From 2017-06-01 to 2017-06-30
11:11 PM Bug report #16777 (Closed): GRASS plugin/Processing tools not loading QGIS 2.18.10 installer (bot...
- *Note - the affected version below states "master" as I was unable to select a 2.18.10 - the affected version is 2.18...
10:40 PM Bug report #16772 (Rejected): check validity algorithm with GEOS method does not detect ring self...
- This is an upstream issue - it would need to be fixed in the GEOS library.
10:40 PM Bug report #16772 (Rejected): check validity algorithm with GEOS method does not detect ring self...
- This is an upstream issue - it would need to be fixed in the GEOS library.
03:57 PM Bug report #16772: check validity algorithm with GEOS method does not detect ring self-intersection
- not only.
It's the same if you use the processing algorithm. -
03:34 PM Bug report #16772: check validity algorithm with GEOS method does not detect ring self-intersection
- You mean the check validity being done while editing ? if so, I confirm that.
03:16 PM Bug report #16772 (Rejected): check validity algorithm with GEOS method does not detect ring self...
- see sample...
sql request in DbManager (virtual layer) : select st_isvalidreason(geometry), st_isvalidDetail(geometr... -
06:28 PM Bug report #13836: MySQL Vector geometries are only visible in edit mode
- I can confirm it's still a bug in QGis 2.18.10, Windows 10 and MySQL Server 5.7.16. QGIS can handle the data (search,...
06:15 PM Bug report #16776 (Closed): QGIS Database User Privileges/Permissions Bug
- QGIS seems to use the privileges/permissions for the first database user to login when the application is started for...
05:53 PM Feature request #16775 (Closed): GDAL Support For PostGIS Out-DB Raster
- stop filing the same ticket over and over, thanks :)
05:53 PM Feature request #16775 (Closed): GDAL Support For PostGIS Out-DB Raster
- stop filing the same ticket over and over, thanks :)
05:51 PM Feature request #16775 (Closed): GDAL Support For PostGIS Out-DB Raster
- Currently, QGIS-GDAL seems to be only able to display rasters that are stored in the database as it displays a black ...
05:52 PM Feature request #16773 (Closed): GDAL Support For PostGIS Out-DB Raster
05:50 PM Feature request #16773 (Closed): GDAL Support For PostGIS Out-DB Raster
- Currently, QGIS-GDAL seems to be only able to display rasters that are stored in the database as it displays a black ...
05:51 PM Feature request #16774 (Closed): GDAL Support For PostGIS Out-DB Raster
- Currently, QGIS-GDAL seems to be only able to display rasters that are stored in the database as it displays a black ...
04:18 PM Bug report #16755 (Closed): Virtual fields are stored as datatype integer
04:11 PM Bug report #16755: Virtual fields are stored as datatype integer
- Seems to be fixed in version 2.18.10.
Please close as I don't have the privileges to do so. -
03:45 PM Bug report #16428: Processing UI forms not rendering properly
- Denis, not sure what you mean by "Anyone can confirm that installing QGIS in system actually solves the issue?". Are ...
12:00 PM Bug report #16771 (Closed): Crash when closing a project with layers in edition
- Steps to reproduce:
- new project
- create a memory layer
- toggle editing
- add a point
- click "new project"
... -
10:07 AM Bug report #16770 (Closed): copy/paste/save features from one layer to another of the same time ...
- Copy an oject from one Layer and insert this object inot another layer works. Saving this changes in the layer fails ...
01:41 AM Bug report #16757: reprojecting rasters crossing the dateline
- This file was created by clipping the original to get the file size to under 5Mb for uploading here
01:40 AM Bug report #16757: reprojecting rasters crossing the dateline
- The attached file cannot be reprojected to EPSG:4326 as it crosses the 180 meridian. EPSG themselves state that longi...
06:10 PM Bug report #16769 (Closed): QGis server GetPrint request renders layer in wrong order, polygons a...
- Hello,
I've setup a QGis Server 2.18.10 (wasn't available in Affected QGis Version on the submit form). Requesting... -
05:09 PM Bug report #16767: Processing: "Run as batch process..." button not shown entirely
- It looks like using another Application style (settings --> Options --> General), namely Fusion (instead of WindowsXp...
04:53 PM Bug report #16767 (Closed): Processing: "Run as batch process..." button not shown entirely
- Compared to QGIS 2.18, it looks like the header of the tabs in Processing dialog is thinner, hence the "Run as batch ...
05:01 PM Bug report #16768 (Feedback): No default application style setting (on windows?)
- Settings menu --> Options --> General tab --> Application frame, Stype parameter
In QGIS 2.18 (windows 10), I have :... -
04:28 PM Bug report #16764: Crash when CSV file geometry column name has changed
- Dmitri Lebedev wrote:
> Here are two videos with the bug reproduced
> freezing:
> -
02:34 PM Bug report #16764: Crash when CSV file geometry column name has changed
- Here are two videos with the bug reproduced
freezing: -
02:16 PM Bug report #16764: Crash when CSV file geometry column name has changed
- Dmitri Lebedev wrote:
> @Giovanni Manghi: did you add it as a delimited text layer?
yes, then edited with kate/na... -
02:14 PM Bug report #16764: Crash when CSV file geometry column name has changed
- @Giovanni Manghi: did you add it as a delimited text layer?
11:27 AM Bug report #16764 (Feedback): Crash when CSV file geometry column name has changed
- I'm on ubuntu 16.04 with qgis 2.18.10 and I cannot replicate. Tested loading table as such and also as a point layer.
11:27 AM Bug report #16764 (Feedback): Crash when CSV file geometry column name has changed
- I'm on ubuntu 16.04 with qgis 2.18.10 and I cannot replicate. Tested loading table as such and also as a point layer.
04:17 PM Feature request #15589 (Feedback): Duplicate record function
- Andreas Neumann wrote:
> Why was this closed again by "Anonymous"? As far as I know, this is not yet implemented?
>... -
03:57 PM Feature request #15589 (Open): Duplicate record function
- Why was this closed again by "Anonymous"? As far as I know, this is not yet implemented?
Setting Status again to "... -
03:57 PM Feature request #15589 (Open): Duplicate record function
- Why was this closed again by "Anonymous"? As far as I know, this is not yet implemented?
Setting Status again to "... -
03:59 PM Feature request #15461 (Closed): Relation reference widget: introduce unique constraint
- closing this, because it is implemented in QGIS 3.x
03:59 PM Feature request #15461 (Closed): Relation reference widget: introduce unique constraint
- closing this, because it is implemented in QGIS 3.x
03:59 PM Feature request #15461 (Closed): Relation reference widget: introduce unique constraint
- closing this, because it is implemented in QGIS 3.x
02:58 PM Bug report #16752: Function Editor "New File" reset previous functions
- I can confirm too (with master). Very embarrassing when you spent time to have a working code.
Also, The old file lo... -
01:04 PM Bug report #16759 (Feedback): QGIS shows incomplete data when opening a .pbf/.osm file
- I the issue also on Linux also with the .osm format, however translating to Spatialite or PostGIS is ok.
I smell a... -
01:04 PM Bug report #16759 (Feedback): QGIS shows incomplete data when opening a .pbf/.osm file
- I the issue also on Linux also with the .osm format, however translating to Spatialite or PostGIS is ok.
I smell a... -
01:04 PM Bug report #16759 (Feedback): QGIS shows incomplete data when opening a .pbf/.osm file
- I the issue also on Linux also with the .osm format, however translating to Spatialite or PostGIS is ok.
I smell a... -
01:04 PM Bug report #16759 (Feedback): QGIS shows incomplete data when opening a .pbf/.osm file
- I the issue also on Linux also with the .osm format, however translating to Spatialite or PostGIS is ok.
I smell a... -
01:04 PM Bug report #16759 (Feedback): QGIS shows incomplete data when opening a .pbf/.osm file
- I the issue also on Linux also with the .osm format, however translating to Spatialite or PostGIS is ok.
I smell a... -
12:42 PM Bug report #16766 (Open): Data defined Assistant: closing the dialog without setting an expressio...
- I thought I had reported this issue but I couldn't find it in the tracker and given that it's still active...
Open... -
12:10 PM Bug report #16755 (Feedback): Virtual fields are stored as datatype integer
12:00 PM Feature request #10691: "Merge shapefiles to one": add the options available in the "merge shapes...
- Hi Nyall,
has the performance of this new implementation be compared with #7208?
the code available in that ticke... -
09:23 AM Feature request #10691 (Closed): "Merge shapefiles to one": add the options available in the "mer...
- Implemented in master - now both the original layer source and layer name are added as new fields to the merged layer.
09:23 AM Feature request #10691 (Closed): "Merge shapefiles to one": add the options available in the "mer...
- Implemented in master - now both the original layer source and layer name are added as new fields to the merged layer.
09:05 AM Feature request #9144 (Feedback): add iface global to script namespace
- Victor - are you sure we want to do this? My 2c is that we'd want to avoid this, to prevent any forced dependency on ...
09:01 AM Feature request #11035 (Closed): Add pyresample backend
- I think this report should be closed - we're moving away from including providers by default and leaving their implem...
09:01 AM Feature request #11035 (Closed): Add pyresample backend
- I think this report should be closed - we're moving away from including providers by default and leaving their implem...
09:01 AM Feature request #11035 (Closed): Add pyresample backend
- I think this report should be closed - we're moving away from including providers by default and leaving their implem...
08:58 AM Feature request #12870 (Closed): Processing: Add PyGeoprocessing
- I think this report should be closed - we're moving away from including providers by default and leaving their implem...
08:58 AM Feature request #12870 (Closed): Processing: Add PyGeoprocessing
- I think this report should be closed - we're moving away from including providers by default and leaving their implem...
08:58 AM Feature request #12870 (Closed): Processing: Add PyGeoprocessing
- I think this report should be closed - we're moving away from including providers by default and leaving their implem...
08:57 AM Feature request #12871 (Closed): Processing: Add InVEST
- I think this report should be closed - we're moving away from including providers by default and leaving their implem...
08:57 AM Feature request #12871 (Closed): Processing: Add InVEST
- I think this report should be closed - we're moving away from including providers by default and leaving their implem...
08:57 AM Feature request #12871 (Closed): Processing: Add InVEST
- I think this report should be closed - we're moving away from including providers by default and leaving their implem...
08:55 AM Feature request #14962 (Closed): Improve readability of processing log
- Fixed in master
08:55 AM Feature request #14962 (Closed): Improve readability of processing log
- Fixed in master
08:55 AM Feature request #14962 (Closed): Improve readability of processing log
- Fixed in master
08:53 AM Feature request #16348 (Closed): Add parameter type 'multiple field'
- This is possible in master
08:53 AM Feature request #16348 (Closed): Add parameter type 'multiple field'
- This is possible in master
08:53 AM Feature request #16348 (Closed): Add parameter type 'multiple field'
- This is possible in master
03:30 AM Bug report #16665: Native XYZ provider doesn't display all available zoom levels
- > 2017-06-13 15:54 GMT+00:00 Martin Dobias:
> > (...) this is already implemented. In QGIS 3.0 there is also GUI to
01:18 AM Feature request #5453 (Feedback): Add ”Select by rectangle” in modeler
- Are you referring to selecting features from a layer by a rectangular extent? Or selecting components of the graphica...
01:17 AM Feature request #5449 (Closed): Define files in the modeler
- This is possible - instead of linking the parameter to a model input, you can directly enter the path to a file in th...
01:17 AM Feature request #5449 (Closed): Define files in the modeler
- This is possible - instead of linking the parameter to a model input, you can directly enter the path to a file in th...
01:15 AM Feature request #7967 (Closed): Modeler: Output of a tool is not graphically used as the input of...
- As Victor stated - this is by design
01:15 AM Feature request #7967 (Closed): Modeler: Output of a tool is not graphically used as the input of...
- As Victor stated - this is by design
01:13 AM Bug report #16715 (Closed): Processing: SELECT algs don't work in modeller on Windows
- Fixed in master
01:13 AM Bug report #16715 (Closed): Processing: SELECT algs don't work in modeller on Windows
- Fixed in master
10:36 PM Bug report #16765: Adding large GeoTiff results in minidump written to C:
- James Lawrence wrote:
> Giovanni Manghi wrote:
> > weird, I have 50GB geotiff with overviews that open just fine. A... -
02:49 PM Bug report #16765: Adding large GeoTiff results in minidump written to C:
- Giovanni Manghi wrote:
> weird, I have 50GB geotiff with overviews that open just fine. Any chance to share the file... -
02:29 PM Bug report #16765 (Feedback): Adding large GeoTiff results in minidump written to C:
- weird, I have 50GB geotiff with overviews that open just fine. Any chance to share the file?
02:29 PM Bug report #16765 (Feedback): Adding large GeoTiff results in minidump written to C:
- weird, I have 50GB geotiff with overviews that open just fine. Any chance to share the file?
02:29 PM Bug report #16765 (Feedback): Adding large GeoTiff results in minidump written to C:
- weird, I have 50GB geotiff with overviews that open just fine. Any chance to share the file?
02:29 PM Bug report #16765 (Feedback): Adding large GeoTiff results in minidump written to C:
- weird, I have 50GB geotiff with overviews that open just fine. Any chance to share the file?
02:20 PM Bug report #16765: Adding large GeoTiff results in minidump written to C:
- Additional point -> this error closes QGIS automatically.
02:20 PM Bug report #16765 (Closed): Adding large GeoTiff results in minidump written to C:
- When adding a raster (approx. 2Gb in size), I get the following Crash dumped error:
minidump written to C:
\Users... -
01:27 PM Bug report #16764 (Closed): Crash when CSV file geometry column name has changed
- Sample file:
*v1.csv*:... -
12:21 PM Bug report #16755: Virtual fields are stored as datatype integer
- Couldn't reproduce this with current master, saving to shapefiles.
Can you append a demo shapefile and project? -
12:13 PM Feature request #16763: Allow qgis variables in provider filter
- This should be added as a new possibility to specify the provider filter as expression. Possibly with a radio button/...
07:42 PM Bug report #15752: Degradation of rendering performances in MSSQL provider
- Updated results:
!! -
06:52 PM Bug report #8073: Crash when loading PostGIS raster
- See also: #16754 (duplicate)
06:00 PM Feature request #16763 (Open): Allow qgis variables in provider filter
- It would be nice to be able to put variables in provider filter, so user doesn't have to change multiple filters on m...
01:28 PM Bug report #16762 (Feedback): DXF Export... does not work as in pre 2.18.9
- I'm not sure if the change was by design or not, so I cannot say if is a regression or not. Jurgen?
01:28 PM Bug report #16762 (Feedback): DXF Export... does not work as in pre 2.18.9
- I'm not sure if the change was by design or not, so I cannot say if is a regression or not. Jurgen?
12:56 PM Bug report #16762 (Closed): DXF Export... does not work as in pre 2.18.9
- The bug:
When I’m making an export of .shp files for use in Microstation.
Pre 2.18.9 it would make a level corres... -
11:05 AM Bug report #15964: Drag-and-drop form: impossible to drag fields into the right form panel
- It seems to be fixed in a recent master (from 9068feafc9cc9e938c0450952efcb3c3f71e50b8 or even fresher)
11:05 AM Bug report #16761: QGIS randomly crashing when writing vector from Oracle sdo layer
- I created a Question on GIS Stackexchange
10:16 AM Bug report #16761 (Closed): QGIS randomly crashing when writing vector from Oracle sdo layer
I made an uri instance and
Adding a vector layer from SDO to a QGIS project instance is working well.
@uri = Q...-
10:44 AM Bug report #16428: Processing UI forms not rendering properly
- This might comes from the fact that QGIS python lib is not installed (not in path), so running ...
10:38 AM Bug report #16757 (Feedback): reprojecting rasters crossing the dateline
- Hi, can you share the data?
03:45 AM Bug report #16757 (Closed): reprojecting rasters crossing the dateline
- I have a raster covering the New Zealand coastal region in EPSG:2193 which in degrees has a max long of 180.7 degrees...
09:47 AM Bug report #16760 (Closed): Relation reference widget: entries with a primary key of 0 initially ...
- This concerns master (3.x):
Steps to reproduce:
Load any layer (layer A) that allows setting up a relation ... -
07:41 AM Bug report #16759 (Closed): QGIS shows incomplete data when opening a .pbf/.osm file
- Hi support team,
I'm trying to use QGIS to open Florida dataset (osm.pbf file) to get some data for my startup.
L... -
05:27 AM Bug report #16712 (Closed): SLD export of categorized style fails if attribute name conflicts wit...
04:25 AM Bug report #16758 (Closed): regression: adding a multi-part feature to a shapefile dataset fails
- Under QGIS master, adding (or pasting) a multi-part feature into a shapefile dataset fails. The feature is added, but...
09:44 PM Bug report #16507 (Closed): Navigation problem with a VRT
- Fixed pushed in commit:32dd2b68cdf41b088f40dbd3ca5096c9609383bd and commit:d6e7ec670a250c45639536f791ab23727ffb4fbf
09:44 PM Bug report #16507 (Closed): Navigation problem with a VRT
- Fixed pushed in commit:32dd2b68cdf41b088f40dbd3ca5096c9609383bd and commit:d6e7ec670a250c45639536f791ab23727ffb4fbf
09:44 PM Bug report #16507 (Closed): Navigation problem with a VRT
- Fixed pushed in commit:32dd2b68cdf41b088f40dbd3ca5096c9609383bd and commit:d6e7ec670a250c45639536f791ab23727ffb4fbf
02:40 PM Bug report #16507: Navigation problem with a VRT
- I have create a new environment variable and i am trying on tow pc and i have no bug.
For me the problem is solve... -
06:57 PM Bug report #16707: SLD export of "hairline" lines results in a different visual thickness
- Andrea Aime wrote:
> Exporting a layer using a "hairline" line width results in a LineSymbolizer with no stroke-widt... -
06:24 PM Bug report #16719 (Open): Data Source Manager reset values on changes
08:37 AM Bug report #16719: Data Source Manager reset values on changes
- Behavior same as before, so NO regression.
06:24 PM Bug report #16754 (Closed): QGIS crahes when panning or zooming PostGIS raster
- Reinhard Reiterer wrote:
> I'm not sure about this. I do not use the @-R@ parameter.
it also happens without it
... -
06:24 PM Bug report #16754 (Closed): QGIS crahes when panning or zooming PostGIS raster
- Reinhard Reiterer wrote:
> I'm not sure about this. I do not use the @-R@ parameter.
it also happens without it
... -
08:01 AM Bug report #16754: QGIS crahes when panning or zooming PostGIS raster
- I'm not sure about this. I do not use the @-R@ parameter.
06:17 PM Bug report #16712: SLD export of categorized style fails if attribute name conflicts with a built...
- fixed by commit:6006359710f7f800cae3327420d1486954e2cf7a
03:48 PM Bug report #16756 (Closed): Encoding error in DB Manager
- Since this commit:14ab5eb0bda9a5993b9ab15a3b7de1af9df8dcba
I get this error when trying to import data via 'cadast... -
01:59 PM Bug report #13096: QgsVectorLayerImport does not work for Oracle Provider
- Got the same problem i think. Question with bounty opened on GIS stack exchange
( -
10:36 AM Bug report #16446: Many-to-many (N:M) relationship not working on simple case
- When you say "add new line", you mean "add an entity", right?
Please make a screen cast, I really don't understand w... -
08:42 AM Bug report #16755 (Closed): Virtual fields are stored as datatype integer
- Steps to reproduce:
# Create a new project with a new point layer, leaving the id field only.
# Create virtual fi... -
02:34 AM Feature request #6670: Add drag and drop from Layer Panel to DBManager
- Works now for layer tree -> browser
02:34 AM Feature request #6670: Add drag and drop from Layer Panel to DBManager
- Works now for layer tree -> browser
09:27 PM Bug report #16719: Data Source Manager reset values on changes
- Klas Karlsson wrote:
> -The- My problem with it is in every release (after further examination).
> The behavior... -
11:55 AM Bug report #16719: Data Source Manager reset values on changes
- -The- My problem with it is in every release (after further examination).
The behavior is actually the same in the... -
08:23 PM Bug report #16754 (Feedback): QGIS crahes when panning or zooming PostGIS raster
- isn't this duplicated of #8073?
06:46 PM Bug report #16754: QGIS crahes when panning or zooming PostGIS raster
- File info:
© OpenStreetMap
EPSG: 3857
2976 x 2104 Pixel
609,8 kB (609.777 Bytes)
raster2pgsq... -
06:46 PM Bug report #16754: QGIS crahes when panning or zooming PostGIS raster
- File info:
© OpenStreetMap
EPSG: 3857
2976 x 2104 Pixel
609,8 kB (609.777 Bytes)
raster2pgsq... -
06:42 PM Bug report #16754 (Closed): QGIS crahes when panning or zooming PostGIS raster
- QGIS crashes when panning or zooming a map with a PostGIS raster.
03:58 PM Bug report #16753: off-line editing synchronization cripples the original datasource if this is a...
- one more note: this does not seems to happen in the endpoint is qgis server, but I have been able to test only with l...
02:23 PM Bug report #16753: off-line editing synchronization cripples the original datasource if this is a...
- If the above edits operation are done one at a time (then synchronize back, then placing again off-line the datasourc...
02:10 PM Bug report #16753 (Closed): off-line editing synchronization cripples the original datasource if ...
- The functionality seems ok is the original layer is a PostGIS one, for example.
If it is a WFS-T and the edits mad... -
03:22 PM Bug report #16428: Processing UI forms not rendering properly
- Version info:
QGIS version
QGIS code branch
Release 2.99
Compiled against Qt
Running a... -
03:20 PM Bug report #16428: Processing UI forms not rendering properly
- I had this problem too (Debian testing... now stable :-) ),
could not use/show processing untill I used Matteo's 't... -
09:37 AM Bug report #16752 (Closed): Function Editor "New File" reset previous functions
- It seems like a click on the "New File" button (actually when you set the new file name), the function that is curren...
08:01 AM Bug report #8619: Raster Calculator does not handle decimal values
- Still an issue in 2.18.9. Running on Linux Mint. Maybe it's about decimal separators, my locale uses ',', not '.'..? ...
10:45 AM Feature request #16751 (Closed): open jpeg images with GPS EXIF as points
- duplicate of #6180
this is something you can meanwhile to achieve with the photo2shape plugin, or also the tag and... -
10:45 AM Feature request #16751 (Closed): open jpeg images with GPS EXIF as points
- duplicate of #6180
this is something you can meanwhile to achieve with the photo2shape plugin, or also the tag and... -
08:35 AM Feature request #16751 (Closed): open jpeg images with GPS EXIF as points
- When you drag and drop a .jpg image into QGIS it opens it as a Raster, however if the JPEG has a GPS coordinate in it...
10:43 AM Feature request #15282 (Open): backport to 2.18 "v.voronoi.skeleton.txt" (avaiable only on master).
10:17 AM Feature request #15282: backport to 2.18 "v.voronoi.skeleton.txt" (avaiable only on master).
- Isnt' this already implemented in: -
10:15 AM Feature request #15282: backport to 2.18 "v.voronoi.skeleton.txt" (avaiable only on master).
- Why set as not easy fix? It looks so to me. Am I missing something?
05:46 PM Bug report #16507: Navigation problem with a VRT
- I can reproduce under Linux too. I strongly believe this is linked to use of a VRT from several threads which is know...
04:21 PM Bug report #16507: Navigation problem with a VRT
LIJPEG i haven't a version dut i ha... -
01:34 PM Bug report #16507: Navigation problem with a VRT
> Do you have a methode for using qgis2.18.9 and the same version of gdal/ogr ?
yes, compiling both gdal and qgi...-
05:18 PM Bug report #16750 (Closed): Attribute table does not show display value in case a relation refere...
- It seems that in the attribute table in QGIS master the attribute tables shows the internal code instead of the displ...
04:51 PM Bug report #15964: Drag-and-drop form: impossible to drag fields into the right form panel
- confirmed in master.
04:29 PM Bug report #16446: Many-to-many (N:M) relationship not working on simple case
- I tested that and it works for me though selecting rows is not so easy to understand.
In your dataset, the issue is... -
02:16 PM Bug report #16035 (Closed): Selected features does Not Work for Second Layer in processing
- Fixed in master
02:16 PM Bug report #16035 (Closed): Selected features does Not Work for Second Layer in processing
- Fixed in master
02:16 PM Bug report #16035 (Closed): Selected features does Not Work for Second Layer in processing
- Fixed in master
02:14 PM Feature request #5448 (Closed): Create a log file with model metadata
- Implemented in master
02:14 PM Feature request #5448 (Closed): Create a log file with model metadata
- Implemented in master
02:14 PM Feature request #5448 (Closed): Create a log file with model metadata
- Implemented in master
02:13 PM Feature request #16642: Add for a lot of tools the possibility of working only with selected feature
- Thanks a lot !
02:10 PM Feature request #16642 (Closed): Add for a lot of tools the possibility of working only with sele...
- This is fixed in master
02:10 PM Feature request #16642 (Closed): Add for a lot of tools the possibility of working only with sele...
- This is fixed in master
02:11 PM Bug report #16738 (Closed): Processing's widgets are not readable
- Duplicate of #16248
02:11 PM Bug report #16738 (Closed): Processing's widgets are not readable
- Duplicate of #16248
02:01 PM Bug report #16749 (Closed): Loading a layer from a GPKG that contains a lot of other layers is ve...
- To replicate:
* download (very big): it has thousands of tables, this was made on purpose to... -
01:32 PM Bug report #16743: Couldn't load PyQt - new installation qgis 2.18.9
- marjolein hermans wrote:
> strange. here both times problems.
> could my anaconda python installation(s) conflict w... -
09:10 AM Bug report #16743: Couldn't load PyQt - new installation qgis 2.18.9
- strange. here both times problems.
could my anaconda python installation(s) conflict with this python? -
12:23 PM Feature request #16747: Add option to label connected polygons once
- @Harrisou...
10:49 AM Feature request #16747: Add option to label connected polygons once
- I agree that would be a nice improvement to not have two contiguous polygon with same label...
@Regis, Couldn't some... -
09:29 AM Feature request #16747 (Feedback): Add option to label connected polygons once
- Not sure I get exactly what you need.
Be aware that union on geometry are really heavy computation tasks and they ...
07:27 PM Bug report #16748 (Closed): Position of an attribute table object in a composer doesn't follow th...
- Hello QGIS Community,
I have a project with an atlas based on a layer with several entities and attributes.
In my... -
06:07 PM Feature request #16747 (Feedback): Add option to label connected polygons once
- h1. The Problem
Under Layer Properties -> Labels -> Rendering -> Feature options, there is an option to "Merge con... -
05:24 PM Bug report #16507: Navigation problem with a VRT
- Giovanni Manghi wrote:
> Thomas Ailhaud wrote:
> > I have download the last version 2.18.9.
> >
> > The bug is s... -
04:44 PM Bug report #16741: Cannot load UI form store into PostGreSQL database
- Giovanni Manghi wrote:
> Hi, is this a question/support request or a bug report?
As Bertrand says, it's a bug repor... -
02:21 PM Bug report #16741 (Open): Cannot load UI form store into PostGreSQL database
01:56 PM Bug report #16741: Cannot load UI form store into PostGreSQL database
- Hi, I think this is a bug report because I encounter the same issue.
I've saved a style with fields populated by lis... -
01:41 PM Bug report #16741 (Feedback): Cannot load UI form store into PostGreSQL database
- Hi, is this a question/support request or a bug report?
12:10 PM Bug report #16741 (Closed): Cannot load UI form store into PostGreSQL database
- Hi,
I can successfully save UI when I save style to PostGreSQL.
Problem is when I wanted to load it. UI is not lo... -
03:52 PM Bug report #16743: Couldn't load PyQt - new installation qgis 2.18.9
- just did both (standalone and osgeo4w) on win7 pro, no issues at all. My test user has admin rights.
02:17 PM Bug report #16743: Couldn't load PyQt - new installation qgis 2.18.9
- same problem with the osgeo4w one... unfortunately
Couldn't load PyQt.
Python support will be disabled.
Trac... -
01:57 PM Bug report #16743: Couldn't load PyQt - new installation qgis 2.18.9
- i'll try. problem is that i am not administrator...
01:56 PM Bug report #16743: Couldn't load PyQt - new installation qgis 2.18.9
- try the osgeo4w one, follow the advanced install and see if the result it the same of it works.
01:55 PM Bug report #16743: Couldn't load PyQt - new installation qgis 2.18.9
- standalone installer from (64 bit windows version)
01:53 PM Bug report #16743 (Feedback): Couldn't load PyQt - new installation qgis 2.18.9
- standalone installer or osgeo4w?
01:52 PM Bug report #16743 (Closed): Couldn't load PyQt - new installation qgis 2.18.9
- I am new to qgis. after installation I get the error below when I start qgis.
please advise how i could solve this.
... -
03:18 PM Bug report #16746 (Closed): Hide/Show attribute columns in attribute table fails after toggling c...
- Steps to reproduce:
Show an arbitrary attribute table
Right click a column-header and open the "Organiz... -
03:12 PM Bug report #16745 (Closed): Relation reference widget: entries with a primary key of 0 are not pr...
- Ways to reproduce:
Load two tables with a common key. The second table should be no-geometry "value list" tabl... -
02:35 PM Feature request #16744 (Open): Variables: extend map/canvas extent related variables to other parts
- Currently, it looks like one can use the map canvas attributes (id, rotation, center, height, width...) to style or l...
01:27 PM Bug report #16742 (Open): Browser Panel: unable to find all the connected drives
- The browser panel doesn't show all the drives I can connect to. Actually it fails to show a drive I pluged in as a ne...
10:43 AM Bug report #16740 (Closed): Status Bar: the Extent textbox doesn't show all the values
- See screenshot
Note that in 2.18 it has enough size to show all the extent values -
10:39 AM Bug report #16739 (Closed): Status Bar: impossible to paste text in the Extent textbox
- In the QGIS main status bar toggle the Coordinates widget to Extent.
Right-click in the frame: you are only allowed ... -
09:25 AM Bug report #16738 (Closed): Processing's widgets are not readable
- See screenshot.
06:26 PM Bug report #16737 (Closed): QGIS crash every time when I use python console
- QGIS 2.14.14 crashes every time I use Python console. I am using macOS Sierra.
02:24 PM Bug report #16730: python error in DB Manager when connecting to a Geopackage datasource
- @even make it sense to use a custom code instead of using directly Dataprovider qgis api that seems they work managei...
02:21 PM Bug report #16730: python error in DB Manager when connecting to a Geopackage datasource
- Fixed per commit:2fb0b16364122badf1b797c77bb89cc1eddffcfe / commit:6cfd1a0f51251691e46741fef519ca6eace11405
The l... -
02:00 PM Bug report #16730: python error in DB Manager when connecting to a Geopackage datasource
- the layer that fail is: "Zagros, Elam, and Iran" (the firt enountered in the GDAL GetLayers)
geomtype = 0 (wkb... -
11:22 AM Bug report #16730: python error in DB Manager when connecting to a Geopackage datasource
- btw tables whould be managed by
11:17 AM Bug report #16730: python error in DB Manager when connecting to a Geopackage datasource
- without much debug I can see that geomname is set only if:...
11:16 AM Bug report #16730: python error in DB Manager when connecting to a Geopackage datasource
- confirmed
11:52 AM Feature request #16736 (Open): Python Console: make more obvious that the Save button of the Comm...
- From the contextual menu of the input area, you can choose to save the command history. Hitting Save shows a "History...
11:10 AM Bug report #16735 (Closed): Python Console: typing _api should open the version API documentation...
- In the input area of the Python Console, type *_api*
Normally, it should open the online API documentation of the QG... -
11:00 AM Bug report #16507: Navigation problem with a VRT
- Damien Smith wrote:
> I also have this issue since 2.18.5 using JPEG-compressed YCbCr GeoTiffs. A workaround is to ... -
07:35 AM Feature request #16734 (Feedback): Per-layer option to display only legend items visible on curre...
- What about the green "funnel" icon? If I understand correctly this is what you're trying to do.
01:30 AM Bug report #16507: Navigation problem with a VRT
- I also have this issue since 2.18.5 using JPEG-compressed YCbCr GeoTiffs. A workaround is to load all of the individ...
11:17 PM Feature request #16734 (Feedback): Per-layer option to display only legend items visible on curre...
- This checkbox is already there for atlas features. Legend displays only features visible on current atlas page. Since...
11:11 PM Feature request #16733 (Open): Add layer-centric expression functions
- While there are a lot of feature-centric functions, there is no function to get layer as a whole with it's properties...
10:07 PM Bug report #16732: QGIS Crashing Continually
> I have had the exact same experience in February while conducting a QGIS course at an university. Constant minidu...-
10:03 PM Bug report #16732: QGIS Crashing Continually
- Leigh Seitz wrote:
> Using the osgeo4w installer, I installed the long term version 2.14.15 which fixed the problem ... -
09:55 PM Bug report #16732: QGIS Crashing Continually
- Leigh Seitz wrote:
> Using the osgeo4w installer, I installed the long term version 2.14.15 which fixed the problem ... -
09:49 PM Bug report #16732: QGIS Crashing Continually
- Using the osgeo4w installer, I installed the long term version 2.14.15 which fixed the problem of crashing on my comp...
09:18 PM Bug report #16732 (Feedback): QGIS Crashing Continually
- how did you install on Windows and macOS?
on Windows did you used the osgeo4w installer? can you check the version... -
09:18 PM Bug report #16732 (Feedback): QGIS Crashing Continually
- how did you install on Windows and macOS?
on Windows did you used the osgeo4w installer? can you check the version... -
09:10 PM Bug report #16732 (Closed): QGIS Crashing Continually
- Hi, I was running a training on introductory QGIS and the most recent version keeps crashing on both PC and Mac users...
07:53 PM Bug report #16727 (Closed): Importing files from GDB containing a .shp file
- Agreed - the amount of work required to fix this is not justified by the extreme rareness of reproducing it in the wild.
07:53 PM Bug report #16727 (Closed): Importing files from GDB containing a .shp file
- Agreed - the amount of work required to fix this is not justified by the extreme rareness of reproducing it in the wild.
10:30 AM Bug report #16727 (Feedback): Importing files from GDB containing a .shp file
- "...placed a shapefile into my GeoDatabase in windows explorer by accident..."
it seems to me a very (very) edge c... -
10:30 AM Bug report #16727 (Feedback): Importing files from GDB containing a .shp file
- "...placed a shapefile into my GeoDatabase in windows explorer by accident..."
it seems to me a very (very) edge c... -
09:13 AM Bug report #16727 (Closed): Importing files from GDB containing a .shp file
- When using the, Add Vector Layer -> Directory -> Type= "OpenFIleGDB" and browsing to a Geodatabase created by ArcGIS,...
04:04 PM Bug report #16715: Processing: SELECT algs don't work in modeller on Windows
- Anita Graser wrote:
> Since models in current Processing versions ignore selections, I'm not sure if there is any us... -
03:40 PM Bug report #16731 (Closed): Processing/GRASS tools fail if input datasource has spaces in the name
- For example try v.buffer
02:21 PM Bug report #16718: QGIS MSSQL Layer creation error in OSX
- Jerome Anthony wrote:
> Giovanni Manghi wrote:
> > is this to report the same kind of issue as #16716?
> Is th... -
08:36 AM Bug report #16718: QGIS MSSQL Layer creation error in OSX
- Giovanni Manghi wrote:
> is this to report the same kind of issue as #16716?
Is there anything you guys want from... -
02:09 PM Bug report #16726 (Feedback): Using the browser QGis chrashes when opening a folder that contains...
- Cannot confirm on Linux and Windows, 2.18.9 and master.
02:09 PM Bug report #16726 (Feedback): Using the browser QGis chrashes when opening a folder that contains...
- Cannot confirm on Linux and Windows, 2.18.9 and master.
08:13 AM Bug report #16726 (Closed): Using the browser QGis chrashes when opening a folder that contains t...
- The file is a DEM downloaded from EarthExplorer. I could open it in the previous version of QGIS.
https://www.drop... -
01:39 PM Bug report #16730 (Closed): python error in DB Manager when connecting to a Geopackage datasource
- It happens that I created (via ogr2ogr) a GPKG file from a KML one.
This GPKG file works ok in QGIS when layers ar... -
09:53 AM Bug report #16729 (Open): The scaling bar go in the "space" after having activate the atlas
- After having activated the atlas, the X position of my scale bar change in 10000000mm. I put images to illustrate the...
09:43 AM Bug report #16728 (Closed): After having activated an atlas, it's no more possible to select an o...
- To be more accurate, it's possible to do a selection but the "little square" placed in the angle of the object disapp...
09:22 PM Bug report #16667 (Feedback): Vector field marker length attribute not stored in QML
- Hi Nick! I've tried reproducing this issue with 2.18.9 but it all seems to work correctly here.
Can you give the ... -
09:22 PM Bug report #16667 (Feedback): Vector field marker length attribute not stored in QML
- Hi Nick! I've tried reproducing this issue with 2.18.9 but it all seems to work correctly here.
Can you give the ... -
09:22 PM Bug report #16667 (Feedback): Vector field marker length attribute not stored in QML
- Hi Nick! I've tried reproducing this issue with 2.18.9 but it all seems to work correctly here.
Can you give the ... -
09:07 PM Bug report #16715: Processing: SELECT algs don't work in modeller on Windows
- Since models in current Processing versions ignore selections, I'm not sure if there is any use case for the select t...
06:52 PM Bug report #10790: OpenStreetMap plugin only loads 32 bits numbers ID, then start with negative n...
- I don't know if Spatialite provider supports TEXT identifiers. Or negative integer identifiers (which might be the li...
06:21 PM Bug report #16725 (Closed): Parser error in Atlas 'Output filename expression' textbox - badly ha...
- When manually entering the 'Output filename expression', if you leave the textbox before the expression is fully pars...
05:59 PM Bug report #16692: Pb 0 instead of NULL when creating a new SHP field
- I agree this is a real problem change, particularly for label placement in layers with many features. Suddenly we hav...
05:44 PM Bug report #16710: drops all but first word from comments
- So Nyall and Denis: do you think should be merged with the sip-generated broke...
05:16 PM Bug report #16724 (Feedback): tests/src/core/testqgsogcutils.cpp Port away from qt_qhash_seed whi...
- tests/src/core/testqgsogcutils.cpp doesn't build with QT59
qSetGl... -
05:08 PM Bug report #16723 (Rejected): Create grid (polygon) has no parameters
- There are no one parameter.
03:18 PM Bug report #16719: Data Source Manager reset values on changes
- not @elpaso confirms with latest build => we have to set it as invelid or we need more info to replicate the issue
02:54 PM Bug report #16719 (Feedback): Data Source Manager reset values on changes
- Hi @Klas
I can't confirm on linux... can you share the build version?
tnx -
01:35 PM Bug report #16722 (Closed): Wrong result for curveToLine with max angle 70 on a semicircle
- This code snippet shows how a MaxAngle:70-degrees linearization of a curve gives a wrong result:...
11:43 AM Bug report #16721 (Closed): Problem with an empty Geopackage layer and zoom to group
- Zoom to group does not work if one of the layers under the group is an empty gpkg layer. It locks the panning functio...
10:51 AM Feature request #16040 (Open): Filter relation reference widget by expressions
- I reopen that feature request, because the alternate proposal - adding another button - does not seem so nice to me, ...
10:51 AM Feature request #16040 (Open): Filter relation reference widget by expressions
- I reopen that feature request, because the alternate proposal - adding another button - does not seem so nice to me, ...
09:23 AM Bug report #16720 (Closed): Pyspatialite in QGIS 3 crash
- To reproduce, in a Python console:...
08:40 AM Bug report #16646: Small errors in SAGA Raster Calculator output
> Victor, Alexander, Giovanni, do you think this could make sense? Should I open a feature request for this?
07:40 AM Bug report #16646 (Closed): Small errors in SAGA Raster Calculator output
- Applied in changeset commit:qgis|a511ecddcf16ee35fb35119b881b746f5a49741a.
07:40 AM Bug report #16646 (Closed): Small errors in SAGA Raster Calculator output
- Applied in changeset commit:qgis|a511ecddcf16ee35fb35119b881b746f5a49741a.
11:18 PM Bug report #16718 (Feedback): QGIS MSSQL Layer creation error in OSX
- is this to report the same kind of issue as #16716?
09:01 AM Bug report #16718 (Closed): QGIS MSSQL Layer creation error in OSX
- Hi I get the following error when I try to create a MSSQL layer in QGIS on OSX (mac).
*Error opening connection: ... -
09:08 AM Bug report #16719 (Feedback): Data Source Manager reset values on changes
- The new Data Source Manager resets some options when you change previous options when adding "Delimited Text".
If ...
06:04 PM Bug report #16717: curveToLine introduces duplicated points
- A testcase showing the incongruence is here:
05:59 PM Bug report #16717 (Closed): curveToLine introduces duplicated points
- Writing tests for QgsCircularString::curveToLine I found duplicated points in output.
Here's an example:
CIR... -
11:50 AM Bug report #16710 (Reopened): drops all but first word from comments
- If the policy is to remove them from output it is not working, as the very first word after the comment is being reta...
03:29 PM Bug report #16716: QGIS MSSQL connection creation issue
- Jerome Anthony wrote:
> Attached the image with gibberish in error message
could you please try an see if it happ... -
03:28 PM Bug report #16716 (Closed): QGIS MSSQL connection creation issue
- Jerome Anthony wrote:
> Image attached
in "host" use the IP address or host name of the server, you don't need to... -
10:53 AM Bug report #16716: QGIS MSSQL connection creation issue
- Giovanni Manghi wrote:
> Use the native MSSQL provider that QGIS has. See attached image.
I am using this one -
10:53 AM Bug report #16716: QGIS MSSQL connection creation issue
- Attached the image with gibberish in error message
10:45 AM Bug report #16716: QGIS MSSQL connection creation issue
- Image attached
10:44 AM Bug report #16716 (Reopened): QGIS MSSQL connection creation issue
- Hi Giovannie,
I am still getting errors, and it's not very obvious on how to proceed further
10:28 AM Bug report #16716 (Closed): QGIS MSSQL connection creation issue
- Use the native MSSQL provider that QGIS has. See attached image.
10:28 AM Bug report #16716 (Closed): QGIS MSSQL connection creation issue
- Use the native MSSQL provider that QGIS has. See attached image.
10:28 AM Bug report #16716 (Closed): QGIS MSSQL connection creation issue
- Use the native MSSQL provider that QGIS has. See attached image.
10:06 AM Bug report #16716 (Closed): QGIS MSSQL connection creation issue
- I am on OSX (mac)
I have created a DSN using iODBC Administrator.
When I try to create a MSSQL layer using the...
10:38 PM Bug report #16715 (Closed): Processing: SELECT algs don't work in modeller on Windows
- Hi,
this bug only exists on windows. Select algs ( select by expression, select by location...) work well on linux... -
10:23 PM Bug report #16646: Small errors in SAGA Raster Calculator output
- Hi,
I've been going deeper into this.
! -
04:24 PM Bug report #16714 (Closed): Symbols in layer panel resize on zooming map if they are in map units
- When symbol sizes are defined in mp units they get scaled with the map, which leads to almost unusable layer tree. Sc...
04:18 PM Bug report #16657: date edit widget only shows current date whatever the real data is underneath
- when I cast the field in the SQL view to a date field, QGIS will handle it correctly.
01:38 PM Bug report #16710 (Closed): drops all but first word from comments
- indeed sip does not support docstrings for bindings and the policy is just to remove them from source.
01:38 PM Bug report #16710 (Closed): drops all but first word from comments
- indeed sip does not support docstrings for bindings and the policy is just to remove them from source.
01:14 PM Bug report #16710: drops all but first word from comments
- That's by design - sip doesn't support documentation for enumeration values.
01:10 PM Bug report #16710 (Open): drops all but first word from comments
- Nyall moving the comment from above the enum value to its right side with '//!<' prefix makes it completely disappear...
11:08 AM Bug report #16693 (Closed): QGIS crashes when some layer classification unchecked
08:57 AM Bug report #16693: QGIS crashes when some layer classification unchecked
- I have tried on two others machines. The bug was replicated only on one.
I have completely uninstalled QGIS on the...
12:08 AM Feature request #16713 (Open): Add rotate() expression geometry function
- A rotate() function similar to PostGIS st_rotate would be extremely handy for "geometry generator" symbols and other ...
05:12 PM Bug report #16712 (Closed): SLD export of categorized style fails if attribute name conflicts wit...
- A style build on an "Area" attribute will conflict with the built-in area function and the export won't contain a pro...
02:33 PM Bug report #16665 (Closed): Native XYZ provider doesn't display all available zoom levels
- For future reference (from the ML). Thanks Martin !
2017-06-13 15:54 GMT+00:00 Martin Dobias:
> (...) this is alr... -
02:33 PM Bug report #16665 (Closed): Native XYZ provider doesn't display all available zoom levels
- For future reference (from the ML). Thanks Martin !
2017-06-13 15:54 GMT+00:00 Martin Dobias:
> (...) this is alr... -
09:46 AM Bug report #16132 (Closed): Shortcuts not working in composer
- These shortcuts are now all working in composer on the latest version of Master.
07:13 AM Feature request #16711 (Feedback): Canvas in Dockable / Fullscreen-able Widget
- It would be nice if the map canvas was able to be moved around like a widget.
It would also be nice if this map can...
01:32 AM Feature request #16708: Support Postgres Range Types
- QGIS 3.0 has classes for ranges such as QgsDoubleRange, QgsIntRange, QgsDateTimeRange and QgsDateRange (also it's eas...
01:26 AM Bug report #16710 (Feedback): drops all but first word from comments
01:26 AM Bug report #16710: drops all but first word from comments
- I suspect it's because your doxygen tags are malformed. They should be:
enum SegmentationToleranceType
... -
04:02 PM Bug report #16710: drops all but first word from comments
- The problem affected
03:57 PM Bug report #16710: drops all but first word from comments
- It is doing the mungling, could be this block:...
03:53 PM Bug report #16710 (Closed): drops all but first word from comments
- This diff was introduced by `git commit` (which in turn calls
08:40 PM Bug report #16704: QGIS 3 : Crash tool reopening option does not loads the last saved project
- Harrissou Santanna wrote:
> Giovanni, i don't think that it's the reopening that makes Qgis crash. Actually Arnaud s... -
08:06 PM Bug report #16704: QGIS 3 : Crash tool reopening option does not loads the last saved project
- Giovanni, i don't think that it's the reopening that makes Qgis crash. Actually Arnaud suggests to do something that ...
02:08 PM Bug report #16704 (Feedback): QGIS 3 : Crash tool reopening option does not loads the last saved ...
- Re-saving a QGIS project into another location with QGIS 3 master does not crash here on the same plataform. Pleas at...
02:08 PM Bug report #16704 (Feedback): QGIS 3 : Crash tool reopening option does not loads the last saved ...
- Re-saving a QGIS project into another location with QGIS 3 master does not crash here on the same plataform. Pleas at...
02:08 PM Bug report #16704 (Feedback): QGIS 3 : Crash tool reopening option does not loads the last saved ...
- Re-saving a QGIS project into another location with QGIS 3 master does not crash here on the same plataform. Pleas at...
02:08 PM Bug report #16704 (Feedback): QGIS 3 : Crash tool reopening option does not loads the last saved ...
- Re-saving a QGIS project into another location with QGIS 3 master does not crash here on the same plataform. Pleas at...
05:07 PM Feature request #3209 (Closed): Set "Skip attribute creation" as a default setting when user choo...
05:06 PM Feature request #3209: Set "Skip attribute creation" as a default setting when user chooses "Micr...
- Fixed in commit:9a6235dba and commit:7634b0b75
02:42 PM Bug report #16706: Rule based symbology matching "lack of value" is not properly encoded in SLD
- Pull request here:
02:14 PM Bug report #11954: Atlas doesn't consider map rotation when setting scale
- Encountered this issue when creating my first atlas last week. Made a column for rotating shapes, so they fit best on...
02:04 PM Bug report #16703 (Feedback): QGIS 3 : Node tool bug on pan
- just tested on the same platform on the latest master, no crash. Or maybe I have not understand how replicate so poss...
02:04 PM Bug report #16703 (Feedback): QGIS 3 : Node tool bug on pan
- just tested on the same platform on the latest master, no crash. Or maybe I have not understand how replicate so poss...
02:04 PM Bug report #16703 (Feedback): QGIS 3 : Node tool bug on pan
- just tested on the same platform on the latest master, no crash. Or maybe I have not understand how replicate so poss...
02:04 PM Bug report #16703 (Feedback): QGIS 3 : Node tool bug on pan
- just tested on the same platform on the latest master, no crash. Or maybe I have not understand how replicate so poss...
02:04 PM Bug report #16703 (Feedback): QGIS 3 : Node tool bug on pan
- just tested on the same platform on the latest master, no crash. Or maybe I have not understand how replicate so poss...
01:55 PM Bug report #16709 (Feedback): GeoJSON URLs (https) can't be added to projects in 2.18.9 (worked ...
01:55 PM Bug report #16709: GeoJSON URLs (https) can't be added to projects in 2.18.9 (worked in previous...
- Notes:
in the QGIS log you will see
2017-06-13T12:30:01 1 Data source is invalid (SSL certificate problem: self... -
01:55 PM Bug report #16709: GeoJSON URLs (https) can't be added to projects in 2.18.9 (worked in previous...
- Notes:
in the QGIS log you will see
2017-06-13T12:30:01 1 Data source is invalid (SSL certificate problem: self... -
01:55 PM Bug report #16709: GeoJSON URLs (https) can't be added to projects in 2.18.9 (worked in previous...
- Notes:
in the QGIS log you will see
2017-06-13T12:30:01 1 Data source is invalid (SSL certificate problem: self... -
01:42 PM Bug report #16507 (Feedback): Navigation problem with a VRT
- Thomas Ailhaud wrote:
> I have download the last version 2.18.9.
> The bug is still there.
of course, no one... -
10:32 AM Bug report #15741: PostGIS issue when using 'Merge selected features' tool (Geometry type does ...
- Luigi Pirelli wrote:
> Applied in changeset commit:qgis|87116abd72ac52be042c3bff195a3cc931b035e6.
fix applied als...
12:41 AM Bug report #16644 (Closed): Crash when using search input in Option dialog
- Applied in changeset commit:qgis|b461adda1541c2a115c1b8ab2d8b1a79d6342c52.
12:41 AM Bug report #16644 (Closed): Crash when using search input in Option dialog
- Applied in changeset commit:qgis|b461adda1541c2a115c1b8ab2d8b1a79d6342c52.
09:43 PM Bug report #16709 (Closed): GeoJSON URLs (https) can't be added to projects in 2.18.9 (worked in...
- QGIS v2.18.9 - GeoJSON URLs can't be added and previous version *.qgs with them in 'break'
1) A... -
08:25 PM Feature request #16708 (Open): Support Postgres Range Types
- Range types are data types representing a range of values of some element type. For instance, ranges of timestamp mig...
07:42 PM Bug report #16707 (Closed): SLD export of "hairline" lines results in a different visual thickness
- Exporting a layer using a "hairline" line width results in a LineSymbolizer with no stroke-width property.
That in t... -
07:35 PM Bug report #16706 (Closed): Rule based symbology matching "lack of value" is not properly encoded...
- Having a rule based symbology like:...
06:07 PM Bug report #15741 (Closed): PostGIS issue when using 'Merge selected features' tool (Geometry t...
- Applied in changeset commit:qgis|87116abd72ac52be042c3bff195a3cc931b035e6.
06:07 PM Bug report #15741 (Closed): PostGIS issue when using 'Merge selected features' tool (Geometry t...
- Applied in changeset commit:qgis|87116abd72ac52be042c3bff195a3cc931b035e6.
05:41 PM Bug report #16507: Navigation problem with a VRT
- I have download the last version 2.18.9.
The bug is still there.
04:14 PM Bug report #16705 (Closed): Handle missing PostGIS with useful warning/error messages
- If a PostgreSQL database doesn't have PostGIS installed or configured properly, the database manager errors out witho...
01:39 PM Bug report #16704 (Closed): QGIS 3 : Crash tool reopening option does not loads the last saved pr...
- Open a .qgs project with QGIS 3, save it somewhere else using QGIS, make QGIS crash, click on reopen option, project ...
01:32 PM Bug report #16703: QGIS 3 : Node tool bug on pan
- !!
01:32 PM Bug report #16703 (Closed): QGIS 3 : Node tool bug on pan
- Click and pan on the node tool creates a selection rectangle which makes QGIS crash.
The user should not do this, ... -
12:23 PM Bug report #16562: Performance with Oracle datasets
- Giovanni Manghi wrote:
> it is usual in this cases the interested entity to take contact with one of the company tha... -
11:09 AM Bug report #16562: Performance with Oracle datasets
- it is usual in this cases the interested entity to take contact with one of the company that provide QGIS support and...
10:51 AM Bug report #16701 (Closed): valid kml 2.1 file but qgis does not open the file
- ogrinfo says that your KML is not valid.
giovanni@sibirica:~/Desktop$ ogrinfo test.kml
ERROR 4: ERROR parsing ... -
10:51 AM Bug report #16701 (Closed): valid kml 2.1 file but qgis does not open the file
- ogrinfo says that your KML is not valid.
giovanni@sibirica:~/Desktop$ ogrinfo test.kml
ERROR 4: ERROR parsing ... -
10:51 AM Bug report #16701 (Closed): valid kml 2.1 file but qgis does not open the file
- ogrinfo says that your KML is not valid.
giovanni@sibirica:~/Desktop$ ogrinfo test.kml
ERROR 4: ERROR parsing ... -
10:51 AM Bug report #16701 (Closed): valid kml 2.1 file but qgis does not open the file
- ogrinfo says that your KML is not valid.
giovanni@sibirica:~/Desktop$ ogrinfo test.kml
ERROR 4: ERROR parsing ... -
09:20 AM Bug report #16701 (Closed): valid kml 2.1 file but qgis does not open the file
- This is the valid kml file qgis does not open:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><kml:kml
xmlns:xs="http://ww... -
10:00 AM Bug report #16702 (Closed): Conflict in CTRL + d shortcut
- There's a conflict in the Ctrl+d shortcut, it's used both for "Remove Layer/Group" in the Layers panel and for distan...
08:32 AM Bug report #16664 (Closed): After downloading a R script this is not immediately added to the Pro...
- Applied in changeset commit:qgis|9626d2f65b4d2708ec092bffb7a22efa884fef21.
08:32 AM Bug report #16664 (Closed): After downloading a R script this is not immediately added to the Pro...
- Applied in changeset commit:qgis|9626d2f65b4d2708ec092bffb7a22efa884fef21.
02:21 AM Bug report #14390 (Closed): Layer id generation prone to collisisions and overwrite in asynchrono...
- Applied in changeset commit:qgis|03bfe9bfbcd34f11c05c5a0398907865cc424d9c.
02:21 AM Bug report #14390 (Closed): Layer id generation prone to collisisions and overwrite in asynchrono...
- Applied in changeset commit:qgis|03bfe9bfbcd34f11c05c5a0398907865cc424d9c.
11:05 PM Bug report #16700 (Closed): TestQgsActionManager fails for unknown reasons
- It is the second time that TestQgsActionManager test fails
for unknown reasons, sometime being fixed by just a resta... -
09:15 AM Bug report #16562: Performance with Oracle datasets
- See also
08:57 AM Bug report #16698: When saving project, main windows changes size
- A commit reference would be better than just a date.
08:44 AM Bug report #10790: OpenStreetMap plugin only loads 32 bits numbers ID, then start with negative n...
- ogr2ogr (which works in the background of Add vector layer) stores all fields as VARCHAR, while the QGIS importer use...
09:04 PM Bug report #16699 (Feedback): QGIS crash dumped
09:04 PM Bug report #16699 (Closed): QGIS crash dumped
- try 2.18.9, attach sample data. Thanks.
09:02 PM Bug report #16699 (Closed): QGIS crash dumped
- hi,
I was trying to upload .csv through add delimited layer, converted from .xlsx, however it crashes every time wit... -
07:40 PM Bug report #16672 (Closed): in Processing
- Applied in changeset commit:qgis|68965485210bb317962ad9028a29a86b2e38ba2a.
07:40 PM Bug report #16672 (Closed): in Processing
- Applied in changeset commit:qgis|68965485210bb317962ad9028a29a86b2e38ba2a.
06:29 PM Bug report #10790: OpenStreetMap plugin only loads 32 bits numbers ID, then start with negative n...
- The kind of invalidity spot by QgsOSMDatabase::exportSpatiaLite is that wayPoints( ) returns an empty polyline...
04:52 PM Bug report #10790: OpenStreetMap plugin only loads 32 bits numbers ID, then start with negative n...
- `ways` identifiers go from 26553528 to 471592927.
`nodes` identifiers go from 291056122 to 4657544184.
2^32 is 4... -
03:34 PM Bug report #10790: OpenStreetMap plugin only loads 32 bits numbers ID, then start with negative n...
- Alright what "Export topology to Spatialite..." does is not really an "export" as it just creates more tables in an e...
03:21 PM Bug report #10790: OpenStreetMap plugin only loads 32 bits numbers ID, then start with negative n...
- Ok I could reproduce. It isn't clear to me what the "Export to Spatialite..." does but will dig further
03:21 PM Bug report #10790: OpenStreetMap plugin only loads 32 bits numbers ID, then start with negative n...
- Ok I could reproduce. It isn't clear to me what the "Export to Spatialite..." does but will dig further
03:14 PM Bug report #10790: OpenStreetMap plugin only loads 32 bits numbers ID, then start with negative n...
- Andre, could you give instructions in the form I gave them in #10790-16? I'll try to figure out but it's a lot of tim...
04:34 PM Feature request #16694: Select Features by Polygon - make selection polygon more visible?
- See also #14823
01:04 PM Bug report #16698 (Feedback): When saving project, main windows changes size
- During the saving of a project, the main QGIS window will revert - when full screen - to 100% Width and about 50% Hei...
10:23 PM Bug report #16697 (Closed): Portuguese translation fix
- on the context menu for layers on layers panel the string equivalent to "Set Layer CRS" is incorrect translated to "D...
10:17 PM Bug report #16696 (Closed): Portuguese translation corrections.
- The "Multipartes para partes simples" is opening the "Singleparts to multipart" instead. I believe is due to some mis...
10:13 PM Bug report #16672: in Processing
- I've tested the following modules after this change, and work well:
- -
05:56 PM Bug report #16695 (Closed): browser panel restore causes unwanted WMS connections when expanded
- The leaves of WMS connections should always be collapsed when restoring.
Patch: (PR will follow)
https://github.c... -
05:51 PM Bug report #16692: Pb 0 instead of NULL when creating a new SHP field
- Does this also apply to the 2.14 nightlies (qgis-ltr-dev) in OSGeo4W? Sounds like an issue related to GDAL/OGR 2.2,...
11:39 AM Bug report #16692 (Open): Pb 0 instead of NULL when creating a new SHP field
- Hello Regis,
I understand your explanation, but there is the same problem with en Gpkg file. So I think this is a ... -
11:06 AM Bug report #16692 (Feedback): Pb 0 instead of NULL when creating a new SHP field
- Hi Etienne,
shp can't handle NULL values, see:
Maybe in prev... -
11:02 AM Bug report #16692 (Closed): Pb 0 instead of NULL when creating a new SHP field
- In QGIS 2.14.15, with a SHP layer, when I create a new field (type real for example), when I save the modifications, ...
04:22 PM Bug report #16693: QGIS crashes when some layer classification unchecked
- Romain Blanc wrote:
> Same result without any plugin and after having deleted the .qgis2 folder.
> Here is the ... -
02:21 PM Bug report #16693: QGIS crashes when some layer classification unchecked
- Same result without any plugin and after having deleted the .qgis2 folder.
Here is the GPKG with two layers and th... -
01:55 PM Bug report #16693 (Feedback): QGIS crashes when some layer classification unchecked
- Tried hard here on same qhis version and platform, no issues. please try again after having removed any 4rd party plu...
01:49 PM Bug report #16693 (Closed): QGIS crashes when some layer classification unchecked
- Take minima two layers, give them a classification style. Then uncheck minima one class per layer: QGIS will freeze a...
04:17 PM Feature request #16694 (Open): Select Features by Polygon - make selection polygon more visible?
- When using "Select Features by Polygon" is it possible to adjust/make the selection polygon more visible?
If the sel... -
12:38 PM Bug report #15658 (Closed): map tips does not show images correctly anymore... on Linux
- Seems now you need to specify image size and follow strict HTML rules, then it works.
11:56 AM Bug report #15658 (Open): map tips does not show images correctly anymore... on Linux
- seems with local image is still broken and in 2.14 was ok.
11:56 AM Bug report #15658 (Open): map tips does not show images correctly anymore... on Linux
- seems with local image is still broken and in 2.14 was ok.
11:56 AM Bug report #15658 (Open): map tips does not show images correctly anymore... on Linux
- seems with local image is still broken and in 2.14 was ok.
11:04 AM Feature request #16690: Layer or Layers to KMZ export (Save As)
03:48 AM Feature request #16690 (Closed): Layer or Layers to KMZ export (Save As)
- This issue needs to be addressed in the GDAL library - that's where the KML styling is handled.
> I am having to g... -
03:48 AM Feature request #16690 (Closed): Layer or Layers to KMZ export (Save As)
- This issue needs to be addressed in the GDAL library - that's where the KML styling is handled.
> I am having to g... -
11:01 AM Bug report #16688: only show MySQL-Data with setting filter
- how did you connected to the mysql server? using the qgis "add vector layer" button or using a 3rd party plugin?
11:01 AM Bug report #16688: only show MySQL-Data with setting filter
- how did you connected to the mysql server? using the qgis "add vector layer" button or using a 3rd party plugin?
11:01 AM Bug report #16688: only show MySQL-Data with setting filter
- how did you connected to the mysql server? using the qgis "add vector layer" button or using a 3rd party plugin?
09:27 AM Bug report #16688: only show MySQL-Data with setting filter
- hello giovanni
this is my first ticket, sorry for mistakes. please relieve it.
greetings -
10:59 AM Bug report #16691: Font style translation problem on OSX (French)
- Hello, I have an other suggestion to make. Is it possible to simply deactivate the font translation? It's very annoyi...
10:19 AM Bug report #16691 (Closed): Font style translation problem on OSX (French)
- I have a problem with osx font translate on Qgis. For example (with a french language selected in osx system preferen...
08:17 AM Bug report #16685 (Closed): QgsSpatiaLiteProvider::loadFieldsAbstractInterface trying to assign d...
- Applied in changeset commit:qgis|f677eaf04f73331b1ef5180b2f30018d5e1faa53.
08:17 AM Bug report #16685 (Closed): QgsSpatiaLiteProvider::loadFieldsAbstractInterface trying to assign d...
- Applied in changeset commit:qgis|f677eaf04f73331b1ef5180b2f30018d5e1faa53.
08:01 AM Bug report #16624 (Closed): Postgis connections with a slash in the name are hidden/misnamed
- Applied in changeset commit:qgis|63269479682b9b71d0de74b518de09d5f72029d2.
06:53 AM Bug report #8546 (Closed): default maximum scale shows nonsense value
- Fixed in master
06:53 AM Bug report #8546 (Closed): default maximum scale shows nonsense value
- Fixed in master
06:53 AM Bug report #8608 (Closed): Wrong information in UI for min and max Scale denominator
- Seems fixed in latest releases
06:53 AM Bug report #8608 (Closed): Wrong information in UI for min and max Scale denominator
- Seems fixed in latest releases
06:51 AM Feature request #16349 (Closed): Make scale dependent visibility uniform for layers and labels
- Applied in changeset commit:qgis|e41346375582b6c01f2c88a801ed94b243da98ca.
06:51 AM Feature request #16349 (Closed): Make scale dependent visibility uniform for layers and labels
- Applied in changeset commit:qgis|e41346375582b6c01f2c88a801ed94b243da98ca.
06:51 AM Bug report #15512 (Closed): Can't leave out minimum (x)or maximum scale for scale range in rule-b...
- Applied in changeset commit:qgis|9805782bc237f268c18319ae1e78b79a2b382111.
06:51 AM Bug report #15512 (Closed): Can't leave out minimum (x)or maximum scale for scale range in rule-b...
- Applied in changeset commit:qgis|9805782bc237f268c18319ae1e78b79a2b382111.
10:01 PM Bug report #16240 (Closed): Node tool does not add z value to 3d vectors, while the nodes added b...
- Applied in changeset commit:qgis|f5b38fedbae096b9269f2ea81a1732c0b9ef27cc.
10:01 PM Bug report #16240 (Closed): Node tool does not add z value to 3d vectors, while the nodes added b...
- Applied in changeset commit:qgis|f5b38fedbae096b9269f2ea81a1732c0b9ef27cc.
09:01 PM Feature request #16690 (Closed): Layer or Layers to KMZ export (Save As)
- I am having to go back to ESRI because I cannot get enough information out of QGIS into my KMZ's.
Basic needs are:... -
08:26 PM Feature request #16689 (Open): Extend get_feature function to use multiple conditions
- For now get_feature returns first occurance of a matched attribute=value condition. It would be nice to have a more a...
04:03 PM Bug report #16688 (Feedback): only show MySQL-Data with setting filter
- why this was categorized to "processing/qgis"?
04:00 PM Bug report #16688 (Closed): only show MySQL-Data with setting filter
- i connected qgis with my mysql-database.
if i select a layer from mysql-connection without filter to show data - no... -
03:56 PM Bug report #16687 (Closed): Import a ShapeFile to an Oracle Spatial DataBase
- When I try to import a Shape File to an Oracle Spatial Database, using the database administrator, there's a bug that...
03:52 PM Bug report #16686 (Closed): Accessing CSW interfaces using TLS fails with SSL error for some ser...
- When accessing CSW endpoints that are using TLS (https) requesting GetCapabilities fails for certain servers.
Error... -
02:58 PM Bug report #16668: pgpass do not work on qgis master
- Probably a duplicate of #10932 (unix style line endings (linefeed only) expected)
02:46 PM Bug report #15752: Degradation of rendering performances in MSSQL provider
- results:
Using IsValid has ... -
11:35 AM Bug report #16685 (Feedback): QgsSpatiaLiteProvider::loadFieldsAbstractInterface trying to assign...
- Please submit the patch as Pull Request on GitHub, chances of being seen and reviewed here in the bug tracker are ver...
11:11 AM Bug report #16685 (Closed): QgsSpatiaLiteProvider::loadFieldsAbstractInterface trying to assign d...
- I have encountered a core dump while working with spatialite layers with latest master commit:e052933b1452b5e45715c1a...
10:19 AM Bug report #16673: Composer map element size not updated from expression
- Nyall, I think you're right with autorefresh, though maybe reopening a composer and/or project should trigger refresh...
10:13 AM Feature request #16684 (Open): Add an expression option to a Page property of composer items
- Now some composer item properties like Page or Item ID can't be set by expression.
It would be useful to add this fe... -
09:56 AM Bug report #16683 (Closed): QgsRubberBand displays incorrect geometry
- For example my situation.
There is ring-like line. (pic. 1)
Create buffer for line ("geom") (pic. 2) and pass it ...
12:25 AM Bug report #15752: Degradation of rendering performances in MSSQL provider
- Ok - let's do some more tests. I'm curious if it's the added IsValid check which is causing these remaining regressio...
09:49 PM Bug report #15752: Degradation of rendering performances in MSSQL provider
- Nyall Dawson wrote:
> I'm confused - did you attach the wrong table above? It looks like it's still slower to me?
... -
09:27 PM Bug report #15752: Degradation of rendering performances in MSSQL provider
- I'm confused - did you attach the wrong table above? It looks like it's still slower to me?
03:00 PM Bug report #15752: Degradation of rendering performances in MSSQL provider
- !!
Even with the debug flags qgis-rel-dev was faster than the 2.18 final relea... -
12:17 AM Bug report #16673: Composer map element size not updated from expression
- I'd be concerned about the cost of refreshing the composition whenever a layer is edited. That's potentially a lot of...
10:46 PM Bug report #16673: Composer map element size not updated from expression
- True, refresh button forces a recalc, missed that option.
However, it would be much better if recalculation is made ... -
06:27 PM Bug report #16682 (Closed): FAIL: testDoAction (__main__.TestQgsActionManager): AssertionError: '...
- The latest Travis build in 2.18 branch failed with an error which seems to be unrelated to the changes since last suc...
03:47 PM Bug report #16681 (Closed): Categorized symbol levels show wrong on map
- I have tried to create rule-based symbols for a point vector data layer with two levels: e.g. larger colored circle +...
03:00 PM Bug report #16675: WFS client does not load geometry of type LineString_Curve_MultiCurve_Composit...
- Backported to 2.18 in commit:5d7bf0df320f8ceba8705b2dd424b2a3c010db00 + commit:9397c4fcbb29dd18d3e3e3d532cffdcf95cf613e
12:39 PM Bug report #16675 (Closed): WFS client does not load geometry of type LineString_Curve_MultiCurve...
- Fixed in master per commit:7435d34239717f667d6ecd8b5e1a203f3cd1e600
12:39 PM Bug report #16675 (Closed): WFS client does not load geometry of type LineString_Curve_MultiCurve...
- Fixed in master per commit:7435d34239717f667d6ecd8b5e1a203f3cd1e600
11:33 AM Bug report #16675 (Closed): WFS client does not load geometry of type LineString_Curve_MultiCurve...
- For the service
the layers SOLI and TBLI do... -
01:11 PM Bug report #14589: GetCapabilities gets cached in a confusing way (even when QGIS cache is set to 0)
- I have sent Luigi the necessary infos (and a screencast) about how see/replicate the issue,.
01:06 PM Bug report #16680 (Closed): Layers Panel: adding a layer doesn't simply show its name
- If I add a layer to QGIS (regardless the method), instead of its name, i get in the Layers Panel a name which is a co...
12:57 PM Bug report #16679 (Closed): Processing: Missing words in the Polar plot help
- Opening the Processing Polar plot tool dialog, the help is not meaningful:
"Two fields must be entered as parameters... -
12:53 PM Bug report #16678 (Feedback): Locator Filters option: Resizing the columns in the frame behaves w...
- I guess a screencast would be more explanatory but I fail to find a proper way to do it in my current PC (or if someo...
12:44 PM Bug report #16674 (Closed): Locator Filters option: the "Configure" button is always disabled
- It's only enabled when a locator can be configured, which none of the inbuilt ones can.
12:44 PM Bug report #16674 (Closed): Locator Filters option: the "Configure" button is always disabled
- It's only enabled when a locator can be configured, which none of the inbuilt ones can.
11:27 AM Bug report #16674 (Closed): Locator Filters option: the "Configure" button is always disabled
- In the Settings --> Options --> Locator Filters tab, the configure button is always disabled, whatever I do. Is this ...
12:11 PM Bug report #16672 (Feedback): in Processing
- If it is right for the modules than I would say go for it.
12:05 PM Feature request #16677 (Feedback): Continuously update min/max within canvas extent
- Hi, it seems it's already in master :)
you have options in style options / "min/max value settings" / "Statistics ex... -
12:05 PM Feature request #16677 (Feedback): Continuously update min/max within canvas extent
- Hi, it seems it's already in master :)
you have options in style options / "min/max value settings" / "Statistics ex... -
11:41 AM Feature request #16677 (Closed): Continuously update min/max within canvas extent
- It would be great if there was a checkbox to "keep min/max values synchronised to canvas extents" for the min/max val...
11:39 AM Bug report #16676 (Closed): Invalid fields error when using “Use completer” in Layer properties E...
- I've made a field in a layer without NULL and connected it by relation to a fixed list of values from another layer b...
01:59 AM Feature request #16671 (Closed): Even vertical spacing of legends with different sized symbols
- This is already possible - set the symbol height through the composer legend properties, symbol setting, symbol heigh...
01:59 AM Feature request #16671 (Closed): Even vertical spacing of legends with different sized symbols
- This is already possible - set the symbol height through the composer legend properties, symbol setting, symbol heigh...
07:22 PM Feature request #16671 (Closed): Even vertical spacing of legends with different sized symbols
- IN the map composer, the amount of space for legend items with symbols is related to the size of the symbol. This mak...
12:20 AM Bug report #15752: Degradation of rendering performances in MSSQL provider
- Actually I just realised you mentioned 2.99. The fixes aren't in master builds yet. You'll need to test qgis-rel-dev ...
12:19 AM Bug report #15752: Degradation of rendering performances in MSSQL provider
- You could compare it against qgis-ltr-dev. That's a debug enabled 2.14 release.
What's the commit number from the... -
11:28 PM Bug report #15752: Degradation of rendering performances in MSSQL provider
Nyall Dawson wrote:
> These changes aren't in master yet, or any of the released 2.18 versions. Can you please ins...-
09:02 PM Bug report #15752: Degradation of rendering performances in MSSQL provider
- These changes aren't in master yet, or any of the released 2.18 versions. Can you please install the qgis-rel-dev ver...
02:42 PM Bug report #15752: Degradation of rendering performances in MSSQL provider
- you probably have to try qgis master or 2.18.9 nightly or wait the next 2.18 build (but I'm not sure the fix has been...
02:39 PM Bug report #15752: Degradation of rendering performances in MSSQL provider
- Giovanni Manghi wrote:
> Dear Andre Jesus would you mind see if the above commit improves things as expected? thanks... -
11:43 PM Bug report #15910: DB manager: Connection to PostGIS from QGIS3 fails
- BTW: you can find the `g` schema thing in Travis traces, so the automated test is giving its fruits: https://travis-c...
11:42 PM Bug report #15910: DB manager: Connection to PostGIS from QGIS3 fails
- This needed a backport to 2.18 branch, I'm tentatively doing that as part of DBManager automated testing: https://git...
10:47 PM Bug report #16673 (Feedback): Composer map element size not updated from expression
- The refresh button in the toolbar will force a recalculation, as will certain events like switching between features ...
09:46 PM Bug report #16673 (Closed): Composer map element size not updated from expression
- When setting map element height and width as an expression, element size doesn't get updated instantly when expressio...
08:38 PM Bug report #16672 (Closed): in Processing
- I was trying to use in QGIS Processing, to find the closest (time/distance) fire stations.
I've a poin... -
05:36 PM Bug report #16670 (Closed): Server - GetFeatureInfo not evaluated for maptip context when using F...
- When the user defines a tooltip for a vector layer, and a feature of this layer is requested via WMS request GetFeatu...
03:47 PM Bug report #15698: [Processing] Import Vector into PostGIS database doesn't work with file geodat...
- Were also tests reverted ? Which revision had the revert ? (Associated Revisions tab doesn't say).
A new ticket was ... -
03:47 PM Bug report #15698: [Processing] Import Vector into PostGIS database doesn't work with file geodat...
- Were also tests reverted ? Which revision had the revert ? (Associated Revisions tab doesn't say).
A new ticket was ... -
03:46 PM Bug report #16135: Selection by layerid instead layername from .gdb
- It was reported that the behavior was changed for some reason: #15698-14
If I understand that thread correctly I fix... -
03:40 PM Bug report #8073: Crash when loading PostGIS raster
- Unassigning as it works for me with latest GDAL from master and the backtrace from Paolo seems to indicate the proble...
03:34 PM Bug report #8073: Crash when loading PostGIS raster
- Sandro Santilli wrote:
> Giovanni had you tried reproducing this ? Paolo ? Anyone else ?
> I can't fix something I... -
03:32 PM Bug report #8073: Crash when loading PostGIS raster
- Giovanni had you tried reproducing this ? Paolo ? Anyone else ?
I can't fix something I cannot reproduce... -
02:53 PM Bug report #16624 (Reopened): Postgis connections with a slash in the name are hidden/misnamed
- I just got the same (or very similar) problem.
This time I named my connection: "strk@localhost:5432/strk (pgpass te... -
02:36 PM Bug report #16668: pgpass do not work on qgis master
- Sandro Santilli wrote:
> Giovanni as you marked this as a regression, do you know which older version worked fine ?
... -
02:36 PM Bug report #16668: pgpass do not work on qgis master
- Sandro Santilli wrote:
> Giovanni as you marked this as a regression, do you know which older version worked fine ?
... -
02:34 PM Bug report #16668: pgpass do not work on qgis master
- Giovanni as you marked this as a regression, do you know which older version worked fine ?
02:11 PM Bug report #16668: pgpass do not work on qgis master
- Sandro Santilli wrote:
> It could make a good case to add to the new DBManager testsuite: -
02:11 PM Bug report #16668: pgpass do not work on qgis master
- Sandro Santilli wrote:
> It could make a good case to add to the new DBManager testsuite: -
12:25 PM Bug report #16668: pgpass do not work on qgis master
- It could make a good case to add to the new DBManager testsuite:
Can you tell... -
11:44 AM Bug report #16668 (Closed): pgpass do not work on qgis master
- Hi,
On QGIS master, QGIS will fail to retrieve passwords from a pgpass.conf file.
This happens when expanding a d... -
02:25 PM Bug report #16618 (Closed): Processing rscripts: cannot concatenate 'str' and 'NoneType' objects
- Applied in changeset commit:qgis|7a198dff6522ba4a8f864f418116097e2d4ca139.
02:25 PM Bug report #16618 (Closed): Processing rscripts: cannot concatenate 'str' and 'NoneType' objects
- Applied in changeset commit:qgis|7a198dff6522ba4a8f864f418116097e2d4ca139.
02:21 PM Bug report #16618: Processing rscripts: cannot concatenate 'str' and 'NoneType' objects
- Hi Anita,
It's my fault, I have not tested with an OutputHTML.
I will fix it, but how ths OutputHTML is defined ? -
01:48 PM Feature request #16669 (Open): Add option to simplify geometries on PDF export
- An option to simplify geometries when exporting a composer as PDF would be helpful.
01:05 PM Bug report #16666: New unified add button: file selector sometimes opens behind the Data Source M...
- I cannot reproduce this on KDE/Linux. Maybe something specific to Ubuntu Unity?
I tested with modal and modeless o... -
12:39 PM Bug report #12172 (Closed): Use xvfb-run on "make check"
- Applied in changeset commit:qgis|eddf23c3813ea4e8c7f902726a7124442fa72e47.
12:39 PM Bug report #12172 (Closed): Use xvfb-run on "make check"
- Applied in changeset commit:qgis|eddf23c3813ea4e8c7f902726a7124442fa72e47.
12:35 PM Bug report #16644: Crash when using search input in Option dialog
- Note: same search (Locator?) functionality in the project properties just works
04:10 AM Bug report #16663 (Closed): Filter by Atlas Feature, Save State
- Applied in changeset commit:qgis|ecb4c5a6924693b3604706edbbed19439c2b1949.
04:10 AM Bug report #16663 (Closed): Filter by Atlas Feature, Save State
- Applied in changeset commit:qgis|ecb4c5a6924693b3604706edbbed19439c2b1949.
09:47 PM Bug report #16667 (Closed): Vector field marker length attribute not stored in QML
- Hi,
I have a vector field and then rule based simple points created. In saving the layer definition file, the leng... -
06:31 PM Bug report #16666 (Closed): New unified add button: file selector sometimes opens behind the Data...
- When using the new unified "Add data" button, it seems that the File Selector sometimes opens behind the Data Source ...
04:37 PM Bug report #16665 (Closed): Native XYZ provider doesn't display all available zoom levels
- Hi !
Native XYZ provider is great, but it seems to stay stuck at a hardcoded zoom level (probably around 18 or 19)... -
01:59 PM Bug report #14752: GEOS exceptions crash QGIS on windows
- Anita Graser wrote:
> Giovanni Manghi wrote:
> > Anita for sake of clarity would you agree if I then create a new i... -
01:40 PM Bug report #14752: GEOS exceptions crash QGIS on windows
- Giovanni Manghi wrote:
> Anita for sake of clarity would you agree if I then create a new issue ticket with just thi... -
01:36 PM Bug report #16618: Processing rscripts: cannot concatenate 'str' and 'NoneType' objects
- Not sure if it breaks anything else, but if I add...
12:10 PM Bug report #16664 (Closed): After downloading a R script this is not immediately added to the Pro...
- Subject says it all. Is ok on 2.14
12:02 PM Bug report #16663 (Closed): Filter by Atlas Feature, Save State
- Hi,
When using the "Only show items inside current atlas feature" feature within a map composer, its state is not ...
12:35 PM Feature request #16662 (Open): Add order_by parameter to concatenate aggregate function
- It would be nice to have an *order_by* parameter in *concatenate* function.
Something like that :
concatenate("... -
05:35 AM Bug report #16661 (Closed): Mouse single click now double clicks
- This is not a QGIS issue. It's either something local to your install, a qt issue, or an osgeo packaging issue.
05:35 AM Bug report #16661 (Closed): Mouse single click now double clicks
- This is not a QGIS issue. It's either something local to your install, a qt issue, or an osgeo packaging issue.
02:34 AM Bug report #12383 (Closed): max/min values for scale dependent visibility of a layer
- Duplicate of #8546
02:34 AM Bug report #12383 (Closed): max/min values for scale dependent visibility of a layer
- Duplicate of #8546
02:34 AM Bug report #12383 (Closed): max/min values for scale dependent visibility of a layer
- Duplicate of #8546
02:33 AM Bug report #12382 (Closed): scale dependent visibility QGIS 2.8 dev
- This is the correct behavior. A map scale of 1:1 is larger then a scale of 1:5000.
Map scale terminology is confus... -
02:33 AM Bug report #12382 (Closed): scale dependent visibility QGIS 2.8 dev
- This is the correct behavior. A map scale of 1:1 is larger then a scale of 1:5000.
Map scale terminology is confus... -
02:33 AM Bug report #12382 (Closed): scale dependent visibility QGIS 2.8 dev
- This is the correct behavior. A map scale of 1:1 is larger then a scale of 1:5000.
Map scale terminology is confus...
11:35 PM Bug report #16633 (Closed): Vector menu is duplicated
- Andre Joost wrote:
> After the translation was fixed, I still had to remove .qgis2 from the registry (see #15118) an... -
11:35 PM Bug report #16633 (Closed): Vector menu is duplicated
- Andre Joost wrote:
> After the translation was fixed, I still had to remove .qgis2 from the registry (see #15118) an... -
06:27 PM Bug report #16661 (Feedback): Mouse single click now double clicks
- is this really just on master/qgis3? installed with osgeo4w? does it happens on 2.14.* ir 2.18.*? does it happens on ...
05:30 PM Bug report #16661 (Closed): Mouse single click now double clicks
- On 2 Dell machines using Windows 7, 8, 8.1, and 10 after installing any QGIS version are affected with the issue of t...
08:03 AM Feature request #10947 (Closed): Use Filter() instead of STIntersects() for better performance in...
- Applied in changeset commit:qgis|62af54ecb2666d0bde0f7af102d663ded5cda97d.
08:03 AM Feature request #10947 (Closed): Use Filter() instead of STIntersects() for better performance in...
- Applied in changeset commit:qgis|62af54ecb2666d0bde0f7af102d663ded5cda97d.
08:03 AM Bug report #15752 (Closed): Degradation of rendering performances in MSSQL provider
- Applied in changeset commit:qgis|62af54ecb2666d0bde0f7af102d663ded5cda97d.
09:50 PM Bug report #16646: Small errors in SAGA Raster Calculator output
- Hi Alexander,
I was investigating and you're right.
On the one hand, SAGA Import Raster Module is being used in... -
08:11 AM Bug report #16646: Small errors in SAGA Raster Calculator output
- Probably this caused by inputs conversion, as Processing itself does nothing to input rasters, all operations perform...
07:44 PM Bug report #16656 (Closed): python error in Processing result viewer
- Cannot replicate in a consistent way. Will reopen if is the case (it was happening sometimes with a specific postgis ...
07:44 PM Bug report #16656 (Closed): python error in Processing result viewer
- Cannot replicate in a consistent way. Will reopen if is the case (it was happening sometimes with a specific postgis ...
08:02 AM Bug report #16656 (Feedback): python error in Processing result viewer
- Can you provide sample? As I can see, it already opens file using unicode. Probably some algorithm writes results wit...
07:28 PM Bug report #15312 (Closed): Feature not created when splitting polygon with a line from another l...
- Bernhard Ströbl wrote:
> This ticket adresses an issue in the _DigitizingTools_ plugin.
> The proper place to repo... -
07:28 PM Bug report #15312 (Closed): Feature not created when splitting polygon with a line from another l...
- Bernhard Ströbl wrote:
> This ticket adresses an issue in the _DigitizingTools_ plugin.
> The proper place to repo... -
11:07 AM Bug report #15312 (Feedback): Feature not created when splitting polygon with a line from another...
- This ticket adresses an issue in the _DigitizingTools_ plugin.
The proper place to report it therefore is the plugi... -
11:07 AM Bug report #15312 (Feedback): Feature not created when splitting polygon with a line from another...
- This ticket adresses an issue in the _DigitizingTools_ plugin.
The proper place to report it therefore is the plugi... -
11:07 AM Bug report #15312 (Feedback): Feature not created when splitting polygon with a line from another...
- This ticket adresses an issue in the _DigitizingTools_ plugin.
The proper place to report it therefore is the plugi... -
07:26 PM Bug report #16657 (Open): date edit widget only shows current date whatever the real data is unde...
10:17 AM Bug report #16657: date edit widget only shows current date whatever the real data is underneath
- ...
05:05 AM Bug report #16657 (Feedback): date edit widget only shows current date whatever the real data is ...
- That's a datetime field - I think the issue is that you've set the format to "date" along. Does it work correctly if ...
06:05 PM Bug report #16660 (Closed): error: VCRUNTIME140.dll is missing
- No errors from installer, but will not run (see attached graphic). Tried reinstalling as per the error message, and ...
05:39 PM Bug report #16626 (Closed): DBManager fails to load rasters from service-only PostGIS connections
- Applied in changeset commit:qgis|6f42b784b98580257e584ca6fec57809bdd56bc0.
05:37 PM Bug report #16626: DBManager fails to load rasters from service-only PostGIS connections
- commit:78c3423861 implements the fix suggested in #16626-6 for master branch
backport (and overall automated tests) ... -
04:37 PM Bug report #16626: DBManager fails to load rasters from service-only PostGIS connections
- Upstream ticket to GDAL was filed here:
04:26 PM Bug report #16626: DBManager fails to load rasters from service-only PostGIS connections
- So I guess a fix here would be to pre-connect with psycopg to find out the name of the database and provide it in the...
04:09 PM Bug report #16626 (Reopened): DBManager fails to load rasters from service-only PostGIS connections
- Reopening because it looks like ogr does not recognize "service" anyway, insisting about having a `dbname` value.
04:49 PM Bug report #16625: DBManager fails to load raster from dbname-less connection
- As this might strike again in the future, this comment is to mention the main problem is upstream where GDAL *require...
02:45 PM Feature request #16659 (Open): Refresh feature count on re-enabling show feature count
- When `show feature count` option is enabled in layer context menu feature counting happens only once.
disabling and ... -
11:34 AM Feature request #12754: Add split part from a multipart polygon
- @Paolo: A possible use is to edit the part after splitting using the _Node Tool_
After a "discussion":http://osge... -
09:20 AM Bug report #16599 (Closed): Buffer function crashing QGIS on specific data set
- Works fine in 2.18.9, tested Fixed and Variable distance buffer tool from Processing.
09:20 AM Bug report #16599 (Closed): Buffer function crashing QGIS on specific data set
- Works fine in 2.18.9, tested Fixed and Variable distance buffer tool from Processing.
09:10 AM Bug report #16648 (Closed): SAGA version validation in Master
- Applied in changeset commit:qgis|74984b2525e8d34a5bce3c2100f32beea0f3e165.
09:10 AM Bug report #16648 (Closed): SAGA version validation in Master
- Applied in changeset commit:qgis|74984b2525e8d34a5bce3c2100f32beea0f3e165.
08:20 AM Bug report #16653 (Closed): Adding New WMTS Provider, Missing Options
- Applied in changeset commit:qgis|11786603b2cfc9092895128afaa9e5fecbeb26be.
08:20 AM Bug report #16653 (Closed): Adding New WMTS Provider, Missing Options
- Applied in changeset commit:qgis|11786603b2cfc9092895128afaa9e5fecbeb26be.
08:19 AM Bug report #16175 (Closed): Incorrect options in v.drap dialog
- Applied in changeset commit:qgis|7b7a1bedb235d38cbeee9ac104e103a31387f18a.
08:19 AM Bug report #16175 (Closed): Incorrect options in v.drap dialog
- Applied in changeset commit:qgis|7b7a1bedb235d38cbeee9ac104e103a31387f18a.
07:42 AM Bug report #16647 (Closed): Fix SAGA Random Terrain Algorithm with LTR
- Already added to PR, thanks
07:42 AM Bug report #16647 (Closed): Fix SAGA Random Terrain Algorithm with LTR
- Already added to PR, thanks
06:47 PM Bug report #16657 (Closed): date edit widget only shows current date whatever the real data is un...
- Hi,
it seems a regression since 2.18.3, date edit widget will only show the current date in a form, even without a... -
06:31 PM Bug report #16656 (Closed): python error in Processing result viewer
- Traceback (most recent call last):
File "C:/OSGEO4~1/apps/qgis-rel-dev/./python/plugins\processing\ProcessingPlugi... -
06:17 PM Bug report #16655 (Closed): importing qlr does not import widget types
- Hi all,
when importing a QLR file in QGIS, widget types definitions are not read correctly in QGIS.
In 2.18.9, ev... -
05:16 PM Bug report #16654 (Closed): [Value list widget] scroll bar is locked in read-only mode
For a multiple selection attribute, we cannot see the complete list because de scroll bar is locked.
It's only pos...-
04:49 PM Bug report #16653 (Closed): Adding New WMTS Provider, Missing Options
- Using QGIS 2.99 master revision 5077e12 installed via OSGeo4W64.
Adding a new WMS/WMTS server, the GUI is missing ... -
03:01 PM Bug report #16652 (Closed): SAGA directional statistics fails
- This command fails on Debian Sid, saga 2.3.1+dfsg-3
Algorithm Directional statistics for raster layer starting...
... -
01:28 PM Bug report #15747 (Closed): SAGA support broken for SAGA LTR version
- Paolo Cavallini wrote:
> Yes.
if yes then this ticket can be closed (there is also already a ticket about SAGA/GR... -
01:28 PM Bug report #15747 (Closed): SAGA support broken for SAGA LTR version
- Paolo Cavallini wrote:
> Yes.
if yes then this ticket can be closed (there is also already a ticket about SAGA/GR... -
12:00 PM Bug report #15747: SAGA support broken for SAGA LTR version
- Yes.
11:50 AM Bug report #15747: SAGA support broken for SAGA LTR version
- Paolo Cavallini wrote:
> Checking modules one by one is an enormous amount of work, done already over and over. I th... -
11:47 AM Bug report #15747: SAGA support broken for SAGA LTR version
- Checking modules one by one is an enormous amount of work, done already over and over. I think we have to find a bett...
11:41 AM Bug report #15747 (Feedback): SAGA support broken for SAGA LTR version
- Paolo Cavallini wrote:
> On Debian Sid we have SAGA 2.3.1+dfsg-3, and many commands do not seem to be working.
ma... -
11:41 AM Bug report #15747 (Feedback): SAGA support broken for SAGA LTR version
- Paolo Cavallini wrote:
> On Debian Sid we have SAGA 2.3.1+dfsg-3, and many commands do not seem to be working.
ma... -
08:52 AM Bug report #15747: SAGA support broken for SAGA LTR version
- On Debian Sid we have SAGA 2.3.1+dfsg-3, and many commands do not seem to be working.
01:22 PM Bug report #16649: additional "no Data values" using the Layer Styling panel are not applied
- Confirmed also on Window and 2.18.9
01:22 PM Bug report #16649: additional "no Data values" using the Layer Styling panel are not applied
- Confirmed also on Window and 2.18.9
11:31 AM Bug report #16649 (Closed): additional "no Data values" using the Layer Styling panel are not app...
I am testing the layer styling panel (shortcut F7) with the latest Nightly build on the Ubuntu repositori...-
01:18 PM Feature request #16651 (Open): Hide non accessible / restricted WMS / WMTS layers
- I would like to request that for any WMS / WMTS layers which have data security and where the authentication is not i...
11:47 AM Bug report #16648: SAGA version validation in Master
- related to #16421
11:43 AM Bug report #16650 (Closed): segmentation error (core dumped)
- duplicate of #8760
11:43 AM Bug report #16650 (Closed): segmentation error (core dumped)
- duplicate of #8760
11:38 AM Bug report #16650 (Closed): segmentation error (core dumped)
- When i use a custom form ui, i have a core dumped error in qgis 2.18.9
11:20 AM Feature request #16638: Field mapper when copy and pasting geometries
- Hi Saber,
there is a QEP talking of this: [[]] -
02:02 AM Feature request #16357 (Closed): Allow to set extent from other layer in raster save as dialog
- Applied in changeset commit:qgis|4e4f232ad49c0600c8b05747e51cbc9f47c01607.
02:02 AM Feature request #16357 (Closed): Allow to set extent from other layer in raster save as dialog
- Applied in changeset commit:qgis|4e4f232ad49c0600c8b05747e51cbc9f47c01607.
01:17 AM Bug report #16648 (Closed): SAGA version validation in Master
- It seems that there is a validation in QGIS master (OSGeo4W) that is preventing SAGA LTR to start, when SAGA 2.1.2 is...
01:02 AM Bug report #15747: SAGA support broken for SAGA LTR version
- Is this one still true Paolo?
commit:f568ca2b85deb05d3c76887f26901bfe09ce029f -
12:56 AM Bug report #16647 (Closed): Fix SAGA Random Terrain Algorithm with LTR
- SAGA Random Terrain has some parameter changes in LTR, including the name of the module: -
12:47 AM Bug report #16646 (Closed): Small errors in SAGA Raster Calculator output
- This question was rised in the users mailing list.
We have 3 rasters:
a: Z_top_res.tif
b: t_top_res.tif
c1: t... -
12:18 AM Bug report #16640 (Closed): Identify tool does not work
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