From 2016-11-22 to 2016-12-21
10:16 PM Revision 835abb97 (qgis): Add missing dependencies in INSTALL Overview
- 08:26 PM Revision c41c8924 (qgis): Followup cbac49b6: fix docstring
08:17 PM Bug report #16002 (Closed): Default Values "Expression dialog" evaluates valid expression as invalid
- I realized that this is probably a plugin bug so Im closing this.
02:07 PM Bug report #16002 (Closed): Default Values "Expression dialog" evaluates valid expression as invalid
- I'm using QGIS 2.18.2-nightly on windows. I am using the refFunctions plugin to set the default value from an inters...
- 05:39 PM Revision cbac49b6 (qgis): Add QgsProject::write( filename ) convenience function
- 05:19 PM Revision 4644af39 (qgis): More build dependencies update
- 05:17 PM Revision 6c5ec70f (qgis): Update build dependencies
- 02:21 PM Revision 0a686c4f (qgis): [processing] Make ParameterFixedTable scriptable
- 01:17 PM Revision 2af00bed (qgis): [processing] Don't hide errors when resolving script paramters
09:39 AM Bug report #15754: editing several layers in geopackage - database is locked
- I tried with master on Linux with the attached DB and couldn't reproduce the issue (I'm attaching the simple DB I use...
09:05 AM Bug report #15931: Default value is not saved
- Confirmed the issue persists in version 2.18.2
The value for "Default value" is saved nowhere: clipboard, .qml, .sld... -
08:32 AM Bug report #16001 (Closed): Categorized renderer on a layer based on a postgis view calling forei...
- Working with Qgis version 2.14.9/2.14.10, Windows 64
When unchecking one symbol item of a categorized layer or dele... -
06:39 AM Bug report #16000 (Closed): wrong text angles
- The textangles are displayed incorrectly.
In the Label rotation definition, wrong @angle * 180.0 / pi ()@, correct @a... -
06:15 AM Bug report #15999 (Closed): dxf encoding not selectable
- The Codepage of the DXF-File can not be choose.
With a incorrect Codepage (and layernames with Special char) the laye... -
06:12 AM Feature request #15998 (Open): decoding of MTEXT markup
- formating code like @MTEXT {\\fVerdana|b0|i1|c0|p34;Ein Text}
MTEXT \\fArial|b1|i0|c0|p34;\\Lunterstrichen
TEXT %%u11... -
06:00 AM Bug report #15997 (Closed): import from files with non-ascii characters
- if the pathname/filename of a DXF-File include non ASCII char (ÄÖÜß) the Import Fails.
02:55 AM Revision 932de2ab (qgis): Replace PNGs by SVGs (#3896)
- - removes no longer needed SVG compounds
- Improves cap and join style icons -
02:54 AM Bug report #15910: DB manager: Connection to PostGIS from QGIS3 fails
- Me too, I think that for some reason the self.tree.currentItem() returns value 'g' in at line 127
- 05:45 PM Revision 7baeacbc (qgis): Followup 1a648229
- 05:05 PM Revision 1a648229 (qgis): Improve some asserts for more meaningful output in case of error
- 04:32 PM Revision 2f0f6a98 (qgis): Use assertIsInstance instead of assertTrue(isinstance())
03:34 PM Revision 0340320c (qgis): [processing] fix wrong ParameterSelection definition
- 01:44 PM Revision d129f8a7 (qgis): Revert "[Processing] fix parameter to open the Retile algorithm"
- This reverts commit 76b796b4916d4ee23dff1a50105cdf1a6635b388.
01:43 PM Bug report #15996 (Closed): Problem with thousands separator in composer numeric scalebar
- After a recent update, there is a problem with numeric scalebar thousands separator. My OS regional settings has the ...
01:41 PM Revision 97780b6b (qgis): [processing] fix incorrect parameter construction
01:29 PM Revision ea4f05d9 (qgis): [processing] add support for custom parameter used in interpolation algs
- to the test suite
01:07 PM Revision eab5ae28 (qgis): more gdal test for Processing (#3893)
- * more gdal test for Processing
01:06 PM Revision 76b796b4 (qgis): [Processing] fix parameter to open the Retile algorithm
11:17 AM Bug report #15931: Default value is not saved
- I can confirm that default values are not copied(with copy/paste style) or saved in .qml files with shapefile and spa...
11:15 AM Bug report #15974: Rows of the attribute table seem to be duplicated when saving edits in a shape...
- I can confirm the same behaviour with a .dbf table in 2.18.2.
09:15 AM Revision 37d82bb7 (qgis): [FEATURE] remove Interpolation plugin
- tagged as feature to not forget mention this in docs and changelog
09:14 AM Revision 7dde862c (qgis): [processing] add missed functionality from Interpolation plugin
09:02 AM Feature request #15995 (Open): Joining label and object with a little line
- In case of flexible label distance (cf. #15534), it could be awesome to have the possibility to join the label and it...
08:38 AM Revision c3654391 (qgis): [processing] fix error in MultipleInputWidgetWrapper
08:38 AM Revision e338a90c (qgis): [processing] support non-ogr layers in merge vector layers alg
08:24 AM Feature request #15994 (Open): Add Close option to the Project menu
- It doesn't make any sense that QGIS has a nice Start Center with thumbnails if you can only use it once per session.
... -
08:08 AM Revision 5e061b1c (qgis): updated help for qgis:mergevectorlayers (#3883)
- "two" => "multiple"
01:40 AM Feature request #4213 (Closed): From RoadGraph to Network Analysis
- Should be fixed with Processing front-end. Please reopen if necessary
01:40 AM Feature request #4213 (Closed): From RoadGraph to Network Analysis
- Should be fixed with Processing front-end. Please reopen if necessary
01:40 AM Feature request #4213 (Closed): From RoadGraph to Network Analysis
- Should be fixed with Processing front-end. Please reopen if necessary
01:39 AM Feature request #5137 (Closed): Allow save results from RoadGraph plugin as an OGR datasource (ot...
- Should be fixed in Processing front-end. Please reopen if necessary
01:39 AM Feature request #5137 (Closed): Allow save results from RoadGraph plugin as an OGR datasource (ot...
- Should be fixed in Processing front-end. Please reopen if necessary
01:37 AM Bug report #15159 (Closed): Problem with raster bilineal export
- Closed for the lack of feedback. Please reopen if necessary
01:35 AM Feature request #4054 (Closed): Enhancement: option in the interpolation plugin to set the extent...
- Should be possible with Processing front-end. Please reopen if necessary
01:35 AM Feature request #4054 (Closed): Enhancement: option in the interpolation plugin to set the extent...
- Should be possible with Processing front-end. Please reopen if necessary
01:34 AM Feature request #6789 (Closed): Interpolation plugin: put options in the main window
- Should be fixed with Processing backend. Please reopen if necessary
01:34 AM Feature request #6789 (Closed): Interpolation plugin: put options in the main window
- Should be fixed with Processing backend. Please reopen if necessary
01:31 AM Bug report #8077 (Closed): Heatmap plugin doesn't release file after it's created
- Should be fixed by recent port to Processing. Please reopen if necessary
01:31 AM Bug report #8077 (Closed): Heatmap plugin doesn't release file after it's created
- Should be fixed by recent port to Processing. Please reopen if necessary
01:31 AM Bug report #8077 (Closed): Heatmap plugin doesn't release file after it's created
- Should be fixed by recent port to Processing. Please reopen if necessary
01:29 AM Bug report #8195 (Closed): Heatmap plugin shouldn't be in submenu
- Plugin was removed, Processsing backend added
01:29 AM Bug report #8195 (Closed): Heatmap plugin shouldn't be in submenu
- Plugin was removed, Processsing backend added
- 01:20 AM Revision 930ce545 (qgis): Fix failing tests
- 01:20 AM Revision 82d1871f (qgis): Put field kit into use
- 01:20 AM Revision 9a53b7df (qgis): Add field kits for a lot of common field types
- 01:20 AM Revision 570fc4ef (qgis): Use new-style configuration for loading widgets from the database
- 01:20 AM Revision f15284ec (qgis): Save and load new-style widget configuration
- 01:20 AM Revision 98f75a40 (qgis): Edit widget configuration migration
- 01:20 AM Revision 80b3bfdf (qgis): Add QgsConfigurationProperty class
- This class holds a QVariantMap to manage key-value-pairs where each
value can be a string, bool, int, double or itsel... - 01:20 AM Revision e6f84dea (qgis): Make QgsMapThemeCollection QML compatible
- Sponsored by
- 01:20 AM Revision d1694878 (qgis): bindings
- 01:20 AM Revision 0957b3ae (qgis): [travis] Increase cache timeout
- No new caches have been uploaded recently because of timeouts.
- 01:20 AM Revision 326f2e5a (qgis): Fix loading legacy snapping configuration
- 01:20 AM Revision 9fd08029 (qgis): Remove QgsEditorWidgetConfig
- This is replaced with a QVariantMap. It was never really more than this in the
past and with the switch to QgsConfigu... - 01:20 AM Revision ab0dccf1 (qgis): Rename `vl` parameters to `layer`
- 01:20 AM Revision c9f8ac2a (qgis): Remove editor widget project loading code from gui
- 01:20 AM Revision d6cc6bdc (qgis): Reorder attribute type dialog
- 01:20 AM Revision 590a51ee (qgis): Start with empty ValueMap configuration
- 01:20 AM Revision 826c4409 (qgis): Python bindings
- 01:20 AM Revision c4a0c470 (qgis): Fix warnings
- 01:20 AM Revision 1ad6e0bc (qgis): Document api breakages and add more doxymentation
- 01:20 AM Revision f294201e (qgis): Remove QgsEditFormConfig::widgetType
- 01:20 AM Revision eed4f0f5 (qgis): Only spellcheck added and modified files
- 01:20 AM Revision 22c492e6 (qgis): Rename QgsFieldKit to QgsFieldFormatter
- 01:20 AM Revision 1b5e577f (qgis): Generic code cleanup
- 01:20 AM Revision 83c58d1c (qgis): API documentation for QgsFieldFormatter caches and more
- 01:20 AM Revision dbbf062e (qgis): Fix bindings and tests
- 01:20 AM Revision afacbb13 (qgis): Make sure attribute table doesn't use deleted field formatters
- 01:20 AM Revision 8b2ea988 (qgis): Add missing bindings
- 01:20 AM Revision 35a2be63 (qgis): Fix index-out-of-bounds crash
- 01:20 AM Revision a332ff92 (qgis): Apply editor widget project upgrades in any case
- 01:20 AM Revision aa646884 (qgis): Allow compiling without print support
- 01:20 AM Revision dfd98334 (qgis): Let all tests work with a proper QgsApplication instance
- 01:20 AM Revision 0190e506 (qgis): Move QgsConfigurationMap to QgsXmlUtils
- 01:20 AM Revision f4bc5369 (qgis): Manage null representation value in QgsApplication::nullRepresentation()
- 01:20 AM Revision 928f360c (qgis): Make attribute table aware of disappearing field formatters
- 01:20 AM Revision c6dc31a5 (qgis): Document QgsValueMapFieldFormatter::NullValue
- 01:20 AM Revision 95fedd08 (qgis): Expose QgsSnappingConfig to QML
- Sponsored by QField
11:58 PM Revision 9ac668be (qgis): do not check in agignore
11:58 PM Revision 9c4be414 (qgis): [spelling] labelling -> labeling
05:06 PM Revision 1bbc1321 (qgis): Merge pull request #3878 from dmarteau/removeSOAP
- Server: Remove soap request handler
- 04:14 PM Revision f71bf57b (qgis): Server: Remove soap request handler
01:45 PM Revision 735f479b (qgis): [spelling] granularity
11:45 AM Revision 2a0f7252 (qgis): [spellcheck] generated command only replace whole words
10:56 AM Revision 6b56e4fb (qgis): [spellcheck] generate sed commands to fix spelling errors
10:51 AM Revision 2abeea11 (qgis): Convex Hull processing tests (#3876)
- Add two tests for convex hull
09:47 AM Revision 4ecad0a1 (qgis): Merge pull request #3885 from alexbruy/processing-relief
- [processing] add missed functionality from Raster Terrain Analysis plugin
08:49 AM Revision 0d1c9a31 (qgis): [processing] implement missed functionality from Raster terrain analysis
- plugin
08:49 AM Revision f4f86cad (qgis): [processing] use full precision for elevation values
- remove unused file
08:49 AM Revision 4e59c5a0 (qgis): [processing] merge two Relief algorithms into one
08:49 AM Revision c3e3ba6b (qgis): [FEATURE] remove Raster terrain analysis plugin
- tagged as feature to not forget mention this in docs and changelog
08:27 AM Bug report #15993 (Closed): WFS-T editing
- In QGIS 2.16 and 2.18 is not possible to edit a WFS-T layer but in 2.12, it is possible.
Thank you! -
07:50 AM Revision f9db068f (qgis): [spellcheck] ag: use short option to avoid argument error due to syntax...
05:48 AM Feature request #15618 (Closed): Integrate isselected() expression function from ExpressionsPlus ...
- fixed in #01f3c9ae38de51e82a4a18a48488695deb51f72f
03:16 AM Feature request #15992 (Open): Display and assign angles relative to true north in Advanced Digit...
- In the Advanced digitising panel when you create a line and want to make an angle change at a vertex the angle in the...
12:00 AM Bug report #15047 (Closed): ASSERT failure in QVector<T>::at: "index out of range" in qgis_attrib...
11:59 PM Bug report #15047: ASSERT failure in QVector<T>::at: "index out of range" in qgis_attributetablet...
- The error only comes up if I open the 2.14 project first time.
If I save it in 2.18.2 it works afterwards.
Sorry for... -
11:47 PM Bug report #15047 (Reopened): ASSERT failure in QVector<T>::at: "index out of range" in qgis_attr...
- Hello,
I just built the 2.18.2 and I get the crash with the same error message:... -
02:55 AM Bug report #6798: when copying a table by d&d from one schema to another the serial property is l...
- It seems that renaming the primary key is the only way to create a working sequence (see screencast 6798_rename_prima...
02:29 AM Bug report #6798: when copying a table by d&d from one schema to another the serial property is l...
- See also: #15991
02:25 AM Bug report #15991: Sequence issue when importing layers into PostGIS
- See also: #6798
02:21 AM Bug report #15991 (Closed): Sequence issue when importing layers into PostGIS
- When importing a layer into PostGIS without renaming the primary key, QGIS fails to add a sequence for the primary ke...
05:11 PM Revision 594d1aad (qgis): translation string fixes
01:33 PM Bug report #15990: wms png transparency not honoured
- ok, will probably be fixed by
01:20 PM Bug report #15990 (Closed): wms png transparency not honoured
- Testing QGIS server 3 with QGIS 3 client, png image requested do not honour the transparency for white background.
04:32 PM Revision 17ac6acd (qgis): Fix MultipleInputDialog with options not as (value, text) (#3882)
04:04 PM Revision 6f87532a (qgis): Options to speed up build and launch QGIS
03:57 PM Revision 0c894d78 (qgis): python3 print
- QGIS would not build with the old print statements
02:21 PM Revision 9c1638f5 (qgis): QgsMultiBandColorRendererWidget: add missing widgetChanged() notification
- 01:53 PM Revision 792873af (qgis): Merge pull request #3871 from rouault/auto_stretch
- [FEATURE] Implement raster auto-stretching when updating canvas
01:03 PM Feature request #15989 (Open): Pie chart orientation: widdershins
- The diagrams options supports counting from 3, 6, 9 or 12 o'clock positions, but all counting is done counter-clockwi...
01:00 PM Revision 057b42a0 (qgis): Release of 2.14.10
01:00 PM Revision 102ee87a (qgis): Release of 2.18.2
12:36 PM Revision 532eb58d (qgis): [FEATURE] Implement raster auto-stretching when updating canvas
- This commit implements the improvements described at: -
12:36 PM Revision cad7a8fd (qgis): Add QGSCOMPARENOTNEAR(value,not_expected,epsilon) macro
10:38 AM Feature request #11103: Support for retina displays (HiDPI)
- Chris - this bug tracker doesn't work on votes. See
08:51 AM Feature request #11103: Support for retina displays (HiDPI)
- Upvoting, I think it's hard for people not on 4k monitors or retina screens to appreciate just how much nicer it is t...
09:04 AM Revision 5dc39e0a (qgis): [processing] use point parameter in GRASS algs where possible (addresse...
07:39 AM Bug report #8760: Custom Form from .ui File crashes QGIS on Ubuntu
- I'm having the same problem.
My environment is as follows:
Ubuntu 16.04
Version of QGIS 2.18.1
QGIS version code 0c... -
07:05 AM Bug report #15988 (Closed): Storm of signal related backtraces when switching to "Style manager" ...
- Context: Layer styling dock opened on a vector layer.
Switching from any tab to the "Style manager" one causes the... -
05:27 AM Bug report #15920: QLR file loading ignoring <widgetv2config> configuration, as opposed when load...
- I *do* understand why you don't want to mess around with this request in ver. 2.18. But it would be very nice if it c...
05:05 AM Bug report #15987 (Closed): PostGIS layers fail to add in projects opened for more than hour.
- If you have opened a project and do not use it for some time (i.e. an hour or so), then try to add PostGIS layer (via...
04:02 AM Revision a0b26058 (qgis): Add some data modification tests to providertestbase
- Tests for addFeatures, deleteFeatures, changeAttributeValues
and changeGeometryValues
Implemented for memory, ogr an... - 02:39 AM Revision 3c39a1c7 (qgis): Add missing qt5 build dependency (#3874)
02:13 AM Bug report #15976: Attribute table: rows are switching when adding attributes
- In my case the duplication only happens with shapefiles, that's why I created another ticket (#15974)
01:10 AM Bug report #15986 (Closed): QGIS crashes when opening a project
- Until version 2.16 one of my project files opens fine but after updating to 2.18 QGIS crashes directly when opening t...
11:55 PM Revision e1b30c53 (qgis): indentation fix
11:54 PM Revision 92fd4987 (qgis): indentation fix
09:58 PM Revision c956fe9d (qgis): dwg import: make curves optional (enabled by default, disabled complete...
09:49 PM Revision b7472570 (qgis): german translation update
09:49 PM Revision 69e54ee8 (qgis): dwg import: make curves optional (enabled by default, disabled complete...
04:22 PM Revision 49055c64 (qgis): Merge pull request #3857 from 3nids/spellingtest
- Check spelling on travis
04:22 PM Revision 1090e8b7 (qgis): fix prepare commit
- 03:43 PM Revision 94b0de56 (qgis): Improved search for the relation reference widget
03:41 PM Revision 86afa4e3 (qgis): follow p 63773034d62174961908e5e6720e60d0fd35489d avoid type check befo...
03:26 PM Revision 2ffe1a76 (qgis): spelling fixes
03:26 PM Revision 90fc0bb2 (qgis): use Travis to look for spelling errors
- use silver searcher for faster search (instead of grep)
02:51 PM Bug report #15920: QLR file loading ignoring <widgetv2config> configuration, as opposed when load...
- QLR files were intended to be just styles and label information at this time. In QGIS 3.0 I would like to split all ...
12:51 PM Bug report #15920: QLR file loading ignoring <widgetv2config> configuration, as opposed when load...
- Knock knock,
This is really a LARGE issue for those of us, that uses qlr - functionality. Take a look at the QLR Br... -
02:27 PM Revision 79cb0c36 (qgis): [processing] quote file paths in TauDEM provider
11:48 AM Revision 417a5cdb (qgis): Merge pull request #3861 from alexbruy/svg-cleanup
- clean up SVG files from unnecessary data
11:15 AM Revision 5c402b2f (qgis): Fix python test
11:15 AM Revision 8e5fb436 (qgis): Remove QgsLabelingEngineInterface base class and implementation in QgsP...
- It was ready to go for some time, just waiting for QgsMapRender that still used it.
09:45 AM Revision 39824980 (qgis): [FEATURE] toggle visibility of opened panels in main window
- Accessible via:
- View menu > Toggle Panels Visibility
- Ctrl+Tab keyboard shortcut -
08:23 AM Revision 63773034 (qgis): snapping layer tree: do not show layers without geometry
08:22 AM Feature request #15983: Add point widget
- IMHO this has more to do with Processing that with GUI itself.
08:05 AM Bug report #15969: categorized labeled layers with virtual fields crash qgis
- It is even worse in 2.14
Marked it as regression and hopefully the fix will be backported to 2.14 -
08:05 AM Bug report #15969: categorized labeled layers with virtual fields crash qgis
- It is even worse in 2.14
Marked it as regression and hopefully the fix will be backported to 2.14 -
07:56 AM Bug report #15972: Cannot delete vertices of polygon in shape file when using ruled based styling
- It works fine in QGIS 2.18.1 with your data.
Worth creating a screencast as following the steps from the ticket does ... -
07:43 AM Bug report #15976: Attribute table: rows are switching when adding attributes
- Confirmed.
In my case, it duplicates the number of features in the attribute table. See attached with 3 points in the... -
07:43 AM Bug report #15976: Attribute table: rows are switching when adding attributes
- Confirmed.
In my case, it duplicates the number of features in the attribute table. See attached with 3 points in the... -
01:50 AM Bug report #15985 (Closed): Concave hull not working in Processing (QGIS3)
- Concave hull algorithm always throws an error. In QGIS 2.18 it works fine (tested with point data within the processi...
12:05 AM Bug report #15977: Crash when saving new rows in MSSQL layer with a join
- Martin Bain wrote:
> Tested with 2.19.0-2 and the problem still exists. However I notice the version of mssqlprovide... -
01:34 PM Bug report #15977: Crash when saving new rows in MSSQL layer with a join
- Tested with 2.19.0-2 and the problem still exists. However I notice the version of mssqlprovider.dll installed in qg...
10:49 PM Revision aaeaf97f (qgis): Fix ui build warning
10:15 PM Revision a85fe1fa (qgis): [FEATURE] DWG import into geopackage using libdxfrw
09:01 PM Revision d5c6b977 (qgis): [FEATURE] DWG import into geopackage using libdxfrw
06:48 PM Revision 58933aa6 (qgis): dxf export: fix crash, when curve geometry can't be segmentized
- (cherry picked from commit 159ad683fe3a413dcdeba91079d3c7fa629fa580)
06:42 PM Revision 159ad683 (qgis): dxf export: fix crash, when curve geometry can't be segmentized
06:41 PM Revision 7ce2d3eb (qgis): api_break: QgsCrsCache was removed
06:41 PM Revision 7ca2512a (qgis): typo fix
06:00 PM Revision b986d183 (qgis): oracle provider: debug output on usage of 'estimated metadata'
05:57 PM Bug report #15984 (Closed): Colour bars in colour chooser UI are rendered with interleaved stripes
- I'm running QGIS master on OS X with hidpi retina display.
I don't know if it's related to resolution, but color bar... -
05:34 PM Revision 02169186 (qgis): Merge pull request #3869 from mhugo/cleanup_server
- Some cleanups in server
- 03:25 PM Revision ae11e0b1 (qgis): [BACKPORT][BUGFIX] Fixed a crash on bad network protocol
- ( from f48f90ead )
03:07 PM Revision 9799183d (qgis): remove temp file and update .gitignore
03:07 PM Revision 8e9d49ad (qgis): reduce geometry precision from 7 to 5 digits
03:07 PM Revision 53927889 (qgis): some Processing test
03:07 PM Revision a009cf40 (qgis): fix error on geometry precision
- 03:05 PM Revision a848b8c8 (qgis): [BACKPORT][BUGFIX] Fixed a crash on bad network protocol
- ( from f48f90ead )
02:13 PM Revision 8d8bbabf (qgis): indentation update
- 01:52 PM Revision 595ef7f0 (qgis): Code cleanup: removed unused slot
12:46 PM Revision 81e2f87f (qgis): update test masks
10:32 AM Feature request #15983 (Closed): Add point widget
- Currently, coordinates have to be entered by hand (in some cases with expressions) for several GRASS modules.
It wou... -
10:20 AM Revision 56036d29 (qgis): Improve wmsserver error handling and exception safety
10:19 AM Revision 3f066054 (qgis): QgsServer cleanup
10:19 AM Revision 64b131ce (qgis): QgsServerLogger cleanup
08:24 AM Revision f02e4ad9 (qgis): [FEATURE][raster] transparency support for paletted renderer
08:20 AM Revision e3148219 (qgis): clean up SVG files from unnecessary data
11:40 PM Bug report #15980 (Feedback): Snapping Settings can't be stored
- It resets the snapping setting according to your defaults...and not the latest settings. This is a general behaviour,...
11:40 PM Bug report #15980 (Feedback): Snapping Settings can't be stored
- It resets the snapping setting according to your defaults...and not the latest settings. This is a general behaviour,...
11:40 PM Bug report #15980 (Feedback): Snapping Settings can't be stored
- It resets the snapping setting according to your defaults...and not the latest settings. This is a general behaviour,...
05:07 AM Bug report #15980 (Closed): Snapping Settings can't be stored
- Dear Support,
We are encountering problems with storing the QGIS Snapping Set-up. I've been encountering this since... -
08:10 PM Revision 287ed2d3 (qgis): Fix test for WMS 1.3. compliance: distort image if width/height ratio o...
07:16 PM Bug report #15982: Data not being saved to PostGIS database consistently
- Found something new. Two snapped points again ended up being not the same but this time visible in the vertex editor...
12:36 PM Bug report #15982: Data not being saved to PostGIS database consistently
- Just for reference, here's the range of doubles (float8) that 1A.x has in the tables above:...
12:15 PM Bug report #15982 (Closed): Data not being saved to PostGIS database consistently
- I'm using QGIS Desktop with a PostGISdatabase. I've created a polygon with 4 points (A to D) and then another polygo...
05:17 PM Revision c49e70ea (qgis): Fix DB manager layer preview after my QgsMapCanvas changes
04:40 PM Revision e59bad53 (qgis): Fix test for WMS 1.3. compliance: distort image if width/height ratio o...
03:58 PM Revision 0035c97f (qgis): Merge pull request #3725 from arnaud-morvan/processing_geometry_predicate
- [processing] Remove parameter geometry predicate
03:56 PM Revision d44f1eba (qgis): Fix WMS 1.3. compliance: distort image if width/height ratio of bbox is...
- Not decrease but increase image
03:54 PM Revision 903e8cf4 (qgis): Fix WMS 1.3. compliance: distort image if width/height ratio of bbox is...
- Not decrease but increase image
03:52 PM Revision 9f265741 (qgis): Fix WMS 1.3. compliance: distort image if width/height ratio of bbox is...
- Not decrease but increase image
- 03:50 PM Revision f48f90ea (qgis): Merge pull request #3864 from elpaso/downloader-fixes-bad-network
- [BUGFIX] Fixed a crash on bad network protocol
- 03:03 PM Revision 9d9d162d (qgis): Disabled C++ test (use python instead)
02:56 PM Revision 01d5233d (qgis): Merge branch 'remove_grass_6'
02:55 PM Revision ed0e39e0 (qgis): [processing] also remove GRASS 6 from tests
02:55 PM Revision a861320a (qgis): [processing] fix CMakeLists.txt
02:55 PM Revision 170a9468 (qgis): [processing] removed grass6 provider
- 02:07 PM Revision 6f534c5f (qgis): [BUGFIX] Fixed a crash on bad network protocol
01:07 PM Revision 56633baf (qgis): [QGIS Server] CITE WMS 130 Test project
- Add a project for OGC CITE WMS 130 tests
11:44 AM Revision e63ee670 (qgis): [processing] maintain options order
10:41 AM Revision f8e2b850 (qgis): Merge pull request #3862 from rldhont/release-2_14-wms-130-compliance
- Backport 214 wms 130 compliance
10:12 AM Feature request #15981 (Closed): Austria NTv2 AT_GIS_GRID Transformation out-of-box
- Looks like QGIS 2.99 does not provide the NTv2 based transformation AT_GIS_GRID for Austria (to ETRS89) out of the bo...
- 10:00 AM Revision a1a4ad98 (qgis): fix getLegendGraphics when BBox parameter is used
10:00 AM Revision 5cbf408e (qgis): Adapt WFS capabilties in server test for WMS 1.3.0 compliance
10:00 AM Revision 1b3961d6 (qgis): Fix access control tests such that bbox width/height ration matches ima...
09:59 AM Revision 35be15b9 (qgis): Adapt expected capabilities / project settings response in server test ...
09:59 AM Revision 63a2f62a (qgis): Fix typo
09:59 AM Revision 28295e15 (qgis): Backward support for parameters 'MTVER' and 'capabilities' from WMS 1.0...
09:59 AM Revision f5c28c3f (qgis): Indentation
09:58 AM Revision 12267f01 (qgis): WMS server: parse bounding box only if the BBOX parameter is really there
09:58 AM Revision 4336595a (qgis): WMS 1.3 compliance: Each OnlineResource URL intended for HTTP Get reque...
09:58 AM Revision 39641109 (qgis): Exception format is XML, not capabilities format
09:57 AM Revision 5d80e1ba (qgis): WMS 1.3. compliance: distort image if width/height ratio of bbox is dif...
09:57 AM Revision 6d68e9e0 (qgis): WMS 1.3.0 compliance: If a layer bounding box is there, it is not allow...
09:54 AM Revision 43142b83 (qgis): WMS 1.3.0 compliance: throw exception if bbox is empty
09:53 AM Revision 4d088605 (qgis): Fix typo
09:53 AM Revision 711fd64f (qgis): WMS 1.3.0 compliance: exception format must be advertized as 'XML', not...
09:53 AM Revision fb4775cb (qgis): WMS 1.3.0 compliance: CRS:84 needs to be supported
09:52 AM Revision 4d5cc5a2 (qgis): WMS 1.3.0 compliance: support BGCOLOR parameter
09:52 AM Revision 6eba1cef (qgis): WMS 1.3.0 compliance: throw exception if feature info point is not with...
09:51 AM Revision 34969b58 (qgis): WMS 1.3.0 compliance: use the reserved word 'None' if no fees
09:46 AM Revision 85e692ec (qgis): [processing] add algorithm for calculating shortest path from multiple
- start points defined by vector layer
09:46 AM Revision 2f70f1f7 (qgis): [processing] add algorithm for calculating shortest path to multiple end
- points defined by vector layer
09:46 AM Revision 729567db (qgis): [processing] save travel cost to output attribute table
09:46 AM Revision aa3c7cca (qgis): [processing] add algorithm for calculating service areas from point
- layer
Add start point coordinates to outputs -
09:46 AM Revision 16c92dd1 (qgis): [processing] write start and end points to output attribute table
09:46 AM Revision b2a01c57 (qgis): [processing] rename network analysis algs to reflect their inputs type
09:46 AM Revision ab823c4c (qgis): [processing] add tests for network analysis algorithms
- Tests dissabled for now, as algorithms require access to QGIS iface.
09:46 AM Revision ce342b0f (qgis): [FEATURE] remove RoadGraph plugin
- tagged as feature to not forget mention this in docs and changelog
09:46 AM Revision 77ecfb93 (qgis): [processing] add service area algorithm
09:46 AM Revision d1349f72 (qgis): [processing] output service area as polygon and as multipoint
09:46 AM Revision 0823bb4b (qgis): [processing] adopt algorithm to changes in QGIS API
09:46 AM Revision 9319fc65 (qgis): [processing] also calculate fastest path
09:46 AM Revision fd5f6410 (qgis): [processing] reword algorithm name and some parameter descriptions
09:46 AM Revision 5b9d11bf (qgis): [processing] remove unused variables
09:46 AM Revision f25cb146 (qgis): [processing] add icon for network analysis algorithm
09:46 AM Revision a60048c1 (qgis): [processing] add shortest path algorithm to Processing
06:09 AM Revision a8b9723c (qgis): [FEATURE] allow customization of line spacing for legend item labels (#...
- * [FEATURE] allow customization of line spacing for legend item labels
* add test for legend line spacing and update ... -
04:49 AM Revision dc509f45 (qgis): Fix bad import
03:36 AM Bug report #15979 (Closed): %20 in QGIs project file
- Not sure if this is a windows/linux or a qgis desktop/qgis server incompatiblity, but this should be enough informati...
03:23 AM Bug report #15978 (Closed): QgsRasterDataProvider::cStringList2Q_ without UTF8 support
- While (again) wondering why non-Latin characters are being garbled when metadata from TIFFTAGS are being read, I look...
02:50 AM Bug report #15960 (Closed): Installation / Building fails: qgis/python/qgis/core/
- Accidentally I was using python2 to compile the files during installation. Consider it as fixed.
10:49 PM Feature request #10330 (Closed): Mutually Exclusive Layers In Layer Groups
07:43 PM Feature request #10330: Mutually Exclusive Layers In Layer Groups
- This is implemented in 2.14.8. Probably sooner. I've been away for too long. :-)
09:58 PM Revision d7b0244e (qgis): Disable another intermittent task manager test
09:29 PM Bug report #15977: Crash when saving new rows in MSSQL layer with a join
- Just noticed a commit from 2 days ago: "Fix an array out of bounds access when committing data (#3807)" which may sol...
07:56 PM Bug report #15977: Crash when saving new rows in MSSQL layer with a join
- Meant to say the same joins work fine with a Spatialite layer
07:52 PM Bug report #15977 (Closed): Crash when saving new rows in MSSQL layer with a join
- When editing an MSSQL layer which has a join defined I can edit and delete existing records but if I add one or more ...
06:08 PM Revision 7e40fb4d (qgis): Merge pull request #3858 from rldhont/fix-getLegendGraphics-bbox
- fix getLegendGraphics when BBox parameter is used
- 05:24 PM Revision 3e4a19e4 (qgis): fix getLegendGraphics when BBox parameter is used
03:25 PM Revision 4c31bc40 (qgis): [processing] config dialog: only save menu configuration if needed
- Conflicts:
python/plugins/processing/gui/ -
03:21 PM Revision 322a565b (qgis): [processing] Remove ParameterGeometryPredicate
03:21 PM Revision ecb25c41 (qgis): [processing] Remove ParamaterGeometryPredicate from SelectByLocation al...
03:21 PM Revision 09035a4d (qgis): [processing] Remove ParamaterGeometryPredicate from ExtractByLocation a...
03:21 PM Revision 955563f9 (qgis): [processing] Remove ParamaterGeometryPredicate from SpatialJoin algorithm
03:20 PM Revision f852603f (qgis): [processing] fixes for SAGA folder configuration
- This tries to address some problem with previously set SAGA paths, by always showing the SAGA path config value, and ...
03:12 PM Revision 65a4e97a (qgis): [processing] Support options as (value, text) in ParameterSelection
03:02 PM Revision e5127c9b (qgis): [processing] config dialog: only save menu configuration if needed
03:02 PM Revision 93feb8bc (qgis): [processing] fixes for SAGA folder configuration
- This tries to address some problem with previously set SAGA paths, by always showing the SAGA path config value, and ...
03:02 PM Revision c17837cd (qgis): [processing] do not replace lt and gt symbols in log window
02:07 PM Revision 7028eee1 (qgis): Merge pull request #3809 from pblottiere/render
- replace QgsMapRenderer
02:06 PM Revision 29a05dfa (qgis): Adapt WFS capabilties in server test for WMS 1.3.0 compliance
- 01:54 PM Revision 811a4349 (qgis): Merge pull request #3856 from rldhont/backport-218-wms-130-compliance
- Backport 218 wms 130 compliance
12:16 PM Revision f6cd843e (qgis): Adapt WFS capabilties in server test for WMS 1.3.0 compliance
11:41 AM Revision d2a122c1 (qgis): Fix access control tests such that bbox width/height ration matches ima...
11:40 AM Revision 218f8032 (qgis): Adapt expected capabilities / project settings response in server test ...
11:18 AM Revision 4aab8ab4 (qgis): Fix typo
11:01 AM Revision 204e8886 (qgis): Backward support for parameters 'MTVER' and 'capabilities' from WMS 1.0...
10:58 AM Revision cf50d4fa (qgis): Indentation
10:58 AM Revision 38551154 (qgis): WMS server: parse bounding box only if the BBOX parameter is really there
10:56 AM Revision dd688a5d (qgis): WMS 1.3 compliance: Each OnlineResource URL intended for HTTP Get reque...
10:55 AM Revision 291f1b65 (qgis): Exception format is XML, not capabilities format
10:52 AM Revision 97eb48eb (qgis): WMS 1.3. compliance: distort image if width/height ratio of bbox is dif...
10:52 AM Revision 9561f71c (qgis): WMS 1.3.0 compliance: If a layer bounding box is there, it is not allow...
10:49 AM Revision 763c9b78 (qgis): WMS 1.3.0 compliance: throw exception if bbox is empty
10:46 AM Revision 476ac27c (qgis): Fix typo
10:46 AM Revision 8ba3299b (qgis): WMS 1.3.0 compliance: exception format must be advertized as 'XML', not...
10:42 AM Revision f1cfd0c3 (qgis): WMS 1.3.0 compliance: CRS:84 needs to be supported
10:41 AM Revision 46b012f9 (qgis): WMS 1.3.0 compliance: support BGCOLOR parameter
10:40 AM Revision c749d98e (qgis): WMS 1.3.0 compliance: throw exception if feature info point is not with...
10:40 AM Revision 3a76dc53 (qgis): WMS 1.3.0 compliance: use the reserved word 'None' if no fees
10:21 AM Revision 9bd8c7b3 (qgis): [TRANS] Adding Translatorname
- Adding new chinese traditional translator
08:47 AM Revision 7bc76479 (qgis): More flaky test disabling
08:47 AM Revision caa0d500 (qgis): Fix spelling of orthoganilize
- 08:16 AM Revision 8cda1bbb (qgis): fix getLegendGraphics when BBox parameter is used
- 07:50 AM Revision f3a5c981 (qgis): remove QgsMapRenderer
06:53 AM Bug report #15883 (Closed): Rotate Point Symbols not working
06:21 AM Bug report #14205 (Closed): Geopackage edits discarded whith style display
- The problem seems to be fixed in 2.14.9 and 2.18.1
06:21 AM Bug report #14205 (Closed): Geopackage edits discarded whith style display
- The problem seems to be fixed in 2.14.9 and 2.18.1
06:21 AM Bug report #14205 (Closed): Geopackage edits discarded whith style display
- The problem seems to be fixed in 2.14.9 and 2.18.1
05:52 AM Bug report #15868: Frequent errors in DB Manager: `pyqtSignal must be bound to a QObject, not 'PG...
- The problem is still happening with 2.18.1
05:49 AM Bug report #15976 (Closed): Attribute table: rows are switching when adding attributes
- This doesn't happen in 2.14.9 and is thus a regression. Here's how to reproduce the bug:
1. Create a new Shapefile... -
05:43 AM Bug report #11986 (Reopened): Intersection returns the wrong result
- This must be reopened: it seems to me that the fix/check is available on 2.18.1 but anyway it fails to return the pro...
05:43 AM Bug report #11986 (Reopened): Intersection returns the wrong result
- This must be reopened: it seems to me that the fix/check is available on 2.18.1 but anyway it fails to return the pro...
05:40 AM Bug report #15975 (Closed): GeoPackage: field seems to be editable (but is not) after stopping ed...
- Here's how to reproduce the bug:
1. Create a new GeoPackage layer
2. Digitize a few features
3. Open the attribu... -
05:31 AM Bug report #15974 (Closed): Rows of the attribute table seem to be duplicated when saving edits i...
- Here's how to reproduce the bug:
1. Create a new shapefile with a single column named id (as integer)
2. Digitize... -
05:19 AM Bug report #9297 (Reopened): ftools: warn users in clear, meaningful, visible way when geometries...
- Matthias Kuhn wrote:
> The fix adds a new flag "ignore invalid geometries" which if off by default.
> The algorith... -
05:19 AM Bug report #9297 (Reopened): ftools: warn users in clear, meaningful, visible way when geometries...
- Matthias Kuhn wrote:
> The fix adds a new flag "ignore invalid geometries" which if off by default.
> The algorith... -
05:19 AM Bug report #9297 (Reopened): ftools: warn users in clear, meaningful, visible way when geometries...
- Matthias Kuhn wrote:
> The fix adds a new flag "ignore invalid geometries" which if off by default.
> The algorith... -
05:17 AM Bug report #15962: Union & Intersection results are Incorrect
- There are different issues here, both in QGIS (and that is very unfortunate) and in your data.
The Union between you... -
05:17 AM Bug report #15962: Union & Intersection results are Incorrect
- There are different issues here, both in QGIS (and that is very unfortunate) and in your data.
The Union between you... -
05:17 AM Bug report #15962: Union & Intersection results are Incorrect
- There are different issues here, both in QGIS (and that is very unfortunate) and in your data.
The Union between you... -
05:17 AM Bug report #15962: Union & Intersection results are Incorrect
- There are different issues here, both in QGIS (and that is very unfortunate) and in your data.
The Union between you... -
05:17 AM Bug report #15962: Union & Intersection results are Incorrect
- There are different issues here, both in QGIS (and that is very unfortunate) and in your data.
The Union between you... -
05:17 AM Bug report #15962: Union & Intersection results are Incorrect
- There are different issues here, both in QGIS (and that is very unfortunate) and in your data.
The Union between you... -
05:17 AM Bug report #15962: Union & Intersection results are Incorrect
- There are different issues here, both in QGIS (and that is very unfortunate) and in your data.
The Union between you... -
04:21 AM Bug report #15972: Cannot delete vertices of polygon in shape file when using ruled based styling
- Sure, here you go. I just cleared my .qgis2 folder to make sure it wasn't a plugin causing havoc on my QGIS installat...
04:21 AM Bug report #15972: Cannot delete vertices of polygon in shape file when using ruled based styling
- Sure, here you go. I just cleared my .qgis2 folder to make sure it wasn't a plugin causing havoc on my QGIS installat...
04:21 AM Bug report #15972: Cannot delete vertices of polygon in shape file when using ruled based styling
- Sure, here you go. I just cleared my .qgis2 folder to make sure it wasn't a plugin causing havoc on my QGIS installat...
04:21 AM Bug report #15972: Cannot delete vertices of polygon in shape file when using ruled based styling
- Sure, here you go. I just cleared my .qgis2 folder to make sure it wasn't a plugin causing havoc on my QGIS installat...
04:21 AM Bug report #15972: Cannot delete vertices of polygon in shape file when using ruled based styling
- Sure, here you go. I just cleared my .qgis2 folder to make sure it wasn't a plugin causing havoc on my QGIS installat...
04:07 AM Bug report #15972 (Feedback): Cannot delete vertices of polygon in shape file when using ruled ba...
- Cannot confirm here on the same platform. Please attach a sample project+data to allow try replicate locally.
04:07 AM Bug report #15972 (Feedback): Cannot delete vertices of polygon in shape file when using ruled ba...
- Cannot confirm here on the same platform. Please attach a sample project+data to allow try replicate locally.
01:22 AM Bug report #15972: Cannot delete vertices of polygon in shape file when using ruled based styling
- Well I tried again with 2.19.0 (commit:1d80925) and it doesn't work there either.
04:20 AM Bug report #14846: QGIS Union: wrong results
- see also:
#15962 -
03:34 AM Revision 5228cc5f (qgis): One more fix for doc test
03:31 AM Bug report #15659: Crash when deleting features with node tool (2.14 for Mac OS)
- Is the correction of the error valid from the other release of 2.14 or only from the 2.18?
I ask that cause I found t... -
03:23 AM Bug report #15499: Qgis Desktop 2.14.5 and 2.16 Projects with Multiple Composers Loading Very Slowly
- This bug is very annoying.
EDIT: Erm, sorry, accidentally changed version form the LTR. -
02:58 AM Feature request #15973 (Closed): Processing: GDAL Merge - add compression options
- It would be useful to have compression options such as the ones present in GDAL translate (convert format)
02:54 AM Revision d60f94bf (qgis): Fix doc coverage test
01:23 AM Bug report #14704 (Reopened): Encoding problems with Processing toolbox
- In my case, the problem was with path.
The bug is present in 2.18 and 2.14. -
01:23 AM Bug report #14704 (Reopened): Encoding problems with Processing toolbox
- In my case, the problem was with path.
The bug is present in 2.18 and 2.14. -
01:23 AM Bug report #14704 (Reopened): Encoding problems with Processing toolbox
- In my case, the problem was with path.
The bug is present in 2.18 and 2.14.
12:32 AM Bug report #15972 (Closed): Cannot delete vertices of polygon in shape file when using ruled base...
- My collegue came to me with this issue that he cannot delete vertices of a polygon residing in a shape file. After do...
12:19 AM Revision b4d49133 (qgis): Temporarily disable flaky part of test
08:29 PM Feature request #15971 (Open): Field Calculator - Remain open after update
- When adding new data I frequently update two or more columns with the Field Calculator.
Clicking OK to perform the u... -
08:27 PM Revision 55658297 (qgis): Rename QgsLegendModelV2 to QgsLegendModel
08:23 PM Revision c783be1d (qgis): Rename QgsComposerLegendStyle to QgsLegendStyle
08:22 PM Feature request #15970 (Closed): Field Calculator update existing field should default to blank s...
- In the Field Calculator when you select the option to "update existing field" the first field in the table is already...
07:42 PM Revision 3efc28d0 (qgis): Remove legacy class QgsComposerLegendItem and subclasses
02:38 PM Bug report #15951: Geometryless feature: 'Pan Map' issue
- screencast added
10:49 AM Revision 57ff36bc (qgis): Make it possible to use project as non-singleton
- This is just a first step - it will be a long way to get rid of all
the usages of singleton instance in QGIS code. -
10:09 AM Revision 899ea38d (qgis): Make doc coverage test happy
09:41 AM Revision 2c9f1ff5 (qgis): Make map canvas independent from overview canvas, simplify QgsMapCanvas...
07:13 AM Revision 20cdd4f0 (qgis): Merge pull request #3855 from wonder-sk/project-refactoring-part1
- Project refactoring - part I
06:42 AM Bug report #15969 (Closed): categorized labeled layers with virtual fields crash qgis
- When you label categorized layers with virtual fields (e.g. $area), QGIS crash, when visibility is toggeled on/off.
T... -
06:33 AM Revision 04f8704e (qgis): Unit tests for utility methods from qgsmaplayerlistutils.h
04:49 AM Revision 6eb330e2 (qgis): Fix an array out of bounds access when committing data (#3807)
- This fixes an array out of bounds access when using a layer that consists of a main table with joined in attributes.
... -
03:59 AM Bug report #15968: Identify results panel: tweaks for usability
- IMHO `Band1` should be removed everywhere for singleband rasters.
The attached image could be replaced by:
Slop... -
03:53 AM Bug report #15968: Identify results panel: tweaks for usability
- See attached
03:52 AM Bug report #15968 (Open): Identify results panel: tweaks for usability
- The panel requires IMHO a bit of love:
* when querying several rasters, a too deep tree is displayed
* the closed s...
12:00 AM Feature request #15967: Allow to set default sort column in Identify Window
- Actually, it's two mouse clicks after each identify since I need it sorted by value in reverse order.
11:56 PM Feature request #15967 (Open): Allow to set default sort column in Identify Window
- Currently the identify window shows items in the order returned by the database (postgres in my case). I would like ...
05:47 PM Revision 1580f325 (qgis): More test fixes
05:31 PM Revision 483c7f4b (qgis): Test fixes and further QgsProject::instance() removals
- 05:12 PM Revision 91b03a9c (qgis): Merge pull request #3854 from elpaso/plugin-re-enable
- [SERVER][BUGFIX] Plugin re enable
- 04:41 PM Revision bcedb6df (qgis): Moved interface to main init
04:23 PM Revision 5fc10d62 (qgis): Migrate QgsMapThemeCollection away from using layer IDs
- 02:06 PM Revision ba143d02 (qgis): Plugin re-enabled
11:50 AM Revision c143be7a (qgis): QgsMapSettings and QgsComposerMap store layers for rendering as weak po...
- ... instead of using layer IDs which need to be resolved using QgsProject
09:18 AM Revision 64f1356c (qgis): Added missing api docs
08:18 AM Revision d56a97d4 (qgis): Merge QgsMapLayerRegistry into QgsProject
- All methods/signals of QgsMapLayerRegistry moved verbatim to QgsProject.
03:54 AM Revision fc8493f5 (qgis): Merge pull request #3851 from nirvn/raster_ui_improvements
- Raster renderer UI improvements
03:05 AM Feature request #15966 (Open): Iterate over conflicting labels
- It would be nice to have labels placed automatically in general, but to manually handle problematic cases in order to...
12:09 PM Revision 8ec3eaf4 (qgis): Merge pull request #3839 from anitagraser/patch-2
- [processing] Create cost allocation map output
11:39 AM Revision fdf2a9dc (qgis): Backward support for parameters 'MTVER' and 'capabilities' from WMS 1.0...
- 11:00 AM Revision 48f43b08 (qgis): Fix map canvas test
- 10:32 AM Revision cf5f373f (qgis): Add support for fine-resolution mouse wheel zooming
- Some mouses (notably on mac) have finer resolutions. They send mouse
wheel events in a higher frequency but with smal... -
10:24 AM Revision 364a51d8 (qgis): [FEATURE][raster] support setting of color and transparency on multiple
- items in the singleband pseudo-color UI
10:24 AM Revision 4894a6d4 (qgis): [raster] allow multiple row deletion in the singleband pseudo-color UI
10:24 AM Revision ffb6ba7a (qgis): [FEATURE][raster] support setting of color and transparency on multiple
- items in paletted UI
10:21 AM Revision 322b7039 (qgis): [processing] made WHERE param optional and advanced in algor...
- Fixes #15786
10:11 AM Revision 38b62b61 (qgis): Merge pull request #3849 from SrNetoChan/png_cleanup
- Cleaning unused png files and respective folder
09:19 AM Bug report #15965 (Feedback): 1-n relation: children form is always displayed in form view state ...
- Create a 1-n relation between 2 files
Then with the identify tool, click on a parent feature.
In the feature form tha... -
08:54 AM Revision c7137472 (qgis): [processing] fixed GRASS algorithm descriptions
08:47 AM Revision febc8199 (qgis): use qt4 signal/slot syntax
08:19 AM Revision 1254aaa0 (qgis): fix #15947 style dock is not refreshed when map layer style changes
08:18 AM Revision 2eaa0b7a (qgis): fix #15947 style dock is not refreshed when map layer style changes
06:46 AM Bug report #15964 (Closed): Drag-and-drop form: impossible to drag fields into the right form panel
- Layer's properties --> Fields tab, drag-and-drop editor layout activated
Trying to create a feature form, I'm not ab... -
03:09 AM Bug report #15787: Processing: GRASS: `r.viewshed` fails
- Checked again, I'm a bit lost here. Any suggestion what can I check?
Coords seem inverted here:... -
01:09 AM Bug report #15787: Processing: GRASS: `r.viewshed` fails
- It seems it cannot find the raster layer for the viewshed algorithm, but r.external seems to have created it.
Any mo... -
02:37 AM Revision 8bc980ee (qgis): Deletes old themes folders
02:32 AM Revision ae0d7cfa (qgis): Deletes unused png files from default theme
01:43 AM Revision ee55c4bc (qgis): [FEATURE] Show an alpha slider in color button drop down menu
- Allows quick tweaks to the color alpha
01:20 AM Bug report #15786 (Closed): Processing>`*`: WHERE param not necessary
- Fixed in changeset commit:"322b703944e56497e716358f9a386638fb7c75af".
01:09 AM Revision 5aa15394 (qgis): Merge pull request #3848 from nyalldawson/orthag
- [FEATURE][processing] New algorithm to orthagonalize geometries
12:41 AM Revision 4b6f3a3e (qgis): [FEATURE][processing] New algorithm to orthagonalize geometries
- Adds a new QgsGeometry::orthagonalize method which tries to make
angles in geometries either right angles or straight... -
12:31 AM Bug report #15961: Escaping out of Dialog causes QGIS to crash
- Also Master/QGIS3:
Qt5? generates bt itself? See below... -
12:28 AM Bug report #15961: Escaping out of Dialog causes QGIS to crash
- Crash confirmed here in 2.18.1 on Debian Testing.
gdb bt below, I hope this is usefull?... -
02:46 PM Bug report #15961 (Closed): Escaping out of Dialog causes QGIS to crash
- Pressing Esc in at least one dialog can cause QGIS to crash.
The known case can be replicated as follows:
I hav... -
12:27 AM Bug report #15963: Wrong input layers in 'Check Geometries/Snap Geometries' plugin
- Can someone open the attached .qgis file and cofirm that there is a layer available in 'Check Geometries'/'Snap Geome...
12:02 AM Bug report #15963 (Closed): Wrong input layers in 'Check Geometries/Snap Geometries' plugin
- In some cases the listed input layers do not match the layers that are listed in the layers panel (see screencast). U...
12:01 AM Bug report #15962 (Closed): Union & Intersection results are Incorrect
- I found some strange issues when running Intersect & Union from the Vector>>GeoProcessing Menu. I've reproduced this ...
11:17 PM Feature request #15947 (Closed): Styling dock: Show current style as a combobox
- Fixed in changeset commit:"1254aaa0db0d42ad2eaa08a1d8a74f80076d4468".
11:13 PM Revision 379e7a42 (qgis): Add some more QgsVector operators, allow use of QgsVector with QgsPointV2
11:13 PM Revision 77a8e18e (qgis): Add methods to add/subtract QgsVectors
10:12 AM Revision e41c2a7b (qgis): [processing] allow saving custom predefined expressions
08:26 AM Revision b133b126 (qgis): use data rather than indexes to retrieve items
07:50 AM Revision 02d70fa0 (qgis): Revert "[style dock] emit widgetChanged() when raster palette labels up...
- This reverts commit f92928d4da7ece907b94713e8706e550e6ab4c5e.
07:41 AM Revision 7722f880 (qgis): [style dock] emit widgetChanged() when raster palette labels updated
07:39 AM Revision f92928d4 (qgis): [style dock] emit widgetChanged() when raster palette labels updated
07:30 AM Revision fd081c8c (qgis): [style dock] emit widgetChanged() when raster palette labels updated
06:08 AM Revision e077efd3 (qgis): [style dock] emit widgetChanged() when raster palette labels updated
05:31 AM Bug report #15960 (Closed): Installation / Building fails: qgis/python/qgis/core/
- Here are the last lines of output:
-- Installing: /tmp/yaourt-tmp-gaelic/aur-qgis-git/pkg/qgis-git/usr/share/qgis/py... -
05:14 AM Bug report #15959 (Closed): Unit of symbol fill does not affect units of all containing symbol la...
- Changing the unit of a fill does not change the units of all containing symbol layers (see screencast).
05:09 AM Revision c32be64a (qgis): [ui] fix circular string button location and relocate undo/redo buttons...
04:53 AM Bug report #15958 (Closed): Change project CRS without activating OTF
- Is there any reason why users can't change the project CRS without activating OTF (see screencast)?
04:33 AM Feature request #15957 (Open): Import of dxf-data: Angle support for labels
- When trying to visualize text stored within dxf features there is currently not the option to visualize it a correct ...
04:30 AM Feature request #15956 (Closed): Save guide lines in composer templates
- To me, there should be an option to save guide lines in composer templates.
04:08 AM Bug report #15955 (Closed): 'Avoid artifacts when project is rendered as map tiles' option broken?
- It seems that the 'Avoid artifacts when project is rendered as map tiles' option is broken (see screencast).
03:16 AM Revision 01f2c441 (qgis): [symbology] categorized renderer's default ramp should be random
02:36 AM Feature request #15954 (Open): Diagrams: Being able to create a categorized histogram (showing qu...
- This is originally inspired by this request (in french, but full of screenshots):
01:14 AM Bug report #15953 (Closed): Custom dash pattern not respected when pen is data defined
- It seems that whenever you have a data defined pen, the custom dashed
pattern (if provided) is not respected even whe...
11:54 PM Bug report #15942 (Open): Bad GML causes crash
08:37 PM Bug report #15942: Bad GML causes crash
- Jürgen,
Can you tell me why this was closed so quickly?
It's an issue that causes a segfault in QGIS and it's rep... -
11:53 PM Feature request #15947: Styling dock: Show current style as a combobox
01:48 AM Feature request #15947 (Closed): Styling dock: Show current style as a combobox
- It would be very profitable to display the current style of the layer in the styling dock (probably also in the layer...
10:58 PM Bug report #15952 (Closed): Allow null in value relation widget should be closely tighted with th...
- It feels unnatural to have 2 options related to null values in the value relation widget.
I would propose to remove i... -
08:52 PM Revision 37edb69c (qgis): Merge pull request #3843 from nyalldawson/oriented
- Port minimum oriented bounding box to QgsGeometry
03:54 PM Bug report #15951 (Closed): Geometryless feature: 'Pan Map' issue
- Steps to reproduce:
* add a new polygon scratch layer
* add two features
* delete all nodes of one feature using the... -
03:15 PM Bug report #15948 (Closed): Deleting all nodes of a single geometry does not delete feature
- It's by design - that's why the messagebar gives the hint that the geometry has been cleared and can be readded if de...
03:15 PM Bug report #15948 (Closed): Deleting all nodes of a single geometry does not delete feature
- It's by design - that's why the messagebar gives the hint that the geometry has been cleared and can be readded if de...
02:16 PM Bug report #15948 (Closed): Deleting all nodes of a single geometry does not delete feature
- Deleting all nodes of a single geoemtry does not delete the feature (see screencast). Is this the expected behaviour ...
03:13 PM Bug report #15949: Save changes when removing scratch layer?
- Well... kind of. It can be used to cancel the pending edits without locking them in to the layer, which is sometimes ...
02:42 PM Bug report #15949 (Closed): Save changes when removing scratch layer?
- When removing a scratch layer from the layers panel QGIS asks 'Do you want to save the changes...'. It seems this dia...
03:00 PM Bug report #15134: Virtual Layer - Selecting multipart features fails
- Thx! Is this issue related to #15600?
02:52 PM Feature request #15950 (Open): Save and stop editing for all layers
- A "Save and stop editing for all layers' option in the 'Current Edits' menu would be quite helpful!
- 02:42 PM Revision ddaf68ef (qgis): [offlineediting] Fix only synchronize selected features option
- Fix #15830
- 02:40 PM Revision ed5a2bca (qgis): [offlineediting] Fix only synchronize selected features option
- Fix #15830
02:39 PM Revision 897d27fa (qgis): fix import
01:56 PM Revision a8dd95ad (qgis): Fixed wrong import
01:12 PM Revision bb7b6d41 (qgis): [processing] added predefined expressions to raster calculator
12:44 PM Revision 8a3c1efe (qgis): Merge pull request #3840 from DelazJ/selectedfeaturesids
- Replace selectedFeaturesIds by selectedFeatureIds
12:09 PM Revision e0912b8e (qgis): Update API break doc
11:13 AM Revision c975764c (qgis): Port processing oriented minimum bounding box alg to QgsGeometry
11:13 AM Revision 1bdb35d6 (qgis): Avoid key error on fields which should be skipped
10:02 AM Revision ea661e5e (qgis): [options] remove string search for default snap mode combo box
09:29 AM Revision a6030d65 (qgis): [snapping] fix enable state of snapping widget's elements
09:29 AM Revision 8e147802 (qgis): [snapping] move tracing action to snapping toolbar
09:29 AM Revision 9afb48ec (qgis): fix snapping test
09:29 AM Revision 60ad5c67 (qgis): [snapping] fix default snapping enabled state
09:29 AM Revision 6b0bf49c (qgis): [snapping] fix default snapping type settings
06:36 AM Bug report #15708: qgis master error during cmake configure
- yes. I had build errors. qgis master uses qt5 and I have to run a fresh build with option -DWITH_WEBKIT=OFF. If I run...
05:41 AM Bug report #15708 (Feedback): qgis master error during cmake configure
- 05:39 AM Bug report #15830 (Closed): Only synchronize selected features option not working
- Fixed in changeset commit:"ed5a2bca7e908fad45f8c71ebf6519240832e4de".
05:16 AM Bug report #15794 (Closed): snapping is always on, fails to respect default setting, upon QGIS la...
- Fixed on master.
05:16 AM Bug report #15794 (Closed): snapping is always on, fails to respect default setting, upon QGIS la...
- Fixed on master.
05:16 AM Bug report #15794 (Closed): snapping is always on, fails to respect default setting, upon QGIS la...
- Fixed on master.
04:50 AM Revision 75f51bc1 (qgis): [processing][heatmap] Fix alg in batch mode, mark some params as advanced
04:30 AM Revision 51206590 (qgis): [processing] Use newer basic stats algorithm in vector menu
04:07 AM Revision e1a588e0 (qgis): Merge pull request #3782 from nyalldawson/heatmap
- Port heatmap plugin code to analysis, add processing alg
03:23 AM Revision 20f1f76f (qgis): [heatmap] Avoid gdal warnings, calculate distance from pixel centroid
03:23 AM Revision 034cc659 (qgis): [FEATURE] Remove c++ heatmap plugin
- No longer required as plugin has been ported to analysis lib
with processing frontend
Marked as feature for docs + c... -
03:23 AM Revision bef5b5ed (qgis): [processing][heatmap] custom parameter/widget for output resolution
- Matches current behaviour of c++ heatmap plugin
02:42 AM Bug report #15940: Impossible to directly unset transparency for symbols
- hmmmm, my bad... Sorry. I gave another look at the widget and what I supposed to be a checkbox is actually the icon o...
01:59 AM Bug report #15945: Styling dock: label tab does not get refreshed when changing layer style
- - Use a vector layer
- Enable labeling and define it
- Create a second style "huge style"
- For that new style, modif... -
01:51 AM Bug report #15945: Styling dock: label tab does not get refreshed when changing layer style
- Denis,
Can you give more detailed steps to reproduce? I can't reproduce with what's above, yet I'm pretty sure I ran... -
01:46 AM Bug report #15945: Styling dock: label tab does not get refreshed when changing layer style
- Making it severe since it might erase some configuration!
01:39 AM Bug report #15945 (Closed): Styling dock: label tab does not get refreshed when changing layer style
- - Open style dock
- Label tab (did not test others)
- Switch layer style
=> dock is not refreshed with new style (nee... -
01:44 AM Bug report #11261: attribute form is not reset
- Matthias, any feedback on this?
01:43 AM Bug report #9232: do not list non-geometric layers in layer order
- Martin, any chance to fix this?
01:41 AM Bug report #15946 (Closed): DXF export does not respect layer style
- it seems that DXF export always use the default style and does not respect the current layer style
idealy, using a ...
12:19 AM Revision f9578bf6 (qgis): Replace selectedFeaturesIds by selectedFeatureIds
11:28 PM Bug report #15940 (Closed): Impossible to directly unset transparency for symbols
- It's a wontfix from me too... Like Mathieu said, this is just a shortcut to a transparent color rather than a toggle.
11:28 PM Bug report #15940 (Closed): Impossible to directly unset transparency for symbols
- It's a wontfix from me too... Like Mathieu said, this is just a shortcut to a transparent color rather than a toggle.
05:19 PM Bug report #15940: Impossible to directly unset transparency for symbols
- Harissou, the transparent color menu item is a shortcut to drop the transparency value to 0. It's not a toggle or a c...
03:07 AM Bug report #15940 (Closed): Impossible to directly unset transparency for symbols
- Some color widgets throughout the layer properties dialog (line color for diagrams, options of symbol layer type) hav...
11:27 PM Revision 83c38b01 (qgis): [FEATURE][processing] Port heatmap plugin to processing algorithm
11:26 PM Revision f2127464 (qgis): Move heatmap generation code to analysis lib
- And clean it up a lot
11:24 PM Revision c558d516 (qgis): Prevent users from removing layers or closing projects when
- running tasks depend on those layers
It's not foolproof because there's many ways to remove layers
not through the Q... -
07:21 PM Revision dd0df199 (qgis): Create cost allocation map output
07:21 PM Revision 231f97ab (qgis): Create cost allocation map output
06:43 PM Bug report #15944 (Closed): pip and easy_install is not work on OSGeo4W Shell
- Hi developers~
On the OSGeo4W Shell by windows version QGIS 2.14, 2.16, 2.18,
the pip and easy_install command is... -
05:56 PM Revision 35e387c4 (qgis): add more QNetwork classes to 2to3 script
04:30 PM Revision de054e70 (qgis): Added second algorithm output
- Second output raster contains cost allocation map, as described in
01:31 PM Revision 81873830 (qgis): [Geometry Checker] Don't add geometry-less features to feature-pool
01:29 PM Revision 97eb0f74 (qgis): [Geometry Checker] Don't add geometry-less features to feature-pool
01:15 PM Bug report #15942: Bad GML causes crash
- After a more thorough inspection, it looks I've been able to set up a place where you can (probably) reproduce this. ...
01:15 PM Bug report #15942: Bad GML causes crash
- After a more thorough inspection, it looks I've been able to set up a place where you can (probably) reproduce this. ...
01:15 PM Bug report #15942: Bad GML causes crash
- After a more thorough inspection, it looks I've been able to set up a place where you can (probably) reproduce this. ...
12:26 PM Bug report #15942 (Closed): Bad GML causes crash
12:14 PM Bug report #15942: Bad GML causes crash
- Shoot. I named the file bad_geojson.gml instead of bad_gml.gml. It is in fact GML and not GeoJSON.
Sorry for any co... -
12:12 PM Bug report #15942 (Closed): Bad GML causes crash
- I'm writing a WFS 2.0.0 server with GML 3.2. The GML I am serving up currently does NOT meet the GML spec and I didn'...
12:22 PM Bug report #15943 (Open): Hillshade renderer artifacts
- Borders of cells are visible. See attached.
Possibly more apparent in master, but present since the beginning. -
11:36 AM Revision 2ad08765 (qgis): qtermwidget: fix misleading indention warnings
11:02 AM Revision adff069d (qgis): Cleanup QgsTask API for dependent layers
09:53 AM Revision a52a1e9f (qgis): [raster] improve multiband color widget's band selection
09:53 AM Revision 5db654be (qgis): [raster] when loading min/max, activate contrast enhancement if set to ...
09:27 AM Revision 0a2e1043 (qgis): Revert "[processing] fixed expected test hashes"
- This reverts commit 5c6c18caadb9123c593db085b1c8822f7d74e9f7.
09:03 AM Revision 96b8a907 (qgis): [processing] In raster calculator, use filename without extension to re...
07:19 AM Revision ec8aea2f (qgis): [processin] fixed wrong parameter type
06:28 AM Bug report #15550: Processing: activating a new provider causes QGIS to freeze for a few seconds
- Confirmed in linux mint with QGIS 3 fresh compiled. When changing something in Processing Option it take a while to c...
05:22 AM Revision 6f9292a7 (qgis): Reenable all task manager tests
03:21 AM Feature request #15941 (Open): Diagrams: Histogram - Set different colors (and width) for the bas...
- It could be nice to be able to set different colors (and width) for the horizontal base line and the histogram bar ou...
02:52 AM Feature request #15939 (Open): Diagram Histogram: being able to hide classes that are null or do ...
- Layer properties --> Diagram --> Histogram
In some situations, you may not have values for a field being classified (... -
02:32 AM Feature request #15513 (Closed): Diagrams: no friendly interface to update an existing expression...
02:32 AM Feature request #15513: Diagrams: no friendly interface to update an existing expression (too hard)
- works in 2.18.1 (f4c99d9)
12:23 AM Revision 7bbc60a1 (qgis): Prevent closing QGIS while tasks are running
11:18 PM Revision 008817b0 (qgis): Fix ui build warnings
07:14 PM Revision 62cb3815 (qgis): [processing] prevent divizion by zero (fix #15825)
07:03 PM Revision 2fea23f1 (qgis): Merge pull request #3779 from volaya/rastercalculator
- [processing] add native raster calculator
05:36 PM Bug report #15867: QGIS Georeferencer crashes with large files
- Still a problem with the latest nightly release. What's the way forward? Crashing most commonly occurs when using the...
02:59 PM Revision 5c6c18ca (qgis): [processing] fixed expected test hashes
- 02:46 PM Revision abbe281b (qgis): Preprocess header file in sipdiff to reduce noise
- and common sources of trouble.
02:18 PM Revision b0126d01 (qgis): oracle provider: skip retrying unavailable connections for 30s
01:52 PM Revision b7daf9bc (qgis): [processing] changed input type from vector layer to table for execute ...
01:39 PM Revision 16da9063 (qgis): [processing] allow multiple selection of tables
12:07 PM Revision 42b8ee9f (qgis): [processing] fixed wrong parameter type definition in buffer algs
11:05 AM Revision 57d80a5a (qgis): [style dock] avoid long labels in the point pattern fill UI
11:01 AM Revision 95ae1548 (qgis): [virtual layer] Fix xFilter for null value comparisons
- 10:31 AM Revision b92cf53c (qgis): Typo in comment
- 10:31 AM Revision 3ec5f92f (qgis): Replaced the expired SSL certificate and re-enabled OWS PKI test
10:18 AM Revision d6e0120a (qgis): [virtual layer] Fix xFilter for null value comparisons
10:15 AM Bug report #15671 (Closed): SAGA doesn't show up in Processing in 2.16
- Closed for the lack of feedback. Please reopen if necessary
10:15 AM Bug report #15681 (Closed): processing: exportVectorLayer() function broken under python3
- Already fixed in master
10:15 AM Bug report #15681 (Closed): processing: exportVectorLayer() function broken under python3
- Already fixed in master
10:12 AM Bug report #15825 (Closed): Algorithm Voronoi polygons float division by zero
- Fixed in changeset commit:"62cb38153cbf4981f59a6d04114307af19fc3496".
10:02 AM Revision 89461909 (qgis): [virtual layer] Fix xFilter for null value comparisons
09:45 AM Bug report #15931: Default value is not saved
- > Save style to file works ok.
Correcting myself, saving styles to file doesn't keep the Default Values also.
It onl... -
09:31 AM Revision 77bbeaa9 (qgis): fix loading of models containing user-defined scripts
09:29 AM Revision 3ebc6db1 (qgis): fix loading of models containing user-defined scripts
08:47 AM Revision b1b64734 (qgis): Merge pull request #3004 from nyalldawson/task_manager
- [FEATURE] Task manager
07:46 AM Revision cc702c9c (qgis): Remove (probably unnecessary) copy_func usage
07:08 AM Bug report #15337: Scale dependent layer visibility and print composer
- A brief example involving two raster background layers. Layer A is set to be visible at scales from 1:10000 to 1:2499...
05:11 AM Bug report #15937: Adding label of Joined Layer looses all features
- If Layer 2 is saved as say an ESRI Shapefile, all data of the linked tables is saved, and labels work correctly as ex...
03:04 AM Bug report #15937 (Closed): Adding label of Joined Layer looses all features
- When adding labels via show labels for this layer, and a label is selected from a joined table, the result is no feat...
05:08 AM Revision feb32198 (qgis): Update doxygen
05:08 AM Revision d03d0a5b (qgis): Add some python docstrings to QgsTask.fromFunction
05:08 AM Revision e35420a8 (qgis): Force QgsTask::run() to fully complete
- Remove support for signal based completion/termination
Also unfortunately disable a lot of the test suite as a resul... -
05:08 AM Revision 268e5127 (qgis): Make QgsTask::start private
- Only allow starting tasks to be done by QgsTaskManager
05:08 AM Revision 297b5724 (qgis): QgsTask is no longer a QRunnable
- Instead use a private wrapper class to make QgsTask compatible
with QThreadPool -
05:08 AM Revision 631d3cd9 (qgis): Consolidate mutexes
05:08 AM Revision d270b4f9 (qgis): Improvements to task manager ui
05:08 AM Revision 29f310c0 (qgis): Convert QgsTask.fromFunction to a static method
05:08 AM Revision 619381c0 (qgis): Call QgsTaskWrapper.on_finished with exception rather than result
05:08 AM Revision fded1a1f (qgis): Don't explode returned values in QgsTaskWrapper
- Breaks returning list values
05:08 AM Revision f73f3c14 (qgis): Remove outdated flaky test ifdefs
05:08 AM Revision cd326935 (qgis): Nicer icons and ui for task status
05:08 AM Revision 4291904c (qgis): Support for dependent tasks
- Cancelling a task on which others depend leads to all these other
tasks getting cancelled as well. -
05:08 AM Revision b065edee (qgis): Improvements to QgsTaskWrapper
05:08 AM Revision 4c0f4ee6 (qgis): Resolve circular dependencies
05:08 AM Revision eb34079c (qgis): Don't crash when python exceptions occur in non-main thread
05:08 AM Revision 55e9d326 (qgis): Add handling of dependent layers to task manager
- If a task has dependent layers which are about to be removed,
the task will automatically be cancelled -
05:08 AM Revision f85d24e9 (qgis): Fix some crashes
05:08 AM Revision 5da25136 (qgis): New QgsFloatingWidget widget for easy creation of widgets which "float"
- above a layout.
Supports setting another widget as a anchor point for the widget, eg
the floating widget could be se... -
05:08 AM Revision 79beb54c (qgis): Remove redundant member
05:08 AM Revision b64025df (qgis): Add python test for task manager
05:08 AM Revision 95dbb3a7 (qgis): Add deleteAllTasks to manager
05:08 AM Revision bc37b401 (qgis): Smaller header updates, switch connect style
05:08 AM Revision 2590f685 (qgis): Documentation updates and small API cleanups
05:08 AM Revision e01c306e (qgis): Simplify reporting completion of tasks
- QgsTask subclasses can now return a result (success or fail)
directly from QgsTask::run. If they do so then there's n... -
05:08 AM Revision a24690d6 (qgis): Task manager GUI cleanups
05:08 AM Revision 252f2e11 (qgis): Rename overloaded signal, flip remaining connects to new style
05:08 AM Revision 6d4392a0 (qgis): Allow QgsTask subclasses to defined a finished function, which is
- called when the task has completed (successfully or otherwise).
This allows for simpler task design when the signal/... -
05:08 AM Revision ad71dc44 (qgis): Fix failing tests
05:08 AM Revision b6b7a7f8 (qgis): Remove delete* methods from QgsTaskManager API
- On further consideration allowing external control of task
deletion is a bad idea. -
05:08 AM Revision 3999a371 (qgis): Remove QgsTaskManager singleton, and instead attach an instance
- to QgsApplication.
ie instead of QgsTaskManager.instance(), use
QgsApplication.taskManager() -
05:08 AM Revision 32a9e1e9 (qgis): QgsTasks can have subtasks
- Now, a QgsTask can have subtask QgsTasks set by calling
QgsTask::addSubTask. Sub tasks can have their own set of
depe... -
05:08 AM Revision 14b6b3f6 (qgis): Harden everything up
- And finally fix a racy condition which has been plaguing me for
ages -
05:08 AM Revision 01d6afaf (qgis): Avoid recursive locks
05:08 AM Revision 52162208 (qgis): Fix more racy conditions
- Switch from QtConcurrent::run to QThreadPool::start
QtConcurrent doesn't give us anyway to cancel queued but not
sta... -
05:08 AM Revision 9b763741 (qgis): QThreadPool::cancel was introduced in Qt5.5, so no cancellation
- possible for Qt < 5.5
Moral of the story: if you run outdated libraries, you can't
expect full functionality from yo... -
05:08 AM Revision 4dc3dd90 (qgis): Allow task priority to be specified
05:08 AM Revision 466b0b96 (qgis): Tasks are treated as progressless until they first report a progress
05:08 AM Revision 0dcff449 (qgis): Respect QgsTask::CanCancel flag in gui
05:08 AM Revision f71c78e1 (qgis): Rename stopped to terminated for consistency
05:08 AM Revision ebae15f2 (qgis): Framework for task manager
- Adds new classes:
- QgsTask. An interface for long-running background tasks
- QgsTaskManager. Handles groups of tasks... -
05:08 AM Revision 73e72fa5 (qgis): Don't block when deleting tasks
05:08 AM Revision dcecf447 (qgis): Add support for placing queued tasks on hold
05:08 AM Revision cf5eeb75 (qgis): API cleanups
05:08 AM Revision 5d468929 (qgis): Add simple python method QgsTask.fromFunction for creation of tasks
- from a function without having to create a QgsTask subclass
05:08 AM Revision e29dd794 (qgis): Api + test cleanups
05:08 AM Revision 6021d780 (qgis): Make QgsTaskManager handle threading of tasks
04:20 AM Revision ab4a37f7 (qgis): [color ramp] save/restore invert state for cpt-city ramps
03:48 AM Feature request #15938 (Open): Specify type of Join
- In the layer properties in QGIS Desktop, add the ability to specify the type of Join of two layers. At present only a...
02:47 AM Revision c8266a25 (qgis): Followup 08ee180: more appropriate ramp type property name
02:23 AM Revision dc697d05 (qgis): Followup 59a0e2
02:09 AM Revision 59a0e2fb (qgis): Fix #15829 georeferencer - resolve logical error during loadGCPs
01:54 AM Revision be4c8156 (qgis): Merge pull request #3787 from nyalldawson/spatialite_index
- [FEATURE] Create attribute index support for spatialite provider
01:26 AM Revision 5f13cbe3 (qgis): Blacklist flaky PyQgsAuthManagerPKIOWSTest test
01:22 AM Revision c800998d (qgis): Remove goto's from qgsspatialiteprovider.cpp
01:22 AM Revision bd8d2121 (qgis): [FEATURE] Create attribute index support for spatialite provider
- Allows creation of attribute indexes for spatialite layers
12:53 AM Revision 6a611794 (qgis): Disable a bunch of actions which don't apply to vector layers
- without geometry (fix #15933)
11:54 PM Revision e9274475 (qgis): Remove unused network header includes from qgsgeometry.cpp
06:13 PM Bug report #15317: the window Layer Properties gets irresponsive
- I also get the problem as described above in 2.18.1 on a Ubuntu 16.10 install from packages.
The dialog is not visibl... -
06:13 PM Bug report #15317: the window Layer Properties gets irresponsive
- I also get the problem as described above in 2.18.1 on a Ubuntu 16.10 install from packages.
The dialog is not visibl... -
06:13 PM Bug report #15317: the window Layer Properties gets irresponsive
- I also get the problem as described above in 2.18.1 on a Ubuntu 16.10 install from packages.
The dialog is not visibl... -
05:21 PM Bug report #15829 (Closed): georeferencer - logical error during loadGCPs
- Fixed in changeset commit:"59a0e2fb886fc0bcf620c860bba85d3863c46b73".
03:51 PM Bug report #15933 (Closed): Some geometry edit tools are available when editing a geometryless layer
- Fixed in changeset commit:"6a61179451aafdfbce481c9131a7631865bd35d2".
04:49 AM Bug report #15933 (Closed): Some geometry edit tools are available when editing a geometryless layer
- Create a temporary scratch layer without geometry capabilities activated
Toggle the layer into edit; you'll see that ... -
02:11 PM Bug report #15935: "Default values" expression widget doesn't allow aggregate functions nor list ...
- Then, it seems there's a bug in the implementation: the expression in my previous message (maximum("myfield") + 1) us...
12:29 PM Bug report #15935 (Closed): "Default values" expression widget doesn't allow aggregate functions ...
- It's not possible to use other fields from the same layer in the default value expression. So an aggregate calculatio...
12:29 PM Bug report #15935 (Closed): "Default values" expression widget doesn't allow aggregate functions ...
- It's not possible to use other fields from the same layer in the default value expression. So an aggregate calculatio...
08:53 AM Bug report #15935 (Closed): "Default values" expression widget doesn't allow aggregate functions ...
- Using the expression widget to set a "default value" for a field, I encounter some weird limitations:
- fields are no... -
12:51 PM Bug report #15936 (Closed): Drag and drop import/export broken in DB manager
- Something broke in between point releases of 2.14
On 2.14.3 I can import the attached shapefile (as example) with th... -
05:39 AM Revision 08ee1806 (qgis): [FEATURE] cpt-city catalog support in color ramp's gradient-only mode (...
- cpt-city catalog ramps are now available for gradient-only:
- shapeburst fill
- gradient fill
- inner/outer glow effect -
05:34 AM Revision e94a352e (qgis): [color ramp] improve invert() for discrete gradient ramps (#3833)
04:53 AM Bug report #15934 (Closed): QGIS crahes when deleting items in the print composer
- I have some troubles here when deleting items in the print compser. QGIS crashes often when doing this. I've to save ...
08:16 AM Revision e135e797 (qgis): Merge pull request #3827 from nirvn/color_ramp_migration
- Migration of remaining color ramp widgets
08:12 AM Revision 6009f5a4 (qgis): [raster] fix singleband pseudo-color crash on single-color color preset...
08:12 AM Revision 137a211b (qgis): [color ramp] do not automatically save new ramps
08:04 AM Revision 4a587685 (qgis): [style manager] update ramp type naming button shortcuts
07:41 AM Revision a26434e8 (qgis): Merge pull request #3829 from nirvn/colorrampbutton_save
- - [FEATURE] save existing color ramp function
- improve new color ramp type naming -
07:40 AM Revision e604fc9f (qgis): [effects] migrate inner/outer glow color ramp widget
07:40 AM Revision 56c55344 (qgis): [symblogy] migrate heatmap renderer color ramp widget
07:40 AM Revision aa4d7515 (qgis): [symbology] migrate shapeburst color ramp widget
07:40 AM Revision 0b9fbeb9 (qgis): QgsColorRampComboBox is dead, long live QgsColorRampButton
05:02 AM Revision d863c449 (qgis): improve new color ramp type naming
04:53 AM Revision 04c6007e (qgis): [FEATURE] save existing color ramp function
04:00 AM Revision 1560c7ff (qgis): Use a standardized size for authentication dialogs icons (#3824)
07:35 PM Bug report #15847: Cannot commit changes to Spatialite files when splitting features in 2.16.X an...
- I can confirm with 2.18.1 - tried both Spatialite and Geopackage and it failed on a split - although - in both cases ...
07:19 PM Revision f4c99d9f (qgis): Fix indentation
05:52 PM Revision e0e60dad (qgis): [virtual] Fix xFilter for null value comparisons
05:11 PM Revision 37c43df6 (qgis): partial revert of commit 4b680ca
12:24 PM Revision 4b680ca5 (qgis): [style dock] re-order vector layer rendering group to save vertical spa...
11:08 AM Bug report #15931 (Closed): Default value is not saved
- Edit Widget Properties > Defaults: Default value
The option is not saved when you save the style to a database ( *Sa... -
10:38 AM Revision d849e432 (qgis): [processing] fixed gdal proximity
- Fixes #15895
09:34 AM Revision 586166c6 (qgis): Merge pull request #3826 from alexbruy/processing-models
- fix loading of models containing user-defined scripts
08:35 AM Revision 8dc77995 (qgis): fix loading of models containing user-defined scripts
07:51 AM Bug report #15930 (Closed): Aggregate functions don't seem to work with virtual fields
- Only test with sum, count_distinct.
sum("value", "id_zone") works well with standard fields but return NULL value ... -
07:47 AM Revision b02c6a32 (qgis): [processing][FEATURE] Return multi geometries from split alg
- accept multi geometries as input
07:35 AM Revision 3a789e5f (qgis): Merge pull request #3825 from nyalldawson/legend_count
- QgsVectorLayer::featureCount( QgsSymbol* symbol ) to featureCount( const QString& legendKey )
06:48 AM Revision eb85e3fc (qgis): [raster] migrate singleband pseudo-color renderer color ramp widget (#3...
- 06:35 AM Revision 1a24452c (qgis): Update qgis_icon_xmas.svg (#3820)
- the positioning of the svg was not optimal, because the xmas hat is allways cutted, now all is in the documents view ...
04:55 AM Revision 7de1cc2f (qgis): Removed unused QgsLayerTreeModelLegendNode::SymbolLegacyRuleKeyRole
04:55 AM Revision 6d0203d6 (qgis): Change QgsVectorLayer::featureCount( QgsSymbol* symbol ) to instead
- use a legend key string
Avoids crashes due to symbol pointer lifetime issues -
03:11 AM Feature request #15929 (Open): "save to" full layer recorded in order, but selection of features ...
- Qgis desktop (Linux Qgis 2.18.1)
I noticed that when I "save to" a full layer to a file, all features are save in th... -
03:09 AM Bug report #15928 (Closed): Calling plugin from standalone script has a bug because the use of pr...
- I have a standalone script that call:
and only the first feat... -
02:47 AM Bug report #15881: Symbol Size assistant: the size label should not be editable
- Thanks for raising that, I never saw label was editable, which indeed should not be so.
Hugo, any opinion? -
01:38 AM Bug report #15895 (Closed): GDAL proximity fails on master
- Fixed in changeset commit:"d849e43278c24125d5c5b60fb30bc15edf5c5aa9".
01:36 AM Bug report #15903: Creating _packed shapefiles and fails to save edits correctly
- Those issues should normally go away once QGIS 2.14 ship with GDAL 2.1.2. I guess your current GDAL version is 2.1.1 ?
12:50 AM Revision 42d3f4b2 (qgis): Fix ui build warning
12:47 AM Revision 968c82a3 (qgis): Small cleanups for QgsColorRampButton
05:14 PM Revision c9058edd (qgis): Add QIntValidator and qVersion to fix_pyqt
05:06 PM Revision b3742fed (qgis): [Geometry checker] Fix possible use of deleted geometry
05:02 PM Revision d2e2110c (qgis): Merge pull request #3812 from mhugent/wms_1_3_compliance
- Wms 1 3 compliance
04:49 PM Feature request #15927 (Closed): Y format parameter for Tile Server (XYZ) layers
- The new Tile Server layers work great for Google or OSM-like tile servers, however there's no option to select if the...
04:24 PM Revision 3bd8a29a (qgis): [Geometry checker] Fix possible use of deleted geometry
03:27 PM Feature request #15925 (Closed): External resource: being able to store more than one file (photo...
- I don't think so
03:27 PM Feature request #15925 (Closed): External resource: being able to store more than one file (photo...
- I don't think so
11:03 AM Feature request #15925: External resource: being able to store more than one file (photo) in the ...
- Good point, Nyall. I need to rethink my DB structure if I really want to store more than one file.
Btw, I was planni... -
10:52 AM Feature request #15925: External resource: being able to store more than one file (photo) in the ...
- Harrissou,
I believe this use case is better addressed by creating a separate child table for photos and setting up ... -
10:42 AM Feature request #15925 (Closed): External resource: being able to store more than one file (photo...
- I'm exploring the external resource widget in order to store photos in a field. Very handy! Thanks for this.
Sometime... -
03:17 PM Revision 1ce2a102 (qgis): Show only selected features vertices by default (#3821)
- * Show only selected features vertices by default
* Show only selected features vertices by default
* Show only sel... -
02:48 PM Revision 898ca57d (qgis): Indentation
02:42 PM Revision b59fc04b (qgis): Fix mapping for 2to3 fix_pyqt
02:37 PM Revision 420b7ec9 (qgis): [processing] removed incompatible basestring check
01:45 PM Revision 014aff72 (qgis): Fix access control tests such that bbox width/height ration matches ima...
01:21 PM Feature request #15926 (Open): labelling with "merge connected lines" improvements to declutter
- I'd like to be able to reduce the amount of labels (roads/highways) in this instance where they factor in different r...
01:09 PM Feature request #15864: hide labels when using inverted polygon renderer
- I found a current work around and that's to use the refFunctions plugins geomintersects() function as as part of a co...
12:53 PM Revision f002321b (qgis): [processing] iteritems() removed, should use items() instead
12:53 PM Revision 40053f81 (qgis): renamed ParameterExpression in raster calculator to avoid name clash
12:53 PM Revision b85b5e75 (qgis): [processing] values() is a dict view object, not list
12:53 PM Revision 3e7b2623 (qgis): [processing] replace deprecated % operator with format()
12:53 PM Revision 44f963f6 (qgis): [processing] removed debug line
12:53 PM Revision 781ebd9a (qgis): [processing] xrange() removed, should use range() instead
12:53 PM Revision 50a785bd (qgis): [processing] indentation update
12:53 PM Revision 8bd0dd5a (qgis): [processing] added tests for raster calculator
- Conflicts:
python/plugins/processing/tests/testdata/qgis_algorithm_tests.yaml -
12:52 PM Revision a7f9018e (qgis): [processing] added native raster calculator algorithm
- Conflicts:
python/plugins/processing/algs/qgis/ -
12:50 PM Revision fcc34372 (qgis): [processing] some fixes and changes in parameters and parameters panel
11:37 AM Revision a17facf6 (qgis): Merge pull request #3816 from nyalldawson/processing_datetime
- [processing][FEATURE] New unified basic stats algorithm
11:29 AM Revision 2c4eb3cb (qgis): [processing] allow selecting multiple file in ‘add script from file’
11:07 AM Revision 91d0f1eb (qgis): Add new tips on startup, fix some outdated (#3806)
- * Add new tips on startup, fix some outdated
and emphasize some items with bold.
Sur la branche patch-1
* Improve t... -
10:55 AM Bug report #15921 (Closed): 2to3 fix_pyqt issue
05:42 AM Bug report #15921: 2to3 fix_pyqt issue
- Merged.
05:22 AM Bug report #15921: 2to3 fix_pyqt issue
- I've made PR:
02:41 AM Bug report #15921 (Closed): 2to3 fix_pyqt issue
- It looks like here should be "qgis.PyQt" ...
10:55 AM Bug report #15918 (Closed): 2to3 QEventLoop
01:40 AM Bug report #15918: 2to3 QEventLoop
- Merged.
10:42 AM Revision ee3a4935 (qgis): WMS server: parse bounding box only if the BBOX parameter is really there
10:34 AM Bug report #15924 (Closed): External resource: default path can not be emptied
- Tooltip on the "default path" field in the external resource widget properties states: _When not empty, always open t...
10:30 AM Revision e6d4010e (qgis): Adapt expected capabilities / project settings response in server test ...
- 09:57 AM Revision 149ea48e (qgis): Merge pull request #3818 from drnextgis/2to3
- Add QEventLoop to fix_pyqt
09:07 AM Revision e9b835a3 (qgis): Add QEventLoop to fix_pyqt
08:17 AM Bug report #15923 (Feedback): 2to3 fix_signal issue
- With 2to3 fix_signal I've got the following code changes:...
07:51 AM Bug report #15752: Degradation of rendering performances in MSSQL provider
- The last time I tested It I did a dirt install.
To cross It out I set up a new VM with Windows 7 32 bits, made a sna... -
07:27 AM Revision b30a1ff6 (qgis): [FEATURE][processing] New universal 'basic stats for field' algorithm
- Replaces the existing 'Basic Stats for Numeric Fields' and
'Basic Stats for String Fields' algorithms and adds suppor... -
07:27 AM Revision 1ff165a3 (qgis): [processing] Fix updating results panel to match selected item
06:58 AM Feature request #15922 (Open): Add other formats than text/plain to QGIS WMS GetFeatureInfo requests
- Hello all,
I'm facing the same problem as the original poster of an old ticket from 2012 (#5887): QGIS still does not... -
06:41 AM Feature request #5887: qgis on a GetFeatureInfo use always text/plain
- Hello all,
although this ticket is quite old and closed I need to make a comment and I would like to make a related f...
12:21 AM Bug report #15920 (Closed): QLR file loading ignoring <widgetv2config> configuration, as opposed ...
- QGIS Layer Configuration includes information about edit widgets: edit widget type (Text Edit, Value Map, ...), const...
12:15 AM Bug report #15919 (Closed): Qgis Crash when using styling and also when I close the Software
- Hi Team,
Qgis crashes when I trying to do custom styling of raster images. After styling when I click ok the qgis cr... -
12:08 AM Bug report #15918: 2to3 QEventLoop
- I've made PR:
09:34 PM Bug report #15918 (Closed): 2to3 QEventLoop
- @scripts/2to3@ not take into account QEventLoop:...
12:04 AM Bug report #15656: Loading QLR file with relative path does not work correctly
- I agree with Dominique. We hava also stumbled into some problems caused by that inconsistency he points out:
"When sa... - 07:44 PM Revision c42dad3b (qgis): Fix unset variable error for CHECK_GRASS_EXTRA_INCLUDE_DIRS macro
02:35 PM Bug report #15752: Degradation of rendering performances in MSSQL provider
- Hmm... that's quite odd. You should definitely see an improvement in 2.18.1.
Are you using labels in these tests? -
07:50 AM Bug report #15752 (Reopened): Degradation of rendering performances in MSSQL provider
- I did the compare again using QGIS 2.18.1
I can see some improvements ... -
07:50 AM Bug report #15752 (Reopened): Degradation of rendering performances in MSSQL provider
- I did the compare again using QGIS 2.18.1
I can see some improvements ... -
10:47 AM Revision ae75e45d (qgis): [symbology] migrate graduated renderer color ramp widget (#3815)
10:14 AM Revision 50ba777e (qgis): Update QgsPointDisplacementRenderer::legendKeysForFeature note
10:10 AM Revision 958355bc (qgis): [BUGFIX] Filter Legend By Map Content doesn't maintain point displaceme...
- Fixed #11572
Manually cherry-picked 4d71cf968c4608359514637ceabcf4f3dcfb09ce -
10:06 AM Revision 499ae314 (qgis): [BUGFIX] Filter Legend By Map Content doesn't maintain point displaceme...
- Fixed #11572
Manually cherry-picked 4d71cf968c4608359514637ceabcf4f3dcfb09ce -
09:16 AM Bug report #15917 (Closed): Merge Feature attributes: External resource widget is not well render...
- When merging features, if the "External resource" widget is being used for a field, it's not well displayed in the di...
09:10 AM Feature request #15916 (Open): Merge Feature attributes: Keep using the widget assigned to fields...
- When merging features, it could be nice if the "Merge" row keeps using in each column the same widget as lines above ...
07:20 AM Bug report #15915 (Closed): Edit widget: Value Map do not keep the order in which values are entered
- Layer Properties --> Fields --> Edit Widget
Select value map and enter values and descriptions to use
When back to ... -
06:51 AM Revision ecd876a5 (qgis): Implement time stats for QgsDateTimeStatisticalSummary
06:39 AM Feature request #15914 (Open): Advanced Snapping Options, enable/disable all layers and multiple ...
- When using Settings - Snapping Options - Layer selection:Advanced
It would be incredibly useful to have either a che... -
06:12 AM Revision 6a457c21 (qgis): Fix QgsDateTimeStatisticalSummary handling of non-datetime values
06:04 AM Revision 08505b38 (qgis): [processing] Allow restricting fields to date/time types
06:03 AM Revision b0662f90 (qgis): [processing] Basic stats algs should allow non-spatial tables
05:27 AM Revision 9bb9b58e (qgis): Merge pull request #3810 from nirvn/colorrampbutton
- [FEATURE] color ramp button widget
05:02 AM Revision a755f08b (qgis): add test coverage for qgscolorramp's invert() function
05:02 AM Revision fa16e3e4 (qgis): [FEATURE] color ramp button widget
05:02 AM Revision deb18c40 (qgis): color ramp button widget for gradiant fill and categorized renderer
03:57 AM Revision 7181cf25 (qgis): [color ramp] implement invert() function
03:47 AM Revision ab29f2de (qgis): [processing] Use QgsStringStatisticalSummary in basic stats for strings
- And also further optimise the algorithm
03:35 AM Revision e272bb3e (qgis): [processing] Optimise basic stats numbers algorithm
03:03 AM Revision a927d974 (qgis): Allow QgsStringStatisticalSummary to calculate mean string length
03:02 AM Bug report #15913 (Closed): Bug when using NIght Mapping inside Raster Style - Band Rendering
- This bug is only present when using UI Theme: Night Mapping
The colours don't show up on raster style bands in sty... -
02:47 AM Bug report #15912 (Closed): Misleading behavior when copying style while using layer variables
- Qgis now offer a powerfull variable defining mechanism with three level (Global,Project,Layer)
On the other hand the... -
02:47 AM Feature request #15908: Map composer - interactive zoom on data (map), not composer page
- When using "Move Item Content" instead of "Select/Move Item" tool from the tool box, it is possible to zoom in using ...
02:39 AM Feature request #15911 (Open): Add checkbox when using 'Save As' to keep original style
- When using QGIS to create multiple versions of the same shapefile, it would be great to have an option to maintain th...
01:29 AM Bug report #15910 (Closed): DB manager: Connection to PostGIS from QGIS3 fails
- In QGIS master the connection to PostGIS through the browser is OK, whereas the same through DBM attempts to find a '...
12:50 AM Revision 57f17e31 (qgis): Merge pull request #3808 from nyalldawson/processing_dupe_remove_rings
- [processing] Remove duplicate fill holes algorithm
12:35 AM Revision 6bb49349 (qgis): [FEATURE][processing] Remove duplicate create points along lines script
- This functionality is duplicated by the PointsAlongGeometry algorithm
Keep the algorithm version, since it has unit ... -
12:32 AM Revision d4c38f92 (qgis): [FEATURE][processing] Remove duplicate fill holes algorithm
- The Fill_holes script is duplicated by the DeleteHoles algorithm,
and the DeleteHoles algorithm has many advantages:
... -
08:06 PM Revision 5b97b4ab (qgis): Merge pull request #3813 from rldhont/bugfix_pointdisplacement_filter_l...
- [BUGFIX] Filter Legend By Map Content doesn't maintain point displacement legend
07:27 PM Revision 4d71cf96 (qgis): [BUGFIX] Filter Legend By Map Content doesn't maintain point displaceme...
- Fixed #11572
Needs to be backported and adapted to version 2.14 -
04:46 PM Revision 36e89a31 (qgis): WMS 1.3 compliance: Each OnlineResource URL intended for HTTP Get reque...
- 03:44 PM Revision 61b599ed (qgis): Added histogram values to the bindings
03:27 PM Revision 0e0cf3e1 (qgis): Exception format is XML, not capabilities format
02:50 PM Revision 120c8d38 (qgis): WMS 1.3. compliance: distort image if width/height ratio of bbox is dif...
02:36 PM Revision 1bc6ee33 (qgis): WMS 1.3.0 compliance: If a layer bounding box is there, it is not allow...
02:28 PM Revision 1fd290f2 (qgis): WMS 1.3.0 compliance: throw exception if bbox is empty
02:15 PM Revision 6e8e7369 (qgis): Fix typo
02:10 PM Revision 2d36e1a3 (qgis): WMS 1.3.0 compliance: exception format must be advertized as 'XML', not...
12:43 PM Revision 567abc1f (qgis): [bugfix] Fix broken docks customization. Fixes #8055
12:41 PM Revision 84d2c3cc (qgis): [bugfix] Fix broken docks customization. Fixes #8055
12:38 PM Revision 0ee93eec (qgis): [bugfix] Fix broken docks customization. Fixes #8055
11:56 AM Revision 4659fd40 (qgis): WMS 1.3.0 compliance: CRS:84 needs to be supported
11:45 AM Revision ae644307 (qgis): WMS 1.3.0 compliance: support BGCOLOR parameter
11:30 AM Revision 63f496c6 (qgis): WMS 1.3.0 compliance: throw exception if feature info point is not with...
11:27 AM Revision df411eb6 (qgis): WMS 1.3.0 compliance: use the reserved word 'None' if no fees
10:24 AM Bug report #15909: File Browser - in QGIS 2.14+ does not allow single click to select & install e...
- Just an update, I managed to fix the errors by uninstalling @sudo apt-get autoremove python-qgis@ then installing QGI...
09:55 AM Bug report #15909 (Closed): File Browser - in QGIS 2.14+ does not allow single click to select & ...
- I have two issues to raise, second one is due to me trying to fix my first issue :S
I have been having an issue wi... -
10:19 AM Bug report #11572: Filter Legend By Map Content doesn't maintain point displacement legend
- Found a way to fix it!
10:19 AM Bug report #11572: Filter Legend By Map Content doesn't maintain point displacement legend
- Found a way to fix it!
10:19 AM Bug report #11572: Filter Legend By Map Content doesn't maintain point displacement legend
- Found a way to fix it!
10:19 AM Bug report #11572: Filter Legend By Map Content doesn't maintain point displacement legend
- Found a way to fix it!
08:38 AM Bug report #15861 (Reopened): Magnifier zoom factor incompatible with maximum zoom level
- Apologies for the duplicate (#15900). I did not see at first that this issue had successfully been posted and already...
06:15 AM Feature request #15908 (Open): Map composer - interactive zoom on data (map), not composer page
- In map composer, all the zoom tools work only on the page, that is, they will zoom in/out the map composition. We nee...
06:12 AM Feature request #15907 (Open): Colorscale - equalize histogram
- When classifying a raster to apply a colorscale, a very handy option would be to be able to equalize the histogram. I...
05:15 AM Bug report #13949: Move grouped items by "Position and size" fails
- I guess the bug I experienced today (QGIS 2.18.0) belongs to the same issue: aligning a group with another item (map)...
04:41 AM Bug report #15887: [Advanced Digitizing] hard constraint are overwritten by snapping
- See also: #15906 Snapping to vertex while using parallel/perpendicular digitizing causes a vertex to be placed incorr...
04:30 AM Bug report #15906: Snapping to vertex while using parallel/perpendicular digitizing causes a vert...
- See also: #15887 Snapping behavior for 'Distance' (d) and 'Angle' (a)
03:54 AM Bug report #15906 (Closed): Snapping to vertex while using parallel/perpendicular digitizing caus...
- OS: Windows 7
When creating a polygon using the digitizing tools, vertices can appear in the wrong place if the user... -
03:45 AM Bug report #8055: Panels disabled in the customization config are still available in the main menu
- Fixed in 2.99 and backported to the future 2.14.10 and 2.18.2
03:45 AM Bug report #8055: Panels disabled in the customization config are still available in the main menu
- Fixed in 2.99 and backported to the future 2.14.10 and 2.18.2
03:38 AM Bug report #8055 (Closed): Panels disabled in the customization config are still available in the...
- Fixed in changeset commit:"0ee93eece2f846805b3d189b13550c8fe0764e5c".
02:47 AM Feature request #15905 (Closed): QgsGeometryAnalyzer, buffer: Allow specification of segments
- For the QgsGeometryAnalyzer buffer function, it would be useful to be able to specify the number of segments (for app...
- 01:59 AM Revision fe8dfe1c (qgis): Merge pull request #3803 from dakcarto/qt5py3-more-mac-fixes
01:50 AM Bug report #15897 (Closed): Processing/QGIS LTR: error when removing temp layers or when closing ...
- After wiping the configs (I had already no plugins installed) this does not show anymore (previously I had noticed it...
01:50 AM Bug report #15897 (Closed): Processing/QGIS LTR: error when removing temp layers or when closing ...
- After wiping the configs (I had already no plugins installed) this does not show anymore (previously I had noticed it...
11:43 PM Revision 45a52dfa (qgis): Rename minimum area paremeter, fix docs for QgsCurvePolygon::removeInte...
01:36 PM Bug report #159: SVG export doesn't crop layers to page size
- Testing this issue with QGIS version 2.18.0, code revision d8f9d2e, it seems that some workaround has been implemente...
- 09:54 AM Revision c3ad30da (qgis): Fix subprocess unclosed file
- 09:54 AM Revision c147ee2b (qgis): Add with .. to all subprocesses
09:25 AM Bug report #15904 (Closed): WFS 2.18.1 slow with PostGIS layer
- OS : Ubuntu Server 16.04
QGIS Server : 2.18.1
PostgreSQL : 9.6
PostGIS : 2.3
In my projet I have a layer with a... -
07:12 AM Bug report #15819: DB Manager SQL Window Not Launching
- I just tried it again using 2.14.9 Essen on Linux - Linux Mint 17.3 (on Ubuntu 14.04 Trusty base) 64 bit - and I'm s...
04:12 AM Revision fef15e01 (qgis): [processing] Consolidate 'delete holes' algorithms
- Copy min area parameter from 'Fill holes' algorithm to 'delete
holes' algorithm.
- make algorithm maintain z/... -
03:15 AM Bug report #15903 (Closed): Creating _packed shapefiles and fails to save edits correctly
- Hi, we've discovered another problem when dealing with vectors, specifically shapefiles. QGIS is failing to repack sh...
03:08 AM Revision 57f482e2 (qgis): Add method to QgsGeometry to remove interior rings from a polygon
- With an optional area threshold
05:44 PM Bug report #15900 (Closed): Magnifier: Zoom factor incompatible with max/min zoom levels
- Duplicate of #15861
05:44 PM Bug report #15900 (Closed): Magnifier: Zoom factor incompatible with max/min zoom levels
- Duplicate of #15861
04:46 PM Revision 7613c296 (qgis): [processing] fixed file extension when exporting layer
- fixes #15898
04:45 PM Revision 739e2aad (qgis): [processing] use SilentProgress by default if no progress object is passed
03:29 PM Feature request #15902 (Open): Layer Properties: Mix "No labels" and "Blocking" labels options in...
- The old "Discourage other labels from covering features in this layer" option to manage labels has been renamed to "b...
10:06 AM Bug report #15899: Crash with segmentation fault in 2.18 - may relate to large PostGIS layers
- I just got an update to: Version: 1:2.18.1+20trusty ... and it did the same. Here are all the screen messages:
War... -
10:01 AM Revision 19780c4d (qgis): [processing] fixed file extension when exporting layer
- fixes #15898
01:02 AM Bug report #15898 (Closed): Processing: ogr tools broken on QGIS LTR
- Fixed in changeset commit:"19780c4d479f5bdf7fb04a8b29268fbf9e40d19e".
05:48 PM Bug report #15900 (Closed): Magnifier: Zoom factor incompatible with max/min zoom levels
- When zooming in and out with the mouse wheel or +/- shortcuts, the Magnifier uses a 2x zoom factor. However, the maxi...
12:56 PM Bug report #15899 (Closed): Crash with segmentation fault in 2.18 - may relate to large PostGIS l...
- I have a project where all layers (some 100) are stored in PostGIS, and the project opens with about 20-30 layers tur...
10:28 AM Revision 3e738405 (qgis): * replace constexpr (fixes pre-c++11 windows build)
- * fix "added in 3.0" annotation
* sip syncs -
07:01 AM Bug report #15898 (Closed): Processing: ogr tools broken on QGIS LTR
- At some point along the LTR releases the ogr based tools git broke. They work for example on 2.14.3 but not on 2.14.8...
06:00 AM Bug report #15897 (Closed): Processing/QGIS LTR: error when removing temp layers or when closing ...
- Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/usr/share/qgis/python/plugins/processing/gui/", line 43... -
05:27 AM Bug report #15070 (Open): GeoPackage connection missing in 'DB Manager'
- Yes it is still true: QGIS is inconsistent compared to spatialite. When creating a new SL db this is registered as co...
05:16 AM Bug report #7046 (Closed): Import file does not autofill values
- This is working ok since a long now.
05:16 AM Bug report #7046 (Closed): Import file does not autofill values
- This is working ok since a long now.
05:09 AM Bug report #15819 (Feedback): DB Manager SQL Window Not Launching
- I cannot confirm on either Windows and Linux, using the latest available versions of LTR. Is this still true for you?
01:48 AM Bug report #15893: QgsMapToolNodeTool : missing APP_EXPORT
- IMHO app isn't part of the API (app headers and libraries are not part of the install) and APP_EXPORT is just to enab...
06:36 PM Bug report #15893: QgsMapToolNodeTool : missing APP_EXPORT
- In georeferencer QgsMapTool are being used and anything that would like to interact with QVectorLayers would want the...
06:23 PM Bug report #15893: QgsMapToolNodeTool : missing APP_EXPORT
- That's a valid bug, but as a side note it's fragile to rely on anything in app in plugins. App does not have stable a...
03:45 PM Revision 5ef16bf6 (qgis): Fix previous commit
03:40 PM Revision 3024fe70 (qgis): Replace calls to the now-deprecated-in-GDAL-trunk OGRFree() by CPLFree()
02:13 PM Revision 0cfd7d8d (qgis): Release of 2.18.1
02:11 PM Revision 912a7eb2 (qgis): Release of 2.14.9
11:58 AM Bug report #15752 (Closed): Degradation of rendering performances in MSSQL provider
- These fixes are included in 2.14.9 and 2.18.1. Try with those versions. Otherwise this is likely a different issue an...
05:52 AM Bug report #15752 (Reopened): Degradation of rendering performances in MSSQL provider
- Has this been fixed in 2.18 but not 2.14? I just changed the Target version from 2.18 to 2.14 - hope that's ok.
We u... -
05:52 AM Bug report #15752 (Reopened): Degradation of rendering performances in MSSQL provider
- Has this been fixed in 2.18 but not 2.14? I just changed the Target version from 2.18 to 2.14 - hope that's ok.
We u... -
11:49 AM Feature request #15896 (Closed): Custom dash for polygon fill borders, or fix thing where categor...
- That's already possible - you need to click the 'lock' icon on the simple line symbol layer. This will prevent the li...
11:49 AM Feature request #15896 (Closed): Custom dash for polygon fill borders, or fix thing where categor...
- That's already possible - you need to click the 'lock' icon on the simple line symbol layer. This will prevent the li...
06:33 AM Feature request #15896 (Closed): Custom dash for polygon fill borders, or fix thing where categor...
- Because the dashed line border in a polygon fill style does not work well at certain scales, but it cannot be given a...
07:24 AM Revision a1eeed41 (qgis): Merge pull request #3799 from nyalldawson/processing_grids
- [processing] Unify duplicate grid creation algorithms
- 07:02 AM Revision 8c8db0eb (qgis): Ensure GRASS plugin CMake extra includes macro works for all versions
05:16 AM Bug report #15895: GDAL proximity fails on master
- After the error the GDAL submenu in Processing disappears. Unsure whether this is related to the error above.
05:12 AM Bug report #15895 (Closed): GDAL proximity fails on master
- ...
04:45 AM Bug report #15894 (Closed): Transaction groups + translation with node tool issue
- A problem arises with the following combination:
- a PostGIS line layer
- "transaction groups" enabled
- multi thr...
11:09 PM Bug report #15893 (Closed): QgsMapToolNodeTool : missing APP_EXPORT
- As apposed to the the other 'QgsMapToolEdit' classes, QgsMapToolNodeTool lacks a 'APP_EXPORT' definition in the .h fi...
- 05:44 PM Revision 3f50e835 (qgis): [processing] Ensure reading of shortHelp yaml files as UTF-8
- On macOS 10.11 with Py 3.5.2, .yaml files defaulted to ASCII and failed.
- 05:42 PM Revision c8eca29d (qgis): Add default sip directory to search for Qsci sip files
- Handles instance where Qsci directory is outside of PyQt5 sip directory.
The default sip directory is logical additio... - 05:42 PM Revision 33120528 (qgis): Add GRASS plugin CMake macro to find extra includes of GRASS compilation
- Such includes may need found again when including some GRASS headers.
- 05:42 PM Revision d187dd35 (qgis): Flip CMake finds for Qt-based frameworks, to ensure Headers are searched
- Search for libraries first, before includes, so any frameworks found can
have their Headers subdirectory added to sea... -
03:10 PM Feature request #15892 (Closed): update svg symbol markers
- Duplicate of #13565
03:10 PM Feature request #15892 (Closed): update svg symbol markers
- Duplicate of #13565
05:36 AM Feature request #15892 (Closed): update svg symbol markers
- In QGIS (2.14.5LTR) when having an svg marker symbol it is not updated when editing it in inkscape and saving it to t...
01:36 PM Revision 95072e9b (qgis): Merge pull request #3802 from alexbruy/processing-scripts
- [processing] script editor UI improvements
11:41 AM Revision f83351be (qgis): [processing] remove statusbar from script editor
11:34 AM Revision c3ed3906 (qgis): [processing] improve script editor dialog
- Use QMainWindow instead of QDialog, add normal toolbar instead of
QToolButtons. Also fix some issues caused by Qt5 sw... -
09:49 AM Revision fdc0a3f8 (qgis): Merge pull request #3800 from nirvn/processing_modeler_panels
- [processing] upgrade modeler to make use of qgsdockwidgets
09:45 AM Revision ac721d33 (qgis): [processing] python3/pyqt5 fixes for get scripts and models dialog
05:59 AM Revision a6ebe830 (qgis): [processing] upgrade modeler to make use of qgsdockwidgets
05:16 AM Bug report #15891 (Closed): Crash when the first SVG path is empty
- If the first path in
"Path(s) to search for Scalable Verctor Graphic (SVG) symbols"
is empty, the selection of an... -
04:18 AM Revision 772b7694 (qgis): [processing] Hide redundant grid creation algorithms
- Condenses the duplicate grid algorithms into single algorithms
(one for line, one for polygon), taking the best bits ... -
04:01 AM Bug report #15883: Rotate Point Symbols not working
- Yes, you are right. Yesterday I tested Shapefiles and SQLite and both worked fine.
So, today I recreated all (spatia... -
02:17 AM Revision 7e0cd9af (qgis): Fix QgsFields::lookupField returns bad result for empty field name
- QString::isNull vs ::isEmpty strikes again!
01:42 AM Revision dccd00dc (qgis): Adding test to Line Intersection algorithm
- Since both input and intersect layers have only one field (fid), the result is the same for both (existing and new) t...
01:41 AM Revision 193d400d (qgis): Make QGIS Line Intersections algorithm able to keep all attributes.
12:51 AM Revision d44bc112 (qgis): [processing] Fix file format combo showing formats in random orders
12:41 AM Revision 1e661e37 (qgis): [FEATURE][processing] New 'drop geometries' algorithm
- Simply removes any geometries from an input layer and returns
the features with attributes only -
11:48 PM Revision 38a0ea08 (qgis): Small tweaks to processing split algorithm, add tests
11:05 PM Revision 0e2ef065 (qgis): [processing] [FEATURE] SplitWithLines
- Rename algorithm SplitLinesWithLines to SplitWithLines
Accept polygon as input, too
Use only selected lines to split ... -
10:54 PM Revision 986acab9 (qgis): [processing] Tweak test precision
10:53 PM Revision 98392bda (qgis): Add another .aux.xml to .gitignore
10:52 PM Revision d742478a (qgis): [processing] Add tests for create points from table alg
10:52 PM Revision 69e8e4a3 (qgis): [processing] Allow alg tests to use ParameterTable inputs
04:03 PM Bug report #15883 (Feedback): Rotate Point Symbols not working
- Works correctly here (using a shapefile). Can you do some more digging to see exactly what triggers this, or share a ...
03:32 AM Bug report #15883 (Closed): Rotate Point Symbols not working
- Case 1: *Working*
1. Create new feature
2. Rotate symbol using Rotate Point Symbols
3. Save Layers Edits
Case 2: *No... - 03:51 PM Revision 7726205d (qgis): Followup f3482d2: mapThemeStyleOverrides is plural
03:28 PM Revision f4507251 (qgis): Rework the Edit widget properties dialog
- 03:28 PM Revision 73d9c4a2 (qgis): Some more adjustments for the attribute type dialog
02:16 PM Bug report #15890 (Closed): Backspace key (undo) enables construction mode
- Undo a node using the backspace key seems to enable the construction mode (see screencast).
01:54 PM Bug report #15889 (Closed): Advanced digitizing tools: Highlighting segments fails
- In some cases highlighting segments fails when using the advanced digitizing tools (see screencast files).
01:35 PM Bug report #15888 (Closed): Tracing tool creates redundant nodes
- Tracing a feature creates redundant nodes when a background layer is crossing the feature (see screencast).
01:13 PM Bug report #15887 (Closed): [Advanced Digitizing] hard constraint are overwritten by snapping
- After enabling 'Distance'(d) or 'Angle' (a) in the 'Advanced Digitizing Panel', snapping to points that are not locat...
12:25 PM Revision dd04ecd3 (qgis): Merge pull request #3768 from DelazJ/patch-19
- Typo fix in Processing help file
12:24 PM Revision 0a0de801 (qgis): Merge pull request #3796 from nirvn/processing_modeler_msgbar
- [processing] switch a couple of modeler pop up dialogs to message bars
11:28 AM Revision 6e2288dc (qgis): [processing] switch a couple of modeler pop up dialogs to message bars
10:15 AM Feature request #15885 (Closed): GeoPDF Export Feature for QGIS Map Composer
- I juste tested a pdf map exported from QGIS print composer, and it imported fine to Avenza Maps on an iOS device.
07:09 AM Feature request #15885: GeoPDF Export Feature for QGIS Map Composer
- I don't know if you are talking about something else but have you seen this
06:47 AM Feature request #15885 (Closed): GeoPDF Export Feature for QGIS Map Composer
- It would be great if QGIS could have the ability to export to a GeoPDF in composer, so we can create maps with graphi...
- 09:26 AM Revision d559d7ff (qgis): Partially revert 9bb3235
of -fPIC (on some platforms?) rendering cmake broken. -
08:41 AM Revision eeafe674 (qgis): Merge pull request #3795 from nirvn/modeler_toolbar
- [processing] improve the modeler dialog UI and icons
08:33 AM Bug report #15886 (Closed): MSSQL Value Map and NULL value
- "*Insert NULL value on top*" provide a invalid value for SQL Server, not allowing It to any edit.
Workaround 1:
US... -
07:45 AM Revision 2652aa50 (qgis): [processing] improve the modeler dialog UI and icons
- - use a proper toolbar to match other parts of QGIS
- show keyboard shortcuts in toolbar action tooltips
- create vec... -
07:43 AM Revision 489e00df (qgis): [processing] Enhance create points layer alg
- Clean up code, allow setting z/m columns
06:21 AM Revision 3c51a93f (qgis): [processing] Fix very broken delete columns algorithm
05:53 AM Bug report #15884 (Closed): memory access exception at exit qgis 2.18
- Hi,
Have this minor problem with several versions of Qgis desktop w and wo grass.
The dump file is attached.
From a c... - 05:29 AM Revision d712b49a (qgis): Merge pull request #3790 from dakcarto/qt5py3-mac-fixes
- Qt5py3 Mac fixes
05:12 AM Bug report #14448: Offset curve tools duplicate lines
- Yes confirmed here. When looking at the logs on postgis side, the offset tool sends the wrong id, so it updates anoth...
05:12 AM Bug report #14448: Offset curve tools duplicate lines
- Yes confirmed here. When looking at the logs on postgis side, the offset tool sends the wrong id, so it updates anoth...
- 05:03 AM Revision 311f4827 (qgis): Move profiler instance to QgsApplication
05:01 AM Bug report #13058: Remove internal OWSlib copy
- Hello, is there any news for this blocking bug? It would be good, at least, to have a workaround for this.
Thanks in ... -
04:12 AM Revision d8f9d2e6 (qgis): Speed up inserting features into memory layers by ~65%
- By avoiding an unnecessary map lookup
(cherry-picked from b679cbe) -
04:11 AM Revision cfeeb3fd (qgis): Fix QgsFeatureRequest with expression not using provider fields
- and limit (fix #15771)
(cherry-picked from 5e3bef7) -
04:08 AM Revision ddb28827 (qgis): Fix QgsGeometryUtils::sqrDistToLine returns bad values (eg nan values)
- (cherry-picked from 1d3f1f0)
04:07 AM Revision f1930cbb (qgis): QgsCacheIndexFeatureId can also handle non-FilterFid requests
- in certain circumstances
On behalf of Faunalia, sponsored by ENEL
(cherry-picked from b5c1d0f) -
04:07 AM Revision 31c1be19 (qgis): Don't query list of visible features when showing selected features
- On behalf of Faunalia, sponsored by ENEL
(cherry-picked from 5346023) -
04:06 AM Revision ec52e693 (qgis): Avoid warning noise during attribute table load
- On behalf of Faunalia, sponsored by ENEL
(cherry-picked from b0801f3) -
04:06 AM Revision 531d63f7 (qgis): Use cached feature iterator if cache has all needed features
- Previously a cached feature iterator would only be returned
if cache was either full or used a cache index
On behalf... -
04:05 AM Revision e82f8a48 (qgis): Recognise that a cache can be filled using a FilterNone request
- On behalf of Faunalia, sponsored by ENEL
(cherry-picked from afd5d1e) -
02:11 AM Revision 0d6c2f03 (qgis): Fix test for request size vs cache size
- On behalf of Faunalia, sponsored by ENEL
(cherry-picked from 38a4aac) -
02:10 AM Revision 9c64ad2f (qgis): Make max canvas scale 1600% (fix #15861)
- Max canvas sacle should be a multiple of 2 so that zooming in
to the max and then back out again results in 100% zoom... -
02:09 AM Revision a78efc0b (qgis): [processing] Fix import to postgis alg when table name not set (fix #15...
- (cherry-picked from 271e67e)
11:23 PM Revision ee80be43 (qgis): Fix misleading indentation warnings caused by messy qtermwidget code fo...
08:05 PM Bug report #15867: QGIS Georeferencer crashes with large files
- Attached. Thanks.
06:57 PM Revision dc82ad4c (qgis): fix typo
04:09 PM Revision b7fa5400 (qgis): [db manager] Fix virtual layer uid handling
11:56 AM Revision 28942361 (qgis): [virtual] disable FilterRect when no unique id is present. Should fix #...
- 08:47 AM Revision 8dbe6ead (qgis): Merge pull request #3793 from nirvn/default_styles_imp
- [style manager] new default symbols shipped with QGIS & add a set of pre-defined tags
08:46 AM Revision 0a0b3a70 (qgis): [style] speed up importXML() by using SQL transaction
- Gains are significant, importing 100 symbols would take 2.86s,
but takes only 0.18s when using transaction. -
08:46 AM Revision e2265290 (qgis): [style manager] refresh symbols shipped by default & add tags
08:46 AM Revision bc130be6 (qgis): [style] improve creation of default style db
- Instead of copyign a pre-existing .db shipped with QGIS, create
a new .db and import an .xml file containing our defa... -
08:36 AM Revision efd29922 (qgis): package symbology-ng-style.xml instead of the .db file
08:17 AM Feature request #15882 (Open): Symbol Size assistant: updating the circle size according to value...
- When setting a proportional symbol with the size assistant, there's a widget showing circles and their value.
Curren... -
08:17 AM Bug report #15881 (Closed): Symbol Size assistant: the size label should not be editable
- When setting a proportional symbol with the size assistant, there's a widget showing circles and their value. Current...
08:12 AM Bug report #15880 (Closed): Symbol Size assistant: Values greater than 1 000 000 are not "correct...
- From a point marker symbol, click on the size assistant button and use expression or field that returns values greate...
07:57 AM Feature request #15879 (Feedback): Batch Files
- Good afternoon,
I would like to submit a couple of change requests for the developers consideration.
1) Would i... -
07:38 AM Feature request #15878 (Open): Diagrams: Being able to set the number of items in the legend
- Might be related to #15877
It'd be nice to let the user indicate how many legend symbols (instead of 4 hard-coded) sh... -
07:34 AM Feature request #15877 (Open): Being able to set the number of circles rendered in legend when cr...
- When creating "proportional symbols":
06:21 AM Feature request #15876 (Open): Styling panel: click the "Add" style button should not propose the...
- Clicking the button "Add..." new style (either from layer properties dialog or styling panel) always propose "new sty...
05:23 AM Revision d7166404 (qgis): Remove usage of legendInterface() from plugins (followup e5f62e49)
05:23 AM Revision 0c58555c (qgis): [symbology] respect mixed unit when applying symbol from list widget (#...
04:55 AM Bug report #15134 (Closed): Virtual Layer - Selecting multipart features fails
- Fixed in changeset commit:"289423617f035108ecaa11a812546681b7a773af".
03:04 AM Bug report #15134: Virtual Layer - Selecting multipart features fails
- Hi, thanks for your feedback.
Work in progress : -
01:39 AM Bug report #15134: Virtual Layer - Selecting multipart features fails
- Confirmed here too with even nastier behaviour following that you use the select at id option, or that you cast geome...
03:56 AM Revision 33caf66e (qgis): Merge pull request #3766 from nyalldawson/processing_context2
- [processing] Fix hangs when running algorithms
03:07 AM Revision 20dc7fb2 (qgis): [FEATURE] raster_statistic expression function for retrieving
- raster band stats from a loaded layer
Allows raster band stats (eg min, max, avg) to be used in
expressions -
02:17 AM Revision 86ab3022 (qgis): Remove layer extent and statistic variables from processing contexts
- These variables take a lot of time to calculate and cause lots of
lengthy hangs in processing. (Eg add some moderatel... -
02:17 AM Revision 377cba0b (qgis): [processing] Use real map settings scope instead of custom canvasextent...
01:25 AM Revision e5f62e49 (qgis): Remove legacy QgsLegendInterface, move still valid methods to QgisInter...
01:08 AM Revision 188033a6 (qgis): [FEATURE] Expression variables for project CRS
- Adds @project_crs and @project_crs_definition variables
for retrieving the current project CRS
12:59 AM Revision 271e67e3 (qgis): [processing] Fix import to postgis alg when table name not set (fix #15...
12:22 AM Feature request #14072 (Closed): Style Manager: avoid same name for different groups
- Fixed in commit 5e487c.
12:22 AM Feature request #14072 (Closed): Style Manager: avoid same name for different groups
- Fixed in commit 5e487c.
12:22 AM Feature request #14072 (Closed): Style Manager: avoid same name for different groups
- Fixed in commit 5e487c.
12:22 AM Feature request #14072 (Closed): Style Manager: avoid same name for different groups
- Fixed in commit 5e487c.
12:21 AM Feature request #14073 (Closed): Style Manager: A group should display symbols of its subgroups
- "Fixed" in commit 5e487cf; as of QGIS 3.0, tags have replaced groups.
To emulate the group / subgroup, you'd use th... -
12:21 AM Feature request #14073 (Closed): Style Manager: A group should display symbols of its subgroups
- "Fixed" in commit 5e487cf; as of QGIS 3.0, tags have replaced groups.
To emulate the group / subgroup, you'd use th... -
12:21 AM Feature request #14073 (Closed): Style Manager: A group should display symbols of its subgroups
- "Fixed" in commit 5e487cf; as of QGIS 3.0, tags have replaced groups.
To emulate the group / subgroup, you'd use th... -
12:18 AM Bug report #14074 (Closed): Layer Style : list of group symbols doesn't update after "Open librar...
- Fixed in commit 5e487cf.
12:18 AM Bug report #14074 (Closed): Layer Style : list of group symbols doesn't update after "Open librar...
- Fixed in commit 5e487cf.
12:18 AM Bug report #14074 (Closed): Layer Style : list of group symbols doesn't update after "Open librar...
- Fixed in commit 5e487cf.
12:18 AM Bug report #14074 (Closed): Layer Style : list of group symbols doesn't update after "Open librar...
- Fixed in commit 5e487cf.
12:18 AM Bug report #14074 (Closed): Layer Style : list of group symbols doesn't update after "Open librar...
- Fixed in commit 5e487cf.
12:03 AM Revision 3dcf03cf (qgis): Merge pull request #3773 from alexbruy/network-analysis
- Network analysis
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