Bug report #477
Loading a PostGIS View is very slow
Status: | Closed | ||
Priority: | Low | ||
Assignee: | |||
Category: | Vectors | ||
Affected QGIS version: | Regression?: | No | |
Operating System: | RedHat | Easy fix?: | No |
Pull Request or Patch supplied: | Resolution: | fixed | |
Crashes QGIS or corrupts data: | Copied to github as #: | 10536 |
The loading of a PostGIS view is much slower than the loading of a table with the same structure.
The simple view
SELECT oid, ogc_fid, wkb_geometry, name, gem_bfs, gmde_name, gmde_nr, bzrk_nr, eg_nr, plz, ktn_nr, new_date, archive_date, archive FROM geo_gemeinden;
needs 24secs to load. The table geo_gemeinden with the same structure less than 1sec.
For testing purposes I attach the dump of geo_gemeinden
Updated by Redmine Admin about 18 years ago
Please excuse but the mentioned file could not be attached due to size.
Updated by Gavin Macaulay - about 18 years ago
Qgis has to do a lot more work when loading views. It has to work out which table/column each column in the view comes from, and then choose a column to use as a unique key. This entails working out that information for all views in the database. If you have a lot of views in the database, this may take some time.
Nothwithstanding all of that, 24 seconds is a lot longer than 1 second, and this area clearly needs some more work, but it's unlikely to happen before we release 0.8.
Updated by Redmine Admin about 18 years ago
Now release 0.8 is released and I want to ask for the state of solution. My DB has more than 300 Geo-Layers and much more Geo-Views. QGIS takes a very long time to load a view.
Updated by Gavin Macaulay - about 18 years ago
A potential speed-up has been committed to head (2a35478a (SVN r6611)). Please test if you can. If it works, I'll port it to the 0.8.1 branch.
Updated by Gavin Macaulay - about 18 years ago
Hmm. It's actually slower :(
Updated by Redmine Admin almost 18 years ago
I'll come back to my qustion about the state of solution. The slowness of views is a real and essential problem. I'm not able to use QGIS in our enterprise environment due to the view problem.
Horst Duester
SO!GIS Kanton Solothurn
Updated by Gavin Macaulay - almost 18 years ago
Nothing more has been done about this. I'd actually forgotten about it! I'll have another go this weekend.
Updated by Marco Hugentobler over 17 years ago
- Status changed from Open to Closed
- Resolution set to fixed
A fix for this is in 5324e893 (SVN r7072). It also adresses column renaming with 'AS' and views that refer to other views.
#9 Updated by Anonymous over 15 years ago
Milestone Version 0.9 deleted