From 2015-07-23 to 2015-08-21
03:54 PM Revision 03cf0cea (qgis): Merge pull request #2267 from geopython/master
- update MetaSearch plugin metadata
- 03:32 PM Revision b110c0ea (qgis): Switch welcome page neews feed to https
- References
03:11 PM Revision a8bd9995 (qgis): update MetaSearch plugin metadata
03:02 PM Revision 323977fb (qgis): Add full row styles
12:07 PM Feature request #13164: Lock scale in print composer
- You can lock the scale by using a data-defined override as shown in the attached screenshot. A "lock" button would be...
12:07 PM Feature request #13164: Lock scale in print composer
- You can lock the scale by using a data-defined override as shown in the attached screenshot. A "lock" button would be...
12:03 PM Bug report #7998 (Closed): Loading of .qml style can not be cancelled
- With the redesign of the style dialog, I think this is not an issue anymore. Please reopen if necessary.
12:03 PM Bug report #13185 (Closed): Qgis Layer Properties Cancel function it`s not working
- With the redesign of the style dialog, I think this is not an issue anymore. Please reopen if necessary.
12:01 PM Bug report #13185: Qgis Layer Properties Cancel function it`s not working
- Imho, the intended and implemented behavior is:
* OK: Apply settings and close dialog
* Apply: Apply settings but le... -
12:01 PM Bug report #13185: Qgis Layer Properties Cancel function it`s not working
- Imho, the intended and implemented behavior is:
* OK: Apply settings and close dialog
* Apply: Apply settings but le... -
12:03 PM Bug report #3761 (Closed): "Cancel" button in Symbol properties dialogue has the same effect as "...
- With the redesign of the style dialog, I think this is not an issue anymore. Please reopen if necessary.
12:03 PM Bug report #3761 (Closed): "Cancel" button in Symbol properties dialogue has the same effect as "...
- With the redesign of the style dialog, I think this is not an issue anymore. Please reopen if necessary.
12:03 PM Bug report #10550 (Closed): Don't apply style when dialog is canceled
- With the redesign of the style dialog, I think this is not an issue anymore. Please reopen if necessary.
11:49 AM Bug report #13235 (Closed): shapefile attribute of type double reverts to integer
- Works for me. Please check the attached screenshot for the settings.
11:49 AM Bug report #13235 (Closed): shapefile attribute of type double reverts to integer
- Works for me. Please check the attached screenshot for the settings.
11:49 AM Bug report #13235 (Closed): shapefile attribute of type double reverts to integer
- Works for me. Please check the attached screenshot for the settings.
10:35 AM Bug report #8417: incorrect value loaded from netcdf file with scale factor
- I believe QGIS shouldn't correct the data for the scale factor. Users can do it on their own by one simple operation....
10:35 AM Revision e6219e71 (qgis): [FEATURE]: Tool to add circular strings with two points and radius
09:28 AM Revision bbf2fe8c (qgis): Set better size for conditional format widget
09:03 AM Bug report #13251 (Closed): Qgis can't distinguish between EPSG 32188 and EPSG 2950
- Qgis can't distinguish between EPSG 32188 and EPSG 2950 when reading prj file (The same problem applies to MapInfo ta...
08:55 AM Bug report #13172 (Closed): Qgis does not read well the .prj files
- New
08:24 AM Revision db563073 (qgis): Allow fall though of conditional rules
08:24 AM Revision 76f4f7c2 (qgis): Conditional UI tweaks
08:23 AM Bug report #13248: pixel values beyond valid range in QGIS
- QGIS should not worry about the scale factor. It is not QGIS job. Users can do this operation on their own. For examp...
03:11 AM Bug report #13248: pixel values beyond valid range in QGIS
- Maybe related to the patch in #8417
Strangely, a scale_factor value in the metadata is not used, if the file has bee... -
07:39 AM Feature request #13250 (Open): Save as Layer
- I noticed that the "Topology Checker" C++ plugin does not permit to save problematic elements in a layer.
I think ... -
06:16 AM Bug report #13249: scale item corrupted upon restoration of composer on project load (included)
- Confirmed here. Looks pretty busted to me.
05:49 AM Bug report #13193 (Closed): The site ahead contains harmful programs
05:07 AM Bug report #13203: When opening Shapefile the .cpg file is ignored in Windows 8.1
- Hi,
-In Japan, we usually get shapefiles that encoding is CP932 (the code page in Japanese windows). Bad thing is th... -
02:39 AM Revision 8cbfe003 (qgis): Bump acceptable doc coverage
02:32 AM Feature request #9292: Custom Format for Grid Coordinates
- Apologies if this is the wrong place to post this.
The last comment on this issue was 10 months ago.
Does anyone know... -
02:05 AM Revision ee139b92 (qgis): Tweak documentation coverage test
- Ignore some obvious members which don't require docs:
- constructors with no arguments
- = and == operators
Also sho... -
02:04 AM Revision 9d984b16 (qgis): Immediately apply conditional formatting changes to table
12:51 AM Bug report #13203: When opening Shapefile the .cpg file is ignored in Windows 8.1
- Well, after more investigating into the issue, I found the following discussion going back to QGIS 1.8, why this was ...
11:54 PM Bug report #13249 (Closed): scale item corrupted upon restoration of composer on project load (in...
- *Steps to reproduce*
# Load the attached project (Zoom-Layout.qgs)
# Open either of the project's two composers
# Yo... -
11:29 PM Revision 9ce6b6b2 (qgis): Fix whitespace
10:50 PM Bug report #13248: pixel values beyond valid range in QGIS
- The problem is whether the scale factor has to be multiplied (as written in the HDF5 doc and done by QGIS) or divided...
07:00 PM Bug report #13248 (Closed): pixel values beyond valid range in QGIS
- please see here,
... - 10:36 PM Revision 20f0a5a9 (qgis): Remove QGIS-resources which were added by mistake
- 10:34 PM Revision 82b5bfe1 (qgis): Remove QGIS-resources which were added by mistake
- 09:55 PM Revision f1c95cf8 (qgis): Updated file management modules (no additions yet v/r.import)
09:45 PM Revision 6a3357fa (qgis): Fix warnings, add missing sip bindings
09:29 PM Bug report #13162: Unable to stylize raster as Singleband Pseudocolor
- I'd be happy to become a beta tester for OSX. Could you point me to resources about beta testing?
06:58 PM Revision acbf2834 (qgis): [GRASS] close mapset button in dock widget
05:54 PM Revision 71bd8b46 (qgis): [GRASS] region dialog integrated to plugin dock widget
05:54 PM Revision bed703eb (qgis): [GRASS] region pen options moved to GRASS options
03:06 PM Revision faa32f36 (qgis): [FEATURE] Conditional formatting for attribute table cells
02:42 PM Revision 3ff3b02a (qgis): Merge pull request #2247 from spencerrecneps/master
- [Processing] Fixed bad variable references
02:40 PM Revision bf7cf6ac (qgis): Merge pull request #2262 from neteler/patch-72
- [processing] Update
02:10 PM Bug report #13239: History and Log not existing in Qgis 2.10.1
- The title it still called History and log, when you click the log. This should be changed.
I don`t find it to intuit... -
12:59 PM Bug report #13239 (Closed): History and Log not existing in Qgis 2.10.1
- Please reopen if necessary.
12:58 PM Bug report #13239: History and Log not existing in Qgis 2.10.1
- The Processing log has been integrated into the QGIS log panel which you can activate by clicking to speech bubble ic...
01:58 PM Feature request #13236 (Closed): Easy way to move vertex point to new longitude / latitude location
01:30 PM Feature request #13236: Easy way to move vertex point to new longitude / latitude location
- This item can be removed. Not high priority now that I can do this through the Node Tool.
01:21 PM Feature request #13247 (Closed): Centroid fill option for multipart polygons
- The current behavior is that the centroid fill renderer puts a centroid marker into each part of the multipart polygo...
01:15 PM Bug report #13240: Identify Features it`s broken by design
- When you use the identify tool with left click, it picks all features within a certain tolerance, highlights them, an...
01:15 PM Bug report #13240: Identify Features it`s broken by design
- When you use the identify tool with left click, it picks all features within a certain tolerance, highlights them, an...
07:37 AM Bug report #13240: Identify Features it`s broken by design
- Hi, when selecting an object in identify result window, you can highlight it.
Otherwise you can use right clic mode,... -
01:07 PM Feature request #13229 (Closed): Lock the length of Scale bar
- This is already implemented in 2.10: use "fit segement width", see attached screenshot
01:07 PM Feature request #13229 (Closed): Lock the length of Scale bar
- This is already implemented in 2.10: use "fit segement width", see attached screenshot
01:07 PM Feature request #13229 (Closed): Lock the length of Scale bar
- This is already implemented in 2.10: use "fit segement width", see attached screenshot
01:03 PM Feature request #13242: Selecting a column in a table to copy it into another column
- This can easily be achieved using the field calculator or the quick field calculation bar in top of the attribute tab...
02:24 AM Feature request #13242 (Open): Selecting a column in a table to copy it into another column
- It is not possible to select a column in an annexe table (or in a table with joins) to copy it and paste it in anothe...
12:50 PM Feature request #11103: Support for retina displays (HiDPI)
- The text area in the Plugin Manager which displays the plugin description doesn't scale with the rest of the UI, see ...
10:44 AM Bug report #13218: regression: rule-based symbology broken when a rule has an empty filter
- I can confirm that this issue still exists in today's OSGeo4W qgis-dev.
- 10:36 AM Revision 424d3d33 (qgis): Update
- In batchjob, use GRASS_MESSAGE_FORMAT=plain
10:13 AM Bug report #12075 (Reopened): Misreading value from a .grd file created with MapInfo (Vertical Ma...
- +With a raster dataname: "MNT.grd" with 4 bands (band1 : Red, band2: Green, band3: Blue, band4: altimetry)...+
It ha... -
09:57 AM Revision b578fc14 (qgis): support for excluding packages (including their dependen...
08:15 AM Bug report #13161: GetLegendGraphics Server Error
- I can confirm this bug with Version 2.10.0 on Linux (Debian Jessie AMD64). Apparently there is a segfault when reques...
08:09 AM Revision d7c653c5 (qgis): Don't allow creation of visibility presets with existing name
08:09 AM Revision 415aa83b (qgis): Disable Add Preset menu if current style is already a preset
- Prevents duplicate entries which have unexpected behaviour
08:09 AM Revision ca04bb64 (qgis): Allow more customisation of QgsNewNameDialog
08:09 AM Revision 0df7102d (qgis): Add Replace Preset option to presets menu
05:47 AM Bug report #13246 (Closed): Intersection doesn't give all results back
- The intersection doesn't give all results back, if i intersect two postgislayers with about 20'000 features in one la...
05:39 AM Bug report #13245 (Closed): Node tool doesn't snap
- The node tool doesn't snap if the scale is smaller then 1:1
05:29 AM Bug report #13145 (Closed): An error occurred when executing the query. The data provider said: n...
02:38 AM Bug report #13145: An error occurred when executing the query. The data provider said: no result ...
- This seems to be fixed in Qgis 2.11 Master Build 16d7a06
05:28 AM Bug report #13244 (Feedback): Could not find the matplotlib module.
- Did you "Make sure the matplotlib is installed"? It's in osgeo4w - but not installed by default with qgis-dev, becau...
02:31 AM Bug report #13244 (Closed): Could not find the matplotlib module.
- I get this error when i install Qgis 2.11 Master via OsGeo4W...
03:36 AM Bug report #13234: QgsMessageBar crash qgis in mutithread context
- I'm not a sip expert.. but could be a problem in the python binding specification for the QgsProgressBar items owners...
02:58 AM Bug report #13234 (Closed): QgsMessageBar crash qgis in mutithread context
- crash seems not related with thread but:
-->> ... -
03:24 AM Bug report #12802: invisible topology
- It turns out the canvas is back blank after saving and re-opening the project, so this is still not fully fixed :(
02:46 AM Bug report #13144: Style Categorized not working with PostGis database
- I think the problem it`s because i am using a view to see the 2.800.000
02:31 AM Bug report #13243 (Closed): Unable to delete item in relation block using the form view
- I'm using relations to work with subitems within the form of their parent. When using the form view for the subitems,...
02:28 AM Bug report #13146 (Closed): Postgis count not working
- The dataset that i am using it`s the osm file for canada.
I think that it was not working because i am using a view ... -
02:21 AM Bug report #13241 (Closed): split features
- When features are line the split features in QGIS 2.10.1 give very strange results
02:02 AM Bug report #13238 (Closed): Offline Editing Plugin not working with a postgis layer
- Yes, that was the error.
But this is a problem for over a year, the default path in may default locations are cousi...
01:53 AM Bug report #8942: R6034 runtime error
- Yogurt Yogurt wrote:
> As a software engineer, I simply don't understand what and why is done behind in QGIS. One sho... -
01:40 AM Bug report #8942: R6034 runtime error
- This error is still present in 2.8 Wien and 2.10 Pisa. Using the x64 version of QGIS on a Windows 7 x64.
And yes, I ... -
01:37 AM Bug report #13240 (Closed): Identify Features it`s broken by design
- The function works, but without a better coloring schema, all the time, when it`s selecteing more then one object, i ...
01:32 AM Bug report #13234: QgsMessageBar crash qgis in mutithread context
- That's right. You can't alter the UI in a non UI thread. So worker can't alter the UI it has to talk via signals.
01:25 AM Bug report #13234: QgsMessageBar crash qgis in mutithread context
- in the proposed code the does not have gui interacion... it emits only signals. These are received by the ...
07:15 PM Bug report #13234: QgsMessageBar crash qgis in mutithread context
- Here is an example:...
07:15 PM Bug report #13234: QgsMessageBar crash qgis in mutithread context
- Here is an example:...
07:13 PM Bug report #13234: QgsMessageBar crash qgis in mutithread context
- My guess is that you are calling the message bar directly from inside your thread? If so you can't alter GUI from a ...
10:37 AM Bug report #13234 (Closed): QgsMessageBar crash qgis in mutithread context
- During test thread management in a plugin I created a test plugin to calibrate the user communication from the thread...
01:31 AM Bug report #13232: Use estimated data in PG connection doesn't work
- I've done some other tests. The problem seems to be that I use INHERITS table. Pg_stats is correctly used for the chi...
04:42 PM Bug report #13232: Use estimated data in PG connection doesn't work
- Are there stats for the tables in question (see pg_stats)? QGIS only uses st_estimated_extent on analyzed tables.
07:51 AM Bug report #13232 (Closed): Use estimated data in PG connection doesn't work
- It seems that the option "Use estimated data" in pg connection is ignored.
Qgis always use st_extent instead() of st_... -
01:24 AM Bug report #9217: (Windows) uinstall doesn't remove registry entries
- I second this. And the same applies to the application directory as well.
The situation roots in the fact that both ... -
01:18 AM Bug report #13145: An error occurred when executing the query. The data provider said: no result ...
- Tested in Qgis 2.8.2 and it`s working.
So it`s a 2.9 / 2.10 error.
01:18 AM Bug report #13145: An error occurred when executing the query. The data provider said: no result ...
- Tested in Qgis 2.8.2 and it`s working.
So it`s a 2.9 / 2.10 error.
01:17 AM Bug report #13145: An error occurred when executing the query. The data provider said: no result ...
- baditaflorin - wrote:
> If you want to replicate
> Step 1 : Load a Postgis layer
> Step 2 : right click on the la... -
01:12 AM Bug report #13145: An error occurred when executing the query. The data provider said: no result ...
- If you want to replicate
Step 1 : Load a Postgis layer
Step 2 : right click on the layer > click Filter
Step 3 : Wr... -
01:08 AM Bug report #13145: An error occurred when executing the query. The data provider said: no result ...
- Qgis 2.10 does not have a log file anymore, from what i have seen
Opened a new ticket here #13239
I will update on... -
01:06 AM Bug report #13145: An error occurred when executing the query. The data provider said: no result ...
- baditaflorin - wrote:
> the bug affect the Query builder by default, does not matter what i write, it`s a Postgis lay... -
12:57 AM Bug report #13145: An error occurred when executing the query. The data provider said: no result ...
- the bug affect the Query builder by default, does not matter what i write, it`s a Postgis layer that you have loaded ...
12:54 AM Bug report #13145: An error occurred when executing the query. The data provider said: no result ...
- Via Filter it`s not working, but if i use the advanced Filter it is working.
12:42 AM Bug report #13145: An error occurred when executing the query. The data provider said: no result ...
- Can confirm the same error on Qgis 2.10
How do i access the log ? It`s not intuitive and i cannot find it -
01:10 AM Revision d2282a77 (qgis): processing: when using batch jobs remove GISBASE from environment when ...
01:06 AM Bug report #13239 (Closed): History and Log not existing in Qgis 2.10.1
- I cannot debug properly because in the latest version, History and log it`s called only history
When i click on it,... -
01:04 AM Bug report #13218: regression: rule-based symbology broken when a rule has an empty filter
- Seems like before commit:1d7a6a4 things still work ok.
So there must be some new bug in commit:1d7a6a4 and it seems ... -
12:29 AM Bug report #13218 (Reopened): regression: rule-based symbology broken when a rule has an empty fi...
- hm - still fails for my data.
Attached you find some data and a qml file. If you load it, the rule labeled "Unterird... -
12:29 AM Bug report #13218 (Reopened): regression: rule-based symbology broken when a rule has an empty fi...
- hm - still fails for my data.
Attached you find some data and a qml file. If you load it, the rule labeled "Unterird... -
01:01 AM Bug report #13238 (Feedback): Offline Editing Plugin not working with a postgis layer
- Make sure user can write to the path you have selected to write your offline db.
01:01 AM Bug report #13238 (Feedback): Offline Editing Plugin not working with a postgis layer
- Make sure user can write to the path you have selected to write your offline db.
12:59 AM Bug report #13238 (Closed): Offline Editing Plugin not working with a postgis layer
- When i try to convert a postgis layer to a offline project, i get this error
Offline Editing Plugin: Could not crea... -
12:49 AM Bug report #13237 (Closed): DB Manager Run Vacuum Analyze provide no feedback
- If i click Run Vacuum Analyze , i get no feedback what so ever.
Does it work ? Should i click it again ? What does i... -
12:33 AM Feature request #13236: Easy way to move vertex point to new longitude / latitude location
- *Sorry - mistake above. That should of been the "Numeric Vertex Edit" plugin and not the digitize one.*
I found the... -
05:43 PM Feature request #13236 (Closed): Easy way to move vertex point to new longitude / latitude location
- I would like an easy way to update some points when I am given longitude / latitude points rather than doing a CSV lo...
11:55 PM Revision 16d7a065 (qgis): reenable passing projects and layers on open and 'open project on launc...
- replace make 'New' (old default) a new option and make 'Welcome Page' the new
default - 07:58 PM Revision f955cf2e (qgis): Welcomepage: Add loading indicator and allow keyboard for project selec...
07:56 PM Bug report #13072 (Closed): GRASS 7/Processing stopped to work with Processing 2.10.1
- Looks like processing was still using the 2.10.1 version from the home folder.
Made a symlink from /usr/share/qgis/p... -
04:29 PM Bug report #13072 (Reopened): GRASS 7/Processing stopped to work with Processing 2.10.1
- Just compiled QGIS Master (r14205.gd2282a7) with that latest commit and it looks like GRASS 7 tools in processing don...
04:11 PM Bug report #13072 (Closed): GRASS 7/Processing stopped to work with Processing 2.10.1
- Fixed in changeset commit:"d2282a77c7967a8c5bb9e0599b5602be5317a7db".
06:52 PM Revision c783f262 (qgis): [GRASS] modules tree and list integrated into one tab, added tree filter
- 04:45 PM Revision 0b2b3ffc (qgis): Migrate old recent projects list
- 04:45 PM Revision 651a2236 (qgis): Clean old recent images
- 04:45 PM Revision 772cd0c8 (qgis): Indentation fixes
- 04:45 PM Revision 10dfb5bc (qgis): Disable unavailable projects
- 04:45 PM Revision 9bce9eda (qgis): Fix a memory leak
- 04:45 PM Revision 23edcdb7 (qgis): Add titles to the welcome page
- 04:45 PM Revision 831131d5 (qgis): [FEATURE] Add welcome screen with recent projects
- Refs #7626
- 04:45 PM Revision b3a868fe (qgis): Welcome Windows on top of map canvas
- 04:45 PM Revision 1465e9b3 (qgis): Deprecate QgsProject::title( QString )
- 04:45 PM Revision 881d8364 (qgis): Add feed parser for the blog
- 04:45 PM Revision 33d46d33 (qgis): Fix dos2unix as flip alternative
- 04:45 PM Revision bb69f166 (qgis): Add version info to the welcome screen
- 04:08 PM Revision ddda7d4d (qgis): Merge pull request #2259 from elpaso/hidpi-improvements4
- Scale attribute table cells to content
- 04:06 PM Revision d5d7c580 (qgis): Merge pull request #2260 from bstroebl/fixDissolve
- [PROCESSING] Fix Progress bar in Dissolve
04:02 PM Revision 1f81109b (qgis): [PROCESSING] Fix Progress bar in Dissolve
03:25 PM Revision ff15e840 (qgis): Renamed ifdef
03:24 PM Revision 847653f4 (qgis): Adjust column size
03:04 PM Revision fd23859f (qgis): Merge pull request #2258 from NINAnor/grass7_pluginupdate
- three first grass7 modules
- 01:23 PM Revision 8c652eb1 (qgis): three first grass7 modules
12:43 PM Revision b87e5f75 (qgis): [FEATURE][composer] Data defined style preset for composer maps
- Sponsored by City of Uster
12:06 PM Revision bcaee65e (qgis): fixed OSGeo4W .bat.tmpl for GRASS, followup e6556a2
12:00 PM Revision 0e567cd8 (qgis): Fix doxygen warning
11:57 AM Revision d16e57ff (qgis): Cull unneeded dependencies from Travis OSX build
11:56 AM Bug report #13235 (Closed): shapefile attribute of type double reverts to integer
- I have a basic QGIS problem that some of my students encountered in spring (version 2.6) but now hits me as well (ver...
11:07 AM Revision 73522dce (qgis): Refactor visibility presets, so that all non-app specific
- methods are now in core
A new QgsVisibilityPresetCollection object has been created
which stores a set of visibility... -
10:30 AM Bug report #13233 (Closed): GPS Information - the Connection is not restored
- GPS Information panel
problem: on QGIS start the Autodetect connection is always selected even though another, like ... -
10:09 AM Bug report #11772 (Closed): GPG: stop using 32-bit key ID
- Fixed in "a3fe6b1":
10:09 AM Bug report #11772 (Closed): GPG: stop using 32-bit key ID
- Fixed in "a3fe6b1":
08:15 AM Bug report #13227 (Closed): OS X homebrew install fail
- Install worked fine outside of homebrew using homebrew installed dependencies. Closing this here, will move to osgeo4...
04:54 AM Bug report #13231: "Merge attribute of selected features" tools set ignored attributes to NULL
- Maybe with do not talk about the same tool... It is not a feature aggregation, features are not merged :
http://doc... -
02:07 AM Bug report #13231: "Merge attribute of selected features" tools set ignored attributes to NULL
- What do you suggest? If you merge features A and B which have an attribute X with values
a) for A: X=1, for B: X=1
b)... -
02:47 AM Bug report #13161: GetLegendGraphics Server Error
- I also encountered this issue in QGIS Master.
If someone wants to replicate it, you can download the VM described at ...
12:48 AM Bug report #13231 (Closed): "Merge attribute of selected features" tools set ignored attributes t...
- I don't know if its a bug or a feature request because I did not use that tool before (but I try it on both 2.8 and 2...
10:08 PM Revision 612df6ae (qgis): [FEATURE][composer] Auto wrapping for text in fixed width columns
- in attribute tables
Sponsored by City of Uster -
09:33 PM Feature request #13230 (Open): Option to set the CRS in scale bar properties
- Dear All,
I think this issue is still related to issue #12098.
Besides the warning about "on the fly reprojection",... -
09:16 PM Revision dba794c5 (qgis): [composer] Draw text in tables by row, not column
- Sponsored by City of Uster
09:16 PM Revision b7856489 (qgis): [FEATURE][composer] Option for 'wrap text on' for attribute tables
- Fix #8006
Sponsored by City of Uster -
09:16 PM Revision 372534eb (qgis): [composer] Add proper handling of multiline text in attribute tables
- Previously multi-line text would overflow onto neighbouring cells.
Now rows will be expanded to fit required height o... -
09:16 PM Revision 9bf0295c (qgis): Fix doxygen warning
09:16 PM Revision 29cc0642 (qgis): [composer] Add method for calculating height of text
- Sponsored by City of Uster
09:16 PM Revision 759f842b (qgis): [FEATURE][composer] Vertical alignment control for attribute tables
- Sponsored by City of Uster
09:14 PM Revision 9b9dbff1 (qgis): Fix rasters cannot be styled on OSX (fix #13162)
- Add missing Q_OBJECT macro
08:41 PM Feature request #13229 (Closed): Lock the length of Scale bar
- Dear All,
Until this version, I still not find a parameter to set the length of a scale bar. In my expectation, the... -
05:13 PM Revision dd4475ce (qgis): Fix sys/select.h header include on Mac for grass data file
- (cherry picked from commit d722f5bd4b80935d123bec3d563fbcb8fba06cc5)
04:03 PM Bug report #13072: GRASS 7/Processing stopped to work with Processing 2.10.1
- Processing tools for GRASS 7 work after setting WITH_GRASS7=OFF and WITH_GRASS=OFF
03:56 PM Bug report #13072: GRASS 7/Processing stopped to work with Processing 2.10.1
- -Would anyone know the cmake options to compile without the grass plugin but with the providers so I can test process...
02:37 PM Bug report #13072: GRASS 7/Processing stopped to work with Processing 2.10.1
- Markus Neteler - wrote:
> Jürgen Fischer wrote:
> > So you don't have a grassplugin there - and that's what (mis-)set... -
02:29 PM Bug report #13072: GRASS 7/Processing stopped to work with Processing 2.10.1
- Jürgen Fischer wrote:
> So you don't have a grassplugin there - and that's what (mis-)sets GISBASE. If you remove th... -
02:25 PM Bug report #13072: GRASS 7/Processing stopped to work with Processing 2.10.1
- Markus Neteler - wrote:
> FWIW - Nothing strange on my machine:
> I just uninstalled QGIS 2.10 and installed back ... -
07:58 AM Bug report #13072: GRASS 7/Processing stopped to work with Processing 2.10.1
- FWIW - Nothing strange on my machine:
I just uninstalled QGIS 2.10 and installed back the version 2.8. The Processin... -
06:59 AM Bug report #13072: GRASS 7/Processing stopped to work with Processing 2.10.1
- Jürgen Fischer wrote:
> Hey, I don't to either processing or the grass plugin/provider. I don't even use them. I'm... -
05:15 AM Bug report #13072: GRASS 7/Processing stopped to work with Processing 2.10.1
- Markus Neteler - wrote:
> Jürgen Fischer wrote:
> > I removed libgrassplugin7, libgrassprovider7 and libgrassrasterpr... -
04:05 AM Bug report #13072: GRASS 7/Processing stopped to work with Processing 2.10.1
- Jürgen Fischer wrote:
> I removed libgrassplugin7, libgrassprovider7 and libgrassrasterprovider7 from the plugins dir... -
03:45 AM Bug report #13072: GRASS 7/Processing stopped to work with Processing 2.10.1
- Markus Neteler - wrote:
> > What would happen if you just call @GISBASE= grass70 ...@, would @grass70@ then setup @GI... -
03:09 AM Bug report #13072: GRASS 7/Processing stopped to work with Processing 2.10.1
- Jürgen Fischer wrote:
> Markus Neteler - wrote:
> > Here some code written by myself with support by Luca Delucchi fo... -
03:06 AM Bug report #13072: GRASS 7/Processing stopped to work with Processing 2.10.1
- Jürgen Fischer wrote:
> Markus Neteler - wrote:
> Shouldn't @grass70@ just execute the @GRASS_BATCH_JOB@ in a GRASS7 ... -
02:44 AM Bug report #13072: GRASS 7/Processing stopped to work with Processing 2.10.1
- Markus Neteler - wrote:
> Here some code written by myself with support by Luca Delucchi for potential integration (.... -
02:40 AM Bug report #13072: GRASS 7/Processing stopped to work with Processing 2.10.1
- Markus Neteler - wrote:
> Jürgen Fischer wrote:
> > I guess it's just traversing @PATH@ looking for @python@ to run @... -
02:28 AM Bug report #13072: GRASS 7/Processing stopped to work with Processing 2.10.1
- Here some code written by myself with support by Luca Delucchi for potential integration ( speed up things):
<p... -
01:35 PM Feature request #10273 (Closed): Add support for multi-line strings in the composer' attribute ta...
- Fixed in changeset commit:"372534eb8956c9725a378923a4e91697d20bffee".
01:35 PM Feature request #8006 (Closed): Adjust print composer table columns with long text (or add "wrap ...
- Fixed in changeset commit:"b78564899a62d4df0252a080689a4ed5be77b371".
12:19 PM Bug report #13162: Unable to stylize raster as Singleband Pseudocolor
- Fixed in master, and i'll backport to 2.10.
However, this issue highlights an important weakness in the QGIS releas... -
12:15 PM Bug report #13162 (Closed): Unable to stylize raster as Singleband Pseudocolor
- Fixed in changeset commit:"9b9dbff13dd3ff20c3746fc175d59c29bf401c26".
06:19 AM Bug report #13162: Unable to stylize raster as Singleband Pseudocolor
- conformed as described by andy aschwaden.
hence i would tend to inensify andy's statement: 2.10 is unusable for *anyo... -
11:06 AM Revision 697d2af5 (qgis): processing: fix warning when loading otb algorithms
11:04 AM Revision 0ccd7bd5 (qgis): postgres provider: avoid column lookups with tableoids
09:19 AM Feature request #13228 (Open): Display fractions on scale bar
- There should be an option to display labels on the scale bar as fractions. I often display scales at fractions of a m...
08:56 AM Bug report #13227 (Closed): OS X homebrew install fail
- For the past month or so, QGIS trunk has been able to successfully build on my homebrew build system, but it fails in...
07:12 AM Revision 46da64a8 (qgis): [console] Better handling of default paths for open/save dialogs
07:12 AM Revision 15e452e9 (qgis): [console] Allow running unsaved script files
- Previously a (non-default) option existed for auto-saving scripts
on run, which would overwrite the existing script f... -
06:49 AM Bug report #13226 (Closed): Processing fails to load with non-UTF8 character in local date
- Hi,
Current time here is "mar. août 18 2015 15:42:04" ( given by'%a %b %d %Y %H:%... -
04:44 AM Bug report #13225 (Feedback): Processing model right-click doesn't work
- Works fine here with today's and yesterday's master.
03:05 AM Revision 7d1a8d30 (qgis): Merge pull request #2245 from vmora/issue13078
- Fix legend symbol size when using map units (fix #13078)
01:46 AM Bug report #13072: GRASS 7/Processing stopped to work with Processing 2.10.1
- Jürgen Fischer wrote:
> I guess it's just traversing @PATH@ looking for @python@ to run @grass70@. Doesn't it find a... -
12:29 AM Bug report #13072: GRASS 7/Processing stopped to work with Processing 2.10.1
- Markus Neteler - wrote:
> Good hint, I got this (Fedora):
> qgis & sleep 2; strace -f -e execve -p $(pidof qgis)
... -
11:12 AM Bug report #13072: GRASS 7/Processing stopped to work with Processing 2.10.1
- Good hint, I got this (Fedora):
qgis & sleep 2; strace -f -e execve -p $(pidof qgis)
[pid 19947] execve("/bin/s... -
08:38 PM Bug report #13223 (Closed): Multiple dataframes export issue from composer - two images of same a...
- This is expected behaviour. A couple of things to note:
1. Map content in composer only updates when you click the "... -
08:38 PM Bug report #13223 (Closed): Multiple dataframes export issue from composer - two images of same a...
- This is expected behaviour. A couple of things to note:
1. Map content in composer only updates when you click the "... -
01:31 PM Bug report #13223: Multiple dataframes export issue from composer - two images of same area, on e...
- Uninstalled 2.8.2, updated to 2.10.1 - issue still exists - no change in version.
01:06 PM Bug report #13223 (Closed): Multiple dataframes export issue from composer - two images of same a...
- Replicated the issue on OSX, and windows with 2.8.2. Try adding imagery from two different dates over the same area (...
08:06 PM Bug report #13225 (Closed): Processing model right-click doesn't work
- I want to execute model as batch process: try to use right-click on algorithm name but menu doesn't appear.
06:06 PM Bug report #13078 (Closed): Size of legend items
- Fixed in changeset commit:"7d1a8d30199e2b6bf2669478f474c0911d04f6b1".
05:14 PM Revision c39ffe9f (qgis): [FEATURE]: Tool to add circular strings with start point, curve point a...
03:46 PM Revision 7527638d (qgis): [FEATURE][composer] Data defined control over map layers
- Adds new data defined control for the map layers to show in a
composer map. Expression result should be a | delimited... -
03:38 PM Bug report #13163: QGIS 2.8.2 crashes when applying OS area style for VML
- This may have been fixed already in master (commit:febadfe21bb1eb5639d5a90d52f845415b31fb7b) and 2.8 branch (commit:6...
03:25 PM Revision a05a970d (qgis): Add open in external editor to console
01:19 PM Bug report #13224 (Closed): Join without table in map causes crash
- When attempting to perform a join on a shapefile layer from the layer properties dialogue box, if a table is not pres...
10:10 AM Revision 5fb52fa1 (qgis): Remove query dialog. Replace with tabs
12:51 AM Bug report #13219: Add new legend, Columns radio buttons backwards
- Hi Nyall, thanks for helping with this. Bizarrely equal column widths is working like it's meant to. but there is st...
12:51 AM Bug report #13219: Add new legend, Columns radio buttons backwards
- Hi Nyall, thanks for helping with this. Bizarrely equal column widths is working like it's meant to. but there is st...
12:51 AM Bug report #13219: Add new legend, Columns radio buttons backwards
- Hi Nyall, thanks for helping with this. Bizarrely equal column widths is working like it's meant to. but there is st...
12:51 AM Bug report #13219: Add new legend, Columns radio buttons backwards
- Hi Nyall, thanks for helping with this. Bizarrely equal column widths is working like it's meant to. but there is st...
12:51 AM Bug report #13219: Add new legend, Columns radio buttons backwards
- Hi Nyall, thanks for helping with this. Bizarrely equal column widths is working like it's meant to. but there is st...
12:51 AM Bug report #13219: Add new legend, Columns radio buttons backwards
- Hi Nyall, thanks for helping with this. Bizarrely equal column widths is working like it's meant to. but there is st...
12:09 AM Bug report #13072: GRASS 7/Processing stopped to work with Processing 2.10.1
- Markus
The Grass7 provider calls grass70, previously setting a batch job in the GRASS_BATCH_JOB env variable.
In ca... -
01:48 PM Bug report #13072: GRASS 7/Processing stopped to work with Processing 2.10.1
- Markus Neteler - wrote:
> Sorry to bother. Any chance to get a fix? I wanted to show this functionality on the Geosta... - 11:32 PM Revision bbce092e (qgis): Doxymentation for QgsExpression::Node
- 09:12 PM Revision f8dd4908 (qgis): Support dos2unix as flip alternative
- 08:58 PM Revision 9fc1b48b (qgis): Replace str() with unicode() and some PEP 8
12:01 PM Bug report #13206 (Feedback): Python UnicodeDecodeError
- This error normally refers to non-latin characters in paths, layer names etc.
If you have a layer name with umlauts, ... -
11:56 AM Revision 624f16cc (qgis): indentation update
11:49 AM Revision 831983f4 (qgis): pass sip and py files to
11:31 AM Bug report #13156: Add qwtpolar-1.1 embedded copy for Qwt >= 6.1 support
- vivid also ships Qwt 5.2 (see That what the vivid n...
08:29 AM Revision 371e124f (qgis): Followup 19a833c, fix data defined composition evaluation
- Thanks to Coverity!
08:15 AM Revision 6703fd32 (qgis): Cosmetic coverity fixes
08:08 AM Revision 42d5b9b2 (qgis): Python exceptions for invalid keys in QgsFields methods (fix #13221)
08:08 AM Revision e800419c (qgis): Fix edit button always edits first virtual field (fix #13214)
05:17 AM Revision 94d3bdd0 (qgis): fixed bad variable references
12:13 AM Revision c66c9bbd (qgis): If user clicks cancel while browsing for file then don't clear
- the existing filename in the vector open file dialog
(cherry-picked from 1a91ae8fd11511a8c09fa193a3ce33e04edc7b30) -
12:12 AM Revision 7687204b (qgis): Fix memory leaks in geometry expression functions
- (cherry-picked from cd7592df603cde1da5ef401b14cd6c7a14c9248c)
11:50 PM Bug report #13214 (Closed): Fields expression editing error in layer properties
- Fixed in changeset commit:"e800419c9d347adad56508fd4cdd9111115103a2".
11:50 PM Bug report #13221 (Closed): Calling QgsFields.field( QString ) on nonexistent field crashes QGIS
- Fixed in changeset commit:"42d5b9b2aaeeb58e7b3c9352f11eb303fa6e5890".
02:52 PM Bug report #13221: Calling QgsFields.field( QString ) on nonexistent field crashes QGIS
- Apologies, the crashing code in the description should read:
@l = iface.activeLayer()@
@fs = l.pendingFields()@
@f = ... -
02:51 PM Bug report #13221 (Closed): Calling QgsFields.field( QString ) on nonexistent field crashes QGIS
- Tested on latest QGIS 2.10 from source, Ubuntu 15.04
Steps to reproduce:
Create temporary scratch layer
Create new fi... -
11:37 PM Bug report #13219 (Feedback): Add new legend, Columns radio buttons backwards
- I can't reproduce - can you please check:
- Add a categorised layer to your map
- Add a composer legend
- Increase nu... -
08:24 PM Bug report #13222 (Closed): Bad variable references in "Create points along line" processing script
- The "Create points along line" processing script had bad variable names and was producing errors when attempting to r...
12:39 PM Bug report #13072: GRASS 7/Processing stopped to work with Processing 2.10.1
- Sorry to bother. Any chance to get a fix? I wanted to show this functionality on the Geostat2015 in a few days...
I ... - 09:26 AM Revision abf23988 (qgis): Rule based renderer: empty rule matches all
- Fix #13218
03:21 AM Bug report #13220: regression: individual symbol layers are rendered as many times as the number ...
- Matthias Kuhn has found out that this issue was already present in QGIS 2.10, so this is not a regression from this d...
02:16 AM Bug report #13220: regression: individual symbol layers are rendered as many times as the number ...
- Here's an exported composer that shows the regression: the polygons have their layers drawn too many times creating a...
02:13 AM Bug report #13220 (Closed): regression: individual symbol layers are rendered as many times as th...
- That's a pretty big regression, affecting symbology. Under rule-based symbology, a given symbol's layers will be rend...
- 12:28 AM Bug report #13218 (Closed): regression: rule-based symbology broken when a rule has an empty filter
- Fixed in changeset commit:"abf2398880d4ce71e8f99d3747f62928f7588acc".
03:22 AM Bug report #13218 (Closed): regression: rule-based symbology broken when a rule has an empty filter
- A regression emerged recently under QGIS master wheras the rule-based symbology will fail to render anything if one o...
12:25 AM Revision 67a7d139 (qgis): Fix doxygen warning
01:20 PM Bug report #9818: Crash when launching globe
- I just fixed some issues that caused segfaults. Now it is possible to build
12:33 PM Revision 9f10dbeb (qgis): Revert 3fdef5e
- Was causing too many issues for the small perfomance gain it may
have gained -
12:33 PM Revision 7f7c1a00 (qgis): [pal] Make only draw labels which fit in polygon work for perimeter
- labeling position
12:33 PM Revision fec5d5ef (qgis): [pal] Catch GEOS exceptions
11:39 AM Revision 480a0f17 (qgis): Don't send expressions with special fields to provider
06:58 AM Bug report #13219 (Closed): Add new legend, Columns radio buttons backwards
- Hello, I hope i'm in the right place for this issue. Nothing big, I just noticed that the two radio buttons ('Equal...
02:06 AM Bug report #13217 (Closed): Modeler output order
- When running a model in the processing framework that produces a serie of vector layers as output(alt-0, alt-1, alt-2...
01:07 AM Bug report #12610: QGIS not showing WMS legend while LegendURL is present
- Nyall Dawson wrote:
> This issue seems to consist of two separate issues. The second (composer hang) is fixed in 2.10... -
10:52 PM Revision fee5da90 (qgis): fix typos
10:30 PM Revision 0a93f94b (qgis): fixups (to be rebased)
- - removed the setParent since the parent is already set here
- moved the legendNode->invalidateMapBasedData() after s... -
05:57 PM Revision 4cf3fcc3 (qgis): move qgis.server import to QgsPythonUtilsImpl::initServerPython
05:48 PM Revision ac89dc0e (qgis): * update QgsSymbolV2 sip bindings
- * fix a crash when setRotationField (now deprecated) is used on a fresh
QgsCategorizedSymbolRendererV2 -
01:35 PM Bug report #13214: Fields expression editing error in layer properties
- I forgot to add that the data file I am using is a CSV file.
12:05 PM Bug report #13078: Size of legend items
- The fix is here
Holger: thanks for the report.
Martin: thanks for the pointers. -
11:36 AM Bug report #13151: Zonal statistics error: 0-d arrays can't be indexed
- Please, can I consider that the bug is just a XP/QGIS incompatibility and close the updates?
09:27 AM Revision 9b31f34a (qgis): Use compound curve in capture tool to store captured geometry
04:29 AM Bug report #13215: Orfeo segmention tools in QGIS 2.10 : unsupported operand type(s) for +
- Jan Peters-Anders wrote:
> I tracked this issue a bit more: This is the actual log entry for the above problem:
> ... -
02:00 AM Bug report #13215: Orfeo segmention tools in QGIS 2.10 : unsupported operand type(s) for +
- I tracked this issue a bit more: This is the actual log entry for the above problem:...
03:54 AM Bug report #13182: QGIS WFS Server returns empty answer
- You should add so much details and sample data for the layer "boundary" that others can reproduce your issue. With th...
03:50 AM Bug report #13183: QGIS Version 2.10 32bit: using Spatialite database table with multiple primary...
- I can reproduce the behaviour. For example, adding a new record shows just ERRORs in QGIS but having a look at the da...
02:46 AM Revision 40500d60 (qgis): Merge pull request #2243 from michaelkirk/feature/crs_help
- Fix #13213 - Feature/crs help
- 02:33 AM Revision 424efcce (qgis): context help for projection selector
- 02:33 AM Revision 446410ee (qgis): update CRS docs: find button replaced by filter
- 02:33 AM Revision ce8cef8b (qgis): tab is called "identify layers"
02:02 AM Bug report #13216 (Closed): move / rotate labels on a rotated view
- It is not possible to move or rotate labels on a rotated view because the label pin boxes are not rotated accordingly...
- 01:47 AM Revision 7aa56225 (qgis): reformatting project properties help, no copy changes
12:35 AM Revision e9ff061f (qgis): Cleanup composer label atlas handling
12:35 AM Revision 19a833c2 (qgis): Clean atlas interface - avoid storage of pointer to atlas feature
12:16 AM Bug report #13215 (Closed): Orfeo segmention tools in QGIS 2.10 : unsupported operand type(s) for +
- Dear all,
when trying to do an EdgeExtract in Orpheo tools in QGIS 2.10 Pisa I get the following error, no matter wha... -
11:33 PM Bug report #13211: attribute table in print composer does not refresh
- Thanks for having a look at the issue. Attached are some screenshots of the options.
The expression for "Feature filt... -
11:33 PM Bug report #13211: attribute table in print composer does not refresh
- Thanks for having a look at the issue. Attached are some screenshots of the options.
The expression for "Feature filt... -
11:33 PM Bug report #13211: attribute table in print composer does not refresh
- Thanks for having a look at the issue. Attached are some screenshots of the options.
The expression for "Feature filt... -
11:33 PM Bug report #13211: attribute table in print composer does not refresh
- Thanks for having a look at the issue. Attached are some screenshots of the options.
The expression for "Feature filt... -
11:33 PM Bug report #13211: attribute table in print composer does not refresh
- Thanks for having a look at the issue. Attached are some screenshots of the options.
The expression for "Feature filt... -
02:44 PM Bug report #13211 (Feedback): attribute table in print composer does not refresh
- Can you send screenshots of all the options pages for the attribute table and atlas?
07:01 AM Bug report #13211 (Closed): attribute table in print composer does not refresh
- When using the atlas functionality in print composer with an attribute table the table does not always refresh correc...
09:45 PM Bug report #13214 (Closed): Fields expression editing error in layer properties
- I have three autogenerate fields at the end of my fields list.
When I try clicking on the button to edit my expressi... - 09:38 PM Revision d32f3340 (qgis): Fix typo
05:46 PM Feature request #13213 (Closed): CSR selector should provide contextual help
- Fixed in changeset commit:"40500d6080b1427a937905a57c5d12250485900f".
05:39 PM Feature request #13213: CSR selector should provide contextual help
- PR:
03:29 PM Feature request #13213 (Closed): CSR selector should provide contextual help
- When I right click on a layer and choose properties
Then I see the layer properties dialog
When I press the "Select C... -
03:39 PM Revision 6415a75b (qgis): Cleanup travis scripts
03:38 PM Revision 6da34926 (qgis): Disable PyQgsServer test on OSX Travis
- Test fails with
Fatal Python error: PyThreadState_Get: no current thread
CMake Error at PyQgsServer.cmake:22 (MESSAGE... -
03:38 PM Revision a89550ac (qgis): Update label server test mask images for OSX
03:36 PM Revision baef3657 (qgis): Add additional dependencies for OSX build
03:36 PM Revision 61f60e40 (qgis): Fix some warnings on OSX build
03:36 PM Revision a477b3a9 (qgis): Enable multi-os builds for travis
03:23 PM Feature request #13212 (Closed): 2.10 documentation up
- 2.8 is the latest documenation up at
We should have 2.10 posted.
03:22 PM Revision 8776449a (qgis): Fix legend symbol size when using map units
- fix #13078
The computation of icon sizes for legend symbols has been moved to
QgsLayerTreeModel::legendInvalidateMapB... - 03:12 PM Revision d8d9ba1f (qgis): Fix indentation, followup 8ab69e9
- 02:55 PM Revision 8ab69e93 (qgis): `with edit(layer)` raises an error if the commit fails
- 01:50 PM Revision f6478349 (qgis): PyQgis: Move NULL and edit to qgis.core
- 01:41 PM Revision 35fc2902 (qgis): [FEATURE] Add `with edit(layer):` to python
- Example:
with edit(layer):
01:37 AM Bug report #13210 (Closed): Rotate Point Symbols tool - inactive
- probably because removed option "rotation field" from style/advanced in layer options
in 2.8 Wien - this option work... -
10:34 PM Revision 45d4dbe1 (qgis): spatialite provider: improve filterFids()
09:38 PM Revision 5bcff737 (qgis): [processing]fixes for grass7
- processAlgorithm method was actually not being called when running a grass7 algorithm
(cherry picked from commit 2a1... -
04:27 PM Bug report #12933: Heatmap generating an empty raster
- I don't think it has been abandoned, it's only 2 months old and we have a lot of other things on. I'm not the right p...
04:20 PM Bug report #12933: Heatmap generating an empty raster
- Due to the lack of response I think this may have been abandoned (frustrating).
03:45 PM Bug report #13204: Rule-base styles bug
- Seems to be casting both sides to double if they both look like a double. I will have a look into it at some stage soon.
02:09 PM Bug report #13209 (Closed): area not calculated correctly with OTF on
- I had problems calculating areas in 2.8.3 and found several related reported bugs that were listed as closed and fixe...
01:29 PM Bug report #13072: GRASS 7/Processing stopped to work with Processing 2.10.1
- Re-compiled QGIS from release-2_10 branch and looks like I'm still getting Missing Dependency error.
12:57 PM Bug report #13072: GRASS 7/Processing stopped to work with Processing 2.10.1
- I tried locally, it doesn't fix it for me.
And the message is still obscure (no idea what Processing is looking for ... -
12:49 PM Bug report #13072: GRASS 7/Processing stopped to work with Processing 2.10.1
- Processing wasn't executing anything for GRASS 7 algorithms. Do commit:5bcff73 (2.10) and commit:2a14ffd (master) f...
11:58 AM Bug report #13072: GRASS 7/Processing stopped to work with Processing 2.10.1
- Also noticed that QGIS adds duplicate entries for some the environment variables that are only for grass64. For some ...
10:57 AM Bug report #13072: GRASS 7/Processing stopped to work with Processing 2.10.1
- Looks like there is some success in master version of QGIS[1] - hopefully those changes can be backported to the ltr ...
10:53 AM Bug report #13072: GRASS 7/Processing stopped to work with Processing 2.10.1
- Failure also confirmed in Fedora 21 and Windows (
01:03 PM Bug report #10003 (Closed): rendering artifacts while trying to use a custom CRS Ortho projection...
- I've closed this, there's a plugin called "Clip to Hemisphere" which clips a vector layer to the hemispherical edge f...
12:32 PM Revision 3898d840 (qgis): Custom properties for QgsComposition and QgsComposerObject
12:12 PM Bug report #13162: Unable to stylize raster as Singleband Pseudocolor
- Confirmed on OSX Maverick and Yosemite.
However, for me, this goes further: any change to the layer properties made ... -
12:04 PM Bug report #13208 (Closed): Poor attribute query and spatial selection performance on large PostG...
- When opening attribute tables of larger data sets, QGIS opens a dialogue displaying the number of features loaded, ta...
10:54 AM Bug report #13188: Please improve 'Missing dependency' error message
- See also bug #13072
09:35 AM Bug report #13203: When opening Shapefile the .cpg file is ignored in Windows 8.1
- I understand, that Ignore Shapefile Encoding has been set to *true for new created vector layers*:
> commit:75dc85b
... -
08:24 AM Bug report #13203: When opening Shapefile the .cpg file is ignored in Windows 8.1
- Wrong screenshot... replaced.
08:14 AM Bug report #13203: When opening Shapefile the .cpg file is ignored in Windows 8.1
I have found the reason for my "bug" which seems to be a "feature". It is due to *default* Setting *Ignore Shapefile...-
08:31 AM Bug report #13207: Default selection polygon fails to disappear
- * Good morning! *
08:30 AM Bug report #13207 (Closed): Default selection polygon fails to disappear
- Good afternoon guys!
Fairly simple bug here that you may or may not be aware of.
If you use your left mouse button ... -
07:26 AM Bug report #13202 (Closed): Data (Mapinfo?) related QGIS crash when saving project (NOT in qgis ...
- Hi, not I really compiled 1.8, but I had crashes with both 1.8, 2.10 and master. If you had no problem I will close t...
06:56 AM Bug report #13206 (Closed): Python UnicodeDecodeError
- A Python error occurs running the Make Valid LWGEOM algorithm in QGIS 2.8.3 processing toolbox:
Errore durante l'ese... -
04:38 AM Feature request #13205 (Open): Topology Checker (output/export)
- I use the plugin "Toplogy Checker". I don't know who is responsable for this tool. But it is great. Is it possible to...
03:32 AM Bug report #13169 (Closed): Georeferencer produces invalid Geotiff Information in some cases
01:29 AM Bug report #13169: Georeferencer produces invalid Geotiff Information in some cases
- Issue is fixed in 2.10. We switch to the new version. Thanks!
01:11 AM Bug report #13202: Data (Mapinfo?) related QGIS crash when saving project (NOT in qgis 1.8 though)
- Hi,
Richard, do you mean QGIS *2.8* or 1.8?
I tried your data between master and 2.8.3 projects and couldn't reprodu... -
12:15 PM Bug report #13202: Data (Mapinfo?) related QGIS crash when saving project (NOT in qgis 1.8 though)
- Yikes... after a fresh compile/install/restart... all is ok. No crashes anymore.
Ik anybody is willing to test, feel... -
10:47 AM Bug report #13202 (Closed): Data (Mapinfo?) related QGIS crash when saving project (NOT in qgis ...
- Funny issue: loading (attached) mapinfo data in current QGIS: ok. Save the project: crash!
Then compiled QGIS 1.8: l... -
11:16 PM Bug report #13204 (Closed): Rule-base styles bug
- In rule-based style expression string '1.1' is equal to string '1.10' or '1.10000' and so on.
So expression ('1.1' = ... -
08:05 PM Revision c7b1080f (qgis): vector layer: ignore non-existing fields in min/max/uniqueValues (fixes...
- (cherry picked from commit 71e7aabbdec6cc5d542420948d897f7f7fda8303)
08:03 PM Revision 35028c02 (qgis): vector layer: ignore non-existing fields in min/max/uniqueValues (fixes...
- (cherry picked from commit 71e7aabbdec6cc5d542420948d897f7f7fda8303)
01:52 PM Revision 2ef2414c (qgis): [composer] Ensure geographic longitude values are wrapped in decimal
- grid annotations
11:21 AM Bug report #13203 (Closed): When opening Shapefile the .cpg file is ignored in Windows 8.1
- When opening a shapefile the .cpg file is ignored and default is used instead (ISO8859-1 in my case when using Drag-a...
10:36 AM Bug report #13201 (Closed): Snapping options are not working.
- Hi,
I was playing with QGIS manual and came across the following issue.
Here are steps to re-produce:
1. Create new ... -
10:15 AM Bug report #13200: QGIS 2.10.1 segfaults before opening
- It looks like the problem was that upgrading the "qgis" package does not trigger an upgrade of the "python-qgis" pack...
08:24 AM Bug report #13200 (Closed): QGIS 2.10.1 segfaults before opening
- Just upgraded from 2.6 to 2.10.1 using .deb packages in QGIS repo.
Stack Trace
Using host libthread_db library "/li... -
03:25 AM Revision cd7592df (qgis): Fix memory leaks in geometry expression functions
02:32 AM Revision 1a91ae8f (qgis): If user clicks cancel while browsing for file then don't clear
- the existing filename in the vector open file dialog
02:30 AM Bug report #13192: Error when saving Matplotlib figure
- I also get a minidump when I try to save a figure to png in the VoGIS-ProfilTool Plugin. It also uses the matplotlip....
01:25 AM Feature request #13199 (Open): Add transparency option to Georeferencer plugin
- The current georeferencer plugin does not allow to enter a custom value for no-data pixel. There is just a flag to "u...
01:04 AM Bug report #13198 (Closed): Unable to delete features of a table inside a public schema of postgr...
- I have table inside a public schema of postgres database. And i did a connection to that database and load the table ...
02:57 PM Bug report #13197 (Closed): Spatialindex include path missing in some components
- The SpatialIndex include path is missing from Cmakelists.txt in a few places. If Spatialindex is not in one of the d...
01:55 PM Bug report #12747 (Closed): [OSX] problem with composer grids and frames
10:21 PM Revision f1bfeb48 (qgis): Merge branch 'release-2_8' of into release...
10:20 PM Revision a3c239f7 (qgis): find bundled GRASS on OS X
10:17 PM Revision b4261621 (qgis): find bundled GRASS on OS X
03:09 PM Revision 9acc4751 (qgis): Move python console toolbar to top. More uniform with rest of UI
01:48 PM Bug report #13195 (Feedback): Georeferencer freezes on second map processing
- Please test with 2.10.1 - the georeferencer was considerably modified for 2.10
10:26 AM Bug report #13195 (Closed): Georeferencer freezes on second map processing
- Hello,
This happened to me on GNU/Linux Debian Jessie 32 bits, icewm desktop, QGIS 2.8 Wien.
First, I georeferenced... -
12:14 PM Revision e991b648 (qgis): [pal] Followup 3fdef5e, restore previous behaviour for labels with
- length greater than line length
12:03 PM Bug report #13196: getSagaInstalledVersion() interrupted system call on OS X
- One last bit, it's probably nothing to do with compiling at all - it sometimes works when the .pyc is present, though...
11:58 AM Bug report #13196: getSagaInstalledVersion() interrupted system call on OS X
- Argh! Now it's more complicated - it seems that it's not the bufsize that's fixing it, but python compilation, it's ...
11:17 AM Bug report #13196: getSagaInstalledVersion() interrupted system call on OS X
- P.S.: it may be a good idea to apply this to other places that read lines from subprocess output (saga and other prov...
11:01 AM Bug report #13196 (Closed): getSagaInstalledVersion() interrupted system call on OS X
- This appeared recently, when QGIS starts and the Processing plugin initializes and tries to get the saga version, I g...
07:54 AM Revision d8da4b80 (qgis): Followup 71e7aab, add unit tests
07:54 AM Revision ce0eb2b6 (qgis): Cleanup QgsVectorLayer tests
02:21 AM Bug report #13078: Size of legend items
- Vmora - Martin will be the one to contact about this, he's got the most knowledge of how the legends work...
12:02 AM Bug report #13193: The site ahead contains harmful programs
- Via an online scanner found out that is blacklisted.
We get some images from them (the splash... -
03:24 AM Bug report #13193: The site ahead contains harmful programs
- In google chrome
- 04:30 PM Revision dabe7d36 (qgis): Merge pull request #2239 from elpaso/move-conversions-sip
- Moved QMultiMap<int, TYPE2*> to conversion.sip
04:05 PM Revision 71e7aabb (qgis): vector layer: ignore non-existing fields in min/max/uniqueValues (fixes...
09:26 AM Revision e48b6e89 (qgis): Moved QMultiMap<int, TYPE2*> to conversion.sip
08:35 AM Bug report #13194: QgsVectorLayer.uniqueValues crash qgis if index does not exist
- verified on master... now it works, thank you Jürgen
I tested that a NULL values column return [NULL] and if there a... -
07:10 AM Bug report #13194 (Closed): QgsVectorLayer.uniqueValues crash qgis if index does not exist
- Fixed in changeset commit:"71e7aabbdec6cc5d542420948d897f7f7fda8303".
04:43 AM Bug report #13194 (Closed): QgsVectorLayer.uniqueValues crash qgis if index does not exist
- writing a python plugin and checking the values returned by QgsVectorLayer.uniqeValues(index, limit) call, I noticed ...
- 08:02 AM Revision 6bbc9d57 (qgis): Don't strip "-prefixes from QgsDataDefined fields
- followup 1e6483c
The field should not be provided with an expression format but plain -
06:52 AM Bug report #13155: A Multiband image(e.g. landsat5,7,8) cannot be displayed in windows8.
- I have the same problem, the description of Adrian is correct.
I can add that it seems to be independent from image ... -
05:23 AM Bug report #13188: Please improve 'Missing dependency' error message
- ... I would be glad to know the GRASS startup script name Processing expects.
I tick again "Causes crash or corrupti... -
05:23 AM Bug report #13188: Please improve 'Missing dependency' error message
- ... I would be glad to know the GRASS startup script name Processing expects.
I tick again "Causes crash or corrupti...
01:57 AM Bug report #13193 (Closed): The site ahead contains harmful programs
- The site ahead contains harmful programs
Attackers on might attempt to trick you into installing progra... -
01:15 AM Revision ae0a532c (qgis): Avoid use of QgsDataDefined::expressionOrField for rotationField values
- Maintains behaviour of < 2.10 API
01:06 AM Revision 933069dc (qgis): Improve point rotation tool support for renderers to allow use
- with rule based renderer
fixes #12917, #12123 and refs #5001 - 01:06 AM Revision 9c3d65ef (qgis): QgsDataDefined: Implicit management for useExpression
01:06 AM Revision 728ead8a (qgis): Avoid use of deprecated rotation field methods
01:05 AM Revision 013e1da7 (qgis): Tests and doxygen for QgsDataDefined
- 12:47 AM Revision 1e6483c6 (qgis): Fix marker rotation
- The rotation is no longer saved in the Qgs*SymbolRendererV2 but in the
QgsMarkerSymbolV2 in a QgsDataDefined. This co... -
11:47 PM Bug report #13187 (Closed): Numeric FIELD names are lost on CSV import
11:47 PM Bug report #13187: Numeric FIELD names are lost on CSV import
- Fixed in pull request 2237
11:17 PM Revision 118eea5a (qgis): Merge pull request #2237 from ccrook/csv_field_name_fix
- Removing unnecessary restriction on CSV provider field names
11:06 PM Revision dc2de774 (qgis): Removing unnecessary restriction on field names
- 09:05 PM Revision c4ea8de5 (qgis): Merge pull request #2236 from elpaso/sip-server-filters-bindings
- [server] Sip server filters new bindings
06:03 PM Revision 1b06c0c3 (qgis): [server] Added comment
06:02 PM Revision 56b4da61 (qgis): [server] Minor style change
06:00 PM Revision d1b7bbee (qgis): [server] Added comment to header
05:54 PM Revision 9d789bcf (qgis): [server] style fix
05:51 PM Revision e930d696 (qgis): [server] setFilters implementation, bindings and test
- * moved type conversion to conversions.sip (template)
* added setFilters() to QgsServerInterface
* added tests -
04:18 PM Bug report #12917 (Closed): No possibility for rotation of font symbol by attribute value when us...
- Fixed in changeset commit:"933069dcb733cddde43c7e8a0f7f1c894d7b992b".
04:18 PM Bug report #12123 (Closed): Impossible to interactively rotate point features when rule-based ren...
- Fixed in changeset commit:"933069dcb733cddde43c7e8a0f7f1c894d7b992b".
03:25 PM Bug report #13177: QGIS Crashes when viewing a composer IF one of the layers has diagrams turned on
- Can you please share your data/project which demonstrates this issue?
02:47 PM Revision 2a14ffd2 (qgis): [processing]fixes for grass7
- processAlgorithm method was actually not being called when running a grass7 algorithm
11:38 AM Bug report #13192 (Closed): Error when saving Matplotlib figure
- I opened #13191 because I think it is a QGIS issue (or Matplotlib).
The plugin uses the Matplotlib framework for plot... -
07:40 AM Bug report #13190 (Closed): RuntimeError: module compiled against API version 9 but this version ...
- QGIS-2.8.3-ltr on openSUSE_13.1 returns an error on start: "RuntimeError: module compiled against API version 9 but t...
07:35 AM Revision b7187ed0 (qgis): Followup 9508f8b, fix other potential crashes
07:13 AM Bug report #13189: Processing : Geometry Corruption with Memory Layer
- Screenshot not upload correctly in first message.
07:13 AM Bug report #13189: Processing : Geometry Corruption with Memory Layer
- Screenshot not upload correctly in first message.
07:13 AM Bug report #13189: Processing : Geometry Corruption with Memory Layer
- Screenshot not upload correctly in first message.
07:10 AM Bug report #13189 (Closed): Processing : Geometry Corruption with Memory Layer
- When using Processing > Save Selected Feature
- With Memory Layer, Geometry are corrupt.
- With Temporary Files, Geom... -
04:51 AM Bug report #13147: QGIS 2.10 attribute table sorting introduces NULL values
- Thanks for picking this up Giovanni. I'll post the data as soon as I'm able to. Thanks, Tim
03:05 AM Bug report #13186 (Feedback): Qgis Unable to export A0 300 dpi image - memory overflow notification
03:03 AM Revision ff28e6a9 (qgis): [pal] Shade all parts of label candidate as conflicting when
- appropriate
02:53 AM Revision 39c728bb (qgis): [pal] Fix test for polygon boundary obstacles (followup 3a44e294)
- Test was incorrectly checking for intersection of the candidate
and polygon obstacle, when it should have been checki...
01:58 AM Bug report #13177: QGIS Crashes when viewing a composer IF one of the layers has diagrams turned on
- Yes, 2.10 was used to originally create the project. There is a chance I opened it in master and saved at some point,...
01:57 AM Bug report #13188 (Closed): Please improve 'Missing dependency' error message
- Using QGIS 2.10 on Linux (also elsewhere), does not let me run GRASS GIS 7 through processing any more.
The issue is... -
01:53 AM Bug report #13187 (Closed): Numeric FIELD names are lost on CSV import
- Hi,
QGIS 2.10.1 on Win7 64 bits refers.
I read a CSV file (as attributes only) stipulating that "first record has fie... -
01:24 AM Bug report #13161: GetLegendGraphics Server Error
- Further information: On my WMS-Server (QGIS 2.10, Ubuntu 14.04) only polygon layers' legend graphics are displayed; a...
09:08 PM Bug report #4016 (Closed): Rotation based on feature attribute in Rule based renderer does not work.
- Fixed in 2.10
09:08 PM Bug report #4016 (Closed): Rotation based on feature attribute in Rule based renderer does not work.
- Fixed in 2.10
09:08 PM Bug report #4016 (Closed): Rotation based on feature attribute in Rule based renderer does not work.
- Fixed in 2.10
09:08 PM Bug report #4016 (Closed): Rotation based on feature attribute in Rule based renderer does not work.
- Fixed in 2.10
09:08 PM Feature request #9330 (Closed): Rotate Rendered Map Canvas
09:07 PM Feature request #10820 (Closed): checkbox to 'derotate' certain layers in composer
- Fixed in master since 2.8
09:07 PM Feature request #10820 (Closed): checkbox to 'derotate' certain layers in composer
- Fixed in master since 2.8
06:22 PM Bug report #7596: QGIS On-the-fly Polar Stereographic issues
- I experience problems with North_Pole_Lambert_Azimuthal_Equal_Area (EPSG: 102017) projection. An esri shape file whic...
06:22 PM Bug report #7596: QGIS On-the-fly Polar Stereographic issues
- I experience problems with North_Pole_Lambert_Azimuthal_Equal_Area (EPSG: 102017) projection. An esri shape file whic...
- 05:22 PM Revision 9508f8bc (qgis): Fix crash
04:37 PM Bug report #13173 (Closed): Segmentation fault during startup - libpoppler
- I could not replicate this issue on another machine.
Thanks for the feedback, I am closing it as invalid.
01:25 PM Revision abd4d1d8 (qgis): Add missing color ramp methods and conversions to sip
- (cherry-picked from 56a48ed0d2927dbffcb868ebadc5d253c3a8e2c9)
01:25 PM Revision 877b7d9b (qgis): Fix invalid color could be returned by QgsRandomColorsV2
- (cherry-picked from 3c45b2352a2a26931b6fcf3fe8100f978412d73d)
01:20 PM Revision 1207e384 (qgis): Add missing color ramp methods and conversions to sip
- (cherry-picked from 56a48ed0d2927dbffcb868ebadc5d253c3a8e2c9)
01:19 PM Revision 98f68a48 (qgis): Fix invalid color could be returned by QgsRandomColorsV2
- (cherry-picked from 3c45b2352a2a26931b6fcf3fe8100f978412d73d)
01:17 PM Bug report #13151: Zonal statistics error: 0-d arrays can't be indexed
- Yes, XP.
Just now I prepared, for testing, a fourth computer that was out of use (Windows XP) and the error occurred... -
01:14 PM Bug report #13186 (In Progress): Qgis Unable to export A0 300 dpi image - memory overflow notific...
- Are you using a 64bit build?
11:00 AM Bug report #13186 (Closed): Qgis Unable to export A0 300 dpi image - memory overflow notification
- When i do :
"To create image 28086x19866 requires about 1673 MB of memory. Proceed?"
I get :
"Trying to create imag... -
11:43 AM Bug report #13155: A Multiband image(e.g. landsat5,7,8) cannot be displayed in windows8.
I had a similar problem and can add: the problem with Windows 8 and 64bit only applies to multiband raster layers wh...-
11:38 AM Bug report #13181 (Closed): random (In-)visibility Issue when using several large multispectral r...
I found a similar problem description in an other Bug report:
*Bug report #13155: A Multiband image(e.g. landsat5,7...-
03:19 AM Bug report #13181: random (In-)visibility Issue when using several large multispectral raster layers
- The (in-)visibility issue *only* applies to a layer if contrast stretch to MinMax is enabled for this layer. If contr...
- 10:39 AM Revision 504863bc (qgis): Fix const, followup 6a2df33
09:31 AM Bug report #13185 (Closed): Qgis Layer Properties Cancel function it`s not working
- If i press Apply, i will see what was modified on the map.
If i pres then Cancel, i will remain with the latest mod... -
09:26 AM Bug report #13184 (Closed): Labelling of hidden shapes when sub-categorization is used.
- When shapes are defined through sub-categories, the labels are always shown.
How to replicate:
Add the project proje... -
09:02 AM Bug report #13078: Size of legend items
- Nyall, I have a lead: when QgsSymbolV2LegendNode::minimumIconSize is called by QgsDefaultVectorLayerLegend::createLay...
02:32 AM Bug report #13078: Size of legend items
- Hi Holger,
Thanks for the update. The thing that seems to be broken seems to be the cropping of the symbol, the symbo... -
07:00 AM Revision df4c1311 (qgis): Fix crash when opening attribute table on non-spatial layer
07:00 AM Revision 2b8b9427 (qgis): Fix crash when map contains diagrams on joined layers (refs #13177)
06:46 AM Revision be411e11 (qgis): Add some unit tests for color ramps
06:46 AM Revision 56a48ed0 (qgis): Add missing color ramp methods and conversions to sip
06:46 AM Revision 3c45b235 (qgis): Fix invalid color could be returned by QgsRandomColorsV2
05:13 AM Bug report #9365: QGIS save as SLD style for graduated styled layer different from what it's show...
- I have the same problem when exporting graduated styles to SLD. This issue boils down to this:
The first condition o...
01:29 AM Bug report #13155: A Multiband image(e.g. landsat5,7,8) cannot be displayed in windows8.
- I changed to QGIS 32 bit in Windows8.
It works well.
This problem is only 64bit version. -
11:59 PM Bug report #13174 (Open): Regression: Modeler issue with temp outputs under Windows
- Bernd Vogelgesang wrote:
> Hi Giovanni,
> I attach a folder with the two necessary shape files and a model which work... -
11:59 PM Bug report #13174 (Open): Regression: Modeler issue with temp outputs under Windows
- Bernd Vogelgesang wrote:
> Hi Giovanni,
> I attach a folder with the two necessary shape files and a model which work... -
11:59 PM Bug report #13174 (Open): Regression: Modeler issue with temp outputs under Windows
- Bernd Vogelgesang wrote:
> Hi Giovanni,
> I attach a folder with the two necessary shape files and a model which work... -
11:59 PM Bug report #13174 (Open): Regression: Modeler issue with temp outputs under Windows
- Bernd Vogelgesang wrote:
> Hi Giovanni,
> I attach a folder with the two necessary shape files and a model which work... -
04:33 PM Bug report #13174: Regression: Modeler issue with temp outputs under Windows
- Hi Giovanni,
I attach a folder with the two necessary shape files and a model which works under Linux, and the other ... -
08:55 PM Revision 23019607 (qgis): Added TypeHeaderCode for QgsServerFiltersMap
05:24 PM Bug report #13177: QGIS Crashes when viewing a composer IF one of the layers has diagrams turned on
- Are you sure this is in 2.10 and not master? I can reproduce with master, but not 2.10
- 03:13 PM Revision e832b2a2 (qgis): Add `QgsVectorLayer::fields()` as alias to `pendingFields()`
- pendingFields() is not very intuitive and leads to confusion for new developers.
- 03:13 PM Revision cf2f6b17 (qgis): Alias without pending prefix for QgsVectorLayer methods
- * pendingAllAttributesList -> attributeList
* pendingPkAttributesList -> pkAttributeList
* pendingFeatureCount -> f... -
02:22 PM Revision c27f357b (qgis): database provider: fix andWhereClauses
01:27 PM Revision 55022226 (qgis): Fix bad alloc when styling raster with random color ramp (fix #13112)
- (cherry-picked from 688ac1610e5b47fa3116875c463ba9fd2a026200)
01:27 PM Revision 3bcc2bc2 (qgis): Fix random color ramps returning invalid QColors for value of 1.0
- (cherry-picked from 1d2b4cb41aa81a7c11d351fa36d71f444cf7cc7c)
01:27 PM Revision 6a88720a (qgis): Fix saturation range ignored for random color ramps
- (cherry-picked from 569040211618904cb1f4f2eda1019ef0f5c0e8f3)
01:26 PM Revision eb3cee1b (qgis): Fix incorrect values returned by certain color ramps
- (cherry-picked from 27ee8eea45f4b7db9631980c2218598ca7edab05)
01:26 PM Revision 5d3382a8 (qgis): Fix geometry simplification for rendering altering feature geometry
- I noticed this when using memory layers - zooming out and then in
would result in the features getting more and more ... -
01:22 PM Revision a8ad5c1f (qgis): Fix bad alloc when styling raster with random color ramp (fix #13112)
- (cherry-picked from 688ac1610e5b47fa3116875c463ba9fd2a026200)
01:22 PM Revision 1874c371 (qgis): Fix random color ramps returning invalid QColors for value of 1.0
- (cherry-picked from 1d2b4cb41aa81a7c11d351fa36d71f444cf7cc7c)
01:22 PM Revision fd394b9d (qgis): Fix saturation range ignored for random color ramps
- (cherry-picked from 569040211618904cb1f4f2eda1019ef0f5c0e8f3)
01:21 PM Revision e54b7ae8 (qgis): Fix incorrect values returned by certain color ramps
- (cherry-picked from 27ee8eea45f4b7db9631980c2218598ca7edab05)
01:05 PM Bug report #13183 (Closed): QGIS Version 2.10 32bit: using Spatialite database table with multipl...
- When linking a Spatialite database table with two columns as primary key to QGIS 2.10, strange things happen.
Adding ... - 12:29 PM Revision 0c2b5105 (qgis): Merge pull request #2233 from elpaso/carolinux-python-init-less-verbose
- Carolinux python init less verbose
11:56 AM Bug report #13182 (Closed): QGIS WFS Server returns empty answer
- GetCapabilities works fine but GetFeature returns empty response:...
11:54 AM Revision 9aae680d (qgis): Fixed server python startup: do not load qgis.user
11:31 AM Bug report #13181 (Closed): random (In-)visibility Issue when using several large multispectral r...
- When displaying several large multispectral raster layers (GeoTIFFs) at once some layers may become randomly invisibl...
11:08 AM Revision 573f28a8 (qgis): Made methods protected and added descriptions
11:08 AM Revision a7515ad6 (qgis): Made python initialization less verbose
10:47 AM Bug report #13151: Zonal statistics error: 0-d arrays can't be indexed
- Sergio Antonio wrote:
> I deleted the .qgis2 folder, then I removed qgis 2.8 and I restarted the machine: sorry, the... -
06:12 AM Bug report #13151: Zonal statistics error: 0-d arrays can't be indexed
- I deleted the .qgis2 folder, then I removed qgis 2.8 and I restarted the machine: sorry, the problem remains.
I veri... -
08:23 AM Revision 745f91d2 (qgis): Add 'edit' buttons to remaining gradient combo boxes
- Also consolidate code for easier maintenance.
08:22 AM Revision 688ac161 (qgis): Fix bad alloc when styling raster with random color ramp (fix #13112)
08:22 AM Revision 1d2b4cb4 (qgis): Fix random color ramps returning invalid QColors for value of 1.0
08:22 AM Revision 56904021 (qgis): Fix saturation range ignored for random color ramps
08:22 AM Revision 27ee8eea (qgis): Fix incorrect values returned by certain color ramps
04:02 AM Bug report #13180 (Closed): Shape object deleted by qgis are visible in other shape viewer
- When deleting line or point in shapefile i have same problem like "Bug report #13035 - Shape Vertices Deleted by QGIS...
12:36 AM Bug report #13177: QGIS Crashes when viewing a composer IF one of the layers has diagrams turned on
- Nyall Dawson wrote:
> I can't reproduce this. Is it just one particular layer which it crashes on? What if you try di... -
04:10 PM Bug report #13177 (Feedback): QGIS Crashes when viewing a composer IF one of the layers has diagr...
- I can't reproduce this. Is it just one particular layer which it crashes on? What if you try diagrams on a different ...
06:49 AM Bug report #13177 (Closed): QGIS Crashes when viewing a composer IF one of the layers has diagram...
- QGIS version - 2.10.1 32-bit installed via OSgeo4W express installer.
Windows Version - 7 Professional SP1.
minid... -
11:24 PM Bug report #13112 (Closed): "std::bad_alloc" when styling a singleband pseudocolor on a raster
- Fixed in changeset commit:"688ac1610e5b47fa3116875c463ba9fd2a026200".
11:03 PM Feature request #13179 (Open): Include all layers/groups from embedded project
- It would be super handy if you could include all layers from an embedded project without having to supply the name of...
08:36 PM Revision c31810af (qgis): typo fixes
07:44 PM Feature request #2182 (Closed): Selective display of categorised layer
- Implemented for a few versions now
07:44 PM Feature request #2182 (Closed): Selective display of categorised layer
- Implemented for a few versions now
03:26 PM Revision f00c52d5 (qgis): Fix geometry simplification for rendering altering feature geometry
- I noticed this when using memory layers - zooming out and then in
would result in the features getting more and more ... -
11:20 AM Bug report #13151: Zonal statistics error: 0-d arrays can't be indexed
- Sergio Antonio wrote:
> The error happens in three machines (Windows) that had version 2.6 and were upgraded to 2.8 a... -
11:12 AM Bug report #13151: Zonal statistics error: 0-d arrays can't be indexed
- The error happens in three machines (Windows) that had version 2.6 and were upgraded to 2.8 and, then, to 2.10.
Ok, i... -
08:04 AM Bug report #13151: Zonal statistics error: 0-d arrays can't be indexed
- Sergio Antonio wrote:
> Category: Analysis
> Author: Victor Olaya
> Installed version: 2.10.1
> Available version: ... -
07:20 AM Bug report #13151: Zonal statistics error: 0-d arrays can't be indexed
- Category: Analysis
Author: Victor Olaya
Installed version: 2.10.1
Available version: 2.10.1 (in Official repository... -
08:46 AM Revision 7934a925 (qgis): [composer] Add an apply button for atlas settings, prevents
- numerous refetching/redrawing when tweaking atlas configuration
08:46 AM Revision 69ac6771 (qgis): [FEATURE][composer] Add page name option for atlas
- Page name can be set to either a field or expression derived from
the coverage layer, and is shown in the new atlas p... -
08:46 AM Revision 5537e23f (qgis): [composer] Keep atlas page combo in sync when atlas feature changes
08:46 AM Revision 8088e354 (qgis): [composer] Use feature requests to filter atlas features, rather
- than fetching all features and then filtering while iterating.
08:46 AM Revision dfff1257 (qgis): [pal] When set to draw all label candidates, shade candidates which
- conflict with obstacles in red
08:28 AM Bug report #13174 (Feedback): Regression: Modeler issue with temp outputs under Windows
- Just tested on both Linux and Windows (osgeo4w, qgis 2.10, Processing 2.10) and works just fine.
Can you please atta... -
08:16 AM Feature request #13178 (Open): QGIS LTR version checks for latest non-LTR QGIS version
- See this thread:
Currently when you use the... -
08:02 AM Revision 47e3e20e (qgis): Boost QgsFeature test coverage to 100%
08:02 AM Revision f7b4315f (qgis): Add missing overrides
07:53 AM Bug report #13159 (Open): wrong display of negative number values from a postGIS db
- Confirmed.
07:53 AM Bug report #13159 (Open): wrong display of negative number values from a postGIS db
- Confirmed.
07:53 AM Bug report #13159 (Open): wrong display of negative number values from a postGIS db
- Confirmed.
07:00 AM Bug report #13159: wrong display of negative number values from a postGIS db
- Here's a script that you could use to reproduce the issue :...
07:16 AM Bug report #13060: Postgresql materialized view doesn't open
- Hello,
- Server Configuration : PostGreSQL 9.3.6 + PostGIS 2.1.5
- Desktop : QGIS 2.10 64bits openSUSE (tested also ... -
06:31 AM Feature request #13176 (Closed): join non-spatial tabel
- When one join a non-spatial table to attribute table it is possible to run a selection of features by expression usin...
06:25 AM Bug report #11400: merge features disregards type
- I forgot... tested with Ubuntu 14.04 and Debian 8, compiled with GDAL 2.0.0
06:04 AM Bug report #11400 (Reopened): merge features disregards type
- In version 2.10.1 (and trunk) I cannot merge two LINESTRING in one LINESTRING. QGIS attempts to create a MULTILINESTR...
06:02 AM Bug report #13140: Save as Geopackage trouble with non SQL characters
- By this gdal-dev mailing list thread the problem is solved in...
05:46 AM Bug report #13078: Size of legend items
- Hi Vincent,
if units are in mm, it is ok. But if one symbol is in mapunits, legend is broken.
01:55 AM Bug report #13151: Zonal statistics error: 0-d arrays can't be indexed
- no error here with your project and dataset. What version of Processing are you using (check the version in the plugi...
01:00 PM Bug report #13173: Segmentation fault during startup - libpoppler
- Angelos Tzotsos wrote:
> The problem is that I have no idea what file is being opened/accessed. The crush happens on ... -
12:05 PM Bug report #13173: Segmentation fault during startup - libpoppler
- The problem is that I have no idea what file is being opened/accessed. The crush happens on first QGIS startup.
Is QG... -
08:13 AM Bug report #13173 (Feedback): Segmentation fault during startup - libpoppler
- Looks like a GDAL problem. Does @gdalinfo@ also fail on the PDFs QGIS is trying to access?
12:39 PM Bug report #13174 (Closed): Regression: Modeler issue with temp outputs under Windows
- Using the GDAL "Dissolve Polygons" in Processing and in a model in Ubuntu runs fine.
Using it under Windows under Pr... - 09:41 AM Revision 6a2df335 (qgis): Some doxymentation and const'ing
08:53 AM Bug report #13162: Unable to stylize raster as Singleband Pseudocolor
- Confirmed the bug on a Mac OSX Yosemite.
10:29 PM Revision d107603f (qgis): Expand QgsField/QgsFields tests
04:41 PM Bug report #13173 (Closed): Segmentation fault during startup - libpoppler
- I am producing RPM packages for QGIS 2.10.1
During startup, I am getting a segmentation fault.
This is the debug inf... -
03:28 PM Bug report #13151: Zonal statistics error: 0-d arrays can't be indexed
- This zip file contains a clip of srtm_27_17.tif, two polygon grids (shp) created by vector grid tool (10000 x 10000 m...
03:28 PM Bug report #13151: Zonal statistics error: 0-d arrays can't be indexed
- This zip file contains a clip of srtm_27_17.tif, two polygon grids (shp) created by vector grid tool (10000 x 10000 m...
09:57 AM Revision 2fb6c106 (qgis): Minor Coverity fixes
09:07 AM Revision 4774c87d (qgis): Switch doxygen coverage test to check count of undocumented members
- The previous check (% of documented members) set the bar too low
(~60%). Now no members/classes can be introduced wit... -
06:22 AM Bug report #13140: Save as Geopackage trouble with non SQL characters
- I would say that dash sign should not be used in GeoPackage table names but unfortunately the standard does not deny ...
02:16 AM Bug report #13124 (Closed): Spatial Query unstable
11:40 PM Revision 3865ccdc (qgis): Fix crashes when rendering with SVG symbols that are missing
- The crashes would happen after some time when browsing the map,
especially when size of SVGs is in map units. This wa... -
09:16 PM Revision 6be19a8d (qgis): Fix crashes when rendering with SVG symbols that are missing
- The crashes would happen after some time when browsing the map,
especially when size of SVGs is in map units. This wa... -
08:35 PM Revision febadfe2 (qgis): Fix crashes when rendering with SVG symbols that are missing
- The crashes would happen after some time when browsing the map,
especially when size of SVGs is in map units. This wa... - 07:02 PM Revision 1714e669 (qgis): fix Processing QGIS vector grid as lines
- fixes #13115
(cherry-picked from 1dfec33) - 06:50 PM Revision 1dfec33e (qgis): fix Processing QGIS vector grid as lines
05:57 PM Bug report #13124: Spatial Query unstable
- Hi Giovanni
Things are now very stable in the final release. All bugs seem to be sorted in the 2.10 stable version w... -
01:44 PM Bug report #13069: Add ring works on first found polygon
- OK, it could be future request. All digitising tools should behavoir same way IMO.
11:21 AM Bug report #13069: Add ring works on first found polygon
- maybe behavior is not perfect but I see no real bug here, I would rather change this to feature request, ok?
11:21 AM Bug report #13069: Add ring works on first found polygon
- maybe behavior is not perfect but I see no real bug here, I would rather change this to feature request, ok?
12:22 PM Bug report #13134: Qgis crash with large sqlitle
- Yes, but I need that the TI sector to install it and test it.
for now it is solved.
Do you know why it was crashing?
11:22 AM Bug report #13134: Qgis crash with large sqlitle
- Hildermes jose Medeiros Filho wrote:
> No, thank you it is working.
so on qgis 2.10 is ok, right? -
11:17 AM Bug report #13134: Qgis crash with large sqlitle
- No, thank you it is working.
I'll ask my support team to upgrade it and see if works with postgresql too. Sorry, I ca... -
12:04 PM Bug report #12994 (Feedback): 2.2 Gb osm.pbf file is not open correctly in QGIS
- once converting the pbf to other formats, all the features are loaded?
12:04 PM Bug report #12994 (Feedback): 2.2 Gb osm.pbf file is not open correctly in QGIS
- once converting the pbf to other formats, all the features are loaded?
11:26 AM Bug report #13037 (Closed): WFS GetCapabilities respons misses <keywords> key
- closing for lack of feedback.
11:26 AM Bug report #13037 (Closed): WFS GetCapabilities respons misses <keywords> key
- closing for lack of feedback.
11:25 AM Bug report #13044 (Closed): Qgis Grass Mapset crash QGIS
- closing for lack of feedback.
11:25 AM Bug report #13044 (Closed): Qgis Grass Mapset crash QGIS
- closing for lack of feedback.
11:20 AM Bug report #13071 (Closed): Editing tools not available with PostGIS layers
- closing for lack of feedback.
11:20 AM Bug report #13071 (Closed): Editing tools not available with PostGIS layers
- closing for lack of feedback.
11:19 AM Bug report #13079 (Feedback): Postgis Hstore Postgresql osm.pbf file osmosis auto convert
- Is this a bug report? a feature request? a note for discussion? What component of qgis is affected?
11:17 AM Bug report #13081: Zonal Statistics miscalculates when handling polygons without raster cells wit...
- This is confirmed to affect the core c++ plugin, while the same tool in the Processing toolbox seems ok.
11:17 AM Bug report #13081: Zonal Statistics miscalculates when handling polygons without raster cells wit...
- This is confirmed to affect the core c++ plugin, while the same tool in the Processing toolbox seems ok.
11:17 AM Bug report #13081: Zonal Statistics miscalculates when handling polygons without raster cells wit...
- This is confirmed to affect the core c++ plugin, while the same tool in the Processing toolbox seems ok.
11:17 AM Bug report #13081: Zonal Statistics miscalculates when handling polygons without raster cells wit...
- This is confirmed to affect the core c++ plugin, while the same tool in the Processing toolbox seems ok.
11:05 AM Bug report #13082 (Closed): Removing a shape file layer doesn't close the file.
- this has been fixed before the release of qgis 2.10
11:05 AM Bug report #13082 (Closed): Removing a shape file layer doesn't close the file.
- this has been fixed before the release of qgis 2.10
10:58 AM Bug report #8002: Voronoi Polygons tool makes overlapped polygons
- Andrew Bevitt wrote:
> This is still an issue in 2.8* and the master branch. This issue stems from the line clipping ... -
10:58 AM Bug report #8002: Voronoi Polygons tool makes overlapped polygons
- Andrew Bevitt wrote:
> This is still an issue in 2.8* and the master branch. This issue stems from the line clipping ... -
10:56 AM Bug report #13092 (Closed): Voronoi polygons wrong if adding a 1 m buffer
- The voronoi result with buffer with the "pumps" vector from the training manual dataset has indeed overlapping polygo...
10:56 AM Bug report #13092 (Closed): Voronoi polygons wrong if adding a 1 m buffer
- The voronoi result with buffer with the "pumps" vector from the training manual dataset has indeed overlapping polygo...
10:38 AM Revision b0e7e704 (qgis): osgeo4w: switch to grass 7.0.1 from RC2
10:36 AM Revision 15170dd2 (qgis): osgeo4w: switch to grass 7.0.1 from RC2
10:01 AM Bug report #13115 (Closed): Processing qgis:vectorgrid to lines not working
- Fixed in changeset commit:"1714e66952956589256de3044c04994da98d7b75".
06:48 AM Bug report #13115 (Feedback): Processing qgis:vectorgrid to lines not working
- Should be fixed with
thanks! -
09:28 AM Bug report #13119 (Closed): Import Vector Layer to PostGIS with DB Manager causes hard QGIS crash
- Giovanni - I can now successfully load a .SHP into PostGIS using the same parameters that were causing the crash a fe...
09:28 AM Bug report #13119 (Closed): Import Vector Layer to PostGIS with DB Manager causes hard QGIS crash
- Giovanni - I can now successfully load a .SHP into PostGIS using the same parameters that were causing the crash a fe...
09:28 AM Bug report #13119 (Closed): Import Vector Layer to PostGIS with DB Manager causes hard QGIS crash
- Giovanni - I can now successfully load a .SHP into PostGIS using the same parameters that were causing the crash a fe...
09:21 AM Bug report #13101: SAGA Processing-Tool (merge layers) doesn't work and no alternative
- Confirmed. With Processing shipped with qgis 2.8.* the module works with both SAGA 2.1.2 and 2.1.4. After Processing ...
09:21 AM Bug report #13101: SAGA Processing-Tool (merge layers) doesn't work and no alternative
- Confirmed. With Processing shipped with qgis 2.8.* the module works with both SAGA 2.1.2 and 2.1.4. After Processing ...
09:21 AM Bug report #13101: SAGA Processing-Tool (merge layers) doesn't work and no alternative
- Confirmed. With Processing shipped with qgis 2.8.* the module works with both SAGA 2.1.2 and 2.1.4. After Processing ...
09:21 AM Bug report #13101: SAGA Processing-Tool (merge layers) doesn't work and no alternative
- Confirmed. With Processing shipped with qgis 2.8.* the module works with both SAGA 2.1.2 and 2.1.4. After Processing ...
09:06 AM Bug report #13102 (Feedback): Deleting Fields in Shapefile Causes Crash
- I cannot confirm on both Linux and Windows. Please try without any 3rd party plugin installed or active and report ba...
09:06 AM Bug report #13102 (Feedback): Deleting Fields in Shapefile Causes Crash
- I cannot confirm on both Linux and Windows. Please try without any 3rd party plugin installed or active and report ba...
08:45 AM Bug report #13075 (Closed): Opening field calculator eats up all CPU
- Paolo Cavallini wrote:
> so it must be a local issue.
reopen if replicable in any way also on systems other than yours. -
08:45 AM Bug report #13075 (Closed): Opening field calculator eats up all CPU
- Paolo Cavallini wrote:
> so it must be a local issue.
reopen if replicable in any way also on systems other than yours. -
08:44 AM Bug report #12987 (Open): Values not updating properly when editing attribute table
08:39 AM Bug report #13089 (Feedback): DBManager edit table dialog bug on notNull values
- Well... thank you for the patch suggestion. May I ask you to make a Pull Request on QGIS Github repository? Thanks
h... -
08:39 AM Bug report #13089 (Feedback): DBManager edit table dialog bug on notNull values
- Well... thank you for the patch suggestion. May I ask you to make a Pull Request on QGIS Github repository? Thanks
h... -
08:21 AM Bug report #13107 (Feedback): select feature not working if I have over 600 ~700~ objects in post...
- Select how? Manually from the map canvas?
If yes then I cannot confirm, I just tested in a layer with hundreds of th... -
08:21 AM Bug report #13107 (Feedback): select feature not working if I have over 600 ~700~ objects in post...
- Select how? Manually from the map canvas?
If yes then I cannot confirm, I just tested in a layer with hundreds of th... -
08:21 AM Bug report #13107 (Feedback): select feature not working if I have over 600 ~700~ objects in post...
- Select how? Manually from the map canvas?
If yes then I cannot confirm, I just tested in a layer with hundreds of th... -
08:12 AM Bug report #13111 (Feedback): QGIS 2.10 Crash when editing postgis layers
- Please detail steps to replicate. Thanks.
08:05 AM Bug report #13112 (Feedback): "std::bad_alloc" when styling a singleband pseudocolor on a raster
- Hi, confirmed but not a regression, at least not from a recent qgis version. And it happens only when trying to use "...
08:05 AM Bug report #13112 (Feedback): "std::bad_alloc" when styling a singleband pseudocolor on a raster
- Hi, confirmed but not a regression, at least not from a recent qgis version. And it happens only when trying to use "...
08:05 AM Bug report #13112 (Feedback): "std::bad_alloc" when styling a singleband pseudocolor on a raster
- Hi, confirmed but not a regression, at least not from a recent qgis version. And it happens only when trying to use "...
07:58 AM Bug report #13114: r.series broken on Processing
- Note also that since Processing 2.10.1 GRASS7 stopped to work completely (both Linux and Windows), but for that there...
07:43 AM Bug report #13098: GeoJSON vector issue
- I also use Ubuntu 14.04 64 bit.
What error should I see in the attached screenshot? What is in the screenshot is rel... -
07:43 AM Bug report #13098: GeoJSON vector issue
- I also use Ubuntu 14.04 64 bit.
What error should I see in the attached screenshot? What is in the screenshot is rel... -
07:40 AM Bug report #13098: GeoJSON vector issue
- Recalling that the operating system I use which QGIS is presenting this error which can be seen in the image 10.png t...
07:40 AM Bug report #13098: GeoJSON vector issue
- Recalling that the operating system I use which QGIS is presenting this error which can be seen in the image 10.png t...
06:26 AM Bug report #13116 (Feedback): Consistently Getting Missing DLL
- Well... of course this seems very likely a local issue. Could you add more details? how did you installed (osgeo4w? s...
06:26 AM Bug report #13116 (Feedback): Consistently Getting Missing DLL
- Well... of course this seems very likely a local issue. Could you add more details? how did you installed (osgeo4w? s...
06:26 AM Bug report #13116 (Feedback): Consistently Getting Missing DLL
- Well... of course this seems very likely a local issue. Could you add more details? how did you installed (osgeo4w? s...
06:24 AM Bug report #13159: wrong display of negative number values from a postGIS db
- c m wrote:
> nb : there's a (unique, btree) index on the field that causes the issue
> I don't know if it has any rel... -
04:36 AM Bug report #13159: wrong display of negative number values from a postGIS db
- nb : there's a (unique, btree) index on the field that causes the issue
I don't know if it has any relation with the ... -
04:33 AM Bug report #13159: wrong display of negative number values from a postGIS db
- It's the same with field of type "integer" : negative values are shown as "ERROR" in the QGIS table"s view
04:26 AM Bug report #13159: wrong display of negative number values from a postGIS db
- Sorry for the unclear description.
I just check the real case scenario and the postgresql field (containing negative ... -
06:22 AM Bug report #13080 (Open): QT Forms. Opening two forms using IdentifyFeatures crashes
05:27 AM Bug report #13080: QT Forms. Opening two forms using IdentifyFeatures crashes
- Yes we are using globals
thanks -
06:19 AM Bug report #13117: cached wfs not downloading new features while panning
- confirmed, it worked until 2.8.*, stopped in 2.10 and master.
06:19 AM Bug report #13117: cached wfs not downloading new features while panning
- confirmed, it worked until 2.8.*, stopped in 2.10 and master.
06:19 AM Bug report #13117: cached wfs not downloading new features while panning
- confirmed, it worked until 2.8.*, stopped in 2.10 and master.
06:19 AM Bug report #13117: cached wfs not downloading new features while panning
- confirmed, it worked until 2.8.*, stopped in 2.10 and master.
05:50 AM Bug report #13078: Size of legend items
- Nyall, it definitely looks like that, but I wasn't able to open the project when I tried (I think I forgot the symbol...
02:38 AM Bug report #13078 (Open): Size of legend items
05:48 AM Bug report #12228: deadlock from parallel rendering
- I'm attaching a dump to reproduce this. I could reproduce it just fine with 2.8.
Master doesn't seem to have the prob... -
03:26 AM Bug report #12228: deadlock from parallel rendering
- Could it be the lack of exception handling in Thread 2 ?
msg=0x7f88a402a718 "\\"GEOS exception: IllegalArgumentE... -
03:23 AM Bug report #12228: deadlock from parallel rendering
- wioth ...
03:19 AM Bug report #12228 (Reopened): deadlock from parallel rendering
- I've just reproduced this, in 2.8.3 (lacking an entry in the "Affected version" pull-down menu).
What I did:
1) Load... -
03:19 AM Bug report #12228 (Reopened): deadlock from parallel rendering
- I've just reproduced this, in 2.8.3 (lacking an entry in the "Affected version" pull-down menu).
What I did:
1) Load... -
03:02 AM Bug report #13120: Processing gdal tools do not work if Windows username contain non ascii chars.
- likely related or duplicate of #12657
03:02 AM Bug report #13120: Processing gdal tools do not work if Windows username contain non ascii chars.
- likely related or duplicate of #12657
01:51 AM Revision d722f5bd (qgis): Fix sys/select.h header include on Mac for grass data file
01:27 AM Bug report #13098 (Feedback): GeoJSON vector issue
- Lucas Barbosa Cavalcante Cavalcante wrote:
> When I open the QGIS and try to open a vector file in GeoJSON , it just ... -
01:27 AM Bug report #13098 (Feedback): GeoJSON vector issue
- Lucas Barbosa Cavalcante Cavalcante wrote:
> When I open the QGIS and try to open a vector file in GeoJSON , it just ... -
01:27 AM Bug report #13098 (Feedback): GeoJSON vector issue
- Lucas Barbosa Cavalcante Cavalcante wrote:
> When I open the QGIS and try to open a vector file in GeoJSON , it just ... -
01:27 AM Bug report #13098 (Feedback): GeoJSON vector issue
- Lucas Barbosa Cavalcante Cavalcante wrote:
> When I open the QGIS and try to open a vector file in GeoJSON , it just ... -
01:27 AM Bug report #13098 (Feedback): GeoJSON vector issue
- Lucas Barbosa Cavalcante Cavalcante wrote:
> When I open the QGIS and try to open a vector file in GeoJSON , it just ... -
01:23 AM Bug report #13103: Crash dumped when QGIS close
- Adi Kurniawan wrote:
> Is this problem associated with some plugins?
probably. There are 3rd plugins that are known ... -
01:21 AM Feature request #8201 (Closed): Enhance disabling/enabling toolbars (and panels)
- I think addresses your first point: tooltips on handles.
And by adding 'Toolb... -
01:12 AM Bug report #13119 (Feedback): Import Vector Layer to PostGIS with DB Manager causes hard QGIS crash
- I cannot replicate here on Linux (ubuntu 14.04) and Windows 7. Does it happens with all layers (and type of input dat...
01:12 AM Bug report #13119 (Feedback): Import Vector Layer to PostGIS with DB Manager causes hard QGIS crash
- I cannot replicate here on Linux (ubuntu 14.04) and Windows 7. Does it happens with all layers (and type of input dat...
01:12 AM Bug report #13119 (Feedback): Import Vector Layer to PostGIS with DB Manager causes hard QGIS crash
- I cannot replicate here on Linux (ubuntu 14.04) and Windows 7. Does it happens with all layers (and type of input dat...
12:58 AM Bug report #13121 (Feedback): ogr Import in PostGIS creates an empty geometry without warning
- Not replicable, please attach sample data.
12:58 AM Bug report #13121 (Feedback): ogr Import in PostGIS creates an empty geometry without warning
- Not replicable, please attach sample data.
12:58 AM Bug report #13121 (Feedback): ogr Import in PostGIS creates an empty geometry without warning
- Not replicable, please attach sample data.
12:33 AM Bug report #13155: A Multiband image(e.g. landsat5,7,8) cannot be displayed in windows8.
- Thank you for your response.
They were different machine.
I checked more than 5 machines for each(win8,win7).
All wi... -
02:18 PM Bug report #13155 (Feedback): A Multiband image(e.g. landsat5,7,8) cannot be displayed in windows8.
- Did you noticed the difference between Win 8 and Win 7 on the same machine (same hardware) or on different machines?
02:18 PM Bug report #13155 (Feedback): A Multiband image(e.g. landsat5,7,8) cannot be displayed in windows8.
- Did you noticed the difference between Win 8 and Win 7 on the same machine (same hardware) or on different machines?
06:46 PM Revision 67151617 (qgis): [GRASS] modules debug bar
03:59 PM Bug report #13124 (Feedback): Spatial Query unstable
- This is not my general experience on both Linux and Windows. Please attach a sample of data that is causing the crash...
03:59 PM Bug report #13124 (Feedback): Spatial Query unstable
- This is not my general experience on both Linux and Windows. Please attach a sample of data that is causing the crash...
03:59 PM Bug report #13124 (Feedback): Spatial Query unstable
- This is not my general experience on both Linux and Windows. Please attach a sample of data that is causing the crash...
03:59 PM Bug report #13124 (Feedback): Spatial Query unstable
- This is not my general experience on both Linux and Windows. Please attach a sample of data that is causing the crash...
03:56 PM Bug report #13126 (Feedback): segfault in 2.8 branch (pre 2.8.3)
- How I can replicate this?
- 03:40 PM Revision 37657dd9 (qgis): Detach usage of qreal from QT_ARCH_ARM
- Added float types additionally to double, qreal can be now float or double.
Removed QT_ARCH_ARM. qreal can be float n... -
03:25 PM Bug report #13163 (Open): QGIS 2.8.2 crashes when applying OS area style for VML
- Forget it, I confirm the crash on project load
giovanni@sibirica:~ > qgis
Warning: loading of qgis translation fail... -
03:25 PM Bug report #13163 (Open): QGIS 2.8.2 crashes when applying OS area style for VML
- Forget it, I confirm the crash on project load
giovanni@sibirica:~ > qgis
Warning: loading of qgis translation fail... -
03:25 PM Bug report #13163 (Open): QGIS 2.8.2 crashes when applying OS area style for VML
- Forget it, I confirm the crash on project load
giovanni@sibirica:~ > qgis
Warning: loading of qgis translation fail... -
03:25 PM Bug report #13163 (Open): QGIS 2.8.2 crashes when applying OS area style for VML
- Forget it, I confirm the crash on project load
giovanni@sibirica:~ > qgis
Warning: loading of qgis translation fail... -
03:25 PM Bug report #13163 (Open): QGIS 2.8.2 crashes when applying OS area style for VML
- Forget it, I confirm the crash on project load
giovanni@sibirica:~ > qgis
Warning: loading of qgis translation fail... -
03:25 PM Bug report #13163 (Open): QGIS 2.8.2 crashes when applying OS area style for VML
- Forget it, I confirm the crash on project load
giovanni@sibirica:~ > qgis
Warning: loading of qgis translation fail... -
01:44 PM Bug report #13163 (Feedback): QGIS 2.8.2 crashes when applying OS area style for VML
- I cannot replicate the crasj on qgis 2.8.2
style used -
01:44 PM Bug report #13163 (Feedback): QGIS 2.8.2 crashes when applying OS area style for VML
- I cannot replicate the crasj on qgis 2.8.2
style used -
01:44 PM Bug report #13163 (Feedback): QGIS 2.8.2 crashes when applying OS area style for VML
- I cannot replicate the crasj on qgis 2.8.2
style used -
03:19 PM Bug report #13133 (Feedback): Crash On Vector Analysis of Large Dataset
- Are you running QGIS 32bit or 64?
You may want to try alternative tools you find in the Processing toolbox, like SAG... -
03:19 PM Bug report #13133 (Feedback): Crash On Vector Analysis of Large Dataset
- Are you running QGIS 32bit or 64?
You may want to try alternative tools you find in the Processing toolbox, like SAG... -
03:19 PM Bug report #13133 (Feedback): Crash On Vector Analysis of Large Dataset
- Are you running QGIS 32bit or 64?
You may want to try alternative tools you find in the Processing toolbox, like SAG... -
03:19 PM Bug report #13133 (Feedback): Crash On Vector Analysis of Large Dataset
- Are you running QGIS 32bit or 64?
You may want to try alternative tools you find in the Processing toolbox, like SAG... -
03:19 PM Bug report #13133 (Feedback): Crash On Vector Analysis of Large Dataset
- Are you running QGIS 32bit or 64?
You may want to try alternative tools you find in the Processing toolbox, like SAG... -
03:10 PM Bug report #13135 (Feedback): Extract by location missing in Qgis 2.8.2
- I see the tool without issue under both Linux and Windows (qgis 2.8, 2.10 and master).
03:10 PM Bug report #13135 (Feedback): Extract by location missing in Qgis 2.8.2
- I see the tool without issue under both Linux and Windows (qgis 2.8, 2.10 and master).
03:06 PM Bug report #13140 (Feedback): Save as Geopackage trouble with non SQL characters
- Hi Andreas, wrong image attached?
The error seems to be from ogr, so I guess that this should be files as feature re... -
03:04 PM Revision 95ff0922 (qgis): Handle QgsDataItem class hierarchy in SIP bindings
02:59 PM Bug report #13145 (Feedback): An error occurred when executing the query. The data provider said:...
02:58 PM Bug report #13146 (Feedback): Postgis count not working
- Where I can get a dataset with that size to allow me do local tests?
thanks -
02:58 PM Bug report #13146 (Feedback): Postgis count not working
- Where I can get a dataset with that size to allow me do local tests?
thanks -
02:56 PM Bug report #13147 (Feedback): QGIS 2.10 attribute table sorting introduces NULL values
- Could you please attach sample data? Thanks.
02:56 PM Bug report #13147 (Feedback): QGIS 2.10 attribute table sorting introduces NULL values
- Could you please attach sample data? Thanks.
02:56 PM Bug report #13147 (Feedback): QGIS 2.10 attribute table sorting introduces NULL values
- Could you please attach sample data? Thanks.
02:55 PM Bug report #13148 (Feedback): Netcdf files : computational problem with the gdal tools
- Feel free to link a sample using dropbox, it would certainly help.
Then I would also try 2.8/2.10, of I'm not wrong t... -
02:55 PM Bug report #13148 (Feedback): Netcdf files : computational problem with the gdal tools
- Feel free to link a sample using dropbox, it would certainly help.
Then I would also try 2.8/2.10, of I'm not wrong t... -
02:55 PM Bug report #13148 (Feedback): Netcdf files : computational problem with the gdal tools
- Feel free to link a sample using dropbox, it would certainly help.
Then I would also try 2.8/2.10, of I'm not wrong t... -
02:55 PM Bug report #13148 (Feedback): Netcdf files : computational problem with the gdal tools
- Feel free to link a sample using dropbox, it would certainly help.
Then I would also try 2.8/2.10, of I'm not wrong t... -
02:55 PM Bug report #13148 (Feedback): Netcdf files : computational problem with the gdal tools
- Feel free to link a sample using dropbox, it would certainly help.
Then I would also try 2.8/2.10, of I'm not wrong t... -
02:37 PM Bug report #13169: Georeferencer produces invalid Geotiff Information in some cases
- Sure, please give me 2-3 weeks.
01:36 PM Bug report #13169 (Feedback): Georeferencer produces invalid Geotiff Information in some cases
- There have been fixes in the georeferencer in the latest qgis version, 2.10, please give it a try and report back.
01:36 PM Bug report #13169 (Feedback): Georeferencer produces invalid Geotiff Information in some cases
- There have been fixes in the georeferencer in the latest qgis version, 2.10, please give it a try and report back.
02:36 PM Bug report #13160: Web menu inkl. OpenLayers plugin is hidden in QGIS 2.10.1-Pisa when many plugi...
- @Giovanni: Thank you for the link.
I reported the bug here: "Web menu is hidden in QGIS 2.10.1-Pisa when QuickOSM is ... -
02:06 PM Bug report #13160 (Closed): Web menu inkl. OpenLayers plugin is hidden in QGIS 2.10.1-Pisa when m...
- So it seems an issue caused by the quickosm plugin... file the ticket in the proper tracker -
02:06 PM Bug report #13160 (Closed): Web menu inkl. OpenLayers plugin is hidden in QGIS 2.10.1-Pisa when m...
- So it seems an issue caused by the quickosm plugin... file the ticket in the proper tracker -
05:21 AM Bug report #13160: Web menu inkl. OpenLayers plugin is hidden in QGIS 2.10.1-Pisa when many plugi...
- I figured out that the problem can be reproduced even when QuickOSM is the only activated plugin. You have to restart...
02:31 PM Bug report #13134 (Feedback): Qgis crash with large sqlitle
- Does it still crashes on 2.10? Can you pleas attach (or link) the offending sqlite db? Can you confirm that on 2.2/2....
02:23 PM Bug report #13151 (Feedback): Zonal statistics error: 0-d arrays can't be indexed
- Do you refer to the "zonal statistics" core plugin (c++) or its counterpart in the QGIS Processing toolbox?
I cannot... -
02:23 PM Bug report #13151 (Feedback): Zonal statistics error: 0-d arrays can't be indexed
- Do you refer to the "zonal statistics" core plugin (c++) or its counterpart in the QGIS Processing toolbox?
I cannot... -
02:23 PM Bug report #13151 (Feedback): Zonal statistics error: 0-d arrays can't be indexed
- Do you refer to the "zonal statistics" core plugin (c++) or its counterpart in the QGIS Processing toolbox?
I cannot... -
02:19 PM Bug report #13154 (Feedback): Feature count doesn't update
02:16 PM Bug report #13157: New digitized polygon dissappears while attribute form is open
- it seems to have started in 2.6, anyway I'm not really sure that this was not on purpose, probably not but no one see...
02:16 PM Bug report #13157: New digitized polygon dissappears while attribute form is open
- it seems to have started in 2.6, anyway I'm not really sure that this was not on purpose, probably not but no one see...
02:16 PM Bug report #13157: New digitized polygon dissappears while attribute form is open
- it seems to have started in 2.6, anyway I'm not really sure that this was not on purpose, probably not but no one see...
02:11 PM Bug report #13159 (Feedback): wrong display of negative number values from a postGIS db
- Hi,
it is not clear to me, the problem affects values in "integer" or "numeric" fields?
could you please a sample (... -
02:02 PM Bug report #13167 (Open): ftools dissolve, intersection, clip broken
- confirmed.
02:02 PM Bug report #13167 (Open): ftools dissolve, intersection, clip broken
- confirmed.
01:59 PM Bug report #13167: ftools dissolve, intersection, clip broken
- Try "Regionnavn"
01:58 PM Bug report #13167: ftools dissolve, intersection, clip broken
- Hi Lene,
what is the field to be used for the dissolve? there are many in the table of attributes. Thanks.
Lene Fis... -
01:32 PM Bug report #13167: ftools dissolve, intersection, clip broken
- Hi Giovanni,
Exampledata added.
Bo Thomsen tried the last build 2.10.1 and 2.11 OSGEO 64 bit (Win 10) - with same re... -
01:18 PM Bug report #13167 (Feedback): ftools dissolve, intersection, clip broken
- Hi Lene,
could you provide sample data? I cannot replicate here (Win 7 64 bit, qgis 2.10.1/osgeo4w).
About the slow... -
01:48 PM Bug report #13162 (Feedback): Unable to stylize raster as Singleband Pseudocolor
- Cannot confirm on Linux and Windows, is this a Mac only issue? Please try and report back.
01:43 PM Bug report #13172 (Feedback): Qgis does not read well the .prj files
- Could you please attach sample data? When filing tickets please choose the appropriate category, thanks.
01:43 PM Bug report #13172 (Feedback): Qgis does not read well the .prj files
- Could you please attach sample data? When filing tickets please choose the appropriate category, thanks.
01:43 PM Bug report #13172 (Feedback): Qgis does not read well the .prj files
- Could you please attach sample data? When filing tickets please choose the appropriate category, thanks.
01:35 PM Bug report #13172 (Closed): Qgis does not read well the .prj files
- Hi,
The prj files from other programs that read well are not always by Qgis.
For example, a Mtm Nad 83 Zone 8 (EPSG ... -
01:33 PM Bug report #13143 (Feedback): Print Composer won't export PDF
- Coukd you attach the a sample project and data? Does the issue persist on 2.10? have you tried without any 3rd party ...
01:21 PM Bug report #13153: .qgs file is blank after save
- When filing tickets please choose the proper category. Thanks.
01:19 PM Bug report #13171: Trying to add a JOIN to a lonesome layer crashes QGIS
- Confirmed on other platforms too.
01:19 PM Bug report #13171: Trying to add a JOIN to a lonesome layer crashes QGIS
- Confirmed on other platforms too.
01:19 PM Bug report #13171: Trying to add a JOIN to a lonesome layer crashes QGIS
- Confirmed on other platforms too.
01:19 PM Bug report #13171: Trying to add a JOIN to a lonesome layer crashes QGIS
- Confirmed on other platforms too.
01:19 PM Bug report #13171: Trying to add a JOIN to a lonesome layer crashes QGIS
- Confirmed on other platforms too.
01:06 PM Bug report #13171 (Closed): Trying to add a JOIN to a lonesome layer crashes QGIS
- If one Layer only: "Properties" > "Joins" > "+" => CRASH
- 11:15 AM Revision 1c6a40cb (qgis): WEBKIT includes changed
- (cherry picked from commit 9f6c72fa33af4c60c2e3266282277f10eedd2749)
09:31 AM Revision fe50327b (qgis): fix oracle provider (followup 5be0ee7)
- 12:02 AM Revision 2887a4ae (qgis): Doxymentation
06:55 PM Revision 384c0a70 (qgis): processing: fix saga translation (followup 66a3d02)
03:57 PM Revision c42b8c17 (qgis): Fix segmentation of full circles
03:57 PM Revision 335644e5 (qgis): Skip m-coordinates in geos import
02:43 PM Revision e980e760 (qgis): [composer ui] fix tooltip for add shape action in composer
02:08 PM Revision d6d5be94 (qgis): Set wkb typ if adding the first line in QgsLineStringV2::append
01:48 PM Bug report #13170 (Closed): postgis layer.dataProvider().setDataSourceURI(.....) has no effect.
this seems an issue at least since 2011, calling layer.dataProvider().setDataSourceURI(.....) has no effect on an e...- 12:09 PM Revision 7573078e (qgis): Add boolean node literal to expressions
- 12:09 PM Revision e984fb00 (qgis): Remove QgsRenderOptions, return filter in separate method
- 12:09 PM Revision 5be0ee73 (qgis): Remove QgsFeatureRequest::FilterRect from providers/iterators
- 12:08 PM Revision 1d7a6a49 (qgis): Rule based renderer exposes filter where clause
- This filter can then be sent to the server to reduce the amount of fetched
features - 12:08 PM Revision 75712643 (qgis): Remove references to QgsFeatureRequest::FilterRect
- 12:08 PM Revision cfe91f82 (qgis): Apply FilterRect in combination with other filters
- 12:08 PM Revision b47b9a54 (qgis): Add return type QgsRenderOptions to QgsRendererV2::startRender
- This allows to specify additional filter constraints for the feature request to
be specified. -
11:52 AM Revision 9752c468 (qgis): indentation update
11:43 AM Revision 76a6b4f1 (qgis): Merge pull request #2223 from mhugent/measurement_from_geometry
- Measurement from geometry
11:02 AM Revision 86329f01 (qgis): Change expected behaviour in to also consider i...
10:44 AM Revision 57062035 (qgis): Allow usage of node tool for postgis zm geometries
10:03 AM Revision 46601821 (qgis): Fixed scale widget height
10:01 AM Revision 832c3206 (qgis): Added TAB charachter
08:00 AM Bug report #13169 (Closed): Georeferencer produces invalid Geotiff Information in some cases
- In some cases the georeferencer produces invalid Geotiff Information. I attached an example TIFF file for georeferenc...
07:53 AM Feature request #13168: Create Layer (QLR) from selected features
- Forgot to say :
A similar function exists with the tool "Edit > Paste Features As > 'New Vector Layer' or 'New Memory... -
07:46 AM Feature request #13168 (Open): Create Layer (QLR) from selected features
- QGIS Layer Definitions files (QLR) are very useful.
Sometimes, we have to create layer from selected features (attrib...
08:00 PM Revision b1388a56 (qgis): fix connection pool crash without qapplication (fixes #13166)
- (cherry picked from commit f528cb80df7391435aebf47ffb73e4f4081c0ab7)
06:43 PM Bug report #13167: ftools dissolve, intersection, clip broken
- Just tried the same functions in 2.8.2 - where they work fine.
06:21 PM Bug report #13167: ftools dissolve, intersection, clip broken
- Using other functions from Geoprocession tool: Intersection and Clip - The new layer come out empty.
06:02 PM Bug report #13167 (Closed): ftools dissolve, intersection, clip broken
- Hi,
I have installed QGIS 2.10.1 on Windows 7 (64 bit).
When I use the dialog from Vector>Geoprocessing tool>Dissolv... -
05:39 PM Revision f528cb80 (qgis): fix connection pool crash without qapplication (fixes #13166)
05:38 PM Bug report #13162: Unable to stylize raster as Singleband Pseudocolor
- To confirm that my process wasn't wrong, I reinstalled QGIS 2.8.2 and was able to stylize a single-band raster with a...
02:12 PM Revision 93e2c5a0 (qgis): processing: translation fix (open fusion las viewer; followup 66a3d02)
02:00 PM Revision 313a6bc5 (qgis): Release of 2.8.3
01:17 PM Revision 00b8c1d2 (qgis): Adapt renderer to consider z/m in wkb parsing
09:20 AM Revision 25a50bf7 (qgis): Revert "add missed file" (followup 66a3d02)
- This reverts commit 6dd615719922ff3cd136ba800e5dc033e5ff9b34.
08:41 AM Bug report #13166 (Closed): Loading a shapefile from a standalone script now crashes if no QAppli...
- Fixed in changeset commit:"f528cb80df7391435aebf47ffb73e4f4081c0ab7".
07:55 AM Bug report #13166: Loading a shapefile from a standalone script now crashes if no QApplication ha...
Some more informations when debugging on master:...-
07:41 AM Bug report #13166 (Closed): Loading a shapefile from a standalone script now crashes if no QAppli...
- The suggested skeleton for pyqgis standalone scripts was:...
08:21 AM Revision 6dd61571 (qgis): add missed file
06:54 AM Bug report #13165 (Feedback): no result buffer when trying to filter hstore table
06:54 AM Bug report #13165: no result buffer when trying to filter hstore table
- please provide steps to reproduce.
12:29 AM Bug report #13165 (Closed): no result buffer when trying to filter hstore table
- An error occurred when executing the query.
The data provider said:
no result buffer - 05:13 PM Revision 343d3a68 (qgis): fix processing startup error, followup 25e9f86
04:30 PM Feature request #13164 (Open): Lock scale in print composer
- At the moment, resizing a map frame in printcomposer changes the scale of the map, even if its manually set.
Usuall... - 03:58 PM Revision e2319fd1 (qgis): Fix alloc-dealloc-mismatch
- 02:36 PM Revision 8c5b48c7 (qgis): [travis] Only clone latest commit
01:34 PM Bug report #13163 (Closed): QGIS 2.8.2 crashes when applying OS area style for VML
- Opening up a project that had worked perfectly OK in previous versions of QGIS, including version 2.8.1, some changes...
01:26 PM Revision 25e9f864 (qgis): processing: simple interface translation fix
12:31 PM Bug report #13162 (Closed): Unable to stylize raster as Singleband Pseudocolor
- In a singleband raster layer's Properties / Style tab, select 'singleband pseudocolor' for render type, choose color ...
12:23 PM Bug report #13161 (Closed): GetLegendGraphics Server Error
- With QGIS server update to 2.10 call to certain legend images with GetLegendGraphics causes 500 Server Error (polygon...
12:05 PM Revision e03463cd (qgis): Merge branch 'master' into measurement_from_geometry
- 12:04 PM Revision f899f539 (qgis): Fix crash and add CheckBox support for autocreate editorwidgets
- Followup de547ad
12:02 PM Bug report #13152: QgsRubberBand not displaying holes in geometry
- Sorry for the noise.
Thank you very much for the link.
Cheers -
11:44 AM Revision 86802598 (qgis): Use new geometry classes in QgsDistanceArea instead wkb parsing. That w...
10:31 AM Revision 10d262f3 (qgis): also install qgspointv2.h
09:00 AM Bug report #3400 (Reopened): On project load the Selection color is not properly set.
- The problem as originally described still exists (or has somehow occurred again) in v. 2.11 dev and earlier versions ...
09:00 AM Bug report #3400 (Reopened): On project load the Selection color is not properly set.
- The problem as originally described still exists (or has somehow occurred again) in v. 2.11 dev and earlier versions ...
09:00 AM Bug report #3400 (Reopened): On project load the Selection color is not properly set.
- The problem as originally described still exists (or has somehow occurred again) in v. 2.11 dev and earlier versions ...
08:36 AM Bug report #13160 (Closed): Web menu inkl. OpenLayers plugin is hidden in QGIS 2.10.1-Pisa when m...
- h1. Problem
I noticed that the menu item @Web@ disappears when many plugins are installed and activated.
In my case ... -
08:07 AM Bug report #13159 (Closed): wrong display of negative number values from a postGIS db
- since QGIS v2.x, if you open a postGIS table (with a geometry column) containing some other (integer) attribute field...
04:51 AM Bug report #12859: Qgis layer style file not saving
- An older issue shows that you can't save a style file from a CSV layer on Windows. It's still present in 2.10.1: issu...
04:48 AM Bug report #8285: Saving styles (qml and sld) doesn't work for CSV layers under Windows
- Bug is also present in QGIS 2.10.1 PISA, installed via the 64-bit OSGEO4W installer.
04:25 AM Bug report #13158 (Closed): Multiple Oracle geometry columns mixed up for rendering
- When connecting to an Oracle table with multiple geometry columns, these columns are mixed up for rendering.
12:42 AM Bug report #13154: Feature count doesn't update
- From the script you have open in the background it looks as if you are adding features directly on the provider, bypa...
12:25 AM Bug report #13152 (Closed): QgsRubberBand not displaying holes in geometry
- This is by design. The rubberband is the kind of tool you would use to draw a hole into an existing polygon.
You can ... -
12:23 AM Bug report #13103: Crash dumped when QGIS close
- Is this problem associated with some plugins?
12:06 AM Bug report #13103: Crash dumped when QGIS close
- Yeah, I've been disabled all of plugins in QGIS, and close the QGIS, the same problem is not happen
Matthias Kuhn wr... -
11:53 PM Bug report #13103 (Feedback): Crash dumped when QGIS close
- Can you run QGIS with all plugins disabled and check if the problem persists?
12:21 AM Bug report #13153 (Feedback): .qgs file is blank after save
- * Is only this project affected?
* Which kind of changes did you do?
* Does the problem persist if you run QGIS wi... -
11:36 PM Bug report #13157 (Closed): New digitized polygon dissappears while attribute form is open
- When creating a new polygon in a layer, the newly digitized polygon (red) disappears when the form is opened; once th...
- 11:01 PM Revision 70fe6226 (qgis): Add iface.layerTreeCanvasBridge()
06:58 PM Revision 4984cae7 (qgis): db_manager: enable oracle plugin only when oracle support is available
06:25 PM Revision 9d5a942b (qgis): translation fixes
02:39 PM Revision b165875f (qgis): spelling fixes
02:02 PM Bug report #12550: Error compiling Globe Plugin with osgEarth 2.6
- Hi Samuel & Bas,
My colleague Sandro has a branch with many globe enhancements and fixes including support for newer... -
04:56 AM Bug report #12550: Error compiling Globe Plugin with osgEarth 2.6
- osgEarth 2.7 has been released, see:
It w... -
04:39 AM Revision 644bdf04 (qgis): Merge pull request #2222 from medspx/dbmanager-oracle
- DBManager Oracle Spatial support (fixes #9163)
04:33 AM Revision 7439db1e (qgis): load default.qgc from source directory when running from build dir
04:28 AM Revision 66a3d022 (qgis): integrate processing into (also includes all translations
- in the repository and none outside of it).
03:15 AM Bug report #13156 (Closed): Add qwtpolar-1.1 embedded copy for Qwt >= 6.1 support
- Ubuntu has shipped with Qwt 6.1 since vivid "[1]":, and the Debian maintainer...
12:12 AM Revision a1c19491 (qgis): update Mac bundling for GRASS 6/7 lib split
12:00 AM Revision 4f27e733 (qgis): update Mac browser icon
11:58 PM Revision 89e9980c (qgis): update Mac browser icon
07:39 PM Feature request #9163 (Closed): Extend DBManager to Oracle
- Fixed in changeset commit:"644bdf046fc305ddd068b7d31b08080baaba859a".
05:43 PM Bug report #13155 (Closed): A Multiband image(e.g. landsat5,7,8) cannot be displayed in windows8.
- Hi all.
I tried to use landsat5,7,8 and worldview2 satellite images as multiband images.
But they couldn't be displa... -
04:51 PM Revision bda76e57 (qgis): Fix CMakelist for oracle
04:31 PM Revision 3768d04d (qgis): Oracle Spatial support for DBManager
- 03:24 PM Revision 0966dadc (qgis): Less postgis voodoo on travis
11:25 AM Bug report #13154 (Closed): Feature count doesn't update
- When I add some items to the vector layer and then delete them then I run a script which looks in the vector layer an...
11:01 AM Bug report #13153 (Closed): .qgs file is blank after save
- When I save my QGIS project file, all loaded layers disappear and the saved .qgs file on disk is blank. The backup f...
10:32 AM Bug report #13072: GRASS 7/Processing stopped to work with Processing 2.10.1
- When installing QGIS 2.8 under Ubuntu from the with
08:45 PM Revision e4dac076 (qgis): Add 'Panel' to some panels, to make them distinguisable in context menu
08:45 PM Revision c77db4f2 (qgis): Changing more Window titles
08:45 PM Revision 3d3d0088 (qgis): Add 'Toolbar' to all toolbar names, plus add tooltips to them
- 08:45 PM Revision 74da2542 (qgis): Center menu titles, followup 09c2444
- 07:31 PM Revision c93fdf93 (qgis): Fix warnings
07:12 PM Revision e0b24455 (qgis): [labeling] Fix incorrect handling of word spacing for curved labels
07:12 PM Revision d1104524 (qgis): Fix 'nan'='nan' evaluates to false in expressions
- Also fix 'nan' and 'inf' being treated as doubles rather than
strings. -
07:12 PM Revision 8bcb5fcf (qgis): Fix 'nan'='nan' evaluates to false in expressions
- Also fix 'nan' and 'inf' being treated as doubles rather than
(cherry picked from commit a1a8d1b7a32bbde0e2... -
07:12 PM Revision 543703c6 (qgis): [labeling] Fix incorrect handling of word spacing for curved labels
- (cherry picked from commit c8dcf97e971ecd8db5222e0dc05d79e37a032b1c)
- 06:57 PM Revision 09c24448 (qgis): Add title for "Panels" and "Toolbars" in Menu
- 06:57 PM Revision d01424ae (qgis): Add QgsRelation::getReferencedFeature to access parent feature
- 06:57 PM Revision 4eaf8de7 (qgis): Fix relation reference widget accidentally sets FK to NULL
05:34 PM Revision 740e3abc (qgis): Merge pull request #2217 from mhugent/node_tool_changes
- Add node editor widget and change node tool to click-click mode
04:16 PM Revision fc372c98 (qgis): Remove z/m -> 25D conversion in postgres provider (since z/m geoms are ...
02:32 PM Bug report #12610: QGIS not showing WMS legend while LegendURL is present
- This issue seems to consist of two separate issues. The second (composer hang) is fixed in 2.10 and will be in 2.8.3,...
04:40 AM Bug report #12610: QGIS not showing WMS legend while LegendURL is present
- Does this issue have a relation with solved #12234?
- 02:12 PM Revision 6cccd217 (qgis): Fix gui glitch in relation reference widget
- 01:39 PM Revision 20abb7d8 (qgis): Autocreate wrapper for date and relation editor widgets
- Followup de547ad
01:03 PM Bug report #13152 (Closed): QgsRubberBand not displaying holes in geometry
- Adding a geometry from a shapefile to QgsRubberBand does not displays holes in the original geometry (holes are fille...
08:58 AM Feature request #8925: Saving label information/styles into an SLD File
- Oh my, glaring oversight here.
I'd like to add my vote to this feature. I'm using Qgis, and exporting my styles for... -
08:50 AM Revision 69eb7ebe (qgis): Fix build error
08:39 AM Revision 39ad2b07 (qgis): debian packaging update (followup 32d7cc5)
05:51 AM Bug report #13151 (Closed): Zonal statistics error: 0-d arrays can't be indexed
- The error "0-d arrays can't be indexed" appeared in 2.8.1 version and persists in version 2.10.1.
05:35 AM Bug report #13150 (Closed): QGIS fails to load postgis VIEW Table
- baditaflorin - wrote:
> i think it`s because of this, how do i add a primary key ?
> [...]
Doesn't @nodes@ have ... -
05:35 AM Bug report #13150 (Closed): QGIS fails to load postgis VIEW Table
- baditaflorin - wrote:
> i think it`s because of this, how do i add a primary key ?
> [...]
Doesn't @nodes@ have ... -
05:35 AM Bug report #13150 (Closed): QGIS fails to load postgis VIEW Table
- baditaflorin - wrote:
> i think it`s because of this, how do i add a primary key ?
> [...]
Doesn't @nodes@ have ... -
04:39 AM Bug report #13150: QGIS fails to load postgis VIEW Table
- i think it`s because of this, how do i add a primary key ? ...
04:06 AM Bug report #13150 (Closed): QGIS fails to load postgis VIEW Table
- this is applied on a imported osm.pbf file, using osmosis.
the command to create the view is ... -
02:22 AM Revision 460a6055 (qgis): fix windows build
01:37 AM Bug report #10098: Zooming results in parts of features disappearing when spatial indexes SBN/SBX...
- According to the comment in "GDAL !#6042": GDAL should delete ESRI indexes whe...
11:48 PM Feature request #13138: Name creation for DXF layer based on certain DB fields
- Joerg Hippe wrote:
> thats perfect. So everyone sees immediately that this is at all possible, and also how it works.... -
11:37 PM Feature request #13138: Name creation for DXF layer based on certain DB fields
- Hi Andreas, hi Jürgen,
thats perfect. So everyone sees immediately that this is at all possible, and also how it wor... -
11:20 PM Feature request #13138: Name creation for DXF layer based on certain DB fields
- Jörg,
For your interest - attached is a screenshot how the improved DXF export dialog now looks like - it contains a... -
05:07 AM Feature request #13138 (Closed): Name creation for DXF layer based on certain DB fields
- Fixed in changeset commit:"b26d9ac865b7065cd6418478a9b7c5db941cdc95".
08:58 PM Revision 266aa7bc (qgis): [GRASS] open mapset from browser
08:58 PM Revision 32d7cc5e (qgis): [GRASS] optional modules config path
08:58 PM Revision 9dcb2a12 (qgis): [GRASS] GRASS 7 plugin enabled
04:29 PM Revision ebe4f92b (qgis): Add some class/method documentation
04:09 PM Revision 14981074 (qgis): Fix issues with reprojection
02:07 PM Revision b26d9ac8 (qgis): add column headers and tooltips to dxf export dialog (fixes #13138)
01:43 PM Revision 81bdbbc4 (qgis): Use constGeometry() instead geometry()
- 12:40 PM Revision 6b25fe53 (qgis): Doxymentation
- 12:04 PM Revision 1d888aca (qgis): Remove label redundant to title bar
- 12:04 PM Revision de547adc (qgis): Find a suitable editor widget if widget and config mismatch
- If a .ui file is specified and the widget specified in the .ui file is not
supported by the widgetwrapper which is co... -
07:02 AM Revision d07dadf3 (qgis): [FEATURE][composer] Add page number combo box to atlas toolbar
- (fix #13136)
07:00 AM Revision b4311877 (qgis): [FEATURE][labeling] Add priority control for obstacles
- Allows you to make labels prefer to overlap features from certain
layers rather than others. Can also be data defined... -
07:00 AM Revision c97733ea (qgis): [FEATURE][labeling] Data defined control over whether a feature
- acts as an obstacle for labels
07:00 AM Revision 1325b98d (qgis): [pal] Simplify handling of layers
06:43 AM Feature request #13149 (Closed): Specific projection system for oceanographers
- Hello,
I'm working at the oceanographic center in France near Toulouse and I'm developing a SIG interface suitable f... -
06:42 AM Bug report #13148 (Closed): Netcdf files : computational problem with the gdal tools
- Hello,
I'm working at the oceanographic center in France near Toulouse and I'm developing a SIG interface suitable fo... -
04:41 AM Bug report #13147 (Closed): QGIS 2.10 attribute table sorting introduces NULL values
- Hi QGIS. There are no Null values entered for field1 or field2 (Spatialite layer). Sorting on field1 in the attribute...
04:40 AM Bug report #13144 (Feedback): Style Categorized not working with PostGis database
- Any output in the log?
02:37 AM Bug report #13144: Style Categorized not working with PostGis database
- I have this problem also in 2.8.2 with ways
there is a hard coded limit atfer that QGIs fails directly ?
We should... -
04:32 AM Bug report #13145: An error occurred when executing the query. The data provider said: no result ...
- More output in the log? Can you come up with a reproducable example?
03:09 AM Bug report #13146 (Closed): Postgis count not working
- postgis count not working for a filtered database, with 2.8M points.
I only get a 0, and a pg_stat_activity QGIs do... -
02:22 AM Bug report #13092: Voronoi polygons wrong if adding a 1 m buffer
- It is not.
01:55 AM Bug report #13145 (Closed): An error occurred when executing the query. The data provider said: n...
- error when wanting tho changes a Postgis filtered output with another in Qgis 2.9
01:50 AM Bug report #13144: Style Categorized not working with PostGis database
- This seems like a regression, tested in 2.8.2 and it`s working.
01:50 AM Bug report #13144: Style Categorized not working with PostGis database
- This seems like a regression, tested in 2.8.2 and it`s working.
01:15 AM Bug report #13144 (Closed): Style Categorized not working with PostGis database
- I have a database with around 200.000.000 points, where i filtered only 2.800.000 points.
I am trying to Style them ... -
01:28 AM Feature request #13136: Atlas Page Navigation
- Excellent! I look forward to the release. Thank you.
12:05 AM Feature request #13138: Name creation for DXF layer based on certain DB fields
- Or maybe the layer tree widget could have a header line, like "Layer", "Layer attribute column"
12:04 AM Feature request #13138: Name creation for DXF layer based on certain DB fields
- Hi Jürgen,
For the DXF export - could you please add some text above the layer tree widget in the UI explaining that...
Also available in: Atom