Bug report #959
Windows Vista - Error saving project - missing datasource params at qgs file
Status: | Closed | ||
Priority: | Low | ||
Assignee: | |||
Category: | Project Loading/Saving | ||
Affected QGIS version: | Regression?: | No | |
Operating System: | Windows | Easy fix?: | No |
Pull Request or Patch supplied: | Resolution: | fixed | |
Crashes QGIS or corrupts data: | Copied to github as #: | 11018 |
I use qgis 0.91 for windows avaliable at www.qgis.org
I have a project with 4 postgis layer's. I do some thematic work and save the project.
When i was loading that project, a message appers saying that some layer's cannot be found.
So I open the project file (*.qgs) and the information about the schema was missing at node datasource (inside maplayer node).
To correct the file, i write the information and the project open without problems.
So i think the problem is when the QGIS write the information about db connection at project file (qgs file).
---------------------------*.qgs file save by qgis-----------------------------------
..... <projectlayers layercount="4" > <maplayer minScale="1" maxScale="1e+08" scaleBasedVisibilityFlag="0" geometry="Point" type="vector" > <id>_public+_table_v2+_the_geom+_sql_20080226164351311</id> <datasource>dbname=db host= port=5432 user=postgres password='******' table=*here-is-missing-the-squema*"table_v2" (the_geom) sql=</datasource> <layername>table_v2</layername> <srs> ............
---------------------------*.qgs file edited-----------------------------------
..... <projectlayers layercount="4" > <maplayer minScale="1" maxScale="1e+08" scaleBasedVisibilityFlag="0" geometry="Point" type="vector" > <id>_public+_table_v2+_the_geom+_sql_20080226164351311</id> <datasource>dbname=db host= port=5432 user=postgres password='******' table="public"."table_v2" (the_geom) sql=</datasource> <layername>table_v2</layername> <srs> ...
i put "public". before "table_v2" at table description.
Updated by Marco Pasetti - over 16 years ago
Replying to luigibr:
I use qgis 0.91 for windows avaliable at www.qgis.org
I have a project with 4 postgis layer's. I do some thematic work and save the project.
When i was loading that project, a message appers saying that some layer's cannot be found.
So I open the project file (*.qgs) and the information about the schema was missing at node datasource (inside maplayer node).
To correct the file, i write the information and the project open without problems.
So i think the problem is when the QGIS write the information about db connection at project file (qgs file).---------------------------*.qgs file save by qgis-----------------------------------
> > ..... > <projectlayers layercount="4" > > <maplayer minScale="1" maxScale="1e+08" scaleBasedVisibilityFlag="0" geometry="Point" type="vector" > > <id>_public+_table_v2+_the_geom+_sql_20080226164351311</id> > <datasource>dbname=db host= port=5432 user=postgres password='******' table=*here-is-missing-the-squema*"table_v2" (the_geom) sql=</datasource> > <layername>table_v2</layername> > <srs> > ............
---------------------------*.qgs file edited-----------------------------------
> ..... > <projectlayers layercount="4" > > <maplayer minScale="1" maxScale="1e+08" scaleBasedVisibilityFlag="0" geometry="Point" type="vector" > > <id>_public+_table_v2+_the_geom+_sql_20080226164351311</id> > <datasource>dbname=db host= port=5432 user=postgres password='******' table="public"."table_v2" (the_geom) sql=</datasource> > <layername>table_v2</layername> > <srs> > ...
i put "public". before "table_v2" at table description.
could you please test that bug with 0.11.0?
Updated by luigibr - over 16 years ago
- Resolution set to fixed
- Status changed from Open to Closed
Hello Marco,
i have tested QGIS 0.11.0 with one postgis layer, one shp layer and one csv layer and all function without problem. I think the problem is solved.
Very thanks :D
#3 Updated by Anonymous over 15 years ago
Milestone Version 1.0.0 deleted