From 2010-09-26 to 2010-10-25
11:28 PM Bug report #3155 (Closed): Zoom to layer works incorrectly while layer editing
- # Open raster layer ( 404)
# Add new polygonal vector layer
# Draw little polyg... -
11:01 PM Revision 752bad8d (qgis): Make calls to python api safer by ensuring we have global interpreter lock
- git-svn-id: c8812cc2-4d05-0410-92ff-de0c093fc19c
11:01 PM Revision 1b71ee0d (qgis): Make calls to python api safer by ensuring we have global interpreter lock
- git-svn-id: c8812cc2-4d05-0410-92ff-de0c093fc19c
05:56 PM Revision 5cb3ae73 (qgis): fix #3153
- git-svn-id: c8812cc2-4d05-0410-92ff-de0c093fc19c
05:56 PM Revision bdcca916 (qgis): fix #3153
- git-svn-id: c8812cc2-4d05-0410-92ff-de0c093fc19c
05:27 PM Feature request #3118: GdalTools (warp): add support for ntv2 grid and +towgs84 transformations
- I loaded . The 4 vector projections now import in the correct location so thats a good start.
Projections are not st... -
11:41 AM Revision e69a3632 (qgis): Unblocking of signals already done in updateGuiElements() method
- git-svn-id: c8812cc2-4d05-0410-92ff-de0c093fc19c
11:41 AM Revision 9c256d34 (qgis): Unblocking of signals already done in updateGuiElements() method
- git-svn-id: c8812cc2-4d05-0410-92ff-de0c093fc19c
08:49 AM Bug report #3154 (Closed): SVG Patterns: References to SVG files should start with pattern/symbol...
- For SVG pattern fills, currently, the paths are stored relatively to the project file and not relatively to the symbo...
07:42 AM Bug report #3153 (Closed): Query builder window too wide due to long layer data source name
- When making a query for layer with looong data source name i.e. Shapefile + SQL query, query builder window gets auto...
07:21 AM Bug report #2655: QuickPrint elements missing
- Duplicated in #3152
07:21 AM Bug report #3152 (Closed): Export PDF print Layout
- Duplicate of #2655
07:21 AM Bug report #3152 (Closed): Export PDF print Layout
- Duplicate of #2655
02:37 AM Bug report #3152 (Closed): Export PDF print Layout
- When I try to export the map to pdf in Layout Session, in the .pdf created disapper the legenda point symbol
02:02 AM Feature request #3151 (Closed): Enable "Source SRS" when SRS available
- When raster is georeferenced it's SRS displayed in "Source SRS" field of the [[GdalTools]] Warp dialog. But by defaul...
12:40 AM Bug report #3150: OpenStreetMap plugin - error downloading .osm data
- oh yes, seeing it again too.
05:21 AM Bug report #3150: OpenStreetMap plugin - error downloading .osm data
- Yeah, I'm using Qgis 1.6 (rev. 14431), built yesterday (24th October 2010) and I get the above described error. I'm o...
05:08 AM Bug report #3150: OpenStreetMap plugin - error downloading .osm data
- Ricardo did you tested trunk. I used to get the same error, but now in trunk seems to be gone.
03:56 AM Bug report #3150 (Closed): OpenStreetMap plugin - error downloading .osm data
- When trying to download .osm data into Qgis a python error is thrown and nothing gets added to the canvas, even thoug...
09:16 AM Bug report #2204: Crashing QGIS when add new raster layer ecw
- the dlls are not redistributable: go to the erdas site, sign up, download the new sdk, accept the licence, install in...
08:24 AM Bug report #2204: Crashing QGIS when add new raster layer ecw
- Can you send me the new ecw-dlls to [email protected]?
05:06 PM Revision 4c2e8ad1 (qgis): fix
- git-svn-id: c8812cc2-4d05-0410-92ff-de0c093fc19c
05:06 PM Revision a5226073 (qgis): fix
- git-svn-id: c8812cc2-4d05-0410-92ff-de0c093fc19c
11:50 AM Revision 51a36572 (qgis): Add method to convert double precision device coordinates to map coords...
- git-svn-id: c8812cc2-4d05-0410-92ff-de0c093fc19c
11:50 AM Revision 4c9b6b20 (qgis): Add method to convert double precision device coordinates to map coords...
- git-svn-id: c8812cc2-4d05-0410-92ff-de0c093fc19c
11:41 AM Revision ad7a771e (qgis): Bugfix for format list and improvement for output file validation in ra...
- git-svn-id: c8812cc2-4d05-0410-92ff-de0c093fc19c
11:41 AM Revision 2f466c77 (qgis): Bugfix for format list and improvement for output file validation in ra...
- git-svn-id: c8812cc2-4d05-0410-92ff-de0c093fc19c
05:53 AM Bug report #3146: Erase button always disabled
- the problem IS NOT qgis, is OGR. The patch to allow OGR delete shapes colums has already been filed a long ago, but n...
05:47 AM Bug report #3146: Erase button always disabled
- This bug is set as duplicate of #1446 (which appears to be fixed 21 months ago), the bug is still present in 1.5.0 te...
02:50 AM Bug report #3065 (Closed): Curved labels not printed if fontsize small
- Should be fixed with commit:4c9b6b20 (SVN r14431)
02:50 AM Bug report #3065 (Closed): Curved labels not printed if fontsize small
- Should be fixed with commit:4c9b6b20 (SVN r14431)
01:59 AM Bug report #2558 (Closed): JPEG2000 images display as black under Windows (QGIS 1.4.0)
- Not reproducible here. Closing it, pending user feedback. Please reopen it if necessary.
01:59 AM Bug report #2558 (Closed): JPEG2000 images display as black under Windows (QGIS 1.4.0)
- Not reproducible here. Closing it, pending user feedback. Please reopen it if necessary.
01:50 AM Bug report #2283: node tool/select features tool do not have effects on a shapefile
- So probably the shapefile has topological errors. Not sure how should we deal with buggy shp, though.
01:40 AM Bug report #1343: dxf2shp plugin does not distinguish between polygon and polyline correctly
- Please note that DXF support is being incorporated in GDAL >=1.7, so the plugin will be probably dropped as soon as i...
01:37 AM Bug report #2482: Interpolation plugin causes seg fault
- I can provide the data again. Marco has it in any case. The crash was confirmed but I don't know if anything has been...
01:33 AM Bug report #2482: Interpolation plugin causes seg fault
- Duplicated in #2988
01:21 AM Bug report #2482: Interpolation plugin causes seg fault
- Data are no longer available. Any hope of having this fixed?
01:37 AM Bug report #896: Quickprint Plugin scaling issues
- Please note taht [[QuickPrint]] plugin will probably be removed from future versions of QGIS, as better options are a...
01:34 AM Bug report #3054: QGIS crashes in MapServer plugin
- See also #2870
01:32 AM Bug report #2988 (Closed): segfaults on making interpolation
- Duplicate of #2482
01:32 AM Bug report #2988 (Closed): segfaults on making interpolation
- Duplicate of #2482
01:27 AM Bug report #2884: crash when resizing vertically the overview window
- I cannot reproduce it with libqtcore4 4:4.6.3-4 on Debian unstable
01:25 AM Bug report #2870: mapserverexportplugin: qgis segfault when plugin used with unsaved project
- Duplicated in #2966
01:24 AM Bug report #2966 (Closed): QGIS crashes when in Mapserver Export
- Duplicate of #2870
01:24 AM Bug report #2966 (Closed): QGIS crashes when in Mapserver Export
- Duplicate of #2870
01:23 AM Bug report #2842 (Closed): OSX Print Composer Crash
- Closing it pending user feedback. Please reopen it if necessary.
01:23 AM Bug report #2842 (Closed): OSX Print Composer Crash
- Closing it pending user feedback. Please reopen it if necessary.
01:15 AM Bug report #2339: QGis crashes when moving border between map canvas and overview map and "use re...
- Might be due to Qt? Could you please try again with current trunk, and report which Qt version you use?
01:11 AM Bug report #1944: Cannot upload more than one changed node with OSM provider
- No further reports: is this confirmed?
01:10 AM Bug report #2960 (Closed): Qgis crashes when building pyramids
- Closing it, pending user feedback. Please reopen it if still true.
01:10 AM Bug report #2960 (Closed): Qgis crashes when building pyramids
- Closing it, pending user feedback. Please reopen it if still true.
01:07 AM Bug report #2204: Crashing QGIS when add new raster layer ecw
- Could you please test it again with new gdal ecw driver?
10:00 PM Revision 8ca991c0 (qgis): Correct arrow size for print (#3144)
- git-svn-id: c8812cc2-4d05-0410-92ff-de0c093fc19c
10:00 PM Revision 97f738c9 (qgis): Correct arrow size for print (#3144)
- git-svn-id: c8812cc2-4d05-0410-92ff-de0c093fc19c
09:45 PM Revision 9f7ed1ec (qgis): Fix a crash (#3147)
- git-svn-id: c8812cc2-4d05-0410-92ff-de0c093fc19c
09:45 PM Revision 6829b5f1 (qgis): Fix a crash (#3147)
- git-svn-id: c8812cc2-4d05-0410-92ff-de0c093fc19c
04:40 PM Feature request #1899: Nested Grouping in Layer Tree
- Thanks, the nested groups are great.
Personally I think the behaviour suggested by Michele is more useful and more i... -
01:01 PM Bug report #3144 (Closed): Line decorations (arrow heads) turn out too big in printing/exporting ...
- Fixed in commit:8ca991c0 (SVN r14429)
01:01 PM Bug report #3144 (Closed): Line decorations (arrow heads) turn out too big in printing/exporting ...
- Fixed in commit:8ca991c0 (SVN r14429)
12:46 PM Bug report #3147 (Closed): QGIS crashes when set pen width
- fixed in commit:9f7ed1ec (SVN r14428) (there must be always at least one symbol layer for a valid symbol)
12:46 PM Bug report #3147 (Closed): QGIS crashes when set pen width
- fixed in commit:9f7ed1ec (SVN r14428) (there must be always at least one symbol layer for a valid symbol)
11:29 AM Bug report #3145: Dash in plugin name causes unhelpful error message
- Replying to [comment:2 rehakv1]:
> Yes, I figured this out and renamed my plugin folder. I also removed the version n... -
10:59 AM Bug report #3145: Dash in plugin name causes unhelpful error message
- > You should rename your plugin folder and package to "dash_test" because the chars after the dash in the package nam...
10:53 AM Feature request #3138: Add plugin autopackaging script
- I would add:
* we need cooperative platform to let one or more maintainer group plugins under a reasonable number of ... -
08:08 AM Bug report #3149 (Closed): 3D coordinates export fails with ftools
- I had some problems with a shapefile in qgis. This shape includes 3D GPS points. When using :
Vector/Geometry Tools/E... -
05:32 AM Bug report #3148 (Closed): ftools, buffering: error in shapefile writing
- this is a more general issue, because QGIS fails to save shapefiles when there are conflicts in field names after DBF...
05:00 AM Revision 9cfd7cbc (qgis): sync with r14416, r14421
- git-svn-id: c8812cc2-4d05-0410-92ff-de0c093fc19c
05:00 AM Revision ae067b74 (qgis): sync with r14416, r14421
- git-svn-id: c8812cc2-4d05-0410-92ff-de0c093fc19c
01:58 AM Bug report #3099: Projection Failure
- I loaded . The 4 vector projections now import in the correct location so thats a good start.
Projections are not st... -
01:25 AM Bug report #3147: QGIS crashes when set pen width
- confirmed under Ubuntu 10.04/trunk
11:20 PM Bug report #3147 (Closed): QGIS crashes when set pen width
- 1. Open any vector line layer;
2. Properties - New Symbology - Single Symbol - Properties;
3. Remove all symbol lay... -
03:19 PM Bug report #3146 (Closed): Erase button always disabled
- um, this still a duplicate of #1446 - just like #3070.
03:19 PM Bug report #3146 (Closed): Erase button always disabled
- um, this still a duplicate of #1446 - just like #3070.
02:41 PM Bug report #3146 (Closed): Erase button always disabled
- In the property layer, in the attribute window the
icon (button) remove column is always disabled.
So is impossible t... -
02:38 PM Revision 9a39176c (qgis): Fix crash in raster props when histogram tab is last used and props dia...
- git-svn-id: c8812cc2-4d05-0410-92ff-de0c093fc19c
02:38 PM Revision b72bcc07 (qgis): Fix crash in raster props when histogram tab is last used and props dia...
- git-svn-id: c8812cc2-4d05-0410-92ff-de0c093fc19c
01:24 PM Bug report #3145: Dash in plugin name causes unhelpful error message
- Replying to "rehakv1":/issues/show/3145:
> I encountered a problem with using a '-' sign (dash) in python plugin in 1... -
12:48 PM Bug report #3145 (Closed): Dash in plugin name causes unhelpful error message
- I encountered a problem with using a '-' sign (dash) in python plugin in 1.6 r14423. When I add my custom repository ...
12:20 PM Feature request #3135: GRASS analyses on the fly
- Addition: the point is that the GRASS toolbox is only accessible when running
a GRASS session. Each GRASS installatio... -
09:01 AM Bug report #3142: ubuntu grass dependency (Ubuntu Maverick)
- you could make it depend of grass640+42329 OR grass (>= 6.4.0)
05:58 AM Bug report #3142 (Closed): ubuntu grass dependency (Ubuntu Maverick)
- The nightly builds only use the "official" repositories from debian and ubuntu - mainly to test if qgis builds there....
05:58 AM Bug report #3142 (Closed): ubuntu grass dependency (Ubuntu Maverick)
- The nightly builds only use the "official" repositories from debian and ubuntu - mainly to test if qgis builds there....
02:14 AM Bug report #3142 (Closed): ubuntu grass dependency (Ubuntu Maverick)
- The qgis-plugin-grass package from depends on GRASS 6.4.0 RC6 (grass640+42329) while t...
08:12 AM Feature request #3138: Add plugin autopackaging script
- I will list here some of my expectations regarding the new centralized plugin repository - and related to it - some e...
04:22 AM Bug report #3144 (Closed): Line decorations (arrow heads) turn out too big in printing/exporting ...
- Arrow heads turn out much bigger in print/exported PDF than they appeared in print composer.
03:19 AM Bug report #3143 (Closed): New Label Engine: ony integer values allowed for font-size in map units
- In the new label engine one can choose between font-size in points or in map units. For font-sizes in map units it is...
12:24 AM Feature request #879 (Feedback): Add 'Help contents' in different languages
- I confirm, it does not work in other languages than English. Care should be taken to keep the index pages upadted, th...
12:24 AM Feature request #879 (Feedback): Add 'Help contents' in different languages
- I confirm, it does not work in other languages than English. Care should be taken to keep the index pages upadted, th...
12:21 AM Feature request #1468: Inconsistency in Attribute table tools
- Seems an useful patch. Any reasons not to apply it for 1.6?
10:23 PM Revision ed56bf2e (qgis): [FEATURE] Data defined label position in new labeling - from Marco Huge...
- git-svn-id: c8812cc2-4d05-0410-92ff-de0c093fc19c
10:23 PM Revision 75d13a2d (qgis): [FEATURE] Data defined label position in new labeling - from Marco Huge...
- git-svn-id: c8812cc2-4d05-0410-92ff-de0c093fc19c
10:01 PM Revision 62fae4f3 (qgis): Added "style manager..." button to symbol selector so that users will f...
- git-svn-id: c8812cc2-4d05-0410-92ff-de0c093fc19c
10:01 PM Revision 72c9cdb5 (qgis): Added "style manager..." button to symbol selector so that users will f...
- git-svn-id: c8812cc2-4d05-0410-92ff-de0c093fc19c
09:37 PM Revision 56b03d89 (qgis): [FEATURE] Allow creation of color ramps in color ramp combo box.
- git-svn-id: c8812cc2-4d05-0410-92ff-de0c093fc19c
09:37 PM Revision 7f32157f (qgis): [FEATURE] Allow creation of color ramps in color ramp combo box.
- git-svn-id: c8812cc2-4d05-0410-92ff-de0c093fc19c
01:25 PM Feature request #2991 (Closed): Patch for data defined label position in new labeling
- Marco,
finally I've looked at the patch and it looks fine. As I don't know when exactly you return from your holiday... -
01:25 PM Feature request #2991 (Closed): Patch for data defined label position in new labeling
- Marco,
finally I've looked at the patch and it looks fine. As I don't know when exactly you return from your holiday... -
12:02 PM Revision 8ee79eb4 (qgis): don't allow dropping layers into legend classes
- git-svn-id: c8812cc2-4d05-0410-92ff-de0c093fc19c
12:02 PM Revision 493aff40 (qgis): don't allow dropping layers into legend classes
- git-svn-id: c8812cc2-4d05-0410-92ff-de0c093fc19c
10:25 AM Feature request #782: color ramps for raster layers
- The plugin improved REALLY MUCH, thanks Benoit.
I really hope that someone can step in and help because this would r... -
10:16 AM Bug report #3141 (Closed): Georeferencer transformation type dropdown menu is incorrect
- If choose Polynomial 3 type and press OK, message "Polynomial 3 requires at least 1 GCPs. Please define more" appears...
07:25 AM Bug report #3137: Save as shapefile fails if field names are longer than 10 characters
- Apparently the problem has been solved in GDAL 1.7. The method in QGIS should then be updated. See http://trac.osgeo....
06:26 AM Bug report #3137: Save as shapefile fails if field names are longer than 10 characters
05:57 AM Bug report #3137: Save as shapefile fails if field names are longer than 10 characters
- If this is fixed in OGR we need to keep in mind to adapt
05:53 AM Bug report #3137: Save as shapefile fails if field names are longer than 10 characters
- If the ticket is filed against GDAL, I can have Chaitanya look into clean logic for disambiguation for shortened names.
05:27 AM Bug report #3137: Save as shapefile fails if field names are longer than 10 characters
- I mean: the lack of a proper truncation method, adding a serial in case of too long field names, may be a limitation ...
04:59 AM Bug report #3137: Save as shapefile fails if field names are longer than 10 characters
- Replying to "pcav":/issues/show/3137:
> and export fails. It seems a limitation of OGR, but perhaps we could be smart... -
07:17 AM Bug report #3140 (Closed): Download data from GPS doesn't work
- I try to download my data from GPS through GPS tool and get an error "The layer is not a valid layer and can not be a...
06:37 AM Revision 8064d8f9 (qgis): apply #3136
- git-svn-id: c8812cc2-4d05-0410-92ff-de0c093fc19c
06:37 AM Revision 2195ccea (qgis): apply #3136
- git-svn-id: c8812cc2-4d05-0410-92ff-de0c093fc19c
05:12 AM Bug report #3134 (Closed): Coordinate Reference System Selector dialog box should indicate which ...
04:18 AM Feature request #3139 (Closed): [Patch] Custom query for the spatialite provider
- This patch enhances the spatialite provider capabilities allowing users to load a spatialite layer using a custom que...
01:38 AM Bug report #3137: Save as shapefile fails if field names are longer than 10 characters
- BTW, the external plugin Table Manager fails to rename the fields, hanging QGIS
12:36 AM Bug report #3137 (Closed): Save as shapefile fails if field names are longer than 10 characters
- If I try to save the attached [[MapInfo]] file, I get:...
12:47 AM Feature request #3138 (Closed): Add plugin autopackaging script
- The current situation with plugins is rather confusing for the user: many repos, not all of them available all the ti...
09:58 PM Revision 115c9347 (qgis): translation updates: es by carlos
- git-svn-id: c8812cc2-4d05-0410-92ff-de0c093fc19c
09:58 PM Revision 7ea789b6 (qgis): translation updates: es by carlos
- git-svn-id: c8812cc2-4d05-0410-92ff-de0c093fc19c
09:38 PM Feature request #3136 (Closed): Update NZ projections for grid transformation support
- applied in . Thanks Jeremy.
09:38 PM Feature request #3136 (Closed): Update NZ projections for grid transformation support
- applied in . Thanks Jeremy.
04:45 PM Feature request #3136 (Closed): Update NZ projections for grid transformation support
- This SQL update script modifies the srs.db proj4 parameters so that the NZGD49<->NZGD2000 transformation grid is used...
03:51 PM Revision cfdeae09 (qgis): fix #2950
- git-svn-id: c8812cc2-4d05-0410-92ff-de0c093fc19c
03:51 PM Revision e09db1db (qgis): fix #2950
- git-svn-id: c8812cc2-4d05-0410-92ff-de0c093fc19c
12:25 PM Revision fd0e3e3c (qgis): translation update: ja by yoichi kayama
- git-svn-id: c8812cc2-4d05-0410-92ff-de0c093fc19c
12:25 PM Revision 8b1e0feb (qgis): translation update: ja by yoichi kayama
- git-svn-id: c8812cc2-4d05-0410-92ff-de0c093fc19c
10:26 AM Bug report #3132 (Feedback): Field calculator cannot calculates area of polygon
- I've tried use real field but get the same negative result.
10:26 AM Bug report #3132 (Feedback): Field calculator cannot calculates area of polygon
- I've tried use real field but get the same negative result.
10:11 AM Bug report #3132 (Closed): Field calculator cannot calculates area of polygon
- That's what you get when you try to save 2849751229.32861 in a 32bit integer. Use a real field.
10:11 AM Bug report #3132 (Closed): Field calculator cannot calculates area of polygon
- That's what you get when you try to save 2849751229.32861 in a 32bit integer. Use a real field.
08:48 AM Bug report #3132: Field calculator cannot calculates area of polygon
- I'm afraid I have to take it back, I do have negatives too, please check this video: -
08:02 AM Bug report #3132: Field calculator cannot calculates area of polygon
- commit:0c31b555 (SVN r14411), tried new and existing AREA field - all seems normal (result is correct)
07:32 AM Bug report #3132: Field calculator cannot calculates area of polygon
- um, I get 2849751229.32861 - just like in the identify results. And the earlier problem wasn't that the area wasn't c...
06:25 AM Bug report #3132 (Feedback): Field calculator cannot calculates area of polygon
- Now area of this polygon is negative value.
06:25 AM Bug report #3132 (Feedback): Field calculator cannot calculates area of polygon
- Now area of this polygon is negative value.
09:29 AM Revision 6b375425 (qgis): fix #3134
- git-svn-id: c8812cc2-4d05-0410-92ff-de0c093fc19c
09:29 AM Revision 4965050e (qgis): fix #3134
- git-svn-id: c8812cc2-4d05-0410-92ff-de0c093fc19c
09:00 AM Revision 36215e74 (qgis): german translation fix
- git-svn-id: c8812cc2-4d05-0410-92ff-de0c093fc19c
09:00 AM Revision 7dd52ca3 (qgis): german translation fix
- git-svn-id: c8812cc2-4d05-0410-92ff-de0c093fc19c
06:52 AM Bug report #2950 (Closed): Qgis crashes opening attribute form if the layer has no attributes
- fixed in .
06:52 AM Bug report #2950 (Closed): Qgis crashes opening attribute form if the layer has no attributes
- fixed in .
06:34 AM Bug report #2965 (Closed): error message initializing Qgis 1.5.0
- Known issue. Please try again with the new standalone installer, and reopn the ticket if necessary.
06:34 AM Bug report #2965 (Closed): error message initializing Qgis 1.5.0
- Known issue. Please try again with the new standalone installer, and reopn the ticket if necessary.
06:32 AM Bug report #2960: Qgis crashes when building pyramids
- Still true? Which version of GDAL?
06:06 AM Feature request #3135 (Closed): GRASS analyses on the fly
- It would be good to have another option for running GRASS analyses on the fly:
* creating a location on the basis of ... -
02:00 AM Revision e05a18ce (qgis): remove files not directly processed by Xcode to make updating project s...
- git-svn-id: c8812cc2-4d05-0410-92ff-de0c093fc19c
02:00 AM Revision 0c31b555 (qgis): remove files not directly processed by Xcode to make updating project s...
- git-svn-id: c8812cc2-4d05-0410-92ff-de0c093fc19c
12:47 AM Revision 06e2e283 (qgis): updated list of Translators
- git-svn-id: c8812cc2-4d05-0410-92ff-de0c093fc19c
12:47 AM Revision e90dccb6 (qgis): updated list of Translators
- git-svn-id: c8812cc2-4d05-0410-92ff-de0c093fc19c
12:29 AM Bug report #3134: Coordinate Reference System Selector dialog box should indicate which layer it ...
- fixed in commit:6b375425 (SVN r14413).
04:01 PM Bug report #3134 (Closed): Coordinate Reference System Selector dialog box should indicate which ...
- If you have set up qgis to "Prompt for CRS" when the CRS is unknown to qgis and you select several files, you will be...
12:23 AM Revision 920305cb (qgis): don't show legend checkbox for geometryless layers
- git-svn-id: c8812cc2-4d05-0410-92ff-de0c093fc19c
12:23 AM Revision 56eff231 (qgis): don't show legend checkbox for geometryless layers
- git-svn-id: c8812cc2-4d05-0410-92ff-de0c093fc19c
11:29 PM Revision 3c11cbee (qgis): Fix for missing table icons for non spatial layers
- git-svn-id: c8812cc2-4d05-0410-92ff-de0c093fc19c
11:29 PM Revision 3265dfb4 (qgis): Fix for missing table icons for non spatial layers
- git-svn-id: c8812cc2-4d05-0410-92ff-de0c093fc19c
11:13 PM Revision 11212fb7 (qgis): Remember the classification mode in graduated symbol renderer (v2)
- git-svn-id: c8812cc2-4d05-0410-92ff-de0c093fc19c
11:13 PM Revision b06950ae (qgis): Remember the classification mode in graduated symbol renderer (v2)
- git-svn-id: c8812cc2-4d05-0410-92ff-de0c093fc19c
10:04 PM Revision 37ed18cb (qgis): Applied part of #2832 (show rules in legend).
- git-svn-id: c8812cc2-4d05-0410-92ff-de0c093fc19c
10:04 PM Revision b1c0053d (qgis): Applied part of #2832 (show rules in legend).
- git-svn-id: c8812cc2-4d05-0410-92ff-de0c093fc19c
10:00 PM Revision 80b57597 (qgis): german translation update
- git-svn-id: c8812cc2-4d05-0410-92ff-de0c093fc19c
10:00 PM Revision 3d1ac262 (qgis): german translation update
- git-svn-id: c8812cc2-4d05-0410-92ff-de0c093fc19c
09:55 PM Revision b7c062f4 (qgis): Added missing python bindings for graduated symbol renderer v2
- git-svn-id: c8812cc2-4d05-0410-92ff-de0c093fc19c
09:55 PM Revision 33a8b133 (qgis): Added missing python bindings for graduated symbol renderer v2
- git-svn-id: c8812cc2-4d05-0410-92ff-de0c093fc19c
09:48 PM Revision 12447396 (qgis): [FEATURE] adds 3 new classification algorithms, including natural break...
- git-svn-id: c8812cc2-4d05-0410-92ff-de0c093fc19c
09:48 PM Revision cb0cc261 (qgis): [FEATURE] adds 3 new classification algorithms, including natural break...
- git-svn-id: c8812cc2-4d05-0410-92ff-de0c093fc19c
09:43 PM Revision d375c5b4 (qgis): Make the unit test more explicitly test result size and use a proper at...
- git-svn-id: c8812cc2-4d05-0410-92ff-de0c093fc19c
09:43 PM Revision b12fefe9 (qgis): Make the unit test more explicitly test result size and use a proper at...
- git-svn-id: c8812cc2-4d05-0410-92ff-de0c093fc19c
09:41 PM Revision c1793662 (qgis): [FEATURE] allow user specific PROJ.4 search paths and update srs.db to ...
- git-svn-id: c8812cc2-4d05-0410-92ff-de0c093fc19c
09:41 PM Revision 6308416a (qgis): [FEATURE] allow user specific PROJ.4 search paths and update srs.db to ...
- git-svn-id: c8812cc2-4d05-0410-92ff-de0c093fc19c
08:59 PM Revision b40799d6 (qgis): Applied #2963 (fix crash with quantiles) from Jeremy Palmer. Thanks!
- git-svn-id: c8812cc2-4d05-0410-92ff-de0c093fc19c
08:59 PM Revision 9b287cef (qgis): Applied #2963 (fix crash with quantiles) from Jeremy Palmer. Thanks!
- git-svn-id: c8812cc2-4d05-0410-92ff-de0c093fc19c
08:58 PM Revision f3c7dc03 (qgis): translation update: proudly present - new language slovenian by Joze De...
- git-svn-id: c8812cc2-4d05-0410-92ff-de0c093fc19c
08:58 PM Revision f43b3f27 (qgis): translation update: proudly present - new language slovenian by Joze De...
- git-svn-id: c8812cc2-4d05-0410-92ff-de0c093fc19c
05:12 PM Revision 156fd1f5 (qgis): Beginnings of unit test for vector layer
- git-svn-id: c8812cc2-4d05-0410-92ff-de0c093fc19c
05:12 PM Revision fc3ecc2d (qgis): Beginnings of unit test for vector layer
- git-svn-id: c8812cc2-4d05-0410-92ff-de0c093fc19c
01:11 PM Feature request #2832: rule-based renderer in symbology-ng should show rules in legend
- I have partially applied the patch in - show rules in legend. I've kept back the part regarding the symbol levels. T...
12:45 PM Feature request #3104: New GRASS Location creator from .prj (WKT) file in QGIS (patch)
- Replying to [comment:6 lutra]:
> Hi,
> the browse button if the "name of new location to create" seems does not al... -
12:45 PM Bug report #3099: Projection Failure
- commit:6308416a (SVN r14400) add the possibility for user defined proj.4 paths and updates the srs.db to include refe...
12:00 PM Feature request #2963 (Closed): Fix crash using the quantile function in v2 symbol renderer
- Applied in commit:9b287cef (SVN r14399). Thanks for contributing!
12:00 PM Feature request #2963 (Closed): Fix crash using the quantile function in v2 symbol renderer
- Applied in commit:9b287cef (SVN r14399). Thanks for contributing!
10:06 AM Bug report #3133: Menus too large for small screens
- some here in Dell mini 9. Qgis works really fine, it would just need menu windows to be resized in order to fit small...
10:02 AM Bug report #3133 (Closed): Menus too large for small screens
- I'm using QGIS with an HP 110c mini netbook (because GIS should be portable too), with a screen resolution 1024x600. ...
02:40 AM Revision 650abbb9 (qgis): fix #3132
- git-svn-id: c8812cc2-4d05-0410-92ff-de0c093fc19c
02:40 AM Revision afc78ee2 (qgis): fix #3132
- git-svn-id: c8812cc2-4d05-0410-92ff-de0c093fc19c
02:25 AM Feature request #2987: Auto GCP detection library
- Just to clarify, I meant cross-referencing and not georeferencing in my previous reply. Sorry
02:21 AM Feature request #2987: Auto GCP detection library
- Replying to [comment:12 jamesm6162]:
> Hi Tim
> Thanks for the feedback. We are working on getting all the crashes... -
02:08 AM Feature request #2987: Auto GCP detection library
- Regarding the error received from georeferencing the images, I will have a look into this. As far as I can see now, t...
02:04 AM Feature request #2987: Auto GCP detection library
- The version from the repository and the about dialog are now in sync. Sorry about that.
02:13 AM Revision ad35c321 (qgis): [FEATURE] add support for nested layers
- git-svn-id: c8812cc2-4d05-0410-92ff-de0c093fc19c
02:13 AM Revision 0c5ebf7c (qgis): [FEATURE] add support for nested layers
- git-svn-id: c8812cc2-4d05-0410-92ff-de0c093fc19c
02:12 AM Revision 408d227e (qgis): disable query change while editing
- git-svn-id: c8812cc2-4d05-0410-92ff-de0c093fc19c
02:12 AM Revision aacf2f7d (qgis): disable query change while editing
- git-svn-id: c8812cc2-4d05-0410-92ff-de0c093fc19c
02:05 AM Revision 5855d774 (qgis): change list to view in single symbol dialog
- git-svn-id: c8812cc2-4d05-0410-92ff-de0c093fc19c
02:05 AM Revision cde5a069 (qgis): change list to view in single symbol dialog
- git-svn-id: c8812cc2-4d05-0410-92ff-de0c093fc19c
02:02 AM Revision b21747bc (qgis): improve support for geometry-less layers
- git-svn-id: c8812cc2-4d05-0410-92ff-de0c093fc19c
02:02 AM Revision 07846762 (qgis): improve support for geometry-less layers
- git-svn-id: c8812cc2-4d05-0410-92ff-de0c093fc19c
01:22 AM Feature request #2987: Auto GCP detection library
- Hi Tim
Thanks for the feedback. We are working on getting all the crashes fixed adn we'll get to all your recommende... -
01:02 AM Feature request #2987: Auto GCP detection library
- Hi
I upgraded both the lib parts and the plugin parts. A couple of new comments:
- it would be nice to persist the ... -
12:47 AM Feature request #2987: Auto GCP detection library
- Hi
I grabbed the new version thanks. The plugin help->about version shows as 0.4, while the listing on http://pyqgis... -
12:39 AM Feature request #3067: Support DBF table as datasource
- Replying to [comment:5 jef]:
> It's just that the delimited *text* provider doesn't.
yes, this is what I meant. Do... -
12:25 PM Feature request #3067: Support DBF table as datasource
- Replying to [comment:4 neteler]:
> I hope that the unfortunate decision of Microsoft to drop DBF from MS Office 2007 ... -
09:30 AM Feature request #3067: Support DBF table as datasource
- I hope that the unfortunate decision of Microsoft to drop DBF from MS Office 2007 is not
dictating what QGIS offers -... -
03:50 AM Feature request #3067: Support DBF table as datasource
- DBFs can be added as geometryless layers.
02:52 AM Feature request #3067 (Closed): Support DBF table as datasource
- Also DBF has been dropped from Ms Office already in MS Office 2007. Reopen if necessary.
02:52 AM Feature request #3067 (Closed): Support DBF table as datasource
- Also DBF has been dropped from Ms Office already in MS Office 2007. Reopen if necessary.
12:36 AM Bug report #3116 (Closed): QGis makes X crash and go back to login screen
- Yep, same problem with another QT apps.
Closing this one..
12:36 AM Bug report #3116 (Closed): QGis makes X crash and go back to login screen
- Yep, same problem with another QT apps.
Closing this one..
12:35 AM Bug report #3131: GRASS toolbox: shows 100% while still creating topology
- this happens in many modules.
09:37 AM Bug report #3131 (Closed): GRASS toolbox: shows 100% while still creating topology
- shows 100% while still creating topology. However,
the "Interrupt" ("Interrompi" in italiano) butto... -
12:25 AM Revision efa5c7ae (qgis): Fix crash and corruption of project file when saving project with non s...
- git-svn-id: c8812cc2-4d05-0410-92ff-de0c093fc19c
12:25 AM Revision 93a56bbf (qgis): Fix crash and corruption of project file when saving project with non s...
- git-svn-id: c8812cc2-4d05-0410-92ff-de0c093fc19c
12:16 AM Feature request #1899: Nested Grouping in Layer Tree
- Unsure: to me the current behaviour seems correct
12:06 AM Feature request #1899: Nested Grouping in Layer Tree
- Thanks, very nice and useful feature!
Let me suggest a little improvement:
If I check (set visible=yes) a group of... -
05:14 PM Feature request #1899: Nested Grouping in Layer Tree
- applied in commit:0c5ebf7c (SVN r14395).
09:28 PM Revision 15ce2ed8 (qgis): Copiapo it the new in thing...
- git-svn-id: c8812cc2-4d05-0410-92ff-de0c093fc19c
09:28 PM Revision d797ade1 (qgis): Copiapo it the new in thing...
- git-svn-id: c8812cc2-4d05-0410-92ff-de0c093fc19c
05:40 PM Bug report #3132 (Closed): Field calculator cannot calculates area of polygon
- fixed in commit:650abbb9 (SVN r14396).
05:40 PM Bug report #3132 (Closed): Field calculator cannot calculates area of polygon
- fixed in commit:650abbb9 (SVN r14396).
04:23 PM Bug report #3132 (Closed): Field calculator cannot calculates area of polygon
- I have vector layer, which contains one polygon. When I try to calculate their area with field calculator I get NULL ...
12:10 PM Revision c3b8374b (qgis): debian packaging: trim dependencies
- git-svn-id: c8812cc2-4d05-0410-92ff-de0c093fc19c
12:10 PM Revision d21f120b (qgis): debian packaging: trim dependencies
- git-svn-id: c8812cc2-4d05-0410-92ff-de0c093fc19c
09:22 AM Revision 2fe4a1d9 (qgis): Fixed bug where histogram disappears when defocussing then focusing his...
- git-svn-id: c8812cc2-4d05-0410-92ff-de0c093fc19c
09:22 AM Revision 2d168d95 (qgis): Fixed bug where histogram disappears when defocussing then focusing his...
- git-svn-id: c8812cc2-4d05-0410-92ff-de0c093fc19c
07:19 AM Bug report #3130 (Closed): Internal SVG resources not selectable on OS X
- When asked to choose an SVG file for symbology (one place I ran into this, there may be others), it's a normal file c...
03:57 AM Bug report #2544 (Closed): shape export with custom CRS
- closing for lack of feedback, reopen if necessary.
03:57 AM Bug report #2544 (Closed): shape export with custom CRS
- closing for lack of feedback, reopen if necessary.
03:49 AM Feature request #3124: Add 'Apply' button to the layer's query function
- Replying to [comment:3 jef]:
> Sorry, I wasn't able to reproduce that problem. The only problem there was, was that ... -
02:55 AM Feature request #3124 (Closed): Add 'Apply' button to the layer's query function
- Replying to [comment:2 jrm]:
> sorry I've not been clear, the problem is that if you want to extend your query beyond... -
02:55 AM Feature request #3124 (Closed): Add 'Apply' button to the layer's query function
- Replying to [comment:2 jrm]:
> sorry I've not been clear, the problem is that if you want to extend your query beyond... -
02:25 AM Feature request #3124 (Feedback): Add 'Apply' button to the layer's query function
- Hi Jef,
sorry I've not been clear, the problem is that if you want to extend your query beyond an existing queried ... -
02:25 AM Feature request #3124 (Feedback): Add 'Apply' button to the layer's query function
- Hi Jef,
sorry I've not been clear, the problem is that if you want to extend your query beyond an existing queried ... -
03:42 AM Bug report #3049: GdalTools: merging images with different colormaps
- see also -
03:31 AM Bug report #3126: Sliver holes remain after dissolve
- The original shapefile has already slivers, do you expect the dissolve tool to fix them? It seems to be so geometrica...
03:10 AM Bug report #3034: new symbology: quite slow at opening Symbol properties
- I can confirm it too. +1 for removing it before the 1.6 release, as it makes the new symbology usage extremaly painfu...
03:02 AM Bug report #3034: new symbology: quite slow at opening Symbol properties
- it is possible to reomove this symbol? on slow computers the lag is very annoying.
03:09 AM Bug report #3007 (Closed): Unstable Qgis 1.5
- closing for lack of feedback, reopen if necessary.
03:09 AM Bug report #3007 (Closed): Unstable Qgis 1.5
- closing for lack of feedback, reopen if necessary.
03:01 AM Bug report #3037 (Closed): Installer bug: QGIS-OSGeo4W-1.5.0-14109-Setup (Windows)
- closing for lack of feedback, reopen if necessary.
03:01 AM Bug report #3037 (Closed): Installer bug: QGIS-OSGeo4W-1.5.0-14109-Setup (Windows)
- closing for lack of feedback, reopen if necessary.
02:48 AM Bug report #3078: Scotese's shapefiles causes Tethys to crash
- it is confirmed, the shapefile is pretty "dirty", you can confirm by importing it in GRASS and you'll see a lot of sl...
02:22 AM Bug report #3125 (Closed): Problems outputing a layout with small labels to PDF
- This seems to me duplicate of #3058.
If you set the font units in map units you can get the labels printed correctly... -
02:22 AM Bug report #3125 (Closed): Problems outputing a layout with small labels to PDF
- This seems to me duplicate of #3058.
If you set the font units in map units you can get the labels printed correctly... -
02:21 AM Bug report #3058: print composer: exporting to PDF does not resize correctly vectors if symbology...
- see also #3125
02:13 AM Bug report #3025 (Closed): OSM Plugin: error adding a layer
- Hi,
I had the same problem/message (see #3076) but I've just recompiled and now it all works fine. Reopen if necessary. -
02:13 AM Bug report #3025 (Closed): OSM Plugin: error adding a layer
- Hi,
I had the same problem/message (see #3076) but I've just recompiled and now it all works fine. Reopen if necessary. -
02:11 AM Bug report #3076 (Closed): OSM plugin: python error clicking on "load OSM from file"
- Just recompiled from source and this error seems to be gone.
02:11 AM Bug report #3076 (Closed): OSM plugin: python error clicking on "load OSM from file"
- Just recompiled from source and this error seems to be gone.
01:53 AM Feature request #3129 (Closed): new symbology: add option for data driven colors
- See also the first part of #3127
The column could store a R:G:B string. -
12:19 AM Feature request #3128 (Open): support for vertical datum
- Hi,
vertical datum support has recently been added to the trunk versions of most of the PROJ.4/GDAL/libLAS/etc toolc... -
12:15 AM Feature request #3127 (Open): support GRASS color rules
- I see qgis has just got some better graduated symbol/color improvements,
great! that's been lacking for a long time. ... -
12:08 AM Revision be8ab616 (qgis): fix #3124
- git-svn-id: c8812cc2-4d05-0410-92ff-de0c093fc19c
12:08 AM Revision deffaaf5 (qgis): fix #3124
- git-svn-id: c8812cc2-4d05-0410-92ff-de0c093fc19c
04:52 PM Revision 2b611d79 (qgis): find more Mac frameworks; extra default search paths for postgres
- git-svn-id: c8812cc2-4d05-0410-92ff-de0c093fc19c
04:52 PM Revision bb0bcd2b (qgis): find more Mac frameworks; extra default search paths for postgres
- git-svn-id: c8812cc2-4d05-0410-92ff-de0c093fc19c
04:24 PM Revision 6ea1d25e (qgis): misc updates, fixup mapserver build
- git-svn-id: c8812cc2-4d05-0410-92ff-de0c093fc19c
04:24 PM Revision a7babd9d (qgis): misc updates, fixup mapserver build
- git-svn-id: c8812cc2-4d05-0410-92ff-de0c093fc19c
04:11 PM Bug report #3126 (Closed): Sliver holes remain after dissolve
- 1. Open shapefile
2. Vector\\Geoprocessing\\Dissolve
Results... -
03:47 PM Bug report #3125 (Closed): Problems outputing a layout with small labels to PDF
- 1. Open attached project.
2. Print to PDF
3. Open PDF
Resulting ... -
03:21 PM Revision eb6d1b3d (qgis): Polished GRASS modules tree. Thanks Markus Neteler. Applies #3104
- git-svn-id: c8812cc2-4d05-0410-92ff-de0c093fc19c
03:21 PM Revision 607ffc70 (qgis): Polished GRASS modules tree. Thanks Markus Neteler. Applies #3104
- git-svn-id: c8812cc2-4d05-0410-92ff-de0c093fc19c
03:10 PM Feature request #3124 (Closed): Add 'Apply' button to the layer's query function
- With commit:be8ab616 (SVN r14387) is now left in the last successfully tested state.
03:10 PM Feature request #3124 (Closed): Add 'Apply' button to the layer's query function
- With commit:be8ab616 (SVN r14387) is now left in the last successfully tested state.
01:57 PM Feature request #3124 (Closed): Add 'Apply' button to the layer's query function
- The use of the layer's 'Query' function is difficult when used frequently : if you make a query than choose to modify...
02:43 PM Revision fe065a67 (qgis): Updated DONORS and added some IT translation
- git-svn-id: c8812cc2-4d05-0410-92ff-de0c093fc19c
02:43 PM Revision 5bb265d6 (qgis): Updated DONORS and added some IT translation
- git-svn-id: c8812cc2-4d05-0410-92ff-de0c093fc19c
10:51 AM Bug report #3116: QGis makes X crash and go back to login screen
- So I would say the problem it's outside QGIS: does this happen with other Qt apps that use graphical acceleration? If...
10:33 AM Bug report #3116: QGis makes X crash and go back to login screen
- * The same thing happens using QGis 1.4.0 from official repository with a fresh new install.
* Removing ATI driver s... -
03:27 AM Bug report #3116: QGis makes X crash and go back to login screen
- This might be due to qt 4.7.
Did you compile it by hand, anginst the proper qt-dev? -
02:08 AM Bug report #3116 (Closed): QGis makes X crash and go back to login screen
- Just start QGis and use the zoom tool to draw some rectangle (also with no layers).
X crashes and goes back to login ... -
09:37 AM Feature request #3123 (Closed): add wildfire modeling commands to the GRASS toobox
- r.ros
r.spread -
09:34 AM Feature request #3122 (Closed): show map units in the field calculator
- summary says it all.
09:30 AM Feature request #3104 (Feedback): New GRASS Location creator from .prj (WKT) file in QGIS (patch)
- So, reopening it for further testing and improvements
09:30 AM Feature request #3104 (Feedback): New GRASS Location creator from .prj (WKT) file in QGIS (patch)
- So, reopening it for further testing and improvements
09:05 AM Feature request #3104: New GRASS Location creator from .prj (WKT) file in QGIS (patch)
- Hi,
the browse button if the "name of new location to create" seems does not allows to select folders (as expected) ... -
06:27 AM Feature request #3104 (Closed): New GRASS Location creator from .prj (WKT) file in QGIS (patch)
- Applied in commit:eb6d1b3d (SVN r14384)
06:27 AM Feature request #3104 (Closed): New GRASS Location creator from .prj (WKT) file in QGIS (patch)
- Applied in commit:eb6d1b3d (SVN r14384)
09:27 AM Feature request #3121 (Closed): print composer: allow generating the legend classes of only the v...
- this is like the "show only visible features" in the table of attributes object.
09:25 AM Bug report #3027: print composer: "show only visibile features" doesn't work when unchecked?
- I notice also the following.
When adding a table of attributes in the composer the object is always added with the "... -
09:01 AM Bug report #3119: actions not working if local OS is not "en" and "override system locale" (to en...
- It is reproducable at least with qgis installed on windows in portuguese. We used shapefiles, regardless the column n...
07:20 AM Bug report #3119: actions not working if local OS is not "en" and "override system locale" (to en...
- no reproducable with trunk.
Although I noticed that %column is case-sensitive and the attribute of my test shape wer... -
05:34 AM Bug report #3119 (Closed): actions not working if local OS is not "en" and "override system local...
- take an OS not in english, and install QGIS localized as the OS.
Actions will not work, as the value of the %column ... -
05:41 AM Bug report #3120 (Closed): Replace list of donors with link
- The list of donors has been replaced with the link:
So the formatting shou... -
03:45 AM Bug report #3099: Projection Failure
- see also #3118
03:08 AM Bug report #3099: Projection Failure
- Hi Brett, I'm resuming what would be needed for both the vector and raster dialogs. see here -
03:44 AM Feature request #2913: add support for ntv2 grids and +towgs84 parameters in the "save as..." dia...
- see also #3118
03:05 AM Feature request #2913: add support for ntv2 grids and +towgs84 parameters in the "save as..." dia...
- Follow up description, more resumed and clear (I hope):
I would like to resume better what would be needed to ad... -
03:44 AM Feature request #3118 (Closed): GdalTools (warp): add support for ntv2 grid and +towgs84 transfor...
- Hi Giuseppe, this is the new description for the old ticket available in the gdal tools tracker.
https://trac.faunal... -
03:34 AM Bug report #3117: GPS live tracking does not work for me
- quick googling seems to indicate that the mtk uses a proprietary binary protocol. Have you tried using the unit thro...
03:24 AM Bug report #3117 (Closed): GPS live tracking does not work for me
- Attaching a mtk data logger, I get from dmesg:
usb 2-1: cp210x converter now attached to ttyUSB0
but I cannot con...
01:23 AM Feature request #3104: New GRASS Location creator from .prj (WKT) file in QGIS (patch)
- to be committed asap as 1.6 is shipping soon as stated here -
02:29 AM Feature request #3104: New GRASS Location creator from .prj (WKT) file in QGIS (patch)
- Wish: since these patches are rather trivial, please also update the 1.5 release
branch since I cannot use trunk in ... -
02:27 AM Feature request #3104 (Feedback): New GRASS Location creator from .prj (WKT) file in QGIS (patch)
- I have attached some missing r.external icons - please fix.
Furthermore, I have made a series of improvements to the... -
02:27 AM Feature request #3104 (Feedback): New GRASS Location creator from .prj (WKT) file in QGIS (patch)
- I have attached some missing r.external icons - please fix.
Furthermore, I have made a series of improvements to the... -
01:05 AM Revision ebda0091 (qgis): Show actual pixel values on x axis of raster histogram
- git-svn-id: c8812cc2-4d05-0410-92ff-de0c093fc19c
01:05 AM Revision ef4f7ffb (qgis): Show actual pixel values on x axis of raster histogram
- git-svn-id: c8812cc2-4d05-0410-92ff-de0c093fc19c
09:12 AM Feature request #2987: Auto GCP detection library
- Sorry about this. We never uploaded version 0.2 to the online repository.
The new version (0.3) is now up to date on ... -
07:18 AM Feature request #2987: Auto GCP detection library
- Can you verify that the current python plugin version is 0.3? The plugin manager shows only 0.2 available, but the ve...
05:45 AM Bug report #3115 (Closed): Old project layer got lost after installing plug ins and updating
- My old project file rastar layer is not appering after installing plug ins and updating the program, i can open the s...
04:48 AM Bug report #3114 (Closed): Digitizing issue whith attribute updates when "Avoid intersection" and...
- It appears that if
* shared (topological) editing and
* avoid intersection is active in a polygon layer
and the use... -
04:45 AM Bug report #3057: Attribute Index out of sync with data source when datasource was modified outsi...
- It appears that attributes get reread correctly, but the aliases can get out of sync. I may need to do more investiga...
05:42 PM Revision 4f4a2128 (qgis): ask for postgres credentials on any connection error (not only missing ...
- git-svn-id: c8812cc2-4d05-0410-92ff-de0c093fc19c
05:42 PM Revision b859ba91 (qgis): ask for postgres credentials on any connection error (not only missing ...
- git-svn-id: c8812cc2-4d05-0410-92ff-de0c093fc19c
05:24 PM Revision 53349fac (qgis): use username and password for pg connection test, even if they are not ...
- git-svn-id: c8812cc2-4d05-0410-92ff-de0c093fc19c
05:24 PM Revision 6740566a (qgis): use username and password for pg connection test, even if they are not ...
- git-svn-id: c8812cc2-4d05-0410-92ff-de0c093fc19c
06:08 AM Feature request #3113 (Closed): GDAL Tools: enable Clipper also for WMS layers
- GDAL supports WMS layers:
It would be good to enable clipping also for these layers. -
04:15 AM Bug report #3109: switching layers does not work
- same for me - the bug still exists on Windows OSGeo build commit:12a404a6 (SVN r14379).
On Ubuntu Lucid 64bit, the p... -
04:07 AM Bug report #3099: Projection Failure
- Hi Lutra,
Sorry for the slow response. Needed to run some trials.
The 1.3m variation between your conversion and min... -
03:20 AM Feature request #62: Qgis only supports postgres keys of type int
- > The feature ids are necessary to identify which feature is to be deleted or updated. The table/view is not only qu...
01:19 AM Bug report #3112 (Open): Plugin Offline editing: warn if copying views
- [[PostgreSQL]] views can be synced for offline use, but obviously the syncing back to [[PostgreSQL]] fails: I think t...
01:08 AM Bug report #3109 (Feedback): switching layers does not work
- It still happens in commit:12a404a6 (SVN r14379) (possibly less often than before)
01:08 AM Bug report #3109 (Feedback): switching layers does not work
- It still happens in commit:12a404a6 (SVN r14379) (possibly less often than before)
01:54 PM Bug report #3109 (Closed): switching layers does not work
- fixed in commit:1684936b (SVN r14378).
01:54 PM Bug report #3109 (Closed): switching layers does not work
- fixed in commit:1684936b (SVN r14378).
10:38 AM Bug report #3109 (Closed): switching layers does not work
- Deactivating a layer often does not result in the layer being switched off from the canvas
12:21 AM Bug report #3111 (Closed): filtering of shapefile with query builder not working when using 'excl...
- Wow, turns out the shapefile had - unknown to me until now - duplicates of a number of polygons, including the one I ...
12:21 AM Bug report #3111 (Closed): filtering of shapefile with query builder not working when using 'excl...
- Wow, turns out the shapefile had - unknown to me until now - duplicates of a number of polygons, including the one I ...
12:06 AM Bug report #3111: filtering of shapefile with query builder not working when using 'excluding' query
- Please include a shapefile and report the OGR version you are using.
09:36 PM Bug report #3111: filtering of shapefile with query builder not working when using 'excluding' query
- Sorry, first query should be:
id = 1 OR id = 2 OR id = 3
Need some sleep... -
09:35 PM Bug report #3111 (Closed): filtering of shapefile with query builder not working when using 'excl...
- Let's say you have 4 polygons in a shapefile
|| id || name ||
|| 0 || polygon-a ||
|| 1 || polygon-b ||
|| 2 || p... -
10:54 PM Revision ce448116 (qgis): fix gpsd device selection
- git-svn-id: c8812cc2-4d05-0410-92ff-de0c093fc19c
10:54 PM Revision 12a404a6 (qgis): fix gpsd device selection
- git-svn-id: c8812cc2-4d05-0410-92ff-de0c093fc19c
10:53 PM Revision f0941ddc (qgis): fix #3109
- git-svn-id: c8812cc2-4d05-0410-92ff-de0c093fc19c
10:53 PM Revision 1684936b (qgis): fix #3109
- git-svn-id: c8812cc2-4d05-0410-92ff-de0c093fc19c
10:52 PM Revision 6b5ba503 (qgis): fix #3110
- git-svn-id: c8812cc2-4d05-0410-92ff-de0c093fc19c
10:52 PM Revision ec7117f2 (qgis): fix #3110
- git-svn-id: c8812cc2-4d05-0410-92ff-de0c093fc19c
09:41 PM Revision 7d9a9cdb (qgis): Fixed some typos in docs
- git-svn-id: c8812cc2-4d05-0410-92ff-de0c093fc19c
09:41 PM Revision e0825e68 (qgis): Fixed some typos in docs
- git-svn-id: c8812cc2-4d05-0410-92ff-de0c093fc19c
09:40 PM Revision e6f69ee4 (qgis): Fix typo in docs
- git-svn-id: c8812cc2-4d05-0410-92ff-de0c093fc19c
09:40 PM Revision 4151e8a0 (qgis): Fix typo in docs
- git-svn-id: c8812cc2-4d05-0410-92ff-de0c093fc19c
09:39 PM Revision 54742894 (qgis): Small fix to doxygen docs for maprenderer class
- git-svn-id: c8812cc2-4d05-0410-92ff-de0c093fc19c
09:39 PM Revision 44a5b77c (qgis): Small fix to doxygen docs for maprenderer class
- git-svn-id: c8812cc2-4d05-0410-92ff-de0c093fc19c
09:37 PM Revision b2d18628 (qgis): Added option to generate thumbnail using qimage rather than qpixmap
- git-svn-id: c8812cc2-4d05-0410-92ff-de0c093fc19c
09:37 PM Revision 4ef44ddb (qgis): Added option to generate thumbnail using qimage rather than qpixmap
- git-svn-id: c8812cc2-4d05-0410-92ff-de0c093fc19c
01:52 PM Bug report #3110 (Closed): Missing colours from layers list
- fixed in commit:ec7117f2 (SVN r14377).
01:52 PM Bug report #3110 (Closed): Missing colours from layers list
- fixed in commit:ec7117f2 (SVN r14377).
10:40 AM Bug report #3110 (Closed): Missing colours from layers list
- The colours of the layers do not show on the layers list. See attached.
09:01 AM Feature request #3108 (Closed): Add to gdal 1.7 support for MrSID
- oops ,sorry
uncorrect place.
This was to add to osgeo bug-list.
09:01 AM Feature request #3108 (Closed): Add to gdal 1.7 support for MrSID
- oops ,sorry
uncorrect place.
This was to add to osgeo bug-list.
08:55 AM Feature request #3108 (Closed): Add to gdal 1.7 support for MrSID
The qgis-dev version don't support [[MrSid]] rasters.
I try using a version of gdal 1.7 with the "gdal_MrSID.dll",
12:05 AM Bug report #3107 (Closed): Color Scale Bar does not find the colour table or QML file
- This trac covers internal plugins only. We're thinking about third party plugins trac :)
12:05 AM Bug report #3107 (Closed): Color Scale Bar does not find the colour table or QML file
- This trac covers internal plugins only. We're thinking about third party plugins trac :)
09:15 AM Bug report #3107 (Closed): Color Scale Bar does not find the colour table or QML file
- 1. It seems that the plugin requires a *.tbl or *.qml file for the "Open a colour table or QML file" dialog, yet the ...
08:10 AM Bug report #1752: Font label settings not working on OS X
- More:
Also happens with trunk, OSX 10.6.
OSX 10.5 PPC Qt 4.6 Carbon: uses Qgis/Qt font dialog and font selection se... -
07:41 AM Bug report #1752 (Feedback): Font label settings not working on OS X
- Either it wasn't really fixed, or it's back. Reported in #3105. It goes beyond vectors (maybe this originally did, ...
07:41 AM Bug report #1752 (Feedback): Font label settings not working on OS X
- Either it wasn't really fixed, or it's back. Reported in #3105. It goes beyond vectors (maybe this originally did, ...
07:41 AM Bug report #3105 (Closed): Fonts in Composer not able to be changed from default (mac)
- This appears to be a duplicate and expansion of #1752.
07:41 AM Bug report #3105 (Closed): Fonts in Composer not able to be changed from default (mac)
- This appears to be a duplicate and expansion of #1752.
06:32 AM Revision 2955327a (qgis): fix cmake warning
- git-svn-id: c8812cc2-4d05-0410-92ff-de0c093fc19c
06:32 AM Revision 62cdb415 (qgis): fix cmake warning
- git-svn-id: c8812cc2-4d05-0410-92ff-de0c093fc19c
04:22 AM Bug report #3106 (Closed): bug by running Quantum GIS
- probably a duplicate of [[osgeo4w #3938]]
04:22 AM Bug report #3106 (Closed): bug by running Quantum GIS
- probably a duplicate of [[osgeo4w #3938]]
04:17 AM Bug report #3106 (Closed): bug by running Quantum GIS
- Error message by running Quantum GIS (translation from German):
qgis.exe - "Order number 3109 has not been found in "...
01:52 AM Feature request #2987: Auto GCP detection library
- Please also make sure to download the updated [[AutoGCP]] plugin from the repository
09:23 PM Bug report #3105 (Closed): Fonts in Composer not able to be changed from default (mac)
- Hi,
using Tethys 1.5.0 on mac OS10.6.4 Macbook with 2GHz Intel I find I'm not able to change the font in the Map Comp... -
05:55 PM Revision f6a8e48b (qgis): Field calculator: insert NULL feature value in case of calculation erro...
- git-svn-id: c8812cc2-4d05-0410-92ff-de0c093fc19c
05:55 PM Revision e47af8c1 (qgis): Field calculator: insert NULL feature value in case of calculation erro...
- git-svn-id: c8812cc2-4d05-0410-92ff-de0c093fc19c
03:48 PM Feature request #62: Qgis only supports postgres keys of type int
- Replying to [comment:17 willfurnass]:
> It would also be nice if [[PostGIS]] sequences could be used for layer keys. ... -
08:07 AM Feature request #62: Qgis only supports postgres keys of type int
- It would also be nice if [[PostGIS]] sequences could be used for layer keys.
I frequently wish to view the result ... -
03:34 PM Revision 7579e22e (qgis): Fix side effect of last commit
- git-svn-id: c8812cc2-4d05-0410-92ff-de0c093fc19c
03:34 PM Revision 92e3c054 (qgis): Fix side effect of last commit
- git-svn-id: c8812cc2-4d05-0410-92ff-de0c093fc19c
03:13 PM Revision f13d3f35 (qgis): [FEATURE]: Sorting for composer attribute table (several columns and as...
- git-svn-id: c8812cc2-4d05-0410-92ff-de0c093fc19c
03:13 PM Revision a643c6be (qgis): [FEATURE]: Sorting for composer attribute table (several columns and as...
- git-svn-id: c8812cc2-4d05-0410-92ff-de0c093fc19c
09:13 AM Revision 88af0a14 (qgis): translation update: fr by jean roc
- git-svn-id: c8812cc2-4d05-0410-92ff-de0c093fc19c
09:13 AM Revision da38725e (qgis): translation update: fr by jean roc
- git-svn-id: c8812cc2-4d05-0410-92ff-de0c093fc19c
08:51 AM Revision 05004c87 (qgis): fix build error
- git-svn-id: c8812cc2-4d05-0410-92ff-de0c093fc19c
08:51 AM Revision 503aced2 (qgis): fix build error
- git-svn-id: c8812cc2-4d05-0410-92ff-de0c093fc19c
08:38 AM Revision d216444b (qgis): New GRASS command. Applied patch from #3104 by Markus Neteler, with mod...
- git-svn-id: c8812cc2-4d05-0410-92ff-de0c093fc19c
08:38 AM Revision f7bf1a58 (qgis): New GRASS command. Applied patch from #3104 by Markus Neteler, with mod...
- git-svn-id: c8812cc2-4d05-0410-92ff-de0c093fc19c
11:39 PM Feature request #3104 (Closed): New GRASS Location creator from .prj (WKT) file in QGIS (patch)
- Applied with slight change in commit:f7bf1a58 (SVN r14364). Thank you Markus!
11:39 PM Feature request #3104 (Closed): New GRASS Location creator from .prj (WKT) file in QGIS (patch)
- Applied with slight change in commit:f7bf1a58 (SVN r14364). Thank you Markus!
11:30 AM Feature request #3104 (Closed): New GRASS Location creator from .prj (WKT) file in QGIS (patch)
- This patch enables QGIS users to more easily generate new
GRASS locations. It should lower the barrier to use GRASS
... -
09:52 PM Bug report #2880: makefiles not parallel building proof
- The 1.5.0 source won't build with anything above -j1 for me. Makes development work a bit tedious as it takes a good...
07:38 PM Revision ec3ad6c2 (qgis): symbology-ng: Improved loading speed of the symbol properties dialog.
- git-svn-id: c8812cc2-4d05-0410-92ff-de0c093fc19c
07:38 PM Revision 2e526b25 (qgis): symbology-ng: Improved loading speed of the symbol properties dialog.
- git-svn-id: c8812cc2-4d05-0410-92ff-de0c093fc19c
07:20 AM Bug report #3099: Projection Failure
- Lutra,
I'll need some time to digest this but I'll have a go.
The proposed projections are correct. I've been playin... -
04:35 AM Feature request #3103 (Closed): interpolation plugin could have better documentation
- It would be very helpful to improve the qgis documentation regarding the interpolation plugins - what's the meaning o...
01:39 AM Bug report #3099: Projection Failure
- Supposing that the grids you linked are the right ones for the the geographic area of your interest (amg zone 51, but...
06:52 PM Bug report #3099: Projection Failure
- Sorry Lutra, I don't know how the transformation process works. Can't help you with that.
09:10 AM Bug report #3099: Projection Failure
- Ok, this is a start. Now I just miss to know what kind of transformation are supposed to do the grids (the gsb files)...
09:07 AM Bug report #3099: Projection Failure
- Lutra, I think these are the codes your chasing
EPSG codes as listed in QGIS are as follows;
AGD66 / AMG zone51: 20... -
03:54 AM Bug report #3099: Projection Failure
- > The projections already exist in QGIS, you don't need to change anything. Forget about the srs.db and gsb files fo...
02:41 AM Bug report #3099: Projection Failure
- Sorry Lutra, I actually have no idea what your talking about. I'm way out of my depth here.
The test is simple. The ... -
11:00 AM Feature request #3102 (Open): GRASS extension: Add "Update to current QGIS region" button to GRAS...
- It would be nice to have a button in the upper N/S/W/E subwindow
which updates these values to the current QGIS view.... -
06:30 AM Bug report #3100 (In Progress): GDAL tools crash QGIS when a layer is removed from the canvas
- Confirmed on Ubuntu 9.10/trunk
After you come back to the plugin window, select a different input file (select butto... -
02:54 AM Bug report #3100: GDAL tools crash QGIS when a layer is removed from the canvas
- Confirmed on Ubuntu/trunk - not immediately after coming back to the plugin window, but after some clicking it crashes.
02:28 AM Bug report #3100: GDAL tools crash QGIS when a layer is removed from the canvas
- Confirmed on both Debian Unstable @amd64 and Debian Testing @i386
02:05 AM Bug report #3100: GDAL tools crash QGIS when a layer is removed from the canvas
- no seg fault under Ubuntu/trunk
01:59 AM Feature request #3101 (Closed): let the user select a standard folder for all data produced
- During analyses, many new files are often produced. They can confuse user, and it can be annoying reselectin a folder...
01:53 AM Bug report #3100 (Closed): GDAL tools crash QGIS when a layer is removed from the canvas
- * Load a raster
* Open Contour from Raster menu
* Go to canvas and remove the loaded raster
* Go to the plugin
* Segf... -
01:28 AM Bug report #3099: Projection Failure
- a ntv2 grid is appropriate for just one kind of transformation, from one specific datum to another specific one. I'll...
01:20 AM Bug report #3099: Projection Failure
- Additional Projection information
Universal Transverse Mercator
AGD66 / AMG zone51
AGD84 / AMG zone51
GDA94 / MGA... -
12:58 AM Bug report #3099: Projection Failure
> Additional information "Geocentric Datum of Australia
> Technical Manual"
12:56 AM Bug report #3099: Projection Failure
- Can you attach data so I can make a test?
12:55 AM Bug report #3099: Projection Failure
- Sorry, Remaining files are too big to attach. They can be downloaded at;
http... -
12:41 AM Bug report #3099: Projection Failure
- Did you created the necessary custom CRSs in order to make the ntv2 grid transformation?
the source SRS must include... -
12:31 AM Bug report #3099 (Closed): Projection Failure
- QGIS does not operate with Australian Datums AGD66, AGD84 and GDA94. Although it will allow the selection of these da...
10:51 AM Bug report #3098 (Closed): slider and dial not working in table widgets
- In Layer properties>Attributes, the widget Range does not work if Slider or dial is selected
10:32 AM Revision 286bf1a8 (qgis): [FEATURE]: add capability to show and manipulate composer item with/ he...
- git-svn-id: c8812cc2-4d05-0410-92ff-de0c093fc19c
10:32 AM Revision 94264a9f (qgis): [FEATURE]: add capability to show and manipulate composer item with/ he...
- git-svn-id: c8812cc2-4d05-0410-92ff-de0c093fc19c
10:17 AM Feature request #3097 (Closed): Add preference to set/override environment variables
- This is mainly for OS X, maybe Windows is similar? Could still be useful on *nix.
On OS X, _applications_ don't get... -
04:49 AM Bug report #3096 (Closed): Silent install is not possible when used to upgrade QGIS
- When running the windows standalone installer with the silent switch (/S) on a system with an earlier version of QGIS...
04:42 AM Feature request #3095 (Closed): Gdal-tools: create virtual catalog with recurse scan of dirs
- Actually to create a virtual catalog (vrt) is needed to select one by one all the rasters.
Would be a nice enhancemen... -
02:58 AM Bug report #3094 (Closed): In Composer, save as image doesn't show existing files
- In Composer, when I want to export my layout to an image, the save as dialog doesn't show existing files in the chose...
01:34 AM Feature request #2991: Patch for data defined label position in new labeling
- Patch updated to apply cleanly with current trunk
01:30 AM Bug report #3093 (Closed): Labeling: Buffers in Curved Labels only partially drawn
01:30 AM Bug report #3093 (Closed): Labeling: Buffers in Curved Labels only partially drawn
01:21 AM Bug report #3093 (Closed): Labeling: Buffers in Curved Labels only partially drawn
- If the labeling of linestring features is set to curved, only parts of the buffers are drawn. In the screenshot provi...
12:16 AM Bug report #3092 (Closed): Gdal Tools Merge tool fails to read extents
- Using GDAL Tools, Warp tool I was getting a Python message that an index was out of range. The problem was in this co...
07:15 PM Revision 6894cd00 (qgis): fix typo
- git-svn-id: c8812cc2-4d05-0410-92ff-de0c093fc19c
07:15 PM Revision 3b389a9b (qgis): fix typo
- git-svn-id: c8812cc2-4d05-0410-92ff-de0c093fc19c
12:24 PM Bug report #3091 (Closed): Stretch is canceled after calculating pyramids
- 1. Add image
2. Properties
3. Choose 2 standard deviations and min-max strech, Apply
4. Go to pyramids
5. Select all ... -
08:30 AM Revision aefd4e0c (qgis): Fix for dateline labeling problems
- git-svn-id: c8812cc2-4d05-0410-92ff-de0c093fc19c
08:30 AM Revision ae31743e (qgis): Fix for dateline labeling problems
- git-svn-id: c8812cc2-4d05-0410-92ff-de0c093fc19c
03:57 AM Bug report #3090 (Closed): No GRASS man pages in GRASS Toolbox
- When installing QGIS 1.5 or 1.6 with the OSGEO4W installer, the man pages for GRASS modules are not available, even t...
03:26 AM Revision 13870fad (qgis): sync with r14331, r14335, r14325
- git-svn-id: c8812cc2-4d05-0410-92ff-de0c093fc19c
03:26 AM Revision 0acfaaf1 (qgis): sync with r14331, r14335, r14325
- git-svn-id: c8812cc2-4d05-0410-92ff-de0c093fc19c
01:48 AM Bug report #3089 (Closed): Problem with On-the-fly CRS transformation
- Dear all,
I have data in a [[PostGIS]] database (1.4.2) that I access through Qgis 1.5.
All my data is in CRS 32642... -
11:55 PM Revision 4c055b9f (qgis): fix #3082
- git-svn-id: c8812cc2-4d05-0410-92ff-de0c093fc19c
11:55 PM Revision 8634807e (qgis): fix #3082
- git-svn-id: c8812cc2-4d05-0410-92ff-de0c093fc19c
11:49 PM Revision 1fa54dd3 (qgis): revert debian change from 14348.
- git-svn-id: c8812cc2-4d05-0410-92ff-de0c093fc19c
11:49 PM Revision c06db868 (qgis): revert debian change from 14348.
- git-svn-id: c8812cc2-4d05-0410-92ff-de0c093fc19c
11:44 PM Revision 46b0be9b (qgis): german translation update
- git-svn-id: c8812cc2-4d05-0410-92ff-de0c093fc19c
11:44 PM Revision 9da79ea7 (qgis): german translation update
- git-svn-id: c8812cc2-4d05-0410-92ff-de0c093fc19c
10:14 PM Revision 87b760ca (qgis): fix more warnings
- git-svn-id: c8812cc2-4d05-0410-92ff-de0c093fc19c
10:14 PM Revision 20ee70f6 (qgis): fix more warnings
- git-svn-id: c8812cc2-4d05-0410-92ff-de0c093fc19c
09:48 PM Revision d0bce026 (qgis): fix warnings
- git-svn-id: c8812cc2-4d05-0410-92ff-de0c093fc19c
09:48 PM Revision 6080f7de (qgis): fix warnings
- git-svn-id: c8812cc2-4d05-0410-92ff-de0c093fc19c
09:21 PM Revision 2e43a95e (qgis): fix qgis mapserver on windows
- git-svn-id: c8812cc2-4d05-0410-92ff-de0c093fc19c
09:21 PM Revision 4f169354 (qgis): fix qgis mapserver on windows
- git-svn-id: c8812cc2-4d05-0410-92ff-de0c093fc19c
02:55 PM Bug report #3082 (Closed): Start Menu is cluttered
- fixed in commit:4c055b9f (SVN r14351).
02:55 PM Bug report #3082 (Closed): Start Menu is cluttered
- fixed in commit:4c055b9f (SVN r14351).
12:26 PM Bug report #3088 (Closed): QgisMapServer: trimmed xml
- fixed in commit:2e43a95e (SVN r14346).
12:26 PM Bug report #3088 (Closed): QgisMapServer: trimmed xml
- fixed in commit:2e43a95e (SVN r14346).
08:34 AM Bug report #3088 (Closed): QgisMapServer: trimmed xml
- OSGeo4W / qgis build 14343
Sometimes (not always) xml-answers are trimed.
*Example 1:*
Q:... -
12:25 PM Bug report #3087: QgisMapServer: Could not create output CRS
- commit:2e43a95e (SVN r14346) also fixes the truncation issue.
09:56 AM Bug report #3087 (Closed): QgisMapServer: Could not create output CRS
- Replying to [comment:2 Mavka]:
> Related ticket in osgeo4w "#184":
closes t... -
09:56 AM Bug report #3087 (Closed): QgisMapServer: Could not create output CRS
- Replying to [comment:2 Mavka]:
> Related ticket in osgeo4w "#184":
closes t... -
08:43 AM Bug report #3087: QgisMapServer: Could not create output CRS
- Related ticket in osgeo4w "#184":
08:18 AM Bug report #3087: QgisMapServer: Could not create output CRS
- Note. OSGeo4W installed in...
08:15 AM Bug report #3087 (Closed): QgisMapServer: Could not create output CRS
- OSGeo4W / qgis build 14343
Request:... -
03:23 AM Feature request #2666: Improve the select
- Replying to [comment:6 lutra]:
> oh! how I did miss that!? ;) how long have been there the NB for debian/ubuntu?
I s... -
02:52 AM Feature request #2666: Improve the select
> No need for extra Ubuntu packages. We already provide nightly builds for Debian Lenny, Squeeze, Unstable and Ubu...-
02:46 AM Feature request #2666: Improve the select
- Replying to [comment:4 lutra]:
> I believe all but 5) are already implemented features in qgis-dev. Please install it...
01:39 AM Feature request #2666: Improve the select
- I believe all but 5) are already implemented features in qgis-dev. Please install it (under windows using osgeo4w, I ...
01:28 AM Feature request #2666: Improve the select
- I would also vote for selection improvement. At least "Invert selection" would be very useful as sometimes is easier ...
01:37 AM Feature request #3086 (Closed): Wish List - vector symbology improvement
- yes, you can. Use the style manager, you can create ramps with intermediate color stops.
01:37 AM Feature request #3086 (Closed): Wish List - vector symbology improvement
- yes, you can. Use the style manager, you can create ramps with intermediate color stops.
01:35 AM Feature request #3086 (Closed): Wish List - vector symbology improvement
- Hi.
I need a possibility to change a colour ramp in point layer. If continuous ramp I can choose only between two col... -
08:24 PM Bug report #3085 (Closed): Wrong histogram builds over Int16 rasters
- Subj. See attachment.
Example of raster: [] -
03:01 PM Revision 2320cc89 (qgis): change attribute action notation from [%attr%]/%attr% back to [%attr]/%...
- git-svn-id: c8812cc2-4d05-0410-92ff-de0c093fc19c
03:01 PM Revision f64d6020 (qgis): change attribute action notation from [%attr%]/%attr% back to [%attr]/%...
- git-svn-id: c8812cc2-4d05-0410-92ff-de0c093fc19c
02:39 PM Revision ba27ce79 (qgis): fix assertion in gps detector
- git-svn-id: c8812cc2-4d05-0410-92ff-de0c093fc19c
02:39 PM Revision dd7df180 (qgis): fix assertion in gps detector
- git-svn-id: c8812cc2-4d05-0410-92ff-de0c093fc19c
02:30 PM Revision 9f79f6f1 (qgis): fix com port detection on windows
- git-svn-id: c8812cc2-4d05-0410-92ff-de0c093fc19c
02:30 PM Revision 5b4d73eb (qgis): fix com port detection on windows
- git-svn-id: c8812cc2-4d05-0410-92ff-de0c093fc19c
01:18 PM Feature request #2786: Live GPS tracking: add support for garmin USB devices
- another problem: without removing first the _garmin_gps_ kernel module the connection with gpsbabel (and the gps tool...
01:12 PM Feature request #2786: Live GPS tracking: add support for garmin USB devices
- ok, got it finally. Thanks a lot for the hint.
Just one question: I cannot see any info about the position of the s... -
11:40 AM Feature request #2786: Live GPS tracking: add support for garmin USB devices
- Replying to [comment:18 lutra]:
> Ok, I see now the kind of possibilities that gpsd offers, but I still cannot make i... -
10:08 AM Feature request #2786: Live GPS tracking: add support for garmin USB devices
> Ok, I see now the kind of possibilities that gpsd offers, but I still cannot make it work. I checked the gpsd docs...-
10:07 AM Feature request #2786: Live GPS tracking: add support for garmin USB devices
> No, you need to setup gpsd first - which works with my hcx. I suppose it does with the 60c, too. With gpsd you c...-
05:53 AM Feature request #2786: Live GPS tracking: add support for garmin USB devices
- Replying to [comment:16 lutra]:
> > GPSD doesn't support windows.
> I never mentioned windows, in fact I use Linu... -
05:49 AM Feature request #2786: Live GPS tracking: add support for garmin USB devices
- Replying to [comment:15 jef]:
> Replying to [comment:13 lutra]:
> > I would like to see if it works with my Garmin un... -
05:44 AM Feature request #2786: Live GPS tracking: add support for garmin USB devices
- Replying to [comment:13 lutra]:
> I would like to see if it works with my Garmin unit, but I'm not sure what has to b... -
05:36 AM Feature request #2786: Live GPS tracking: add support for garmin USB devices
- Replying to [comment:11 lutra]:
> I can bring my 60c too.
Unfortunatly my etrex legend hcx doesn't work with spanner... -
12:46 PM Bug report #3080: Tiresome message when searching CRS
- Yes, I agree as well! It's the only place to enter the id directly. I didn't think about that.
11:29 AM Revision 1db228c8 (qgis): include offline editing plugin in debian package
- git-svn-id: c8812cc2-4d05-0410-92ff-de0c093fc19c
11:29 AM Revision 50bdfb39 (qgis): include offline editing plugin in debian package
- git-svn-id: c8812cc2-4d05-0410-92ff-de0c093fc19c
11:29 AM Revision 4dd76646 (qgis): fix windows build
- git-svn-id: c8812cc2-4d05-0410-92ff-de0c093fc19c
11:29 AM Revision f2cbc2b3 (qgis): fix windows build
- git-svn-id: c8812cc2-4d05-0410-92ff-de0c093fc19c
11:21 AM Revision 815b4c70 (qgis): fix warning
- git-svn-id: c8812cc2-4d05-0410-92ff-de0c093fc19c
11:21 AM Revision b810ad6a (qgis): fix warning
- git-svn-id: c8812cc2-4d05-0410-92ff-de0c093fc19c
10:51 AM Revision a785159c (qgis): [FEATURE]: offline editing plugin from Mathias Walker
- git-svn-id: c8812cc2-4d05-0410-92ff-de0c093fc19c
10:51 AM Revision 18b43910 (qgis): [FEATURE]: offline editing plugin from Mathias Walker
- git-svn-id: c8812cc2-4d05-0410-92ff-de0c093fc19c
10:21 AM Bug report #3077: ftools (merge shapefiles tool): QGIS crashes if shapes are missing the .prj file
- I'm using Ubuntu 10.04 with the ubuntugis repository, that ships geos 3.2.2, any chance to test it, maybe in a VM?
10:18 AM Bug report #3077: ftools (merge shapefiles tool): QGIS crashes if shapes are missing the .prj file
- Replying to [comment:4 lutra]:
> weird. What geos version are you using under both systems?
Under Linux - geos-3.1.1,... -
09:11 AM Bug report #3077: ftools (merge shapefiles tool): QGIS crashes if shapes are missing the .prj file
- weird. What geos version are you using under both systems?
09:05 AM Bug report #3077: ftools (merge shapefiles tool): QGIS crashes if shapes are missing the .prj file
- Can't reproduce under Windows and Linux with my own test files and with attached files
07:42 AM Bug report #3077: ftools (merge shapefiles tool): QGIS crashes if shapes are missing the .prj file
- So it happens at least under trunk/linux (ubuntu) with this shapes (lines) -
07:27 AM Bug report #3077: ftools (merge shapefiles tool): QGIS crashes if shapes are missing the .prj file
- I've tried on 2 point shapefiles with prj/qprj removed - all normal. I'm on Windows, latest trunk.
My example: http:... -
08:59 AM Revision 9b3db763 (qgis): fix qextserial in mingw?
- git-svn-id: c8812cc2-4d05-0410-92ff-de0c093fc19c
08:59 AM Revision 0554824e (qgis): fix qextserial in mingw?
- git-svn-id: c8812cc2-4d05-0410-92ff-de0c093fc19c
07:01 AM Feature request #3084: Rule-based renderer should allow reordering after rules have been created
- It would be nice if one would have "up/down" arrows, just like in the symbol properties dialogue of the new symbology...
06:56 AM Feature request #3084 (Closed): Rule-based renderer should allow reordering after rules have been...
- If rules are created in the rule-based renderer one cannot change the order after the rule creation. Often one discov...
06:54 AM Bug report #3083 (Closed): actions broken in trunk
- fixed in .
06:54 AM Bug report #3083 (Closed): actions broken in trunk
- fixed in .
04:11 AM Bug report #3083 (Closed): actions broken in trunk
- Seems that with trunk (ate least under debian and ubuntu linux) actions are broken.
For example in a shape with a fi... -
05:21 AM Bug report #3076: OSM plugin: python error clicking on "load OSM from file"
- works fine under trunk/osgeo4w
05:02 AM Bug report #3076: OSM plugin: python error clicking on "load OSM from file"
- the same message shows when clicking on "download" in the "download osm data" dialog.
02:05 AM Feature request #679 (Closed): delay recording of changes to PostGIS (for laptops and other offli...
- fixed in #14335
02:05 AM Feature request #679 (Closed): delay recording of changes to PostGIS (for laptops and other offli...
- fixed in #14335
01:34 AM Revision 1b645a3e (qgis): fix #3080
- git-svn-id: c8812cc2-4d05-0410-92ff-de0c093fc19c
01:34 AM Revision bc1966b2 (qgis): fix #3080
- git-svn-id: c8812cc2-4d05-0410-92ff-de0c093fc19c
01:30 AM Bug report #3080: Tiresome message when searching CRS
> For a future discussion: -1 for the Name as default.
01:20 AM Bug report #3080: Tiresome message when searching CRS
- Seems JEF implemented the first part only, what makes me happy.
For a future discussion: -1 for the Name as default... -
04:34 PM Bug report #3080 (Closed): Tiresome message when searching CRS
- fixed in commit:bc1966b2 (SVN r14333).
04:34 PM Bug report #3080 (Closed): Tiresome message when searching CRS
- fixed in commit:bc1966b2 (SVN r14333).
04:17 PM Bug report #3080 (Closed): Tiresome message when searching CRS
- How to reproduce:
- Open Project Properties
- Start typing in the find field
- Stop typing and try to change any ... -
01:11 AM Feature request #2786: Live GPS tracking: add support for garmin USB devices
- Replying to [comment:12 jef]:
> commit:7b1fc1bf (SVN r14332) adds gpsd support. My garmin etrex HCx now works via GP... -
02:55 PM Feature request #2786: Live GPS tracking: add support for garmin USB devices
- commit:7b1fc1bf (SVN r14332) adds gpsd support. My garmin etrex HCx now works via GPSD (using the garmin_gps kernel ...
03:50 AM Feature request #2786: Live GPS tracking: add support for garmin USB devices
- I can bring my 60c too.
03:41 AM Feature request #2786: Live GPS tracking: add support for garmin USB devices
- Hi!
I can provide a Garmin 60CSx for the Hackfest. I have easy access to one - I guess if the 60CSx is working all ot... -
03:31 AM Feature request #2786: Live GPS tracking: add support for garmin USB devices
> Serial devices (including usbserial devices and serial bluetooth) speaking NMEA are supported. Garmin use an othe...-
03:28 AM Feature request #2786: Live GPS tracking: add support for garmin USB devices
- Replying to [comment:7 lutra]:
> It seems that usb devices are not supported by design(?) Nevertheless the usb device... -
03:23 AM Feature request #2786: Live GPS tracking: add support for garmin USB devices
- It seems that usb devices are not supported by design(?) Nevertheless the usb devices work fine (out of the box) with...
11:37 PM Revision 2849f79d (qgis): [FEATURE] add gpsd support to live gps tracking
- git-svn-id: c8812cc2-4d05-0410-92ff-de0c093fc19c
11:37 PM Revision 7b1fc1bf (qgis): [FEATURE] add gpsd support to live gps tracking
- git-svn-id: c8812cc2-4d05-0410-92ff-de0c093fc19c
10:05 PM Revision 8ffd8165 (qgis): fix cmake warning
- git-svn-id: c8812cc2-4d05-0410-92ff-de0c093fc19c
10:05 PM Revision 37739cdc (qgis): fix cmake warning
- git-svn-id: c8812cc2-4d05-0410-92ff-de0c093fc19c
08:43 PM Bug report #3082 (Closed): Start Menu is cluttered
- Please remove the uninstaller and web site shortcuts from the Start Menu.
Best practices for Windows applications me... -
08:40 PM Feature request #2832: rule-based renderer in symbology-ng should show rules in legend
- Any chance the devs can get this landed soon? Thanks
04:57 PM Revision 4613f71f (qgis): Added option to save histogram and also refactored dialog filetype list...
- git-svn-id: c8812cc2-4d05-0410-92ff-de0c093fc19c
04:57 PM Revision 6c0e03f7 (qgis): Added option to save histogram and also refactored dialog filetype list...
- git-svn-id: c8812cc2-4d05-0410-92ff-de0c093fc19c
04:42 PM Bug report #3081: On-the-Fly-projection crashes QGIS, but not in Windows
- The real link from the archived mail:[email protected]/2009-09/00531/%28Qt-interest...
04:40 PM Bug report #3081 (Closed): On-the-Fly-projection crashes QGIS, but not in Windows
- This is probably a Qt problem. The Qt in OSGeo4W is patched with the attached patch. See also http://lists.osgeo.or...
04:40 PM Bug report #3081 (Closed): On-the-Fly-projection crashes QGIS, but not in Windows
- This is probably a Qt problem. The Qt in OSGeo4W is patched with the attached patch. See also http://lists.osgeo.or...
04:31 PM Bug report #3081 (Closed): On-the-Fly-projection crashes QGIS, but not in Windows
- How to reproduce:
- Download this 0.7 MB shapefile:
- Open the shapefile a... -
12:00 PM Revision 79241a8d (qgis): add geoimage austria wms to default servers
- git-svn-id: c8812cc2-4d05-0410-92ff-de0c093fc19c
12:00 PM Revision 9afafeee (qgis): add geoimage austria wms to default servers
- git-svn-id: c8812cc2-4d05-0410-92ff-de0c093fc19c
02:47 AM Bug report #3075: OSM Plugin: OSM Import Data from Layer problem.
- Related forum thread: []
12:49 AM Bug report #3079: Labeling buffer issue
- This will be fixed by applying the last version of patch #2991
12:45 AM Bug report #3079: Labeling buffer issue
- At mine, all buffer sizes are affected (also < 1)
12:18 AM Bug report #3079 (Closed): Labeling buffer issue
- 1. Open line vector layer;
2. Run Labeling tool and set follow settings:
a) label this layer and set labeling field... -
12:00 AM Bug report #3078: Scotese's shapefiles causes Tethys to crash
- please attach sample data
06:06 PM Bug report #3078 (Closed): Scotese's shapefiles causes Tethys to crash
- Qgis 1.5.0 crashes everytime I try to load a shapefile from the Earth System History GIS collection from C. R. Scotes...
11:15 PM Feature request #3039 (Closed): symbol levels ignored for rule based rendering
- This is addressed in patch #2832
11:15 PM Feature request #3039 (Closed): symbol levels ignored for rule based rendering
- This is addressed in patch #2832
09:45 PM Revision 3f7edd8d (qgis): [FEATURE]: Composer items can also be deleted with the backspace key. E...
- git-svn-id: c8812cc2-4d05-0410-92ff-de0c093fc19c
09:45 PM Revision e6723377 (qgis): [FEATURE]: Composer items can also be deleted with the backspace key. E...
- git-svn-id: c8812cc2-4d05-0410-92ff-de0c093fc19c
04:35 PM Feature request #3067: Support DBF table as datasource
- In OO you can easily change the separator symbol and don't use the '"' to wrap values.
When saving to CSV just check... -
04:22 PM Bug report #3058: print composer: exporting to PDF does not resize correctly vectors if symbology...
- I'm using the new symbology. If I set a point as a circle symbol with 15mm of diameter, on screen (in the canvas and ...
04:00 PM Bug report #3076: OSM plugin: python error clicking on "load OSM from file"
- It's caused by the line 19: from [[PyQt]]4 import *
>>> from [[PyQt]]4.QtCore import *
>>> Qt
<class 'PyQt4.QtCore.Q... -
03:49 PM Bug report #3076 (Closed): OSM plugin: python error clicking on "load OSM from file"
- This happens on trunk under Ubuntu 10.04. Under trunk/osgeo4w does not seems to happen:...
03:58 PM Bug report #3077 (Closed): ftools (merge shapefiles tool): QGIS crashes if shapes are missing the...
- This is true also for the standalone plugin (by the way, what is the difference between the two?).
Console message i... -
03:56 PM Revision 82edec5a (qgis): fix for #2985 (take III)
- git-svn-id: c8812cc2-4d05-0410-92ff-de0c093fc19c
03:56 PM Revision df67a279 (qgis): fix for #2985 (take III)
- git-svn-id: c8812cc2-4d05-0410-92ff-de0c093fc19c
12:07 PM Revision 926fc951 (qgis): fix for #2985 (take II)
- git-svn-id: c8812cc2-4d05-0410-92ff-de0c093fc19c
12:07 PM Revision 7172f01c (qgis): fix for #2985 (take II)
- git-svn-id: c8812cc2-4d05-0410-92ff-de0c093fc19c
11:11 AM Revision 3cf96c28 (qgis): fix for #2985
- git-svn-id: c8812cc2-4d05-0410-92ff-de0c093fc19c
11:11 AM Revision 69cf6c9b (qgis): fix for #2985
- git-svn-id: c8812cc2-4d05-0410-92ff-de0c093fc19c
06:57 AM Feature request #2985 (Closed): qgis broken with new py-sip
- ...
06:57 AM Feature request #2985 (Closed): qgis broken with new py-sip
- ...
08:38 PM Bug report #3075 (Closed): OSM Plugin: OSM Import Data from Layer problem.
- When an Import data from layer is performed, only the nodes, lines or polygons are imported. Any attribute data such ...
02:27 PM Revision f365b6e2 (qgis): Block spinbox signals in simple fill widget while setting offset. Fixes...
- git-svn-id: c8812cc2-4d05-0410-92ff-de0c093fc19c
02:27 PM Revision df1a16ec (qgis): Block spinbox signals in simple fill widget while setting offset. Fixes...
- git-svn-id: c8812cc2-4d05-0410-92ff-de0c093fc19c
05:55 AM Bug report #3058: print composer: exporting to PDF does not resize correctly vectors if symbology...
- Do you mean it does not scale the same relatively to the background map?
That's because if you specify the size as e... -
05:27 AM Bug report #3073 (Closed): New symbology Y offset doesn't save
- Fixed in commit:df1a16ec (SVN r14323)
05:27 AM Bug report #3073 (Closed): New symbology Y offset doesn't save
- Fixed in commit:df1a16ec (SVN r14323)
05:20 PM Revision 76596e9e (qgis): Remember user specified image directories in composerimage widget. Fixe...
- git-svn-id: c8812cc2-4d05-0410-92ff-de0c093fc19c
05:20 PM Revision 2dcc9160 (qgis): Remember user specified image directories in composerimage widget. Fixe...
- git-svn-id: c8812cc2-4d05-0410-92ff-de0c093fc19c
11:29 AM Bug report #3037: Installer bug: QGIS-OSGeo4W-1.5.0-14109-Setup (Windows)
- Must ba a local problem: I installed QGIS on several Windows machines, without any problem.
08:20 AM Bug report #3072 (Closed): Remember user specified image directories in composerimage widget
- Fixed in commit:2dcc9160 (SVN r14322)
08:20 AM Bug report #3072 (Closed): Remember user specified image directories in composerimage widget
- Fixed in commit:2dcc9160 (SVN r14322)
07:15 AM Bug report #3074 (Closed): Can't classify categorized for line layer with a query
- Take a line feature, add a query to the layer. Then go to symbology, choose "Categorized" renderer, and click "Classi...
02:34 AM Bug report #3073 (Closed): New symbology Y offset doesn't save
- 1. Open vector layer
2. New Symbology -> Single Symbol
3. Properties -> set Offset X,Y to 2 and 2.
4. Close symbol...
01:16 AM Revision f0856361 (qgis): fix warning
- git-svn-id: c8812cc2-4d05-0410-92ff-de0c093fc19c
01:16 AM Revision ec3e0ac0 (qgis): fix warning
- git-svn-id: c8812cc2-4d05-0410-92ff-de0c093fc19c
12:53 AM Revision f19c7aac (qgis): doxygen fixes
- git-svn-id: c8812cc2-4d05-0410-92ff-de0c093fc19c
12:53 AM Revision 99dd19dc (qgis): doxygen fixes
- git-svn-id: c8812cc2-4d05-0410-92ff-de0c093fc19c
12:33 AM Revision 1c42e9a1 (qgis): fix WMS selection
- git-svn-id: c8812cc2-4d05-0410-92ff-de0c093fc19c
12:33 AM Revision 9103ac54 (qgis): fix WMS selection
- git-svn-id: c8812cc2-4d05-0410-92ff-de0c093fc19c
12:26 AM Revision 5efadc10 (qgis): QWT now required
- git-svn-id: c8812cc2-4d05-0410-92ff-de0c093fc19c
12:26 AM Revision 0bd9990c (qgis): QWT now required
- git-svn-id: c8812cc2-4d05-0410-92ff-de0c093fc19c
12:21 AM Bug report #2436: New symbology print issue
- To simply reproduce this bug (1.6.0 trunk), try this:
* open a simple polygon layer
* use _funny_fill_ to render it ... -
11:28 PM Bug report #3072 (Closed): Remember user specified image directories in composerimage widget
- Add a new directory in [[QgsComposerImageWidget]]. The widget shows correctly the content of the directory. But the n...
09:19 PM Bug report #3071 (Closed): fTools: Incomplete & Inconsistent Union Result
- I run union function in fTools. The result of the process were incomplete as some of the polygons were missing. Here ...
04:00 PM Feature request #1899: Nested Grouping in Layer Tree
- Replying to [comment:18 mhugent]:
> Yes, it's intentional that groups are named layers. Because it is very convenient... -
03:26 PM Bug report #3069 (Closed): qgsrasterlayerproperties.cpp failing to compile
- QWT is not optional anymore. Fixed in commit:5efadc10 (SVN r14318).
03:26 PM Bug report #3069 (Closed): qgsrasterlayerproperties.cpp failing to compile
- QWT is not optional anymore. Fixed in commit:5efadc10 (SVN r14318).
01:05 PM Bug report #3069: qgsrasterlayerproperties.cpp failing to compile
- Can't confirm that for Fedora 13.
Seems like the headers for QWT can't be found. -
12:51 PM Bug report #3069 (Closed): qgsrasterlayerproperties.cpp failing to compile
- Hi, rev 14316 of the QGIS svn trunk can't be compiled due to a faulty qgsrasterlayerproperties.cpp
./qgsrasterlayerp... -
02:47 PM Bug report #3070: erase column in attribute table don't work
- duplicate of #1446
02:45 PM Bug report #3070 (Closed): erase column in attribute table don't work
- Not a QGIS problem, OGR does no allow to delete columns in shapes. There is a patch submitted in the ogr trac since a...
02:45 PM Bug report #3070 (Closed): erase column in attribute table don't work
- Not a QGIS problem, OGR does no allow to delete columns in shapes. There is a patch submitted in the ogr trac since a...
02:42 PM Bug report #3070 (Closed): erase column in attribute table don't work
- Using shapefile.
Open attribute tableand setting to edit on.
The button erase table is still disabled.
Is not possibl... -
02:14 PM Feature request #1468: Inconsistency in Attribute table tools
- Submitted patch to fix ticket. I have chosen the best shortcuts I've found, buy may be there are others which are bet...
10:33 AM Revision 25c2e8ff (qgis): missed a comment in r14298
- git-svn-id: c8812cc2-4d05-0410-92ff-de0c093fc19c
10:33 AM Revision 6a4b5487 (qgis): missed a comment in r14298
- git-svn-id: c8812cc2-4d05-0410-92ff-de0c093fc19c
08:52 AM Revision 6b9ce999 (qgis): fix build errors
- git-svn-id: c8812cc2-4d05-0410-92ff-de0c093fc19c
08:52 AM Revision c7050642 (qgis): fix build errors
- git-svn-id: c8812cc2-4d05-0410-92ff-de0c093fc19c
05:38 AM Feature request #3068 (Feedback): Projection information – some handbook or more info in QGIS
- Hi,
I had a small problem related with projection. I knew, that I should convert my data in WGS84 to S-42 (Pulkovo 1... -
04:48 AM Feature request #3067 (Closed): Support DBF table as datasource
- Hi,
I am sorry, but this is essential thing for me. Almost all GIS sw support DBF files to be loaded and then convert... -
04:17 AM Bug report #3024: checkbox edit widget not working + widgets buttons not rendered correctly
- Hi
I added a small screencast that may help to understand the problem. When using the attribute table window, a doub... -
03:26 AM Feature request #3066 (Closed): GdalTools: clipping based on a shapefile mask
- It will be useful to add the possibility of clipping based on a shapefile mask. This can be done with the gdal_raster...
02:44 AM Bug report #3065 (Closed): Curved labels not printed if fontsize small
- Take a line layer, select curved labelling and font 'Arial 8pt'. The label appears on screen, but not on the printout...
01:52 AM Feature request #3064 (Closed): GdalTools: add gdaldem and other new GDAL tools
- Starting form GDAL 1.7, the following tool should be available:
**** gdaldem - Tools to analyze and visualize DEMs. -
10:39 PM Revision a732d9b3 (qgis): automatic indentation update (r13658-r14312)
- git-svn-id: c8812cc2-4d05-0410-92ff-de0c093fc19c
10:39 PM Revision e82a8f8c (qgis): automatic indentation update (r13658-r14312)
- git-svn-id: c8812cc2-4d05-0410-92ff-de0c093fc19c
10:29 PM Revision 0e18e05e (qgis): api documentation on
- git-svn-id: c8812cc2-4d05-0410-92ff-de0c093fc19c
10:29 PM Revision a915e63c (qgis): api documentation on
- git-svn-id: c8812cc2-4d05-0410-92ff-de0c093fc19c
10:28 PM Revision 8b72bfc6 (qgis): GRASS 6.4.0 in OSgeo4W
- git-svn-id: c8812cc2-4d05-0410-92ff-de0c093fc19c
10:28 PM Revision e5519297 (qgis): GRASS 6.4.0 in OSgeo4W
- git-svn-id: c8812cc2-4d05-0410-92ff-de0c093fc19c
02:05 PM Feature request #3039: symbol levels ignored for rule based rendering
- Same bug as on version 1.5.0 tested today on latest trunk version 1.6.0
03:03 AM Feature request #679: delay recording of changes to PostGIS (for laptops and other offline devices)
- this can be probably be closed as soon as this makes the source code -
02:26 AM Revision 60103914 (qgis): Adds three new classification modes to graduated symbol renderer (versi...
- git-svn-id: c8812cc2-4d05-0410-92ff-de0c093fc19c
02:26 AM Revision e35b7265 (qgis): Adds three new classification modes to graduated symbol renderer (versi...
- git-svn-id: c8812cc2-4d05-0410-92ff-de0c093fc19c
01:22 AM Bug report #3024: checkbox edit widget not working + widgets buttons not rendered correctly
> How does it not work? So far, I tried setting a field to the checkbox type, and I do get broken behavior: it does...-
04:45 PM Bug report #3024: checkbox edit widget not working + widgets buttons not rendered correctly
- Replying to [comment:5 lutra]:
> Meanwhile we discovered that the "checkbox" button, aside the same problem above des... -
12:59 AM Bug report #3063 (Closed): please add gpsbabel to osgeo4w standalone package
- as above
10:00 PM Revision e5e80b08 (qgis): Possibility to set prefix path for mapserver by environment variable
- git-svn-id: c8812cc2-4d05-0410-92ff-de0c093fc19c
10:00 PM Revision 8f334bb1 (qgis): Possibility to set prefix path for mapserver by environment variable
- git-svn-id: c8812cc2-4d05-0410-92ff-de0c093fc19c
04:54 PM Bug report #2770: crash when zooming to layer extent
- I verified the fix with this data in case the fix for #2457 did not cover this one. It does not reproject on the fly...
04:33 PM Bug report #3056 (Closed): (OsX) clicking on the "spatial query" plugin icon does nothing
- ding! That was it. Qt compiled from source wasn't working properly. This is probably what is causing some other pr...
04:33 PM Bug report #3056 (Closed): (OsX) clicking on the "spatial query" plugin icon does nothing
- ding! That was it. Qt compiled from source wasn't working properly. This is probably what is causing some other pr...
03:56 PM Bug report #3056: (OsX) clicking on the "spatial query" plugin icon does nothing
- Ah, right. I didn't connect the bug title with the description as being separate content.
Spatial does not do anyth... -
09:40 AM Bug report #3056: (OsX) clicking on the "spatial query" plugin icon does nothing
- Replying to [comment:1 kyngchaos]:
>(I did not find any Interactive Identify plugin).
it is among the standard 3rd p... -
06:36 AM Bug report #3056: (OsX) clicking on the "spatial query" plugin icon does nothing
- I found that googleLayers settings does not work in OS X 10.5 (I did not find any Interactive Identify plugin). No e...
01:04 PM Bug report #2961 (Closed): mapserver hardwires absolute install path
- It is now () possible to set the prefix path with the environment variable QGIS_PREFIX_PATH. If not set, it defaults ...
01:04 PM Bug report #2961 (Closed): mapserver hardwires absolute install path
- It is now () possible to set the prefix path with the environment variable QGIS_PREFIX_PATH. If not set, it defaults ...
11:50 AM Bug report #3062 (Closed): change in r.reclass & GRASS plugin location browser
- It seems that the r.reclass command has changed. Now it doesn't produce anymore a output map but just save a "reclass...
09:35 AM Bug report #3055: (OsX) cannot type "@" in the GRASS shell
- Hi,
> One thing I noticed is that after selecting the shell in the tool list, the window is not active (the cursor ... -
06:08 AM Bug report #3055: (OsX) cannot type "@" in the GRASS shell
- Works here, both OS X 10.5 and 10.6.
One thing I noticed is that after selecting the shell in the tool list, the win... -
08:47 AM Feature request #2987: Auto GCP detection library
- A couple more comments:
- please remember the last used directory so opening rasters doesnt require so much navigati... -
08:40 AM Feature request #3061 (Closed): setting min/max for symbology
- Hi,
miss the possibility to set min/max in the graduated renderer, so we don't have to define first a query to remove... -
08:36 AM Feature request #3060 (Closed): save memory layers
- Hi,
would be great if memory layers be saved in the project file on exit, or at least a warning saying to save them s... -
08:35 AM Bug report #3059 (Closed): Problem using Union in fTools
- I have use union function in fTools geoprocessing plugin using QGIS Ver. 1.5. However the result was not to my expect...
03:34 AM Bug report #3058 (Closed): print composer: exporting to PDF does not resize correctly vectors if ...
- Add a point vector layer and in ita symbology assign to it a pretty large size in millimeters.
Open the print compo... -
03:09 AM Bug report #3057 (Closed): Attribute Index out of sync with data source when datasource was modif...
- If a data source (in my case a Postgis table) is present in a QGIS project - and the data structure was modified outs...
01:28 AM Bug report #3056 (Closed): (OsX) clicking on the "spatial query" plugin icon does nothing
- Seems also that since 1.5 other plugins (3rd party, python) are affected. Has been reported to me (I don't have a Mac...
12:41 AM Bug report #3055 (Closed): (OsX) cannot type "@" in the GRASS shell
- Speaking obviously of the shell available in the QGIS GRASS plugin.
10:49 PM Revision 235ac005 (qgis): fix max/min values in spatialite provider for non-numeric fields
- git-svn-id: c8812cc2-4d05-0410-92ff-de0c093fc19c
10:49 PM Revision e9698b2d (qgis): fix max/min values in spatialite provider for non-numeric fields
- git-svn-id: c8812cc2-4d05-0410-92ff-de0c093fc19c
06:49 PM Bug report #3054 (Closed): QGIS crashes in MapServer plugin
- 1. Open any vector layer;
2. Launch [[MapServer]] Export plugin;
3. Set map-file name;
4. Press OK button. Please ... -
12:17 PM Feature request #1899: Nested Grouping in Layer Tree
- Yes, it's intentional that groups are named layers. Because it is very convenient to refer to groups with a single WM...
11:31 AM Revision 281b9717 (qgis): Zen minimalism for raster graphing page
- git-svn-id: c8812cc2-4d05-0410-92ff-de0c093fc19c
11:31 AM Revision 8ecc563b (qgis): Zen minimalism for raster graphing page
- git-svn-id: c8812cc2-4d05-0410-92ff-de0c093fc19c
12:06 AM Feature request #192: print composer, when using not "north-up" projections make images (north ...
- shouldn't the title and description of this ticket be changed?
11:33 PM Feature request #192: print composer, when using not "north-up" projections make images (north ...
- I was able to replicate marisn's issue with commit:d47bb3fc (SVN r14287).
07:53 PM Revision c087a660 (qgis): translation update: pl (last-minute commit from a train for a qgis trai...
- git-svn-id: c8812cc2-4d05-0410-92ff-de0c093fc19c
07:53 PM Revision 6f51c4a2 (qgis): translation update: pl (last-minute commit from a train for a qgis trai...
- git-svn-id: c8812cc2-4d05-0410-92ff-de0c093fc19c
06:38 PM Revision ac843efb (qgis): sync with r14283;
- misc cleanup;
default single native arch to match compilation instructions
git-svn-id: -
06:38 PM Revision de873055 (qgis): sync with r14283;
- misc cleanup;
default single native arch to match compilation instructions
01:31 AM Revision d47bb3fc (qgis): missed a file in r14284
- git-svn-id: c8812cc2-4d05-0410-92ff-de0c093fc19c
01:31 AM Revision 794f975b (qgis): missed a file in r14284
- git-svn-id: c8812cc2-4d05-0410-92ff-de0c093fc19c
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