From 2008-02-05 to 2008-03-05
09:36 PM Bug report #973: Georeferencer - right-clicking in "delete point" mode behave incorrectly and cra...
- can't find how to edit the ticket, that I've submitted
Trac didn't let me upload the map (4Mb file), in case you need... -
09:30 PM Bug report #973 (Closed): Georeferencer - right-clicking in "delete point" mode behave incorrectl...
- Load attached JPG with attached points.
Choose remove point button (also created by QGIS and definitely not right, wi... -
04:13 PM Feature request #972 (Open): do locking when features are changed in PostGIS tables
- QGIS doesn't prevent multiple users from editing the same table at the same time, which sooner or later results in ov...
10:25 PM Feature request #292: Enable Global style options in the Unique Value Symbolizer, especially sett...
- This is a minor issue but pretty critical for good cartography when dealing with symbolization of adjacent polygons.
... -
07:32 PM Feature request #971 (Open): Make available map extents available as a window that accepts cursor...
- The "Current Map Scale" window on the lower right of the QGIS application allows for user interaction to set the scal...
07:19 PM Bug report #883: Zoom to various previous extents
- I second this idea. QGIS needs to remember more than one of the previous view extents. Adding at least 10 extents by ...
07:14 PM Feature request #970 (Closed): When Initial Visibility is set to false still set map extent for f...
- The commit:99336b4, to allow initial visibility to be false is a great addition. It is a really nice feature to have ...
06:12 PM Feature request #969: Allow for smaller (fractional) outline width for polygons and line width fo...
- I'm also attaching a third image. This one was created with Mapnik using .1 line width. I took off the white parcel b...
05:57 PM Feature request #969 (Closed): Allow for smaller (fractional) outline width for polygons and line...
- The Symbology window of the layer properties allow the user to select outline widths from size 1 to 99 as integers. F...
12:49 PM Bug report #968: don't force polygon for intersection removal when the layer is multipolygon
- For the record: talking about QGIS SVN .
12:48 PM Bug report #968 (Closed): don't force polygon for intersection removal when the layer is multipol...
- 1. Enable "Avoid intersections of new polygons".
2. In a *multipolygon* [[PostGIS]] layer, digitize a feature overla... -
12:40 PM Bug report #958: wrong cursor after quiting edit mode
- This bug has further consequences:
1. toggle edit on for a line or polygon layer
2. start digitizing a segment, don... -
12:31 PM Bug report #967 (Closed): CRS of a new shapefile doesn't match CRS of the project
- 1. start qgis
2. define projection different than default ll/WGS84 (eg. EPSG:2180), set units (meters in EPSG:2180 c... -
07:54 AM Bug report #966 (Closed): remove Polygon intersections: create only multipolygons for multipolygo...
- QGIS creates polygons when using the option 'remove polygon intersections'. For multipolygon layers, those should be ...
07:18 AM Bug report #865 (Open): SPIT segfaults
- ha9016559,
Thanks for confirming the bug on Windows. Please take more care when you modify the ticket's fields in fu... -
05:11 AM Bug report #865 (In Progress): SPIT segfaults
- i use the qgis in windows XP ,I AM USING the chinese type character set (tranditional),in my region,we use big5 and U...
11:43 AM Feature request #965 (Closed): Add sliders to define min and max values
- I would imagine that the Continuous Color renderer finds the minimum and maximum value from the Classification Field(...
01:09 AM Bug report #677: Qgis crash report (generated by windows)
- Replying to [comment:3 pyelk]:
> Here's my scenario when QGIS crashed:
> Had v0.8 installed. Saw there was an upgr...
08:04 PM Feature request #964 (Closed): PostGIS internationalization problems on database object names
- While investigating uppercase support issues on [[PostGIS]] layers, I noticed that international characters likely wo...
06:28 PM Bug report #963 (Closed): The project Save? dialog does not appear when expected.
- A project with layers loaded sometimes doesn't get the Save dialog on closing QGIS/new file/open file actions
The As... -
11:58 AM Bug report #962: Postgis table with float type attribute interprets null as zero.
- Replying to [comment:2 cgsbob]:
> Replying to "cgsbob":/issues/show/962:
> The image I just uploaded has a bug :-) T... -
11:40 AM Bug report #962: Postgis table with float type attribute interprets null as zero.
- Replying to "cgsbob":/issues/show/962:
The image I just uploaded has a bug :-) The beginning arrow coming from the p... -
08:55 AM Bug report #962: Postgis table with float type attribute interprets null as zero.
- I chatted about this very briefly on IRC and Bob reasonable suggested that the attribute table ought to show the fiel...
03:22 PM Bug report #962 (Closed): Postgis table with float type attribute interprets null as zero.
- I tried to use Symbology>Continuous Color on a field that has nulls and noticed that these null values are interprete...
09:33 PM Bug report #961 (Closed): Check projection settings for sample dataset
- The sample Alaska datasets that the Windows installer optionally downloads seem to act as if they have no CRS defined...
05:21 PM Feature request #960 (Closed): Area scale field: make standardized symbol dimension and legend
- I find the "Area scale field" an important enhancement from QGis 0.9.2, but two enhancements should be
1 - make the... -
04:58 PM Feature request #121: join external tables to geometries
- It's a wish coming from many collegues of mine. It would be useful to support join and then export to a new shapefile...
12:42 PM Bug report #959 (Closed): Windows Vista - Error saving project - missing datasource params at qgs...
- I use qgis 0.91 for windows avaliable at
I have a project with 4 postgis layer's. I do some thematic wo...
03:56 AM Bug report #922 (Closed): grass tools: doesn't import attribute table
The bug is fixed on 0.9.2 developer version
03:56 AM Bug report #922 (Closed): grass tools: doesn't import attribute table
The bug is fixed on 0.9.2 developer version
10:14 AM Bug report #910 (Closed): Rubber band canvas artifacts when editing vector layer that is not in e...
- Agreed. Set to closed.
10:14 AM Bug report #910 (Closed): Rubber band canvas artifacts when editing vector layer that is not in e...
- Agreed. Set to closed.
01:37 AM Bug report #910: Rubber band canvas artifacts when editing vector layer that is not in edit mode
- This problem is gone in 0.9.2 for me on GNU/Linux in SVN commit:792f21dc (SVN r8172) I use - editing tools are simply...
10:12 AM Feature request #796 (Closed): Vertex-level editing
01:32 AM Feature request #796: Vertex-level editing
- Hi John
Isn't this a duplicate of your #748 by any chance?
01:52 AM Bug report #958 (Closed): wrong cursor after quiting edit mode
- 1. add a vector layer
2. toggle edit on
3. select some editing tool
4. toggle edit off
The cursor remains for the...
11:32 AM Bug report #956 (Closed): Spatial Bookmarking functionality fails when using special characters i...
- Fixed in commit:cd425dfb (SVN r8174)
11:32 AM Bug report #956 (Closed): Spatial Bookmarking functionality fails when using special characters i...
- Fixed in commit:cd425dfb (SVN r8174)
10:32 AM Bug report #957: QGIS crashes when trying to export shapefile from Postgis where record has NULL ...
- So, the problem is triggered by passing something unexpected (like wkbNone or equivelent?) into createEmptyGeometry()...
10:31 AM Bug report #957: QGIS crashes when trying to export shapefile from Postgis where record has NULL ...
racicot reports this traceback:...-
09:37 AM Bug report #957: QGIS crashes when trying to export shapefile from Postgis where record has NULL ...
- I don't have a postgis instance readily available, so I tried to reproduce this by opening a new vector layer from a ...
09:22 AM Bug report #957 (Closed): QGIS crashes when trying to export shapefile from Postgis where record ...
- When exporting data from Postgis to a shapefile and one or more records have a NULL geometry it seems like QGIS crash...
08:23 AM Feature request #954 (Closed): PostGIS tables with uppercase column names do not display/edit data
- Thanks! The patch is applied in commit:1542231d (SVN r8173). I also think that a function quoteIdentifier(someString)...
08:23 AM Feature request #954 (Closed): PostGIS tables with uppercase column names do not display/edit data
- Thanks! The patch is applied in commit:1542231d (SVN r8173). I also think that a function quoteIdentifier(someString)...
02:36 AM Feature request #121: join external tables to geometries
- I am also interested...
05:23 AM Bug report #956 (Closed): Spatial Bookmarking functionality fails when using special characters i...
- If you use german Umlauts (e.g. ä,ö,ü) or french accents (é,è,ô) etc in the name for a spatial bookmark the bookmark ...
03:50 AM Feature request #955 (Closed): PostGIS view only accessible by superuser or table owner
- Only a DB-superuser and the owner of the underlying table can access a [[PostGIS]] view. Everybody else gets a messag...
04:26 PM Feature request #954: PostGIS tables with uppercase column names do not display/edit data
- replaced the patch attachment with a corrected file as I discovered some extra spaces were being added to the column ...
12:44 AM Bug report #938 (Closed): table editor can't search in varchar columns of PostGIS layers
- Thanks for this patch, smizuno! It is applied to svn now (commit:88c839a6 (SVN r8167)) with minor modifications (some...
12:44 AM Bug report #938 (Closed): table editor can't search in varchar columns of PostGIS layers
- Thanks for this patch, smizuno! It is applied to svn now (commit:88c839a6 (SVN r8167)) with minor modifications (some...
05:48 PM Bug report #938: table editor can't search in varchar columns of PostGIS layers
- On a further look at this problem: in [[QgsAttributeTableDisplay]] constructor where mSearchColumns is loaded the ori...
07:28 PM Feature request #954 (Closed): PostGIS tables with uppercase column names do not display/edit data
- On [[PostGIS]]/PostgreSQL tables that have uppercase and other special characters in their column names, I have notic...
12:19 PM Bug report #953 (Closed): Actions fail getting columns with digits in their name
- Having real columns named like col1 and col10, %col10 gets the value of col1 and appends a '0'.
Detailed steps:
Cre... -
11:50 AM Feature request #952 (Closed): Support PostgreSQL uuid type
- Hi,
Recently I have been working with [[PostgreSQL]] 8.3 and uuid data type. When I have a table with uuid data ty...
05:12 AM Bug report #951 (Closed): Map Composer malfunctioning in QGIS 0.9.1 Mac OS X version
- The Map composer shows a blank window. It does not allow me to add maps or any other element. When I compare it to ...
01:08 PM Feature request #209 (Closed): Update some entries in the srs database
12:47 PM Bug report #943 (Closed): Incorrect tabulation order in gps plugin
12:46 PM Bug report #950 (Closed): Print Composer Empty
- My Print Composer Window comes up with the menu items but I can't do or add anything to the window. I am using the 0....
07:44 PM Bug report #938: table editor can't search in varchar columns of PostGIS layers
- I just realized that I wasn't paying attention to the position of the geometry column. It is at the position of the g...
04:48 PM Bug report #938: table editor can't search in varchar columns of PostGIS layers
- I find that there is a blank item in the drop-down list AND the last column in the table is missing from the list. Th...
06:30 AM Bug report #865: SPIT segfaults
- Given the frequent problems with the SPIT plugin, I think a different approach would be better:
- replace ogr2ogr wit...
12:38 AM Feature request #54: label placement
- Hi,
You might look at in GRASS 6.3 for some nice algorithm, "Create paint labels, but use a ... -
12:28 AM Bug report #348 (Closed): Crash on OSX when loading GeoTIFF
- I have now tested Tom's brand new qgis-0.9.2rc1.dmg.gz.
good stuff guys, thanks. Closing the bug.
12:28 AM Bug report #348 (Closed): Crash on OSX when loading GeoTIFF
- I have now tested Tom's brand new qgis-0.9.2rc1.dmg.gz.
good stuff guys, thanks. Closing the bug.
12:14 AM Bug report #348: Crash on OSX when loading GeoTIFF
- Just to report:
William's 0.9.1 Tiger binaries + latest frameworks fixes this for me.
I await Tom's new binaries, I... -
02:06 PM Bug report #348 (Open): Crash on OSX when loading GeoTIFF
02:05 PM Bug report #348 (Feedback): Crash on OSX when loading GeoTIFF
- Frank appears to have identified the problem. I had not realized until now that a copy of geotiff is embedded in the ...
02:05 PM Bug report #348 (Feedback): Crash on OSX when loading GeoTIFF
- Frank appears to have identified the problem. I had not realized until now that a copy of geotiff is embedded in the ...
11:50 PM Feature request #243: Add a feature to calculate field values in attribut tables
- Replying to [comment:5 pcav]:
> Looks like you want to reimplement a spreadsheet within QGIS? This can be done eg in ... -
08:02 AM Feature request #243: Add a feature to calculate field values in attribut tables
- Looks like you want to reimplement a spreadsheet within QGIS? This can be done eg in OOo, the issue could be how to r...
11:22 PM Feature request #949 (Closed): OpenStreetMap plugin
- [[OpenStreetMap]]r1 has now reached a reasonable mass, and extremely
interesting results.
It would be good to have a ... -
08:24 AM Feature request #363: Allow "Enable on the fly projection" to be a default
- Since the request was to provide an option so that a user could make
enabling reprojection a default behavior, that w... -
07:34 AM Feature request #363: Allow "Enable on the fly projection" to be a default
- I think there are good reasons not to enable reprojection by defaults. I suggest to close this ticket.
07:30 AM Bug report #675 (Closed): System Crash when opening .shp file.
- Useless bug: without a sample failing shp, this cannot be replicated.
07:30 AM Bug report #675 (Closed): System Crash when opening .shp file.
- Useless bug: without a sample failing shp, this cannot be replicated.
07:27 AM Bug report #547: QGIS 0.8.0 Crashes when loading 119 layers approx 288kb in size.
- given the many changes between 0.8 and 0.9, it seems unlikely that the bug survived. Could anybody confirm that it is...
10:24 AM Bug report #934 (Closed): Updated Slovak translation
- Applied in commit:28a7a078 (SVN r8139). Diiky!
10:24 AM Bug report #934 (Closed): Updated Slovak translation
- Applied in commit:28a7a078 (SVN r8139). Diiky!
09:56 AM Bug report #944 (Closed): No option to cancel when finish editing
- Added to svn in commit:735d8580 (SVN r8138)
09:56 AM Bug report #944 (Closed): No option to cancel when finish editing
- Added to svn in commit:735d8580 (SVN r8138)
06:51 AM Bug report #348: Crash on OSX when loading GeoTIFF
- Replying to [comment:21 hamish]:
> I have just installed 0.9.1 from
> -
02:52 AM Bug report #913: svn trunk has been failing to build for several days now
- 2 weeks more and still the build fails at this stage.
Once I change line 48 of qgsquickprint.cpp from:... -
01:42 AM Bug report #947 (Closed): Meter - Feet Conversion Broken
- This is the intended behaviour. It is not meant to perform conversion, but to specify that one unit of the map repres...
01:42 AM Bug report #947 (Closed): Meter - Feet Conversion Broken
- This is the intended behaviour. It is not meant to perform conversion, but to specify that one unit of the map repres...
11:51 PM Bug report #348: Crash on OSX when loading GeoTIFF
- Hi,
I have just installed 0.9.1 from
and it still crashes. :-... -
11:37 PM Bug report #83: Strange polygon fill rendering
- I have just installed qgis_setup0.9.1.18_12_2007.exe on a Windows XP machine and it is still broken WRT filling polyg...
08:12 AM Bug report #948: WMS Layer GetMap Request with Wrong Parameters WIDTH=1&HEIGHT=1
- Workaround:
"Zoom Full (F)" solves the problem. -
07:52 AM Bug report #948 (Closed): WMS Layer GetMap Request with Wrong Parameters WIDTH=1&HEIGHT=1
- After correction to WIDTH=600&HEIGHT=400, [[GetMap]] request works as intended.
QGIS 0.9.1 Error Report Follows
04:17 PM Bug report #946: New Project Should Get Projection of First Loaded Layer
- I think this changed in early 0.8 or perhaps even earlier. The change was because the logic behind finding the projec...
03:20 PM Bug report #946 (Closed): New Project Should Get Projection of First Loaded Layer
- In previous versions of QGIS, a new project would be assigned the same projection as the first loaded layer. With 0.9...
03:43 PM Bug report #947 (Closed): Meter - Feet Conversion Broken
- When changing a project's Map Units from Meters to Feet (or vice versa), the value displayed in the scalebar, and the...
01:48 PM Bug report #945 (Closed): Grayscale Band Min Max Values Not Saved
- 1. Add a new raster layer, grayscale .tiff (DEM from )
2. Edi... -
08:11 AM Bug report #932 (Closed): Zoom Full, Zoom To Layer and Zoom To Selection work wrong
- 1) We got an enhancement request for a margin when zooming. I agreed, posted a question to the amiling list and got n...
08:11 AM Bug report #932 (Closed): Zoom Full, Zoom To Layer and Zoom To Selection work wrong
- 1) We got an enhancement request for a margin when zooming. I agreed, posted a question to the amiling list and got n...
01:31 PM Bug report #83: Strange polygon fill rendering
- Still broken on Windows, but seems to work elsewhere. Changing Platform to that.
01:25 PM Bug report #348: Crash on OSX when loading GeoTIFF
- William:
> Hmm, works on my recent 0.9.1 and 0.9.2 binaries.
> All I can suggest is upgrade to Qgis 0.9.x with la... -
07:10 AM Bug report #348: Crash on OSX when loading GeoTIFF
- Hmm, works on my recent 0.9.1 and 0.9.2 binaries. They use GDAL 1.5, libtiff 4 SVN, geotiff 1.2.4. The 0.8.x referr...
03:01 AM Bug report #348 (Closed): Crash on OSX when loading GeoTIFF
- As suggested, I have sent William an email asking him to take note of this ticket, and am closing this ticket.
03:01 AM Bug report #348 (Closed): Crash on OSX when loading GeoTIFF
- As suggested, I have sent William an email asking him to take note of this ticket, and am closing this ticket.
10:43 AM Bug report #944 (Closed): No option to cancel when finish editing
- When you finish editing a vector layer or an attribute table, you are asked to save or discard changes, but I find ha...
10:27 AM Bug report #943 (Closed): Incorrect tabulation order in gps plugin
- Tabulation order of text/combo boxes in all gps plugin tabs but "Load gpx file" is messed
10:04 AM Bug report #942 (Closed): gpx extension not added to file name
- When you download data from a gps device using gps plugin, .gpx extension is not added to the saved file.
12:43 AM Bug report #930: SPIT does allow to connect to PostGIS
- Replying to "msieczka":/issues/show/930:
> In SPIT I have setup the connection. The "Test Connect" says: "Connection ... -
10:50 PM Feature request #878: QSvgGenerator patch for print compser
- Can the patch be aplied now? I think qt4.3 has mede into all major distros
10:44 PM Bug report #888: Laborde grid on the Tananarive (Paris) datum
- it should not be QGIS-specific
10:38 PM Bug report #877: SIGSEGV editing postgis layer (delete vertex)
- has this been fixed in 0.92? The digitizing component is quite new, so I would expect so. Please check and close the ...
02:33 PM Bug report #941 (Closed): Error Msg:The selected paper size does not match the composition size
- Whenever I try to print or preview from composer, I get the error message in the title of this ticket. I get the mess...
01:38 PM Bug report #940 (Closed): Shapefile fails to draw
- OK found the problem. I had a corrupt spatial index file (qix). Once I created a new index with shptree (QIGS spatial...
01:38 PM Bug report #940 (Closed): Shapefile fails to draw
- OK found the problem. I had a corrupt spatial index file (qix). Once I created a new index with shptree (QIGS spatial...
01:30 PM Bug report #940 (Closed): Shapefile fails to draw
- When you pan and the center of the map goes beyond the 180 or -360 line(?) the shapes on either side are not drawing ...
11:29 AM Bug report #932: Zoom Full, Zoom To Layer and Zoom To Selection work wrong
- Replying to [comment:4 homann]:
> Can you please re-state what you think does not work as expected?
If not the 5% ma... -
08:45 AM Bug report #939 (Closed): problem with zoom tool
- The zoom tool does'nt work very well especially with raster map.
When I click on 'zoom to the layer' icon or when I ...
12:38 PM Bug report #932: Zoom Full, Zoom To Layer and Zoom To Selection work wrong
- Can you please re-state what you think does not work as expected? A 5% margin means that there is normally more than ...
12:09 PM Bug report #932 (Feedback): Zoom Full, Zoom To Layer and Zoom To Selection work wrong
- Replying to [comment:1 homann]:
> With Qt drawing system, it can never be moer exact than it is.
Hmm, but it works p... -
12:09 PM Bug report #932 (Feedback): Zoom Full, Zoom To Layer and Zoom To Selection work wrong
- Replying to [comment:1 homann]:
> With Qt drawing system, it can never be moer exact than it is.
Hmm, but it works p... -
11:50 AM Bug report #938 (Closed): table editor can't search in varchar columns of PostGIS layers
- 1. Add a [[PostGIS]] layer with varchar field.
2. "Open Table"
3. The varchar column name is not available in the c...
11:01 AM Feature request #749: Graticule plugin enhancements
- I've started this overhaul by converting grativule generation to use qgsvectorfilewriter. I just need to add an SRS s...
09:58 AM Bug report #937 (Closed): download python plugin
- This is already fixed for 0.9.2
09:58 AM Bug report #937 (Closed): download python plugin
- This is already fixed for 0.9.2
09:07 AM Bug report #937 (Closed): download python plugin
- Hi Tim
To download new Python plugins you have to change the row 105 of the file present in
C:\\Programmi\... -
08:14 AM Bug report #922: grass tools: doesn't import attribute table
- The problem is only for dbf driver.
All work wll if you use sqlite or pg driver.
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