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Toggle check # Tracker Status Priority Subject Assignee Updated
4539Bug reportClosedNormalジオレファレンサープラグインの日本語対応2011-12-09 08:50 AM
17948Bug reportClosedNormal“Coordinate Reference System Selector” query/window after 09:42 PM
19144Bug reportClosedHighСoordinate grid in print composer QGIS2019-03-08 10:50 AM
6259Bug reportClosedNormalСan not connect to MSSQL Server with FreeTDS driverTamas Szekeres2012-09-03 02:08 AM
18784Bug reportClosedHigh«Feature has too many attributes» warning with virtual fieldNyall Dawson2018-09-25 03:36 PM
19188Bug reportClosedNormal~6000 lines of Python errors on every 3.0.3 startup - could this be my problem? 2018-06-18 10:40 AM
19032Bug reportClosedNormalzwarte records attributentabelJulien Cabieces2019-02-24 01:30 AM
19337Bug reportClosedNormalzooms in and out continually after loading PostGIS layer, forcing reloads and re-renders2019-01-14 11:52 PM
2100Bug reportClosedLowzooming in crashes qgis trunknobody -2009-11-23 12:56 AM
1008Bug reportClosedLowzoom to layer missbehaves when the layer is a single vector pointnobody -2009-08-22 12:54 AM
92Bug reportClosedLowzoom to layer extent trims the bottom of the layerGavin Macaulay -2009-08-22 12:46 AM
4291Bug reportClosedNormalzoom to layer extent does not work with postgis 2.0.0svn tables2011-09-20 12:46 PM
7709Bug reportClosedSevere/Regressionzoom to full is wrong if in the project there is a CSV file or a geometryless postgis table2013-07-13 05:58 AM
3367Bug reportClosedLowzoom to full extent doesn't workalicebtoklas -2014-03-20 02:47 AM
230Bug reportClosedLowzoom to all button not picking up changes to the extent of PostGIS layers after sql edit results in changes to extentGavin Macaulay -2009-08-22 12:46 AM
9151Bug reportClosedHighzonal stats gives wrong results when features are not overlapped to any raster pixelsMarco Hugentobler2014-06-20 01:32 PM
22104Bug reportOpenNormalzonal histogram wrong2019-05-21 10:47 AM
21169Bug reportOpenNormalxyz tile matrix error for zoom max levels above 222019-02-05 05:47 AM
210Bug reportClosedLowxxxGary Sherman2006-07-28 09:43 AM
11250Bug reportClosedNormalxmlSchemaNewDocParserCtxt cannot be located in libxml2.dll2014-09-23 02:56 PM
11349Bug reportClosedSevere/Regressionxmin/xmax broke on qgis master2014-10-15 10:12 AM
8896Bug reportClosedNormalxlsx drag and drop fails to open datasource2014-06-23 06:39 AM
8894Bug reportClosedNormalxls character encoding not handled correctly2014-06-23 07:02 AM
9809Bug reportClosedHighxls / xlsx field names are imported as first line2017-01-04 05:34 AM
2281Bug reportClosedLowwrong/useless values added to the "undo/redo" stacknobody -2009-12-14 01:11 PM
1889Bug reportClosedLowwrong/missing crs parameters for CH1903 / LV03 (epsg:21781) in prj-filenobody -2009-11-23 09:04 AM
17151Bug reportClosedHighwrong vector line length calculation by $length in attribute table calculator2017-09-18 04:20 PM
2010Bug reportClosedLowwrong values inserted on the tablenobody -2009-11-06 03:14 AM
1024Bug reportClosedLowwrong unit at area measurement toolnobody -2008-04-02 11:16 AM
16000Bug reportClosedNormalwrong text anglesJürgen Fischer2016-12-23 03:20 PM
11006Bug reportClosedNormalwrong size of item in print composer legend when high values of map unit are used2014-08-31 08:30 PM
20200Bug reportClosedHighwrong sequence detection under postgresAlessandro Pasotti2018-10-24 02:50 PM
10685Bug reportClosedNormalwrong segment size in composer scalebar left segments2014-10-27 03:18 AM
4324Bug reportClosedNormalwrong scale in print composer?2014-11-22 10:12 AM
4560Bug reportClosedHighwrong scale displayed in map canvasGiuseppe Sucameli2011-12-04 02:32 AM
8466Bug reportClosedNormalwrong resizing when rotating composer shapes (composer)Nyall Dawson2019-03-09 04:04 PM
9798Bug reportClosedNormalwrong rendering of line pattern fill (custom dash pattern)2018-02-24 05:13 PM
9696Bug reportClosedNormalwrong reading of the projection from the prj file (EPSG 25832)2019-03-09 03:11 PM
4864Bug reportClosedNormalwrong rasters stretching2012-10-04 04:21 PM
1139Bug reportClosedLowwrong qgis-user-mailinglist-url in Help/About boxnobody -2009-08-22 12:57 AM
9128Bug reportClosedHighwrong perimeter value in the identify feature tool2013-11-28 11:36 AM
421Bug reportClosedLowwrong path to GRASS headersGary Sherman2007-02-23 04:20 PM
12186Bug reportClosedNormalwrong message displayed on status bar when a layer has been removed2015-02-12 12:50 AM
535Bug reportClosedLowwrong measuring resultsMagnus Homann2009-08-22 12:45 AM
1143Bug reportClosedLowwrong link to user ML in helpnobody -2009-08-22 12:56 AM
9580Bug reportClosedNormalwrong geometry error detection with QGIS method2014-02-17 12:42 PM
3996Bug reportClosedNormalwrong extents in shapefile.2015-12-20 08:57 AM
8167Bug reportClosedNormalwrong encoding of vector layer opened from command-line or browser2013-06-26 01:26 AM
5329Bug reportClosedHighwrong ellipsoid semi-minor axis calculation inside QgsDistanceArea2012-04-06 03:37 AM
455Bug reportClosedLowwrong distnce between outline dashesRedmine Admin2009-08-22 12:46 AM
13159Bug reportClosedNormalwrong display of negative number values from a postGIS db2019-03-09 04:09 PM
3643Bug reportClosedLowwrong direction of label direction symbolMarco Hugentobler2011-11-08 11:58 AM
3050Bug reportClosedLowwrong datum parameters for EPSG 31370nobody -2011-03-02 08:00 AM
958Bug reportClosedLowwrong cursor after quiting edit modeJürgen Fischer2009-08-22 12:56 AM
7849Bug reportClosedSevere/Regressionwrong columns deleted2013-05-18 07:27 AM
9579Bug reportClosedNormalwrong behavior of svg symbol with data defined propertiesRadim Blazek2014-05-26 03:52 AM
4043Bug reportClosedHighwrong alignment - both vertical and horizontal - of marker symbol in composer legend2011-08-14 05:34 AM
17138Bug reportClosedNormalwrong SRS identification of shapefile2019-03-09 03:10 PM
15848Bug reportClosedNormalwrong German translations in processing GRASS modulesQGIS Translation Team2017-05-01 03:36 AM
15303Bug reportClosedHighwrong German translation in Georeferencer formWerner Macho2016-07-18 12:36 PM
15541Bug reportClosedNormalwrong Coordinate Status Bar (LTR 2.14.6 Essen)2017-09-22 09:55 AM
4009Bug reportClosedHighwrong CRS definition 2011-10-01 01:26 PM
8613Bug reportClosedNormalwrong .qgis2 permissions in ubuntu 13.042013-09-27 02:23 PM
3862Bug reportClosedLowworld-readable postgresql account passwords in QGIS.conf2013-06-27 05:25 AM
450Bug reportClosedLowworld file without effect for .jpg or .bmp after georeferencer (helmert) good for .tifMagnus Homann2007-01-07 02:43 PM
12008Bug reportClosedSevere/Regressionwordwrap does not insert custom delimiter anymore2015-02-10 06:28 AM
7770Bug reportClosedNormalwmts tileset table emptied upon second getcap request2013-05-09 08:26 AM
9066Bug reportClosedSevere/Regressionwmts service failing in master which are working in 1.82013-11-15 08:36 AM
15854Bug reportClosedNormalwmts servers shouldn't re-try 4xx http responses 2017-09-22 09:56 AM
14596Bug reportClosedNormalwmts nor referencedklaudio collaku2016-04-01 01:40 AM
16930Bug reportClosedNormalwmsvendor parameters through python script2017-08-08 12:27 AM
1576Bug reportClosedLowwms: no way to set width and height, but no error message when beyond maxMarco Hugentobler2011-04-25 05:08 AM
3738Bug reportClosedLowwms tiles does not workJürgen Fischer2011-04-19 11:29 PM
15990Bug reportClosedSevere/Regressionwms png transparency not honouredRené-Luc ReLuc2017-01-11 01:55 AM
19421Bug reportClosedHighwms layers with wmsversion 1.1.1 are not visible in QGIS master, rev >=3.3.142018-07-29 07:33 PM
4039Bug reportClosedNormalwms layerorder dialog missing icons and wrong tooltips2011-11-12 05:02 AM
1515Bug reportClosedLowwms layer is added even if the the request failsMarco Hugentobler2009-08-10 11:04 AM
7393Bug reportClosedSevere/Regressionwms identify in "feature" format does not show attributes2013-05-21 02:14 PM
7433Bug reportClosedNormalwms identify dialog shows results in a different way in Windows and Linux2014-06-12 04:24 PM
3156Bug reportClosedLowwms getmap request with unknown epsgnobody -2010-10-26 01:41 AM
2674Bug reportClosedLowwms getfeatureinfo does not work against geoserverMarco Hugentobler2010-06-29 11:26 PM
8959Bug reportClosedNormalwms failing to show valid epsg:4326 layers in QGIS2 (working in 1.8)2013-10-28 02:17 PM
2519Bug reportClosedLowwms client: in image enconding "png" is repeatedMarco Hugentobler2010-03-26 06:47 AM
7962Bug reportClosedSevere/Regressionwms client does not work on master if request has map.resolution parameterRadim Blazek2013-06-03 07:45 AM
20362Bug reportClosedHighwms (xyz) provider throws an infinite amount of console debug msg under specific circumstances2018-11-06 03:22 AM
1710Bug reportClosedLowwms (mapserver) and postgis: the layer is not addedMarco Hugentobler2009-05-25 01:59 AM
7419Bug reportClosedSevere/Regressionwms "copy feature" tool copy the extent, not the feature2013-05-03 02:30 AM
14562Bug reportClosedNormalwkbType() does not contain all possibilities2017-04-27 07:04 AM
14315Bug reportClosedNormalwkb access out of bounds2016-02-16 01:13 PM
2166Bug reportClosedNormalwith render caching enabled the overview goes wild when changing vector symbology2012-12-13 02:11 PM
13787Bug reportClosedHighwith invalid geometries centroid fill symbology fails (and prevent layer rendering) when force point inside polygon is active 2015-11-09 11:03 PM
10966Bug reportClosedSevere/Regressionwith OTFR on $area is always computed in square meters even if the CRS is in feet (and QGIS project/general configs too)2015-05-10 02:00 AM
195Bug reportClosedLowwindows version - backspacekey problem opening grass shellRedmine Admin2009-08-22 12:46 AM
723Bug reportClosedLowwindows installer: avoid white space in default install pathnobody -2009-08-22 12:51 AM
13252Bug reportRejectedNormalwindows 82015-08-22 05:33 AM
9207Bug reportClosedNormalwindow/panel resize problem2018-08-23 08:48 PM
2014Bug reportClosedLowwindow too large when choosing large fonts in map unitsnobody -2009-10-15 04:21 PM
19862Bug reportOpenNormalwindow size of child-connect-form is not saved2018-09-17 10:10 AM
10351Bug reportClosedSevere/Regressionwidget refactoring regression: impossible to add features to a column-less memory layer Matthias Kuhn2014-05-26 02:19 AM
19789Bug reportClosedHighwhile panning and moving QGIS just crashed...2018-11-09 02:00 PM

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