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Toggle check # Tracker Status Priority Subject Assignee Updated
21133Bug reportClosedHighmultiple crashes2019-01-30 03:32 PM
21132Bug reportClosedNormalcomposer pdf export generates hidden items2019-02-24 01:32 AM
21131Bug reportClosedHighCrash2019-01-30 03:40 PM
21129Bug reportClosedNormalExtent selector shows layers with no spatial component (geometryless tables)Victor Olaya2019-01-31 07:51 AM
21128Bug reportClosedNormalRunning QGIS3 first time after fresh install resulting in path error(s)2019-02-18 02:19 PM
21126Bug reportClosedNormalEmpty SVG exports2019-01-30 11:15 AM
21125Bug reportClosedNormalRange widget gives NULL value in Attributes Form/Table2019-01-30 01:31 PM
21124Bug reportRejectedHighQGIS crashes on Fedora 29 Plasma desktop2019-02-11 12:18 AM
21121Bug reportClosedNormalHillshade Layer Style wrong if OpenCL acceleration is enabledAlessandro Pasotti2019-02-04 12:16 PM
21120Bug reportClosedNormalSAGA Fill Sink2019-02-24 01:33 AM
21119Bug reportClosedNormalSAGA missing in 3.52019-01-30 10:04 AM
21116Bug and processing.runAndLoadResults give different output2019-01-29 10:58 AM
21115Bug reportClosedHighQGIS crashes when saving project or create a new layer2019-02-24 09:22 AM
21114Bug reportClosedNormalGrass algorithms doesn't work from Processing Toolbox level (grass-7.7.svn folder problem)2019-01-27 05:37 PM
21112Bug reportClosedNormal"Zoom to layer" doesn't work as expected on WFS dataprovider when you have af provide feature filter applied to the datasource2019-02-06 10:26 PM
21111Bug reportClosedNormalQGIS 3.5 - Advanced digitizing does not activate the d, a, x, and y keys2019-01-26 10:45 PM
21110Bug reportClosedNormalFrequent crash when saving project2019-01-26 09:41 PM
21109Bug reportClosedNormal@geometry_point_count and @geometry_point_num variable names are confusing2019-01-27 12:35 PM
21106Bug reportClosedNormalQGIS 3.4.4 crash at opening2019-01-26 11:37 AM
21104Bug reportClosedNormalno result buffer error for PostGIS datasets.2019-01-25 11:30 PM
21103Bug reportClosedNormalIs qgis-plugin-grass kept up-to-date with ubuntu-unstable?2019-01-25 10:23 PM
21100Bug reportClosedNormalfield calculator doesn't load values for gpkg containing blank spaces or n dash (hypen) in field namesAlessandro Pasotti2019-02-04 11:00 AM
21099Bug reportClosedNormalPostgis DB selector for outputs fails to list schemas in selected DBVictor Olaya2019-01-28 10:00 PM
21098Bug reportClosedHighMeasure tool2019-02-24 09:22 AM
21097Bug reportClosedNormalOpening shapefiles in ZIP gives Invalid Datasource2019-01-28 11:39 AM
21095Bug reportClosedHighQGIS Crashed2019-03-09 10:42 AM
21093Bug reportClosedNormalGeoNode API requests require a stronger minor version parsingAlexander Bruy2019-02-09 11:53 AM
21091Bug reportClosedNormalError opening network KML page: Range downloading not supported by this server!Alessandro Pasotti2019-01-28 08:10 AM
21090Bug reportClosedNormalIssues with 3D Map View2019-01-25 06:55 PM
21089Bug reportClosedHigh[processing] SAGA algorithms cannot produce non-shp outputVictor Olaya2019-02-22 08:24 PM
21088Bug reportClosedNormalQGIS 3.4 much much slower to delete shapes2019-01-24 01:34 PM
21087Bug reportClosedNormalOpacity in scalebar rendering not working properly in QGIS 3.4.32019-02-24 10:21 AM
21086Bug reportClosedNormalCan't add a virtual field or update a existing field of a WFS layer using the field calculatorAlessandro Pasotti2019-01-29 12:09 PM
21085Bug reportClosedHighProcessing time for GeoJSON 10 times slower in 3.4Even Rouault2019-02-08 02:08 PM
21083Feature requestClosedLowGeoPackage Raster WEBP support2019-01-26 11:55 PM
21082Bug reportClosedHighQGIS crashes when loading mesh layers Peter Petrik2019-01-24 03:20 PM
21080Bug reportClosedNormalQGIS 3.4.4 and master - field calc select blank expressionsMathieu Pellerin - nIRV2019-01-31 11:40 AM
21079Bug reportClosedNormalProblems to show elevation data from TIFF file2019-02-24 01:07 AM
21078Bug reportClosedNormalLayout Attribute Table 'Filter with' not working with variablesNyall Dawson2019-01-25 07:01 AM
21077Bug reportClosedNormalForm Value relation based on WFS layerAlessandro Pasotti2019-02-05 01:00 PM
21075Bug reportClosedNormalUpdate to 3.4.3 via OSGeo4W gets wrong numpy2019-01-23 10:54 AM
21073Bug reportClosedHighQGIS3 3.4.4 cannot be opened because of a problem - Crash on launch2019-01-24 08:16 PM
21071Bug reportClosedHighCrash on exit from a minimal project2019-03-08 10:48 AM
21070Bug reportClosedNormal[QGIS 4 Mac] Freeze at openingDenis Rouzaud2019-01-25 10:09 PM
21069Bug reportClosedHighcrash by geometry check2019-02-24 01:14 AM
21068Bug reportClosedNormalButton positions in Database styles manager dialogAlessandro Pasotti2019-01-25 09:38 AM
21065Bug reportClosedNormalMissing chapter for Mesh in documentation2019-01-22 10:34 AM
21064Bug reportClosedHighKML export fail QGIS crash2019-02-24 09:21 AM
21063Bug reportClosedNormalUnable to load GFS weather grib2 format data as a mesh2019-03-17 09:24 AM
21062Bug reportClosedNormalIdentify features window opens very small2019-01-22 11:22 AM

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