Bug report #2558

JPEG2000 images display as black under Windows (QGIS 1.4.0)

Added by Brendon Wolff-Piggott - almost 15 years ago. Updated over 14 years ago.

Assignee:ersts -
Affected QGIS version: Regression?:No
Operating System:Windows Easy fix?:No
Pull Request or Patch supplied: Resolution:invalid
Crashes QGIS or corrupts data: Copied to github as #:12618


On Win XP (SP3), QGIS 1.4.0, installed using the OSGEO4W installer, JPEG2000 files display as uniform black.

I am not a programmer so I cannot build and test in more detail. The files made available for testing under #996 should be used for testing. I will try to look at this on a Linux box, but I am short of time.

This problem looks like it may be similar to #996 (closed), where similar JPEG2000 problem was picked up on the Mac. I did not follow the solution quite, it seemed to be something to do with compilation options for GDAL.

Please help me to stay off of ArcGIS! :-)


#1 Updated by Giovanni Manghi almost 15 years ago

I cannot find any image to test in the #996 ticket.

The images here


open fine under linux.

#2 Updated by Brendon Wolff-Piggott - almost 15 years ago

I displayed three small images downloaded from the website in QGIS 1.4.0 under windows (CB_TM432, world, potholes2). There are clear problems with the display.
I see no way to add attachments. Will try to load to Bitbucket and link.

#4 Updated by Paolo Cavallini over 14 years ago

Please check it again with a newer QGIS, and close this if fixed

#5 Updated by Paolo Cavallini over 14 years ago

  • Resolution set to invalid
  • Status changed from Open to Closed

Not reproducible here. Closing it, pending user feedback. Please reopen it if necessary.

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