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Toggle check # Tracker Status Priority Subject Assignee Updated
17259Bug reportClosedHighQGIS3 New node tool lack the ability to add or remove vertices from the current selection2018-02-22 11:08 AM
17258Bug reportClosedNormalCustom CRS Definition dialog is unusableNyall Dawson2017-11-13 08:46 AM
17257Bug reportClosedHighCustom project CRS is not restored correctly on project loadNyall Dawson2017-11-13 08:47 AM
17256Bug reportClosedNormalSpatiaLite Layer default style is not loaded when using the SpatiaLite provider (the OGR provider works fine)2017-10-20 04:04 PM
17255Bug reportClosedNormalclosed maps2018-08-15 07:58 PM
17254Bug reportClosedNormalWrong output CRS when input layer uses generated CRSVictor Olaya2018-02-22 11:50 AM
17253Bug reportClosedLowThe canvas and the composer are overlaid in the canvas2017-11-02 11:44 AM
17252Bug reportClosedNormalCan't make install QGIS master on OS X (crashes on launch)2018-02-22 01:25 PM
17250Bug reportClosedNormalComposer LatLon GRID rendering issues on global scale for Cylindrical projections2019-03-08 11:07 AM
17249Bug and 01:15 PM
17248Bug reportClosedHigh Can't clip a vector polygon in qgis 2.18.19Victor Olaya2017-10-05 07:48 PM
17247Bug reportClosedHighCannot move features, move nodes and edit Z values (with vertex editor) of nodes in PostGIS 3D lines and polygons2019-02-24 01:47 AM
17246Bug reportClosedNormalWhen snapping with the node tool (within the same layer or to other layers) the fuchsia "x" symbol is not shown2019-02-23 10:47 PM
17242Bug reportClosedNormalQGIS 3 is storing cache in windows roaming profile?Arnaud Poncet-Montanges2019-03-13 11:35 AM
17240Bug reportClosedNormalWhen a node on the end of a path is selected and dragged, the whole line moves instead of just that node2018-02-22 01:45 PM
17239Bug reportClosedHighReported map scale representative fraction is incorrect2019-02-24 10:05 AM
17236Bug reportClosedNormalUnable to edit layer while filter is in effect2017-10-03 09:54 AM
17235Bug reportClosedNormalQgis crash on loading 1000 layer project [60fd763] on Xubuntu Artful2018-02-22 01:06 PM
17234Bug reportClosedNormalSaving style in postgres database can't be restored when connection uses a service file2017-10-16 10:26 AM
17233Bug reportClosedHighQGIS Main Window resizes itself upon saving the project to show the 'successfull save' message2018-01-24 10:05 AM
17232Bug reportClosedNormalThe rotation widget disappearwhen you change the anchor point is modifier2018-02-22 11:07 AM
17231Bug reportClosedNormalProcessing help system expects wrong linkVictor Olaya2018-02-22 09:17 AM
17230Bug reportClosedHighQGIS Crash after cutting features2018-02-22 02:54 PM
17229Bug reportClosedNormalProcessing history doesn't handle postgres source tables correctlyVictor Olaya2017-10-03 11:01 AM
17228Feature requestClosedNormalswitch between simple and batch process dialogs, back and forthVictor Olaya2017-11-10 01:54 AM

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