Bugs closed

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Toggle check # Tracker Status Priority Subject Assignee Updated Pull Request or Patch supplied
17306Bug reportClosedNormalusing CTRL-A in filtered attribute table selects all the featuresDenis Rouzaud2019-03-09 03:10 PMNo
17305Bug reportClosedHighLabeling using setCustomProperty()2017-10-20 10:47 AMNo
17300Bug reportClosedNormalAggregate functions in Field Calculator in modellerLuigi Pirelli2018-02-22 11:18 AMYes
17295Bug reportClosedNormalvector styler in layer properties shows "This renderer doesn't implement a graphical interface" message since 2.18.12 ?2018-05-24 01:45 AMNo
17293Bug reportClosedNormalProcessing output name called after the operation name even when saved to fileVictor Olaya2017-10-18 12:33 PMNo
17291Bug reportClosedNormalQGIS fixed-distance buffer skips features with invalid geometryVictor Olaya2017-10-17 04:41 PMNo
17289Bug reportClosedNormalIssue editing layers2017-10-17 09:10 AMNo
17287Bug reportClosedNormalOGR processing of scratch layers doesn't workGiovanni Manghi2017-10-26 11:18 AMNo
17282Bug reportClosedNormalLegend image for root group of WMS service2019-03-09 03:10 PMNo
17281Bug reportClosedNormalComposer shortcuts issues when using languages other than english2019-03-09 01:37 PMNo
17280Bug reportClosedHighWhen switch between filtered modes, the edited cells stop updating themselves.Luigi Pirelli2017-11-24 02:11 PMYes
17278Bug reportClosedNormalCannot install QGIS 2.18 on Ubuntu 17.042017-10-16 12:29 PMNo
17277Bug reportClosedNormalAtlas - filter attribute table return empty table if layers haven't the same CRS2018-12-07 08:29 PMNo
17268Bug reportClosedNormalDefault value expression editor doesn't show field listRegis Haubourg2017-10-11 09:19 PMNo
17266Bug reportClosedHighLines To Polygons, Polygonize and Refactor Fields change all attributes to string 2552017-11-08 02:30 PMNo
17264Bug reportClosedNormalSegmentation fault with custom form2017-10-10 09:26 AMNo
17262Bug reportClosedHighAttribute table data entered text is obscured by the 'x' buttonAlessandro Pasotti2017-11-24 02:11 PMNo
17256Bug reportClosedNormalSpatiaLite Layer default style is not loaded when using the SpatiaLite provider (the OGR provider works fine)2017-10-20 04:04 PMNo
17255Bug reportClosedNormalclosed maps2018-08-15 07:58 PMNo
17253Bug reportClosedLowThe canvas and the composer are overlaid in the canvas2017-11-02 11:44 AMNo
17250Bug reportClosedNormalComposer LatLon GRID rendering issues on global scale for Cylindrical projections2019-03-08 11:07 AMNo
17249Bug reportClosedNormalv.net.report and v.net.nreport2017-10-06 01:15 PMNo
17247Bug reportClosedHighCannot move features, move nodes and edit Z values (with vertex editor) of nodes in PostGIS 3D lines and polygons2019-02-24 01:47 AMNo
17246Bug reportClosedNormalWhen snapping with the node tool (within the same layer or to other layers) the fuchsia "x" symbol is not shown2019-02-23 10:47 PMNo
17239Bug reportClosedHighReported map scale representative fraction is incorrect2019-02-24 10:05 AMNo

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