From 2012-12-18 to 2013-01-16
11:50 PM Revision a6c5fd87 (qgis): Update of providers' feature iterators
- Currently providers do not support concurrent access of more iterators at once, so keep pointer to the currently acti...
09:07 PM Revision a928d514 (qgis): Turn on all edit triggers and set minimum heights for custom/current en...
- - Set minimum heights for all table widgets in Options->System
09:06 PM Revision 73c3a8f3 (qgis): Increase relative height of custom/current env vars table headers
09:06 PM Revision 15de06db (qgis): Update Options dialog vertical tabs after paintEvent, instead of on resize
- - Allows full updating of icon-only mode on OSes that emit only one resize event
10:19 AM Bug report #7002 (Closed): some menus still untranslated in French?
- Qt translations fixed in latest qt-libs package in osgeo4w (will be included in the next's release standalone install...
08:28 AM Bug report #7002 (Feedback): some menus still untranslated in French?
- How would be the title in english? Have you tested qgis master, probably since its release in master were added more ...
08:28 AM Bug report #7002 (Feedback): some menus still untranslated in French?
- How would be the title in english? Have you tested qgis master, probably since its release in master were added more ...
07:23 AM Bug report #7002 (Reopened): some menus still untranslated in French?
- [QGIS 1.8.0 Lisboa] [Windows 7] some menus still untranslated into French ?
Re : [QGIS 1.8.0 Lisboa] [Windows 7] som... -
02:39 AM Bug report #7002 (Closed): some menus still untranslated in French?
- please file tickets in english, thanks.
02:39 AM Bug report #7002 (Closed): some menus still untranslated in French?
- please file tickets in english, thanks.
02:22 AM Bug report #7002 (Closed): some menus still untranslated in French?
- I have noticed several menus and button texts still in English, not being translated. I use QGIS 1.8.0 Lisboa.
For ... -
02:54 AM Bug report #6990: pyspatialite: some spatialite functions not recognised
- Confimed here with Qspatialite too. A provider issue?
Everything works ok in spatialite_gui_v4 -
02:39 AM Bug report #7001 (Closed): IHM de dépot de Nouvelle demande ?
- please file tickets in english, thanks.
02:39 AM Bug report #7001 (Closed): IHM de dépot de Nouvelle demande ?
- please file tickets in english, thanks.
02:23 AM Bug report #7001: IHM de dépot de Nouvelle demande ?
- Bonjour Pascal,
better post in english here. I guess your request is more related to redmine tool than qgis.. -
02:18 AM Bug report #7001 (Closed): IHM de dépot de Nouvelle demande ?
- Bonjour,
Je trouve qu'il manque un lien vers la page "Nouvelle demande" à l'intérieur du corps du texte de la page h... -
02:37 AM Bug report #6991 (Closed): scale-based visibility values are not saved in the qgs document
- Yes, you're right. Alpha 1.9.0 fixed. Waiting for stable release.....
01:46 AM Bug report #6991: scale-based visibility values are not saved in the qgs document
- toni frg wrote:
> Qgis 1.8 lisboa
you should try master, I think is fixed there. -
01:39 AM Feature request #1787: Line and polygon rotation
- Rotate Tool is created now in the Advanced Editing toolbar(Current Dev version 1.9)
01:33 AM Feature request #3472: Enhancement: create by length/angle / Rotate feature
- Rotate tool is in the Advanced Editing toolbar in the current dev version.
12:41 AM Bug report #6991: scale-based visibility values are not saved in the qgs document
- Qgis 1.8 lisboa
- 12:24 AM Revision 3fe0f99f (qgis): More pt_PT translations by Nelson Silva
06:54 PM Revision 0dbb781f (qgis): fix build
04:51 PM Revision d3981b8f (qgis): Update translation for Python Console
04:39 PM Revision 33a6aa61 (qgis): Merge pull request #388 from mwa/offline_editing_api
- Move QgsOfflineEditing to core
04:30 PM Revision a1743ab0 (qgis): Move QgsOfflineEditing to core and add SIP bindings; refactor Offline E...
02:08 PM Revision ce64ede9 (qgis): Merge pull request #387 from slarosa/pyqgis-console
- Add QgsMessageBar for pyqgis console
01:30 PM Feature request #7000 (Feedback): Selection color should be different in active/background layers
- Hi !
As soon as you've got several vector layers, the selection becomes very confusing :
there's no way to tell if t... -
12:15 PM Revision 6768327e (qgis): Add QgsMessageBar for pyqgis console
11:20 AM Revision 0357f0fd (qgis): Merge pull request #386 from Oslandia/atlas
- Fix atlas map resizing
09:20 AM Bug report #6992: gui issues with QgsRasterFormatSaveOptionsWidget on Mac OSX
- Larry, thanks for your input. I'm suspecting the GUI issues you have and the crash are not entirely related, but I n...
07:50 AM Bug report #6992: gui issues with QgsRasterFormatSaveOptionsWidget on Mac OSX
- On Mac, raster 'Save as' dialog exhibits same issue (help behind modal create options dialog). See attachments.
Maki... -
07:50 AM Bug report #6992: gui issues with QgsRasterFormatSaveOptionsWidget on Mac OSX
- On Mac, raster 'Save as' dialog exhibits same issue (help behind modal create options dialog). See attachments.
Maki... -
07:50 AM Bug report #6992: gui issues with QgsRasterFormatSaveOptionsWidget on Mac OSX
- On Mac, raster 'Save as' dialog exhibits same issue (help behind modal create options dialog). See attachments.
Maki... -
07:00 AM Bug report #6992: gui issues with QgsRasterFormatSaveOptionsWidget on Mac OSX
- I just tested with osgeo4w (32bit) and can confirm the crash. I don't have the compiling tools setup, can someone pr...
08:22 AM Feature request #6961: add additional path for python plugins in system options
- Ok, thanks to Jurgen too, ...
07:53 AM Feature request #6961: add additional path for python plugins in system options
- BTW, Juergen added the Windows env var support with commit commit:314d144
regis Haubourg wrote:
> 1- the tab of syst... -
02:20 AM Feature request #6961: add additional path for python plugins in system options
- Hi Larry,
tested on Win XP with admin rights. It works OK. two remarks:
1- the tab of system environemment variable ... -
01:04 AM Revision bdcb6c1c (qgis): Add mousePressEvent to QgsMessageBar sip file
12:40 AM Bug report #6997 (Closed): Locks kept on layers after removal from registry
- How it happened:
- Open DBManager, select a topology schema, select Topology Viewer
- Issue a SELECT DropTopology(<... -
11:57 PM Revision 7d505f11 (qgis): more oracle provider improvements:
- - enable warnings and more error handling in qocispatial
- read ordinates in one go (OCICollGetElemArray/OCINumberToR... -
11:12 PM Bug report #6996: Line pattern fill is not rendered to vector in pdf export
- Connecting issue #3250?
10:44 PM Bug report #6996: Line pattern fill is not rendered to vector in pdf export
- Attach a pdf. The line pattern fill have been rendered as raster
10:39 PM Bug report #6996 (Closed): Line pattern fill is not rendered to vector in pdf export
- I've experienced some problems when I export maps to vector-pdf from the composer. All features in the exported pdf a...
10:47 PM Bug report #5800 (Closed): Problem with legend icon when using line pattern fill
- You are right, that's probably the best solution.
Marco Hugentobler wrote:
> Couldn't you just increase the symbol w... -
09:03 PM Bug report #6995: db manager's SQL window freezes with long query (due to syntax coloring?)
- To avoid confusion: this is about interface freezing when editing a query (i.e. not a freeze while the query is being...
08:51 PM Bug report #6995: db manager's SQL window freezes with long query (due to syntax coloring?)
- oups, seems the SQL query was cut-off. I've attached the query as a text file.
08:44 PM Bug report #6995 (Closed): db manager's SQL window freezes with long query (due to syntax coloring?)
- Discovered this while trying to update a field from a spatialite point dataset. The db manager's SQL window will free...
08:55 PM Revision 9182ab2d (qgis): Re-add mysteriously missing connections for custom env variables checkbox
- - Probably removed during QtDesigner changes to .ui file; code into .cpp file instead
- Possible fix for #6961 -
07:10 PM Bug report #6992: gui issues with QgsRasterFormatSaveOptionsWidget on Mac OSX
- Also,
can you please test the help button in the raster save as dialog? Works fine here. -
07:07 PM Bug report #6992 (Feedback): gui issues with QgsRasterFormatSaveOptionsWidget on Mac OSX
- I cannot confirm either crash, nor problem reported by Larry (help dialog behind main dialog).
I am running this on ... -
05:07 PM Bug report #6992: gui issues with QgsRasterFormatSaveOptionsWidget on Mac OSX
- Doesn't crash here on Mac OS X 10.7.5, but does not bring the help forward.
Before clicking Help button, slide dialo... -
05:07 PM Bug report #6992: gui issues with QgsRasterFormatSaveOptionsWidget on Mac OSX
- Doesn't crash here on Mac OS X 10.7.5, but does not bring the help forward.
Before clicking Help button, slide dialo... -
02:01 PM Bug report #6992: gui issues with QgsRasterFormatSaveOptionsWidget on Mac OSX
- confirmed here
02:01 PM Bug report #6992: gui issues with QgsRasterFormatSaveOptionsWidget on Mac OSX
- confirmed here
02:01 PM Bug report #6992: gui issues with QgsRasterFormatSaveOptionsWidget on Mac OSX
- confirmed here
01:46 PM Bug report #6992 (Closed): gui issues with QgsRasterFormatSaveOptionsWidget on Mac OSX
- initial issue was "gui issues with QgsRasterFormatSaveOptionsWidget on Mac OSX"
Clicking the help button in QgsRaste... -
04:29 PM Bug report #6994 (Closed): Can't update NULL numerical MS SQL
- Seems that you can't add or update a numerical field that allows nulls using the attribute table or form. If you try...
02:43 PM Bug report #6993 (Closed): Saving MS SQL Layer to shapefile fails with dates/datetime
- If you try and save a MS SQL layer with date or datetime column types you get an error while saving
@Export to vecto... -
12:15 PM Revision ca77a987 (qgis): refs #6956
- Fix map frame resizing : do not touch the frame size, adapt the geometry's extent if needed
12:11 PM Feature request #6961 (Feedback): add additional path for python plugins in system options
- Hi Régis,
Could you test if commit commit:9182ab2 fixes the greyed-out issue for you? Looks like those QtDesigner-ma... -
09:31 AM Bug report #6991 (Feedback): scale-based visibility values are not saved in the qgs document
- on master or qgis 1.8?
09:25 AM Bug report #6991 (Closed): scale-based visibility values are not saved in the qgs document
- I set my labels to be rendered between 1:1 - 1:3000. I save the document and close qgis. Reopen qgis and reload my do...
08:20 AM Bug report #6990: pyspatialite: some spatialite functions not recognised
- On qgis master and OS windows 7.
08:15 AM Bug report #6990: pyspatialite: some spatialite functions not recognised
- and on what OS?
08:15 AM Bug report #6990 (Feedback): pyspatialite: some spatialite functions not recognised
- on qgis master, right?
08:11 AM Bug report #6990 (Closed): pyspatialite: some spatialite functions not recognised
- In DBManager, some spatialite functions known in V3.0.1 throw a database error "no such function".
Examples: ST_Offse... -
03:20 AM Bug report #6956: ATLAS does not fit well for objects higher than they are large
- Fixed. Pull request 386 -
01:54 AM Bug report #6956: ATLAS does not fit well for objects higher than they are large
- Data are not exactly missing. If you change settings in order to display the frame border, you will see the frame res...
01:10 AM Bug report #6956: ATLAS does not fit well for objects higher than they are large
- Hi, I think everybody expects centered images on both axes when using Atlas. And the bug described here in not only a...
01:08 AM Bug report #6956: ATLAS does not fit well for objects higher than they are large
- What do you expect when the extent of an object has not the same aspect ratio as the map frame's one ?
The current be... -
01:35 AM Revision 831f99a4 (qgis): oracle provider improvements:
- - improve srs lookup
- insert crs to oracle table on import, if not existent (requires INSERT privilege on MDSYS.SDO_... -
01:35 AM Revision fcb50455 (qgis): [FEATURE] add second browser
01:10 AM Revision b288b3a6 (qgis): Add QgisApp::messageTimeout() to iface sip file
- - [API] Remove recently added, and unnecessary, mMessageTimeout and setMessageTimeout() from QgisApp
12:58 AM Bug report #6956: ATLAS does not fit well for objects higher than they are large
- probably related to #6988
12:24 AM Revision e435762e (qgis): Set fixed size for close icon in QgsMessageBar
04:37 PM Feature request #6988 (Closed): Print Composer - Centered map
- Unfortunately when I create map frame in _Print Composer_, the layer is centered on width (good) but *not centered on...
05:39 AM Bug report #6987 (Feedback): canvas leftovers when editing or using the measure/identify tools
- Matthias Kuhn wrote:
> Just to be sure, did you try this on the latest master?
> There has been a (more or less) r... -
05:34 AM Bug report #6987: canvas leftovers when editing or using the measure/identify tools
- Just to be sure, did you try this on the latest master?
There has been a (more or less) recent commit:90c571d which ... -
05:24 AM Bug report #6987 (Closed): canvas leftovers when editing or using the measure/identify tools
- On many computers, both Windows and Linux, it is pretty easy to have leftovers on the screen when editing (especially...
04:41 AM Feature request #6986 (Closed): Browser should support formats with multiple layers in it
- When you add the normal way file formats like GPX or personal geodatabase (samples attached), qgis pops up a dialog t...
04:07 AM Revision ccbd3e2e (qgis): Finish refactoring that caused build error
03:15 AM Revision 906c7a17 (qgis): fix build error
- 03:00 AM Revision 34f45333 (qgis): Fix build
01:53 AM Revision 3ea0a37f (qgis): Add stop/start and user default option for timeout of timed QgsMessageBars
- - Add pause/start icons to timeout countdown progress bar
- Add user-defined option for general message timeouts
- [A...
12:16 AM Revision 98d8d507 (qgis): Merge pull request #378 from slarosa/ftools_split_vector
- fix #4534
11:48 PM Revision ac29c5b1 (qgis): remove trailing blanks from python files
11:48 PM Revision 0a707fbc (qgis): german translation update
11:36 PM Revision 762120e0 (qgis): remove trailing blanks from python files
11:17 PM Revision 98dad7dc (qgis): fix sip binding of QgsCredentials::get() (always returned true; partly ...
10:03 PM Revision 82ea4298 (qgis): Merge pull request #385 from slarosa/pyqgis-console
- remove item QgsInterface from import class menu in python console
09:54 PM Revision 8203effa (qgis): remove item QgsInterface from import class menu in python console
- since a369ed0 it is no longer necessary to import iface object
04:54 PM Revision 13bfb5eb (qgis): Merge branch 'master' of
04:45 PM Revision bc4f8f2b (qgis): Add convenience methods for pushing a non-widget-based message to QgsMe...
- - Switch some WARNING messages over to INFO
- Add default icon for CRITICAL messages -
03:16 PM Bug report #4534 (Closed): "Split vector layer" freezes QGIS
- Fixed in changeset commit:"98d8d507efb7a650bf76e34b9d04b1daa91251bf".
- 01:05 PM Revision a369ed0f (qgis): Import iface into Python console
12:44 PM Revision 8927a3d4 (qgis): Update 'not vector/editable layer' dialogs to message bar for new Rotat...
12:44 PM Revision 2c36e7d7 (qgis): Fix #6957, move 'not vector/editable layer' dialogs to message bar for ...
- - Move notifications to base QgsMapToolEdit class
- Add QgsMessageBar::INFO icon (also useful for lightweight WARNING) -
12:43 PM Revision 5b431dfa (qgis): sextante file dialog now remembers last used folder
12:42 PM Revision 59b1d8d0 (qgis): modified grass postprocessing and edited grass description
12:42 PM Revision d5db3732 (qgis): code cleaning
12:40 PM Revision d1966b00 (qgis): editing parameters in modeler now remembers previous values
11:38 AM Revision d8c15934 (qgis): Transform anchor point if rotating reprojected features
10:47 AM Feature request #6985 (Closed): Export print layout as image with world file
- It would be nice to have an option to export a layout as a georeferenced tiff (tiff+tfw), with regards to a specific ...
10:38 AM Bug report #6810 (Feedback): QGIS crashes importing delimited text
- please add sample data
10:38 AM Bug report #6810 (Feedback): QGIS crashes importing delimited text
- please add sample data
10:26 AM Bug report #6984 (Closed): NVIZ stopped to work under Linux
- But it still works in qgis master under Windows
the error is
Cannot start module nviz
LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/usr/lib/gra... -
10:24 AM Bug report #6983 (Closed): GRASS direct modules are not working under Linux
- but they are under Windows
The error message is
Cannot start module r.random
LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/usr/lib/qgis/plugins... -
10:24 AM Bug report #6979: Couldn't load plugin openlayers_plugin due an error when calling its initGui() ...
- Giovanni Manghi wrote:
> with the attached patched file the plugin works as expected, can someone make a push with th... -
10:21 AM Bug report #6979: Couldn't load plugin openlayers_plugin due an error when calling its initGui() ...
- Salvatore Larosa wrote:
> stefano campus wrote:
> > forgive me, salvatore, i don't understand wthat do you mean with ... -
10:14 AM Bug report #6979: Couldn't load plugin openlayers_plugin due an error when calling its initGui() ...
- stefano campus wrote:
> forgive me, salvatore, i don't understand wthat do you mean with "raw"
I am aware that was n... -
10:14 AM Bug report #6979: Couldn't load plugin openlayers_plugin due an error when calling its initGui() ...
- stefano campus wrote:
> forgive me, salvatore, i don't understand wthat do you mean with "raw"
I am aware that was n... -
07:53 AM Bug report #6979: Couldn't load plugin openlayers_plugin due an error when calling its initGui() ...
- forgive me, salvatore, i don't understand wthat do you mean with "raw"
i see another user who has same difficulty (ht... -
10:06 AM Revision db392501 (qgis): moved to Advanced Editing Toolbar
10:06 AM Revision 462c78eb (qgis): rotate closest feature if selection is empty
10:06 AM Revision eef2efc9 (qgis): icon added,fixed issue with no selection on
10:05 AM Revision f210b84a (qgis): prepare commit script run
10:05 AM Revision 0db0e7a1 (qgis): Fixed Rotation anchor issue while zooming panning
10:04 AM Revision 68e7b019 (qgis): Added Rotate Map Tool
09:55 AM Bug report #6982 (Closed): raster "save as..." tools saves WMS layers will al zeroes
- Until a few days ago it was working fine, now it always save an output made of just zeroes, regardless if the output ...
07:54 AM Revision a3f5cea2 (qgis): Merge pull request #382 from dakcarto/iface_edits-tool-switch-fix_1
- Fix #6968, saving/rollbacking edits deselects current editing tool
07:50 AM Revision 8803a00a (qgis): Fix #6968, saving/rollbacking edits deselects current editing tool
- 07:09 AM Revision 971c7b8b (qgis): Add groupbox support to attribute editor
06:22 AM Revision b4d082f9 (qgis): [composer] Add method for hiding background and frame groups from item ...
06:21 AM Revision 860e23af (qgis): [FEATURE][composer] Add styling support for composer shapes
03:46 AM Bug report #6957 (Closed): Remove "No active layer" dialog for select tool
- Fixed in changeset commit:"2c36e7d79fdd6b22495ec8affb6dda942765b9fd".
02:09 AM Revision a9e1d07c (qgis): oracle provider: accept number(0) as key
02:04 AM Revision a0628bf6 (qgis): Add descriptive names to message bar levels (from Matthais Kuhn)
- - Enum containing INFO, WARNING and CRITICAL
02:00 AM Feature request #5532 (Closed): Saved styles enhancement
- Please check the latest build most of these issues should now be fixed.
11:38 PM Bug report #6585 (Closed): <img> does not work in html map tips?
- Closed for now as Qt richtext, a subset of HTML which is used for the map tips, doesn't support non-local images.
10:54 PM Bug report #6968 (Closed): Saving selects wrong tool
- Fixed in changeset commit:"a3f5cea2a86cb32354545f503edf07687b8a2936".
11:57 AM Revision 0e036eeb (qgis): Merge branch 'master' of
11:57 AM Revision 078f0d0a (qgis): Fix python zebra style test
10:56 AM Revision eb02e915 (qgis): oracle provider: fix menu entry
09:54 AM Bug report #6981 (Closed): "formatted numbers" option does not work if field is part of a label e...
- The "formatted numbers" option does not work if field is part of a label expression, it works only if the numeric fie...
07:48 AM Bug report #6979: Couldn't load plugin openlayers_plugin due an error when calling its initGui() ...
- very odd, it should work !
Have you selected "Raw" before of saved the file to plugin directory ? -
06:41 AM Bug report #6979: Couldn't load plugin openlayers_plugin due an error when calling its initGui() ...
- in my case, first method doesn't work
Impossibile caricare il plugin openlayers a causa di errore chiamando il metod... -
03:42 AM Bug report #6980: SLD Export dashes all lines
- Jonathan Moules wrote:
> Thanks, that sounds good, but unfortunately I'm in a corporate environment and currently sti... -
03:38 AM Bug report #6980: SLD Export dashes all lines
- Thanks, that sounds good, but unfortunately I'm in a corporate environment and currently sticking with stable works b...
03:32 AM Bug report #6980 (Feedback): SLD Export dashes all lines
- Hi,
you should test qgis master as the SLD support have been improved a lot there. -
01:04 AM Revision be94fb73 (qgis): Merge pull request #384 from lynxlynxlynx/master
- Try to find QWT harder
12:51 AM Revision 37f7d578 (qgis): Update QgsMessageBar sip file to include timeout messages
12:04 AM Revision 5be6dc6f (qgis): Switch 'select vector layer first' dialog warning for labeling toolbar ...
12:00 AM Revision d66b6b3d (qgis): Add optional message timeout with countdown progress bar to QgsMessageBar
- 08:13 PM Revision 5003c465 (qgis): FindQwt.cmake: also detect qwt6 suffixes
05:42 PM Revision 7ca36561 (qgis): Fix display of paper size after loading from Template. Fixes #6818
05:31 PM Revision cf0c3dfb (qgis): Merge pull request #383 from slarosa/sextante-issue
- Fix for destination CRS in SEXTANTE GRASS algs:
05:05 PM Revision 834107a6 (qgis): Merge pull request #380 from bischofia/updateFieldName
- update field names when vector layer properties are applied
04:34 PM Revision f2a03788 (qgis): Fix for destination CRS in GRASS algs:
- Refs:
01:11 PM Bug report #6840 (Closed): Field names (display name) are not updated when encoding is changed
- Fixed in changeset commit:"834107a68af240c486dd467a9dceac812d4beba2".
- 10:28 AM Revision 4ddcb3ea (qgis): Add support for QCalendarWidget in custom forms
10:10 AM Revision 464de26b (qgis): re-enable QGisApp::updateLayerModifiedActions()
08:56 AM Bug report #6979 (Closed): Couldn't load plugin openlayers_plugin due an error when calling its i...
- duplicate of #6916
two possible workarounds at the moment:
2. apply this patch -
06:53 AM Bug report #6979 (Closed): Couldn't load plugin openlayers_plugin due an error when calling its i...
- Using openlayers_plugin 1.0.0
Couldn't load plugin openlayers_plugin due an error when calling its initGui() method
... -
08:42 AM Bug report #6818 (Closed): Composer: incorrect page size and orientation after loading from template
- Fixed in changeset commit:"7ca36561872086529e03b86ffac68fb0f8c6cf61".
07:23 AM Bug report #6980: SLD Export dashes all lines
- I stand corrected. It wrongly exports dashed lines too. Try the BoundaryLine QML file in the above link.
Four the si... -
07:16 AM Bug report #6980 (Closed): SLD Export dashes all lines
- In a line layer, every single line that is a normal, undashed line is exported as:
<se:SvgParameter na... -
06:24 AM Bug report #6978 (Closed): GetLegendGraphics cuts legend image at bottom, regression to 1.8
- new in version 1.9 example:
05:36 AM Bug report #6976 (Closed): New save edits button incorrectly greyed out
- fixed in commit:464de26b
05:36 AM Bug report #6976 (Closed): New save edits button incorrectly greyed out
- fixed in commit:464de26b
05:27 AM Bug report #6976 (Closed): New save edits button incorrectly greyed out
- I am using QGIS 1.9.0-Master (code version e9ebae2) on Windows 7 (64-bit) which I installed today using osgeo4w.
The... -
02:00 AM Bug report #6968 (Feedback): Saving selects wrong tool
- Hi Nathan,
See if fixes it for you. Also attached as a patch. -
02:00 AM Bug report #6968 (Feedback): Saving selects wrong tool
- Hi Nathan,
See if fixes it for you. Also attached as a patch.
12:23 AM Revision e9ebae2a (qgis): translation update: gl_ES by Xan
11:26 PM Bug report #6972 (Feedback): Multiline labels not exporting correctly from Print Composer when ce...
- Hi Jonathan,
That issue should be fixed since the Dec 10, 2012 commit commit:5de1ad
Are you using a master build ne... -
11:26 PM Bug report #6972 (Feedback): Multiline labels not exporting correctly from Print Composer when ce...
- Hi Jonathan,
That issue should be fixed since the Dec 10, 2012 commit commit:5de1ad
Are you using a master build ne... -
11:26 PM Bug report #6972 (Feedback): Multiline labels not exporting correctly from Print Composer when ce...
- Hi Jonathan,
That issue should be fixed since the Dec 10, 2012 commit commit:5de1ad
Are you using a master build ne... -
11:26 PM Bug report #6972 (Feedback): Multiline labels not exporting correctly from Print Composer when ce...
- Hi Jonathan,
That issue should be fixed since the Dec 10, 2012 commit commit:5de1ad
Are you using a master build ne... -
07:04 AM Bug report #6972 (Closed): Multiline labels not exporting correctly from Print Composer when cent...
- I am using the new labeling functionality in QGIS 1.9.0 Master. Multiline labels are not exporting correctly from th...
11:24 PM Revision cec3cf82 (qgis): fix crash on CRS validation
11:21 PM Revision 7de5ad92 (qgis): fix some warnings and myriads of global QString objects
09:46 PM Revision d00bc7a5 (qgis): oracle provider: fix connection settings
06:52 PM Revision 090d1454 (qgis): osgeo4w: change geos_c_i to geos_c
04:58 PM Bug report #6957: Remove "No active layer" dialog for select tool
- Here is another one if you have a vector tool selected but the active layer is a raster layer
!notvector.png! -
04:48 PM Revision c7e1bad0 (qgis): german translation update
04:47 PM Revision 2fc799b9 (qgis): [FEATURE] add oracle provider
11:28 AM Feature request #6974 (Closed): Enhancement to Expression Builder : Allow comment strings in expr...
- Either the standard SQL comment string function (--) for 1-liners or else multi-line C-style block comments (/* ... *...
09:59 AM Revision 2c1db1c6 (qgis): update field names when vector layer properties are applied
09:56 AM Feature request #6965: QgsMessageLog, log levels
- Info and Debug should probably be changed.
So it would be:
enum QgsMessageLog::LogLevel {
Debug: 0,
Info: 1,
Warnin... -
08:22 AM Bug report #6973 (Closed): SLD Description
- When exporting a style, QGIS does so with a "Description" that is basically the layer name, thus:
... -
04:27 AM Feature request #6964: QgsMessageLog, write to file
- Jürgen Fischer wrote:
> QgsLogger is used for debugging output.
And there's also QgsError/QgsErrorMessage
04:22 AM Feature request #6964: QgsMessageLog, write to file
- Matthias Kuhn wrote:
> I just noticed the class QgsLogger (implmented by Marco) which seems to do some kind of file l... -
04:19 AM Feature request #6964: QgsMessageLog, write to file
- I just noticed the class QgsLogger (implmented by Marco) which seems to do some kind of file logging already.
Is it p... -
01:35 AM Feature request #6964: QgsMessageLog, write to file
- There currently is only one used warning level - you can use other levels, but when I introduces the message log, I d...
01:27 AM Feature request #6964: QgsMessageLog, write to file
- Marco Hugentobler wrote:
> Writing message logs to file would be nice for QGIS server too (better error reporting if ...
12:29 AM Bug report #6817: Qgis crashes while trying to edit a symbol in "graduated symbology"
- #6966 was marked as a duplicate of this.
12:28 AM Bug report #6966 (Closed): Crash in Graduated Symbol Style
- Probably.
The strange thing is that it happens on Cancel... -
12:28 AM Bug report #6966 (Closed): Crash in Graduated Symbol Style
- Probably.
The strange thing is that it happens on Cancel... -
08:18 AM Bug report #6966: Crash in Graduated Symbol Style
- duplicate of #6817 I guess :-)
07:57 AM Bug report #6966 (Closed): Crash in Graduated Symbol Style
- The following steps crash QGIS (master):
Open a vector layer (here: polygon, postgis)
Open the vector layer properti... -
12:20 AM Feature request #6964: QgsMessageLog, write to file
- Writing message logs to file would be nice for QGIS server too (better error reporting if e.g. a layer cannot be load...
05:37 AM Feature request #6964 (Open): QgsMessageLog, write to file
- To be really useful, QgsMessageLog should include a possibility to write the log messages to a file.
Per default, on... -
11:59 PM Revision c67fb81d (qgis): improvements for handling tables
11:57 PM Revision eab2d8a4 (qgis): Merge branch 'master' of
11:48 PM Feature request #6961: add additional path for python plugins in system options
- Hi Larry,
right, I did try to modify QGIS_PLUGINPATH in the new Custom Environment Variables table, but it remained... -
09:40 PM Feature request #6961: add additional path for python plugins in system options
- Hi Régis,
This should be pretty straightforward to do.
> QGIS_PLUGINPATH environnement variable permits to achieve ... -
01:38 AM Feature request #6961 (Closed): add additional path for python plugins in system options
- Currently, it is possible to list additionnal path(s) for C++ plugins. It would be nice to add also path(s) for pytho...
10:18 PM Bug report #6968: Saving selects wrong tool
- Yes, that's what I was thinking. It is called at the end of each of the new editing methods. Looks like it needs a di...
10:06 PM Bug report #6968: Saving selects wrong tool
- Yeah it happens with any saving, rollback functions.
This method might be what is causing it: -
09:31 PM Bug report #6968: Saving selects wrong tool
- Hi Nathan,
I think it is unrelated, but will check to make sure. If it's something I coded for saving edits, then I ... -
09:23 PM Bug report #6968: Saving selects wrong tool
- Larry I have assigned due to your recent save improvements. If this is unrelated you can remove yourself.
Blocker ... -
09:21 PM Bug report #6968 (Closed): Saving selects wrong tool
- If you save a layer the tool is reverted back to the last used non edit based tool - select, pan, info, etc
To repro... -
09:46 PM Bug report #6957: Remove "No active layer" dialog for select tool
- +1 for a timed message in the QgsMessageBar. I really dislike that dialog.
Sounds like a good case (among others) to... - 04:18 PM Revision a9ff3cfc (qgis): Quality topology layer names
- ... so you can recognize them in the snapping option dialog
03:08 PM Bug report #6967 (Closed): Move failed layer load dialog to QgsMessageBar
- When a user loads an invalid layer they are presented with a pretty unfriendly dialog popup
It would b... - 02:59 PM Revision 67c4e17a (qgis): Rename Query/Build Query to Filter/Set Filter to better reflect action
- 02:41 PM Revision c759740a (qgis): Fix loading of Python Init method with unsaved features
11:06 AM Revision 0ca96a8a (qgis): translation update: galician by Xan
10:40 AM Revision 69840710 (qgis): fix syntax error
10:24 AM Revision 5b06de99 (qgis): fix #4534
07:09 AM Feature request #5898: Layersets
- Very nice Olivier. I will for sure have lots of use for it when dealing with multimap composers. I was using layer g...
06:46 AM Feature request #5898: Layersets
- In the meantime, I made to implement this function :
05:41 AM Feature request #6965 (Closed): QgsMessageLog, log levels
- In QgsMessageLog, at the moment there are no log levels defined afaics.
logMessage takes an int argument "level", wh... -
04:29 AM Feature request #6963 (Closed): Openstreetmap plugin feature list
- The Openstreetmap plugin offers only a limited number of attributes which can be imported. It would be nice if the us...
02:41 AM Bug report #6962 (Closed): Use bbox or first crs when multiple srs are advertised instead of defa...
02:36 AM Bug report #6962 (Closed): Use bbox or first crs when multiple srs are advertised instead of defa...
- As i realized when using a multi-crs-advertised layer in qgis, the wms client defaults to using espg:4326 if it's in ...
02:12 AM Bug report #6500: Language Encoding very broken in 1.8 Lisboa
- Welcome to QGIS/OGR broken Shapefile encoding club! The first rule of club is to not talk about club!
Man ones: #525... -
01:44 AM Feature request #6960: Possibility to set item label when using single symbol
- +1 for single symbols, it is annoying to manually clean composer legend for each layer.
01:34 AM Feature request #6960 (Open): Possibility to set item label when using single symbol
- As it is right now you have the possibility to set an item label different from the item value when using the categor...
01:28 AM Bug report #4534: "Split vector layer" freezes QGIS
- Confirmed, it occurs only under Linux!
This pull should fix the issue: -
01:28 AM Bug report #4534: "Split vector layer" freezes QGIS
- Confirmed, it occurs only under Linux!
This pull should fix the issue:
11:54 PM Bug report #6899 (Closed): Drag and drop designer uses first field after project reload
- Fixed: commit:6b231a1
09:32 AM Bug report #6899: Drag and drop designer uses first field after project reload
- Ouch, that one rendered this feature pretty useless.
Awaiting pull -
11:53 PM Bug report #6866 (Closed): New drag and drop designer
- Fixed: commit:c4115cf
10:24 AM Bug report #6866: New drag and drop designer
- Awaiting pull:
11:50 PM Revision 964e8424 (qgis): Merge branch 'master' of
10:52 PM Revision de3f07ee (qgis): Fixed closing of feature iterators
10:40 PM Feature request #6955: Project home in browser
- Great work!
Jürgen Fischer wrote:
> implemented in commit:73dc9b1
11:30 AM Feature request #6955 (Closed): Project home in browser
- implemented in commit:73dc9b1
11:30 AM Feature request #6955 (Closed): Project home in browser
- implemented in commit:73dc9b1
02:20 AM Feature request #6955 (Closed): Project home in browser
- I would like to see a standard folder in the browser linking to the home folder of the currently opened project (The ...
- 10:12 PM Revision 7e29d7ce (qgis): [API] Add method to QgsMapLayerRegistry to get layers using name
09:17 PM Revision 1afd1538 (qgis): Merge pull request #377 from matthias-kuhn/attredit-load-idx
- Fix issue 6899: Drag and drop designer uses first field after project re...
09:01 PM Feature request #6959 (Open): Merge attributes dialog should remember options for fields
- It would be handy if the merge attributes dialog remembered the state the user sets each fields between dialog opens....
08:59 PM Feature request #6958 (Closed): Add skip all to merge attributes dialog
- I think it would be handy to have a skip all attributes button in the merge attributes tools. This would allow you t...
08:45 PM Revision 4ff5b29b (qgis): Update Options dialog vertical tabs
- - Icon-only mode now only shows vert. scrollbar as needed
- Icon-only mode is snapped to when splitter is near icons
... -
08:26 PM Revision 73dc9b19 (qgis): Include project home in browser toplevel browser (implement #6955)
- [API] add QgsProject::homePath()
[API] make QgsBrowserModel::reload() a public slot -
08:03 PM Bug report #6930 (Closed): Saving the current layers edit needs to many clicks
- Yes it's better now. Closing.
08:03 PM Bug report #6930 (Closed): Saving the current layers edit needs to many clicks
- Yes it's better now. Closing.
08:02 PM Bug report #6957 (Closed): Remove "No active layer" dialog for select tool
- The user is pressed with this annoying dialog if there is no active layer when using the select tool.
... -
07:21 PM Revision c4115cf1 (qgis): Show scroll bars for drag and drop attribute editor if necessary
06:28 PM Revision 6b231a1e (qgis): Fix issue 6899: Drag and drop designer uses first field after project r...
- idx was not properly initialized at project load.
02:11 PM Bug report #4534 (Reopened): "Split vector layer" freezes QGIS
- Still broken for me on QGIS 1.70, 1.80, and 1.90 (Master) on Kubuntu 12.10 32-bit.
10:28 AM Bug report #6794 (Closed): Drag&Drop attribute form designer: Aliases are not applied to the labe...
- Fixed in commit:12d1a28
10:02 AM Revision 314d144b (qgis): fix windows build
08:41 AM Bug report #6867 (Closed): Editorlayout is not saved in project file for a non-spatial spatialite...
08:40 AM Bug report #6867 (Resolved): Editorlayout is not saved in project file for a non-spatial spatiali...
- Should be fixed as of
Please reopen if necessary. -
06:58 AM Bug report #6956: ATLAS does not fit well for objects higher than they are large
- Here are the missing files
06:58 AM Bug report #6956: ATLAS does not fit well for objects higher than they are large
- Here are the missing files
06:55 AM Bug report #6956 (Closed): ATLAS does not fit well for objects higher than they are large
- When generating atlas, images are not fitted correctly into map frame when object bbox is higher than it is large (a ...
01:01 AM Revision 460f578d (qgis): - [API] add optional progress dialog to QgsVectorLayerImport
- - postgres/mssql: fix primary key generation on import (fixes #6907)
- fix crash on browser refresh after vector laye...
12:53 AM Bug report #6945: SAGA vector produced without .prj if the input layer does not have it
- You got it, no CRS in input. As this is a general issue, I think the safest option would be to take the CRS used by Q...
12:37 AM Feature request #6954 (Closed): In Print Composer / Map item / Grid tab add option "Tick" to Grid...
- There are two options (Solid and Cross) which is great. But it would be nice to have third option "Tick" which would ...
11:27 PM Revision 4cffd070 (qgis): german translation update
09:53 PM Revision 353e7ab8 (qgis): Postgres feature iterator fixes (rewind, FID filter, closing)
08:24 PM Feature request #6953 (Closed): Marker line interval in map units
- I think it would be handy in the cases like "showing distance markers along a line":
07:28 PM Revision a1d40283 (qgis): doxygen warnings fixes
06:01 PM Revision 66ca8f42 (qgis): fix #6726
04:29 PM Revision 55e34090 (qgis): attribute table: NULL values are considered less than other values (fix...
04:03 PM Bug report #6907 (Closed): importing shapefile into PG with drag and drop does not work
- Fixed in changeset commit:"460f578d937e640e1690af53c08710575012a620".
03:19 PM Bug report #6675 (Closed): QgsVectorLayer.featureCount() returns always zero with Python
- Works for me too. Closing for the lack of feedback.
03:19 PM Bug report #6675 (Closed): QgsVectorLayer.featureCount() returns always zero with Python
- Works for me too. Closing for the lack of feedback.
12:58 PM Bug report #6952 (Closed): raster "save as..." dialog creates incomplete output when using the " ...
- Open the attached project,
in the (only) WMS layer click the "save as..." option.
Leave the "create VRT" option che... -
11:15 AM Feature request #6951 (Open): raster "save as..." to be improved when asking for output when usin...
- When using the "save as..." raster dialog together with the "create VRT" option it asks to select an output folder.
... -
11:10 AM Revision eb9af3e8 (qgis): Switch main Options dialog to vertical tabs
- - Icon-only mode enabled by fully moving splitter to left
10:29 AM Bug report #6950 (Closed): raster "save as..." dialog does not remember the last folder used for ...
- subject says it all
10:28 AM Feature request #6949 (Closed): raster "save as..." dialog misses the "add result to map" option
- subject says it all
09:21 AM Bug report #6948 (Feedback): Dxf to Shape plugin doesn't work any more
- As far as I know this tool it will be removed, so it does not make sense to continue any effort to support it.
The s... -
04:34 AM Bug report #6948 (Closed): Dxf to Shape plugin doesn't work any more
- 1.Open tool
2.find a dxf (I tried with a 2004 version dxf that was properly converted some time ago)
3. give an outpu... -
09:02 AM Bug report #6726 (Closed): Query builder quotes field names with spaces twice; resulting query fails
- Fixed in changeset commit:"66ca8f421a39e57c3f2b3159cf6a3059d6771303".
09:00 AM Revision 5cd7dc5d (qgis): Merge pull request #372 from dakcarto/iface_enviro_3
- [FEATURE] Configure custom environment variables
08:14 AM Bug report #6931 (Closed): OSM Plugin crashes after API change
- fixed in commit:90ef5767
08:14 AM Bug report #6931 (Closed): OSM Plugin crashes after API change
- fixed in commit:90ef5767
07:30 AM Bug report #6715 (Closed): attribute table: negative numbers and nulls do not sort as expected
- Fixed in changeset commit:"55e34090e50d8e910549685af41bf737c62ab73f".
04:48 AM Revision 2a002c55 (qgis): [API] make primary key field indexes available:
- - add QgsVectorLayer::pendingPkAttributeList()
- add QgsVectorDataProvider::pkAttributeIndexes()
- skip primary key a...
08:04 PM Feature request #3302 (Closed): identify feature tool option to show all layer infos expanded
- commit:4358e8e2b implements that.
08:04 PM Feature request #3302 (Closed): identify feature tool option to show all layer infos expanded
- commit:4358e8e2b implements that.
08:04 PM Feature request #3302 (Closed): identify feature tool option to show all layer infos expanded
- commit:4358e8e2b implements that.
07:55 PM Bug report #6164 (Closed): postgis layer: duplicate primary key
- Fixed in changeset commit:"2a002c558e923d51142ca1e4c280b2e58826b291".
05:55 PM Bug report #843 (Closed): Import PostGIS data into GRASS via QGIS toolbox
- closing for the lack of feedback.
05:55 PM Bug report #843 (Closed): Import PostGIS data into GRASS via QGIS toolbox
- closing for the lack of feedback.
05:47 PM Bug report #6281 (Closed): attribute editor: NULL value for relation value
- applied in commit:b121a2f688
05:47 PM Bug report #6281 (Closed): attribute editor: NULL value for relation value
- applied in commit:b121a2f688
09:21 AM Bug report #6945 (Feedback): SAGA vector produced without .prj if the input layer does not have it
- Does you input file has an assigned CRS?
I am getting a shapefile with a valid prj file, but my input file has a def... -
03:58 AM Revision 12d1a289 (qgis): Merge pull request #364 from matthias-kuhn/attredit-aliases
- Attredit aliases
03:12 AM Revision 0595f746 (qgis): Add checkbox to filter non-QGIS-specific vars from current env vars table
01:46 AM Revision b2932dec (qgis): fix windows build
01:10 AM Revision 94156ded (qgis): QgsVectorLayer: delete before adding/changing features (fixes #6422)
11:51 PM Revision e59de661 (qgis): Merge branch 'master' of
11:15 PM Revision 522bbcda (qgis): update INSTALL
11:08 PM Revision 4f0fe1b8 (qgis): wfs in core needs expat
11:02 PM Revision 28ca48c4 (qgis): more API updates to the python plugins
10:28 PM Bug report #6945 (Closed): SAGA vector produced without .prj if the input layer does not have it
- This happens e.g. with Contour lines from grid
08:59 PM Revision a785fd59 (qgis): Merge branch 'master' of
08:41 PM Revision 2ca1279a (qgis): QgsWFSData moved to core
08:41 PM Revision a572f3c2 (qgis): multipart reply extracted from WCS provider QgsNetworkReplyParser
08:41 PM Revision f6c63248 (qgis): QgsWFSData CORE_EXPORT
05:28 PM Revision 866bc22a (qgis): Fix #6940, error traceback output to console crashes under QScintilla 2.7
04:59 PM Revision 08be5cd8 (qgis): Test WFS version and throw error if 1.0 is not supported by the server
04:25 PM Bug report #6872 (Closed): "ERROR: duplicate key value violates unique constraint "XXXX_pkey" al...
02:47 PM Bug report #6872: "ERROR: duplicate key value violates unique constraint "XXXX_pkey" always pops...
- Benedict Holland wrote:
> I think I might be able to work on this bug but I don't have a PostGIS layer, or in this ca... -
01:49 PM Bug report #6872: "ERROR: duplicate key value violates unique constraint "XXXX_pkey" always pops...
- I think I might be able to work on this bug but I don't have a PostGIS layer, or in this case 2. I am going to guess ...
04:10 PM Bug report #6422 (Closed): QGIS delete Postgis features after trying to merge them
- Fixed in changeset commit:"94156deda42421745df16132a9722fe836975c82".
03:41 PM Revision 462d8a8c (qgis): translation update: lao by Lao GIS users
12:52 PM Revision b75c89b8 (qgis): nmea parsing: call strtod with locale "C" (fixes #6687)
11:10 AM Bug report #1170: GPS Plugin non-functional (OS X) for Serial Bus/Com port units
- This new QGIS study
seems to show that... -
11:10 AM Bug report #1170: GPS Plugin non-functional (OS X) for Serial Bus/Com port units
- This new QGIS study
seems to show that... -
11:10 AM Bug report #1170: GPS Plugin non-functional (OS X) for Serial Bus/Com port units
- This new QGIS study
seems to show that... -
10:10 AM Revision 9385ac94 (qgis): Merge branch 'master' of
09:59 AM Revision 33598700 (qgis): Saver double comparison, minor code cleanup (deleting a 0 pointer is al...
09:43 AM Revision 6a936b93 (qgis): Draw SVG symbol from cached QImage unless it exceeds half of cache size...
- - Fix #6855, SVG markers/fills larger than half cache (559^2 X 32 + SVG) are drawn with QPicture
- Fix #6861, make QP... -
08:29 AM Bug report #6940 (Closed): Crash using Python console and latest QScintilla 2.7
- Fixed in changeset commit:"866bc22a34f197dfb341de0b46a088bfdea868de".
01:51 AM Bug report #6940: Crash using Python console and latest QScintilla 2.7
- Crash confirmed and the patch fixes the issue !
Tested on Linux (2.6, 2.7) and Win (2.6).
Thanks for the fix !
Pleas... -
08:03 AM Bug report #6923 (Closed): WFS 1.1.0 & 2.0.0
- A version test is added in commit 08be5cd83709646e5119fc329612b9c66b0cf214.
I cannot access the test server at the mo... -
05:30 AM Revision fb763a7e (qgis): Merge pull request #374 from bholland/master
- Fix #6942
05:10 AM Revision fb26989a (qgis): Bounding box now takes into account font descent so letters like g and ...
03:52 AM Bug report #6687 (Closed): Wrong GPS position
- Fixed in changeset commit:"b75c89b81a9c7364a843adbac70502431d02dc3f".
02:20 AM Bug report #6687: Wrong GPS position
- Perhaps wrap the strtod in a temporary locale switch function would be a portables solution......
01:51 AM Bug report #6687: Wrong GPS position
- What kind of replacement for strtod do you suggest?
It might be possible to use QString::number for that purpose, but... -
01:25 AM Revision 1bda31d4 (qgis): fTools: replace QgsRectangle.expand with .scale
01:19 AM Bug report #6861 (Closed): SVG symbol scaling and ouput incorrect
- Fixed in changeset commit:"6a936b936bdbc189293c3e330da9404399034b71".
01:19 AM Bug report #6855 (Closed): SVG with map units crashes
- Fixed in changeset commit:"6a936b936bdbc189293c3e330da9404399034b71".
01:13 AM Bug report #6787 (Closed): On the Menu bar "File" oftern shows up in the place of "Settings" and ...
- Fixed.
01:13 AM Bug report #6787 (Closed): On the Menu bar "File" oftern shows up in the place of "Settings" and ...
- Fixed.
01:07 AM Bug report #5844: When adding a gpx the dialog shows "Nb of features" all set to "-1"
> Alex already made it say "Unknown" instead of "-1".
it doesn't change the meaning of what I said, from a user poi...-
01:03 AM Bug report #5844 (Closed): When adding a gpx the dialog shows "Nb of features" all set to "-1"
- Giovanni Manghi wrote:
> But if you say that is not a regression, that as I said is not true, then we should a) close... -
01:03 AM Bug report #5844 (Closed): When adding a gpx the dialog shows "Nb of features" all set to "-1"
- Giovanni Manghi wrote:
> But if you say that is not a regression, that as I said is not true, then we should a) close...
12:51 AM Revision f75803ea (qgis): python plugins: replace QgsMapRenderer.destinationSrs() with destinatio...
12:51 AM Revision 1ab5cdcb (qgis): fix #6926
12:12 AM Bug report #5844: When adding a gpx the dialog shows "Nb of features" all set to "-1"
- Jürgen Fischer wrote:
> Giovanni Manghi wrote:
> > tagging as blocker as it is a regression.
> I don't agree it's ... -
04:43 PM Bug report #5844: When adding a gpx the dialog shows "Nb of features" all set to "-1"
- Giovanni Manghi wrote:
> tagging as blocker as it is a regression.
I don't agree it's a regression. IMHO it's an im... -
10:41 PM Revision de54c165 (qgis): Merge pull request #373 from slarosa/pyqgis_console_1
- Reorganize icons theme for pyqgis console
10:41 PM Revision d4ef4fd9 (qgis): Merge pull request #347 from slarosa/pyqgis-console
- fix output directory for pyqgis console on installing
10:34 PM Revision b48ae8b2 (qgis): Merge pull request #370 from slarosa/osm_plugin_issue
- fixes issues for OSM plugin generated from api cleanup commit
10:30 PM Revision 71580df3 (qgis): Merge pull request #371 from bstroebl/fix#6925
- fix #6925 fTools eliminate now works if the polygon to merge with has an id of 0
08:35 PM Feature request #6944: Node tool unselects nodes after moving multiple-selected nodes
- Also, another minor issue is that if you multiple-select two edges, the shared node is still selected, but it is draw...
08:29 PM Feature request #6944 (Open): Node tool unselects nodes after moving multiple-selected nodes
- (1) Edit a polygon with the node tool.
(2) Click on a node to select it. Drag to move it. It will remain selected.
... -
07:38 PM Revision 93e05262 (qgis): wcs test fix
07:26 PM Revision a575711f (qgis): use project projections instead of WGS84 for WMS crs preselection (fixe...
04:53 PM Bug report #6940 (Feedback): Crash using Python console and latest QScintilla 2.7
- Ok, I fixed the crashing, but would like to know if the patch will work for older QScintilla setups as well. (see att...
04:53 PM Bug report #6940 (Feedback): Crash using Python console and latest QScintilla 2.7
- Ok, I fixed the crashing, but would like to know if the patch will work for older QScintilla setups as well. (see att...
04:53 PM Bug report #6940 (Feedback): Crash using Python console and latest QScintilla 2.7
- Ok, I fixed the crashing, but would like to know if the patch will work for older QScintilla setups as well. (see att...
03:40 PM Bug report #6940: Crash using Python console and latest QScintilla 2.7
- Hi Larry,
> So, I would definitely appreciate verification of this bug on another platform, or another Mac.
I will ... -
03:38 PM Bug report #6940: Crash using Python console and latest QScintilla 2.7
- Hi Giovanni,
Certainly a blocker for me, but I won't be testing on other Macs, since it is a bit of a hassle to reco... -
02:18 PM Bug report #6940: Crash using Python console and latest QScintilla 2.7
- tagging as blocker as we don't want to ship new features, but not working as expected.
10:08 AM Bug report #6940 (Closed): Crash using Python console and latest QScintilla 2.7
- Hi,
When using the latest QScintilla version 2.7 (libqscintilla2.9.0.0), I get a crash with the console when an erro... -
04:35 PM Bug report #6449: Big polygon in shapefile not shown in 1.8.0
- Werner Macho wrote:
> But where to start searching?
With geometry validity. The shape file contains lots of invalid... -
04:35 PM Bug report #6449: Big polygon in shapefile not shown in 1.8.0
- Werner Macho wrote:
> But where to start searching?
With geometry validity. The shape file contains lots of invalid... -
03:52 PM Bug report #6926 (Closed): Using "save as..." on WMS layer causes QGIS master to crash
- Fixed in changeset commit:"1ab5cdcbeb43c4c904653428ff8f9838803a1fa1".
03:04 PM Revision 5fefe381 (qgis): raster sublayers win fix
02:56 PM Bug report #6942 (Closed): Legend title bounding box cutting off letters
- not confirmed here with current master (de54c165c2)
Probably reproduceable with sample data .. if problem still exist... -
02:56 PM Bug report #6942 (Closed): Legend title bounding box cutting off letters
- not confirmed here with current master (de54c165c2)
Probably reproduceable with sample data .. if problem still exist... -
02:00 PM Bug report #6942: Legend title bounding box cutting off letters
- Version updated to latest daily build on 1/3/2012 but pictures generated before has the same problem. Also of course ...
01:58 PM Bug report #6942 (Closed): Legend title bounding box cutting off letters
- Create any map and put in a legend in the composer. The default word "Legend" is getting cut off at the g, I assume d...
02:20 PM Revision d6a33f52 (qgis): Reorganize icons theme for pyqgis console
- - add icon to Python Console entry in Plugins menu
01:31 PM Bug report #6925 (Closed): Eliminate slivers polygon creates wrong output
- Fixed in changeset commit:"71580df366401df4bee9942c099f541796ed90f3".
12:23 PM Bug report #6936 (Rejected): GRASS plugin missing from qgis 1.8/osgeo4w
- not a qgis issue. See also "OSGeo4W !#328":
12:23 PM Bug report #6936 (Rejected): GRASS plugin missing from qgis 1.8/osgeo4w
- not a qgis issue. See also "OSGeo4W !#328":
12:23 PM Bug report #6936 (Rejected): GRASS plugin missing from qgis 1.8/osgeo4w
- not a qgis issue. See also "OSGeo4W !#328":
11:33 AM Revision 8d582ade (qgis): [FEATURE] Configure custom environment variables
- - Fix for #3097
- Could help plugins, like SEXTANTE, work better across platforms via abstracted coding based upon en... -
10:29 AM Bug report #6939: Inconsistent CRS handling when adding WMS
- Wow, that was fast! Thanks. :-D
10:27 AM Bug report #6939 (Closed): Inconsistent CRS handling when adding WMS
- Fixed in changeset commit:"a575711f1988afb2bf058d25331eef48dd56508a".
09:59 AM Bug report #6939: Inconsistent CRS handling when adding WMS
- Yep. Absolutely every single layer is available in 27700. Its the native format for all of our data.
You can see the ... -
09:52 AM Bug report #6939: Inconsistent CRS handling when adding WMS
- Are all layers available in 27700? Once you select layers that don't have the current crs selection commonly availab...
09:22 AM Bug report #6939 (Closed): Inconsistent CRS handling when adding WMS
- I'm using 1.8.0 to connect to a GeoServer 2.2.2 - WMS 1.3.0.
I'm adding raster layers that have a declared and native... -
10:26 AM Bug report #6941 (Closed): WMS requests exceeding extents
- After some deliberation and investigation, I think this is a QGIS bug rather than GeoServer.
I have a WMS 1.3.0 laye... -
09:29 AM Revision aef3f345 (qgis): fix #6925
- fTools' eliminate now works if the polygon to merge with has an id of 0
02:39 AM Feature request #3097 (Feedback): Add preference to set/override environment variables
- Hi,
I've implemented a version of this in the following pull request:
... -
02:39 AM Feature request #3097 (Feedback): Add preference to set/override environment variables
- Hi,
I've implemented a version of this in the following pull request:
... -
02:39 AM Feature request #3097 (Feedback): Add preference to set/override environment variables
- Hi,
I've implemented a version of this in the following pull request:
12:36 AM Bug report #6925: Eliminate slivers polygon creates wrong output
- I made a pull request that fixes the case that the polygon to merge with has id=0:
11:43 PM Bug report #6811 (Closed): QGIS crashes on startup on 64-bit Ubuntu
- most likely a local package problem, closing for lack of feedback, reopen of necessary.
11:43 PM Bug report #6811 (Closed): QGIS crashes on startup on 64-bit Ubuntu
- most likely a local package problem, closing for lack of feedback, reopen of necessary.
- 02:32 PM Revision 10394239 (qgis): Mark topology group visibility off
- This is really a workaround to
08:22 AM Bug report #6656: PAL labelling performance issue
- duplicate of #4791 ?
07:40 AM Bug report #6930: Saving the current layers edit needs to many clicks
- Larry Shaffer wrote:
> Hi Nathan,
> So I chose *B)* above and implemented it in commit commit:ba5b90a1
> Please... -
07:35 AM Bug report #6938: Legend group visibility computation is wrong
- maybe related to #5924 ?
05:32 AM Bug report #6938: Legend group visibility computation is wrong
- Ideally a group should start as not visible and its state should be updated whenever a child layer-or-group visibilit...
05:31 AM Bug report #6938 (Closed): Legend group visibility computation is wrong
- Adding groups make them marked as "visible" by default, adding layers and setting their visibility to off doesn't cha...
11:52 PM Revision 5c000143 (qgis): edited grass and saga algorithm descriptions
11:52 PM Revision 287c9f36 (qgis): refactor fTools algorithms
10:02 PM Revision a385162c (qgis): Fix for #6937, ensure QgsRubberBand is deleted if no active vector layer
- 02:08 PM Revision 2b80d638 (qgis): Reorganize topoviewer layers into subgroups
01:13 PM Bug report #6937 (Closed): Strange behaviour of Select Features tool when layers group is selected
- Fixed!
01:13 PM Bug report #6937 (Closed): Strange behaviour of Select Features tool when layers group is selected
- Fixed!
01:05 PM Bug report #6937 (Feedback): Strange behaviour of Select Features tool when layers group is selected
- Hi,
Also present on Mac (1.8 and master)
Should be fixed with commit commit:a385162
Please verify. -
01:05 PM Bug report #6937 (Feedback): Strange behaviour of Select Features tool when layers group is selected
- Hi,
Also present on Mac (1.8 and master)
Should be fixed with commit commit:a385162
Please verify. -
01:05 PM Bug report #6937 (Feedback): Strange behaviour of Select Features tool when layers group is selected
- Hi,
Also present on Mac (1.8 and master)
Should be fixed with commit commit:a385162
Please verify. -
05:26 AM Bug report #6937: Strange behaviour of Select Features tool when layers group is selected
- 1.8 has the same problem, at the least under Linux !
01:59 AM Bug report #6937: Strange behaviour of Select Features tool when layers group is selected
- if is a regression please tag this as blocker.
01:53 AM Bug report #6937 (Closed): Strange behaviour of Select Features tool when layers group is selected
- When layers group is selected the tool doesn't work properly.(See video [1])
[1] - -
01:31 AM Revision 25c9ba58 (qgis): Revert "Fix #6931, apply patch from Borys Jurgiel"
- This reverts commit bd65e86b5f079ecb8969b3132b64bfbf7d20a1dd.
Sorry, did not notice more complete fix in pull reques... -
01:27 AM Revision bd65e86b (qgis): Fix #6931, apply patch from Borys Jurgiel
01:15 AM Revision d387c93c (qgis): Fix #6725
- - Restore toggle editing button state in attribute table editor if toggling canceled or commit/rollback changes fails
01:11 AM Bug report #3275: Allow change ALL symbol properties when selecting multiple classes (in new symb...
> So the "Change" button is about symbol only. You can tweak the symbol or select a saved style. It will be reflec...
12:56 AM Revision ce983482 (qgis): Move toggle/save/rollback/cancel edits slots from private to public
12:28 AM Revision ba5b90a1 (qgis): Reinstate Save Active Layer Edits action
- - Now enables/disables relative to vector layer isModified() state (gives feedback when save is finished)
- Now works... -
11:52 PM Bug report #6936 (Rejected): GRASS plugin missing from qgis 1.8/osgeo4w
- already filed a ticket on the osgeo4w tracker.
On master it is available. -
11:48 PM Bug report #6521 (Closed): QGis Crashes on exit
> Is there any way to retrieve error code from a crash I can feed back to you guys?
If you use linux just launch q...-
11:48 PM Bug report #6521 (Closed): QGis Crashes on exit
> Is there any way to retrieve error code from a crash I can feed back to you guys?
If you use linux just launch q...-
09:12 PM Revision d85ed328 (qgis): Updates to legend active layer
- - Single click in blank, non-item space in legend unsets active layer (same behavior as clicking group)
- Underline a... -
05:29 PM Revision d814e197 (qgis): german translation update and some string fixes
04:49 PM Bug report #6192: Globe plugin brings QGIS to its knees
- Hi,
Just recently finally got this plugin working under Mac (latest master branch). I concur, while the plugin is ve... -
02:22 AM Bug report #6192: Globe plugin brings QGIS to its knees
- I'm not on the dev list, but I certainly agree that non-working or alpha-grade features shouldn't be be in the "stabl...
04:34 PM Bug report #6931 (Feedback): OSM Plugin crashes after API change
- Sorry,
The fix from the patch was reverted in favor of an already-submitted pull request that appears to be a more c... -
04:27 PM Bug report #6931 (Closed): OSM Plugin crashes after API change
- Fixed in changeset commit:"bd65e86b5f079ecb8969b3132b64bfbf7d20a1dd".
04:16 PM Bug report #6725 (Closed): state of toggle editing button changes even when you click cancel
- Fixed in changeset commit:"d387c93cc90aad9a7cfdbd5c861cae49730bc9be".
03:32 PM Bug report #6930 (Feedback): Saving the current layers edit needs to many clicks
- Hi Nathan,
So I chose *B)* above and implemented it in commit commit:ba5b90a1
Please test -
02:06 PM Revision 62d99772 (qgis): fix #6932 (due to deprecated getLayerID method removal)
01:11 PM Revision 90ef5767 (qgis): fix for issues generated from api cleanup commit
12:58 PM Revision c57271c3 (qgis): Fix #5843
08:29 AM Bug report #6176 (Closed): When adding postgis layer the build query feature doesn't work
> CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW test_view as select * from geodb;
> add the view table to layer and the bug(?) should su...-
08:29 AM Bug report #6176 (Closed): When adding postgis layer the build query feature doesn't work
> CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW test_view as select * from geodb;
> add the view table to layer and the bug(?) should su...-
05:07 AM Bug report #6932 (Closed): gdaltools stopped to work on qgis master
- Fixed in changeset commit:"62d99772e11c1cae92793377335968536263062c".
01:01 AM Bug report #6932: gdaltools stopped to work on qgis master
- Confirmed on Ubuntu 12.04
QGIS version
QGIS code revision
Compiled against Qt
Running a... -
04:51 AM Bug report #6568: Problem with GeoTIFF CRS in qGis 1.8.0 linux
- Yes, that seems correct. So, the problem seems to be not in gdal lib.
Giovanni Manghi wrote:
> this is what gdalinfo... -
01:00 AM Bug report #6568: Problem with GeoTIFF CRS in qGis 1.8.0 linux
- Pavel M. wrote:
> I get exactly these values on windows machine too. However the file is supposed to have NAD27 CRS (... -
04:15 AM Bug report #6549 (Closed): Invert color ramp not working
- Paolo Cavallini wrote:
> Load a single-band raster>Render type Sigleband pseudocolor>Create a new color map, select o... -
04:15 AM Bug report #6549 (Closed): Invert color ramp not working
- Paolo Cavallini wrote:
> Load a single-band raster>Render type Sigleband pseudocolor>Create a new color map, select o... -
03:59 AM Bug report #5843 (Closed): Update the Sponsors list
- Fixed in changeset commit:"c57271c3f8364cebf5322e4ba36c5551724bf270".
03:53 AM Bug report #5843: Update the Sponsors list
- There are two lists:
The two are not aligned, which is bad. Either remove th... -
02:25 AM Bug report #6923: WFS 1.1.0 & 2.0.0
- Thanks, I wasn't aware of it.
But that doesn't change this issue as being a bug. Stock QGIS should complain if I'm tr... -
01:09 AM Bug report #6923: WFS 1.1.0 & 2.0.0
- have you tried the wfs 2.0 client plugin? -
02:19 AM Bug report #6817: Qgis crashes while trying to edit a symbol in "graduated symbology"
- I meant @itemsExapandable@ in the previous post.
P.S: Is there a way to edit posted updates? I am sorry I have to po... -
02:17 AM Bug report #6817: Qgis crashes while trying to edit a symbol in "graduated symbology"
- Giuseppe Sucameli wrote:
> Salvatore Larosa wrote:
> > I did a trivial changing and it seem works !
> >
> > Patch at... -
02:06 AM Bug report #6817: Qgis crashes while trying to edit a symbol in "graduated symbology"
- Here is a backtrace that might be helpful....
01:15 AM Bug report #6785: Error while trying to edit a parameter in a model
- This is still happening. It crashes if I try to edit the input/paramter by double-clicking it, but it works if I righ...
01:04 AM Bug report #6567 (Closed): QGIS Lisboa crashes when selecting a raster and clicking on it while e...
- please reopen if the problem will surface again.
01:04 AM Bug report #6567 (Closed): QGIS Lisboa crashes when selecting a raster and clicking on it while e...
- please reopen if the problem will surface again.
01:02 AM Bug report #5848: Different icons for QGIS and QGIS Browser
- Larry Shaffer wrote:
> Hi Alexander,
> Here is a version I made for when we created an alias to the embedded brows...
12:58 AM Bug report #6932: gdaltools stopped to work on qgis master
- it sometimes even cause qgis to crash
12:55 AM Bug report #6932 (Closed): gdaltools stopped to work on qgis master
- if you have a raster loaded it returns this python error
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "C:/OSGeo4W/apps... -
12:45 AM Bug report #5962 (Closed): "Merge Shapefile to one" crashes QGIS if .prj files are missing
01:52 PM Bug report #6521: QGis Crashes on exit
- Correct, disabling 'off-line editing' has prevented QGIS crashing on exit.
QGIS continues to crash randomly in geore... -
09:32 AM Bug report #6521: QGis Crashes on exit
- David Etheridge wrote:
> OK, I have not been able to try this on another machine, could not find a 'no plugins' optio... -
01:38 PM Bug report #6107 (Closed): Crash with buffer
- closing for lack of feedback, reopen if necessary.
01:38 PM Bug report #6107 (Closed): Crash with buffer
- closing for lack of feedback, reopen if necessary.
01:37 PM Bug report #5572 (Closed): Project properties- Bad allocation
- closing for lack of feedback, reopen if necessary.
01:37 PM Bug report #5572 (Closed): Project properties- Bad allocation
- closing for lack of feedback, reopen if necessary.
12:25 PM Bug report #6567: QGIS Lisboa crashes when selecting a raster and clicking on it while editing a ...
- There's a difference now:
When a raster (WMS or tiff) is selected, the editing tools are deactivated but it is still... -
10:22 AM Bug report #3828: dissolve tool very slow
- see also #5779
10:22 AM Bug report #5779 (Closed): Error when executing Dissolve
- duplicate of #3828
10:22 AM Bug report #5779 (Closed): Error when executing Dissolve
- duplicate of #3828
10:20 AM Bug report #5317 (Closed): Layers not turning off in layer control when multiple layers selected
- reopen if necessary.
10:20 AM Bug report #5317 (Closed): Layers not turning off in layer control when multiple layers selected
- reopen if necessary.
10:15 AM Bug report #4489 (Closed): GPS Tracking: segfault on add feature
- closing for lack of feedback, reopen if necessary.
10:15 AM Bug report #4489 (Closed): GPS Tracking: segfault on add feature
- closing for lack of feedback, reopen if necessary.
09:39 AM Bug report #6473: QGIS crashes when opening the attribute table of a geometryless WFS layer
- support for geometryless wfs tables is a new feature and should work ok before shipping any new qgis release.
09:37 AM Bug report #6192: Globe plugin brings QGIS to its knees
- As I suggested a few days ago in the dev mailing list, I think that we should not ship new, not working features in a...
09:26 AM Bug report #5921 (Closed): QGIS 1.8 and Windows 7
- probably a local problem, closing for lack of feedback, please reopen if necessary.
09:26 AM Bug report #5921 (Closed): QGIS 1.8 and Windows 7
- probably a local problem, closing for lack of feedback, please reopen if necessary.
09:21 AM Bug report #5844: When adding a gpx the dialog shows "Nb of features" all set to "-1"
- tagging as blocker as it is a regression.
09:18 AM Bug report #4334 (Closed): Symbology classes order lost PLUS wrong order after editing a label
- this seems fixed in master, please reopen if necessary.
09:18 AM Bug report #4334 (Closed): Symbology classes order lost PLUS wrong order after editing a label
- this seems fixed in master, please reopen if necessary.
09:04 AM Bug report #6930: Saving the current layers edit needs to many clicks
- Hi Nathan,
I agree, the current implementation needs fixed. After a couple of days using the new button menu, I find... -
04:51 AM Bug report #6930 (Closed): Saving the current layers edit needs to many clicks
- The new save edits button that behaves like a menu requires a few too many clicks to save the current layer edits. I...
08:41 AM Bug report #3314 (Closed): Node tool does not allow multiple-selection when geometry is invalid
- Alister Hood wrote:
> > The user may want to fix it
> I mean fix the invalid geometry of course, not fix the bug ;... -
08:41 AM Bug report #3314 (Closed): Node tool does not allow multiple-selection when geometry is invalid
- Alister Hood wrote:
> > The user may want to fix it
> I mean fix the invalid geometry of course, not fix the bug ;... -
08:41 AM Bug report #3314 (Closed): Node tool does not allow multiple-selection when geometry is invalid
- Alister Hood wrote:
> > The user may want to fix it
> I mean fix the invalid geometry of course, not fix the bug ;... -
08:41 AM Bug report #3314 (Closed): Node tool does not allow multiple-selection when geometry is invalid
- Alister Hood wrote:
> > The user may want to fix it
> I mean fix the invalid geometry of course, not fix the bug ;... -
08:36 AM Bug report #3386 (Closed): new symbology: rotation and dimension
- this seems fixed in master, please reopen if necessary.
08:36 AM Bug report #3386 (Closed): new symbology: rotation and dimension
- this seems fixed in master, please reopen if necessary.
08:30 AM Bug report #2976 (Closed): Wrong properties display for GRASS Raster
- does not happen anymore on master.
08:30 AM Bug report #2976 (Closed): Wrong properties display for GRASS Raster
- does not happen anymore on master.
08:30 AM Bug report #2976 (Closed): Wrong properties display for GRASS Raster
- does not happen anymore on master.
08:30 AM Bug report #2976 (Closed): Wrong properties display for GRASS Raster
- does not happen anymore on master.
08:28 AM Bug report #3109 (Closed): switching layers does not work
- Paolo Cavallini wrote:
> With caching OFF: load a layer, then a second one; switch off and on the top layer, ok; swit... -
08:28 AM Bug report #3109 (Closed): switching layers does not work
- Paolo Cavallini wrote:
> With caching OFF: load a layer, then a second one; switch off and on the top layer, ok; swit... -
08:15 AM Bug report #2483 (Closed): Window resize/zoom problem with large rasters
- Paolo Cavallini wrote:
> Cannot confirm here. Can you please check with to be released 1.7 version?
closing for lack... -
08:15 AM Bug report #2483 (Closed): Window resize/zoom problem with large rasters
- Paolo Cavallini wrote:
> Cannot confirm here. Can you please check with to be released 1.7 version?
closing for lack... -
08:15 AM Bug report #2483 (Closed): Window resize/zoom problem with large rasters
- Paolo Cavallini wrote:
> Cannot confirm here. Can you please check with to be released 1.7 version?
closing for lack... -
08:15 AM Bug report #2483 (Closed): Window resize/zoom problem with large rasters
- Paolo Cavallini wrote:
> Cannot confirm here. Can you please check with to be released 1.7 version?
closing for lack... -
08:13 AM Bug report #2381 (Closed): print composer, attribute table lost settings in the item table
- seems fixed in master. Reopen if necessary.
08:13 AM Bug report #2381 (Closed): print composer, attribute table lost settings in the item table
- seems fixed in master. Reopen if necessary.
08:13 AM Bug report #2381 (Closed): print composer, attribute table lost settings in the item table
- seems fixed in master. Reopen if necessary.
08:13 AM Bug report #2381 (Closed): print composer, attribute table lost settings in the item table
- seems fixed in master. Reopen if necessary.
05:54 AM Bug report #6931 (Closed): OSM Plugin crashes after API change
- OSM Plugin crashes on Master because of the API change:
QgsMapRenderer.destinationSrs() -> QgsMapRenderer.destination... -
05:09 AM Bug report #2337 (Closed): Projection issue: freezes when reprojecting a csv file
- This does not happens any more on master.
05:09 AM Bug report #2337 (Closed): Projection issue: freezes when reprojecting a csv file
- This does not happens any more on master.
04:48 AM Bug report #6546 (Closed): Grass module r.reclass.area error
- it works fine here on both windows and linux. It seems it is a local problem, something related to file permissions
... -
04:48 AM Bug report #6546 (Closed): Grass module r.reclass.area error
- it works fine here on both windows and linux. It seems it is a local problem, something related to file permissions
... -
04:08 AM Bug report #5785 (Closed): Color ramp disappeared : need to manually reimport "colorbrewer_symbol...
- closing for lack of feedback, please reopen if necessary.
04:08 AM Bug report #5785 (Closed): Color ramp disappeared : need to manually reimport "colorbrewer_symbol...
- closing for lack of feedback, please reopen if necessary.
10:16 PM Revision ce6aab70 (qgis): fix #5251
01:17 PM Bug report #5251 (Closed): if "Options -> CRS -> coordinate reference system for new layers" is s...
- Fixed in changeset commit:"ce6aab704faeefeb14b301f463363371bfb0f475".
05:54 AM Bug report #5251: if "Options -> CRS -> coordinate reference system for new layers" is set "promp...
- this should be a regression, so it is a blocker.
05:53 AM Bug report #5251: if "Options -> CRS -> coordinate reference system for new layers" is set "promp...
- probable duplicate of #5962
01:10 AM Bug report #5251: if "Options -> CRS -> coordinate reference system for new layers" is set "promp...
- Jürgen Fischer wrote:
> should have been fixed with commit:fdb2475d
still crashes master on both windows and linux. -
07:44 AM Bug report #6918 (Closed): qgis:dissolve - "dissolve all" does not dissolve attributes
05:56 AM Bug report #6083 (Closed): Corrupt datastore upon edit
- I tried to edit in many ways your "original" vector and in no case I had a corruption. I'll close this as it seems a ...
05:56 AM Bug report #6083 (Closed): Corrupt datastore upon edit
- I tried to edit in many ways your "original" vector and in no case I had a corruption. I'll close this as it seems a ...
05:53 AM Bug report #5962: "Merge Shapefile to one" crashes QGIS if .prj files are missing
- probable duplicate of #5251
05:51 AM Bug report #6611 (Closed): converting OSM file to shp losses data in the procees
- shapefile have a 255 char limit for columns width, so not a qgis bug, but a format limitation. If you need to preserv...
05:51 AM Bug report #6611 (Closed): converting OSM file to shp losses data in the procees
- shapefile have a 255 char limit for columns width, so not a qgis bug, but a format limitation. If you need to preserv...
05:12 AM Bug report #3497: [OsX] Crash when changing font and color in Style manager on OS X
- what is the status of this issue on the latest master?
04:05 AM Bug report #6270 (Closed): The wms raster has poor quality
01:16 AM Bug report #6270: The wms raster has poor quality
- I see this bug was solved.
Now the quality of wms maps on qgis-dev is comparable to qgis-1.8.
I guess this ticket i... -
02:56 AM Revision e2f7adf2 (qgis): geos 3.3.6 doesn't produces geos_c_i on windows anymore also check geos_c
02:30 AM Revision 5b008006 (qgis): Fixing support for spatialite 4.0
01:13 AM Bug report #6783 (Feedback): New vertex added onto shared boundary (topologically correct) is att...
- did you enabled the "pseudo toopology editing" checkbox in the snapping options panel?
12:09 AM Revision f8654f70 (qgis): Fix #6924, finish move from png to new svg icons for Current Edits actions
- - Remove graphical limitation indicating edit is only vector-based (previously removed themes/gis/
10:12 PM Bug report #3275: Allow change ALL symbol properties when selecting multiple classes (in new symb...
- Giovanni Manghi wrote:
> Hi Arun,
> selecting a saved style, is this supposed to be applied to all the selected cl... -
12:14 PM Bug report #3275: Allow change ALL symbol properties when selecting multiple classes (in new symb...
> I think there is a misunderstanding here. Kindly see the explanation at the pull request
06:16 AM Bug report #3275: Allow change ALL symbol properties when selecting multiple classes (in new symb...
- Arunmozhi P wrote:
> Giovanni Manghi wrote:
> > it still fails with one of simplest changes, the symbol color, whi... -
06:06 AM Bug report #3275: Allow change ALL symbol properties when selecting multiple classes (in new symb...
- Giovanni Manghi wrote:
> it still fails with one of simplest changes, the symbol color, while it seems to work with ... -
05:52 AM Bug report #3275: Allow change ALL symbol properties when selecting multiple classes (in new symb...
- Nathan Woodrow wrote:
> Fixed in commit:6a5dcac
> Thanks heaps Arun
it still fails with one of simplest changes, ... -
05:52 AM Bug report #3275: Allow change ALL symbol properties when selecting multiple classes (in new symb...
- Nathan Woodrow wrote:
> Fixed in commit:6a5dcac
> Thanks heaps Arun
it still fails with one of simplest changes, ... -
05:52 AM Bug report #3275: Allow change ALL symbol properties when selecting multiple classes (in new symb...
- Nathan Woodrow wrote:
> Fixed in commit:6a5dcac
> Thanks heaps Arun
it still fails with one of simplest changes, ... -
05:52 AM Bug report #3275: Allow change ALL symbol properties when selecting multiple classes (in new symb...
- Nathan Woodrow wrote:
> Fixed in commit:6a5dcac
> Thanks heaps Arun
it still fails with one of simplest changes, ... -
05:52 AM Bug report #3275: Allow change ALL symbol properties when selecting multiple classes (in new symb...
- Nathan Woodrow wrote:
> Fixed in commit:6a5dcac
> Thanks heaps Arun
it still fails with one of simplest changes, ... -
05:52 AM Bug report #3275: Allow change ALL symbol properties when selecting multiple classes (in new symb...
- Nathan Woodrow wrote:
> Fixed in commit:6a5dcac
> Thanks heaps Arun
it still fails with one of simplest changes, ... -
05:52 AM Bug report #3275: Allow change ALL symbol properties when selecting multiple classes (in new symb...
- Nathan Woodrow wrote:
> Fixed in commit:6a5dcac
> Thanks heaps Arun
it still fails with one of simplest changes, ... -
03:20 PM Bug report #6924 (Closed): "save edits" icon disappeared from table of attributes
- Fixed in changeset commit:"f8654f705f90041e91881304b52ace8f56fef31c".
01:18 PM Bug report #6924 (Closed): "save edits" icon disappeared from table of attributes
- subject says it all. Probably a consequence of the latest work by Larry.
02:55 PM Revision 0f976653 (qgis): Faster initialization of attributes
02:53 PM Revision 578dc2a2 (qgis): Slightly faster preparation of vectors of points
01:58 PM Bug report #6926: Using "save as..." on WMS layer causes QGIS master to crash
- forgot to add: crash happens when using the "create VRT" option.
When not using this option the output tif is create... -
01:55 PM Bug report #6926 (Closed): Using "save as..." on WMS layer causes QGIS master to crash
- tested on Windows (will do alos on Linux) with qgis-master/osgeo4w and different WMS layers and different type of lay...
01:46 PM Bug report #6925 (Closed): Eliminate slivers polygon creates wrong output
- pick the attached shape, then select the polygon with attribute "cat = 36" and try the tool, it will say it can't do ...
01:23 PM Revision 5df8f2cb (qgis): Merge pull request #350 from matthias-kuhn/qgsmessagebar
- Transfer ownership of widgets to C++ when pushed to the QgsMessageBar
01:17 PM Bug report #6901 (Closed): Changing symbols to >1 symbology classes leads QGIS to crash
12:50 PM Bug report #6054 (Closed): QGIS 1.8 doesn't warn about unsaved changes in layers on exit anymore
12:49 PM Bug report #6054 (Resolved): QGIS 1.8 doesn't warn about unsaved changes in layers on exit anymore
- The current fix addresses the issue, but I am currently working on an integrated dialog to allow saving the unsaved e...
12:09 PM Bug report #6054: QGIS 1.8 doesn't warn about unsaved changes in layers on exit anymore
- can we close this ticket?
12:46 PM Bug report #6855: SVG with map units crashes
- The fix has not been committed yet (latest pull request):
That request... - 12:44 PM Revision 837f1872 (qgis): Fix #6214. Show names under symbols
12:10 PM Bug report #6726 (Open): Query builder quotes field names with spaces twice; resulting query fails
06:21 AM Bug report #6903 (Closed): on master the GRASS region frame is not visible + drawing the GRASS re...
03:46 AM Bug report #6214 (Closed): Symbol Selector issue
- Fixed in changeset commit:"837f1872fdc108e679f1d52d7701135526de4aa9".
03:08 AM Bug report #6921: No Coordinate systems for adding WFS
- This may be because WFS 1.1.0 is unsupported (see also: #6923 ). In which case this isn't a bug and can be closed.
02:17 AM Bug report #6921: No Coordinate systems for adding WFS
- I don't have master.
The server is GeoServer 2.2.2.
This issue happens if the WFS is 1.1.0 (http://wppgeog3:8082/geo... -
03:07 AM Bug report #6923 (Closed): WFS 1.1.0 & 2.0.0
- The (self-admittingly out of date) user guide here:
02:54 AM Feature request #6922 (Closed): Proxy - use System settings
- It would be nice if QGIS could use the "system settings" for a proxy server. Firefox and Chrome can both do this, at ...
12:45 AM Bug report #6855: SVG with map units crashes
- Bernhard Ströbl wrote:
> Larry,
> I am going to come back this issue when your pull requests have been merged. Any... -
12:35 AM Revision 9c91d31f (qgis): fixed #6918
11:29 PM Revision be315746 (qgis): Merge pull request #368 from tecoholic/6897
- Fixes #6897. Handle import of old symbols.
- 04:18 PM Revision 8b981975 (qgis): Fixes #6897
03:57 PM Bug report #6918: qgis:dissolve - "dissolve all" does not dissolve attributes
- Hi Victor,
Funny, I almost swore that had seen him working properly! :)
Thank you very much! -
03:38 PM Bug report #6918 (Resolved): qgis:dissolve - "dissolve all" does not dissolve attributes
- Fixed. The problem was that it was using the value of the other true/false field for the "use all" field. And, checki...
02:47 PM Revision ce4d03bc (qgis): added GPL license to file
02:29 PM Bug report #6897 (Closed): Broken import of simple marker line
- Fixed in changeset commit:"be3157462aabe680c623f3daf39ef44cbd774b5c".
02:25 PM Revision 9f9ce329 (qgis): Disable scale field if no symbology export
02:12 PM Revision f3bb53f8 (qgis): Export ogr feature style in mm for line width and in ground units for l...
- 02:04 PM Revision ee367d20 (qgis): changed style version from 0 to 1
12:52 PM Bug report #6611 (Feedback): converting OSM file to shp losses data in the procees
- please attach sample data.
12:48 PM Bug report #6723 (Closed): Multiple selection from table paste into layer crashes QGIS
- closing for lack of feedback, reopen if necessary.
12:48 PM Bug report #6723 (Closed): Multiple selection from table paste into layer crashes QGIS
- closing for lack of feedback, reopen if necessary.
- 11:41 AM Revision 0034bf79 (qgis): Remove Symbol: from symbol selector tree view names
10:32 AM Bug report #6921 (Feedback): No Coordinate systems for adding WFS
- this can be a server issue, not a client one. Have you tested other WFS servers? can you add the link to the problema...
09:05 AM Bug report #6921 (Closed): No Coordinate systems for adding WFS
- I'm trying to add a WFS layer that's projected in 27700 (British National Grid). When I click on the "change" button ...
09:42 AM Bug report #6920: Edit session only enabled for last selected layer
- Hi Nathan,
Is this a bug or feature request? Gonna assume the latter, since I've never seen the functionality before... -
04:52 AM Bug report #6920 (Closed): Edit session only enabled for last selected layer
- If a set of layers are highlighted in the layer list pressing the editing button only enables the last layer selected...
09:28 AM Revision f815a72b (qgis): Merge pull request #366 from matthias-kuhn/rubberband-point-symbols
- Add different point symbols for QgsRubberband.
09:21 AM Revision d8b271dd (qgis): Merge pull request #367 from tecoholic/imp_style
- Improved Style functionality. Fix recursive symbol dialogs
09:02 AM Bug report #6557: QGIS crashes when going into properties of ASC Raster
- Odd. Yep, works fine in my new 1.8.0 install but definitely didn't previously.
- 08:33 AM Revision 7dd141c7 (qgis): added scripts/qgisstyle to gitignore
- 07:57 AM Revision 6a9c9948 (qgis): auto update the symbol DB with 0s in place of NULLs
06:51 AM Revision c4198882 (qgis): Merge pull request #365 from tecoholic/improved_symbols
- fix for #6901. Fix crash when Changing symbols to > 1 symbology classes
11:50 PM Bug report #6901 (Feedback): Changing symbols to >1 symbology classes leads QGIS to crash
- I'll test it asap.
09:54 PM Bug report #6901 (Resolved): Changing symbols to >1 symbology classes leads QGIS to crash
- Fixed in commit:c41988824
- 08:59 PM Revision 7344368a (qgis): Place new group after current item (for non-group current item)
- See #6879
When current item is a group the behavior is still to append the
new group to the end of the child list (as... - 08:15 PM Revision 816c32bd (qgis): Fix adding groups to empty projects
- Closes #6879 again
06:59 PM Revision a92a0d1e (qgis): Update to legend right-click
- - Right-click now performs widget item change before contextual menu is handled (no more lost right-clicks)
- Right-c... -
06:57 PM Revision 369971a7 (qgis): [FEATURE] Add save/rollback/cancel current edits for selected or all ve...
- - Fix for issue #6782
- Ensure undo widget is not enabled unless active (again) -
04:33 PM Revision 90c571da (qgis): Add pen width to rubberband bounding rect
02:07 PM Bug report #5239: TIN interpolation causes crash
- Giovanni Manghi wrote:
> tested now on linux (ubuntu) and qgis master and seems to work ok. Salvatore, still a crash ... -
11:11 AM Bug report #5239 (Feedback): TIN interpolation causes crash
- Salvatore Larosa wrote:
> Still persists ! (at least under Linux)
tested now on linux (ubuntu) and qgis master and s... - 12:20 PM Revision 3bb33b82 (qgis): fixed the possibility to recursively open stylemgr and symbol selector
12:11 PM Bug report #6879: addGroup() never allows adding to the "invisible root" group
> *if* I understand well -
12:02 PM Bug report #6879 (Closed): addGroup() never allows adding to the "invisible root" group
- You didn't understand. What you describe is still possible.
Anyway I fixed what I meant with commit:7344368abefb149c0... -
12:02 PM Bug report #6879 (Closed): addGroup() never allows adding to the "invisible root" group
- You didn't understand. What you describe is still possible.
Anyway I fixed what I meant with commit:7344368abefb149c0... -
11:39 AM Bug report #6879 (Reopened): addGroup() never allows adding to the "invisible root" group
- Sandro Santilli wrote:
> there might be another regression, specifically the impossibility to determine _where_ the n... -
11:26 AM Bug report #6879: addGroup() never allows adding to the "invisible root" group
- there might be another regression, specifically the impossibility to determine _where_ the new group is added (ie: no...
11:15 AM Bug report #6879 (Closed): addGroup() never allows adding to the "invisible root" group
- Fixed in changeset commit:"816c32bd064f1d8871f194f40bb701c899c5373d".
10:48 AM Bug report #6879: addGroup() never allows adding to the "invisible root" group
- Confirmed. I'm on it.
09:13 AM Bug report #6879: addGroup() never allows adding to the "invisible root" group
- Sandro, I tested this from GUI
09:04 AM Bug report #6879: addGroup() never allows adding to the "invisible root" group
- Sandro Santilli wrote:
> Alex, when I tested this the db_manager plugin (sub-plugin topoviewer) was successfully addi... -
09:00 AM Bug report #6879: addGroup() never allows adding to the "invisible root" group
- Alex, when I tested this the db_manager plugin (sub-plugin topoviewer) was successfully adding groups to the "invisib...
12:05 PM Revision 891e6652 (qgis): Let ogr give ids to created features (otherwise, there are problems wit...
12:03 PM Bug report #6498 (Closed): QGis crash using map composer
- closing for lack of feedback, reopen if necessary.
12:03 PM Bug report #6498 (Closed): QGis crash using map composer
- closing for lack of feedback, reopen if necessary.
11:23 AM Bug report #5962: "Merge Shapefile to one" crashes QGIS if .prj files are missing
- gespiel - wrote:
> In QGis ver. 1.7.1, gdal 1,8, it works fine without prj file.
> versions 1.7.4, 1,8.0 and master, ... -
11:01 AM Bug report #6607 (Closed): QGIS Crashes on exit
10:58 AM Bug report #6607: QGIS Crashes on exit
- The problem disappeared with version 54e50e7 (installed by OSGeo4w this morning). ECW works properly. The ticket can ...
10:47 AM Bug report #6782 (Feedback): Edit status wrong in Digitizing toolbar after committing a vector la...
- Hi Andreas,
I believe this is fixed with commit commit:369971a
The checked state of the digitizing toolbar's toggle... -
03:07 AM Bug report #6675: QgsVectorLayer.featureCount() returns always zero with Python
- Works for me - tried with a simple point layer. Isn't that specific to a particular layer / server? Is that a view? A...
02:48 AM Bug report #6811: QGIS crashes on startup on 64-bit Ubuntu
- This must be a packaging problem - most likely you have got a wrong blend of PyQt4 and SIP related packages for some ...
07:29 PM Revision 54e50e78 (qgis): remove raster metadata from test data to make tests run without changin...
07:28 PM Revision d6dcc72b (qgis): fix msvc build
04:58 PM Revision f2328962 (qgis): Add different point symbols for QgsRubberband.
03:38 PM Revision c74509ef (qgis): Ogr style string for line pattern fill
03:12 PM Bug report #6911: qgis evaluate raster settings from canvas situation don't use original raster.
- aperi2007 - wrote:
> ok,
> If I set the 3 combos to the value "R", "G" and "B" the image reappear.
> But why I nee... -
02:48 PM Bug report #6911: qgis evaluate raster settings from canvas situation don't use original raster.
- ok,
If I set the 3 combos to the value "R", "G" and "B" the image reappear.
But why I need to reset this three value... -
02:44 PM Revision 78f26bae (qgis): Write offset into ogr pen style
01:58 PM Revision faf0abbb (qgis): Write pen cap and join style to ogr pen
11:20 AM Revision 22731aa8 (qgis): Add custom dash dot pattern to symbol layer utils function
06:56 AM Bug report #6083: Corrupt datastore upon edit
- Dieter De Paepe wrote:
> I am unsure if the "Feedback" status relates to me or not...
yes to you
> In any case, I ... -
06:53 AM Bug report #6607: QGIS Crashes on exit
- if you are using osgeo4w this is probably caused by the presence of the gdal-ecw connector and no more compatible ecw...
06:52 AM Bug report #6607 (Feedback): QGIS Crashes on exit
- more infos are needed, as this does not happen on a standard installation.
06:48 AM Bug report #5932 (Closed): Qgis crashes when removing a layergroup
- does not happen anymore in master. Please reopen of necessary.
06:48 AM Bug report #5932 (Closed): Qgis crashes when removing a layergroup
- does not happen anymore in master. Please reopen of necessary.
06:48 AM Bug report #6879: addGroup() never allows adding to the "invisible root" group
- maybe somwhow this commit fixed also #6879
if it is going to be reverted please check again also #6879. -
06:39 AM Bug report #6557 (Closed): QGIS crashes when going into properties of ASC Raster
- works fine in qgis master, but also on 1.8 here so it must be a local issue. Please reopen if you have further eviden...
06:39 AM Bug report #6557 (Closed): QGIS crashes when going into properties of ASC Raster
- works fine in qgis master, but also on 1.8 here so it must be a local issue. Please reopen if you have further eviden...
06:36 AM Bug report #6758 (Closed): qgis.exe has stopped working
- closing for lack of feedback.
06:36 AM Bug report #6758 (Closed): qgis.exe has stopped working
- closing for lack of feedback.
06:21 AM Bug report #6057 (Closed): QGIS 1.8 Encoding problem with Bulgarian characters CP1251
06:16 AM Bug report #6449 (Open): Big polygon in shapefile not shown in 1.8.0
06:16 AM Bug report #6567 (Feedback): QGIS Lisboa crashes when selecting a raster and clicking on it while...
> In 1.8 and Master, the Editing/Digitizing buttons are not deactivated when a raster layer is selected and is poss... -
06:16 AM Bug report #6567 (Feedback): QGIS Lisboa crashes when selecting a raster and clicking on it while...
> In 1.8 and Master, the Editing/Digitizing buttons are not deactivated when a raster layer is selected and is poss... -
06:09 AM Bug report #6726: Query builder quotes field names with spaces twice; resulting query fails
- I'm sorry you are right, I was testing on 1.8 and not master. The behavior is confirmed and it causes the query to fail.
06:03 AM Bug report #6726 (Feedback): Query builder quotes field names with spaces twice; resulting query ...
- I'm pretty sure that the quotes are added to escape the space in the second column name, anyway on the latest master ...
06:03 AM Bug report #6726 (Feedback): Query builder quotes field names with spaces twice; resulting query ...
- I'm pretty sure that the quotes are added to escape the space in the second column name, anyway on the latest master ...
06:04 AM Bug report #6811 (Feedback): QGIS crashes on startup on 64-bit Ubuntu
- still true?
06:04 AM Bug report #6811 (Feedback): QGIS crashes on startup on 64-bit Ubuntu
- still true?
05:55 AM Bug report #6410 (Open): expanded layer collapses when clicking on the 'ok' or 'apply' buttons fr...
- nirvn - wrote:
> Hmm, there's been movement. Using latest qgis-dev windows build (3398341), the unwanted collapse is ... -
05:55 AM Bug report #6410 (Open): expanded layer collapses when clicking on the 'ok' or 'apply' buttons fr...
- nirvn - wrote:
> Hmm, there's been movement. Using latest qgis-dev windows build (3398341), the unwanted collapse is ... -
05:48 AM Bug report #6135 (Closed): Node tool fails on first selected point
- closing for lack of feedback and because it seems to have been fixed long ago.
05:48 AM Bug report #6135 (Closed): Node tool fails on first selected point
- closing for lack of feedback and because it seems to have been fixed long ago.
05:42 AM Bug report #6857 (Closed): After finishing digitize a polygon the attribute window comes up empty
- cannot replicate it anymore
05:42 AM Bug report #6857 (Closed): After finishing digitize a polygon the attribute window comes up empty
- cannot replicate it anymore
01:00 PM Revision a4a8b4cc (qgis): added missing file with JoinAttributes algorithm
- 10:52 AM Revision c41cf2ea (qgis): changed the parent group id for main groups to 0 from NULL
10:48 AM Revision e742d5e6 (qgis): fix python plugins after API cleanup
10:19 AM Bug report #6911 (Feedback): qgis evaluate raster settings from canvas situation don't use origin...
- >Now I try to change the value to "single band gray" and click on apply.
>Now I see the image is became a single gray... - 10:08 AM Revision 2b7b5da7 (qgis): changed the ungrouped groupid to 0 from NULL
09:02 AM Bug report #6918: qgis:dissolve - "dissolve all" does not dissolve attributes
- Hi Giovanni,
Yes, at this time I can not tell what the last 'version' that worked, but definitely it used to work. -
07:45 AM Bug report #6918: qgis:dissolve - "dissolve all" does not dissolve attributes
- this used to work, isn't it?
06:42 AM Bug report #6918 (Closed): qgis:dissolve - "dissolve all" does not dissolve attributes
- *New description:*
the qgis:dissolve tool ("dissolve all" option) does not dissolve the attributes, just the geometr... -
08:03 AM Bug report #6817 (Open): Qgis crashes while trying to edit a symbol in "graduated symbology"
- Filipe Dias wrote:
> With today's QGIS Master I still get the crash.
crash still confirmed on master
12:03 AM Revision 6880a760 (qgis): adapted mmqgis and sextante algs to changes in management of selected f...
05:37 PM Revision 5327da98 (qgis): Fetch attributes for symbology export
04:10 PM Revision 7fef39e6 (qgis): Feature style for simple fill
03:03 PM Revision d9c79911 (qgis): Use start / stopRender for renderer in vector symbology export
01:41 PM Bug report #6865 (Closed): Problem with Identify tool after dissolve
- This is no longer happening in recent dev-versions.
Thanks! -
01:40 PM Bug report #6817: Qgis crashes while trying to edit a symbol in "graduated symbology"
- With today's QGIS Master I still get the crash.
12:53 PM Bug report #6817: Qgis crashes while trying to edit a symbol in "graduated symbology"
- I think this is fixed now.
Anyone confirms? -
01:09 PM Revision 8761cf21 (qgis): Added mechanism for better handling selected features in algorithms
- Implemented it in fTools Simplify algorithm
09:40 AM Revision 5c64c102 (qgis): fix tests
09:40 AM Revision 5e45a22d (qgis): remove deprecated methods from API
01:46 AM Bug report #6879 (Reopened): addGroup() never allows adding to the "invisible root" group
- After this commit it is impossible to create groups in empty project or add new group without selecting existing item...
11:37 PM Revision d56b1c88 (qgis): Add CMake option for custom Python framework on Mac
11:23 PM Revision 991666c3 (qgis): Keep attribute editor text synchronization from affecting editing
- - Cursor no longer jumps to end of text after each edit (on Mac)
- Move QgsStringRelay slot definitions into cpp file... -
03:34 PM Bug report #5879: running from build directory - no python plugins
- Sandro Santilli wrote:
> Larry, did you file a ticket for the plugin restore issue ?
Finally. :^)
See issue #6913 -
03:31 PM Bug report #6913 (Closed): Python interpreter starts hardwired to search buildSourcePath when run...
- A current issue regarding the loading of plugins (while running from the build directory) is when plugins are restore...
03:16 PM Feature request #6912 (Open): Add data provider field validation for Q[Plain]TextEdit widgets
- Currently there is "QgsFieldValidator": ...
11:39 AM Revision adffcad5 (qgis): osgeo4w: switch to GRASS 6.4.3RC2
11:37 AM Bug report #6911 (Closed): qgis evaluate raster settings from canvas situation don't use original...
- Hi,
I notice this behaviour:
Adding a raster to the canvas.
It is initially visible.
After if I open the properties,...
11:58 PM Revision c873e295 (qgis): minor fixes for otb and gdal, and edited some grass descriptions
10:34 PM Revision b54e9056 (qgis): Paletted raster renderer: replace nodata values in a color table copy b...
- 05:34 PM Revision 0ff4324c (qgis): fix for #6901
05:34 PM Revision 38232a02 (qgis): GRASS Direct test script initial work
05:29 PM Revision fa5cb77e (qgis): Dash dot pattern
04:28 PM Revision 1a79041a (qgis): Use scale for symbology export (if symbol measures are defined in map u...
02:08 PM Revision 05d79f55 (qgis): Merge branch 'master' of
02:00 PM Revision a9de654c (qgis): raster sublayer test Windows fix
01:58 PM Revision 79947fe9 (qgis): Merge branch 'master' of
01:37 PM Revision 0d9dcb5a (qgis): changed german translation for resampling
01:27 PM Revision 46c6263c (qgis): small change
01:15 PM Revision 3f5f7069 (qgis): Save/Load attribute editor layout for layers without geometry
01:14 PM Revision 92877199 (qgis): Show field alias in drag and drop designer dialogs
11:30 AM Revision 3eb858eb (qgis): Use QgsRubberBand constructor with geom type to avoid future break by Q...
11:24 AM Revision 09b603df (qgis): QgsRubberBand constructor fix (it is not possible to call constructor f...
09:13 AM Feature request #4735: Add an option to run ftools in batch mode (clip, buffer, dissolve and others)
- !!
09:12 AM Feature request #4735: Add an option to run ftools in batch mode (clip, buffer, dissolve and others)
- screenshot attached
09:01 AM Feature request #4735: Add an option to run ftools in batch mode (clip, buffer, dissolve and others)
- It seems to me that we should allow to run this tools in batch mode as for the tools in the raster menu.
09:01 AM Feature request #4735: Add an option to run ftools in batch mode (clip, buffer, dissolve and others)
- It seems to me that we should allow to run this tools in batch mode as for the tools in the raster menu.
08:50 AM Bug report #6901: Changing symbols to >1 symbology classes leads QGIS to crash
- Giovanni Manghi wrote:
> better doing a pull request on github.
Done. Here-> -
07:57 AM Bug report #6901 (Feedback): Changing symbols to >1 symbology classes leads QGIS to crash
- Arunmozhi P wrote:
> Here is the fix.
better doing a pull request on github. -
08:06 AM Bug report #6904: Move several C++ plugins into core
> Why was it rejected?
don't remember exactly the reasons... it was Martin who gave the reason.-
07:30 AM Bug report #6903: on master the GRASS region frame is not visible + drawing the GRASS region is n...
- Radim Blazek wrote:
> It should be fixed in commit:09b603d but it has to be verified on Windows.
GRASS was lost on q... -
06:18 AM Bug report #6903: on master the GRASS region frame is not visible + drawing the GRASS region is n...
- It should be fixed in commit:09b603d but it has to be verified on Windows.
03:33 AM Feature request #6910 (Closed): Add a multiband grey option to raster renderer
- Hi all,
subject has been discussed here [[
11:59 PM Revision 46f11099 (qgis): Re-enabled GPX provider
11:58 PM Revision 5ea42f74 (qgis): Fixed isModified()
11:48 PM Bug report #6897: Broken import of simple marker line
- Arunmozhi P wrote:
> Here is a python script that someone can use for cross importing the symbols from old installati... -
01:14 PM Bug report #6897: Broken import of simple marker line
- Here is a python script that someone can use for cross importing the symbols from old installations to the new. https...
05:58 PM Revision d1795c0c (qgis): More GRASS direct functions
05:18 PM Revision 3a63b7ba (qgis): Hack to fix line widths (for dxf only?)
02:44 PM Revision d58d3476 (qgis): raster creation moved from QgsGdalProvider::create() to GDAL provider e...
12:52 PM Bug report #6904: Move several C++ plugins into core
- Giovanni Manghi wrote:
> Paolo Cavallini wrote:
> > This applies also to many (most?) other C++ plugins.
> this wa... -
07:03 AM Bug report #6904: Move several C++ plugins into core
- Paolo Cavallini wrote:
> This applies also to many (most?) other C++ plugins.
this was a suggestion I made a while a... -
06:58 AM Bug report #6904: Move several C++ plugins into core
- This applies also to many (most?) other C++ plugins.
06:43 AM Bug report #6904 (Closed): Move several C++ plugins into core
- There really isn't any reason that we can't have the heatmap plugin code as part of core QGIS rather then just a core...
12:46 PM Bug report #6901: Changing symbols to >1 symbology classes leads QGIS to crash
- Here is the fix.
12:46 PM Bug report #6901: Changing symbols to >1 symbology classes leads QGIS to crash
- Here is the fix.
12:46 PM Bug report #6901: Changing symbols to >1 symbology classes leads QGIS to crash
- Here is the fix.
04:13 AM Bug report #6901 (Closed): Changing symbols to >1 symbology classes leads QGIS to crash
- This tickets is a follow up of #3275 and affects QGIS master (tested on Windows for now, will do also on Linux).
add... -
12:14 PM Revision c2aca4f2 (qgis): translation update: ro by Bogdan
12:03 PM Revision 482a007f (qgis): NetCDF sublayers test
11:11 AM Bug report #6907 (Closed): importing shapefile into PG with drag and drop does not work
- I can import the attached shapefile using DB manager new "load layer" function, and it takes just a few seconds as it...
10:14 AM Feature request #6906 (Open): An option to avoid digitize repeated nodes and auto-intersections
- It would be very nice if:
* when digitizing a line or a polygon a (not on purpose) double click would not create two... -
10:04 AM Bug report #6900 (Reopened): GRASS raster stretching is not applied in QGIS master on project load
- It may be not a GRASS issue, but still an issue and a regression.
10:04 AM Bug report #6900 (Reopened): GRASS raster stretching is not applied in QGIS master on project load
- It may be not a GRASS issue, but still an issue and a regression.
10:04 AM Bug report #6900 (Reopened): GRASS raster stretching is not applied in QGIS master on project load
- It may be not a GRASS issue, but still an issue and a regression.
08:58 AM Bug report #6900 (Closed): GRASS raster stretching is not applied in QGIS master on project load
- Your layer in project file has ...
08:58 AM Bug report #6900 (Closed): GRASS raster stretching is not applied in QGIS master on project load
- Your layer in project file has ...
08:16 AM Bug report #6900: GRASS raster stretching is not applied in QGIS master on project load
- Radim Blazek wrote:
> Only with GRASS? All rasters?
> I cannot confirm, it works here.
project and mapset here
h... -
07:50 AM Bug report #6900: GRASS raster stretching is not applied in QGIS master on project load
- Only with GRASS? All rasters?
I cannot confirm, it works here. -
06:51 AM Bug report #6900: GRASS raster stretching is not applied in QGIS master on project load
- Radim Blazek wrote:
> Does it happen only if an existing project is loaded or also if a new GRASS layer is added?
o... -
06:51 AM Bug report #6900: GRASS raster stretching is not applied in QGIS master on project load
- Radim Blazek wrote:
> Does it happen only if an existing project is loaded or also if a new GRASS layer is added?
o... -
05:58 AM Bug report #6900: GRASS raster stretching is not applied in QGIS master on project load
- Does it happen only if an existing project is loaded or also if a new GRASS layer is added?
What do you see in rast... -
04:00 AM Bug report #6900 (Closed): GRASS raster stretching is not applied in QGIS master on project load
- It works fine in QGIS 1.8.
Basically when opening a project with a GRASS raster, QGIS calculates in a wrong way the ... -
09:44 AM Revision e242af46 (qgis): use normalize path (use native separators, avoid duplicate separators)
09:42 AM Revision 8cb888c0 (qgis): use system-wide temp directory for temporary files instead of own dir in
- user profile
09:37 AM Revision 97812b4f (qgis): fix SEXTANTE CMakeLists.txt
07:56 AM Bug report #6838: ecw support broken in Qgis 1.9.0-Alpha from OSGeo4W, gdal1.9.2, win7, 64bit
- please, gespiel, can you explain more deeply how you have made that?
07:44 AM Feature request #6905 (Feedback): Changing "WMS search address" to accept Atom feeds
- The "WMS search address" feature (under the Network tab of Options) appears to only accept RSS 2.0 feeds.
Would it b... -
05:01 AM Bug report #6647: Combobox text from custom form is not written to feature
- Thank you for your work. I did not try it, but that pull request looks good to me.
The flaws concerning validation a... -
04:47 AM Feature request #6517: allow saving "value maps" values to allow be reused in other layers
- Nathan Woodrow wrote:
> I might take a look at it. I need something like this for my QMap project -
04:39 AM Bug report #6903 (Closed): on master the GRASS region frame is not visible + drawing the GRASS re...
- Subject says it all.
Tested on Windows, will do also on linux.
maybe is related to #6845 -
04:36 AM Bug report #6845 (Closed): Zoom in/out area on master looks as a solid grey rectangle
- I will file another ticket about the GRASS region issue.
04:31 AM Bug report #6902: "Merge selected features" leads to data loss and crash (in master)
- Oh boy... today it doesn't seems I'm able to replicate the crash, but the only the data loss. I will try to recover t...
04:24 AM Bug report #6902 (Closed): "Merge selected features" leads to data loss and crash (in master)
- Pick a vector layer,
select two features and try the "merge selected features" tool.
QGIS will ask you column by c... -
04:04 AM Bug report #3981: WMS layer with tile looses transparency
- Hi,
I don't know before this bug.
I guess it is really serous.
Please I need to know a think:
when using the tile... -
02:55 AM Bug report #5820 (Closed): Added MapInfo Tab layer assigned wrong projection
- I agree with Nathan. It's a OGR or Mitab problem. I'll open a ticket at GDAL.
02:09 AM Bug report #5820: Added MapInfo Tab layer assigned wrong projection
- if is an ogr issue please close this ticket and file it upstream.
Nathan Woodrow wrote:
> Seems to be an issue at t... -
02:10 AM Bug report #6899: Drag and drop designer uses first field after project reload
- shouldn't we tag as "blockers" any new feature that isn't working as it should be? Cheers!
01:43 AM Revision 77d48a05 (qgis): fix output directory for pyqgis console on installing
01:39 AM Bug report #6821: qgis crashes when exporting raster with tile option
- Etienne Tourigny wrote:
> I'm not sure showing the VRT Tiles groupbox below is the best approach - wouldn't it be bet...
12:16 AM Revision 98e9c27e (qgis): reorganized native algorithms into one single group
10:14 PM Revision ae574187 (qgis): More GRASS direct functions
09:55 PM Bug report #6897: Broken import of simple marker line
- I am testing the uniqueness of the problem for "Marker Line" though. Will update.
09:52 PM Bug report #6897: Broken import of simple marker line
- The issue is with the new nesting technique of the symbols. Previously the only a single level of nesting was possibl...
05:36 AM Bug report #6897: Broken import of simple marker line
- anyway seems really a regression, so I'm tagging this as blocker.
05:25 AM Bug report #6897: Broken import of simple marker line
- Giovanni Manghi wrote:
> is this a regression?
I think yes. It works fine in 1.8.0 and 1.7.x. Not sure, but seems th... -
05:22 AM Bug report #6897: Broken import of simple marker line
- is this a regression?
04:55 AM Bug report #6897 (Closed): Broken import of simple marker line
- Symbol layer "Marker line" import is broken, both for lines and polygons outline. Point markers and SVG fills works f...
09:07 PM Revision 648bcc09 (qgis): Checking of invalid values when calling edit buffer operations
07:30 PM Revision 9d84a6a3 (qgis): raster save as VRT fixes and improvements, fixes #6821
05:41 PM Bug report #6647: Combobox text from custom form is not written to feature
- Matthias Kuhn wrote:
> Now it only works for QLineEdit/QComboBox I guess? I think QPlainTextEdit and QTextEdit should... -
02:40 PM Bug report #5820: Added MapInfo Tab layer assigned wrong projection
- Seems to be an issue at the ogr level. Result from @ogrinfo -so -al@...
02:34 PM Feature request #6517: allow saving "value maps" values to allow be reused in other layers
- I might take a look at it. I need something like this for my QMap project
02:34 PM Feature request #6517: allow saving "value maps" values to allow be reused in other layers
- I might take a look at it. I need something like this for my QMap project
02:30 PM Bug report #6899 (Closed): Drag and drop designer uses first field after project reload
- The new drag and drop designer ability in the Fields tab uses the first field for all fields defined in the designer ...
01:44 PM Bug report #6821: qgis crashes when exporting raster with tile option
- Hi Radim,
I'm not sure showing the VRT Tiles groupbox below is the best approach - wouldn't it be better to have it ... -
10:39 AM Bug report #6821: qgis crashes when exporting raster with tile option
- Fixed, some other changes and fixes:
* VRT checkbox moved above output file/dir because it depends on it
* Tiles rena... -
10:33 AM Bug report #6821 (Closed): qgis crashes when exporting raster with tile option
- Fixed in changeset commit:"9d84a6a36aabc357f08480b5a1165be74fd78e73".
05:28 AM Bug report #6898 (Closed): QGIS mapserver forces http when requesting SLD=https
- When trying to use SLD with QGIS mapserver including SLD in GetMap requests qgis-mapserver tries to fetch the SLD-fil...
02:58 AM Bug report #6896: Lack of older versions available
- Jonathan Moules wrote:
> (I'm not actually interested in the old releases myself ;-) ).
Sure, just asking for a frie... -
02:55 AM Bug report #6896: Lack of older versions available
- Thanks, I see the webpage has been updated to reflect this (I'm not actually interested in the old releases myself ;-...
02:50 AM Bug report #6896 (Closed): Lack of older versions available
- There we only have "older" releases. More recent old releases are next to the current release in
02:44 AM Bug report #6896 (Closed): Lack of older versions available
- I can't find anywhere better to report this, but:
12:28 AM Revision 31f6ce07 (qgis): Changed data structure for added features from list to map to allow eff...
10:28 PM Revision ac526717 (qgis): Merge branch 'crs_transform_cache'
09:56 PM Feature request #6895 (Closed): Dockable identify editor
- Would be good to be able to have the single feature mode identify dialog as a dockable panel.
When no features are s... -
09:09 PM Revision bcca81bb (qgis): Fixed default contrast enhancement for raster multiband / single byte
09:06 PM Revision 6ebeb97c (qgis): fix warnings
08:51 PM Revision ffd65080 (qgis): Delete raster provider also if invalid
07:51 PM Feature request #6858: replace the vector query builder with the new expression builder
- Jürgen Fischer wrote:
> Must these be identical? Providers are not required to support the same syntax than QgsExpre... -
07:45 PM Revision 1ea0f116 (qgis): GRASS r.bitpattern fix
06:19 PM Revision ce4b0568 (qgis): More GRASS direct functions
03:56 PM Bug report #6647: Combobox text from custom form is not written to feature
- Matthias Kuhn wrote:
> The synchronisation works between several widgets for the same field on the same custom form. ... -
06:21 AM Bug report #6647: Combobox text from custom form is not written to feature
- The synchronisation works between several widgets for the same field on the same custom form. In case you want a part...
03:38 PM Revision 307c49cc (qgis): ogr feature style for simple marker
01:46 PM Revision 9fce669b (qgis): Improved raster singleband pseudocolor classification GUI
01:12 PM Revision 3fba12f4 (qgis): Add coordinate transform to symbol layer vector export
11:35 AM Revision 64e02c81 (qgis): Better error handling
11:01 AM Feature request #6894: GRASS r.mapcalc cumbersome to use, issues on Windows
- Victor,
I think I've the answer for my question. The best source of information about Grid Calculator should be you... -
10:21 AM Feature request #6894: GRASS r.mapcalc cumbersome to use, issues on Windows
- Oh, now I understand Victor, it makes r.mapcalc very difficult to use.
So, Grid Calculator has all the functions of ... -
10:04 AM Feature request #6894 (Feedback): GRASS r.mapcalc cumbersome to use, issues on Windows
- r.mapcalc takes the name of raster layers to use...which is a problem, since those names are temporary names, because...
09:56 AM Feature request #6894 (In Progress): GRASS r.mapcalc cumbersome to use, issues on Windows
- Hi,
I think it's very important to include GRASS r.mapcalc on Sextante. At this moment, is lacking on Sextante an ... -
10:15 AM Revision 7a820412 (qgis): Followup to 9069f3b
- - Avoid canvas refresh when new command is added after user clicks back in undo view history
09:23 AM Feature request #6893 (Closed): GRASS r.null
- Hi,
GRASS r.null (setnull / null) algorithm is not implemented in Sextante and I think that would be important.
Thi... -
07:07 AM Bug report #6892 (Closed): setDirty error when displaying DB Manager previews
- If I:
- import a layer
- click on the Preview tab
- right-click on the tale name -> Drop
- click on another preview
... -
06:59 AM Bug report #6891 (Closed): Connection to non-spatial PostgreSQL
- QGIS throws an error when trying to connect to a plain (non PostGIS) db. I think this limitation should be removed, b...
06:52 AM Bug report #6890 (Open): Strange index for PostGIS rasters
- The indexes for all rasters are displayed in DB Manager as:...
06:50 AM Bug report #6889 (Closed): Loading PostGIS rasters do not work
- While dropping a PostGIS raster to the canvas, everything works fine in
QGIS version 1.9.0-Master
QGIS code revis... -
06:15 AM Bug report #5859: ./qgis: error while loading shared libraries:
- zirneklitis - wrote:
> Any explanations?
you didn't export LD_LIBRARY_PATH, so subprocesses - like qgis - don't see ... -
06:07 AM Bug report #5859: ./qgis: error while loading shared libraries:
- Too early to be closed.
I have just compiled fresh _QGIS master_ version (1.9.0-Master / 2c59866) on my _Fedora 14x6... -
05:01 AM Feature request #6598 (Closed): Singleband pseudocolor classification
- I have done most of that in commit:9fce669b.
* new optional continuous mode which is using the breaks defined in pal... -
05:01 AM Feature request #6598 (Closed): Singleband pseudocolor classification
- I have done most of that in commit:9fce669b.
* new optional continuous mode which is using the breaks defined in pal... -
01:35 AM Revision 9317ffd8 (qgis): Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master' into new_vector_api
- Also disabled mapserver until compilation is fixed.
Fixed tests.
12:57 AM Bug report #6741 (Closed): ATLAS produces wrong output
- Should be fixed now
12:57 AM Bug report #6741 (Closed): ATLAS produces wrong output
- Should be fixed now
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