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Toggle check # Tracker Status Priority Subject Assignee Updated
1831Feature requestClosedLowMultiple Selections for Legend in Map composer2013-03-16 12:58 PM
1786Feature requestClosedLowSVG symbols don't highlight when selected2013-03-16 12:55 PM
1787Feature requestClosedLowLine and polygon rotation2013-03-16 12:51 PM
1514Feature requestClosedLowRequest: Default web browser action "openurl"2013-03-16 09:53 AM
1283Feature requestClosedLowlet modify font color in legend, label, scale2013-03-16 09:37 AM
6625Bug reportClosedLowClasses in Natural Braeks (Jenks) Symbology2013-03-11 01:27 PM
6184Bug reportClosedLowMap canvas does not update after "paste style"2013-02-24 05:42 PM
4870Bug reportClosedLowPlugin reorganization: Move "Table Manager" plugin to "Vector" Menu and "Open Layers" do "Web" menu2013-02-08 04:03 AM
7022Feature requestClosedLowOffer to enable 'on the fly' CRS transformation when layers with different CRS are added to a project2013-01-22 08:38 AM
6942Bug reportClosedLowLegend title bounding box cutting off letters2013-01-03 02:56 PM
3314Bug reportClosedLowNode tool does not allow multiple-selection when geometry is invalid2012-12-30 08:41 AM
2976Bug reportClosedLowWrong properties display for GRASS Raster2012-12-30 08:30 AM
3109Bug reportClosedLowswitching layers does not work2012-12-30 08:28 AM
2483Bug reportClosedLowWindow resize/zoom problem with large rasters2012-12-30 08:15 AM
2381Bug reportClosedLowprint composer, attribute table lost settings in the item table2012-12-30 08:13 AM
3686Bug reportClosedLowinfinite loop2012-12-14 09:06 AM
2518Feature requestClosedLowcolumn limit when copying to clipboard from the table of attibutes: add a checkbox to avoid copy nodes coordinates2012-12-10 02:28 PM
4365Feature requestClosedLowAdd log/ln functions to the field calculator2012-12-10 02:11 PM
1483Feature requestClosedLowPossibility to copy and paste a layer2012-11-30 01:06 AM
3229Feature requestClosedLowNEW Symbology - Possibility to add saved styles to a group2012-11-20 02:42 PM
1066Feature requestClosedLowUse separate categories/folder for SVG symbols in vector symbology2012-11-20 02:24 PM
6174Feature requestClosedLowDocument that "Simplify tolerance" set to 0 works to remove duplicate nodes2012-11-20 10:16 AM
1788Feature requestClosedLowOverview should show extent of overview items, not all project layers2012-11-19 11:08 AM
4463Feature requestClosedLowMissing Large Icon in Ubuntu Package2012-11-14 09:42 PM
6233Feature requestClosedLowadd filters for explicitly save in tab or mif in 'save as ' dialog2012-11-07 04:10 AM
3402Feature requestClosedLowFeature count when using classifed symbology2012-11-06 11:14 PM
6559Feature requestClosedLowThe Icons for the QGIS Browser & Application need to be different.2012-11-03 12:32 PM
3737Bug reportClosedLowincorrect feature count with rule based renderer2012-10-31 10:24 AM
3446Bug reportClosedLow"Layers" panel issue2012-10-31 02:57 AM
3455Bug reportClosedLowOTF or save as in another projection not work no more2012-10-31 02:56 AM
6581Bug reportClosedLowTransformation2012-10-29 12:40 AM
2783Feature requestClosedLowZoom to group2012-10-09 02:30 AM
1771Feature requestClosedLowLine widths should allow map units next to mm2012-10-06 02:48 AM
4347Bug reportClosedLowraster and vector rendering mismatched by 1 pixel at some zoom levels2012-10-06 02:43 AM
1386Feature requestClosedLowEnhanced Map Tips through Macro Language/Operators2012-10-06 02:39 AM
4720Bug reportClosedLowcfloat32/64 or cint16/32 rasters do not show in QGIS canvas2012-10-05 11:20 AM
3731Bug reportClosedLowRaster stats calculated twice2012-10-05 05:54 AM
3790Bug reportClosedLowOTF Raster Reprojection artifacts (at some scales)2012-10-05 02:18 AM
3732Bug reportClosedLowStatistics missing in metadata2012-10-04 05:04 PM
3733Bug reportClosedLowDummy transparency and nodata values2012-10-04 04:53 PM
3788Bug reportClosedLowProblem Datum Transformation2012-09-13 01:22 PM
3492Feature requestClosedLowlabel-ng: add X,Y offset2012-09-04 11:57 PM
6105Bug reportClosedLowbroken link to old wiki in plugin_template readme2012-09-04 11:46 PM
6287Feature requestClosedLowThousand separators to numeric scalebar in map composer2012-09-03 05:11 AM
6234Bug reportClosedLowStrikeout Font not applied using "modify label" dialog2012-08-28 03:09 PM
4385Bug reportClosedLowLabelling window do not resize correctly2012-08-23 03:11 AM
1704Bug reportClosedLowLabel buffer doesn't work in map units2012-08-20 03:48 AM
3193Bug reportClosedLowBug when trying to change Thematic Maps Colors2012-08-16 10:20 AM
2249Bug reportClosedLowFont size in label preview should not changes when "Font size units: Map units" is selected2012-08-13 08:33 AM
3727Bug reportClosedLowFeatures not represented with rule-based renderer still get labelled2012-08-12 01:18 AM
2568Feature requestClosedLowMore predefined color tables for raster maps2012-08-10 12:39 PM
5422Bug reportClosedLoweVis database connection broken on Linux?2012-08-02 04:52 AM
2777Feature requestClosedLowAdd EPSG:38122012-07-22 04:40 PM
6053Bug reportClosedLowStartup tip misrepresents the GPL2012-07-16 11:19 PM
6034Bug reportClosedLowImpossible to open the .qgs file I've just saved with QGIS 1.82012-07-13 09:01 AM
2854Bug reportClosedLowExit-call in libqgis_core2012-06-29 07:08 AM
5845Bug reportClosedLowPlugin list: sort order2012-06-24 11:44 PM
4551Feature requestClosedLowExpression parser: automatic conversion to string should be consistent2012-06-22 11:20 AM
5641Bug reportClosedLowEmpty query does not get processed in query builder2012-06-16 02:29 AM
5621Bug reportClosedLowmake browser remove the file extensions when dragging and dropping layers into the canvas2012-05-28 04:41 PM
5632Bug reportClosedLowGrammar mistake in CRS dialogue - "coordinate references systems"2012-05-23 09:40 PM
5184Bug reportRejectedLowGoogleLayersPlugin 0.7.2 crash with 1.74 and QGIS-master2012-05-23 06:15 AM
4074Bug reportClosedLow"invert color map" is not checked when it has been enabled for a layer2012-05-19 07:53 PM
5570Bug reportClosedLowmissed errors using `Check geometry validity` tool2012-05-11 02:03 AM
3565Feature requestClosedLowAdd layer by drag'n'drop to map frame2012-05-06 06:41 AM
5412Feature requestClosedLowMake the About>Developers page more human2012-05-06 05:27 AM
5530Feature requestClosedLowToolbar icons for Georeferencer2012-05-06 04:43 AM
5508Bug reportClosedLowDBF encoding and cyrillic values2012-04-27 04:38 AM
1726Feature requestClosedLowStyled Layer Descriptor (SLD) Support2012-04-27 02:12 AM
3346Bug reportClosedLowBug: composer legend - symbols and labels are not vertically aligned2012-04-23 02:40 AM
2760Bug reportClosedLowSpatiaLite Layers Not Displaying in PPC Mac2012-04-20 09:29 AM
1718Bug reportClosedLowIncorrect unique key interpretation on PostGIS view - view doesn't load as expected2012-04-18 01:13 AM
1493Feature requestClosedLowImpossible to use internal ID field to label features2012-04-18 01:09 AM
4167Bug reportClosedLowmulti-band gray-scale raster style forgets band selection on edit2012-04-17 09:08 AM
1928Bug reportClosedLowCustom CRS def'n fails if name contains an apostrophe2012-04-17 08:21 AM
3820Bug reportClosedLowLayer postgres dont recognize unique key index2012-04-17 05:36 AM
3781Bug reportClosedLowDocked window Attribute Table displays 'ERROR' after save edits of a Postgis layer2012-04-17 05:32 AM
4392Bug reportClosedLowGRASS-6.4.1: Incompatible library version for module. 2012-04-16 06:59 AM
5195Bug reportClosedLowAdd saved file to the map requires the file extension2012-03-19 08:05 AM
5135Bug reportClosedLowSpurious "Password" field in some GRASS modules2012-03-12 05:57 AM
5134Bug reportClosedLowExpression builder: missing help message is incomplete for some operators2012-03-09 08:53 AM
5140Bug reportClosedLowGeoreferencer demands unneeded filename2012-03-08 11:40 AM
4908Feature requestClosedLowMake WMS identify result more clear (plus wrong window resize)2012-03-07 03:39 AM
5119Bug reportClosedLowGPS Information Panel2012-03-07 03:18 AM
4006Feature requestClosedLowFilter (on load) Postgis layers by canvas Bounding Box2012-03-02 04:34 AM
3763Bug reportClosedLowThe "other" open/save file dialog has timeouts or causes QGIS to stop responding completely2012-02-28 03:05 AM
2691Bug reportClosedLowv.db.what.connect.qgm broken2012-02-24 04:06 AM
5064Feature requestClosedLowLeave table of attributes open when deleting records (directly from the table of attributes)2012-02-21 03:55 PM
5023Bug reportClosedLow"add postgis layers" dialog do not remember the last connection used2012-02-15 09:33 AM
5018Bug reportClosedLowMove Colormap tab2012-02-15 05:39 AM
4998Bug reportClosedLowEnable the checkbox "also list table with no geometry" in the "add postgis layers" dialog2012-02-13 07:52 AM
4992Bug reportClosedLowErrornous query: %1 returned %2 [%3]2012-02-12 11:26 AM
4980Bug reportClosedLowWrong tooltip in print composer2012-02-10 09:31 PM
1302Bug reportClosedLowImpossible to add more than 128 rasters in OSX2012-02-07 01:03 AM
3562Bug reportClosedLowQGIS incompatible with QWT 6.0.02012-02-02 02:00 PM
3315Bug reportClosedLowediting the attribute table POSTGIS in QGis via VPN2012-01-31 03:41 PM
3212Feature requestClosedLowAdd to the action the choice of Python but getting the code from a file2012-01-28 04:19 PM
4114Bug reportClosedLowGDAL Georeferencer Crashes2012-01-28 04:07 PM
4242Bug reportClosedLow[OsX] Program crashing when applying custom rgb color for line color2012-01-28 04:00 PM
3556Feature requestClosedLowMouse cursor coordinate format2012-01-28 03:25 PM

1 ... 164 165 166 167 168 (16501-16600/16738) Per page: 25, 50, 100, 200

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