Bugs closed

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Toggle check # Tracker Status Priority Subject Assignee Updated Pull Request or Patch supplied
18418Bug reportClosedNormalScroll zoom erratic on Mac trackpadDenis Rouzaud2018-10-15 07:59 PMNo
18417Bug reportClosedHighQGIS 3 Raster Calculator Ouput File Dialog ErrorJoe Krienert2018-03-12 08:48 PMNo
18416Bug reportClosedNormalSecured WFS request leads to invalid layer2018-08-15 07:56 PMNo
18415Bug reportClosedNormalCrash when removing a attribute column2018-11-11 04:34 AMYes
18414Bug reportClosedHighProblem with the extension processingVictor Olaya2018-06-01 05:39 AMNo
18413Bug reportClosedHighIncorrect Python ver. with GDAL Merge tool in QGIS 3Joe Krienert2018-06-04 04:14 AMNo
18410Bug reportClosedNormalSorting a table in composer comboined with limit records does sort after limit (which does not make sense)2019-03-08 11:41 AMNo
18408Bug reportClosedNormalSome more batch processing errorsVictor Olaya2018-06-01 07:54 AMNo
18406Bug reportClosedHighQGIS 3 is about 3 times slower when calculating attributes.2018-03-17 06:54 PMNo
18405Bug reportClosedHighCRS selector does not close2018-09-20 11:23 AMNo
18404Bug reportClosedNormalmissing CRSs2018-08-16 02:13 PMNo
18403Bug reportClosedHighQGIS 3 crashes when assigning SLD style files to Mapinfo Tab files, while 2.18 assigns same files correctly without issue2018-11-12 09:38 AMNo
18402Bug reportClosedNormalQGIS 3 crashed - Trying to add data from a large (81Gb) GeoPackage on USGS NHD flattened data via the 'catalog'...Even Rouault2018-06-04 09:34 PMNo
18400Bug reportClosedNormalSpatial Query2019-02-24 09:29 AMNo
18399Bug reportClosedNormalMeters at scale2018-11-30 07:33 PMNo
18398Bug reportClosedHighQGIS3 Print settings error2018-07-30 09:12 PMNo
18397Bug reportClosedHighPrimary key problem when using the interactive "Merge selected features" tool in an editing sessionNyall Dawson2018-04-03 09:26 PMYes
18396Bug reportClosedHighFeature Attributes box overlap2019-01-14 11:54 PMNo
18395Bug reportClosedNormalCalculating new field works inside QGIS Python console but not in standalone program (QGIS 2.18.17)2019-03-09 03:10 PMNo
18394Bug reportClosedHighQGIS 3 crashes when Processing dragged out of main window and then dragged back in2019-02-11 04:21 AMNo
18393Bug reportRejectedHighGRASS plugin is not available from debian repository if GRASS 7.4 is installed2018-03-09 12:54 AMNo
18392Bug reportClosedNormalUnable to get new XYZ Tiles connections to display maps2018-03-09 03:20 PMNo
18391Bug reportClosedNormalCrash on opening2018-03-08 04:42 PMNo
18388Bug reportClosedNormalQgis fails to connect to GPS on COM5 to enable live nmea location2018-03-08 03:35 PMNo
18385Bug reportClosedHighoutput of the "Save Selected Features" algorithm is no longer available as input to another processVictor Olaya2018-05-16 02:47 PMNo

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