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ยป QGIS Application
Version 3.0
156 issues
131 closed
25 open
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Bug report
Feature request
Related issues
Bug report #2059
: Constrained Delaunay triangulation is not always correct
Bug report #8737
: QgsRasterTerrainAnalysisPlugin: check QgsRelief::processRaster() returned value
Bug report #10574
: Interpolation (TIN) results with artifacts
Bug report #11209
: Bad Allocation when opening properties of a VRT file created with the Hillshade tool of the "Raster Terrain Analysis" core plugin
Bug report #11441
: Parallel multi-core rendering glitches with OTF reprojection
Bug report #12479
: gdal 2.0.0
Bug report #12498
: Python console crash QGIS if undocked while autocompletion active
Bug report #12553
: Features are not rendered (at certain scales) and cannot be selectd/identified if they have invalid geometries
Bug report #12933
: Heatmap generating an empty raster
Bug report #13081
: Zonal Statistics miscalculates when handling polygons without raster cells within its boundaries
Bug report #13336
: Allow raster calculator with huge raster inputs
Bug report #13494
: QgsApplication.initQgis leads to segfault
Bug report #13779
: symbols not correctly clipped in map legend
Bug report #14074
: Layer Style : list of group symbols doesn't update after "Open library" is used
Bug report #14354
: QGIS Server occasionally crashes when running in CGI mode
Bug report #14430
: Cannot use memory layers with OGR tools
Bug report #14513
: Bad Interpolation TIN (displacement and hole) when too many points inside pixel...
Bug report #14562
: wkbType() does not contain all possibilities
Bug report #14600
: Processing > gdalwarp: wrong error message, no command displayed
Bug report #14855
: Strange result when hillshading with Z-factor=10 in the "Terrain Analysis" core plugin
Bug report #15052
: PyQgsWFSProviderGUI test segfaults on Travis
Bug report #15223
: PostgreSQL provider broken under Qt5
Bug report #15419
: Geometry displays incorrectly
Bug report #15425
: processing relies on a copy of the python-yaml module that isn't compatible with python3
Bug report #15432
: composer: under qt5, the snapping red guide line's width increases alongside zoom level
Bug report #15441
: Python console black background on Mac
Bug report #15495
: qt5: QGIS freezes upon project loading, renders all composer map item caches
Bug report #15558
: qt5: delimited text provider triggers QSocketNotifier error
Bug report #15575
: regression: zooming in on a canvas with a diagram-enabled polygon layer kills QGIS
Bug report #15577
: qgis3/master make install runs 2to3 on output tree, but install from source tree
Bug report #15586
: qt5/python3: plugin manager fails to install plugins
Bug report #15606
: DBManager python error on master
Bug report #15681
: processing: exportVectorLayer() function broken under python3
Bug report #15685
: Processing gdalwarp issues
Bug report #15734
: processing: graphical modeler broken under master
Bug report #15737
: Editing a form opened via openFeatureForm crashes qgis
Bug report #15749
: Processing: gdal merge converts no data in 0
Bug report #15769
: Crash at QGIS exit related to OGR provider
Bug report #15771
: @parent not linked to the correct feature when looping through layer
Bug report #15784
: processing: select by location, extract by location algorithms broken
Bug report #15794
: snapping is always on, fails to respect default setting, upon QGIS launch
Bug report #15797
: aggregate's @parent feature gives varying (and wrong) results
Bug report #15801
: labelling: curved placement fails when string used contains zero-width character(s)
Bug report #15910
: DB manager: Connection to PostGIS from QGIS3 fails
Bug report #15920
: QLR file loading ignoring <widgetv2config> configuration, as opposed when loading from QGS
Bug report #15964
: Drag-and-drop form: impossible to drag fields into the right form panel
Bug report #15965
: 1-n relation: children form is always displayed in form view state when opening the dialog
Bug report #15978
: QgsRasterDataProvider::cStringList2Q_ without UTF8 support
Bug report #15985
: Concave hull not working in Processing (QGIS3)
Bug report #15990
: wms png transparency not honoured
Bug report #16005
: Update OGR provider for GDAL 2.2 Triangle, TIN, PolyhedralSurface
Bug report #16016
: SVG menu icons on macOS do not show up
Bug report #16018
: Processing: numeric field are discarded and replaced with zero
Bug report #16020
: Error saving new table records in specific field (2.99 110ffe2)
Bug report #16021
: processing: gdal's build virtual raster alg within a model has wrong output name
Bug report #16028
: Metasearch/QGIS3: failing view results as xml
Bug report #16036
: regression: node tool's snapping not working
Bug report #16039
: QGIS crash when loading Geomedia mdb, ogr2ogr works fine
Bug report #16044
: Raster: multiply causes NULLs to be painted in black
Bug report #16049
: Opening a lot of JPG rasters all at once causes crash on Linux
Bug report #16061
: Rasterize and Rasterize Over algorithms not opening
Bug report #16065
: IDW and TIN interpolation errors in Processing
Bug report #16069
: Random extract Processing test fails
Bug report #16082
: R Scripts errors in the script editor
Bug report #16084
: Create constant raster layer not working
Bug report #16086
: Feature count for {rule-based,categorized,graduated} renderer wrong when using joined fields upon project load
Bug report #16129
: Processing : execute sql alg does not work with input2 ... inputN parameters
Bug report #16132
: Shortcuts not working in composer
Bug report #16133
: Wrong default extension picked for table outputs
Bug report #16143
: label font size unit wrongly ported in 3.0
Bug report #16144
: QGIS-master - killed on Signal 11
Bug report #16149
: project loading a "feature count"-enabled layer can mess project CRS
Bug report #16151
: qgis crashes on exit
Bug report #16152
: python3 osgeo package missing from osgeo4w
Bug report #16158
: Generic Help system: Remove the margin within the frame
Bug report #16163
: Offline Editing: layers can't be deselected individually
Bug report #16164
: Missing data-defined icon on some widgets of diagram properties
Bug report #16176
: Metasearch plugin help fails to work in master
Bug report #16179
: installing qgis 2.99 on Ubuntu 16.04
Bug report #16188
: osgeo64/processing: bag magic number in yaml
Bug report #16189
: QgsMapLayerRegistry not defined in current master?
Bug report #16192
: QGIS3/Windows/Oracle: no connection/layers?
Bug report #16193
: The new searchbox in the Layer properties dialog prevents minimization of the icons left panel
Bug report #16195
: Problem running GRASS7 under QGIS master
Bug report #16198
: QgsGeometry().asPolygon() segfaults, Python, SIP
Bug report #16204
: Symbol selector dialog: Clicking on the "data-defined override" button disables its configuration
Bug report #16206
: weird widget label in the layer properties --> Diagrams --> Appearance dialog
Bug report #16207
: Missing data-defined icon on some widgets
Bug report #16209
: Attributes multi-edit: fields with spinbox widget are not cleared when different values
Bug report #16220
: Log Messages Panel minimizes irreversible after escape
Bug report #16221
: "Line Pattern Fill" symbol layer should not embed "Draw line only inside polygon" property for line sub symbol
Bug report #16224
: Selected language is not taken into consideration
Bug report #16227
: R scripts won't run
Bug report #16233
: regression: deleting a saved wms/wmts server crashes QGIS
Bug report #16234
: regression: QGIS does not respect icon size upon launch
Bug report #16239
: master: (much) slower rendering (and attribute table opening) time compared to 2.18.4
Bug report #16240
: Node tool does not add z value to 3d vectors, while the nodes added by the rashape tool have the Z added
Bug report #16253
: Issues with Postgis table having timestamp as primary key
Bug report #16268
: Issue connecting QgsVectorLayer.committedAttributesAdded under QGIS3 Windows
Bug report #16270
: Modeler does not work on QGIS master
Bug report #16276
: Processing Gdal Translate
Bug report #16277
: Processing "Gdal Clip Vector Layer By Extent" and "Clip Vector by Polygons"
Bug report #16305
: WMS GetLegend Fails in QGIS 2.99
Bug report #16329
: osgeo4w64, unable to run python3 in command box
Bug report #16337
: Wrong CRS displayed in status bar
Bug report #16338
: Problem with QGIS projects with OTF in master
Bug report #16373
: Spinbox Widgets revert to start value in LayerProperties in Symbology controls
Bug report #16380
: qgis.core.QgsGeometry has odd behaviour on pyqgis
Bug report #16390
: Print composer: change in page size should trigger an update of the placement of all items
Bug report #16392
: regression: composer legend items don't restore properly on project load
Bug report #16400
: Relation reference widget - filter lists are not refreshed in attribute table form view
Bug report #16402
: regression: opening attribute table of a 4mb .OSM vector dataset freezes QGIS
Bug report #16406
: Expression builder: missing help for functions
Bug report #16407
: Expression builder: Rename simplify and simplify_vw
Bug report #16414
: Importing SLD with external SVG-files causes program freeze
Bug report #16421
: SAGA and GRASS support broken in QGIS master
Bug report #16428
: Processing UI forms not rendering properly
Bug report #16439
: QGIS crashes on startup when plugin manager last closed viewing the settings tab
Bug report #16448
: Build Globe Plugin in QGIS Master v2.99.0r806d225rrr
Bug report #16455
: Refreshing provider alg list does not refresh toolbox
Bug report #16465
: Unable to create new bookmarks
Bug report #16470
: crash when using legend "show feature count"
Bug report #16471
: Name of print composers changed from QGIS 2 to 3 without warning
Bug report #16473
: Virtual layer: QGIS crashes when testing a wrong expression
Bug report #16485
: Models stopped to work in QGIS3
Feature request #5377
: Add tags to Processing modules
Feature request #6088
: Allow selected rows only when running the Interpolation plugin
Feature request #9124
: Heatmap in percentage
Feature request #12158
: Rename "Road Graph" to "Shortest Path"
Feature request #14072
: Style Manager: avoid same name for different groups
Feature request #14073
: Style Manager: A group should display symbols of its subgroups
Feature request #15399
: Support for polygon outline labelling
Feature request #15400
: Better placement of multiline labels
Feature request #15500
: Distribute Graphical Elements
Feature request #15618
: Integrate isselected() expression function from ExpressionsPlus plugin in core
Feature request #15621
: num_selected variable and/or function
Feature request #15622
: Introduce per layer actions
Feature request #15733
: improve qml API to allow filtering different layer definition sections
Feature request #15763
: Processing: remove support for GRASS6
Feature request #15770
: [composer] allow expressions for legend item text
Feature request #15902
: Layer Properties: Mix "No labels" and "Blocking" labels options into a single one
Feature request #15905
: QgsGeometryAnalyzer, buffer: Allow specification of segments
Feature request #15938
: Specify type of Join
Feature request #15947
: Styling dock: Show current style as a combobox
Feature request #15981
: Austria NTv2 AT_GIS_GRID Transformation out-of-box
Feature request #16040
: Filter relation reference widget by expressions
Feature request #16075
: Introduce a "search_feature" widget based on attribute or location
Feature request #16088
: Implement WFS-T for WFS 1.1 and 2.0
Feature request #16089
: Add a Processing tool for import into Geopackage databases
Feature request #16105
: [Processing] Add lwgeom provider to core Processing
Feature request #16155
: Generic Help system: It would be nice to propose a default doc path
Feature request #16218
: SVG Fill symbol needs a spacing parameter
Feature request #16320
: Add ESRI Featureserver, Mapserver, ImageServer layers from Metasearch dialogue
Feature request #16349
: Make scale dependent visibility uniform for layers and labels
Feature request #16367
: Indicate filters in layer list
Feature request #16432
: Update the field list in layer.dataProvider().forceReload()