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ยป QGIS Application
Version 2.4
Done in 2.4
190 issues
190 closed
— 0 open)
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Issues by
Bug report
Feature request
Related issues
Bug report #651
: Zoom to layer does not work if layer has only one point
Bug report #4388
: gdal raster provider does not use Offset and Scale raster properties
Bug report #5896
: Identify of WMS layers does not work
Bug report #7358
: GPS plugin, input layer for the "upload to GPS" tool is not shown
Bug report #8481
: "Errors: SUCCESS: 6 attribute(s) added. ERROR: field with index 4 is not the same!" when adding columns to vectors
Bug report #9148
: Data Defined Label Locations NULL value doesn't work as expected with SQL Server Layer/PostGIS
Bug report #9150
: SAGA raster calculator fails when used in a processing model
Bug report #9335
: Widgets: impossible to input a time
Bug report #9532
: Node tool causes crash
Bug report #9609
: Crash during WFS GetFeature request
Bug report #9624
: line drawn on wrong side of edge with when draw line only inside polygon deals with polygon rings
Bug report #9626
: Crash when adding OpenLayers layer
Bug report #9629
: "Stop map rendering" button is missing in QGIS master
Bug report #9630
: Identify on WMS layers broken
Bug report #9641
: on qgis master (2.3) 1-band raster rendering in grayscale with contrast enhancement is semi-broken
Bug report #9642
: map overview pane fails to update when {opening,creating} a project from an existing project session
Bug report #9643
: map overview extend broken under qgis master (2.3)
Bug report #9648
: qgis composer map canvas fails to properly render a (complex) rule-based symbology layer
Bug report #9658
: qgis master crashes when "ok" is pressed after enabling diagrams
Bug report #9661
: qgis master labels are rendered in tiny sizes when a composer is exported to image
Bug report #9662
: label set to curved placement are broken when rendering onto a map item in the qgis composer
Bug report #9670
: qgis composer map item background setting and/or rendering broken
Bug report #9691
: Rotation of ESRI Shapefile with transparency in Print Composer
Bug report #9704
: Gdal Modules Errors on OsX Mavericks
Bug report #9733
: GPS/KML/WFS load with empty attribute table in qgis master and 2.2 (is ok on 2.0.1)
Bug report #9771
: vector layer rendering incorrect with OTF on (on some zoom levels)
Bug report #9779
: QGIS crashes opening old (2.0.1) project in valmiera (2.2.1)
Bug report #9780
: Road graph plugin broken
Bug report #9783
: Data defined properties expressions are wrong after saving them
Bug report #9793
: raster cumulative count cut gives wrong values
Bug report #9802
: Reshape digitizing tool not working on multipolygon
Bug report #9803
: QGIS fails to load postgis spatial views (primary key problem)
Bug report #9823
: Data defined expressions with single number get lost
Bug report #9861
: self crossing lines stop rendering if offset is set
Bug report #9864
: Add Delimited Text Layer Crashes Qgis
Bug report #9936
: QGIS master freezes when D&D a kml file
Bug report #9951
: Perimeter is completely wrong when OTFR is on
Bug report #9959
: crash on 2.2 and master when loading a vector style with missing SVG
Bug report #9991
: python error when deleting PostGIS spatial index with DB manager
Bug report #10014
: QGIS master crashes when D&D a shapefile in PostGIS DB using the QGIS browser
Bug report #10081
: Regression when reprojecting layers
Bug report #10085
: Last feature change is not saved in form mode
Bug report #10102
: Cannot add varchar2 and char attributes in Oracle layers
Bug report #10104
: new identification mode selection not working as expected
Bug report #10119
: QGIS master freezes when layer in project is removed from the database
Bug report #10120
: Spatialite connections missing from DB manager on QGIS master on Linux
Bug report #10127
: Randomly crash after a while
Bug report #10151
: expression-based label regression, wrongly displaying NULL instead of nothing
Bug report #10153
: QGIS master crashes if SVG is missing (SVG fill)
Bug report #10156
: When using SVG fill an odd expression is added to data defined properties -> border width
Bug report #10163
: Categorized and graduated style do not work using shapefile as vector provider
Bug report #10164
: QGIS master crashes on zoom in / zoom out
Bug report #10179
: categorized style broken
Bug report #10181
: Graduated Style shows also non numeric columns
Bug report #10189
: Print Composer: Proxy does not work for HTML frame
Bug report #10196
: not able to display certain WMS services in other coordinate system as WGS84 (QGIS Dufour 2.2.0 -1)
Bug report #10202
: QGIS crashes when displaying joined data with graduated symbology
Bug report #10205
: Size of markers in marker line broken in master
Bug report #10206
: Remove Layer with Openlayer basemap crashes project
Bug report #10211
: Styling - changing SVG fills causing crash dump and exit
Bug report #10212
: Handle bad layer fail between 2.0.1 and 2.2.0
Bug report #10215
: Python error in QGIS master
Bug report #10216
: can't set empty geometry with QgsVectorDataProvider::changeGeometryValues(QgsGeometryMap&)
Bug report #10217
: Regression: line marker symbology misaligned when (composer) exported on two layers using same dataset & symbology settings
Bug report #10271
: Crash when using SVG markers
Bug report #10280
: [PATCH] WMS GetLegendGraphics should return only the symbol with {LAYER|ITEM}FONTSIZE=0
Bug report #10281
: Database relations: after starting edit mode, selected record in embedded form not editable
Bug report #10289
: Legend Symbol Settings are not read
Bug report #10306
: Identify WMS does not work with format feature (GML)
Bug report #10326
: Reuse last entered attribute values ERROR
Bug report #10337
: huge regression: impossible to add new features to layers being edited
Bug report #10338
: inverted polygon symbology wrongly handles overlapping polygons
Bug report #10339
: crash regression (layer refactoring) when dragging a layer at the very top of the layers list
Bug report #10340
: Clicking "apply" causes the column used for labelling/symbology to reset
Bug report #10342
: major regression: impossible to edit column value via the attribute table cells
Bug report #10343
: Crash in legend with invalid layer
Bug report #10344
: Select from open layers on Processing
Bug report #10345
: New field calculator bar does not refresh values after update
Bug report #10347
: No layers in QGIS server GetCapabilities
Bug report #10349
: field calculator bar: clicking on 'update all' won't visually refresh cell values until user clicks on rows region
Bug report #10351
: widget refactoring regression: impossible to add features to a column-less memory layer
Bug report #10355
: crash: switching to inverted polygon symbology while a layer has show feature count activated will crash QGIS
Bug report #10356
: Buffer locks up system/fills swap (memory leak)
Bug report #10357
: The Tool "Merge Selected Features" makes QGIS crash
Bug report #10360
: Need to save PostGis new features before filling their attributes through Identify Tool
Bug report #10361
: GetMap - Add an option to configure JPEG compression per layer
Bug report #10363
: Fill Ring tool broken in master
Bug report #10364
: Python error when saving files with Processing in QGIS master
Bug report #10366
: Rule based Filter Test always reports 0 feature
Bug report #10367
: QGIS Crashes when deleting the last vertex of an uncommitted line with node tool
Bug report #10368
: Incorrect tooltip in Layer Properties dialogue
Bug report #10372
: QGIS Server (as WMS) doesn't put SERVICE section in GetCapabilities anymore
Bug report #10376
: New Identify Results panel: values in the "table" tab should not "editable"(?)
Bug report #10379
: Qgis mapserv: Flaky WFS GetFeature
Bug report #10384
: Some options to configure Layer legend in TOC don't work
Bug report #10385
: Problems with labeling
Bug report #10389
: Drag and Drop designer: cannot scroll anymore a long form
Bug report #10393
: Layer properties: Vector transparency, duplicate settings
Bug report #10395
: Zooming appearance
Bug report #10399
: Python error when launching QGIS master/osgeo4w
Bug report #10400
: Text annotations in Print Composer
Bug report #10402
: QGIS master categorized symbology: column repeated
Bug report #10406
: Impossible to display PostGIS table with geometry in 4 dimensions
Bug report #10410
: New Identify Results panel: first field of features empty when using html tooltip
Bug report #10412
: New layers are displayed when added when not told to.
Bug report #10415
: Identify Results panel resizes when deleting the selected feature
Bug report #10417
: Layer symbology does not update in TOC when using categorised style
Bug report #10429
: No python support on latest nightly build on Ubuntu
Bug report #10431
: Regression : impossible to label on top for forms
Bug report #10433
: QGIS master crashes when changing symbology
Bug report #10442
: Processing crashes if type nonascii symbols in algorithm search field
Bug report #10451
: Newly created columns are not available for symbology or labelling
Bug report #10452
: "ghost" entries in column list (labelling and symbology)
Bug report #10460
: label field disappear when doing "Apply" in label settings of layers properties
Bug report #10461
: Crash on Browser when select a SHP and change between windows tabs
Bug report #10463
: Reclassify grid values - SAGA 2.1.2 has a new parameter
Bug report #10465
: Label show/hide tool does not work at all.
Bug report #10467
: QGIS master uses column aliases for symbology (and it returns no values)
Bug report #10468
: WMS getLegendGraphic missing from legend after refactoring
Bug report #10469
: layer refactoring regression: symbology previews for items in the layers list not updated after re-ordered
Bug report #10471
: Segmentation fault while zooming out
Bug report #10473
: Raster Icons in layers panel is not working
Bug report #10475
: fTools: "Symmetrical Difference" Tool behaves like "Difference" Tools
Bug report #10481
: Canvas and Legend option on release candidate version
Bug report #10483
: polygons disappear on editing
Bug report #10486
: Date/Time widget - default values
Bug report #10497
: Spatialite layer does not create autoincrement values automatically
Bug report #10499
: Atlas expression builder for the name of output files
Bug report #10503
: Value Relation field value is not saved
Bug report #10509
: Wrong dash pattern with data defined properties
Bug report #10514
: "Digitizing" the cursor icon always have a pink cross below even with no snapping options ON
Bug report #10516
: crash when zoom to (raster) layer
Bug report #10518
: QGIS Server no longer honors PAL engine settings
Bug report #10519
: Browser: cannot load WMS, due to missing value in FORMAT parameter
Bug report #10520
: Wrong size of svg marker in point pattern fill (with data defined properties)
Bug report #10524
: "Zoom to Full" stopped to work for layers with a Join
Bug report #10525
: Zoom to the extent of the first added layer
Bug report #10527
: Impossible to scroll down the child table in an identify result form
Bug report #10535
: Point symbol disapper in Legend
Bug report #10538
: Build Overviews for a Raster
Bug report #10562
: Relations are not stored in Relation Reference Widget
Bug report #10565
: Transparency is not restored with QML style files for rasters
Bug report #10566
: DB Manager : Impossible to add a geometryless table
Bug report #10571
: SQL Server Layers using DSN doesn't work
Bug report #10572
: Using the Geo-referencer and adding to map expands legend, which is big and ugly
Bug report #10575
: Python error when opening SAGA tools in latest QGIS master
Bug report #10581
: Composer - Draw map canvas items option
Bug report #10599
: Composer blank page - QPixmap It is not safe to use pixmaps outside the GUI thread
Bug report #10602
: Point marker symbols - units change
Bug report #10603
: Not able to activate or deactivate some options of rendering on MacOS
Bug report #10607
: serious regression: data-defined symbology expressions broken with composer {rectangle, ellipse, triangle} shapes
Bug report #10608
: not possible to insert a new column attribute table
Bug report #10611
: QGIS crashes when opening attribute table of PostGIS layer with primary key
Bug report #10625
: addDrawingOrder changed in 2.4 breaks LayerDrawingOrder logic
Bug report #10626
: Problem with Composer Grid Type Cross
Bug report #10638
: WFS GetFeature may be incomplete if layer reports estimated feature count
Bug report #10639
: handle bad layer window
Bug report #10641
: python error in modules that allow multiple input vector selection
Bug report #10648
: New layer are not added to the selected group
Bug report #10651
: Atlas printing: table object does not update properly
Bug report #10654
: "Label features multiple times" doesn't work if "merge connected lines to avoid duplicate labels" is active
Bug report #10655
: Race condition in QgsCredentials
Bug report #10657
: crash when opening a project with joined layers
Bug report #10662
: (gdal) translate/processing does not work in QGIS master
Bug report #10663
: "additional no data value" pixels does not turn transparent anymore
Bug report #10665
: Cannot add anymore geometryless tables to print composers
Bug report #10667
: A textedit widget made not editable doesn't get it's status saved in the project
Bug report #10669
: Processing - AttributeError NoneType object has no attribute setEnabled
Bug report #10675
: Pressing escape in a custom ui/form just empties the form without closing it
Bug report #10677
: qgis 2.3 query builder Values Sample is broken
Bug report #10678
: python error when trying to execute Distribution map generator
Bug report #10679
: $length is always in degrees, even if i select another projection
Bug report #10680
: Bug of translation to Spanish [es] in form: "Merge features attributes"
Bug report #10681
: OpenLayers 1.3.1 not showing up in Qgis 2.3
Bug report #10682
: Segmentation fault with Measure Line tool
Bug report #10683
: Error message with processing tool "Extract by location"
Bug report #10684
: crasher: selecting nodes from multiple inner rings and attempting to delete those kills QGIS
Bug report #10688
: Cannot add anymore Views with proper PK from DB manager
Bug report #10690
: The 'allow null value' option in the Value relation widget doesn't get saved in the project
Bug report #10692
: Merge shape files - select by layers not working
Bug report #10694
: Oracle Provider: Cannot open subqueries
Bug report #10697
: Browser does't show correctly and doesn't allow metadata (xml) preview
Bug report #10703
: After adding a column the attribute defined for labels is unselected.
Bug report #10732
: svg bug in symbology
Bug report #10738
: Qgis 2.3 not saving Layer style
Feature request #1595
: Legend does not correspond to map content
Feature request #8292
: Support GetFeatureInfo for WMTS
Feature request #9094
: Del-key should delete feature
Feature request #10063
: Oracle provider should also retrieve materialized views comments
Feature request #10637
: Update EPSG database