From 2011-05-04 to 2011-06-02
07:16 PM Bug report #3866 (Closed): Measure tool is windows is unusable
- In windows the measure tool is pretty much unusable, it's very slow and glitches a lot.
Looking at the debug log a l... -
06:05 PM Bug report #3765 (Closed): on trunk/windows ECW files take a long time to open (qgis hangs)
- I stand corrected :) I had the Raster Value plugin installed which queried the raster every time the mouse moved, yo...
06:05 PM Bug report #3765 (Closed): on trunk/windows ECW files take a long time to open (qgis hangs)
- I stand corrected :) I had the Raster Value plugin installed which queried the raster every time the mouse moved, yo...
09:06 AM Feature request #3865 (Open): Ability to lock map scale in print composer
- When resizing map view in print composer, it automaticaly changes map scale. It would be nice, if it would be possibl...
08:32 AM Bug report #3864 (Closed): raster layer - zoom to best scale - scale is incorrect with OTFR
- duplicate of #3609
08:32 AM Bug report #3864 (Closed): raster layer - zoom to best scale - scale is incorrect with OTFR
- duplicate of #3609
08:29 AM Bug report #3864 (Closed): raster layer - zoom to best scale - scale is incorrect with OTFR
- With on-the-fly-reprojection on, for a raster layer, if "Zoom to best scale (100%)" is used the map scale becomes 1:6...
08:31 AM Bug report #3609 (Feedback): in a reprojected raster "zoom to best scale (100%)" does not work
- see also #3864
08:31 AM Bug report #3609 (Feedback): in a reprojected raster "zoom to best scale (100%)" does not work
- see also #3864
08:24 AM Feature request #2774 (Closed): enable double-click to zoom to bookmarks
- fixed in commit 9ae32d32b2cbc82eee29e550f6b2a2b33d3043e4
08:24 AM Feature request #2774 (Closed): enable double-click to zoom to bookmarks
- fixed in commit 9ae32d32b2cbc82eee29e550f6b2a2b33d3043e4
08:24 AM Feature request #3863 (Closed): Bookmarks fixes and enhancements
- applied in commit:9ae32d32b2cbc82eee29e550f6b2a2b33d3043e4.
08:24 AM Feature request #3863 (Closed): Bookmarks fixes and enhancements
- applied in commit:9ae32d32b2cbc82eee29e550f6b2a2b33d3043e4.
07:57 AM Feature request #3863 (Closed): Bookmarks fixes and enhancements
- After some extensive use of bookmarks to explore scattered areas on a map I found some problems with the Bookmarks to...
04:09 PM Bug report #3862 (Closed): world-readable postgresql account passwords in QGIS.conf
- I've seen ~/.config/QuantumGIS/QGIS.conf is created as world-readable, and contains posgresql account passwords...
L... -
03:02 PM Feature request #3856: Extents of print composer maps are not updated when the project CRS changes
- > its extent is independent from the main map extent
But if the extent is independent from the main map extent then ... -
01:37 PM Bug report #3740 (Closed): WMS Rendering problem - jagged lines
- closeing for the lack of feedback.
01:37 PM Bug report #3740 (Closed): WMS Rendering problem - jagged lines
- closeing for the lack of feedback.
01:30 PM Bug report #3859 (Closed): segfault on exit after using GRASS layer
- fixed in commit:edad445fbbc663549d31c55413c2470691c37944
01:30 PM Bug report #3859 (Closed): segfault on exit after using GRASS layer
- fixed in commit:edad445fbbc663549d31c55413c2470691c37944
07:39 AM Bug report #3857: Shapefile cannot be saved if joined table contains field names longer than 10 c...
- Sorry, my observation on this bug was not correct:
The problem is not, as described above, that too long field names... -
04:53 AM Bug report #2964 (Closed): New Labeller settings not applyable
- Closing due to lack of feedback. I cannot reproduce the problem. Please reopen if still true.
04:53 AM Bug report #2964 (Closed): New Labeller settings not applyable
- Closing due to lack of feedback. I cannot reproduce the problem. Please reopen if still true.
02:43 AM Bug report #3861: QGis cannot be started
- Replying to [comment:2 robertzederik]:
> Possibly... Any idea how I can fix this?
This sounds to me like a conflict ... -
02:34 AM Bug report #3861: QGis cannot be started
- Well, contact the entity that has provided you with those binaries... (not me ;-))
01:47 AM Bug report #3861: QGis cannot be started
- Possibly... Any idea how I can fix this?
01:35 AM Bug report #3861: QGis cannot be started
- This could perhaps be related with if your libtiff.dll was generate...
01:12 AM Bug report #3861 (Closed): QGis cannot be started
- I've installed QGis on my windows XP machine, however when trying to startup, I get the following error message:
Ent... -
01:05 AM Bug report #3860 (Closed): Crash when setting vector area class transparency
- It happens time to time. One needs to have multiple layers in project. I had some vectors and some WMS layers. Change...
11:33 PM Bug report #2483: Window resize/zoom problem with large rasters
- Cannot confirm here. Can you please check with to be released 1.7 version?
11:32 PM Bug report #3836 (Closed): Qgis crashes rendering ascii layers
- I cannot confirm. Please reopen it if necessary, especially if you can attach sample data to reproduce it. Thanks.
11:32 PM Bug report #3836 (Closed): Qgis crashes rendering ascii layers
- I cannot confirm. Please reopen it if necessary, especially if you can attach sample data to reproduce it. Thanks.
03:22 PM Feature request #3858: Not possible to define subset of layer using field from joined table
- I believe you've just hit a limitation of the OGR SQL engine. mentions :... -
08:37 AM Feature request #3858 (Open): Not possible to define subset of layer using field from joined table
- If a table is dynamically joined to a vector layer (as possible from QGIS 1.7), it is not possible to define a subset...
12:24 PM Bug report #3826: Using 100% CPU when connected to GPS
- Replying to [comment:2 tim]:
> Jef, any comment on other than "no need to fix"?
no, except that it's not a general p... -
06:05 AM Bug report #3826: Using 100% CPU when connected to GPS
- Jef, any comment on other than "no need to fix"?
10:10 AM Bug report #3859 (Closed): segfault on exit after using GRASS layer
- Sorry for the weird Summary, but this is how I reproduce:
1. start qgis
1. add grass vector layer
1. edit grass v... -
08:26 AM Bug report #3857 (Closed): Shapefile cannot be saved if joined table contains field names longer ...
- A layer with another table joined to it using attribute values (as possible from QGIS 1.7) cannot be saved as shapefi...
08:17 AM Feature request #3856: Extents of print composer maps are not updated when the project CRS changes
- I don't see this as a bug. The composermap always shows the map projection and its extent is independant from the mai...
02:44 AM Bug report #3630 (Closed): Coordinate reference system ETRS89/UTM zone 33N (EPSG: 25833) is wrong
- closing for the lack of feedback.
02:44 AM Bug report #3630 (Closed): Coordinate reference system ETRS89/UTM zone 33N (EPSG: 25833) is wrong
- closing for the lack of feedback.
02:41 AM Bug report #3140 (Closed): Download data from GPS doesn't work
- closing for the lack of feedback.
02:41 AM Bug report #3140 (Closed): Download data from GPS doesn't work
- closing for the lack of feedback.
02:40 AM Bug report #3028 (Closed): Displacement between vector and WMS layers after printing
- closing for the lack of feedback.
02:40 AM Bug report #3028 (Closed): Displacement between vector and WMS layers after printing
- closing for the lack of feedback.
02:39 AM Bug report #3417 (Closed): Data handling when exporting/printing maps
- closing for the lack of feedback
02:39 AM Bug report #3417 (Closed): Data handling when exporting/printing maps
- closing for the lack of feedback
12:56 AM Feature request #3856 (Open): Extents of print composer maps are not updated when the project CRS...
- Try this:
- enable on-the-fly reprojection
- add some layers
- create a new composer layout and add a map to it.
01:32 AM Bug report #3855 (Closed): Python console gets stuck if you use [Enter] from the number pad
- In the Python console:
Paste a command, e.g. the line below, and press the [Enter] key in the middle of your keyboar... -
03:23 PM Bug report #3853 (Closed): Problems with some WMS services (from
- Seems the extents are reported in some string way:...
03:23 PM Bug report #3853 (Closed): Problems with some WMS services (from
- Seems the extents are reported in some string way:...
11:21 AM Bug report #3854 (Closed): Crash when labeling layer with cyrillic name
- QGIS crashes when I try label vector layer, created from shapefile with cyrillic name. To reproduce
* create new vect...
08:19 PM Bug report #3853 (Closed): Problems with some WMS services (from
- I've notice a problem when I try to load layers from the WMS services listed at (follow the bi...
10:46 AM Bug report #3574: Map overview and composer show vertex markers for layers in editing mode
- See also #2230
12:44 PM Feature request #3852: It should be allowed to filter shapefile vector layers by id
- Replying to [comment:4 strk]:
> Would it then make sense for the OGR provider to report the fid field ?
the field li... -
12:41 PM Feature request #3852: It should be allowed to filter shapefile vector layers by id
- Would it then make sense for the OGR provider to report the fid field ?
12:36 PM Feature request #3852: It should be allowed to filter shapefile vector layers by id
- Replying to [comment:2 strk]:
> Are you saying I can use those fieldnames in the query builder ?
> What about making ... -
11:01 AM Feature request #3852: It should be allowed to filter shapefile vector layers by id
- Are you saying I can use those fieldnames in the query builder ?
What about making it available in the list of fieldn... -
10:11 AM Feature request #3852 (Closed): It should be allowed to filter shapefile vector layers by id
- Replying to "strk":/issues/show/3852:
> It is currently impossible to filter shapefiles by id... -
10:11 AM Feature request #3852 (Closed): It should be allowed to filter shapefile vector layers by id
- Replying to "strk":/issues/show/3852:
> It is currently impossible to filter shapefiles by id... -
09:11 AM Feature request #3852 (Closed): It should be allowed to filter shapefile vector layers by id
- It is currently impossible to filter shapefiles by id, but the id is what you get when, for example, you check for to...
12:12 PM Feature request #3849 (Closed): road-graph plugin not work with
- Replying to [comment:3 stopa85]:
> It is available to apply in to release-1_7_0 ?
applied to 1.7 in commit:d61e6d595... -
12:12 PM Feature request #3849 (Closed): road-graph plugin not work with
- Replying to [comment:3 stopa85]:
> It is available to apply in to release-1_7_0 ?
applied to 1.7 in commit:d61e6d595... -
11:44 AM Feature request #3849 (Feedback): road-graph plugin not work with
- It is available to apply in to release-1_7_0 ?
11:44 AM Feature request #3849 (Feedback): road-graph plugin not work with
- It is available to apply in to release-1_7_0 ?
11:36 AM Bug report #3126: Sliver holes remain after dissolve
- GEOS only employs snaprounding IFF w/out it it could not properly node the input, so it's a fallback rather than a fe...
11:30 AM Feature request #3851: Allow tolerating self-touching rings forming holes as valid
- Hi Jurgen, attached a sample shapefile
10:14 AM Feature request #3851: Allow tolerating self-touching rings forming holes as valid
- do you have a sample dataset?
09:01 AM Feature request #3851 (Closed): Allow tolerating self-touching rings forming holes as valid
- Self-touching rings forming holes are invalid as per OGC specifications but are valid for some other common GIS softw...
10:30 AM Feature request #3850 (Closed): Allow minimizing "check geometry validity" window
- implemented in commit:bf4d8874d1ca5663aacc33df22b7443ed875878f
10:30 AM Feature request #3850 (Closed): Allow minimizing "check geometry validity" window
- implemented in commit:bf4d8874d1ca5663aacc33df22b7443ed875878f
08:51 AM Feature request #3850 (Closed): Allow minimizing "check geometry validity" window
- It's useful to keep the validity checker window open for reference, but get it out of your way to see the map.
This i... -
05:19 AM Bug report #3848: print composer: Image remove from Item tab doesn't work
- Ok, but it isn't intuitive.
To add images one clicks *Add...* , a dialog opens and then select the directory to add... -
03:23 AM Bug report #3848 (Closed): print composer: Image remove from Item tab doesn't work
- The 'remove' button is in the 'directory' group box -> it means that an image search directory is removed, not an ind...
03:23 AM Bug report #3848 (Closed): print composer: Image remove from Item tab doesn't work
- The 'remove' button is in the 'directory' group box -> it means that an image search directory is removed, not an ind...
11:03 PM Feature request #3849 (Closed): road-graph plugin not work with
- applied in commit:92d69e09e78f6c97da12c8bba381eecc28d67986
11:03 PM Feature request #3849 (Closed): road-graph plugin not work with
- applied in commit:92d69e09e78f6c97da12c8bba381eecc28d67986
10:29 PM Feature request #3849: road-graph plugin not work with
- Sorry. I upload broken file. Use new attach.
10:19 PM Feature request #3849 (Closed): road-graph plugin not work with
- Road graph plugin not work with message "Tie point failed". It is two problem:
1. Ignore "Enable 'on the fly' coordi... -
12:22 PM Bug report #3845 (Closed): rule based renderer doesn't properly handle %
- applied in commit:c2757d31bc3a2d463b7f1e376b62f6046820a2e0
12:22 PM Bug report #3845 (Closed): rule based renderer doesn't properly handle %
- applied in commit:c2757d31bc3a2d463b7f1e376b62f6046820a2e0
09:41 AM Bug report #3845: rule based renderer doesn't properly handle %
- Oops, the pull request above had wrong repo uri (required an account).
This should be better: git:// -
05:27 AM Bug report #3845: rule based renderer doesn't properly handle %
- Example style being possible with the fix:
Would love to make it even mo... -
03:58 AM Bug report #3845: rule based renderer doesn't properly handle %
- Note: my branch is rooted at master, not release_1_7_0
03:55 AM Bug report #3845: rule based renderer doesn't properly handle %
- Fixed here:...
02:43 AM Bug report #3845 (Closed): rule based renderer doesn't properly handle %
- The rule based renderer doesn't accept % in the filter:...
12:07 PM Bug report #3846 (Closed): grass edit: new boundary help message inconsistency
- applied in commit:7c8ded108127fb038bb37e65b1f0949a769858af
12:07 PM Bug report #3846 (Closed): grass edit: new boundary help message inconsistency
- applied in commit:7c8ded108127fb038bb37e65b1f0949a769858af
09:40 AM Bug report #3846: grass edit: new boundary help message inconsistency
- A proposed patch in branch 'bug3846' of git://
09:33 AM Bug report #3846 (Closed): grass edit: new boundary help message inconsistency
- When you start adding a new boundary the instruction reads:
"Left: New vertex"
After first point:
"Left: New point... -
11:17 AM Bug report #3848 (Closed): print composer: Image remove from Item tab doesn't work
- When working with images, on the Item tab the *Remove* button doesn't work as expected.
If an image is selected in t... -
11:08 AM Bug report #3847 (Closed): print composer: Export image doesn't refresh window when done
- When exporting as an image, the layout window is cleared while saving but the image isn't redrawn when finished.
It... -
04:20 AM Bug report #3838: Selecting features from the table of attributes freezes QGIS
- giovanni dot manghi at faunalia dot pt
04:18 AM Bug report #3838: Selecting features from the table of attributes freezes QGIS
- Can you, please, send your email address and we'll send the data to you (for privacy reasons)?
01:02 AM Bug report #3765: on trunk/windows ECW files take a long time to open (qgis hangs)
- when I opened the ticket I had the issue on both linux and windows, now I cannot see it anymore on both OS. I also te...
08:32 PM Bug report #3765 (Feedback): on trunk/windows ECW files take a long time to open (qgis hangs)
- This is still a issue on my Windows machine. The problem seems to have been introduced with the new raster provider ...
08:32 PM Bug report #3765 (Feedback): on trunk/windows ECW files take a long time to open (qgis hangs)
- This is still a issue on my Windows machine. The problem seems to have been introduced with the new raster provider ...
03:43 PM Bug report #3765 (Closed): on trunk/windows ECW files take a long time to open (qgis hangs)
- somehow this has gone on both Linux and Windows.
03:43 PM Bug report #3765 (Closed): on trunk/windows ECW files take a long time to open (qgis hangs)
- somehow this has gone on both Linux and Windows.
12:38 AM Bug report #3844: QGIS doesn't use username and password in options dialog for proxy connections ...
- see attachments: in prob1.png I've configured proxy options, in prob2.png proxy wants repeatly my username and passw...
11:33 PM Bug report #3844 (Closed): QGIS doesn't use username and password in options dialog for proxy con...
- QGIS doesn't use username and password inserted in the _options dialog_ for proxy connections, to use with WMS connec...
11:30 PM Feature request #3843 (Closed): Rule based labeling
- I think it would be a cool idea to have rule based labeling, something like we already have for the styling.
I had a... -
12:57 PM Bug report #3839 (Closed): qgis trunk crashes when saving project or clicking "OK" in the "new sh...
- Fixed in commit:4070354d5f0a8f401d3c
12:57 PM Bug report #3839 (Closed): qgis trunk crashes when saving project or clicking "OK" in the "new sh...
- Fixed in commit:4070354d5f0a8f401d3c
12:26 PM Bug report #3839: qgis trunk crashes when saving project or clicking "OK" in the "new shape" dial...
- It should be fixed in commit:4070354d5.
Please test and close if it works. -
09:44 AM Bug report #3839: qgis trunk crashes when saving project or clicking "OK" in the "new shape" dial...
- Seems Windows builds not affected (tested with ef981f1)
09:41 AM Bug report #3839: qgis trunk crashes when saving project or clicking "OK" in the "new shape" dial...
- Confirmed under Slackware with latest self-compiled sources (c3e161a).
05:44 AM Bug report #3842: Missing Icons all element QGIS
- have you tested qgis trunk?
cheers -
05:38 AM Bug report #3842 (Closed): Missing Icons all element QGIS
- I have no icons anywhere in QGIS 1.6.0.
Successfully installed from a opensuse repository (sorry not sure which one)...
11:31 PM Feature request #3430: fill pattern missing for point markers in new symbology engine
- Ah, sorry. That's a long couple of days :(
Please see the new patch. I was hoping to do more to improve the consis... -
07:45 PM Bug report #3841 (Closed): QGis over-writing task-bar in Vista
- Build QWT 5.1.1, compile 4.5.2
Will only start maximised, runs full screen without window handles or controls and ove... -
04:31 PM Bug report #3839: qgis trunk crashes when saving project or clicking "OK" in the "new shape" dial...
- It occurs closing non-native file dialogs (look at the difference between Save project and [[SaveAs]] project dialogs...
04:00 PM Bug report #3839: qgis trunk crashes when saving project or clicking "OK" in the "new shape" dial...
- More crashes for example when clicking "ok" or selecting files in various raster menu tools....
12:43 PM Bug report #3839 (Closed): qgis trunk crashes when saving project or clicking "OK" in the "new sh...
- Confirmed under Ubuntu and Windows.
Program seg faults. The responsible seems to be part of the code of the new "cus... -
01:54 PM Bug report #3837: new symbology line decoration has wrong orientation when final vertices are dup...
- applied in commit:ef981f19a3e0676a2e0b78412eadf213794b7eb1
01:30 PM Bug report #3837: new symbology line decoration has wrong orientation when final vertices are dup...
- Note that the change was tested with vertical, horizontal and diagonal lines. Was also tested with lines collapsed to...
01:14 PM Bug report #3837: new symbology line decoration has wrong orientation when final vertices are dup...
- One way to pull those changes is:...
01:09 PM Bug report #3837: new symbology line decoration has wrong orientation when final vertices are dup...
- ...
03:28 AM Bug report #3837 (Closed): new symbology line decoration has wrong orientation when final vertice...
- After a long time happyness due to closing ticket #3434 the wrong arrow orientation bug is back.
This time the probl... -
12:45 PM Bug report #3840 (Closed): "additional no data value" has no effect (identify, raster calculator,...
- This is probable due to the changes in the raster provider.
Using trunk under Ubuntu. -
10:27 AM Bug report #3835: Invalid sample dimension with some WMS servers
- probably my bad. Setting tile size at 512x512 no problems.
10:20 AM Bug report #3835: Invalid sample dimension with some WMS servers
- Sorry if I'm just making noise but I still get a warning using 256x256 tiles. I'm attaching a sample project which c...
05:01 AM Bug report #3838: Selecting features from the table of attributes freezes QGIS
- Hi,
please link or attach the vector (or part of it) that is causing the problem. Thanks. -
04:58 AM Bug report #3838 (Closed): Selecting features from the table of attributes freezes QGIS
- Trying to select all the features, from the attribute table, of a point layer with 8000 features, Qgis just blocks.
02:27 PM Bug report #3774 (Closed): selection shown in the wrong place in rotated maps
- Fixed in b02d06ba73054ad5c857. The print composer now only prints annotation items (keeping the map reference points ...
02:27 PM Bug report #3774 (Closed): selection shown in the wrong place in rotated maps
- Fixed in b02d06ba73054ad5c857. The print composer now only prints annotation items (keeping the map reference points ...
11:23 AM Feature request #3810: Join attributes by location crash
- I suggest then to close this ticket and open a more general one, like "improve handling of processes in ftools". My s...
11:20 AM Bug report #3836: Qgis crashes rendering ascii layers
- please attach or link a sample file that causes the problem. Did you tested also qgis-trunk?
04:05 AM Bug report #3836 (Closed): Qgis crashes rendering ascii layers
- Rendering any ascii layer causes Qgis 1.6.0 to exit with the following message
GDAL Error 5: Illegal nYBloc... -
10:33 AM Bug report #3835 (Closed): Invalid sample dimension with some WMS servers
- In QGIS 1.7 you'll be able to select the size of the tile to use when adding WMS layers. I just tested trunl with you...
10:33 AM Bug report #3835 (Closed): Invalid sample dimension with some WMS servers
- In QGIS 1.7 you'll be able to select the size of the tile to use when adding WMS layers. I just tested trunl with you...
10:37 PM Bug report #2669 (Closed): Empty map composer on reopen project
04:40 PM Bug report #2669: Empty map composer on reopen project
- I no longer have Maverick installed so it's unlikely that I'll be able to reproduce the bug anymore. Maybe this bug s...
05:03 PM Bug report #3835 (Closed): Invalid sample dimension with some WMS servers
- Connect to this WMS server:
and add the only layer to the project. This... -
02:02 PM Bug report #3778 (Closed): Simple symbols rendering incorrectly in the composer and when printed
- Fixed in commit:d85320b7a2daf87d91af
02:02 PM Bug report #3778 (Closed): Simple symbols rendering incorrectly in the composer and when printed
- Fixed in commit:d85320b7a2daf87d91af
07:16 AM Feature request #3810: Join attributes by location crash
- More detail: I tried again today with 1.8.0-10.
Attribute Summary set to "Take attributes of fist located feature"
Ou... -
04:30 AM Feature request #3834 (Open): Add a button to separate the selected parts of a multipart feature ...
- When editing a feature (point, line or polygon), is often necessary to use the "Merge selected features". And if we m...
03:36 AM Bug report #3833 (Closed): Graduated symbols missing from exported pdf
- The graduated symbols are missing from the exported pdf file. This is true both for pre-compiled stand alone Windows ...
11:32 AM Feature request #3832: add x y input to move
- Replying to [comment:3 elcuco]:
> Replying to [comment:2 lutra]:
> > it is obviously a plugin... :)
> Yes, it's a plu... -
11:32 AM Feature request #3832: add x y input to move
- Replying to [comment:4 NathanW]:
> I have found the numeric vertex editor to be buggy and do strange things at time. ... -
07:04 AM Feature request #3832: add x y input to move
- I have found the numeric vertex editor to be buggy and do strange things at time. I think this would be a good featu...
06:26 AM Feature request #3832: add x y input to move
- Replying to [comment:2 lutra]:
> it is obviously a plugin... :)
Yes, it's a plugin. But what I've meant was move an e... -
05:52 AM Feature request #3832: add x y input to move
- it is obviously a plugin... :)
05:51 AM Feature request #3832: add x y input to move
- try also the numeric vertex editor
04:58 AM Feature request #3832 (Closed): add x y input to move
- Please add the ability to input X and Y values to the Move tool in the Digitizing toolbar. It could work like this:
... -
04:43 AM Bug report #3829 (Closed): Adding WFS layers causes segfault
- Fixed in 0390131247685808139e
04:43 AM Bug report #3829 (Closed): Adding WFS layers causes segfault
- Fixed in 0390131247685808139e
04:31 AM Feature request #3831 (Closed): Add customizable Online Resource for QGIS-mapserver to be configu...
- When using qgis-mapserver with a map-parameter pointing to a qgis-projectfile, the Online Resource in the [[GetCapabi...
06:25 PM Bug report #3830 (Closed): no tiff support in Ubuntu 11.04 with ubuntugis gdal (1.8.0)
- Looks like a problem with GDAL packaging in the "ubuntugis": repository.
06:25 PM Bug report #3830 (Closed): no tiff support in Ubuntu 11.04 with ubuntugis gdal (1.8.0)
- Looks like a problem with GDAL packaging in the "ubuntugis": repository.
04:17 PM Bug report #3830: no tiff support in Ubuntu 11.04 with ubuntugis gdal (1.8.0)
The only non standard repositories that I use are those 3:
deb natty main #Third par...-
04:16 PM Bug report #3830 (Closed): no tiff support in Ubuntu 11.04 with ubuntugis gdal (1.8.0)
- libgdal1-dev for Natty from ubuntugis now provides gdal 1.8.0 only which seems not compatible with the code base or s...
03:46 PM Bug report #3497: [OsX] Crash when changing font and color in Style manager on OS X
- Downloaded qgis-Quantum-GIS-c724ce5.tar.gz from QGIS Git Hub
Added to cmake configure... -
01:07 PM Bug report #3497: [OsX] Crash when changing font and color in Style manager on OS X
- I see from your crash report that you are not bundling Qt. I've had crashing problems in the past when QGIS runs wit...
01:22 PM Bug report #3829 (Closed): Adding WFS layers causes segfault
- Adding a WFS layer causes segfaults.
Reproducible with any layer served by: -
04:37 AM Bug report #3828 (Closed): dissolve tool very slow
- Download the following shape (175MB)
and try dissolvi...
06:08 PM Bug report #3497: [OsX] Crash when changing font and color in Style manager on OS X
- Sure!
I loaded up the Natural Earth 1:10m Culture Vectors -
Tested "10m_admin_0_scale_ranks.shp"... -
03:31 PM Bug report #3497: [OsX] Crash when changing font and color in Style manager on OS X
- I got a crash once. But later attempts failed to crash after 10+ symbology changes.
Note, SVN is frozen. The rest ... -
02:52 PM Bug report #3497: [OsX] Crash when changing font and color in Style manager on OS X
- So I decided to try building QGIS from trunk and give that a try.
Installed Qt 4.7.3 and all the other dependancies... -
01:34 PM Bug report #3415: Basemap shrinks during export to pdf
- Is this still true?
If yes, could you attach a zip with sample data and a project (project with relative file pathes)... -
06:05 AM Bug report #2436 (Closed): New symbology print issue
- The Qt fill styles are pixmaps, so impossible to render in good quality on all resolutions.
You could use the 'svg f... -
06:05 AM Bug report #2436 (Closed): New symbology print issue
- The Qt fill styles are pixmaps, so impossible to render in good quality on all resolutions.
You could use the 'svg f... -
02:52 AM Bug report #3823: qgis_mapserv.fcgi segmentation fault
- The layer renders ok for me with latest git version of QGIS server. I however loaded / saved the project with 1.7 bec...
01:33 AM Bug report #3827 (Closed): Georef not using the defined compression
- On Windows 7, the version fb56838 of Quantum-GIS/master obtained trought OSgeo4W qgis-dev is not making use of the CO...
02:48 PM Bug report #3497: [OsX] Crash when changing font and color in Style manager on OS X
- I do not believe I am doing anything special (from any other GIS I use).
I import a shapefile (any shapefile on my l... -
02:07 PM Bug report #3497: [OsX] Crash when changing font and color in Style manager on OS X
- What exactly are you doing? There are a few known crashes and lockups, as mentioned in this bug report. 1.6 does ha...
01:41 PM Bug report #3497: [OsX] Crash when changing font and color in Style manager on OS X
- QGIS 1.6.0-2 for Snow Leopard
QGIS 1.7 commit:171bed79 (SVN r15815) for Snow Leopard (64bit Intel Qt 4.7 Cocoa)
Sa... -
06:08 AM Bug report #3804: Georeferencer deletes active raster
- Ok, I think selecting the same input and output file should be disallowed, as it is to
easy to shoot oneself in the f...
10:18 AM Bug report #3826 (Closed): Using 100% CPU when connected to GPS
- using Autodetect with [Vendor: 0X67B, Product: 0X2303]
This bug makes the GPS connect feature extremely undesirable ... -
02:58 AM Bug report #3825 (Closed): Two decimal places for symbology in map unit is not suited for lat-lon...
- In new symbology, when selecting size, width, offsets etc. in "map unit", the minimum value is either 0.00 or 0.01, b...
12:14 AM Feature request #3824 (Open): make it possible to see & change layer CRS directly from layer menu
- It'd be nice for QGIS to display the 3 most recently used CRS items directly from the layer menu and allow the user t...
03:15 PM Bug report #3818 (Closed): Crash with new symbology on a txt file
- Fixed in commit:ce4c126
03:15 PM Bug report #3818 (Closed): Crash with new symbology on a txt file
- Fixed in commit:ce4c126
09:27 AM Bug report #3823 (Closed): qgis_mapserv.fcgi segmentation fault
- I have QGIS compiled from GIT, version 9ffedb4 on an amd64 machine.
I'm trying *qgis_mapserv* with a simple project,...
09:55 AM Feature request #3010 (Closed): ftools (merge shapefiles tool): patch to add option to select att...
- Starting from commit:6327b2e22416c52142bb Merge shapefiles tool collect all attributes from input files and store the...
09:55 AM Feature request #3010 (Closed): ftools (merge shapefiles tool): patch to add option to select att...
- Starting from commit:6327b2e22416c52142bb Merge shapefiles tool collect all attributes from input files and store the...
09:00 PM Feature request #3822 (Closed): The symbol size is not represented in a legend
- QGIS allows to draw the point symbols from the same layer with different colour as well as size, e.g., colour can rep...
11:43 AM Bug report #3821 (Closed): Saving to DXF results in a file with incomplete extension
- fixed in commit:3d41384ce89b3b0bb881
11:43 AM Bug report #3821 (Closed): Saving to DXF results in a file with incomplete extension
- fixed in commit:3d41384ce89b3b0bb881
10:43 AM Bug report #3821 (Closed): Saving to DXF results in a file with incomplete extension
- Save as... choosing DXF as a format results in a filename.d instead of filename.dxf. Looks an easy fix.
11:34 AM Bug report #3820: Layer postgres dont recognize unique key index
- I guess no.
The #62 ask for a field not only int4 (for example varchar)
but always with an unique index on it.
This... -
11:10 AM Bug report #3820: Layer postgres dont recognize unique key index
- duplicate of this (old) ticket? #62
10:39 AM Bug report #3820: Layer postgres dont recognize unique key index
- I do some other test.
I notice it work if the 'id' field is a primary key.
So the existence of an unique index on a i... -
10:14 AM Bug report #3820: Layer postgres dont recognize unique key index
- oops,
the query used is this:
CREATE VIEW gb.v_volumetria_in_aggetto AS SELECT as id, a.codvolumetriainagge... -
10:13 AM Bug report #3820 (Closed): Layer postgres dont recognize unique key index
- Hi,
try-ing to load a view in qgis I'm having this
The view 'gb.v_volumetria_in_aggetto' has no column... -
06:10 AM Bug report #3819 (Closed): WMS layer list shows inverse order
- The [[GetCapabilities]] response is interpreted bottom top instead of top bottom (as many other WMS Clients do).
QGI... -
02:13 AM Bug report #2598 (Closed): Polygon fill patterns scale differently in pdf export as raster versus...
02:13 AM Bug report #2598 (Feedback): Polygon fill patterns scale differently in pdf export as raster vers...
12:02 AM Feature request #1167: SLD support in conjunction with WMS
- Any reason not to apply this to 1.8?
11:11 PM Bug report #3818 (Closed): Crash with new symbology on a txt file
- I import a text file, then apply the new symbology with categoric symbols, and I
apply the symbology *before* classif... -
11:10 PM Bug report #3817 (Closed): NULLifying raster does not work anymore
- If I select 0 as NULL in raster properties, the value on the map is still the original one (you can check with Value ...
02:25 PM Bug report #3812 (Closed): Contour does not select a directory
- Fixed, commit:2b85d175de1d5dd05f7f
02:25 PM Bug report #3812 (Closed): Contour does not select a directory
- Fixed, commit:2b85d175de1d5dd05f7f
10:01 AM Bug report #3816 (Closed): Default color of the terrain
- The default color teble for terrain:
looks ugly. Please ch... -
09:57 AM Bug report #3815 (Closed): name of the autoloaded rasters and raster calculator
- When running an analysis (e.g. slope) and selecting "Add to canvas", the layer is automatically added at the end of t...
09:54 AM Bug report #3798 (Closed): can't add csv files in trunk/linux, trough the "add vector" dialog
- gdal/ogr >= 1.7 is needed, so if one is using the nightly builds repo under Ubuntu qgis comes compiled against gdal 1.6.
09:54 AM Bug report #3798 (Closed): can't add csv files in trunk/linux, trough the "add vector" dialog
- gdal/ogr >= 1.7 is needed, so if one is using the nightly builds repo under Ubuntu qgis comes compiled against gdal 1.6.
03:55 AM Bug report #3814 (Rejected): Polygonize generates a custom projection instead of using the source...
- When converting a raster in vector with [[GdalTools]], the resulting shp has a custom projection, identical to the so...
02:37 AM Feature request #3813 (Feedback): Allow 'make uninstall' w/out building or installing
- Current 'make uninstall' rule requires a full build and install in order to work. It'd be useful if you could uninsta...
01:57 AM Bug report #3812 (Closed): Contour does not select a directory
- In [[GdalTools]], the command contour asks for a directory, but the dialog does not allow to select it
11:07 AM Feature request #3810: Join attributes by location crash
- Replying to [comment:5 bderstine]:
> lutra: I imagine a similar query would be to load
Hi, can you please test if t... -
10:13 AM Feature request #3810: Join attributes by location crash
- lutra: I imagine a similar query would be to load the GNIS national file:
10:06 AM Feature request #3810: Join attributes by location crash
- lutra: I cannot attach the dataset as it is proprietary.
cfarmer: This means that QGIS stopped responding, the windo... -
09:12 AM Feature request #3810: Join attributes by location crash
- A point of clarification:
> Process ran very slowly up to 27% completeness and then QGIS stopped responding and crash... -
09:07 AM Feature request #3810: Join attributes by location crash
- please attach/link a sample dataset to try replicate the issue.
09:02 AM Feature request #3810 (Closed): Join attributes by location crash
- Target layer has 2.3 million points.
Join layer has a couple hundred polygons.
Process ran very slowly up to 27% com... -
09:44 AM Bug report #3809: [QGIS1.7] Crash when saving shp layer as .mif
- Same bug with QGIS 1.6 Ubuntu 11.04
But it create an empty mif and mid file -
02:14 AM Bug report #3809 (Closed): [QGIS1.7] Crash when saving shp layer as .mif
- QGIS 1.7 crash when saving a shape layer as .mif (mif/mid) on my ubuntu 11.04 laptop.
It occurs whith every shape la... -
09:06 AM Bug report #3811 (Closed): Background color is not set in a composer even if set in project prope...
- I think it should.
You can set it manually in properties of map object in layout, but it is not clear why it is not ... -
04:38 AM Feature request #3671 (Closed): Auto-actualize "Show selected only"
- fixed in commit:fb5683820b8cbefd5845809e76e3909cc2e59877
04:38 AM Feature request #3671 (Closed): Auto-actualize "Show selected only"
- fixed in commit:fb5683820b8cbefd5845809e76e3909cc2e59877
02:35 AM Feature request #3430: fill pattern missing for point markers in new symbology engine
- Please disregard my patch for now. After looking at it again I came to understand how some things were intended to w...
10:51 PM Feature request #3430: fill pattern missing for point markers in new symbology engine
- > Oh, yeah - I noticed another problem.
> In the symbol layers box with these patches it only shows the fill, wher... -
08:46 PM Feature request #3430: fill pattern missing for point markers in new symbology engine
- Oh, and I think I was wrong about this:...
08:20 PM Feature request #3430: fill pattern missing for point markers in new symbology engine
- Oh, of course.
We shouldn't apply the fill style to selected features unless either we have a special pen colour for... -
05:59 AM Feature request #3430: fill pattern missing for point markers in new symbology engine
- > //"no fill" doesn't work if brushColor = penColor
>// e.g. if the symbol is a circle, the whole bounding box (is ... -
08:15 PM Bug report #3497: [OsX] Crash when changing font and color in Style manager on OS X
- Good sleuthing, Tom. I would answer "yes" to you question in your last comment. This will be consistent with its use,...
05:42 PM Feature request #3808: get rid of annoying svg messages
- My editor automatically changed UTF to utf in the first line of each file. I'll attach a "clean" patch without those...
05:35 PM Feature request #3808 (Closed): get rid of annoying svg messages
- I see (in [[DebugView]]) the annoying set of messages (below) in the following circumstances:
- every time I add an ... -
04:31 AM Bug report #3807: QgsRasterLayer.identify() is always True
- This is always true if the identified point is inside the extents of the raster layer, but in an area that is not par...
04:19 AM Bug report #3807 (Closed): QgsRasterLayer.identify() is always True
- Using the python bindings, when trying to identify a point outside of current raster layer, The [[QgsRasterLayer]].id...
03:29 AM Feature request #3806: Make click anywhere in symbol select/identify the object (i.e. when symbol...
- Yes, as long as the search radius is bigger than the symbol.
But most users wouldn't expect to need to change the se... -
03:24 AM Feature request #3806: Make click anywhere in symbol select/identify the object (i.e. when symbol...
- I just tested:
I can set a big symbol (ex: for a point layer) and then identify the features even if not clicking in... -
03:21 AM Feature request #3806: Make click anywhere in symbol select/identify the object (i.e. when symbol...
- Also, I don't think the tolerance setting affects the select single feature tool (sorry - I called it "Select single ...
03:18 AM Feature request #3806: Make click anywhere in symbol select/identify the object (i.e. when symbol...
- No, this is not quite the same as tolerance. It is about the symbol being bigger than the actual object.
e.g. if I ... -
03:11 AM Feature request #3806: Make click anywhere in symbol select/identify the object (i.e. when symbol...
- you can set the tolerance of the identify tool in the qgis options, "map tools" section. Closing?
03:08 AM Feature request #3806 (Open): Make click anywhere in symbol select/identify the object (i.e. when...
- Currently if you use a large point symbol you still need to click right in the center of the symbol when using the in...
03:00 AM Feature request #3805 (Open): Snapping for select and info tools
- It would be good if the snapping settings were applied for the info tool and the select single feature tool.
As far ...
06:05 PM Bug report #3497: [OsX] Crash when changing font and color in Style manager on OS X
- Further investigation reveals that the Cocoa implementation of QColorDialog::getColor is unstable because the Mac Coc...
05:12 PM Bug report #3753 (Closed): "Zoom to best scale" takes a long time (inf?) for TMS layers.
- Ok, I've checked it twice and the ticket was invalid. Sorry. The problem was in the xml file.
The "zoom to best scal... -
05:12 PM Bug report #3753 (Closed): "Zoom to best scale" takes a long time (inf?) for TMS layers.
- Ok, I've checked it twice and the ticket was invalid. Sorry. The problem was in the xml file.
The "zoom to best scal... -
02:31 PM Bug report #3804: Georeferencer deletes active raster
- I'm reassigning it to Manuel, do you still maintain the Georeferencer?
01:40 PM Bug report #3804 (Closed): Georeferencer deletes active raster
- If you set the output raster to overwrite the input raster (the one that is being georeferenced) but then click cance...
10:14 AM Bug report #3648: Qgis 1.6/trunk, osgeo4w/standalone hangs/crashes when adding GRASS vectors in a...
- Me too on Win7, although I have had other versions of GRASS on this machine.
QGIS from the osgeo install.
12:07 AM Feature request #3488: Expression based labeling
- That would indeed be very useful and a killer feature for QGIS' next version.
Other practical uses for expression ba... -
04:16 PM Bug report #3800 (Closed): Replace -mask by -cutline in Gdaltools
- fixed, commit 626f9dd57ec9c0ab97ca
04:16 PM Bug report #3800 (Closed): Replace -mask by -cutline in Gdaltools
- fixed, commit 626f9dd57ec9c0ab97ca
05:05 AM Bug report #3803 (Closed): Problems with merge tool
- Dear,
in the course of my work came across a problem in the Merge tool QGIS, as described below:
In my industry wor...
01:47 AM Bug report #3801 (Closed): libintl-8.dll not present
- I had libqp version 8.3.10-1
After re-installation (still 8.3.10-1) all is working.
Thanks -
01:47 AM Bug report #3801 (Closed): libintl-8.dll not present
- I had libqp version 8.3.10-1
After re-installation (still 8.3.10-1) all is working.
Thanks -
05:28 AM Bug report #3801: libintl-8.dll not present
- check if your libpq package is up-to-date. See also "osgeo4w-dev: libintl-8.dll":
05:01 AM Bug report #3801 (Closed): libintl-8.dll not present
- When using QGis 1.6 or 1.7.0-132 on Windows (with Osgeo4w), each version refuse to be launched because "libintl-8.dll...
11:51 PM Bug report #3648: Qgis 1.6/trunk, osgeo4w/standalone hangs/crashes when adding GRASS vectors in a...
- Replying to [comment:13 hamish]:
> 2)
> Smells like a work-around.
And ... -
11:32 PM Bug report #3648: Qgis 1.6/trunk, osgeo4w/standalone hangs/crashes when adding GRASS vectors in a...
- Replying to [comment:18 lutra]:
> adding a GRASS vector to the qgis canvas (via the GRASS browser or using the "view ... -
11:17 PM Bug report #3648: Qgis 1.6/trunk, osgeo4w/standalone hangs/crashes when adding GRASS vectors in a...
- I think this is really blocking for release, as it makes half of GRASS unusable.
03:13 PM Bug report #3648: Qgis 1.6/trunk, osgeo4w/standalone hangs/crashes when adding GRASS vectors in a...
- Hi all,
I finally made further tests, using qgis/osgeo4w (both 1.6 and trunk) and trunk/standalone created with crea... -
11:38 PM Feature request #3726 (Closed): WMS Layer Order
- Replying to [comment:1 jef]:
> doesn't commit:7b4e6998 (SVN r15682) already fix your issues?
I guess it is - and no ... -
11:38 PM Feature request #3726 (Closed): WMS Layer Order
- Replying to [comment:1 jef]:
> doesn't commit:7b4e6998 (SVN r15682) already fix your issues?
I guess it is - and no ... -
03:56 PM Feature request #3721 (Closed): save button in GUI of Attribute table
- applied in commit:22c7246a
03:56 PM Feature request #3721 (Closed): save button in GUI of Attribute table
- applied in commit:22c7246a
03:51 PM Feature request #3645 (Closed): synchronize QGIS' SRS definitions with GDAL's 1.8.0 SRS database
- applied in commit:a9aafd07
03:51 PM Feature request #3645 (Closed): synchronize QGIS' SRS definitions with GDAL's 1.8.0 SRS database
- applied in commit:a9aafd07
03:51 PM Feature request #3770 (Closed): Cannot add parts to multipoint or multilinestring feature
- applied in commit:b8642a93
03:51 PM Feature request #3770 (Closed): Cannot add parts to multipoint or multilinestring feature
- applied in commit:b8642a93
03:33 PM Bug report #3802 (Closed): QGIS crashes using some options of new labelling tool
- QGIS (version 15861M) crash always with this sequence of commands.
On windows 7.
1. Load shapefile "linee.shp"
2. Lo... -
03:02 PM Bug report #3791: (windows): qgis trunk/osgeo4w crashes if "HKCU\\Software\\QuantumGIS" is remove...
- > > By the way, activating the option and adding a vector causes qgis to crash.
> > Does not happen on osgeo4w/1.6
> ... -
10:32 AM Bug report #3794: Rotated raster tiff freezing QGIS
- Replying to "kagou":/issues/show/3794:
> Qgis is so slow than it's unusable.
I confirm it also under Linux. I don'... -
10:25 AM Bug report #3790: OTF Raster Reprojection artifacts (at some scales)
- Odd, using trunk (same revision ) on both linux and windows I can reproduce the artifacts only under linux. On Window...
09:08 AM Bug report #3693: Major system-wide crash on Composer when paper-size option is clicked.
- Actually, I tried the same on another 64-bit-Ubuntu PC and worked just fine. So, it more like a thing with this ACER ...
03:59 AM Feature request #3430: fill pattern missing for point markers in new symbology engine
- Oh, yeah - I noticed another problem.
In the symbol layers box with these patches it only shows the fill, whereas i... -
03:54 AM Feature request #3430: fill pattern missing for point markers in new symbology engine
- Ah - there's a preview button! I should use it ;)
>- fill style is not applied to selected features (act... -
03:47 AM Feature request #3430: fill pattern missing for point markers in new symbology engine
- .
03:42 AM Feature request #3430: fill pattern missing for point markers in new symbology engine
- .
01:46 AM Bug report #3800 (Closed): Replace -mask by -cutline in Gdaltools
- When you add a mask layer using the gdarlwarp's UI included in [[GdalTools]], it adds the option -mask which does not...
01:23 AM Bug report #3465: Legend in map composer has an infinite height
- You are right!
when opening a brand new project, with no layer, legend is ok. Adding a shape,huge legend, changing th... -
12:56 AM Feature request #3716 (Closed): value relation attribute editor
- applied in commit:40bcb996
12:56 AM Feature request #3716 (Closed): value relation attribute editor
- applied in commit:40bcb996
12:55 AM Feature request #3768 (Closed): print composer & wms layers (max size)
- applied in commit:d508f56a
12:55 AM Feature request #3768 (Closed): print composer & wms layers (max size)
- applied in commit:d508f56a
12:52 AM Feature request #3793 (Closed): windows mapserver patch
- applied in commit:5794256c
12:52 AM Feature request #3793 (Closed): windows mapserver patch
- applied in commit:5794256c
11:25 PM Feature request #3799: Cannot add new OGR layer types
- Replying to "mattwigway":/issues/show/3799:
> As of OGR 1.9, "CouchDB Spatial": i... -
11:10 PM Feature request #3799 (Closed): Cannot add new OGR layer types
- As of OGR 1.9, "CouchDB Spatial": is now supported, but QGIS does not allow you t...
11:45 AM Feature request #3770 (In Progress): Cannot add parts to multipoint or multilinestring feature
11:31 AM Bug report #3798 (Closed): can't add csv files in trunk/linux, trough the "add vector" dialog
- it works under trunk/windows.
The message is "datasource not recognized". I'm under Ubuntu 10.04. -
02:42 AM Feature request #1419: labels consisting of multiple field should be possible
- agreed, this one has its own merit (I just had one such use case)
01:12 AM Feature request #3797 (Closed): Specify joint style for Simple Markers
- Simple symbols for point layers have bevelled joints. Why would anyone want bevelled joints? :)
Ideally it would be ... -
12:58 AM Feature request #1419: labels consisting of multiple field should be possible
- That should have looked something like this :)...
12:56 AM Feature request #1419: labels consisting of multiple field should be possible
- No. That is for situations where you want to put different labels in different places. This is for situations where...
12:14 AM Feature request #1419: labels consisting of multiple field should be possible
- Could "multiple labels" as described in ticket #3796 be a solution for this as well ?
12:11 AM Feature request #3796: Multiple labels per layer
- Oh, note that this is _NOT_ a duplicate of #1419, but might solve that issue as well.
12:10 AM Feature request #3796 (Closed): Multiple labels per layer
- I often need to setup 3 labels for an "edge" layer: edge_id (on the line), face_left (at the left of the line), face_...
Also available in: Atom