Bug report #15698

[Processing] Import Vector into PostGIS database doesn't work with file geodatabase

Added by Jérôme Guélat over 8 years ago. Updated over 7 years ago.

Assignee:Sandro Santilli
Category:Data Provider/OGR
Affected QGIS version:2.16.3 Regression?:No
Operating System: Easy fix?:No
Pull Request or Patch supplied:No Resolution:fixed/implemented
Crashes QGIS or corrupts data:No Copied to github as #:23621


The Processing tool "Import Vector into PostGIS database" (in GDAL/OGR) doesn't work if the vector layer comes from a file geodatabase. This is a regression since the tool is working with QGIS 2.14.

Steps to reproduce:

1. Open a vector layer stored in a file geodatabase (I'm using the ESRI FileGDB driver)
2. Use this layer in the "Import Vector into PostGIS database" tool
3. You will see that Processing generates a wrong ogr2ogr console call, the geodatabase name is used instead of the dataset name

vector.gdb.zip (18.9 KB) Jérôme Guélat, 2016-10-13 11:29 PM

vector2.gdb.zip - Minimal geodatabase with 2 datasets (20.9 KB) Jérôme Guélat, 2016-10-14 12:34 AM

Related issues

Related to QGIS Application - Bug report #16135: Selection by layerid instead layername from .gdb Closed 2017-01-30

Associated revisions

Revision 1b1b2388
Added by Sandro Santilli over 8 years ago

Fix extraction of ogr LayerName from multi-layer dataset URIs

Adds supports for "layerid" when present.
Drop special handling for "table=" portions found in URI,
making the code more generic.

Includes testcase.

Fixes #15698 - import geodatabase to postgis via processing

Revision 979d6197
Added by Sandro Santilli over 8 years ago

Fix extraction of ogr LayerName from multi-layer dataset URIs

Adds supports for "layerid" when present.
Drop special handling for "table=" portions found in URI,
making the code more generic.

Includes testcase.

Fixes #15698 - import geodatabase to postgis via processing

Revision 6c536418
Added by Sandro Santilli over 8 years ago

Fix extraction of ogr LayerName from multi-layer dataset URIs

Adds supports for "layerid" when present.
Drop special handling for "table=" portions found in URI,
making the code more generic.

Includes testcase.

Fixes #15698 - import geodatabase to postgis via processing

Revision c4222687
Added by Sandro Santilli over 8 years ago

Fix extraction of ogr LayerName from multi-layer dataset URIs

Adds supports for "layerid" when present.
Drop special handling for "table=" portions found in URI,
making the code more generic.

Includes testcase.

Fixes #15698 - import geodatabase to postgis via processing

Revision 52a0082a
Added by Sandro Santilli over 8 years ago

Fix extraction of ogr LayerName from database dataset URIs

See https://github.com/qgis/QGIS/commit/6c5364186dd8d45ac51e5bd1a72c6a542f032cb1#commitcomment-19439676
Includes testcase.

REF #15698

Revision 8843de88
Added by Sandro Santilli over 8 years ago

Fix ogrLayerName handling of PostgreSQL dataset URIs

Also document "uri" parameter semantic, and add more tests.
See for background
REF #15698


#1 Updated by Sandro Santilli over 8 years ago

  • Assignee set to Sandro Santilli
  • Target version set to Version 2.18

Could you please attach a minimal geodatabase to reproduce this ?

#2 Updated by Jérôme Guélat over 8 years ago

Of course! Here's one...

#3 Updated by Jérôme Guélat over 8 years ago

More details: apparently QGIS 2.14 is doing it correctly only if at least 2 datasets are stored in the file geodatabase. If there's a single dataset (like in the geodatabase I posted earlier), then we also get a wrong ogr2ogr console call.

I've attached another minimal geodatabase with 2 datasets...

Thanks for your help!

#4 Updated by Sandro Santilli over 8 years ago

Sorry for being so lame, but could you please explain step "1. Open a vector layer stored in a file geodatabase (I'm using the ESRI FileGDB driver)" ? How do I do that ?

#5 Updated by Sandro Santilli over 8 years ago

Figured, I could open it (http://gis.stackexchange.com/questions/26285/file-geodatabase-gdb-support-in-qgis) -- but I only have the OpenFileGDB driver.

#6 Updated by Sandro Santilli over 8 years ago

So even with OpenFileGDB driver I confirm the issue, but the issue for me happens with both input datasets. This is with current master_2 branch (2.17)

#7 Updated by Sandro Santilli over 8 years ago

  • Status changed from Open to In Progress

Also confirmed with 2.16.3, while 2.14.7 is fine

#8 Updated by Sandro Santilli over 8 years ago

Actually, I cannot confirm 2.14 is fine.
Following the code it seems that he "layername" is extracted from the input layer uri, which for a geodatabase can look like this:

/home/strk/lab/qgis/bugs/b15698/vector2.gdb|layerid=1 (I get this for vector2 testpoint)
/home/strk/lab/qgis/bugs/b15698/vector2.gdb (I get this for vector2 testpolygon)
/home/strk/lab/qgis/bugs/b15698/vector.gdb (I get this for vector testpolygon MultiPolygon)

Either the URI is wrong or just not enough to be used to reference the content.
In none of the above cases the ogr2ogr call gets either "vector2" or "vector" for the dataset name (also with 2.14.7 here)

#9 Updated by Sandro Santilli over 8 years ago

  • Category set to Data Provider/OGR

This boils down to the "Layer source" being incomplete for the loaded layers
(double click on the loaded layers to verify, check General.Layer_source, it's missing the dataset name)

#10 Updated by Jérôme Guélat over 8 years ago

Thanks for having a look at this problem... Here's what I get (using Windows, btw.):

2.14.7: layer source complete if I use the data in the "vector2" geodatabase
2.14.7: layer source incomplete if I use the data in the "vector" geodatabase

2.16.3: layer source incomplete for both geodatabases

Apparently the OGR data provider in 2.14.7 behaves differently if there's more than one dataset in a file geodatabase.

#11 Updated by Jürgen Fischer over 8 years ago

Sandro Santilli wrote:

This boils down to the "Layer source" being incomplete for the loaded layers
(double click on the loaded layers to verify, check General.Layer_source, it's missing the dataset name)

does the datasource only have one layer? then the layer name/id is optional.

#12 Updated by Sandro Santilli over 8 years ago

vector2 has 2 layers, loading both results in one having 'layerid=1' and the other not having any 'layerid' in the DatasourceUri (I guess it would default to layerid=0).

#13 Updated by Sandro Santilli over 8 years ago

Jérôme Guélat wrote:

Thanks for having a look at this problem... Here's what I get (using Windows, btw.):

2.14.7: layer source complete if I use the data in the "vector2" geodatabase

For both layers in that file ?
Which GDAL/OGR version ?
Also, can you show the complete layer source ?
And, is the ogr2ogr commandline correct when you import the layer with the complete "layer source" ?

Apparently the OGR data provider in 2.14.7 behaves differently if there's more than one dataset in a file geodatabase.

Do you know the exact commit you're using of 2.14.7 ?

#14 Updated by Sandro Santilli over 8 years ago

Ok now I see the 2.14 thing.
I was confused by the fact that I was opening a project saved with 2.16.
When you open a geodatabase with 2.14, the "Layer source" (DatasourceURI) does indeed contain a "|layername=xxx" suffix for the multi-layer input, and no suffix for the single-layer input.

In 2.16 and later, instead, you get "|layerid=1" for datasets other_than_the_first_one in any geodatabase.

Having "layername" in the URI is great as you can get to the dataset name from the URI itself. I'm not sure why the Ogr provider changed that as the new convention seems less useful.

In any case, fixing the provider isn't enough as it would still leave us with datasets that may still have the URI encoded in the bogus way. Unless we make the provider re-write the URI right after reading (recommended).

#15 Updated by Jérôme Guélat over 8 years ago

*Results for 2.14.7 with GDAL/OGR 2.1.1 (installed with osgeo4w) using the following ed8807c

Layer source for the vector geodatabase (source is incomplete and ogr2ogr command line is wrong):
polygon layer: C:\\Users\\jgu\\Desktop\\vector.gdb

Layer sources for the vector2 geodatabase (both layers have complete layer sources, ogr2ogr command lines are both correct):
point layer: C:\\Users\\jgu\\Desktop\\vector2.gdb|layername=testpoint
polygon layer: C:\\Users\\jgu\\Desktop\\vector2.gdb|layername=testpolygon

Results for 2.16.3 with GDAL/OGR 2.1.1 (installed with osgeo4w)

Layer source for the vector geodatabase (source is incomplete and ogr2ogr command line is wrong):
polygon layer: C:\\Users\\jgu\\Desktop\\vector.gdb

Layer sources for the vector2 geodatabase (sources are incomplete, ogr2ogr command lines are both wrong):
point layer: C:\\Users\\jgu\\Desktop\\vector2.gdb|layerid=1
polygon layer: C:\\Users\\jgu\\Desktop\\vector2.gdb

#16 Updated by Sandro Santilli over 8 years ago

NOTE: the "layername=" to "layerid=" change was introduced in 2016-06-30, according to ChangeLog, to fix #15168

#17 Updated by Sandro Santilli over 8 years ago

Taking it back, it doesn't look like #15168 has to do with this. Must have been a change in the geodatabase loader, to use layerid instead of layername. OGR provider supports both and never rewrites the uri. Even allows having both in the uri, giving precedence to layername if present.

#18 Updated by Sandro Santilli over 8 years ago

Pull request ready for tests: https://github.com/qgis/QGIS/pull/3605

#19 Updated by Jérôme Guélat over 8 years ago

Great! Thanks a lot!

#20 Updated by Sandro Santilli over 8 years ago

  • % Done changed from 0 to 50

Jérôme can we include the geodatabase files you provided in our testsuite ?

#21 Updated by Jérôme Guélat over 8 years ago

Of course you can.

#22 Updated by Sandro Santilli over 8 years ago

btw, it looks like "convert format" tool is still suffering the same bug - are you aware of a separate ticket for that ?

#23 Updated by Jérôme Guélat over 8 years ago

Apparently most of the OGR tools in Processing are also having the same problem (I've just tried with buffer, clip, convert, etc.)

I'm not aware of a separate ticket...

#24 Updated by Sandro Santilli over 8 years ago

  • % Done changed from 50 to 80

I've just tried and with the patch "Buffer vectors" works fine.
"Clip vectors by extent" and "Convert format" seem to have a different issue, so I suggest a new ticket is filed for them (after checking each with the updated code)

#25 Updated by Sandro Santilli over 8 years ago

  • Status changed from In Progress to Closed

#26 Updated by Sandro Santilli over 8 years ago

  • Resolution set to fixed/implemented
  • Target version changed from Version 2.18 to Version 2.16
  • % Done changed from 80 to 100

Fixed for 2.16.4, 2.18.0, master

#27 Updated by Sandro Santilli over 8 years ago

Also fixed for 2.14.8

#28 Updated by Alexander Bruy over 8 years ago

  • Status changed from Closed to Reopened
  • Resolution deleted (fixed/implemented)

This fix breaks some Processing OGR algorithms (tested with buffer, but other may be affected too).

To reproduce:
  1. open polys.gml from Processing test dataset
  2. try to execute "Buffer vectors" from GDAL/OGR -> [OGR] Geoprocessing -> Buffer vectors
  3. algorithm execution will fail with error
    Warning 1: layer names ignored in combination with -sql. 
    ERROR 1: In ExecuteSQL(): sqlite3_prepare(SELECT ST_Buffer(geometry, 1000), * FROM 'polys2'): 
    no such table: polys2 

Also related tests in ToolsTest.py fail if /tmp located on another partition.

#29 Updated by Giovanni Manghi about 8 years ago

  • Status changed from Reopened to Closed
  • Resolution set to fixed/implemented

AlexB reverted and applied a different fix.

#30 Updated by Sandro Santilli over 7 years ago

  • Description updated (diff)
  • Priority changed from Severe/Regression to Low

Were also tests reverted ? Which revision had the revert ? (Associated Revisions tab doesn't say).
A new ticket was filed which might be related to this: #16135

#31 Updated by Sandro Santilli over 7 years ago

  • Related to Bug report #16135: Selection by layerid instead layername from .gdb added

#32 Updated by Luigi Pirelli over 7 years ago

test introduced to fix this issue started to fail due different factors:

1) it fail in case data and tmp are in different filesystem (due to hard link nature).
A proposed patch here: https://github.com/qgis/QGIS/pull/5151

2) in https://github.com/qgis/QGIS/pull/5144 you can find reports that fail in Travis and in different test configurations

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