Andreas Rabe


Reported issues: 5


04:08 AM QGIS Application Bug report #21956 (Rejected): QgsGradientColorRamp.invert returns None
QgsGradientColorRamp.invert is not returning a valid color ramp.
Tested in the QGIS Python Consol:...


03:49 PM QGIS Application Feature request #20849 (Closed): Give proper layer names for ProcessingAlgorithms output layers
For a fresh QGIS installation, output layer names are given by the algorithm, e.g. *"Polygons from lines"*, even if a...


02:34 PM QGIS Application Bug report #20839 (Open): QgsCheckableComboBox single item selection bug
Given a QgsCheckableComboBox with all items checked. Deselecting all items, but a single one. After clicking somewher...


10:16 AM QGIS Application Bug report #18502 (Closed): QGIS 3 Processing API does not generate fully qualified paths for out...
When using relative output filenames (e.g. for output raster layers) like 'output_raster.tif', the Processing Framewo...
10:01 AM QGIS Application Bug report #18501 (Closed): QGIS 3 Processing/Modeller generates invalid pathes for temporary out...
When using the default temporary output filename for an output map layer or an output file (i.e. "[Save to temporary ...

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