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Toggle check # Tracker Status Priority Subject Assignee Updated
18343Bug reportOpenNormalQGIS 2.18.16/3.0 Renders Multipolygon Shapefile Incorrectly2019-01-21 10:56 AM
20753Bug reportOpenNormalWKT output is wrong for EMPTY geometries2019-01-29 09:31 AM
14640Bug reportOpenNormalPyQGIS Creating empty geometry from WKT does not work as expected2019-03-12 11:25 AM
20780Bug reportOpenNormalCannot copy text in QGIS 3.4.2 with either Ctrl-C or by context menu2018-12-11 08:36 PM
20559Bug reportOpenNormalCopy>paste from a grass polygon layer gives unexpected results2019-01-28 10:52 AM
20790Bug reportOpenNormalQGIS crashes computer due to lack of memory2018-12-17 02:14 PM
20165Bug reportOpenNormalproject selection combobox initially empty when trying to open project from postresql2018-12-17 02:40 PM
19276Bug reportOpenNormalGRASS 7 digitising bug 'Could not Commit changes' 2019-01-28 10:53 AM
21046Bug reportOpenNormalUnable to add WCS - bad error reporting2019-01-21 12:18 PM
21453Bug reportOpenNormalSplit features tool behaves unpredictably when split line is snapped on a segment2019-03-03 07:24 PM
20809Bug reportOpenNormalMerge connected lines and Line orentation dependant position error2018-12-14 06:57 AM
20824Bug reportOpenNormalRepresentation for NULL values inconsistent use/display2018-12-17 03:04 PM
20880Bug reportOpenNormalCurved labels disappear when rendering across multiple vertices2018-12-24 11:29 PM
18873Bug reportOpenNormalXYZ Tile Server with custom CRS not working in 2.18 LTS2019-01-21 01:38 PM
21673Bug reportOpenNormalUnable to add new features in QGIS for PostGIS table using sequence for gid. Not providing nextval('sequencename'::regclass) in editor form or attribute table2019-05-23 10:56 AM
21058Bug reportOpenNormalClose error2019-01-21 01:08 PM
19073Bug reportOpenNormalQGIS3.0.x GRASS PATH problem: "ERROR: Path '/<UNKNOWN>/<UNKNOWN>' doesn't exist"2019-01-29 06:01 PM
20874Bug reportOpenNormalField filter in the attribute table not working for numbers as the value gets enclosed as a string2018-12-24 08:41 AM
21061Bug reportOpenNormalfreeze upon save when project is saved into Postgres2019-01-21 07:00 PM
21117Bug reportOpenNormalQGIS works incorectly with SRS 55132019-01-29 10:43 AM
21118Bug reportOpenNormalWromg definition SRS 5514 in shapefile2019-01-29 12:52 PM
21861Bug reportOpenNormalOGR Warning cannot open OUTPUT.file2019-04-16 06:17 PM
20879Bug reportOpenNormalCan't load a report2018-12-24 03:11 PM
20871Bug reportOpenNormalStyle "Meters at scale" hogs CPU2019-02-21 08:41 PM
19071Bug reportOpenNormalDiscard Empty Fields: behaviour, default status, name2018-12-24 09:45 AM
20878Bug reportOpenNormalMultiprocessing with QGis2018-12-25 12:40 AM
20888Bug reportOpenNormalvertex tool + topological editing2018-12-28 09:52 AM
18731Bug reportOpenNormal[Layouts] Removing a page of the layout moves its content to first page and breaks that page layout2018-12-28 12:06 PM
21713Bug reportOpenNormalunvisible mouse cursor on specific backgrounds2019-05-01 11:19 AM
21575Bug reportOpenNormalQGIS doesn't work properly with WFS 2.0.0 combined with OGC HTTP URI srsName style (e.g. 11:32 AM
21721Bug reportOpenNormalDisconnect between raster symbology in Layers Panel and Layer Properties2019-04-01 03:50 PM
18442Bug reportOpenNormalTrouble with geopackage fields length settings2019-04-02 09:04 AM
19564Bug reportOpenNormalPostgreSQL sequences not always used when adding feature2019-05-22 06:40 PM
21455Bug reportOpenNormalmacOS: Error when attempting to connect spatialite DB in DB manager2019-03-04 07:58 PM
21282Bug reportOpenNormal[Expression] point_n function should be coherent with other vertex based functions and algorithms2019-03-13 05:22 AM
21711Bug reportOpenNormalQuit menu disabled in QGIS Mac2019-03-30 08:52 PM
21285Bug reportOpenNormalSVG icon size and position in MAC2019-02-15 03:15 PM
21322Bug reportOpenNormalDocumentation file grass7.txt is not up-to-date2019-02-21 11:51 AM
21727Bug reportOpenNormalFeature attribute selection design bug2019-04-02 01:29 PM
21867Bug reportOpenNormalcan't change value in vertex editor if "locale" settings use commas as decimal separator2019-05-10 06:20 PM
22006Bug reportOpenNormalVertex tool not working on lines when style assigned2019-05-13 09:33 AM
21460Bug reportOpenNormalDoes not properly form SQL queries to insert or update into PostGIS2019-04-02 12:04 AM
21302Bug reportOpenNormalExcessive vertical padding of categories in legend2019-03-04 12:55 AM
21473Bug reportOpenNormalexport project with arrows to dxf bug Arrows2019-03-04 10:25 PM
21487Bug reportOpenNormalDefault project CRS is overridden by data2019-03-06 10:20 AM
21868Bug reportOpenNormaldefault value + "apply default value on update" does not work when using the "split features" tool2019-04-17 08:59 AM
21869Bug reportOpenNormal"Advanced digitizing" panel doesn’t update itself to the active point of origin2019-04-18 08:25 PM
22008Bug reportOpenNormalBatch processing error in r.mapcalc.simple2019-05-07 09:30 AM
20541Bug reportOpenNormal"Topology Checker" and multipart (shapefiles)2019-04-02 12:50 PM
15753Bug reportOpenNormalProcessing: help users in setting up paths2019-03-09 03:27 PM
21341Bug reportOpenNormalStandalone pyqgis application package development failure due to qgis.core dependency on PyQt5 libraries2019-02-21 06:25 PM
21734Bug reportOpenNormalselection color setting has no effect2019-04-02 02:08 PM
21873Bug reportOpenNormalRemove Added Vertex with Add Circular String2019-04-18 01:29 PM
21351Bug reportOpenNormalDetached 3D view 2019-02-22 03:50 PM
22109Bug reportOpenNormalCrashing on Save and Exit2019-05-20 09:38 PM
18356Bug reportOpenNormalDB Manager: import layer into Postgis fails with "Error 5 Creation of fields failed."2019-02-23 03:26 PM
18974Bug reportOpenNormalNo geometry operation on geopackages layers2019-03-09 07:55 PM
19282Bug reportOpenNormalData-defined legend is broken if "map units" are used 2019-04-17 07:24 PM
19435Bug reportOpenNormalSLD import doesn't recognize html enconding in ttf font references 2018-07-17 04:32 PM
19233Bug reportOpenNormaldefault value error2018-06-21 02:29 PM
18580Bug reportOpenNormalValue Relation and Relation reference widget: Entries are sorted although the option "Order by value" is NOT checked2018-03-29 03:42 PM
19019Bug reportOpenNormalToolbars reorganisation is not saved when QGIS is closed2018-05-24 10:51 AM
20637Bug reportOpenNormalVertex Tool: Please make the "Current Layer" the default2018-11-27 08:15 AM
21314Bug reportOpenNormal[Expression] The help in the Function Editor panel is unreadable due to coloring2019-02-19 04:38 PM
19237Bug reportOpenNormalThe "Split Features" tool does not maintain the M values of each point in the new geometries2018-06-21 07:44 PM
21359Bug reportOpenNormalPopped Out Panels Can't be Re-docked 2019-03-04 08:23 PM
21342Bug reportOpenNormalCan't visualize jpg files on Windows2019-03-08 09:08 AM
18322Bug reportOpenNormalZooming in causes canvas to go blank2018-03-15 01:40 PM
15009Bug reportOpenNormalCustomization dialog: (un)checking a level in the tree doesn't (un)check sub-items2018-02-27 07:30 PM
20776Bug reportOpenNormalSymmetric classification collapsible group in symbology --> graduated renderer behaves weirdly2018-12-11 04:22 PM
18039Bug reportOpenNormalHiding a Map View removes it from project without a warning.2018-03-03 09:32 PM
4408Bug reportOpenNormalValidating *.qgs or *.qml against *.dtd2019-03-12 10:27 AM
21318Bug reportOpenNormalTopology checker does not checks gaps and overlaps2019-03-09 08:57 PM
21319Bug reportOpenNormalTopology checker fix only 1 error2019-02-21 01:32 PM
21320Bug reportOpenNormalDraw Effects not saved 2019-02-20 11:43 AM
21321Bug reportOpenNormalOracle connections are not refreshed on the Browser panel2019-02-20 12:29 PM
21498Bug reportOpenNormalpython error when using the QGIS "assign projection" tool in batch mode and output format is GPKG2019-03-06 11:14 AM
5232Bug reportOpenNormal"add direction symbol" does not work with curved labels2018-02-23 04:18 PM
18253Bug reportOpenNormal[Layout][Atlas]Disable the atlas tools when no coverage layer is provided or give more hints on the error message2018-02-27 06:51 PM
15149Bug reportOpenNormalDigitizing: Reshape tool doesn't take into account selection2019-03-09 03:30 PM
15263Bug reportOpenNormalCustomization: Tools selected with the widget catcher are kept selected even if the dialog is cancelled2019-03-09 03:31 PM
18298Bug reportOpenNormalFilter expression on virtual layer is not saved2019-03-09 03:34 PM
21508Bug reportOpenNormalSaving Layer Theme discards subgroup selection2019-03-07 06:48 PM
21906Bug reportOpenNormalconstraints do not work in table "form view" or "table view"2019-04-23 06:42 PM
6332Bug reportOpenNormalWCS: the button to cancel download does nothing2019-03-09 04:24 PM
16256Bug reportOpenNormalDiagrams don't render if all values are negative2018-02-27 11:13 PM
21908Bug reportOpenNormalconstraints: "expression" and "expression description" are swapped upon reopening the vector properties2019-04-23 10:10 AM
6616Bug reportOpenNormalPreview in expression builder not always showing2018-03-01 11:56 AM
21323Bug reportOpenNormalSource Fields returns wrong description of attribute table2019-02-20 12:58 PM
20251Bug reportOpenNormalvirtual fields can't be filtered2019-02-05 04:43 AM
22045Bug reportOpenNormalQGIS crashes with VNC connection2019-05-10 03:50 PM
16766Bug reportOpenNormalData defined Assistant: closing the dialog without setting an expression invalidates the widget2018-02-28 10:27 AM
20127Bug reportOpenNormal[Processing] Esri shapefile format is listed twice in file selector dialog when running in batch2018-10-17 01:48 PM
20818Bug reportOpenNormalAdvanced digitizing keeps position of removed vertex2018-12-15 12:45 PM
19320Bug reportOpenNormalQGIS Attributes Form - Bug with Range Widget Type2018-07-03 03:45 PM
19069Bug reportOpenNormalCopy attribute / Copy feature attributes doesn't return value if value is URI2018-05-30 07:16 PM
20694Bug reportOpenNormalQgsVectorLayer 's addFeatures function crashes the app2018-12-02 01:14 PM
17718Bug reportOpenNormalCRS selector: Extent is not displayed for all CRS2019-03-09 07:39 PM
16729Bug reportOpenNormalThe scaling bar go in the "space" after having activate the atlas2018-07-26 05:17 PM
17487Bug reportOpenNormalrotate labels tool does not work properly when canvas is rotated2019-01-28 06:52 PM
16193Bug reportOpenNormalThe new searchbox in the Layer properties dialog prevents minimization of the icons left panel2019-03-02 11:14 AM
20836Bug reportOpenNormalDeactivate "Open ""... entry in "Recent projects" list for unavailable projects2019-03-02 09:19 AM
20890Bug reportOpenNormalStarting the Application creates automatic a shortcut "QGIS3" in users startmenue "%appdata%\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs"2018-12-28 12:29 PM
20891Bug reportOpenNormalIdentify results window too small by default2019-01-30 04:01 AM
19206Bug reportOpenNormalCtrl+C doesn't copy, despite dialog prompt2018-06-27 11:40 PM
19291Bug reportOpenNormalOnly limited number of layers displayed with 3.22018-07-12 01:35 PM
21979Bug reportOpenNormal"Order by expression" doesn't order anything2019-05-02 05:44 PM
18869Bug reportOpenNormal 2.18 Raster Style qml's not applying correctly in QGIS 3.42018-11-02 09:23 AM
20535Bug reportOpenNormalQCA init crash with bundled Qt AND installed Qt2019-05-15 10:16 PM
18575Bug reportOpenNormalQGIS Composer Export Error - File in Use2019-05-11 06:30 PM
9316Bug reportOpenNormalTopology errors detected by some checker, not from others2018-02-24 02:16 PM
18589Bug reportOpenNormalBehavior of Ctrl+T with map annotation tools is hard to understand2018-03-30 02:22 PM
19202Bug reportOpenNormalOpacity slider widget resets raster styles2018-06-15 05:02 PM
9440Bug reportOpenNormalDo not show DB geometric columns in table view2018-02-24 02:17 PM
20448Bug reportOpenNormalThe georeferencer dialog does not remember its size2018-11-11 12:01 PM
6881Bug reportOpenNormalSyntax highlighting not working for raster commands2018-03-01 11:55 AM
18330Bug reportOpenNormal"Vertex Editor" disappears from View / Panel after the panel being closed2018-03-04 08:52 PM
9828Bug reportOpenNormalWMS progress missing2018-02-24 02:34 PM
9896Bug reportOpenNormalWMS GetFeatureInfo search radius2018-03-06 12:44 PM
21168Bug reportOpenNormalDB manager's autocomplete doesn't quote layer names2019-02-07 11:44 AM
21169Bug reportOpenNormalxyz tile matrix error for zoom max levels above 222019-02-05 05:47 AM
18590Bug reportOpenNormalCopy/paste Layer/Group menus vs Duplicate layer(s) action: redundancy?2018-03-30 10:45 PM
18595Bug reportOpenNormalAttribute table icons2018-03-31 10:58 AM
18259Bug reportOpenNormalContext menu items in "OWS" Browser group not working2018-02-28 09:17 AM
20257Bug reportOpenNormalMake the invitation to download newer version translatable2018-10-31 03:50 PM
18362Bug reportOpenNormalRotate tool doesn't work for newly created points in transaction group context2018-10-23 11:48 AM
17905Bug reportOpenNormal[Attribute table] Missing data-defined icons in conditional formatting dialog2019-03-09 06:58 PM
18003Bug reportOpenNormal[Layouts] Button menus behavior is not consistent with main window's2019-03-09 07:03 PM
19208Bug reportOpenNormalQgis desktop 3.0 breaks Cinnamon desktop in Linux Mint2018-06-16 12:26 PM
17804Bug reportOpenNormal[Layouts] Guides information panel only checks first page of the layout2019-03-09 07:10 PM
20839Bug reportOpenNormalQgsCheckableComboBox single item selection bug2018-12-18 02:34 PM
20474Bug reportOpenNormalUnicodeDecodeError: 'gbk' codec can't decode byte 0xac in position 211: illegal multibyte sequence2018-11-13 10:58 AM
20189Bug reportOpenNormalMuted colours in legend when exporting as PDF 2019-03-09 08:56 PM
18904Bug reportOpenNormal[Layer properties] Weird resizing of widgets in Attribute forms tab2018-05-03 05:36 PM
19763Bug reportOpenNormalsetParallelRenderingEnabled not work2018-09-03 08:29 PM
11248Bug reportOpenNormalMetadata should be saved in the style as well2018-03-07 04:35 PM
17493Bug reportOpenNormalQGIS 3D uses a lot of CPU even when idle2019-03-10 12:25 AM
22053Bug reportOpenNormalFilter on WFS only filters on title field2019-05-13 01:11 AM
21215Bug reportOpenNormal[print layout] Item properties for page is hidden when layout is created2019-02-09 09:39 AM
18401Bug reportOpenNormalAfter doing zoom, it does not show any layer2018-08-16 02:18 PM
21216Bug reportOpenNormal[print layout] resizing layout to content, when there is no item2019-02-09 09:44 AM
20859Bug reportOpenNormalqgis uninstalled from debian buster after routine update/upgrade due to bad dependency on libhdf5-1002019-03-10 12:31 AM
20533Bug reportOpenNormalDisplay name in layer properties is not automatically filled2018-11-17 09:16 PM
19221Bug reportOpenNormal[Layer properties] dynamic form of join works only once2018-06-19 01:29 AM
21347Bug reportOpenNormal[Processing] Matrix distance does not output right fields when using N x T matrix type2019-02-22 10:18 AM
11739Bug reportOpenNormalPostGIS tables with missing geometries2018-03-07 04:47 PM
11896Bug reportOpenNormalMessy label backgrounds2018-02-25 05:02 PM
21541Bug reportOpenNormalPseudocolor renderer - discrete color ramp interpolation ignores specified Min/Max2019-03-10 05:55 PM
18924Bug reportOpenNormalMeasurement tool window not visible2018-07-31 06:21 PM
18412Bug reportOpenNormalLayout templates folder is still named composer_templates2018-03-11 10:39 PM
21344Bug reportOpenNormalpasting features changes the order of columns in attributes table (table view)2019-02-22 10:17 AM
19246Bug reportOpenNormal[identify] Identify selection tools do not work when "layer selection" mode is active2018-06-22 01:28 PM
12288Bug reportOpenNormalDrag and Drop a layer from one QGIS instance to an other2019-03-11 11:36 AM
12351Bug reportOpenNormalWeighted concentration renderer: difficult to remove weights2018-03-07 05:36 PM
19247Bug reportOpenNormal[Identify] right-click on features shows unneeded sub menu2018-06-22 01:42 PM
19249Bug reportOpenNormalThe "effect neon" symbol breaks layer type and edit status icons in the Layers panel2018-06-22 03:14 PM
20479Bug reportOpenNormalNatural breaks (Jenks) classes not computed correctly from expression2018-11-13 04:26 PM
19612Bug reportOpenNormalOracle vector features not printed to pdf via standalone pyQGIS script using exporter exportToPdf2018-08-13 06:56 PM
19522Bug reportOpenNormalBuilding QGIS3 against qt-5.11.x2018-08-10 03:37 PM
18607Bug reportOpenNormalPrint layout: locked ratio buttons in item properties position do not work when drawing onto canvas2018-04-01 09:10 PM
22096Bug reportOpenNormalPanels not docking and some invisible2019-05-17 05:16 PM
20792Bug reportOpenNormalEdit line make the project crash2018-12-12 07:16 PM
19770Bug reportOpenNormalPath length limit on file open dialog box2018-09-04 08:07 PM
20793Bug reportOpenNormalField format corrupted when performing save features as... 2018-12-12 09:08 PM
19251Bug reportOpenNormal[identify] Right-click with identify features tool does not work with all selection modes2018-06-22 07:02 PM
20887Bug reportOpenNormalTopology Checker keep settings2019-03-08 02:56 PM
13487Bug reportOpenNormalQGIS allows to create tables with invalid field names2019-03-09 03:24 PM
18960Bug reportOpenNormalUnpinned labels jump to wrong place when moved2018-12-27 04:56 PM
18889Bug reportOpenNormalClipping feature errors trying to clip raster file on Mac (QGIS 3.0.2)2019-04-04 11:16 AM
19198Bug reportOpenNormalNo transparency widget and no icons/classes in layer panel, QGIS 3.1.0-Master2019-04-04 11:16 AM
13918Bug reportOpenNormalCurved placement re-orders Arabic text for labelling2019-04-23 12:29 PM
20331Bug reportOpenNormalDB Manager - error editing an SQLite query - single threads2018-11-02 01:35 PM
21174Bug reportOpenNormalCreating a new map set with GRASS 7.42019-04-04 11:22 AM
19543Bug reportOpenNormalSmall default size of Edit Attributes modal window.2018-08-04 12:45 PM
17992Bug reportOpenNormalDB Manager Versioning: _current view lacks primary key2018-09-25 08:18 PM
18910Bug reportOpenNormalGeopackage converts 8 bit raster in 4 band rgb2018-05-04 04:52 PM
22023Bug reportOpenNormalUbuntu: apt-get update can no longer verify gpg key at 09:35 PM
22098Bug reportOpenNormalSource window GCP point not showing2019-05-18 12:18 AM
14381Bug reportOpenNormalOTF projection affects 2.5d renderer2019-03-11 04:04 PM
18878Bug reportOpenNormalUnable to paste a layer in an empty project2018-04-29 07:16 PM
18879Bug reportOpenNormal[Layers Properties] "Update extents" button does not work2018-04-29 07:40 PM
14472Bug reportOpenNormalAttribute table icons too small on HiDPI2018-07-22 11:09 PM
18880Bug reportOpenNormal[Processing] "Extract layer extent" should not blindly trust layer extent information2018-04-29 07:52 PM
14761Bug reportOpenNormalInverted polygon does not appear in composer legend when filtered by map2018-08-25 03:20 PM
20289Bug reportOpenNormalDB manager: field types for GPKGs are not consistent with the ones available in attribute table2018-10-31 10:35 AM
19777Bug reportOpenNormalExit "Select color" dialog do not close with escape key2018-09-06 11:24 AM
19778Bug reportOpenNormalmacOS: QGIS 3.2.2 canvas do not scale when resizing program window2018-10-10 03:19 PM
20291Bug reportOpenNormalCannot export layer with a field "fid" which is not unique to GeoPackage2018-10-31 12:37 PM
21261Bug reportOpenNormalExpression in text element not working with transparency2019-02-14 10:36 PM
14932Bug reportOpenNormal"NULL" text in null field should disappear as soon as a field gets the focus2019-05-01 05:53 PM
18615Bug reportOpenNormalResize layout to content does not work2018-04-03 02:46 PM
14955Bug reportOpenNormalLayer name completion in Virtual Layer query window fails on whitespace2019-03-16 10:26 PM
21327Bug reportOpenNormal[Style] Export --> Save as QGIS Layer style File should allow to select style categories (and output format)2019-02-26 06:50 PM
15020Bug reportOpenNormalCustomization: the widget catcher can't select icon from a toolbar when it's under a group of icons2018-02-27 07:28 PM
19783Bug reportOpenNormal< WFSLayers > not cleaned in project file when layer is removed2018-09-18 08:05 PM
19363Bug reportOpenNormalCan't lock the map scale in canvas2018-12-19 09:01 AM
15106Bug reportOpenNormalLayer panel: "Edit Symbol" does nothing if no symbol defined for a rule (in rule-based rendering)2018-02-27 07:27 PM
19041Bug reportOpenNormalProblems with legend fonts for some fonts2018-05-28 12:42 AM
15310Bug reportOpenNormalSelecting many features in the attribute table is very slow2019-03-16 10:25 PM
15311Bug reportOpenNormalIssue with QgsVectorLayerUndoCommand class (QGIS crashes)2019-03-20 12:37 PM

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 (601-800/1287) Per page: 25, 50, 100, 200

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