Bug report #4399

Browser does not allow to tell which layer format to load

Added by Paolo Cavallini over 13 years ago. Updated over 13 years ago.

Category:Data Provider
Affected QGIS version: Regression?:No
Operating System: Easy fix?:No
Pull Request or Patch supplied:No Resolution:fixed
Crashes QGIS or corrupts data: Copied to github as #:14331


In current trunk, layers are displayed without the file extension, and the user has no way to tell which format the file is. As a result, if one has >1 layer with the same name and different format, (s)he does not know which one has to be loaded


#1 Updated by Martin Dobias over 13 years ago

Would it be sufficient to show the extension (or the complete file name) as a tooltip? Originally we have been showing extensions, but later I have removed them since I consider that a corner case that someone has various layers with the same base name, only with different extensions. The list without extensions look much clearer to me than it was with extensions.

#2 Updated by Paolo Cavallini over 13 years ago

I think this solution is optimal, as it follows the behaviour of the legend.

#3 Updated by Thaddeus - over 13 years ago

Using Tooltips is not a viable option for medium to large size projects, it's only good for one or two layers and occasional use. To figure out what file is associated to a layer name, I always prefer to doubleclick on the layer name and use the tab "Layer Properties" => "General" and rely on the good behavior of such window: always pop up on the same spot and preserves the last tab setting.

Here is an idea, might not be a ... , but ... well .. anyway ..., here it goes: add an advanced-user setting option --say, new/existing plain ini/text file or Text-box widget somewhere or about:config type of thing, etc-- whereby, rather cryptic settings, can be entered: such as, IncludeExtOnLayerNm=1. Eventually, the clamour of the users can make those options gain a place on the GUI.

#4 Updated by Martin Dobias over 13 years ago

Thaddeus - wrote:

Here is an idea, might not be a ... , but ... well .. anyway ..., here it goes: add an advanced-user setting option --say, new/existing plain ini/text file or Text-box widget somewhere or about:config type of thing, etc-- whereby, rather cryptic settings, can be entered: such as, IncludeExtOnLayerNm=1. Eventually, the clamour of the users can make those options gain a place on the GUI.

In future we may add such advanced settings. Even now the options dialog lists way too many options, so moving them away to a common place where super-power-users could further customize QGIS seems like a good idea. By these I mean settings like cache size, network reply timeout, render caching, "fix problems with incorrectly filled polygons", overlay placement method etc.

#5 Updated by Martin Dobias over 13 years ago

Tooltips added in c3f6dff9

#6 Updated by Martin Dobias over 13 years ago

  • Resolution set to fixed
  • Status changed from Open to Closed

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