

Apply Clear

Toggle check # Tracker Status Priority Subject Assignee Updated
751Feature requestClosedLowAdd GML support for win32 buildnobody -2009-08-22 12:45 AM
22019Feature requestOpenNormalAdd GRASS "turntable" parameters to modulesGiovanni Manghi2019-05-09 01:36 PM
12343Feature requestClosedNormalAdd GRASS* modules to Processing toolbox2016-01-13 04:54 AM
12724Feature requestClosedNormalAdd GeoPackage to "Save Vector Layer as..."2015-05-08 02:32 PM
9805Feature requestClosedNormalAdd ILIKE filter2014-03-18 06:38 AM
1528Feature requestClosedLowAdd Image Map plugin functionality to Print Composer2015-12-17 01:42 AM
2461Feature requestClosedLowAdd Incremental rendering of features when using Symbology V2nobody -2010-02-22 01:57 AM
9188Feature requestClosedNormalAdd Inkscape-like color selection2016-01-27 05:28 PM
19718Feature requestOpenLowAdd Keyboard Shortcut for the the 'Add Delimited Text Layer'2018-10-21 06:10 PM
6294Feature requestClosedNormalAdd LIKE and case insensitive filters to QGis Server2014-03-03 01:22 AM
17166Feature requestOpenNormalAdd Layer definiton button in data source manager2017-09-21 11:00 AM
6079Feature requestClosedNormalAdd Left & Right to field calculator2012-07-22 03:44 AM
244Feature requestClosedLowAdd Metadata for PostGIS LayerGary Sherman2009-08-22 12:45 AM
5378Feature requestClosedNormalAdd OTB doc linksVictor Olaya2017-05-01 11:06 AM
20663Feature requestOpenNormalAdd Option for transparent Map Background for 3D viewer2018-11-29 11:20 AM
17838Feature requestRejectedNormalAdd Orfeo ToolBox (OTB) plugins support for version > 5.8.02018-01-15 08:17 AM
6325Feature requestClosedNormalAdd PAL labelling features for Python access2012-09-20 10:50 AM
12302Feature requestClosedNormalAdd PKTools to ProcessingGiovanni Manghi2015-06-07 04:33 AM
19883Feature requestOpenNormalAdd Polygon feature: double (left click) to end the creation 2018-09-18 06:07 PM
7462Feature requestOpenNormalAdd PostGIS Layers dialog stops processing as soon as a user confirms a selection2017-05-01 12:48 AM
6664Feature requestClosedNormalAdd PostGIS Layers dialog stops processing as soon as a user confirms a selection2013-02-17 06:56 AM
17040Feature requestOpenNormalAdd PostgreSQL support for JSON field types along with UUID, XML, arrays, etc…2017-09-08 01:35 PM
15016Feature requestOpenNormalAdd Preset... based on map in print composer2017-05-01 12:46 AM
7300Feature requestOpenNormalAdd Printer Margins to Print Compose2018-03-19 05:28 PM
6308Feature requestClosedNormalAdd Proxy server for OnlineResource GetCapabilities to Qgis Server projects2012-09-06 12:06 PM
17827Feature requestOpenNormalAdd QGIS User Profile as an Expression Variable2018-02-05 09:35 AM
13552Feature requestOpenNormalAdd QGIS authentication for Oracle connections2017-09-08 01:35 PM
2539Feature requestClosedLowAdd QGIS revision number to python error outputBorys Jurgiel2010-03-14 05:41 PM
12958Feature requestOpenNormalAdd Radio buttons or "option row" to the list of available widgets for forms2017-05-01 12:47 AM
2024Feature requestClosedLowAdd Raster Stretching/Enhancement based on portion of image in current windownobody -2010-08-08 06:22 PM
5349Feature requestClosedNormalAdd SCALE to GetLegendGraphicMarco Hugentobler2012-04-13 08:17 AM
16285Feature requestOpenNormalAdd SQL window to browser panel2017-05-01 12:44 AM
7981Feature requestClosedNormalAdd SVG symbol sets2018-02-24 01:33 PM
12159Feature requestClosedNormalAdd Settings button to Shortest Path widget2017-10-28 01:09 PM
12199Feature requestOpenNormalAdd Southern African grid frame style2017-05-01 12:47 AM
12201Feature requestOpenLowAdd Southern African scale bar style2017-05-01 12:47 AM
15169Feature requestOpenNormalAdd Toggle selected / checkmarked layers buttons in Layers Panel2017-05-01 10:13 AM
19139Feature requestFeedbackNormalAdd US Survey Feet as Unit Type2018-06-11 12:48 AM
11933Feature requestOpenNormalAdd Vector Join - possibility to select multiple fields to include at once2017-09-22 10:07 AM
3485Feature requestClosedLowAdd WCS supportMarco Hugentobler2012-11-20 02:47 PM
3976Feature requestClosedNormalAdd WFS search engine2014-06-12 03:09 PM
13085Feature requestOpenNormalAdd WMS-T (time) support2018-02-28 12:00 PM
8808Feature requestOpenNormalAdd WMS-T support to QGIS server2018-09-26 04:22 PM
8220Feature requestClosedNormalAdd XLS and KMZ in Ogr supported file filter AND browser 2019-02-05 10:18 PM
17536Feature requestClosedNormalAdd XYZ Tiles missing from Add Layer dialogue and Data Source Manager.2018-03-15 08:22 PM
18761Feature requestOpenNormalAdd a "Apply page size to other pages" button to page item properties2018-04-19 09:57 AM
1866Feature requestClosedLowAdd a "Merge" tool to the Ftools toolboxcfarmer -2010-04-01 11:43 AM
10086Feature requestClosedNormalAdd a "Save as" for Processing logsVictor Olaya2015-06-07 04:31 AM
5040Feature requestOpenLowAdd a "Split lines with points layer" tool/scriptVictor Olaya2017-07-20 11:41 AM
863Feature requestClosedLowAdd a "Table" Chart Type in Raster Layer Property>Histogram dialog boxTim Sutton2011-12-25 10:34 AM
8420Feature requestClosedNormalAdd a "add only classes of visible features" to legend in print composer2013-08-09 04:21 AM
14627Feature requestOpenNormalAdd a "cancel" button for Query Builder get "Sample" Values 2017-05-01 12:46 AM
14643Feature requestOpenNormalAdd a "comment" field in DB Manager (postgis) import2017-05-01 12:46 AM
19058Feature requestOpenNormalAdd a "compress files" algorithm2018-06-04 04:04 AM
2000Feature requestClosedNormalAdd a "don't make caps at the end of polylines" and "side" options in the buffer tool2018-01-15 04:42 AM
4933Feature requestClosedNormalAdd a "fill hole" (and "fill space") tool in the core digitizing toolbar2014-06-12 05:00 PM
9061Feature requestClosedNormalAdd a "minimum distance between points" in the "random points" tool in the vector menu2017-05-01 01:21 AM
12599Feature requestClosedNormalAdd a "multiple input" option for attributes and other data typesVictor Olaya2018-05-16 02:13 PM
6091Feature requestClosedNormalAdd a "recent used" expressions list in field calculatorNathan Woodrow2014-01-22 04:22 AM
4996Feature requestClosedNormalAdd a "remove overlapped areas" tool in the core digitizing toolbar2014-06-20 04:07 PM
2701Feature requestClosedLowAdd a "reverse lines" processing algorithm2015-11-27 11:57 AM
5604Feature requestClosedNormalAdd a "select all classes" button in vector style tab2014-06-20 09:45 AM
4932Feature requestOpenNormalAdd a "send error" button in the python error dialogs2017-05-01 12:50 AM
9907Feature requestOpenNormalAdd a "stop at first feature" mode to the identify tool2017-05-01 12:47 AM
20248Feature requestOpenNormalAdd a $z and and $z_at expression functions2018-10-28 07:17 PM
14424Feature requestOpenNormalAdd a (un)check all option in Project Properties --> Identify layers2017-09-22 10:05 AM
4476Feature requestFeedbackNormalAdd a 2 cases if() command to Raster Calculator2018-11-23 08:31 AM
21679Feature requestOpenNormalAdd a GDAL/processing tool for ogrmergeGiovanni Manghi2019-03-26 04:16 PM
18592Feature requestOpenNormalAdd a Paste layer action in Layers contextual menu2018-03-30 04:57 PM
16089Feature requestOpenNormalAdd a Processing tool for import into Geopackage databasesVictor Olaya2017-05-01 12:44 AM
18208Feature requestOpenNormalAdd a Rescale rasters alg2018-02-25 09:16 AM
3383Feature requestClosedLowAdd a SAGA pluginBorys Jurgiel2011-08-23 02:01 AM
4461Feature requestOpenNormalAdd a button "continue editing" after right clicking the mouse when digitizing new geometries2017-05-01 12:50 AM
3834Feature requestOpenLowAdd a button to separate the selected parts of a multipart feature while editing2017-05-01 12:50 AM
13879Feature requestOpenNormalAdd a classification field based on current style rules2018-03-06 06:17 PM
13906Feature requestClosedNormalAdd a cluster renderer2018-07-23 08:36 PM
9746Feature requestClosedNormalAdd a command to reset the GUI2014-09-15 06:09 AM
18101Feature requestClosedNormalAdd a comment field in DB Manager2019-01-23 03:26 PM
2265Feature requestOpenLowAdd a configuration option for the sensitivity of the "select features" toolnobody -2017-05-01 12:42 AM
4895Feature requestOpenLowAdd a default template2018-02-23 06:07 PM
1908Feature requestClosedLowAdd a dialog to select datum transformationnobody -2011-03-08 11:32 AM
9950Feature requestOpenNormalAdd a distance analysis toolVictor Olaya2017-05-01 12:47 AM
243Feature requestClosedLowAdd a feature to calculate field values in attribut tablesGary Sherman2009-09-30 06:38 AM
9938Feature requestClosedLowAdd a filter for "New" plugins to plugins website Borys Jurgiel2016-02-01 01:23 PM
4609Feature requestOpenNormalAdd a filter for the "values" list in the query builder and similar dialogs2017-05-01 12:50 AM
3498Feature requestOpenLowAdd a flag "Label only selected features"2018-01-29 07:11 PM
19745Feature requestOpenNormalAdd a function to list layers with features actually visible in a layout map item2018-09-01 10:39 AM
14425Feature requestOpenNormalAdd a general setting to set identifiable or not any new layer in the project2017-09-22 10:05 AM
12360Feature requestClosedNormalAdd a h5py package to the OSGeo4W distribution2015-03-12 02:25 AM
15187Feature requestOpenNormalAdd a list of vector formats and QGIS capabilities regarding them2017-09-22 09:55 AM
13864Feature requestOpenNormalAdd a more explicite error message when snapping fails2017-05-01 12:47 AM
6910Feature requestClosedNormalAdd a multiband grey option to raster rendererRadim Blazek2014-06-23 06:40 AM
19114Feature requestOpenNormalAdd a parameter specifying if a CRS or Ellipsoid is Earth related or not2018-06-05 04:17 AM
9797Feature requestClosedNormalAdd a precision setting for GetFeatureInfo geometry attributesRené-Luc ReLuc2014-08-22 06:54 AM
5538Feature requestOpenLowAdd a progess bar when importing/exporting vectors from one connection to another2017-05-01 12:48 AM
16284Feature requestOpenNormalAdd a rename option when copying layers by drag and drop in the browser2017-05-01 12:44 AM
16978Feature requestOpenNormalAdd a resampling method option to the "Save as" tool for rasters2017-09-03 10:54 AM
12681Feature requestClosedNormalAdd a search bar in the "Configure Shortcuts" Dialog2017-01-03 12:36 AM
12067Feature requestClosedNormalAdd a search bar in the "Get scripts and models" dialogVictor Olaya2016-08-02 01:22 AM
10929Feature requestOpenNormalAdd a shortcut icon for the plugin manager on the plugin toolbar2017-09-22 10:07 AM
15751Feature requestOpenNormalAdd a standard repo for publishing online maps2018-02-24 04:29 PM
9303Feature requestClosedNormalAdd a switch to reverse colours and invert palette2018-02-24 02:02 PM
13562Feature requestOpenNormalAdd a template selector to the add new composer dialog2017-05-01 12:47 AM
10316Feature requestClosedNormalAdd a toggle to turn layer filtering on of2015-12-01 11:33 PM
5342Feature requestClosedNormalAdd a tool to allow continue editing of already existing line geometries2017-05-03 11:28 AM
10135Feature requestClosedNormalAdd a tool to remove isolated linesVictor Olaya2018-02-24 02:30 PM
19769Feature requestOpenNormalAdd a variable returning the current map theme2018-09-11 05:25 PM
13942Feature requestOpenNormalAdd a warning on Atlas generation or overview if no map in composer is set to work with Atlas2017-05-01 12:46 AM
14914Feature requestClosedHighAdd a warning to Plugin managerBorys Jurgiel2017-10-28 11:24 AM
5546Feature requestOpenNormalAdd a warning when vector fields/values are above the limits2017-05-01 12:48 AM
20994Feature requestOpenNormalAdd a way to pass additional parameters to GDAL commands2019-05-23 06:57 AM
6736Feature requestOpenNormalAdd a writtenProject signal at the end of the project file writing2017-05-01 12:48 AM
4236Feature requestOpenNormalAdd ability to (over)write CRS for an existing raster file e.g. to geotif or to .aux.xml file for jpg + jgw2018-10-05 12:13 PM
16857Feature requestOpenNormalAdd ability to add separate symbols to composer map legend2017-07-12 10:02 PM
13038Feature requestOpenNormalAdd ability to choose field type in CSV plugin provider importChris Crook2018-04-15 11:33 AM
1297Feature requestClosedLowAdd ability to control stroke capping for line symbology (or default to flat cap)nobody -2010-04-24 04:40 PM
6400Feature requestOpenNormalAdd ability to create a new dbf table2017-05-01 12:48 AM
20811Feature requestOpenNormalAdd ability to do a manual full refresh of all HTML Frames in a Layout, including linked CSS.2018-12-31 11:54 AM
17419Feature requestOpenNormalAdd ability to edit rings in composer polygon item2017-11-07 11:03 PM
11734Feature requestOpenNormalAdd ability to get search BBox from layer2017-05-01 12:47 AM
4280Feature requestOpenNormalAdd ability to refresh the extent of a WFS layer2017-05-01 12:50 AM
17333Feature requestClosedNormalAdd ability to select geometry type when adding postgis unrestricted GEOMETRY columnJürgen Fischer2017-10-26 09:54 AM
1125Feature requestClosedLowAdd ability to undo last editsMarco Hugentobler2009-06-14 07:27 AM
1422Feature requestClosedLowAdd ability to use socks5 proxynobody -2009-07-16 11:08 AM
1482Feature requestClosedLowAdd accessors to QgsVectorLayer2015-11-16 08:25 AM
2938Feature requestClosedLowAdd advance selection tools to corenobody -2010-12-01 04:55 AM
1645Feature requestClosedLowAdd align option to Edit Current Grass Region in Toolbarnobody -2009-07-31 07:15 AM
12315Feature requestFeedbackNormalAdd an "Add to current selection" option2017-05-01 12:47 AM
15817Feature requestOpenNormalAdd an "offset" property to first level symbol (needed for the "Offset point symbols" tool)2017-05-01 12:46 AM
19112Feature requestOpenNormalAdd an ellipsoid method to QgsCoordinateReferenceSystem2018-06-05 04:08 AM
19113Feature requestOpenNormalAdd an epsg or authid method to QgsEllipsoidUtils::EllipsoidDefinition2018-06-05 04:16 AM
16684Feature requestOpenNormalAdd an expression option to a Page property of composer items2017-06-08 10:13 AM
17543Feature requestOpenNormalAdd an icon to 3D Map view and show it on toolbar2017-11-24 02:54 PM
4332Feature requestClosedLowAdd an option "set project CRS from first loaded layer"2011-10-03 04:12 AM
14845Feature requestClosedNormalAdd an option to automatically classify discrete rasters when styling them2017-04-02 07:53 PM
14364Feature requestClosedNormalAdd an option to avoid querying data to collect extents2017-05-02 03:37 PM
14477Feature requestOpenNormalAdd an option to create a sequence for existing integer columns2017-10-17 02:20 AM
15607Feature requestOpenNormalAdd an option to filter list of available layers in Layer Styling panelNathan Woodrow2017-05-01 12:46 AM
9949Feature requestClosedNormalAdd an option to list layers in alphabetical orderVictor Olaya2015-06-07 04:31 AM
14479Feature requestOpenNormalAdd an option to load/save .sql files2017-05-01 12:46 AM
8672Feature requestClosedNormalAdd an option to modify datasource string on a query layer properties window2016-11-14 01:12 AM
4735Feature requestClosedHighAdd an option to run ftools in batch mode (clip, buffer, dissolve and others)2017-05-01 01:22 AM
17922Feature requestOpenNormalAdd an option to store data defined label position as an offet instead of raw coordinates2018-02-20 06:07 AM
10146Feature requestClosedLowAdd appropriate colour ramps to results of analyses2018-02-24 04:46 PM
4774Feature requestOpenNormalAdd area, length etc. triggers to DB Manager2018-02-23 05:27 PM
10295Feature requestOpenNormalAdd auto increment field for non database formats2018-02-24 05:05 PM
9270Feature requestOpenNormalAdd basemaps always below vector-layers2017-05-01 12:48 AM
16961Feature requestOpenNormalAdd blending modes for layer groups2017-08-02 10:36 PM
6255Feature requestFeedbackHighAdd button to force recalculating stats of raster layers2017-05-01 12:48 AM
19519Feature requestFeedbackNormalAdd buttons [Stop] / [Only LineStrings] / [Only polygons] / {All} to dialog Select vector Layers to Add...2018-12-24 09:38 AM
11450Feature requestOpenNormalAdd buttons to selec/deselect all tags in Import OSM dialog2017-05-01 12:47 AM
2541Feature requestClosedLowAdd canUninstall function to python plugin modulesBorys Jurgiel2010-03-12 12:02 AM
19794Feature requestClosedNormalAdd capability for specifying additional options with the gdal:contour processing algorithmGiovanni Manghi2018-09-25 02:11 AM
19738Feature requestClosedNormalAdd checkbox to mask deactivated layers in layout legend2018-09-02 05:06 PM
15911Feature requestOpenNormalAdd checkbox when using 'Save As' to keep original style2017-09-22 09:56 AM
11448Feature requestClosedNormalAdd clipping with ogr2ogr with "-clipsrc" optionVictor Olaya2014-10-26 03:23 AM
19609Feature requestOpenHighAdd color ramp item with tick and number label in print layout2018-08-13 04:40 PM
2052Feature requestClosedLowAdd color support to labels fonts in print composernobody -2009-11-19 01:32 AM
485Feature requestOpenLowAdd comments for translators to distinguish tool names with tooltipsnobody -2017-05-01 12:42 AM
4756Feature requestClosedNormalAdd compile-time option "qgis-server-only"2012-01-09 08:12 AM
11812Feature requestClosedNormalAdd compression options for outputs ("-co") in gdal tools for ProcessingGiovanni Manghi2015-02-06 12:05 PM
15208Feature requestFeedbackNormalAdd conflict management to offline editing2017-05-01 12:46 AM
15356Feature requestFeedbackNormalAdd convenience shortcuts to layer/table context menu2017-05-01 12:46 AM
7787Feature requestRejectedNormalAdd create and connect Spatialite DB into DBManager2014-03-26 11:47 AM
18387Feature requestOpenNormalAdd csvt files when csv files are used as algorithm output2018-03-08 01:20 PM
731Feature requestClosedLowAdd custom fill stylesTim Sutton2009-08-22 12:45 AM
13768Feature requestClosedNormalAdd custom polygon item to print composer2015-11-06 01:22 AM
3831Feature requestClosedLowAdd customizable Online Resource for QGIS-mapserver to be configurable via properties-section in projectfileMarco Hugentobler2013-04-12 02:55 PM
4339Feature requestClosedNormalAdd data defined color to new symbology2011-10-01 05:45 AM
15131Feature requestClosedNormalAdd data defined overrides to Vector Field markers2018-07-23 08:50 PM
5612Feature requestClosedNormalAdd data defined symbol in new symbology (is/was available in old symbology)2015-10-12 08:54 PM
6912Feature requestOpenNormalAdd data provider field validation for Q[Plain]TextEdit widgets2017-05-01 12:48 AM
12359Feature requestOpenNormalAdd default OSM styles2018-02-25 07:34 PM
16493Feature requestOpenNormalAdd default XYZ servicesEtienne Tourigny2018-02-24 03:23 PM
18593Feature requestOpenNormalAdd default shortcuts to copy and paste layers/group actions in Layer menu2018-03-30 04:58 PM
994Feature requestClosedLowAdd delay to expansion of grouped items in legendMarco Hugentobler2009-08-22 12:57 AM
16955Feature requestOpenNormalAdd different interpolation to DensifyVictor Olaya2017-08-02 11:16 AM
13578Feature requestClosedNormalAdd double-click behaviour to item in legend items list2016-06-16 01:31 AM
6670Feature requestOpenNormalAdd drag and drop from Layer Panel to DBManager2017-06-26 02:34 AM
8441Feature requestClosedLowAdd dropdown list (or autocomplete) of previous entries to new feature dialog2014-06-22 02:57 AM
6683Feature requestOpenNormalAdd duplication option to embed layers/groups dialogLarry Shaffer2017-05-01 12:48 AM
19529Feature requestOpenNormalAdd edit geometries with query filter2018-08-03 11:06 AM
9302Feature requestOpenNormalAdd equal area and other classifications for raster colour ramps2018-02-24 02:01 PM
15150Feature requestOpenNormalAdd explanation on "Avoid intersections" totally wiping out a feature geometry2017-05-01 12:46 AM
3555Feature requestClosedLowAdd exported dataset dialog2012-01-11 06:44 AM
8682Feature requestClosedNormalAdd expressions to diagrams2014-01-13 02:20 AM
10226Feature requestOpenNormalAdd expressions to diagrams (tab position)2017-05-01 12:48 AM
17188Feature requestOpenNormalAdd feature hides new feature while attriute mask is open2019-03-31 12:47 PM
3016Feature requestClosedLowAdd feature: File>Open project as group2011-06-21 12:50 AM
4348Feature requestClosedNormalAdd features like "creation options" and "no data" for all gdaltools2018-05-16 02:10 PM
12258Feature requestClosedNormalAdd fields to temporary memory layers2016-01-15 04:54 PM
4153Feature requestClosedNormalAdd fillnodata utilAlexander Bruy2011-11-13 02:30 AM
6307Feature requestClosedNormalAdd font color option to legend in print composerNathan Woodrow2013-04-05 05:52 AM
16642Feature requestClosedNormalAdd for a lot of tools the possibility of working only with selected featureVictor Olaya2017-06-23 02:13 PM
18688Feature requestClosedNormalAdd function Scale_View for Map Composer2018-05-11 11:07 AM
13015Feature requestClosedLowAdd function help for IF expression in field calculator2015-07-12 11:45 PM
16073Feature requestOpenNormalAdd functions to convert color format2017-05-01 12:44 AM
4852Feature requestClosedNormalAdd to GdalTools2014-01-27 07:05 AM
4705Feature requestOpenLowAdd general option to show a dialog to allow enter the name of a (custom) CRS2017-05-01 12:50 AM
2560Feature requestClosedLowAdd geometry contains methodnobody -2010-03-17 02:27 AM

1 2 3 4 ... 22 (201-400/4358) Per page: 25, 50, 100, 200

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