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ยป QGIS Application
Version 1.8.0
153 issues
153 closed
— 0 open)
Issues by
Bug report
Feature request
Related issues
Bug report #1718
: Incorrect unique key interpretation on PostGIS view - view doesn't load as expected
Bug report #1928
: Custom CRS def'n fails if name contains an apostrophe
Bug report #1993
: North arrow changes direction (with OTFR disabled and projected CRS) at very high/low zoom levels
Bug report #2001
: Postgis Manager notes for enhancements/bug fixes
Bug report #2205
: Symbology size field should not be limited to 4 numbers with 2 decimals
Bug report #2249
: Font size in label preview should not changes when "Font size units: Map units" is selected
Bug report #2482
: Interpolation plugin causes seg fault
Bug report #2497
: ftools: difference tool (asymmetrical difference) does not work with multipolygon geometries
Bug report #2733
: fTools Add geometry column fails to add XCOORD if source is GPX file or PostGIS Layer
Bug report #2760
: SpatiaLite Layers Not Displaying in PPC Mac
Bug report #2766
: Query failed if field value contains apostrophe
Bug report #2850
: Measure Line result window issue
Bug report #2872
: Crash using the new labelling engine at very high scales
Bug report #2967
: QGIS crashes loading WMS with authentication request
Bug report #3085
: Wrong histogram builds over Int16 rasters
Bug report #3193
: Bug when trying to change Thematic Maps Colors
Bug report #3346
: Bug: composer legend - symbols and labels are not vertically aligned
Bug report #3419
: QGIS hangs on WMS layer without network
Bug report #3549
: Getting incomplete results from Intersect tool (fTools)
Bug report #3727
: Features not represented with rule-based renderer still get labelled
Bug report #3771
: White stripes when panning map
Bug report #3781
: Docked window Attribute Table displays 'ERROR' after save edits of a Postgis layer
Bug report #3820
: Layer postgres dont recognize unique key index
Bug report #3968
: MailingList : qgis-commit seem to be no more refresh with last commits.
Bug report #3999
: [OsX] GRASS provider doesn't load on OS X
Bug report #4000
: Easy Print Plugin ver 0.1.0 crash qgis
Bug report #4023
: [OsX] double-click 'Apply' in layer properties crashes QGIS on OSX
Bug report #4074
: "invert color map" is not checked when it has been enabled for a layer
Bug report #4106
: Error in join
Bug report #4167
: multi-band gray-scale raster style forgets band selection on edit
Bug report #4168
: custom CRS: stripped chars in projection_acronym
Bug report #4169
: Zonal Statistic Plugin is missing the Toolbar Icon
Bug report #4174
: Rasters are not rendered again when changing project CRS with render caching enabled
Bug report #4220
: advanced size scale field and rotation field not showing columns of joined layer(s)
Bug report #4243
: Show symbolic in print composer in true scale.
Bug report #4258
: GRASS plugin allows illegal characters in filename
Bug report #4310
: Georeferencer: GCP are not removed from map canvas and the tool does not seem to quit really
Bug report #4317
: New labeling: rotation for polygons is only applied after moving the label + the "issue" of needing the "X" and "Y" columns
Bug report #4385
: Labelling window do not resize correctly
Bug report #4392
: GRASS-6.4.1: Incompatible library version for module.
Bug report #4421
: Raster are very slow to load when calculating stats
Bug report #4425
: Add a capitalize() function to the expression based labeling engine
Bug report #4428
: Diagram overlays not displaying when render caching is on
Bug report #4433
: Edit vertex tool very slow
Bug report #4434
: "project properties" and menu icons missing from QGIS when using UNITY Desktop Manager
Bug report #4453
: Relative symbol angle overridden by layer angle
Bug report #4465
: patch to update the GRASS plugin to make it cope correctly with the new GRASS command parser (6.4.2RC2)
Bug report #4478
: Actions using %% do not work from identify results
Bug report #4480
: Increase/decrease priority in rule-based rendering
Bug report #4487
: Crash when splitting polygons in shp file
Bug report #4505
: Open ESRI Personal Geodatabase (mdb)
Bug report #4507
: GEOS spatialindex.h conflicts with SpatialIndex.h
Bug report #4514
: New symbology fails to render "problematic" lines at high zoom levels
Bug report #4521
: Map Tips does not work with on the fly CRS transformation
Bug report #4523
: QGIS hangs when selecting a feature with the "Node Tool"
Bug report #4538
: Line decoration (direction arrow) broke (again?)
Bug report #4569
: Primary keys of type TEXT always null after creating feature in spatialite layer
Bug report #4570
: "use value from input field" not available for the tool "random points"
Bug report #4571
: Dissolve and clip on spatialite vectors don't work and causes crash
Bug report #4653
: Wrong display of symbols in print composer
Bug report #4685
: Misleading error message for postgis tables with null geometry values
Bug report #4822
: Opening table of attributes is 7x slower in qgis-master than in 1.7.3
Bug report #4912
: Segfault on exit-with-save
Bug report #4938
: Crash on opening MapComposer
Bug report #4945
: Missing Krovak East North 102067 projection
Bug report #4963
: Calculation of polygon's centroids leads to QGIS crashes
Bug report #4965
: Toggle editing button doesn't check layer's format capabilities
Bug report #4971
: OTFR does not work if enabled before layer adding
Bug report #5035
: stretching with nb of standard deviation: always min = max = 0
Bug report #5062
: WMS support broken in QGIS master
Bug report #5070
: Geometry validity does not work well
Bug report #5097
: Dialog in Merge Shape Files
Bug report #5098
: Error handling null values (numeric, decimal)
Bug report #5102
: query ["field" != 'NULL'] works while ["field" = 'NULL'] doesn't
Bug report #5107
: Road graph plugin is broken in 1.7.4
Bug report #5108
: compilation failed (maptool)
Bug report #5114
: Query builder "sample" and "All" buttons stop to work if a query with 0 matches is tested
Bug report #5143
: Qgis not using '+towgs' proj parameters when OTF reprojection
Bug report #5158
: QGIS 1.7.4 with fTools : polygon centroids errors
Bug report #5163
: points in polygon: does not count points on boundaries
Bug report #5220
: Query builder uses strings as numbers?
Bug report #5223
: ftools Intersection fails to gathering all shapes
Bug report #5227
: Can't read linstring table from new MSSQL provider
Bug report #5235
: Link to SQL server spatial view fails
Bug report #5240
: Show all layers/Hide all layers changed behaviour in QGIS master
Bug report #5243
: Shapefile - merging cause crashes in 1.7.4
Bug report #5247
: setting the project to "google mercator" causes QGIS to crash
Bug report #5257
: fTools 'Define current projection' problem
Bug report #5264
: Spatialite Provider / fTools Select by Location does not find intersections
Bug report #5272
: Symbol level dialog causes QGIS crash
Bug report #5318
: Snapping options dialog broken
Bug report #5323
: WMS issues on QGIS Master
Bug report #5325
: Adding a new layer to a project makes QGIS zoom to full extent
Bug report #5326
: Checking "on the fly CRS transformation" changes silently the selected CRS (usually to wgs84)
Bug report #5327
: Nodetool partially broken on qgis-master
Bug report #5332
: Wrong Area for large polygons in vector/Geometry Tools/Export/Add Geometry Columns
Bug report #5333
: QGis crashes if you use "pretty breaks" on a column with the same value for every row
Bug report #5335
: "export/add geometry columns" make QGIS crash if you have previously opened the attribute table
Bug report #5338
: QGIS master crashes adding a WFS layer on OsX Snow Leopard
Bug report #5348
: Don't use alias empty value in GetFeatureInfo
Bug report #5389
: "points in polygon" tool broken in qgis master
Bug report #5393
: Separator with label in DB Manager menu
Bug report #5418
: Checkbox edit widget do not work on OsX
Bug report #5487
: QGIS crash when reshaping a polygon
Bug report #5531
: Rule-based rendering - where is 'priority' and 'use only first matching rule' ?
Bug report #5536
: Rule based symbology refine assistant forgets quotation marks for fields with special characters
Bug report #5542
: Rule based symbology refine assistant can't read values for fields with special characters
Bug report #5544
: --configpath not used
Bug report #5556
: Label field not saved
Bug report #5597
: External URL access via PyQt crashes QGIS on Mac OS X
Bug report #5598
: CRS attribution algorithm for newly added layers broken in qgis-master (upcoming 1.8)
Bug report #5610
: MS SQL Server driver - Attribute table empty after using Query builder
Bug report #5624
: Renaming a spatialite table fails in DB Manager
Bug report #5626
: Union and Symetrical difference tools do not work if input layers are PostGIS data
Bug report #5636
: [PULL] browser loads .gz and .vrt files as both OGR and GDAL data items
Bug report #5655
: "mean coordinates" options are populated only if another layer is selected first
Bug report #5657
: Can't delete more then one vertex
Bug report #5665
: rendering order in rule-based style not working with scale ranges
Bug report #5677
: Translated strings show up untranslated in the app
Bug report #5678
: Old labels in rule-based style not working
Bug report #5692
: Can not change legend fonts in print composer
Bug report #5749
: transparent polygons not rendered
Bug report #5753
: Menu items out of order on OSX
Bug report #5762
: QGIS Server: print corrupted
Bug report #5766
: Print Composer: Command history panel of print composer cannot be displayed when invisible
Bug report #5809
: Segmentation fault when data source deleted or moved
Bug report #5815
: Unicode bug in Geocoding Plugin
Bug report #5825
: Print Composer Refresh broken
Bug report #5900
: QGIS 1.8.0 windows standalone ships with GDAL version that causes new attribute data loss in Shapefiles
Bug report #5927
: ESRI shapefile encoding problem
Bug report #6034
: Impossible to open the .qgs file I've just saved with QGIS 1.8
Bug report #6060
: QGIS 1.8 Split Features doesn't work as in 1.7
Bug report #6071
: Projection EPSG: 3909 isn't available in projections database
Bug report #6101
: User not warned of uncommited edits when closing
Bug report #6117
: Eckert projections not available as User Defined CRS once created as Custom CRS
Bug report #6143
: Field Calculator - No update existing field option available for PostGIS layer
Bug report #6190
: Displaying multipoint objects from MSSQL in QGIS
Bug report #6206
: Categorized Style Delete button doesn't delete selected classes
Bug report #6387
: MSSQL tables - Primary Key with multiple columns Problem
Feature request #3243
: Spatial bookmarks do not take into account CRS
Feature request #3337
: Query Builder's data sampler doesn't use original dataset
Feature request #3387
: let the user select the color map extreme colors
Feature request #3484
: Legend Title enhancements: Add "Show Title" checkbox, wrap text option
Feature request #4435
: extent snapping options
Feature request #4657
: Allow selecting nodes the same way is possible to select geometries
Feature request #4704
: set OSG plugins dir at compilation
Feature request #4736
: do not create the .gislock file under Windows (as native GRASS now does)
Feature request #4787
: Enable edits to Spatialite Views with "Instead of" triggers
Feature request #4814
: Apply expression builder widget to field calculator
Feature request #5064
: Leave table of attributes open when deleting records (directly from the table of attributes)
Feature request #5094
: QGIS Server Web Feature Service capabilities
Feature request #5349
: Add SCALE to GetLegendGraphic
Feature request #5383
: DXF feature