From 2011-09-25 to 2011-10-24
11:58 PM Bug report #4441: Expression parser: some expressions evaluate to NULL when they shouldn't
- I have just changed the title because it's related to the underlying expression parser more then anything else.
11:58 PM Bug report #4441: Expression parser: some expressions evaluate to NULL when they shouldn't
- I have just changed the title because it's related to the underlying expression parser more then anything else.
11:58 PM Bug report #4441: Expression parser: some expressions evaluate to NULL when they shouldn't
- I have just changed the title because it's related to the underlying expression parser more then anything else.
11:49 PM Bug report #4441 (Closed): Expression parser: some expressions evaluate to NULL when they shouldn't
- example 1:
I can create a string attribute field called "test1" and fill it using @$perimeter@
I can then fill it usi... -
11:28 PM Feature request #2225 (Closed): Regular expressions support for field calculator
- regexp_replace() was implemented a few months back - see #4099.
11:28 PM Feature request #2225 (Closed): Regular expressions support for field calculator
- regexp_replace() was implemented a few months back - see #4099.
11:28 PM Feature request #2225 (Closed): Regular expressions support for field calculator
- regexp_replace() was implemented a few months back - see #4099.
11:28 PM Feature request #2225 (Closed): Regular expressions support for field calculator
- regexp_replace() was implemented a few months back - see #4099.
10:59 PM Bug report #4425: Add a capitalize() function to the expression based labeling engine
- Martin,
Seems that MS SQL doesn't have a function. You have to define your own :S I suggest we follow postgresql an... -
10:58 PM Bug report #4440 (Closed): Old project message references trac, not redmine
- When opening a project file from a previous version of QGIS a message is displayed.
As at 1.8.0-116 this still refe... -
10:52 PM Bug report #4426: Add a number_format() function to the QgsExpression
- Just changed the header as it's more related to the expression parser itself rather than the labeling per sa
10:41 PM Bug report #4426: Add a number_format() function to the QgsExpression
- Also note that there is a "formatted numbers" section in the main labelling dialogue under "label settings", and:
1) ... -
10:37 PM Bug report #4426: Add a number_format() function to the QgsExpression
- This would be an important feature. In the meantime you might be able to achieve what you need using something like ...
02:32 PM Bug report #4439 (Closed): Crash when changing style in Layer Properties
- My QGIS is frequently crashing when changing Styles in Layer Properties.
I see many possibly related issues to this o... -
12:36 PM Bug report #4409 (Closed): Weird behaviour on Mac OS
12:31 PM Bug report #4409: Weird behaviour on Mac OS
- You are right thanks. It just didn't come to my mind, sorry.
Thanks again -
08:14 AM Bug report #4409: Weird behaviour on Mac OS
- That's full-screen mode. You must have hit apple-F at some point. Apple-F again should return you to windowed mode.
07:04 AM Bug report #4409: Weird behaviour on Mac OS
- Unfortunatelly I have only one Mac. Maybe I can ask someone to give it a try, but not sure :-(
07:01 AM Bug report #4409: Weird behaviour on Mac OS
- Dejan Gambin wrote:
> Yes, I have recently installed 1.8 developer version from Kyngchaos and 1.7 also before that.
>... -
06:53 AM Bug report #4409: Weird behaviour on Mac OS
- Yes, I have recently installed 1.8 developer version from Kyngchaos and 1.7 also before that.
One possible related t... -
06:42 AM Bug report #4409 (Feedback): Weird behaviour on Mac OS
- Did you installed QGIS with the packages available here?
I made an instal... -
06:42 AM Bug report #4409 (Feedback): Weird behaviour on Mac OS
- Did you installed QGIS with the packages available here?
I made an instal... -
12:31 PM Feature request #4365: Add log/ln functions to the field calculator
- Nathan's new expression builder (developed for expression-based labeling) should be integrated into field calculator ...
08:25 AM Feature request #4365 (Open): Add log/ln functions to the field calculator
- They should be exposed somehow in the GUI, otherwise will remain hidden to the user.
08:25 AM Feature request #4365 (Open): Add log/ln functions to the field calculator
- They should be exposed somehow in the GUI, otherwise will remain hidden to the user.
11:19 AM Feature request #4438 (Closed): Option to add datasources icons beside layer names in the TOC
- QGIS can use a large number of datasources: file based rasters, shapes, spatialite, postgis, postgis rasters, grass, ...
11:15 AM Feature request #2389 (Closed): function to create simple geometries, square, rectangle, triangle
- There are now 2 3rd party plugins that allow to digitize simple geometries: "rectangles, ovals and diamonds" and "rec...
11:15 AM Feature request #2389 (Closed): function to create simple geometries, square, rectangle, triangle
- There are now 2 3rd party plugins that allow to digitize simple geometries: "rectangles, ovals and diamonds" and "rec...
11:15 AM Feature request #2389 (Closed): function to create simple geometries, square, rectangle, triangle
- There are now 2 3rd party plugins that allow to digitize simple geometries: "rectangles, ovals and diamonds" and "rec...
11:15 AM Feature request #2389 (Closed): function to create simple geometries, square, rectangle, triangle
- There are now 2 3rd party plugins that allow to digitize simple geometries: "rectangles, ovals and diamonds" and "rec...
10:33 AM Bug report #4437 (Closed): DB-Manager: python error
- Hi,
opening the db-manager plugin and try-ing to open a postgis connection,
I see this python error:... -
08:44 AM Feature request #4436 (Closed): snapping when moving
- Snapping doesn't work when moving a feature. For example, if I move a feature towards another, it doesn't snapp even ...
08:37 AM Feature request #4435 (Closed): extent snapping options
- hello!
It would be a great feature if the "Avoid intersection" in the "Snapping Options" could work even between diff... -
08:23 AM Bug report #4433: Edit vertex tool very slow
- Also on Debian, and Windows 7 and Vista, apparently
03:56 AM Bug report #4433 (Closed): Edit vertex tool very slow
- Dear developers,
we noticed that the tool for the vertex edit since the version 1.5 is very slow.
When we try to edit... -
08:18 AM Bug report #4420 (Closed): Editing label properties makes labels disappear
06:17 AM Bug report #4420 (Feedback): Editing label properties makes labels disappear
- I cannot confirm on qgis-trunk on Ubuntu 11.10
08:03 AM Bug report #4421: Raster are very slow to load when calculating stats
- The raster has a colour table, so stretching does not apply
08:00 AM Bug report #4421: Raster are very slow to load when calculating stats
- Maybe this is because in one PC contrast enhancement is set to something different than "No Stretch" (see #3867). Try...
07:06 AM Bug report #4421 (Feedback): Raster are very slow to load when calculating stats
07:03 AM Bug report #4421 (Closed): Raster are very slow to load when calculating stats
- I remember it was working with OSM layers, but I may be wrong
07:03 AM Bug report #4421 (Closed): Raster are very slow to load when calculating stats
- I remember it was working with OSM layers, but I may be wrong
06:59 AM Bug report #4421: Raster are very slow to load when calculating stats
- Verified: on one machine it is slow, on another is fast. It might depend on some setting, still to understand which
06:09 AM Bug report #4421 (Feedback): Raster are very slow to load when calculating stats
- Not confirmed here with qgis-trunk on Ubuntu 11.10, the linked sample data is still lightning fast to open. Please le...
07:31 AM Revision 0d79669f (qgis): Merge branch 'master' of
07:07 AM Bug report #4422 (Closed): Tileslider not working
- I remember it was working with OSM layers, but I may be wrong
07:07 AM Bug report #4422 (Closed): Tileslider not working
- I remember it was working with OSM layers, but I may be wrong
06:06 AM Bug report #4422 (Feedback): Tileslider not working
- Not confirmed here. It works only if the WMS server is a tiled one, like a tileache one. Try this:
http://tilecache... -
06:39 AM Bug report #4415 (Feedback): Centroid in fTools different form centroid fill
- The explanation of the different behavior has benn given in the dev mailing list, closing?
05:53 AM Bug report #4428: Diagram overlays not displaying when render caching is on
- Confirmed on qgis-trunk on Ubuntu 11.10
05:53 AM Bug report #4428: Diagram overlays not displaying when render caching is on
- Confirmed on qgis-trunk on Ubuntu 11.10
05:53 AM Bug report #4428: Diagram overlays not displaying when render caching is on
- Confirmed on qgis-trunk on Ubuntu 11.10
05:49 AM Feature request #4430: Zonal statistics: please add more variables
- These are the methods available in GRASS for zonal statistics -
04:49 AM Feature request #4432: changing the default behavior for "coordinate reference system of new laye...
7 feedback, all positive, until now. -
03:54 AM Feature request #4432: changing the default behavior for "coordinate reference system of new laye...
- The issue has been discussed in the QGIS-USERS mailing list and all the feedback have been in favor of this change.
03:53 AM Feature request #4432 (Closed): changing the default behavior for "coordinate reference system of...
- My point of view, after giving many training courses, is that the default option should be changed to "prompt for CRS...
04:19 AM Bug report #4434 (Closed): "project properties" and menu icons missing from QGIS when using UNITY...
- "project properties" misses from both the "file" and the "settings" menus.
The icons problem surfaced on Ubuntu als...
10:07 AM Revision 1a1f5ebe (qgis): osgeo4w: build qgis-dev with GRASS 6.4.2RC2
05:37 AM Bug report #4431 (Closed): QGIS maoserver doesn't provide WMS Version 1.1.1
- That documentation page is obsolete, see the QGIS manual page 93. QGIS-Server only implements wms 1.3
05:37 AM Bug report #4431 (Closed): QGIS maoserver doesn't provide WMS Version 1.1.1
- That documentation page is obsolete, see the QGIS manual page 93. QGIS-Server only implements wms 1.3
05:29 AM Bug report #4431 (Closed): QGIS maoserver doesn't provide WMS Version 1.1.1
- It's said about QGIS mapserver that it implements WMS 1.3 as well as 1.1.1 [1]. But the GetCapabilities XML always se...
12:56 AM Feature request #4430 (Closed): Zonal statistics: please add more variables
- e.g.
http://resource... -
12:52 AM Feature request #4429 (Closed): Zonal statistics: please add checkbox
- It would be good to have checkboxes to select only the stats of interest, not being forced to calculate them all
09:14 PM Bug report #4428 (Closed): Diagram overlays not displaying when render caching is on
- Diagram layers do not display when "Use render caching where possible to speed up redraws" is checked.
Issue is in bo... -
06:54 PM Revision a2a6e786 (qgis): more cosmetics
06:51 PM Revision d8540c02 (qgis): german translation update
04:45 PM Revision 59be561a (qgis): fix warnings and more cosmetics
- 03:17 PM Revision 697b35a4 (qgis): Label direction symbol shouldn't depend on "map" vs. "line" orientation.
- Refer to issue #3643 for further discussion
02:34 PM Bug report #4427 (Closed): Disable options for interpretation of above/below and distancing when ...
- The following changes since commit:a2a6e78675833a4db0286a85354bf168032d2b49:
Juergen E. Fischer (1):
more c... - 02:17 PM Revision d7b106fe (qgis): Only implement QVariant bug workaround when building against Qt < 4.7.1...
- 02:05 PM Revision 926b3888 (qgis): Workaround for builds against Qt 4.6.2. Fixes bug #4284.
09:44 AM Revision b2b81366 (qgis): Fix for ticket #4414 (svg indicators for arrows are not shown)
09:33 AM Revision 232f1617 (qgis): Fix for ticket #4414 (svg indicators for arrows are not shown)
08:24 AM Bug report #4425: Add a capitalize() function to the expression based labeling engine
- A little bit of research on function name in other SQL databases:
postgresql, oracle: initcap( x )
mysql, ms sql: no... -
03:41 AM Bug report #4425 (Closed): Add a capitalize() function to the expression based labeling engine
- This probably doesn't require a long description. It'd be useful for the expression based labeling engine to have a c...
08:12 AM Bug report #3643: wrong direction of label direction symbol
- Fix pushed to master as r697b35a4.
06:21 AM Bug report #3643: wrong direction of label direction symbol
- My "dirsym" branch implements solution 2 of Mayeul (as per this ticket subject).
For solution 1 see bug #4424 -
06:19 AM Bug report #3643: wrong direction of label direction symbol
- The following changes since commit 59be561a4d9100fb2084006c2acc7df5798c52fc:
Juergen E. Fischer (1):
fix wa... -
06:12 AM Bug report #3643: wrong direction of label direction symbol
- I don't really get the meaning of "Map" vs. "Line" orientation, btw
06:07 AM Bug report #3643: wrong direction of label direction symbol
- How do we reopen this bug ? I personally can't change the "Status" field.
02:55 AM Bug report #3643: wrong direction of label direction symbol
- Gah. I confirm this is still broken.
First of all direction symbol is only shown with with "parallel" placement (not... -
02:55 AM Bug report #3643: wrong direction of label direction symbol
- Gah. I confirm this is still broken.
First of all direction symbol is only shown with with "parallel" placement (not... -
02:51 AM Bug report #3643: wrong direction of label direction symbol
- Mayeul: I've filed #4424 for your request. This bug was specifically about the "Add direction symbol".
By the way, n... -
05:52 AM Bug report #4284 (Closed): error: ‘qt_metatype_id’ is not a member of ‘QMetaTypeId<QVariant>’
05:49 AM Bug report #4284: error: ‘qt_metatype_id’ is not a member of ‘QMetaTypeId<QVariant>’
- Pushed to master by Jef (thanks!).
d7b106fed347c4d7dcae546cb65a9a2dd6619ab0 -
05:32 AM Bug report #4284: error: ‘qt_metatype_id’ is not a member of ‘QMetaTypeId<QVariant>’
- Here (Ubuntu 11.04 and QT 4.7.2) the compilation still works fine and ends without errors before and after your fix.
05:19 AM Bug report #4284: error: ‘qt_metatype_id’ is not a member of ‘QMetaTypeId<QVariant>’
- Branch updated to include a version check:
The following changes since commit 232f1617614678115e6c42431a5976fc21f1dd... -
05:07 AM Bug report #4284: error: ‘qt_metatype_id’ is not a member of ‘QMetaTypeId<QVariant>’
- The following changes since commit 232f1617614678115e6c42431a5976fc21f1dd4e:
marco (1):
Fix for ticket #441... -
04:25 AM Bug report #4284: error: ‘qt_metatype_id’ is not a member of ‘QMetaTypeId<QVariant>’
- 4.6.2-0ubuntu5.3 is the version in here
04:22 AM Bug report #4284: error: ‘qt_metatype_id’ is not a member of ‘QMetaTypeId<QVariant>’
- It may be a QT bug (QT < 4.7.1), see
03:47 AM Feature request #3488: Expression based labeling
- Nathan, good idea.
Bug #4425: capitalize() function
Bug #4426: number_format() function
Cheers. -
03:15 AM Feature request #3488: Expression based labeling
- nirvn, no worries, Hopefully people find it useful. I would open a ticket if you want some other functions added.
M... -
03:45 AM Bug report #4426 (Closed): Add a number_format() function to the QgsExpression
- It'd be very useful for have a number_format() function to allow formatting of numbers with grouped thousands. For ex...
02:58 AM Bug report #4424: Label orientation is limited in the left-to-right range
- The reference link didn't show up properly, here it is again: #3643
02:49 AM Bug report #4424 (Closed): Label orientation is limited in the left-to-right range
- Labels (new symbology, aka ABC) can't be forced to follow line orientation, specifically written upside-down when a l...
01:24 AM Feature request #3843: Rule based labeling
- Also, in order for this to be satisfying for the need expressed in #3796, every label "class" will need to be configu...
01:16 AM Feature request #3843: Rule based labeling
- The cherry-on-cake would then be associating "rules" to "legend items" so that you can toggle visibility of single cl...
12:51 AM Bug report #4413: Generating SVG preview takes very long
- Wouldn't it be more appropriate to generate the previews during compilation? In my case it takes several minutes to g...
01:51 PM Bug report #4413: Generating SVG preview takes very long
- Well, the tmore preview directories / files you have, the longer it takes (with only the standard svg dirs enabled, i...
02:10 AM Bug report #4413 (Closed): Generating SVG preview takes very long
- When adding an image to a print layout, the generation of preview from SVG takes a very long time
12:35 AM Bug report #4414 (Closed): SVG indicators for arrows are not shown
- Fixed in 232f1617614678115e6c42431a5976fc21f1dd4e
02:11 AM Bug report #4414 (Closed): SVG indicators for arrows are not shown
- If I choose an svg indicator for the beginning and end of an arrow, nothing is shown
11:30 PM Feature request #3488: Expression based labeling
- Nathan, IMO a capitalize('string') function would be really, really useful alongside uppercase / lowercase.
10:58 PM Feature request #3488: Expression based labeling
- Nathan, thanks a gazillion times for this.
08:11 AM Feature request #3488 (Closed): Expression based labeling
- The pull request merged. Good work, Nathan!
08:11 AM Feature request #3488 (Closed): Expression based labeling
- The pull request merged. Good work, Nathan!
10:07 PM Revision 500c538b (qgis): [FEATURE] Delete fields in shapefiles (finally!)
- This is currently supported only by development versions of GDAL/OGR.
GDAL 1.8.x does _not_ support this feature. -
07:13 PM Revision d956a64b (qgis): Fix install
06:51 PM Revision 5b2f944a (qgis): Allow setting I/O encoding for OGR layers in vector layer properties.
- Until now this was only possible to set when opening files with QgsEncodingFileDialog.
Layers opened from browser wer... -
05:07 PM Revision 5b53d93d (qgis): Merge branch 'master' of
05:02 PM Revision bd5a31b5 (qgis): Fixed a typo, added GUI_EXPORT
10:20 AM Feature request #3483: Unified topological editing
- FYI: I've started a project on github for postgis topology editing. At least will serve for brainstorming.
https://g... -
10:08 AM Revision 513f1c39 (qgis): Merge branch 'master' of
03:38 AM Bug report #4404: NZMG and other NZGD49 based CRSs are wrong
- Alister Hood wrote:
> I have spent some more time trying to understand this.
> For the record:
> - srs.db is not sync... -
03:09 AM Bug report #4423 (Closed): "Invert colour map" checkbox loses the right state
- Invert colour map checkbox (in raster properties) option is bugged: the flag is unchecked when re-opening the raster ...
03:07 AM Bug report #4422 (Closed): Tileslider not working
- The tile scale apparently does not work
03:04 AM Bug report #4421 (Closed): Raster are very slow to load when calculating stats
- Rasterlite layers, e.g. are extremely slow to open (I remem...
03:02 AM Bug report #4420 (Closed): Editing label properties makes labels disappear
- If I edit label properties with the button (close to rotate label), the label disappears
03:01 AM Bug report #4419 (Closed): Improve random colour ramps
- The random colour ramps are generally ugly, and often colours are repeated
03:00 AM Bug report #4418 (Closed): Random colour ramp: randomize missing
- A button "Randomize" is missing for random colour ramps (currently one has to change the number of classes to have a ...
02:59 AM Bug report #4417 (Closed): editing widgets: "slider range" and "dial range" do not show any value...
- In the editing widgets, the "slider range" and "dial range" widgets do not show any value when moving or rotating (by...
02:59 AM Bug report #4416 (Closed): Measure area wrong if ellipsoid off
- The measure area tool seems to be wrong when started with the ellipsoid off (measures are doubled); switching ellipso...
02:57 AM Bug report #4415: Centroid in fTools different form centroid fill
- From the ML (thanks cfarmer):
IIRC, the centroid as returned by fTools is based on the GEOS centroid
calculation, wh... -
02:56 AM Bug report #4415 (Closed): Centroid in fTools different form centroid fill
- the centroid, as calculated by fTools, is not in the same location as the centroid shown by the centroid fill. The di...
01:40 AM Bug report #4404: NZMG and other NZGD49 based CRSs are wrong
- I have spent some more time trying to understand this.
For the record:
- srs.db is not synced when installing from so... -
12:36 AM Revision b0112f1c (qgis): Merge pull request #52 from brushtyler/raster-transparency
- [BACKPORT] Handle raster layer's transparency band while rendering (fix #2491)
11:43 PM Bug report #4401 (Closed): debian build - forgotten dependancy
- That's intentional. Try running ...
11:43 PM Bug report #4401 (Closed): debian build - forgotten dependancy
- That's intentional. Try running ...
11:43 PM Bug report #4401 (Closed): debian build - forgotten dependancy
- That's intentional. Try running ...
10:20 PM Revision 188d7335 (qgis): Fix indentation
09:42 PM Revision 847204e1 (qgis): Merge branch 'master', remote-tracking branch 'nathan/expression-labels'
09:48 AM Feature request #3483: Unified topological editing
I'd like to avoid too much abstraction on the PostGIS side actually.
All I can tell is that for postgis topology you...-
07:17 AM Feature request #3483: Unified topological editing
- The main issue we are facing here is that the topological models of various data sources (grass, postgis-topo, osm) d...
08:00 AM Feature request #3488: Expression based labeling
- I am also in favor of keeping the current design. Further improvements may be added later if needed.
12:33 AM Revision 5e45bda4 (qgis): german translation update
11:56 PM Feature request #4405: Updates to the field calculator context help
- Oh, here's another one, to make the formatting consistent.
Alternatively we could identify the other function argume... -
06:58 PM Feature request #3483: Unified topological editing
- Some ideas [[]...
05:20 PM Revision aa3a5a06 (qgis): translation update: hr by Zoran
02:46 PM Feature request #3488: Expression based labeling
- There is a real time search at the top that limits the entries to show only stuff with that keyword.
The tab idea is... -
02:33 PM Feature request #3488: Expression based labeling
- Can I suggest a discussion/brainstorm on the UI?
I can imagine that with the full list of operators and a large numbe... -
05:40 AM Feature request #3488: Expression based labeling
- Pull request made
Still a few things to add later on but if it could be ... -
02:45 PM Revision 665e92e4 (qgis): revert changes to old QgsLabel class
01:56 PM Revision b62daee5 (qgis): Handle raster layer's transparency band while rendering (fix #2491)
05:51 AM Bug report #4399 (Closed): Browser does not allow to tell which layer format to load
05:50 AM Bug report #4399: Browser does not allow to tell which layer format to load
- Tooltips added in commit:c3f6dff9
05:51 AM Bug report #4387 (Closed): New labelling: "add direction symbol" does not make sense for polygons...
05:51 AM Bug report #4387: New labelling: "add direction symbol" does not make sense for polygons and points
- Fixed in commit:3a15509b
05:49 AM Bug report #4400 (Closed): QBrowser refresh removes PostGIS tables/layers.
- Fixed in commit:b1e50385
05:49 AM Bug report #4400 (Closed): QBrowser refresh removes PostGIS tables/layers.
- Fixed in commit:b1e50385
05:37 AM Bug report #2491: Raster transparency doesn't handle alpha channel
- Here's the pull request:
04:58 AM Bug report #4412 (Closed): ftools: input layers are not presented in alphabetical order
- This makes very hard to select the input layer when working with more than 10/20 layers.
04:55 AM Bug report #4411 (Closed): Silent WMS errors
- Whenever a WMS interaction goes bad for any reason (in my case the WMS server advertises wrong service url, resulting...
04:50 AM Bug report #4410 (Closed): "forward transform of... failed with error: latitude or longitude exce...
- When you now add a vector or raster in a projected CRS and the project is in WGS84 (examples) with OTFR off QGIS thro...
04:31 AM Bug report #4409 (Closed): Weird behaviour on Mac OS
- Don't know if this is supposed to be so or I didn't set something correctly, but on my Mac OS (Snow Leopard), QGis 1....
04:10 AM Revision 3a15509b (qgis): Enable "add direction symbol" only for line layers (#4387)
04:02 AM Revision 2572388c (qgis): Move selectWidget() and dataCapabilities() to data items file where it ...
04:01 AM Revision c2190454 (qgis): Separate GDAL data items from provider code
03:49 AM Revision b28c9101 (qgis): Separate OGR data items from provider code
03:24 AM Revision f15622f6 (qgis): Properly support OGR sublayers (with createChildren) to avoid #4400
02:38 AM Revision bfb4d0f3 (qgis): Add a default icon for data collections
02:31 AM Revision b1e50385 (qgis): Fix refresh of postgis schema in browser (#4400)
02:29 AM Bug report #4408 (Open): Validating *.qgs or *.qml against *.dtd
- It's not possible to validate a QGIS project or style file against the called *.dtd ( Two r...
02:16 AM Feature request #4407 (Open): Provide an entry for the magic(5) file
- The magic file, usually /etc/magic for local entries on a debian-based system, is the file used to tell what kind of ...
02:04 AM Revision 5b89a32e (qgis): Generic icon for raster layers in browser
01:36 AM Revision c3f6dff9 (qgis): Show full path of gdal/ogr layers as a tooltip (#4399)
01:13 AM Feature request #4406 (Closed): WMS layer abstract not readable (single-line)
- WMS layer abstracts aren't readable when longer than a few words. This is because the abstract is reported on a singl...
12:15 AM Feature request #4405: Updates to the field calculator context help
- > This patch set adds help for recently implemented functions as well as translating some terms into English ;) or ju...
12:11 AM Feature request #4405 (Closed): Updates to the field calculator context help
- This patch set adds help for recently implemented functions as well as translating some terms into English ;) or just...
12:11 AM Bug report #4404: NZMG and other NZGD49 based CRSs are wrong
- Oh, sorry, you said GDAL, not Proj. So maybe I need to rebuild Gdal.
12:09 AM Bug report #4404: NZMG and other NZGD49 based CRSs are wrong
- Oh, OK. I had a look at crssync, but I didn't quite understand it, and when I saw the syncs in the git log I didn't ...
11:52 PM Bug report #4404 (Feedback): NZMG and other NZGD49 based CRSs are wrong
- the srs.db is synced with GDAL on install (see crssync) - so if you're seeing bad definitions, they are probably from...
07:18 PM Bug report #4404 (Closed): NZMG and other NZGD49 based CRSs are wrong
- It seems that #3136 has been reverted by syncing srs.db with a faulty and unreleased (see
10:11 PM Feature request #4281: More user friendly handling of geometryless tables and layers loaded by a ...
- > 2) It would probably be less confusing if the symbology tab was not shown for a geometryless table.
Also, the CRS ... -
04:24 PM Feature request #4403 (Closed): Attributes when using Dissolve on a polygon layer
04:24 PM Feature request #4403: Attributes when using Dissolve on a polygon layer
- duplicate of #4382
02:50 PM Feature request #4403 (Closed): Attributes when using Dissolve on a polygon layer
- In Qgis you can dissolve a polygon layer by the Geoprocessing tools.
But as far as I can see you can not control wh... -
04:24 PM Feature request #4382: ftools: when using the DISSOLVE tool allow controlling how will result the...
- see also #4403
12:41 PM Bug report #4399: Browser does not allow to tell which layer format to load
- Thaddeus - wrote:
> Here is an idea, might not be a ... , but ... well .. anyway ..., here it goes: add an advanced-u... -
08:49 AM Bug report #4399: Browser does not allow to tell which layer format to load
- Using Tooltips is not a viable option for medium to large size projects, it's only good for one or two layers and occ...
07:40 AM Bug report #4399: Browser does not allow to tell which layer format to load
- I think this solution is optimal, as it follows the behaviour of the legend.
06:05 AM Bug report #4399: Browser does not allow to tell which layer format to load
- Would it be sufficient to show the extension (or the complete file name) as a tooltip? Originally we have been showin...
03:34 AM Bug report #4399 (Closed): Browser does not allow to tell which layer format to load
- In current trunk, layers are displayed without the file extension, and the user has no way to tell which format the f...
08:10 AM Bug report #4402: QGIS crashes displaying overview if diagrams are used
- The QGIS overview is very bugged. The threading branch of QGIS seems to fix a few of the issues, this crashes in part...
08:10 AM Bug report #4402: QGIS crashes displaying overview if diagrams are used
- The QGIS overview is very bugged. The threading branch of QGIS seems to fix a few of the issues, this crashes in part...
08:10 AM Bug report #4402: QGIS crashes displaying overview if diagrams are used
- The QGIS overview is very bugged. The threading branch of QGIS seems to fix a few of the issues, this crashes in part...
08:03 AM Bug report #4402: QGIS crashes displaying overview if diagrams are used
- Same for me on qGis 1.8.0-Trunk in Win7 environment.
I leave the crash info from the qgis.exe maybe can help:
Nome e... -
07:56 AM Bug report #4402: QGIS crashes displaying overview if diagrams are used
- Confirmed in Debian testing, qgis self packaged
07:46 AM Bug report #4402 (Closed): QGIS crashes displaying overview if diagrams are used
- Qgis crashes after the following steps:
- starting with a clean project I add a vector layer from file
- I add a dia... -
06:13 AM Bug report #4401 (Closed): debian build - forgotten dependancy
- dpkg-buildpackage doesn't check for "libspatialindex-dev" and "libspatialindex1" presence in system in the very begin...
06:06 AM Bug report #4400 (Closed): QBrowser refresh removes PostGIS tables/layers.
- * Load all PostGIS nodes in QBrowser down to show the layers.
* Click refresh
* Layer nodes will disappear until QGIS...
01:00 AM Bug report #4398 (Closed): diagrams do not superpose
- Apparently the diagrams are not allowed to superpose each other. When the size of the diagram (as defined in the "dia...
11:06 PM Revision 9d3079b9 (qgis): Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/master' into expression-labels
- Conflicts:
src/gui/CMakeLists.txt -
10:52 PM Revision fc80b602 (qgis): Correct help for upper function
08:24 PM Feature request #4348: Add features like "creation options" and "no data" for all gdaltools
- Just a note to myself or anyone else it helps:
Specifying the nodata value is particularly important for gdal_rasteri... -
08:13 PM Revision 139e2973 (qgis): Add icons for browser from Robert (gis theme only)
- 06:01 PM Revision 80d7f831 (qgis): More minor fix to IT GUI
03:28 PM Revision 047c57c9 (qgis): Add more function help; Fix header email info
03:21 PM Revision 1cc6bddd (qgis): Revert CMakeList to normal
01:04 PM Bug report #4381: Saving a shape as DXF ("save as...") leads to corrupted files
- erratum:
The attached examples can be opened in QGIS and saved back to SHP: comment-line header is 999. -
01:02 PM Bug report #4381: Saving a shape as DXF ("save as...") leads to corrupted files
- Yes, I get the same here: Handle is a string representing a hex value, always starting at hex 20 or so and incrementi...
10:10 AM Revision feaa671e (qgis): Merge branch 'master' of
10:08 AM Revision 93c2fecf (qgis): Fixing typos in IT GUI
01:21 AM Feature request #4397 (Closed): (fTools) Check Geometry Validity - Save error messages as new poi...
- It would be useful having the option to export the error messages of Check Geometry Validity into a new shapefile
or ... -
01:08 AM Bug report #4396 (Closed): (fTools) - Check geometry Validity raises exception clicking on errors...
- Using the "Check Geometry Validity" in fTools, the user is presented a Dialog with the list of error messages and pos...
12:31 AM Bug report #4395 (Closed): Move raster commands under "Raster" menu
- Zonal statistics, Interpolation and Geomorphology plugins should be moved under the Raster menu for consistency
03:29 PM Bug report #2880 (Closed): makefiles not parallel building proof
- As I mentioned before, I haven't seen that happen for quite some time with a high number of workers. Please re-open i...
03:29 PM Bug report #2880 (Closed): makefiles not parallel building proof
- As I mentioned before, I haven't seen that happen for quite some time with a high number of workers. Please re-open i...
12:51 PM Revision fd50833e (qgis): Add missing files; add more operators
09:09 AM Bug report #4394: make clean fails to clean grass files
- except find output -type f:
out... -
09:08 AM Bug report #4394: make clean fails to clean grass files
- I must have had a dirty source tree, after git-cleaning it make clean seems to leave no dangling objects in build dir.
08:41 AM Bug report #4394: make clean fails to clean grass files
- For the record, there's more that fails to be cleaned:...
08:39 AM Bug report #4394 (Closed): make clean fails to clean grass files
- Building GRASS support in QGIS is driving me nuts.
Part of the problem was "make clean" failing to clean built GRASS ... -
07:55 AM Bug report #4393 (Closed): Rasterlite layers on Windows as 0,0,0
- The current trunk version on Windows does not seem to be able to display
Rasterlite layers, e.g.
http://download.gfos... -
05:42 AM Bug report #4391 (Closed): GRASS plugin loading fails w/out notice
- duplicate of #3699
05:42 AM Bug report #4391 (Closed): GRASS plugin loading fails w/out notice
- duplicate of #3699
05:21 AM Bug report #4391 (Closed): GRASS plugin loading fails w/out notice
- After successfully building GRASS support, I find no GRASS plugin in the plugin manager.
Manually exporting LD_LIBRAR... -
05:30 AM Bug report #4390: Could not find GRASS, vanilla GRASS install
- Correct, GRASS>6.4.x is not supported
04:46 AM Bug report #4390: Could not find GRASS, vanilla GRASS install
- It still fails to find "vect" library. It seems it was renamed to "vector" in 7.0.
04:34 AM Bug report #4390 (Closed): Could not find GRASS, vanilla GRASS install
- Sandro Santilli wrote:
> symlinking grass install dir as /usr/local/grass doesn't help
Use GRASS_PREFIX. Not sure ... -
04:34 AM Bug report #4390 (Closed): Could not find GRASS, vanilla GRASS install
- Sandro Santilli wrote:
> symlinking grass install dir as /usr/local/grass doesn't help
Use GRASS_PREFIX. Not sure ... -
04:00 AM Bug report #4390: Could not find GRASS, vanilla GRASS install
- symlinking grass install dir as /usr/local/grass doesn't help
03:58 AM Bug report #4390 (Closed): Could not find GRASS, vanilla GRASS install
- I've just installed GRASS (svn trunk) and qgis cmake can't find it.
Won't be easy to find, as it's installed under /u... -
05:29 AM Bug report #4392 (Closed): GRASS-6.4.1: Incompatible library version for module.
- This is what I get after a successful installation of GRASS 6.4.1 (last stable GRASS release):
Incompatible library ... -
05:08 AM Revision 913e7e78 (qgis): Rename files to fit QGIS coding guidelines
04:52 AM Revision 02123fb7 (qgis): Update UI spacing
04:47 AM Revision 7f5e1c81 (qgis): Update comments
04:33 AM Revision 17d326ee (qgis): Add item from value list on double click
04:20 AM Revision 5797360c (qgis): Wire up operator buttons
02:48 AM Feature request #3483: Unified topological editing
- See for some ...
02:48 AM Feature request #3483: Unified topological editing
- See for some ...
11:39 PM Revision 3996d89a (qgis): Default constructor of QgsProjectParser is private
11:36 PM Revision 3d9a0ae9 (qgis): Some xml optimisation for WMS server
08:26 PM Bug report #3977: Bogus missing CRS error
- Whoops, just noticed the two SHPs have different coordinate systems. I regret that I do not remember which SHPs I was...
08:24 PM Bug report #3977: Bogus missing CRS error
- I've uploaded two SHPs to One is a SHP of all school...
06:26 AM Bug report #3977: Bogus missing CRS error
- Aren Cambre wrote:
> It even happens if both layers have this CRS:
> > +proj=longlat +ellps=WGS84 +datum=WGS84 +no_de... -
06:23 AM Bug report #3977 (Feedback): Bogus missing CRS error
- I'm almost sure that ftools tools need to all the input vectors to be in the same CRS. Carson (the toolbox author), c...
07:48 PM Bug report #4389 (Closed): Attribute table show and edit unselected record in edit form
- Open attribute table for layer with some records.
Select one record (not first).
"show selected" option = enabled.
Tr... -
06:04 PM Revision b3bebf3a (qgis): WMS server: avoid reading layer symbology if the request does not come ...
05:10 PM Bug report #4388 (Closed): gdal raster provider does not use Offset and Scale raster properties
- When QGis opens a GDAL raster with Offset and Scale properties, it does not recognize these values and the displayed ...
03:44 PM Revision 54754f15 (qgis): Merge branch 'master' of
01:11 PM Bug report #4096: Referenced layers do not use relative paths if set in project properties
- This does happen inconsistently and unexpectedly. Here is an example: This shapefile should have no path as it is in ...
01:11 PM Bug report #4096: Referenced layers do not use relative paths if set in project properties
- This does happen inconsistently and unexpectedly. Here is an example: This shapefile should have no path as it is in ...
12:58 PM Bug report #4376: QGIS doesn't ask for the CRS when loading GPX files, but it does when loading C...
- #2129 is the request to set WGS 84 automatically for GPX.
I often load GPX files into a map that has a UTM CRS and t... -
06:51 AM Bug report #4376: QGIS doesn't ask for the CRS when loading GPX files, but it does when loading C...
- Steven Mizuno wrote:
> As I understand the GPX standard all points are WGS 84, longitude/latitude in degrees.
> refe... -
06:49 AM Bug report #4376: QGIS doesn't ask for the CRS when loading GPX files, but it does when loading C...
- As I understand the GPX standard all points are WGS 84, longitude/latitude in degrees.
refer to: http://www.topograf... -
11:07 AM Bug report #4222 (Feedback): Diagram overlays do not show in print composer
10:10 AM Bug report #4222: Diagram overlays do not show in print composer
- Everything looks fine in the composer window but image/SVG output is not ok. Only some diagrams are contained in the ...
08:58 AM Revision 0359e5b4 (qgis): Merge branch 'expression-labels' of int...
08:56 AM Revision 4e6f83b3 (qgis): Remove red highlight from textarea; show expresion invaild note in prev...
07:45 AM Bug report #4387 (Closed): New labelling: "add direction symbol" does not make sense for polygons...
- or at least it does not have any effect. But as far as I understand it should be available only for lines.
07:37 AM Bug report #4386 (Closed): ftools: raster layers are shown as possible input layers
- see subject. In most of the tools this does not make sense.
07:35 AM Bug report #4385 (Closed): Labelling window do not resize correctly
- Noticed on both Ubuntu and Windows. See attached image.
07:27 AM Feature request #3796 (Closed): Multiple labels per layer
- see also #3843
07:27 AM Feature request #3796 (Closed): Multiple labels per layer
- see also #3843
07:27 AM Feature request #3796 (Closed): Multiple labels per layer
- see also #3843
07:27 AM Feature request #3796 (Closed): Multiple labels per layer
- see also #3843
07:27 AM Feature request #3843: Rule based labeling
- I agree that this is a important missing feature... now we have the rule based renderer is not hard to imagine how po...
07:27 AM Feature request #3843: Rule based labeling
- I agree that this is a important missing feature... now we have the rule based renderer is not hard to imagine how po...
07:27 AM Feature request #3843: Rule based labeling
- I agree that this is a important missing feature... now we have the rule based renderer is not hard to imagine how po...
07:27 AM Feature request #3843: Rule based labeling
- I agree that this is a important missing feature... now we have the rule based renderer is not hard to imagine how po...
07:27 AM Feature request #3843: Rule based labeling
- I agree that this is a important missing feature... now we have the rule based renderer is not hard to imagine how po...
07:27 AM Feature request #3843: Rule based labeling
- I agree that this is a important missing feature... now we have the rule based renderer is not hard to imagine how po...
07:14 AM Bug report #2352: map is drawn twice on toggling a layer's visibility
- merged with #2596
07:14 AM Bug report #2352: map is drawn twice on toggling a layer's visibility
- merged with #2596
07:14 AM Bug report #2596: avoid useless canvas redraws
- another useless redraw, see #2352
07:11 AM Feature request #4384 (Closed): ftools: expose an (geos) option in the qgis gui to do some snappi...
- See #3126-15 and #3126-16
The case
merging polygons with "dirty" geometries (0 size areas, sliv... -
06:55 AM Feature request #4378: Allow categorized symbology with (up to) 3 fields
- Martin Dobias wrote:
> What about just doing a concatenation of ATT1 with ATT2 in a new field and then using categori... -
06:30 AM Feature request #4383 (Closed): ftools: Improve how processes are handled
- See also #3810-6
The suggestion would be to improve them the same way as the gdal tools processes are handled: lau... -
06:28 AM Feature request #3810 (Closed): Join attributes by location crash
- So closing this and opening a feature request one instead.
06:28 AM Feature request #3810 (Closed): Join attributes by location crash
- So closing this and opening a feature request one instead.
06:28 AM Feature request #3810 (Closed): Join attributes by location crash
- So closing this and opening a feature request one instead.
06:24 AM Feature request #3628: Densify features
- Please consider supporting the development of such tool.
06:24 AM Feature request #3628: Densify features
- Please consider supporting the development of such tool.
06:24 AM Feature request #3628: Densify features
- Please consider supporting the development of such tool.
06:24 AM Feature request #3628: Densify features
- Please consider supporting the development of such tool.
06:00 AM Bug report #2733: fTools Add geometry column fails to add XCOORD if source is GPX file or PostGIS...
- Horst Düster wrote:
> I found the same behaviour with [[PostGIS]] layers as well. The bug depends on the position of ... -
06:00 AM Bug report #2733: fTools Add geometry column fails to add XCOORD if source is GPX file or PostGIS...
- Horst Düster wrote:
> I found the same behaviour with [[PostGIS]] layers as well. The bug depends on the position of ... -
05:35 AM Bug report #2733 (Feedback): fTools Add geometry column fails to add XCOORD if source is GPX file...
- Horst Düster wrote:
> I found the same behaviour with [[PostGIS]] layers as well. The bug depends on the position of ... -
05:35 AM Bug report #2733 (Feedback): fTools Add geometry column fails to add XCOORD if source is GPX file...
- Horst Düster wrote:
> I found the same behaviour with [[PostGIS]] layers as well. The bug depends on the position of ... -
05:35 AM Bug report #2733 (Feedback): fTools Add geometry column fails to add XCOORD if source is GPX file...
- Horst Düster wrote:
> I found the same behaviour with [[PostGIS]] layers as well. The bug depends on the position of ... -
04:51 AM Bug report #4125 (Feedback): Multilinestring -> linestring failure?
- I have just tested and the result is a linestring for me (checked also with PostGIS). Please check and leave feedback.
04:51 AM Bug report #4125 (Feedback): Multilinestring -> linestring failure?
- I have just tested and the result is a linestring for me (checked also with PostGIS). Please check and leave feedback.
04:51 AM Bug report #4125 (Feedback): Multilinestring -> linestring failure?
- I have just tested and the result is a linestring for me (checked also with PostGIS). Please check and leave feedback.
04:25 AM Bug report #2806 (Closed): ftools.dissolve and geoprocessing.dissolve "loose" polygons
04:13 AM Bug report #2806: ftools.dissolve and geoprocessing.dissolve "loose" polygons
- The vector is in much bad conditions than it seem just looking at it (and the QGIS "check geometry" tool basically lo...
04:13 AM Bug report #2806: ftools.dissolve and geoprocessing.dissolve "loose" polygons
- The vector is in much bad conditions than it seem just looking at it (and the QGIS "check geometry" tool basically lo...
04:13 AM Bug report #2806: ftools.dissolve and geoprocessing.dissolve "loose" polygons
- The vector is in much bad conditions than it seem just looking at it (and the QGIS "check geometry" tool basically lo...
04:13 AM Bug report #2806: ftools.dissolve and geoprocessing.dissolve "loose" polygons
- The vector is in much bad conditions than it seem just looking at it (and the QGIS "check geometry" tool basically lo...
04:13 AM Bug report #2806: ftools.dissolve and geoprocessing.dissolve "loose" polygons
- The vector is in much bad conditions than it seem just looking at it (and the QGIS "check geometry" tool basically lo...
03:14 AM Bug report #4261 (Feedback): "Merge shapefiles to one" gives bad results
- Please leave feedback and sample data to allow the dev to make further tests.
03:12 AM Feature request #4382 (Closed): ftools: when using the DISSOLVE tool allow controlling how will r...
- This is already possible for example with the "merge selected features" tool in the "advanced digitizing" toolbar.
02:58 AM Bug report #4105 (Feedback): "Select by location" does not work with layers having different CRS ...
02:58 AM Bug report #4105: "Select by location" does not work with layers having different CRS and "on the...
- I think it is safe to say that ftools tools (the vector menu) works only if the input layers are in the same CRS. Car...
05:11 PM Bug report #4376: QGIS doesn't ask for the CRS when loading GPX files, but it does when loading C...
- Steven Mizuno wrote:
> GPX files should always be in WGS 84 (epsg:4326) so there is no reason for the user to set the... -
04:49 PM Bug report #4376: QGIS doesn't ask for the CRS when loading GPX files, but it does when loading C...
- GPX files should always be in WGS 84 (epsg:4326) so there is no reason for the user to set the CRS (and QGIS shouldn'...
08:42 AM Bug report #4376 (Closed): QGIS doesn't ask for the CRS when loading GPX files, but it does when ...
- If in "Options -> CRS -> coordinate reference system for new layers" a user set "prompt for CRS", then QGIS will ask ...
05:10 PM Bug report #4375: Zoom to layer extent does not work for a point layer with a single point.
- Also occurs on two (or more) points having the same x- or y-coordinate, or a line that is exactly vertical or horizon...
05:04 PM Bug report #4381 (Closed): Saving a shape as DXF ("save as...") leads to corrupted files
- During a training course I have been pointed that almost any vector saved as dxf in QGIS (using "save as..."), does n...
04:03 PM Revision 30a67667 (qgis): Refresh item also when it had no children (they could be added in meanw...
04:03 PM Revision e045d346 (qgis): Move WMS data items to separate file
04:03 PM Revision befb5f65 (qgis): WMS: add/edit/delete connection from data items
04:03 PM Revision fb6d5512 (qgis): Add error item to facilitate error handling
02:04 PM Feature request #4378: Allow categorized symbology with (up to) 3 fields
- What about just doing a concatenation of ATT1 with ATT2 in a new field and then using categorized symbol renderer on ...
08:59 AM Feature request #4378: Allow categorized symbology with (up to) 3 fields
- Martin Dobias wrote:
> Maybe using field calculator would be a better solution rather than adding such functionality ... -
08:55 AM Feature request #4378: Allow categorized symbology with (up to) 3 fields
- Maybe using field calculator would be a better solution rather than adding such functionality directly to categorized...
08:51 AM Feature request #4378 (Closed): Allow categorized symbology with (up to) 3 fields
- Imagine to have two attributes ATT1 and ATT2, with the following values
A | C
B | D
then making the ca... -
01:34 PM Bug report #4380 (Closed): geojson data not displayed when first feature geometry is null
- I had a data set in geojson format where the geometry of the first feature is null. Apparently, this bothers QGIS at ...
09:10 AM Bug report #4379 (Closed): if "Options -> CRS -> coordinate reference system for new layers" is s...
- See subject -> asking for CRS for a new shapefile layer does not make sense, also because in the following dialog it ...
08:45 AM Bug report #4377 (Closed): if "Options -> CRS -> coordinate reference system for new layers" is s...
- See subject -> asking for CRS for a map that need to be georeferenced it doesn't make any sense.
08:04 AM Revision 2ef1772f (qgis): Merge branch 'master' of
07:05 AM Bug report #4372 (Closed): QBrowser dock refresh doesn't refresh root nodes for PostGIS, WMS, WFS
07:05 AM Bug report #4372: QBrowser dock refresh doesn't refresh root nodes for PostGIS, WMS, WFS
- fixed in commit:30a676678
10:43 PM Bug report #4375 (Closed): Zoom to layer extent does not work for a point layer with a single point.
- Just what the title says.
It does not matter whether or not on-the-fly projection is enabled.
But note that "Zoom fu... -
09:05 PM Revision 69fc3038 (qgis): Fix for ticket #4308
08:55 PM Revision ae75e9ba (qgis): Fix for ticket #4308
08:55 PM Revision 10d81dd7 (qgis): Insert date value in attribute editor
12:50 PM Feature request #4374 (Open): Support keyword substitution in provider queries
- When fetching features from a query it would be useful to allow using keywords to be substituted on each fetching.
Su... -
09:56 AM Revision f8ed801d (qgis): Fix for ticket #4308
08:53 AM Feature request #4373 (Closed): Merge from Template, a new feature for Composer.
- The current (QGIS1.7.1) "Load from Template" wipes out all existing composer objects before importing from the templa...
06:43 AM Bug report #4191: Raster clipper does not work with a shp mask
- Hi Giuseppe,
I have just tested it in QGIS 1.7.1-Wroclaw Wroclaw, e6718b6 (bundled with GDAL/OGR 1.8.1) installed on ...
01:04 AM Bug report #4308 (Resolved): Interpolation and Terrain core plugins: do not add custom names?
- Fixed in f8ed801daee4ff5dfc97c7254eecd34bc7fb1182
07:06 AM Revision ac923a86 (qgis): debian packaging update
02:26 AM Bug report #4372 (Closed): QBrowser dock refresh doesn't refresh root nodes for PostGIS, WMS, WFS
- * Open QGIS with no connections added for PostGIS, WMS or WFS.
* Create connection using normal dialog.
* Press refre... -
02:08 AM Feature request #1826: Keyboard shortcut for moving the cursor
- This feature is implemented with the arrow.
Could be closed, but actually the jump is too large.
Perhaps an option fo... -
02:08 AM Feature request #1826: Keyboard shortcut for moving the cursor
- This feature is implemented with the arrow.
Could be closed, but actually the jump is too large.
Perhaps an option fo... -
02:08 AM Feature request #1826: Keyboard shortcut for moving the cursor
- This feature is implemented with the arrow.
Could be closed, but actually the jump is too large.
Perhaps an option fo... -
02:02 AM Feature request #1825 (Closed): Re-center to current cursor postion at zooming
- Re-centering after zooming in works fine on 1.7.1 ubuntu binaries from ubunutgis-unstable
Please re-open if this is n... -
02:02 AM Feature request #1825 (Closed): Re-center to current cursor postion at zooming
- Re-centering after zooming in works fine on 1.7.1 ubuntu binaries from ubunutgis-unstable
Please re-open if this is n... -
02:02 AM Feature request #1825 (Closed): Re-center to current cursor postion at zooming
- Re-centering after zooming in works fine on 1.7.1 ubuntu binaries from ubunutgis-unstable
Please re-open if this is n... -
02:02 AM Feature request #1825 (Closed): Re-center to current cursor postion at zooming
- Re-centering after zooming in works fine on 1.7.1 ubuntu binaries from ubunutgis-unstable
Please re-open if this is n...
01:24 AM Feature request #4160: Enhancements to multiband raster styling to make it more user friendly / c...
- Also,
1. when the user selects standard deviation, the corresponding min-max values
should be displayed in the boxes... -
01:16 AM Revision e57c5578 (qgis): Minor housekeeping in WMS and WFS
12:46 AM Revision 05912884 (qgis): Expressions: add exp,ln,log10,log functions (#4365)
12:16 AM Revision 30e48928 (qgis): WFS: do not show ok/cancel when embedded in qbrowser
11:29 PM Revision 318a36b6 (qgis): WFS: add/edit/delete actions in browser
11:21 PM Revision 69138fdd (qgis): drop non-existing slot
11:19 PM Bug report #4343: Shapefile, created in Qgis, encoding not recognized by Esri ArcGIS 10
- ArcGIS does not allow to choose encoding. For UTF-8 support in shapefiles, several requirements must be met:
1. Regis... -
10:57 PM Revision 4dc45527 (qgis): WFS: add support (#4164)
08:10 PM Revision ac2b7da3 (qgis): "fix" warnings
07:36 PM Bug report #3326: Symbolization - Applying/OK new symbol qualities
- Glad to hear this was fixed for most people, however no change at my end.
When I finally was able to build from Tr... -
06:45 PM Revision 985f43c8 (qgis): WFS: Move uri logic and GetCapabilities parsing to WFSConnection class.
06:45 PM Revision eb298d8f (qgis): Add, edit and remove PG connections in browser dock
06:45 PM Revision c0dc60b9 (qgis): Fix for a crash in projection selection
06:45 PM Revision d1c05db2 (qgis): Move wfs gui to provider. Remove wfs plugin.
06:45 PM Revision a561a4a1 (qgis): Move PG data items to separate cpp/h files
06:45 PM Revision de9fb2ce (qgis): Add refresh button to browser dock (#4272)
03:52 PM Feature request #4365 (Closed): Add log/ln functions to the field calculator
03:52 PM Feature request #4365: Add log/ln functions to the field calculator
- Added in commit:0591288
* exponential exp(x)
* natural logarithm ln(x)
* common logarithm log10(x)
* logarithm with... -
03:11 PM Bug report #4371 (Closed): Identify tool does not work with reprojected WMS layers
- I just noticed the following with qgis-trunk under both Linux and Windows:
The identify tool does return always
_Ge... -
02:00 PM Feature request #4164 (Closed): File browser: please add support for WFS
- Added in commit:4dc4552
02:00 PM Feature request #4164 (Closed): File browser: please add support for WFS
- Added in commit:4dc4552
11:38 AM Bug report #3963: Crash when applying a graduated vector style
- I am unable to tell what is going on in the algorithm for natural breaks, the references lead only to implementations...
11:30 AM Bug report #4272 (Closed): Data browser does not refresh without restarting QGIS
- Added in commit:de9fb2ce
11:30 AM Bug report #4272 (Closed): Data browser does not refresh without restarting QGIS
- Added in commit:de9fb2ce
01:41 AM Bug report #4370 (Closed): Can not start QGIS
- Hello
I got a problem with a DLL (libeay32.dll) and the search order for DLLs.
A Program called "CrystalReport Viewe... -
01:23 AM Revision 0d187bf2 (qgis): used Python "and" keyword instead of && :S
01:08 AM Bug report #2352: map is drawn twice on toggling a layer's visibility
- Seems like a duplicate of #2596
01:05 AM Bug report #4253: Fix "value tool" issue with GRASS rasters (and make the plugin) core
- looks like being assigned...
12:14 AM Bug report #3762 (Open): "Cancel" does not revert a change between new and old symbology
04:31 PM Revision ee9ab826 (qgis): Added expression output preview area. Thanks to Andy Bates for the idea
10:24 AM Revision 79130b37 (qgis): Fix shift in point displacement renderer
09:57 AM Revision 0e99d431 (qgis): Fix shift in point displacement renderer
08:49 AM Bug report #4293: QGIS crashes when applying Graduated Symbol symbology.
- I am able to replicate this with all versions of QGIS on Macintosh 64bit 10.5 to 10.6.x
Applying symbol change hard...
01:35 AM Bug report #4207 (Closed): Embedded layers are not italic after project load
01:32 AM Bug report #4351: "Select Attributes" dialog in Print Composer needs Scrollbar
- There is a scrollbar for me, both with 1_7_1 and master (see attached screenshot).
What is your QGIS version and oper... -
01:11 AM Bug report #4352 (Closed): Point Displacement Render: Invalid Offset when only one geometry
- Fixed in 0e99d431c03b55b60dffaa5a3b8d30ca82bdd465
05:10 PM Bug report #4139 (Closed): Possible memory leak with raster layers
- After some investigation it seems that GDAL has a cache option for the ecw driver (
05:10 PM Bug report #4139 (Closed): Possible memory leak with raster layers
- After some investigation it seems that GDAL has a cache option for the ecw driver (
03:47 PM Revision 651940c3 (qgis): Rename buttons and groupbox name
03:33 PM Revision 6e41cc43 (qgis): Added new dialog for generic expression builder; Added search to functi...
02:34 PM Revision f075f7eb (qgis): Corrected URLs for GitHub and for the issue tracker (it now points to R...
10:32 AM Revision eb0642e0 (qgis): Add signal for expression parsed in widget; fixed enabling of controls ...
04:36 AM Bug report #3790: OTF Raster Reprojection artifacts (at some scales)
- > I did manage however to create some errors and "screen" artifacts as seen on screenshots --artifacts created by usi...
03:07 AM Feature request #4367 (Closed): Include i.landsat toar & i.landsat.acca in Grass Plugin for QGIS
- Hi, the modules you requested are both listed as GRASS addons
so it is not... -
03:07 AM Feature request #4367 (Closed): Include i.landsat toar & i.landsat.acca in Grass Plugin for QGIS
- Hi, the modules you requested are both listed as GRASS addons
so it is not...
01:13 AM Bug report #4368 (Rejected): Union tool creates shapefile with missing polygons
- Duplicate of #3581. Please check carefully before opening a ticket
01:13 AM Bug report #4368 (Rejected): Union tool creates shapefile with missing polygons
- Duplicate of #3581. Please check carefully before opening a ticket
01:40 PM Bug report #4368 (Closed): Union tool creates shapefile with missing polygons
- When unioning shapefiles in QGIS, the process gets to about 6% and finishes, leaving a layer that is unioned correctl...
10:24 PM Revision acb921b1 (qgis): osgeo4w update: use external libspatialindex
10:05 PM Revision cf5e790f (qgis): debian packaging update: use libspatialindex on more distributions
07:28 PM Revision 0782a34c (qgis): fix last commit
01:46 PM Revision c02421a0 (qgis): finish #4111:
- - apply missing bits
- update internal spatialindex copy to 1.6.1
- update debian packaging to use external library -
08:44 AM Bug report #3790: OTF Raster Reprojection artifacts (at some scales)
- I fotgot to mention the strange no data data value (-340282346638528859811704183484516925440.000000) on the *.ADF fil...
03:05 AM Bug report #4111: Build with current external spatialindex lib
- Tim Sutton wrote:
> I've applied your patch excluding the namespace changes in commit:356c87b. The namespace changes ... -
03:04 AM Bug report #4111: Build with current external spatialindex lib
- volter - wrote:
> The question was actually meant as a joke.
careful, bad things can happen with 10€ ;) http://www.... -
03:02 AM Feature request #4367 (Closed): Include i.landsat toar & i.landsat.acca in Grass Plugin for QGIS
- This request comes from my own interest in the use of Landsat imagery, and my belief that Landsat would be of greater...
12:09 AM Bug report #4157: Empty map composer on reopen project
- Giovanni, I was the one opening this ticket for the first time in the old tracker. I don't know what exactly was caus...
11:29 PM Revision 356c87ba (qgis): Apply partial patch from #4111 to allow using separate spatialindex lib...
07:49 PM Bug report #3790: OTF Raster Reprojection artifacts (at some scales)
- I tried real hard to upset QGIS selecting all kind of reprojections and color map settings, but it did pretty good: I...
11:16 AM Bug report #3790 (Feedback): OTF Raster Reprojection artifacts (at some scales)
- This issue seems gone. Tested on both Windows and Linux using trunk. Please leave feedback.
11:16 AM Bug report #3790 (Feedback): OTF Raster Reprojection artifacts (at some scales)
- This issue seems gone. Tested on both Windows and Linux using trunk. Please leave feedback.
11:16 AM Bug report #3790 (Feedback): OTF Raster Reprojection artifacts (at some scales)
- This issue seems gone. Tested on both Windows and Linux using trunk. Please leave feedback.
11:16 AM Bug report #3790 (Feedback): OTF Raster Reprojection artifacts (at some scales)
- This issue seems gone. Tested on both Windows and Linux using trunk. Please leave feedback.
07:30 PM Bug report #4158 (Closed): Zoom to layer extent does not take into account labels
07:27 PM Bug report #4158: Zoom to layer extent does not take into account labels
- Yeah, I kind of figured that was the case. And, now that I think about it, I'm not even sure that would be desirable ...
05:22 AM Bug report #4158 (Feedback): Zoom to layer extent does not take into account labels
- Extent is computed using geometries bounding boxes, I can't see how labels (both old or new ones) can be taken into a...
05:22 AM Bug report #4158 (Feedback): Zoom to layer extent does not take into account labels
- Extent is computed using geometries bounding boxes, I can't see how labels (both old or new ones) can be taken into a...
05:22 AM Bug report #4158 (Feedback): Zoom to layer extent does not take into account labels
- Extent is computed using geometries bounding boxes, I can't see how labels (both old or new ones) can be taken into a...
06:15 PM Revision f39a19c1 (qgis): [API] add QgsVectorLayer::updateFeature()
06:13 PM Revision cb7d3ed2 (qgis): fix warning
02:33 PM Bug report #4111 (Fixed for bounty): Build with current external spatialindex lib
02:32 PM Bug report #4111: Build with current external spatialindex lib
- Hi
I've applied your patch excluding the namespace changes in commit:356c87b. The namespace changes caused build err... -
02:32 PM Bug report #4111: Build with current external spatialindex lib
- Hi
I've applied your patch excluding the namespace changes in commit:356c87b. The namespace changes caused build err... -
02:32 PM Bug report #4111: Build with current external spatialindex lib
- Hi
I've applied your patch excluding the namespace changes in commit:356c87b. The namespace changes caused build err... -
12:19 PM Bug report #4141 (Closed): Problem installing plugins
- duplicate of #4303
12:19 PM Bug report #4141 (Closed): Problem installing plugins
- duplicate of #4303
12:16 PM Bug report #4140 (Feedback): projection problem with QGIS 1.7 "--snapshot"
- I can't understand where is the issue with projections. Seems to me that is just a matter of extent/scale difference ...
12:12 PM Bug report #3466: Extremely Bloated PDF Vector Export under Win.
- Yes please, check with qgis 1.7.1 or trunk and report back.
I will attach here the result of exporting your project ... -
12:12 PM Bug report #3466: Extremely Bloated PDF Vector Export under Win.
- Yes please, check with qgis 1.7.1 or trunk and report back.
I will attach here the result of exporting your project ... -
11:58 AM Bug report #4335: Raster legend: no values are shown for GRASS rasters
- see also #1051
11:58 AM Bug report #1051: GRASS rasters values/labels are not shown in legend/colormap tab
- It is a while that we have raster legends in the QGIS TOC.
When loading a (non GRASS) raster the legend in the TOC, ... -
11:58 AM Bug report #1051: GRASS rasters values/labels are not shown in legend/colormap tab
- It is a while that we have raster legends in the QGIS TOC.
When loading a (non GRASS) raster the legend in the TOC, ... -
11:58 AM Bug report #1051: GRASS rasters values/labels are not shown in legend/colormap tab
- It is a while that we have raster legends in the QGIS TOC.
When loading a (non GRASS) raster the legend in the TOC, ... -
11:58 AM Bug report #1051: GRASS rasters values/labels are not shown in legend/colormap tab
- It is a while that we have raster legends in the QGIS TOC.
When loading a (non GRASS) raster the legend in the TOC, ... -
11:58 AM Bug report #1051: GRASS rasters values/labels are not shown in legend/colormap tab
- It is a while that we have raster legends in the QGIS TOC.
When loading a (non GRASS) raster the legend in the TOC, ... -
11:58 AM Bug report #1051: GRASS rasters values/labels are not shown in legend/colormap tab
- It is a while that we have raster legends in the QGIS TOC.
When loading a (non GRASS) raster the legend in the TOC, ... -
11:44 AM Feature request #4357: On/Off checkbox for Composer Objects
- Oops, I was really focused on the paper space, the Composer, but I never qualified that "label" word with Composer la...
11:02 AM Feature request #4357: On/Off checkbox for Composer Objects
- Seems to me that this ticket explain very well a situation that could be solved the way is suggested (a checkbox for ...
11:02 AM Feature request #4357: On/Off checkbox for Composer Objects
- Seems to me that this ticket explain very well a situation that could be solved the way is suggested (a checkbox for ...
11:16 AM Bug report #4293: QGIS crashes when applying Graduated Symbol symbology.
- I was unable to replicate this: tried this under Win2k and QGIS 1.7.1.
10:00 AM Bug report #4293 (Feedback): QGIS crashes when applying Graduated Symbol symbology.
- Eduardo Bieñkowski wrote:
> Run QGIS 1.7 on Win XP, got the same problem.
> It ran on another machine with ubuntu 32 ... -
10:14 AM Bug report #4334: Symbology classes order lost PLUS wrong order after editing a label
- see also #4364
when adding a class in the "categorized" symbology it is always added as last (as already... -
10:13 AM Feature request #4364 (Closed): Symbology classes reordering
- see also #4334
10:13 AM Feature request #4364 (Closed): Symbology classes reordering
- see also #4334
05:31 AM Feature request #4364 (Closed): Symbology classes reordering
- Hi,
I just faced following problem (QGIS 1.7, Windows) - I created a nice symbology for my point layer. Finally, I fo... -
09:34 AM Bug report #4366 (Closed): Outline width and transparency changes: tedious
- Please reopen if I understand wrong the issues:
in QGIS trunk you can now select multiple symbology classes, right c... -
09:34 AM Bug report #4366 (Closed): Outline width and transparency changes: tedious
- Please reopen if I understand wrong the issues:
in QGIS trunk you can now select multiple symbology classes, right c... -
09:21 AM Bug report #4366 (Closed): Outline width and transparency changes: tedious
- I noticed this issue a few months ago and it has niggled me a few times since then.
It's only now that I've used ArcM... -
09:34 AM Bug report #3275: Allow change ALL symbol properties when selecting multiple classes (in new symb...
- see also #4366
08:44 AM Feature request #4365 (Closed): Add log/ln functions to the field calculator
- Subject says it all
08:34 AM Feature request #4358: Implement an item "tree" for composers
- A simple Listbox/Dropdown Listbox listing all the objects for selection would do: it better than editing the zValue m...
07:41 AM Feature request #4358 (Open): Implement an item "tree" for composers
- New description: I would say one way to handle this would be to have a tree list like in Qt Designer that shows you t...
07:41 AM Feature request #4358 (Open): Implement an item "tree" for composers
- New description: I would say one way to handle this would be to have a tree list like in Qt Designer that shows you t...
07:41 AM Feature request #4358 (Open): Implement an item "tree" for composers
- New description: I would say one way to handle this would be to have a tree list like in Qt Designer that shows you t...
07:41 AM Feature request #4358 (Open): Implement an item "tree" for composers
- New description: I would say one way to handle this would be to have a tree list like in Qt Designer that shows you t...
07:22 AM Feature request #4358: Implement an item "tree" for composers
- I would say one way to handle this would be to have a tree list like in Qt Designer that shows you the controls that ...
02:58 AM Feature request #4358 (Closed): Implement an item "tree" for composers
- It is a "classical" way handle objects, the one used by powerpoint/impress for example. I can't see here a bug nor a ...
02:58 AM Feature request #4358 (Closed): Implement an item "tree" for composers
- It is a "classical" way handle objects, the one used by powerpoint/impress for example. I can't see here a bug nor a ...
05:17 AM Bug report #3802: QGIS crashes using some options of new labelling tool
- I tested qgis-trunk on both Ubuntu Linux and Windows 7 and the issue it seems to be a Windows only one.
It is not ne... -
05:17 AM Bug report #3802: QGIS crashes using some options of new labelling tool
- I tested qgis-trunk on both Ubuntu Linux and Windows 7 and the issue it seems to be a Windows only one.
It is not ne... -
05:17 AM Bug report #3802: QGIS crashes using some options of new labelling tool
- I tested qgis-trunk on both Ubuntu Linux and Windows 7 and the issue it seems to be a Windows only one.
It is not ne... -
05:17 AM Bug report #3802: QGIS crashes using some options of new labelling tool
- I tested qgis-trunk on both Ubuntu Linux and Windows 7 and the issue it seems to be a Windows only one.
It is not ne... -
05:17 AM Bug report #3802: QGIS crashes using some options of new labelling tool
- I tested qgis-trunk on both Ubuntu Linux and Windows 7 and the issue it seems to be a Windows only one.
It is not ne... -
03:35 AM Bug report #4363 (Closed): Problem with setGeometry() when overwrite geometry
- Overwrite @feat@ with a new feature invalidate the geometry reference. You need to copy the geometry. But the retri...
03:35 AM Bug report #4363 (Closed): Problem with setGeometry() when overwrite geometry
- Overwrite @feat@ with a new feature invalidate the geometry reference. You need to copy the geometry. But the retri...
03:03 AM Bug report #2951 (Closed): Layers become non-editable
- Alister Hood wrote:
> Should we close this as invalid again?
> I don't see anything that is awaiting feedback.
I gue... -
03:03 AM Bug report #2951 (Closed): Layers become non-editable
- Alister Hood wrote:
> Should we close this as invalid again?
> I don't see anything that is awaiting feedback.
I gue... -
03:03 AM Bug report #2951 (Closed): Layers become non-editable
- Alister Hood wrote:
> Should we close this as invalid again?
> I don't see anything that is awaiting feedback.
I gue... -
03:03 AM Bug report #2951 (Closed): Layers become non-editable
- Alister Hood wrote:
> Should we close this as invalid again?
> I don't see anything that is awaiting feedback.
I gue... -
03:03 AM Bug report #2951 (Closed): Layers become non-editable
- Alister Hood wrote:
> Should we close this as invalid again?
> I don't see anything that is awaiting feedback.
I gue... -
03:03 AM Bug report #2951 (Closed): Layers become non-editable
- Alister Hood wrote:
> Should we close this as invalid again?
> I don't see anything that is awaiting feedback.
I gue...
01:38 AM Revision 6ccb04e9 (qgis): Merge remote-tracking branch 'brushtyler/master'
- Conflicts:
src/providers/postgres/qgspostgresprovider.cpp -
01:36 AM Bug report #4363 (Closed): Problem with setGeometry() when overwrite geometry
- Objective is simple, i want to change the geometry of point 1 by copying the geometry of point 2 into geometry of poi...
01:26 AM Revision dd6a5941 (qgis): [FEATURE] Make the gdaltools command editable to fix #3041
10:46 PM Feature request #4362 (Closed): File dialogues should recognise VRT files with .ovf and .ovr exte...
- I think it is kind of conventional for VRT files to have the extension .ovf if they are for vector data, and .ovr if ...
10:10 PM Bug report #4361: Edit button is not updated when provider query makes a layer read-only
- example vrt
10:10 PM Bug report #4361: Edit button is not updated when provider query makes a layer read-only
- example vrt
10:08 PM Bug report #4361 (Closed): Edit button is not updated when provider query makes a layer read-only
- Quoting from a mention in #3052:
As soon as you place a query on a shapefile, it's capabilities drop from 975 to 704,... -
08:17 PM Bug report #2951: Layers become non-editable
- Should we close this as invalid again?
I don't see anything that is awaiting feedback. -
08:17 PM Bug report #2951: Layers become non-editable
- Should we close this as invalid again?
I don't see anything that is awaiting feedback. -
04:44 PM Feature request #3041 (Closed): Make the GdalTools command window editable
- Paolo Cavallini wrote:
> making major changes to the existing plugin is essentially a waste of time
Without the sync... -
04:44 PM Feature request #3041 (Closed): Make the GdalTools command window editable
- Paolo Cavallini wrote:
> making major changes to the existing plugin is essentially a waste of time
Without the sync... -
02:21 PM Revision 81541031 (qgis): Merge branch 'master' of
02:16 PM Bug report #4111: Build with current external spatialindex lib
- The question was actually meant as a joke.
02:06 PM Revision 7e059aff (qgis): Added simple script to generate a tarball
01:01 PM Feature request #4358 (Closed): Implement an item "tree" for composers
- I was trying to hide from printing/exporting a label by sending it to back, but now I cannot figure out how to bring ...
12:59 PM Feature request #4357 (Closed): On/Off checkbox for Composer Objects
- There are cases where I do not want to print/export some labels -- call it a special printout version --, so I delete...
09:14 AM Bug report #4138: After selecting a specific band in raster properties, the dropdown in the style...
- Hi Giovanni, sorry about the confusion: all the notes and comments on the QGIS canvas screenshot were mainly taking n...
05:26 AM Bug report #4138: After selecting a specific band in raster properties, the dropdown in the style...
> * The folloowing feature request make sense and I will open a proper ticket for it: "_How can I tell which of the ...-
05:05 AM Bug report #4138: After selecting a specific band in raster properties, the dropdown in the style...
- Hi Thaddeus, I can confirm the issue. Nevertheless I found not very handy to have many notes/feature_requests/describ...
09:07 AM Bug report #3028: Displacement between vector and WMS layers after printing
- Just made a quick check on QGIS 1.7.1 and it works great: no displacement anymore and I the SHP is rendered as PS str...
09:04 AM Feature request #4355 (Closed): Performing deletion on layer with feature counts turned on should...
- Steps to reproduce:
1. Get a layer with lots of features (mine had 900).
2. Turn on editing.
3. Select many features ... -
09:01 AM Feature request #4353 (Closed): Show raster bands being used in the TOC
- duplicate of #4144
09:01 AM Feature request #4353 (Closed): Show raster bands being used in the TOC
- duplicate of #4144
05:25 AM Feature request #4353 (Closed): Show raster bands being used in the TOC
- This feature request was made originally by Thaddeus in ticket #4138
When working with multiband rasters the only pl... -
09:01 AM Feature request #4144: New Feature: show Raster Band number on Layer Panel entries.
- see also #4353
09:01 AM Feature request #4144: New Feature: show Raster Band number on Layer Panel entries.
- see also #4353
08:58 AM Feature request #4144: New Feature: show Raster Band number on Layer Panel entries.
- Well, I'm just saying that having the information on more than one place is a good thing: being able to copy that (as...
08:34 AM Bug report #3466: Extremely Bloated PDF Vector Export under Win.
- This was a while ago: I'll recheck on this using the 1.7.7 later. This is using the QGIS' "Export as PDF" functionali...
08:21 AM Bug report #4157 (Closed): Empty map composer on reopen project
- This was somehow already fixed.
I've tested it on qgis-trunk and it behaves as expected. If closing a saved project ... -
08:21 AM Bug report #4157 (Closed): Empty map composer on reopen project
- This was somehow already fixed.
I've tested it on qgis-trunk and it behaves as expected. If closing a saved project ... -
03:37 AM Bug report #4340 (Closed): QGIS crashes on full zoom or zoom to layer extent.
- Thaddeus - wrote:
> Well, confirmed, it does crash on Win2k, but I must confess I got QGIS 1.5, 1.6, 1.7 and 1.7.1 in... -
03:37 AM Bug report #4340 (Closed): QGIS crashes on full zoom or zoom to layer extent.
- Thaddeus - wrote:
> Well, confirmed, it does crash on Win2k, but I must confess I got QGIS 1.5, 1.6, 1.7 and 1.7.1 in... -
03:15 AM Bug report #2596: avoid useless canvas redraws
- another useless redraw:
when the identify window is set to be opened docked but it is not (yet) visible: picking the... -
03:05 AM Bug report #4302 (Closed): Can't use 'Geostationary Satellite View' projection
- Steven Mizuno wrote:
> So far as I can tell there isn't anything in QGIS to fix.
Then Ricardo please file this ticke... -
03:05 AM Bug report #4302 (Closed): Can't use 'Geostationary Satellite View' projection
- Steven Mizuno wrote:
> So far as I can tell there isn't anything in QGIS to fix.
Then Ricardo please file this ticke... -
03:03 AM Bug report #4343: Shapefile, created in Qgis, encoding not recognized by Esri ArcGIS 10
- I'm not really sure this is a QGIS issue...
02:23 AM Bug report #4328 (Closed): Fix for python output directory not being correctly created for Win32
- Ignore this pull request. I have subsequently cleaned my build environment and started a fresh build and this issue n...
02:23 AM Bug report #4328 (Closed): Fix for python output directory not being correctly created for Win32
- Ignore this pull request. I have subsequently cleaned my build environment and started a fresh build and this issue n...
01:01 AM Bug report #4343: Shapefile, created in Qgis, encoding not recognized by Esri ArcGIS 10
- Arcgis does not allow the user to choose the enconding when opening a vector, as QGIS does?
01:01 AM Bug report #4343: Shapefile, created in Qgis, encoding not recognized by Esri ArcGIS 10
- Arcgis does not allow the user to choose the enconding when opening a vector, as QGIS does?
12:02 AM Revision f09417db (qgis): Added gource script (thanks Nathan) and qgis download stats
10:26 PM Feature request #3041: Make the GdalTools command window editable
- IMO it is better to move the plugin to the new analytical infrastructure, so making major changes to the existing plu...
03:55 PM Feature request #3041: Make the GdalTools command window editable
- > It seems to have understand that one major problem would be maintain the GUI in sync with the command windows.
If ... -
02:44 PM Feature request #3041: Make the GdalTools command window editable
- no popups please, they are a pain in the butt. I think just disabling all the controls would be the better way to go...
01:08 PM Feature request #3041: Make the GdalTools command window editable
- It seems to have understand that one major problem would be maintain the GUI in sync with the command windows. From a...
01:08 PM Feature request #3041: Make the GdalTools command window editable
- It seems to have understand that one major problem would be maintain the GUI in sync with the command windows. From a...
01:08 PM Feature request #3041: Make the GdalTools command window editable
- It seems to have understand that one major problem would be maintain the GUI in sync with the command windows. From a...
10:20 PM Bug report #4352 (Closed): Point Displacement Render: Invalid Offset when only one geometry
- When using the point displacement rendering plugin it seems that in the case where is only one geometry (no collision...
04:46 PM Revision 107247e8 (qgis): Add method to access label string as expression, QgsExpression only cre...
10:25 AM Revision 514d121e (qgis): Fix label id for GetPrint in composer
09:40 AM Bug report #4351 (Closed): "Select Attributes" dialog in Print Composer needs Scrollbar
- the "Select Attributes" dialog when adding an Attribute Table in Print Composer can grow too long for the screen. The...
08:40 AM Bug report #4350 (Closed): Handle HTML content in RSS feed for OpenSearch results
- QGIS should be able to display RSS feeds properly for WMS searches. The release notes for QGIS 1.5 state that QGIS sh...
03:52 AM Feature request #4349 (Closed): Enable a user to edit the gdaltools commands.
- Duplicate #3041
03:52 AM Feature request #4349 (Closed): Enable a user to edit the gdaltools commands.
- Duplicate #3041
02:54 AM Feature request #4349 (Closed): Enable a user to edit the gdaltools commands.
- The dialogues for each gdaltool display the command to be run at the bottom.
It would be good if it was possible to ... -
03:02 AM Bug report #1380: No Data values are counted as values in the histogram
- Nodata values are also counted when using the "load min/max values from band" feature on the "Style" tab.
This w... -
02:40 AM Feature request #4348 (Closed): Add features like "creation options" and "no data" for all gdaltools
- The dialogues for some of the raster tools (e.g. translate) have options for important things like specifying a nodat...
11:19 PM Revision 9ec80235 (qgis): Dont use gdal c++ api. Also gdal drivers now unloaded without restart
11:16 PM Bug report #4347 (Closed): raster and vector rendering mismatched by 1 pixel at some zoom levels
- I'm not 100% sure if this counts as a bug:
Depending on the zoom level, a raster image and a vector with the same ex... -
10:40 PM Feature request #4346 (Closed): startup tip suggestion
- It might be good to have a startup tip explaining about VRT files.
I can't think of a good concise text at the moment... -
10:08 PM Bug report #2491: Raster transparency doesn't handle alpha channel
- I remember some conjecture on the mailing list that this is simply a new feature which hasn't been implemented yet.
... -
09:46 PM Feature request #4160: Enhancements to multiband raster styling to make it more user friendly / c...
- Something else, although it would probably be covered by your gui redesign:
Everything in the colormap tab is grayed ... - 03:39 PM Revision 52a30097 (qgis): Merge remote branch 'pb/master'
- Conflicts:
11:08 PM Revision 3f70d32e (qgis): Horizontal scroll bar in browser dock (#4274)
10:51 PM Revision 6999c897 (qgis): Do not show file extension in browser (#4309)
10:48 PM Revision 3350c9c0 (qgis): Do not include |layerid=X if the layer is not a collection (#4309)
09:27 PM Revision 56771039 (qgis): Ensure that we have a valid line in line decoration (#4241)
06:48 PM Revision 3c671041 (qgis): yet another take on matching proj4string in our database
06:23 PM Bug report #4302: Can't use 'Geostationary Satellite View' projection
- So far as I can tell there isn't anything in QGIS to fix.
08:07 AM Bug report #4302: Can't use 'Geostationary Satellite View' projection
- Hi, so this means that is not a QGIS issue, right?
Steven Mizuno wrote:
> More information -
> I looked more clos... -
07:42 AM Bug report #4302: Can't use 'Geostationary Satellite View' projection
- More information -
I looked more closely at how the MGRS 6x8 degree data was displayed and found that there were mis... -
02:59 PM Revision 76f9c4d5 (qgis): Fix for wrong symbol scaling if symbol size is defined in map units and...
02:09 PM Feature request #4274 (Closed): Data browser, horizontal scrollbar
- Added in commit:3f70d32
02:09 PM Feature request #4274 (Closed): Data browser, horizontal scrollbar
- Added in commit:3f70d32
01:56 PM Bug report #4309 (Closed): File browser: loaded layers do not behave the same way as those loaded...
- Should be fixed in commit:3350c9c and commit:6999c89 - at least with shapefiles. Some files that OGR loads actually m...
01:56 PM Bug report #4309 (Closed): File browser: loaded layers do not behave the same way as those loaded...
- Should be fixed in commit:3350c9c and commit:6999c89 - at least with shapefiles. Some files that OGR loads actually m...
12:30 PM Bug report #4241 (Closed): QGIS crash when zooming vector layer Postgresql with new line style
- Should be fixed in commit:5677103.
12:30 PM Bug report #4241 (Closed): QGIS crash when zooming vector layer Postgresql with new line style
- Should be fixed in commit:5677103.
08:40 AM Bug report #4340: QGIS crashes on full zoom or zoom to layer extent.
- It took me a while to find this reference. No, it's not a plugin: see these two bug and feature reports.
Bug #41... -
08:06 AM Bug report #4340: QGIS crashes on full zoom or zoom to layer extent.
- Thaddeus - wrote:
> I really need the feature that lets me identify the Band I'm plotting (1.6) and that was not inc... -
08:03 AM Bug report #4340: QGIS crashes on full zoom or zoom to layer extent.
- Well, confirmed, it does crash on Win2k, but I must confess I got QGIS 1.5, 1.6, 1.7 and 1.7.1 installed on the same ...
04:12 AM Feature request #4332: Add an option "set project CRS from first loaded layer"
- > The #4333 "issue" is not an issue at all: the CRSs (coordinate reference system, the acronym makes perfectly sense,...
03:56 AM Feature request #4332 (Closed): Add an option "set project CRS from first loaded layer"
- Borys Jurgiel wrote:
> See also #2093. Probably we can close this one as a duplicate now.
agree, duplicate of #2093.... -
03:56 AM Feature request #4332 (Closed): Add an option "set project CRS from first loaded layer"
- Borys Jurgiel wrote:
> See also #2093. Probably we can close this one as a duplicate now.
agree, duplicate of #2093.... -
03:53 AM Feature request #4332: Add an option "set project CRS from first loaded layer"
- See also #2093. Probably we can close this one as a duplicate now.
02:45 AM Feature request #4332 (Open): Add an option "set project CRS from first loaded layer"
> It may be more flexible, but I think it's significantly less user friendly. This combined with my other projection...-
02:45 AM Feature request #4332 (Open): Add an option "set project CRS from first loaded layer"
> It may be more flexible, but I think it's significantly less user friendly. This combined with my other projection...-
02:45 AM Feature request #4332 (Open): Add an option "set project CRS from first loaded layer"
> It may be more flexible, but I think it's significantly less user friendly. This combined with my other projection...-
02:45 AM Feature request #4332 (Open): Add an option "set project CRS from first loaded layer"
> It may be more flexible, but I think it's significantly less user friendly. This combined with my other projection...-
02:45 AM Feature request #4332 (Open): Add an option "set project CRS from first loaded layer"
> It may be more flexible, but I think it's significantly less user friendly. This combined with my other projection...-
02:45 AM Feature request #4332 (Open): Add an option "set project CRS from first loaded layer"
> It may be more flexible, but I think it's significantly less user friendly. This combined with my other projection...-
04:04 AM Bug report #4345 (Closed): Pie-chart diagrams are irregularly displaced (?) in map composition ou...
- When extracting a map composition using pie-chart diagrams (in all types of output, image, PDF or SVG) the 'pies' are...
03:52 AM Feature request #2093: Provide configuration options for new project (map) CRS and OTFR
- See also #4333 - also add a "set CRS from first laded layer" option. It could be either another radio button in the g...
03:36 AM Bug report #4216: error editing dbf over ssh / sftp
- I don't have problem editing the file locally
I'm not sure how i mount the filesystem. I use the "connect to server"... -
02:39 AM Bug report #4344 (Closed): Debian packaging is broken
- already fixed in commit:cb3ba889
02:39 AM Bug report #4344 (Closed): Debian packaging is broken
- already fixed in commit:cb3ba889
02:26 AM Bug report #4344 (Closed): Debian packaging is broken
- When I try to build QGis debian packages with debug enabled, dh_shlibdeps fails with message:...
02:23 AM Feature request #4330: Spatial Indexing of Shapefiles on first load
- Jonathan Moules wrote:
> Ah, it depends what you mean. I actually encountered this by loading a shapefile with ~3mill... -
02:05 AM Feature request #4330: Spatial Indexing of Shapefiles on first load
- Ah, it depends what you mean. I actually encountered this by loading a shapefile with ~3million line features so I ca...
01:56 AM Feature request #4332: Add an option "set project CRS from first loaded layer"
- It may be more flexible, but I think it's significantly less user friendly. This combined with my other projection ti...
05:29 AM Feature request #4332 (Closed): Add an option "set project CRS from first loaded layer"
- QGIS is more flexible: you can set the behavior for new projects CRSs and layers without a explicit CRS in the QGIS g...
05:29 AM Feature request #4332 (Closed): Add an option "set project CRS from first loaded layer"
- QGIS is more flexible: you can set the behavior for new projects CRSs and layers without a explicit CRS in the QGIS g...
01:41 AM Bug report #4343 (Closed): Shapefile, created in Qgis, encoding not recognized by Esri ArcGIS 10
- Hello,
I have created shapefile with UTF-8 attribute values. In QuantumGIS 1.7.1 they are displayed correctly, but i... -
07:08 PM Bug report #4340: QGIS crashes on full zoom or zoom to layer extent.
- Yeah, I just tried another PC with XP and Ubuntu and could not replicate either: I'm going to try angain tomorrow on ...
12:01 PM Feature request #4299: Change TOC symbology classes order according to order in the "style" tab o...
- The first par is duplicate of #4334.
I'll change the subject to reflect the feature request in the second part od th... -
12:01 PM Feature request #4299: Change TOC symbology classes order according to order in the "style" tab o...
- The first par is duplicate of #4334.
I'll change the subject to reflect the feature request in the second part od th... -
12:01 PM Feature request #4299: Change TOC symbology classes order according to order in the "style" tab o...
- The first par is duplicate of #4334.
I'll change the subject to reflect the feature request in the second part od th... -
12:01 PM Feature request #4299: Change TOC symbology classes order according to order in the "style" tab o...
- The first par is duplicate of #4334.
I'll change the subject to reflect the feature request in the second part od th... -
12:01 PM Feature request #4299: Change TOC symbology classes order according to order in the "style" tab o...
- The first par is duplicate of #4334.
I'll change the subject to reflect the feature request in the second part od th... -
11:57 AM Bug report #4334: Symbology classes order lost PLUS wrong order after editing a label
- see also #4299
06:30 AM Bug report #4334: Symbology classes order lost PLUS wrong order after editing a label
- I can confirm the issues on trunk/Linux. Moreover ordering by "value" orders always as text, even if the column used ...
06:30 AM Bug report #4334: Symbology classes order lost PLUS wrong order after editing a label
- I can confirm the issues on trunk/Linux. Moreover ordering by "value" orders always as text, even if the column used ...
06:30 AM Bug report #4334: Symbology classes order lost PLUS wrong order after editing a label
- I can confirm the issues on trunk/Linux. Moreover ordering by "value" orders always as text, even if the column used ...
06:30 AM Bug report #4334: Symbology classes order lost PLUS wrong order after editing a label
- I can confirm the issues on trunk/Linux. Moreover ordering by "value" orders always as text, even if the column used ...
06:30 AM Bug report #4334: Symbology classes order lost PLUS wrong order after editing a label
- I can confirm the issues on trunk/Linux. Moreover ordering by "value" orders always as text, even if the column used ...
11:53 AM Bug report #4309: File browser: loaded layers do not behave the same way as those loaded through ...
- see also #4296
11:46 AM Bug report #4309: File browser: loaded layers do not behave the same way as those loaded through ...
- Seems to me is not listed as a plugin.
11:46 AM Bug report #4309: File browser: loaded layers do not behave the same way as those loaded through ...
- Seems to me is not listed as a plugin.
11:53 AM Bug report #4296 (Closed): Loading files through Browser does not load style
- duplicate of #4309
11:53 AM Bug report #4296 (Closed): Loading files through Browser does not load style
- duplicate of #4309
11:48 AM Revision cb3ba889 (qgis): debian packaging update
11:45 AM Revision b379671a (qgis): fix windows build
11:12 AM Feature request #4330: Spatial Indexing of Shapefiles on first load
- I'm not sure this issue (of slow vector loading) goes away by creating spatial indexes, from my tests it doesn't.
Th... -
10:12 AM Revision b8305a7b (qgis): fix network-analysis API and export function in RoadGraph plugin (fix #...
10:07 AM Revision a0e39e60 (qgis): include QgsGraphArc description in Doxygen output (fix #4342)
06:22 AM Bug report #4300: Zoom to Layer Extent does not work after extent of underlying PostGIS view changes
- I can confirm the issue on QGIS trunk and PostgreSQL 8.4/PostGIS 1.5 installed on Linux.
05:53 AM Bug report #4238: Geoserver WFS-T throws error when using QGIS Cut Spatial Objects tool
- The error message comes from Geoserver, not QGIS, as it is clearly a JAVA error message.
In any case if you can't pr... -
05:49 AM Feature request #4327: UNC SVG paths instead of browse for folder
- Jürgen Fischer wrote:
> not reproducable here - the browse dialog also includes "Network Neighbourhood", so you can b... -
05:47 AM Bug report #4221: Cannot add values to new column in attribute table in same session
- Anita Graser wrote:
> I cannot reproduce this problem using 1.7.0 on Win7.
I cannot replicate either on Linux and QG... -
05:40 AM Bug report #3667: When opening a Version 1.4.0 project file (*.qgs) with Version 1.6.0 QGIS crashes
- Jürgen Fischer wrote:
> doesn't happen in trunk. Can you check again please?
I confirm it doesn't crash with QGIS t... -
05:25 AM Bug report #2081: Old Symbology: different rotation of symbol and label
- are we sure we want to keep open tickets on old symbology and old labelling? Both will be removed in QGIS 2.x, AFAIK
01:21 AM Bug report #4341 (Closed): Road Graph plugin. Button 'expot' not work
- Thanks, applied in commit:b8305a7
01:21 AM Bug report #4341 (Closed): Road Graph plugin. Button 'expot' not work
- Thanks, applied in commit:b8305a7
12:00 PM Bug report #4341: Road Graph plugin. Button 'expot' not work
- -2) comment fix-
Please delete it from path. -
11:23 AM Bug report #4341 (Closed): Road Graph plugin. Button 'expot' not work
- 1) Button 'export' not work
2) comment fix
3) network-analysis API-fix: use only inVertex() outVertex() functions -
01:21 AM Bug report #4342 (Closed): Doxygen output has't QgsGraphAcr class
- Thanks, applied in commit:a0e39e6
01:21 AM Bug report #4342 (Closed): Doxygen output has't QgsGraphAcr class
- Thanks, applied in commit:a0e39e6
01:39 PM Bug report #4342 (Closed): Doxygen output has't QgsGraphAcr class
01:26 PM Bug report #4009 (Closed): wrong CRS definition
- closing for the lack of feedback.
01:26 PM Bug report #4009 (Closed): wrong CRS definition
- closing for the lack of feedback.
01:26 PM Bug report #4009 (Closed): wrong CRS definition
- closing for the lack of feedback.
05:45 AM Feature request #4339 (Closed): Add data defined color to new symbology
- You are right! Closing this as duplicate.
05:45 AM Feature request #4339 (Closed): Add data defined color to new symbology
- You are right! Closing this as duplicate.
02:40 AM Feature request #4339: Add data defined color to new symbology
- duplicate of #3129 ?
05:38 AM Bug report #4340: QGIS crashes on full zoom or zoom to layer extent.
- Thaddeus - wrote:
> Zoom in and Zoom out work OK too.
cannot replicate here on both windows (seven) and linux and qg... -
02:33 AM Bug report #4305: Query builder: added ' ' around numeric fields (wrong)
- Jürgen Fischer wrote:
> not reproducable here - comparing numeric fields to strings containing numbers works fine wit... -
02:22 AM Bug report #3694 (Closed): WMS quality worse on QGIS server compared to QGIS desktop
02:03 AM Bug report #3694: WMS quality worse on QGIS server compared to QGIS desktop
- I think this was fixed meanwhile. I don't see the problem anymore.
01:18 AM Revision ef9e214c (qgis): fix #4282
09:52 PM Revision a0be3b94 (qgis): fix warnings
07:19 PM Revision e1393488 (qgis): fix minor typos + scripts/ run.
07:01 PM Revision 6539ce96 (qgis): fix typo
03:57 PM Revision e55887f6 (qgis): translate comments in English (fix for #4338)
03:23 PM Bug report #4340: QGIS crashes on full zoom or zoom to layer extent.
- Zoom in and Zoom out work OK too.
03:22 PM Bug report #4340 (Closed): QGIS crashes on full zoom or zoom to layer extent.
- QGIS instantly disappears from screen when doing a "Zoom Full" or "Zoom to layer extent" on an a single SRT30 file an...
03:01 PM Bug report #4305: Query builder: added ' ' around numeric fields (wrong)
- I get the same problem. Osgeo4w dev
12:59 PM Bug report #4305 (Feedback): Query builder: added ' ' around numeric fields (wrong)
- not reproducable here - comparing numeric fields to strings containing numbers works fine with postgres and shapes.
02:47 PM Bug report #3667 (Feedback): When opening a Version 1.4.0 project file (*.qgs) with Version 1.6.0...
02:45 PM Bug report #3694 (Feedback): WMS quality worse on QGIS server compared to QGIS desktop
02:30 PM Bug report #4216 (Feedback): error editing dbf over ssh / sftp
- Does that also happen if you edit the file locally? What are you using to mount the filesystem?
02:28 PM Bug report #4221 (Feedback): Cannot add values to new column in attribute table in same session
05:03 AM Bug report #4221: Cannot add values to new column in attribute table in same session
- I cannot reproduce this problem using 1.7.0 on Win7.
02:19 PM Bug report #4282 (Closed): Wrong map zooming when using the "Attribute Table" zoom tool.
- fixed in commit:ef9e214
02:19 PM Bug report #4282 (Closed): Wrong map zooming when using the "Attribute Table" zoom tool.
- fixed in commit:ef9e214
01:55 PM Revision a02b4802 (qgis): fix #4331
01:13 PM Feature request #4327 (Feedback): UNC SVG paths instead of browse for folder
- not reproducable here - the browse dialog also includes "Network Neighbourhood", so you can browse for network resour...
12:25 PM Revision 8aa2f501 (qgis): german translation update
12:13 PM Revision b53e6229 (qgis): indentation update - please use
10:21 AM Bug report #4298 (Closed): Patch: minor typos in the code
- applied in commit:e139348
also ran scripts/ to catch some more. -
10:21 AM Bug report #4298 (Closed): Patch: minor typos in the code
- applied in commit:e139348
also ran scripts/ to catch some more. -
09:39 AM Bug report #4333: EPSG:27700 is interpreted as custom projection
- Jonathan Moules wrote:
> I'm not going to pretend to understand that response, but:
> "In your case the shape reproje... -
09:39 AM Bug report #4333: EPSG:27700 is interpreted as custom projection
- Jonathan Moules wrote:
> I'm not going to pretend to understand that response, but:
> "In your case the shape reproje... -
09:39 AM Bug report #4333: EPSG:27700 is interpreted as custom projection
- Jonathan Moules wrote:
> I'm not going to pretend to understand that response, but:
> "In your case the shape reproje... -
09:34 AM Bug report #4333: EPSG:27700 is interpreted as custom projection
- Jonathan Moules wrote:
> I'm not going to pretend to understand that response, but:
> "In your case the shape reproje... -
09:31 AM Bug report #4333: EPSG:27700 is interpreted as custom projection
- I'm not going to pretend to understand that response, but:
"In your case the shape reprojects fine" - is wrong.
When ... -
05:15 AM Bug report #4333 (Closed): EPSG:27700 is interpreted as custom projection
- The CRS of your shape and the EPSG27700 in QGIS do not match simply because the CRSs definitions in QGIS are the upda...
05:15 AM Bug report #4333 (Closed): EPSG:27700 is interpreted as custom projection
- The CRS of your shape and the EPSG27700 in QGIS do not match simply because the CRSs definitions in QGIS are the upda...
05:15 AM Bug report #4333 (Closed): EPSG:27700 is interpreted as custom projection
- The CRS of your shape and the EPSG27700 in QGIS do not match simply because the CRSs definitions in QGIS are the upda...
09:34 AM Revision ee192945 (qgis): Merge pull request #49 from stopa85/network-analysis
- Network analysis and road-graph-plugin
07:06 AM Bug report #4338 (Closed): russian comment in src/analysis/network/qgsgraph.h
07:05 AM Bug report #4338: russian comment in src/analysis/network/qgsgraph.h
- fixed in commit:e55887f62b97a3dccbae0995596a6b3709664dca
04:40 AM Bug report #4338: russian comment in src/analysis/network/qgsgraph.h
- sorry
04:40 AM Bug report #4338: russian comment in src/analysis/network/qgsgraph.h
- sorry
06:14 AM Feature request #4339 (Closed): Add data defined color to new symbology
- Similar to data defined font color in new labeling, it would be nice to be able to use an attribute to color features...
05:25 AM Feature request #1659: add a 'reload button' to the QGIS table
- I guess there should be a "Reload Layer" (not just the attributes but also features and layer extent).
05:25 AM Feature request #1659: add a 'reload button' to the QGIS table
- I guess there should be a "Reload Layer" (not just the attributes but also features and layer extent).
05:19 AM Feature request #47 (Closed): raster legend in map composer
05:19 AM Feature request #191 (Closed): Legend improvements - further to #117
04:57 AM Bug report #4239 (Closed): Chopped-off labels (consider for New Generation Labeling)
04:56 AM Bug report #4331 (Closed): Classification dialog issues
- fixed in commit:a02b4802
04:56 AM Bug report #4331 (Closed): Classification dialog issues
- fixed in commit:a02b4802
04:56 AM Bug report #4331 (Closed): Classification dialog issues
- fixed in commit:a02b4802
04:52 AM Feature request #4217: Allow up to 5 decimal places for Width/Size Scale Field
- Another (more important) reason to solve this (from bug #3825 which has been closed as duplicate):
In new symbology,... -
04:28 AM Bug report #3825 (Closed): Two decimal places for symbology in map unit is not suited for lat-lon...
- duplicate of #4217
04:28 AM Bug report #3825 (Closed): Two decimal places for symbology in map unit is not suited for lat-lon...
- duplicate of #4217
01:12 AM Bug report #4338 (Closed): russian comment in src/analysis/network/qgsgraph.h
- Please comment in English.
01:08 AM Revision a2713fd0 (qgis): Fix from 49e4e998c6 to ensure that all postgis connection parameters ar...
11:51 PM Revision 743f2075 (qgis): fix some warnings
11:50 PM Revision dfaba7e1 (qgis): debian packaging update
10:32 PM Revision 5e9d95b8 (qgis): indentation update
10:32 PM Revision 0f1b2095 (qgis): Updated version no in banner
02:13 PM Bug report #4329 (Closed): PostGIS provider - estimated metadata URI parameter not copied
- applied in commit:a2713fd0ed7129bff1a3390172b2649921ff630b
02:12 PM Bug report #4328: Fix for python output directory not being correctly created for Win32
- Could you elaborate what the actual problem is?
01:31 PM Revision 4342e9b5 (qgis): Revert "Applied fix for #4283"
- This reverts commit 7f3e9560fc93cd8b3ea4039f319bca568e17bb38.
01:24 PM Revision c42d70bb (qgis): Another valiant attempt at spurious changelog suppression.
01:22 PM Revision 95a7117a (qgis): Merge branch 'master' of
10:19 PM Feature request #4337 (Closed): Missing EPSG codes: EPSG:3874-3883
- Hi,
This is my first issue, so please patient if I can't deliver all necessary information or this is already includ... -
03:00 PM Bug report #4336 (Closed): Buffered text results in large PDF file sizes
02:08 PM Bug report #4336: Buffered text results in large PDF file sizes
- Sorry, duplicate of Bug #3467. Switching to ABC label tool fixes on OS X too.
01:50 PM Bug report #4336 (Closed): Buffered text results in large PDF file sizes
- A map exported from the composer as PDF will be several times larger if the labels in the project have buffers.
For ... -
01:44 PM Revision 3cac713c (qgis): Added Python wrappers for QgsZonalStatistics
11:13 AM Revision c5d1f7a4 (qgis): Send exception in case of unknown feature info format
10:25 AM Revision 869224df (qgis): Add feature bounding box to GetFeatureInfo response if invoked with fil...
08:25 AM Revision cc59d938 (qgis): Merge pull request #48 from linz/wfs_layer_sort
- Added sorting to WFS layer tree grid widget
05:42 AM Bug report #4334: Symbology classes order lost PLUS wrong order after editing a label
- This bug is worse than the minor nuisance it seems.
After step (b) but before (c), change the "Label" for a feature.... -
04:02 AM Bug report #4334 (Closed): Symbology classes order lost PLUS wrong order after editing a label
- The list returns to random order after every change to a symbol.
Original text:
I'm using the "New symbology" style... -
04:10 AM Bug report #4335 (Closed): Raster legend: no values are shown for GRASS rasters
- In the legend for rasters, for most formats both colour and value are shown. For GRASS rasters, only colours.
03:51 AM Bug report #4333 (Closed): EPSG:27700 is interpreted as custom projection
- I have shapefiles which are projected in EPSG:27700 (OSGB), created in either FME or ArcGIS it doesn't seem to matter...
03:41 AM Feature request #4332 (Closed): Add an option "set project CRS from first loaded layer"
- I load QGIS with a new project. I then add a file with a projection of OSGB (EPSG: 27700). What I believe should happ...
03:25 AM Bug report #4331 (Closed): Classification dialog issues
- I was trying to use "Unique Value" to classify for symbology/style. I first classified by a column called "DESC_GROUP...
03:17 AM Feature request #4330 (Open): Spatial Indexing of Shapefiles on first load
- Hi,
Earlier today I loaded three shapefiles into my 1.7.0 QGIS with a combined 5million+ features. QGIS defaults to "... -
02:59 AM Bug report #4329 (Closed): PostGIS provider - estimated metadata URI parameter not copied
- This patch ensures that all PostGIS connection parameters are copied in the QgsPostgresConnection constructor i.e est...
02:55 AM Bug report #4328 (Closed): Fix for python output directory not being correctly created for Win32
- Fix for python output directory not being correctly created for Win32 when using the the standard winxp command promp...
01:48 AM Feature request #4327 (Closed): UNC SVG paths instead of browse for folder
- When adding a new path in Options > Rendering > SVG Paths, it'd be good to be able to either type a UNC path into the...
01:28 AM Feature request #4326 (Closed): Set the save dialog project name same as project title
- If you set the .qgs project title in Settings > Project Properties > General before saving for the first time, it'd b...
01:24 AM Feature request #4325 (Open): Making url's in WMS Query response clickable
- In follow-up of this thread on the QGis forums (
- 02:50 PM Revision a950830d (qgis): fix python-binding
- 12:51 PM Revision 94b5f99c (qgis): Merge remote branch 'pb/master' into network-analysis
- Conflicts:
src/... -
10:16 AM Feature request #4322: Store projects in databases
- Sorry but I don't seem to understand why someone would actually pay lots of money for such feature and why it makes s...
05:22 AM Feature request #4322: Store projects in databases
- This is the sort of functionality I think ESRI tools offer, out of that I presume;
- for some users shows a preparedn... -
05:29 AM Feature request #4321: New tab in raster properties: rasters stats as table
- +1, use case is Landsat rasters which tend to play havoc with most scales on histograms. For atmospheric correction w...
05:25 AM Bug report #4241: QGIS crash when zooming vector layer Postgresql with new line style
- Just happened to me with 820469f.
Here's a backtrace:... -
05:16 AM Bug report #4324: wrong scale in print composer?
- Hi Otto,
there was a ticket a while back lodged by Nathan which was consistent with my experience, there was an offs... -
04:59 AM Bug report #4293: QGIS crashes when applying Graduated Symbol symbology.
- Cannot reproduce on Win7 with 1.7.0, or
QGIS code revision
03:55 PM Revision f64ae1c7 (qgis): Loading of function list from QgsExpression now working
09:39 AM Revision 224f0e37 (qgis): Enhance maximum for point displacement tolerance (ticket #4319)
08:18 AM Bug report #4324 (Closed): wrong scale in print composer?
- Hi,
using the print composer there are sometimes sudden scale changes within a map window. They appear in raster lay...
12:40 AM Bug report #4319 (Closed): Point displacement: "point distance tolerance" can be set to a max val...
- Fixed in 224f0e3779817029bb38f7634507945aefa132b5
03:13 AM Bug report #4319 (Closed): Point displacement: "point distance tolerance" can be set to a max val...
- Not enough when working in a projected CRS/meters
09:37 PM Revision d6171aa4 (qgis): more translatable strings in OSM plugin
09:21 PM Revision 59225ad7 (qgis): wms provider updates:
- - don't repeat WMS parameters (eg. when VERSION is specified in the WMS connection's url)
- allow wms tags to e prefi... -
04:10 PM Revision d90dcefd (qgis): Read functions from QgsExpression. Updated FunctionDef to store group n...
- NOTE: Reading functions list not working yet.
11:53 AM Feature request #4323 (Closed): provide link to plugins issue trackers
- I recently filed a bug for a python plugin here. It's been closed as invalid, but I had no idea where to file the bug...
09:39 AM Revision 70a3bcc9 (qgis): debian packaging update
07:18 AM Feature request #4322: Store projects in databases
- If I understand your request, something similar is available in qgis-dev with the tool "embed layers and groups", whi...
07:02 AM Feature request #4322 (Open): Store projects in databases
- The idea is to be able to store projects within a central database system.
In a bigger multi-user working scenario, ... -
04:59 AM Bug report #4316 (Closed): DBManager plugin installation fails
- You must use the DBmanager GH issue trac, not the QGis one as DBManager is not a core plugin.
04:59 AM Bug report #4316 (Closed): DBManager plugin installation fails
- You must use the DBmanager GH issue trac, not the QGis one as DBManager is not a core plugin.
03:31 AM Feature request #4321: New tab in raster properties: rasters stats as table
- Of course this makes sense for categorical rasters, much less for continuous ones. The data should be already availab...
03:21 AM Feature request #4321 (Open): New tab in raster properties: rasters stats as table
- Ok... this suggestion comes from Arc* users, but it makes sense to me.
Add a tab to show a table with the followin... -
03:15 AM Feature request #4320 (Closed): mapserver export plugin: update it to work with new symbology
- (in preview of dropping the old one)
03:07 AM Feature request #4318 (Closed): "Union": after adding the result to TOC/project, the output layer...
- The dropdown is not updated and forces the user to close the tool and reopen it again.
This may be true also for oth... -
02:58 AM Bug report #4303: Plugin installer: error if high-ASCII in path
- Borys Jurgiel wrote:
> Ok, than it's related to Python plugins paths, not to the installer.
> Unfortunately also I ha... -
02:53 AM Bug report #2596: avoid useless canvas redraws
- Another useless redraw is when clicking "OK" after having clicked on "APPLY", for example in vector or raster propert...
02:53 AM Bug report #2596: avoid useless canvas redraws
- Another useless redraw is when clicking "OK" after having clicked on "APPLY", for example in vector or raster propert...
02:53 AM Bug report #2596: avoid useless canvas redraws
- Another useless redraw is when clicking "OK" after having clicked on "APPLY", for example in vector or raster propert...
02:47 AM Bug report #4317 (Closed): New labeling: rotation for polygons is only applied after moving the l...
- Pick a point layer with a field that holds angle value to give to labels. Set it in the data defined settings of the ...
12:58 AM Revision af56944d (qgis): Restore override cursor when about box is shown
12:41 AM Revision e6718b65 (qgis): - debian packaging update for 1.7.1
- - composer/wmsserver fix for lenny (Qt <4.5)
12:34 AM Revision 60241924 (qgis): Merge branch 'master' of
12:32 AM Revision 93a190a3 (qgis): Fix some more merge confglicts after merging updates from 1.7 brnach
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