTRL key
- Confirmed on 3.6.2 and I believe it is a regression.
11:16 AM Bug report #21973 (Rejected): select on map: selection is not added when using the CTRL key
- Hi,
there is a little bug concerned the selection of objects/entities .... (see step 3)
what happen? if you try to ... -
11:53 PM Bug report #21925: GRASS fails in QGIS but works in native GRASS
- Is it the same problem than i have ? => #21905
Before we could use functions of GRASS in Processing/GRASS by using... -
10:20 AM Bug report #21925: GRASS fails in QGIS but works in native GRASS
> I sett GRASS not to assume any CRS of the data.
that is not how Processing works when using GRASS tools: as ...-
07:47 AM Bug report #21925: GRASS fails in QGIS but works in native GRASS
- Giovanni Manghi wrote:
> What CRS do you use to create your GRASS mapset/location where this data import correctly?
... -
09:54 PM Bug report #21969: is not considering the
> Important: everything started working reasonably well when I created a NEW file (points.shp) in QGIS 3.4.7 to rep...-
09:50 PM Bug report #21969: is not considering the
- Giovanni Manghi wrote:
> > Yes. Correct.
> what if you add to the project (again) the edited layer (and give it... -
05:32 PM Bug report #21969: is not considering the
> Yes. Correct.
what if you add to the project (again) the edited layer (and give it a different name) and use i...-
04:55 PM Bug report #21969: is not considering the
- Giovanni Manghi wrote:
> > b) The tool has failed when a new point is added to the existing ones using QGIS vector e... -
03:33 PM Bug report #21969: is not considering the
> b) The tool has failed when a new point is added to the existing ones using QGIS vector editing. It does not cons...-
03:13 PM Bug report #21969: is not considering the
- Giovanni Manghi wrote:
> Can you more specific? Is the parameter missing from the tool GUI? What is the exact parame... -
10:09 AM Bug report #21969 (Feedback): is not considering the
- Can you more specific? Is the parameter missing from the tool GUI? What is the exact parameter name("node cost variab...
10:09 AM Bug report #21969 (Feedback): is not considering the
- Can you more specific? Is the parameter missing from the tool GUI? What is the exact parameter name("node cost variab...
10:09 AM Bug report #21969 (Feedback): is not considering the
- Can you more specific? Is the parameter missing from the tool GUI? What is the exact parameter name("node cost variab...
09:02 PM Bug report #21978: GDALTools - Processing dialog: Generates file names not enclosed, wrong option...
> gdal_grid -l None -a nearest:radius1=0.0:radius2=0.0:angle=0.0:nodata=0.0 -ot UInt16 -of GTiff -co txe=50 -co 3...-
08:38 PM Bug report #21978: GDALTools - Processing dialog: Generates file names not enclosed, wrong option...
- Thanks for taking care of this issue.
Sfkeller (I) - wrote:
> Bug and feature request related to processing tool... -
06:16 PM Bug report #21978 (Feedback): GDALTools - Processing dialog: Generates file names not enclosed, w...
- Sfkeller - wrote:
> Bug and feature request related to processing tool "GDAL Grid (Nearest Neighbor)" and possibly a... -
06:16 PM Bug report #21978 (Feedback): GDALTools - Processing dialog: Generates file names not enclosed, w...
- Sfkeller - wrote:
> Bug and feature request related to processing tool "GDAL Grid (Nearest Neighbor)" and possibly a... -
05:18 PM Bug report #21978 (Closed): GDALTools - Processing dialog: Generates file names not enclosed, wro...
- Bug and feature request related to processing tool "GDAL Grid (Nearest Neighbor)" and possibly any other Grid process...
08:15 PM Bug report #21926: "with interval" value of marker line symbology always reverts to "0" when savi...
- Navid Taheri wrote:
> May I ask you refer me to correct SLD Export Issue?, Because I did search in the middle of I... -
06:52 PM Bug report #21926: "with interval" value of marker line symbology always reverts to "0" when savi...
- Giovanni Manghi wrote:
> Navid Taheri wrote:
> > Giovanni Manghi wrote:
> > > Please attach the symbol/style file ... -
06:34 PM Bug report #21926: "with interval" value of marker line symbology always reverts to "0" when savi...
- Navid Taheri wrote:
> Giovanni Manghi wrote:
> > Please attach the symbol/style file and a sample of the data you a... -
05:45 PM Bug report #21926: "with interval" value of marker line symbology always reverts to "0" when savi...
- Giovanni Manghi wrote:
> Please attach the symbol/style file and a sample of the data you are applying it to.
MyD... -
05:45 PM Bug report #21926: "with interval" value of marker line symbology always reverts to "0" when savi...
- Giovanni Manghi wrote:
> Please attach the symbol/style file and a sample of the data you are applying it to.
MyD... -
06:07 PM Bug report #21980 (Closed): Gruppo punti
- Please file a new ticket in english. Appreciated are a descriptive subject and a description that includes the detail...
06:07 PM Bug report #21980 (Closed): Gruppo punti
- Please file a new ticket in english. Appreciated are a descriptive subject and a description that includes the detail...
06:07 PM Bug report #21980 (Closed): Gruppo punti
- Please file a new ticket in english. Appreciated are a descriptive subject and a description that includes the detail...
06:05 PM Bug report #21980 (Closed): Gruppo punti
- Simbolo/Gruppo punti crush in 3.6.2
05:44 PM Bug report #21979 (Open): "Order by expression" doesn't order anything
- I tried to order a point layer by its x and y coordinates within the attribute table with "Order by expression". No m...
05:39 PM Revision 748a73ab (qgis): Fix 3D build
04:30 PM Feature request #21977 (Open): More control over font style in composer labels and legend
- Hi,
Since we should always cite the source of the data we use, I find more simple to add the source and year betwe... -
03:27 PM Bug report #21961: Layer Panel display for point data layer unusable.
- John Fynn wrote:
> I've attached a copy of the project and csv point data file if that is of any use.
I cannot re... -
02:55 PM Bug report #21961: Layer Panel display for point data layer unusable.
- I've attached a copy of the project and csv point data file if that is of any use.
02:55 PM Bug report #21961: Layer Panel display for point data layer unusable.
- I've attached a copy of the project and csv point data file if that is of any use.
02:30 PM Revision 290909f9 (qgis): Use json objects for server getfeatureinfo
02:12 PM Bug report #21975: python support not enabled after install
> pls if u have any ideas pls follow this post seriuosly.
I'm not able to follow completely your last ... -
01:56 PM Bug report #21975: python support not enabled after install
- it's true that a 'complete installation' wasn't ended ccorrectly ... but not for my fault ....
it happen that ....
... -
01:30 PM Bug report #21975 (Feedback): python support not enabled after install
- This is probably, of course, not a general issue. Have you checked if the same installers work as expected on a machi...
01:30 PM Bug report #21975 (Feedback): python support not enabled after install
- This is probably, of course, not a general issue. Have you checked if the same installers work as expected on a machi...
01:30 PM Bug report #21975 (Feedback): python support not enabled after install
- This is probably, of course, not a general issue. Have you checked if the same installers work as expected on a machi...
01:30 PM Bug report #21975 (Feedback): python support not enabled after install
- This is probably, of course, not a general issue. Have you checked if the same installers work as expected on a machi...
11:58 AM Bug report #21975 (Feedback): python support not enabled after install
- as the subject report ...
I have (or better the informatic service IT of my company where i'm 'employed')
to inst... -
02:01 PM Revision 9dcdbbcf (qgis): [QgsQuick] Modified Checkbox widget
- Replaced checkbox with switch.
Registered QVariant::Type to recognize field type. When value was empty/not set, it wa... -
01:52 PM Revision bbd836f4 (qgis): Update tests for geometry classes
01:37 PM Bug report #21962: JPG with Worldfiles shows black bounding box
- Peter Drexel wrote:
> The jpg itself does not contain the black triangles, they are just drawn by QGIS if the Image ... -
12:07 PM Bug report #21962: JPG with Worldfiles shows black bounding box
- The jpg itself does not contain the black triangles, they are just drawn by QGIS if the Image is rotated using worldf...
01:25 PM Bug report #21974 (Closed): SQLite Layer (Linie)
- Please re-post the ticket in English, thanks!
01:25 PM Bug report #21974 (Closed): SQLite Layer (Linie)
- Please re-post the ticket in English, thanks!
11:57 AM Bug report #21974 (Closed): SQLite Layer (Linie)
- Beim Zerteilen eines lininehaften SQLite Objektes und dem löschen von einem Linienteil, wird nach der Objektspeicheru...
01:21 PM Bug report #21947: Heatmap(KDE) overflow error on filtered posgis point layer
> The plugin doesn't open - If I click on the heatmap in the toolbox I immediately get a yellow warning at the top ...-
12:15 PM Bug report #21947: Heatmap(KDE) overflow error on filtered posgis point layer
- Saber Razmjooei wrote:
> I am using a PostGIS layer in 27700.
> Are you sure you are using correct cell size/no... -
12:07 PM Bug report #21947: Heatmap(KDE) overflow error on filtered posgis point layer
- I am using a PostGIS layer in 27700.
Are you sure you are using correct cell size/no. of rows/columns?
11:56 AM Bug report #21947: Heatmap(KDE) overflow error on filtered posgis point layer
- Saber Razmjooei wrote:
> Please update to 3.4.7 and report back. I can't reproduce the issue.
Hi Saber,
I've u... -
01:21 PM Bug report #20124 (In Progress): [mdal] Refreshing the canvas does not reload the mesh
01:09 PM Bug report #20124: [mdal] Refreshing the canvas does not reload the mesh
01:09 PM Feature request #21976 (Open): Data loader
- Simple Data Loader wizard, available as standalone a tool or within the DB manager, allows QGIS user to specify a nu...
12:38 PM Revision bcb6183d (qgis): Allow home/end to jump to first/last character
12:38 PM Revision dd472980 (qgis): Draw missing character backgrounds with different color
12:38 PM Revision 57fa5476 (qgis): Nicer way of ensuring selected character is in view
12:38 PM Revision 1d258d53 (qgis): Nicer behaviour of QgsCharacterSelectorDialog
12:38 PM Revision 25f20f44 (qgis): Fix resizing of QgsCharacterSelectorDialog
11:20 AM Bug report #21935: Clear filter in Snapping Toolbar > Edit advanced configuration causes crash
- I can now confirm the issue can be replicated on Win10 for QGIS 3.4.5.
11:04 AM Bug report #21935: Clear filter in Snapping Toolbar > Edit advanced configuration causes crash
- After a clean install on another mac, it crashes in the same way. The same happend with a new QGIS profile on my mach...
11:00 AM Bug report #20053 (Closed): decimal separator in csv files
10:51 AM Bug report #21958 (In Progress): Problem outputting xyz tiles as MBTiles file
- It appears that updating metadata for mbtiles through gdal/ogr sqlite driver is the source of problem. By using pytho...
10:51 AM Bug report #21958 (In Progress): Problem outputting xyz tiles as MBTiles file
- It appears that updating metadata for mbtiles through gdal/ogr sqlite driver is the source of problem. By using pytho...
10:47 AM Bug report #21952: QGIS Server does not well provide type for virtual field.
- Giovanni Manghi wrote:
> Is a regression compared to QGIS Server 2.*?
No. Same problem also using QGIS Server 2... -
10:29 AM Bug report #21972 (Open): inside the Layer's panel, can't see if a layer is checked or not, when ...
- inside the layer's panel, at each beginning of line (1 line = 1 layer)
there's a checkbox, in black & white.
as the... -
10:16 AM Revision ba816459 (qgis): Update tests
10:08 AM Bug report #21971 (Closed): Error while unloading plugin gml_application_schema_toolbox
- Thanks Gio,
It was indeed related to QGIS GML Application Schema Toolbox plugin. thanks for your help.
10:08 AM Bug report #21971 (Closed): Error while unloading plugin gml_application_schema_toolbox
- Thanks Gio,
It was indeed related to QGIS GML Application Schema Toolbox plugin. thanks for your help.
10:04 AM Bug report #21971 (Feedback): Error while unloading plugin gml_application_schema_toolbox
- Hi Saber, that is a 3rd party plugin. Do you have a leftover somewhere?
09:03 AM Bug report #21971 (Closed): Error while unloading plugin gml_application_schema_toolbox
- I keep getting this every time I am closing QGIS:
@Error while unloading plugin gml_application_schema_toolbox
K... -
10:06 AM Bug report #21965: Different length measures between QGIS 2.18 and QGIS 3.4
> Not sure if this is intentional?
there have been changes, and they were by design.-
10:05 AM Bug report #21928 (Open): editing in spatial oracle
07:39 AM Bug report #21928: editing in spatial oracle
- yes it was working as expected in QGIS2.x
09:48 AM Feature request #16548 (Closed): Layer Symbology show Font Marker ID
- Fixed in master
09:48 AM Feature request #16548 (Closed): Layer Symbology show Font Marker ID
- Fixed in master
09:48 AM Bug report #16023 (Closed): Symbol Layer tree: font markers symbols frame is not fully filled (bl...
- Fixed in master
09:48 AM Bug report #16023 (Closed): Symbol Layer tree: font markers symbols frame is not fully filled (bl...
- Fixed in master
09:48 AM Bug report #16023 (Closed): Symbol Layer tree: font markers symbols frame is not fully filled (bl...
- Fixed in master
08:47 AM Feature request #21970 (Open): Marker line, more options for placement and size
- Missing option "on segment center" for marker placement and "equal to segment lenght" on marker size.
Or add more ... -
07:13 AM Revision bd13c360 (qgis): Auto emit characterSelected signal
07:13 AM Revision 30f1c973 (qgis): Allow navigation of character widget with arrow cursor keys
07:13 AM Revision c534f5f3 (qgis): Don't draw background outside of character columns
07:13 AM Revision 243acb32 (qgis): Dynamically set number of columns to show in character widget
- based on widget width, and avoid unnecessary horizontal scroll bar
07:13 AM Revision 5a573368 (qgis): Don't try to draw characters which don't exist in current font
07:13 AM Revision ffe02c37 (qgis): Allow QgsScrollArea to maintain horizontal width of area for
- child widgets, and apply scroll area to vertical contents only
- 11:16 PM Revision ac6ed1a1 (qgis): Doxygen for QgsSymbolLayer::setRenderingPass
11:15 PM Bug report #21859 (Closed): "File/folder Input" in processing won't separate input files into dis...
- Applied in changeset commit:qgis|979af2b69d245558602b5d50315df40e812cea15.
11:15 PM Bug report #21859 (Closed): "File/folder Input" in processing won't separate input files into dis...
- Applied in changeset commit:qgis|979af2b69d245558602b5d50315df40e812cea15.
11:15 PM Revision 979af2b6 (qgis): [processing] populate batch interface with rows when multiple layers
- selected (fix #21859)
11:15 PM Revision 24510cb8 (qgis): [processing] populate batch interface with rows when multiple layers
- selected (#21859)
09:50 PM Bug report #21969 (Closed): is not considering the
- is not considering the node cost variable.
QGIS 3.4.7 -
09:22 PM Bug report #21967 (Closed): NULL value inserted as literal string instead of NULL object in Query...
- Applied in changeset commit:qgis|4ee40991a82e830313c2259722627a97434cee43.
09:22 PM Bug report #21967 (Closed): NULL value inserted as literal string instead of NULL object in Query...
- Applied in changeset commit:qgis|4ee40991a82e830313c2259722627a97434cee43.
08:24 PM Bug report #21967 (Closed): NULL value inserted as literal string instead of NULL object in Query...
- Tangentially related to #21805
Related also to #21966
Issue: The Query Builder interface inserts certain values... -
09:22 PM Bug report #21966 (Closed): NULL Custom Representation breaking Query Builder?
- Applied in changeset commit:qgis|4ee40991a82e830313c2259722627a97434cee43.
09:22 PM Bug report #21966 (Closed): NULL Custom Representation breaking Query Builder?
- Applied in changeset commit:qgis|4ee40991a82e830313c2259722627a97434cee43.
08:23 PM Bug report #21966 (Closed): NULL Custom Representation breaking Query Builder?
- I've changed my NULL representation to be <NULL> more similarly to ESRI's software, just to help the value stand out ...
09:22 PM Bug report #21805 (Closed): Filter on GeoPackage against column with data type Boolean does not work
- Applied in changeset commit:qgis|4ee40991a82e830313c2259722627a97434cee43.
09:22 PM Bug report #21805 (Closed): Filter on GeoPackage against column with data type Boolean does not work
- Applied in changeset commit:qgis|4ee40991a82e830313c2259722627a97434cee43.
09:21 PM Revision 4ee40991 (qgis): query builder: fix #21805 & #21966 & #21967
08:31 PM Feature request #21968 (Open): More styling options for custom NULL representation
- In addition to setting the string representation for NULL objects by string content, I'd love to be able to set custo...
07:14 PM Bug report #21965: Different length measures between QGIS 2.18 and QGIS 3.4
- Seems that the $length command gives the planar distance in QGIS 2.18, but the geodesic distance in QGIS 3.4:
https:... -
06:56 PM Bug report #21965: Different length measures between QGIS 2.18 and QGIS 3.4
- Florian Hruby wrote:
> I´m pretty sure, but maybe you could check back on your side with both QGIS 3.4 and 2.18? the... -
06:50 PM Bug report #21965: Different length measures between QGIS 2.18 and QGIS 3.4
- I´m pretty sure, but maybe you could check back on your side with both QGIS 3.4 and 2.18? the shape I used can be dow...
06:26 PM Bug report #21965 (Feedback): Different length measures between QGIS 2.18 and QGIS 3.4
- $ length > "The length calculated by this function respects both the current project's ellipsoid setting and distance...
06:54 PM Bug report #21949: Processing OGR based tools: encoding changed in outputs
- Confirmed also here (same OS and same QGIS version). I also think this wasn't an issue in the past. Note: applying ma...
06:54 PM Bug report #21949: Processing OGR based tools: encoding changed in outputs
- Confirmed also here (same OS and same QGIS version). I also think this wasn't an issue in the past. Note: applying ma...
06:42 PM Bug report #21925: GRASS fails in QGIS but works in native GRASS
- What CRS do you use to create your GRASS mapset/location where this data import correctly?
06:41 PM Bug report #21961: Layer Panel display for point data layer unusable.
- John Fynn wrote:
> Our ICT are not keen on sharing our data publicly so I may not be able to attached a sample proje... -
06:41 PM Bug report #21961: Layer Panel display for point data layer unusable.
- John Fynn wrote:
> Our ICT are not keen on sharing our data publicly so I may not be able to attached a sample proje... -
11:52 AM Bug report #21961: Layer Panel display for point data layer unusable.
- Our ICT are not keen on sharing our data publicly so I may not be able to attached a sample project as recommended. S...
11:52 AM Bug report #21961: Layer Panel display for point data layer unusable.
- Our ICT are not keen on sharing our data publicly so I may not be able to attached a sample project as recommended. S...
11:52 AM Bug report #21961: Layer Panel display for point data layer unusable.
- Our ICT are not keen on sharing our data publicly so I may not be able to attached a sample project as recommended. S...
06:35 PM Bug report #21947: Heatmap(KDE) overflow error on filtered posgis point layer
- Also cannot replicate on 3.6.2 on Linux.
03:43 PM Bug report #21947 (Feedback): Heatmap(KDE) overflow error on filtered posgis point layer
- Please update to 3.4.7 and report back. I can't reproduce the issue.
06:32 PM Bug report #21962: JPG with Worldfiles shows black bounding box
- note: to me this ticket should be closed as invalid, there is no issue here, it is just a matter about the data. Also...
06:30 PM Bug report #21962: JPG with Worldfiles shows black bounding box
- Roland Spielhofer wrote:
> When I click into the raster I see lower values for all channels the darker the pixels ar... -
06:23 PM Bug report #21926 (Feedback): "with interval" value of marker line symbology always reverts to "0...
- Please attach the symbol/style file and a sample of the data you are applying it to.
06:23 PM Bug report #21926 (Feedback): "with interval" value of marker line symbology always reverts to "0...
- Please attach the symbol/style file and a sample of the data you are applying it to.
06:20 PM Bug report #21934 (Closed): Al tratar de exportar o imprimir una imagen grande me arroja este err...
- Please open a new ticket with subject and (detailed) description in English, thanks!
06:20 PM Bug report #21934 (Closed): Al tratar de exportar o imprimir una imagen grande me arroja este err...
- Please open a new ticket with subject and (detailed) description in English, thanks!
06:16 PM Bug report #21928 (Feedback): editing in spatial oracle
- rawan gis wrote:
> Hi
> I have a layer stored in spatial oracle database, the layer has ESRI Auto-Incrementing Obje... -
06:16 PM Bug report #21928 (Feedback): editing in spatial oracle
- rawan gis wrote:
> Hi
> I have a layer stored in spatial oracle database, the layer has ESRI Auto-Incrementing Obje... -
06:15 PM Bug report #21932: Map Composer crashes QGIS when copying mixture of elements in page layout
- Confirmed on Linux and QGIS 3.6.2 too.
06:15 PM Bug report #21932: Map Composer crashes QGIS when copying mixture of elements in page layout
- Confirmed on Linux and QGIS 3.6.2 too.
06:15 PM Bug report #21932: Map Composer crashes QGIS when copying mixture of elements in page layout
- Confirmed on Linux and QGIS 3.6.2 too.
06:10 PM Bug report #21899 (Open): Spatialite isn't working correctly on macOS
06:08 PM Bug report #21948 (Feedback): QGIS Crashing while using Advanced Digitizing with snapping enabled
- Can't replicate here. Would you mind attaching a sample project+sample data? Also try on a new/clean qgis profile (no...
06:02 PM Bug report #21909 (Closed): Bug with "mActionIdentify" when consulting the french cadastre
06:01 PM Bug report #21951: Table - "Move selection on top" doesn't work
- likely duplicate of #21096
05:59 PM Bug report #19731 (Feedback): Python error at qgis startup after changing profile folder
05:59 PM Bug report #21952 (Feedback): QGIS Server does not well provide type for virtual field.
- Is a regression compared to QGIS Server 2.*?
05:59 PM Bug report #21952 (Feedback): QGIS Server does not well provide type for virtual field.
- Is a regression compared to QGIS Server 2.*?
05:53 PM Bug report #14932 (Open): "NULL" text in null field should disappear as soon as a field gets the ...
05:50 PM Bug report #21960 (Feedback): report details
- This ticket is missing:
a meaningful subject
a minimal description about what caused the issue/crash -
05:50 PM Bug report #21960 (Feedback): report details
- This ticket is missing:
a meaningful subject
a minimal description about what caused the issue/crash -
05:47 PM Bug report #21959 (Closed): qgis crash with postgis rasters
05:46 PM Bug report #21930: Crash when opening a project with PostGIS rasters
- I can't replicate here, Linux and QGIS 3.6.2
05:44 PM Bug report #21957 (Feedback): Georeferencer plugin does not work
11:19 AM Bug report #21713: unvisible mouse cursor on specific backgrounds
- Some more details:
* It seems: that *only on Windows* AND the *specific Cross-Cursor* is the problem
* On Windows... -
09:32 AM Bug report #21958: Problem outputting xyz tiles as MBTiles file
- On Windows, with qgis master:
3.26.0 2018-12-01
08:30 AM Revision ef521344 (qgis): [ui] Fix broken text annotation background color
08:07 AM Revision cdaf2b96 (qgis): [ui] Fix broken text annotation background color
04:55 AM Revision 107c7a8d (qgis): [ui] Fix broken text annotation background color
04:19 AM Revision 632828f5 (qgis): Sibling of 48ac16174986ba41824cf3caa6a32738c91eca5d
04:19 AM Revision 43b1d941 (qgis): Sibling of 48ac16174986ba41824cf3caa6a32738c91eca5d
04:19 AM Revision b7b43a0a (qgis): [ui] Fix broken text annotation background color
11:36 PM Bug report #21957: Georeferencer plugin does not work
- Could you please explain what exactly doesn't work for you? Does the plugin crash or doesn't start or is not listed i...
11:36 PM Bug report #21957: Georeferencer plugin does not work
- Could you please explain what exactly doesn't work for you? Does the plugin crash or doesn't start or is not listed i...
11:36 PM Bug report #21957: Georeferencer plugin does not work
- Could you please explain what exactly doesn't work for you? Does the plugin crash or doesn't start or is not listed i...
11:36 PM Bug report #21957: Georeferencer plugin does not work
- Could you please explain what exactly doesn't work for you? Does the plugin crash or doesn't start or is not listed i...
06:51 AM Bug report #21957 (Feedback): Georeferencer plugin does not work
- Georeferencing features is not working and has been like this for almost 2 weeks now. I require this features/plugin...
10:21 PM Bug report #21962: JPG with Worldfiles shows black bounding box
- When I click into the raster I see lower values for all channels the darker the pixels are.
Would define the values ... -
05:13 PM Bug report #21962: JPG with Worldfiles shows black bounding box
- Roland Spielhofer wrote:
> The black rectangles are not inherent in the data (raster). They come from the roatation ... -
05:10 PM Bug report #21962: JPG with Worldfiles shows black bounding box
- The black rectangles are not inherent in the data (raster). They come from the roatation caused by the world file (th...
04:50 PM Bug report #21962 (Feedback): JPG with Worldfiles shows black bounding box
- While I understand it can seem handy, why QGIS should make transparent the pixels with value 0,0,0 (the raster is RGB...
02:02 PM Bug report #21962 (Feedback): JPG with Worldfiles shows black bounding box
- I have several JPGs together with JGW (worldfiles).
When I open them in QGIS 3.6.1 as Raster they show a black ortho... -
09:46 PM Bug report #21930: Crash when opening a project with PostGIS rasters
- Giovanni Manghi wrote:
> so is this definitively related to loading PostGIS rasters?
Yes, this is my guess. Maybe... -
06:26 PM Bug report #21930 (Feedback): Crash when opening a project with PostGIS rasters
- so is this definitively related to loading PostGIS rasters?
06:26 PM Bug report #21930 (Feedback): Crash when opening a project with PostGIS rasters
- so is this definitively related to loading PostGIS rasters?
09:30 PM Bug report #19979: Data defined label does not works anymore in combinaison with rule based labeling
- Moving labels doesn't seem to work again in version 3.6.2. This is probably true in earlier versions as seen in: http...
08:30 PM Bug report #21965 (Feedback): Different length measures between QGIS 2.18 and QGIS 3.4
- I noticed that the "$length" command returns slightly different values in QGIS 2.18 and QGIS 3.4.6 As the values in Q...
06:45 PM Bug report #21935 (Feedback): Clear filter in Snapping Toolbar > Edit advanced configuration caus...
- Cannot replicate here on Linux, please try with a new/clean QGIS profile too.
06:45 PM Bug report #21935 (Feedback): Clear filter in Snapping Toolbar > Edit advanced configuration caus...
- Cannot replicate here on Linux, please try with a new/clean QGIS profile too.
06:45 PM Bug report #21935 (Feedback): Clear filter in Snapping Toolbar > Edit advanced configuration caus...
- Cannot replicate here on Linux, please try with a new/clean QGIS profile too.
06:42 PM Bug report #21929 (Closed): QGIS crash on closing
06:41 PM Bug report #21964 (Open): QGIS Server SELECTION doesn't work with Postgres ids of type bigint or ...
- The WMS GetMap SELECTION parameter allows selecting features by their ids. But this may not work on Postgres-based l...
06:29 PM Bug report #21920 (Feedback): Points Geometry Become Cluster
- Does it happen if you use another backend (i.e. PostGIS)?
06:29 PM Bug report #21920 (Feedback): Points Geometry Become Cluster
- Does it happen if you use another backend (i.e. PostGIS)?
06:28 PM Bug report #21927: QGIS freezes
- Please try with a new/clean QGIS profile (no 3rd party plugins installed).
If it persist then please attach a samp... -
06:28 PM Bug report #21927: QGIS freezes
- Please try with a new/clean QGIS profile (no 3rd party plugins installed).
If it persist then please attach a samp... -
06:28 PM Bug report #21927: QGIS freezes
- Please try with a new/clean QGIS profile (no 3rd party plugins installed).
If it persist then please attach a samp... -
05:20 PM Bug report #21958: Problem outputting xyz tiles as MBTiles file
- 3.27.2 2019-02-25 on Ubuntu 19.04
05:19 PM Bug report #21958: Problem outputting xyz tiles as MBTiles file
- looks more like sqlite issue, which version do you have?
09:17 AM Bug report #21958 (Closed): Problem outputting xyz tiles as MBTiles file
- GDAL/OGR: 2.4.0
QGIS: master
I am trying to create an mbtiles file using xyz tile generator. If the output file ... -
05:19 PM Bug report #21961 (Feedback): Layer Panel display for point data layer unusable.
- I recommend you to attach a sample project and data that the developers can use to reproduce your issue.
01:02 PM Bug report #21961 (Feedback): Layer Panel display for point data layer unusable.
- Layers that display point data (i.e. a symbol denoting that one of our properties has been sold) display in an extrem...
04:40 PM Bug report #21963 (Closed): graphical identify and select feature do not work on Postgis-sql layer
- Sebastian Brocks wrote:
> No particular reason, I'm a relative newbie with regard to postgis and QGIS. Changing to s... -
04:40 PM Bug report #21963 (Closed): graphical identify and select feature do not work on Postgis-sql layer
- Sebastian Brocks wrote:
> No particular reason, I'm a relative newbie with regard to postgis and QGIS. Changing to s... -
03:53 PM Bug report #21963: graphical identify and select feature do not work on Postgis-sql layer
- No particular reason, I'm a relative newbie with regard to postgis and QGIS. Changing to st_aswekt makes identify and...
03:34 PM Bug report #21963 (Feedback): graphical identify and select feature do not work on Postgis-sql layer
- Why are you using @st_astext@?
03:24 PM Bug report #21963: graphical identify and select feature do not work on Postgis-sql layer
- This looks like the issue in issue #4470
02:15 PM Bug report #21963 (Closed): graphical identify and select feature do not work on Postgis-sql layer
- I have a SQL-defined postgis layer defined by this statement:
((((SELECT row_number() over () AS _uid_,* FROM (SEL... -
01:32 PM Revision 3747cf78 (qgis): [FEATURE][symbology] Unlock string as character for font markers
12:33 PM Revision 0f01359b (qgis): Merge pull request #9880 from troopa81/fix_pointpick_precision
- Fix point picking precision for point parameters in processing dialog
11:55 AM Revision 1114cdc0 (qgis): Avoid ugly super-narrow annotation balloon callout lines at some angles
11:55 AM Revision d56b72b0 (qgis): Fix incorrect annotation scaling when exporting layouts
- Previously, annotation size and position always used pixel units. This
did not work well when exporting layouts, resu... -
11:55 AM Revision 7ae28bff (qgis): Allow loading QLR files with invalid sources
- E.g. if the layer path has moved, we still should allow these
files to be read, so that the layer path can be fixed b... -
11:55 AM Revision 619d0f46 (qgis): Disable some layer context menu actions for invalid layers
11:11 AM Revision a665eac1 (qgis): Follow up dc7bfc5 : QString::back() too recent to use
11:07 AM Bug report #21960 (Feedback): report details
- Crash ID: 7962d96f2596f89001068d78ffb584d1b19f74a6
Stack Trace
QgsSnapIndicator::~QgsSnapIndicator :
QgsAd... -
10:42 AM Revision dc7bfc5c (qgis): [FEATURE][ui] Add a line edit to type character for the font marker
- The line edit also supports pasting of unicode code in decimal or
hexadecimal format (i.e. 123 or 0x2713).
In additi... -
10:39 AM Bug report #21905 (Closed): Functions of GRASS do not work in the Processing for QGIS 3.4.7/3.6.2...
- That's why there is a separate shortcut.
10:39 AM Bug report #21905 (Closed): Functions of GRASS do not work in the Processing for QGIS 3.4.7/3.6.2...
- That's why there is a separate shortcut.
10:06 AM Bug report #21959 (Closed): qgis crash with postgis rasters
- h2. User Feedback
Loading postgis rasters
h2. Report Details
*Crash ID*: 8def222d5bf49d1f68a2fdb8ecaaf8e5901... -
09:21 AM Bug report #21954: change data source and style gets overridden
- @Nyall thank you for the clarification, I totally misunderstood "default style" and I thought it was the random style...
03:37 AM Bug report #21954: change data source and style gets overridden
- Alessandro - I'm guessing this is because the layer has a default style set on the db, and it's getting re-applied af...
09:11 AM Revision f70acf26 (qgis): Merge pull request #9901 from nyalldawson/invalid_qlr
- Allow loading QLR files with invalid sources
09:08 AM Revision 9cfaf10c (qgis): Never use scientific notation
08:34 AM Revision 72febb35 (qgis): Allow loading QLR files with invalid sources
- E.g. if the layer path has moved, we still should allow these
files to be read, so that the layer path can be fixed b... -
08:34 AM Revision c329149a (qgis): Sibling of 78ccd4171e75c874bd481bb2ecbecde0358079b7
08:34 AM Revision 332f6af5 (qgis): Sibling of 72febb35e9be54ce66670c1370b7e14fc705b2df
08:34 AM Revision 78ccd417 (qgis): Disable some layer context menu actions for invalid layers
08:34 AM Revision 6e5f0bda (qgis): Disable some layer context menu actions for invalid layers
08:34 AM Revision 4a72ed4e (qgis): Allow loading QLR files with invalid sources
- E.g. if the layer path has moved, we still should allow these
files to be read, so that the layer path can be fixed b... -
08:33 AM Revision 588a661e (qgis): Fix incorrect annotation scaling when exporting layouts
- Previously, annotation size and position always used pixel units. This
did not work well when exporting layouts, resu... -
08:33 AM Revision e4dc3bae (qgis): Avoid ugly super-narrow annotation balloon callout lines at some angles
07:21 AM Bug report #18373 (Closed): Annotation Scaling
- Applied in changeset commit:qgis|38ef62e1ccd3463b8d83104815cb5cc4d166264f.
07:21 AM Bug report #18373 (Closed): Annotation Scaling
- Applied in changeset commit:qgis|38ef62e1ccd3463b8d83104815cb5cc4d166264f.
07:21 AM Revision 38ef62e1 (qgis): Fix incorrect annotation scaling when exporting layouts
- Previously, annotation size and position always used pixel units. This
did not work well when exporting layouts, resu... -
07:21 AM Revision fa60a7ec (qgis): Avoid ugly super-narrow annotation balloon callout lines at some angles
06:43 AM Revision c12fd877 (qgis): [processing] Remove selected rows from batch table, not always last row
06:43 AM Revision 9f43f2f6 (qgis): [FEATURE][processing] New "Add values by expression" option for
- populating batch processing dialog
This option adds news rows using the values from an expression
which returns an a... -
06:43 AM Revision 1d80fe8a (qgis): Review comments
06:43 AM Revision 3f4c3d07 (qgis): Add widget and dialog for finding files by pattern match, with an
- optional recursive search
06:43 AM Revision 070de69e (qgis): [processing] Fix incorrect columns hidden when toggling advanced params...
06:43 AM Revision ee7daa8d (qgis): [FEATURE][processing] Add option to calculate parameter values by expre...
- This new option is available under the Autofill menu for a column. Selecting it allows users
to create a new QGIS exp... -
06:43 AM Revision 185172a9 (qgis): Refactor creation of batch dialog row algorithm parameters
06:43 AM Revision e6e39173 (qgis): [FEATURE][processing] In batch mode, allow population of file/layer
- input columns by searching for files matching a specified pattern
With optional recursive search! -
06:43 AM Revision 5edf06a5 (qgis): [processing][needs-docs] Move batch execution double-click-to-fill-down
- to an explicit widget in the table
The double-click-header action is very hidden, and many users will
not stumble up... -
06:43 AM Revision ec4cfed6 (qgis): Fix broken see link
06:22 AM Revision 74307d61 (qgis): Fix incorrect annotation scaling when exporting layouts
- Previously, annotation size and position always used pixel units. This
did not work well when exporting layouts, resu... -
06:22 AM Revision e771b056 (qgis): Fix incorrect annotation scaling when exporting layouts
- Previously, annotation size and position always used pixel units. This
did not work well when exporting layouts, resu... -
06:22 AM Revision 50cf7d3f (qgis): Avoid ugly super-narrow annotation balloon callout lines at some angles
06:22 AM Revision 67271cfd (qgis): Fix incorrect annotation scaling when exporting layouts
- Previously, annotation size and position always used pixel units. This
did not work well when exporting layouts, resu... -
06:22 AM Revision a8b33ec9 (qgis): Sibling of e771b056af1ccfa332e3dea931bedea65d00dd4e
06:22 AM Revision 43b8a7ad (qgis): Avoid ugly super-narrow annotation balloon callout lines at some angles
06:22 AM Revision e1bfd9d3 (qgis): Sibling of 9119fe8c2c6ebd2b2d0d18f171372e6a1c2be585
05:04 AM Bug report #21956 (Rejected): QgsGradientColorRamp.invert returns None
- QgsColorRamp.invert doesn't return a new ramp -- it inverts a ramp in place. See
05:04 AM Bug report #21956 (Rejected): QgsGradientColorRamp.invert returns None
- QgsColorRamp.invert doesn't return a new ramp -- it inverts a ramp in place. See
04:08 AM Bug report #21956 (Rejected): QgsGradientColorRamp.invert returns None
- QgsGradientColorRamp.invert is not returning a valid color ramp.
Tested in the QGIS Python Consol:... -
05:03 AM Bug report #21955 (In Progress): Duplicate layer when changing the order in the Layer order Panel
04:29 AM Revision 8d180c1e (qgis): [needs-docs] Tweak custom dash button appearance
- - remove "Change" label and replace with larger dash preview icon.
The "change" text is unnecessary and adds to dialo... -
03:34 AM Feature request #21944 (Closed): Bring Preview Modes into Map Composer
- This is already possible - look under the View - Preview menu.
03:34 AM Feature request #21944 (Closed): Bring Preview Modes into Map Composer
- This is already possible - look under the View - Preview menu.
02:46 AM Revision cc15dbdc (qgis): [themes] Add minimum scrollbar dimension to Night Mapping
02:46 AM Revision 5c79b749 (qgis): [themes] Tweak palette values to better match designated roles
01:42 AM Revision b4fc7968 (qgis): Indentation
01:42 AM Revision 47e0f111 (qgis): [processing] Fix exception on completion of batch execution of
- algorithm which has string or numeric outputs
01:42 AM Revision e62575bf (qgis): [processing] Correctly reset progress bar after completing batch execution
01:42 AM Revision 69f5303e (qgis): Remove some unused code
12:28 AM Bug report #21675: DBManager - load as new layer doesn't work
- Sorry for the noise. Seems my hole project and/or QGIS instance was completely fucked up. In the end everything just ...
03:27 PM Bug report #21675: DBManager - load as new layer doesn't work
- As I assume that this bug was fixed before roll out of 3.6.2, I think there is still a problem. Indeed a new layer is...
10:55 PM Feature request #21759: Changing rendering behavior on zoom to prevent flashes
- Andrew Annex wrote:
> On macOS with qgis 3.4.6 LTR. Unknown if this is on other systems
> Zooming should disabl... -
10:26 PM Bug report #14932 (Reopened): "NULL" text in null field should disappear as soon as a field gets ...
- Just tested this in QGIS master 3.7 and it's still happening.
I attach a GIF showing the issue, which seems to be so... -
10:26 PM Bug report #14932 (Reopened): "NULL" text in null field should disappear as soon as a field gets ...
- Just tested this in QGIS master 3.7 and it's still happening.
I attach a GIF showing the issue, which seems to be so... -
10:26 PM Bug report #14932 (Reopened): "NULL" text in null field should disappear as soon as a field gets ...
- Just tested this in QGIS master 3.7 and it's still happening.
I attach a GIF showing the issue, which seems to be so... -
10:26 PM Bug report #14932 (Reopened): "NULL" text in null field should disappear as soon as a field gets ...
- Just tested this in QGIS master 3.7 and it's still happening.
I attach a GIF showing the issue, which seems to be so... -
10:26 PM Bug report #14932 (Reopened): "NULL" text in null field should disappear as soon as a field gets ...
- Just tested this in QGIS master 3.7 and it's still happening.
I attach a GIF showing the issue, which seems to be so... -
06:51 PM Bug report #21955 (Closed): Duplicate layer when changing the order in the Layer order Panel
- Very annoying bug using QGIS daily:
When you change the order of a layer in the 'Layers Panel', the layer is duplica... -
05:59 PM Revision 590dd3c7 (qgis): Merge pull request #9864 from rldhont/fix-server-wmts-resolutions-relea...
- [Backport release-3_4] [Server] WMTS - use resolution for bbox calculation
05:35 PM Revision f5627e16 (qgis): Merge pull request #9898 from elpaso/backport-9873-to-release-3_4
- [postgresql] Fix checkPrimaryKeyUnicity option
05:01 PM Revision 8f02861a (qgis): Merge pull request #9861 from qgis/backport-9856-to-release-3_6
- [Backport release-3_6] [Server] WMTS - use resolution for bbox calculation
04:19 PM Bug report #21954 (Feedback): change data source and style gets overridden
Can you please explain step-by-step what you did after loading the "bad" project? (a short video might also help)
04:05 PM Bug report #21954 (Feedback): change data source and style gets overridden
- I created a project whose layers came from a locally available PostGIS connection (replication slave).
When I ope... -
03:44 PM Bug report #21953: QGIS crashes in Print Composer Atlas when using "inverted polygons"
- Properties of affected layer shown in attached figure.
03:41 PM Bug report #21953 (Feedback): QGIS crashes in Print Composer Atlas when using "inverted polygons"
- QGIS crashes when I try to load a layer to the print composer atlas, that uses "inverted polygons" style. I can load ...
03:41 PM Bug report #21931: Mesh calculator crashes with face datasets
- also backported to 3.6
01:37 PM Bug report #21931 (Closed): Mesh calculator crashes with face datasets
- Applied in changeset commit:qgis|4aaa523977c9ec74ddb2e92f704eaa30d16d5121.
01:37 PM Bug report #21931 (Closed): Mesh calculator crashes with face datasets
- Applied in changeset commit:qgis|4aaa523977c9ec74ddb2e92f704eaa30d16d5121.
03:41 PM Revision 4bc8affd (qgis): fix #21931 Mesh calculator crash when used with face dataset
01:36 PM Revision 4aaa5239 (qgis): fix #21931 Mesh calculator crash when used with face dataset
01:28 PM Revision e75681df (qgis): [postgresql] Fix checkPrimaryKeyUnicity option
- Cherry picked from release-3_6 and master 4da04130d8
01:21 PM Revision 8131f8c2 (qgis): Merge pull request #9889 from elpaso/bugfix-21917-server-root-layer-ord...
- Respect custom layer order for groups in GetMap
12:59 PM Revision cc37e702 (qgis): [themes] Set highlight text color palette for themes
12:46 PM Revision 699cff0b (qgis): [themes] Tweak palette values to better match designated roles
12:46 PM Revision c25782a5 (qgis): [themes] Tweak palette values to better match designated roles
12:26 PM Revision 405efd8a (qgis): [ui] Improvements to the font marker character widget
- - Declare a minimum height to avoid narrow selection area
- Use application color palette instead of hardcoded values... -
11:54 AM Revision 2bdf5b78 (qgis): [themes] Add minimum scrollbar dimension to Night Mapping
11:54 AM Revision c0b2ba19 (qgis): [themes] Add minimum scrollbar dimension to Night Mapping
11:40 AM Bug report #21952 (Open): QGIS Server does not well provide type for virtual field.
- Virtual field defined with double precision type in QGIS server are provided as integer (output content of DescribeFe...
11:16 AM Revision 4da04130 (qgis): Merge pull request #9890 from qgis/backport-9873-to-release-3_6
- [Backport release-3_6] [postgresql] Fix checkPrimaryKeyUnicity option
10:50 AM Bug report #19731: Python error at qgis startup after changing profile folder
- partially fixed by but IMHO I do not think it cover all. Please check @andreas
10:48 AM Revision c0ec79ef (qgis): Merge pull request #9172 from luipir/fix_19731
- try to reset script path pointing to the current setting path
10:37 AM Bug report #21951: Table - "Move selection on top" doesn't work
- I verified the the problem occurs only with my dataset, so it is not a qgis problem.
I close the ticket -
10:28 AM Bug report #21951 (Closed): Table - "Move selection on top" doesn't work
10:18 AM Bug report #21951 (Closed): Table - "Move selection on top" doesn't work
- In Table, selected features are not moved on top by clicking on proper button
10:07 AM Bug report #21950 (Open): layer properties panel hides labels
- The "layer properties" panel shows only the icons by deafult. When the bar is dragged to the right in order to widen ...
09:10 AM Bug report #21909: Bug with "mActionIdentify" when consulting the french cadastre
- Yes sorry, french plugin "cadastre" by 3Liz, I guess my message is not in the right place...
06:13 AM Revision b48ae678 (qgis): [ui] Use system color for custom dash pattern preview symbol
06:13 AM Revision da011375 (qgis): Followup cd5642a: Add dialog title, connect dialog ok/cancel buttons
12:24 AM Revision 551a6179 (qgis): Fix exception when reloading plugins
05:54 PM Bug report #21807: WFS update and delete transaction doesn't work (sometimes)
- *Update May 1. 2019* !! If someone requires access to a setup with a Geoserver hooked up to a test database and a QGI...
11:34 AM Bug report #21949 (Open): Processing OGR based tools: encoding changed in outputs
- When trying to buffer a point dataset with the GDAL buffer vector function, the attributes get obviously encoded to s...
10:33 AM Revision cd5642ac (qgis): [FEATURE] Make the custom dash pattern dialog a style dock widget
08:22 AM Revision b5741c2e (qgis): Add simple line custom dash pattern tests
08:08 AM Revision 8401db1e (qgis): Add simple line custom dash pattern tests
07:47 AM Revision 5a088bfa (qgis): Fix expression function examples
07:19 AM Revision 5fa9e2f0 (qgis): Add simple line custom dash pattern tests
06:01 AM Revision db8b48d3 (qgis): Add simple line custom dash pattern tests
06:01 AM Revision b1f30ef9 (qgis): Sibling of b0cb0be256340a386304fc7dfcd9cccc86f76639
06:01 AM Revision 472ab772 (qgis): Add simple line custom dash pattern tests
06:01 AM Revision 3e6853f0 (qgis): Sibling of b0cb0be256340a386304fc7dfcd9cccc86f76639
01:48 AM Bug report #21948 (Feedback): QGIS Crashing while using Advanced Digitizing with snapping enabled
- I am running QGIS version 3.4.6. It is crashing if I have the Advanced Digitzing active with snapping enabled. When...
07:26 PM Revision db5bfdc0 (qgis): Merge pull request #9888 from elpaso/bugfix-21917-server-root-layer-ord...
- Respect custom layer order for groups in GetMap
07:00 PM Bug report #21839 (Closed): QgsDataSourceUri parameter checkPrimaryKeyUnicity is ignored for post...
- Applied in changeset commit:qgis|38c91e4e9715321b0b1164eea3bca82b45eb830c.
07:00 PM Bug report #21839 (Closed): QgsDataSourceUri parameter checkPrimaryKeyUnicity is ignored for post...
- Applied in changeset commit:qgis|38c91e4e9715321b0b1164eea3bca82b45eb830c.
07:00 PM Revision 4d2a8dd9 (qgis): Merge pull request #9873 from elpaso/bugfix-21839-postgresql-check-pk-u...
- [postgresql] Fix checkPrimaryKeyUnicity option
06:29 PM Revision aa714d3d (qgis): Respect custom layer order for groups in GetMap
- Backport of bugfix from master PR 9878
Fixes #21917
(cherry-picking commit 9ddbae6c68 from 3.6) -
06:25 PM Bug report #21735 (Closed): WMS Client: GetFeatureInfo in JSON format doesn't display numeric att...
- Applied in changeset commit:qgis|c87833c807aed321f06e3cb4900315952b439398.
06:25 PM Bug report #21735 (Closed): WMS Client: GetFeatureInfo in JSON format doesn't display numeric att...
- Applied in changeset commit:qgis|c87833c807aed321f06e3cb4900315952b439398.
10:49 AM Bug report #21735: WMS Client: GetFeatureInfo in JSON format doesn't display numeric attribute va...
- Hi,
I tested the PR and it works fine!
Thanks a lot,
Andreas -
06:25 PM Revision ffaa64ee (qgis): Merge pull request #9879 from elpaso/bugfix-21735-gfi-json
- Fix identify for WMS client with json format
06:13 PM Revision 9ddbae6c (qgis): Respect custom layer order for groups in GetMap
- Backport of bugfix from master PR 9878
Fixes #21917 -
06:13 PM Revision 004b8968 (qgis): Sibling of 9ddbae6c68f6b7fc53e15c8eac534f626c436a37
06:04 PM Bug report #21947 (Feedback): Heatmap(KDE) overflow error on filtered posgis point layer
- Hi,
I am using QGIS 3.4.5 and attempting to creat a heatmap using the Heatmap(KDE) function built into this release.... -
05:36 PM Bug report #21917 (Closed): QGIS server ignores custom rendering order when loading parent group
- Applied in changeset commit:qgis|956ed06f5222df208d1d37092916c9014c5cb419.
05:36 PM Bug report #21917 (Closed): QGIS server ignores custom rendering order when loading parent group
- Applied in changeset commit:qgis|956ed06f5222df208d1d37092916c9014c5cb419.
05:36 PM Revision 6fa56635 (qgis): Merge pull request #9878 from elpaso/bugfix-21917-server-root-layer-order
- [server] Respect custom layer order for groups in GetMap
05:20 PM Revision 3a1f6d77 (qgis): Update tests/src/python/
- Co-Authored-By: elpaso <[email protected]>
05:20 PM Revision d1e0396b (qgis): Update tests/src/python/
- Co-Authored-By: elpaso <[email protected]>
03:39 PM Bug report #21096: Move selection to top doesn't worked when table is unsaved
- Still not working in 3.6.2
03:31 PM Bug report #21899: Spatialite isn't working correctly on macOS
- I made a test:
I trashed all my complete Python installation Framework folder.
I trashed my QGIS application.
I ... -
02:54 PM Bug report #21899: Spatialite isn't working correctly on macOS
- Giovanni Manghi wrote:
> isn't this a plugin problem?
No since as I explained, I got it working under 2.18 version ... -
10:37 AM Revision 841b191e (qgis): [processing] Add r.geomorphon grass command and module in grass core pl...
- * Create r.geomorphon.qgm
* Add files via upload
* Update default.qgc
* Create r.geomorphon.txt
Adding the descri... - 10:37 AM Revision f26ca364 (qgis): Merge pull request #9649 from NaturalGIS/fix_grass7_v_voronoi_again
- Fix grass7 v.voronoi again
09:24 AM Revision 762b2a42 (qgis): [FEATURE] Expression functions which return file info
- base_file_name: Returns the base name of the file without the directory or file suffix.
file_exists: Returns true if ... -
07:31 AM Revision c547fc6d (qgis): [symbology] Fix custom dash pattern for line with an hairline (i.e. 0) ...
06:26 AM Revision 1e3b83ec (qgis): [symbology] Fix custom dash pattern for line with an hairline (i.e. 0) ...
04:36 AM Revision 7e5f9063 (qgis): [symbology] Fix custom dash pattern for line with an hairline (i.e. 0) ...
01:11 AM Revision 761b4782 (qgis): Indentation
01:11 AM Revision 8356feba (qgis): Remove some unused code
01:11 AM Revision 7c48b408 (qgis): [processing] Correctly reset progress bar after completing batch execution
01:11 AM Revision 0ea0031a (qgis): [processing] Fix exception on completion of batch execution of
- algorithm which has string or numeric outputs
- 11:28 PM Revision 876329f8 (qgis): Merge cbc1462880cfa38727f038792307a827d4f34e14 into cherry-pick-backpor...
11:27 PM Revision 66eabdd4 (qgis): [processing] Fix exception on completion of batch execution of
- algorithm which has string or numeric outputs
11:27 PM Revision b0ad13fb (qgis): Remove some unused code
11:27 PM Revision 149b35ea (qgis): Indentation
11:27 PM Revision 0ff58205 (qgis): [processing] Correctly reset progress bar after completing batch execution
10:35 PM Bug report #21946 (Closed): Crash after activating dark theme
10:03 PM Bug report #21946 (Closed): Crash after activating dark theme
- h2. User Feedback
I added the QGIS UI themes plugin, then changed to the dark theme. The crash happened just after... -
08:15 PM Bug report #21943 (Closed): QGIS Crash
06:20 PM Bug report #21943 (Closed): QGIS Crash
- Before close QGIS 3.6.1, I clicked on discard instead save and cancel, I got this error message:
Crash ID: 62f1fcd... -
07:14 PM Bug report #21930: Crash when opening a project with PostGIS rasters
- h2. User Feedback
One day later, I changed to QGIS Noosa 3-6-2 and an reproduce the above mentioned crash again.
... -
06:30 PM Feature request #21945 (Open): Add support for more color blindness types to Preview Modes
- It'd be great to be able to simulate/view more types of color blindness. As I learn more about it, the more I want to...
06:25 PM Feature request #21944 (Closed): Bring Preview Modes into Map Composer
- It'd be great to be able to use the Preview Modes in the Map Composer so we can get an idea of how our entire layout ...
06:19 PM Feature request #21942 (Open): Global Settings for Decorations (across projects/sessions)
- It'd be great if we could globally define decorations preferences so that it is consistent across sessions and projec...
05:08 PM Feature request #21941 (Open): ScaleBar text needs to be able to be changed/modified for rounding...
- The ScaleBar object should have the ability for the precision/rounding preferences to be set, instead of using N-numb...
04:48 PM Feature request #21940 (Open): Browser file copying and moving capabilities
- It would be great if browser could copy/paste and move files.
04:47 PM Feature request #21939 (Open): Browser refresh with F5 keystroke
- I think it would be interesting to be able to refresh the file browser with a F5 keystroke, or even better that plus ...
04:32 PM Feature request #21938 (Open): Autoupdater for QGIS
- It would be great to have an autoupdater in order to always have the latest version, if wished, of QGIS, instead of j...
03:41 PM Bug report #21937 (Closed): Crash during shutdown
03:34 PM Bug report #21937 (Closed): Crash during shutdown
- h2. User Feedback
Crash happened during shutdown.
h2. Report Details
*Crash ID*: 4edae6fb2fefe6686d071671be6... -
03:38 PM Revision b7772d40 (qgis): Fix point picking precision for point parameters in processing dialog
03:15 PM Bug report #21735 (In Progress): WMS Client: GetFeatureInfo in JSON format doesn't display numeri...
- PR
03:15 PM Bug report #21735 (In Progress): WMS Client: GetFeatureInfo in JSON format doesn't display numeri...
- PR
03:15 PM Bug report #21735 (In Progress): WMS Client: GetFeatureInfo in JSON format doesn't display numeri...
- PR
03:14 PM Revision b644246b (qgis): Sibling of a8844483d89fff54259dd12a8929954b57769d11
03:14 PM Revision a8844483 (qgis): Respect number formatting in identify raster results
03:14 PM Revision 5ff5f91a (qgis): Sibling of a8844483d89fff54259dd12a8929954b57769d11
03:11 PM Revision da060037 (qgis): Sibling of c87833c807aed321f06e3cb4900315952b439398
03:11 PM Revision c43c8ea6 (qgis): Sibling of c87833c807aed321f06e3cb4900315952b439398
03:11 PM Revision c87833c8 (qgis): Fix identify for WMS client with json format
- Fixes #21735
02:42 PM Bug report #19672: QLR files are not stored with absolute paths even though the project setting i...
- Yes, the problem still exists in QGIS 3.6.2.
01:47 PM Bug report #21933: GPS Information / Position always shows "-1.0m" for accuracy
- See also
07:48 AM Bug report #21933 (Feedback): GPS Information / Position always shows "-1.0m" for accuracy
- What's the problem with this? -1.0m is just the initial value, apparently means "unknown accuracy" and is only used...
07:48 AM Bug report #21933 (Feedback): GPS Information / Position always shows "-1.0m" for accuracy
- What's the problem with this? -1.0m is just the initial value, apparently means "unknown accuracy" and is only used...
07:48 AM Bug report #21933 (Feedback): GPS Information / Position always shows "-1.0m" for accuracy
- What's the problem with this? -1.0m is just the initial value, apparently means "unknown accuracy" and is only used...
07:48 AM Bug report #21933 (Feedback): GPS Information / Position always shows "-1.0m" for accuracy
- What's the problem with this? -1.0m is just the initial value, apparently means "unknown accuracy" and is only used...
12:32 PM Revision 16b8b0f5 (qgis): Suggestions from JEF
12:32 PM Revision da49f790 (qgis): Suggestions from JEF
12:24 PM Bug report #21936 (Open): Snapping Settings window with Night Mapping, low readability
- The Snapping Settings window has an inconsistent layout and partly very difficult to read due to low contrast with Ni...
12:07 PM Bug report #21917 (In Progress): QGIS server ignores custom rendering order when loading parent g...
- PR
12:07 PM Bug report #21917 (In Progress): QGIS server ignores custom rendering order when loading parent g...
- PR
12:07 PM Bug report #21917 (In Progress): QGIS server ignores custom rendering order when loading parent g...
- PR
12:04 PM Revision 956ed06f (qgis): [server] Respect custom layer order for groups in GetMap
- Fixes #21917
12:04 PM Revision eff1a5ce (qgis): Sibling of 956ed06f5222df208d1d37092916c9014c5cb419
12:04 PM Revision ff424d08 (qgis): Sibling of 956ed06f5222df208d1d37092916c9014c5cb419
11:15 AM Bug report #21935 (Feedback): Clear filter in Snapping Toolbar > Edit advanced configuration caus...
- Clicking the "Clear filter"-button (see attached screenshot) in the "Edit advanced configuration" popup window in Sna...
11:04 AM Revision 6a4efe88 (qgis): [symbology] Fix custom dash pattern for line with an hairline (i.e. 0) ...
11:04 AM Revision 99450f61 (qgis): [symbology] Fix custom dash pattern for line with an hairline (i.e. 0) ...
11:04 AM Revision 9e55fcdf (qgis): Sibling of ecade14e47e1c65fc1c12f2dd6c2d31ea65e4283
11:04 AM Revision e6400a37 (qgis): Sibling of ecade14e47e1c65fc1c12f2dd6c2d31ea65e4283
10:32 AM Bug report #21931 (In Progress): Mesh calculator crashes with face datasets
10:31 AM Bug report #21931: Mesh calculator crashes with face datasets
10:31 AM Bug report #21931: Mesh calculator crashes with face datasets
10:31 AM Bug report #21931: Mesh calculator crashes with face datasets
10:31 AM Bug report #21931: Mesh calculator crashes with face datasets
10:31 AM Bug report #21931: Mesh calculator crashes with face datasets
09:54 AM Bug report #21931: Mesh calculator crashes with face datasets
- it can be replicated with hecras2d datasets
10:26 AM Revision 7b82ac54 (qgis): Layout and SQL
10:26 AM Revision a3368d41 (qgis): Layout and SQL
10:23 AM Revision 596fe083 (qgis): Sibling of 7c8075825a8b53a5c2727f228420674312c47e24
10:23 AM Revision db7a050d (qgis): fix #21931 Mesh calculator crash when used with face dataset
10:23 AM Revision 1840571b (qgis): Sibling of 7c8075825a8b53a5c2727f228420674312c47e24
09:41 AM Bug report #21839 (In Progress): QgsDataSourceUri parameter checkPrimaryKeyUnicity is ignored for...
- PR
09:41 AM Bug report #21839 (In Progress): QgsDataSourceUri parameter checkPrimaryKeyUnicity is ignored for...
- PR
09:41 AM Bug report #21839 (In Progress): QgsDataSourceUri parameter checkPrimaryKeyUnicity is ignored for...
- PR
- 09:32 AM Revision 1c86308d (qgis): Merge pull request #9863 from qgis/backport-9851-to-release-3_6
- [Backport release-3_6] Remove plugin module path when unloading
09:19 AM Revision 163082a0 (qgis): More tests for checkPrimaryKeyUnicity
09:19 AM Revision fe21c98e (qgis): More tests for checkPrimaryKeyUnicity
09:09 AM Bug report #21920 (Open): Points Geometry Become Cluster
09:06 AM Bug report #21920: Points Geometry Become Cluster
- No, MS SQL Server database.
08:56 AM Revision c0105bdf (qgis): Fix exception when reloading plugins
08:41 AM Revision 5e4ea733 (qgis): Merge pull request #9857 from marcel-dancak/tiles_xyz
- New Processing Algorithm to generate raster XYZ tiles
08:02 AM Revision c1a0c801 (qgis): Sibling of c01d94319889658714b3149ae6dbdc498e89e070
08:02 AM Revision cc171734 (qgis): Sibling of c01d94319889658714b3149ae6dbdc498e89e070
08:02 AM Revision d4a0245c (qgis): Indentation
08:02 AM Revision 4773c042 (qgis): Indentation
06:25 AM Revision 175426e8 (qgis): Add missing /Transfer/ annotation
05:31 AM Revision 11edd8f2 (qgis): Add missing /Transfer/ annotation
05:30 AM Revision 5ff7b9c7 (qgis): Sibling of 4b893b08c22a67b31bc1e9af6305086d42c15992
05:30 AM Revision 4b893b08 (qgis): Remove some unused code
05:30 AM Revision 384d5371 (qgis): Remove some unused code
05:30 AM Revision 8b504c72 (qgis): Remove some unused code
05:30 AM Revision 1e6add94 (qgis): Sibling of 4b893b08c22a67b31bc1e9af6305086d42c15992
05:29 AM Revision a0ad9b73 (qgis): [processing] Correctly reset progress bar after completing batch execution
05:29 AM Revision 774a879d (qgis): [processing] Correctly reset progress bar after completing batch execution
05:29 AM Revision a00ce29a (qgis): Sibling of cbc1462880cfa38727f038792307a827d4f34e14
05:29 AM Revision cbc14628 (qgis): [processing] Correctly reset progress bar after completing batch execution
05:29 AM Revision 48b64103 (qgis): Sibling of cbc1462880cfa38727f038792307a827d4f34e14
05:28 AM Revision 2385b6fb (qgis): [processing] Fix exception on completion of batch execution of
- algorithm which has string or numeric outputs
05:28 AM Revision f1bb5805 (qgis): [processing] Fix exception on completion of batch execution of
- algorithm which has string or numeric outputs
05:28 AM Revision cc5f7b5a (qgis): Sibling of cbb99ecf64fa407f9ca1d45c13e2b9c182502ee2
05:28 AM Revision 1e8ebd64 (qgis): Sibling of cbb99ecf64fa407f9ca1d45c13e2b9c182502ee2
05:28 AM Revision cbb99ecf (qgis): [processing] Fix exception on completion of batch execution of
- algorithm which has string or numeric outputs
04:59 AM Revision ebab2e12 (qgis): Add missing /Transfer/ annotation
04:10 AM Revision b65bf48c (qgis): Sibling of a2c580321f85f1edbe562d37bef1f26fa65e653a
04:10 AM Revision 27c55d24 (qgis): Fix exception when reloading plugins
04:10 AM Revision 966a6e6f (qgis): Fix exception when reloading plugins
04:08 AM Revision fcb8d718 (qgis): Sibling of 9a8ffe084cd20a251d97a3a6bbe5c6d872c7db14
04:08 AM Revision 9ffdfb74 (qgis): Add missing /Transfer/ annotation
04:08 AM Revision de70162b (qgis): Sibling of 9a8ffe084cd20a251d97a3a6bbe5c6d872c7db14
04:08 AM Revision de6631b3 (qgis): Add missing /Transfer/ annotation
02:56 AM Bug report #21934 (Closed): Al tratar de exportar o imprimir una imagen grande me arroja este err...
- Crash ID: 041001ef54614e151e1ba6cf4bfa5dccc69d6d18
Stack Trace
QgsLayoutExporter::updatePrinterPageSize :
11:25 PM Revision e6ff7e00 (qgis): Raise an exception if the necessary parameter was not specified
10:57 PM Bug report #21933 (Feedback): GPS Information / Position always shows "-1.0m" for accuracy
- I tried several versions of QGIS (2.18, 3.6, 3.4)
All of them show the same behaviour:
The H Accuracy and V Acc... -
10:14 PM Revision fdb6a2b7 (qgis): Add test for XYZ Tiles algorithm
10:10 PM Revision 285d4e0d (qgis): Remove NAME parameter, use OUTPUT_FILE instead
- For output to directory, OUTPUT_DIRECTORY destination parameter is used.
For output to MBTiles file, OUTPUT_FILE dest... -
09:59 PM Bug report #21932 (Open): Map Composer crashes QGIS when copying mixture of elements in page layout
- Problem description:
I am attempting to copy the right-hand panel of my layout to paste it to another layout to upda... -
09:40 PM Revision ee63cffd (qgis): [processing] Add 'project' to test definition and 'directory' output test
- - for algorithms that produce directory output, it is possible to test
that directory contents are exactly the same... -
06:22 PM Bug report #21931 (Closed): Mesh calculator crashes with face datasets
- To reproduce the issue:
1- Open QGIS
2- Add a mesh
3- Go to Mesh calculator
4- Try to write an so... -
05:00 PM Revision 52882f45 (qgis): [Tests][Server] WMTS - use resolution for bbox calculation
05:00 PM Revision 202a479f (qgis): [Bugfix][Server] WMTS - use resolution for bbox calculation
- Because of the limit of double size in C++, it's bettre to use the resolution instead of the scale denominator for ca...
04:58 PM Revision 3c8a9e6f (qgis): Merge pull request #9851 from dmarteau/fix-unload-plugin-path
- Remove plugin module path when unloading
04:08 PM Revision 2407934d (qgis): add missed place marker to the translatable string
03:14 PM Revision 833fa3de (qgis): Merge pull request #9856 from rldhont/fix-server-wmts-resolutions
- [Server] WMTS - use resolution for bbox calculation
02:54 PM Bug report #14711: Disappearing polygons after save
- I would like to reopen this issue.
Random polygons in my shapefile are dissapearing from my file when saving my po... -
02:43 PM Bug report #17809: Rendering performance issues
- For me this issue is solved by replacing our old network storage (Netgear ReadyNAS Duo) with a new device. I think th...
- 02:09 PM Revision 0bb701a6 (qgis): Added help text
02:07 PM Bug report #21930 (Feedback): Crash when opening a project with PostGIS rasters
- h2. User Feedback
I am trying to open a postgis project (PSQL 10). All Layers are being loaded. I can see the comp... - 12:15 PM Revision e0d6694a (qgis): Adjusted min/max/default values of parameters, moved some code into 'pr...
12:01 PM Revision 5b7e67af (qgis): [QgsQuick] Handle empty config for checkbox editor widget
- Use true/false instead of un/checkedState if empty
12:01 PM Revision 80a40ddb (qgis): [QgsQuick] Checkbox widget fix
- Correct switching on/off
12:01 PM Revision 4824afab (qgis): [QgsQuick] Handling missing config values for CheckBox widget
- Added widget's properties for un/checked value - if a config is missing for boolean field, default value is set and w...
11:24 AM Bug report #21928: editing in spatial oracle
- rawan gis wrote:
> Hi
> I have a layer stored in spatial oracle database, the layer has ESRI Auto-Incrementing Obje... -
08:44 AM Bug report #21928 (Open): editing in spatial oracle
- Hi
I have a layer stored in spatial oracle database, the layer has ESRI Auto-Incrementing ObjectID Field , in all QG... -
10:48 AM Bug report #21929 (Closed): QGIS crash on closing
- Crash ID: 62f1fcd2045780cb9f127836e6b579b8665f3e63
Stack Trace
proj_lpz_dist :
proj_lpz_dist :
QgsCoordin... - 09:43 AM Revision 83f35617 (qgis): MBTilesWriter can write tiles in any order, proper transforming of extents
09:34 AM Bug report #21925: GRASS fails in QGIS but works in native GRASS
- Giovanni Manghi wrote:
> > I got one file and it’s to big.
> link? -
08:41 AM Bug report #21927 (Open): QGIS freezes
- Hi, I'd like to report a recurring bug which is ongoing in the last several editions of QGIS 3.x.
At random moment... -
04:53 AM Revision cb9b3b45 (qgis): Add forgotten since tags on new point pattern fill functions
03:42 AM Revision 1fd6b555 (qgis): Turn antialising render flag on when appropriate in QgsRenderContext::f...
03:42 AM Revision 2d67f3ff (qgis): Turn antialiasing flag on when rendering legend symbol preview
10:22 PM Revision a8e05f0d (qgis): add mac/development README
- so we can archive homebrew-qgisdev
09:54 PM Bug report #20760: Edits in GeoJson datasources are not saved anymore
- I am having the same issue with QGIS version 3.6.2-Noosa on Windows 10.
09:14 PM Bug report #21925: GRASS fails in QGIS but works in native GRASS
> I got one file and it’s to big.
08:13 PM Bug report #21925: GRASS fails in QGIS but works in native GRASS
- So I guess the problem is the lack of spatial reference in the file.
08:11 PM Bug report #21925: GRASS fails in QGIS but works in native GRASS
- Giovanni Manghi wrote:
> Can you attach sample data?
I got one file and it’s to big.
I think the problem can b... -
07:37 PM Bug report #21925 (Feedback): GRASS fails in QGIS but works in native GRASS
- Can you attach sample data?
07:28 PM Bug report #21925 (Open): GRASS fails in QGIS but works in native GRASS
File info pulled from LAS-file, using GRASS because that function doesn’t work in QGIS!
The data is in "SWEREF...-
08:50 PM Bug report #21926 (Open): "with interval" value of marker line symbology always reverts to "0" wh...
- I did create SLD files for each vector layers I tested them they were fine when I call them from PostGIS or even path...
08:11 PM Revision 1b428a5e (qgis): [QgsQuick] External widget changes
- Simplified callbacks for onSaved/onCanceled form
Some design fixes. -
08:11 PM Revision f3dc4c32 (qgis): [QgsQuick] Customizable icons for external source widget
- ..and date time widget. Changes in other widgets due to passing a whole style object to components.
08:11 PM Revision 0375ce49 (qgis): [QgsQuick] Added callbacks for qgsquick external source widget
- Added callbacks functions in external resource handler - if some actions as permanent removal of image suppose to be ...
08:11 PM Revision 88797448 (qgis): [QgsQuick] External resource widget changes
- Enlarge buttons and modified text for buttons
08:11 PM Revision a3377580 (qgis): [QgsQuick] Updated external resource widget
- It has been enlarged, button changed
Added a new component qgsquickicontextitem -
07:33 PM Bug report #21924: the r.neighbors command does not work
- salvatore nieddu wrote:
> I don't think it's a version problem ... because I used the r.neighbor command some time a... -
07:24 PM Bug report #21924: the r.neighbors command does not work
- I don't think it's a version problem ... because I used the r.neighbor command some time ago without any problem ... ...
05:18 PM Bug report #21924: the r.neighbors command does not work
- salvatore nieddu wrote:
> *Does the same tool, with the same parameters and inputs, work within native GRASS?*
> RI... -
05:14 PM Bug report #21924: the r.neighbors command does not work
- *Does the same tool, with the same parameters and inputs, work within native GRASS?*
RIS: no, I've tried it with old... -
05:09 PM Bug report #21924: the r.neighbors command does not work
- salvatore nieddu wrote:
> the raster that I have to submit to a floating window is a chm with integer values, weighs... -
05:04 PM Bug report #21924: the r.neighbors command does not work
- the raster that I have to submit to a floating window is a chm with integer values, weighs 400 mb but above all I can...
05:01 PM Bug report #21924 (Feedback): the r.neighbors command does not work
- Please attach one of the rasters you are trying to use as input.
05:00 PM Bug report #21924 (Feedback): the r.neighbors command does not work
- the r.neighbors command (for raster analysis with floating window) does not work. There is no error message. Simply t...
05:14 PM Revision 7c5fcaf2 (qgis): Sibling of 4009b2d4080fa269ee2292390f959fdeeb8e353a
05:14 PM Revision 4d32143c (qgis): Sibling of 38c91e4e9715321b0b1164eea3bca82b45eb830c
05:14 PM Revision cd96c469 (qgis): Sibling of 38c91e4e9715321b0b1164eea3bca82b45eb830c
05:14 PM Revision 38c91e4e (qgis): [postgres] Fix checkPrimaryKeyUnicity option
- This provider option was linked to the project level option
"Trust layer metadata..." which was implemented
to speed ... -
05:14 PM Revision 4009b2d4 (qgis): [postgres] Fix checkPrimaryKeyUnicity option
- This provider option was linked to the project level option
"Trust layer metadata..." which was implemented
to speed ... -
04:56 PM Bug report #21922: shapefile to raster conversion does not work
- salvatore nieddu wrote:
> 1) tools used (the actual names): The command used is "rasterize" (raster menu, conversion... -
04:53 PM Bug report #21922: shapefile to raster conversion does not work
- 1) tools used (the actual names): The command used is "rasterize" (raster menu, conversion).
2) What are the error m... -
04:34 PM Bug report #21922 (Feedback): shapefile to raster conversion does not work
- Please be specific: what tools have you tried (the actual names)? what are the error messages? Can you attach a sampl...
04:32 PM Bug report #21922 (Feedback): shapefile to raster conversion does not work
- Hi everyone, I would like to point out that the conversion from shapefile to raster is not possible, with no tools. ...
04:38 PM Bug report #21890 (Closed): r.neighbors does not work
04:38 PM Bug report #21890 (Closed): r.neighbors does not work
04:38 PM Bug report #21923 (Closed): the r.neighbors command does not work
04:37 PM Bug report #21923 (Feedback): the r.neighbors command does not work
- Please attach one of the rasters you are trying to use as input.
04:36 PM Bug report #21923 (Closed): the r.neighbors command does not work
- the r.neighbors command (for raster analysis with floating window) does not work. There is no error message. Simply t...
04:33 PM Bug report #21921 (Feedback): 3.6.2 crashes on attempring to edit bad topology
- so it worked fine up to... 3.4? 2.18? else?
04:33 PM Bug report #21921 (Feedback): 3.6.2 crashes on attempring to edit bad topology
- so it worked fine up to... 3.4? 2.18? else?
04:29 PM Bug report #21921 (Feedback): 3.6.2 crashes on attempring to edit bad topology
- Attempted to edit a postgis layer which had worked without problem in previous versions, and QGIS crashed.
Started Q... -
04:09 PM Revision fe45af0f (qgis): Merge pull request #9841 from signedav/default_symbol_scale_bp_34
- [server] Default scale/mupmm on GetLegendGraphics
- 04:09 PM Revision 9bfb95ad (qgis): Remove plugin module path when unloading
- Unloading plugin must remove added module path
in order to prevent wrong package import when reloading - 04:09 PM Revision 5c2f70bd (qgis): Remove plugin module path when unloading
- Unloading plugin must remove added module path
in order to prevent wrong package import when reloading - 04:09 PM Revision 6af744da (qgis): Remove plugin module path when unloading
- Unloading plugin must remove added module path
in order to prevent wrong package import when reloading - 04:09 PM Revision 3c0871c9 (qgis): Sibling of 6af744da82f288ce79ab545386217ddf44b505f1
- 04:09 PM Revision 4ff03d18 (qgis): Sibling of 6af744da82f288ce79ab545386217ddf44b505f1
03:57 PM Feature request #18675: Rename Map Themes directly in Map Theme Dropdown Menu
- I support this request! the experience with the map themes can be improved with renaming theme and moving theme. Upda...
03:45 PM Bug report #21913 (Open): attribute header names are not saved
02:21 PM Bug report #21913: attribute header names are not saved
- kindly see the attached project in which the layout has an attribute that was added in QGIS version 2.18 and its head...
01:26 PM Bug report #21913: attribute header names are not saved
- rawan gis wrote:
> thanks. I think it is fixed now but if the layout with the attribute is created using previous v... -
11:36 AM Bug report #21913: attribute header names are not saved
- thanks. I think it is fixed now but if the layout with the attribute is created using previous versions then the att...
10:59 AM Bug report #21913: attribute header names are not saved
- rawan gis wrote:
> HI
> the attached file include two pdf files one with the column header customized and the other... -
07:49 AM Bug report #21913: attribute header names are not saved
- HI
the attached file include two pdf files one with the column header customized and the other show that the customi... -
07:24 AM Bug report #21913: attribute header names are not saved
- HI
the attached file include two pdf files one with the column header customized and the other show that the customi... -
07:24 AM Bug report #21913: attribute header names are not saved
- HI
the attached file include two pdf files one with the column header customized and the other show that the customi... -
03:30 PM Revision 9637753b (qgis): Merge pull request #9829 from signedav/default_symbol_scale_bp_36
- [server] Default scale/mupmm on GetLegendGraphics
- 03:23 PM Revision efdd52cb (qgis): Commented out code for debugging (saving of metatiles), fixed python fo...
03:10 PM Revision dc0877c1 (qgis): Merge pull request #9858 from signedav/default_symbol_scale
- Fix "\since" comment because of backporting
02:32 PM Revision 434df5be (qgis): correct images for test from the travis build
02:32 PM Revision d5b8e032 (qgis): fix comment since 3.4
02:27 PM Revision 1dbe7842 (qgis): fix comment since 3.4
02:25 PM Bug report #21920 (Feedback): Points Geometry Become Cluster
- Is the database Oracle?
02:25 PM Bug report #21920 (Feedback): Points Geometry Become Cluster
- Is the database Oracle?
02:25 PM Bug report #21920 (Feedback): Points Geometry Become Cluster
- Is the database Oracle?
02:22 PM Bug report #21920 (Feedback): Points Geometry Become Cluster
- I am connected to same sql db both in QGIS 2.18.3 and QGIS 3.4.5. As seen in the photo below, points geometries in QG...
02:22 PM Revision 450e193c (qgis): fix comment since 3.4
01:57 PM Bug report #21919 (Feedback): QGIS crash
- Please try with a new/clean qgis profile, no 3rd party plugins installed.
01:57 PM Bug report #21919 (Feedback): QGIS crash
- Please try with a new/clean qgis profile, no 3rd party plugins installed.
01:56 PM Bug report #21919 (Feedback): QGIS crash
- h2. User Feedback
I've just installed QGIS Madeira. Each time i want to save a project Qgis crashes.
Than... -
01:24 PM Bug report #21916 (Closed): Crash on exit from qgis 3.0.2-3.6.2
11:43 AM Bug report #21916 (Closed): Crash on exit from qgis 3.0.2-3.6.2
- h2. User Feedback
On close
h2. Report Details
*Crash ID*: ee23de1bf43c8d886604ecf7002674b1d8e6aa2d
*Sta... - 01:11 PM Revision 4ab9bb61 (qgis): Registration of TilesXYZ algorithm
- 12:25 PM Revision 73a5a6ad (qgis): Initial version of xyz tiles export (processing tool)
12:07 PM Bug report #21918 (Open): QgsCollapsibleGroupBox - QtEditor - Editing of child widgets fails when...
- In the Qt Editor, I add a @QgsCollapsibleGrouBox@ and then add any kind of child widget into the box. Now I set the g...
11:53 AM Revision 75696462 (qgis): [FEATURE][symbology] Add offset settings for point pattern fill symbol ...
11:48 AM Bug report #21917 (Closed): QGIS server ignores custom rendering order when loading parent group
- When a project has custom layer rendering order (checkbox "control rendering order" enabled in the "layer order" pane...
11:28 AM Revision a1d1f5a2 (qgis): Turn antialising render flag on when appropriate in QgsRenderContext::f...
11:28 AM Revision a7671987 (qgis): Turn antialiasing flag on when rendering legend symbol preview
- 11:06 AM Revision 3232d362 (qgis): Merge pull request #9845 from qgis/backport-9809-to-release-3_6
- [Backport release-3_6] Add @snapping_results variable for points
11:02 AM Bug report #21914 (Closed): Layer Properties - Attributes Forms - Value Map not using Value, uses...
- This is by design:
in the project where you are using the value map you will always see what you defined in the "d... -
11:02 AM Bug report #21914 (Closed): Layer Properties - Attributes Forms - Value Map not using Value, uses...
- This is by design:
in the project where you are using the value map you will always see what you defined in the "d... -
11:02 AM Bug report #21914 (Closed): Layer Properties - Attributes Forms - Value Map not using Value, uses...
- This is by design:
in the project where you are using the value map you will always see what you defined in the "d... -
04:45 AM Bug report #21914 (Closed): Layer Properties - Attributes Forms - Value Map not using Value, uses...
- Selecting Widget Type - Value Map for a field and loading value and description from either 'Load Data from Layer' or...
10:46 AM Revision 19f66a52 (qgis): Sibling of f8880c6e9c01be0eef8dc915c81bb23ae33b3458
10:46 AM Revision 83397dd0 (qgis): [Tests][Server] WMTS - use resolution for bbox calculation
10:46 AM Revision f8880c6e (qgis): [Tests][Server] WMTS - use resolution for bbox calculation
10:46 AM Bug report #21915 (Closed): keeps crashing at the end of each session
10:43 AM Bug report #21915 (Closed): keeps crashing at the end of each session
- h2. User Feedback
At the end of each session it keeps crashing, I don't why.
h2. Report Details
*Crash ID*... -
10:08 AM Revision 8378eae0 (qgis): Layout
09:44 AM Bug report #21372: OTB provider setup
- Rashad Kanavath wrote:
> FWIW, OTB windows package (zip, no admin required) works fine and can be easily integrated ... -
09:21 AM Revision ccd92b8a (qgis): [Bugfix][Server] WMTS - use resolution for bbox calculation
- Because of the limit of double size in C++, it's bettre to use the resolution instead of the scale denominator for ca...
09:21 AM Revision e8a33c48 (qgis): Sibling of ccd92b8a1a4d2a754f8e556c7f475d8db9761a71
09:21 AM Revision ada6ef6f (qgis): Sibling of ccd92b8a1a4d2a754f8e556c7f475d8db9761a71
09:21 AM Revision 25426e6a (qgis): [Bugfix][Server] WMTS - use resolution for bbox calculation
- Because of the limit of double size in C++, it's bettre to use the resolution instead of the scale denominator for ca...
05:06 AM Revision e0a73d30 (qgis): Turn antialiasing flag on when rendering legend symbol preview
05:06 AM Revision ca305bb5 (qgis): Turn antialising render flag on when appropriate in QgsRenderContext::f...
04:53 AM Revision 6395dad8 (qgis): [processing] Log features that could not be divided in tessellate alg.
04:40 AM Revision dab0d15d (qgis): Turn antialiasing flag on when rendering legend symbol preview
04:40 AM Revision 0daeacbe (qgis): Turn antialising render flag on when appropriate in QgsRenderContext::f...
04:40 AM Revision 5a4f01e8 (qgis): Turn antialiasing flag on when rendering legend symbol preview
04:40 AM Revision 9258919f (qgis): Sibling of 43adfa71476bbf0d07c5a91f31570abf790df2c1
04:40 AM Revision 43adfa71 (qgis): Turn antialising render flag on when appropriate in QgsRenderContext::f...
04:40 AM Revision 6df8ed22 (qgis): Turn antialising render flag on when appropriate in QgsRenderContext::f...
04:40 AM Revision 08a0a0a5 (qgis): Sibling of 46f4f3182beea124f872b552e41ce763332cef8f
11:36 PM Revision 8e19a329 (qgis): [3d] fix shading of 3D point symbols
- The vertex shader was incorrectly transforming world position and normal
vectors for phong shading. This was causing ... -
08:14 PM Bug report #21876 (Open): Crashes when loading qml style for point layer
- Crash confirmed on Linux too, and is not data format dependent.
08:14 PM Bug report #21876 (Open): Crashes when loading qml style for point layer
- Crash confirmed on Linux too, and is not data format dependent.
03:51 PM Bug report #21876: Crashes when loading qml style for point layer
- Yes of course Giovanni, I understand this..
08:54 AM Bug report #21876: Crashes when loading qml style for point layer
- Ghassen Aouinti wrote:
> problem solved
> this was because the exported layer was a MultiPoint type layer and not a... -
08:10 PM Bug report #21913 (Feedback): attribute header names are not saved
- Cannot confirm here on Linux. Can you attach a sample project and sample data that shows this problem? Thanks.
08:10 PM Bug report #21913 (Feedback): attribute header names are not saved
- Cannot confirm here on Linux. Can you attach a sample project and sample data that shows this problem? Thanks.
02:58 PM Bug report #21913 (Open): attribute header names are not saved
- Hello
when adding attribute table to the layout,the header name for fields can be changed but it will not be saved,... -
07:07 PM Bug report #21859 (In Progress): "File/folder Input" in processing won't separate input files int...
- PR
07:07 PM Bug report #21859 (In Progress): "File/folder Input" in processing won't separate input files int...
- PR
07:07 PM Bug report #21859 (In Progress): "File/folder Input" in processing won't separate input files int...
- PR
06:42 PM Bug report #21906: constraints do not work in table "form view" or "table view"
- Hi Matthias, thanks for the feedback
Matthias Kuhn wrote:
> Do you have a proposal for expected behavior?
> ... -
05:32 PM Bug report #21906: constraints do not work in table "form view" or "table view"
- Do you have a proposal for expected behavior?
Should values just not be accepted and silently discarded or some fe... -
10:04 AM Bug report #21906 (Open): constraints do not work in table "form view" or "table view"
- Constraints seem to work when updating the attributes using the feature form that opens using the _identify tool_, bu...
06:38 PM Feature request #21907: the "not null" constraint works if the attribute shows literally "NULL" w...
- Hi Matthias, thanks for the feedback
Matthias Kuhn wrote:
> It was implemented in a database compliant way, so ... -
05:35 PM Feature request #21907: the "not null" constraint works if the attribute shows literally "NULL" w...
- It was implemented in a database compliant way, so it definitely is "expected behavior".
I think that this could p... -
10:06 AM Feature request #21907 (Open): the "not null" constraint works if the attribute shows literally "...
- While I understand the difference between NULL and empty, for the vast majority of users NULL=empty.
Is this the ... -
05:54 PM Revision 73632763 (qgis): [3d] Fix edge drawing when multiple renderer rules have edges enabled
- When using rule-based 3D rendering, if multiple rules were enabled with edge rendering,
only the first rule was getti... -
05:53 PM Revision 50692fc6 (qgis): [3d] fix shading of 3D point symbols
- The vertex shader was incorrectly transforming world position and normal
vectors for phong shading. This was causing ... -
05:44 PM Revision 9421d602 (qgis): debian packaging: include python3-lxml
04:28 PM Revision ab46258c (qgis): [3d] fix shading of 3D point symbols
- The vertex shader was incorrectly transforming world position and normal
vectors for phong shading. This was causing ... -
04:27 PM Revision 1106f6ab (qgis): Merge pull request #9839 from wonder-sk/fix-3d-extra-terrain-updates
- [3d] Fix unnecessary terrain map updates when changing 3D renderer
03:31 PM Bug report #21898: Pip under Python 3.7 in QGIS 3.6.2 doesn't work
- Yes, I did run it.
Error message is:
Fatal Python error: initfsencoding: unable to load the file system codec
... -
08:50 AM Bug report #21898 (Feedback): Pip under Python 3.7 in QGIS 3.6.2 doesn't work
- Error message? Did you run @call py3_env.bat@ upfront?
08:50 AM Bug report #21898 (Feedback): Pip under Python 3.7 in QGIS 3.6.2 doesn't work
- Error message? Did you run @call py3_env.bat@ upfront?
- 03:03 PM Bug report #21784 (Closed): @snapping_results gives no 'result' when adding feature to point layer
- Applied in changeset commit:qgis|a0f450df5fb1974642cef7567a7cc161af48fe79.
- 03:03 PM Bug report #21784 (Closed): @snapping_results gives no 'result' when adding feature to point layer
- Applied in changeset commit:qgis|a0f450df5fb1974642cef7567a7cc161af48fe79.
- 03:03 PM Revision 74d30b95 (qgis): Merge pull request #9809 from m-kuhn/snapping_results_for_points
- Add @snapping_results variable for points
01:32 PM Bug report #21912 (Open): QGIS Crashed
- Copy Report:
Crash ID: 53cf46471d6fc81a79ca50f3bd52d18a4e38d0ad
Stack Trace
pj_init_plus_ctx :
pj_init_p... -
12:55 PM Bug report #21911 (Open): Invarid value for Custom Variables in "Read Me.rtf" in Mac OSX 3.4.6 dmg
- In the "Read Me.rtf" in QGIS-macOS-3.4.6-2.dmg
Value is invarid
/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Ver... -
12:29 PM Bug report #13918 (Open): Curved placement re-orders Arabic text for labelling
- This bug is still present in QGIS 3.7
12:29 PM Bug report #13918 (Open): Curved placement re-orders Arabic text for labelling
- This bug is still present in QGIS 3.7
12:29 PM Bug report #13918 (Open): Curved placement re-orders Arabic text for labelling
- This bug is still present in QGIS 3.7
10:38 AM Bug report #21910 (Closed): GRASS, can only choose *.txt not the intended *.las
- Grass, can only choose *.txt not the intended *.las
10:18 AM Bug report #21909 (Feedback): Bug with "mActionIdentify" when consulting the french cadastre
- is this caused by a 3rd party plugin?
10:17 AM Bug report #21909 (Closed): Bug with "mActionIdentify" when consulting the french cadastre
- Crash ID: c7cc71f4640cb334813599b694fe5fbb019e65e7
Stack Trace
QgsGeometryCollection::vertexAt :
QgsMapToo... -
10:10 AM Bug report #21908 (Open): constraints: "expression" and "expression description" are swapped upon...
- f I choose a column for the "expression" and fill the "expression description" (that is optional) with some kind of t...
09:51 AM Bug report #21905 (Closed): Functions of GRASS do not work in the Processing for QGIS 3.4.7/3.6.2...
- In Windows (installation OSGeo4W), *We can't use GRASS in Processing when we launch the shortcut "QGIS Desktop 3.4.7"...
09:20 AM Bug report #21896 (Open): Attribute Form keeping settings after column deletion
- - Saving between steps makes no difference.
- I honestly have no idea how the "default" function is meant to wor... -
09:04 AM Bug report #21896 (Feedback): Attribute Form keeping settings after column deletion
- Jonathan Moules wrote:
> To replicate (GeoPackage):
> 1) Create a field (MY_FIELD in this) of type whole intege... -
09:13 AM Bug report #21895: Default values and expression calculator not working together
- I ended up having to work around it with a logical if statement:
if("NEW_VALUE" is null, "NEW_VALUE", 0)
But on... -
09:02 AM Bug report #21895: Default values and expression calculator not working together
- On the other hand the default does not do completely his job in other situations, like #21868
09:04 AM Bug report #21899 (Feedback): Spatialite isn't working correctly on macOS
- isn't this a plugin problem?
08:56 AM Bug report #21903 (Closed): qgis-ltr-bin.exe not respond
08:54 AM Bug report #21902 (Closed): Fails to build with GDAL 2.5.0-beta1
- Applied in changeset commit:qgis|0f315e47b604b5d45c620118f74421fde96e7ef6.
08:54 AM Bug report #21902 (Closed): Fails to build with GDAL 2.5.0-beta1
- Applied in changeset commit:qgis|0f315e47b604b5d45c620118f74421fde96e7ef6.
08:53 AM Revision 0f315e47 (qgis): avoid OSRFixup with GDAL >= 2.5 (fixes #21902)
- (cherry picked from commit 9a8c0d28982f3c31dc0f7c8a2f796c85ec801191)
08:51 AM Bug report #21890 (Feedback): r.neighbors does not work
- Hi, welcome.
A couple of things/questions:
1) 1 issue per ticket
2) there are several tools in the processin... -
08:51 AM Bug report #21890 (Feedback): r.neighbors does not work
- Hi, welcome.
A couple of things/questions:
1) 1 issue per ticket
2) there are several tools in the processin... -
08:51 AM Bug report #21890 (Feedback): r.neighbors does not work
- Hi, welcome.
A couple of things/questions:
1) 1 issue per ticket
2) there are several tools in the processin... -
08:51 AM Bug report #21890 (Feedback): r.neighbors does not work
- Hi, welcome.
A couple of things/questions:
1) 1 issue per ticket
2) there are several tools in the processin... -
08:46 AM Bug report #21326: [GPS Panel Information] Don't allow to draw polygon with GPS with Add Polygon
- Yes, Multi* causes the problem.
02:20 AM Feature request #21904 (Open): Suggest update only if is available for the current OS
- I'm using QGIS Desktop in macOS, the software suggest me to update to a newest version, but It is not available for m...
10:35 PM Revision 9135badd (qgis): [3d] fix shading of 3D point symbols
- The vertex shader was incorrectly transforming world position and normal
vectors for phong shading. This was causing ... -
10:35 PM Revision c97b08a2 (qgis): Sibling of 1e3199e362873355f7c11835fb4e0533589f025a
10:35 PM Revision 893a2286 (qgis): [3d] fix shading of 3D point symbols
- The vertex shader was incorrectly transforming world position and normal
vectors for phong shading. This was causing ... -
10:35 PM Revision 14d42a04 (qgis): Sibling of 1e3199e362873355f7c11835fb4e0533589f025a
03:44 PM Bug report #21903 (Closed): qgis-ltr-bin.exe not respond
- h2. User Feedback
project closure!!!!
h2. Report Details
*Crash ID*: 41bd556bfb4cb3857ad8b303df49560eb10217a... -
03:42 PM Bug report #21876: Crashes when loading qml style for point layer
- problem solved
this was because the exported layer was a MultiPoint type layer and not a Point type Layer. -
01:34 PM Bug report #20760: Edits in GeoJson datasources are not saved anymore
- I asked Oct-31-2018 on stackexcange about this problem:
01:29 PM Bug report #21902 (Closed): Fails to build with GDAL 2.5.0-beta1
- QGIS 3.4.7 fails to build with GDAL 2.5.0-beta1:...
11:33 AM Revision 09afa5df (qgis): backport for default map scale / default map units per mm in project fo...
- (cherry-picks of 7ef426b0efa446b400c33c3447b90fa6d01d8f47 10b5f0858ad5c147ac2a67518cabf0e55e9cbacc 3d7cc160d4a39daf3f...
11:33 AM Revision 5ff5f52c (qgis): gui fix for default symbol scale
11:33 AM Revision d4effad3 (qgis): not using mContext from future integration received by cherry-pick
10:50 AM Revision d6e96fcb (qgis): not using mContext from future integration
10:50 AM Revision 042bd1f1 (qgis): backport for default map scale / default map units per mm in project fo...
- (cherry-picks of 7ef426b0efa446b400c33c3447b90fa6d01d8f47 10b5f0858ad5c147ac2a67518cabf0e55e9cbacc 3d7cc160d4a39daf3f...
03:10 AM Bug report #21900 (Closed): "use filename as layer name" has no effect
03:06 AM Bug report #21900: "use filename as layer name" has no effect
- Edit: Got it working. Invalidated.
03:03 AM Bug report #21900 (Closed): "use filename as layer name" has no effect
- Seems like selecting @use filename as layer name@ in _Processing > Options > General_ doesn't seem to have any affect...
03:09 AM Feature request #21901 (Open): custom name for temporary output of Processing
- When running 10 geoprocessing actions via _Processing_, f.e. @Buffer@, the result is 10 temporary layers named "Buffe...
03:02 AM Revision adb646fc (qgis): Guard vector file writer against invalid layers
- instead of crashing.
Fixes #21856
Funded by: -
03:01 AM Revision 1337969a (qgis): [processing] ensure that output temporary directory exists (fix #21701)
02:38 AM Feature request #21810: Feldrechner
- He reports that it is impossible to set length and precision for column type "real" using the field calculator in QGI...
02:30 AM Feature request #21279: Processing/OGR: do not use shapefile as format for temp input files
- To prevent oblivion: this is still an issue in QGIS v3.7.0-Master, revision 8c21a9e848
Since latest _GDAL_ (>= 2.5...
09:01 PM Revision 60572ac4 (qgis): [3d] Fix unnecessary terrain map updates when changing 3D renderer
- When using layer styling dock, every change in 3D rendering configuration
was also triggering update of 2D map which ... -
08:23 PM Bug report #21899 (Open): Spatialite isn't working correctly on macOS
- In QGIS 3, I have to use the Cadastre plugin.
When installing, it begi... -
06:41 PM Bug report #21898 (Feedback): Pip under Python 3.7 in QGIS 3.6.2 doesn't work
- Pip tool under Python 3.7 in QGIS 3.6.2 doesn't work. This continues in all QGIS versions since 3.0. It complicates m...
05:23 PM Revision 17823844 (qgis): Merge pull request #9838 from qgis/backport-9836-to-release-3_6
- [Backport release-3_6] [processing] ensure that output temporary directory exists (fix #21701)
03:27 PM Bug report #21897 (Open): Missing CP949 (Korean) encoding at GRASS processing
- Traceback (most recent call last):
File "C:/PROGRA~1/QGIS3~1.4/apps/qgis-ltr/./python/plugins\processing\algs\grass... -
03:24 PM Bug report #20760: Edits in GeoJson datasources are not saved anymore
- Has there been any progress on this? I also submitted a similar question on stackexchange... https://gis.stackexchang...
01:41 PM Bug report #21896 (Open): Attribute Form keeping settings after column deletion
- To replicate (GeoPackage):
1) Create a field (MY_FIELD in this) of type whole integer:
2) For Layer Properties ->... -
01:32 PM Bug report #21895 (Open): Default values and expression calculator not working together
- While trying to work around #21892 I encountered the following.
To replicate (in a GeoPackage - probably not forma... -
12:59 PM Bug report #21894 (Open): Selected sub-item of Join doesn't count for editing
- On the Joins Page (layer properties), I've created a join. Several things:
a) Double clicking on the join brings up ... -
12:55 PM Bug report #21893 (Open): Selected join isn't visually selected
- If I select a Join on the Joins page of Layer Properties, it doesn't get highlighted in any way. This makes it hard t...
12:52 PM Feature request #21892: Default value for empty Join
- ... especially as it doesn't seem to be possible to set the default using the "Attributes Form" default setting ability
12:49 PM Feature request #21892 (Open): Default value for empty Join
- Currently if I Join two datasets and there are missing joins, I get <NULL> for those missing items. It would be nice ...
09:39 AM Bug report #21701 (Closed): Hypsometric Curves GDAL algorithm gives an error.
- Applied in changeset commit:qgis|c706cdeb06eab3e18a2c54e84b5f452f26892038.
09:39 AM Bug report #21701 (Closed): Hypsometric Curves GDAL algorithm gives an error.
- Applied in changeset commit:qgis|c706cdeb06eab3e18a2c54e84b5f452f26892038.
09:39 AM Revision a744ddb6 (qgis): Merge pull request #9836 from alexbruy/fix-hypsometry
- [processing] ensure that output temporary directory exists (fix #21701)
08:48 AM Bug report #21626 (Closed): crash on open
01:03 AM Bug report #21626: crash on open
- Hi, since the latest Suse-update the problem is solved. In my opinion the issue could be closed.
03:34 PM Revision dbdd6b55 (qgis): Merge pull request #9835 from rldhont/backport-9827-to-release-3_4
- [Backport release-3_4] [Bugfix][Server] WMTS: CRS can have axis inverted
03:32 PM Revision 525e4142 (qgis): Merge pull request #9824 from rldhont/fix-server-wmts-scalebasedvisibil...
- [Bugfix][Server] WMTS: layer scale base visibility has not been well used
03:21 PM Bug report #21891 (Open): No snap when selecting point of rotation
- When using “rotate object” and trying to choose a rotation point you can’t snap even though snap is active.
12:12 PM Bug report #21890 (Closed): r.neighbors does not work
- Hi everyone, I'm a new member. I would like to point out that the conversion from shapefile to raster is not possible...
11:05 AM Bug report #21701 (In Progress): Hypsometric Curves GDAL algorithm gives an error.
- PR
11:05 AM Bug report #21701 (In Progress): Hypsometric Curves GDAL algorithm gives an error.
- PR
11:05 AM Bug report #21701 (In Progress): Hypsometric Curves GDAL algorithm gives an error.
- PR
10:53 AM Revision 7976e606 (qgis): [processing] ensure that output temporary directory exists (fix #21701)
10:53 AM Revision c706cdeb (qgis): [processing] ensure that output temporary directory exists (fix #21701)
10:53 AM Revision a1bc21c0 (qgis): Sibling of c706cdeb06eab3e18a2c54e84b5f452f26892038
10:53 AM Revision 1f66440e (qgis): Sibling of c706cdeb06eab3e18a2c54e84b5f452f26892038
10:53 AM Revision 48f78d2f (qgis): [processing] ensure that output temporary directory exists (fix #21701)
02:57 AM Feature request #21889 (Open): Save Layer As targeting PostGIS and scratch layers
- In the export menu there are many options for Save Layer As, but not included are a scratch layer or to a PostGIS dat...
11:57 PM Bug report #21888 (Open): Network error on connecting to ArcGisMapServer
- Since ESRI updated to TLS 1.2 connecting to their MapServer, e.g
... -
11:50 PM Bug report #21887 (Open): Browser cannot open Volumes under macOS
- I tried both QGIS 3.4 and 3.6, but none of them is working probably.
It cannot open the /Volumes directory on my Mac... -
07:46 PM Feature request #21882: Snap midpoint
- Andreas Olsson wrote:
> The vertex tool seems to recognise where the midpoint of a segment is by the looks of the gr... -
10:08 AM Feature request #21882: Snap midpoint
- Andreas Olsson wrote:
> The vertex tool seems to recognise where the midpoint of a segment is by the looks of the gr... -
02:00 PM Revision 5c569893 (qgis): Release of 3.4.7
02:00 PM Revision 656500e0 (qgis): Release of 3.6.2
11:39 AM Revision 6c9df8b6 (qgis): fix building with proj6
10:53 AM Revision 9e09aaef (qgis): Merge pull request #9812 from elpaso/bugfix-21871-21870-LAYERFONTCOLOR-...
10:45 AM Revision 84ec951d (qgis): Merge pull request #9834 from qgis/backport-9827-to-release-3_6
- [Backport release-3_6] [Bugfix][Server] WMTS: CRS can have axis inverted
10:24 AM Bug report #21884 (Closed): Plugin MetaSearch crash
10:11 AM Bug report #21884: Plugin MetaSearch crash
- Feedback:
As stated, the plugin checkbox was clear and I had the error message on startup. I have now enabled the pl... -
10:19 AM Bug report #21886 (Feedback): QGIS Crashes on exit
- Please try with a new/clean qgis profile, no 3rd party plugins installed.
10:19 AM Bug report #21886 (Feedback): QGIS Crashes on exit
- Please try with a new/clean qgis profile, no 3rd party plugins installed.
10:19 AM Bug report #21886 (Feedback): QGIS Crashes on exit
- Please try with a new/clean qgis profile, no 3rd party plugins installed.
10:17 AM Bug report #21886 (Feedback): QGIS Crashes on exit
- QGIS 3.4 and 3.6 crash 80+% of the time when exiting. I have tried closing projects and then exiting, which permits ...
09:26 AM Revision d7705256 (qgis): [Bugfix][Server] WMTS: CRS can have axis inverted
- The top left element has to respect the axis, like in WMS 1.3.0.
09:02 AM Bug report #21885: Crash when calling QgsRasterHistogram.histogramVector
- Related thread on GIS.SE:
08:54 AM Bug report #21863: issues with embedded layers
- Sorry Denis for the misunderstanding !
08:15 AM Revision 8c21a9e8 (qgis): Merge pull request #9827 from rldhont/fix-server-wmts-crs-hasaxisinverted
- [Bugfix][Server] WMTS: CRS can have axis inverted
08:03 AM Feature request #21749: convex hull by class
- Thank you. I didn't know that option. It meets my need.
Homogenization would indeed be a good idea for the future -
07:48 AM Revision 72a48478 (qgis): postgres provider: drop implicit not null and unique constraint for col...
- (cherry picked from commit 30e808e3fc & 267599ba)
11:21 PM Revision f171ad86 (qgis): Sibling of 012faa6af1ef666953ac0f904fe2b709bc055e3e
11:21 PM Revision 012faa6a (qgis): [Bugfix][Server] WMTS: CRS can have axis inverted
- The top left element has to respect the axis, like in WMS 1.3.0.
11:21 PM Revision 91cd41ec (qgis): Sibling of 012faa6af1ef666953ac0f904fe2b709bc055e3e
11:21 PM Revision f9f3c391 (qgis): [Bugfix][Server] WMTS: CRS can have axis inverted
- The top left element has to respect the axis, like in WMS 1.3.0.
11:19 PM Bug report #21885 (Open): Crash when calling QgsRasterHistogram.histogramVector
- h2. User Feedback
To reproduce, load a raster layer and run:
l = iface.activeLayer()
p = l.dataProvider()
p.i... -
11:12 PM Revision d16bf3f4 (qgis): Merge pull request #9830 from qgis/backport-9826-to-release-3_4
- [Backport release-3_4] [Bugfix][Server] WMTS: read the service url from project
11:12 PM Revision 79ef3ea9 (qgis): Merge pull request #9831 from qgis/backport-9826-to-release-3_6
- [Backport release-3_6] [Bugfix][Server] WMTS: read the service url from project
10:37 PM Bug report #21884 (Feedback): Plugin MetaSearch crash
09:38 PM Bug report #21884: Plugin MetaSearch crash
- Yeah, I don't like the watchdog too - it makes a lot of buzz and sometimes blames wrong plugins. However, improving i...
09:08 PM Bug report #21884 (Closed): Plugin MetaSearch crash
- Every time I start QGIS I see this error message:
Plugin MetaSearch: The plugin will be disabled because it crashed... -
10:07 PM Revision 9da6a03b (qgis): Add API for specifying fallback CRS and layer WKB type to use
- for QgsVectorLayer, when constructing a layer with a URI which
may be invalid
These may be used for layers where the... -
08:27 PM Feature request #21875 (Open): add support for "triangles" PostGIS geometry type
04:08 PM Feature request #21875: add support for "triangles" PostGIS geometry type
- Found it. "Simplify on provider's side if possible" triggers this.
gis=# select ST_Simplify(geom, 0) from del... -
02:17 PM Feature request #21875: add support for "triangles" PostGIS geometry type
- Darafei Praliaskouski wrote:
> Layer loads for me, it is identifiable but renders nothing. If I click somewhere cont... -
02:14 PM Feature request #21875: add support for "triangles" PostGIS geometry type
- Layer loads for me, it is identifiable but renders nothing. If I click somewhere contours of objects render.
02:01 PM Feature request #21875: add support for "triangles" PostGIS geometry type
- the layer loads here, but is not identifiable or selectable or editable, is that what you mean?
01:38 PM Feature request #21875: add support for "triangles" PostGIS geometry type
- Please find dump attached. (why 5mb limit?:)
01:30 PM Feature request #21875 (Feedback): add support for "triangles" PostGIS geometry type
- Can you attach a sump of the table (even with sample data)?
08:25 PM Bug report #21869 (Open): "Advanced digitizing" panel doesn’t update itself to the active point o...
03:28 PM Bug report #21869: "Advanced digitizing" panel doesn’t update itself to the active point of origin
- Giovanni Manghi wrote:
> Andreas Olsson wrote:
> > If "Advanced digitizing" is turned on after inserting a vertex i... -
02:49 PM Bug report #21869 (Feedback): "Advanced digitizing" panel doesn’t update itself to the active poi...
- Andreas Olsson wrote:
> If "Advanced digitizing" is turned on after inserting a vertex it doesnt work until insertin... -
08:18 PM Bug report #21863: issues with embedded layers
- Jean-Roc, I think we are not talking about the same thing.
Adding project within a group in *the embedded project* s... -
06:44 PM Bug report #21863: issues with embedded layers
- I use the group to add new layers to all the projects based on it without manually editing them, pointing directly t...
06:02 PM Bug report #21863: issues with embedded layers
- Jean-Roc, this doesn't like a feature to me, if not a bug, rather a weakness.
Couldn't you play a bit differently an... -
06:37 PM Bug report #21866 (Closed): Crash after launching Field Calculator or Select Features with Expres...
- Disabling the plugins alone helped. Then I enabled all the plugins one by one to see which one is it, and to my surpr...
02:47 PM Bug report #21866: Crash after launching Field Calculator or Select Features with Expression
- Can you try with a new/clean qgis profile and no 3rd party plugins installed? thanks.
02:47 PM Bug report #21866: Crash after launching Field Calculator or Select Features with Expression
- Can you try with a new/clean qgis profile and no 3rd party plugins installed? thanks.
05:04 PM Revision 63711510 (qgis): Dear Qt, I love you but ...
- ... you are too slow and QJson API is so ugly.
Now using this wonderful json lib:
... -
04:41 PM Bug report #21883 (Open): Clearing Multiple QGIS Warnings takes inordinately long
- In the attached image there are some 7782 QGIS warnings that need clearing. I click the button for Clear All, and I h...
04:19 PM Revision bca78c05 (qgis): Merge pull request #9826 from rldhont/fix-server-wmts-serviceurl
- [Bugfix][Server] WMTS: read the service url from project
04:18 PM Revision c95f0eb2 (qgis): Merge pull request #9820 from elpaso/bugfix-21871-21870-LAYERFONTCOLOR-...
02:02 PM Bug report #21819: gdal2tiles very slow compared to QGIS 2.18
- Karsten Tebling wrote:
> It is displaying the same commands or I'm looking at the wrong windows. I also opened the p... -
08:10 AM Bug report #21819: gdal2tiles very slow compared to QGIS 2.18
- It is displaying the same commands or I'm looking at the wrong windows. I also opened the processing window, but all ...
01:50 PM Revision fc3401cb (qgis): [Bugfix][Server] WMTS: read the service url from project
- It is a typo fix
01:50 PM Revision 5e2f7902 (qgis): [Bugfix][Server] WMTS: read the service url from project
- It is a typo fix
01:50 PM Revision 6a942713 (qgis): [Bugfix][Server] WMTS: read the service url from project
- It is a typo fix
01:50 PM Revision 79858c7d (qgis): Sibling of fc3401cb9131a8e9c8cd40bc746ffe2ac1ee36bb
01:45 PM Bug report #21880 (Closed): Style file (QML) can't be used to add styles to rasters
01:45 PM Bug report #21880 (Closed): Style file (QML) can't be used to add styles to rasters
08:23 AM Bug report #21880 (Closed): Style file (QML) can't be used to add styles to rasters
- When styling raster files using QML file through 'Load style' button in Symbology panel, after clicking OK or Apply b...
01:38 PM Bug report #21879: Dragging layers too high in layers panel will reload them, potentially losing ...
- Cannot replicate on KDE/3.6.1
10:24 AM Bug report #21879: Dragging layers too high in layers panel will reload them, potentially losing ...
- On Windows the cursor turns into a red stop sign when hovering over those icons with a layer in hand. My description ...
01:36 PM Bug report #21876 (Feedback): Crashes when loading qml style for point layer
- Please attach the data and the qml file that are causing the problem (cannot replicate here with my own test data).
01:36 PM Bug report #21876 (Feedback): Crashes when loading qml style for point layer
- Please attach the data and the qml file that are causing the problem (cannot replicate here with my own test data).
01:31 PM Feature request #21749 (Feedback): convex hull by class
01:30 PM Bug report #21874 (Feedback): Zoom to selection not always working
- Can you attach a sample project with data proving the problem?
Have you tried with a new/clean qgis profile (no 3r... -
01:08 PM Bug report #21841: QGIS crashes on exit
- Karsten Tebling wrote:
> Giovanni Manghi wrote:
> > Please try with a new/clean qgis profile, no 3rd party plugins ... -
08:15 AM Bug report #21841: QGIS crashes on exit
- Giovanni Manghi wrote:
> Please try with a new/clean qgis profile, no 3rd party plugins installed-
How do I do th... -
01:07 PM Bug report #21635 (Closed): Qgis Server prnting Problem on coordinate system EPSG:31254
12:12 PM Bug report #21635: Qgis Server prnting Problem on coordinate system EPSG:31254
- Johannes Metzler wrote:
> I use EQWC from
> which is a clone of QGIS-Web-Client ... -
12:25 PM Bug report #21326: [GPS Panel Information] Don't allow to draw polygon with GPS with Add Polygon
- Hello, I tested with the version 3.0, 3.2 and 3.4 of QGIS and I can add a point but I can't add a lign or a polygon. ...
08:53 AM Bug report #21326: [GPS Panel Information] Don't allow to draw polygon with GPS with Add Polygon
- Hi Philip. So if you use Point, LineString and Polygon you don't have problem?
I need test again.
Cheers -
08:20 AM Bug report #21326: [GPS Panel Information] Don't allow to draw polygon with GPS with Add Polygon
- Sorry for the late reply. They use Shape MultiLineString (doesn't work at my device either). PointZ works, Multipoint...
11:29 AM Revision 103981de (qgis): Fix QCOMPARE in the test
11:01 AM Revision 6724d01c (qgis): [ogr] Only throw validity error in reloadData() when previously valid
11:00 AM Revision 54a06fb8 (qgis): [ogr] Only throw validity error in reloadData() when previously valid
10:53 AM Revision 32d24dc7 (qgis): fix rendering of mesh triangle with 0,0 vertex
10:45 AM Revision c13c4a5c (qgis): Fix control image
10:41 AM Revision 786929b4 (qgis): Add unit test for f947ffb5b
10:41 AM Revision 0f166099 (qgis): Store vector layer wkb type in xml
- We can use this when restoring the layer, if the uri turns out
to be invalid at that stage (e.g. a file has moved). B... -
10:39 AM Revision 68da21f7 (qgis): [server] Implement LAYERFONTCOLOR and ITEMFONTCOLORa
- cherry-picking commit dca0fb9026.
10:33 AM Revision 51d8286e (qgis): Tooltips for PG options in source select dialog
10:33 AM Revision 7a0cfbd9 (qgis): Sibling of 140ec6161c2190b81da181e56c05464910356830
10:33 AM Revision 140ec616 (qgis): Tooltips for PG options in source select dialog
10:33 AM Revision a31999cf (qgis): Sibling of 51d8286ec9e8f8a53217477ed1768ba0ae771e19
10:12 AM Revision 98064750 (qgis): [Bugfix][Server] WMTS: layer scale base visibility has not been well used
- This has been fixed in master and QGIS 3.6, but has been probably not well backported.
10:07 AM Revision dd18e8f1 (qgis): Merge pull request #9807 from qgis/backport-9773-to-release-3_4
- [Backport release-3_4] [server] Allow server plugin filters to access config path
10:07 AM Revision c1a76c4e (qgis): Merge pull request #9808 from qgis/backport-9773-to-release-3_6
- [Backport release-3_6] [server] Allow server plugin filters to access config path
10:06 AM Revision 960e10db (qgis): Merge pull request #9806 from qgis/backport-9791-to-release-3_4
- [Backport release-3_4] [Backport release-3_6][server] Fallback to unmanaged parameters
09:53 AM Revision da7f6553 (qgis): update MDAL 0.3.1
09:52 AM Revision f7420443 (qgis): update MDAL 0.3.1
09:51 AM Revision fd492abf (qgis): fix rendering of mesh triangle with 0,0 vertex
09:45 AM Feature request #21882 (Open): Snap midpoint
- The vertex tool seems to recognise where the midpoint of a segment is by the looks of the graphics.
So if that funct... -
09:40 AM Revision d3322928 (qgis): [ogr] Only throw validity error in reloadData() when previously valid
09:39 AM Bug report #21881 (Closed): QGIS crashes on closing
09:20 AM Bug report #21881 (Closed): QGIS crashes on closing
- h2. User Feedback
This always happens when I close the program. It freezes for a couple of seconds or minutes and ... -
09:33 AM Revision 76ed8a08 (qgis): Sibling of ad544a29ba86dc8e9b98a85b217a6cfc83e17c37
09:33 AM Revision a789487a (qgis): Sibling of ad544a29ba86dc8e9b98a85b217a6cfc83e17c37
09:33 AM Revision 503ecdd0 (qgis): Sibling of f3e5867506d44be4500605578003308b265b646a
09:33 AM Revision ad544a29 (qgis): Initial check pk unicity
09:33 AM Revision f3e58675 (qgis): Initial check pk unicity
09:12 AM Bug report #18320: XYZ Tiles (Google Maps) eats up all RAM
- Facing this issue in QGIS 3.6, when rendering tiles,through pyqgis, from local machine using url:
file:///path/to/ti... -
08:59 AM Revision 2a195ba5 (qgis): Sibling of d454620e9c69056586a96cc9889445e45944e05b
08:59 AM Revision 20161c5e (qgis): [ogr] Only throw validity error in reloadData() when previously valid
08:59 AM Revision 252a22fd (qgis): Sibling of d454620e9c69056586a96cc9889445e45944e05b
08:59 AM Revision 5f7ed768 (qgis): [ogr] Only throw validity error in reloadData() when previously valid
08:45 AM Revision bc2368bc (qgis): Sibling of 287457e3859861f77f8faac81b58c8e2a7e804c0
08:45 AM Revision 6bd5d079 (qgis): Store vector layer wkb type in xml
- We can use this when restoring the layer, if the uri turns out
to be invalid at that stage (e.g. a file has moved). B... -
08:32 AM Revision c0c19f0c (qgis): Fix wrong cotrol image for ITEMFONTCOLOR test
03:15 AM Revision 8d43d523 (qgis): Add unit test for f947ffb5b
03:15 AM Revision 5456f1d9 (qgis): Add unit test for f947ffb5b
03:15 AM Revision 7efda72f (qgis): Sibling of 8d43d523ce8a3a0d509cf51439fddbdba597c915
11:59 PM Bug report #21872 (Closed): QGIS 3.7 did not start because an error message
- Applied in changeset commit:qgis|3d7c711db087a9ea515f0fba8e8b0abf4eb50761.
11:59 PM Bug report #21872 (Closed): QGIS 3.7 did not start because an error message
- Applied in changeset commit:qgis|3d7c711db087a9ea515f0fba8e8b0abf4eb50761.
10:13 PM Bug report #21872: QGIS 3.7 did not start because an error message
- Duplicate of #21774 - apparently reintroduced by commit:e57d1e06f0 and/or commit:507e327c0c
11:49 AM Bug report #21872 (Closed): QGIS 3.7 did not start because an error message
- QGIS does not start properly and gives following error message:...
11:56 PM Revision 40c790f5 (qgis): fix 3d7c711db (refs #21872)
11:03 PM Feature request #15652: Add option for OGR data sources to be opened in read only mode
- This would also fix #17980 :)
11:00 PM Bug report #21879 (Open): Dragging layers too high in layers panel will reload them, potentially ...
- Dragging layers too high in layers panel will reload(?) them, potentially losing data
1. Have at least two layers ... -
10:30 PM Revision 3d7c711d (qgis): fix #21872 (refs #21774; partly reverts e57d1e06f0 and 507e327c0c)
- src/python/qgspythonutilsimpl.cpp:596 produces "lost sys.stdout" when
qgis.utils.updateAvailablePlugins() returns. -
10:23 PM Revision 21280c39 (qgis): More verbose sip failure
09:08 PM Feature request #21878: Concave hull (alpha shapes) should allow creating separate hulls for each...
- Oops, missed that @Concave hull (k-nearest neighbor)@ supports it too. I can only update the title, sorry about the w...
09:07 PM Feature request #21878 (Open): Concave hull (alpha shapes) should allow creating separate hulls f...
- @Concave hull (alpha shapes)@ and @Concave hull (k-nearest neighbor)@ should allow creating separate hulls for each v...
09:03 PM Feature request #21877 (Open): Concave hull (alpha shapes) should support any geometry
- @Concave hull (alpha shapes)@ should support any geometry just like @Concave hull (k-nearest neighbor)@, @Convex hull...
09:00 PM Bug report #18475: Concave hull error in Qgis 3.0
- Looks like this should have been re-opened back then. BUT I just tried reproducing and had no issues in 3.6 with neit...
08:53 PM Feature request #21749: convex hull by class
- Those tools are a bit messy in what they support and what not, I am sure a homogenisation would be good.
You can u... - 07:34 PM Revision eeec1a44 (qgis): Sibling of 9a7303b18383a66e74ab855adf945b5af7d7a75a
- 07:34 PM Revision 9409afc0 (qgis): Add a comment to explain the reason for the code
- 07:34 PM Revision 6fcde4d5 (qgis): Add a comment to explain the reason for the code
- 07:34 PM Revision 9a7303b1 (qgis): Add a comment to explain the reason for the code
07:26 PM Bug report #21876: Crashes when loading qml style for point layer
*Stack Trace*...-
07:24 PM Bug report #21876 (Open): Crashes when loading qml style for point layer
- When loading a qml style file for a point layer, QGIS crashes :
This qml file was exported from a point layer which ... -
07:24 PM Bug report #19282: Data-defined legend is broken if "map units" are used
- I can confirm that this is still an issue in current master
!legend_broken.PNG! -
07:24 PM Bug report #19282: Data-defined legend is broken if "map units" are used
- I can confirm that this is still an issue in current master
!legend_broken.PNG! -
07:24 PM Bug report #19282: Data-defined legend is broken if "map units" are used
- I can confirm that this is still an issue in current master
!legend_broken.PNG! -
07:24 PM Bug report #19282: Data-defined legend is broken if "map units" are used
- I can confirm that this is still an issue in current master
!legend_broken.PNG! -
07:05 PM Revision 267e8fa7 (qgis): Merge pull request #9811 from elpaso/bugfix-21871-21870-LAYERFONTCOLOR-...
06:45 PM Revision 9baabf91 (qgis): [server] Implement LAYERFONTCOLOR and ITEMFONTCOLOR
- cherry-picking commit dca0fb9026
06:10 PM Feature request #21875 (Open): add support for "triangles" PostGIS geometry type
- I have a table of TRIANGLE's in PostGIS. QGIS shows it as Polygon layer, and when I click using Idenify tool on trian...
05:02 PM Bug report #21839: QgsDataSourceUri parameter checkPrimaryKeyUnicity is ignored for postgres prov...
- And in I confirm that whatever the "select at id" value you set, QGIS will still throw a `select count(distinct(..` q...
04:52 PM Bug report #21839: QgsDataSourceUri parameter checkPrimaryKeyUnicity is ignored for postgres prov...
- >This did not make a difference when loading new PG layers
Giovanni Manghi wrote:
> Interesting... if this will not... -
04:28 PM Bug report #21874 (Feedback): Zoom to selection not always working
- "Zoom to selection" is not always working.
Sometimes, the map doesn't move at all and the selection is still out of ... -
04:26 PM Bug report #21873 (Open): Remove Added Vertex with Add Circular String
- Tool Add Circular String doesn't delete last vertex with "Del" or "Backspace" Key.
04:15 PM Revision 25832b34 (qgis): [server] Implement LAYERFONTCOLOR and ITEMFONTCOLORa
- cherry-picking commit dca0fb9026.
04:04 PM Bug report #21870 (Closed): ITEMFONTCOLOR ignored in GetLegendGraphic WMS
- Applied in changeset commit:qgis|7032db27fae9569efa73b4525963908241e67088.
04:04 PM Bug report #21870 (Closed): ITEMFONTCOLOR ignored in GetLegendGraphic WMS
- Applied in changeset commit:qgis|7032db27fae9569efa73b4525963908241e67088.
12:03 PM Bug report #21870 (In Progress): ITEMFONTCOLOR ignored in GetLegendGraphic WMS
- PR
12:03 PM Bug report #21870 (In Progress): ITEMFONTCOLOR ignored in GetLegendGraphic WMS
- PR
12:03 PM Bug report #21870 (In Progress): ITEMFONTCOLOR ignored in GetLegendGraphic WMS
- PR
10:23 AM Bug report #21870 (Closed): ITEMFONTCOLOR ignored in GetLegendGraphic WMS
- ...
04:04 PM Bug report #21871 (Closed): LAYERFONTCOLOR ignored in GetLegendGraphic WMS
- Applied in changeset commit:qgis|7032db27fae9569efa73b4525963908241e67088.
04:04 PM Bug report #21871 (Closed): LAYERFONTCOLOR ignored in GetLegendGraphic WMS
- Applied in changeset commit:qgis|7032db27fae9569efa73b4525963908241e67088.
12:02 PM Bug report #21871 (In Progress): LAYERFONTCOLOR ignored in GetLegendGraphic WMS
- PR
12:02 PM Bug report #21871 (In Progress): LAYERFONTCOLOR ignored in GetLegendGraphic WMS
- PR
11:23 AM Bug report #21871 (Closed): LAYERFONTCOLOR ignored in GetLegendGraphic WMS
- It's not implemented in QGIS 3
04:04 PM Revision dca0fb90 (qgis): Merge pull request #9805 from elpaso/bugfix-21871-21870-LAYERFONTCOLOR-...
- 03:12 PM Revision ccf42dfb (qgis): Add @snapping_results variable for points
- Fix #21784
- 03:12 PM Revision fa74945e (qgis): Sibling of a0f450df5fb1974642cef7567a7cc161af48fe79
- 03:12 PM Revision a8e51333 (qgis): Add @snapping_results variable for points
- Fix #21784
- 03:12 PM Revision f132cfb6 (qgis): Sibling of a0f450df5fb1974642cef7567a7cc161af48fe79
- 03:12 PM Revision a0f450df (qgis): Add @snapping_results variable for points
- Fix #21784
02:12 PM Revision 1f862cad (qgis): Waste my time with Travis
01:55 PM Revision 6f20b5c3 (qgis): [QgsQuick] Styling of tab buttons in feature form
- Added properties for color background setting
01:55 PM Revision 15af15ea (qgis): [QgsQuick] Added styling properties to feature form tabs
01:44 PM Revision 5cf25965 (qgis): Layout
01:42 PM Revision 1055a8af (qgis): Merge pull request #9773 from dmarteau/set-configpath-at-early-time
- [server] Allow server plugin filters to access config path
01:10 PM Bug report #21863: issues with embedded layers
- Denis, I use the new layers support in embedded group as a feature, please do not remove.
12:17 PM Revision 1fac5a63 (qgis): Merge pull request #9791 from rldhont/server_params-release-3_6
- [Backport release-3_6][server] Fallback to unmanaged parameters
12:01 PM Revision 7032db27 (qgis): [server] Implement LAYERFONTCOLOR and ITEMFONTCOLOR
- Fixes #21871
Fixes #21870
Funded by: Gis3w -
12:01 PM Revision e9b99bf4 (qgis): Sibling of 7032db27fae9569efa73b4525963908241e67088
12:01 PM Revision 9464aaac (qgis): Sibling of 7032db27fae9569efa73b4525963908241e67088
- 11:41 AM Revision 7ce5fb2d (qgis): Set config path before calling plugin method
- 11:41 AM Revision e197d0f5 (qgis): Set config path before calling plugin method
- 11:41 AM Revision 894ea6a7 (qgis): Set config path before calling plugin method
- 11:41 AM Revision 8855201e (qgis): Sibling of 7ce5fb2d023034fd8b370d8c07c346401070809d
11:28 AM Revision 267599ba (qgis): fix 0e808e3fc6 (feature 59dd85103 not backported)
10:47 AM Revision 3c6299a1 (qgis): Merge pull request #9775 from signedav/default_symbol_scale
- [server] Default scale/mupmm on GetLegendGraphics
10:12 AM Revision 43bff53e (qgis): Sibling of b2b4bb07c6ded005a4b86e227dd0484bc437bacc
10:12 AM Revision cb3348c5 (qgis): fix rendering of mesh triangle with 0,0 vertex
09:40 AM Bug report #21869 (Open): "Advanced digitizing" panel doesn’t update itself to the active point o...
- If "Advanced digitizing" is turned on after inserting a vertex it doesnt work until inserting a new vertex.
And if a... - 09:20 AM Revision 8416e758 (qgis): Merge pull request #9781 from m-kuhn/processing_parameter_as_boolean
- Add QgsProcessingAlgorithm::parameterAsBoolean
08:59 AM Bug report #21868 (Open): default value + "apply default value on update" does not work when usin...
- 1) add a polygon layer
2) a column proper to receive values for the polygons areas, use the field calculator to comp... -
08:53 AM Bug report #21867 (Open): can't change value in vertex editor if "locale" settings use commas as ...
- if you have a locale that uses commas as decimal separator then manually editing values in the vertex editor does not...
08:50 AM Bug report #21866 (Closed): Crash after launching Field Calculator or Select Features with Expres...
- Whenever I press "Field Calculator" icon or "Select Features with Expression", no matter main taskbar or inside a tab...
08:30 AM Revision 30e808e3 (qgis): postgres provider: drop implicit not null and unique constraint for col...
- (cherry picked from commit f8e32f7b9e21c2bdee6c80e796f8d448fef19e12)
08:21 AM Bug report #21856 (Closed): QGIS crashed while using QgsVectorFileWriter
- Applied in changeset commit:qgis|e8a7d0e979057e055efd6bf023bf076c2721a3cd.
08:21 AM Bug report #21856 (Closed): QGIS crashed while using QgsVectorFileWriter
- Applied in changeset commit:qgis|e8a7d0e979057e055efd6bf023bf076c2721a3cd.
08:21 AM Revision 7ae29e1f (qgis): Merge pull request #9790 from elpaso/bugfix-21856-vectorfilewriter-crash
- Guard vector file writer against invalid layers
08:08 AM Bug report #21865 (Closed): Can't add 538 redistricting shapefile as vector layer
- ogrinfo reports that it cannot read/open the shapefile, so it is normal it won't open in QGIS. The vector has issues ...
08:08 AM Bug report #21865 (Closed): Can't add 538 redistricting shapefile as vector layer
- ogrinfo reports that it cannot read/open the shapefile, so it is normal it won't open in QGIS. The vector has issues ...
02:31 AM Bug report #21865 (Closed): Can't add 538 redistricting shapefile as vector layer
- I'm trying to add shapefiles from the Atlas of Redistricting on FiveThirtyEight as vector layers to QGIS for a class ...
08:00 AM Revision 2ce3887b (qgis): [themes] Improve night mapping hyperlink color
08:00 AM Revision 2ee051cf (qgis): [themes] Avoid hardcoded black for default console timestamp colors
- (fixes #21860)
07:58 AM Revision d673c6fb (qgis): [themes] Improve night mapping hyperlink color
07:58 AM Revision 6578639d (qgis): [themes] Avoid hardcoded black for default console timestamp colors
- (fixes #21860)
07:26 AM Revision 9cb58a86 (qgis): Add QgsGuiUtils::iconSize to get user-prefered toolbar icon size
07:26 AM Revision d87c0a2d (qgis): [ui] Fix data source selection dialog icon size
07:26 AM Revision 62a5bc42 (qgis): [ui] Fix layout designer panel icon (re)sizing
06:49 AM Revision 51606dbf (qgis): [processing] Add 'distance' tag to join attributes by nearest alg.
06:34 AM Bug report #21860 (Closed): Night Mapping Theme - Text Readability
- Applied in changeset commit:qgis|5ea0091583413e6e6d2a328fb1c40819222c7138.
06:34 AM Bug report #21860 (Closed): Night Mapping Theme - Text Readability
- Applied in changeset commit:qgis|5ea0091583413e6e6d2a328fb1c40819222c7138.
06:34 AM Revision 9fa8d568 (qgis): [themes] Improve night mapping hyperlink color
06:34 AM Revision 5ea00915 (qgis): [themes] Avoid hardcoded black for default console timestamp colors
- (fixes #21860)
05:53 AM Revision ac839e27 (qgis): [themes] Improve night mapping hyperlink color
05:53 AM Revision fe5ea678 (qgis): Sibling of 4571d8676efcaa9e28fa8b66c0349bbd115286e3
05:53 AM Revision 5e9d8588 (qgis): [themes] Improve night mapping hyperlink color
05:53 AM Revision 0ed32ddc (qgis): Sibling of 4571d8676efcaa9e28fa8b66c0349bbd115286e3
05:53 AM Revision 09656917 (qgis): [themes] Avoid hardcoded black for default console timestamp colors
- (fixes #21860)
05:53 AM Revision 6d3ed484 (qgis): [themes] Avoid hardcoded black for default console timestamp colors
- (fixes #21860)
05:53 AM Revision 32d73750 (qgis): [themes] Avoid hardcoded black for default console timestamp colors
- (fixes #21860)
05:53 AM Revision d18ed4bc (qgis): Sibling of 32d737503dd95a9e637444029301cffd9ca5341e
05:53 AM Revision ecfc76fb (qgis): Sibling of 32d737503dd95a9e637444029301cffd9ca5341e
05:46 AM Revision 6befbae7 (qgis): [ui] Fix layout designer panel icon (re)sizing
03:54 AM Revision c0dd9fef (qgis): Add QgsGuiUtils::iconSize to get user-prefered toolbar icon size
03:54 AM Revision 94e4de59 (qgis): [ui] Fix data source selection dialog icon size
02:06 AM Revision 3d5e67e7 (qgis): Fix SIP (sipify does not like inline initializers)
02:06 AM Revision e5491ee6 (qgis): Get transformContext from layer instead of provider
02:06 AM Revision 3d687e55 (qgis): Add transform context to raster file writer task
02:06 AM Revision 6e0bd822 (qgis): Get transform context from project instance in app
02:06 AM Revision 9afa5bbb (qgis): Set transform context from layer options
02:06 AM Revision be374104 (qgis): Unit tests for transform context project<->layer sync
02:06 AM Revision 27696e86 (qgis): Update layer transform context when adding them to a project
02:06 AM Revision 87998f7f (qgis): Pass transformContext to raster writer
02:06 AM Revision 400e1c76 (qgis): doxy
02:06 AM Revision cd9fe8cd (qgis): Use new QgsRasterCalculator ctor with transform context
02:06 AM Revision 8bdfc7cd (qgis): Drop comment
02:06 AM Revision 86b7345c (qgis): Use transform context from rw context
02:06 AM Revision ac043394 (qgis): Pass transform context to raster calculator
02:06 AM Revision 4e747d2c (qgis): Update src/core/qgsmaplayer.h
- Co-Authored-By: elpaso <[email protected]>
02:06 AM Revision a5d3b93a (qgis): Update src/core/mesh/qgsmeshlayer.h
- Co-Authored-By: elpaso <[email protected]>
02:06 AM Revision 4e244521 (qgis): Update src/core/layout/qgslayoutitemmapoverview.cpp
- Co-Authored-By: elpaso <[email protected]>
02:06 AM Revision 23d6ef62 (qgis): Remove test case (API is not public anymore)
02:06 AM Revision 0d7841a0 (qgis): Fix grass alg combineLayerExtents
02:06 AM Revision bdd7a1cc (qgis): Remove build warnings
02:06 AM Revision 6d55e726 (qgis): More doxy
02:06 AM Revision c21cd35f (qgis): Add coordinate transform context to data provider options
- First step to pass the context down into the rabbit hole.
02:06 AM Revision dcf20623 (qgis): Step2 of coordinate traform context passing: SIP broken
02:06 AM Revision 39bb361d (qgis): Missing doc in an unrelated class :(
02:06 AM Revision 6372295d (qgis): Don't use deprecated fileWriter.writeRaster
02:06 AM Revision cb430c14 (qgis): Fix deprecated PUSH/POP
02:06 AM Revision 394a1896 (qgis): Fix class documentation
02:06 AM Revision 71698bf7 (qgis): Remove all deprecated usages of QgsCoordinateTransform without context
02:06 AM Revision 7f271d1e (qgis): More coordinateTranformContext -> tranformContext
02:06 AM Revision 654a78d6 (qgis): Raster transform context
02:06 AM Revision b3a448a2 (qgis): Do not store context in layer (but in provider) ...
- ... also use transform context in raster projector
and deprecate setCrs without context -
02:06 AM Revision 7f52e293 (qgis): doxy
02:06 AM Revision 7b6f9c0d (qgis): Restore default ctor for options and layer
02:06 AM Revision 0d7cceab (qgis): Fix test build
02:06 AM Revision 8ae91438 (qgis): Some build fixes
02:06 AM Revision bfe92c46 (qgis): Fix use of deprecated/removed coordinate transform constructor
02:06 AM Revision 56a6df4d (qgis): Fix doxy deprecated
02:06 AM Revision b6bc1ee2 (qgis): Tweak QgsProcessingUtils::combineLayerExtents for future proofing, remo...
02:06 AM Revision 82f2cb18 (qgis): Deprecate default ctor for mesh layer options
02:06 AM Revision f8dfdc4a (qgis): Deprecate method without transformContext
02:06 AM Revision e930bee9 (qgis): Add mandatory options to QgsVectorLayer ctor
- ... and deprecate the rest.
In QGIS 4 we'll have to get rid of the deprecated default ctor and
create a new one whic... -
02:06 AM Revision 6813a55f (qgis): Deprecate vector layer ctor with default constructed options
- replaced by QgsVectorLayer( const QgsVectorLayer::LayerOptions &options,
... -
02:06 AM Revision f5bc1c71 (qgis): Use options from provider ctor
02:06 AM Revision bad0fe42 (qgis): Removed leftover
02:06 AM Revision 4614c3e0 (qgis): Dox typos
02:06 AM Revision 5f3dc50c (qgis): Remove deprecated QgsCoordinateTransform ctor ...
- ... and add a getter for coordinateTransform to QgsMapLayer
The reason is that I think we should reduce the dataProv... -
02:06 AM Revision df2bdf9c (qgis): Handle the coordinate tranform context in the layer ctor
- Also use the context when read/write XML by passing it
in the R/W context -
02:06 AM Revision 47075983 (qgis): coordinateTransformContext -> transformContext for consistency
- I like "coordinateTransformContext" more btw.
02:06 AM Revision 69626492 (qgis): Remove unused fwd declaration
11:04 PM Bug report #21858 (Feedback): QGIS crashes with PostgreSQL views
- Pietro Rossin wrote:
> Qgis 3.4.6 doesn't load a postgis view without an id and a geometry field (attributes only). ... -
11:04 PM Bug report #21858 (Feedback): QGIS crashes with PostgreSQL views
- Pietro Rossin wrote:
> Qgis 3.4.6 doesn't load a postgis view without an id and a geometry field (attributes only). ... -
11:04 PM Bug report #21858 (Feedback): QGIS crashes with PostgreSQL views
- Pietro Rossin wrote:
> Qgis 3.4.6 doesn't load a postgis view without an id and a geometry field (attributes only). ... -
11:04 PM Bug report #21858 (Feedback): QGIS crashes with PostgreSQL views
- Pietro Rossin wrote:
> Qgis 3.4.6 doesn't load a postgis view without an id and a geometry field (attributes only). ... -
11:04 PM Bug report #21858 (Feedback): QGIS crashes with PostgreSQL views
- Pietro Rossin wrote:
> Qgis 3.4.6 doesn't load a postgis view without an id and a geometry field (attributes only). ... -
10:24 AM Bug report #21858 (Feedback): QGIS crashes with PostgreSQL views
- Qgis 3.4.6 doesn't load a postgis view without an id and a geometry field (attributes only). DbManager says that the ...
10:54 PM Bug report #21855: Bad Allocation - Report Composer
- Tomás Carvalho wrote:
> OK I understand, but the maximum size is limited here.
> So, I put all files on this we tra... -
08:36 PM Bug report #21855: Bad Allocation - Report Composer
- OK I understand, but the maximum size is limited here.
So, I put all files on this we transfer link: -
07:47 PM Bug report #21855: Bad Allocation - Report Composer
- Tomás Carvalho wrote:
> Apologize for that.
> Now I send data, project and metadata
sorry for bugging, the proje... -
03:59 PM Bug report #21855: Bad Allocation - Report Composer
- Apologize for that.
Now I send data, project and metadata -
03:59 PM Bug report #21855: Bad Allocation - Report Composer
- Apologize for that.
Now I send data, project and metadata -
03:59 PM Bug report #21855: Bad Allocation - Report Composer
- Apologize for that.
Now I send data, project and metadata -
03:59 PM Bug report #21855: Bad Allocation - Report Composer
- Apologize for that.
Now I send data, project and metadata -
03:59 PM Bug report #21855: Bad Allocation - Report Composer
- Apologize for that.
Now I send data, project and metadata -
02:13 PM Bug report #21855: Bad Allocation - Report Composer
- Tomás Carvalho wrote:
> Of course
> I am using 18 unique pages for this report that will be multiplied to 116 munic... -
02:13 PM Bug report #21855: Bad Allocation - Report Composer
- Tomás Carvalho wrote:
> Of course
> I am using 18 unique pages for this report that will be multiplied to 116 munic... -
02:01 PM Bug report #21855: Bad Allocation - Report Composer
- Of course
I am using 18 unique pages for this report that will be multiplied to 116 municipalities (2,088 pages).
I... -
02:01 PM Bug report #21855: Bad Allocation - Report Composer
- Of course
I am using 18 unique pages for this report that will be multiplied to 116 municipalities (2,088 pages).
I... -
02:01 PM Bug report #21855: Bad Allocation - Report Composer
- Of course
I am using 18 unique pages for this report that will be multiplied to 116 municipalities (2,088 pages).
I... -
10:37 PM Bug report #21864 (Feedback): Crash after quitting QGIS
- Please try with a new/clean qgis profile (no 3rd party plugins installed).
10:37 PM Bug report #21864 (Feedback): Crash after quitting QGIS
- Please try with a new/clean qgis profile (no 3rd party plugins installed).
10:37 PM Bug report #21864 (Feedback): Crash after quitting QGIS
- Please try with a new/clean qgis profile (no 3rd party plugins installed).
10:37 PM Bug report #21864 (Feedback): Crash after quitting QGIS
- Please try with a new/clean qgis profile (no 3rd party plugins installed).
10:08 PM Bug report #21864 (Feedback): Crash after quitting QGIS
- h2. User Feedback
Crash after quitting QGIS.
h2. Report Details
*Crash ID*: b11db3d431a36dd8fdf085fe4349919d... -
10:07 PM Revision 0362f9d6 (qgis): Fix loss of renderer style after fixing a layer with a bad path
09:20 PM Bug report #21862 (Closed): "calculating fields" stuck in task manager
- This is already fixed
09:20 PM Bug report #21862 (Closed): "calculating fields" stuck in task manager
- This is already fixed
07:50 PM Bug report #21862: "calculating fields" stuck in task manager
- seen/replicated also here, but not using the Processing tool (was using the field calculator from the main qgis vecto...
04:02 PM Bug report #21862 (Closed): "calculating fields" stuck in task manager
- I made a really simple test just getting the wkt of a geom with the field calculator, worked fine However I then got ...
09:18 PM Revision f947ffb5 (qgis): Fix loss of renderer style after fixing a layer with a bad path
07:26 PM Revision a809625b (qgis): Add default precision value
06:22 PM Bug report #21846: Crash while closing QGIS
- Marc Struelens wrote:
> Could you explain me more in detail? It's not about just removing the plug-ins I assume?
> ... -
05:08 PM Bug report #21846: Crash while closing QGIS
- Could you explain me more in detail? It's not about just removing the plug-ins I assume?
Do you have a link with exp... -
09:53 AM Bug report #21846: Crash while closing QGIS
- Marc Struelens wrote:
> It just happened again...
> When closing a project, it crashes sometimes but not always.
>... -
07:38 AM Bug report #21846: Crash while closing QGIS
- It just happened again...
When closing a project, it crashes sometimes but not always.
I can't try a new/clean qgis... -
05:37 PM Revision bed3da43 (qgis): fix QgsLayerTreeModel::refreshLayerLegend (#9785)
- * fix QgsLayerTreeModel::refreshLayerLegend
Guard if the QModelIndex (idx) has no children.
* Update qgslayertreemo... -
05:18 PM Bug report #21863: issues with embedded layers
- Thanks Denis for reporting my issue here :)
Could you please tag it as a regression, since it was working fine in ... -
04:52 PM Bug report #21863 (Open): issues with embedded layers
- * visibility state is not saved (when embedding or when saving project) (see
05:06 PM Revision 29f68224 (qgis): Use precision
04:12 PM Revision 70ec286d (qgis): Sibling of d730aa337ab44d1c46421298caba3099548940a2
04:12 PM Revision d730aa33 (qgis): Add test for an unkown parameter
04:12 PM Revision 734565b7 (qgis): Add test for an unkown parameter
04:12 PM Revision 777a17ed (qgis): Add unit test
04:12 PM Revision 1e2f2145 (qgis): Sibling of f562b099a560a40b21779431f23ad6758f1e1ff7
04:12 PM Revision f562b099 (qgis): Add unit test
04:10 PM Revision d2b0e154 (qgis): Add a fallback to unmanaged parameters
04:10 PM Revision 49d6b8ac (qgis): Sibling of 7ebea90af9d0501bd97778a0882d681be317e473
04:10 PM Revision 7ebea90a (qgis): Add a fallback to unmanaged parameters
03:52 PM Bug report #21861 (Open): OGR Warning cannot open OUTPUT.file
- Hi,
I am using the Graphical Modeler in on MacOS High Sierra (version info below).
My models cannot seem to be ... -
03:17 PM Revision 64fdbe3d (qgis): Added tests and doxy
02:00 PM Revision 75537a43 (qgis): More 3d and use jsonobject attrs in exporter
02:00 PM Revision 6967a218 (qgis): toJsonV2
02:00 PM Revision 72228282 (qgis): Use QJson for JSON encoding of features
02:00 PM Revision be8822ed (qgis): Precision and 3d
01:33 PM Bug report #21856: QGIS crashed while using QgsVectorFileWriter
- PR
01:33 PM Bug report #21856: QGIS crashed while using QgsVectorFileWriter
- PR
08:52 AM Bug report #21856 (In Progress): QGIS crashed while using QgsVectorFileWriter
This is wrong and will produce an invalid layer (there is not "GPX" provider, use "ogr" instead):...-
08:52 AM Bug report #21856 (In Progress): QGIS crashed while using QgsVectorFileWriter
This is wrong and will produce an invalid layer (there is not "GPX" provider, use "ogr" instead):...-
08:52 AM Bug report #21856 (In Progress): QGIS crashed while using QgsVectorFileWriter
This is wrong and will produce an invalid layer (there is not "GPX" provider, use "ogr" instead):...-
08:52 AM Bug report #21856 (In Progress): QGIS crashed while using QgsVectorFileWriter
This is wrong and will produce an invalid layer (there is not "GPX" provider, use "ogr" instead):...-
08:52 AM Bug report #21856 (In Progress): QGIS crashed while using QgsVectorFileWriter
This is wrong and will produce an invalid layer (there is not "GPX" provider, use "ogr" instead):...-
08:52 AM Bug report #21856 (In Progress): QGIS crashed while using QgsVectorFileWriter
This is wrong and will produce an invalid layer (there is not "GPX" provider, use "ogr" instead):...-
01:27 PM Revision e9437f4f (qgis): Sibling of e8a7d0e979057e055efd6bf023bf076c2721a3cd
01:27 PM Revision f47d49d6 (qgis): Sibling of e8a7d0e979057e055efd6bf023bf076c2721a3cd
01:27 PM Revision 911c3182 (qgis): Guard vector file writer against invalid layers
- instead of crashing.
Fixes #21856
Funded by: -
01:27 PM Revision e8a7d0e9 (qgis): Guard vector file writer against invalid layers
- instead of crashing.
Fixes #21856
Funded by: -
01:27 PM Revision 0415c619 (qgis): Guard vector file writer against invalid layers
- instead of crashing.
Fixes #21856
Funded by: -
01:26 PM Feature request #21853 (Closed): Extending snap?
- Found it in another part of QGIS
10:09 AM Feature request #21853 (Open): Extending snap?
10:03 AM Feature request #21853: Extending snap?
- I meant QGIS!
09:52 AM Feature request #21853: Extending snap?
- Andreas Olsson wrote:
> Giovanni Manghi wrote:
> > isn't that a 3rd party plugin?
> No, it’s actually a part o... -
09:34 AM Feature request #21853: Extending snap?
- Giovanni Manghi wrote:
> isn't that a 3rd party plugin?
No, it’s actually a part of QGIS. -
01:21 PM Bug report #21860 (Closed): Night Mapping Theme - Text Readability
- E.g. in the Protocol Window, protocol message timestamps and hyperlinks are almost unreadable with dark background.
01:14 PM Bug report #21859 (Closed): "File/folder Input" in processing won't separate input files into dis...
- When creating the model in processing with file input, desire behavior in batch mode is to select multiple files wher...
12:25 PM Bug report #20065 (Closed): QgsInterface::adddockwidget slows down when large layers open
- Not reproducable in QGIS 3.6.1.
08:50 AM Bug report #18373 (In Progress): Annotation Scaling
08:40 AM Bug report #21854 (Closed): Add Grass raster layer with pyqgis 3 crash qgis
07:11 AM Bug report #21854: Add Grass raster layer with pyqgis 3 crash qgis
- Ok found here line 417 :
Better ... -
05:24 AM Bug report #21854: Add Grass raster layer with pyqgis 3 crash qgis
- Giovanni Manghi wrote:
> are you trying to add a "grass raster layer" as if it was a normal file based raster datase... - 08:30 AM Revision b90a0184 (qgis): Prefer parameterAsBoolean over parameterAsBool
07:05 AM Bug report #21844: I get error message Invalid Layer When I add raster layer from DB_Manager in Q...
- Giovanni Manghi wrote:
> > I don't know why work for you perfect, I'd wish work for me like you but It didn't, but f...
01:56 AM Revision 1c5a8492 (qgis): Sibling of 0d24cdf0ac32403135ceb6df508f736741cf202c
01:56 AM Revision e75343a7 (qgis): Fix loss of renderer style after fixing a layer with a bad path
12:50 AM Bug report #21851 (Feedback): qgis crashed in add field text
- Can you replicate the problem consistently? Is data dependent?
12:50 AM Bug report #21851 (Feedback): qgis crashed in add field text
- Can you replicate the problem consistently? Is data dependent?
09:11 AM Bug report #21851 (Feedback): qgis crashed in add field text
- h2. User Feedback
I made the field text and the qgis crashed
h2. Report Details
*Crash ID*: dad62438aee5e342... -
12:49 AM Bug report #21850 (Feedback): QGIS crashed after abort a plugin process
- so isn't this a plugin issue? (I assume you are referring to a 3rd party qgis plugin, not a core one).
06:45 AM Bug report #21850 (Feedback): QGIS crashed after abort a plugin process
- h2. User Feedback
I was using a plugin to download some inspire data. As I aborted the process of the pluging qgis... -
12:28 AM Bug report #21857: QGIS crashes during map re-rendering after CRS switch
- Also confirmed on Linux.
12:28 AM Bug report #21857: QGIS crashes during map re-rendering after CRS switch
- Also confirmed on Linux.
10:52 PM Bug report #21857 (Open): QGIS crashes during map re-rendering after CRS switch
- h2. User Feedback
I'm using clean installment of QGIS (version 3.6.1) and base QGIS project from Natural Earth pac... -
11:53 PM Bug report #21844: I get error message Invalid Layer When I add raster layer from DB_Manager in Q...
> I don't know why work for you perfect, I'd wish work for me like you but It didn't, but for only work DB_Manager ...-
09:38 AM Bug report #21844: I get error message Invalid Layer When I add raster layer from DB_Manager in Q...
- Giovanni Manghi wrote:
> > Thank you much, I found out, When I select rater in DB_Manager and then right click on th... -
09:33 AM Bug report #21844: I get error message Invalid Layer When I add raster layer from DB_Manager in Q...
> Thank you much, I found out, When I select rater in DB_Manager and then right click on that and select add to Can...-
08:05 AM Bug report #21844: I get error message Invalid Layer When I add raster layer from DB_Manager in Q...
- Giovanni Manghi wrote:
> Navid Taheri wrote:
> > Giovanni Manghi wrote:
> > > I cannot confirm, downloaded a raste... -
11:53 PM Bug report #21854 (Feedback): Add Grass raster layer with pyqgis 3 crash qgis
- It's completely out of my league... just a hunch here... are you trying to add a "grass raster layer" as if it was a ...
11:53 PM Bug report #21854 (Feedback): Add Grass raster layer with pyqgis 3 crash qgis
- It's completely out of my league... just a hunch here... are you trying to add a "grass raster layer" as if it was a ...
11:53 PM Bug report #21854 (Feedback): Add Grass raster layer with pyqgis 3 crash qgis
- It's completely out of my league... just a hunch here... are you trying to add a "grass raster layer" as if it was a ...
07:26 PM Bug report #21854 (Closed): Add Grass raster layer with pyqgis 3 crash qgis
- Step to reproduce :
- Open an empty project,
- Open python console,
- Add Raster layer with :
iface.addRasterL... -
11:45 PM Bug report #21855 (Feedback): Bad Allocation - Report Composer
- can you share the project and data?
11:45 PM Bug report #21855 (Feedback): Bad Allocation - Report Composer
- can you share the project and data?
11:45 PM Bug report #21855 (Feedback): Bad Allocation - Report Composer
- can you share the project and data?
11:45 PM Bug report #21855 (Feedback): Bad Allocation - Report Composer
- can you share the project and data?
09:48 PM Bug report #21855 (Feedback): Bad Allocation - Report Composer
- I'm trying to export a Report document in PDF and some times it works well.
But some times it causes 'Bad Allocation... -
11:38 PM Revision 891ea18b (qgis): debian packaging: add ubuntu disco
11:32 PM Revision 36a1277b (qgis): debian packaging: add ubuntu disco
11:26 PM Revision 96cc4eb9 (qgis): debian packaging: add ubuntu disco
10:37 PM Feature request #21853 (Feedback): Extending snap?
- isn't that a 3rd party plugin?
06:56 PM Feature request #21853 (Closed): Extending snap?
- I love QCAD but I miss the ability to snap by length and perpendicular.
Who do I have to pay to make it happen? -
10:04 PM Bug report #21856 (Closed): QGIS crashed while using QgsVectorFileWriter
- QGIS consistently crashes when I run the following script in the Python console....
04:46 PM Feature request #21787 (Closed): GetFeatureInfo responses with URLs should be clickable
- Applied in changeset commit:qgis|0acc0565e43c354758386c81dc642749dab3984f.
04:46 PM Feature request #21787 (Closed): GetFeatureInfo responses with URLs should be clickable
- Applied in changeset commit:qgis|0acc0565e43c354758386c81dc642749dab3984f.
08:46 AM Feature request #21787 (In Progress): GetFeatureInfo responses with URLs should be clickable
- PR
08:46 AM Feature request #21787 (In Progress): GetFeatureInfo responses with URLs should be clickable
- PR
04:46 PM Revision 0e9428b6 (qgis): Merge pull request #9787 from elpaso/request-21787-identify-links
- Clickable links in identify results from GetFeatureInfo
04:11 PM Bug report #21852 (Open): In Value Relation widget the new function current_value in filter expre...
- I'm not sure it's a bug, because the problem is a bit complex.
I am in a case where I have to initialize a field, ... -
02:46 PM Revision 0acc0565 (qgis): Open identify links in external browser
- Fixes #21787
02:46 PM Revision 2895a640 (qgis): Const storage on list of formats
02:43 PM Revision d24e6fd5 (qgis): Use logical DPI instead of physical
- 02:08 PM Revision 4771f802 (qgis): Add QgsProcessingParameters::parameterAsBoolean for consistency
- 10:24 AM Revision 04409ac7 (qgis): Merge pull request #9786 from m-kuhn/app_no_qforeach
- No more Q_FOREACH in app
09:48 AM Bug report #6889 (Closed): Loading PostGIS rasters do not work
- Confirmed, it works on QGIS 3.4.
Thanks. -
09:48 AM Bug report #6889 (Closed): Loading PostGIS rasters do not work
- Confirmed, it works on QGIS 3.4.
Thanks. - 09:27 AM Revision 2f3646a1 (qgis): Remaining Q_FOREACH to for changes
09:02 AM Revision f86d8de4 (qgis): fix the QgsMeshLayerProperties constructor
- In constructor, if HAVE_3D is defined, the "mVector3DWidget is constructed with the mapCanvas instance of the QgisApp...
- 08:12 AM Revision a6e4faef (qgis): Add test
- 07:15 AM Revision 6cd293f8 (qgis): No more Q_FOREACH in app
05:59 AM Revision 10850bc6 (qgis): More OGR->Proj conversion for proj 6
05:59 AM Revision 927b0533 (qgis): Remove OGRSpatialReferenceH member from proj 6 builds
05:59 AM Revision 018f3bc1 (qgis): Remove more proj4 api usage
05:59 AM Revision ae302fff (qgis): More unit type handling
05:59 AM Revision e2f7b911 (qgis): Spelling
05:59 AM Revision 5f41e540 (qgis): Fix build with proj4
05:59 AM Revision 75993afc (qgis): Another test
05:59 AM Revision aa21d55f (qgis): Port more QgsCoordinateReferenceSystem internals to proj v6
05:59 AM Revision 3bab21dc (qgis): Fix crs export to wkt on proj 6
05:59 AM Revision b42b2956 (qgis): Port CRS map unit handling to proj 6
05:59 AM Revision d831f4e1 (qgis): Use proj6 api for geographicCrsAuthId(), add tests
05:59 AM Revision dcb4553d (qgis): Port toProj4 to proj 6
02:10 AM Bug report #21849 (Closed): SAGA "saga split rgb bands" tool is not inside any (SAGA) group of tools
- subject says it all
02:09 AM Bug report #21848 (Open): "export to postgesql" (OGR) does not handle correctly WFS input layers
- the command is not created the right way, it must be something along this lines:
ogr2ogr -f PostgreSQL PG:"dbname=...
01:32 AM Bug report #21844: I get error message Invalid Layer When I add raster layer from DB_Manager in Q...
- Navid Taheri wrote:
> Giovanni Manghi wrote:
> > I cannot confirm, downloaded a raster from the same source, loaded... -
01:25 AM Bug report #21844: I get error message Invalid Layer When I add raster layer from DB_Manager in Q...
- Giovanni Manghi wrote:
> I cannot confirm, downloaded a raster from the same source, loaded it in postgresql (used 9... -
08:57 PM Bug report #21844 (Feedback): I get error message Invalid Layer When I add raster layer from DB_M...
- I cannot confirm, downloaded a raster from the same source, loaded it in postgresql (used 9 and 10) with raster2pgsql...
11:34 PM Bug report #21847 (Open): PostGIS rasters do not show in the Browser and in the "add PostGIS laye...
- They only show in DB Manager.
Apparently this is a long standing issue (tried on 2.14, 2.18 and 3.4/6). -
11:33 PM Bug report #6889 (Feedback): Loading PostGIS rasters do not work
- I was able to add postgis rasters from DB manager without any issue in 3.6.1/Ubuntu and Windows. Please try and leave...
09:13 PM Bug report #21845: Max scale is being reset to 1:100000 - Rule Based Symbology
- Confirmed here on 3.6.1, very annoying indeed.
09:13 PM Bug report #21845: Max scale is being reset to 1:100000 - Rule Based Symbology
- Confirmed here on 3.6.1, very annoying indeed.
09:13 PM Bug report #21845: Max scale is being reset to 1:100000 - Rule Based Symbology
- Confirmed here on 3.6.1, very annoying indeed.
09:07 PM Bug report #21835: Plugin update progress dialog steals focus
- Unfortunately personally I have no time resources to improve this behaviour in the nearest future, but I'll keep it i...
04:42 PM Bug report #21835: Plugin update progress dialog steals focus
- That's it! Thanks for describing it better than me. :)
08:52 PM Bug report #21846 (Feedback): Crash while closing QGIS
- Does it happens always? is what a one time thing? can you try with a new/clean qgis profile (no 3rd party plugins ins...
08:52 PM Bug report #21846 (Feedback): Crash while closing QGIS
- Does it happens always? is what a one time thing? can you try with a new/clean qgis profile (no 3rd party plugins ins...
08:52 PM Bug report #21846 (Feedback): Crash while closing QGIS
- Does it happens always? is what a one time thing? can you try with a new/clean qgis profile (no 3rd party plugins ins...
05:47 PM Bug report #21846 (Feedback): Crash while closing QGIS
- h2. User Feedback
I was closing the application after saving different layers in a geopackage (through toolbox pro...
01:07 AM Bug report #21845 (Closed): Max scale is being reset to 1:100000 - Rule Based Symbology
- Max scale values above 1:100000 are being saved, but after edit the field is reset to 1:100000
02:56 PM Feature request #12890 (Closed): Add symbol for filtered layer in Layer list
- Just discovered that there is now a filter symbol in the layer list for filtered layers.
Many thanks for incorporati... -
02:42 PM Bug report #21835 (Open): Plugin update progress dialog steals focus
- I got it. If you run "upgrade all upgradable plugins", for each of them a new modal modal window will be opened and c...
10:49 AM Bug report #21808: QGIS can load again
- Jürgen Fischer wrote:
> Navid Taheri wrote:
> > > Did you try starting with a fresh qgis profile (@qgis --profile f... -
10:42 AM Bug report #21808: QGIS can load again
- Navid Taheri wrote:
> > Did you try starting with a fresh qgis profile (@qgis --profile foo@)?
> I began qgis wi... -
06:46 AM Bug report #21808: QGIS can load again
- Jürgen Fischer wrote:
> Navid Taheri wrote:
> > I didn't any changes to file permission.
> I wasn't implying t... -
07:18 AM Bug report #21844 (Feedback): I get error message Invalid Layer When I add raster layer from DB_M...
- I downloaded two rasters from site: after that I did import them to my PostgreSQL databa...
12:03 AM Bug report #21842 (Closed): Crashed while trying to close
11:03 PM Bug report #21842 (Closed): Crashed while trying to close
- h2. User Feedback
Trying to close the program
h2. Report Details
*Crash ID*: 62f1fcd2045780cb9f127836e6b579b... -
11:21 PM Bug report #21843 (Open): Atlas coverage layer saved with absolute path when project is set to re...
- The setup:
- A QGIS project with a Print Layout.
- "Save paths" in the project's settings is set to "relative"
... -
10:30 PM Bug report #21837: QGIS 3+ Print Layout very-very slow zooming and manipulations with elements
- Giovanni Manghi wrote:
> so if this is isolated to an old computer means we can close this ticket?
So we can cl... -
08:03 PM Bug report #21837: QGIS 3+ Print Layout very-very slow zooming and manipulations with elements
- Evgeniy Z wrote:
> Giovanni Manghi wrote:
> > I can't replicate this here, would you mind attaching a sample projec... -
05:28 PM Bug report #21837: QGIS 3+ Print Layout very-very slow zooming and manipulations with elements
- Notice that rendering is quickly both in the main window and in the layout.
05:04 PM Bug report #21837: QGIS 3+ Print Layout very-very slow zooming and manipulations with elements
- Giovanni Manghi wrote:
> I can't replicate this here, would you mind attaching a sample project+data?
Sorry, I mi... -
05:04 PM Bug report #21837: QGIS 3+ Print Layout very-very slow zooming and manipulations with elements
- Giovanni Manghi wrote:
> I can't replicate this here, would you mind attaching a sample project+data?
Sorry, I mi... -
05:04 PM Bug report #21837: QGIS 3+ Print Layout very-very slow zooming and manipulations with elements
- Giovanni Manghi wrote:
> I can't replicate this here, would you mind attaching a sample project+data?
Sorry, I mi... -
10:24 PM Revision 27fc3816 (qgis): fix comment
- 09:26 PM Revision d0e24e8b (qgis): Add QgsProcessingAlgorithm::parameterAsBoolean
- For consistency
Alias to QgsProcessingAlgorithm::parameterAsBool(), because the parameter class is called
QgsProcess... -
08:04 PM Bug report #21803 (Closed): error while trying to instal the OTB, can anybody help me to fix this ?
- Mila C wrote:
> Giovanni Manghi wrote:
> > Have you followed the instructions here? https://gitlab.orfeo-toolbox.or... -
08:04 PM Bug report #21803 (Closed): error while trying to instal the OTB, can anybody help me to fix this ?
- Mila C wrote:
> Giovanni Manghi wrote:
> > Have you followed the instructions here? https://gitlab.orfeo-toolbox.or... -
05:59 PM Bug report #21803: error while trying to instal the OTB, can anybody help me to fix this ?
- Giovanni Manghi wrote:
> Have you followed the instructions here? -
06:18 PM Feature request #21692: XYZ Tiles base map not working on QGIS Server with GetMap wms request
- Solved:...
06:18 PM Feature request #21692: XYZ Tiles base map not working on QGIS Server with GetMap wms request
- Solved:...
05:57 PM Feature request #21692: XYZ Tiles base map not working on QGIS Server with GetMap wms request
- Unfortunately, it still does not work; from apache2 error log:...
- 04:46 PM Revision 458dd675 (qgis): Merge pull request #9752 from mbernasocchi/backport-9691-to-release-3_6
- Backport 9691 to release 3 6
04:44 PM Bug report #20091: WCS request for a GeoServer ImageMosaic reports invalid layer provider
- I have a bit of an update. Tried providing the same data in EPSG:3857 through Geoserver and it rendered properly with...
03:57 PM Revision d3f6a5f9 (qgis): Merge pull request #9780 from elpaso/bugfix-plugins-dependencies-missin...
- Handle broken plugins when searching for dependencies
03:21 PM Bug report #21807 (Open): WFS update and delete transaction doesn't work (sometimes)
03:19 PM Bug report #21807: WFS update and delete transaction doesn't work (sometimes)
- It worked in 2.18, but AFAIK not in any of the 3.x versions
The error is elusive... You can make maybe 30 edits wo... - 03:19 PM Revision 5376b975 (qgis): fis old test that expected wrong value
- Signed-off-by: Marco Bernasocchi <[email protected]>
03:14 PM Bug report #21808: QGIS can load again
- Navid Taheri wrote:
> I didn't any changes to file permission.
I wasn't implying that you did it willingly. sudo... -
02:19 PM Bug report #21808: QGIS can load again
- Jürgen Fischer wrote:
> Navid Taheri wrote:
> > Johannes Kroeger wrote:
> > > Have you tried turning your computer... -
01:43 PM Bug report #21808: QGIS can load again
- Navid Taheri wrote:
> Johannes Kroeger wrote:
> > Have you tried turning your computer off and on again? Have you t... -
12:40 PM Bug report #21808: QGIS can load again
- Johannes Kroeger wrote:
> Have you tried turning your computer off and on again? Have you tried reinstalling QGIS?
... -
03:07 PM Revision 568260c7 (qgis): Merge pull request #9778 from qgis/backport-9763-to-release-3_4
- [Backport release-3_4] Apply SLD PointSymbolizer on single centroid for polygon
03:06 PM Revision 2a46246b (qgis): Merge pull request #9779 from qgis/backport-9763-to-release-3_6
- [Backport release-3_6] Apply SLD PointSymbolizer on single centroid for polygon
03:03 PM Bug report #21819: gdal2tiles very slow compared to QGIS 2.18
- Giovanni Manghi wrote:
> Karsten Tebling wrote:
> > Giovanni Manghi wrote:
> > > Interesting:
> > >
> > > same... -
02:42 PM Bug report #21819: gdal2tiles very slow compared to QGIS 2.18
- Karsten Tebling wrote:
> Giovanni Manghi wrote:
> > Interesting:
> >
> > same exact command generated in both v... -
10:22 AM Bug report #21819: gdal2tiles very slow compared to QGIS 2.18
- Giovanni Manghi wrote:
> Interesting:
> same exact command generated in both versions?
> can you see any ... -
03:01 PM Bug report #21841 (Feedback): QGIS crashes on exit
- Please try with a new/clean qgis profile, no 3rd party plugins installed-
03:01 PM Bug report #21841 (Feedback): QGIS crashes on exit
- Please try with a new/clean qgis profile, no 3rd party plugins installed-
03:01 PM Bug report #21841 (Feedback): QGIS crashes on exit
- Please try with a new/clean qgis profile, no 3rd party plugins installed-
02:59 PM Bug report #21841 (Feedback): QGIS crashes on exit
- h2. User Feedback
Hello, QGIS crashes from time to time when I try to exit it via the Windows Exit Button.
I di... -
02:43 PM Bug report #21840 (Closed): Geopackage - wrong string length
02:02 PM Bug report #21840 (Closed): Geopackage - wrong string length
- When I try to export string data from csv to geopackage "String" columns are converted to String(255) also if they co...
02:38 PM Revision 507e327c (qgis): Handle broken plugins when searching for dependencies
- 02:13 PM Revision 68cc88c0 (qgis): replace Size Error with InvalidParameterValue
- Signed-off-by: Marco Bernasocchi <[email protected]>
01:57 PM Revision aa297b51 (qgis): Merge pull request #9763 from rldhont/sld-point-symbolizer-on-polygon-c...
- Apply SLD PointSymbolizer on single centroid for polygon
12:32 PM Revision 052b2221 (qgis): Test apply SLD PointSymbolizer on single centroid for polygon
12:32 PM Revision 5b40aebd (qgis): Test apply SLD PointSymbolizer on single centroid for polygon
12:32 PM Revision 5538cf88 (qgis): Test apply SLD PointSymbolizer on single centroid for polygon
12:32 PM Revision a9c7f834 (qgis): Sibling of 052b22219604e136dde9596bd2f2e4ed98fc062f
12:27 PM Bug report #21829 (Closed): Vertices remain highlighted on one feature after finish using Vertex ...
- I am closing this one, because none of the issues I am seeing in 3.4.6 on our Citrix server are reproducible in my lo...
- 09:45 AM Revision a0a8e49e (qgis): Merge pull request #9777 from mbernasocchi/fix_maxwmswidth
- [server] fix wmsMaxHeightEnv leftover code
09:31 AM Revision 6092d569 (qgis): Merge pull request #9776 from pblottiere/server_params
- [server] Fallback to unmanaged parameters
- 09:05 AM Revision c1546d9d (qgis): fix wmsMaxHeightEnv leftover code
- Signed-off-by: Marco Bernasocchi <[email protected]>
- 09:01 AM Revision b9a807b6 (qgis): Update src/server/services/wms/qgswmsrenderer.cpp
- Co-Authored-By: mbernasocchi <[email protected]>
- 08:57 AM Revision d34e95a4 (qgis): Merge branch 'release-3_6' into backport-9691-to-release-3_6
- 08:34 AM Revision e1756f56 (qgis): Merge pull request #9757 from lbartoletti/backport-9379-to-release-3_6
- backport #9379 to release-3_6
- 08:33 AM Revision 336647cd (qgis): Merge pull request #9758 from lbartoletti/backport-9651-on-release-3_6
- Backport #9651 on release 3 6
11:30 PM Bug report #21839: QgsDataSourceUri parameter checkPrimaryKeyUnicity is ignored for postgres prov...
- Interesting... if this will not get traction I suggest you to raise the matter in the developers mailing list. Thanks!
11:24 PM Bug report #21839 (Closed): QgsDataSourceUri parameter checkPrimaryKeyUnicity is ignored for post...
- Initial loading time of large PostgreSQL views (> 10 million records) seems to have increased considerably compared t...
11:28 PM Bug report #21834 (Feedback): Split feature adds auto incremental number, no way to stop that
- I can't confirm with data of my own (but the same identical constraint), I'm using 3.6.1 on Ubuntu.
11:28 PM Bug report #21834 (Feedback): Split feature adds auto incremental number, no way to stop that
- I can't confirm with data of my own (but the same identical constraint), I'm using 3.6.1 on Ubuntu.
10:51 AM Bug report #21834: Split feature adds auto incremental number, no way to stop that
Here is a picture if the attribute table properties:
10:48 AM Bug report #21834: Split feature adds auto incremental number, no way to stop that
- Just to add that Add feature does not have such behavior, and is working correctly.
10:47 AM Bug report #21834 (Feedback): Split feature adds auto incremental number, no way to stop that
- I have a PostGIS layer with a field (named tr_link_id) with constrained:
CONSTRAINT tr_link_id_null_or_bigger_than_z... -
11:23 PM Feature request #21687 (Closed): QGIS Server/Desktop: Configurable thousand separators per field/...
11:15 PM Bug report #21809: when pasting features to postgresql layer, attributes that are a primary key d...
- Sebastian Brocks wrote:
> See the attached picture: "Pasted" contains the features I want to copy into "nullpunkt". ... -
09:15 AM Bug report #21809: when pasting features to postgresql layer, attributes that are a primary key d...
- See the attached picture: "Pasted" contains the features I want to copy into "nullpunkt". What you see in nullpunkt i...
09:12 AM Bug report #21809: when pasting features to postgresql layer, attributes that are a primary key d...
- Yes they do
10:21 PM Bug report #21837 (Feedback): QGIS 3+ Print Layout very-very slow zooming and manipulations with ...
- Evgeniy Z wrote:
> Hello.
> First of all, QGIS 2 has no such problem! All fine.
> For QGis 3+ versions on ... -
04:50 PM Bug report #21837 (Feedback): QGIS 3+ Print Layout very-very slow zooming and manipulations with ...
- Hello.
First of all, QGIS 2 has no such problem! All fine.
For QGis 3+ versions on the same computers:
If ther... -
10:18 PM Bug report #21820: after merging selected features, which appears successful; edits will not save...
- QGIS (so also OGR I think) see it as
Polygon (Polygon)
so it is expected it does not accept mult... -
11:52 AM Bug report #21820: after merging selected features, which appears successful; edits will not save...
- Sample uploaded - thanks
I have noted that it is TAB format that won't commit - this was the format of my source dat... -
10:14 PM Bug report #21829 (Open): Vertices remain highlighted on one feature after finish using Vertex Ed...
04:59 PM Bug report #21829: Vertices remain highlighted on one feature after finish using Vertex Editor
- You may be right there. However, I think it will confuse a lot of people. I will see whether we can arrange a fix wit...
04:20 PM Bug report #21829: Vertices remain highlighted on one feature after finish using Vertex Editor
> I think this is a regression, because the feature vertex highlight lock was not available in 2.18
the digitizi...-
12:22 PM Bug report #21829: Vertices remain highlighted on one feature after finish using Vertex Editor
- I realised my steps need another amendment. Step 1 should say:
"1. Use the Vertex Editor tool to right-click and loc... -
10:03 PM Feature request #21838 (Open): Number of symbols per symbol category in Categorized Renderer View
- I'd like to see the number of symbols appear for each symbol catgory in the Symbology tab of the Layer properties.
08:17 PM Revision 717501d6 (qgis): Merge pull request #9727 from signedav/backport_SRCWIDTH
- [Backport release-3_6] of SRCHEIGHT/SRCWIDTH for GetLegendGraphic request
08:16 PM Revision 2b35644d (qgis): Merge pull request #9726 from signedav/backport34_SRCWIDTH
- [Backport release-3_4] of SRCHEIGHT/SRCWIDTH for GetLegendGraphic request
08:16 PM Bug report #21833: Topological editing now working when the data CRS is different from project CRS
- Confirmed here also on Linux, pretty severe regression.
08:16 PM Bug report #21833: Topological editing now working when the data CRS is different from project CRS
- Confirmed here also on Linux, pretty severe regression.
08:16 PM Bug report #21833: Topological editing now working when the data CRS is different from project CRS
- Confirmed here also on Linux, pretty severe regression.
08:16 PM Bug report #21833: Topological editing now working when the data CRS is different from project CRS
- Confirmed here also on Linux, pretty severe regression.
10:10 AM Bug report #21833 (Open): Topological editing now working when the data CRS is different from pro...
- When the data CRS is different from project CRS the Topological Editing mode is not working. It is selecting only the...
07:12 PM Revision fab52545 (qgis): using correct pictures and additional comments
05:01 PM Revision fa8e5fa3 (qgis): add test files and correct image
05:01 PM Revision c22effb5 (qgis): add for second case as well the default scale fallback
04:51 PM Revision 16ba9a87 (qgis): removed /since 3.8 and entered 3.4 instead because of backport
04:46 PM Revision 95cfcf92 (qgis): removed the /since 3.8 and entered 3.4
04:22 PM Bug report #21822 (Open): Cannot load multivariable netcdf files
10:13 AM Bug report #21822: Cannot load multivariable netcdf files
- I solved partially the problem.
I changed the name of dimensions from x to X, from y to Y, and from Years to Time a... -
04:20 PM Bug report #21563: buggy profile results in two instances starting
- Gavin Fleming wrote:
> I haven't tried the Lutra installer yet.
if you can please try it. -
12:00 PM Bug report #21563: buggy profile results in two instances starting
- I haven't tried the Lutra installer yet.
I am talking about QGIS profile, not the OS profile. -
04:17 PM Bug report #21832 (Closed): can't set virtual fields length
01:19 PM Bug report #21832: can't set virtual fields length
- Your right! It's only diferent from the previous versions! I think I see the previous out wiht NULL and I didn't go a...
04:16 PM Bug report #21831: QGIS crashes on exit
- Chris Pierpoint wrote:
> Crashes on exit after working on project file created in v3.2. Does not appear to corrupt ... -
01:55 PM Bug report #21831: QGIS crashes on exit
- Crashes on exit after working on project file created in v3.2. Does not appear to corrupt data.
04:11 PM Revision 8e62a89c (qgis): add correct layer to testproject
03:17 PM Bug report #21836: Copy/Paste fails in Postgis layer null value in column "gid" violates not-nul...
- "gid" column is here the primary key
QGIS 3.4.6 doesn't fix the issue
QGIS 3.6 fix it, can you bring the patch ... -
03:14 PM Bug report #21836 (Open): Copy/Paste fails in Postgis layer null value in column "gid" violates ...
- When copy/past features from Shapefile layer to Postgis layer, an error occure "null value in column "gid" violates n...
02:51 PM Revision 1d6a7dd5 (qgis): replace image with the expected one from test
02:42 PM Revision f2b0b494 (qgis): fix comments
02:42 PM Revision 74261104 (qgis): backport of SRCWIDTH/SRCHEIGHT
- it takes these values as map size in case of GetLegendGraphics Request and still HEIGHT and WIDTH if not a GetLegendG...
02:08 PM Revision 755c8ff3 (qgis): fix tests
02:08 PM Revision 7f7d9109 (qgis): tooltip and label text
01:57 PM Revision f6970faa (qgis): Merge pull request #9772 from pblottiere/wms_fix
- [server] Fixes WMS 1.3.0 certification
01:23 PM Revision a8a729b2 (qgis): Add test for an unkown parameter
01:14 PM Revision 518e2080 (qgis): Add unit test
01:14 PM Revision 74943df9 (qgis): Add a fallback to unmanaged parameters
12:36 PM Revision 96f054e1 (qgis): tests for default mapunits per mm on EPSG:4326
11:58 AM Bug report #21835 (Feedback): Plugin update progress dialog steals focus
- I don't understand: that's what modal dialogs do.
What is the expected behavior? -
11:33 AM Bug report #21835 (Open): Plugin update progress dialog steals focus
- Have your Desktop Environment/Window Manager set up to not give focus to new windows
Open the plugin m... - 11:47 AM Revision e445a25c (qgis): [Backport release-3_4] Return 501 on 'OperationNotSupported' error (#9770)
- Return 501 HTTP statues code 'OperationNotSupported' Error
According to OGC/OWS standard, 'OperationNotSupported' Er... - 11:46 AM Revision 31eec91e (qgis): [Backport release-3_6] Return 501 on 'OperationNotSupported' error (#9771)
- Return 501 HTTP statues code 'OperationNotSupported' Error
According to OGC/OWS standard, 'OperationNotSupported' Er... -
11:42 AM Revision de8f258c (qgis): Sibling of 7ef426b0efa446b400c33c3447b90fa6d01d8f47
11:42 AM Revision 3d7cc160 (qgis): fix crash because of uninitialized widget
11:42 AM Revision 1c3cfd1e (qgis): use calculation factor for scale
11:42 AM Revision 10b5f085 (qgis): scale instead of map units in case of projection
11:42 AM Revision 679b100f (qgis): tests for default scale on EPSG:2056
11:42 AM Revision dd3d2a26 (qgis): Sibling of 7ef426b0efa446b400c33c3447b90fa6d01d8f47
11:42 AM Revision 7ef426b0 (qgis): using of configured default map units per mm for legend symbols in case...
11:36 AM Revision 1333be1e (qgis): Update unit tests
11:36 AM Revision 8e67b26e (qgis): Update enum
11:27 AM Bug report #21824: value map widget saves description in stead of value to attribute table
- I think the *.dbf-file of a shapefile can be seen as its underlying database even though it's only one table. As for ...
10:52 AM Bug report #21824 (Rejected): value map widget saves description in stead of value to attribute t...
- Robin Rotsaert wrote:
> Just checked. In the database the values are saved correct!
> So I guess I totally mis... -
10:52 AM Bug report #21824 (Rejected): value map widget saves description in stead of value to attribute t...
- Robin Rotsaert wrote:
> Just checked. In the database the values are saved correct!
> So I guess I totally mis... -
10:24 AM Bug report #21824: value map widget saves description in stead of value to attribute table
- Just checked. In the database the values are saved correct!
So I guess I totally misunderstood the concept of thi... -
09:01 AM Bug report #21824: value map widget saves description in stead of value to attribute table
- Did you check what is actually saved into the database?
Because in the attribute table you won't see the actual va... -
08:32 AM Bug report #21824: value map widget saves description in stead of value to attribute table
- I checked again in a blank project and still have the same problem. See attached screenshot. I created a multi-polygo...
11:04 AM Revision dd2aaa52 (qgis): Fix backport: QgsServiceException::OGC_OPERATION_NOT_SUPPORTED does not...
11:03 AM Revision 8ac6140a (qgis): Fix backport: QgsServiceException::OGC_OPERATION_NOT_SUPPORTED does not...
09:25 AM Revision 3ec23ca2 (qgis): Add unit tests
09:25 AM Revision b2b33aff (qgis): Update exception code string for CRS/SRS issues
09:22 AM Revision 09b8a577 (qgis): Merge pull request #9769 from dmarteau/Fix-OperationNotSupported-http-code
- Return 501 on 'OperationNotSupported' error
- 08:42 AM Revision 9d5fa5bf (qgis): Return 501 on 'OperationNotSupported' error
- 08:42 AM Revision 69728d4c (qgis): Return 501 on 'OperationNotSupported' error
- 08:42 AM Revision 39f1f64d (qgis): Sibling of 69728d4c1d3deb4741021863271178296ec65a61
- 08:42 AM Revision e6e4b86b (qgis): Return 501 on 'OperationNotSupported' error
- 08:42 AM Revision a321077e (qgis): Sibling of 69728d4c1d3deb4741021863271178296ec65a61
- 07:40 AM Revision 6792d236 (qgis): Merge pull request #9768 from m-kuhn/qobject_cast
- Use qobject_cast instead of dynamic_cast
10:23 PM Revision 33139f34 (qgis): [QgsQuick] Updated value relation widget
- Renamed and simplified shared ComboBox component - now its just styled component without functionality. All has to be...
10:23 PM Revision 3c7a1608 (qgis): Formatted code
10:23 PM Revision e06652e2 (qgis): [QgsQuick] Refactored QgsQuickValueMap and QgsQuickValueRelation widget...
10:23 PM Revision 7631ddd1 (qgis): [QgsQuick] Value Relation widget
- Added a widget for value relation field time of a feature form.
10:23 PM Revision f8e43318 (qgis): [QgsQuick] Fixed init error and added qml file to the list.
- Added new widget to qgsquick.qrc list
Get rid of error on qgsquickrelation widget init, when currentMap variable is u... -
09:34 PM Bug report #21812: Copy & Paste of Symbol from one category to another broken
- Brett Carlock wrote:
> Giovanni Manghi wrote:
> > my hunch is that it was never implemented, so this would be a fea... -
09:20 PM Bug report #21812: Copy & Paste of Symbol from one category to another broken
- Giovanni Manghi wrote:
> my hunch is that it was never implemented, so this would be a feature request. But I can be... -
07:51 PM Bug report #21812: Copy & Paste of Symbol from one category to another broken
> Yes, that would be correct. However, I've only just discovered/tried to use this as of yesterday under 3.6.1, so ...-
07:48 PM Bug report #21812: Copy & Paste of Symbol from one category to another broken
- Giovanni Manghi wrote:
> so it actually never worked as expected (maybe because it was never implemented in the firs... -
07:39 PM Bug report #21812: Copy & Paste of Symbol from one category to another broken
> Unless the context menu entries for copy/paste of Style Symbols are just place-holders, in which case I guess thi...-
07:36 PM Bug report #21812: Copy & Paste of Symbol from one category to another broken
- Giovanni Manghi wrote:
> is this is a bug or a feature request?
Bug, as filed.
Unless the context menu entries ... -
05:17 PM Bug report #21812 (Feedback): Copy & Paste of Symbol from one category to another broken
- is this is a bug or a feature request?
09:13 PM Bug report #21805: Filter on GeoPackage against column with data type Boolean does not work
- Giovanni Manghi wrote:
> just tried with the postgresql datatype boolean, still works.
> But I can confirm that wit... -
09:13 PM Bug report #21805: Filter on GeoPackage against column with data type Boolean does not work
- Giovanni Manghi wrote:
> just tried with the postgresql datatype boolean, still works.
> But I can confirm that wit... -
07:57 PM Bug report #21805 (Open): Filter on GeoPackage against column with data type Boolean does not work
- Brett Carlock wrote:
> Giovanni Manghi wrote:
> > I can't confirm here.
> > I tested using a postGIS vector, with ... -
07:57 PM Bug report #21805 (Open): Filter on GeoPackage against column with data type Boolean does not work
- Brett Carlock wrote:
> Giovanni Manghi wrote:
> > I can't confirm here.
> > I tested using a postGIS vector, with ... -
07:43 PM Bug report #21805: Filter on GeoPackage against column with data type Boolean does not work
- Giovanni Manghi wrote:
> I can't confirm here.
> I tested using a postGIS vector, with a column of type varchar cal... -
05:56 PM Bug report #21805 (Feedback): Filter on GeoPackage against column with data type Boolean does not...
- I can't confirm here.
I tested using a postGIS vector, with a column of type varchar called "affected" and some feat... - 08:10 PM Revision 7bc70921 (qgis): Use qobject_cast instead of dynamic_cast
08:05 PM Bug report #21832 (Feedback): can't set virtual fields length
- It does not seem to be a block anyway... or is it? Does it prevent you to fill a virtual text field with the result o...
08:05 PM Bug report #21832 (Feedback): can't set virtual fields length
- It does not seem to be a block anyway... or is it? Does it prevent you to fill a virtual text field with the result o...
08:05 PM Bug report #21832 (Feedback): can't set virtual fields length
- It does not seem to be a block anyway... or is it? Does it prevent you to fill a virtual text field with the result o...
08:05 PM Bug report #21832 (Feedback): can't set virtual fields length
- It does not seem to be a block anyway... or is it? Does it prevent you to fill a virtual text field with the result o...
07:31 PM Bug report #21832 (Closed): can't set virtual fields length
- I'd like to report a bug when someone tries to create a virtual database field. Actually only works for whole number ...
07:33 PM Bug report #21831 (Feedback): QGIS crashes on exit
- please try with a new/clean qgis profile.
07:33 PM Bug report #21831 (Feedback): QGIS crashes on exit
- please try with a new/clean qgis profile.
07:33 PM Bug report #21831 (Feedback): QGIS crashes on exit
- please try with a new/clean qgis profile.
07:33 PM Bug report #21831 (Feedback): QGIS crashes on exit
- please try with a new/clean qgis profile.
07:33 PM Bug report #21831 (Feedback): QGIS crashes on exit
- please try with a new/clean qgis profile.
07:30 PM Bug report #21831 (Feedback): QGIS crashes on exit
- Everytime that I click on exit button, the QGIS crashes. It does not show me the option "do you want to save, discard...
07:25 PM Feature request #21830 (Open): Make extent of spatial bookmarks visible
- I'd like to see the possibility to have the extent of spatial bookmarks be visible. This could help in the overview m...
07:14 PM Bug report #21783: Error reading netCDF with multiple bands
- Giovanni Manghi wrote:
> giu mas wrote:
> > Mmm... I disagree since it does not work on my OSGeolive VM (I can shar... -
07:07 PM Bug report #21783: Error reading netCDF with multiple bands
- giu mas wrote:
> Mmm... I disagree since it does not work on my OSGeolive VM (I can share the VM with you).
I can... -
07:03 PM Bug report #21783: Error reading netCDF with multiple bands
- Mmm... I disagree since it does not work on my OSGeolive VM (I can share the VM with you).
Furthermore, there are ... -
06:40 PM Bug report #21783: Error reading netCDF with multiple bands
- Yeah I can see it on Windows... but on Linux definitely works here.
- 07:13 PM Revision 14509855 (qgis): Merge pull request #9737 from jef-n/postgres-unittest-2826ba34f
- unit test for 2826ba34f
- 07:12 PM Revision d2c69996 (qgis): Merge pull request #9742 from m-kuhn/repeatable_xml_order
- Make .qgs project file XML element order stable
06:51 PM Bug report #21809: when pasting features to postgresql layer, attributes that are a primary key d...
> I have a temporary scratch layer with a few point features with two attributes, one integer of length 10, and one...-
05:55 PM Bug report #21809: when pasting features to postgresql layer, attributes that are a primary key d...
- Here's the sql for the table:
CREATE TABLE public.nullpunkt(
nummer integer NOT NULL,
bezeichnung varchar(1) N... -
05:24 PM Bug report #21809 (Feedback): when pasting features to postgresql layer, attributes that are a pr...
- Can you please detail the precise steps to replicate (also the sql used to create the table and the PK with the a att...
06:48 PM Bug report #21815 (Open): Editing a GeoPackage feature with spaces in the field names can crash QGIS
06:47 PM Bug report #21815: Editing a GeoPackage feature with spaces in the field names can crash QGIS
- Yes, I went to Settings -> New Profile to create a new profile. I get the same crash under Windows and Mac OS with th...
06:38 PM Bug report #21815: Editing a GeoPackage feature with spaces in the field names can crash QGIS
- Matt Yoder wrote:
> I can reproduce the crash with a clean profile on both Windows and Mac OS. However, I noticed in... -
06:36 PM Bug report #21815: Editing a GeoPackage feature with spaces in the field names can crash QGIS
- I can reproduce the crash with a clean profile on both Windows and Mac OS. However, I noticed in my testing that not ...
05:23 PM Bug report #21815 (Feedback): Editing a GeoPackage feature with spaces in the field names can cra...
- No crash here on 3.6.1 on linux.
Please also try a new/clean (qgis) profile, no 3rd party plugins installed. -
05:23 PM Bug report #21815 (Feedback): Editing a GeoPackage feature with spaces in the field names can cra...
- No crash here on 3.6.1 on linux.
Please also try a new/clean (qgis) profile, no 3rd party plugins installed. -
05:23 PM Bug report #21815 (Feedback): Editing a GeoPackage feature with spaces in the field names can cra...
- No crash here on 3.6.1 on linux.
Please also try a new/clean (qgis) profile, no 3rd party plugins installed. -
06:29 PM Bug report #21797: parameter type error in SAGA Gaussian Filter
- Unfortunately doing a Pull Request" is way above my knowledge level. I would greatly appreciate some competent perso...
05:27 PM Bug report #21797 (Feedback): parameter type error in SAGA Gaussian Filter
- Garth Fletcher wrote:
> Proof of concept: editing /Applications/ -
05:27 PM Bug report #21797 (Feedback): parameter type error in SAGA Gaussian Filter
- Garth Fletcher wrote:
> Proof of concept: editing /Applications/ -
05:27 PM Bug report #21797 (Feedback): parameter type error in SAGA Gaussian Filter
- Garth Fletcher wrote:
> Proof of concept: editing /Applications/ -
06:18 PM Bug report #21819 (Feedback): gdal2tiles very slow compared to QGIS 2.18
- Interesting:
same exact command generated in both versions?
can you see any difference in running the command ... -
06:18 PM Bug report #21819 (Feedback): gdal2tiles very slow compared to QGIS 2.18
- Interesting:
same exact command generated in both versions?
can you see any difference in running the command ... -
10:43 AM Bug report #21819 (Feedback): gdal2tiles very slow compared to QGIS 2.18
- I tried to generate tiles for zoom levels 10-11 for a roughly 2GB compressed DOP, with QGIS 3.6.1 it took about 581 m...
06:12 PM Bug report #21802 (Feedback): Overwrite of layer within Geopackage does not trigger updates/clean...
- I believe that this is more general, so #21814 could be closed.
06:10 PM Bug report #21814 (Open): source fields list does not update when layer is overwritten
> I can't speak to any other database engine than geopackage, as that is all I use at current.
> However, it i...-
06:10 PM Bug report #21814 (Open): source fields list does not update when layer is overwritten
> I can't speak to any other database engine than geopackage, as that is all I use at current.
> However, it i...-
06:07 PM Bug report #21803 (Feedback): error while trying to instal the OTB, can anybody help me to fix th...
- Have you followed the instructions here?
06:07 PM Bug report #21803 (Feedback): error while trying to instal the OTB, can anybody help me to fix th...
- Have you followed the instructions here?
06:06 PM Bug report #21746: SAGA OpenCV Image Analysis
- Nikola Kranjčić wrote:
> I am trying some of the machine learning modules, for example, Artificial Neural Network. I... -
05:59 PM Bug report #21829 (Feedback): Vertices remain highlighted on one feature after finish using Verte...
- Is a regression compared to... 2.18?
05:55 PM Bug report #21829: Vertices remain highlighted on one feature after finish using Vertex Editor
- Step 3 perhaps should say: "3. The Vertex Editor panel disappears, but the big red dots remain and will not disappear."
05:53 PM Bug report #21829 (Closed): Vertices remain highlighted on one feature after finish using Vertex ...
- The issue goes like this:
1. Use the Vertex Editor tool to highlight the vertices of one feature, so they are the ... -
05:38 PM Bug report #21792 (Feedback): Crash when creating mapset
- Duplicate of #20327 ?
05:38 PM Bug report #21792 (Feedback): Crash when creating mapset
- Duplicate of #20327 ?
05:33 PM Bug report #21804 (Open): Qgshandlebadlayers Browse button not working
> This is not an actual question but more of a rhetorical one at the end.
05:31 PM Bug report #21804: Qgshandlebadlayers Browse button not working
- Giovanni Manghi wrote:
> Isn't this a better fit for a question in the qgis developers mailing list?
Doubtfully, ... -
05:26 PM Bug report #21804 (Feedback): Qgshandlebadlayers Browse button not working
- Isn't this a better fit for a question in the qgis developers mailing list?
05:26 PM Bug report #21804 (Feedback): Qgshandlebadlayers Browse button not working
- Isn't this a better fit for a question in the qgis developers mailing list?
05:28 PM Bug report #21786 (Open): Processing toolbox "fix geometries" does not handle array fields
05:27 PM Bug report #21786: Processing toolbox "fix geometries" does not handle array fields
- Giovanni Manghi wrote:
> Is this a problem of the specific tool in the subject, or a general one of any tool in the ... -
05:21 PM Bug report #21741 (Open): "Check geometries" tool does not fixes errors (overlaps)
05:19 PM Bug report #21806 (Feedback): qgis crashes after panning the map canvas
- Hi, subject and description must be in English. Thanks for understanding.
Please try working with a new/clean (qgi... -
05:19 PM Bug report #21806 (Feedback): qgis crashes after panning the map canvas
- Hi, subject and description must be in English. Thanks for understanding.
Please try working with a new/clean (qgi... -
05:19 PM Bug report #21806 (Feedback): qgis crashes after panning the map canvas
- Hi, subject and description must be in English. Thanks for understanding.
Please try working with a new/clean (qgi... -
05:17 PM Bug report #21459 (Feedback): DB manager does not confirm anymore that the creation of a PostGIS ...
- Anita Graser wrote:
> Looks ok in 3.6 at least
thanks Anita, I put this ticket in feedback as a reminder for me t... -
05:14 PM Revision 913dee2b (qgis): [QgsQuick] Feature form group styling
- Added margin to group title box - size and color properties have been added to group styling.
05:14 PM Revision 4a3bac82 (qgis): [QgsQuick] Feature form group styling
05:12 PM Bug report #21816 (Closed): Security issues in QT5
- This should be raised in the developer mailing list (is not a bug in qgis code anyway).
05:12 PM Bug report #21816 (Closed): Security issues in QT5
- This should be raised in the developer mailing list (is not a bug in qgis code anyway).
05:12 PM Bug report #21816 (Closed): Security issues in QT5
- This should be raised in the developer mailing list (is not a bug in qgis code anyway).
05:11 PM Bug report #21820 (Feedback): after merging selected features, which appears successful; edits wi...
- Please attach sample data.
05:11 PM Bug report #21820 (Feedback): after merging selected features, which appears successful; edits wi...
- Please attach sample data.
10:45 AM Bug report #21820 (Feedback): after merging selected features, which appears successful; edits wi...
- after digitising new polygons into an existing dataset i want to merge two to make a multipart polygon. This appears ...
05:10 PM Bug report #21822: Cannot load multivariable netcdf files
- Also possibly duplicate of #21783
05:10 PM Bug report #21822: Cannot load multivariable netcdf files
- Also possibly duplicate of #21783
05:10 PM Bug report #21822: Cannot load multivariable netcdf files
- Also possibly duplicate of #21783
05:09 PM Bug report #21822 (Feedback): Cannot load multivariable netcdf files
- Please attach sample data, thanks!
12:52 PM Bug report #21822: Cannot load multivariable netcdf files
- An update:
when from my python script were I generate the netcdf I select a single variable from my mutivariable dat... -
12:47 PM Bug report #21822 (Open): Cannot load multivariable netcdf files
- I upgraded QGis and I cannot load some netcdf anymore. All the file multivariable that I have cannot be read.
The n... -
05:09 PM Bug report #15471 (Open): Hide all column in attribute table: colmun can't be displayed back
12:55 PM Bug report #15471: Hide all column in attribute table: colmun can't be displayed back
- This is still an issue in 3.4.4. If you hide all the columns you can't right click a column header to bring up the "O...
05:05 PM Bug report #21824 (Feedback): value map widget saves description in stead of value to attribute t...
- You sure? in the context of the *QGIS PROJECT* where the widget is set it always shows the description. You must chec...
05:05 PM Bug report #21824 (Feedback): value map widget saves description in stead of value to attribute t...
- You sure? in the context of the *QGIS PROJECT* where the widget is set it always shows the description. You must chec...
01:42 PM Bug report #21824 (Rejected): value map widget saves description in stead of value to attribute t...
- This was subject of an old bug report (#8818) , but I think it should be reopened. I'm working on Qgis 3.6.0 on Winds...
04:32 PM Feature request #21826: GML_ATTRIBUTES_TO_OGR_FIELDS=YES by default when loading GML
- I also think that this would be very useful.
04:32 PM Feature request #21826: GML_ATTRIBUTES_TO_OGR_FIELDS=YES by default when loading GML
- I also think that this would be very useful.
03:26 PM Feature request #21826 (Open): GML_ATTRIBUTES_TO_OGR_FIELDS=YES by default when loading GML
- We work in Europe for the Joint Research Centre (European Commission) as technical coordinator of the EU INSPIRE Dire...
04:31 PM Bug report #21827 (Closed): QGIS Crashed on exit
03:44 PM Bug report #21827 (Closed): QGIS Crashed on exit
- Crash ID: f4475de87e6a815390b3363a83d3fb7ae10fc9c9
Stack Trace
proj_lpz_dist :
proj_lpz_dist :
proj_lpz_d... -
04:30 PM Bug report #18799 (Feedback): Crash on exit from qgis 3.0.2
- Please try with:
a recent version of qgis 3.4 or 3.6
a new/clean qgis profile -
04:30 PM Bug report #18799 (Feedback): Crash on exit from qgis 3.0.2
- Please try with:
a recent version of qgis 3.4 or 3.6
a new/clean qgis profile -
04:30 PM Bug report #18799 (Feedback): Crash on exit from qgis 3.0.2
- Please try with:
a recent version of qgis 3.4 or 3.6
a new/clean qgis profile -
04:28 PM Bug report #21828: Crash on switching back and forth between junction and and dot-object tool
- I'm not sure what the "junction and and dot-object tools" are, can you detail?
also try with a new/clean qgis prof... -
04:28 PM Bug report #21828: Crash on switching back and forth between junction and and dot-object tool
- I'm not sure what the "junction and and dot-object tools" are, can you detail?
also try with a new/clean qgis prof... -
04:28 PM Bug report #21828: Crash on switching back and forth between junction and and dot-object tool
- I'm not sure what the "junction and and dot-object tools" are, can you detail?
also try with a new/clean qgis prof... -
04:28 PM Bug report #21828: Crash on switching back and forth between junction and and dot-object tool
- I'm not sure what the "junction and and dot-object tools" are, can you detail?
also try with a new/clean qgis prof... -
04:28 PM Bug report #21828: Crash on switching back and forth between junction and and dot-object tool
- I'm not sure what the "junction and and dot-object tools" are, can you detail?
also try with a new/clean qgis prof... -
04:28 PM Bug report #21828: Crash on switching back and forth between junction and and dot-object tool
- I'm not sure what the "junction and and dot-object tools" are, can you detail?
also try with a new/clean qgis prof... -
04:28 PM Bug report #21828: Crash on switching back and forth between junction and and dot-object tool
- I'm not sure what the "junction and and dot-object tools" are, can you detail?
also try with a new/clean qgis prof... -
03:49 PM Bug report #21828 (Open): Crash on switching back and forth between junction and and dot-object tool
- QGis crashed and printed this report, when I was switching back and forth between junction and and dot-object tool.
... -
02:39 PM Revision 8d0566f0 (qgis): [gdal] Implement the data provider reloadData() function (fixes #20536)
02:39 PM Revision fdb82fc8 (qgis): [gdal] Implement the data provider reloadData() function (fixes #20536)
02:37 PM Feature request #21825 (Open): value relation widget having both a parent key value and a child k...
- when setting up drive down cascades with the value relation widget things get quite complicated when one wants to set...
02:33 PM Bug report #21808 (Feedback): QGIS can load again
02:32 PM Bug report #21808: QGIS can load again
- Have you tried turning your computer off and on again? Have you tried reinstalling QGIS?
09:28 AM Bug report #21808: QGIS can load again
- How fix this problem?...
01:58 PM Feature request #20372: Add "current_value" expression to other widgets
- I'm also in favor for this idea. This would make for smarter, more dynamic forms.
01:52 PM Feature request #20700: Add option to filter by expression in Relation Reference widget
- I'm also looking forward to this option.
01:34 PM Bug report #20536 (Closed): Redrawing raster layer after file changed in QGIS?
- Applied in changeset commit:qgis|e174577a6adacb920bb668da9d24281b308cd17c.
01:34 PM Bug report #20536 (Closed): Redrawing raster layer after file changed in QGIS?
- Applied in changeset commit:qgis|e174577a6adacb920bb668da9d24281b308cd17c.
01:33 PM Revision e174577a (qgis): [gdal] Implement the data provider reloadData() function (fixes #20536)
01:11 PM Bug report #21823 (Closed): Problem with token-secured WFS service from ArcGIS Server
- When I try to add a token-secured WFS service from ArcGIS Server I get this error message:
Layer ist ungültig: De... -
12:16 PM Bug report #21821 (Open): value relation widget not saved as default style within geopackage
- when using the value relation widget in the form of a layer within a geopackage and when saving these settings as def...
11:10 AM Revision 2e613b47 (qgis): Merge pull request #9765 from elpaso/fix-webkit-build
- Fix build without webkit
10:26 AM Revision 9e88c7bc (qgis): Sibling of 50304ef74ba01c2cfe19faf919750d79509ed88c
10:26 AM Revision 581b48da (qgis): [gdal] Implement the data provider reloadData() function (fixes #20536)
10:26 AM Revision 88212b00 (qgis): [gdal] Implement the data provider reloadData() function (fixes #20536)
10:22 AM Bug report #21818 (Open): Shortcut does not work when dock attribute table
- When attribute table is on the same windows as the main map (using dock attribute table), the shortcut ctrl+J is not ...
10:20 AM Revision cce1d697 (qgis): Fix build without webkit
10:10 AM Feature request #21817 (Open): Double click on selected row(s) would zoom on the feature
- It would be nice to zoom on a feature when double clicking on the row number on the left of the attribute table. I kn...
10:04 AM Bug report #21613 (Open): WMTS GetTile and/or WMS GetMap request flips x and y coordinates
03:06 AM Revision 9ce1093b (qgis): [FEATURE][ogr] Add string list field type support