Feature request #3863

Bookmarks fixes and enhancements

Added by Steven Mizuno about 13 years ago. Updated about 13 years ago.

Assignee:nobody -
Pull Request or Patch supplied: Resolution:fixed
Easy fix?:No Copied to github as #:13921


After some extensive use of bookmarks to explore scattered areas on a map I found some problems with the Bookmarks tool as well as some missing functionality that is very useful to have. I am offering a patch to fix and improve Bookmarks.

Here are the issues:

1. a bookmark fails (silently) to store if it has a single-quote in the name (or project name). The quote mark is now escaped before inserting the text in the database.

2. double-click on a bookmark item did not work (help says you can) due to an incorrect slot name. The automatic signal/slot binding didn't work because of this. This fixes #2774

3. the stored precision of the extent was limited to 6 digits. I believe that full floating point precision (17 digits) should be preserved, so the number output precision is set to 17.

4. have to delete a bookmark, then create a new one in order to update the extent. I have provided an Update button to do this as well as help text on its use.

In the process of working out the coding for the fixes and improvements, I have:

+ reworked some of the Sqlite calls to simplify them as I found them complicated to understand

+ put the call to restorePosition in QgsBookmarks constructor instead of QgisApp. It makes little sense to have the main program call restore if the saving was done in the destructor.

patch-for-3863.txt Magnifier - patch Bookmarks (9.85 KB) Steven Mizuno, 2011-06-02 07:58 AM


#1 Updated by Jürgen Fischer about 13 years ago

  • Resolution set to fixed
  • Status changed from Open to Closed

Also available in: Atom PDF