From 2007-03-03 to 2007-04-01
01:59 PM Bug report #688: lines in the legend several times thinner than in the layout
- I confirm this bug with QGIS 0.8.1 SVN 6834, built and and running against QT 4.2.3.
In the map composer, lines' thi... -
01:34 PM Feature request #699 (Closed): problem when moving quickly a layer trough the legend
- QGIS 0.8.1 SVN 6834, built and and running against QT 4.2.3 (but the bugs have been present "since ever", I just did ...
01:08 PM Bug report #698 (Closed): saving a project in a directory with no sufficient rights makes QGIS 0....
- QGIS 0.8.1 SVN 6834, built and and running against QT 4.2.3.
Usually it happens at a 2nd try to save a project in a ... -
11:07 AM Bug report #579 (Closed): error compiling with msexport_wrap.cxx
10:57 AM Feature request #697 (Closed): tr() for GRASS plugin
- Now the GRASS plugin is fully translatable. All files were passed and no other user visible strings were found (excep...
08:18 AM Bug report #696 (Closed): .GPX from IGO gps not loaded completely
- A .gpx track file created with miomap 3.2 (=IGO 2006 software) is not red completely by the GPS plugin.
If "converted...
08:34 PM Bug report #695 (Closed): QGIS crash when loading large raster
- QGis v0.8 crashed when I try to open a [[LandSat]] img file of more than 190 000 kb. I have no problems with small fi...
11:24 AM Bug report #694 (Closed): Text labels missing in postgis vector layer 0.9 trunk
- In the last few svn revisions, the text labeling functionality is broken in postgis layers (possibly all layers -- ha...
10:29 AM Bug report #693 (Closed): Layers (postgis) in 0.9 display incorrectly on project open
- My vector layers are not properly displayed when I open a save project in the trunk build of Qgis. If I uncheck/check...
03:56 AM Bug report #692: Font rendering problems in the GUI
- This problem did not exist in Revision 6800
03:25 AM Bug report #692 (Closed): Font rendering problems in the GUI
- In version 0.9 [HEAD Revision 6845] I found a problem concerning the rendering of fonts. The fonts are scambled in th...
08:46 PM Bug report #673: msexport creates wrong LAYER PROJECTION
- The sourcesrs should be the same as the SRS for the layer. In your sample, province2.shp is in WGS84 (4326). Is this ...
06:17 PM Bug report #687 (Closed): Attribute Edit window disappears off top of screen
- Duplicate of #630
06:17 PM Bug report #687 (Closed): Attribute Edit window disappears off top of screen
- Duplicate of #630
06:13 PM Bug report #691: Crash upon loading text delimited file
- Please attach your text file so we can use it to diagnose the problem. If you don't want to post it publicly, email i...
09:42 AM Bug report #691 (Closed): Crash upon loading text delimited file
- I have created a text file with coordinate points for certain landmarks in the city of Boston. This text file has th...
01:04 PM Bug report #690: No query builder on postgis layers
- Fixed in commit:f9fe126d (SVN r6843).
12:55 PM Bug report #690 (Closed): No query builder on postgis layers
09:07 AM Bug report #690 (Closed): No query builder on postgis layers
- If I add a postgis layer, I can build a query prior to adding the layer with no problems. If I view the properties of...
03:20 AM Feature request #689 (Closed): fill color doesn't affect the symbols
- Hi,
minor issue: if you chose the fish symbol for point data, and then change the fill color, it stays filled with ...
10:54 AM Feature request #685 (Closed): Fixed typos, added i18n
- Done. Thanks!
(/commit:c4b4c3b7 (SVN r6839)) -
10:54 AM Feature request #685 (Closed): Fixed typos, added i18n
- Done. Thanks!
(/commit:c4b4c3b7 (SVN r6839)) -
10:14 AM Bug report #686 (Closed): Attribute window disappears off top of screen and can't get it back
- Dup of #687
10:14 AM Bug report #686 (Closed): Attribute window disappears off top of screen and can't get it back
- Dup of #687
04:38 AM Bug report #686 (Closed): Attribute window disappears off top of screen and can't get it back
- When using the vector editing tools, after a right-click the edit attribute window appears. It was working fine - but...
09:02 AM Bug report #688 (Closed): lines in the legend several times thinner than in the layout
- Lines in legend symbology are thicker than lines in map -- this defect is visible in all compositions made in Print C...
08:03 AM Bug report #423 (Closed): grass plugin - raster visualization and export on windows
- same problem in another ticket.
quite a big problem, indeed. -
08:03 AM Bug report #423 (Closed): grass plugin - raster visualization and export on windows
- same problem in another ticket.
quite a big problem, indeed. -
04:41 AM Bug report #687 (Closed): Attribute Edit window disappears off top of screen
- When using the vector editing tools, after a right-click the edit attribute window appears. It was working fine - but...
12:39 AM Feature request #685 (Closed): Fixed typos, added i18n
- Fixed several typos and added some tr() in Grass plugin.
08:40 AM Bug report #553: Qgis 0.8 (MacOSX) crashes when loading raster file from WMS
- I recently found a G4 Mac at our institute and compiled qgis 0.9 on it. I noticed that with QGIS 0.9 and Qt 4.2.3, WM...
04:45 AM Bug report #684: Classification Field empty for delimited text layers
- Ah ha, continuous colour and graduated symbol dialogs only list numeric fields, but the delimited text provider doesn...
04:12 AM Bug report #684 (Closed): Classification Field empty for delimited text layers
- Load a .csv file using the delimited text plugin, then try and colour it using Graduated Symbol or Continuous Color i...
05:38 PM Bug report #629 (Closed): no new GRASS modules
- Awaiting final feedback from lami:
20/03/2007 07:14
Hi Tim,
sorry but I was fully immersed in a work, I see the ne... -
05:38 PM Bug report #629 (Closed): no new GRASS modules
- Awaiting final feedback from lami:
20/03/2007 07:14
Hi Tim,
sorry but I was fully immersed in a work, I see the ne... -
10:13 AM Feature request #683 (Closed): Yet another i18n wrappings
- Applied to trunk () and 0.8 (). Thank you lubaby!
10:13 AM Feature request #683 (Closed): Yet another i18n wrappings
- Applied to trunk () and 0.8 (). Thank you lubaby!
09:48 AM Feature request #683 (In Progress): Yet another i18n wrappings
06:57 AM Feature request #683 (Closed): Yet another i18n wrappings
- Added tr() for user visible messages from http communication (used in WMS and WFS connections) and also for error mes...
07:10 AM Bug report #663 (Closed): Search Feature
- If I understand correctly your question, this is part of the basic QGIS capabilitis. I'm closing the bug now, if you ...
07:10 AM Bug report #663 (Closed): Search Feature
- If I understand correctly your question, this is part of the basic QGIS capabilitis. I'm closing the bug now, if you ...
04:58 AM Bug report #682 (Closed): HTML in python console not escaped
- Fixed in commit:ef92d638 (SVN r6830) by Gary.
04:58 AM Bug report #682 (Closed): HTML in python console not escaped
- Fixed in commit:ef92d638 (SVN r6830) by Gary.
01:52 AM Bug report #649: Vector editing in attribute table
- So should this be closed?
01:34 AM Bug report #356: QGIS crashes whe opening large shp file
- Please check it and if it still applies, change the version to 0.8. Thanks. In absence of a response I think it is sa...
01:19 AM Bug report #650 (In Progress): Problem whit PNG's Image Exportation
- This works for me with 0.8.1 on pre3. Have you tested with -
01:15 AM Bug report #625: Unknown svn revision in win32 preview2
- No, still not build with svn cmd line tools installed on the build machine.
12:36 AM Bug report #625: Unknown svn revision in win32 preview2
- has this been solved with preview3? should it be closed?
12:34 AM Bug report #629: no new GRASS modules
- should this be closed?
08:34 AM Bug report #678 (Closed): Attribute table add field, fieldtype select box is empty
- Fixed in . Vectordataproviders can now insert their typenames and they may be queried by the 'add attribute' dialog
08:34 AM Bug report #678 (Closed): Attribute table add field, fieldtype select box is empty
- Fixed in . Vectordataproviders can now insert their typenames and they may be queried by the 'add attribute' dialog
12:03 PM Bug report #676 (Closed): Could not open SRS database on 0.8.1-pr3 results in segfault
- It was a bug in Qgis. The file name sent to sqlite3_open() must be in UTF-8, and not the local charset. Most Unix and...
12:03 PM Bug report #676 (Closed): Could not open SRS database on 0.8.1-pr3 results in segfault
- It was a bug in Qgis. The file name sent to sqlite3_open() must be in UTF-8, and not the local charset. Most Unix and...
10:17 AM Bug report #682 (Closed): HTML in python console not escaped
- Text from the python console is interpreted as HTML, so when python prints something in angle brackets (eg <+main+.Fo...
10:08 AM Bug report #681 (Closed): Error using WMS layer DM Solutions GMAP & projection Albers Equal Area ...
- See #632 for link to new version of qgis.
10:08 AM Bug report #681 (Closed): Error using WMS layer DM Solutions GMAP & projection Albers Equal Area ...
- See #632 for link to new version of qgis.
03:57 AM Bug report #681 (Closed): Error using WMS layer DM Solutions GMAP & projection Albers Equal Area ...
- Loaded WMS layer DM Solutions GMap Highways and attempted to change Projection to Albers Equal Area/NAD27/Alaska Albe...
07:56 AM Bug report #668 (Closed): Feature range should be based on feature count
- In svn head (0.9), there is now a quantile function for graduated classification
07:56 AM Bug report #668 (Closed): Feature range should be based on feature count
- In svn head (0.9), there is now a quantile function for graduated classification
03:01 AM Feature request #680 (Closed): add geographic columns to PostGIS
- It would be good to have a button for adding geographic columns to a postgis table, respecting OGC standard (thus upd...
04:01 PM Bug report #589 (Closed): Large polygon (under postgis) causes complete crash of X session
- This apparently was due to qt4.
Upgrade to qt4-4.2.3 fixed this (from 4.2.2). The Qt release notes included an it... -
04:01 PM Bug report #589 (Closed): Large polygon (under postgis) causes complete crash of X session
- This apparently was due to qt4.
Upgrade to qt4-4.2.3 fixed this (from 4.2.2). The Qt release notes included an it... -
12:58 PM Bug report #676 (In Progress): Could not open SRS database on 0.8.1-pr3 results in segfault
- It's due to having i18n characters in your home directory path. Interesting problem, I haven't been able to solve it ...
09:30 AM Bug report #652: WMS Server Error when accessing MLI WMS Server
- Do you have a date planned to have this fixed by?
Bob Bruce
05:02 AM Bug report #592 (Closed): WMS projection 27591
- Problem is solved with projections I use : 4326 : 27582, 27592
Tanks a lot. -
05:02 AM Bug report #592 (Closed): WMS projection 27591
- Problem is solved with projections I use : 4326 : 27582, 27592
Tanks a lot. -
03:51 AM Feature request #679 (Closed): delay recording of changes to PostGIS (for laptops and other offli...
- When editing a [[PostGIS]] layer, QGIS saves changes in a temp, and writes to the DB only after confirmation. It woul...
01:54 AM Bug report #678 (Closed): Attribute table add field, fieldtype select box is empty
- Attribute table add field, fieldtype select box is empty
01:02 PM Bug report #676: Could not open SRS database on 0.8.1-pr3 results in segfault
- Uninstalled pr3, "Program filez/qgis" was removed properly, also rmed user/.qgis dir (with that .db file). Installed ...
07:20 AM Bug report #676: Could not open SRS database on 0.8.1-pr3 results in segfault
- Completely uninstall old version, and try to re-install pre3 into an empty directory.
06:31 AM Bug report #676 (Closed): Could not open SRS database on 0.8.1-pr3 results in segfault
- When I try to add any vector layer to newly installed QGIS 0.8.1-pr3 on Windows XP, it pops-up multiple sequential er...
11:56 AM Bug report #674 (Closed): Projections - .prj files ignored
- The projection in the .prj file looks like WGS84 to me:
GEOGCS[[GCS_WGS_1984"DATUM["D_WGS_1984"SPHEROID["WGS_1984"637... -
11:56 AM Bug report #674 (Closed): Projections - .prj files ignored
- The projection in the .prj file looks like WGS84 to me:
GEOGCS[[GCS_WGS_1984"DATUM["D_WGS_1984"SPHEROID["WGS_1984"637... -
11:40 AM Bug report #677 (Closed): Qgis crash report (generated by windows)
- This is a crash report generated by windows for Qgis. I use QGIS 0.8 for windows with an install of grass 6.2.1 in a...
08:45 AM Bug report #649: Vector editing in attribute table
- Not sure what you mean. There is a button called 'delete column' in the attribute table, which deletes columns and no...
08:10 AM Bug report #595 (Closed): SnapDistance:
- Ok, I changed the string in the project properties to 'snapping distance (in map units)'
Marco -
08:10 AM Bug report #595 (Closed): SnapDistance:
- Ok, I changed the string in the project properties to 'snapping distance (in map units)'
Marco -
07:33 AM Bug report #673: msexport creates wrong LAYER PROJECTION
- I already set a custom projection in the Project Properties, so I also set the "Global default projection" in Options...
04:02 PM Bug report #675: System Crash when opening .shp file.
- Try the latest preview release to see if the problems go away:
Make sure you uninsta... -
03:53 PM Bug report #675 (Closed): System Crash when opening .shp file.
- Hello,
I recently started using your gis program, but it started repeatedly crashing on me last week when I try to o... -
03:32 PM Bug report #674 (Closed): Projections - .prj files ignored
- When adding a new layer to a project with project projection set to GDA94 (qgis srs = 2548) and file .prj also = GDA9...
03:13 PM Bug report #673: msexport creates wrong LAYER PROJECTION
- That's the default map projection if you don't specify one. Try setting the projection using Project Properties. If y...
03:03 PM Bug report #673: msexport creates wrong LAYER PROJECTION
- why is 'sourcesrs' set to latlong?
02:55 PM Bug report #673: msexport creates wrong LAYER PROJECTION
- Can you provide (attach) the .qgs file? My tests indicate that layer PROJECTION sections are written out properly.
02:45 PM Bug report #673 (Closed): msexport creates wrong LAYER PROJECTION
- In my test case, I set a custom projection in QGIS for the map, however the msexport utility outputs a mapfile with t...
02:08 PM Bug report #636: Mapserver export tool
- My test environment:
QGIS 0.8.1 preview3
(I have been testing with this same shapefile right from the begin... -
01:57 PM Bug report #636: Mapserver export tool
- Exactly what has been happening to me all of this time: I have been trying to export a layer classified by unique val...
12:30 PM Bug report #655: Error Measuring Distances using projection ID 1616 - OSGB 1936
- I'm sory, but I'm unable to open the dataset in Qgis. ogrinfo can not open it either, even though it says it tries wi...
08:26 AM Bug report #655: Error Measuring Distances using projection ID 1616 - OSGB 1936
- I have saved the tables in WSG84 format now and the measure tool works fine however the scale plug in now shows incor...
07:40 AM Bug report #655: Error Measuring Distances using projection ID 1616 - OSGB 1936
- I haven't enabled on the fly, as I assumed that if I supplied the correct information it would not need it (plus I wa...
11:45 AM Bug report #670: terraserver WMS getcapabilities not understood
- For me, it returns a list of layers. No errors there. This is both in latest trunk and 0.8 branch.
The layers do not... -
05:59 AM Bug report #670: terraserver WMS getcapabilities not understood
- The HEAD version, so trunk, updated right now.
Ah, it no longer segfaults but returns to the
menu. Very good.
Changi... -
04:50 AM Bug report #670 (In Progress): terraserver WMS getcapabilities not understood
- Are you using trunk or 0.8 branch?
04:07 AM Bug report #670 (Closed): terraserver WMS getcapabilities not understood
- Hi,
when accessing
QGIS is segfaulting...
Markus -
07:06 AM Bug report #672 (Closed): postgis query-builder-dialog reenter failed after reload project
- If I setup a query to a postgis-layer, save the project an load the project again, and try to alter the query of the ...
06:49 AM Bug report #671 (Closed): Mapserver Export fail if PostGis-Query is applied
- If I try to export to a mapserver file with a layer using postgis datasource and a query applied, the export will sil...
01:41 PM Bug report #669: Windows: WMS Layers are not printed
- What version of qgis are you using? A similar problem ( was in 0.8.0, but has be...
02:30 AM Bug report #669: Windows: WMS Layers are not printed
- Replying to "[email protected]":/issues/show/669:
> When composing a map for printing using a WMS layer, as backg... -
02:28 AM Bug report #669 (Closed): Windows: WMS Layers are not printed
- When composing a map for printing using a WMS layer, as background the layer ist not printed or saved as file.
11:58 AM Bug report #655: Error Measuring Distances using projection ID 1616 - OSGB 1936
- The setting is for what ellipsoid it should use when calculating areas/distances. Minor differecnes, shouldn't apply...
06:30 AM Bug report #655: Error Measuring Distances using projection ID 1616 - OSGB 1936
- I have just found something...
If you go into QGIS options -> Map Tools -> there is an option for what unit the measu... -
02:51 AM Bug report #655: Error Measuring Distances using projection ID 1616 - OSGB 1936
- Replying to [comment:9 anonymous]:
> Replying to [comment:7 homann]:
> > The dataset supplied has a [[GeoCS]] coordin... -
02:50 AM Bug report #655: Error Measuring Distances using projection ID 1616 - OSGB 1936
- Replying to [comment:7 homann]:
> The dataset supplied has a [[GeoCS]] coordinate system. At least, that's what 'ogri... -
04:09 AM Feature request #510: convert a gpx in shape
- To devs: this enhacement was already requested in ticket #391.
05:57 PM Bug report #668 (Closed): Feature range should be based on feature count
- It would be nice if the automatic feature-range styling support was based on the number of features in a given class,...
06:14 AM Bug report #656: qgis crashes if panning during polygon creation
- Heres a stack trace from the mac - no debugging support in this build sorry....
0 libqgis_core.dylib 0x01c390b9 ... -
06:09 AM Bug report #661: OS X: GUI Issue: Window inaccessible when adding new vector layer
- Tom could you take a look at this one? Thanks. Tim
06:02 AM Feature request #667 (Closed): Updated Slovak translation
- Excellent! Applied in .
06:02 AM Feature request #667 (Closed): Updated Slovak translation
- Excellent! Applied in .
05:37 AM Feature request #667 (In Progress): Updated Slovak translation
- Please attach entire qgis_sk.ts as a file. The patch did not go through for that file.
05:11 AM Feature request #667 (Closed): Updated Slovak translation
- Updated qgis_sk.ts and also some texts in context help.
04:43 AM Feature request #666 (Closed): Added tr() for i18n
- Very ambitious to spell check debug outputs! :-)
Thank you for the i18n work, it's appreciated.
(Added in ) -
04:43 AM Feature request #666 (Closed): Added tr() for i18n
- Very ambitious to spell check debug outputs! :-)
Thank you for the i18n work, it's appreciated.
(Added in ) -
04:07 AM Feature request #666 (In Progress): Added tr() for i18n
03:17 AM Feature request #666: Added tr() for i18n
- Important comment:
It's not devil's ticket as it seems by ticket number :-) -
03:14 AM Feature request #666 (Closed): Added tr() for i18n
- Added tr() for i18n and fixed typo in text.
02:15 AM Bug report #377: custom projection of GRASS vectors
- Could you please see what projection 'ogrinfo -al <shape_file>.shp' reports?
02:13 AM Bug report #632: various problems using WMS with QGIS
- Uninstall old versionj and install this and try. Most problems should be fixed. -
02:11 AM Bug report #567: Shapefile editing oddities and errors
- Please uninstall the old version, and try this instead (or uninstall in new directory). -
02:07 AM Bug report #592: WMS projection 27591
- Remove the old installation, and install this and please let us know if it works.
04:00 PM Bug report #653 (Closed): Misplaced WMS layers
- It works flawlessly now! Amazing job, thanks.
04:00 PM Bug report #653 (Closed): Misplaced WMS layers
- It works flawlessly now! Amazing job, thanks.
03:15 PM Bug report #653: Misplaced WMS layers
- Try:
Remember to uninstall old versions! -
01:31 PM Bug report #653: Misplaced WMS layers
- You're right. I've spent hours trying different versions on both Win2K and XP, and 0.8.1per2 doesn't work correctly o...
09:17 AM Bug report #653 (Feedback): Misplaced WMS layers
- I'm sorry, but it doesn't work for me (Win XP, QGis 0.8.1preview2, fresh install).
09:17 AM Bug report #653 (Feedback): Misplaced WMS layers
- I'm sorry, but it doesn't work for me (Win XP, QGis 0.8.1preview2, fresh install).
07:17 PM Bug report #571 (Closed): Grass raster will not load or display
07:16 PM Bug report #528 (Closed): QGIS does't remove GRASS mapset lock file after its session
- This appears to work in both 0.8.1 branch and 0.9
07:16 PM Bug report #528 (Closed): QGIS does't remove GRASS mapset lock file after its session
- This appears to work in both 0.8.1 branch and 0.9
06:52 PM Feature request #596 (Closed): GRASS: Add the module name to the tab in toolbox
- Done in 0.8 release branch
06:52 PM Feature request #596 (Closed): GRASS: Add the module name to the tab in toolbox
- Done in 0.8 release branch
06:21 PM Bug report #658 (Closed): GRASS modules don't work properly if QGIS is not started from GRASS shell
- Apparently a build problem.
06:21 PM Bug report #658 (Closed): GRASS modules don't work properly if QGIS is not started from GRASS shell
- Apparently a build problem.
06:20 PM Bug report #656: qgis crashes if panning during polygon creation
- Are you digitizing a shapefile or [[PostGIS]] layer?
03:07 PM Feature request #665 (Closed): Pseudo-colour range - colour selection
- Make available selection of colours or colour ranges for grey-scale to colour imaging in raster layers. Someone says ...
03:00 PM Feature request #664 (Closed): Pseudo colour range
- Enable 16 bit colour range for pseudo-colours for 16 bit BIL files
02:18 PM Bug report #652: WMS Server Error when accessing MLI WMS Server
- The Qgis query format is in the old 1.1.0 version, apparently not supported by your WMS server. No immediate fix plan...
01:41 PM Bug report #653 (Closed): Misplaced WMS layers
- Thanks for the mapserver files!
I get the same error when trying 0.8.0 on Win2K.
On 0.8.1preview2 this works on Win2... -
01:41 PM Bug report #653 (Closed): Misplaced WMS layers
- Thanks for the mapserver files!
I get the same error when trying 0.8.0 on Win2K.
On 0.8.1preview2 this works on Win2... -
09:34 AM Bug report #653: Misplaced WMS layers
- Seems like my tarball is too big. You can fetch it here :
09:27 AM Bug report #653: Misplaced WMS layers
- Seems to be a Windows build related bug. I couldn't reproduce it under Linux with QGis while I did reproduce it on an...
11:27 AM Bug report #655: Error Measuring Distances using projection ID 1616 - OSGB 1936
- The dataset supplied has a [[GeoCS]] coordinate system. At least, that's what 'ogrinfo -al t.shp' thinks. Comparing w...
06:51 AM Bug report #663 (Closed): Search Feature
- I have found the search feature that allows the user to find records in the table view but is there any way in which ...
09:22 AM Bug report #662 (Closed): mapserver export incorrect for OGR layers
- I am running qGIS with [[MapInfo]] tab files, mainly using it to export map files for my mapserver 4.10.1
In the exp... -
06:31 AM Bug report #661 (Closed): OS X: GUI Issue: Window inaccessible when adding new vector layer
- When the user clicks on the button in the tool bar to add a new vector layer, a window is drawn in the center of the ...
06:14 AM Feature request #660 (Closed): Shortcut key to stop snap
- Hi,
QGIS allow user to enable snap point when editing a feature. Sometime it can be not interesting to use it just f... -
06:01 AM Bug report #659 (Closed): OS X world file incorrectly generated by Georeferencer plugin
- When using the Georeferencer plugin to generate a world file, the file that is generated has 'nan' (no quotes) in the...
04:52 AM Bug report #655: Error Measuring Distances using projection ID 1616 - OSGB 1936
- Hi Guys,
Thanks for your help with this. I’m no expert in these things but logic says to me that if it was a problem...
11:37 PM Bug report #654 (Closed): Graticule creator crash (WINDOWS)
- Ouuups, sorry I didn't noticed that there is already P2 available so I tested one more and find out taht in P2 gratic...
11:37 PM Bug report #654 (Closed): Graticule creator crash (WINDOWS)
- Ouuups, sorry I didn't noticed that there is already P2 available so I tested one more and find out taht in P2 gratic...
07:43 PM Bug report #654: Graticule creator crash (WINDOWS)
- BTW did you test with 0.8.1preview2 by any chance?
Tim -
07:42 PM Bug report #654 (In Progress): Graticule creator crash (WINDOWS)
07:29 AM Bug report #654 (Closed): Graticule creator crash (WINDOWS)
- Graticule creator plugin crashes in Windows although the shape with graticule seems to be created properly. In Linux ...
10:14 PM Bug report #658 (Closed): GRASS modules don't work properly if QGIS is not started from GRASS shell
- GRASS modules don't work properly if QGIS is not started from GRASS shell -- key errors are returned and parts of the...
07:44 PM Bug report #629: no new GRASS modules
- Gary will be committing your grass modules to SVN in the next day or two and then I will rebuild and we can test agai...
07:03 PM Bug report #657: Unable to export mapserver file
- Is this on Debian? Sounds like a Windows box to me...
07:01 PM Bug report #657 (Closed): Unable to export mapserver file
- Trying to export my QGIS project as a Mapserver file.
File, Export to Mapserver
Case 1)
Nothing happens. No files ar... -
03:46 PM Bug report #655: Error Measuring Distances using projection ID 1616 - OSGB 1936
- Example dataset attached. Note the coordinate system in the .prj file, and note what qgis shows for the layer. Measur...
03:40 PM Bug report #655: Error Measuring Distances using projection ID 1616 - OSGB 1936
- Could you attach data set, and steps to reproduce?
03:29 PM Bug report #655: Error Measuring Distances using projection ID 1616 - OSGB 1936
- I checked in trunk and 0.8 branch - both had the same problem. I had a .prj file with appropriate coordinate system s...
03:18 PM Bug report #655 (In Progress): Error Measuring Distances using projection ID 1616 - OSGB 1936
- This is/should be fixed in trunk (version 0.9) No backport planned at the moment. See bugs #535 (with workaround), #5...
01:14 PM Bug report #655: Error Measuring Distances using projection ID 1616 - OSGB 1936
- That symptom suggests that the wrong projection is being used by qgis.
For the measuring, qgis converts all points t... -
09:45 AM Bug report #655 (Closed): Error Measuring Distances using projection ID 1616 - OSGB 1936
- I am using version 0.8.0 and I am having trouble measuring distances. My first thought was that it was a projection i...
12:25 PM Bug report #643: GeoTIFF created with GRASS r.out.gdal do not display in QGIS
- Thanks for the fix. It works. In the meantime Glynn Clemments fixed the issue in GRASS 6.3 CVS, so r.out.gdal [[GeoTI...
12:00 PM Bug report #656 (Closed): qgis crashes if panning during polygon creation
- During polygon creation if the panning tool is selected and used and then the draw polygon tool is subsequently selec...
07:15 AM Bug report #578: Application quitting on adding data
- This is probably because you do not have administrative rights on your PC when you install the software. I had this p...
03:42 AM Bug report #604: Setting any band to "Not set" on a multi-band raster crashes qgis
- I confirm this bug with 0.8.1 SVN 6800. Please find a smallish example 3-band [[GeoTIFF]] attached. No chances the bu...
12:24 PM Bug report #477: Loading a PostGIS View is very slow
- Nothing more has been done about this. I'd actually forgotten about it! I'll have another go this weekend.
01:03 AM Bug report #477: Loading a PostGIS View is very slow
- I'll come back to my qustion about the state of solution. The slowness of views is a real and essential problem. I'm ...
07:59 AM Bug report #653: Misplaced WMS layers
- > Could you please include the adress to the layers, if available?
Sorry but our [[MapServer]] installation is not a... -
05:02 AM Bug report #653: Misplaced WMS layers
- Could you please include the adress to the layers, if available?
Also, did you use the 8.1 preview version, and what... -
03:19 AM Bug report #653 (Closed): Misplaced WMS layers
- Adding two WMS layers in QGis produces bad output.
In the screenshot, I have 3 layers correspond to 3 unique WMS lay... -
05:05 AM Bug report #650: Problem whit PNG's Image Exportation
- Are you using the 0.8.0 installation?
12:43 AM Bug report #651 (Closed): Zoom to layer does not work if layer has only one point
- Fixed in (head) and (0.8 branch).
12:43 AM Bug report #651 (Closed): Zoom to layer does not work if layer has only one point
- Fixed in (head) and (0.8 branch).
02:35 PM Bug report #651 (Closed): Zoom to layer does not work if layer has only one point
- In new QGIS work session I added new vector layer (shapefile) with single point and QGIS showed me nothing. I clicked...
02:52 PM Bug report #652 (Closed): WMS Server Error when accessing MLI WMS Server
- Today I downloaded and installed the 0.8 version of QGIS and tried testing it with our local WMS Server. As soon as I...
10:46 AM Bug report #650 (Closed): Problem whit PNG's Image Exportation
- the problem appears when i try to export my qgis map to png image. Just break and close.
note: my OS is Windows XP w...
11:57 PM Feature request #644 (Closed): Grid plugin:
- It appears problem is not inside QGIS. I repeated the creation of graticule several times and had different resulting...
11:57 PM Feature request #644 (Closed): Grid plugin:
- It appears problem is not inside QGIS. I repeated the creation of graticule several times and had different resulting...
11:26 PM Bug report #649 (Closed): Vector editing in attribute table
- Using the Remove button on selected attribute rows of the attribute table has no effect.
10:24 AM Bug report #592: WMS projection 27591
- Please, is there a way for me to reproduce this? Adress to WMS server and step by step instruction is needed for em t...
06:36 AM Feature request #648 (Closed): Create route from waypoints in GPX Layer
- Add functions to:
*Create Route from Waypoints
Create Waypoints from Route
in a GPX layer. Then the route and way... -
01:10 AM Bug report #643 (Closed): GeoTIFF created with GRASS r.out.gdal do not display in QGIS
- The excerpt below shows the metadata. I have changed qgis to ignore any ramps from 0.0 to 0.0. Hopefully, thsi doesn'...
01:10 AM Bug report #643 (Closed): GeoTIFF created with GRASS r.out.gdal do not display in QGIS
- The excerpt below shows the metadata. I have changed qgis to ignore any ramps from 0.0 to 0.0. Hopefully, thsi doesn'...
04:59 PM Bug report #608: QGIS and Assertion failed
- Try completely uninstalling qgis, then install the latest windows version. That error looks to be caused by a file no...
04:52 PM Feature request #644: Grid plugin:
- We really need more information to be able to fix this problem.
What was the error?
What parameters did you enter i... -
11:21 AM Bug report #647 (Closed): Mispelling of successful
- duplicate of #646
11:21 AM Bug report #647 (Closed): Mispelling of successful
- duplicate of #646
07:33 AM Bug report #647 (Closed): Mispelling of successful
- When testing a database connection, on a successful connection, "successful" is incorrectly spelled "successfull"
11:20 AM Bug report #646 (Closed): Mispelling of successful
- Fixed in (head)
11:20 AM Bug report #646 (Closed): Mispelling of successful
- Fixed in (head)
07:33 AM Bug report #646 (Closed): Mispelling of successful
- When testing a database connection, on a successful connection, "successful" is incorrectly spelled "successfull"
03:01 AM Bug report #643: GeoTIFF created with GRASS r.out.gdal do not display in QGIS
- The tiff has a GRASS color table that is zero. See:
$ gdalinfo vegcover.tif | grep COLOR
It's unclear what color tab... -
02:37 AM Feature request #452 (Closed): Supporting labelling of 3D point layers
- This works now in svn head (0.9). 2.5D types are fully supported.
Marco -
02:37 AM Feature request #452 (Closed): Supporting labelling of 3D point layers
- This works now in svn head (0.9). 2.5D types are fully supported.
12:58 AM Bug report #645 (Closed): Gap between two Global Mapping raster tiles
- When displaying two raster maps from Global Mapping Project there is sma...
10:59 PM Feature request #644 (Closed): Grid plugin:
- When attmepting to create a grid for a project, the plugin ran an error which shutdown the programme.
Thanks -
03:04 PM Bug report #643 (Closed): GeoTIFF created with GRASS r.out.gdal do not display in QGIS
- Example:
I have exported a [[GeoTIFF]] from GRASS, using r.out.gdal.
In the famous spearfish60 location:... -
02:03 PM Bug report #519 (Closed): MapServer export crashes if class contains non-Latin1 characters
- Fixed in . All values are encoded to utf-8 when being written to map file.
02:03 PM Bug report #519 (Closed): MapServer export crashes if class contains non-Latin1 characters
- Fixed in . All values are encoded to utf-8 when being written to map file.
12:11 PM Bug report #619 (Closed): error(14) return when I try to load WMS layer with EPSG=27582
- According to submitter [email protected] 0.8.1preview2 works better. We can re-open this bug if problems pers...
12:11 PM Bug report #619 (Closed): error(14) return when I try to load WMS layer with EPSG=27582
- According to submitter [email protected] 0.8.1preview2 works better. We can re-open this bug if problems pers...
10:44 AM Bug report #625: Unknown svn revision in win32 preview2
- Solution is that one have to have svn command line inertafce tools installed for this to work, specifically 'svnversi...
10:03 AM Bug report #620 (Closed): unable to delete the first point enter in georeferencer on linux qgis-0...
- No response from submitter, but it works for me and there is a bug fix that had similiar effects, I will close this.
... -
10:03 AM Bug report #620 (Closed): unable to delete the first point enter in georeferencer on linux qgis-0...
- No response from submitter, but it works for me and there is a bug fix that had similiar effects, I will close this.
... -
10:02 AM Feature request #502 (Closed): Better plural forms handling
- Added patch in .
Thanks! -
10:02 AM Feature request #502 (Closed): Better plural forms handling
- Added patch in .
Thanks! -
01:32 AM Bug report #641 (Closed): Python bindings fail to load
- Should be fixed in .
01:32 AM Bug report #641 (Closed): Python bindings fail to load
- Should be fixed in .
12:06 AM Bug report #642 (Closed): Edit of MetaData Extents
- Shapefile was created digitizing a Google Image as base. Raster file extents were changed to reflect correct lon/lat ...
04:02 PM Bug report #641 (Closed): Python bindings fail to load
- Python bindings fail to load
11:11 AM Bug report #640 (Closed): Troubles with the legend and map - Layout printing window
- When I try to put the map and the legend elements in the printing layout window, the appear deformed, or simply does ...
11:34 AM Bug report #639 (Closed): New layer points disappear
- When I make a new layer shapefile in Qgis its makes the first point on the map but does not make any further points. ...
09:34 AM Bug report #418: QGIS fails to read undefined projection from user datum in shape.prj file
- This can't be done unless we re-do the entire projections system, earliest at 0.9.
06:01 AM Bug report #418 (Feedback): QGIS fails to read undefined projection from user datum in shape.prj ...
- Hi
Please consider Markus request. QGIS *silent* failure to assign a datum shift is really bad. If, instead, a warni... -
06:01 AM Bug report #418 (Feedback): QGIS fails to read undefined projection from user datum in shape.prj ...
- Hi
Please consider Markus request. QGIS *silent* failure to assign a datum shift is really bad. If, instead, a warni...
12:59 AM Bug report #633 (Closed): Scale on toolbar has insufficient range
- Range expanded to that of a double in .
12:59 AM Bug report #633 (Closed): Scale on toolbar has insufficient range
- Range expanded to that of a double in .
10:53 PM Bug report #638 (Closed): EVIL SHAPE file kills QGIS + Xserver
- Not much QGIS can do then to try drawing the feature. I suggest downgrading to gdal 1.4.0 and see what happens. For m...
10:53 PM Bug report #638 (Closed): EVIL SHAPE file kills QGIS + Xserver
- Not much QGIS can do then to try drawing the feature. I suggest downgrading to gdal 1.4.0 and see what happens. For m...
03:15 PM Bug report #638: EVIL SHAPE file kills QGIS + Xserver
- from #gdal:...
03:14 PM Bug report #638: EVIL SHAPE file kills QGIS + Xserver
- I am using
- GDAL SVN HEAD from 03 March 2007
- QGIS SVN HEAD from 03 March 2007
- qt4-4.2.1-1mdv2007.1
- geos 2.... -
03:00 PM Bug report #638: EVIL SHAPE file kills QGIS + Xserver
- Works for me in both 0.8 and trunk, bad display however and very slow rendering. Compiling with debug I am.
http://i... -
02:39 PM Bug report #638 (Closed): EVIL SHAPE file kills QGIS + Xserver
- This SHAPE file was generated in GRASS 6.3 and exported
with v.out.ogr: ... -
08:53 PM Bug report #635 (Closed): 0.8 ver crash every file open (raster and shp). 0.74 work fine. Reinsta...
- Make sure all previous versions of qgis are removed. Then reinstall.
This ticket is anonymous and no email -- subjec... -
08:53 PM Bug report #635 (Closed): 0.8 ver crash every file open (raster and shp). 0.74 work fine. Reinsta...
- Make sure all previous versions of qgis are removed. Then reinstall.
This ticket is anonymous and no email -- subjec... -
07:37 AM Bug report #635: 0.8 ver crash every file open (raster and shp). 0.74 work fine. Reinstalla sw do...
- unisnstall 074 first then install 08, it will be fine
02:21 PM Bug report #619 (In Progress): error(14) return when I try to load WMS layer with EPSG=27582
- When opening the WMS dialog window, could you please click on 'Help' in the down left corner, and report if you get a...
01:13 PM Bug report #632: various problems using WMS with QGIS
- Regarding 1), transparency is not supported for WMS at the moment
11:25 AM Bug report #637 (Closed): QGIS Crash when WMS getcap fails
- Confirmed, homann's fix worked for me. Thanks.
11:25 AM Bug report #637 (Closed): QGIS Crash when WMS getcap fails
- Confirmed, homann's fix worked for me. Thanks.
08:15 AM Bug report #637: QGIS Crash when WMS getcap fails
- No, I left proxy host empty as I do not use one. It is the same as the other entries that work.
10:45 AM Feature request #607: WMS layer uses the Connection's name instead of the one in mapfile
- doktoreas and I agreed that this is more of an enhancement, and neither of us could come up with a good solution on h...
06:29 AM Bug report #531: Add multiple selection in map legend
- With latest version 0.8.1 preview2, the group still exists like you said.
So, because the project is in xml, i open t...
12:05 AM Bug report #637: QGIS Crash when WMS getcap fails
- Did you specify a proxy host?
11:46 PM Bug report #637 (Closed): QGIS Crash when WMS getcap fails
- * I've built qgis_unstable from source
* I "add default services" for WMS
* Selected server connection "DM Solutions ... -
10:56 PM Bug report #570: WMS crashes on OSX
- It's hard to tell what this is without more info. Please be more specific.
10:54 PM Bug report #592 (In Progress): WMS projection 27591
- This is probably fixed now. See #632 for instructions on how to compile and test. Or wait till 0.8.1 pre3/final.
06:43 AM Bug report #636 (Closed): Mapserver export tool
- When you try to export to [[MapFile]] with msexport utility and you have a layer classified with unique value and it ...
05:23 AM Feature request #196 (Closed): Identify Tool, even if disabled in GUI, still attempts to identify...
- This is fixed in wmsprovider for 0.8.1 and beyond, see .
05:23 AM Feature request #196 (Closed): Identify Tool, even if disabled in GUI, still attempts to identify...
- This is fixed in wmsprovider for 0.8.1 and beyond, see .
04:35 AM Bug report #514 (Closed): WMS requested image size out of range error
- This should be fixed since . See #632 for more info.
04:35 AM Bug report #514 (Closed): WMS requested image size out of range error
- This should be fixed since . See #632 for more info.
02:54 AM Bug report #635 (Closed): 0.8 ver crash every file open (raster and shp). 0.74 work fine. Reinsta...
- [[AppName]]: qgis.exe [[AppVer]]: [[ModName]]: proj.dll
[[ModVer]]: Offset: 00027b42
03:20 PM Bug report #633: Scale on toolbar has insufficient range
- Hi Guys
Let me apologise as I am probably the cause of this confusion - I told Magnus on IRC that I thought we had d... -
10:04 AM Bug report #633: Scale on toolbar has insufficient range
- Just removing it because the UI is not 100% is plain silly. There was two enhacenment request for this feature, and I...
09:28 AM Bug report #633: Scale on toolbar has insufficient range
- Qgis has supported scales of less than 1:1 for about 18 months.
I propose that commit:559a28a6 (SVN r6748) either b... -
09:19 AM Bug report #633: Scale on toolbar has insufficient range
- Replying to [comment:2 homann]:
One never knows what the user wants to do. Arbitrary limits on the scale are a bad i... -
02:44 PM Bug report #632: various problems using WMS with QGIS
- Above comment was me, and the *correct* svn path is
svn co qg... -
02:39 PM Bug report #632: various problems using WMS with QGIS
- I have (tried to) fix issue 2 (maybe wrong placement too?) in . Please download source, compile and see if it gets be...
02:15 AM Bug report #632 (In Progress): various problems using WMS with QGIS
- So, there are three issues:
1) Transparency doesn't seem to work.
2) Zooming doesn't work
3) Get featuerinfo does not... -
01:26 PM Bug report #601 (Closed): Georeferencer plugin incorrectly handles PNG files
- Yes, there is a warning actually in latest 0.8.1 preview. You can download and try: -
01:26 PM Bug report #601 (Closed): Georeferencer plugin incorrectly handles PNG files
- Yes, there is a warning actually in latest 0.8.1 preview. You can download and try: -
01:19 PM Bug report #601: Georeferencer plugin incorrectly handles PNG files
- Hello!
Yes, I tried it once again with linear transform, and it worked. Maybe some hint should be given to warn thos... -
09:30 AM Bug report #634 (Closed): Compile failure on 64bit RHEL4 with -Werror set
- Fixed in 6752
09:30 AM Bug report #634 (Closed): Compile failure on 64bit RHEL4 with -Werror set
- Fixed in 6752
08:50 AM Bug report #634: Compile failure on 64bit RHEL4 with -Werror set
- This happens on 64bit/RHEL4 Linux.
08:46 AM Bug report #634 (Closed): Compile failure on 64bit RHEL4 with -Werror set
- ...
08:02 AM Bug report #628 (Closed): Crash on Windows XP when loading a GeoTiff
- Excellent! :-)
08:02 AM Bug report #628 (Closed): Crash on Windows XP when loading a GeoTiff
- Excellent! :-)
02:52 AM Bug report #628: Crash on Windows XP when loading a GeoTiff
- Thanks Homann. Tested with 0.8.1 preview 2 and no problem.
01:38 AM Bug report #531 (Closed): Add multiple selection in map legend
- Can you try with latest version 0.8.1 preview2?
... -
01:38 AM Bug report #531 (Closed): Add multiple selection in map legend
- Can you try with latest version 0.8.1 preview2?
12:01 AM Bug report #633: Scale on toolbar has insufficient range
- Tmi said that scale less than 1:1 wasn't supported by Qgis?
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