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Toggle check # Tracker Status Priority Subject Assignee Updated
2656Bug reportClosedLowWMS layers sometimes do not display when render cache mode is active2012-01-28 03:11 PM
1329Bug reportClosedLowVector Properties dialog - Labels tab - several minor problems2012-01-28 03:08 PM
3380Bug reportClosedLowCrash when repeatedly switching symbology renderer2012-01-28 03:04 PM
3842Bug reportClosedLowMissing Icons all element QGIS2012-01-28 02:42 PM
4876Bug reportClosedLowEditing a shapefile - 2 regressions from early December 2011.2012-01-25 10:26 AM
3827Bug reportClosedLowGeoref not using the defined compression2012-01-24 02:34 AM
3002Bug reportClosedLowSlow conversion to spatialite using "Save as"2012-01-23 11:30 PM
1209Feature requestClosedLowGPS plugin - use stored path for all file browser dialogs; also save/use file type2012-01-12 09:01 AM
3427Feature requestClosedLowUnnecessary rendering overhead2012-01-12 12:49 AM
3555Feature requestClosedLowAdd exported dataset dialog2012-01-11 06:44 AM
4179Feature requestClosedLowAdd "?" tool to help menu (currently it is only on the toolbar)2012-01-11 06:33 AM
3201Feature requestClosedLowAttribute table editor shouldn't allow columns named 'shape'2012-01-09 03:24 AM
3181Bug reportClosedLowv.clean.prune command without key2012-01-06 05:46 AM
558Feature requestClosedLowHighlight Layers2012-01-02 06:13 AM
3084Feature requestClosedLowRule-based renderer should allow reordering after rules have been created2011-12-29 02:19 AM
2258Bug reportClosedLowmultiple attribute tables for one layers; many docked attribute tables make layer list unreadable2011-12-26 05:37 AM
1073Feature requestClosedLowRecurrent search of missing layers in given directory2011-12-25 12:10 PM
1399Feature requestClosedLowMetadata management in QGIS2011-12-25 12:01 PM
1238Feature requestClosedLowincrease the precision of lines/outlines size settings in Symbology2011-12-25 11:55 AM
1356Bug reportClosedLowcreate index incorrect for MapInfo files2011-12-25 11:25 AM
783Feature requestClosedLowAllow multi-layer selection in the legend and zoom to various layers at same time2011-12-25 10:08 AM
1418Feature requestClosedLowLayer Properties, Labels, buffer, multiline labels don't work2011-12-25 08:46 AM
4697Bug reportClosedLowqtcreator driven builds fail to update qgsversion.h2011-12-24 02:33 AM
4694Bug reportClosedLowHourglass not shown when classifying2011-12-23 12:07 PM
4487Bug reportClosedLowCrash when splitting polygons in shp file2011-12-23 08:59 AM
3860Bug reportClosedLowCrash when setting vector area class transparency2011-12-23 08:01 AM
3809Bug reportClosedLow[QGIS1.7] Crash when saving shp layer as .mif2011-12-23 07:53 AM
3791Bug reportClosedLow(windows): qgis trunk/osgeo4w crashes if "HKCU\\Software\\QuantumGIS" is removed from registry2011-12-23 07:41 AM
3667Bug reportClosedLowWhen opening a Version 1.4.0 project file (*.qgs) with Version 1.6.0 QGIS crashes2011-12-23 07:38 AM
3527Bug reportClosedLowCrash when removing layers from project2011-12-23 07:35 AM
3412Bug reportClosedLowcrash when double clicking edit table button2011-12-23 07:00 AM
2865Bug reportClosedLowQGIS crashes if border style differ from Solid Line and scale is very high2011-12-23 06:22 AM
2267Bug reportClosedLow"graphics interchange format" is repeated in the raster file list2011-12-21 08:21 AM
4652Bug reportClosedLowAn odd coordinate reference system – Pulkovo 1942(58) (GDAL compatible)2011-12-19 07:51 AM
2979Feature requestClosedLowNew Legend Type2011-12-16 02:50 PM
3219Feature requestClosedLowBackgrounds for labels2011-12-16 09:57 AM
2663Feature requestClosedLowformat floating point labels2011-12-16 09:52 AM
3833Bug reportClosedLowGraduated symbols missing from exported pdf2011-12-15 10:18 PM
4326Feature requestClosedLowSet the save dialog project name same as project title2011-12-15 03:59 AM
3251Bug reportClosedLowPDF export creates a PDF with strange text encoding (or something)2011-12-13 07:12 PM
2977Bug reportClosedLowMessy uninstallation of the standalone installer2011-12-10 05:55 AM
3294Bug reportClosedLowNode tool not working well2011-12-10 05:46 AM
3723Bug reportClosedLowTransparency settings are not applied from *.qml2011-12-10 02:50 AM
3577Bug reportClosedLowAdding a print composer doesn't dirty the document2011-12-10 01:43 AM
4134Bug reportClosedLowtrying to connect to a non-spatialite sqlite db makes the mouse pointer into an hourglass2011-12-09 09:51 AM
1343Bug reportClosedLowdxf2shp plugin does not distinguish between polygon and polyline correctly2011-12-09 09:04 AM
747Bug reportClosedLowimporting 3D geom into PostGIS via SPIT plugin2011-12-09 09:01 AM
3786Bug reportClosedLowin the composer, map labels and symbols defined in points/mm should be scaled on-screen to match the page size2011-12-08 02:54 PM
4035Bug reportClosedLowPrint Composer shape combo box not refecting current shape2011-12-02 05:13 AM
3387Feature requestClosedLowlet the user select the color map extreme colors2011-11-18 08:24 AM
4376Bug reportClosedLowQGIS doesn't ask for the CRS when loading GPX files, but it does when loading CSV ones2011-11-13 03:20 AM
3696Bug reportClosedLowclassification keeps remembering a removed feature class2011-11-12 05:08 AM
2779Feature requestClosedLowbatch creation of spatial index (.qix)2011-11-12 02:53 AM
4275Feature requestClosedLowStrip off file extension for layer name when adding via the Browser pane2011-11-09 07:24 AM
2972Feature requestClosedLowSave and load queries in the provider query builder2011-11-09 07:18 AM
4444Bug reportClosedLowError when loading Python plugins2011-10-31 06:19 AM
4133Bug reportClosedLowIdentify results - previous state (location, docked status, size) is not saved2011-10-27 07:45 PM
2352Bug reportClosedLowmap is drawn twice on toggling a layer's visibility2011-10-25 04:12 PM
2225Feature requestClosedLowRegular expressions support for field calculator2011-10-24 11:28 PM
2389Feature requestClosedLowfunction to create simple geometries, square, rectangle, triangle2011-10-24 11:15 AM
4387Bug reportClosedLowNew labelling: "add direction symbol" does not make sense for polygons and points2011-10-19 05:51 AM
2880Bug reportClosedLowmakefiles not parallel building proof2011-10-16 03:29 PM
4390Bug reportClosedLowCould not find GRASS, vanilla GRASS install2011-10-16 05:30 AM
3796Feature requestClosedLowMultiple labels per layer2011-10-15 07:27 AM
1825Feature requestClosedLowRe-center to current cursor postion at zooming2011-10-12 02:02 AM
4158Bug reportClosedLowZoom to layer extent does not take into account labels2011-10-07 07:30 PM
4332Feature requestClosedLowAdd an option "set project CRS from first loaded layer"2011-10-03 04:12 AM
3694Bug reportClosedLowWMS quality worse on QGIS server compared to QGIS desktop2011-10-01 02:22 AM
4298Bug reportClosedLowPatch: minor typos in the code2011-09-30 10:21 AM
3825Bug reportClosedLowTwo decimal places for symbology in map unit is not suited for lat-long data2011-09-30 04:58 AM
4331Bug reportClosedLowClassification dialog issues2011-09-30 04:56 AM
3758Feature requestClosedLowSeparation in symbol layer properties2011-09-14 02:54 AM
2152Bug reportClosedLowDiagram overlays: retain diagram configuration after switching diagram type2011-09-03 02:37 AM
1419Feature requestClosedLowlabels consisting of multiple field should be possible2011-08-28 06:57 PM
4177Bug reportClosedLowrestart needed to hide some disabled plugins2011-08-17 03:36 AM
3861Bug reportClosedLowQGis cannot be started2011-07-22 09:39 AM
4072Bug reportClosedLowWindow title: project name is cut off at the first dot2011-07-19 08:23 PM
4024Bug reportClosedLowexport: no warning when overwriting a file2011-07-15 10:24 AM
3574Bug reportClosedLowMap overview and composer show vertex markers for layers in editing mode2011-07-12 02:26 AM
4018Bug reportClosedLowng-labeling disfunctions for unicode columns2011-07-06 04:58 AM
4047Feature requestClosedLowplugin postgis manager - table versioning tool: improvement2011-07-05 03:01 AM
3855Bug reportClosedLowPython console gets stuck if you use [Enter] from the number pad2011-07-05 01:37 AM
3130Bug reportClosedLowInternal SVG resources not selectable on OS X2011-07-03 11:39 AM
3854Bug reportClosedLowCrash when labeling layer with cyrillic name2011-07-02 03:22 AM
3830Bug reportClosedLowno tiff support in Ubuntu 11.04 with ubuntugis gdal (1.8.0)2011-06-27 02:40 PM
3016Feature requestClosedLowAdd feature: File>Open project as group2011-06-21 12:50 AM
3004Bug reportClosedLowDXF is offered as a "Save as" option, but doesn't work2011-06-19 07:44 AM
3866Bug reportClosedLowMeasure tool is windows is unusable2011-06-18 09:44 AM
3857Bug reportClosedLowShapefile cannot be saved if joined table contains field names longer than 10 characters2011-06-03 05:34 AM
3859Bug reportClosedLowsegfault on exit after using GRASS layer2011-06-01 01:30 PM
3852Feature requestClosedLowIt should be allowed to filter shapefile vector layers by id2011-05-27 12:44 PM
3846Bug reportClosedLowgrass edit: new boundary help message inconsistency2011-05-26 12:07 PM
3821Bug reportClosedLowSaving to DXF results in a file with incomplete extension2011-05-11 11:43 AM
3798Bug reportClosedLowcan't add csv files in trunk/linux, trough the "add vector" dialog2011-05-10 09:54 AM
3776Feature requestClosedLowJoin attributs from a non-geographical table2011-04-27 07:27 AM
3750Bug reportClosedLowField calaculator: $x and $y functions always return result as integer values2011-04-17 06:40 AM
2500Bug reportClosedLowBroken copy functionality in python error output window2011-04-16 04:32 AM
3713Bug reportClosedLowMemory layer's fields not shown in attribute table (and layer properties) unless refreshed by entering the edit mode2011-04-09 05:50 AM
3641Bug reportClosedLowBug in ShapeFile to postgis import Tool2011-03-19 02:55 PM
121Feature requestClosedLowjoin external tables to geometries2011-03-12 07:49 AM
3595Bug reportClosedLowKML files do not show in "add vector layer" dialog2011-03-11 12:50 PM
3542Bug reportClosedLowTable edits cause loss of geometry2011-03-08 03:05 PM
2176Bug reportClosedLowOGR converter: CSV export is broken2011-03-04 09:52 AM
1729Feature requestClosedLowMapInfo: OGR layer converter doesn't work2011-03-04 09:51 AM
2418Bug reportClosedLowOGR layer converter errors2011-03-04 09:48 AM
3494Bug reportClosedLowGibberish in file names after splitting layer2011-02-20 01:44 AM
3495Bug reportClosedLowError while saving vector layer into folder with cyrillic2011-02-16 03:04 AM
2551Bug reportClosedLowSPIT crashes if path to shapefile contains cyrillic2011-02-13 07:14 PM
2339Bug reportClosedLowQGis crashes when moving border between map canvas and overview map and "use render caching..." enabled2011-01-14 03:33 PM
2700Bug reportClosedLowAdding a layer from py plugin, with QgsVectorLayer.setEditFormInit (QString function) set2010-09-19 08:57 AM
2538Bug reportClosedLowQGIS 1.0.2 (Windows binary) crashes on signal from QgsMapToolEmitPoint2010-09-16 11:41 PM
2155Feature requestClosedLowAPI request: add getGeometry method to QgsRubberBand()2010-08-25 02:16 AM
2797Bug reportClosedLowChange EPSG for a WMS Layer2010-07-01 04:14 PM
2203Bug reportClosedLowGPS Tools: spaces in Output File path2010-06-12 10:59 AM
2612Bug reportClosedLowCheck geometry validity returns non OGC compliant result2010-03-31 02:51 AM
2559Bug reportClosedLowI want to save a Projekt, then qGIS crashes and in 2 from 3 cases the project is ruined2010-03-23 11:01 AM
361Feature requestClosedLow"Add as group" option for add data dialog2010-03-20 05:54 AM
1878Feature requestClosedLowremove setjmp/longjmp in grass plugin&provider and use exceptions instead2010-03-15 12:51 PM
2512Bug reportClosedLowGeneral plugin failure if "username" in C:/Documents and Settings/username has non-ascii characters2010-03-07 08:19 AM
2195Feature requestClosedLowDXF2SHP converter plugin improvement2010-02-10 08:58 AM
1759Bug reportClosedLowGrids seems to miss lines2010-01-25 02:29 PM
2378Bug reportClosedLowaddAttribute() doesn't work2010-01-19 11:32 PM
1917Bug reportClosedLow[Vista] GRASS module v.out.* crashes2009-12-06 01:43 PM
1890Bug reportClosedLowGRASS plugin fails to read raster / vector data on windows xp and vista2009-08-26 10:19 AM
129Feature requestClosedLowMapComposer Template save/open not yet implemented2009-08-22 12:57 AM
505Feature requestClosedLowspatial bookmarks always active (instead should be active only where created)2009-08-22 12:57 AM
865Bug reportClosedLowSPIT segfaults2009-08-22 12:54 AM
574Bug reportClosedLowCrash when opening .tif when projection is on2009-08-22 12:51 AM
599Bug reportClosedLowLegend label not retained2009-08-22 12:51 AM
600Bug reportClosedLowRenaming layer in legend doesn't stick2009-08-22 12:51 AM
383Bug reportClosedLowCrash when opening vector properties dialog on OS X2009-08-22 12:46 AM
444Bug reportClosedLowlow resolution in print composer and in the output (svn 6261)2009-08-22 12:46 AM
270Bug reportClosedLowPrint composer and printing (OSX)2009-08-22 12:46 AM
1707Bug reportClosedLowSorting of a table column doesn't work correct for primary keys2009-08-19 09:45 AM
1638Feature requestClosedLowcopy/paste of attributes/layers (merge) gives unexpected results(?)2009-08-10 07:51 AM
344Feature requestClosedLowDPI is not stored in the output PNG2009-07-19 01:57 AM
1099Feature requestClosedLowbutton to add class graduated symbol dialog2009-07-17 06:11 AM
1045Bug reportClosedLowRenaming layer in legend requires layer name change to cancel it's renaming2009-07-04 01:34 PM

1 ... 82 83 84 (16601-16738/16738) Per page: 25, 50, 100, 200

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