Feature request #13229

Lock the length of Scale bar

Added by Adi Kurniawan almost 9 years ago. Updated almost 9 years ago.

Category:Map Composer/Printing
Pull Request or Patch supplied:No Resolution:fixed/implemented
Easy fix?:No Copied to github as #:21290


Dear All,

Until this version, I still not find a parameter to set the length of a scale bar. In my expectation, the length scale bar can be controlled by the user, so user has an ability to set the nice view of a scale bar.
It's also will be benefit for the user that set the scale bar automatically in the map template.
So, if the user will zoom in or zoom out the area, the length of a scale bar not change.

Thank you.

Screenshot_2015-08-20_22.07.02.png (127 KB) Anita Graser, 2015-08-20 01:07 PM


#1 Updated by Anita Graser almost 9 years ago

This is already implemented in 2.10: use "fit segement width", see attached screenshot

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