Bug report #16665

Native XYZ provider doesn't display all available zoom levels

Added by Olivier Dalang about 7 years ago. Updated about 7 years ago.

Category:Data Provider
Affected QGIS version:2.18.8 Regression?:No
Operating System: Easy fix?:No
Pull Request or Patch supplied:No Resolution:
Crashes QGIS or corrupts data:No Copied to github as #:24564


Hi !

Native XYZ provider is great, but it seems to stay stuck at a hardcoded zoom level (probably around 18 or 19), which is very frustrating when working with higher resolution rasters.

I think the provider shouldn't hardcode those values.

Of course there's a waste of queries (getting 404s) when those zoom levels don't exist. This same waste already happens when navigating outside of the XYZ layer's extents. The best would be able to provide min/max zoom levels and extents optionally when creating the XYZ connection.




#1 Updated by Olivier Dalang about 7 years ago

  • Assignee deleted (Martin Dobias)
  • Status changed from Open to Closed

For future reference (from the ML). Thanks Martin !

2017-06-13 15:54 GMT+00:00 Martin Dobias:

(...) this is already implemented. In QGIS 3.0 there is also GUI to
configure the min/max zoom level for XYZ tiles. In QGIS 2.18 it is not
available in GUI, but it can be still configured when adding XYZ tiles
layer in Python - one just needs to specify "zmin" and/or "zmax"
parameters in data source URI. (...)

#2 Updated by Ahmed Fasih about 7 years ago

2017-06-13 15:54 GMT+00:00 Martin Dobias:

(...) this is already implemented. In QGIS 3.0 there is also GUI to
configure the min/max zoom level for XYZ tiles. In QGIS 2.18 it is not
available in GUI, but it can be still configured when adding XYZ tiles
layer in Python - one just needs to specify "zmin" and/or "zmax"
parameters in data source URI. (...)

For the QGIS beginners just stumbling onto this, could you provide a tiny bit more description of how to do this in 2.18? I see “Plugins/Python Console” and just need to know what function to search for to add XYZ tiles with zmin/zmax. Thank you!

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