From 2011-06-08 to 2011-07-07
11:16 PM Bug report #4061 (Closed): building globe plugin fails: cannot open file 'QtOpenGL.lib
- After working around #4060, building the globe plugin under MSVC fails like this:
@2>LINK : fatal error LNK1104: can... -
11:13 PM Bug report #4060 (Closed): building globe plugin fails: 'GUID' : ambiguous symbol
- After working around #4059, building the globe plugin under MSVC fails like this:
@2>c:\\osgeo4w\\include\\qt4\\qtco... -
11:09 PM Bug report #4059 (Closed): building globe plugin fails: 'setenv': identifier not found
- Building the globe plugin under MSVC fails like this:
@2>..\\..\\..\\..\\qgis.git\\src\\plugins\\globe\\globe_plugin... -
08:30 PM Feature request #4058 (Closed): Multi column sort - Attribute table
- It seems the composer attribute table already has multicolumn sort support. Was done in commit:f13d3f35a3000355d76996...
08:20 PM Feature request #2719: add file manager
- > What about QGIS File Browser plugin?
File management operations could be implemented in that and/or in the Qbrowse... -
07:36 PM Bug report #3870: Negative numbers cannot be set as NULL in raster/clipping
- This bug also applies to raster>merge and raster>proximity, but not raster>translate, which does accept negative valu...
02:02 PM Revision 11d0f3a5 (qgis): german translation update
12:34 PM Revision 49e50135 (qgis): refix qgis.ico move
- 12:27 PM Revision 1a140343 (qgis): fix #4039
08:37 AM Bug report #3501: QGIS 1.6.0 fails to install on Windows 7 with cannot access the file because it...
- The issue is still present in qgis 1.7.0, and this time i've tried with the installer launched from the local disk, a...
03:09 AM Bug report #4040: 'settings' and 'project properties' doubled in menu's
- My 2cents: if double items are gone, this issues is fixed :-)
If we want to conform to all platforms (or just one?)...
01:08 AM Bug report #4040: 'settings' and 'project properties' doubled in menu's
- Each platform has some guidelines how the menus should be organized. So, on one side there is consistency of QGIS acr...
03:31 PM Bug report #4040: 'settings' and 'project properties' doubled in menu's
- Now in Ubuntu/qgis trunk the "project properties" menu item disappeared from "Settings" and show just in "file". I be...
08:20 PM Revision 8fbe182a (qgis): fix 55a1778 with patched qt on osgeo4w
08:20 PM Revision a6351e5f (qgis): add support for mixed case geometry types of PostGIS 2.0
07:00 PM Bug report #2482: Interpolation plugin causes seg fault
- Here is a link for a (very large) contour shapefile which crashes my QGIS as soon as starting TIN interpolation. N.B...
05:24 PM Bug report #4056 (Closed): when built-in SVGs are added to a composer layout paths should be rela...
- When a built in SVG is used as a layer symbol, the path is stored in the .qgs file as a path relative to the QGIS ins...
05:21 PM Revision afecac75 (qgis): First experimental version of line pattern drawing
04:36 PM Feature request #4055 (Closed): Enhancement: display SVG symbols in themed collections instead of...
- Quoting from another bug ;)
> Town planners, naturalists, geologists and other professionals have their own symbols
... -
03:52 PM Feature request #4054 (Closed): Enhancement: option in the interpolation plugin to set the extent...
- the subject says it all.
03:49 PM Revision 1403f2c6 (qgis): missed these also in 3ccae3f
01:13 PM Revision 5d7ccc43 (qgis): Reduce top and side margins for attribute table dialog
01:09 PM Revision 9de321c2 (qgis): Merge branch 'margins'
12:54 PM Bug report #4053 (Closed): QGIS Globe crashes on launch
- When I launch the globe (current version : commit:1403f2c68b ) I get a crash - see stack trace below.
Crash occurred... -
11:18 AM Revision ae176a9a (qgis): Added line pattern symbol layer
11:07 AM Bug report #4052 (Closed): Switch to ST_ prefixed functions in PostGIS provider
- non-ST prefixed functions are about to be dropped from PostGIS (2.0)
ST_ version were available since postgis 1.2
pre... -
11:07 AM Revision d56e4e95 (qgis): Merge branch 'master' of
11:03 AM Revision 6e855745 (qgis): Remove the (hopefully) last SVN reference
09:58 AM Revision e79366c0 (qgis): Merge branch 'release-1_7_0' of into releas...
09:14 AM Revision 962edbb5 (qgis): More svn version removal
09:14 AM Revision 8aa71404 (qgis): More svn version removal
08:31 AM Revision bff8e544 (qgis): Merge branch 'master' of
04:58 AM Bug report #4018 (Closed): ng-labeling disfunctions for unicode columns
02:52 AM Bug report #4018: ng-labeling disfunctions for unicode columns
- I can't reproduce it now neither. I am sorry - don't know what went wrong the other day.
Invalid ticket. -
02:00 AM Revision 49e9a621 (qgis): missed file update in 3ccae3f
01:39 AM Revision 3ccae3fd (qgis): forgot to move some files for 6d788eb
01:04 AM Bug report #4051 (Closed): Cannot display SpatiaLite views based on tables with spatial index
- If I add a spatial index to the parent table of my view in SpatiaLite, the features are not rendered in QGIS anymore....
12:50 AM Bug report #4050: GPSD Server WATCH request
- I gived a wrong branch version in ticket description. Just ignore it.
12:43 AM Bug report #4050 (Closed): GPSD Server WATCH request
- The JSON command send to GPSD server (QGis Gps Tracker module) doesn't change the server emitted packet type to NMEA....
12:24 AM Revision 114ff9fc (qgis): CMake for globe
11:55 PM Revision dbc973c1 (qgis): Merge cleanup
11:52 PM Revision 641edcb7 (qgis): Fixed world.tif install
11:52 PM Revision 90d9ae17 (qgis): Default compositor multitexture_ffp
11:52 PM Revision 4408185d (qgis): Replaced earth file with programmatic map construction
11:52 PM Revision e046c182 (qgis): new rotation reset icon
11:52 PM Revision 8799cc95 (qgis): Added missing colour accessor/mutator/member from composerlegenditem he...
11:46 PM Revision 78097a78 (qgis): Globe is now visible to other (python as well) plugins. signals from gl...
11:46 PM Revision 6cf00e78 (qgis): plugin visibility system was added to trunk in
11:46 PM Revision 6b84c444 (qgis): Use CMake vars
11:46 PM Revision c64de211 (qgis): implemented a better syncExtent method using QgsDistanceArea
11:46 PM Revision 4c36e580 (qgis): Update to OsgEarth 2.0
11:46 PM Revision d3dfc8ee (qgis): Patched source against to us...
11:46 PM Revision 64d1129a (qgis): fixed bug in elevation layers dialog when changeing between projects
11:46 PM Revision 0b8d7693 (qgis): Fixed bug on new project created
11:46 PM Revision cd72e51a (qgis): nicer gui
11:46 PM Revision 601c4db3 (qgis): Debug message removed
11:46 PM Revision b49316aa (qgis): Place 3D models on point layer
11:46 PM Revision 764d002a (qgis): globe_plugin_guibase.ui removed
11:46 PM Revision ecbd2da6 (qgis): FIXED ALL issues regarding elevationDatasourceChanges and globeClosed s...
11:46 PM Revision 9bca3a73 (qgis): shows mouse click WGS coordinates
11:46 PM Revision 481e0ea2 (qgis): - added support for globe coordinates, they are now shown in the status...
11:46 PM Revision 8f40cd8c (qgis): fixed closeEvent by subclassing QDockWidget instead of QgsGLWidgetAdapter
11:46 PM Revision b697d13c (qgis): code clean up
11:46 PM Revision 930d1248 (qgis): fixed elevationDatasetsChanged() signal
11:46 PM Revision 17aca2d1 (qgis): added suppor for signals for elevationDatasourceChanged and globeClosed...
- Regression: moving rows up and down bug -> work on it tomorrow
11:46 PM Revision 34a7461e (qgis): fixed GlobeClosed signal, now need to fix closeEvent
11:44 PM Revision 23f0195a (qgis): testing newProjectCreated () signal
11:44 PM Revision 0cbd8a3e (qgis): getDatabasePager clear when changing 3D settings
11:44 PM Revision 4ed9c530 (qgis): Use cache from settings
11:42 PM Revision 43e4ea18 (qgis): Elevation layers from settings dialog
11:42 PM Revision 9564033c (qgis): adding initial cache support
11:42 PM Revision 1667fb81 (qgis): gui stable, added cache checkboxes
11:42 PM Revision f9181059 (qgis): fixed earth file
11:42 PM Revision 9da6afca (qgis): initial readProject signal support
11:40 PM Revision e355a607 (qgis): Get rid of svn version stuff from release branch.
11:39 PM Revision c82072c1 (qgis): added move layers up or down
11:39 PM Revision ea16d7a1 (qgis): Elevation Layers are now saved in the project file instead of in QSettings
11:39 PM Revision d4526de1 (qgis): cleaned code, gui set to no drag and drop and single selection mode
11:39 PM Revision b6e8c8dd (qgis): Single selection only. Segfaults resolved
11:39 PM Revision 2ced86cd (qgis): more code clean up
- 11:39 PM Revision b0f3d4e0 (qgis): fixed homeHandler
11:39 PM Revision 7bf8489b (qgis): adapted gui to support data input
- 11:39 PM Revision 7a969560 (qgis): added HomeControlHandler
11:39 PM Revision 573b8039 (qgis): Code cleanup
11:39 PM Revision 5906eef0 (qgis): onClick event on mouse release
11:39 PM Revision 46949311 (qgis): Refresh button
11:39 PM Revision 3ded44ab (qgis): Added disabling of irrelevant options to settings dialog
11:39 PM Revision 0d2cdd86 (qgis): code cleanup
11:39 PM Revision e1510a84 (qgis): first cleanup fixed file check
11:39 PM Revision 09ba3396 (qgis): working initial gui for elevation, needs code clean up
11:39 PM Revision 85080d5c (qgis): added initial support for layer loading through the gui
11:39 PM Revision 5be669da (qgis): pre cleanup code
- 11:39 PM Revision ab9bc856 (qgis): fixed sync handler fixed refresh handler added home handler code format...
- 11:39 PM Revision b7405498 (qgis): added live preview of Stereo Settings
- 11:39 PM Revision 2dcee5d3 (qgis): reworked gui added new handlers //TODO use GlobePlugin::syncExtent inst...
- 11:39 PM Revision f84567d2 (qgis): initial sync exent button
- 11:39 PM Revision 42ccb147 (qgis): testing gui reset buttons
- 11:37 PM Revision 9dcb8329 (qgis): added missing tilt icons added KeyboardControlHandler
- 11:37 PM Revision 0a45bff2 (qgis): added GUI navigation, reset buttons still missing
11:34 PM Revision a2a391c4 (qgis): Revert FlyToExtentHandler
- 11:34 PM Revision 655bd091 (qgis): added tilt to gui
11:31 PM Revision 0bcb3341 (qgis): onMouseDown handling
11:27 PM Revision b9b3ae84 (qgis): NavigationControl
- 11:27 PM Revision 13cd875d (qgis): added keybord controls: - pan Horizontal 4,6 - pan Vertical 8,2 - rotat...
- uset this keys because I can't get osgGA::GUIEventAdapter::KEY_Left ecc to work yet
- 11:27 PM Revision 0dfd64ed (qgis): renamed flytoextenthandler to controlshandler
- 11:27 PM Revision 1de65011 (qgis): added tilt to gui
- 11:21 PM Revision bc1ca623 (qgis): testing how to get key bindings
- 11:21 PM Revision 06f8409a (qgis): test github commit hook
- 11:21 PM Revision da39e8a6 (qgis): fixed typo
11:21 PM Revision 2cd3b0c6 (qgis): moveVControls fixed
- 11:21 PM Revision 00a6bdef (qgis): added all elements to gui
- 11:21 PM Revision eb30bf0b (qgis): added initial gui to the globe
11:18 PM Revision cb659371 (qgis): Handle screen distance stereo setting
- 11:18 PM Revision b5997c01 (qgis): Completed Stereo settings support added reset stereo settings to defaul...
- 11:18 PM Revision 0f85a6c6 (qgis): refactoring of setStereoMode done
- 10:48 PM Revision ef6dc30b (qgis): added modal dialog
- 10:16 PM Revision c0dca2a2 (qgis): typo fixes
- 10:16 PM Revision db1b4950 (qgis): forgot this files in last checkout
10:16 PM Revision 99fb079a (qgis): Made settings dialog a member of GlobePlugin
- 10:16 PM Revision 2e214cbe (qgis): refactoring
- TODO: Call QgsGLWidgetAdapter::setStereoMode(QString stereoMode) from GlobePlugin::settings() instead of code duplica...
10:16 PM Revision 4e3e0e1e (qgis): Settings dialog
- 10:16 PM Revision 8fff9f7e (qgis): adding new globe images
- 10:16 PM Revision e62a086c (qgis): adding place holders for settings dialog adding settings UI file
10:16 PM Revision c2c48485 (qgis): Portable cache path
- 10:16 PM Revision 55e7f21d (qgis): fixing resource file
- 10:16 PM Revision b9520696 (qgis): implemented settings dialog with placeholders methods
- 10:16 PM Revision d571f0ff (qgis): Added runtime stereo selection to settings dialog and at plugin start
10:13 PM Revision 6b002403 (qgis): Globe icon
10:13 PM Revision e960c2c5 (qgis): cache configuration
10:13 PM Revision a30df986 (qgis): Use WorldWind SRTM with pre-populated cache. GlobePlugin code cleanup.
10:13 PM Revision 78174a1d (qgis): Moved sample 3D models to Lech
10:13 PM Revision aab17ff9 (qgis): HTTP Proxy support
10:13 PM Revision 7f8ff410 (qgis): - node placement on terrain surface - placement test using generated mo...
10:13 PM Revision a2eeab1a (qgis): Worldwind cache data
10:13 PM Revision 2911a8e4 (qgis): Remove world.tif from
10:13 PM Revision 2a1b3a27 (qgis): Use world.tif from QGIS package
10:13 PM Revision 1a7a7ab6 (qgis): extent check in tile source
10:13 PM Revision 32b05204 (qgis): world.tif added
10:13 PM Revision 48fc3b36 (qgis): mouse tracking
10:13 PM Revision bf3880ba (qgis): GLOBE_OSG_STANDALONE_VIEWER
10:13 PM Revision 5642093e (qgis): Added Controls from 2.0 master branch
- 10:13 PM Revision 31f2ab7d (qgis): Fixed mousewheel zoom making it consistent to qgis zoom (scroll up = zo...
10:13 PM Revision a75f9d24 (qgis): Initial support for non-WGS-84 layers
10:13 PM Revision b942557f (qgis): Install in QGIS_DATA_DIR/globe
10:13 PM Revision b2f62df0 (qgis): include cleanup
10:13 PM Revision 3ada3ae1 (qgis): Mouse wheel zoom
10:13 PM Revision 2fa95c41 (qgis): Fly to extent handler
10:13 PM Revision 169de3aa (qgis): Aster DEM
10:13 PM Revision 71ff1012 (qgis): layersChanged experiments
10:13 PM Revision 0fd86612 (qgis): thread locking removed
10:13 PM Revision 4e0f17a9 (qgis): globe plugin from master branch
07:02 PM Revision 513255ba (qgis): fix 55a1778 with patched qt on osgeo4w
06:54 PM Revision 6d90708e (qgis): fix windows build
06:14 PM Revision 97f8039e (qgis): add support for mixed case geometry types of PostGIS 2.0
04:52 PM Revision bd495c13 (qgis): Merge branch 'master' of
04:49 PM Revision a637ebca (qgis): Support alpha-transparency in svg markers and fills
04:49 PM Revision 9d3c9040 (qgis): Use svg cache for svg fill layer
04:46 PM Revision 91cddd15 (qgis): Support alpha-transparency in svg markers and fills
03:56 PM Revision 97d477b2 (qgis): Reduce top and side margins for attribute table dialog
12:31 PM Bug report #4049 (Closed): Trouble Symbolizing Fields in a Joined Table QGIS 1.7
- Using the latest version of QGIS (1.7 Wroclaw) and am running into two problems with the new table joining feature. T...
11:59 AM Feature request #1473: 3dz/3dm/4d support
- Note that as of postgis 2.0 (current postgis trunk) chances are you won't even _see_ columns containing geometries wi...
10:32 AM Revision 2fcf608a (qgis): Python console: consider also Enter on keypad. Fixes #3855.
- Contributed by Steven Mizuno
09:36 AM Bug report #4038: v.kernel error message
- We have the same problem for all other .py GRASS scripts. They call --interface description, which is not available f...
04:43 AM Bug report #4048 (Closed): Rendering bug on vector layer at different scale (on Linux ONLY)
- Some features in a layer won't show when zooming in. The bug is clearly visible in attached images.
The bug is visib... -
03:01 AM Feature request #4047 (Closed): plugin postgis manager - table versioning tool: improvement
- This feature is already in the to-do list (though I doubt it will be implemented anytime soon).
Please do not use th... -
03:01 AM Feature request #4047 (Closed): plugin postgis manager - table versioning tool: improvement
- This feature is already in the to-do list (though I doubt it will be implemented anytime soon).
Please do not use th... -
02:02 AM Bug report #4018: ng-labeling disfunctions for unicode columns
- I am unable to reproduce your problem. Please provide sample data (e.g. shapefile) and exact steps for reproducing. T...
01:46 AM Bug report #3965 (Closed): Wrong use of left/right offset in labels
- In the labeling dialog just above the offset you can set the orientation: by default the map orientation is used, you...
01:46 AM Bug report #3965 (Closed): Wrong use of left/right offset in labels
- In the labeling dialog just above the offset you can set the orientation: by default the map orientation is used, you...
01:37 AM Bug report #3855 (Closed): Python console gets stuck if you use [Enter] from the number pad
- Thanks for the patch. Applied in commit:2fcf608
01:37 AM Bug report #3855 (Closed): Python console gets stuck if you use [Enter] from the number pad
- Thanks for the patch. Applied in commit:2fcf608
11:39 PM Bug report #4041 (Closed): segfault when trying to open layer properties
11:32 PM Bug report #4041: segfault when trying to open layer properties
- yep, now working thanks to rb2c7bae948 :-)
setting resolution to fixed -
06:25 PM Bug report #4041: segfault when trying to open layer properties
- Can you try again and see if there is still a issue. It should be fixed in commit:b2c7bae948
10:54 PM Revision cd6a24be (qgis): Graduated renderer: handle the case with only one class
09:50 PM Revision 0a3583de (qgis): It does not make sense to classify into zero classes, does it?
09:11 PM Revision 8d28b6ee (qgis): Remove duplicate menu entries on non-kde platforms (fix #4040)
08:40 PM Revision 88a2a625 (qgis): Fix last equal interval break in graduated symbol renderer (#4044)
07:19 PM Revision 1043c030 (qgis): simplify detection on OS X
06:24 PM Bug report #4045 (Closed): Seg Fault on open layer properties
06:23 PM Bug report #4045: Seg Fault on open layer properties
- Fixed in commit:b2c7bae9
06:23 PM Bug report #4045: Seg Fault on open layer properties
- Fixed in commit:b2c7bae9
06:44 AM Bug report #4045: Seg Fault on open layer properties
- Seems to be caused by a null mMostRecentEntry at line 315
06:15 PM Revision 40522689 (qgis): OS X frameworks for qgis libs;
- dev frameworks install option;
cmake cleanup -
04:44 PM Revision 93fb601f (qgis): Merge branch 'master' of
04:32 PM Revision 3849742b (qgis): Small clean in sip file
04:24 PM Revision 21d92261 (qgis): Updated Python bindings for lable and composeritem
04:23 PM Revision 82d8cffb (qgis): Ability to set id of any composer item moved from just qgscomposerlabel...
- All items can now have a user set id. Good for plugin automation eg mapbook builder
04:11 PM Revision db7501ae (qgis): Use svg cache for svg fill layer
03:57 PM Revision b2c7bae9 (qgis): Fix some problems with svg cache
03:49 PM Revision ff83436c (qgis): Fix some problems with svg cache
03:13 PM Bug report #4046: Composer raster problem printing - PDF
- Confirmed on WinXP
03:13 PM Bug report #4046: Composer raster problem printing - PDF
- Confirmed on WinXP
12:38 PM Bug report #3963: Crash when applying a graduated vector style
- The backtrace suggest that it crashes when calculating breaks for Jenks classification. A sample of your data causing...
12:19 PM Bug report #4023: [OsX] double-click 'Apply' in layer properties crashes QGIS on OSX
- I cannot replicate. Could you please post exact steps for reproducing, possibly with a small testing data? Thanks.
12:13 PM Bug report #4040 (Closed): 'settings' and 'project properties' doubled in menu's
- Fixed in commit 8d28b6ee14694271581a
12:13 PM Bug report #4040 (Closed): 'settings' and 'project properties' doubled in menu's
- Fixed in commit 8d28b6ee14694271581a
11:43 AM Bug report #4044 (Closed): loosing features when using New Symbology, Graduated symbol
- Fixed in commit 88a2a625b55b943f5276
11:43 AM Bug report #4044 (Closed): loosing features when using New Symbology, Graduated symbol
- Fixed in commit 88a2a625b55b943f5276
11:33 AM Bug report #4038: v.kernel error message
- To correct this bug I have modified the file /usr/share/grass/modules/v.kernel.qgm and changer module="qgis.v.kernel....
11:21 AM Revision dd79841c (qgis): Better ignore options
11:17 AM Revision 908a494b (qgis): other workaround for Qt#5114 (fixes #3250, #3028, #2598)
11:16 AM Revision 364df1cf (qgis): Merge branch 'master' of
11:15 AM Revision 9164946a (qgis): Merge branch 'release-1_7_0' of into releas...
11:14 AM Revision bb06a7f8 (qgis): Fix merge conflicts
11:13 AM Revision 963fec0b (qgis): Try to make the histogram smoother
11:13 AM Revision 0de52ccf (qgis): Try to make the histogram smoother
11:13 AM Revision 934e56f8 (qgis): More git ignores
09:01 AM Revision a946a20f (qgis): fix lenny build
05:18 AM Feature request #167: PostGIS geometry collections are not shown
- Havin seen this as "in progress" made me think it really was ;)
Anyway, if anyone plans to touch the postgresql provi...
11:41 PM Revision 4b849597 (qgis): Rename QgsExpressionBuilder to QgsExpressionBuilderWidget
11:39 PM Revision 14a89247 (qgis): Copy layout and code from field calculator for expression builder widget
05:14 PM Feature request #972: do locking when features are changed in PostGIS tables
- IMO locking database tables never makes any sense. One of the main reason to move to a database system rather then f...
04:56 PM Bug report #4041: segfault when trying to open layer properties
- Seems to be related to the same ticket I opened. #4045
04:41 PM Revision 55a1778b (qgis): other workaround for Qt#5114 (fixes #3250, #3028, #2598)
04:07 PM Revision 8eb7664b (qgis): fix windows build
11:39 AM Bug report #3130 (Closed): Internal SVG resources not selectable on OS X
- Er, so it's already implemented, very likely for a long time. Don't know how I missed this.
11:39 AM Bug report #3130 (Closed): Internal SVG resources not selectable on OS X
- Er, so it's already implemented, very likely for a long time. Don't know how I missed this.
11:39 AM Bug report #3130 (Closed): Internal SVG resources not selectable on OS X
- Er, so it's already implemented, very likely for a long time. Don't know how I missed this.
11:14 AM Feature request #1442: system specific location of qgis settings
- OK, so not for 1.7.
2.0 it is then...? -
11:14 AM Feature request #1442: system specific location of qgis settings
- OK, so not for 1.7.
2.0 it is then...? -
05:54 AM Revision 44fddd17 (qgis): Merge remote branch 'upstream/master' into expression-labels
- Fixed merge conflict in pallabeling
src/core/qgspallabeling.cpp -
05:09 AM Feature request #4047 (Closed): plugin postgis manager - table versioning tool: improvement
- table versioning tool
add 2 columns user_start, user_end
goal: to save the author of changes data
04:51 AM Bug report #4046: Composer raster problem printing - PDF
- I am having trouble adding a file to show this problem, are there only some image types which suit redmine? The exten...
04:21 AM Bug report #4046 (Closed): Composer raster problem printing - PDF
- Duplicate I suspect of issue closed earlier - below. I can reproduce this in trunk and 1.7 on Win7.
It is only assoc...
01:49 AM Bug report #4045 (Closed): Seg Fault on open layer properties
- Latest build seems to seg fault when opening the layer properties on a new layer. Reproducible steps seem hard to fi...
01:13 AM Bug report #4044: loosing features when using New Symbology, Graduated symbol
- using mode 'Quantile' on same Column and number of classes shows all features ok (see nl_ok.png limburg is selected (...
01:09 AM Bug report #4044 (Closed): loosing features when using New Symbology, Graduated symbol
- When opening a shapefile (see test data attachement), and using Graduated symbol (new symbology), certain features ar...
12:50 AM Bug report #4043 (Closed): wrong alignment - both vertical and horizontal - of marker symbol in c...
- Within the last week (sorry, can't be more precise that this), something changed in the way the legend marker symbol ...
12:17 AM Bug report #3415: Basemap shrinks during export to pdf
- I tried to export the print composer to PDF (WinXP, OSGeo setup of 1.7) and it seems the problem still exists. The ra...
05:00 PM Revision 71443b12 (qgis): Lock render method with mutex. Usefull e.g. for globe plugin which rend...
04:32 PM Revision 92df0292 (qgis): resolve another conflict
04:29 PM Revision 86e63dbb (qgis): resolve another conflict
04:28 PM Revision d57626fb (qgis): resolve conflict
- 04:23 PM Revision 9a1f1351 (qgis): More legend cleanup
- 04:23 PM Revision 4215d517 (qgis): Better layout for composer legend
- 04:23 PM Revision e0eb4566 (qgis): Better consideration of large point symbols in composer legend
- 04:22 PM Revision 49f45919 (qgis): Fix for composer legend issues, e.g. ticket #3346
03:14 PM Revision 52ca39c7 (qgis): Merge branch 'release-1_7_0' of into releas...
03:07 PM Revision 6cbb9f0f (qgis): Fix labeling-ng with utf-8 layers (ticket #3854)
12:20 PM Revision 8e5cd403 (qgis): Fix labeling-ng with utf-8 layers (ticket #3854)
05:24 AM Bug report #4042 (Closed): SVG fill symbology bad rendered
- it seem disappeared after I update qgis.
So I close the ticket re-open if the bug will be better defined.
05:24 AM Bug report #4042 (Closed): SVG fill symbology bad rendered
- it seem disappeared after I update qgis.
So I close the ticket re-open if the bug will be better defined.
05:24 AM Bug report #4042 (Closed): SVG fill symbology bad rendered
- it seem disappeared after I update qgis.
So I close the ticket re-open if the bug will be better defined.
03:22 AM Bug report #3854 (Closed): Crash when labeling layer with cyrillic name
- Fixed in 8e5cd403bb1dd2971b73
03:20 AM Bug report #2880: makefiles not parallel building proof
- The problem seems gone with version 1.7. I took multiple runs with up to 30 workers.
Can somebody confirm that? -
02:18 AM Bug report #3823 (Closed): qgis_mapserv.fcgi segmentation fault
- Closing the ticket as no further feedback. Please reopen if it is still a problem
05:02 PM Revision bae72da1 (qgis): Merge branch 'master' of
03:55 PM Bug report #4042 (Closed): SVG fill symbology bad rendered
- Hi,
I have build with inkskape some new SVG symbol useful to fill polygons with oblique lines.
Many of them work pret... -
10:43 AM Revision 8cddfb8d (qgis): Merge remote branch 'upstream/master' into expression-labels
10:34 AM Bug report #3999: [OsX] GRASS provider doesn't load on OS X
- William, you explain the solution clearly and concisely in the last paragraph of the bug report. The shared code need...
08:06 AM Bug report #4039: wms layerorder dialog missing icons and wrong tooltips
- don't know if we had an icon there. But I opened the ui file in designer, and added 'Up' and 'Down' as caption of the...
02:06 AM Bug report #4039 (Closed): wms layerorder dialog missing icons and wrong tooltips
- In the wms-layer dialog, in the 'layer-order'-tab, both icons for changing the layer order are missing.
And they sho... -
07:43 AM Bug report #4041 (Closed): segfault when trying to open layer properties
- trying to test a join between a simple shape file and a sqlite database I get a segfault with current master/head 4d7...
02:16 AM Bug report #4040 (Closed): 'settings' and 'project properties' doubled in menu's
- Running Ubuntu Natty (gnome classic desktop) here, both and 'Project properties' and the full 'Options set' are twice...
12:17 AM Revision 4d75a7d3 (qgis): postgresql provider: fix 64bit ints
12:16 AM Revision 061fba45 (qgis): search string parser: fix -a expression (fixes #4025)
11:28 PM Bug report #4038 (Closed): v.kernel error message
- v.kernel send a error message like:...
08:10 PM Bug report #3999: [OsX] GRASS provider doesn't load on OS X
- ... dynamic_lookup seems to work. Maybe the load order is different. Maybe symbols are not looked up at load time, ...
07:04 PM Revision 890b0922 (qgis): [FEATURE] Improve SpatiaLite provider to manage non-spatial tables
05:17 PM Bug report #4013: Large Projects: add limitations to the manual
- From Royce Cline: the limit of the number of open files per process on OS X is 256. I now remember this problem a wh...
04:32 PM Revision 4d051b8b (qgis): Emit signal when showing / hiding composer
04:30 PM Revision 701e35da (qgis): Emit signal when showing / hiding composer
03:29 PM Bug report #4009 (Feedback): wrong CRS definition
- Do the .prjs contain a EPSG references?
PROJ.4 wise EPSG:25832 and EPSG:3044 are identical as are EPSG:4326 and EPSG... -
03:20 PM Bug report #4025 (Closed): Field Calculator - Supported Operations - Negative Value (-a) does not...
- fixed in commit:061fba454420701de3babe505763af9e08ccc557
03:04 PM Revision eb89be36 (qgis): Tweak for layer cache
03:03 PM Revision 834fc0b7 (qgis): [backport] Fix bug where histogram can be assigned negative frequency f...
03:03 PM Revision 199567c4 (qgis): Added section on using QtCreator
03:02 PM Revision 3358e175 (qgis): Fix bugs causing a crash when histogram is gathered due to uninitilised...
02:58 PM Revision 127f7c0d (qgis): Merge branch 'master' of
02:57 PM Revision 4888f51d (qgis): [backport] Fix bug where histogram can be assigned negative frequency f...
02:45 PM Revision b2b6c5a8 (qgis): Added section on using QtCreator
02:38 PM Revision 7d145a94 (qgis): Fix bugs causing a crash when histogram is gathered due to uninitilised...
09:13 AM Revision b6fa94fa (qgis): Merge branch 'svg_params'
09:09 AM Revision 4546646f (qgis): Adapt svg param elements also if going via the line edit
06:55 AM Bug report #4037 (Closed): Wrong CRS definition
- Hi,
only to report that EPSG:40003 CRS is not well defined.
It is "+proj=tmerc +lat_0=0 +lon_0=9 +k=0.9996 +x_0=1500...
01:30 AM Bug report #4036: Cannot open GML on Ubuntu
- Seems to be related to this bug -
11:11 AM Bug report #4036 (Closed): Cannot open GML on Ubuntu
- Running Ubuntu Natty with nightly builds. I cannot open any GML files (like lakes.gml from QGIS sample data). (Window...
05:23 PM Revision ae6fb04f (qgis): small tweak to svg file
12:01 PM Revision 93158e78 (qgis): Small fix for svg parameter replacement
11:42 AM Revision 3ca74587 (qgis): Added svg parameters to marker files
10:42 AM Bug report #4035 (Closed): Print Composer shape combo box not refecting current shape
- Draw a new shape. The new shape is an ellipse and shows on the *Item* tab *Shape* combo box as *Ellipse*... as expect...
10:26 AM Bug report #4034 (Closed): Print Composer window v-slider not scaled
- The vertical slider on the main window isn't scaled (the horizontal one is).
The up and down arrow button work ok. -
10:00 AM Revision 0a15a072 (qgis): Replace svg params also for preview
09:20 AM Revision 7e274d81 (qgis): Fix replacement in style attribute
09:11 AM Revision eb9d6105 (qgis): Merge branch 'master' of
08:39 AM Feature request #4033 (Open): Map navigation - temporarily change to zoom in / zoom out / pan tool
- Would it be possible to add a keyboard shortcuts that temporarily changes current tool to zoom in/zoom out/pan only w...
08:38 AM Bug report #4032 (Closed): FTools join
- When joining two vector layers with FTools, the interface throws this error:
Errore durante l'esecuzione di codice P... -
08:32 AM Feature request #4031 (Closed): Map navigation - pan to selected
- When I'm selecting a row in attribute table there is an option to zoom to this feature. But there are no possibility ...
08:21 AM Revision 66c009fc (qgis): Try to consider default parameters
08:15 AM Bug report #4010: "Could not open CRS database" message at layer loading
- There is bug in my old custom plugin, sorry.
04:46 AM Bug report #4030: 1.7.0 Build failure with internal spatialite on OpenBSD
- Hi Landry,
just a basic explanation; libspatialite comes in two
different flavors:
1) standard "libspatialite" dep... -
03:05 AM Bug report #4030 (Closed): 1.7.0 Build failure with internal spatialite on OpenBSD
- In 1.7.0, the build fails on OpenBSD (gcc 4.2.1) during the linking of qgis binary with undefined references to the s...
11:43 PM Bug report #4029 (Closed): diagram: find maximum value with joined field
- Steps to reproduce (layer-properties dialog):
1) join attribute table to layer; apply
2) on diagram tab uncheck "fixe... -
07:55 PM Bug report #3999: [OsX] GRASS provider doesn't load on OS X
- Maybe special linking options can be used for the grass plugin on OS X to dynamically lookup symbols (from the provid...
05:11 PM Revision 1084ec5a (qgis): Added missing QUrl include
05:06 PM Revision 664317f8 (qgis): Added missing QUrl include
03:16 PM Bug report #2669: Empty map composer on reopen project
- The same for me with 1.6.0 on ubuntu 10.04
See #4022 -
03:11 PM Bug report #4022 (Closed): Empty composer window appears and is impossible to close
- Yes it is, thank you. I close this one then.
03:11 PM Bug report #4022 (Closed): Empty composer window appears and is impossible to close
- Yes it is, thank you. I close this one then.
12:25 PM Revision f71f52ff (qgis): A neater fix for missing map parameter as suggested by Juergen
12:21 PM Revision 85ca9bd5 (qgis): Merge branch 'master' of
12:21 PM Revision c769cdda (qgis): A neater fix for missing map parameter as suggested by Juergen
12:08 PM Revision 05b41831 (qgis): Remove oldest entries from svg cache if cache size is too large
11:14 AM Revision db77166f (qgis): Merge branch 'release-1_7_0' of into releas...
11:12 AM Revision 6eeb8cde (qgis): Fixed a bug where map= was not being published in onlineresource url wh...
11:11 AM Revision 6509df23 (qgis): Merge branch 'master' of
11:10 AM Revision e79fe4d4 (qgis): Removed some very noisy debugging when symbol class not encountered in ...
11:10 AM Revision 6186c9f0 (qgis): Added some extra debug info for project path
11:09 AM Revision e07596c4 (qgis): Fixed a bug where map= was not being published in onlineresource url wh...
10:14 AM Bug report #4010: "Could not open CRS database" message at layer loading
- Seems like memory corruption:
Debug: /home/jek/work/src/qgis/Quantum-GIS/src/core/qgsproviderregistry.cpp: 217: (Qgs... -
10:11 AM Bug report #3193: Bug when trying to change Thematic Maps Colors
- Hi all -
I was having the same problem running QGIS 1.7.0 on Snow Leopard (Mac OS X 10.6), but I think I found a wei... -
05:01 AM Bug report #2465: Georeferencer: does not correctly handle files with existing georeferencing inf...
- Capture screen of Georeference Plugin with the path( running:
11:38 PM Bug report #4020 (Feedback): Crash when editing PostGIS layer
06:34 PM Bug report #4027: Icon missing in the menu when using ubuntu since 2009
- Matteo Gismondi wrote:
> I have checked again now on 3 pc.
> Sony vaio tt - Ubuntu 11.04 64bit with qgis 1.7 ... -
06:34 PM Bug report #4027: Icon missing in the menu when using ubuntu since 2009
- I have checked again now on 3 pc.
Sony vaio tt - Ubuntu 11.04 64bit with qgis 1.7 ---- NO icons
Desktop pc ... -
06:08 PM Bug report #4027: Icon missing in the menu when using ubuntu since 2009
- I had this issue in qgis 1.6 under Ubuntu (but not under Windows and Debian). In any case it was fixed somewhere alon...
05:55 PM Bug report #4027: Icon missing in the menu when using ubuntu since 2009
- Dear Giovanni
The issue appear in qgis 1.4 1.5 1.6 1.7 and 1.8 (I am using the nightly at the moment because finally... -
05:42 PM Bug report #4027: Icon missing in the menu when using ubuntu since 2009
- are you using qgis 1.7? It has been solved in qgis 1.7... please try again and report back. Thanks.
05:11 PM Bug report #4027 (Rejected): Icon missing in the menu when using ubuntu since 2009
- The issue has been highlighted several times.
In these years I have installed qgis in a good amount of pc (more than ... -
02:40 PM Bug report #3830: no tiff support in Ubuntu 11.04 with ubuntugis gdal (1.8.0)
- ubuntu 11.04/natty ships libgdal1-1.6.0 (pkg ver 1.6.3-4) as the default.
ubuntugis's PPA supplies libgdal1-1.8.0, t... -
09:34 AM Bug report #3830: no tiff support in Ubuntu 11.04 with ubuntugis gdal (1.8.0)
- Could you please post relevant parts of your sources.list here and the result of the following?
dpkg -l gdal*
dpkg... -
09:17 AM Bug report #3830: no tiff support in Ubuntu 11.04 with ubuntugis gdal (1.8.0)
- I have made many Natty fresh installations and no problems whatsoever with geotiffs.
09:12 AM Bug report #3830: no tiff support in Ubuntu 11.04 with ubuntugis gdal (1.8.0)
- Is there an alternate way to have qgis 1.7.0 with full tif support on Ubuntu 11.04 Natty?
I could not get this done ... -
09:12 AM Bug report #3830: no tiff support in Ubuntu 11.04 with ubuntugis gdal (1.8.0)
- Is there an alternate way to have qgis 1.7.0 with full tif support on Ubuntu 11.04 Natty?
I could not get this done ... -
01:59 PM Revision 166b3d25 (qgis): Support also style-syntax for svg params
01:37 PM Feature request #4026 (Closed): Concatenate fields for labeling features
- Same as : #3488
and this is currently being worked on by me. See other report for details. -
01:09 PM Feature request #4026 (Closed): Concatenate fields for labeling features
- It would be great to use the "Field calculator" for the Labeling feature in order to allow concatenate 2 or more fiel...
12:52 PM Bug report #4025 (Closed): Field Calculator - Supported Operations - Negative Value (-a) does not...
- when I try the supported operations (-a) negative value of a, it does not work as said in the help. If I do (a*(-1)),...
12:01 PM Revision 0d91c81f (qgis): fix #3987
11:27 AM Revision 718093fa (qgis): Restore svg marker selection
10:18 AM Bug report #4013: Large Projects: add limitations to the manual
- Same limit here, 84 layers. Using master build 6d788eb from June 4. And I'm creating a new project, not opening an ...
09:34 AM Revision 22b367dc (qgis): Tweak for layer cache
09:14 AM Revision b664ca0d (qgis): Merge branch 'master' of
09:14 AM Revision de5ffb5e (qgis): Tweak for layer cache
08:22 AM Bug report #4022: Empty composer window appears and is impossible to close
- May this be the same bug?
05:14 AM Bug report #4022: Empty composer window appears and is impossible to close
- I confirm this with qgis 1.7/trunk under Ubuntu linux. Probably also under Windows but I'm sure 100% now.
05:14 AM Bug report #4022: Empty composer window appears and is impossible to close
- I confirm this with qgis 1.7/trunk under Ubuntu linux. Probably also under Windows but I'm sure 100% now.
05:14 AM Bug report #4022: Empty composer window appears and is impossible to close
- I confirm this with qgis 1.7/trunk under Ubuntu linux. Probably also under Windows but I'm sure 100% now.
05:11 AM Bug report #4022: Empty composer window appears and is impossible to close
- QGIS 1.6.0 (french version) on UBUNTU 10.10
05:10 AM Bug report #4022 (Closed): Empty composer window appears and is impossible to close
- - launch QGIS and create a map;
- create a layout with the composer manager;
- close the composer window;
- save yo... -
06:34 AM Bug report #4024 (Closed): export: no warning when overwriting a file
- When exporting an image (.png) from the print composer and choosing where to save it, QGIS doesn't show the other .pn...
06:24 AM Bug report #4023 (Closed): [OsX] double-click 'Apply' in layer properties crashes QGIS on OSX
- in Layer Properties, when creating a categorized composite line layer with the new symbology manager, if you double-c...
05:10 AM Bug report #4021 (Closed): Empty composer window appear and is impossible to close
- - launch QGIS and create a map;
- create a layout with the composer manager;
- close the composer window;
- save yo... -
03:02 AM Bug report #3987: QgsVectorLayer.Select() works only on Postgis layers, not on shapefiles
- fixed in commit:0d91c81f3dd211adadbe2f4929895088d529b69c
01:01 AM Feature request #4012: Feature: add hillshading as an option for raster symbology
- It looks good to me, although I imagine people would often like some vertical exaggeration, and in the northern hemis...
12:25 PM Feature request #4012: Feature: add hillshading as an option for raster symbology
- If you create a hillshade layer using DEM from the Raster plugin, you have to set the following parameters: Z factor,...
11:47 PM Bug report #4020: Crash when editing PostGIS layer
- Try a current version - commit:c4258c993b57a43427de5f6bacc8b05f71c1117b probably also fixes that.
04:20 PM Bug report #4020 (Closed): Crash when editing PostGIS layer
- QGIS is crashing when trying to edit a PostGIS based layer. Suspect changes that were added to support 64bit ints has...
09:15 PM Bug report #2465: Georeferencer: does not correctly handle files with existing georeferencing inf...
- Concluded the step 3 (Add the raster toolbar with histogram stretch functions) and added the EPSG code for image with...
11:32 AM Bug report #2465: Georeferencer: does not correctly handle files with existing georeferencing inf...
- I made some changes in georeferencer plugin to work with georeferenced image.
Too, i changed the coordinates showed i... -
11:32 AM Bug report #2465: Georeferencer: does not correctly handle files with existing georeferencing inf...
- I made some changes in georeferencer plugin to work with georeferenced image.
Too, i changed the coordinates showed i... -
11:32 AM Bug report #2465: Georeferencer: does not correctly handle files with existing georeferencing inf...
- I made some changes in georeferencer plugin to work with georeferenced image.
Too, i changed the coordinates showed i... -
09:19 AM Bug report #4015: The rendering categorized using a spatialite don't work.
- I forget...
Using the plugin rt_sql_layer as a workaround will produce a read-only layer.
So this classified layer i... -
09:17 AM Bug report #4015: The rendering categorized using a spatialite don't work.
- >As a workaround the opposite way works: symbolize first, then query.
Unfortunately the query I need use reduce more... -
03:42 AM Bug report #4015: The rendering categorized using a spatialite don't work.
- As a workaround the opposite way works: symbolize first, then query.
03:37 AM Bug report #4015: The rendering categorized using a spatialite don't work.
- Sorry I did not test properly. Indeed if I try to use the categorized in a spatialite layer with a query, the "Classi...
03:00 AM Bug report #4015: The rendering categorized using a spatialite don't work.
- I can't replicate this using trunk in Ubuntu 11.04 natty even using a query.
06:46 PM Feature request #4019 (Open): patch for Python Console enhancement - dock window or top-level win...
- This provides Python Console as either a dock widget or a top-level window. It can be switched on the fly - no need t...
05:27 PM Revision bc61e9fa (qgis): Notify dialog if svg accepts parameters
12:22 PM Revision 49d87048 (qgis): Change color through svg marker dialog
- 09:43 AM Revision e1122045 (qgis): Use QImage for map and QPicture for composer
02:45 AM Feature request #191 (Resolved): Legend improvements - further to #117
- So, closing it. Please reopen it if appropriate.
02:45 AM Feature request #191 (Resolved): Legend improvements - further to #117
- So, closing it. Please reopen it if appropriate.
02:43 AM Feature request #47 (Resolved): raster legend in map composer
02:41 AM Feature request #47: raster legend in map composer
- Thanks Marco
02:19 PM Bug report #4015: The rendering categorized using a spatialite don't work.
- Hi tested more.
The categorized work correctly if the spatialite layer is without a filter.
But if I apply a filter ... - 10:36 AM Revision 7960f6f6 (qgis): Remove debug noise
- 10:36 AM Revision b9f4c15a (qgis): Fix for filtering in qgis server
- 10:35 AM Revision 89100391 (qgis): Fix for filtering in qgis server
- 09:51 AM Revision 44bfb2d5 (qgis): Remove debug noise
07:08 AM Bug report #4018 (Closed): ng-labeling disfunctions for unicode columns
- I have a postgis database table with a column named "Durchlässigkeit". When I add labeling on this column on the laye...
05:27 AM Bug report #3987: QgsVectorLayer.Select() works only on Postgis layers, not on shapefiles
- I am attaching a ZIP of a test plugin with select() function.
On 1.7 it works ONLY on PostGIS layers, NOT on SHP/spa... -
03:14 AM Feature request #4017 (Closed): Layer and measurement units
- It would be nice to have more options about layer and measurement units (as gvSig, for instance). marine scientists d...
01:56 AM Bug report #4015: The rendering categorized using a spatialite don't work.
- Not confirmed here.
02:02 PM Bug report #4015 (Closed): The rendering categorized using a spatialite don't work.
- Hi,
Using a spatialite db and try-ing to rendering using a categorized type seem don't work.
Qgis seem to be unable t... -
06:10 PM Revision 65756d9d (qgis): add context help
06:05 PM Revision 5c00fdd7 (qgis): [FEATURE] add function to calculator to determine x/y coordinate of nth...
- (xat(i) / yat(i); indexs starts with 0; negative indizes apply to end of the line)
04:50 PM Revision aa2ad452 (qgis): Add caching, experimental test with QPicture for svg marker
04:01 PM Bug report #4016 (Closed): Rotation based on feature attribute in Rule based renderer does not work.
- Steps to reproduce this problem:
1) Display point feature property.
2) Select Rule-based renderer.
3) Click on rule "... - 02:22 PM Revision 48aa535a (qgis): Further work on the svg cache
12:07 PM Revision 576b05c1 (qgis): Composer legend: support point symbol sizes in map units
12:06 PM Revision f1b2af94 (qgis): Merge branch 'master' of
12:03 PM Revision 1d653770 (qgis): Composer legend: support point symbol sizes in map units
04:44 AM Feature request #4014 (Closed): Raster histogram drawing effectively freezes UI for large images
- If someone selects the histogram tab (intentionally or by error) with a very large image, they are stuck with waiting...
04:02 AM Bug report #4013 (Closed): Large Projects: add limitations to the manual
- Hi, I'm on 1.7 (on snow leopard). I'm have trouble opening a project with 206 layers (mix of vector and raster). Only...
01:02 AM Feature request #4012 (Closed): Feature: add hillshading as an option for raster symbology
- Testing something in Mapwindow GIS I noticed that it can do on-the-fly hillshading of single band rasters; in fact, t...
07:16 AM Bug report #3465: Legend in map composer has an infinite height
- I can confirm this for Win XP: new symbology huge legend, old sybology normal legend. This is no issue on Linux (test...
03:34 AM Bug report #4011 (Closed): Map canvas flickers when content is dragged
- Map canvas flickers when content is dragged. This issue caused by commit:f4d26d6211830a866030a333236dcfbf15e077aa "Fi...
03:30 AM Bug report #4010 (Closed): "Could not open CRS database" message at layer loading
- "Could not open CRS database /resources/srs.db<br>Error(14): unable to open database file" message appears when addin...
02:12 AM Bug report #4009: wrong CRS definition
- So I confirm this also on Windows. I have wgs84/4326 layers (both vectors and rasters) that are recognized as
EPSG:4... -
02:12 AM Bug report #4009: wrong CRS definition
- So I confirm this also on Windows. I have wgs84/4326 layers (both vectors and rasters) that are recognized as
12:54 AM Bug report #4009: wrong CRS definition
- I also noticed this, with epsg 4326 being recognized as another (don't remember exactly) CRS.
12:44 AM Bug report #4009: wrong CRS definition
- Hi developers,
working with qgis 1.7 I found out, that the CRS definition in the layers properties dialog are wrong ... -
12:44 AM Bug report #4009: wrong CRS definition
- Hi developers,
working with qgis 1.7 I found out, that the CRS definition in the layers properties dialog are wrong ... -
12:44 AM Bug report #4009: wrong CRS definition
- Hi developers,
working with qgis 1.7 I found out, that the CRS definition in the layers properties dialog are wrong ... -
12:39 AM Bug report #4009 (Closed): wrong CRS definition
10:13 PM Bug report #3855: Python console gets stuck if you use [Enter] from the number pad
- Great, thanks.
06:23 PM Revision 3bd37ecf (qgis): translation fix
05:52 PM Revision c4258c99 (qgis): postgres provider: fix endianess detection
03:03 PM Revision 651259a8 (qgis): Started to implement svg cache
12:50 AM Feature request #3016: Add feature: File>Open project as group
- see also the "importproject" plugin, it will allow you to *import* layers from other projects. Unlike the core featur...
10:02 PM Feature request #3016: Add feature: File>Open project as group
- > I hear this has been implemented in trunk now.
Yes: in trunk "Layer>Embed layers and groups" lets you select layer... -
10:57 PM Bug report #3346: Bug: composer legend - symbols and labels are not vertically aligned
- Yes, looks like it. Thanks.
10:14 PM Bug report #4008 (Closed): MSVC: INSTALL fails because zonalstatistics plugin is not built
- Using MSVC to build trunk on Windows XP I get this error when I try to build INSTALL:
3>CMake Error at src/plugins/z... -
10:04 PM Bug report #3973: linking pyspatialite fails due to undefined SPL... functions after b74a51e commit
- Thanks. I have the same problem with XP / MSVC, and your solution works for me too.
06:23 PM Bug report #4007 (Closed): Building t2tdoc fails on Windows: 'TEXINPUTS' is not recognized as an ...
- I'm on Windows, using MSVC. Is there any other information I should provide?
Here's the error message:
1>------ Bu... -
04:17 PM Feature request #4006 (Closed): Filter (on load) Postgis layers by canvas Bounding Box
- If a user don't want to load all the features of a Postgis layer can build a filter with the query builder. It would ...
03:44 PM Revision ce826f6e (qgis): Fix for using ellipses with renderers other than single
02:19 PM Revision a21e1db9 (qgis): Add line edit to select svg marker
01:16 PM Bug report #4004 (Closed): GRASS rasters not displayed when opening a project created in older Qg...
- When a project created with Qgis 1.6.0 is opened in Qgis 1.7.0, the GRASS rasters in the project are not displayed.
... -
11:43 AM Revision 3fcdc4c7 (qgis): Fix for embeding layer and groups from project with relative pathes
11:24 AM Feature request #4003 (Closed): qgis_mapserver getPrint legend options
- Please, add some parameters for configuring legend in getPrint request.
For example, would be very useful to pass lay... -
09:19 AM Revision 16e872f7 (qgis): Fix bug in case of embeding from other projects with relative path
06:45 AM Bug report #3568: Bad Allocation when zooming
- Please check. In the absence of feedback, better close this ticket.
04:23 AM Feature request #4002 (Closed): Enhancement: Option to display title in layer panel from wfs/wms ...
- The *wms* and *wfs* add layer plugins now display the _name_ of the layer selected in the layers panel (TOC). It woul...
10:44 PM Bug report #4001 (Closed): addJoinedFeatureAttributes converts join value in substring to string ...
- If using a join without memoryCache turned on (using Python), the method addJoinedFeatureAttributes converts the join...
08:34 PM Revision fdb41a66 (qgis): german translation update
02:41 PM Revision 95b41c8b (qgis): Update based on suggestion from Jean Roc for web banner
02:00 PM Bug report #4000: Easy Print Plugin ver 0.1.0 crash qgis
- I have experienced similar issues under Linux and already noticed the author.
Now we have a section of the bug trac... -
02:00 PM Bug report #4000: Easy Print Plugin ver 0.1.0 crash qgis
- I have experienced similar issues under Linux and already noticed the author.
Now we have a section of the bug trac... -
01:57 PM Bug report #4000 (Closed): Easy Print Plugin ver 0.1.0 crash qgis
- After Update Easy Print Plugin to 0.1.0, Qgis crash using the Plugin.
The plugin seems to have a problem to generate ... -
11:42 AM Revision d9544213 (qgis): Use selected text in label combo box for start off expression text
11:25 AM Revision cf9db6ba (qgis): Update to fix wroclaw alignment
09:57 AM Bug report #3999 (Closed): [OsX] GRASS provider doesn't load on OS X
- In commit:0b2317e8 the GRASS provider was changed from a module to a shared library (because the grass plugin uses fu...
07:44 AM Bug report #3004: DXF is offered as a "Save as" option, but doesn't work
- You where right, Giovanni!
The message
Error: creation of data source failed (OGR error:Failed to find template hea...
- 10:48 PM Revision e605dccf (qgis): Add license header to postrequesthandler, clean old code section
- 10:41 PM Revision 7fe9df97 (qgis): Merge branch 'master' of
- 10:34 PM Revision 2a05b543 (qgis): Add postrequesthandler
- 10:25 PM Revision 783b30e8 (qgis): Support requests with http post. Up to now, only SOAP requests over HTT...
- 06:36 PM Revision d750abfa (qgis): Fix #3866 for measure angle tool
10:45 AM Revision cb41f075 (qgis): Merge branch 'master' of
10:44 AM Revision 9028bf7d (qgis): enabled drag-and-drop from qbrowser to qgis, except wms
09:44 AM Bug report #3866: Measure tool is windows is unusable
- Patch for measure angle tool applied in commit:d750abfa2bfb197cde8e
- 09:12 AM Revision 03de655c (qgis): Better layout for composer legend
- 09:12 AM Revision f70aae6f (qgis): More legend cleanup
- 09:10 AM Revision abe6bb58 (qgis): More legend cleanup
05:06 AM Revision 66101870 (qgis): Fix seg fault with using empty expression labels, added checks for empt...
- 06:56 PM Revision cc16ecd6 (qgis): Better layout for composer legend
03:13 PM Revision bb9e9926 (qgis): fix windows build
- 01:03 PM Revision 7a72e781 (qgis): Better consideration of large point symbols in composer legend
- 11:54 AM Revision a083c5e7 (qgis): Fix for composer legend issues, e.g. ticket #3346
10:10 AM Bug report #3998 (Closed): Zoom to selected don't work with point layers and OTF reprojection
- Testcase:
* open any *point* layer in WGS84
* open attribute table, select some records (features)
* press "Zoom map ... -
09:53 AM Bug report #3867: problems with RGB rasters under 1.7/trunk
- I usually use "Stretch And Clip To Minimax" as my defaut (which works well with 1 band images but not with many RGB ...
07:25 AM Bug report #3996 (Closed): wrong extents in shapefile.
- I opened a shapefile, selected some features, translated them, then saved my file. I then discovered that the bounds ...
04:15 AM Bug report #3346 (Resolved): Bug: composer legend - symbols and labels are not vertically aligned
- This should be fixed in commit a083c5e7332bf975852e
04:15 AM Bug report #3346 (Resolved): Bug: composer legend - symbols and labels are not vertically aligned
- This should be fixed in commit a083c5e7332bf975852e
02:52 AM Bug report #3995: Segfault during use of interpolation plugin
- please add your notes to ticket #2482
if possible also link (for download) the data is causing the crash -
02:44 AM Bug report #3995: Segfault during use of interpolation plugin
- duplicate
02:42 AM Bug report #3995 (Closed): Segfault during use of interpolation plugin
- When I apply the interpolation plugin on a shapefile of 1.7M points, i get a segfault.
Looks like a stack overflow in... -
02:20 AM Bug report #3994 (Closed): Delimited text plugin does not handle multiple spaces
- I don't see multiple spaces in the example, but for unusual delimiters you can still use regular expressions. " *"...
02:20 AM Bug report #3994 (Closed): Delimited text plugin does not handle multiple spaces
- I don't see multiple spaces in the example, but for unusual delimiters you can still use regular expressions. " *"...
01:02 AM Bug report #3994 (Closed): Delimited text plugin does not handle multiple spaces
- A file like this:
label X Y
mazzano 1 2
is not parsed correctly. An option "multiple spaces" should be a... -
08:32 PM Revision 99b584e7 (qgis): fix warnings
08:30 PM Revision 5a3a87fd (qgis): [FEATURE] support 64bit feature ids
06:54 PM Revision 72e5edc5 (qgis): drag layer fix
06:45 PM Revision 59992b06 (qgis): Merge branch 'master' of
04:17 PM Revision 608d3947 (qgis): Possibility to delete multiple composer legend entries at once
02:19 PM Bug report #3993: Highlighted areas/lines (identify tool) are not aligned/scaled correctly in the...
- ok, I see the issue, but why you want to highlight the polygon with the identify tool instead of the select tool? wit...
08:56 AM Bug report #3993: Highlighted areas/lines (identify tool) are not aligned/scaled correctly in the...
- I am using qgis 1.6.0
08:54 AM Bug report #3993 (Closed): Highlighted areas/lines (identify tool) are not aligned/scaled correct...
- In QGIS:
* Add a Polygon layer (ie. gmap province)
* Do a simple QUERY on a big polygon. You should see the polygon ... -
01:55 PM Bug report #3004: DXF is offered as a "Save as" option, but doesn't work
- It works also under Windows. I'll close again, please give it another try as it is probably a local installation prob...
01:44 PM Bug report #3004: DXF is offered as a "Save as" option, but doesn't work
- Saving as DXF works fine under Ubuntu Natty and qgis 1.7
I tested to "save as..." dxf a shapefile and also a dxf fil... -
01:44 PM Bug report #3004: DXF is offered as a "Save as" option, but doesn't work
- Saving as DXF works fine under Ubuntu Natty and qgis 1.7
I tested to "save as..." dxf a shapefile and also a dxf fil... -
01:24 PM Bug report #3004: DXF is offered as a "Save as" option, but doesn't work
- This problem is not fixed at all.
Tested on openSuSE 11.4, with:
gpsbabel 1.4.2-16.1 ... -
01:52 PM Revision 53eb7637 (qgis): Avoid infinite recursion if no log file variable set
11:30 AM Bug report #3867: problems with RGB rasters under 1.7/trunk
- Pedro genius! you nailed it!
it is the stretching indeed! But it also something that works in a different way compa... -
11:15 AM Bug report #3867: problems with RGB rasters under 1.7/trunk
- Hello again,
It seems that the problem is really that.
I've been testing two of my installations (Windows XP and 7)... -
10:48 AM Bug report #3867: problems with RGB rasters under 1.7/trunk
- Hello Radim,
It is very possible to be that, because when the raster is loaded at the end of that long time, the Con... -
07:21 AM Bug report #3867: problems with RGB rasters under 1.7/trunk
- Hi Radim,
thanks for looking into this. I can say for sure that the issue does not depends on whatever Windows is 32... -
07:01 AM Bug report #3867: problems with RGB rasters under 1.7/trunk
- As you describe the problem, it seems, that under certain circumstances, the raster layer collects statistics even if...
06:49 AM Bug report #3867: problems with RGB rasters under 1.7/trunk
- statusChanged() is not important, that is only implemented by wms/wfs providers.
11:27 AM Revision 66dded48 (qgis): Support for raster legend in composer
09:38 AM Revision 325e25f6 (qgis): merge conflict
08:04 AM Revision 6ce35e37 (qgis): fix lenny build
03:51 AM Bug report #3991: WFS 1.1 data is not displayed
- The server works fine also in other GIS packages.
01:51 AM Revision 016cc0b3 (qgis): Correct the output label's text in GdalTools Contour
12:40 AM Bug report #3991 (Closed): WFS 1.1 data is not displayed
- Data from WFS 1.1 is being loaded but the result is an empty layer (only column names in attributes, no values, no ge...
04:54 PM Revision 907f5c1c (qgis): Collapse raster symbology items by default, check for graystile raster ...
04:03 PM Revision 2f3fb280 (qgis): Fix preview with data defined settings, indentation
03:38 PM Revision 3213d3de (qgis): Fix python bindings
03:27 PM Revision abdf2801 (qgis): Add tooltips for shapes
03:13 PM Feature request #3375: print composer: create mapbooks
- This feature has been added to the "easyprint" plugin. Thanks!
03:10 PM Revision aafd8372 (qgis): Forgot to add support for data defined shape
02:05 PM Revision 4e78d8ea (qgis): Improve legend for pseudocolor, freakout, grayscale
09:02 AM Feature request #3989 (Closed): PostgreSQL hstore support
- hstore column type allows postgresql tables to handle key/value data in a simple manner. At this moment Qgis doesn't ...
- 08:25 AM Revision af91b488 (qgis): fix
- 08:24 AM Revision 8035161c (qgis): fix
05:28 AM Bug report #3987 (Closed): QgsVectorLayer.Select() works only on Postgis layers, not on shapefiles
- I wrote a PYTHON plugin that does a simple feature select on a QgsVectorLayer:...
05:24 PM Revision 992be141 (qgis): Symbol items for pseudo color shader
03:38 PM Revision ed6df319 (qgis): Value label for colortable rasters
02:20 PM Revision e28d1e45 (qgis): [FEATURE]: Show colormap items in legend
01:55 PM Bug report #2669: Empty map composer on reopen project
- I am having this bug on Ubuntu 10.04.2 running 1.7.0. I can provide whatever feedback you might need. Using GNOME Des...
- 11:33 AM Revision b66dfb53 (qgis): optimization hit
11:17 AM Bug report #3867: problems with RGB rasters under 1.7/trunk
- Another detail that I can add is that, despite the delay in loading the raster, after it is loaded, it works normally...
11:08 AM Bug report #3867: problems with RGB rasters under 1.7/trunk
- I must also say that the version 1.6 standalone continue to work correctly on the same machines, where there are prob...
10:50 AM Bug report #3867: problems with RGB rasters under 1.7/trunk
- Hello
I can confirm these problems reported by Giovanni, a few weeks ago that this is happening to me too.
My work c... -
07:32 AM Bug report #3867: problems with RGB rasters under 1.7/trunk
- I really start to be upset because I cannot really find a pattern in this mess.
This is my *last* note, feel free to... -
04:56 AM Bug report #3867: problems with RGB rasters under 1.7/trunk
- Adding the first cast, to show the difference between qgis 1.6 and trunk osgeo4w. After updating osgeo4w (so updating...
04:17 AM Bug report #3867: problems with RGB rasters under 1.7/trunk
- Oh gosh, it really start to be frustrating.
I have two identical VMs with Windows Seven/osgeo4w for tests.
In one o... -
02:08 AM Bug report #3867: problems with RGB rasters under 1.7/trunk
- I will post you a screencast in a few minutes. So you can see what I'm speaking about.
09:39 AM Revision 728de005 (qgis): resolved qgsbrowsermodel merge conflicts
08:49 AM Revision 27db9c3c (qgis): mime for drag and drop, not finished
01:56 AM Bug report #3867: problems with RGB rasters under 1.7/trunk
- Ok, playing around with the style parameters/values ("load min/max values from band") the colors do show as expected ...
01:34 AM Bug report #3867: problems with RGB rasters under 1.7/trunk
- Because your colors are darker, it could be that a higher max values are used. If you go to style tab in properties a...
01:01 AM Bug report #3867: problems with RGB rasters under 1.7/trunk
- Any chance to give it a try in a Virtual machine where you can install from scratch OS (like Ubuntu Linux) and QGIS (...
12:57 AM Bug report #3867: problems with RGB rasters under 1.7/trunk
- That is interesting, for me your saveasimage.jpeg renders with correct colors in current QGIS master a954488ba and GD...
12:39 AM Bug report #3867: problems with RGB rasters under 1.7/trunk
- Hi Radim,
as I explained along the way, the problem is not OS specific or data specific. It affects ALL the fresh in... -
12:22 AM Bug report #3867: problems with RGB rasters under 1.7/trunk
- I have tested Byte and Int16 RBG - 3 band tiffs and both seem to display correctly in trunk (f88f721).
Can you provi... - 09:43 PM Revision b55a00e7 (qgis): fix jaunty build
09:27 PM Revision 63ecdd72 (qgis): windows packaging updates
02:48 PM Revision 027efca0 (qgis): Revert changes related to v1 labeling. Only going to support v2 labels ...
02:02 PM Bug report #3687: Unable to export large / high resolution / detailed scale maps
- I get the same problem ("bad allocation" exception) under Windows XP with both 1.6.0 and trunk a954488.
I created a ...
10:51 PM Revision 62714a8a (qgis): Regenerated install docs.
10:49 PM Revision 512bc17e (qgis): Regenerated install docs after applying commit:a954488 from master.
10:44 PM Revision a954488b (qgis): Fixed some old svn references and typos in INSTALL docs
10:08 PM Bug report #3982: unknown function asewkt
- qgis-plugin-grass-1.6.0-12.5.x86_64
10:07 PM Bug report #3982 (Closed): unknown function asewkt
- When I use qgis and access the attributes of a postgis layer, I get an unknown function message for asewkt.
The fix f... -
01:21 PM Bug report #3981 (Closed): WMS layer with tile looses transparency
- If you enable tile on a WMS request, the layer looses transparency.
01:13 PM Bug report #3980 (Closed): Print composer produces downsampled images regardless of DPI
- The Print Composer declines to produce the best quality image at a given DPI.
Attached are excerpts from two runs of... -
01:04 PM Feature request #3979: Allow set DPI in "save as image"
- This is the only way I know to do it now:
12:41 PM Feature request #3979 (Closed): Allow set DPI in "save as image"
- Please provide a simple, high resolution image export. Our only choices appear to be the *File > Save as Image*, whic...
12:44 PM Bug report #3867: problems with RGB rasters under 1.7/trunk
- I've just installed form scratch a Ubuntu Natty machine, added the nightly build repo and installed qgis trunk (and n...
12:11 AM Revision 3f2846a5 (qgis): [BACKPORT] Added missing include for qgslogger
11:29 PM Revision f947f844 (qgis): [BACKPORT] Removed assert too
10:29 PM Revision 10041327 (qgis): [BACKPORT] Partially address
09:19 PM Bug report #3977: Bogus missing CRS error
- It even happens if both layers have this CRS:
> +proj=longlat +ellps=WGS84 +datum=WGS84 +no_defs -
09:12 PM Bug report #3977: Bogus missing CRS error
- It gets even weirder. Sometimes it does work, sometimes it doesn't.
07:59 PM Bug report #3977: Bogus missing CRS error
- Where I wrote "Both my input vector layers have CRSes specified", I should have written "Both my input *and differenc...
01:35 PM Bug report #3977 (Closed): Bogus missing CRS error
- I am trying to run the ftools Difference function on two shapefile layers. After pressing OK, I get a dialog with thi...
04:38 PM Bug report #3867: problems with RGB rasters under 1.7/trunk
- I start now to see the same issue on Linux also, so I'm starting to be really worried, especially because the 1.7 cod...
04:38 PM Bug report #3867: problems with RGB rasters under 1.7/trunk
- I start now to see the same issue on Linux also, so I'm starting to be really worried, especially because the 1.7 cod...
04:38 PM Bug report #3867: problems with RGB rasters under 1.7/trunk
- I start now to see the same issue on Linux also, so I'm starting to be really worried, especially because the 1.7 cod...
11:33 AM Feature request #3976 (Closed): Add WFS search engine
- This search engine
can be used to search for wfs (and many other ... -
11:29 AM Bug report #3975 (Closed): PDF exports on OSX always convert text to outlines
- When using the new labeling engine, text is changed into vector paths when using the Print Composer printing to SVG a...
11:25 AM Bug report #3974: Problem with Tile size text field in Add WMS layer dialog
- it affects also Linux
11:25 AM Bug report #3974: Problem with Tile size text field in Add WMS layer dialog
- it affects also Linux
11:25 AM Bug report #3974: Problem with Tile size text field in Add WMS layer dialog
- it affects also Linux
11:25 AM Bug report #3974: Problem with Tile size text field in Add WMS layer dialog
- it affects also Linux
11:22 AM Bug report #3974 (Closed): Problem with Tile size text field in Add WMS layer dialog
- Using 1.8.0-trunk version 1b15528 fron osgeo4w.
When entering a number in the text field for the Tile size option of...
- 11:59 PM Revision b16f611c (qgis): Improve data defined rotation
- 11:31 PM Revision 70722907 (qgis): Fix ellipse rotation
05:43 PM Revision 51ca548f (qgis): started rotation / data defined rotation
04:41 PM Bug report #3609: in a reprojected raster "zoom to best scale (100%)" does not work
- I have realized that the resulting scale is the square root of 2 larger than it should be, which gave me a clue.
The ... -
04:34 PM Bug report #3973 (Closed): linking pyspatialite fails due to undefined SPL... functions after b74...
- my build system is Windows 7 / MinGW
Found that link.txt in the pyspatialite build directory does not have libqgis_c... -
04:18 PM Revision 8ecf02e8 (qgis): Merge branch 'master' of
04:16 PM Revision d967b71c (qgis): Obsoleted QgsMSLogger as it duplicates functionality from QgsLogger
04:16 PM Revision fd235737 (qgis): added debugging info to mapserver while trying to resolve blank renderi...
04:16 PM Revision 2fe16b59 (qgis): Added pre-render layer count to maprenderer
04:16 PM Revision 93405b10 (qgis): Improve formatting of debug output for maprenderer map dimentions
- 02:37 PM Revision 30e0a522 (qgis): add support for WKBMultiLineString geometries in RoadGraph plugin
- 02:35 PM Revision efb462b8 (qgis): add support for WKBMultiLineString geometries in RoadGraph plugin
02:20 PM Revision 2776ea42 (qgis): Improve formatting of debug output for maprenderer map dimentions
- 02:10 PM Revision 0dbc186d (qgis): fix RoadGraph plugin "path not found" error when start and stop points ...
12:39 PM Revision 689181dd (qgis): Run astyle to cleanup formatting
12:39 PM Revision 6f8deec7 (qgis): [FEATURE] Added support for logging to a file. To enable it, set the QG...
12:38 PM Revision 83925f8d (qgis): Run astyle to cleanup formatting
12:28 PM Revision 2edb1e1c (qgis): Merge branch 'master' of
12:24 PM Revision 4bcddc19 (qgis): [FEATURE] Added support for logging to a file. To enable it, set the QG...
10:12 AM Revision c2cc95ea (qgis): Don't use exponential notation for wms extents display
10:03 AM Revision 49e9286b (qgis): Don't use exponential notation for wms extents display
09:26 AM Revision 5b995615 (qgis): Added warning that .qgs extension may be missing
09:23 AM Revision be751be6 (qgis): Merge branch 'master' of
09:21 AM Revision b2fa1b89 (qgis): Added warning that .qgs extension may be missing
08:48 AM Revision fabc66aa (qgis): [FEATURE]: zonal statistics plugin
- 08:48 AM Revision 46bd8dd8 (qgis): Fix feature count for postgres provider so it doesn't use estimated met...
08:48 AM Revision a8486f0e (qgis): document impact of using estimated table metadata (and revert last commit)
- 08:48 AM Revision 80595cd5 (qgis): fix RoadGraph plugin "path not found" error when start and stop points ...
08:48 AM Revision cc7e63b4 (qgis): [FEATURE]: zonal statistics plugin
08:48 AM Revision e22e5d6f (qgis): fix #3866
08:48 AM Revision 59398745 (qgis): remove unimplemented QgsLabel::setLabelFieldName()
08:48 AM Revision 41b44324 (qgis): Updated references to bug tracker to point to hub website
- 08:48 AM Revision db20ac28 (qgis): Don't list join fields to facilitate 'save as' function (fixes #3857). ...
08:37 AM Revision 08a425c2 (qgis): Merge branch 'master' of
07:05 AM Bug report #3855: Python console gets stuck if you use [Enter] from the number pad
- Here is a patch to add handling for the num keypad Enter.
07:05 AM Bug report #3855: Python console gets stuck if you use [Enter] from the number pad
- Here is a patch to add handling for the num keypad Enter.
06:09 AM Bug report #3970 (Closed): QGIS Crashes when removing a layer
- When removing a layer, QGIS sometimes crashes. I get the following backtrace. The layers in question were all vector ...
05:44 AM Bug report #3967 (Closed): Road Graph plugin ignore feature with geometry type WKBMultiLineString
- Applied in commit:efb462b8317400207590
01:41 AM Bug report #3968 (Rejected): MailingList : qgis-commit seem to be no more refresh with last commits.
- As in object.
The ML QGIS-COMMIT seem to be no more refreshed with last commit .
So is impossible to see what was c... -
11:40 PM Bug report #3866: Measure tool is windows is unusable
- This Bug is partial solved. The fact that a similar problem in the measuring angles tool (corrected only tool of meas...
10:36 PM Bug report #3967 (Closed): Road Graph plugin ignore feature with geometry type WKBMultiLineString
- Road Graph plugin ignore geometry type WKBMultiLineString and not searches a path through this.
05:28 PM Feature request #3016 (Closed): Add feature: File>Open project as group
- > But should the information simply be copied out of the other .qgs project
I hear this has been implemented in the ... -
05:28 PM Feature request #3016 (Closed): Add feature: File>Open project as group
- > But should the information simply be copied out of the other .qgs project
I hear this has been implemented in the ... -
03:08 PM Revision 71d96a25 (qgis): Move embed action to layer menu
- 03:08 PM Revision fba30867 (qgis): More safety checks
03:08 PM Revision 9f0d334d (qgis): Wire in dialog to select embedded groups and layers
03:08 PM Revision 9a90855c (qgis): Improvements to embed dialogs and stability
- 03:08 PM Revision 07354364 (qgis): Support embedded layers and groups in server
- 03:08 PM Revision 1b155281 (qgis): Fix for layer order in case of option addNewLayersToCurrentGroup
03:08 PM Revision b7ec033f (qgis): Fix order of embedded layers in groups
03:08 PM Revision 81e55a4b (qgis): Reformating, fix for project cleaning
03:08 PM Revision f0252285 (qgis): Add support for embedded legend groups
03:08 PM Revision f5628104 (qgis): Avoid unnecessary canvas refreshes when adding group to legend
03:08 PM Revision 09878e5a (qgis): Zoom to filtered layers in wms server if BBOX parameter missing
03:08 PM Revision 733df174 (qgis): Show embedded layers in italic
03:08 PM Revision b41493b7 (qgis): remove more redundancy in qgsproject
03:08 PM Revision dd83c441 (qgis): embedding of single layer
02:53 PM Revision 45fcb789 (qgis): Support data defined fields in ellipse renderer
- 02:20 PM Revision 3a9e267a (qgis): fix RoadGraph plugin "path not found" error when start and stop points ...
- 02:10 PM Revision 4eccdea0 (qgis): fix sip module
11:53 AM Revision 5a5f10c0 (qgis): Add and wire in ellipse symbol layer widget
09:35 AM Revision 3dc96591 (qgis): Integrated qgsellipsesymbollayer
09:15 AM Revision b76da25f (qgis): Ported single and graduated symbol renderer to use usedAttributes() fun...
05:36 AM Bug report #3954 (Closed): Road Graph plugin not work with message "path not found"
- Applied in commit:3a9e267af
04:29 PM Bug report #3960 (Closed): QgsSearchTreeNode fails to handle regex string correctly.
- It seems you need to use \\\\ with regex in Qt. So this is not really a bug and I'm going to close it.
01:32 PM Revision 066a0ea9 (qgis): Pass pointer to vectorlayer to all simbol widgets
12:00 PM Revision 936d58bd (qgis): Include QgsFeature pointer to symbol render context. Bindings not adapt...
11:34 AM Bug report #3965 (Closed): Wrong use of left/right offset in labels
- In qgis trunk version,
In new simbology the Label can be moved left/right by an offset.
But this offset is not referr... -
10:41 AM Bug report #3190: SVG markers with centered labels issue
- "QTBUG-19788":
10:07 AM Revision 82e9936c (qgis): Merge branch 'master' of
09:44 AM Revision c4cd43b8 (qgis): Move embed action to layer menu
09:44 AM Revision e432d503 (qgis): Add support for embedded legend groups
- 09:44 AM Revision b1c8d03f (qgis): Support embedded layers and groups in server
09:44 AM Revision a9252db3 (qgis): Wire in dialog to select embedded groups and layers
09:44 AM Revision 248a3419 (qgis): Improvements to embed dialogs and stability
09:44 AM Revision ddfd0af0 (qgis): Fix order of embedded layers in groups
09:44 AM Revision c064c8e0 (qgis): Reformating, fix for project cleaning
09:44 AM Revision 85d089c2 (qgis): Zoom to filtered layers in wms server if BBOX parameter missing
09:44 AM Revision 2ab38133 (qgis): Avoid unnecessary canvas refreshes when adding group to legend
- 09:44 AM Revision ebfef6ff (qgis): Fix for layer order in case of option addNewLayersToCurrentGroup
09:44 AM Revision 8bc8d54d (qgis): Show embedded layers in italic
- 09:44 AM Revision 5b2ca507 (qgis): More safety checks
09:44 AM Revision 39fcdb77 (qgis): embedding of single layer
09:44 AM Revision d9c853fb (qgis): remove more redundancy in qgsproject
- 08:20 AM Revision dac39eb5 (qgis): Fix for layer order in case of option addNewLayersToCurrentGroup
Also available in: Atom